
April 2, 2018 | Author: Mohit Singhal | Category: Constitution, Politics (General)



Strategy for General StudiesTopic Wise Books and Study Material Indian Modern History 12th Old NCERT by Bipin Chandra Vaji Ram Notes Indian Medieval and Ancient History 40 pages that came in Preliminary Special History Edition of Wizard Word History 9th, 10th Old NCERT Wizard World History by Ankur Sharma Indian and World Geography 6th to 12th NCERT Indian Society Indian Society NCERT IGNOU Notes on Special Topics Culture Around 60 Page Notes of GK Today Prelim Notes for Culture NCERT on Indian Architecture A few page notes from Preliminary Special Culture Edition of Wizard and Chronicle Governance and Constitution Vaji Ram Notes on Polity Lakshmikant (for reference) Wizard Magazine Notes of Public Administration by Lukmaan All India Radio Social Justice Hindu Newspaper Wizard Magazine Same Notes of IGNOU done for Indian Society All India Radio International Relations Hindu Newspaper ) Disaster Management HalfMantr Website Mrunal Internal Security Vaji Ram Notes ALS Notes Ethics Synergy Notes Chronicle Lexicon Newspaper and Magazine The Hindu Wizard Coaching and Test Series Vaji Ram and Ravi (Classroom) . Mrunal etc.Wizard Magazine All India Radio Science and Technology Hindu Newspaper Wizard Magazine Economics Vaji Ram Notes Economic Survey Wizard Magazine All India Radio Biodiversity and Environment ALS Notes for Geography Optional (Biodiversity is a subtopic in Geography) ICSE Books (2) Internet (Wiki. M. GAUBA/ Arora and Awasti(easy to understand) ->IR. D. OP Gauba.for selected topics 3.Arunday Bajpai ->Challenges & Strategy. MATERIAL ->India and the World – IGNOU M. IGNOU MA notes. (Its Rs.V.Arunday Bajpai(for India and the World).Synergy (Test Series) LIST OF BOOKS : ->Introduction to political theory and Thouht.D.P. I had Law where we read Constitutional Law in details so no basic material required. BASU/SUBHASH KASHYAP/P. MALHOTRA ->Politics. Great book. R.O. O. Bakshi's handy Indian Constituion. Political Theory 1. Internet for some topics which were not there in books Indian Government and Politics 1.ANDREW HEYWOOD ->Indian constitution. Oxford Companion for India Politics.Base material 2.M. IGNOU MA notes for selected topics . 3500 book. K. Gauba. MATERIAL.MP SINGH & REKHA SAXENA ->Politics in India Since Independence –NCERT XII CLASS ->Comparative Politics – IGNOU M. BAKSHI ->Indian Govt & Politics.Then supplement it with IGNOU notes and other standard books. P.A. 500) 3.D.A.MP SINGH & REKHA SAXENA -> Globalization of World Politics. Basu.Andrew and P.BAYLISS AND SMITH But to build basics start with NCERTs. 2.V. MEHTA ->Indian politics:contemporary issues & concerns. now shorter version available in students companion for Rs.D.FADIA ->Indian political thought. Economics: national statistics (non bookish): 20 marker. 20 markers: 40. bookish): 5 marker. 2. small farms vs big farms (non bookish): 12 marker. 3. accident (non bookish): 5 marker. IGNOU notes for Theory portion India and The World 1. bookish): 12 marker. cooperatives 106 and 111 CA Acts (non bookish): 12 marker. 2 marker: 32. Art 249 and 312: 5 marker. 5 markers: 60. tribal university (non bookish): 12 marker. FDI (sectoral and spatial): 5 marker. svavlamban scheme (non bookish): 2 marker.php?id=2303 ***************************************** GS PAPER ANALYSIS 2010 . national investment fund (non bookish): 2 marker. Global Politics by Andrew Haywood 3. mutual funds (non bookish): 12 marker. legco (bookish): 5 marker. dendritic drainage .nic. latika ghose (non bookish): 2 marker. Globalisation of World Politics by Baylis and Smith 2. Geography: spatial distribution of urban waste management (economic. cost benefit of CWG (non bookish): 12 marker. KV vs Navodaya (non bookish): 12 marker. Indian Foreign Policy: retrospect and Prospects by Sumit Ganguly (The dealing of subject matter is very good) 3. babli project (non bookish): 2 marker. oil spill plan (non bookish): 5 marker. local hot weather storms (physical. Polity: water disputes (non bookish): 20 marker. transhumance (economic. are biased)" ___________________ TODO http://meaindia. maharaj singh (non bookish): 2 marker.Paper 1 1. repo rate (bookish): 12 marker. Relations 1.nic. wadhwa commission (non bookish): 5 marker. grounds of disqualifications (bookish): 12 marker. 4. Rethinking Indian Foreign Policy: Challanges and Strategies by Rajeev Sikri (Good but few chapters on US/Iran etc. real estate draft bill (non bookish): 12 marker. Does the Elephant Dance? by David Malone in Oxford (Great great book) http://meaindia. sea floor spreading (physical. bookish): 5 marker. 12 markers: 156. History: Dalhousie (bookish): 12 marker. speaker (bookish): 12 marker. ICAR (non bookish(: 12 marker. bookish): 12 marker. golden revolution (bookish): 5 marker. 2 marker: 14 2. bookish): 5 marker. 7. west asia: 12 marker. parliamentary committee (bookish): 12 marker. Japan (economic): 12 marker. accident: 5 marker. dindayal scheme (non bookish): 12 marker. 20 marker: 100. PIGS: 5 marker. Spectrum management commission (non bookish): 5 marker. cash subsidy (non bookish): 12 marker. Culture: Indian art and painting forms (non bookish): 12 marker. 6. non bookish): 12 marker. Frontogenesis and Frontolysis (non bookish): 5 marker. Rotterdam convention: 5 marker. 5 marker: 90. literary awards (bookish): 12 marker. 5 marker: 85. Mauritius (economic): 5 marker. 3. agni 5 (non bookish): 2 marker. S&T: phytoremediation: 12 marker. nutrition (non bookish): 20 marker. UNFCC: 5 marker. climate change (non bookish): 12 marker. economic): 20 marker. 4.Paper 1 1. Ramsar (bookish):12 marker. bookish): 12 marker . Plurilateral: China and India (energy. Geography: nomadic tribes (economic. Advertising council (non bookish): 20 marker. Bilateral: Russia (strategic): 20 marker. Multilateral: Trips (India and abroad): 12 marker. 2. GDI : 5 marker. IMF: 5 marker. NRLM (non bookish): 20 marker. Cambodia: 5 marker. 5. aerostat balloon (non bookish): 2 marker. HFC emissions (non bookish): 5 marker. Personalities: non bookish: 16 marker 2010 . 12 marker: 96. piracy (non bookish): 12 marker. BIhar act (non bookish): 5 marker. sanitation (non bookish): 5 marker. 12 marker: 120. 3. S Arabia: 5 marker. non bookish): 12 marker.(physical. 7. break of bulk towns (economic. LCD vs LED: 12 marker. S&T & Ecology: Bharat norms (non bookish): 12 marker.Paper 2 1. CESM: 12 marker. Economics: Damodaran committee (non bookish): 12 marker. US (economic): 5 marker. Afghanistan (economic): 5 marker. 20 marker: 40. e governance: 5 marker. 12 marker. PCPDNT (non bookish): 20 marker. ICC: 5 marker. chandrayan (non bookish): 2 marker. nano tech in health: 12 marker. bio weapons convention: 12 marker 4. cloud computing: 12 marker. Israel (comprehensive) : 12 marker. statistics (non bookish): 5 marker. Polity: Part 4-A (bookish): 20 marker. mercy petitions (non bookish): 20 marker. counter urbanization (economic. statistics: 31. Indian diaspora: Contribution in caribbean: 12 marker. International: Bangladesh-Myanmar boundary dispute: 12 marker. FYP (non bookish): 12 marker. Mavi Marmara: 5 marker. NDMA (non bookish): 5 marker. sudan: 12 marker. bookish): 5 marker. 8. golden quad vs freight corridors (economic. 2011 . 3 marker: 24. 6. MONUSCO: 5 marker. pottery: 5 marker. Culture: festivals: 5 marker. Environment and S&T: green benches (non bookish): 12 marker. 7. FRA. Mohit bhattyachryaa ?(e-gov) Linkages between development and spread of extremism. tiger project (non bookish): 5 marker. Personality: 14 Mishra puri/ramesh singh? econ Excellent (book series) GS 1/2 Trends in Indian Culture and Heritage by Dr Ausaf Sayeed-English-Har Anand Publication Working a Democratic Constitution: A History of the Indian Experience Pax indica – tharoor Rajiv Sikiri – Indian foreign policy IGNOU. for colonization. unsung heroes: 15 marker 6. MBI technology: 5 marker.5. 2nd ARC . PESA. 8. there was one chapter in old class 9 or 10 history ncert book.India and world Shekhar bhandopadhya-from plassey to partition Nitin singhania – modern his Norman lewis-(world history) Read Insight world history optional class notes first. early women organization (non bookish): 20 marker.::2nd ARC report: 5th schedule. theatre: 5 marker. nuclear: 5 marker kaveri aero engine: 5 marker.baliyan-hist . classical dances: 5 marker. Ashok singh-tmh (s&t) Yojana special edition on e-gov. here Mukul pathak-eth. 6th schedule topics are imp. History: Navy revolt (bookish): 20 marker. buffer. MSP Same PDS. marketing Same e-technology for famers Same farm subsidies. irrigation Past years geography optional solved Integrity Aptitude By Retd. MSP Uma Kapila major vision.year book irrigation. food security Same technology mission Same animal rearing economics Same food processing Same + food processing act document + yojana edition land reforms Same .major crops vision.Subba Rao And PN Roy Chowdhary Representation of people’s act inclusive growth vision. agro produce – budgeting.G. IAS subsidies. social networking site same cyber security same money laundering same border Management same organized crime. 2nd ARC on disa Uttarakhand incident non state actors. space. nano. terrorism same . internal security Internet + visionias material+ excellent book series paper 3 internal security – role of media. IPR Same environmental impact assessment Same + wikipedia Disaster Management Visionias material + CCS special edition on DM.liberalization Same infra Same investment models Same science-tech day to day life CCS – special edition on S&T Indian achievements in sci-tech Same + internet awareness in IT. biotech. Adolf Hitler * My Presidential Years .Sarojini Naidu * India Wins Freedom .Indira Gandhi * Golden Threshold .Maulana Abul Kalam Azad * Unhappy India .Jawaharlal Nehru * Glimpses of World History .APJ Abdul Kalam and Srijan Pal Singh * My Journey .security agencies.structure mandate same My Experiments with Truth .APJ Abdul Kalam * India 2020 . Death & the Spring . Songs of Life.Sarojini Naidu * The Sceptred Flute: Songs of India .Jawaharlal Nehru * My Truth .Bal Gangadhar Tilak * The Arctic Home in the Vedas .APJ Abdul Kalam * Turning Points .APJ Abdul Kalam * Indomitable Spirit .Mahatma Gandhi * Key to Health .Sarojini Naidu * The Feather of the Dawn .A Journey through Challenges .Mahatma Gandhi * Hind Swaraj .APJ Abdul Kalam * You Are Unique .Transforming Dreams into Actions .Mahatma Gandhi * Discovery of India .Dadabhai Naoroji * Geeta Rahashya .Bal Gangadhar Tilak * The Insider .Sarojini Naidu * The Birds of Time.VV Giri * Mein Kampf .APJ Abdul Kalam * Target 3 Billion .M Hidyatullah * Prison Diary .R Venkataraman * My Own Boswell .APJ Abdul Kalam * Jobs for Millions .Lala Lajpat Rai * Poverty and Un-British Rule in India . Death & the Spring .Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy . Songs of Life.PV Narasimha Rao * Wings of Fire .APJ Abdul Kalam * Ignited Minds .Jayaprakash Narayan * Without Fear or Favour .Sarojini Naidu * The Broken Wing. late DP Yadav [6]Strictly Personal. [18]A book Post Haste: Quintessential India written by B.K Giriprakash [10]The Accidental Prime Minister: the making and unmaking of Manmohan Singh.Barrack Obama * Dreams From My Father .G.I K Gujral * Back to Work . Radhakrishnan * Matters of Discretion: An Autography . [15]Arctic Summer written by Novelist Damon Galgut [16]A book entitled A Stamp is Born authored by C.Barrack Obama * Indian Philosophy . S. [4]Gujarat‟s success story in Water Management Sriram Vedire [5]Munger through the Ages . Radhakrishnan * Hindu View of Life .Dr.Boris Yelstin * The Audacity of Hope . Manmohan and Gursharan Daman Singh [7]One Life is Not Enough.The best of national interest was released. [21]Getting India Back on track-an action agenda .Sanjaya Baru [11]Crusader or Conspirator? Coalgate and other Truths .Natwar Singh [8]The Lives of Others. S.D. Verghese [19]Book entitled „India Junction – A Window to the Nation‟ was released by Arunendra Kumar.Dr.* Midnight Diaries .Faraz Ahmad. Arunendra Kumar released a book entitled "India Junction – A Window to the Nation". R. [14]The candidate was written by Indian Journalist Anirudh Bhattacharya. the Chairman of Railway Board.Neel Mukherji [9]The Vijay Mallya Story.PC Parakh [12]Hard Choices authored by Hillary Rodham Clinton [13]Author Rakhshanda Jalil on 11 March 2014 released a book titled A Rebel And Her Cause: Life and Work.Pradhan. [20]Shekhar Gupta‟s book entitled Anticipating India .Bill Clinton [1]Chairman of Railway Board Mr. Pakrashi [17]A book “My Years with Rajiv and Sonia” written by R. [2]“Not Just an Accountant” – Former CAG Vinod Rai [3]A book titled “Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi: An Inside Job?” . [22]Biography of Dilip Kumar.edited by Bibek Debroy. Arbitration. entitled “The Substance and the Shadow” was released in Mumbai. [25]Blood Feud: The Clintons vs.T V Paul [24]A Bad Character . the ObamasEdward Klein [26]Pranab Mukherjee received first copy of a coffee-table book titled “First Citizen: Pranab Mukherjee” LAW       Torts. etc) Constitutional law MP Jain OR VN Shukla Contract= Avtar Singh (question on Agency or Partnership always comes) IPC= Gaur/Pillai + pay special attention to the Offences Against Property AK Jain Dukkis strictly for revision purpose for all subjects+ small Acts= Sale of Goods. .Deepti Kapoor. The biography has been penned by Uday Tara Nayar.Bangia International Law= S.for reform. IPR. Custom.k. Ashley Tellis & Reece Trevor. Partnership. [23]The book titled Warrior State: Pakistan in the Contemporary World. Kapoor (very repetitive) or Starke ( if there is enough timeespecially basics such as Treaty.
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