BMC Syllabus CDLU university

April 3, 2018 | Author: Anil Beniwal | Category: Advertising, Mass Media, News, World Wide Web, Technology



Ch. Devilal University,Sirsa B.A.M.C.SYLLABUS BAMC -1st Semester Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. Paper Code Paper-1 Paper-2 Paper-3 Nomenclature Subject Code. Max.M Mini.M 28 28 28 28 Int.Asstt. 20 20 20 20 Time 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. 3Hrs. ---3Hrs. General Hindi 80 Basic Computer 80 Introduction to80 Communication 4. Paper-4 General Awareness-1 80 5. Paper-5 Practical 100 BA-IInd semester 1. Paper-6 General English 80 2. Paper-7 General Awareness-2 80 3. Paper-8 Print Media 80 4. Paper-9 Traditional Folk Media 80 5. Paper-10 Practical 100 BA-III rd semester 1. Paper-11 Electronic Media 80 2. Paper-12 Cyber Journalism 80 3. Paper-13 Radio Production 80 4. Paper-14 General Awareness-3 80 5. Paper-15 Graphics & Production 80 BA-IVth semester 1. Paper-16 Television and Film80 Production 2. Paper-17 General Awareness-4 80 3. Paper-18 Photo Journalism 80 4. Paper-19 Advertising 80 5. Paper-20 Training 50 Paper- Communication Skills 40 20(a) BA-Vth semester 1 Paper-21 DEVELOPMENT 80 COMMUNICATION 2 Paper-22 NEW 80 MEDIATECHNOLOGY 3 4 Paper-23 COMMUNICATION RESEARCH Paper-24 CORPORATE COMMUNICATION 80 80 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 20 14 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ----10 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 3Hrs 3Hrs 3Hrs 3Hrs 5 Paper-25 iz;kstuewyd fgUnh 80 28 20 3Hrs BA-VIth semester 1 Paper-26 MEDIA LAW & ETHICS 2 3 4 5 Paper-27 SPECIALIZED JOURNALISM Paper-28 MEDIA ORGANISATION AND FUNCTIONS Paper-29 ENGLISH Paper-30 Practical 80 80 80 80 80 28 28 28 28 28 20 20 20 20 20 3Hrs 3Hrs 3Hrs 3Hrs 3Hrs lkekU; fgUnh (सामान्य िहिंदी) Mix.Marks.80 इकाई-एक भाषा का अर्थर एवं िवषेषताए, िहिन्दी भाषा की प्रक ृ ित, शब्द सरंचना एवं प्रयोग, संिध, समास, उपसगर प्रत्यय, पयारयवाची, िवलोमाथी, मुहिावरे एवं लोकािक्तियां अर्लंकार। इकाई दोप्रयोजनमूलक िहिन्दी: स्वरुप एवं व्यवहिार क्षेत, प्रयोजनमूलक िहिन्दी क े िविवध रुप, अर्नुवाद की पिरभाषा, अर्नुवाद का स्वरुप, व्यवहिार अर्नुवाद का महित्व। अर्नुवाद की प्रिया अनुक्र्रर्या अर्नुवाद समस्याएं एवं समाधान, अर्नुवाद इकाई तीनप्रशासकीय पताचार क े िविवध रुप - सरकारी पत, अर्द्रसरकारी पत कायारलय आदेष, राजपत, अर्िधसूचना, पृष्ठाक ं न, प्रेस िवज्ञप्तिप, द्रुत पत, िटिप्पणी, अर्नुस्मारक, प्रितवेदन। इकाई चार: पतकािरता का अर्थर , स्वरुप एवं महित्व, समाचार सवांददाता क े गुण, सम्पादक, सम्पादकीय, सम्पादन क े आधारभूत तत्व, समाचार लेखन कलाः। सहिायक ग्रन्थ 1. प्रयोजनमूलक िहिन्दी: डा0 नरेष िमश, डा0 सुरष े िसंहिल, डॉ0 डी0 क े 0 जैन अर्िभनव प्रकाषन, नई सडक िदल्ली- 6 2. राजभाषा िहिन्दी: क ै लाषचन्द्र भािटिया, वाणी प्राकषन, िदल्ली 3. प्रयोजनमूलक िहिन्दी: िसद्धान्त और प्रयोग: दंगल झाल्टिे वाणी प्रकाषन 21-ए दिरयागंज नई िदल्ली - 11002 4. प्रयोजनमूलक िहिन्दी: डा0 िवनोद गोदरे, वाणी प्रकाषन 21- ए दिरयागंज नई िदल्ली, 5. व्यवहिािरक िहिन्दी और स्वरुप: वाणी प्रकाशन, िदल्ली। CorelDraw. Internet. Excel. alignment. Computer parts: Software.K. Growth.80 Unit-I Introduction to Computer. The ABC’s of Internet. LAN. vector and bitmap graphics. kerning. Marks. generations and basics. New Delhi. MS Windows. MAN and WAN. Scope and Administration. Computer Fundamentals by P. colour concepts. Origin. Power Point. text formatting. Quark Express Unit-IV Use of Printer and Scanner.Paper. 1998.2 Basics of Computers Max. Co-axial Cable. Unit-III PageMaker: Features. Web Technologies A Systematic Approach by Dr. BPB publications. Optical fiber and WAP Pass Marks-28 Time: 3 hours Suggested Books: 1. basic use creating a file. editing. placing graphics. Hardware and Peripherals. Unit-II Designing and Layout: Basic concepts like columns. Crumlish. Archana Kumar UDH Publications and Distributors Ltd 3. Application of MS Office. gutter space. text formatting. Photoshop. 2. . Sinha Published by BPB Publications. Inter Personal. Barriers of communication.Paper-3 INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Max. Characteristics of the audiences of various Mass Media. Concept. 6) Understanding Mass Communication-M DeFleur and E. Group Communication. New comb's model. Pass Marks: 28 UNIT-III Media Theories: . Suggested Readings: 1) Mass communication theory: Sage Publication-Dennis MC Quail 2) Handbook of Journalism and Mass communication-V. 5) Mass Communication(Theory and Practice-Uma Narula(Harnand Publication).B. Selective exposure. UNIT-II Models of Communication: . Gate Keeping model. Perception & Retention theory. Nature. 4) The Dynamic of Mass Communication MCGraw-Hill Companies. Scope & Features of Mass communication. Gerbner's model. Laswell formula. .SMR Model. Marshal Mcluhan's theory. Dance's Model. Elements of communication. UNIT-IV Mass Communication: Definition. Cultivation theory. Nature and Scope of communication.Bullet theory.VSGupta Publisher-Concept Publishing 3) The Uses of Mass Communication –Blumler and E. Shramm's model. Functions of communication. Two-step & multi-step flow theory. Agenda Setting theory. Forms of Communication: Intra Personal. Marks: 80 Time: 3 hours UNIT-I Communication: -Definition. Aggarwal. Osgood model.Katz (Sage Publication). Dennis-Hougton Nefflin company Publication. Limitations of Mass communication. Humanity. relation of psychology with other social sciences.Opinion and attitude formation Suggested Books: 1. Introduction to psychology by Morgan and King Tata Mc Graw Hill. Marks. tribe. GroupCommunity. definitions and process of social change. agents of social change Unit-III Concept. psychology of social groups Unit-IV Elements and process of human behavior. clan. definitions and importance of psychology. importance of studying psychology for media students. marriage Concept.Institution.origination -Society . Theory of information. Sociology by Lal & Singh 3. Relation of Sociology with other Social Sciences. definitions and importance of sociology.Biosphere and their unity and Inter -dependence Unit-II Family. importance of studying Sociology for media students.80 Pass Marks-28 Time: 3 hours Unit-1 Concept.New Delhi 2. kinship. class.Paper -4 General Awareness -1 Max. General Psychology By Arun Kumar Singh . caste. Marks.100 Power Point Presentations News Clippings Feature/Article Photo Caption Interviews Radio Talks Typing Test –Hindi Pass Marks-40 Time: 3 hours :2 : 8(Published in blog and Portal/Newspaper) : 4(Published in blog and Portal/Newspaper) : 4(Published in blog and Portal/Newspaper) : 2(Recorded & uploaded on poadcast.Paper -5 Practical Max. Published in blog and Portal/Newspaper) :5 . Statesman. Raja Ram Mohan Roy.K.Gandhi. Growth and development of press in Haryana. FM & Community Radio. Madan Mohan Molviya. Punjab Kesari. New trends in Journalism.Paper II History of Mass Media ( B. Press Council. Vernacular press. Unit II: Historical development of Tribune. Media Convergence.A) Unit I: History and development of Press in India. B. Press In India before and after independence. Press Commissions. bal Mukand Gupt.Kumar Sanchar Ke Saat Sopan BY Anil K. Books:Mass Communication in India By Kewal J. 1. Nav Bharat and their contribution in Indian freedom movement. DTH. Television & Film with special reference to India. 2. Lala Lajpat Rai.Tilak in Indian Freedom Movement. Prasar Bharti. Satellite Boom. Hindustan Times. Times of India. Unit III: History and development of Radio. Unit IV: Contribution of M.G.Ankit . 3. Unit. 2. Sentence making and punctuation Unit –II Practice of the following in English language. . Unit. Narration. Prepositions.III Practice of the following in English Language : Synonyms/ antonyms Singular/plural Active/Passive Voice. Pronouns. Verbs.6 General English Max. Good English by Archna Mathur Objective General English by S. Articles. Adjectives..Practice of the following in English language -Tense. Nouns.SEMESTER -II Paper.IV Comprehension Precis Writing Essay Writing Letter Writing Suggested Books: 1. Chand. One-word substitute. English in mind students book by Puchta. Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 28 Time: 3 hours Unit-1 Words (Vocabulary of about 1000 words drawn from commonly used English Newspapers). Debate on making voting compulsory Granting the right not to vote. Indian Constitution by Basu. Indian Constitution by Subhash Kashyap National Book Trust.Religious divisive forces & fundamentalist organizations. Multi Party system national and Regional parties. State legislature. Citizenship.Preamble salient features. Political Defections—Anti Defection Act Law 1985 amended in 2003.II Max. Marks. religion and minorities. Parliament.Election powers.Vidhan Sabha and Vidhan Parishad. Lower Judiciary.Paper -7 General Awareness. Mid Term Elections.Electoral lists. 2.Functions and Powers. Major political parties and alliances.Directive Principles of State Policy Unit-II (Three Pillars of Democracy) President. demand for right to recall people’s representatives Books: 1. Cabinet Ministries. Communalism. functions. States and Union Territories. Governor-Appointment and powers. Legislative business of Parliament. Council of Ministers. Supreme Court.Functions and Powers. Secularism. Vice President. Electoral Reforms. Voter ID Cards. Political Defections—Anti Defection Act Law 1985 amended in 2003. Corruption in politics –Lokpal debate.pseudo secularism and Sarva dharma Sambhav.Election. Vidhan Sabha. By Elections . High Court. Vidhan Parishad. their ideological bend. Chief Minister.Bills and Acts.New Delhi.Governor and Lt.Composition of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.80 Pass Marks-28 Time: 3 hours Unit-1 (Indian Constitution) Constitution.Ministers and Ministries. Elections of Rajya Sabha. Lokayukta and jurisdiction of CVC. Fundamental Rights. Presiding Officers of upper and lower House. Nomination paper and its enclosures {Details of assets and criminal record} Unit-IV (Political Issues & Debates) Politics concerning castse. Grant of status and symbols. General Elections. Unit-III (Electoral System) Election Commission-composition and functions. EVMs. Representaion of te people Act 1951 – important provisions.New Delhi . amendments & SC judgments. Elections of Lok Sabha. Universal adult franchise. Fundamental Duties. Prime Minister. Journalists Handbook by M. Srivastava. Hindustan Times. Editorial. 4. New Delhi. Journalism in India by Rangaswami Parthasarathi. Definition. Elements and News Value. Tilak. Kamath. Vernacular Press in Pre-Independence era. Lead: Definition. Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Difference between News. B. The Press by Chalpathi Rau. Concept & Types. 7. Editor's Mail. Historical development of The Tribune. Columns and Columnists. Qualities & Functions of News-editor and Sub-editors . Marks. James Silk Buckingham. Qualities and Responsibilities of a Good Reporter. New Delhi.Paper -8 Print Media Max. New Delhi. Editorial page Contents. Focal Encyclopedia of Photography. National Book Trust. UNIT-III Fundamentals of Good Writing. Editorial: Concept. Review Writing. Writing for Magazines. 3.I News: Concept. Syndicate Journalism. UNIT-II News Room Organization & Operations Sources of News Copy. Kamath. Patra Karita Ke Mool Sidhant by Navin Chandra Pant (Hindi . New Agencies. V. Vikas. Mahatma Gandhi. Contribution of James Augustus Hickey. 5. 9. Sterling. Free Lancing. Vikas. The Hindu. Importance and Kinds of Leads. Methods & techniques of Newsgathering. News reports Structure. 8. Sources of News. J. Essentials of a Good Feature. Anand Bazar Patrika. The Times of India. Development of Press in Haryana. Long ford.G.80 Pass Marks-28 Time: 3 hours UNIT. Syndicate Features. 6. Suggested Readings: 1. M. Feature. News Reporting & Editing by K. 2. Important personalities of Indian Press in Post-Independence-era. UNIT –IV History of Indian Press. Professional Journalism By M. Basic Photography by M. News Analysis. New Delhi. Feature: Definition. Article. Complete Digital Photography by Ben long. Types & Importance. V. Role of Press in Freedom Movement. 4. oxford University Press. Prominent & folk theatrists of India. role of Traditional Media in spreading social. Balwant University of Washington Press. Jatra. New Delhi110027 Folk Music and Mass Media by S. Chakri. Traditional Folk variety in India. traditional personality. Folk tales. rouf. Folk Music with special reference to Dhalo. tradition . forms and principles role and significance of puppetry as a traditional form. New Delhi . Unit-III Folk Theatre: Its Concept nature Characteristics and Advantages. Boli. IPTA-its formation & role in the promotion of street plans in India. ragini and Panihari.Paper -9 Traditional Folk Media Max. Marks. Traditional Folk Media in India by S Parmar. Lesser Known Forms of Performing arts in India by Mukhopadhyay Durgadas. 3. powada. The Speaking Tree: Study on Indian Culture and Society by Richard Lanmerg. reach & limitations of traditional folk media.economic and political awareness. Traditional Games and Sports. Unit-IV Ballad: Its concept and forms with special reference to Alha. Traditional personality. Kolkali Pattus. Parmar. Bhatiali. New Delhi. Bhavai. of India. Sterling Publications. concept. Folk Theatre in India by Gargi. folk theatre forms in India: Tamasha. nautanki. Sayings. Yakshagna.80 Pass Marks-28 Time: 3 hours Unit-I Traditional modes of Advertising peculiarities of a traditional society. traditional modes of Advertising peculiarities of a traditional society. Folk Lore. Raddles. Geka Books. 2. Customs. nature and definition. Villupatlu. Folk dances Vis-a vis classical dance. Vaar. nature and forms. Kajari. 5. Tagore Garden. Rituals-Concepts. impact of electronic media on folk media Suggested Readings 1. Prominent ballads. Puppetry-it concept. jugni. Unit-II Introduction to Traditional folk media its characteristics and advantages. Garba. Communication Publications. Marks. Article/Feature 5.English 6.100 1. Photo features 3. News Items 2.Paper -10 Practical Max. Live Programme 7 Radio Talks 10(Published on blog and Portal) 2(Published on blog and Portal) 4(Published on blog and Portal) 5(Published on blog and Portal) 02 (Recorded and Up loaded on Poadcast) 05 Pass Marks-40 Time: 3 hours . Typing test . Letters to Editor 4. News based and Current Affairs programmes. Pearson. sage Publication. Shrivastava: News Writing for the Radio and TV. Basics characteristics of electronic media.R. TV news Room & Studio Layout. TV documentaries. Cohler. K. Publication Division. . New Delhi. Unit-III Production process of TV News. New Delhi. structure of radio News Bulletin. David Keith: Broadcast Journalism. New Delhi.11 Electronic Media Max. Kanishka Prakashan.V. Different format of Radio programmes. New Delhi.Chaterjee: Broadcasting in India. News Anchoring.George: News Writing. H. News packaging. Radio News Room & News Studio. Process of News presentation-pre-Production and Post Production. Television Script. Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 28 Time: 3 hours Unit-I Introduction of Electronic Media.New Delhi. difference between Print & Electronic Media. Sterling Publication. News production team and their responsibilities. Hough A. Camera Operation (Shots. Brief history of radio and television in India. Planning and Production of Radio programmes. basics of script writing for TV programmes. 4. Lighting) Unit-IV Entertainment T. basic elements of News Production. Luthra: Indian Broadcasting. Media & Social Responsibility Suggested Books: 1. News Reporting. Unit-II Radio: characteristics of Radio News Writing and editing.SEMESTER –III BA MASS COMMUNICATION Paper. Movements. 5. P. James Glen Stovall: writing for the Mass media. 3. 2. 6. Angle. Prentice Hall. News writing .M.C. 4. Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 28 Time: 3 hours Unit I: Cyber Journalism: What is Cyber Space? What is Information \super Highway? Internet and Information Revolution.K. Future of Cyber Journalism. Comparison of Cyber media with Print.Dudeja Electronic media & Internet: Y. 3.Paper. Why print and Electronic media network are going on the Net? Impact of Cyber Journalism . Unit II: Writing for Web media : basic rules Do’s and Don’ts. 5. 2. Recommended Books: 1. Advertising on Web.D’Souza . Writing news Stories. Cyber Laws. Fundamentals of Cyber media. Trends in Cyber Reporting & Editing. Cyber Space Aur Media : Sudhir Pachori Fundamentals of Information Technology : Deepak Bharihoke Multimedia Systems: Ramesh Agarwal & Bharat Bhushan Tiwari IT in the New Millennium: V.12 Cyber Journalism Max. Unit III: Presentations & layout of Cyber Newspapers and Magazines .Recent trends in Cyber Journalism. Circulation of Web newspaper. Features & Articles on the Web. Impact of globalization on Cyber Journalism. TV & Radio. Unit IV: Analysis of Important Indian News Based Web Sites.D. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cyber Journalism. NY. 1998. music. 1987. Publication Division. discussion. talk. H. Akash Bharti National Broadcast Trust: Publication Division. New Delhi.Radio interview commentaries . National Book Trust. Theory and Practice Landon. Aldrige.13 Radio Production Max. Edger E.M. placement and types of microphone.Nature of sound . Crook. Modulation and voice quality. Interactive Program. C. newsreel. Prentice Hall. Masani. 1997. Eminent broadcasters Unit 4 Field based Programmes . Luthra. Indian Broadcasting.Selection. Audio control and sound effect.Basics of audio recording .Spot light. feature.Art of questioning .Live broadcast . • • • • • . Common errors in pronunciation.Do’s and don’ts for news reader. Radio Production Techniques.Generic element: content and format.Stereo and mono sound Unit 2 Formats of Radio Programs.Paper. Mehra: Broadcasting and Pepole. Macmillan. Role and responsibilities of a news reader.Some spot reporting . review.Special audience and current affairs programs Unit 3 Radio and Voice.Research Inputs . New Delhi. New Delhi. Tim. Television and Radio. Reference: • • Pass Marks: 28 Time: 3 hours Media & Rural Development by Jain. Macliesh Robert.R. Radio Drama.Willis & Henary B. Marks: 80 Unit I Audio Technology. 10 पूरनचन्द्र जोषी. Elements of Indian culture.14 General Awareness-3 Max. Socialism and Democracy Five year plan.Passing of Traditional Society. 2. Objectives of Indian Constitution: Federal and unitary nature. J.Paper.Capitalism. Abnormal Psychology Suggested Books: Durga Dass basu.The Violence of the green revaluation. Landon James Gull-Media.Capitalism in age of Globalizantion Vanadan Shiva. Weather News. 3. Unit-IV Psychology. Itnerviews.Free Press New York.Hamelink. A. Latitudes & Longitudes. Schumpeter. Ego. Id. The politics of world communication. Ja. Social Psychology. . Year Books Denial Lerner. Intelligent Quotient. संस्क ृ ित. CantreState relationship. 9. 7. Marks: 80 Unit-I Constitution. Introduction to the constitution of India. 6. 4. Communication. Unit-II History. Human Geography. 5. Culture Kamlesh Mahajan-Communication & Society Samir Amin. Historical Places in India. social systems and social concerns. िवकास और संचार क्रांित। Pass Marks: 28 Time: 3hours 1. Sate. parliamentary system. Unit-III Geography . Geography of World. super-Ego. 8.Geography of India. Characteristics of main stages of Indian history.Personality. Brochures. Layout. Wall.N.Sarkar Publication –Oxford University Press. Photo caption writing. Unit-IV Basics of audio Recording. Posters Books. Poster design.Exposing.Paper. Black and White Photography. SEMESTER-4 Max. Basics of film production Techniques. Developing and Printing. Booklets. Books:Art and print Production By:N. Principles of design.writing. Photographic techniques. 5. Package Design. Packages. Video Production By Vasuki Belavadi Publisher-Oxford University Press. Type and type faces. Sound & Slide Productions.USA.USA The Art directors Annual 88 By. Outdoor transit & Design. Folders. Marks: 80 Unit I : Paper 16 Television and Film Production Pass Marks: 28 Time: 3 hours . Composing methods. Logos & Trademarks. Pass Marks: 28 Time: 3hours 1. Unit-II Leaflets.Art Director Club Publisher-Rotovision A Hompage to Typography-Pedro Guitton Publisher –Index Book Typomag By: Laura Mesquer Punblisher. choosing types in design layout. newspaper. 3. Desktop publishing. Basics of Video Production Techniques.Index Books.15 Graphics & Production Max. 2. 4. Marks: 80 Unit-I Elements of design. Unit-III Camera parts and type of Cameras. Interviews. Cable Television. Television in India : R.C.Panel discussion.TV as medium of communication. stage in film making . SITE. Stages in TV Programme production .s. Lenses. currency devaluation. TV Programme production : G. Types of CAMERAS . .D. Outdoor. Per capita income. sound Recording. Unit III : Shooting. TV News writing. Characteristics. Farmers . Microphones Lighting. post production.Youth .Film – a reference Guide : Armour 14. E. Children . Issues and problems of Agriculture Industry. Role of producer. Video revolution. Silent era. A Handbook for script writers : B. Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 28 Time: 3 hours Unit-I Introduction to Indian and World economy.The Art of Film : Lindgrad 12. Characteristics.How to read a Film : James Monaco 13. Variety programmes. N .Programme production techniques . TV for Education and Development : B. Types of films .W. Documentaries. Now the Headlines : S. Editing Filming. Nature of Indian Economy . Animation techniques .75 years of Indian cinema : Feroz Rangoonwallah 15. Women .Film Censorship: G.Gross Domestic Product. Dramas. popular cinema in 1950s . Location survey. Students . Origin and growth. Chatterjee 2.Role of Media in Promotion of Agriculture Industry. Film reviews .Duties of the TV Crew. P. ETV. Unit-I1 Indian Agriculture System. Broadcasting in India : P.B.programmes for special audience . Millerson 3. Indoor. Welsch 9.Indian cinema today : Kabita Sakar 11. Scope of Cotton and Sugarcane Industry. Unit II : TV news . principles code .. Broadcasting : I. Audience. Bhatia 6.Script writing . News telecast techniques . Acharya 4.New wave cinema . Khosla Paper 17 General awareness-4 Max. singh 7. Floor planning .TV studio .Sources Writing . Making a Television programme : Breyer – Johnson 5. Talkies. Basic shots . Studio operations. Film appreciation. Fang 8. Our films and their films : Satyajit Ray 10. Unit IV : A brief history of films. Types of scripts . budget deficit and inflation. Reference Books : 1. Introduction to international politics. qualities for good photojournalist. Portable camera (ENG EFP). Television production . Types of cameras lens.United nations and SAARC.Fill light & Back Light). Role & Responsibilities of photojournalist. halogen.MNCs.Five years Plans.· Nature of natural light.IMF.. Joseph V. Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 28 Time: 3 hours Unit-I Fundamental of Photo Journalism.. Mascelli. Basic photography 7. camcorder. . Mascelli 4. (Incandescent.· Three point lighting technique(Key light. Unit-IV Artificial lighting equipments· Types of lamps in use & their efficiency. Television Production : Allen Wartzel 5. J J Langford. Gadgets for controlling natural light. Focal Press 8. Unit-II Types of TV cameras: Studio camera. Manual of Photography : Focal Press 3. American Cinematographer’s Manual 6. Current national and international events Paper 18 Photojournalism Max. Allen Wartzel. Five Cs of Cinematography : Joseph V. Manual of Photography. Suggested Books 1.Unit-III Stock market.RBI. Digital Camera and its advantages over conventional analog cameras. production personnel: Roles & Responsibilities. J J Langford : Basic Photography 2. how to handle video camera.World trade organization Unit-IV Indian foreign policy.· Basic concept of Exposure. Five Cs of cinematography 9. Contrast ratio. Unit-III Objective of television lighting. HMI)· Halogen cycle.The concept of globalization. Creativity and Concept. Marks: 80 Pass Marks: 28 Time: 3 hours Unit 1: Definition. of Advertising. 199 . What's in a Brand? Building Brand Equity Through Advertising. Classifications.Advertising and Consumerism. Pre-budget thinking. Philip John. Advertising and social and cultural change. evolution and Growth of Advertising. New Delhi. Copy writing for Print and Electronic media Advertisements. Tata Mc Graw –Hill. Preparing campaign for the launch of a product. Appeals in advertising. Outdoor and Indoor advertising. Subroto. Median characteristics. National and Global Advertising scene. Outdooor. new trends in Advertising. Unit-III Media Planning. Impact of ads on children.Paper 19 Advertising Max. New Delhi. Sisson Z. 1998. production and Cost Analysis. Advertising Campaign. Monitoring and Control of budget. Concept of Marketing Mix & Social Marketing. Public service Advertising. 3rd ed. Brand Positioning: Strategies for Competitive Advantage. evolution of Campaign. Advertisement Campaign: Commercial & Social Campaign. etc. Socio-economic effects of advertising. Parts of Advertisement copy. Function. NTC Business Books. Unit-IV Brand and brand Positioning Stages in the creative process media planning Qualities of a successful advertisement. social Marketing. Sengupta. Jack and Lincoln Bumba Advertising Media Planning. Suggested Books: • • Jones. process of building Brand-equity and brand-image. Mehtods of determining Advertising Appropriation. overview. Indoor and Transit advertising. Tata Mc Graw-Hill. Campaign planning. Women. Unit-II Advertising Budget. Nature and Scope of Advertising.advantages and disadvantages of various Media. reports. body language -verbal/non verbal cues. Pass Marks: 14 Time: 3 hours Meetings: . memos. structure. minutes. Audio aids. per-presentation. fundamentals. printed aids. managing. writing news analysis & backgrounders. use of power point. computer aided presentation. Presentation communication. kinds of interviews.Paper-20 (A) COMMUNICATION SKILLS Max. notices. group discussion etc. post meeting. Marks: 50 Pass Marks: 20 Each student will have to undergo One Month of internship in some Media Organization of High Repute from I st June to 30th June Students will have to produce . Workshops :. post presentation follow up Unit-III Presentation aids. drafting a letter. Unit-II Written communication-content. group discussions. Public spiking techniques. structure and content of writing . Unit IV Creative writing. JAM Sessions Paper 20(B) Training Internship Max. visual aids.Mock interviews . audio aids. Marks: 40 Unit-1 Essentials of communication skills. small group communication techniques.convening –presentation. concept and process of Development Communication. DISCIPLINE & ACTIVITES during the course of Field training.S. measures of Development Communication. Suggested Readings: 1. Srinivas R. Dominant Publications. newspaper.a CERTIFICATE issued by the Director/ Editor/ Manager/Chairperson etc. New Delhi Development Communication experience.strategies of Development Communication. New Delhi 6. problems of Development Communication. Joshi Uma Understanding Development Communication. TV. UNIT III Role of mass media organizations in Development Communication. Communication and Development Concept. Development Communication and Society. Tewari. Environment. Women Empowerment. Honolulu 7. DAVP. Sage. traditional media. Narula Uma Development Communication – Theory and Practice. of India 4. Education and Literacy. Har Anand 2. The report must be submitted to the Chairperson of the Department before 7th July. New Delhi 5. PIB. Development Communication dichotomies. Govt. Semester V th BAMC 21 Development Communication UNIT I Meaning. A panel of Experts constituted by the chairperson will conduct the viva for the Internship Assessment. I P Communication Technology and Development. Song and Drama Division etc. Health and Family Welfare. UNIT IV Development support Communication in Agriculture. Rogers Everett M Communication and Development: Critical . Gupta V. UNIT II Theories and paradigms of Development communication. characteristics of developing countries. Melkote Communication for Development in the Third World. Poverty and Employment. participatory Development Communication process with special reference to India. Lerner Daniel & Schramm Wilbur Communication and Changes in Developing Countries. Publication Division. East West Communication Centre. of the concerned Organization regarding their PERFORMANCE. role of NGOs in development.. WAP.Introduction to HTTP. types of sampling – Probability and Non.ISPs. Web servers.Cyber laws. BPB publications.Protocols of Internet. marketing. feed. Todaro. WAN & MAN. Unit II Internet services-e-mail. Unit III Types of Internet connections. URL. websites. homepages.WEB PAGE. inserting. The ABC’s of Internet. Online Journalism Books: 1. Sage. concept and scope. search resources. similarities and differences. Basic knowledge of Multimedia. New York BAMC 22 NEW MEDIA TECHNOLOGY Unit I Communication technology (CT). editing and publishingUnit IV Cyber Journalism: On-line editions of newspapers-management and economics: cyber newspapers-creation.Internet-Types of networks. Handbook of New Media. 1998. Live row 2. Home Page. Online editing and publishing. Internet Hardware..Perspective. World wide web. Search engine.CT and IT. HTML. Web Browsers. revenue and expenditure.Web page development. objectives and types of research Research Approaches – quantitative and qualitative Research Process – the steps involved in Research Design Unit II Meaning and different types Sampling – Selecting a sample. Longman. Internet Protocols. BAMC 23 MEDIA RESEARCH Unit I Meaning. New Delhi. Newsgroup.LAN.Probability Hypothesis /Research Questions Primary and Secondary data Unit III . Michael P Economic Development in the Third World. New Delhi 8. linking.. gopher. Crumlish. C. issue support.Advent of image advisories and lobbying companies and their functions: client servicing: counseling. tabulation Unit IV Measures of central tendency – Mean.Observation method Interview method Collection of data through questionnaire Collection of data through schedule. Sadhu Singh Research Methodology in Social Science. classification. Survey Method– Meaning. Mumbai 5. Readership survey. Raj Publishing House. Sharma & Anil Chaturvedi Research in Mass Media. G. Jaipur BAMC 24 CORPORATE COMMUNICATION Unit I Corporate communication: Advent. Kothari Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. Content Analysis. crisis management. New Delhi 3. TRP. Basotia & K. Selection & Training. service with a smile) Recruitment. S. Processing of data – editing. mailers. Himalaya Publishing House. Customer satisfaction.Skills and talents of a corporate communicator. network marketing. median and mode .R. coding.Corporate culture. public affairs.R.Introduction. Characteristics and types Public opinion surveys. conference management. Unit IV .(Recruiting and training.Making presentation. Radha Publications. tools. S. requirement and uses.K. role. Munjal Research Methodology. managing the politicians. writing speechesSelection of media for corporate communication Unit II Groupware. preparing for meetings. Direct Marketing. catalogues. Analysis and interpretation of data Report writing – parts of a report. corporate citizenship.Hi speed management-concept and relevance HRD Practices.R. Dr. Mangal Deep Publications 4. New Delhi 2. Suggested Readings : 1.Concept. producing newspaper and managing meetings using groupware using computer networks. Sharma Research Methodology. Wishwa Parkashan. corporate philosophy. strategic importance. steps involved. Unit III Privatization of PR . direct marketing on cable and television. िवश्वकोष की पिरभाषा.definition. Reports.kstuewyd fgUnh Max. 3. पिरभाषा एवं स्वरूप. पािरभािषक शब्दावली का महित्व. Corporate Communication. दभ ु ािषये का संिक्षपीकरण औरी िवस्तृतीकरण दाियत्विवज्ञप्तापन मे अर्नुवाद। इकाई-तीन िवज्ञप्तिपः.प्रेस नोटि की पिरभाषा और स्वरूप. Elsevier Pvt. Business magazines. Goodwin Newman. Of New York. Upward.Downward. State Uni.strategy & structure-brand equity and corporate brand. Horizontal and Common Barriers. Strategic Corporate Communications A Global Approach for Doing Business in the New India. Corporate Communication. Fundamentals of Corporate Communications. महित्व एवं उपयोिगता। . राजभाषा क े रूप मे िहिन्दी इकाई-दो अर्नुवाद: पिरभाषा और प्रक े गुण. New Delhi. प्रेस िवज्ञप्तिप की पिरभाषा और स्वरूप.Importance. Correspondence. Books: 1. formal and informal letters.Type of Communication. दभ ृ ित. Brand Management.Business Communication. Argenti. फीचर लेखा. concepts and evolution. BAMC 25 iz. अर्नुवादक क ु ािषये की िवशेषताएं ेे. Richard Dolphin. उद्देश्य. Marks 80 Time:3hours Pass Marks-28 इकाई-एक प्रयोजनमूलक िहिन्दी का अर्थर . दभ ु ािषय और अर्नुवादक मे अर्न्तर. प्रेस नोटि और प्रेस िवज्ञप्तिप मे अर्न्तर प्रूफ-संशोधन. क्षेत एवं उपयोिगता. 4. 1998 Sterling Pub. Mc Graw Hill. Paul A. Ltd. Ltd. प्रकार. संचार भाषा. िहिन्दी भाषा की प्रक ृ ित एवं िवशेषताए. notices office correspondence. शब्दकोष को अर्थर . Objective.. New York 2.component of a brand. PR letters. समाचार लेखन इकाई-चार पािरभािषक शब्दावली (पतकािरता से सम्बन्धिया अनुन्धत 100 शब्द) पािरभािषक शब्दावली की पिरभाषा एवं स्वरूप. अर्नुवाद क े प्रकार . Venkatraman. India Pvt. K. Broadcasting Bill. Vidisha Barua Press & Media Law Manual. Ravindranath Press Laws and Ethics of Journalism. Ltd. Suggested Readings: 1. Working Journalist Act and copyright Act. their limitations. Contemporary ethical issues of Electronic Media. Relevant Sections of IPC from Criminal Law Manual. Constitution of India (Article 19 (1) and 19 (2) 105. ASCI commercial code.Semester VI BAMC 26 Media Law & Ethics UNIT I Nature and scope of Media Law. electronic and on-line. 194)The Law Dictionary. Doordarshan commercial code. Distributed by N M Tripathi Pvt. Contempt of Courts. R. Film censorship. Dr. Concept and scope of media freedom. P. Press Council and Press commission. Official secret Act. New Delhi BAMC 27 ENVIRONMENT COMMUNICATION . Pvt. Universal Law Publishing Co. 1867.K. Ltd. Ambrish Saxena Freedom of Press and Right to Information in India.193 and 361A of Constitution. New Delhi 5. an overview of various laws having bearing on The media –print. Guidelines for parliamentary coverage and AIR Code of election coverage. UNIT III Press and Registration of Books Act. Universal 3. Venkateshwaran Mass Media Laws and Regulations in India. Information technology Act 2000. New Delhi 4. Published by Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre. laws on defamation. constitutional guarantees on Press freedom. Bombay 7. Kanishka Publication. reasonable restrictions.S. UNIT IV Prasar Bharti Act.Ravindrana Press in the Indian Constitution 6. Author Press.K. Universal 2. Cable Television Network Regulation Act 1995. UNIT II Parliamentary privileges article 105. New Delhi . Unit II Media & Ecology Concept of an ecosystem: structure and function of an ecosystem. Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss. Principles and Need for Management. Anubha Kaushik & C. Role of Media in Disaster management: Foods. Establishing a media organization – steps involved. Role of Media awareness in environment and Human Health issues Suggested Readings : 1. poaching of wildlife. consumers and decomposers. Need for public awareness via media. effects and control measures of: (a) Air pollution (b) Water pollution(c) Soil pollution (d) Noise pollution (e) Thermal pollution (f) Nuclear hazards. Importance of entrepreneurship and fund-raising H. Leadership – Importance and major types. man-wildlife conflicts. process and importance. Cross media ownership. Smoking and Cancer. Organizational structure of media organizations : Print/Electronic and their functions. Nature. Responsibility. P. P. cyclones and landslides. Nature. Planning – Definition. Dr B. Authority and Accountability of Management. Natural resources and associated problems: i) Forest resources ii) Water resources iii) Food resources iv) Energy resources v) Land resources. New Age International BAMC 28 MEDIA ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT Unit. Electronic and Print media organization – cost and revenue relationship. Media’s role in disseminating of information in ecology Unit III Media & Environmental Disaster Definition of environmental pollution: Causes. HIV/AIDS.Unit 1: Media and the Environment Definition. . ISBN 81-313-0456-3 2. Management Functions. FDI in media. Laxmi Publication 3. Unit IV Communicating Human Welfare Family Welfare Programme and media awareness. earthquakes. Role of an individual and media in prevention of pollution. India as a mega-diversity nation. directing and controlling Human Resource Planning Unit-II Behaviour and Leadership Foundations of behaviour – Attitudes. A. Women and Child Welfare.Management: Functions & Principles Management – Definition. P. Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions. S Chauhan Environmental Studies. Motivation and Conflict management Unit-III Media Organizations : Structure and functions Media Organizations : Meaning. organizing. Ownership patterns of media organizations. Environment Protection Act. Kaushik Environmental Studies. Producers. conglomerates Unit-IV Economics of Media Organizations Economics of newspapers. Pub. Role of an individual and media in conservation of natural resources. process and importance. Personality and Learning. scope and importance. Environment and human health. C Joshi & Namita Joshi A Text Book of Environmental Science. Poetry. Dickson D. Defence reporting: Necessity and History. tools of a defence reporter. India 2. types of defence reporting. Ravinder Jain. 2. Essays. BAMC 30 English Unit I Origin of Script Writing. Trager R Media Organization Management. Social face of defence. New Delhi BAMC 29 Defense Journalism Unit I Defence and Media. Communication. Chandigargh. Bhopal. short stories. Rajendra Nath. Defence reporter. India major defence Institutions. Unit III Origin and development of defence services in India and its structure. Shyam Khosla. New Delhi 4. Air Force: History and growth. writing on defence issues. Novels). Present challenges of defence. Biztantra. Unit IV India and its neighbouring countries. New Delhi. Threats and Strategies: Ashok Malik.e.J. defence news through nondefence sources. Navy: Its origin and development. Unit II . Private Ltd. Defence reporting: Its risk and Do’s and Don’ts. Tourish Denis Communication Skills for Effective Management. News sources in defence and how to keep them. Indian Security. preparation and essential requisites. Defence Journalism in India: Sangeeta Saxena. kargil Dastavaj. Sakthivel Murughan M Management Principles & Practices. News Analysis. Surjeet Publication. Dr. Palgrave Macmillan. 3. New Age International Publishers. Indian Armed Forces and their associate organization. Alan B Media Economics.Suggested Readings: 1. J. Albarran. New Delhi 3. Manas Publication. various forms of writing (i. wars after India’s Independence. Suggested Reading: 1. R. Hargie O. Redmond. Unit II Defence reporting and its hurdles. and content style. Introduction. Group communication. Body & Conclusion. Body Language. Printed Aids and Computer aided presentation. Audio-Visual Aids. . Unit III Essential of Communication Skills. Workshop and Jam Session. Presentation. Unit IV Official correspondence and Report Writing.Structure of writing: Preparation.
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