Bon Iver and Birdy- Skinny Love

June 14, 2018 | Author: kc7487 | Category: N/A



Skinny LoveWords & Music bY Justin Vernon J=76 cfm A il# TTFFEI ffii ffi* Con pedale E ooo ffi |ffi love,- just last A fttffl Xg*o |ffi Pouralit-tlesalt,-wewerenev-srhere'- O Copryright 2008 April Base Publishing USA' ChrYsalis Music Limited. All Rights Reserved. Intcrnalional Copyright Secured' _ my my my_ my . and I told You to- be .my my the mo' my my'___ m ffi* IEIIE l-fifi told You to- and I told you to- be fine'- B/Ds E ffi i## ffi ffi told you to- Cfim B/D# #E ffi be bal anced.E A m' H1+ t-1-ffi my ffi Right.. frent kind'who the hell.. Come bc Cfm ryD# hold - I'll 'Cause now I'm H{*# ffil on skin-ny love.pened here?- A [9-.what hap .. 'Cause k ffi* l.Ft-.You.1 E[ûrn t-.m tu ffi* ffi but it will be a dif .was I?_* then be with.e/Df Cf.1'.is wast . morn-ing I'll* all yow love.1.m To Coda * B/D# Hffi FFTTf.Û ing all- break-ing at- the tick the brit etsches- be own' ing alland at the ends of all- and you'll the fines'your lines'- A Cf. x9---9 ffi* 3.FFt .ed. * my my c$rn ffi* so $ cota E ooo ffi ElrI] slow my.s/Dfi tu F+{+fi A C#m TH fïftîl ffi* I-H+H My.the sPlit'- c#r" ffi* E ooo ffi |."l.- .my my.-l.m my.- my my my. my.-mY mY my my mY-mY mY'- riL cfm ffiffi* A T+-.t? FF++H ffi My.u Ft++H mY.m A ffi*ffi my cfm ffi.- ooo fui ffiffi t-tj-ffi H+l-fl my'- E A mY mY mY.g-o tffi ffil A c#m T+'.- myo- My- A cfm ffiffi* Xg-o my my my.rî FFT?F uæt 'ffiii EEr A .a tempo e/D$ A Cfm ffi* Hd# Ft-fffi BID$ ffiffi* B/Dt rfffi tEluJ cf.
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