
March 25, 2018 | Author: Roshan Verma | Category: Compact Disc, Engineering, Technology, Computing, Computing And Information Technology



INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY CENTRAL LIBRARY CD-ROMs RECEIVED ALONG WITH BOOKSSr.NoAcc.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Title of the CD-ROM O O O Mirror Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 170863 Animated algorithms by Gloor, Peter, Dynes, Scott and Lee, Irene, 1993, MIT 174298 Multimedia mania by Frater, Harald and Paulissen, Dirk, 1993, 175063 Advanced Adobe Photoshop, 1992, Micromedia Starrett, Bob, 1994, NRP 175394 Super CD-ROM madness by Purcell, Lee (2CDs), 1994, SAMS pub. 177471 Software engineering with C++ and CASE tools by Pont, Michael J. , 1st ed., Vol. 0 2/96 177490 LINUX unleashed by Husain, Kamran...[et al.] 177491 Using LINUX by Tackett, Jack, Gunter, David and Brown, Lance 178273 Winn L. Rosch – Multimedia bible 175393 New Rider's guide to CD-ROM by Parker, Dana and O O O O O O 178806 10 * 179175 11 179300 12 179577 13 14 180337 180338 15 16 180340 180382 17 180416 18 180453 19 Ullmann’s encyclopedia of industrial chemistry : O index on CD, Vol.A1-A24, B1-B2, 1994 Machine design - an integrated approach by Norton , H Robert L., 1996 Lotus Notes 4 unleashed by Tamura, Randall A....[et O al.] 1996 Formal methods for industrial applications ed. by O Abrial, Jean-Raymond, Borger, Egon and Langmaack, Hans, 1996 3D graphics : tips, tricks & techniques by Kalwick O David, 1996 Code warrior : software development using power O plant by Harrington, J.L.,1996 JavaScript development by Vacca, John R.,1997 O How to plan, develop and implement Lotus Notes in O your organization by Falkner, Mike (50 ready-to-use lotus notes templates included) 1996 Core Java by Cornell, Gary and Horstmann, Cay O S.,1997 Algorithms for image processing and computer vision O by Parker, James R.,1996 20 180763 3D graphics : tips, tricks and techniques by Kalwick, * 181032 Rapid prototyping : principles and application in David., 1996 manufacturing by Kai, Chua Chee and Fai, Leong 21 Kah 181631 Progress in speech synthesis ed. by Santen, Jan 22 P.H. Van [et al.] , 1997 181691 American showcase : the world's premier illustration 23 O O O O No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Refer 183490 resource, v.20, 1997 182430 Computer networks and internets by Comer, Douglas O 24 E., 1997 182828 Just plane chaos (CDROM with 'Chaos in direct O dynamical systems' by Record, Ronald J. and 25 Abraham Ralph H.) 182858 Mathematica by example, 2nd ed., by Abell, Martha O L. and Braselton, AP, 1997 183208 Developing SAP's R/3 applications (with ABAP/4) by O 27 Kretschmer, Rudiger and Weiss, Wolfgang, BPP pub., 1996 183490 Microelectronic circuits, 4th ed., by Sedra, Adel S. O and Smith, Kenneth C., OUP. 28 183716 Mastering the internet, 2nd ed., by Cady, Glee Harrah O 29 and McGregor, Pat, BPP., & SYBEX. 1996 183717 MSCE : networking essentials study guide by Chellis, O James, Perkins, Charles and Strebe, Matthew, 30 SYBEX, 1996 183718 Mastering internet explorer 4 by Weisskopf, Gene O 31 and Coleman, Pat, SYBEX, 1997 183787 Object oriented software construction, 2nd ed., by O 32 Meyer, Bertrand, Printice Hall, 1997 183861 Intelligent Java applications for the internet and O 33 intranets by Watson, Mark , Morgan Kaufman, 1997 183863 Client /Server programming with Java and CORBA O 34 by Orfali, Robert and Harkey, Dan, JW, 1997 183871 Internet audio source book by Purcell, Lee and O 35 Hemphill, Jordan, JW, 1997 183884 Music, Gestalt and computing ed. by Leman, Marc., O 36 Springer, 1997 184005 WWW design : web pages from around the world by O 37 Donnelly, Daniel, Rockport pub. 1997 38-44184110- ISES 1997 Solar World Congress, Taejon, Korea, H 16 Aug. 24-29, 1997, KIER, 1997 45-46184297- Microelectronic circuits, 4th ed., by Sedra, Adel S. H 184298 and Smith, Kenneth C., OUP, 26 184349 Italian design : the players, Dialogo H 47 * 184584 Internet security by Kyas, Othmar, International H 48 Thomson Computer press, 1997 185188 Secure electronics transactions : introduction and H technical reference by Loeb, Larry , GTE govt. 49 systems co., 1998 185197 Giant molecules by Grosberg, A.Y. and Khokhlov, H 50 A.R., Academic press, 1997 185326 Algorithm design manual by Skiena, Steven S., H 51 Springer Verleg, 1998 185375 MicroSim Design Lab evaluation software (CD-ROM H with MicroSim Pspice and circuit analysis, 3rd ed., by 52 Keown, John), Prentice Hall, 1996 185431 Mathematica for scientists and engineers by Gass, H 53 Richard , Printice Hall, 1998 185686 Manual of remote sensing : Earth observing H * platforms and sensors, 3rd ed. ed by Ryerson, Robert A., American Society for photogrammetry & remote 54 sensing, 1997 185753 Hooked on Java : creating hot web sites with Java H 55 applets by van-Hoff, Arthur, Addision Wesley 185843 Introduction to artificial life by Adami, Christoph, SV, H 56 1998 185878 Experimental stochastics by Moeschlin, Otto [et al.], H 57 SV, 1998 185894 Dynamic simulation of electric machinery : using H MATLAB/SIMULINK by Ong, Chee-Mun, 58 PrenticeHall, 1998 185898 International geo-science and remote sensing H * symposium, IGARSS 98 : sensing and managing the 59 environment, Seattle, WA, July 6-10, 1998 , IEEE 185931 Introductory management science, 5th ed., by Eppen, H 60 G.D. [et al.], Prentice Hall, 1998 186172 SPSS 7.5 for windows (CD-ROM with Marketing H research, 2nd ed., by Burns, A.C. and Bush, R.F.), 61 SPSS, 1996 186303 One show, v.20, 1998 (2 CDs) O 62 63 64 65 186590 Principles of marketing, 8th ed., by Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, Gary , PH, 186697 SAP R/3 system administration : the official SAP guide by Will, Liane, SYBEX, 1999 186698 Arena : academic version 3.01 for simulation with Arena by Kelton, W. David, Sadowski, Randall P. and Sadowski, Deborah A. 186769 Omnibook 5 : product designers ed. by Vigiak Mario, H O O O Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 186853 Active server pages unleashed by Walther, Stephen,,1997 186857 Engineering information village ed. By Delleur, Jacques W., INC, 1998 186942 Organic Chemistry online by Young, Paul R. (CDROM with Organic Chemistry by Hornback, Joseph M.), Brooks/Cole Pub. 1998 187068 Analysis, synthesis and design of chemical processes by Turton, Richard [et al.], PH, 1998 187230 Fractal imager by Lu, Ning, Iterated systems, 1996 O O O O O Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 187291 International symposium on combustion, 27th, O Boulder, Colorado, Aug. 2-7, 1998, The combustion Institute 187466 Unix system administrator's bible by Lepage, Yves O and Iarrera, Paul, Comdex Computer Pub. Understanding earth, 2nd ed., 1998 by Press, Frank O 187488 and Siever, Raymond, 1998 W.H. Freeman & Co. 187773 Computer vision and pattern recognition conference O proceedings, Fort , Collins, Colorado, June 23-25, 1999, IEEE, 1999 187834 Electric drives by Boldea, Ion and Nasar, S.A., CRC O press, 1999 187859 Space image processing by Sanchez, Julio and O Canton, Maria P., CRC press, 1999 188101 Computer processing of remotely-sensed images, 2nd O ed., by Mather, Paul M. , JW, 1999 188141 Mathematica navigator by Ruskeepaa, Heikki, AP, O 1999 188197 Chemist's electronic book of orbitals by Clark, Tim O and Koch, Rainer, SV, 1999 188201 Open geometry : openGL + advanced geometry by O Glaeser, Georg and Stachel, Hellmuth, SV, 1999 188206 Exploring abstract algebra with Mathematica by O 82 Hibbard, A.C. and Levasseur, K.M., SV, 1999 188249 SQL Server 7 : developer's guide by Otey, Michael O 83 and Conte, Paul, MGH, 1998 188373 Optimization concepts and applications in O engineering by Belegundu, A.D. and Chandrupatla, 84 T.R., PH, 1999 188428 Speech recognition : theory and C++ implementation O by Becchetti, Claudio and Ricotti, Lucio Prina , JW, 85 1999 188476 Core Java 2 : Vol.1 fundamentals by Horstmann, O 86 C.S. and Cornell, G., Sun Microsystem, 1998 87-88188588- ICDAR 97 : 4th international conference on document H 81 Susan. S. S. M. Eric [et O al.]. O 189029 Richard. Ronald B. O Jamar. 1998 188789 Handbook of data communication and networks by O Buchanan. AW. by Petersen. Pamela and Yeo. Elena [et al. 1999. D. MGH.C. 22-27. SV. [et al. 1998 188762 Book of genesis : exploring realistic neural models O with the general neural simulation systems by Bower. 1997 188670 Advances in cryptology 1981-97 : electronic O proceedings and index of the CRYPTO and EUROCRYPT conferences 1981-1997. Aug. Technical University. SV. 1999 188891 Fundamentals of electromagnetism : physicsolver by O Pissanetzky.A. 1998 188770 Partial differential equations for computational O science with Maple and vector analysis by Betounes. by Brinkgreve. 1999 188859 Handbook of structural steel design connection and O details by Tamboli. 1997 188835 Quantitative feedback theory : fundamentals and O applications by Houpis. Ulm.] ./Rasmussen.]. Aug. ed. 1999 188888 Proceedings hydraulic engineering for sustainable O water resources management at the turn of the millennium : 28th IAHR Congress. JW. Graz. Mat O Santamoris. IEEE.. 1999 188976 Using HTML 4. Claus Dieter . James M. 18-20. 1997. radio. Steven J Marcel Dekker..JW. Beverly [et O al. and Beeman. A. G. PH 188978 Beyond 2000 in computational geotechnics : ten O years of Plaxis international ed. 1998 189386 One show : advertising's best print. David . Constantine H. XML and Java 1. and Ziegler. Germany. TMH. 1999 188723 Implementing application frameworks : objectO oriented frameworks at work by Fayad. TV 1999 (2 O CDs). 189459 Complexity and approximation by Ausiello. Keven S. SV.]. Schmidt. SV.. 1998 189219 AIOLOS.J. R.E. Akbar R.. 2nd ed. by McCurley. 1999 188724 GUI : design essentials by Weinschenk. Bill. Balkema.E.Plantium ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers 188831 Interactive differential equations by West.C. O Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes . v. David.1&2.89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 188589 analysis and recognition.2 by Ladd. and Johnson.. 1999 Linux : the complete reference. Austria. Europe. version 1 by Dascalaki.. R. O Peter J. Red Hat Linux 5. ed. 1999 ACM/IEEE SC99 conf on high performance networking &H 190969 * computing proc Nov. 190006 Creating Javabeans by Watson.M. PH. 1998 189653 Interactive concepts in biology (CD-ROM with O Human biology by Starr.. S. Dumas. by Nof. Beverly. al].. E. SV.P. SV. 2nd ed.. 1998 190239 C++ algorithms for digital signal processing by O Embree. 1999 189823 Stratigraphic systems : origin and application by O Visher. by Schneider. 1999 189618 Digital audio restoration by Godsill. and Danieli. and Bretchko. and Mevel. 1999 189656 Algebra interactive by Cohen. Glenn S... JW. O Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes . Ro y R. JW. O.H. Hans O and Sterk. 1997 189827 Hyper realistic : computer generated architectural O renderings ed. JW. by Ojeda.W. O and Trapp. 13-18 1999 191047 RF circuit design theory and applications by Ludwig. A..M.. PH. M. and Rayner. O F. 1998 190066 Handbook of CDMA system design. P. Brooks/Cole. C. 2000 190216 Linux kernel book by Card. Rockport Pub. O R. L. 1996 189836 Remote sensing tutorial Online Handbook by Short. Cecie and McMillan.. PH..A. Malayala H * Manorama 190434 Developing industrial case-based reasoning O applications : the INRECA methodology by Bergmann. Lectures notes : Artificial Intelligence . D. P. 1998 189649 Derivatives : the theory and practice of financial O engineering by Wilmott.J. O Shimon Y... 1999 189824 Illustrator type magic by Simsic. Greg..I. engineering and O optimization ed. OUP. Mark. 1999 189780 Mathcad primer for physical chemistry by Cady. 1999 190950 High integrity Ada : the spark approach by Barnes. 1999 190244 Manorama knowledge adventure 2000... O Nicholas M. 1997 QBASIC with an introduction to visual basic 5. AP. by Craig. 2nd ed. by Kim. O John. Hayden O books. AW. 1999 189543 Handbook of industrial robotics.. [et. Kyoung.0. 2000 191048 Mechanics of materials. 4th O 190952 ed.R. Cuypers.0. SV. and Guerra. R.. PH. Paul . Morgon O Coffman. Hans.106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 SV. D.. ] O 140 (2CDs). 2000 Speech processing and synthesis toolboxes version O 1. June 6-8. D. O 144 2000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes . B. SV. R. 2000 191286 Building and managing the meta data repository : a O full lifecycle guide by 135 Marco. Sheldon M. JW.. Richard A.. 137 2000 191434 Groundwater 2000 : proceedings of the intl. E. 2000 Introduction to probability and statistics for engineers O and scientists. Kurt M. (2 CDs). AP. SV. JW.. 133 Sandra L. JW. F. Brooks/Cole. O conference on groundwater research.J. Chi-Keung... 2000 191438 Process control modules: a software laboratory for O 139 control design by Doyle.. 2000 Interactive soil mechanics and foundations by Budhu. Robin J. 2000 141. 2000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 191200 Relating materials properties to structure : handbook H and software for polymer calculations and materials properties by David. Denmark.Aspects of multivariate statistical analysis in geology O 142 81 by Reyment.0 by Matsudaira. 2000 191234 Applied numerical methods for engineers using O MATLAB and C by Schilling. 138 and Thomas. A.. and Wilson. JW.0 by Childers. 2000 191324 Disks and outflows around young stars ed.. D. Balkema.]. Technomic 131 pub.. David. 3rd ed..191174 127 191178 128 191190 129 191199 130 JW. O 132 and Beichner. 1999 191212 Student tools CD-ROM version 2. by H 136 * Beckwith. 191471 Molecular cell biology 4. Elsevier Science. O by Juvinall. Harcourt. and Misra.. 2000 ed. O Norman S. Copenhagen. Paul [et al. Mi-Suen and 143 Tang.A. D. 1987-2000.A. Joan M.191480.J. 2000 Control systems engineering. and Harris. 2000 191238 Graphs and applications : an introductory approach O 134 by Aldous. 1999 191482 Computational framework for segmentation and O grouping by Medioni. and Savazzi. 2nd ed.0 by Serway. Peter. by Nise. Co. Gerard.G. 3rd ed. SV. Elsevier Science. 2000 191523 ECOOP conference proceedings. Robert C. O Muni. Lee. 1996 191425 Fundamentals of machine component design. Enrico. JW. R. by Poul L. by Ross. Steven [et al. A.. Robert J. and Marshek. WH Freeman. 2000 192548 Film music : screen craft by Russell. 1999 192566 Control system design by Goodwin. PWS Pub. S. 160 2000 192550 Mastering 3D animation by Ratner. Allworth O Press. 2000 191599 Excerpts : materials science . 2000 192342 XML by example : building E-commerce applications O 156 by McGrath. G. 2000 192060 Practical handbook of corrosion control in soils by O 153 Bradford.. (2CDs). M. 157 2001 192447 Mathematical papers of Sir William Rowan Hamilton. A. Tony. co.C.a multimedia approach O 146 by Russ.. Edward and Cawthray. 145 CRC Press.E. 2001 193070 Learning Red Hat Linux ed. by Mark. Graebe. CASTI.. Peter. Jeff. Matt and Bellantoni.. O 158 v.R.F. JW. I-IV.. S.. H 151 * 2000 192027 Control 2000 : UKACC International conference on H control. Sumit and Lee. 2000 192299 PLAS : power law analysis and simulation by O 154 Ferreira. 1997 147.. O 163 S. PH. 2000 191768 Current protocols on CD-ROM Fall 2000. Richard. Roto Vision. PH. O'Reilly. University of Cambridge. 2000 192304 Introduction to operations research. 7th ed. H 150 * 2000 191770 Current protocols on CD-ROM Spring 2000.191610. JW. David H. Roto Vision. 2000 192549 Moving type : designing for time and space by O Woolman. Mark and O 159 Young.N. Sean. CUP. by Hillier.R. John C. IEE. S. 1998 192398 3D game engine design : a practical approach to O real-time computer graphics by Eberly. Gerald J. MK. 2000 161 192556 Packaging prototypes : design fundamentals by O Denison.E.191559 Intelligent transportation systems : new principles O and architectures by Ghosh. and Lieberman. JW. UK. O 155 Frederick S. 152 2000. Roto 162 Vision. Stone.Signals and systems in biomedical engineering : O 148 1 signal processing and physiological systems modeling by Devasahayam. MGH. 2000 H 149 * 191769 Current protocols on CD-ROM Summer 2000. and Salgado. 4-7. James. O 164 1999 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No .A. CUP. Sept. Devasahayam. 2000 O 172 193290 World competitiveness yearbook 2000. Marcel van der and 171 193239 Taylor. v.. 2001 193829 Optimising energy efficiencies in industry by Rajan. Yip-wah.3 : applications of continuum mechanics in structural geology by Ramsay. 170 1999 Understanding WAP : wireless applications. 2001 193508 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 7th ed. Elke and Scherbaum.]. G. S.. Marcus. and Koch.. 1997 193181 Organic View : Organic chemistry. Texas Instruments. ed.G.. conf. Sept. T.28. of Korea. AP. T. 2000 193618 Of poles and zeroes : fundamentals of digital seismology : Java Applet digital seismology tutor. SV. 2nd ed. . 2000 193505 Practical guide to surface science and spectroscopy by Chung. James K. by O Solomons. 2001 O O H H H Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Refer 193088 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 177 H Yes 178 179 180 181 182 183 H H H O H Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes . SV.26-29. 165 1999 193103 Manorama knowledge adventure 2001. Klaus H 168 * and Treitel Sven.0 ed. Craig. O 193172 Seismic exploration version 1. Seoul.193088 Organic View : Organic chemistry. Malayala H 166 Manorama nd 167 193158 Seismic design handbook. by O Solomons. R. 2000 193730 Hydrogen atom : precision physics of simple atomic systems by Karshenboim. Craig. by Heijden. by Helbig. Neal) (2 CDs).W. Butterworth Heinemann 193897 Texas instruments data sheets accompany digital systems International edition 8th ed. Artech House Pub. Farzad. J and Lisle. Graham and Fryhle. 2001 193825 Differential equations : theory and applications : with Maple by Betounes. [et al. 7th ed. 2 ed. v. Frank . 2001 193629 Advances in hydro-science and engineering : proceedings of 4th intl.. TMH 193874 Flexware : engineering solutions for industry : Flow Flex 1. Ronald and Widmer. Korea Water Resources Association.. by Tocci. device O and services ed.Laby Flex 2..1. T. R. Kluwer Academy.. Y. and Hase. JW. SV. Combustion Institute. Mikael.N. 1997 193180 Chemistry in motion : organic chemistry version 1. 1999 193411 Techniques of modern structural geology. David. by Naeim.G. [et al. AP.0t . by Schmidtke.] .. Rep. Elsewier. O 169 by Whitesell. 2000.0t. IMD 173 174 175 176 193300 Chemist's electronic book of orbitals by Clark. Graham and Fryhle. JW. by Yoon.W. 4th ed. to accompany to structural analysis & design. 3 and Smith.D. Neal S. 2001 194343 SHOPWARE multimedia robotics fundamentals. 184-7193900. 2001 194733 Linear circuit analysis : time domain.. Neal). Richard H. 2000 194309 Structural analysis and design suite CD by Rajan. Pen-Min. Cambridge Research group 194363 Optoelectronics and photonics : principles and O practices by Kasap.O. phasor. by Kipphan. O S. Aslam. design./Widmer.. S. O * SW2000. PH. methods and O applications by de-sa Marques. Routledge 194451 Power electronics : principles and applications by O Jacob. PH. Michael. 2001 2nd CD : Electronics Workbench.. Adel S. 2001 194568 Nonlinear physics with Mathematica for scientists O and engineers by Enns. by DeCarlo. 2001 194443 Introductory remote sensing : digital image O processing and applications by Gibson. 194375 Digital systems : principles and applications by Tocci. PH 2001 194438 One show : advertising's best print. 1995-2001 1st CD shows error 194180 Handbook of print media : technologies and O production methods ed. by Tocci.2001 (2 CDs).2nd CD : Electronic workbench. 2001 194374 Texas instruments data sheets to accompany Digital O systems International 8th ed. One club for art & copy.. 2001 194184 Design drawing version 1. 1998 194203 Jafferkhani Baaj : innovation in sitar music by Khan. . J. O Brooks/Cole Pub. O Abdul Halim Jaffer. 2 ed. J. radio. Birkhauser 194619 Pattern recognition : concepts. 1999 194564 Modeling dynamic climate systems by Robinson. SV. and Lin. Kenneth C. Octogram pub... Francis D.. O TV.K. Raymond A. Steven P. JW. . OUP 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 O 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 193985 Graphic designer's essential handbook by Design (2 O CDs). Delmor Thomson Learning.Microelectronic circuits. Helmut. Ronald and Widmer.. Clare. SV. and McGuire. 2002 194478 Matrix analysis of structures by Kassimali.0 by Ching. and O nd laplace transform approaches.. O Ronald J. George C. O and Juroszek. 2001 194765 CIRED 2001 : power beyond the millennium : H Yes Refer 183490 Yes-2nd CD Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes-1st CD Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes .. OUP. JW. by Sedra.P. Paul and Power.. O Walter A.. SV. Monica... 2000 High frequency and microwave engineering by da O Silva.G. 2000. 2000 Advanced programming for the Java 2 platform by O Austin. Stefan F. B. ES. E. Newnes..].. 2000 One CD is not in good 218 condition. .H. Mario E. Vienna. AW. PH. O Graebe. IEE. Banff... Amsterdam. 2001 Proceedings of the 6th international conference on O the application of artificial intelligence to civil and structural engineering. Civil-comp Ltd. ed. 2001. M. Aral 5. Austria. 2001 Groundwater modeling in multiplayer aquifers. 2001 O Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes . 2002 195337 Proceedings of the international symposium on H * kinematic systems in geodesy. Monica . O Richard (2 CDs). 4th ed.H.25" disk. Alberta. geomatics and navigation : KIS 2001. [et al. June 5-8. ed. and Salgado. Jurgen Buschow. Calvin and Pawlan. 2000 Advanced programming for the Java 2 platform by O Austin. Calvin and Pawlan. Calvin and Pawlan. Calvin and Pawlan. The Netherlands.. 19-21. Butterworth Heinemann Antenna toolkit by Carr. 2001. Kumar. by Topping. by Narayankhedkar. 2001. TMGH.0 (CD-ROM with Energy and O conference M. Graham C. 2002 195257 Microsoft outlook version 2002 . AW. 2001 222 195368 Control system design by Goodwin.V. step by step by O 220 Crupi.. 2001 Encyclopedia of materials : science and technology. 221 Canada. AW. Mumbai. PH. AW. June 18-21. ICEC.. India. 2000 Advanced programming for the Java 2 platform by O Austin. Kristen. Monica. AW. version 2. Declan G. Eisenstadt. 2001 Advanced programming for the Java 2 platform by O Austin. O web access disc / edited by K. Calvin and Pawlan..* 194855 206 194924 207 194982 208 195035 * 209 195073 210 195074 211 195075 212 195076 213 195077 214 195171 215 216 195172 195216 ICEC 18 : proceedings of the 18th international O cryogenic engineering conference. 195256 Microsoft word version 2002 : step by step by O 219 Perspection Inc. 2001 223 195400 Polistudies. Science Prof. Monica. Structural analysis : an interactive course for earth H science students by De-Paor. by Petersen.. 217 2000 195255 Linux : the complete reference. Monica. PH. K. University of Calgary. Joseph J. and B. 21-25 Feb. Sept.... 2000 Advanced programming for the Java 2 platform by O Austin. 195570 224 195575 225 195677 226 195679 227 195759 228 229 195974 195975 230 196019 231 196037 232 196051 233 * 196160 234 * 196161 * 235 196233 236 196458 237 196473 238 196474 239 240 196483 climate in the urban built environment ed. O Kentucky. 2002 Boundary element programming in mechanics by O Gao.O Tech. O 2001 Carbonate reservoirs : porosity evolution and O diagenesis in a sequence stratigraphic framework : Developments in sedimentology. and Pandit. International Commission on Intervention & O State Sovereignty. I. H 2000. JW. 2001 Vowels and consonants : an introduction to the sounds of languages by Ladefoged.. ASME International. Jaana. Munich. James & James. Clyde H.). by O Labrosse. Blackwell..]. Ebert [et al. Oct.. New Orleans. Shubha. 2001. 2001 Computational methods for large sparse power O systems analysis : an object oriented approach by Soman. Trevor G. robust control and robotics :Forte Developer 6 update by Luc Jaulin. turbo expo land sea & air 2001. 2002 Exploratory analysis of metallurgical process data O with neural networks and related methods by Aldrich. 2002 Radio network planning and optimisation for UMTS O ed. 2001-02 ASME. June 4-8.. 22-24. Khaparde. Wacker. Coastal engineering manual : pt. ASME Intenational. Peter. Jean J.. 2002 MicroC/OS-II : the real-time kernel. CUP. 55 by Moore. 2000 International ash utilization symposium. Xiao-Wei and Davies.. Lexington. by Santamouris.[et al. 2001 Introduction to time series and forecasting O Mathematical statistics with mathematica Walfram. Germany. Tomas. USA. S.. S. III and IV. O 1988-2000 2CDs Texture and modeling : Procedural approach 2nd ed. turbo expo land sea & air 2000. 2000 ASME. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes . Elsevier. Achim and Novosad.A. O by David S. 2001 Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society O conference on computer vision and pattern recognition.. Kauai.]. 8-14 Dec. II.A. CVPR 20001. by Laiho. Louisiana. AP. Hawaii. IEEE. May 8-11. H 2001. 1998 CIISE. KA. 2001. UK CAER. 2nd ed. 2001 Applied interval analysis : with examples in O parameter and state estimation. CMP Media. Sun. M. Veri. David. 2002 JPEG 2000 : Image Compression fundamental. Social Statistics for a diverse society. Benbow and Elena Lioubimtseva. 2002 Introduction to modern photogrammetry by Edward M. 2003. Ping Forge Press. Garlend Science Pub. 2002 196904 Numerical methods for scientists and engineers. 2002 (2 CDs) A guide to data compression methods by David Salomon. 2001 196851 Physical geography : science and systems of the human environment. Springer Verlag. accompany organic O th chemistry 4 ed.. Marcellin.. by Loudon. 2002 Computational quantum chemistry : an interactive O guide to basis set theory by Quinn. Academic Press.. by Aslam Kassimali. trade and the WTO : a handbook. Tortora O Grabowski.. Taubman & Michael W. Purdue University. James O R. of India. 2nd ed.0.. 1999 Genetics by Peter J. O Standards & Practice by David S.. 2000 Actrise technical simply smarter diagramming.. The World Bank. Multimedia authors : S. 7th ed. by Ebbing O Gammon.. Dynamic Organic chemistry. Elsevier. 2002 Data visualization in the geosciences by Carr. by Bruce O Alberts. PH. Russell. 2002 Principles of anatomy & physiology 10th ed. John Wiley & 257 Sons. G.[et al.]. Charles M. Benjamin Cummings O O O O O Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Error Yes No Error Yes Yes Yes Yes Development. Bethel and J. JW. Chris Mcglone. Marc and Allen. Hindustan Book Agency. Govt. of Agriculture. 2nd ed. O PWS Pub..196497 241 196501 242 196555 243 196559 244 196570 245 196577 246 196653 247 196663 248 196722 249 196742 250 196749 251 196762 252 253 196800 196814 254 196831 255 196839 C. 2002 National disaster response plan : building culture of O preservation . 2CDs.. 2nd 258 ed. James S. 2002 General chemistry interactive 5. Houghton Mifflin. Dept of Agriculture & Cooperation. O Autodesk Press New approaches to color image restoration and O zooming of the compress video by Narasimha kaulgud Molecular biology of the cell.. by O Chava Frankfort-Nachmias and Anna Leon-Guerrero. 3rd ed. Mikhail.. Min.. 256 John Wiley & Sons.. Mary P.. 2001... by Alan Strahler and Arthur Strahler. 2002 O Yes . 2002 Structural analysis. 4th ed. . September 2-7. One Club Pub.196951 Structural Analysis. by T. Florian Pfeffer. Version 5. Bruce Mcgrawgraphics.]. 2000 261 262 197106 Art 2002. Key College Pub. Jan 23-6. 5th ed. McGraw-Hill.. 2001 197391 Course in computational Number Theory by David Bressoud & Slan Wagon. ISABE. Sadka. 2CDs. O 279 CUP.. Andrew Duthie.Organic view to accompany upgraded organic O th 268. 4th ed. XV ISABE. O O O O O O O O Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No DVD Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes Yes 197458 Software pioneers & their contributions to software O engineering edited by Manfred Broy & Ernst Denert.]. Washington D. 267 Mediacs. 2nd ed.. 2002. Red hat linux 7. ISABE. 2002 (2CDs) 198188 Introduction to the theory & application of data O 288 envelopment analysis by Emmanuel Thanassoulis 198239 Chemical kinetics & mechanism-the molecular world.. 2001 198047 LINUX Kernel programming by M. Pearson Education. 2001.C. 2002 (4 CDs) 197511. Cengel and Robert H.20 chemistry 7 ed.0. 2001 197980 Fifteenth international symposium on air breathing H * engines : papers from the XV ISABE.W. OUP. 3rd O 282 ed. Prentice Hall. 2002 197050 International conference on dependable systems & 260 networks. 1999. 2nd ed. 2-7 September 281 2001. O 289 2002. 2000 197423 Compressed video communications by Abdul H. 259 R. 2002 O 284 198090 ASP-Net by G. 2002 197102 Output03 2000 screen design. Turner.. Open univ. Pearson Education. 2002 197440 One Show. 3rd O 283 ed. Beck [et al. 280 India. JW. O'reilly. Meade. O 287 O'reilly.C.. PHI O 285 198096 Unix backup & recovery. by Barry Nolan.2. Bangalore India.. . 2002 197790 Foundations of electronics. John Wiley & Sons. O 278 Thomson Delmer 197974 Applied linear optimal control by Arthur E.Beck [et al. Graham Solomons & Craig 77 Fryhle. 2002 198089 LINUX Kernel programming by M. 2001 263 264 265 266 197172 Fundamentals of thermal fluid sciences by Yunus A. Bangalore.Hibbeler. 2002 198158 Learning red hat LINUX. 1999 198156 Interactive book on general crystallography by O Giovanni Luca Casearano & …[et al.] & edited by 286 Carmelo Giacovazzo. 2003. Bryson. 2002 197979 Proceedings of the fifteenth international symposium H * on air breathing engines. Kramer SV. (Mech.M. J. 2CDs. JW 2002. Shun-ichi JW. 2002. O 2CDs. Engg. 2002. 198241 Mechanism & synthesis : the molecular world. RotaVision Book. Orlando. 198245 Third dimension . 198292 Observation of the earth & its environment : survey of O missions & sensors 4th edition by H. Open univ. 198243 Elements of the p block : trends & reactions. Barcelona O to the beach New York : Madison Square Press. June 16-21. 198295 Global positioning system and GIS : an Introduction O Kennedy. Engg. 2002 198780 Convective heat transfer : solutions manual and O computer programs by Cebeci. Michael London : Taylor and Francis. O Open univ. Diss. Walter E. (Mech.M. Diss. AndrzejAmari. 2002 198297 Adaptive blind signal and image processing : learning O algorithms and applications Cichocki. 198383 Hot California graphics 2 Graphic jungle.Tech. USA.290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 198240 Alkenes & aromatics-the molecular world.the third world 2002.Tech.. 2002 New Jersey : Metal Powder Industries Fed. 2002.) Sudhakar 198639 Design and development of a low cost high precision O displacement measurement system. 198271 One show interactive : advertising's best interactive O amd new media / edited by Kevin Swanepoel New York : One Club Pub. 2002. . Uyemura. Mies. 198246 Metals & chemical change-the molecular world..) Jadhav. 2002. 2002 198279 Graphic designer's personal projects : CD & image O compilation with Roger Fawcett-Tang . 2002 198321 Introduction to VLSI circuits & systems O supplementary CAD tool CD by John P. Reston : AIAA. 2002 198794 Design methodologies for space transportation O systems by Hammond. Open univ. 2002 198637 Control of hysteresis in sensors and actuators for O smart structures. O Open univ. O Open univ.. . Rohan 198651 Highlights from the 2002 world congress on powder O * metallurgy and particulate materials. O 2002. Tuncer Long Beach : Horizon Pub. 2001 Yes Yes No Error Yes No Error No No Error Yes Yes No Error Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes . Jean-Francois New York : 314 Kluwer Academic/Plenum Pub. design and construction of steel space O frames by Ramaswamy. Jean SV 2002 198853 Finite elements using maple : a symbolic O programming approach by Portela.R. Pinder NW. SV 310 2002 198854 Damage mechanics with finite elements : practical O applications with computer tools by Kattan. A.Jeppson. P. 1999 198804 Heavy bid express : bid more jobs. 2002 198991 NMR spectroscopy by Schorn. O Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes . 311 P. 2001 199178 Hydraulics of pipeline systems by Larock.I.199009. 321 2001 322. Julia CaseMillspaugh.Z SV. Walter Reston : 307 AIAA.C : how to program by Deitel. 2001 198859 Analysis. PatrickSerre. GeorgeBogaert. Gary Z.. H. Mark E Microsoft.Deitel.Watters. by Solomon. M.Suresh. Berlin : Springer.Charafi. Berlin : Springer. New Delhi. 2001 5 CDs 327 199474 Analyzing and managing banking risk : a framework O for assessing corporate governance and financial risk by Greuning. Bruce O E. 2002 198930 Argus one opening numerical environments 1992O 2002. Anita C TMH New 320 Delhi 199383 Digital signal processing with field programmable O gate arrays by Meyer-Baese.SEekhout. Jean-Louis O 309 Dalibard. win more work! O 308 * Houston : Heavy Construction Sys. 2001 198850 Quantum mechanics by Basdevant.NET : how to program by Deitel. Sonja Brajovic 328 199606 Visual Basic . G. London : Thomas Telford. Boca Raton : 319 CRC Press. A. U. 2001 316.198795 Space transportation : a systems approach to O analysis and design by Hammond. Specialist. 2000 199214 Programming in Visual Basic 6. Marc L. 313 2002 198944 Robust modal control with a tool box for use with O MATLAB by Magni.0 By O Bradley. JW.J O 326 199425 Pearson Education (Singapore). Argus holdings accompanies ground water modeling using GIS by George P.199421. O 318 David A.Temporal GIS : advanced functions for field-based O 317 199010 applications by Christakos.0 : version 6.M. Hennie vanBratanovic. Roland W. 2001 199130 Inside Microsoft Windows 2000 3rd ed. Christian Weinheim : O 315 Wiley-VCH. G. 312 G.Voyiadjis.Russinovich. 2003 200042 Blue skies college edition ver. Girards 200551 Economicaindia info services. Includes O CaRine crystallography 3. 2003 Digital photogrammetry by Wilfried Linder SV O Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes . Multimedia signals and systems by Mandal. JorgeGrassie. By Joseph Goldstein and others 200265 Introduction to probability and statistics 11th ed. 1. T.M. 2003 200120 Analytical mechanics of space systems rigid body O 338 kinetics routines AIAA 200151 Computer algebra recipes for classical mechanics by O 339 Richard Enns & George McGuire SV 200253 Numerical methods in sensitivity and shape O optimization by Emmanuel Laporte & Patrick Le 340 Tallec Burkhanser 200261 Scanning electron microscopy and x-ray O 341 microanalysis 3rd ed. O 349 2002 in CD & Key Disk in Floppy H..1 and the materials science 347 multimedia supplement Brooks/Cole 2003 200529 Processing of remote sensing data by Michel-Claude O 348 Girard & Colette M.200270 International encyclopedia of ergonomics & human H 345 factors ed by Waldemar Karwowski Taylor & Francis 200272 200507 DETools differential equations 2nd ed.199687 329 199697 330 199866 331 199878 332 333 199897 199902 Computer algebra handbook : foundations. 2002 Styling of two-wheeler. M.[et al.M.Deitel. By O 342 Mendenhall. Deitel. By Blanchard.R. (IDC) (R) by H Chandel.. Academic Foundation. Erich Kaltofen and Volker Weispfenning 334 Berlin : Springer.M. Kang-tsung New Delhi : Tata McGraw-Hill. 2002 3 CDs Introduction to geographic information systems by O Chang.1. systems / edited by Johannes Grabmeier. . Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall.J. Mrinal Kr O Boston : Kluwer Academic Pub. O applications. 4th O 336 ed. O 335 2000 200060 Introduction to the thermodynamics of materials.. Ashish /Bhandari. Living text LLC. Morris 2003 200108 Heat transfer : a problem solving approach by O Muneer.Des. TariqKubie. Beaver and Beaver Brooks & Cole 2003 343. O 346 Devaney and Hall Brooks/Cole 200514 Science and engineering of materials 4th ed.Nieto. Diss. By Arthur E.] O Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall. 2002 Python : how to program by H. P. Thomas New 337 York : Taylor and Francis. A. 2001 200586 Mineralogy tutorials by Cornelis Klein JW O 351 200607 Chemical principles : the quest for insight by Peter O Atkins and Loreth Jones W. by Adrian Bejan & Allan O 371 D. 352 1999. by A. Peabody Nace International. (ver. CGU software O 358 200808 Mineralogy tutorials by Cornelis Klein JW 200833 Programming for embedded systems cracking the O code JW 200861 Object oriented programming via fortran 90/95 ed. 2001 201029 Creating the semantic web with RDF professional developer's guide JW 2001 201044 An embedded software primer by David E.0) 200972 Linux shell script programming by Todd Meoders Thomson. 3. Kraus JW 372 201099 Handbook of industrial mixing science & practiceO visual mixing JW 2003 373 201119 Database performance tuning & optimization SV. S. Freeman & Co. 200616 Interactive quantum mechanics by Siegmond Brandt. 2003 O 200789 Insight into the subsurface geo-technical handbook O 357 vol. Simon Addison Wesley 201045 Managing bank risk by Morton Glantz O O O O O O O Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 201086 Heat transfer handbook ed. Friedrich SV 2003 200887 Genomic perl by Rex A. 356 200725 Digital photogrammetry by Wilfried Linder SV.200569 Peabody's control of pipeline corrosion 2nd ed. H G. O 353 Hans Dieter Dahmen and Tilo Stroh 200644 Computer World Honors Program archive 2003 O 354 200691 Introduction to bioinformatics a theoretical and O practical approach by Stephen A. Norton 200933 Biochemical interaction to accompany Voet & Voet biochemistry 3rd ed.A. by O 360 Akin CUP/2003 200871 Complete wireless design 2001. Dwyer CUP 2003 O 363 359 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 200890 Cam design and manufacturing handbook by Robert L. MGH O 361 200876 Stochastic simulation and bayesian inference for O 362 Gibbsfields by F. Khaparde and Shubha Pandit Kluwer. O 350 W. 3 1987-2002. O . 2003 3CDS 200989 Computational methods for large sparse power systems analysis by S. Soman. Krawetz & David 355 D. Womble Human Press. Dayton Reuter. 201568 2003 201599 Handbook of nanotechnology edited by Bhushan SV O 2004 201627 CASL user manual by Michel Bidoit & Peter D.. O by Joseph E. Billo JW. O 375 Haestad Methods. France 377. 2001 201466 Large deformation processes of solids by I Doltsinis O WIT Press. 2004 201471 Molecular biology of cell 4th ed. by Alberts & others O Garland Science Publishing. Nov.a comprehensive guide 2nd ed. 5-7. 2003.2003 O 374 201130 Windows 95 or higher Pearson Education 201237 Stormwater conveyance modeling and design. 2003 4 Cds – separate H 80 21 work station 201346 Quantitative remote sensing of land surfaces. H * serendipity & perseverance. Production methods : behind the scenes of virtual 3D O worlds edited by Kim Halskov madsen. London SV. Kalpakkam TMH 2004 201695 Scour of foundations Proc. O 381 2003 201434 The incredible world of polymers tales of innovations. engineers and O environmental designers by D. of ICSF-1 first O international conf. 382 2004 2 CDs O 383 201454 Concurrent engineering enhanced interoperable 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 201460 Excel for chemists . 17-20. 2001 Fundamentals of aircraft combat survivability O nd 201546 analysis & design 2 ed. 2004 IGCAR.. 201735 Computer graphics for architects.PDF 4 full file 2003 version 3.201318. 2003 201286 EPE 2003 10 th European conf on power electronics H 376 * & applications 2-4 Sept.0. of the sixth ISHMT-ASME heat & mass transfer O conference & 17th heat & mass transfer conference Jan. Allworth Press 2002 201745 Business and legal forms for interior designers by O Tad Crawford & Eva Doman Bruck Allworth Press 2001 201747 Professional photoshop-the classic guide to colour O correction 4th ed. Toulouse. 2002 Texas A&M university. JW. by Dan Margulis Wiley 2002 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes . Deustech publications. AIAA. 2003 ISO 9001 : 2001 achieving compliance & continuous O 201550 improvents. O Mosses SV 2004 201675 Proc. Virginia. 2003. Petit. 405 202187 Mumbai. risk assessment & prevention edited by C. Montpellier. 6th ed. 2003 202532 Materials science and engineering . Milan Rilem Publications.washington. ISES 2001 202069 Mini encyclopedia on cryogenic engineering and its applications 202149 CASL reference manual O O O O O O O O O O O O O Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Refer 2065727 No Yes Yes 404 202167 Introduction to RF stealth by David Lynch Scitech Fundamentals of robotics by Manjunath . booklet 416 form 202545 Kepler problem-progress in mathematical physics 29 by 417 Bruno Cordani. NY. Nandu Printers & publishers. Saman & WWS Charters Proc. 2003 202585 PRO 37 : cracking in pavements-mitigation. Wiley. L. May 26-7. T. 419 202606 Computational neuroscience realistic modeling for experimentalists edited by Erik De Schutter O O O O O O O . 2004. 201759* Cramb.World Bank. shaping & treating of steel ed. 8&9 2 CDs 202450 Proceedings of the 10th Asian Congress of the fluid 414 mechanics (ACFMX) Kepler Problem : group theoretical aspects.. Pittsburgh. 2003 ed. By Uffe 201870 Kock Wiil. . by Cordani. Callister. control stock 409 202270 DTP ke liye utility software O 410 202306 Radiation heat transfer ASME boiler & pressure vessel code II materials. Birkhauser verlag. Berlin. 2004 202031* Proceedings of the solar world congress 1999 ISES Jerusalem Israel 202032* Bringing solar down to earth edited by W. O 411 202330 ASME. France. 2001 O 412 202390 C++ building aerospace simulations 413 202398* NACE standards on CD ROM Vol. Y. Understanding & measuring social capital : a multi disciplinary tools for practitioners. 407 202264 Graphic designing in Hindi 408 202265 Accounting. introduction. I. 406 202200 C.397 398 399 400 401 *402 403 201749 Business and legal forms for graphic designers by Tad Crawford & Eva Doman Bruck Allworth Press 2003 Making.. AISE 2003 Computer music modeling & retrieval Intl symp.. by William D. 2002. SV. Birkhauser Verlag. 2004. 415 202544 Bruno Basel.. inventory. D. By Alan W. 418 Quadi and A. 2004 202874 The knoledge enterpreneur. 3rd edition by O Abell martha L & Braselton James P Amsterdam.companion CD by Robert C. 74 O 428 Academic Foundations 202954 Economic developments in India EDI vol. Ustin 2004. Abell & James P. 423 202820 Elsevier 202859 Wiley's remediation technologies handbook by Jay H. By Martha O 422 L. ND Thar Secrets of the desert 52 minutes English Center for O *452 203187 Science and Environment. vol. ed. By Christopher L. 202708 Elements of 3D seismology. 427 Wiley. O 420 Liner. Loch & E.byPaul P. Mathur 2004 202802 Differential equations with mathematica. 2003 O 445 203085 5 copies Quality assurance in analytical chemistry-training and O teaching edited by B. 2003. 6th ed. Wiley Inerscience. Pennwell Compter processing of remotely-sensed images – anO 421 202727 introduction. 2nd rev. English Center for Science and O *449 203184 Environment. M.Fluid mechanics. ND Harvest of rain 48 minutes English Center for Science and O *451 203186 Environment. 73 O 429 Academic Foundations 430. MGH 10 copies 440 203013 Analysis of turbulent flows.. And O expanded ed. ND Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Error No Error Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No . 2003. 446 203151 Hadjicostas. By Frank White MGH. 4. W. By Tuncer Cebeii 441. 2004.203081. ed. Cannon 2001. Birkhauser Verlag. 202951 Economic developments in India EDI vol. 3rd ed. Colin CoulsonO 425 Thomas 202921 Applied laplace transforms and 2-trsnsforms for O 426 scientists and engineers 2004. 3rd ed. By Susan L. Berlin Private corporate business sector in India selected O financial statistics from 1950-51 to 1997-98(all 447 203182 industries) RBI Selected financial statistics public limited companies O 448 2031831974-75 to 1999-2000 (selected industries) RBI Living word 32 minutes. 3rd ed.O 424 Lehr. 202922 Remote sensing for natural resource management O and environmental monitoring manual of remote sensing. ND Waterworks India : four engineers and a manager 22 O *450 203185 minutes English Center for Science and Environment. Feldmon. 5th ed. Braselton 2004.. Elsevier Differential equations with mathematics. SV.In-psych to accompany understanding psychology by O 439 202980 Robert S. Wenclawick.202971. 2nd ed. Thermoeconomics of energy conversion by Yehia M.203566. 6/e Fox/McDonald Pritchard 2004. V. Conover 459 203466 JW. CMP 460 203480 Media 461 203536 Robocup 2003 : Robot soccer world cup VII O O No Yes No oneYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 462. ND Longman dictionary of contemporary English. OUP 467 203815 Microfacies of carbonate rocks by Fliigel SV. 2004. Boston. 471. 2003. Pearson Education Ltd. O O O O O O O No No No Error Yes Yes Yes Yes 458 203413 Principles of heat transfer by Massoud Kaviany Matlab application files to accompany Figliola/Beasley-theory & design for mechanical meaurements 3/e developed by Timothy A. O . 2003 . JW 479 204151 Practical program in TCl & Tk. Kluwer. Elsevier. 2004 Student resource CD-ROM introduction to fluid O 476 204002 mechanics. 2005 Multimedia databases by Lynne Dunckley 2003 O 470 203921 Pearson education Ltd. Haneberg.203944. 4th edition by Brent B. Narayan WIT 465 203681 Press. Pearson education Ltd.0 installation disc 2000. Berlin. SV.error O Thermal analysis of welds by N. 2003. El-Sayed Operative orthopedics 10th ed. T. ND Film catalogue Television Trust for the environment English Center for Science and Environment. Macmillan O 463 203567 464 203577 Labview Express student edition 2 cds 1 cd . 3 copies Introduction to nanoscale science & technology O edited by Massimiliano Di Ventra Stephane Evoy & 474 203961 James R. By Bin He 2004 Kluwer 478 204036 Applied statistics & probability for engineers 3/e-an O interactive e-text.Kenpave pavement analysis & design by Yang O 473 203946 Huang 2004. 466 203798 Process plant simulation by B. 2001 Designing menus with encore DVD 2004. Babu.Linux-Mandrake 7. 2004 Fundamentals of thermal fluid sciences 2/e by Yunus O 469 203906 Cengel MGH. 26 minutes English Center for Science and Environment. Heflin.453 203188 454 203189 203345 455 203366 456 457 203401 Smog Inc. 2004 O O O O 468 203905 Special relativity CUP. 2004 Computational geosciences with mathematica by O 475 203988 William C. Montgomery/Runger. JW Modelling & imaging of bioelectrical activity-principles O 477 204023 & applications ed. NY. 2004 495. O manufatcure & role in product development by Daniel 486 204494 E. Ken Jones & Jeffrey Hobbs 2003.] 2nd ed New O 500 204876 York. 2004 State of the Indian farmers – millenium study 27 O 501 204915volumes+CD-ROM Academic foundation. V. Biochemical interactions to accompany Voet & Voet O 492 204684. 2004. Pearson Edn. By D. 2000. 4. 2004. Rousseau. 2003.. Das Proc. 485 204434 Sept 23-5. 20. Pearson O 504 205097 Education. Padmanabhan & A. S. H 496 204609 Mumbai. Ustin 3/e. By O 498 204857 Frank Settle. Patil. JW. Felder and Ronald W. Population Ref. Student CD for mechanical assemblies-their design. Of DAE-BRNS w/s on Plasma surface engineering BARC. by Susan L. 2004 H 494 204607 Attaining global health. 480. MD 488. RBI. 1-31. 2/ed by O Kenneth J Waldron & Gary L. OUP Source codes by Hisashi Tanizaki to accompany O computational methods in statistics & econometrics 487 204495 2004. 2 CDS Remote sensing for natural resource management & O environmental monitoring ed.Welch. O A. Betlem SV.204501. Inc. O 484 204386. 3/e. SAP BW : a step by step guide (R) Delhi. Garland Science. O 506 205134 Elsevier.204608 Banking statistics vol. L. 32. Roffel & B. dinamics& design of machinery. Kinzel JW 2004 508 205176 Parameter estimation & inverse problems by Richard O Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No . Minerological Association of 505 205127 Canada Dorland's pocket medical dictionary for PDA vol.Interactive chemical process principles by Richard M. 2004 5 copies 204687 Lightwave technology : components & devices by O 493 204585 Govind Agrawal JW. 502-3205037. Kalman filtering : theory & practice using MATLAB.. 1997 Pearson Edn. O 499 204862 H. O 205077 2nd edition. JW 5 204577 copies Plasma surface engineering ed. Bur. 497 204654 vol. 1999 Fluid inclusions : analysis &interpretation short O course vol.204383. 2004 Essential cell biology / Bruce Alberts.[et al. 507 205170 Kinematics. K. P. 2001. JW. 2003. 1972-2002. Advanced practical process conrtol by B. Whitney 2004.biochemistry 3/e JW. Mumbai. Instrumental techniques analytical chemistry ed. O . Addison Wesley. Schaferkotter. Callister Jr. 2004 Mathematica guidebook for programming by Michael O Trott. 2005 509 205209 Earth systems today 2001 Brooks/Cole 510 205267 Remote sensing image analysis English pronunciation in use by Mark Hancock 511 205334 Cambridge. Thurber Elsevier. 2/e by Don O Anderson & Dave Dzatko. Ibrahim Newnes. Pthak 28-30 Jan 2005 IIT Kharagpur Sensor technology handbook edited by John S. Aster. CUP.O Wikon Elsevier 2005 th Organic chemistry 8 ed. Addison Wesley. Levi Camb. Bogaert & others. Pont. JW. By T. 2003 Clinical cardiac MRI edited by J. S. 2004. 2005. Kythe and Micheal R. 2005 Applied quantum mechanics CD-ROM by Anthony F. 2004. S. 514 205440 Chapman & Hall 515 205443 Creep mechanics by J. Biswas & S. 2001 Fluid mechanics phenomena – a brief introduction to O fluid mechanics by Young/Munson/Okkiishi. Hairong 512 205380 Cambridge. Solomons & Fryle. 2004 Fundamentals of materials science & engg. JW. O P. O 2002 Fuzzy logic for embedded systems applications by O Ahmed M. CMP books Embedded C by Michael J. Press. SV. SV. Lamba. Betten. & Qi. 2003 Mathematica guidebook for graphics by Michael TrottO SV. Handbook of computational methods for integration by Prem K. Universal serial bus system architecture . Brian Borchers & Clifford H. . Chanrdupatla Orient Longman University Press. Univ. Press. 2004 Advanced visual quantum mechanics by Thailer 513 205431 Bernd New York. Cambridge Univ. 2004 Communications 11th NCC-2005 ed. K. O O integrated approach 2/e by William D. 2005 516 205499 517 205511 518 205538 519 205574 520 205575 521 205611 522 205653 523 205670 524 205751 525 205752 526 205754 527 205791 528 205795 529 205820 O O O O O O O Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No error No error No Yes No Yes Yes No error Yes Yes Yes Finite element analysis for engineering & technolohy O by Tirupaty R.C. 3rd ed. SV. O SV. Embedded control systems in C/C++ by Jim Ledin O 2004. JW. 2003 4 CDs Machine vision by Snyder Wesley E. Material science & engineering : an introduction by O 542. porosity evolution & O 532 206162 diagenesis in a sequence stratigraphic framework Financial modeling. D. 2004. 549 206633 Dunnivant JW. Pearson Education. 1998. Kluwer Academic.1 intrusion detection 2nd edition O Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No error Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 541 206570 206572. 7th ed.207248. Dietel & Dietel. Ralph Kimball O 550 207213 Assn. New Delhi Pathologic basis of disease. O D. William callister.. 2004 Data warehouse lifecycle toolkit. Gill SV. Fundamental of geodesey. New Delhi. 2004. O 548 206619 J. Mechanical vibration analysis uncertainities & O 535 206422 control. Computer networks & Internets 4th edition by Douglas O 534 206210 E.C++ program design 3/e. Comer. 2004 Environmental laboratory exercises for instrumental O analysis & environmental chemistry by Frank M. 2nd edition. thesis O 552. IITB. GRBs & pulsars 19-23 H 565 207302 Jan. Computational neuroanatomy principals & methods O 567 207399 by Ascoli Giorgio A. 3-8 May 2005 DST O sponsored training course Dept of CE..20650.. Inc. Hydraulics & water resources – Hydro 2004 ed. 6th edition 547 . . Montec-bruck & E.. 2002 Recent advances in earthquakes geotechnical O engineering & microzonation ed by Atilla Ansal 568 207438 Kluwer Academic Pub. Snort 2. 2004. New Delhi. Ph. By P. 2004. Elsevier. 2003. Pecharsky & Peter Y Zavalij SV. Buchanan 2/e. Haym Benaroya Dekkar Media 536 206427 Satellite orbits by O. by Simon Benninger. O 533 206199 2000.Participatory research & development for sustainable O 564 207243 agriculture & natural resource 3vols-1cd Workshop on supernovae. by Cohoon & Davidson O 560 207257 2003 TMH. MIT. Ingale Elite Pub.207241. 562.2004 O 530205944 Computer music modeling & retrieval Carbonate reservoirs . 2000O 537 206459 538 206467 539 206469 540 206567 Fundamentals of powder diffraction & structural O characterization of materials by Vitalij K. 4/e. Humana Press. 551 207223 Effect of residual stresses Purdue univ. By Robbins & O Coxtran. 2nd ed.77 Handbook of data communication & networks by W. N. TIFR 2CDs C how to program. O 566 207312 PHI. Porey & R.. USA Global advances in hest pump technology. Centre for Science and H 586 208006 Environment Handbook of condensed matter & materials data O 587 208035 edited by Martinessen & Warlimont SV. D1 Ohrid. By Intl. 2002 Optical emmission lines of the elements by Richard H 571 207503 Paying & Peter Larkins JW. Proceedings held in Las Vegas. English. VCD. 14 minutes.Numerical analysis programs . 2000 Fundamentals of medical imaging by Paul Suetens O 572 207603 Camb. Thapa 8th IEA heat pump conference 2005 May 30-June 2. Nevada. 579 207924 IIR/IIF Handbook on ice slurries – fundamentals & engineering edited by Micheal Kauffed.208041. Texas KCI Pub 577 207680 BV. Bandits & the backhanders. Armstrong & O 570 207472 others Kluwer.O 569 207443 Python programming Premier Press 2003. By M. VCD. Press. O 573 207641 Dentzig & Mukund N. 2000. Centre H 585 208005 for Science and Environment Arvari. O 2005. Centre for Science and Environment Spirit of forests. Institute of 580 207925 refrigeration. 575 207666 Atlas of Antartica by Ute Christina Herzfeld SV 2004 O Conference papers stainless steel 2003 conference 576 207675 expo. programs& O .. Geostatistics Rio by 2000 ed. Univ. 23 minutes. English. H 583 208003 VCD. Masahirs Kawaji & Peter W. Duplex America 2000 conference stainless steel world 29 Feb-1 Mar 2000 Houston. Egolf pub. MATLAB 7/e by O 595 208048 Richard L.0 for Windows 98. Thomas/Brooks Cole 596 208049 Numerical analysis 7th edition. Intel corparation. 2005 International Institute of Refrigeration Commission B2 with B1. 2005 588. 2000 SPSS student version 13. Douglas Faires 2001. Burden & J. 23 minutes. Macedonia May 6-8 2005. 574 207664 applications. English. Centre for H 584 208004 Science and Environment Life under wild life. VCD.. 23 minutes. & markets. 578 207681 XP & Me PH. English. 2002 Linear programming 1 : Introduction by George B. 2005 581 207933 ACI 440-1R 03 O O O H H Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes O No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Intel internet exchange architecture software O 582 207996 development kit. 21 Topics in geobiology series editor Niel H. Edited by XlawDong Xiang and Ichiro Takeuchi. Douglas Faires 2001. International Commerce O 612 208856 Corporation. Inc. 608 208578 Kluwer Academic 2003.11th international conference IACMAG by Giovanni O 606 208454 Barla & Marco Barla 2005 AGI 4 books in 1 CD High – throughout a tool for combinatorial materials O science edited by Radislav A. Maple. Applied virtual. 11-16 2005 609 208774 Seoul. Potyrailo & Eric J. WIT Press. 2000. McCormac & James K. Bonican and D. Marcel Dekker. Neorons in action computer simulation with neuro O Lab by John W Moore and ann E. Selected color iilustration accompanies O combinational material synthesis. NJ. O 614 208919 Manan Prakashan. O Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Y Y Y Y No Y . Landman & 598 208172 Douglas S. 607 208510 Amis Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Metal matrix composites in industry an introduction & O a survey by Evans Alexander. instrumentation by R. Korea. 615 208929 2005 Computing Frontiers Conference May 4-6. Wadsworth/Brook/Cole Mechanics of composites materials with MATLAB by O 597 208067 Voyiadjijs & Kattan SV 2005 High resolution approaches in stratigraphic O paleontology edited by Peter J Harries vol. Proceedings of XXXI IAHR congress water O engineering for the future choices & challenges edited by Boyng Ho Jun & others Sept. The design of gas turbine engines – thermodynamics O & aerodynamics cycles program CD ASME & IGTI . Inside a wave-space time agency by Ashok Saxena. 601 208429 2005 2 CDs Basic gas turbine engine technology : self directed O 602 208430* study ASME 2005 603. O 610 20 8832 Nesailescu. Act: Express 2001. Dordrecht.208451. San Marchi Christopher & Mortensen Andyeas. Nelson Jr. Jones Kluwer Academic Publishers Evaluation version Mathcad Copyright 11 single user O 599 208208 edition 1986-2004 Mathsoft Engineering & Education Software to accampany structural steel design by O Jack C. Inc. mathematics & MATLAB by Richard L. 600 208209 Pearson Education Inc. C. 2003. Pascal. 611 208852 2003. Burden & J. Stuart Sinauer 613 208876Associates.worksheets in Fortran. 2 nd ed. AIAA 635 636 208657Video and Software Hybrid Format 208950Fundamentals of Robotics.2 nd ed. v3. 4th rev. Fowlkes and Clyde M. Edited by – Sebastian Rahtz & other 629 209873members of TEX group. Mourad O 630 209905Barket . John Wiley and Sons.03 2004. 2nd ed. Cygnus. 626 208832Nesculescu Wit Press 2000 Engineering Methodsfor Robust Product design . Ed by O NO No No No .1. Co 627 208496(1 floppy) TLC2 TEX CD Based on the TEX Live 2003 Demo. Shanmugam Quantitative Feedback Theory : Foundamentals and 625 209829Applications. 4 th ed. Italy. Eugene L. By R. Matrix analysis and applied linear algebra. Fleeman. Ischia.International H 632 204479Cemtre for Diffraction Data(I C D D) 2 CD's Motion-free super-resolution imaging (R)Ph. Addison -Wesely . Giancarlo. Crevelry Addison Wesly Pub. Springer by O Genta. Resource Analysis O and Economics .616 209069 617 209086 618 209110 619 209207 2005. Carl D.AIAA Tractical Missile willam y. 209845 CARAT : Computer Interactive Modela & Database O 622 for the Calculation of Rate Constants. Blackwell Publishing. Dynamics of rotating systems New York. Acting for Animators: a complete guide to O performance animation. Springer631 209922Verlag 204478-PDF-4 / Full file 2004 version3. 2000. by Sathyajith Mathew. Edited by -Sebastian Rahtz 628 209872& other membars of TEX user Group TEX Live 2003. Ed books. O 621 209217 Meyer Siam. Neural and adaptive Systems: an e-book with O Neurosolutions. 2 nd ed. Taylor & francis Applied Virtual Instrumentation. . O 623 209844AIAA Deep Water Processess and facies ImplecationforSand Store Petroleum Reservation. By 624 209578G.Banican & D. 022.D/ O 633 204074Thesis Soft Copy O 634 206121Chemical Workbench. O 620 209215 Hyderabad. 2004. O Y Y Y Y No Y Y Y No Y Y Cygnus: Industry insight nanotechnology. Sigmicro. Addison -Wesely Signal detection and estimation .Artech House Bosten London Wind Energy Foundamentals. MathEcon resources 6. c2000. 2002 Wind Energy fundamentals. 209808Wiley-Vch PCIMEurope 2005 : Power Electronics Intelligent O Motion Power Quality (International Exhibition & 209798Conference) On 07-09 June.By Jos van Alphen. 2006 PCIMEurope 2002 : Power Electronics Intelligent O Motion Power Quality (Offical Proceedings of the 209795International Conferences) On 14-16 May. Duffy 210295-Conceptual Design of Distillation System Distil v4. Alberty O 210349 Stable Isotope Ecology By Brian Fry Yes Yes Yes NO Problem in CD Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Floods. 2004 PCIMEurope 2003 : Power Electronics Intelligent O Motion Power Quality (International Exhibition & 209796Conference) On 20-22 May. 2003 PCIMEurope 2006 : Power Electronics Intelligent O Motion Power Quality (International Exhibition & 209799Conference) On 30 May – 01 June.1 O 210303 By Doherty / Malone Student edition Biochemical Thermodynamics Application of O 210340 Mathematica By Robert A.Application to reservoir Characterization by 661 210506 Mickaele Le ravalec -Dupin Stress.Heinzle and Ingham.J. 2005 PCIMEurope 2004 : Power Electronics Intelligent O Motion Power Quality (International Exhibition & 209797Conference) On 25-27 May. and 662 210624 MATLAB Toolboxes by Bingen Yang Program Leiter for numerical simulation of 663 210632 Transmission line networks by D. from Defence to Management Symposium O Proceedings ed. Solutions. Haravu Inverse Stochastic Modeling of Flow in Porous Media. 656 210371 Marco Taal O 657 210372 SIGMA Performance Indicator's Software O 658 210406 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers 659 210435 Engineering Thermofluids By M.C. Principles and Practice 660 210487 By L. T.Massoud Library Automation – Design. Simulation Examples for Biological Reaction O Engineering by-Dunn. Rusch O O O O O .637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645653 654 655 Manjunath. Prenosil.Eleco van Beek. Strain and Structural Dynamics -An Interactive handbook of Formulas. Resource Analysis and 0 210157Economics By Sathyajith Mathew Finite difference methods in financial engineering By O 210263Daniel J. Neelameggham. Horst 681 211301Haubecker Regression analysis : statistical modelling of a response 682 210728variable by Freund. Emile Knystautas Procedings of the 16th International conference on soil O 211187machnics and geotechnical engineering: vol. Mahmoud M. v. and Engineering 689 211582Thermodynamics By Sandler. T.0 : Statistics for engineers (flophy) O Computational fluide dynamics: principlesw and 210843application – 2 ed. Stanley I. .A. David Successful trouble shooting for process engineers : a 686 211562complete course in caes studies by Woods. 1 by Geary. Biochemical.Halwagi. Dover : 24 special . Eremin.5 Procedings of the 16th International conference on soil O 211183machnics and geotechnical engineering 16th Europian symposium on computer aided process O th engineering and 9 international symposiumon process 211157systems engineering O 211093Physical chemisrty: quantum mechanics O O O O O O O O O O Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 678 211094Physical chemisrty: thermodynamics 679 211095Physical chemisrty: kinetics 680 211096Physical chemisrty: statistical mechanics Computer vision and appilcations by Bernd Jahne. Rudolf J.field method with discrete sources.2. Chemical.effects display fonts (electronic O 210856display fonts for macintosh and windows) O Biomateria artificial organs and tissue 210862engineering.18 Engineering thin films and nanostructures withlon O 211073beams.Vol. Beals New stratergies for European remote sensing .) Magnesium Technology 2006.. [et. O 211007ed. Luo. 685 211509Graphic java 1.O 210957 Neale R. techniques and O 210671applications by Amit Konar O 210667Fandametal Manufacturing Processes: Sampler O 210681Nusolve 1. A. Wriedt. Hench and Julian r. Jones (ed. Donald R. edited by Alan A.theory and programs by 683 211364Doicu. and Randy S.Larry L. Y.. By Martinko Oluic Error-correcting inear codes : algorithms and computation O 211029in mathematics. Pollution prevention through process integration : 684 211552systematic design tools by El.664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 Computational intelligce: principles. al] Light scattering by systems of particles : null. 2003. Blalock MGH 2004 695 BC Microelectronics circuits. By Richard C. Ghoshdastidar OUP 5767-71..O Yes 211632SAE handbook on CD. LeDrew 693 Control systems engineering by Norman S Nice. 5746 697 BC Organic chemistry. 2003. by O 690 . JW 4 O BC copies 5255. edited by Laurie L. 2004 3 copies 5553-4. MGH. 2003. James and O Yes 691 211629Jackson. Jeff Remote Sensing of Aquatic Coastal Ecosystem Process : O Yes science and management applications. Norton O 5621-4 703 BC Heat transfer by P. B5758 701 B 5723.Fluid mechanics . 5608 696 BC Materials Science and engineering “ an introduction By O th 5371-2. Nise. 5/e. Gaonkar. TL 45944603 698 BC Control systems engineering : resource CD-ROM by O 5536. 2nd ed. 5/e by Frankwhite. 2003 705 T4635. B 57325734. M. Penram Intl.. 1 each 702 BC Design of machinery by Robert L. 2004 3 copies 5539-40 699 BC 5552 Microprocessor architecture programming & application O with the 8085 by R. 8th ed. India 700 B5721. 2006 J2EE Architecture Forward by Gosling. 4/e. By Sedar/Smith OUP. JW. by O Hayt/Kemmerly/Durbin Tata MGH.Tables of thermodynamics & transport properties by O 4 Clause Borgnakke & Richard E. Callister 6 ed.4 Elements of chemical reaction engineering 3rd edition. S. JW. Sonntag.BC Norman S. T4639 704 B5762 Engineering circuit analysis 6th edition.. By Solomons & Fryle 2004. JW. 5th ed. William D.52 56-5258 694 TL Microelectronic circuit design. O 5370. 692 211705Richardson and Ellsworth F. O 5360-68 Wiely 26 copies 5458-63 5550. Pub. JaegerO 4581-83 & Travis N. 1 each O 22. 0 . Wiley-India B 5949 Organic Chemistry.ed. Felder. New delhi B 6110 – C++ Program design Third edition By Cohoon/Davidson B 6125 B 6126 Applied Management Science – Modeling. 4/e.Rousseau Computer algebra recipes : An introductory guide to the mathematical models of science / by Richard H. Prentice Hall of india.F.Rousseau National conference on CFD application in power and industry sectors Radar Inteferometry Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Jan. 2 nd Ed.Scott Fofler. New Delhi (1 Floppy) B 6039 Design of Machine Elements.6364638 706 T4656 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 H.Jr. Hamdy a.T. Wiley and Sons c 2004 B5982 T 4669 X Window System Programming 2/e. 3rd ed. 6th ed. 2006. B 6093 Materials Science & Engineering : An Introduction. Barry A. Numerical methods with computer programs in C++ / by Pallab Ghosh Elementary principles of chemical process / by Richard M.Rousseau Elementary principles of chemical process / by Richard M. 7th ed.Wright. Elementary principles of chemical process / by Richard M. Ronald W. M.F. Taha. Scott Fogler. Willam D. Spreadsheet Analysis & Communication for Desicion Making . 9th. Calliser. Pattanaik. By John A.Spotts. eastern Economy edition Smith/Hashemi Foundations of materials Science and Engineering. 2007. George C. Ronald W. Hyderbad) High Dynamic Range Imaging /Reinhard ward.Jr. McGraw Hill.Shoup Pearson Education.McGuire Materials sceince and engineering an introduction / by Wiilam D. Ronald W. Lawrence. Felder.7 th ed. 8th ed. Nabajyoti Barkakati PHI.. Felder. Ronald W. Enns. Delhi B6038 Operation Research :an Introduction .. 715 B6167 716 B6183 717 B6184 718 211873 719 T4915 720 B6199 to B6201 721 B6185 722 B6186 723 211962 724 212099 725 212879 726 212929 .Created by Darrell -– J.6-12.Woodman.Rousseau Elementary principles of chemical process / by Richard M. Pasternack 211805 Environmental science / by Richard T. Callister. Felder. Elements of chemical reaction engineering / by H.Version 2. PHI. Boylestad and Louis. Solomon Java server programming for professionals/ Ivan Bayross Calculas: early transcendentals/ James Stewart Fundamentals of robotics/ / Keuin J. MATLAB guide to finite elements : an interactive . Scott Fogler. Nashelsky. / U. Business dynamics: systems thinking and modeling for complex world.727 212941 728 212996-97 729 213150 730 213151 731 213173 732 213243-46 733 213363 734 213383 735 213404 736 213423 737 213472 738 213493 739 213495 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 740 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 B6246-47 213608 213609 213726-730 213739 213849 213628 B6246-47 213876 213891 213907 213944 213947 214048 214087 214107 Blackwell companion to syntax / ed by Martin Everest.Manjunath Animal angels : animal for human wellness Food sovereignty and uncultivated biodiversity in South Asia : essays on the poverty of food policy and the wealth of the social landscape /Farhad Mazhar Managing traffic performance in converged networks Ultra fast optics V/ Shuntaro Watanabe Hemodialysis technology / Claudio Ronco Membranes and filter for hemodialysis database 2004/ C. Duggan. An interactive multimedia introduction to signal processing.] Pi-unleashed / Jorg Haenel Arndt Essenital echocardiology/ Scott D. Creating mixed model value streams. Scott Fogler. / Kumar Navulur.Ronco Elements of chemical reaction engineering / H. / Vishu Shah. Multispectra image analysis using the object oriented paradigm. / Michael F. Quantum computing. Sterman. Karrenberg. / John D. Henk Van & Riemisdijk International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology edited by Wiliam HK Lee [ed. / Ron Brinkmann. Value stream management for the lean office. The art and science of digital compositing. / Robert L. Folding patterns for display and publicity. Doherty Electronic devices and circuit theory. Handbook of plastics testing and failure analysis.C. / Vishal Sahni Computer design of distillation systems. / Farzad Naeim. / Don Tapping. (TERI) Teri Energy Data Directory and year book 2005-2006(R) Elements of chemical reaction engineering / H. Design of seismic isolated structures : from theory to practice. Character animation in 3D: use traditional drawing techniques to produce stunning CGI animation. / U. An interactive multimedia introduction to signal processing. / Said Elnashaie. Kattan. Folding patterns for display and publicity. The art and science of digital compositing. Numarical techniques for chemical and biological engineers using MATLAB : simple bifurcation approach. Digital VLSI systems design : a design manual for implementation of project on FPGAs and ASICs using verilog. Embedded core design with FPGAs. / Kevin Kim. Sterman. / John D. Multispectra image analysis using the object oriented paradigm. Kattan. Introduction to the mathematics of operations research with mathematica. Springer handbook of nanotechnology. image analysis and hardness testing. / Bharat Bhushan. Metallographic and materialographic specimen preparation. / Farzad Naeim. Norton anthology of English literature® Design of seismic isolated structures : from theory to practice. / Steve . light microscopy. Earthquake geotechnical engineering: 4th International conference on earthquake geotechnical engineering. Norton anthology of English literature® Imaging spectrometry : basic principles and prospective applications. Karrenberg. / Zainalabedin Navabi Doing postgraduate research. / Ron Brinkmann. Business dynamics: systems thinking and modeling for complex world.755 756 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 214125 212746-47 213876 213891 213907 213944 213947 214048 214087 214107 214125 212746-47 214307 214431 214450 214469 214548 214552 214554 214488 214492 214496 214499 214537 approach by Peter I. / Robert Caverly. Ramachandran. Univariate and multivariate general linear models : theory and applications with SAS. / Kevin J. / Kumar Navulur. Numarical techniques for chemical and biological engineers using MATLAB : simple bifurcation approach. Handbook of plastics testing and failure analysis. / Kay Geels and others. / S.invited lectures. / Vishu Shah. Explosives by Rudolf Meyer. 2006. / Said Elnashaie. Greece. Hastings. MATLAB guide to finite elements : an interactive approach by Peter I. thessaloniki. CMOS REIC design principles. 769 770 771 772 773 774 214540 214578 214655 214735 214842 214672 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 215001 215010 215069 B6283 215074 215148 215289-94 215328 215555 215556 215560 215562 215568 215591 215735 Roberts. Chemical engineering dynamics: an introduction to modeling and computer simulation. Dynamic writing : how to make words work for you. / Nick Souter. Turns.] Real – time embedded multithreading: using ThreadX and ARM. Klima. Supply chain excellence: a handbook for dramatic improvement using SCOR model. Porto. / Richard Kegler (ed. Lamie. / Richard Kegler (ed. / Peter Bolstorff. / David M. Application of abstract algebra with maple and matlab. Breakthrough thinking : using creativity of solve problems. Thermal fluid sciences: an integrated approach. / Richard E. Magnesium technology: proceedings of the symposium: TMS 2007 annual meeting and exhibition. Orlando. Springer handbook of material measurement methods® / Horst Czichos. / Andy Kirkpatrick.). Basic game design and creation for fun and learning. / David Levis Yewdall. / James Stewart. . Digital texturing and painting by Owen Demers. Designer’s toolkit : 500 grids and style sheets. / Graham Davis. 2007. Himmelblau. / John Ingham…[et al. 2007. Design analysis of beams.). (ed. / Edward L. Florida. Calculus: early transcendentals. Florida feb 25 -march1.) Basic principles and calculations in chemical engineering. / Nanu Swamy. Indie fonts: a compendium of digital type from independent foundries. World Englishes : implications for international communication and English language teaching. / Edmund S. / Nick Souter. 25 – Mar. Melerski. 1. circular plates and cylindrical tanks on elastic foundation : with IBM compatible software. / Stephen R. Portugal 6-11-2005. Feb. Practical art art of motion picture sound. Indie fonts 2 : a compendium of digital type from independent foundries. Light metals: proceedings Orlando. Global development in environmental earth observation from space: proceedings of 25th symposium of the European association of remote sensing laboratories. / Amit Konar. Drawing and perceiving : real-world drawing for students of architecture and design. Prahlad.](ed. K. Introduction to probability and statistics for engineers and scientist. Callister. 2006. Learning design with alias studio tools : a hands-on guide to modeling and visualization in 3D. Global positioning systems. / William D.) Dreamweaver CS3 bible (R) / Joseph Lowery. / C. International conference on new developments in long and forged products : metallurgy and applications. / Erik Thomsen. / Susan Soloman…[et al. Packaging and design templates sourcebook. / Charles L. Fortune at the bottom of the pyramid. Fogler. inertial navigation and integration. / Felix Librero(ed.790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 215736 215729 215739 215756 B6310-11 215773 215793 215882 215890 B6327 B6199-6201 B6246-47 215946 T4733 T4735 216050 216091 216083 216212 216232 216271 216313 216410 216591 Sound of film and television. Materials science and engineering : an introduction. Himmelblau. Mader. Colorado.](ed. Climate change 2007 : the physical science basis / intergovernmental panel on climate change. / Tropea Yarin. / Scott H. / Mohinder S. Elements of chemical reaction engineering. / Martin Parry…[et al. June 4-7. Training design manual: the complete practical guide to creating effective and successful training programs. / Fridolin T. Climate change 2007 : impacts adaptation and vulnerability. . / William D. Callister. Digital review of Asia pacific 2007-08. / David M. winter park. / Tomlinson Holman Basic principles and calculations in chemical engineering. Human factors methods for improving performance in the process industries centre for chemical process safety Artificial intelligence and soft computing : behavioral and cognitive modeling of the human brain. Elementary principles of chemical process. / Douglas Cooper. Grewal. / Tony Bray. Felder. / Richard M.) Numerical modeling of water waves. / Sheldon M.) Callister’s materials science and engineering: an introduction. Springer handbook of experimental fluid mechanics. OLAP solution: building multidimensional information and systems. Ross. Beisert. Trauth. Microelectronic circuits. / Marshall Brain. frameworks and patterns. Deshmukh and Vikram M. / Michael Beck. / Robert Plonsey. Programming the Microsoft windows driver model(R). Operations research : an introduction. / Elmar Heilzle. Doing hard time: developing real-time systems with UML. / Thomas L. 17-20 August 2008. 8051 microcontroller. 2007. Win32 system services: the heart of windows95 and windows NT. MATLAB receipes for earth sciences. Lemke. July1-6. Sedra. Climate resilient cities : a primer on reducing vulnerabilities to climate change impacts and strengthening disaster risk management in East Asian cities / World Bank Review of organic groups: introduction to medicinal organic chemistry. / James M. 2008 IEEE international conference on global software engineering/ Bangalore. . Introduction to probability and statistics for engineers and scientists. / Adel S. / Wanda Dann. / Kenneth Ayala. Ross Brand management checklist: proven tools and techniques for creating wining brands. Lemke. / Ajay V. Bioelectricity: a quantitative approach. / Brad Van Auken. LINUX kernel internals. / Daniel Dzurisin. / Mark Ladd Learning to program with Alice. Machines of materials. Italy. Volcano deformation: geodetic monitoring techniques. / Sheldon M.813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 216590 216627 216628 216671 216748 216772 216774 216851-52 216901-02 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 B6324 217074 217112 217344 217354 217344 B6354 B6357 T4753 B6390-92 B6410 217873 217863 217895-96 217916 217803 Adobe indesign CS3 one-on-one. / Walter Oney. Taha Microelectronic circuits. / Deke McClelland. Profiles of institutions for scientific exchange and training in south: academy of sciences for the developing world 2007. / Powel Bruce Douglass. Sedra. International association of hydraulic engineering and research: harmonizing the demands of art and nature in hydraulics: 32nd congress of IAHR: abstracts. Gere. / Adel S. Review of organic functional groups: introduction to medicinal organic chemistry. / Hamdy A. / Thomas L. objects. Functional magnetic resonance imaging : novel transform methods. India. Venice. / Martin H. Gadre Structure determination X-ray crystallography. Development of sustainable bioprocess: modeling and assessment. ventilating and air conditioning applications. / A. / Wolfgang Wagner. / N. / Alexandre Reikher. ASHRAE handbook 2008: heating. / Shunlin Liang (ed. Data preparation for data mining using SAS. / Mamdouh Refaat. / Donald L.) Microprocessor architecture. Pattern recognition: techniques and applications. / Ramesh S. / Carl Trindle.] IAPWS – IF97 electronic steam tables. / U. Materials science and engineering: an introduction. analytical methods.). / Sasho Kalajdzievski.) Fundamentals of thermophotovoltaic energy conversion.) Math and art : an introduction to visual mathematics. Desigh of steel structures. Gaonkar. Electronic circuits: handbook for design and applications. Razak.] Open channel flow. Tietze. / William D. / ASHRAE. Hamblen. / Deniel Malacara(ed. Y. Casting: an analytical approach. / Weldon Lodwick (ed. Advances in land remote sensing : system. Rapid prototyping of digital systems : SOPC edition. algorithms and applications. / ASHRAE ASHRAE handbook 2007 : heating. / ASHRAE. Embedded hardware. programming and applications with the 8085. Hanif Chaudhry. Springer handbook of speech processing® / Jacob Benesty(ed. / Jack Ganssle…[et al. Fuzzy surfaces in GIS and geographical analysis : theory. adaptation and vulnerability. Subramanian Climate change 2007 : impacts. ventilating and airconditioning systems and equipment. / K. inversion and application.) Electronic structure modeling: connections between theory and software. Geotechnical engineering in urban environments: less problems geotechniques en milieu urbain: proceedings of . / Rajjan Shinghal. Chubb. M. Optical shop testing.838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 217935 B6398-6400 218048 218050 218065 218060 218296 218097 218358 218306 218593 218640 218604 218600 218857 218882 219002 219029 219015 219256 219394 219594 219595 219596 219611 Sustainable energy technologies: options and prospects. / Martin Parry…[et al. ASHRAE handbook : refrigeration 2006. / M. modeling. Hanjalic & others (ed. Callister. Industrial gas turbines: performance and operability. / James O. / James M. Principles of biostatistics. / Richard B. / David A. / Dhananjay V. / Cecie Starr. / Charlotte W. Jacoby and P. / Anders Lijas…[et al. / Rick Bitter. Pioro and R. India core who’s who in power industry(R). Calculus. Luyben. Switch-mode power supplies : spice simulation and practical designs. / Igor L. Programming and customizing the AVR microcontroller. Microprocessor architecture programming and application with the 8085 by Ramesh S. Spain. Principles of chemical engineering processes. Speech enhancement: theory and practice. / Marcello Pagano. Molecular biology of the cell : the problem book. / Cristophe P. Lakowicz. Principles of fluorescence spectroscopy. B. / James M. Quick finite elements methods for electromagnetic waves. / Ralph L. 2007. / William L. East. Gaonkar. Gere. L. / Nayef Ghasem. / Wayne . Gravity interpretation. Duffey. Loizou. / John Wilson. Gere. Operations management for competitive advantage. Plantwide dynamic simulations in chemical processing and control. Principles of enhanced heat transfer. / Philipos C. LabVIEW : advanced programming techniques. 24-27 sept.863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 219419 219460 219761 T4768 T4769-71 B6451-60 B6461-70 B6481-90 B6510-14 220647 220964 221050 221052 221055 221100 221142 221146 221150 221174 221195-98 221239 221278 221308-09 221359 221416 221418 221452 221492 the 14th European conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering.] Operations research : applications and algorithms. / W. Pratt. Machines of materials. Essential biochemistry. Heat transfer hydraulic resistance at supercritical pressures in power engineering applications. / James stewart. / Joseph R. Textbook of structural biology. Patterson. Smilde. Microwave system design tools and EW applications. / Guiseppe Pelosi. Basso. Gadre. / James Stewart. Calculus. Madrid. Digital review of Asia Pacific 2007-2008. / Centre for Wind Energy Technology. Chase…[et al.] Biology : concept and applications. / Peter W. Webb. Wind energy resource survey in India 2005. Mechanics of materials. Computer organization and design. Veysel Winding : machines. the atlasfunction calculator by Keith aldham. Lev S. Atefz and Demir. Frederick W. AHDL modular design and synthesis of cores and systems. William J and Chen. ASM international and the TMS high temperature Granular patterns by Aranson.891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 221701 221704-07 221711 221762 221830 222035 222096 222123 222167 222215 222218 222271 222291 222292 222309 222327 222394 L. Computer organization and design : the hardware/software interface. Artem Quick finite elements for electromagnetic waves by Pelosi. Roger Superalloys : proceedings of the 11th international symposium on super alloys. Dynamics of energy by Perez-Blanco. Hennessy Differential geometry : applied to dynamical systems by Ginox. / John L. 2006. Digital control. Nick and Khalatov. Advanced combustion and aerothermal technologies : environmental protection and pollution reductions by Syred. Nov. Winston. Milind Ore textures : recognition and interpretation by Talylor. 27-30. Jan Myland and Jerome Spainer Computer organization and design : the hardware/ software interface by David A. Horacia JIT implementation manual : the complete guide to just in time manufacturing by Hirano. / Zainalabedin Navabi. Igors and Tsimring. Roberto Coccioli and Stefano Selleri Finite-diffrence time-domain method for electromagnatics with MATLAB simulations by Elsherheni. Patterson and John L. Multi-objective optimization : techniques and applications in chemical engineering. Giuseppe. James K and R David Neural networks in atmospheric remote sensing by Blackwell. Moudgalya. Jeanmarc Designing a game based on the Indian political system by Kaduskar. 908 909 222432 222454 . / Kannan M. Hiroyuki Atlas of functions : with equator. Advances in turbomachinery aero-thermo-mechanical design analysis. Hennessy. mechanics and measurements by Good.   APLAS Seoul. Lieberman.Hillier..  Hillier. geosites and  geoscientific education of each country / Thomas  Schluter.Hillier.) Digital processing of synthetic aperture radar data :  algorithms and implementation /Lan Cumming.8th  ed.  (R) . Thierry Marques. Yanniotis Satellite orbits : models. Frank  Wong.Hillier.  K./ Gerald J. Brian. Jessica 923 924 925 926 927 223838 223896 224074 224076 224078 . /  Gerald J.8th  ed.L. Lieberman.W.S. Michelle Introduction to operations research : concepts and cases . (Ed. Frederick S. Harinder.Fetter  Diagrams : innovative solutions for graphic designers/Knight.  Introduction to operations research : concepts and cases . Jimmie Attracta Browne. Practical guide to computer simulations.  Introduction to operations research : concepts and cases ./ AlexandeHartmann.8th  ed. M. Oliver.  Introduction to operations research : concepts and cases . Frederick S. methods and applications/ Gill  Montenbruck. Frederick S.   Solving problems in food engineering/ Stavros.  Programming languages and systems : 7th Asian symposium.   Hillier.8th  ed./   Gerald J.  Gerald J. 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Algebra of organic synthesis : green metrics. 3rd ed Data clustering in C++ Integrated molecular evolution Survey of computational physics : introductory computational  science Detail in contemporary glass architecture Paper craft 2 : design and art with paper Grids : creative solutions for graphic designers . 2nd ed Photoshop 3D for animators Shape of algebra in the mirrors of mathematics : a visual. ed Finite element method with applications in engineering Handbook on material and energy balance calculations in  materials processing . mathematica.  computer­aided exploration of elementary algebra and beyond Sound and communication : an aesthetic cultural history of  Sanskrit Hinduism First course in scientific computing : symbolic. design strategy. 6th ed 1033 229523 1034 229621­630 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 B6801 229706 229722 229767 229899 229849 229920 230053 230127 230130 230151 230152 230200 230233 230258 230307 230351­2 . and fortran90 NIST Handbook of mathematical functions Financial management : text. and optimization Introduction to probability and statistics for engineers and  scientists  Callister's materials science and engineering Optimization concepts and applications in engineering . java. graphic. 2nd ed Refrigeration and air conditioning technology . 6th intl.  route selection. problems and cases .
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