Bolile reumatice

May 28, 2018 | Author: Ciorici Stefan | Category: Clinical Medicine, Wellness, Health Sciences, Anatomy, Medicine



Tema: BOLILE REUMATICE. VALVULOPATIILE CARDIACE I. PIESE MICROSCOPICE 59. Endo-miocardită reumatică productivă granulomatoasă (coloraţie H-E) Indicaţii: 1) granuloame reumatice Aschoff în endocardul parietal 2) necroză fibrinoidă în centrul granulomului 3) macrofage la periferia granulomului 4) miocardul adiacent cu modificări distrofice 127. Tromboendocardită parietală (coloraţie H-E) Indicaţii: 1) mase trombotice pe suprafaţa endocardului parietal 2) endocardul parietal cu infiltraţie inflamatorie cronică 3) miocardul adiacent cu modificări distrofice 125. Periarterită nodoasă (coloraţie H-E) Indicaţii: 1) peretele arterial îngroşat 2) infiltraţia limfo-macrofagală difuză localizată preponderent în adventiţie 3) lumenul stenozat al arterei II. MACROPREPARATE 16. Endocardită valvulară verucoasă recurentă 6. Valvulopatie mitrală reumatică 11. Pericardită fibrinoasă 12. Cardioscleroză difuză 18. Tromboendocardită parietală 8. Tromb sferic în atriul stâng 7. Viciu cardiac congenital (defect al septului interventricular) III. ELECTRONOGRAME 18. Intumescenţa mucoidă şi fibrinoidă a ţesutului conjunctiv 19. Glomerulonefrită lupică Диффузный миокардитический кардиосклероз 18.Тема: РЕВМАТИЧЕСКИЕ БОЛЕЗНИ. Пристеночный тромбоэндокардит (окраска Г-Э) Обозначения: 1) Тромботические массы на поверхности эндокарда 2) Пристеночный эндокард с воспалительной инфильтрацией 3) Миокард с дистрофическими изменениями № 125. Пристеночный тромбоэндокардит 8. Крупные макрофаги на периферии гранулёмы. Шаровидный тромб в левом предсердии 7. локализованная преимущественно в наружной оболочке сосуда 3) Суженный просвет сосуда М А К Р О П Р Е П А Р А Т Ы: 16. 4. ПОРОКИ СЕРДЦА М И К Р О П Р Е П А Р А Т Ы: № 59. № 127. Мукоидное и фибриноидное набухание соединительной ткани при ревматизме 19. Обозначения: 1. Узелковый периартериит (окраска Г-Э) 1) Диффузное утолщение стенки артерии 2) Лимфо-плазмоцитарная инфильтрация. Врожденный порок сердца (дефект межжелудочковой перегородки) Электроннограммы 18. Фибринозный перикардит 12. 2. Волчаночный гломерулонефрит . Возвратно-бородавчатый клапанный эндокардит 6. Ревматический порок митрального клапана 11. Прилежащий миокард с дистрофическими изменениями. Фибриноидный некроз в центре гранулемы 3. Ревматический гранулематозный эндо-миокардит (окраска Г-Э). Ревматические гранулёмы Ашоффа в пристеночном эндокарде (в строме миокарда).  127. Some deposits can have an organization in “fingerprint”. Granulomatous inflammation of the inner half of the media centered on the internal elastic membrane.  . Left atrium round thrombus. and thrombotic masses. Thromboendocarditis (H.DEGENERATIVE SYSTEMIC CONNECTIVE TISSUE PATHOLOGY Microspecimens  59.E. In the cytoplasm of glomerular endothelial cells tubuloreticular inclusions can be seen. This process can lead to fibrinoid necrosis. 19. similar to the changes seen in other glomerulopathies with nephrotic syndrome. . Fragmentation of the internal elastic lamina. Glomerulonephritis in SLE. and central necrosis. Diffuse cardiosclerosis. Periarteritis nodosa (H. It has a circumscribed collection of mononuclear inflammatory cells.Accumulation of glycosaminoglycans among collagen fibres with their subsequent swelling. • Nodular thickenings with reduction of the lumen. are more evident.E. Fibrinoid intumescence of the connective tissue.). Collagen fibers retain their normal structure and transverse strip (mucoid edema. with waved aspect and intersections. including some large histiocytes with prominent nucleoli and a prominent binuclear histiocyte. regularly curved and spaced deposits. there are seen like parallel.E. it is believed that they are an effect of the interferon. In podocytes we can see effacement of podocyte foot processes. Thrombosis. Macrospecimens       Rheumatic mitral malformation.). • valvulitis. mixomatosis). inflammatory infiltration and edema in the stroma of the valves with superimposed presence of rheumatic vegetations. interfibrilare spaces are considerably wider. With this technique some small subendothelial deposits. but they are extensive and predominant only in class V lesions. and they can also be seen in HIV and renal allograft rejection. . they are not specific of lupus nephritis. Rheumatic granulomatous endocarditis (H.  Electronomicrography  18. • Microscopic appearance of Aschoff body. Fibrinous pericarditis. in classes II and V. Electron dense deposits are demonstrated with a distribution similar to the one of the immune deposits. some subepithelial deposits are evidenced in many cases.). Nonbacterial verrucous endocarditis Thromboendocarditis.  125. these structures are similar to the described ones in cryoglobulinemia and seem to correspond to cryoglobulins.Irreversible disarrangement of connective tissue characterized by destruction of the fundamental substance and collagen fibers and fibrinoid formation.
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