BMC Remedy ITSM 8.2 Fixes

March 29, 2018 | Author: beyondgood | Category: Internet Explorer, Command Line Interface, Human–Computer Interaction, Computing, Technology



BMC Remedy ITSM Suite installer issuesDefect ID Description Affected versions Fixed in SW0046504 7 After an upgrade or a new non-root Installations, some files had permission issues, for example: . /etc/profile, /etc/bmc.profile, /etc/.login, /etc/bmc.cshrc 8.1.00 8.1.02 8.1.01 Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 10 and 11 issues Defect ID Applicatio n SW004630 94 Calendar Issue The following issues were identified with the Calendar component when using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11:  The Filters and Queries bar overlaps the records displayed on the Calendar.  Sub-menus for the predefined queries listed under Filters and Queries are not displayed.  The tabs on the Details flyout menu are not displayed. Affecte d versions 8.1.01 1 Workaround In the Mid-tier configuration file,, change the value of arsystem.emit_X_UA_compatible_ mode variable from Edge to 10. SW004631 48 BMC Knowledge Manageme nt Performance issues have been identified when opening the form to create a new Knowledge Article using Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 on a Microsoft Windows 7 system. 8.1.01 1 Correcte d in Defect ID Applicatio n Issue Affecte d versions Workaround In the Mid-tier configuration file,, change the value of arsystem.emit_X_UA_compatible_ mode variable from Edge to 10. SW004655 28 All application s The following error is displayed in Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 when the value of arsystem.emit_X_UA_compatible_ mode variable is set to 10 in the in the Mid-tier configuration file: 8.1.01 1 ARERR [9506] Unable to display form Workaround Change the browser compatibility settings of the Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 manually. In Internet Explorer, go to Tools -> Compatibility view settings, and deselect the Display intranet sites in compatibility view option. SW004655 29 BMC Knowledge Manageme nt The following issues were identified with the RTF field when using Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 10 or 11:  You cannot modify the field when you select all the content entered in the field.  You cannot navigate the field using the keyboard arrow keys if you add hyperlinked content to the field.  Content alignment does not function as expected. Workaround 8.1.01 1 Correcte d in 1.01 8.02 SW0046360 6 When importing transactional data for incident management.1. Data Management issues Defect ID Issue Affected versions Corrected in SW0046494 3 After loading People records with permission groups. the customer's Post Code was blank. the CHG:Template Infrastructure Change Manager (id:1000000015) field was not updated by the Support Group Update 8.1. 8. 8.1.01 8.02 SW0046583 6 When using Data Management.1.02 . 8.1.1. Ignore the content alignment settings.02 SW0046656 2 When using the Data Wizard console. 8. Use the mouse to navigate to a specific location in the field.1.00 8.00 8.1. the Assignee Group values on the CTM: People Permission Groups form were populated with the 'Remedy Application Service' value.1. 8. the ClassId on the AST:Attributes form was not populated when that form used the DMT AST:LoadAttributes form.Defect ID Applicatio n Issue    Affecte d versions Correcte d in Ensure that content is not selected in the field when you want to modify the content.1.1.02 SW0046456 6 The Organization and Deptartment Data that was loaded using Data Management was populated to the wrong company when the Create as new job function was used.00 8.1.02 SW0046527 2 The Data Wizard did not update the RQC:SummaryDefinition categorizations.00 8.01 8.1.01 8.01 8.1. 1.00 8. 8.1.02 8. 8. 8.1.00 8. 8. SW0046 4330 Notificati on Engine NTE:Notifier records are not being deleted.02 operation. 8.02 SW0046 5760 Rule Based Email In Rule Based Email. SW0046 5540 Overview console The Overview console does note recognize the role 'All' (Owner or Assigned Group) when selecting 'Show'="Assigned To My Selected Groups". 8. which causes millions of records to accumulate in NTE:Notifier 8.1. 8.1.02 SW0046 8772 Maintena nce Tool Maintenance tool does not launch on Microsoft Windows 2012 server.02 SW0046 5272 Requester console The Data Wizard does not update the RQC:SummaryDefinition categorizations part of the Remedy Requester console.01 .1. Foundation issues and common issues Defect ID Applicat ion or Foundat ion area Issue Affe cted versi ons Corre cted in SW0046 0352 Requester You can't create a service request from the Requester console for a user when there is another user in the system who has the same name.00 8. the incident template assignee is not pushed out to the incident ticket when the ticket is created using email.1.00 8. SW0046471 6 You were able to clear the DMT AST:LoadWorkLog validation errors.1.02 SW0046 7216 People The data in the Notification language field was not being saved on the CTM:People form.02 console There is no Workaround available for this known issue.Defect ID Issue Affected versions Corrected in 8.00 8.1.00 8. 1.02 7.Defect ID Applicat ion or Foundat ion area Issue Affe cted versi ons Corre cted in Workaround Set the JAVA_HOME variable and launch the Maintenance Tool.1.1.02 SW0046 5540 Overview console The Overview console did not consider the role 'All' (Owner or Assigned Group) when it was queried using: 'Show'="Assigned To My Selected Groups".00 8.00 8.0.01 8.03 8.1. too many relationship records were removed from the AST:AssetPeople form. the status reason .00 8.0.02 SW0045 0658 Documen tation Remove the reference to the "Facilitator" role in BMC Remedy ITSM documentation.03 8. 7.6. 8. 8. SW0046 4802 People The Assignment tab of the People form was not visible in the French locale.1. 8. 7.02 SW0046 1599 People When a Company / Organization / Department was deleted.0.1. The way that the IT Home page handles those types of service requests is different from the way those requests are handled in other consoles.02 SW0044 9939 Approval s More concise documentation is needed for the Assignment Availability field on the Approval Mapping form.6.1. or assigned to a partiuclar person or group is now documented.01 8.1.00 8.00 8.1. 8.02 .1. 7.1.00 8.02 SW0045 4208 Task In the Task form.1.00 8.02 SW0046 5630 IT Home page The difference in the way that the IT Home Page handles service requests that are owned by.1. "Cancelled" was misspelled.00 8.03 8.00 .01 8. 00 8. which in turn made the change requests visible throughout to other companies. the German default user view had overlapping fields.01 8. SLA Resolution Status02(id:1000003015) and z1D_IncidentManagementRole (id:302257800) correctly.02 .02 SW0046 6223 Notificati on Engine Some tables were missing columns in the NTE:CFG-Notification Events form.00 generated an ARERR 48829 error when the requester submitted or modified a task and the default Support Group company was different from the company associated with the requester's People record. 7.02 SW0046 6981 Task Managem ent The two Task Management system filters introduced with BMC Remedy ITSM 8.01 8.1.bmc.02 SW0046 5659 Foundatio n On SYS:Menu items.00 SW0046 5760 Rule Based Email The incident template assignee was not added to the incident request if it was created using 8. 8.Defect ID Applicat ion or Foundat ion area Issue Affe cted versi ons Corre cted in SW0046 5514 Multi tenancy The multi tenancy issue related to the hot fix for defect SW00410272 has been corrected.01 8. 8.1.02 SW0046 5760 Rule Based Email The incident template assignee was not added to the incident request if it was created using email.02 SW0045 0859 Documen tation For information found athttps://docs.01 8.01 8. the result did not display z1D_INCStatusQuery (id:301604100). SW0046 6217 Foundatio n If you opened the CTM:CFGApplicationPreferences form directly.1. 8.01 8. The hot fix was causing the assignee groups on a change request public.02 SW0046 6227 Notificati on Engine As it was installed out-of-the-box.1. 8. 8.1. and searched for "System Default".1. the NTE:CFG-Notification Events form contained five implausible records.04 8.0. 8.1. 01 8.02 BMC Asset Management issues Click the Defect ID column heading to sort this table or to change the sort direction.1. 8.02 SW0047 0076 Consoles The active link SHARE:BRE_QualBFieldsFromSetSchem2 pointed incorrectly to '*' instead of the '@' server when executing a SQL action. in the Text field.1.1. This caused an ARERR 90 ERROR condition to occur. https://docs. 8.01 ing+existing+data https://docs.00. Defect ID Description Affected versions Corrected in SW0045952 7 When the locale was set to Portuguese.04.1.02 SW0046052 2 When moving a CI to the In Inventory status. 8.1.02 SW0046026 2 The CI record was corrupted when a user without appropriate permissions to modify the CI attempted to modify it.00. 8.02 . 8.1.bmc.0.6.Defect ID Applicat ion or Foundat ion area Issue Affe cted versi ons Corre cted in 80/Changing+existing+data . links have been provided to relevant and related topics to provide information about changing and updating foundation data with the data wizard. ging+existing+data SW0046 5667 Communi cation The NTE:NTS:Email_200_SystemNT_with_EmailT emplate filter had the phrase: This will not be used.00 8.1. 8.00 8.1. some of the field values were not translated.01 8.bmc.1.0. users could select inventory locations that are 8.1. 02 In addition to this. SW0046360 3 When you successfully related a Known Error to a CI.1.1. 8. the value of the Quantity in stock was increased with each click.01 8.1.00 8.01 8.1. is overwritten with data from subsequent uploads. if you added and then modified the Work Info field values before saving the record. 8. SW0046494 9 If you clicked Save multiple times after adding an inventory location for CI. the confirmation message displayed the Instance ID of the configuration item.00.1.1. 8.02 SW0046414 3 When you created a people record and saved it.1. or archived.1.00. and a CI with the same name exists for more than one company. 8. the Work Info field values you defined in the earlier record were still present on the blank CI.1.1.1. 8. 8.1.00 8.02 SW0046449 8 Layout issues.00 8.marked to be deleted. when you attempted to create a new CI record.00 8.00 8.1.1. This behavior was incorrect since CIs should not be moved to locations that are no longer available.02 SW0046422 4 Application preferences were ignored when displaying CI records on the Asset Management console. retired.1. the Work Info details were not saved to the CI record after you saved the record. 8.1.01 8. 8.02 SW0046363 0 An error was displayed when you attempted to add a CI relationship using the + button on the Relationships tab. BMC.02 8.02 SW0046389 9 If you uploaded CI data using a Transactional CI spreadsheet for each company. 8.1.Asset record was not created since the sandbox was not automatically triggered.02 SW0046453 0 When creating a new CI record. the CI record created during the initial upload. .1. and mismatched field values were displayed on the purchase order print report. 1.1.00 8.1.02 BMC Change Management issues Click the Defect ID column heading to sort this table or to change the sort direction.1.00 8.01 8.02 BMC Service Desk issues .02 .1. 8.1. Defect ID Description Affected versions Correcte d in SW0043344 2 When you cleared the Contact field in an Incident ticket that had a related Service Request.1.00 8. as opposed to the Edit mode when opened from the Overview Console.1. Defect ID Description Affecte d version s Correcte d in SW0045924 7 Tier 1 categorization values are incorrectly populated for related Known Errors created from a Change request.1.02 8.02 SW0046792 8 Tier 2 and Tier 3 Operational and Product Categorizations values defined for a change request were cleared if you used a change template that did not have these values defined.00 8. the following error occured: Required field cannot be blank. the login ID for people related with a Used By relationship was blank.00 8.02 SW0046643 8 When audit was enabled. even if they were not the last person to modify it. then saved the ticket. instead of displaying the name of the person who modified the record last. 8.6.04. 8. the Lifecycle Audit for CI shows the name of user who submitted the record.00 0 When opened from an incident the CI Unavailability records were displayed in Read only mode. : SRM:Request : Last Name (ARERR 326) 7.04 7. 8.02 SW0046668 5 When Asset data was loaded using Data Management.1. 8.1. 1.0.04. 7.1.00 8.02 SW0045993 0 The lock-down banner and lock-down work flow was not working in the Help Desk (Incident) form.02 SW0046204 When you selected All in the Incident 8.04 7.00 8.SW0044939 2 You were unable to update an incident ticket that was created from the Incident console Createoption.02 SW0045909 5 When adding Impacted Area information to a problem investigation. 8.00 8.00 8. 8. 8.00 SW0046105 2 The integration between the Vendor field and Workinfo entries in Incident Management now behave as they do in Problem Management.1.1. 8.1.01 8. you received the following error message: Message [48756] Please select a valid Site from the 'Site' menu. 8.01 8.02 SW0045136 0 The HelpDesk_QueryList_Service operation on the HPD_IncidentInterface_WS web service had incorrect data types.01 8.02 .6. ARERR 45928" 8.6. Either the Problem Coordinator is currently unavailable for assignment or there are no Problem Coordinator with a Full Name of <name searched for>.1. to improve its performance.0.02 8.00 8.00 8.01 8.1.00 8.01 8.1.02 SW0045986 7 The following error message was incorrectly appearing in the Problem Investigation form: "The Problem Coordinator search did not find an Assignee.1. if Site Group is NULL 8. 8.00 8. 8.02 SW0045368 5 The Company field selection was improperly set to Global in the Select Operational link and in the Categorizations link when you created a new Incident ticket.02 SW0046144 7 The priority was not set correctly on tasks if you created them from a non-English version of the Problem investigation form.02 SW0046090 9 An incorrect error message was being displayed in the Spanish locale.00 8.02 SW0045421 9 Indexes were added to the Overview console. 04 7.02 SW0046492 4 When Relating a CI to incident tickets. 8.02 SW0046395 5 Only administrators could see notifications sent by reminders.00 8.1. problems fail to auto-close at the correct time. 8.01 8. console Show field. 8. 8. SW0046269 7 In all locales. 8.00 8.02 SW0046548 7 On the HPD:Help Desk form.02 SW0046415 9 In Incident Management: multi-tenancy environments.1.00 8.02 SW0046271 6 The PBM:CFG-Rules "Auto Close Completed" (id: 303597600) is not being set on new problem investigation records.6.0.02 SW0046531 5 Vendor field auditing was not enabled on the Help Desk form (HPD:Help Desk). the status of Closed was in English in German localizations of the form.02 SW0046663 4 You could not related CI Unavailability to an Incident ticket if the CI included an entry in the Status Reason field.02 SW0046591 3 If you reverted a localized version of the Application Preferences window to English.1.1. many of the headings in the window were duplicated. a column title in the Incidents table was translated to HPD_CI. 8.6.01 8.00 8. instead of a translation of the English column title.1. 8.00 8.1.1. the Impacted Areas associated to the CI were not being associated to the ticket.1.00 8.01 8.02 8.1.02 .1.02 SW0046590 6 The internal work log entries were visible to users.1.1.00 8. you received an ARERR 552 error message. 7. a user with restricted access could search for and view information about people outside of the user's company.1.1. Consequently.1.04.00 8.01 8.00 SW0046614 0 The Incident Interface filter (HPD:HII:CheckReqdFields_050_E) was executed prematurely.00 8. 8. 7. z1D_Assignee_Phone and z1D_Assignee_Site.00 Other issues Known and corrected issues for areas other than installation and upgrade Click any column heading to sort this table or change sort direction.1.02 SW0046702 5 The Categorization tab was missing from the Incident form when you were searching Incidents. if the user belongs to multiple support groups of the same company. the CI was being overwriten in the Relationship tab when you created a new CI on Atrium console and promoted it.02 SW0046717 4 When choosing an Incident template.1.6.02 SW0046764 4 The position of The Locked field in the Work Detail tab is was aligned. 7.1. multiple records are listed on the template selection dialog box for each support group.01 8.02 SW0046730 9 When creating an Incident ticket using a template that you selected from the Template Selection dialog box.01 8.1.0. you received the following error message: ARERR 1291041 8.02 SW0046822 2 When defining company level access template for a company.02 SW0046917 6 In Incident Management. 8.00 8. 8. 8. 8.01 8. Defect ID Description Affected versions Correcte d in .02 8.00 8.04. 8.1.1. the application now provides more information about the template to help you select the correct one.01 8.SW0046701 6 On the HPD:Help Desk form.1.1.02 8. the following fields were set correctly by the Assign to me function if a previous assignee had been assigned: z1D_Assignee_Email.1.01 8.02 SW0046770 2 You would encounter issues creating a Known Error record from a Problem Management ticket if you used double quotation marks in the Work Around and the Resolution fields.1. The hover text for Assignee provided incorrect information.00 8.1.1. only the application record SLM Status field is updated to a breached status.1.02 390603 : Der SQL-Datenbank-Vorgang ist fehlgeschlagen. create an agreement without any milestones. Defect ID Description Affected versions Corrected in . due to a direct SQL command from the filter corresponding to the data source involved.1. CHG:Infrastructure Change.01 SW0047252 4 When you attach a service target to the HPD:Help Desk.1. or the WOI:WorkOrder data sources and if the service target due date is breached.02 8.02 8.1.00 8. 8. The Last Modified By or Last Modified Date fields are not updated. the following error message is displayed: Require field cannot be blank 490000400 (ARERR 307) SW0047100 7 When you randomly submit several records to attach them to the same request-based service target and meet the Stop When condition so that some service targets are breached and some service targets are met.SRM:Request.00 8.1. and click Build in the SLM Console to build the agreement. ORA-00936: Ausdruck fehlt (ARERR 552) ARERR 552 "Missing expression" in Filter INT: HPDSLM:MeasurementStatusUpdate-SLMStatusBreachedUpdate SW0047064 1 When you create some service targets to be used in an agreement. BMC Service Request Management issues Click the Defect ID column heading to sort this table or to change the sort direction.SW0047050 3 The following error messages are displayed in the AR System error log file after every five minutes: 8. the LastSVTMeasurement field for all measurement records for a given service target is updated to "Yes" when you close the measurement for that service target. the Customer Company does not appear on the Date Range and Location tab when you click Current Location. the URL to the article is not active in the work notes of the fulfillment record.0. 3. or incident.04 7.0.00 8.1. click theView Service Request link.00 8.03 7. only the first work order will contain attachments and Work Info entries from the service request. 8. change request.01 8. For example.01 8.00 7. inactive summary definitions that were offline are deployed.1. Click the Relationships tab.1.00 Workaround: From the second or third-level related work order.00 7.00 8.00 8. Click the Search (magnifying glass) icon.04 Workaround: Take the inactive summary definition offline after installation is complete.1.02 8.6.02 8.6.01 Workaround: Search for a work order in the Work Order form. 8. 2. In the Create Relationship area.1.00 7. SW00424695 1.02 8. 8. SW00402329 When you install BMC Service Request Management on a BMC Remedy IT Service Management stack.SW00416454 Activity Log entries and attachments in a service request are only passed to the first-level fulfillment request generated from the service request.6. choose Incident or Configuration Item from the Search list. SW00424934 When you submit an issue from a Knowledge Base article in the Request Entry console.02 8.0.00 8. When you perform an advanced search to locate an incident or configuration item (CI) to relate to a work order.00 .1. if a service request process creates a series or work orders.04 7. 8.1.0. 4. View attached files and Activity Log entries on the service request'sDetails tab.1. Workaround: Copy and paste the URL into the address bar of a browser to view the article.1.1.03 7. unless you are using a complex query.1.00 8.01 8.1.01 8.00 Workaround: Place the CI back into inventory manually. Click the Date Range and Location tab.0. Workaround: Make sure that Java is accessible to the exporter:  Verify that java.exe is located in C:/Program Files/Java/jre6/bin (Windows) or /usr/java7_64/jre/bin (UNIX). the CI is not put back into inventory. Site Group.00 8. manually choose values from the Customer Company.1.02 8. An attempt to perform a bulk export of SRDs from the Import Export console fails with an error message stating that the script is either busy or has stopped responding.00 Workaround: You can ignore this error message.1.1. SW00447569 When you try to do an export from the Import Export Console. Workaround: Do not include parentheses when searching for an SRD by its name. but includes an error message stating that the full text search (FTS) service could not complete the requested operation.1.0. In the Location area. even though there are no errors. the system exhibits one of the following behaviors:  The search is unsuccessful  8. 6.00 . SW00426875 When an SRD name includes parentheses.02 8.00 8. Region. as explained in Placing non-bulk CIs in inventory. Click Continue to proceed with running the script. 8. 8. SW00428518 If you use Product Ordering to request a hardware CI that is in inventory. no output file is created on the server. 7.00 The search is successful.1. or select the Do not ask me again option on the message box and then click No. and Site+ lists.0.01 8. and you include parentheses in a search.02 8.00 8. SW00425903 Click Use Advanced Search.02 8.1. 8.0. and the change request is cancelled.1. 1.1.00 8.1.001 SW00473795 If an SRD is configured with actions that include the CUSTOMER keyword in the qualification. even though these service requests do not make use of Request Again functionality.02 8. Configure the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the full path to java.00 Workaround: Make sure that the Max Entries Returned By GetList setting on the Configuration tab in Server Information is configured to accommodate the number of items to be displayed. 8. In addition.02. SW00471695 For users with Login IDs that include the string \URL. select it. SW00444032 In the Work Order Console.1. and Setting administrative options (BMC Remedy Action Request System documentation).exe.1.1.01 8.001 . or not all navigational categories and service request definitions (SRDs) display on the Browse page of the Request Entry console.00 SW00463717 The Request Again link appears for Quick Launch service requests.1.1.01 8.1. Results shown in the Work Orders and Tasks tables are not filtered for the Requested For user(s).1. For more information. the Requested For information is not cleared. 8. locate a quick launch request in Popular Requests or by browsing categories.1. the actions do not function as expected for On Behalf Of requests.1.1. error messages display when the user browses categories.02 8. Configuring navigational categories.1. 8.1. In this situation. JAVA_HOME = C:/Program Files/Java/jre6/bin (Windows) or $JAVA_HOME = /usr/java7_64/jre/bin (UNIX).01 8. CUSTOMER is resolved by using the Requested By information instead of the Requested For information. criteria you specify in More Filters for the Requested For user is ignored. SW00464157 Query menus do not display all matching records from their underlying forms.1.01 8.02 8.00 Workaround: To request again. see About query menus. 8. when you click Clear All in the More Filter Criteria dialog box. 8.02. and click Submit.01 8.1.00 8. for example.02 8.02 8. 8. Modify each entry in the search results to use the new login ID in the Submitter field.1. other conditional sub-questions appear in the wrong order in the Provide Information form. 8. SW00473068 For users with no User Preference record.02.1. SW00470546 Query menus don’t work properly if the value in the qualification contains a $ character. the system hangs if you click the icon for a navigational category in the All Categories list.01 8.1. favorites for that user no longer appear in the Request Entry console.1.001 SW00472086 Query menus don’t work properly if the value in the qualification contains a \ character.SW00460995 When you submit a Product Ordering service request.02.1.001 SW00471468 You can create a duplicate navigational category at the same level in a branch. available from the BMC Support Knowledge Base.1. 8.02 8.02 8. SW00462720 When you use the Data Wizard to update a user login ID.01 8.01 8.01 8.1.02 8.02 SW00472088 A menu under a condition doesn’t refresh when the condition is selected. the following error is reported: 8.01 Please enter valid Manager Name. no questions display in the Provide Information screen.001 SW00471674 In the Browse view in the Request Entry console. In the SRS:ServiceRequest_MyFavorites form. 2. and then delete the related condition and sub-questions. refer to knowledge article KA410160. (ARERR 48905) Workaround: For more information about this issue.1.1. 8.01 8. 8.02 8.02 8.02 8.02 8.1.01 Workaround: 1.02.02. the system returns an error that a category with the same name already exists.1.1. and when you try to modify or delete the duplicate.1.001 SW00473354 If you delete a menu choice for a conditional question. search for all entries that contain the old login ID in the Submitter field.1.1.01 8.02 8. 8.001 .1.02.02. 01 8. ARERR 46422 displays: You are not authorized to act on behalf of username.00 8. the chevron icons disappear when a user browses categories.0.02 SW00472690 When you run an Update operation in the Data Wizard for Product Categorization or Product Model/Version.01 SW00473794 If an SRD has two or more questions with the same question text. 8. 8. the question text does not align with the correct set of response options.01 8.1.1. Also.1.1.02 SW00466784 In localized versions of the application. only one of the questions is visible in the Question field in the Query Builder when you try to create a query menu question.1. 8. Also.02 8. which prevents you from taking any further action on the request.04 8.02 8.001 SW00473791 If there are more than ten second-level navigational categories.1. 8.1.SW00473790 If you remove and add questions in a service request definition (SRD).1.1.6. 8.001 SW00474517 When you try to create an On Behalf Of request and you select a Requested For user that you are not authorized to act on behalf of.1. 8. you cannot enter wildcards in that text field.02.1.02 8.1.1. the Relationships tab on the Work Order form contains descriptive data that is not localized.01 8.02 SW00464295 When a query menu depends upon the value in a text field.1. 8. the status of the WOI:WorkOrderInterface_Create form continues to show as Pending in the Data Wizard Status window. 8.1.00 7.00 8. Submit and other buttons might become disabled.00 8.001 SW00465678 The BMC Remedy User Error message that appears in the Provide Information screen when you enter invalid information in questions is not descriptive of the problem.02 SW00474592 .1.1.01 8. the error message appears in English.6.1.04 8.02.02 8.001 SW00463764 Notifications that are sent when a service request is submitted do not contain values from mapped SR fields.02.00 7.01 8.02.01 8. in localized versions of the application. 8.1.00 7.1. 1. on the Process View tab in request details.00 8.01 8. drop down values in menu fields in the Provide Information screen might not display correctly when you click the scroll bar. 8.1. tooltips in the Favorites menu in the Request Entry console display "SRD Title" in front of the service request definition (SRD) name. 8.0. 8.00 8.0.1. 8. 8.01 8. instead of using the On Behalf Of user's information.1. 8.00 8. 8.1.SW00468147 Internally represented responses for Date and Time field type values are not converted correctly. 8.00 8.02 SW00460007 In the Internet Explorer 8 (IE 8) browser. 8.00 7. if the SRD is configured to use the CUSTOMER logon ID for autofilling responses.02 SW00466510 In localized versions of the application.1.00 8.00 8. the system uses the submitter's information to autofill answers to questions in the SRD.1.02 SW00462980 There are performance problems when the same service request is submitted by multiple users within the same time frame.1.01 8.00 8.02 SW00465096 A dynamic query menu question that depends upon a condition shows no menu items the first time you select the parent condition.1.00 8.01 8.02 SW00466511 In localized versions of the application.00 8.1.00 8.02 SW00461833 Users with the Service Request User permission cannot view suggestions from the Service Request Coordinator Console.0.1. 8.01 8. service requests are created with navigational categories and other data in the wrong locale.04 8.1.02 .1.00 8.00 8. the Status and Status Reason values are not translated.1.02 SW00464148 Query menu questions do not work as expected when the qualification includes wildcards and logical operators.00 8.02 SW00466063 In non-English locales. 8. when the submitter responds to questions on the Provide Information form.02 SW00423092 When submitting a one-time request on behalf of another user. 8.1. the access attempts are not properly rejected and the system opens a duplicate Overview Console.1.01 8.01 8.1.1. there are performance issues when users try to view request details.02 SW00465744 No questions appear in the Provide Information screen in the Request Entry console if the service request definition (SRD) contains a query menu question with no Query Filter value.1.1.1. 8.02 SW00467345 When users without correct permissions try to access work orders from the Overview Console.01 8.1. 8.1. the question and response do not display on the Additional Details tab in request details.00 8.1. 8.1.SW00465166 In environments where there are a large number of requests. 8.00 8.1.00 8.00 8. making it difficult to read with the JAWS accessibility tool.00 8.1.01 8.02 SW00465750 When multiple Requested For users have the same first and last name.1.00 8.1.01 8.1.02 SW00465445 If you make a service request definition (SRD) offline while a user is logged on. an empty items list is always returned.00 . the request is associated 8.02 SW00466738 Notifications for service request activity log updates do not include the contents of the activity log entries. and questions and responses are not saved correctly. 8. the user can still submit requests from the SRD under Popular Requests.1. error messages display when the user browses categories.1. 8. 8. when a request is submitted on behalf of one of those users.01 8.02 SW00467515 Users that no longer have entitlement to a service are able to complete and submit service requests in the cart or saved as draft.00 8.02 SW00467264 If the same question is referenced more than once in a query menu qualification.02 SW00466506 If the Question Text for a menu question contains more than 254 characters.1. 8.02 SW00470403 There is no field focus when the Provide Information screen opens. 8.00 8.1. 8.1.01 8.01 8.1.01 8.02 SW00469374 For users with Login IDs that include the string \009.01 8.1. 02 SW00467473 For service request definitions (SRDs) with complex processes. 8. actions are not imported.01 SW00467165 If you have three levels of query menu questions.01 8.01 8.01 8. it appears that some processes do not complete.1. some of the text in the Approval History in request details is not translated.1.02 SW00466402 You cannot modify an Approval Chain if the selection criteria has already been defined. you cannot save a request on behalf of another user in the Internet Explorer (IE) browser.001 .1.02 SW00467957 When you run a Data Wizard operation to update the Login ID. 8.01 SW00471296 You cannot import a service request definition (SRD) when the SRD description has more than 255 characters.1.02 SW00469833 You cannot export service request definitions (SRDs) that are related to change templates that have a Class value of Standard. 8.1.1. the query menu answers disappear when you select the third question in the Provide Information screen.01 8.01 8.01 8.with the wrong user.1. 8.1.02 SW00467198 In the localized version of the application. a People match error occurs (ARERR 1690110).1.1. 8.02. the status of service requests is not set to Cancelled when backend fulfillment requests are cancelled.01 8. 8. SW00467940 There are performance problems when you manually assign and then save an incident. 8.1. 8.01 8.01 8.02 SW00471297 If you import a service request definition (SRD) by using the Merge Data import option.02 SW00468312 If the Clear OBO Question Responses request preference is set to Yes. the request still appears under the Requests needing 8.02 SW00475678 If an approver sends a question about a pending request and then the requester cancels the request. 8.01 8. SW00466060 If you clear the Requested By contact fields. 8.1. .attention list.
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