March 26, 2018 | Author: Andrew Merrill | Category: Coke (Fuel), Industries, Chemistry, Engineering, Science



MANUALON BOKARO STEEL PLANT BOKARO STEEL PLANT AT A GLANCE As the fourth integrated steel plant in the Public Sector conceived in 1959, Bokaro Steel Plant actually started taking shape in 1965 in collaboration with the Soviet Union. The collaboration agreement was signed on 25th January 1965.The design of the plant was envisaged with a capacity of 1.7 million tonnes (MT) per annum in stage-I and 4 MT per annum in stage-II, with provision for further expansion. The construction work started on 6th April 1968. Bokaro Steel Plant was originally incorporatedas a limited company on 29th January 1964.With the formation of the Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)on 24 January 1973, it became a wholly owned subsidiary of SAIL and on 1st May 1978 it was eventually merged with SAIL through the Public Sector Iron & Steel Companies (Restructuring & Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1978. The Plant is hailed as the country’s first Swadeshi steel plant,built with maximum indigenous content in terms of equipment,material and know-how. Its first phase of 1.7 MT ingot steel commenced on 2nd October 1972 with the commissioning of the first Blast Furnace and completed on 26th February 1978 with the commissioning of the third Blast Furnace. All the envisaged units of 4 MT stage have already been commissioned.The Plant is designed to produce flat products like Hot Rolled Coils, Hot Rolled Plates, Hot Rolled Sheets, Cold Rolled Coils, Cold Rolled Sheets, Tin Mill Black Plates (TMBP)and Galvanised Plain and Corrugated (GP/GC) Sheets. Bokaro has provided a strong raw material base for a variety of modern engineering industries including automobile, pipe and tube, LPG cylinder,barrel and drum producing industries.To keep pace with the latest trends in steel making,the first phase of modernisation was sanctioned on 23rd July 1993.As the benefits of the modernisation have been reaped,Bokaro Steel is continuously upgrading its various production facilities to bring improvements in productivity and quality. THE TOWNSHIP Bokaro Steel City is located in idyllic surroundings on the southern bank of river Damodar with Garga, one of its tributaries, meandering along the southern and eastern outskirts of the city. On the north, the city is flanked by the high ranges of the Parasnath Hills and on the south; just beyond the river Garga, it is enveloped by the Satanpur Hillocks. The vast rolling topography of the city is 2 of 26 interspersed by graded valleys and winding rivulets typical of the Chhotanagpur Plateau. Within two decades of Bokaro Steel coming into existence, the city has blossomed into a regional urban centre of over 8 lakh people from different parts of the country, making the city a Mini Bharat. Bokaro is located on the Gomoh-Chandrapura-Muri railway line. Direct train services to all the four metros are available from Bokaro. It is located centrally between the triangle of the other three major cities of Jharkhand - Ranchi, Jamshedpur and Dhanbad - all of which are well connected by road and railway. BASIC INFORMATION  Location : Southern bank of Damodar River; approx. 50 kms from Dhanbad and 140 kms each from Ranchi and Jamshedpur  Latitude : 23 0 39'  Longitude : 86 0 09'  Altitude : 210 metres (average) varying from 195 to 224 metres  Climate : Extreme  Annual Rainfall : Average 157 cms; Maximum 195 cms  Temperature : Maximum 48½ 0 Celsius : Min. 2½ 0 Celsius  Wind direction : South-West to North-East  Type of Soil : Loamy up to 1 to 2 metres, sandy soil below that  Total land area : 33,045.35 acres  Plant, Slag-dump, Cooling Ponds, Ancillaries, Marshalling Yard : 17,208.01 acres  Township (including Airstrip) : 10,114.53 acres  Garga Reservoir : 3,886.87 acres  Railways : 1,835.94 acres HOUSING  Permanent houses/hostels : 37,472  Total houses leased out : 4,773 The general plan of Bokaro Steel City covering approximately 10,114 acres provides for about 37,000 residential units. The city has a number of company- run and public schools dispersed in various sectors on the concept of primary and secondary school districts. Of the 42 schools run by Bokaro Steel, 21 are affiliated to the CBSE Board and 21 to Jharkhand State Secondary Education Board. In these BSL educational institutions, there are around 1200 teachers and 31,000 students. MEDICAL FACILITIES The township has a modern 910-bed Bokaro General Hospital with specialised units like Critical Care Unit, Intensive Coronary Care Unit, Haemodialysis Unit, Nuclear Medicine Laboratory, Intensive Burns Unit, Special Care Baby Unit, 3 of 26 Psychiatry Unit, Physiotherapy Unit, Rehabilitation Unit, Cancer Therapy Unit, CT Scan and other sophisticated facilities. An ultramodern Operation Theatre complex, state-of-the-art Neurosurgery Intensive Care Unit and Eye Operation Theatre with facilities for IOL implantation and Vitreo-Retinal Surgery have been added recently. The Child Care Unit of BGH has been recognised as a Baby Friendly Hospital by UNICEF. The Blood Bank of BGH has been given the status of Regional Training Centre by Government of India. It is the only blood bank in the state of Jharkhand, which has been recognised to impart training to blood bank officers and technicians in Jharkhand.  Beds in Bokaro General Hospital - 910  Sector Health Centres - 10  Primary Health Centres in Peripheral areas - 0 4  Occupational Health Services Centre - 0 1 To take care of the employees working in the plant, an Occupational Health Services Centre with modern facilities has been provided within the plant premises. Bokaro General Hospital is recognised by the Indian Medical Council for imparting training to Housemen and Interns and also by the Nursing Council of India for training of Student Nurses. Bokaro General Hospital has the distinction of being the only one in Jharkhand being recognised by the National Board of Examinations, New Delhi as a centre for imparting post-graduate training to candidates appearing for the Diplomat of National Board examinations. The medical team boasts of around 200 skilled doctors and over 1000 paramedic staff. Enriching Life Bokaro Ispat Pustakalaya with a collection of over 40,000 books in various subjects and languages meets the reading requirements of the people in the township. In addition, 6 libraries are functioning in various sector community centres. Bokaro boasts of a well-maintained City Park. The park has an man-made lake with three artificial islands, boating facilities and a lake-view restaurant. Among other attractions of the city is a Biological Park named after Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. The park has a variety of animals, birds and aquatic creatures. Small parks dot the entire city, adding green cover and recreational space for people. Bokaro runs a number of welfare schemes, offering various benefits to its employees. Prominent among them are Family Benefit Scheme, Group Insurance Scheme and Cooperative Credit Societies. In close collaboration with 4 of 26 Bokaro Industrial Area Development Authority (BIADA), Bokaro Steel has been encouraging small scale industries since 1970-71. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES Number of Schools & Colleges Classification BSL GOVT. PRIVATE Total Middle School (Hindi Medium) 10 --- 08 18 High Schools  Jharkhand Board 03 01 04 08  CBSE Board 16 --- 03 19 Higher Secondary School (+2 Schools)  Jharkhand Inter Council 08 -- -- 08  CBSE 05 -- 10 15  ICSE -- -- 01 01 Colleges  Degree college -- 01 03 04  Technical College (Dental) -- -- 01 01  Technical Institute (Engineering) -- -- 01 01  Women's Polytechnic -- 01 -- 01  ITI -- 01 -- 01 Some salient features  No tuition fee charged in Jharkhand Board schools; nominal fee in CBSE schools.  School uniform allowance paid to wards of eligible employees.  72 yearly scholarships for meritorious children of BSL employees for higher studies.  Bokaro Steel has adopted children belonging to primitive Birhor tribe, providing them with free boarding, lodging, dresses and education. UTILITIES & SERVICES Water supply - Garga Dam & Tenughat Dam Power Supply DVC- Chandrapura - 200 MVA (contract) Bokaro Power Supply Co. Ltd. - 1 x 12 MW (back pressure) 2 x 55 MW 3 x 60 MW Total Road length - 392 Kms. 5 of 26 BOKARO STEEL PLANT (MAJOR DEPARTMENTS) Commissioning dates and Capacity of Major Units Unit Date of Commissionin g Number Capacit y (MT) Product Agreement with USSR 25 Jan, 1965 Coke Ovens Sep'72 – Dec'85 8 Batteries of 69 Ovens 3.48 BF Coke Sinter Plant Sep'72 – Dec'82 3 Machines of 252 m2 area 6.20 Skip sinter Blast Furnaces Oct'72 - Jun'85 5 furnaces of 2000 m3 volume 4.585 Hot Metal Steel Melting Shop I Jan'74 – Dec'78 5 LD converters of 130 T 2.20 Ingot Steel Steel Melting Shop II Jun'83 - Jan'85 2 LD Converters of 300 T 2.25 Liquid Steel Continuous Casting Sep'97 - Mar'98 2 Double Strand casting m/c 2.16 Cast Slab Slabbing Mill Dec'74 8X4 Soaking pits of 160 T & one 1250 mm universal Slabbing Mill 1.90 Rolled slab Hot Strip Mill Dec'75 4 reheating Furnaces, 5 roughing & 7 finishing stands 3.36 HR Coil Hot Rolled Coil Finishing Jan'76 2 Shearing line 1.1 HR Plate/Sheet Cold Rolling Mill 1 Jun'77 Pickling Lines, Tandem Mills Saleable CR Cold Rolling Mill 2 Sep'91 Annealing Lines, Skin Pass Mills- 2, Temper/DCR Mill-1, Shearing lines-5, Slitting lines-3 & Hot Dip Galvanising Complex -1 1.66 Product CR coils/Slit coil/ sheet, slit coil, Black Plate, GP&GC .. 6 of 26 BPP Coke Oven Batteries Sintering Plant BF 1 BF 2 BF 3 BF 4 BF 5 Blast Furnace 300 t Con - 1 300 t Con - 2 Steel Melting Shop - 2 Steel Melting Shop - 1 100 t Con - 1 100 t Con - 2 100 t Con - 3 100 t Con - 4 100 t Con - 5 TandemMill - 1 Tandem Mill - 2 Hot Strip Mill Soaking Pit Slabbing Mill Skin Pass Mill 1 & 2 Hot Dip Galvanizing Line Galvanized Sheet Shearing Line Galvanized Sheet Corrugation Line HR Coil HR Plate/Sheet CR Coil CR Sheet GP Coil Corrugated Sheet Iron Ore Fluxes Coal Process Flow Of Bokaro Steel Plant R M & M H P Continuous Casting Department Reheating Furnace Pig Casting Machine H R C F BF Coke Coke Breeze Pickling Line - 2 Pickling Line - 1 Annealing 1&2 DCR Mill CRCF CCAL ECL ANN 3 Plain Sheet Coal Chemicals Raw Materials & Material Handling Plant The Raw Materials and Material Handling Plant of Bokaro is responsible for receipt, blending, storage, screening and supply of raw materials to Blast Furnaces, Sinter Plant and Lime Dolomite Shop as per their requirements. The shop also maintains a buffer stock of raw materials to take care of any interruption in supplies. Raw materials are handled by four wagon tipplers, stackers and reclaimers, and transported through a network of conveyor belts. Basic functions:  Receive different raw materials from various mines through wagons and their unloading & stacking with the help of tipplers & stackers  Blend raw material by making layers in beds & cross section-wise cutting beds by re-claimer  Keep buffer stock to take care of irregularities and supply raw materials to different Units as per their requirements Basic facilities:  4 Rotary Wagon Tipplers - 20 Wagons/Hr each  7 Twin boom Stackers - 1200 T/Hr each  5 Barrel Type Reclaimers - 1000 T/Hr each  1 Bucket Wheel Type Reclaimer - 500 T/Hr  2 Transfer Cars, 10 Shuttle Conveyors, 11 Cranes, 8 Telphers SOURCES OF RAW MATERIAL Material No. of Beds (240 M) Stock (N0, of Days) Source Iron Ore Lump 4 24 Kiriburu, Meghataburu, Bolani, Barsua Iron Ore Fines 6 16 Kiriburu, Meghataburu, Bolani, Gua Lime Stone BF Grade 4 13 Bhawanathpur, Khanabanjari, Purnapani Lime Stone SMS Grade 2 ½ 21 Kuteshwar, Jaisalmer, Nanwara Dolomite Lump 1 16 Bhawanathpur, Birmitrapur, Tulsidamar, Sonakhand Dolomite Chips 50 Bhutan, Salwari Manganese Ore ½ Barbil, Banspani Imported Coal Autralia, NewZealand Prime Coking Coal 46 Dugda, Munidih, Jamadoba, Belatand Medium Coking Coal Silos Kathara, Kedla, Rajrappa, Mahuda, Swang Coal Middlings for Power Plant Kathara, Rajrappa, Kedla, Swang, Giddi, West Bokaro, Kargali, Mahuda, Dugda, Katrasgarh etc. .. 7 of 26 Coke Ovens & By-product Plant The Coke Oven Complex at Bokaro supplies high quality coke to the Blast Furnaces. The process of coke making consists of the destructive distillation of coal in the absence of air. The coal is heated in a closed chamber there by driving out the volatile components present in coal and leave behind the residue called coke. This phenomenon is called as the carboniation of coal can be carried out at different temperature depending upon the type of coke we need. Cabonisation temperature is 1200-1300°C which is the optimum temperature to get coke of uniform size for the given coal inputs at BSL..There a 8 Batteries of 5meter height 69 Ovens in each. M a t e r i a l F l o w D i a g r a m : C o a l & C o k e C o k i n g C o a l F r o m V a r i o u s S o u r c e W a g o n s C o a l H a n d l i n g P l a n t C o k e S o r t i n g P l a n t C o k e B a t t e r y ( 8 N o s . ) B l a s t F u r n a c e C o k e + 2 5 - 8 0 m m N u t C o k e C o k e B r e e z e - 1 5 m m B l a s t F u r n a c e C o k e O v e n G a s B y P r o d u c t P l a n t S i n t e r P l a n t S o l d By-Product Plant It Consists of :  Gas Condensate Section  Ammonium Sulphate Plant  Benzol Recovery Plant  Tar Distillation Plant  Sulphuric Acid Plant Products produced from by product plant. N G Benzol N G Toluene Xylene L S Naptha S B Oil PCM Road Tar Coal tar wash oil Extra hard pitch Hard medium pitch Hot Pressed naphthalene All by products of By Product Plant are sold through e- auction. .. 8 of 26 Biological Oxidation Plant BOD plant in BSL is used to remove the phenolic wastes from the water. They are useful in reducing air and water pollution. Main features of this plant is the biological degradation of chemical wastes. The whole process can be divided into following satges namely Pretreatment, secondary Biological Treatment, Disposal of Treated effluent, Bacteria culture and Maintenance. Tech-economic factors:  CO Gas yield : 325.0 Nm3 / TDC  Coke Rate --- : 505.0 Kg / THM  Sp. Heat Consumption : 0.583 Gcal / TDC  Sp. Power consumption : 29.50 KWh /Ton of BF Coke  Ammonium Sulphate yield : 10.50 Kg/ TDC  Crude Tar yield : 30.80 Kg/ TDC Sintering Plant Sintering is the process where incipient fusion takes place by combustion of Coke within moving bed of loosely packed fines of mainly Iron Ore, Coke & Flux so as to agglomerate into a compact porous mass called SINTER. Sintering plant at Bokaro is unique in many respects. It has a very high sintering area per machine. It has 3 identical sinter machines in the same building with 3 separate interchangeable conveyors tracks available to feed them. Moreover there is a provision of storing 5000 tonnes of sinter at plant itself apart from storage of 5000 tonnes of sinter in Blast Furnace Bunkers. The set up of Sintering plant at Bokaro comprises of three main sections:- a) Raw material section b) Stock bins & Proportioning section c) Sinter machine building section Cleaned Water Hot Rolling Mill Refractory Mat Plant Ore Handling Plant Coke Ovens Raw Mat Section Iron OreFines, LimeStone,Dolomite, Sand Stock Bins LimeStone Fine ,Coke Fine, Dolomite Fine Lime Dust Fine Waste Bins Section Lime Dust Coarse Mill Scale Coke Breeze Mill Scale, Flue Dust, Lime Dust Coarse Mixed Raw Charge Palletizing/Balling Drums Raw Charge (Moist & Balle) Sinter Machine Building Blast Furnace Deptt Slime Thickening Section Lime Sludge Hot Sinter Return Cold Sinter Return Sinter Material Flow Diagram Sintering Plant Return Sinter to Stock Bin Flue dust to waste bin Screened coke return to raw material section Raw material sinter .. 9 of 26 Technical specification of some critical equipments:- Name Quantity Capacity Installation Area 01 Hammer crushers 05 250 ton/hour Raw material 02 Coke crusher 08 16 ton/hour Raw material 03 Flux Screen 10 150 ton/hour Raw material 04 Sinter Machine 03 300-450 ton/hour M/c building 05 Sinter area 252 square metre M/c building 06 Pallets 130 in each m/c M/c building 07 Vacuum chambers 26 in each m/c M/c building 08 Exhausters 6nos(2nos/m/c) 12000 m 3 /minute M/c building Techno-economics of Sinter plant of Bokaro Sl Parameters Norms Actual in 2007-08 01 Specific Ore fines consumption 1093kg/t of hot metal 1025kg/THM 02 Specific flux consumption 255 kg/THM 244kg/THM 03 Specific Coke consumption 85 kg/THM 86kg/THM 04 Specific Power consumption 45KWH/Tgross sinter 48.33KWH/TGS 05 Specific Heat consumption 0.024Gcal/TGS 0.025Gcal/TGS Blast Furnaces The aim of Blast furnace is to produce pig iron from ore and sinter, i.e. iron bearing materials. The iron oxide of ore and sinter is reduced to iron with the help of CO and this CO is produced inside the blast furnace by the action of air with coke. Coke serves another purpose of supplying heat for the reactions and melting iron inside the furnace. Part of the heat load of the furnace is also provided by the heat of the blast which is heated up to a temperature of 1, 000°C or so before it is introduced into the furnace. The gangue material (i.e. unwanted materials like SiO2, Al2O3 etc.) of the ore, sinter and coke are removed as slag with the help of flux provided by limestone and sinter (since the sinter is super fluxed). Other additives like quartzite and Mn-ore are charged in the furnace in small quantities as corrective materials for the proper furnace working and control of analysis. Except air blast which is feed from the lower part of the furnace through tuyers all other materials are charged from the top by means of skips. Functions of coke in BF are manifold. It provides strong porous bed to burden and supplies the heat load. Part of the heat load is supplied by the hot air blast. The products of the furnace are the pig iron (hot metal) slag and blast furnace gas. In Bokaro there are five blast furnace of 2640T/day capacity each having a working volume of 2000M 3 . 5 Furnaces of 2000 cubic meter useful volume. All furnaces have Bell-less Top charging System for continuous charging & better distribution of charge. Coal Dust Injection in Furnace No. 4 and 5 and CHSGP in Furnace # 4 & 5. The Capacity of B F 4.585 MT of Hot Metal per annum. BF Productivity: 1.4 T/m3/Day. Coke Rate was 533 Kg/T (June’08). .. 10 of 26 The entire Blast Furnace complex may be divided in the following sections:  Raw Material Charging  Furnace Proper  Stoves  Auxiliaries  Pig Casting machine and cold pig yard  Ladle Repair Shop  Slag Dump Yard  Clay Mass Shop  Slag Ladle Repair Depot  Coke rate – 586 Kg/THM (June ’08) MATERIAL FLOW DIAGRAM FOR BLAST FURNACE Sintering Plant Dust catcher In BF Gas Cleaning Plant RM & MHP SP Process Steam Net work Stove of BF Charging Section of Blast Furnace Coke Ovens For Sale Pig Casting M/C For Distribution Mixer of SMS IMF Slag Dump Yard TBS BFCHSG /SGP Blast Furnace Hot Metal Iron Ore Lime Stone Mn Ore Sinter Coke Slag Granules for Sale Raw BF gas Flue Dust Cleaned BF Gas Partially Cleaned BF Gas Iron Ore (Lump) Lime Stone, Mn Ore, Quartzite Sinter Coke Cold Pig Process Steam Hot air Cold air Slag Quartzite SMS I The SMS I complex of BSL has 5 LD converters, each of 100/130 T capacity. Sin these converters, technically pure oxygen (99.5%) is blown from top through a water cooled lance so as to remove the impurities of hot metal oxidation. As a result of this oxygen blowing process, hot metal converts into steel. .. 11 of 26 The steel produced at BSL is meant for products like plates and sheets and therefore, of low carbon type. All the 3 types of steel viz. Killed, Semi Killed and Rimming is produced at SMS-I. The rated capacity of shop is 2.5 MT of ingot steel. In converter, the hot metal received from Blast Furnace is converted to steel by removing carbon and other element present. The change of this metal to steel is brought by blowing 99.5% pure oxygen in converter by supersonic speed. Before starting the oxygen blowing, the converter is properly charged in a defined sequence. At first lime is charged in the bottom. Then scrap addition is done with the help of a charging crane. The reaction in the converter is highly exothermic. At that time, the scrap acts as a coolant. Finally, hot metal is charged and oxygen blowing is done by lowering the lance and opening the oxygen shut-off valve. The lime is added as a flux and to maintain the basicity of bath. After the corrective measures are taken temperature and samples are taken and if found all right the heat is tapped. During tapping of steel, required amount of Deoxidisers ( FeMn, FeSi, Al etc) are added in the teeming ladle depending upon the quality of steel ie. whether Rimming, Semi Killed or Killed is made after tapping, the converter is tilted to the other side of the rimming portion of slag in the converter is dumped in the slag pot. The slag is then transferred to the slag yard. The teeming ladle on the other hand is transferred to the teeming bay and teeming is done. SMS –II There are two LD Converters in the Shop each of 300 hundred Ton Capacity. SMS –II differs with SMS-I mainly because of blowing process and gas recovery system. Unlike SMS-I, SMS-II have got “suppressed combustion system”, where atmospheric air is not allowed to enter in the hood area and the combustion of converter gas is suppressed. Capacity of SMS-II is 2.25 MT of liquid Steel. At present, mainly Killed & Semi Killed steels are produced in the shop. Gas Cleaning Plant widely known as GCP is meant for treating the cases generated from the Converter. It consists of hood, skirt, stack and down take, all fabricated of steel tubes. The gases are cooled & cleaned while they pass through this system. This gas is used by reheating furnaces and Soaking Pits. Continuous Casting Shop The Continuous Casting Shop, the fastest in the country, is equipped with advanced Level-3 automation and control systems. The shop has a Ladle Furnace and a Ladle Rinsing Station for secondary refining of steel. The shop has two fully automated Double-strand Slab Casting Machines. These machines are equipped with Straight Moulds (unique in India) and 12 of 26 Continuous Straightening facilities to produce internally clean, defect-free and high quality slabs, Argon Injection in Shroud and Tundish Nozzle to prevent Re-oxidation and Nitrogen Pick-up, Eddy Current based Automatic Mould Level Control (unique in India) for better surface quality, Dynamic Air Mist Cooling, On-line Slab Cutting, De-burring and customized Marking. CCS produces mild steel of Drawing, Deep Drawing, Extra Deep Drawing, Boiler and Tin Plate quality. It also produces low alloy steels like LPG, WTCR, SAILCOR and API Grade. The liquid Steel from the Steel Melting Shop is brought in ladles. This material is fed into buffer vessels called furnished which inturn feeds the mould at regulated flow rates. The mould is externally water-cooled. The solidification process starts from mould. At the start of casting, a dummy bar is inserted in the mould to avoid free fall of liquid steel. The bar is withdrawn as the casting progresses. The mould is oscillated to facilitate downward movement of cast material. The partly solidified slab after leaving the mould enters the secondary cooling zone where is it cooled by water spray. The slab then moves to straightening rolls where it is straightened by pairs of horizontal rolls. It is then cut into required slab length. Slabbing Mill Slabbing mill transforms ingots into slab by rolling. The ingots of various sizes and weights are received from SMS – I and after being rolled into slabs, they are sent to our internal customer HSM. The capacity of the mill is 4 MT and is of universal type, capable of rolling ingots up to 38 tons. The rolling rate varies from 600 to 800 T/Hrs depending upon the size of the ingots and the thickness of the slab to be rolled. The mill was commissioned on 30 th December 1974. We have 12 groups of Soaking pits with each group having 4 pits : Total 48 pits wherein ingots are heated to a temperature above 1300°C. On line hot and cold scarfing M/C for surface scale / defect removal. One 1250 m roll dia 2 high reversible universal mill to produce slabs of thickness 150 – 300 mm, width 950 – 1850 mm and length 2.5 – 10.5 mtr and a 2800 ton Hydraulic shear. SECTIONS Slabbing mill complex has been divided into four main sections. They are : a) Ingot Storage Yard b) Soaking Pit c) Mill Proper d) Slab Storage Yard Hot Strip Mill The Hot Strip Mill at Bokaro Steel Plant is a continuous 2,000 mm wide strip mill. It is referred to as a 2,000 mm mill because the barrel length of the rolls used in this mill is 2,000 mm. This mill is designed to roll thin and wide strips for use in various industries such as wagon building, tube and pipe industry, drum manufacturing, furniture manufacturing and lastly, for use in the Cold Rolling Mill. 13 of 26 The Hot Strip Mill at Bokaro is presently rolling different grades of plain carbon and low-alloy steel into strips 1.9 to 12 mm thick and 910 – 1,850 mm wide in coil form. The dimensions of slabs are: Thickness-170 to 230 mm, Width-910 to 1,850 mm, Length - 7.7 to 10.5 m and maximum weight-32 T The fully automatic Hot Strip Mill of Bokaro Steel has a wide range of products. This is the only continuous Hot Strip Mill in India. The Walking Beam Reheating Furnaces provide uniform heating, ensuring consistency in thickness throughout the length. High-pressure De-scalers eliminate rolled-in scale. Edgers in the roughing group maintain width within close tolerance. The Roughing Group has a Roughing Train of a Vertical Scale Breaker, one 2-high Roughing Stand and four 4-high Universal Roughing Stands. The Finishing Group consists of a Flying Shear, Finishing Scale Breaker and seven 4-high Finishing Stands. Hydraulic Automatic Gauge Control system in the finishing stands ensures close thickness tolerance. The Work Roll Bending System ensures improved Strip Crown and Flatness. The unique Laminar Cooling System controls coiling temperature over a wide range within close tolerance. Hydraulic Coilers have been provided for maintaining perfect Coil Shape with On-line Strapping system. On-line Robotic Marking on the coil helps in tracking its identity. Hot Rolled Coil Finishing All the Hot Rolled coils from the Hot Strip Mill are received here for further distribution or despatch. HR Coils rolled against direct shipment orders are sheared and finished to customer-required sizes and despatched to customers such as Railways, Wagon Building industry, tube makers, defence etc. The material is supplied as per Indian specifications and many international/foreign specifications. 14 of 26 Slab yard Furn aces Furn aces VSB R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 F. Shear P. R..S. Washer F6 F7 F8 F9 F1 0 F1 1 F1 2 C C C C Coilers Finishing Stands Roughing Stands Cold Rolling Mill The Cold Rolling Mill at Bokaro produces high quality sheet gauge material, Tin Mill Black Plate and Galvanised Products. Cold rolling gives thinner gauge strip of very smooth and dense finish with better mechanical properties that are used for deep drawing purposes, manufacturing automobile bodies, steel furnitures, drum and barrels, railway coaches, other bending and shaping jobs and for coated steels. The CRM complex comprises two Pickling Lines, two Tandem Mills, an Electrolytic Cleaning Line, a Continuous Cleaning and Annealing Line, Bell Annealing Furnaces, two Skin Pass Mills, a Double Cold Reduction Mill (DCR), Shearing Lines, Slitting Lines and a packaging and despatch section. The 5-stand Tandem Mill has sophisticated Hydraulic Automatic Gauge Control and computerised mill regulation. The DCR mill can produce Tin Mill Black Plate, which is tinned for use by the canning industry. The Hot Dip Galvanizing Line produces Zinc- coated CR strips resistant to atmospheric, liquid and soil corrosion. Its Continuous Coil Corrugation Line produces corrugated sheets, while the Galvanised Sheet Shearing Line produces galvanised plain sheets. Bokaro Steel's journey of certification under the various ISO series of standards started with this finishing mill over a decade back. Research & Control Total Quality Management is a key word at Bokaro. The Research and Control Labs at Bokaro monitor all the quality parameters of the incoming raw materials and the products made in different shops. The R&C Lab has four major wings: Chemical, Metallurgical, Inspection and R&D. A comprehensive network of testing labs equipped with sophisticated facilities helps keep all processes within the specified quality norms. Quality Assurance In its pursuit of excellence and enhanced customer satisfaction, Bokaro has gone for ISO 9001:2000 single certification for all units form Coke Ovens to Cold Rolling Mill complex. Bokaro products are well-received in both developed and developing countries. The CR products are packaged using HDPE cloth/polythene sheet, metal sheets and edge protectors to maintain brightness and for protection against corrosion and edge damage during transit. Similarly the HR coils are strapped to prevent damage. Engineering Shops The Plant is equipped with Engineering Shops viz. Machine Shop, Structural Shop, Forge Shop, Steel Foundry, Ingot Mould Foundry and Non-Ferrous & Cast Iron Foundry to ensure uninterrupted supply of spares and other accessories required for plant operation and maintenance. Most of the items needed for maintaining the equipment are produced in-house to minimise the load on the company exchequer. The solid infrastructure and skilled manpower have helped fabricate Nitrogen Pressure Vessels for out sister unit. 15 of 26 PPC & Sales Co-ordination There is a Production Planning and Control Department that coordinate’s plant operation and production flow at each stage of operation as per market demand. Bokaro Steel is committed to enhancing customer satisfaction, and the PPC&SC department establishes the crucial liaison essential for customised production. Energy Conservation Energy conservation is a high priority area at Bokaro. Optimisation of energy consumption is a continuous process. The Coal Dust Injection system, better quality Coke and Oxygen enrichment have significantly reduced the coke rate in Blast Furnace. Efficient power distribution and load management also help in saving energy. The Continuous Casting Shop and the Walking Beam Reheating Furnace at Hot Strip Mill are examples of the adoption of energy efficient technology. Environment Management Bokaro is constantly striving for a cleaner and better tomorrow. The plant has installed Electrostatic Precipitators in the boilers of the Power Plant in addition to all dust prone areas and the proposal to install ESPs in Sinter Plant has been cleared for implementation. The entire process water is recycled and effluent quality is maintained within the statutory norms in the discharge water. The quality of water going into the river Damodar is monitored round-the-clock. Ambient air quality in and around the plant, township and surroundings is better than the statutory norms. All new equipments, including the Coke Batteries being rebuilt are fitted with environment-friendly technology. Effluents from the Coke Ovens are thoroughly cleaned in the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) Plant. Tar Sludge, a process waste, is being recycled in Coke Ovens. Under the thrust on Solid Waste Management, 100% Flue Dust, Mill Scale and Lime Dust are recycled. LD Slag, earlier considered a waste material, is now processed in different fractions and used by Sinter Plant and Blast Furnace, replacing equal amount of flux. Traffic Department also uses LD slag along the railway track, replacing conventional stone ballast. The plant has earnestly taken up the environment awareness drive through celebration of Environment Month and Environment Day. Over two thousand employees are trained every year in environment conservation and protection through specialized training modules. Over 42 lakh trees have been planted in massive afforestation drives which including commercial varieties like Teak, Sheesham, Gamhar, Mahogany etc. Bokaro has been certified under the ISO 14001:2004 Environment Management System standards. Safety & Fire Services Bokaro Steel Plant gives maximum stress on safety. Systems have been upgraded and the entire Plant is covered under OHSAS 18001 Safety Management System. 16 of 26 Human Resource - The pillar of strength To meet the challenges in the plant, continuous up gradation of skills is done through various training programmes for technical and non-technical employees. The HRD infrastructure for on-job and class-room courses is excellent, supplemented by workshops for engineering skills training and hi-tech labs for training in computers and automation systems. Communication exercises like Samvad, Nayee Dishayen, etc have helped employees enrich their knowledge and awareness about BSL, SAIL and global scenario of steel industry. Separate ISO certification received for HRD by TUV in February 2008. Felicitation of employees, along with spouse, from different departments for exceptional devotion/ innovative ideas, rewards for best employee of the month from each department have taken employee morale to new heights. From a humble beginning in 1983, the Quality Circle movement in Bokaro has come a long way, extending beyond the plant premises to encompass students from Bokaro Steel schools and the School of Nursing (Bokaro General Hospital). Bokaro QCs have won laurels at SAIL, national and international levels. Human creativity is also tapped through the avenues of Suggestion Scheme and Value Engineering workshops. The suggestion scheme involves the employees, their spouses and their children too. Gestures like birthday wishes to executive employees, marriage greetings and token gift to wards of employees getting married and goodwill visits to ailing employees have engendered a unique sense of camaraderie among people. Corporate Social Responsibility & Peripheral Development Bokaro Steel Plant is committed to share the benefits accrued through its just and ethical business for the socio-economic development of people in and around Bokaro Steel City. The three major areas that were identified to pursue activities under Corporate Social Responsibility were:  Peripheral development through adopting villages where comprehensive rural development programmes could be launched. The scheme was called Bokaro Steel Gramin Vikas Yojana;  Assuring health check-up and supply of medicines to the needy and the poor. It was decided to pursue this under a scheme called Bokaro Steel Sarva Swasthya Yojana.  Provide free education to the children of the under privileged and also adopt poor children and extend support under scholarship schemes. This was to be taken up under Bokaro Steel Shiksha Protsahan Yojana. However with the passage of time several other activities including health camps, eye- check-up camps including surgeries, starting of a school for the poor with several free facilities like uniform, books & stationery and mid-day meal were started. 17 of 26 Bokaro Steel is striving to reach the glow and warmth of its furnaces to people living at the periphery of this thriving steel city. All villages and residential settlements within a radius of 20 kilometres are covered under the peripheral development programmes that benefit some 3 lakh persons. In recent years, the stress has been on developing basic and infrastructure facilities like roads, bridges, schools, wells, pumps etc. and renovating the existing facilities. Regular health camps are organised to reach immunisation and free medicines to people. Free medicines are also supplied to Ashadan, a hospital for the lepers, and to government hospitals in the event of natural calamities. Free education for underprivileged sections of the society through special schools like Bokaro Ispat Kalyan Vidyalaya, Bokaro Steel Balika Vidyalaya ensures that the fruits of prosperity reach one and all. MOU signed with A.S.I. for development of infrastructural facilities and amenities etc at Archaeological sites of Lauria Nandangarh, Chankigarh and Rampurwa in West Champaran district of Bihar. Initial payment of Rs. 25 lacs made in the joint bank a/c opened with ASI at Patna. Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) & Peripheral Development (PD) departments are under Personnel & Administration Division. Development of Ancillary Industries In close collaboration with the Bokaro Industrial Area Development Authority (BIADA), Bokaro Steel has been encouraging the development of small scale industries since 1970-71. This industrial cluster has over 250 registered SSI units. Price matching facility, purchase preference and exemptions like deposit of tender cost, earnest money and security are extended to the ancillary units. Bokaro Steel also offers the facilities of its testing labs and in-house R&D and consulting expertise to support the ancillaries. Training is provided for awareness of ISO-9001 series of standards and bringing their facilities up to mark for catering to the needs of the steel plant. This is an extension of Bokaro Steel’s resolve to convert this region into a thriving business district. Quality Management System ISO 9001:2000 – All production units from CO&BPP to CRM including RMP, Maintenance and utilities Divisions are ISO certified. HRD, Personnel, Town Services, Medical & Health Services and Projects are also ISO certified ISO 14001 EMS & 18001 OHSAS - All production units from CO&BPP to CRM are ISO 14001 EMS & 18001 OHSAS certified. SA 8000 - Bokaro Steel Plant is SA 8000 certified. Looking Ahead Galvanised into a cohesive and vibrant team, Bokaro Steel is all set to build on its achievements and forge ahead of its competitors to become the leading flat steel producer of the country in days to come. The modernisation plans for capacity expansion have been initiated and people are geared to make the most of the available and upcoming facilities. 18 of 26 MODERNISATION & EXPANSION OF BSL FROM 4.36 TO 7 MT Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL), was set up and commissioned in the year 1972-73 for production of 1.7 Mt/y of flat rolled products. Subsequently, the plant was further expanded to 4 Mt/y in the year 1983-84. Demand of Steel is growing steadily in India. To fulfil this demand SAIL has a Corporate Plan for Expansion of its ISPs. Under this Plan Bokaro Steel Plant will expand its capacity from 4.36 MT to 7.0 MT of Crude Steel. 4.1: Implementation Schedule M/s MECON has been appointed consultant for the Expansion Plan. CET will provide in house consultancy for Blast furnace, Sinter Plant & Coke Ovens. 4.2 Main features of the plan are: Replacing inefficient, energy intensive, low yield and obsolete process/ technology. Increase Hot metal production from existing Blast Furnaces through Modernisation/ Up gradation of 3 out of 5 BFs. Reducing dependence on Coking Coal by installing facilities for Coal/ Gas injection. Introduce appropriate pre & post treatment facilities in the Steel Melting Shop for producing value added grades of steel. State of art technology is being adopted. Entering new area of market Environment friendly operations Conversion of higher quantities of HR Coils to value added Cold Rolled products including Auto grades of steel with the installation of additional Cold rolling mill Coke Oven & By Product Plant Augmentation of coking coal storage by installing 35X2500 T silos Rebuilding of 2 coke oven batteries 1& 2 with pollution control facility. (COB#5 already under execution and near completion.) Replacement of Quenching Tower with new QT with facilities to control emission. Computerised Combustion Control System (CCCS) Replacement of H2SO4 Plant Commissioning of 3rd stream of Benzol Recovery & Distillation and revamping of stream 1 & 2. Sinter Plant Revamping of existing machines. The sintering area will be increased from 250 to 312 m². Productivity to increase to 1.2 T/m²/ hr. Replacement of Battery Cyclones with ESPs to bring down emission level. 19 of 26 Blast Furnaces Increase the volume of 3 Blast Furnaces from 2000 to 2365 m3. Up gradation of 3 Blast Furnaces 1, 2 & 5 to increase the productivity from 1.5 to 2.3 T/m3/day Installation of Slag Granulation units in all BFs (CHSGP is already provided in BF#5 and in BF-4 is already in execution and near completion). Provision of CDI facilities in 4 BFs (BF#1 is provided with Coal Tar Injection, BF#4 & 5 already provided with CDI system) Gas Injection system to utilize CBM gas from near by Jharia Coal field Steel Melting Shops Phase- out SMS-I having Ingot route Augmentation of capacity of SMS-II from 2.16 MT to 3.2 MT by implementing a number of de-bottlenecking schemes. Installation of New SMS-III with Continuous Casting Shop of 3.8MTPA . The shop will produce about 2.3488 Mt/y of HR coils through thin slabs caster and 1.4154Mt of slabs (for rolling in existing HSM) through BOF-LF-CC route . Rolling Mills One Thin Slab Casting & Rolling Mill (to be installed along with SMS-III) Provision for New Hot Rolled Galvanizing Shop shall be made in the layout of SMS-III. Installation of a New CRM to produce 1.2 MTPA Oxygen Plant Installation of 2 x 1250 tpd ASUs including additional gaseous storage vessels (for Oxygen, Nitrogen and Argon) has been envisaged. The plant is being implemented on BOO basis Other Facilities I. Transportation A new Railway Exchange Yard to be constructed near Tupkadih Railway station to receive Middling /CDI Coal and dispatch finished products from Strip Mill of New SMS II. Power Requirement Additional Power requirement shall be made available from BPSCL. BPSCL is installing 2x250MW New Power Plant to enhance its generation capacity. III. Water Requirement It is envisaged to meet the additional requirement of water by recycling of Sewage & Industrial effluents to the maximum extent after suitable treatment 20 of 26 Environment Management I. Air Pollution Control In the existing systems for control of outflow of fugitive dust from generating sources, dust extraction systems, dust suppression systems and fume extraction systems have been envisaged for the various plant premises to keep the dust concentration well below the threshold limit value (TLV). II. Effluent Treatment Plant An effluent treatment plant has been envisaged for the new CRM Complex for removal of the pollutants. 4.3 Result of Expansion Sl. No. Description Capacity 1. Hot Metal (MT) 7.44 2. Crude Steel (MT) 7.00 3. Saleable Steel (MT) 6.53 4. Yield of Saleable Steel from Liquid Steel (%) 91.4 5. Specific Energy consumption (Gkcal) 5.5 6. Coke rate Kg/THM 395 State of the Art technology is being adopted. Entering new segments of market Environment friendly operations Saving energy by reducing dependence on Coking Coal by installing facilities for Coal/ Gas injection. Replacing inefficient, energy-intensive, low-yield and obsolete process/ technology. Increase Hot metal production from existing Blast Furnaces through Modernisation/ Up gradation of 3 out of 5 BFs. Reducing dependence on Coking Coal by installing facilities for Coal/ Gas injection. Introduce appropriate pre & post-treatment facilities in the Steel Melting Shop for producing value added grades of steel. Conversion of higher quantities of HR Coils to value-added Cold Rolled products including Auto grades of steel with the installation of additional Cold rolling mill. 21 of 26 TECHNO ECONOMICS 22 of 26 T TO OT TA AL L E EN NE ER RG GY Y C CO ON NS SU UM ME ED D 6.89 7.09 6.6 6.9 7.2 7.5 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 G Gc ca al l/ /T TC CS S 448.0 440.0 425 435 445 455 465 475 485 495 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 E EN NE ER RG GY Y C CO ON NS SU UM MP PT TI IO ON N K KW WH H/ /T TS SS S 1133 1132 1130 1135 1140 1145 1150 1155 1160 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 TOTAL METALLIC INPUT K Kg g/ /T T C CS S 512 520 500 505 510 515 520 525 530 535 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 C CO OK KE E R RA AT TE E Kg/T HM Comparative Statement of Profit/Productivity Year Profit (Rs. in Crores) Productivity (T/M/Yr) 2003-04 1120 141.3 2004-05 3290 151.34 2005-06 2056 173.94 2006-07 2737 231.84 2007-08 2830 244.78 Production of 2007-08 Product Target (07-08) Production Performance Hot Metal 52.0 46.6 90 Crude Steel 48.5 41.3 85 Cast Slab 32.0 28.5 89 H. R. Coil 40.0 36.0 90 C. R. Product 11.6 7.8 67 Saleable Steel 42.0 39.0 96 Comparative Statement of Purchase/Production Cost Ingredients 2006-07 (Rs/Ton) 2007-08 (Rs/Ton) % Change 2008-09 (Rs/Ton) % Change (from 07- 08) Imported Coal 6970 6346 -9 16700 163 Indigenous Coal 3844 4159 8 6500 56 Coke 11977 11584 -3 30000 158 Ferro Alloy 42000 49000 16 87600 79 23 of 26 Comparative Statement of Production Cost Effective Ingredients (2007-08) (Rs/Ton) (2008-09) (Rs/Ton) BF Coke Hot Metal Saleable Steel BF Coke Hot Metal Saleable Steel Raw Material 7762 6051 8759 20443 13952 18293 Others 1565 2945 10222 1580 3667 9956 Total 9327 8996 18981 22023 17619 28249 Production Target of 2008-09 Product Planned Target (08-09) Production of 1 st Qtr. Hot Metal 50.5 9.29 Crude Steel 47.0 8.18 Cast Slab 32.0 6.16 H. R. Coil 42.1 7.35 C. R. Product 10.0 1.50 Saleable Steel 41.1 7.63 24 of 26
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