Boeing Fasteners
Boeing Fasteners
April 30, 2018 | Author: skynorth | Category:
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AlTEONA BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -- INTRODUCTION TO FASTENERS Introduction to Fasteners This section provides a review of the most common fasteners and auxiLiary parts used in Boeing airpLanes today. It shouLd be noted that the Latest revision of the StructuraL Repair ManuaL or manufacturers' documentation, shouLd be consuLted to ensure that this information has not been superseded by design changes or reguLatory authority action <F.A.A, D.O.T., C.A.A., etc. ). Fastener Part Numbers code in the hoLe Location cross in accordance with an NAS 523 PLus SymboL System. The fastener is identified by a two or three-Letter code pLaced in the upper Left corner of the pLus symboL. The code aLso defines the mating component, where appLicabLe. Fastener diameter and manufactured head Location are identified by the numeric-Letter code pLaced in the upper right corner of the pLus symboL. The diameter is given 1/32 NDS of an inch for aLL permanant fasteners. ALL removabLe boLts are given in 1/16 TH of an inch. Countersinking and dimpLing instructions are shown in the Lower Left corner of the pLus symboL. The Lower right corner gives the grip Length in 1/16TH of an inch. To faciLitate standardization and usage, aLL vendor fasteners and attachment devices are assigned a Boeing part number. CLassifying part number prefixes used at Boeing are: BACB30 BoLts, LockboLts or Hi Loks BACC30 CoLLar BACF FiLLer BACN10 Nuts and NutpLates BACR15 Rivets BACS Shims or Screw BACW Washers Fastener SymboLs Permanent fasteners are identified on an engineering drawing by pLacing the appropriate fastener symboL and 63-05-00 - 133 ALTEON PROPRIETARY - Copyright (c) - See title page for details AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENER SYMBOL CODE INSTALLATION: STD PER BAC 5004, FLUID TIGHT PER BAC 5047, TAPER SHANK PER BAC 5054 TAPER SHANK BOLT INFO ~ ~ BASIC CODE ENCLOSED = FLU~ "XX OPEN = STANDARD ~ XX I' / X X X W ~DXC MFDN =HDNEARLOC SIDE F = FAR SIDE " "~ SPOT WELD OPT DIMPLE CSK INFO o = DIMPLE X = NUMBER OF SHEETS DIMPLED C = CSK IN STRUCTURE XZK-6 / DIA DASH NO. ~ LENGTH DASH NO. = BACR15BB-6D PROTRUDING HEAD TYPICAL DRAWING DETAIL SHOWING FASTENER CALLOUT = BACB30MY8C PROTRUDING SHEAR HEAD HILOK (HEAD ON FAR SIDE) 8 UP 100'x.llR GHl IHL INTRODUCTION TO FASTENERS (SHEET 1) FASTENERS - INTRODUCTION TO FASTENERS 63-05-00 - 1~4 ALTEON PROPRIETARY - Copyright <c) - See title page for I.s AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY HEAD TYPE STEEL A286 TITANIUM CAD PLATED (Low Alloy Steel 4340) CAD PLATED (Stainless Steel) ALUMINIZED PAINT (6AL- 4V) STD SHEAR HD ¢ Ltd TENSION HD I SHEAR HD Ltr TENSION HD . '" > N o 9o Ltd 777 TRAINING MANUAL 1/64 OS 1/32 OS STD 1/64 OS 1/32 OS STD 1/64 OS 1/32 OS BACC30M BACC30M BACC30R BACC30M BACC30M BACC30R BACC30M BACC30M BACC30R XDA XDE XKA XNL XNP XSG YJA YLE YLF BACB30FN BACB30FQ BACB30KF BACB30FN*A BACB30FQ*A BACB30KF*A BACB30NW*K BACB30NW*K* BACB30NW*K* BACC30X BACC30X BACC30AC BACC30X BACC30X BACC30AC BACC30X BACC30X BACC30AC XNB XMS XSL XXZ XUD XTX YLR YXN YXP BACB30JC BACB30LX BACB30LY BACB30JC*A BACB30LX*A BACB30LY*A BACB30NY*K BACB30NY*K* BACB30NY*K* BACC30M BACC30M BACC30R BACC30M BACC30M BACC30R BACC30M BACC30M BACC30R XCZ XDD XKJ XNJ XNN XSJ YHY YLC YLD BACB30FM BACB30FP BACB30KK BACB30FM*A BACB30FP*A BACB30KK*A BACB30MY*K BACB30MY*K* BACB30MY*K* BACC30X BACC30X BACC30AC BACC30X BACC30X BACC30AC BACC30X BACC30X BACC30AC XMX XMY XSM XPB XTZ XUB YLK YLG YLH BACB30MB BACB30MC BACB30MD BACB30MB*A BACB30MC*A BACB30MD*A BACB30NX*K BACB30NX*K* BACB30NX*K* SAMPLE HI-LOK DRAWING CODES ~ 9 '"'" FASTENERS - INTRODUCTION TO FASTENERS 63-05-00 - 135 ALTEON PROPRIETARY - Copyright (c) - See title page for details AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -- PERMANENT AND REMOVABLE THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 63-05-00 - 136 ALTEON PROPRIETARY - Copyright {el - See title page f o r ' s Copyright (e) . 63-05-00 . Examples of these are rivets.AlTEON A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -. Removable fasteners would include fatigue or structural bolts. permanent and removal.PERMANENT AND REMOVABLE Fasteners There are two major classifications of fasteners.137 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .See title page for details . Permanent fasteners are those that require destroying part or all of the fastener when removing it from the airplane. lockbolts or Hi-loks. > '" on N % o BACS21AE QUICK-RELEASE SCREW BACB30US 12 PT.Copyright Cd .S .AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL BACR15BA RIVET BACB30FM HEX-DRIVE OR HI-LOK BACR15BB RIVET BACB30DX LOCKBOLT I MS 90353 PULL RIVET PERMANENT FASTENERS BACN10HR 12 PT.138 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . NUT BACN10JC SELF LOCKING NUT BACB30PC SHOULDER BOLT \ . TENSION BOLT REMOVABLE FASTENERS J.See title page for '.. l' '" '" FASTENERS-PERMANENT AND REMOVABLE 63-05-00 . for oversize and stepped holes SPECIAL FASTENERS FOR THAT UNIQUE REPAIR FASTENERS-PERMANENT AND REMOVABLE 63-05-00 . for double-drilled holes For use where pilot hole does not clean up Serrated head for all vice-grip torquing Assembler's special.Copyright (e) .139 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY Telescoping bolt where length is uncertain 777 TRAINING MANUAL For all tapered holes (special nut required) For out-ofround holes For holes with countersink on wrong side For mismatched bolt holes r For holes too near the edge 1J ~ For double countersunk holes For redrilled holes that still don't match For holes countersunk too deep For holes not square For holes drilled crooked and then straightened up (nut is hard starting) Binocular bolt.See title page for details . 2117. nearly always on automatic drivers (Gemcor Drivematic).: N l' Q Q I 9 '" -0 63-05-00 . 7050-T73 rivets or briLes were introduced with the 767 program. seals in the countersink. Rivet head styles incLude universal and flush varieties. These rivets have the same aLlowables as the 2024-T31 rivets but are sufficiently ductiLe that they can be driven in the "as received" condition up to 1/4 inch diameter without cracking. and 7050 aluminum alloy and nickeL-copper alloy can be used and stored at room temperature. shear. > . Monel rivets are made of 66% Nickel. The modified universaL head and shear head offer a weight savings over the standard universaL head or flush. the head is formed during driving. FLush heads styles include standard. Rivets made from 2024 aluminum aLloy must be soLution heat treated and then stored at a temperature of -10°F (.140 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . briLes. Rivets that are removed from coLd storage and not instaLled should be discarded.RIVETS . and index.AlTEON A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -. 30% Copper and 4% Iron. improves fatigue Life.See title page for s . respectively. The soLid shank rivets instaLLed on Boeing aircraft are usuaLLy made from 2017. In some locations Monel rivets are used. Monel is corrosion resistant and can be used in high temperature appLications without significant property reductions. 300 series CRES ~ and a Limited number of titanium-columbium are used in N :=.23°C). The modified fLush head is the briles rivet and gives improved bearing in thin sheets. Rivets made from 2017. The part number suffix and rivet identification marks give the rivet material. 2024 or 7050 aLuminum aLLoy. After removal from cold storage the rivets must be completely driven within 15 minutes. has greater head strength in tension and can save weight due to improved fatigue life in thin sheet. specific applications. 2117.IDENTIFICATION MARKS SoLid Shank Rivet MateriaLs Solid Shank Rivet Head Styles SoLid shank rivets are avaiLabLe in a variety of materiaLs. or lower.Copyright (c) . The sLug rivet has no manufactured head. o Other rivet aLloys include A286 CRES. RIVETS .IDENTIFICATION MARKS 63-05-00 .See title page for details .141 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL MODIFIED 0 100 0 RIVET DESCRIPTION UNIVERSAL UNIVERSAL 100 CSK )HEAR HEAD MATERIAL 2117(AD) MARKS 2017(D) RAISED DOT EXCEPT [*] 2024(DD) RAISED DOUBLE DASH EXCEPT [*] 5056<B) RAISED CROSS 1100(A) 82 CSK INDEX 0 120 0 CSKiCB BRILES SLUG STANDARD RIVET NO.Copyright (c) . BACR15BB BACR15FT BACR15BA BACR15CE BACR15DG BACR15FH BACR15FV BACR15BO 8 a'i a'i ~ 8 a'i a'i rY E) Q'i ~ ® ~'i ~ 0 a'i C)V @ ©'i ~ 0 DIMPLED 82 CSK INDEX 0 ~ @/ (S:9 Ij? i? * NO HARKING * NO MARKING * INDENTED ~ (!j? ~ ~ DOUBLE D~ ~ PLAIN 7050(KE) RAISED CIRCLE EXCEPT [*] MONEL<M) NICKELCOPPER PLAIN ~ Ij? * INDENTED ~ ~ * INDENTED C~ FASTENERS . AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -. are shown in the table.See title page for ls .RIVET ALLOYS Rivet Alloys Rivet alloys in common use with their respective shear strengths and material codes. Do not use for nutplate attachment.Copyright (c) . fuel-tight. Requires high squeeze force. 7050-T73 Use only where high strength is required. must be refrigerated after heattreat until installed.142 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . Used on the wings. Here are the applications for the different rivet alloys: 1100-F Non-structural 5056-H32 For magnesium structure 2117-T3 General structure. Monel Use in titanium. 2017-T3 General structure. and fatigue-critical joints. and nickel alloy structure. 2024-T31 Ice-Box. nutplate attachment. fatigue-critical joints. CRES. and not for use in fuel-tight joints. 63-05-00 . 000 PSI AD 2017-T3 38.000 psi * NOTE: USE FRACTIONAL VALUES FOR ALL JOINT CALCULATIONS INVOLVING SHANK DIAMETERS FASTENERS .000 PSI D 2024-T31 ICE BOX RIVET 41.ls .000 PSI B 2117-T3 PRIMARILY WING 30.(opyr.AlTEON A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL RATED SHEAR STRENGTH (Fsu) ALLOY RIVET MATERIAL CODE 9500 PSI A 5056-H32 MAG USE ONLY 28.143 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .000 PSI C 1100F .000 PSI DD 7050-T73 (BRILES) 41. 3 * Shear ~ 38.tle page for deta.----i r .000 PSI M A286 90..RIVET ALLOYS 63-05-00 .ght (c) .000 PSI KE MONEL 49. I XZK-6 = BACR15BB6D p I Fast. Shear N o o ~ ~ o 2 Example of Shear Strength Usage ~ P = F\ X 4 = 1050 LBS Fast.See t.NON-STRUCTURAL <r-------'-q}. .Copyright (c) . Where access is limited. Hex-drives are used when: soLid rivets do not have sufficient shear strength.See title page for ls . Hexagon or twelve point seLf-Locking nuts may be instaLled instead of hex-drive coLLars when: there is not enough cLearance for colLar instaLlation. which shears off during installation.144 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . LOCKBOLTS AND RADIUS LEAD-IN BOLTS Hex-Drive BoLts Hex-drive boLts (Hi-Loks) have externaLly threaded pins with no wrenching feature on the head. fitted with a lockbolt die set. Lockbolts g ~ ~ . LockboLts are used when: soLid rivets do not have sufficient shear strength. The coLLar is internaL threaded and seLf-Locking. The pin-tail breaks off at a predetermined Load. joint cLamp-up is necessary or collar rotation provides manufacturing advantage. the use of seal nuts is necessary or re-torque is necessary due to seaLant squeeze out. pneumatic puLLing gun. joint cLamp-up is necessary or instalLation speed provides manufacturing advantage. other fastener types are used. the pintail may be removed and fastener gun driven. Radius Lead-In BoLts Titanium radius lead-in boLts are used for their good fatigue properties in aluminum alloys. NOTE: When a stump type is required and onLy the corresponding puLL type is avaiLabLe...006 inches Larger than the diameter of the hoLe in which they are to be instaLLed. Q The LockboLt pin has paralleL grooves instead of threads with no wrenching features on the head. to provide a interference fit.AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -. There is a hexagon recess in the threaded end to prevent the pin from rotating during instaLLation. and a bucking bar. These fasteners have a shank diameter that is 0. but requires open access to the parts. which puLLs the shank of the bolt through the hole and simultaneously swages a collar into the pin grooves. The pull type lockboLt is instalLed with a special 63-05-00 . for use in repair work. SpeciaL power tooLs are often used for hex-drive bolt instalLation. The instaLLation force is controlLed by a groove in the collar. There are two types of lockbolts: pull and stump. The coLlar has a smooth cyLindricaL bore that is swaged into the grooves of the pin.HEX-DRIVE. Lockbolt instalLation is fast and easy. There are two oversizes availabLe for each nominaL size. The stump type LockboLt is driven with a conventionaL riveting gun. A hex key and standard wrench can aLso be used for manuaL instaLLation. SERRATED STEM TOOL\ 1-. REMOVAL REQUIRES SPLITTING COLLAR.-__ 9. AND LARGER FLANGED COLLARS. INSTALLATION IS COMPLETE. LARGE FOOTPRINT PROTRUDING HEADS.Copyright (el . ALLEN KEY ENGAGES THE END OF THE PIN TO PREVENT ROTATION OF THE PIN. LOCKBOLTS AND RADIUS LEAD-IN BOLTS 63-05-00 .See title page for details . STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 CHUCK JAW PULLER -~-~ STEP 3 THE FRANGIBLE NUT OF THE COLLAR IS TWISTED OFF AND DISCARDED.AlTEON A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL COLLAR STEP 1 HEX-DRIVE PIN IS INSERTED IN THE HOLE AND THE COLLAR IS MANUALLY THREADED ON TO THE PIN.145 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . 1---r=J BREAK .HEX-DRIVE. \FRANGIBLE NUT NOTES: SELECT CORRECT GRIP LENGTH FASTENERS FOR COMPOSITES HAVE LOW TORQUE GROOVE. . OR UNTHREADING COLLAR WITH SPECIAL TOOL I _ _ FRANGIBLE NUT FINAL INSTALLATION SEQUENCE OF A PULL TYPE LOCKBOLT FASTENERS .NECK STEP 2 POWER TOOL ENGAGES COLLAR. . The shear nuts or collars do not have the same diameter or number of threads of engagement.. c ." > 00 N 'i' 9 '" 'i' '"'" 63-05-00 .See title page for "ls . Do not substitute shear nuts or collars for tension nuts and collars.. The 'tension' head systems are for shear applications where higher tensile pre-load and axial tensile capability are required.Copyright (c) . Tension flush head fasteners have larger diameter heads and deeper countersinks than shear flush fasteners.146 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . Tension protruding head fasteners have a larger diameter heads and more threads of engagement into their collars than shear fasteners.AITEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -.TENSION AND SHEAR General The 'Shear' head fasteners are used in applications where shear and not axial tension is the primary mode of load transfer. c C N ~ N . See the SRM chapter 51 in the fastener section for head dimensions. AlTEON A BOEING COMPANY .-IVt- 1/\-'--- II SHEAR .See title page for details .PROTRUDING HEAD LOCKBOLTS HI-LOKS FASTENERS .PROTRUDING HEAD .Copyright (c) .PROTRUDING HEAD TENSION . / 7 777 TRAINING MANUAL ~--'---1gtr-.FLUSH HEAD SHEAR .PROTRUDING HEAD SHEAR .147 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .FLUSH HEAD .TENSION AND SHEAR 63-05-00 .------? <'-------=tj=J- -- p SHEAR JOINT TENSION .--[\J 10 --- TENSION . The repairs showing blind rivets in structuraL repair manuaL have FAA approvaL provided the inspections are accompLished at the intervaLs stated. These incLude: BLind rivets are not the same as bLind boLts. Therefore. The fasteners are muLtipLe piece and have the advantage of being instaLLed from one side. and for some of the boLted repairs of 777 empennage structuraL boxes. BLind BoLts Removing bLind boLts can be difficuLt. aLLoy steeL and A286 CRES. FinaLLy. BLind rivets are Lower in strength and cannot be substituted for bLind boLts.148 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . SpeciaL bLind boLts are used for composite assembLies. it is important to exactLy foLLow the BAC 5004-3 instaLLation procedures. TooLs are avaiLabLe from the fastener manufacturer to assist in bLind boLt removaL. Correct hoLe size Correct grip length and diameter bolt Using correct tooLs and technique 63-05-00 . The drive screw must be driLLed out. the repair is considered time Limited or interim and shouLd be inspected at frequent intervaLs for Looseness. vibration or where the head is subjected to prying. They shouLd never be used in areas of tension Loading.See title page f o r ' s .AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -. The tooL that instaLLs the threaded type rivet TURNS the core stem. whiLe reacting against the fastener head. AppLications of bLind boLts are for assembLy of eLevators and rudders. BLind rivets are poor in fatigue because they do not fiLL the hoLe Like soLid rivets. If bLind rivets are used in a repair. There are two types of bLind boLts: BLind Rivets Threaded Pu LL. the core stem breaks away compLeting the instaLLation. MoneL.BLIND GeneraL BLind boLts and rivets are permanent fastener that are avaiLabLe in aLuminum. The bLind head then forms and the joint components are drawn together. The tooL that instaLLs the puLL type PULLS the core stem instead of turning the stem.Copyright (c) . the formed head is difficuLt or impossibLe to inspect. Since blind bolts are used for Limited far-side access. See title page for details .149 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . co ~ co: '"co N NOTES: SELECT CORRECT GRIP LENGTH INSPECTION OF FORMED HEAD REQUIRED I co l' "' l' '"'" REMOVAL REQUIRES DRILLING OUT CENTER STEM (DRILL GUIDES AVAILABLE) BLIND RIVETS FASTENERS .AlTEDN 777 TRAINING MANUAL A BOEING COMPANY c...BLIND 63-05-00 . ~ N BLIND BOLT INSTALLATION .Copyright (c) .. As a general rule. Briles Rivets When Briles Rivets are replaced. Briles rivets are available in 1/32 diameter increments up to 5/16" (Ref BAC R15FV Series). the countersink depth of the original rivet may be maintained and the rivet shaved flush after installation. If original hex-drives or lockbolts are replaced with hex-drives or lockbolts.Copyright (c) .150 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . 63-05-00 .See title page for ls . the next larger diameter should always be used. If rivets are replaced with rivets then the same diameter can generally be used.AlTEON A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -. a 1/32 oversize fastener is used in the repair. In the event that use of an oversize Briles Rivet would result in a knife-edge condition on thin skin. Occasionally.OVERSIZE FASTENERS Genera l Oversize fasteners are generally used in repair applications to clean up damage to a hole and to provide the same fastener fit as was provided in the original design. Oversizing of holes and counterbore is required to fit the appropriate size rivet. if original rivets are replaced by hex-drives or lockbolts. a minimum of 1/64 oversize fastener is used. In many cases it would probably be preferable to replace the Briles rivet with an OVERSIZE protruding head rivet. oversize fasteners are used to provide an alternate load path. 295-.055 .055 .See title page for details .181-.2016-.AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL I A -H PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION A 0 H TO BACB30MY6K() 3/16 HEX DRIVE .OVERSIZE FASTENERS 63-05-00 .184 FACTORY FASTENER REPAIR FASTENER TYPE TYPICAL REPAIR FASTENER SIZE RIVET RIVET SAME DIAMETER RIVET HEX-DRIVE OR LOCKBOLT 1/32 OVERSIZE HEX-DRIVE OR LOCKBOLT HEX-DRIVE OR LOCKBOLT 1/64 OVERSIZE FASTENERS .184 BACB30MY6K()X 1/64 OVERSIZE .055 .315 .295-.045-.045-.2182 .1895 .181-.315 .2168-.2026 .1885-.315 .295-.181-.151 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .184 BACB30MY6K()Y 1/32 OVERSIZE .Copyright (c) .045-. A 286 (CRES). or countersunk heads with long threads for tension joint installations. H-11 steel bolts (BACB20MT) are no longer used for design or recommended as replacement fasteners). Inconel 718 and 6AL-4V Titanium. tension. generally. They are available in a tension strength range of 160 to 220 KSI. or shear rated.152 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . the washer will ride in the radius under the bolt head. not machined threads.See title page for "ls . 12 point.AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -. Rolled threads have a smooth uniform root radius which blends with the thread flanks to provide improved fatigue life through lower stress concentrations. Otherwise. Countersunk washers should always be used under the head of fatigue-rated bolts. Tension and shear-rated bolts may have hexagonal. bolts should be installed with the head uppermost or forward as applicable. or short threads for shear applications. and are typically made from Alloy Steel.Copyright (c) . (Note: Because of stress corrosion cracking problems. Removable bolts are used for the following conditions: Permanent fasteners that require sufficient shear.REMOVABLE FASTENERS Bolts Tension and Shear Bolts A bolt. except as noted in relevant maintenance documents or engineering drawings. Fatigue-rated Bolts Fatigue-rated bolts are used for high strength applications in critical joints and have 12 point protruding heads with long threads. Wherever possible. ~ 9[5 I 9 '"'" 63-05-00 . ~ '" All Boeing standard bolts have rolled threads after heat treatment. Material options are the same as for fatigue-rated bolts. has a smooth cylindrical shank and is intended to be installed by turning the mating nut. axial tension or fatigue performance Joint clamp-up is necessary Occasional disassembly is required Bolt Threads Removable bolts can be categorized as fatigue. . 1~1t- v COUNTERSUNK HEAD BOLT r- --+-+- .--- LONG THREAD (TENSION) BACB30LH SHORT THREAD (SHEAR) BACB30LU 12 POINT HEAD BOLT LONG THREAD TENSION BACB30NJ SHORT THREAD BACB30LT LONG THREADS\ /r- 0 - P\+TV bL- - / -- -+ - / " ~ - / - '\. 0 "'- '------- <- HEX HEAD BOLTS LONG THREAD (TENSION) BACB30NE SHORT THREAD (SHEAR) BACB30NF 12 POINT HEAD FATIGUE TENSION BOLT BACB30US ALL "BAC" BOLTS ARE PURCHASED WITH ROLLED THREADS FASTENERS .AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL SHORT THREADS\ SHORT THREADS \ ~)-----~~ ' -E+-+ - .See title page for details .153 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .Copyright (c) . f---- \.REMOVABLE FASTENERS 63-05-00 . For fastener installation requirements. see the applicable Boeing process specification. and apply only when the fastened materials are sufficient in strength and thickness to develop the full strength of the fastener. materials. Boeing part standards should be referred to for fastener dimensions.AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -. 63-05-00 . finishes and qualification requirements.5 .Copyright (c) - See title page for '.BOLT STRENGTHS Fastener Alloys Mechanical fastener strength properties for the fastener alloys summarized in the table are independent of the materials in which they are installed.154 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . ksi ALLOYS SHEAR (Fsu) TENSION (F tu) STEEL 8740/4340 95 160 CL> 125 220 95/110 160/200 PH 13-8 MO 125 220 INCONEL 718 125 220 95 160 H-11 CRES A286 TITANIUM 6AL-4V Q Q ~ N .AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL MINIMUM RATED STRENGTH .: '" Q % $ CL> H-11 IS NOT RECOMMENDED DUE TO STRESS CORROSION SUSCEPTIBILITY ~ FASTENERS .See title page for details .155 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .BOLT STRENGTHS 63-05-00 .Copyright (c) . .156 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . It is important that torque application be completed within 60 minutes of the squeeze-out life remaining in the fay surface and fastener sealant.s limited. Use BAC (Boeing Airplane Company) standard torque tables as a guide whenever specific torque values are not called out on the engineering drawing or in approved maintenance documents such as the structural repair or maintenance manuals. may need to be rotated to ~ '" ~ 88.AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -. the high side of the torque range should b e use d . resulting in partial loss of bolt preload. Torque wrenches should be used when engineering drawings or maintenance documents indicate that specific torque values are to g be applied. They also introduce a beneficial compressive stress around the rim of the hole which counteracts the tendency for stress concentration cracks to occur at the edge of the hole caused by applying a shear load to an unpreloaded bolt. When the fastener head is used for this purpose. unless torque is then reapplied to the fastener. Fay surface sealant may squeeze out of the joint when bolts are tightened.BOLT TORQUE REQUIREMENTS Bolt Torque Requirements Pre loaded bolts improve both the fatigue resistance and the locking characteristics of the nut and bolt installation.Copyright (el . the head end of the ~ bolt instead of the nut. 9 '"'" obtain the necessary torque. Re-application of torque to removable bolts is recommended if the joint uses faying surface sealant in any interface. use torque values given for shear type nuts. ~ ~ In cases where space . It is important that the maximum allowable torque value is not exceeded as torque values are based on the proof load for the fastener material which is approximately equivalent to the yield strength. For CRES steel nuts. 63-05-00 .See title page for ls . BACB30NE./ .NAS577. BACN10JG. BACB30LM. BACN10B. BACB30NN. BACB30MR.157 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . BACN10HC DRY BOLT 0> --10-32 1/4-28 90-125 180-250 5/16-24 3/8-24 300-500 7/16-20 510-840 1/2-20 870-1300 9/16-18 1300-1800 5/8-18 1900-2300 3/4-16 3300-4300 7/8-14 5100-6700 1-12 OR 1-14 7000-10.500-15. BACB30NH. BACB30LU.Copyright (c) . BACB30FD.T x A . CORRECTION REQUIRED T1 .AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL 1I1111NII 7 . FASTENERS . BACB30MT. BACB30L~~. I B/ .000-17. 7 757-200 STRUCTURAL REPAIR MANUAL NUT PART NO.800-19. FASTENER DIAMETER AND THREAD SIZE I A/' :~SING ADAPTER IN LINE WITH WRENCH. SEE STRUCTURAL REPAIR MANUAL FOR LATEST DATA.10 PERCENT WHEN BOLT IS INSTALLED BY WRENCHING HEAD.000 15. BACB30NS.700 ----- 20-25 50-75 90-125 150-250 260-425 440-650 700-920 1000-1200 1700-2150 2600-3400 3600-5500 4900-6700 7500-9700 ----- NUT TIGHTENING TORQUE VALUES TORQUE + OR . NAS6603 THRU NAS6620.A+ B T T1 = ACTUAL = TORQUE TORQUE ON NUT WRENCH READING BACN10GW.200 1-1/4-12 1-3/8-12 20.000-12. NAS6703 THRU NAS6720 NUT TIGHTENING TORQUE RANGE (POUND-INCH)~ BACN10HR. BACB30LR. BACB30LP. BACB30EM. BACN10JA. NAS1805 BACB30NG. BACB30LN.000-24. BACB30PN.See title page for details . BACB30US BACB30NM.(7/16 THRU 1-1/4 ONLY).900 1-1/8-12 9500-13.000 16.BOLT TORQUE REQUIREMENTS 63-05-00 .000 --- 30-35 65-100 130-200 220-410 370-690 630-1070 1000-1470 1400-1900 2400-3500 3700-5500 5100-8900 6900-10.700 11.000 --1-1/2-12 ~MAXIMUM DRY BOLT LUBRICATED BOLT LUBRICATED BOLT 0> --70-80 145-180 275-330 370-440 500-575 800-1000 1350-1650 2800-3300 3900-4500 6200-7000 8300-9400 11. BACN10JB. BOLT PART NO. BACN10RM. BACN10JD. BACB30MS. Copyright (c) . use steel washers. The bolt and nut installation specification (BAC 5009). Plain washers may also used under the collars of lockbolts or hiloks or under the head of solid rivets to distribute the fastener bearing load over a larger area.See title page for ts . BACW10BP()P) are used under nuts. Countersunk washers (BACW10BP()C) are used under the head of protruding head bolts to provide head-to-shank fillet relief on high strength fasteners such as BACB30US and BACB30LE bolts. This is particularly important in plastic or carbon fiber assemblies.WASHERS Washers For general use. allows one washer under the fastener head.158 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . especially if a specified torque has to be ~ applied. These washers will accommodate a maximum slope of 8 degrees. plain washers must be fitted between the part and the lockwasher to prevent damage to the material. They provide a uniform bearing area and act as a spacer to adjust for fastener grip length and material thickness. A concave and a convex washer make up the self-aligning washer assembly. Q ~ N As an option to aluminum. * ~ 63-05-00 . and two washers under the nut. In installations where spring lockwashers (AN 935) are used. Q In fatigue critical joints. plain cadmium plated steel washers are frequently used adjacent to structural ~ surfaces as they better resist the cutting action of co: ~ the nut. They act by compressing the inner ring to the point where the outer ring cannot be moved. Self-aligning washers (BACW10CA) are used with fasteners in non-parallel joint design where counterboring of the slope surface is unacceptable. thus achieving the required preload.AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -. Where the material next to the nut is steel. plain washers (AN 960. '" r=. preloaded-indicating washers are used to optimize fatigue life and handle greater in-service stresses. FILLET RELIEF FOR FATIGUE RATED BOLTS . OUTER PLI RING NO LONGER FREE TO TURN.AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL ~A -t.DISTRIBUTION CLAMP UP BEARING LAOD .PREVENT GALLING .SELF-ALIGNMENT FOR ANGLES BETWEEN 2-8 DEGREES CONCAVE SELF-ALIGNING WASHER 2 .See title page for details .FREE TO TURN.DISSIMILAR MATERIAL COMPATIBILITY . BACW10AK) TYPICAL INSTALLATION OUTER PLI RING OUTER PLI RING INNER PLI RING - ~iiiiiijj TOOL HOLES (3) 120· APART (APPROXIMATE) () v (BEFORE LOADING CONDITION ILLUSTRATED) BEFORE LOADING NOTE: OUTER PLI RING .8 DEGREES 2 WASHERS ~ (WP22. PRELOAD INDICATING WASHER (PLI) FOR 220 KSI NUTS BACW10AM FASTENERS .WASHERS 63-05-00 .Copyright (c) . AFTER LOADING NOTE: INNER PLI RING COMPRESSED.-{}A-A CONVEX L.159 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .GRIP LENGTH ADJUSTMENT . INNER PLI RING NOT REUSABLE. INDICATING PROPER PRELOAD.A COUNTERSUNK WASHER GENERAL PURPOSE FOR WASHERS: .. ALignment of the casteLLated nut and the boLt cotter pin hoLe whiLe staying within the specified torque range is accompLished by changing the boLt grip Length and/or adding washers. ~ are used with externalLy threaded drilled holes in the threaded area and with cotter pins in accordance with requirements specified in BAC 500 9 . Nut pLates are used in "cLose outs" or other pLaces with Limited or no access. pin or other removabLe fastener must incorporate two Locking devices.NUTS / NUTPLATES Nuts / Nutplates Nuts are generaLLy classified as tension or shear. Shear nuts are avaiLabLe in 125 KSI strength. Nuts are seLected to have a tensile strength equaL to or greater than the mating boLt or screw. The minimum to maximum Locking torque range is used to find the condition of a used seLf-Locking nut and boLt set. the instaLLation 9 9 5018.Copyright (c) . See chapter 20 of the Maintenance ManuaL (Standard Practices) or procurement specification BPS-N-70 for these ranges. Some exampLes are: SeLf-Locking nut CastelLated nut secured with a cotter pin Safety wire.607 states that each removabLe boLt.. ALL removabLe fasteners require Locking mechanisms. nut. They are attached with rivets. chapter 20 (Standard Practices). screw.160 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . The threads on seLf-Locking nuts are typicaLLy deformed to provide the additionaL friction to hold the fastener.AlTEON A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -. CasteLLated nuts fasteners having '" ~ shalL be secured 8.See title page for 's . FAR 25. MS33540 or '".. Tension nuts are avaiLabLe in strengths of 180 or 220 KSI. For fLight safety appLications. NutpLates are primariLy used in shear appLications and are predominantly of 125 KSI strength with a limited number rated at 160 KSI. 63-05-00 . 161 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .AITEON A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL SHEAR NUT BACN10JC TENSION NUT BACN10HR CLIP-ON DEFORMABLE THREADS BACN10KB BACN10KF BACN10KA BACN10YD NUTPLATES FASTENERS .Copyright (c) .See title page for details .NUTS / NUTPLATES 63-05-00 . > 00 9 g I 9 '"'" 63-05-00 . baggage compartment sidewall liner attachments. . An example of these would be the BACS12ER titanium screws used in the flux valve installation where a corrosion resistant. are used in non-structural applications such as in passenger and flight deck areas. of which the most common are the 'AN' and 'NAS' series.See title page for s .SCREWS Screws Screws made of lower strength materials than bolts. Another example is the BACS12FA screw used to attach the sidewall liners in the lower baggage compartments.162 AlTEON PROPRIETARY . fairings. Boeing numbers are used for special purpose fasteners. although it is important to ensure that screw threads are not placed in bearing. Screws are identified by several coding systems. removable panels and other secondary structural installations. may be used for structural joints. antimagnetic fastener is required..Copyright (c) .AlTEON A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -. 'AN' identifies the fastener as an Air Force/Navy Standard and 'NAS' signifies that the fasteners are National Aircraft Standards. Screws which have the same strength as bolts of the same diameter. . -- . > '" 00 o o I o J: $". --1-- N - $ '" I NAS 517 -It /"=-------t. o .. ..AlTEON A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL BACS12FA BACS12ER -6--+-1NAS 623 15 o ~ .See title page for details .Copyright (c) .or: ------0 NAS 1801 9 '" '" FASTENERS . - -- -.SCREWS 63-05-00 .163 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . Fit Classification Transition fit holes can be smaller. > "" I'- N 'i' 9 9 '"'" 63-05-00 . Interference fit holes are always smaller than the fastener shank diameter. The hole tolerance limits for class II and class III holes are not as critical as those for the other classes. same or larger than the fastener shank diameter.See title page f o r ' s . Close Ream holes are same or slightly larger than the fastener shank diameter. . II and III holes are larger than the fastener shank diameter.Copyright (c) .HOLE FIT CLASSIFICATION AND APPLICATION General The National Aircraft Standard 618 lists the industry standards for bolt diameters and corresponding hole sizes. Class I.164 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .AlTEON A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -. Clearance fit holes are always larger than the fastener shank diameter. The fits for the various hole classifications have been shown for several representative bolt sizes. 0005 .0015 -.2495 +.See title page for details .194 .187 +.165 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .1895 !:L:> ..0125 +.1885 .250 .0020 .190 +.250 +.279 +.HOLE FIT CLASSIFICATION AND APPLICATION 63-05-00 .0005 .190 IN SOME HANDBOOKS HOLE CLASS I FICA TION .2495 .0015 -.AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY TRANSITION SIZE BOLT DIAM 777 TRAINING MANUAL II=> CLOSE REAM CLASS I CLASS II CLASS III HOLE DIAM FIT HOLE DIAM FIT HOLE DIAM FIT HOLE DIAM FIT HOLE DIAM FIT 3/16 .218 +.0295 II=> IN ALUMINUM STRUCTURE ONLY !:L:>SHOWN AS .2485 ..Copyright (c) .291 .190 +.247 +.0020 +.0005 .2505 .0425 +.000 .0285 114 ..254 .1905 .261 .0105 +.0025 .0005 .0055 +. FASTENER APPLICATION TRANSITION FIT LOCKBOLTS AND HILOKS IN ALUMINUM STRUCTURE CLOSE REAM LOCKBOLTS AND HILOKS OTHER THAN THE ABOVE.229 .1895 +. N o 6 ~ 'i' '"'" FASTENERS .199 .250 +.000 .0055 +.0405 +.0025 .190 . CLOSE TOLERANCE BOLTS WITH <4 FASTENERS IN THE JOINT CLASS I STANDARD BOLTS AND CLOSE TOLERANCE BOLTS WITH 4 OR MORE FASTENERS IN THE JOINT CLASS II BOLTS ATTACHING REMOVABLE PANELS CLASS III BOLTS ATTACHING REMOVABLE PANELS WHICH ARE NOT INTENDED TO PICK UP ANY STRUCTURAL LOADS > '" . See title page for ls . An example of a fastener substitution table is shown below. The fastener selection for SRM repairs is based on: Strength Corrosion protection Weight Temperature Fatigue properties Method of installation. NOTE: Do not use the Fastener Substitution Tables to find alternatives for the fastener listed in the ALTERNATIVE column. However. Usually the equivalent fasteners are given under a vender part number and are not always the same as those supplied to the Boeing Company.166 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . Use of fasteners from different fastener groups is permitted. ~ '" An EQUIVALENT fastener is a fastener which is directly interchangeable with the initial fastener. Tension-type fasteners are permitted in tension and shear applications. It can be necessary to install alternative fasteners because: The specific fastener is not available It is not easy to get access to a necessary location The special repair is different from the general repair. o N 9o ~ 9 '"'" 63-05-00 .AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENER -. an alternative fastener cannot be used when: They do not give the necessary pressure or fuel sea l Non-magnetic fasteners are necessary and the fastener is magnetic Fastener thread length. grip length or diameter is not available Access does not permit fastener installation Fastener installation tools are not available. but the alternative fasteners must have equal or greater strength. An ALERNATIVE fastener is a fastener with equal or greater strength properties than the initial fastener.SUBSTITUTION Genera l When adapting the typical repairs shown in the SRM to suit actual conditions.Copyright (c) . shear-type fasteners are not permitted in tension applications. it may be necessary to use fasteners of a different type to those originally specified. However. BMS 10-85 COATED.Copyright (c) .!!L!. 150°F MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE DEUTSCH SPS HI-SHEAR VOl-SHAN HI-SHEAR BACBJOFMOA() XNJ Y6E A286 CRES. CE TYL ALCOHOL LUBRICATED.167 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . CETYL AL COHOL LUBRICATED. 95KSI SHEAR. gure 1 ( Sheet 11> BACB30FM()A() > :. BMS 10-85 CO ATED.HEX DR IVE . 95 KSI SHEAR.. 450°f MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE EQUIVALENT '" "'*r HI-SMEAR HUBPS ::~:~~:=i ~.95I(SI SHEAR.PROTRUD ING HEAD - I REPAIR FASTENER ORIGINAL OR SPECIFIED CODE XCZ YEF YHU YHY PART NUMBER BACB30FM()-() BACB30FM( lK( l DESCR IPTION [!) [!) [!!] EQUIVALENT AL LOY STEEL.. CETYL ALCOHOL lUBRi[ATED. I!I!I I!I!I [!(!J BA(830"(( IA() ::~:~~~~~:~~: }rnm BACB10NE()-O BACB30lH()-( ) I!I!l 'UO"} I!l :~~:~~:::!~:: }[!!I!J MUIIKD HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR YMY YMS XTJ VAX Hl44D HL181(D HL181(D H110VA H110VAZ H5nOA6 HSnOAP HST10AZ HI-SHEAI! '" ALTERNATIVE BACB1OLJ()-() . CAl) PLATEI). 450°F MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR SPS DEUTSCH VOl-SHAN WEST COAST HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR WEST COAST HL10VAP HL10VAZ HL440UC HL440UC HL440UC HL440UC Hl440UC HSnOA6 HST10AP HSnOAZ wcno- A286 CRES.. HooF MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE HI SHEAR HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR DEUTSCH SPS HI-SHEAR VOl-SHAN HI-SHEAR Ill-SHEAR HI-SHEAR HL10VAP H110VAZ Hl440AP Hl440AZ HL440AZ HL440AZ HL440AZ HST10A6 HST10AP HsnOAZ BACBJOFM()AK() XTC BACBJOMY()C{)[!J 6AL-4V TITANIUM. 95 KSI SHEAR. 0 o not substitute lockbolts for hex drive b olts when installed through composite S tructure. 95 KSI SHEAR. 45 OoF MAXIMUM TE MPERATURE SPS HI -SHEAR SPS VOl-SHAN DEUTSCH WEST COAST WEST COAST HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR 62550_} HLl8PB HLl8PB HL18PB [!) HLl8PB HLl8PB WC22HLIOVAP HL10VAZ HL440 HSTIOAG HSTIOAP HST10AZ DEUTSCH SPS HI-SHEAR VOl-SHAN HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR ~t~:~u I!J HLl8KD HL18KD HL10V HL 10VAZ HSTIOAG HSTIOAP HSTI OAZ HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR SPS DEUTSCH HLIOVAP HL 10VAZ HL440UC HL440UC HL440UC [!!] [!9 ~ ALTERNATIVE I!m BACB30FM()-() BACB30FM() A() BACB30FM()AK() !m"I] BACB30MB()-() [!]!] BACB30MB ( l A ( l BACB30GW()-() BACB30GW( lA( l BACB30DX()-() BACB30DX()A() BACB30HC()-() BACB30HC()A() BACB30NX()K()} I"IJTV1 BACB30MY()K() l.. 95 KSI SHEAR. CETYL ALCOHOL LUBRICATED. CAl) PLATEO. [8J [!J!) ImJ i nstalled through titanium structure. BMS 10-85 COATED. CE TYL ALCOHOL LUBRICA TED. 95 I<SI SHEAR.. CETYL ALCOHOL LUBRICATED.!!L!. 51-30-03 Page 14 Mar 15/94 747 SRM L---- FASTENER A2 86 CRES. CAD PLATED. 4500F MAXIMUM TE MPERATURE AL LOY STEEL..() I::!rn I::!rn I::!rn I::!rn I BACB30NM()K () } BACB30NR ()K () BACB30LJ()-() BACB30NF()-() BACB30FD()-() BACB30F D() P () BACB30VT ()K 0 BACB30VNOKO I"!I'1'Y1 l. CAD PLATED. CETYL ALCOHOL LUSRICATED. CAD PL ATED. 95 I(SI SHEAR.J BACB30NE()-() BACB30LM() .(830611( I-() IIACB3061HlAO HI-SHEAR NUOVAP HI-SHEAR HI-SMEAR H110VAZ HI-SHEAR HSTlOA6 HST10AP HST10AZ HI-SHEAR HI-SHEAR YHU BACB10FHOk() [!] VHY AllOY STEEL.~: SPS VOl-SHAN MUBPS Nl18PS BACB10fM()AK() BACB1OMB()-() OEUTSCH HL18PS BAtB1OM8( )A() IIEST COAST Nl18PS VEST COAST 11(22- 8.AITEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL ~ III' fj7Qfj7 <f!!I STRUCTURAL REPAIR o not substitute cadmium plated fasteners ~ 0f or bare or BMS 10-85 coated fasteners when REPAIR FASTENER OItJ6INAL OR SPECIFIED CODE PART NUI18ER XCI BACB30FMO-() m DESCRIPTIONI!I [!] AllO)' STEEL. 450°F MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE BACBlODX()-() BACB1ODX()A() BACB1OHC()-() Il!II!lI!l .J T W T Y -<-- SUBSTITUTION 63-05-00 .".1.NF()-() BACB10FI)O-() BACBJOFI)OPO BACBJOVT()I«) BACBJOVN()I«) BOLT . CETYl ALCOHOL LUBUCATED.. 3500F MAXIMUM TE "PERATURE SHEAR TABLE V XEK XNJ YGE Fastener Substitution F.See title page for details . AITEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -.Copyright <c) .168 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .FASTENER FINISH REQUIREMENTS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 63-05-00 .See title page f o r ' s . 63-05-00 . Briles rivets (BACR15FV) should never be installed wet with sealant. This may result in the ruststreaking of the surrounding structure and/or the start of corrosion of any adjacent aluminum structure. Fay surface sealant does not need to be removed from the fastener holes before rivet installation. which is a sacrificial coating. in a corrosive environment the cadmium plating. or cadmium-plated A-286. However. it is recommended that all rivets are installed dry. may disappear allowing the alloy-steel fastener to corrode. The recommended fasteners in aluminum structure are BMS 10-85 (aluminum-pigmented coating) coated titanium.FASTENER FINISH REQUIREMENTS Fastener Finish Requirements The fastener finish requirements for use with various aircraft materials are shown. because of their head geometry. BMS 10-85 coated A-286. since the reduction in hole filling ability wiLL degrade the fatigue quality of the joint. See the StructuraL Repair Manual for the latest information.See title page for details .AITEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -.169 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .Copyright (c) . Cadmiumplated alloy-steel fasteners are a structurally satisfactory alternative. These recommendations should be followed so as to minimize the potential for corrosion resulting from rework operations. However. With the exception of 5056 rivets installed in aluminum structure. All steel and titanium fasteners must be installed wet with BMS 5-95 or equivalent sealant. Copyright <d . COPPER-NICKEL.170 ALTEON PROPRIETARY . COBALT ALLOYS. CARBON. FOR BLIND FASTENERS. (ALUMINUM BRONZE OR ALUMINUM NICKEL BRONZE). PRIME HOLE WITH BMS10-11 TYPE I PRIMER AND INSTALL WIH MIL-C-11796. BRASS. WET INSTALL WITH BMS5-95 CADMIUM-PLATED FASTENERS AND FASTENER HARDWARE SHALL NOT BE USED IN CONTACT WITH TITANIUM OR CFRP INTERIOR (NOT EXPOSED TO OUTSIDE ENVIRONMENT) EXTERIOR (EXPOSED TO OUTSIDE ENVIRONMENT) [] METAL GROUP: I MAGNESIUM AND ITS ALLOYS II CADMIUM-TITANIUM PLATE AND CADMIUM ZINC. BRONZE. THE LOCATION OF EACH ALLOY AND THE LOCATION WITHIN THE AIRPLANE.FASTENER FINISH REQUIREMENTS 63-05-00 . CAD PLATED 1a X CRES.s . THEN SELECT THE INSTALLATION PROTECTION FINISH CODE FROM TABLE.AlTEON A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENER AND FASTENER HARDWARE INSTALLATION DETERMINE THE METAL GROUP OF EACH ALLOY USED IN THE ASSEMBLY. PASSIVATED OR DRY FILM LUBED CRES. TIN AND THEIR ALLOYS IV COPPER. MOLYBDENUM.: IV /< Xv ~ ~ EXT INT EXT INT EXT INT EXT INT EXT INT EXT II 1 X X 2 X 2 2 1a X 2 X 2 2 X X 2 X 2 X X X 2b X 2 X X X 2b X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X X X 2 X 2 X X X 2b X 2 X X X 2b X 2 X X 1 1b 1 1 X X 1 1b 1 1 DO NOT USE NO FINISH (DRY INSTALLATION) FOR PERMANENTLY INSTALLED FASTENERS. FOR FASTENERS. BMS 10-85 COATED 1 X: 1: 2: a: b: INT: EXT: IT] IV III III IV y. 0 LOCATION IN THE AIRPLANE INT FASTENER OR HARDWARE t ALUMINUM 1 ALLOY STEEL. CFRP. INSTALLED INTO NUT PLATES. TITANIUM AND TITANIUM ALLOYS. NICKEL AND NICKEL BASE ALLOYS.See title page for '. LEAD. COPPER BERYLLIUM. THEN SELECT THE LOCATION WITHIN THE AIRPLANE. CRES.ALUMINUM AND THEIR ALLOYS III IRON. WET INSTALL WITH BMS5-95 SEALANT. CLASS3. SILVER AND GOLD FASTENERS . INSTALL WITH BMS3-27. CHROMIUM. METAL GROUP . CAD PLATED or BMS10-85 COATED 1a X TITANIUM TITANIUM. STEELS (EXCEPT CORROSION-RESISTANT STEELS). FOR REMOVABLE BOLTS/NUT COMBINATIONS. TUNGSTEN. 171 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .AlTEDN A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENER SELECTION (CONTINUED) COMPATIBLE MATERIAL--FASTENERS FASTENER MATERIAL STRUCTURE MATERIAL ALLOY STEEL.FASTENER FINISH REQUIREMENTS 63-05-00 .Copyright (c) . OR ALUMINUM + STEEL ALUMINUM + TITANIUM ALUMINUM FASTENER FINISH ALLOY STEEL CADMIUM OR ALUMINUM CRES CADMIUM TITANIUM ALUMINUM OJ ALLOY STEEL ALUMINUM IT] CRES ALUMINUM TITANIUM ALUMINUM OJ OJ ALUMINUM ANODIZE ALLOY STEEL CRES TITANIUM CADMIUM OR ALUMINUM CADMIUM OR ALUMINUM ALUMINUM ANODIZE OJ MAGNESIUM 5052 ALUMINUM ANY EXCEPT TITANIUM H-11 ALLOY STEEL NICKEL-CADMIUM (INSTALL WITH WET PRIMER OR SEALANT) OR ALUMINUM TITANIUM OR CRES CRES TITANIUM COMPOS ITEI AL TITANIUM CRES PASSIVATE IT] PHOSPHATE FLUORIDE OR ALUMINUM ALUMINUM OJ OJ DO NOT USE CADMIUM PLATED FASTENERS FASTENERS .See title page for details . 172 ALTEON PROPRIETARY .FASTENERS SECTION QUIZ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . > '" 9 9 '" 'i' '"'" 63-05-00 .Copyright (e) .AlTEON A BOEING COMPANY 777 TRAINING MANUAL FASTENERS -.See title page for Is ..
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