Books for TNPSC

April 4, 2018 | Author: Aiam Pandian | Category: Test (Assessment), Test/Examination



Books for TNPSC Group 2A Non Interview Posts Examand Group 2 (Interview Posts) Preliminary ExamSelf Preparation from your home Primary Books (Start With these books) 1.State Board books are considered as primary source for TNPSC Exams preparation. So you should study following school text books compulsory. i)Social Science Books - 6th to 10th Std ii)Science Books - 6th to 10th Std, (Additional 11th,12th Botany and Zoology if you have time) iii)Polity - 11th,12th Political Science iv)Economy - 11th,12th Economics Books v)Geography -11th,12th Geography Books vi)Indian Culture - 12th Indian Culture Book 2. Arihant General Knowledge - a must have and most referred book for TNPSC Exams Next to Samacheerkalvi books, you have to fully cover the Arihant GK Book. Especially the last 80 pages (General Knowledge Portion) . It is a must have book for all TNPSC Exam Aspirants. This is the only book suggested by all coaching centers through out Tamilnadu. Written in simple English, even Tamil Medium Candidates also can easily understand. So both Tamil and English medium aspirants, if you can, try to have a copy of this book immediately. It is available to buy online also (Flipkart Link to buy). Aptitude and Mental Ability Books 12th Tamilnadu State Board Books are more than enough for taking 95 -100 marks in TNPSC General English. TNPSC Group 2 / 2A General English Books List (SSLC Standard) 6th to 10th Samacheer Kalvi Books and 11th. Chronicle. Kanian TNPSC Guide or Sakthi TNPSC Aptitude Books you can buy.Agarwal ( Buy online from flipkart ) is the most preferred book for Aptitude. Internet : current affairs quiz for last 6 months. உஙலகளலலல இயனலறலலல கரடகளயலல கயரடகலகமல ஏதலவத ஒர பபலததல தமயழல ரகயயடலரட வலஙலகய பயயறலசய பசயலயஙலகளல. TNPSC Group 2 / 2A Pothu Tamil Book List (SSLC Standard) 6 வத மதலல 10 வத வரரயயலலன சமசசரக ல ல கலலவய தமயழல பதலதகஙலகளல மறலறமல 11. அதனல பயனலனரல.gktoday. English medium candidates must have this book.S. For Tamil Medium candidates. No . If you can. Current Affairs Study Materials    Newspapers :Hindu / Dinamani / Tamil Hindu regularly and take notes.Quantitative Aptitude by R. Wizards (Any one of these) . TNPSC Portal Current Affairs in Tamil ( atleast last 6 months) www. have a group study for TNPSC Maths Portion. Pothu Arivu Ulagam or any other magazines. நசஙலகளல பபலததலதமயழல பலடபலபகதயயயலல 100/100 மதயபலபபணலகளல பபறவத உறதய. GK Today magazine. Magazines : For English medium candidates. 12 ஆமல வகபலப தமயழல பதலதகஙலகளயலல Syllabus உளலள பலடஙலகரள மடலடமல ஒர வரய வயடலமலல படதலத மடதலத மடயஙலகளல. If you are preparing in Tamil. Indian Economy i)Pratiyogita Darban's Indian Economy & Ramesh . the following books may be useful. India Freedom Struggle 2. Because. It will help in your revision. Secondary Books (After completing above primary books) *** Go to the following books only after completing the above listed books.Indian Polity i)Lakshi Kanth . If you can buy. Take a print out of TNPSC Group 2 / 2A Syllabus and prepare only the portions available in the syllabus. Take notes if you can. TNPSC General English by Sakthi Publication seems to be more comprehensive.History i)Prof.J. These are additional books only not must*** 1. have it from book stores nearer you.Dharmarajan's Tamilnadu History ii)K.need to study all portions of school books. the primary books are more than enough to score 90% marks in Group Two exams . Guide Books for TNPSC General English : As if now.Indian Polity 3.Venkadesan. If you are preparing for Group 2 Prelims cum Mains combinely. Note : Studying the above books thoroughly one can easily clear the TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam and TNPSC Group 2A Non Interview Exam. S. ii)Competitive Success Review/Civil Service Chronicle/Competition Wizard/Shankar IAS Acadamy's Civilpedia(any one of these magazine) iii)Yojana/Thittam 7. S. Any one of the . if you study all the above mentioned books).India Year Book by Government of India 9.Aptitude i)A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning by R.யதவயரல ii) தமயழல இலகலகயய வரலலற .Current Affairs i)The Hindu.Geography i)Oxford School Atlas ii)Spectrum Publication -Indian Geography 5.Agarwal iii)Objective Arithmetic .Guide Books for General Studies (Not Important.S. Agarwal ii)Quantitative Aptitude by R. Agarwal 10.ம .R.Singh's Book 4.Science & Technology i)Science & Tech by Spectrum Publications 8. வரதரலஜனல 6.Tamilndu Language and Culture (Mains Exam) i)தமயழல இலகலகயய தகவலல களஞலகயயமல . Dinamani. Spectrum or Pearson. All the Best ! .Guides like Tata Mc Graw Hill. Whether you may be a student. Advance wishes for your great success.6th to 10th Std ii)Science Books .12th Political Science iv)Economy .11th. who is really sincere to prepare for TNPSC Examination.Important Book List for TNPSC Exams Preparation Any one.State Board books are considered as primary source of TNPSC Exam question setting for all Group Examination. i)Social Science Books .11th. These books are cheap to buy.12th Botany and Zoology if you have time) iii)Polity .Venkadesan.12th Economics Books v)Geography -11th. (Additional 11th. plan your available time effectively and I promise you every sincere prepared candidate will win TNPSC Exam. no need to go to coaching classes. India Freedom Struggle iii) History of Modern India Bipan Chandra Bipan Chandra . Books for TNPSC Exam Preliminary cum Mains Preparation 1. collect all the listed below and study with sincere and consistency.History i) Prof.J.12th Geography Books vi)Indian Culture . I have listed below the important books for TNPSC all Groups Examinations. So you should study following school text books. working or home maker.Dharmarajan's Tamilnadu History ii)K.12th Indian Culture Book 2.6th to 10th Std. Current Affairs i)The Hindu.Tamilndu Language and Culture (Mains Exam) i)தமயழல இலகலகயய தகவலல களஞலகயயமல .Shankara Saravanan [ Buy Now ] 4.Science & Technology .iv) India's Struggle for Independence Bipan Chandra 3.Indian Polity i)Lakshi Kanth .ம .Geography i)Oxford School Atlas ii)Geography of India by Spectrum Publication 6. Dinamani. வரதரலஜனல 7.Indian Economy i) Indian Economy for Civil Services Examinations by Ramesh Singh 5. ii)Competitive Success Review/Civil Service Chronicle/Competition Wizard/Shankar IAS Acadamy's Civilpedia(any one of these magazine) iii)Yojana/Thittam 8.Indian Polity ii) India Arasamaippu Poti Thervu Kalanjiyam by Dr.யதவயரல ii) தமயழல இலகலகயய வரலலற . General English Portion Books i) First you should cover all syllabus oriented portions of State Board Books 6th . Any one of the Guides like Tata Mc Graw Hill.India Year Book 2014 .i)Science & Tech by Spectrum Publications 9. Agarwal 14. Spectrum orPearson Arihant General Knowledge Book is almost a comprehensive for TNPSC GK Portion.R. if you study all the above mentioned books).S.12th Standards. Others Books Available in the Market for Online . It is referred by all TNPSC Coaching Centres. ii)Objective General English by R. 12.S.General Tamil Books ( Pothu Tamil ) i)Pothu Tamil Kalanjiyam TNPSC Pothu Tamil Puthiya Pada thittam by Shankara Saravanan 13.Aggarwal iii)Objective Arithmetic . Agarwal 11. S. Aggarwal ii)Quantitative Aptitude by Government of India 10.S.Aptitude (50 marks in Group 1 Exam) i)A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning by R.Guide Books for General Studies (Not Important. IV (Tamil) by V. Subburaj vii) TNPSC GROUP-II-TM by V.V.Group-2 by Shankar Saravanan ii) India Kaiyedu UPSC TNPSC Muthanmai Thervu Thayaripukana Karuvi Nool by Dr.SUBBURAJ (2014) iv)TNPSC Gr. TANCET.Shankara Saravanan iii)TNPSC GROUP -II and II A (EM) by V.K. GMAT Q&A) by V.Subburaj TNPSC VAO .Purchase i) Pothu Arivu Kalanjiyam TNPSC GROUP-1. UPSC.K.K.Subburaj v)TNPSC Group . I (Preliminary) Exam by V. Veerasekaran .Ramar Dr.V.Subburaj viii)Challenging Science Questions and Answers by V N Girija ix)TNPSC Group .V.IV (Special Competitive Exam) by V.N.V. Girija xi) TNPSC கரபல 2 மதனலரம யதரலவ by ஷலஜயதல ஹசமலயனல xii)VAO (Village Administrative Officers' Exam) EM by V. Subburaj xiii) TNPSC Group 2 by Prof.Subburaj vi)TNPSC Gr.V.K.V.T.K.V.ADMINISTRATION by V.K.K.4 by Ezhil Krishnan x) Athiga Mathippen Pera Ariviyal Vina Vidai(TNPSC.
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