
April 4, 2018 | Author: maxsonii | Category: Business Model, New Product Development, Design Thinking, Business, Evaluation



Gujarat Technological University( GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR B.E. PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 CIRCULAR: For students of the 7th Semester of the academic year 2014-15 WORK COMPLETED BY MOST OF THE STUDENTS TILL NOW: The students have submitted (i) the details of their team and (ii) the title and abstract of their project to GTU at after getting it duly approved by the Faculty -Guide and the HOD. (Reference 1: DESIGN OF THE PROJECT IN DETAILS: (i) Phase 1: (Reference 2: Page 10 of During this phase, the team of students have to visualize themselves as the user of their work, when it is completed. For doing it systematically, the observation matrix was given on page 11 of the Reference 2. To respond to some of the common questions about the Observation Matrix, Exercise 1 has been created. All the students are required to go through it. It will take no more than 4 hours and it will facilitate completion of Phase 1 (Appendix 1 on page of this document.) in a systematic manner. The work under this phase may have been already completed by most of the students. Each college/ department can flexibly fix the time and schedule of such exercises under allocated time slot for final year projects. Normally these exercises may be finished in Degree Eng. Colleges by 13th September 2014. (ii) Phase 2: Exercise-2 (A): Exercise of PAS and PSAR. It has to be finished by 30 th September 2014. (Page 4) Exercise-2 (B): Hands on Exercise on Ideation Canvas after defining the final year IDP/UDP/Project: It has to be finished by 30th September 2014. (Page 5) Exercise-3: Hands on exercise on Product Development canvas: It has to be finished by 31st October 2014. (Page 10) Exercise-4: Hands on exercise on BMC (Business model Canvas) Exercise: This has to be finished by 15th November 2014 for those students who are presently in 7th Semester and who will make one semester project (projects which will end this semester only). Those students, who will carry forward their projects from 7th Semester to 8th Semester as per the suggestions of their guide, will have to do this exercise by 1st February 2015. (Page 13) All the above exercises will be evaluated under continuous evaluation process in the college and marks will be given based on the performance of the teams. University have carefully conceived, benchmarked, tested such interventions and now implementing them to let every student in BE final year understand the entire innovation value chain of Mind to Market. (The remaining pages are the Appendices for understanding the Circular, wherever required.) 1 | Gujarat Technological University ( | |Contact: [email protected],[email protected]| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | What will be the process for doing this workshop? 1) Each team will fill their own canvas with sticky notes based on their observations and Industrial Shodh Yatra (ISY) Other teams are supposed to comment on the effort of team with critical feedbacks and inputs. University will also share a web link later on when each team will fill their data for each box item in the canvas online at University| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | .in/) GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR B. Each team is supposed to compile such feedbacks and comments and incorporate them in the report to be submitted to the departments after examination. students are required to have a co-creation workshop where each team is required to go through this Project/IDP/UDP definition making canvas exercise (Observation Canvas Exercise) . This exercise report with the data filled in the canvas need to be attached in the project report to be submitted during examination. interaction etc during ISY (Industrial Shodh Yatra) and finalise the problem/IDP/UDP definition and orient the task as their final year project in their 7th and 8th per the previous circular [email protected] objective is to adopt systematic approach based on design thinking and articulate the insights derived from empathization process including observation. 2 | Gujarat Technological University (http://www.E. How to get the matrix? Students can download the PDF or JPEG version of the canvas/matrix from the link as given The size of the printed canvas in hard copy for hands-on work should be preferably A1.I Technological University (http://www. These 4 hours can be accommodated within the time allocated every week for final year project purpose. The work of phase 1 is required to be documented and submitted along with the project report during project examination of the 7th semester. What should be the duration of this exercise? If college calendar is pre fixed it can be adjusted based on local possibility at department/college level. Teams have to fill their own inputs while making the canvas in the report of their project and also mention the inputs shared by all their classmates during presentation in front of whole class. Process for Phase 1: (Observation Canvas Exercise) Objective. This process may take 2. 3) Teams need to document the detailed insights in soft copy. PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 Appendix-1: Exercise-1 During the phase. the team may redesign the canvas. 2) Each team has to present their poster in front of the whole class of 60 students and preferable in the presence of Project Guides.5 to 3 hours. If required. in response to the | |Contact: gtu_innovation_council@gtu. [email protected]. PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 Will this exercise be considered as a part of evaluation for final year project? GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | .gtu. If a colleges/ department wishes to modify such canvases it is welcome to do so. like other components in final year | |Contact: [email protected]. such hands on exercises on various canvases will be considered as a part of continuous evaluation process of the respective department under final year Project.Gujarat Technological University ( 3 | Gujarat Technological University (http://www. The external examiners during final project examination will see whether every team has thoroughly done such hands on exercises or not.E. In such cases they can communicate to the university by mailing at gic@gtu. In such cases the branch/college is required to inform GTU by mailing the new template /canvas being used by them so that the best practices can be shared with all colleges for the largest impact. The team needs to compile the findings of each member during PSAR and make a The academic R&D can be streamlined by tapping such data where industry aspires to build product/ every student within a team has to study at least 5 patents related either to his/her IDP/UDP or related to his/her area of Technological University (http://www.    The last year’s circular for PSAR is available on the web. Analyzed data of each of these five patents is to be submitted online once the university declares the web link along with the project progress details. which includes information about the following:  What are other solutions already existing and what are specific patent claiming to solve the particular need or adding value related to your project? How the team wishes to improve existing patent claims by their own project? What would be new value addition/distinct feature the team will add to ensure that their solution becomes unique and novel? Understand which innovator /industry has already started working on your proposed improvements and this will let the team understand the orientation of future research in academia. which includes:  Web search/research publication  User feedback  Patent search1 (PSAR)  Vendor/market search 1 During this Patent Search and Analysis Report (PSAR) generation activity. which is going to come to market in | |Contact: [email protected]@gtu. 4 | Gujarat Technological University (| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR B. Please await the new detailed circular on PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 Appendix-2 Exercise-2 (A) For increasing the innovation quotient of each of your IDP/UDP PAS: Prior Art Search in/) GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR B. The Ideation canvas session should be average of 3-4 hours for proper brainstorming and flow of ideas. The process will take on an average 3-4 hours per class of 60 students Process to conduct such hands on workshop: The process of conducting such workshop will be nearly same as above canvas exercise in problem definition finalising exercise on page 3. Time line: The teams are supposed to do it in their respective branches/colleges before 30th September 2014. This effort will bring in various heuristics for solving a challenge using multiple ways. Ideation canvas workshop An ideation canvas is a rough whiteboard/sheet where ideas can be stretched into any limits or Even the craziest ideas make sense more often than not. Later on the content written in every sticky note will be made in soft copy and a note will be prepared based on the content of the hard canvas sheet. The teams can keep the physical canvas with them and show it to external examiners during project examination.E. The field is set and the overall agenda is to build the clones of the ideas and pivot them throughout the canvas so as to discover new possibilities. finalized in canvas Exercise 1. Activity. Write every idea on the sticky note and stick them in the relevant canvas block. Each college and branch can flexibly arrange such efforts based on local scenario. The colleges/branches will arrange these exercises in the time slot given under| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | .Gujarat Technological University (http://www. This soft copy needs to be printed and attached in the final project report along with snap shot of the canvas with title as the “hands on workshop on ideation canvas” for project “title of the IDP/UDP. Requirements: 1. Ideal flow in the ideation canvas would be from pin them down into the canvas. The team needs to pick up the best optimised path from the whole ideation output and proceed for product/solution design. Required hall space for the ideating atmosphere/classroom etc.gtu. 2. The ideation canvas in A1 sheet and Sticky notes.” 4. The soft copy 5 | Gujarat Technological University (http://www. Doesn’t matter how crazy the idea. Steps: 1. The project coordinator in presence of project guides shall mentor the students so as to extract the best and craziest ideas out of the students. 2. Nothing should be written directly on the ideation canvas. 5. whatever has to be written should be on the sticky notes. Later they can submit them to their respective departments. Ideation session is not aimed at finding solutions to the defined problem. location and Props & Solutions but it is always recommended to jump through the blocks for proper ideation. But its aim is to define the best possible problem and stretch out its possible scope. 3. PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 Exercise-2 (B): Exercise on Ideation Canvas after defining the final year IDP/UDP/Project Objective: To adopt a systematic design thinking approach to ideate and approach towards solving the defined [email protected]/) | |Contact: [email protected]. 6 | Gujarat Technological University (http://www. This will be taken out of the time.gtu. Ideation canvas 1 for IDP/UDP exercise for BE final year students Continued ……….in/) GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR B.gtu. PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 of the document will be filled in a given web link provided by university which will be published later on during the semester. In the following | |Contact: [email protected].| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | .gic@gtu. the focus would be on finding different ideas for solving the pre defined along with presentation will take an average of 3-4 hours. scheduled for the project every week.B. The exercise for both the canvases. given below..Gujarat Technological University (http://www. 7 | Gujarat Technological University ( GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR [email protected]. PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 Ideation Canvas 2 for IDP/UDP exercise for BE final year students Continued ……….in/) | |Contact: [email protected] Technological University (| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | . The example canvas as above has been taken from the hands on training workshop for faculty members (GTU Innovation Club Coordinators) of all GTU degree engineering colleges.E.Gujarat Technological University (http://www. all GTU Innovation Club Coordinators appreciated this and wished that such exercise must be done by all final year students as a part of their final year| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | .ac. In response to the inputs from all the 118 faculty members from degree eng colleges affiliated to GTU. The workshop was held on 2nd and 3rd August 2014 at GTU. the Council of Deans suggested such workshops to be included at the right stage for all final year students for IDP/ | |Contact: [email protected]. 8 | Gujarat Technological University ( During the exercise GTU Innovation Club Coordinators of different colleges worked in teams and offered a challenge to each team and to follow the process and to deliver desired results.gic@gtu. PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 Sample example look of Ideation canvas 1 for IDP/UDP exercise for BE final year students After going through the GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR B. The prop need not be related as it’s always randomness that helps in finding new ideas. You can segment them into various groups on the basis of their profession e. location or context. claim warranty etc. Adding up People: Teacher > Activity: Evaluation > Situation: Subjective answer grade students. Make the list. prepare class notes. Activity: Write down whatever every segment of people | |Contact: gtu_innovation_council@gtu. athletes. For shopping. return defective goods. At other times it could be of project reports. For a teacher – evaluation can be of either subjective or objective| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | . Possible solutions/ props Note down the objects. to the chemical reagent gives you a special pen based on acidity that makes the teacher comments tamperproof. technologies or solutions which may be possible outcomes to your idea/challenge. evaluate answer sheets and prepare question papers.Gujarat Technological University (http://www.gtu.for example teachers: teach. PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 FAQ and basic explanation of the terminologies used in above canvases: Ideation Canvas 1 for IDP/UDP exercise for BE final year students People: Jot down distinct people you can think of or you are interested to solve problems for. take attendance. doctors. Similarly.prices can be compared online or Here as mentioned above the randomness in ideas can be implemented.gtu. visit stores. Situation/context/ location Every above mentioned activity can be done in a different situation. Similarly segment them on the basis of their age. compare prices. prepare Consider an example where you are thinking about teachers and throw in a random solution like chemical Shoppers. 9 | Gujarat Technological University (http://www. Teachers. as long as possible. Evaluation can be either paper/document based or for continuous class behavior which depicts different contexts. Sometimes you could be buying clothes for yourself and at times for gifting – which depicts different contexts. The location for shopping can be a mall with many available brands or a street shop. window shop. income and other GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR B. Steps: The role of the mentor or the Faculty coordinator remains the same here as that of the Ideation Session. Product GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR Nothing should be written directly on the Product Development Product Functions. various Components enable a Product Feature. If required colleges/branches can certainly take extra time if it is required. [email protected]/) | |Contact: [email protected]. 10 | Gujarat Technological University (http://www. Ideal flow in the Product Development Canvas would be from People. The blocks should be filled in such a manner that. A product development canvas is the ground where in the best possible ideas after the ideation session are pitched and nurtured to various Product Features fulfil a Product Function and various Product Functions result into the Product| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | .ac. whatever has to be written should be on the sticky notes. 2.” 3. Adding content into the Product development canvas is also to be done by using the sticky notes as previously done in the ideation canvas. This exercise is more about developing strategy for the proposed product/solution design.E.Gujarat Technological University (http://www. Process to conduct such hands on workshop: The process of conducting such workshops will be nearly same as above canvas exercise in problem definition on page 3. PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 Appendix-3: Exercise-3 Hands on exercise on Product Development canvas Objective: This exercise is meant for giving strategic orientation to the project of each team so that it achieves its true goal as defined by the previous canvas exercises. after the team has successfully attempted the ideation process and has incorporated inputs from all stakeholders. 4. 5. Purpose. This report soft copy need to be printed and attached in the final project report along with snap shot of the canvas with title as the “hands on workshop on product development canvas” for project “title of the IDP/UDP. Requirements: Same as that for the ideation session. Reject Redesign Retain and Customer Revalidation. Time line: This exercise has to be done by colleges/branches by 31st October 2014 Duration of the exercise: This exercise will take average 3-4 hours including the presentation of the team’s project canvas by each team. Product Features. Later on each content written in the sticky note will be made in soft copy and a note will be prepared based on the content of the hard canvas sheet. in. then go ahead with it. Like solving the problem of measuring footfalls in a retail store or measuring consumer interest in specific products on retail shelves. Like arm-rest. If you are developing software. 11 | Gujarat Technological University (http://www. you may want to target transport sector or you may want to come up with options for Healthier foods. Product Experience Focus in depth on how the customer feels for your product/service A faster algorithm could be a feature powering the speed performance of software. Later they can submit them to their respective departments. Product features/ key components Features power the product functions. Features could also be components. Product Functions Product functions deliver the product experience.Gujarat Technological University ( GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 6. Mention every kind of experience you would want your user to feel. Note down the kind of people you have in mind while developing the product and also the people for whom you are resolving the problem. If you already have a specific| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | . And how about a mobile or a cup holder? Multiple product features could lead to the same function. The soft copy of the document will be filled in a given web link provided by GTU. For a comfortable chair. footrest or armrest could be more. FAQ and basic explanation of the terminologies used in the Product Development canvas People Make the segment more focused. Find product features that will deliver the product functions you have What functions your product should perform to meet the customer experience you have just identified in product experience? Mostly the user experience/needs will be your product functions. e. function provided must be comfortable sitting and healthy | |Contact: [email protected]. ergonomic design would be one feature. enjoy or avail. if you want your users to feel comfortable & maintain right body posture while sitting on a chair. user requirement for faster experience would mean that faster working will be a function of your product.g. Purpose The section should answer the following questions: What is the broad purpose of your product? What problem sector you want to target broadly or specifically? For e. neck rest or footrest. The teams can keep the physical canvas with them and show it to external examiners during project examination. Same for a home delivery service.E. Convert the product experience into functions for your product/service.gtu.gic@gtu. Also make a list of all user problems you want to address and how user feels about each of his problems. [email protected]. 12 | Gujarat Technological University (| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | . Find if you have left some customer experiences which you are yet to address.E. Customer Revalidation Check to see if the functions and features you have built solve his/her | |Contact: [email protected]. Product Experience Focus on what the customer feels about a product and find out his GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR B. Jot down his key experience points. his wish list and the improvements Reject/Retain/Redesign Retain what users like. Run the Reject/redesign/retain on the functions first and then if required on individual features to find how well they are powering the functions of your product/ reject what they don’t want & redesign what can be improved to meet the user challenges. Be ready to discover new user needs & jump back to product function stage.Gujarat Technological University ( PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 Product development canvas IDP/UDP exercise for BE final year students. Technology projects are often solutions or processes that solve a technical problem. This exercise will increase the market potential and penetration of technology goods and services. This exercise also helps students to understand the true value of the proposed 13 | Gujarat Technological University (http://www. However the market implementation of such solutions also require that the problem solution is designed to overcome not just the technical barriers but also market and business related barriers of GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR B. Duration of the exercise: This exercise will take average 3-4 hours including the presentation by each team where all other team will comment and suggest on the presenting team’s project Process to conduct such hands on workshop: The process of conducting such workshop will be nearly the same as the ideation canvas exercise on page 3. This exercise will bring discussions on viability and cost effectiveness into picture along with their clear If required colleges/branches can certainly take extra time.Gujarat Technological University (http://www.E. PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 Appendix-4: Exercise-4 Hands on exercise on BMC (Business model Canvas) Exercise Objective: Business model canvas is used to validate the market significance of products and services which will be of technology nature in this | |Contact: gtu_innovation_council@gtu. if required. This exercise will enable students to have a clear understanding on the steps required to ensure that whatever solution they develop as their project should have a user who can afford it with desired needs. Thus business model canvas can be used to visualise such market problems and customer https://[email protected]. This will make them more effective in market.wikipedia. You may refer about this more at: http://en. customer reach and collaborations and those that pertain to the practical nature of limited initial capacities within the| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | . in| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR Technological University ( PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 BMC canvas for IDP/UDP exercise for BE final year students Ref | |Contact: [email protected]/wiki/Business_Model_Canvas#mediaviewer/File:Business_Model_C anvas.gtu.png 14 | Gujarat Technological University (http://[email protected]. It is always recommended to prioritize Technological University (http://www.gtu. Make notes on what steps are relevant for each- 15 | Gujarat Technological University (http://www. GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR B. Customer Segments: Customer Segment block is to present the list of Personas.gtu. Value Propositions: The Value Propositions business block aims at providing answers to the following questions:  What value do we deliver to the customer?  Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve?  What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?  Which customer needs are we satisfying? Examples: o characteristics o Newness o Performance o Customization o “Getting the Job Done” o Design o Brand/Status o Price o Cost Reduction o Risk Reduction o Accessibility o Convenience/Usability 3. If you have more than one segment. PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 Description about Various Terminologies and FAQ on BMC Steps to fill in the Business Model [email protected]| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | .in.  Who would you pitch first if you could only pitch one? Who next? And so forth…  For whom are we creating value?  Who are our most important customers? Examples: o Mass Market o Niche Market o Segmented o Diversified o Multi-sided Platform 2. linked to Personas or Segments if they differ substantially. Channels: This business block comprises of a list of important | |Contact: gtu_innovation_council@gtu. organized by Customer Segment.| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | . Revenue Streams: Revenue Streams block of Business Model Canvas aims at answering the following questions:  For what value are our customers really willing to pay?  For what do they currently pay?  How are they currently paying?  How would they prefer to pay?  How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues? Types of Revenue Streams: o Asset sale o Usage fee o Subscription Fees o Lending/Renting/Leasing o Licensing o Brokerage fees o Advertising 16 | Gujarat Technological University ( service. sales. This business block provides answers to the following questions:  Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached?  How are we reaching them now?  How are our Channels integrated?  Which ones work best?  Which ones are most cost-efficient?  How are we integrating them with customer routines? | |Contact: gtu_innovation_council@gtu. Customer Relationship: The customer relationship business block answers the following questions:  What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them?  Which ones have we established?  How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?  How costly are they? Examples: o Personal assistance o Dedicated Personal Assistance o Self-Service o Automated Services o Communities o Co-creation GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR B.gic@gtu. PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 promotion.Gujarat Technological University ( If an activity is key. it’s still part of your business model. Key Resources: This segment of the business model canvas answers the following questions. This is a way to denote which specific Partners are handling various Key Activities for you.gtu. Key Partnerships: It is always recommended to map Key Partners to Key GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR B.  What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?  Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships?  Revenue Streams? Types of resources o Physical o Intellectual (brand [email protected]/) | |Contact: [email protected]. PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2 o o o o o o o o o fixed pricing List Price Product feature dependent Customer segment dependent Volume dependent dynamic pricing Negotiation (bargaining) Yield Management Real-time-Market data) o Human o Financial 8. Key Activities: The Key Activities block aims at answering the following set of questions in your business model:  What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?  Our Distribution Channels?  Customer Relationships?  Revenue streams? Categories o Production o Problem Solving o Platform/Network 7.Gujarat Technological University (| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | . copyrights. This business block is intended to answer the following questions:  Who are our Key Partners? 17 | Gujarat Technological University (http://www. Technological University (http://www.openfuel. maximum automation. PROJECTS 2014 – Part 2    Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform? Motivations for partnerships o Optimization and economy o Reduction of risk and uncertainty o Acquisition of particular resources and activities 9. This block in the business model answers the following questions:  What are the most important costs inherent in our business model?  Which Key Resources are most expensive?  Which Key Activities are most expensive?  Is your business more  Cost Driven (leanest cost structure.pdf For references of some real life case studies. Cost Structure: Cost Structure business block provides a list of Cost Structure elements with notes on their relationship to Key Activities. premium value proposition) Sample characteristics o Fixed Costs (salaries.businessmodelgeneration. 18 | Gujarat Technological University ( Blog link to Steps to fill in the business model| Tel: +91-79-2630 0699 | .E. utilities) o Variable costs o Economies of scale o Economies of scope References: http://www.gtu. extensive outsourcing)  Value Driven (focused on value creation. low price value proposition. please see the following: Blog link to IDEATION and PD (Product Design) hands on workshops | |Contact: [email protected]/) GUIDELINES FOR THE FINAL YEAR [email protected]/downloads/ http://www.
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