
March 26, 2018 | Author: simoncorriganuk | Category: Data Transmission, Communications Protocols, Network Protocols, Media Technology, Computer Networking



THE BLUE SERVER V7No. D10574-002 AFP/IPDS/SCS emulation Mainframe & AS/400 to LAN printer for Microsoft® Windows and SUN Solaris AIX and LINUX Operator‟s Guide Reference Date Rev : Blue Server V7 : September 9, 2009 : D10574-002 About MPI Tech The MPI Tech Group is a leading manufacturer of printing solutions for IBM systems. All products are developed and produced by MPI Tech and sold through MPI Tech sales offices or authorized dealers around the world. MPI Tech partakes in various international committees to further spread its know-how and define the future of digital printing (Members of the “AFP Color Consortium”). Copyrights: IBM, Microsoft , Hewlett Packard, products mentioned are trademarks of their respective owners. All other products mentioned are trademarks of their respective owners.  Copyright MPI Tech 1981 - 2009. All rights reserved. ® MPI TECH (France) Corporate Headquarters 40, rue du Général Malleret Joinville 94400 Vitry sur Seine – France  + 33 1 45 73 09 40 Fax + 33 1 46 80 70 71 E-mail [email protected] MPI TECH (Germany)  49 (0) 89 35 4762 -30  E-mail [email protected] MPI TECH (UK) + 44 (0) 1344 891 008  E-mail [email protected] MPI TECH (North America)  +1 714 840 8077 (west coast) E-mail [email protected]  +1 703 243 3322 (East coast) E-mail [email protected] MPI TECH (Denmark) + 45 4436 6000 E-mail [email protected] 2 The Blue Server V7 CONTENTS 1. 2. MPI TECH. LOCATION & TECHNICAL SUPPORT .............................................................................................................. 11 HOW TO START BLUE SERVER INTERFACE .................................................................................................................... 13 2.1. MICROSOFT BLUE SERVER MAIN MENU ............................................................................................................................... 13 2.2. SUN SOLARIS, AIX AND LINUX BLUE SERVER MAIN MENU ....................................................................................................... 14 2.3. BLUE SERVER INTERFACE ORGANIZATION................................................................................................................................ 15 2.3.1. Main task bar ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 Icon list ................................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Tabs list ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17 ® 3. IBM HOST CONFIGURATION FOR PARSER SESSION ...................................................................................................... 19 3.1. PSF/400 AFP PRINTING USING TCP/IP ............................................................................................................................... 19 3.1.1. TCP/IP With AS/400 V3R1..................................................................................................................................... 19 Creating The AS/400 Printer Device .................................................................................................................................... 19 Creating The WRKAFP2 Command On Your AS/400 (V3R1)................................................................................................ 19 Using The WRKAFP2 Command For The Blue Server .......................................................................................................... 20 3.1.2. TCP/IP With AS/400 V3R2..................................................................................................................................... 21 Creating The AS/400 Printer Device .................................................................................................................................... 21 The CRTPSFCFG Command Parameters .............................................................................................................................. 21 3.1.3. TCP/IP With AS/400 V3R6..................................................................................................................................... 22 Creating The AS/400 Printer Device .................................................................................................................................... 22 Creating the WRKAFP2 command on your AS/400 V3R6 .................................................................................................... 22 Using The WRKAFP2 Command For The Blue Server .......................................................................................................... 23 3.1.4. TCP/IP With AS/400 V3R7..................................................................................................................................... 24 Using the CRTPSFCFG command for with the Blue Server .................................................................................................. 24 Creating the AS/400 printer device ..................................................................................................................................... 25 3.1.5. TCP/IP With AS/400 V4R1 and V4R2 .................................................................................................................... 26 Using the CRTPSFCFG command for with the Blue Server .................................................................................................. 26 Creating the AS/400 printer device ..................................................................................................................................... 27 3.1.6. TCP/IP With AS/400 V4R3 , V4R4, V4R5, V5R1, V5R2, V5R3, V5R4 and V5R5 ..................................................... 28 Using the CRTPSFCFG command for with the Blue Server .................................................................................................. 28 Creating the AS/400 printer device ..................................................................................................................................... 29 3.2. PSF/MVS AFP PRINTING USING TCP/IP ............................................................................................................................. 30 3.2.1. PSF/VM Configuration .......................................................................................................................................... 30 Software Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................................ 30 Defining the Printer to PSF .................................................................................................................................................. 30 4. IBM HOST CONFIGURATION FOR ROUTER SCS 5250 SESSION ....................................................................................... 33 4.1. AS/400 SCS-DCA PRINTING USING TCP/IP LPR/LPD........................................................................................................... 33 4.1.1. Create a remote output queue ............................................................................................................................. 33 4.1.2. AS/400 printing ..................................................................................................................................................... 34 5. IBM HOST CONFIGURATION FOR ROUTER SCS 3270 SESSION ....................................................................................... 35 5.1. SETUP MAINFRAME SNA ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................................................... 35 5.1.1. How to Define Host VTAM PU and LUs ................................................................................................................. 35 EXAMPLE : Token ring VTAM/NCP File for a Node type 2.0 Connection ............................................................................. 36 NT Server - Network protocol configuration ....................................................................................................................... 37 6. IBM HOST CONFIGURATION FOR TN3270/TN5250 ....................................................................................................... 43 6.1. TN3270 SETUP ................................................................................................................................................................ 43 6.1.1. Description ............................................................................................................................................................ 43 6.1.2. Telnet 3270 connectivity ....................................................................................................................................... 44 6.1.3. VTAM Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 45 Sample of major node definition (only printers) ................................................................................................................. 45 6.1.4. Configuration TCP/IP ............................................................................................................................................ 46 TCP-IP Telnet configuration ................................................................................................................................................ 46 Sample ................................................................................................................................................................................ 47 6.2. TN5250 SETUP ................................................................................................................................................................ 49 6.2.1. Autoconfiguration of Devices ............................................................................................................................... 49 7. HOW TO CONFIGURE PARSER SESSION - IPDS CONNECTION ........................................................................................ 51 3 The Blue Server V7 7.1. THE MPI PARSER MAIN MENU............................................................................................................................................ 51 7.2. CREATING A NEW PRINTER CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................................... 52 7.2.1. Parser - Information window ................................................................................................................................ 53 Profile Name ....................................................................................................................................................................... 53 Printer Group ...................................................................................................................................................................... 53 Comments ........................................................................................................................................................................... 53 7.2.2. Parser - Host window............................................................................................................................................ 54 Input Data Stream ............................................................................................................................................................... 54 Connection .......................................................................................................................................................................... 55 IP Port ................................................................................................................................................................................. 55 Printer Emulation ................................................................................................................................................................ 55 IBM Resolution .................................................................................................................................................................... 55 License Group ..................................................................................................................................................................... 56 Color license ........................................................................................................................................................................ 56 Input Speed in ppm ............................................................................................................................................................. 56 Code Page Version .............................................................................................................................................................. 56 Default FGID ................................................................................................................................................................... 57 Default CPI ...................................................................................................................................................................... 57 Page Format ................................................................................................................................................................... 57 Early print complete ....................................................................................................................................................... 57 Block Char Error (or Null Suppress) ................................................................................................................................ 57 Code Page ....................................................................................................................................................................... 58 Report Position Error ...................................................................................................................................................... 59 Graphic Overlay .............................................................................................................................................................. 59 Free Type Rasterizer ....................................................................................................................................................... 59 Active String Indexer....................................................................................................................................................... 59 Share IPDS with other session ........................................................................................................................................ 59 Output Language................................................................................................................................................................. 62 PPD file ................................................................................................................................................................................ 62 Using Virtual Child ............................................................................................................................................................... 62 Output Resolution ............................................................................................................................................................... 62 Destination Type ................................................................................................................................................................. 63 PJL Support ......................................................................................................................................................................... 63 SNMP Support ..................................................................................................................................................................... 63 Printer IP Address ............................................................................................................................................................... 64 Printer IP Port ..................................................................................................................................................................... 64 Windows Queue ............................................................................................................................................................. 64 Split Document ............................................................................................................................................................... 65 LPD Queue Name............................................................................................................................................................ 65 Print to file ...................................................................................................................................................................... 65 Page Configuration ......................................................................................................................................................... 65 Text as graphic ................................................................................................................................................................ 65 Data Extraction ............................................................................................................................................................... 65 Start string ...................................................................................................................................................................... 66 Stop String ...................................................................................................................................................................... 66 Embed fonts ................................................................................................................................................................... 66 AFP Tray .............................................................................................................................................................................. 66 Printer Tray ......................................................................................................................................................................... 67 Duplex Tray ......................................................................................................................................................................... 68 Rotation .............................................................................................................................................................................. 68 Edge to Edge Support .......................................................................................................................................................... 68 Suplex .................................................................................................................................................................................. 68 Paper Size ............................................................................................................................................................................ 68 Paper Length ....................................................................................................................................................................... 69 Page Width .......................................................................................................................................................................... 69 Physical Margin............................................................................................................................................................... 69 Escape Sequence ............................................................................................................................................................ 70 Tray Offset ...................................................................................................................................................................... 70 Front Left Offset ............................................................................................................................................................. 70 Front Top Offset ............................................................................................................................................................. 70 Back Left Offset .............................................................................................................................................................. 71 Back Top Offset............................................................................................................................................................... 71 Horizontal Compression ................................................................................................................................................. 71 Vertical Compression ...................................................................................................................................................... 71 Scale Ratio ...................................................................................................................................................................... 71 Duplex Support ............................................................................................................................................................... 71 7.2.3. Parser – Destination window ................................................................................................................................ 60 7.2.4. Parser - Input trays window .................................................................................................................................. 66 4 The Blue Server V7 Nup Support ................................................................................................................................................................... 71 AFP Tray .............................................................................................................................................................................. 72 Printer Tray ......................................................................................................................................................................... 72 Stapling Mode ..................................................................................................................................................................... 72 Punching Mode ................................................................................................................................................................... 72 Split on Stapling .................................................................................................................................................................. 72 Split on Punching ................................................................................................................................................................ 72 7.2.5. Parser - Output trays window ............................................................................................................................... 72 7.2.6. Parser - Utilities window ....................................................................................................................................... 73 Trace Option ....................................................................................................................................................................... 73 Job Header file .................................................................................................................................................................... 73 Job Trailer file ...................................................................................................................................................................... 73 Job Automate ...................................................................................................................................................................... 73 Job Name ............................................................................................................................................................................ 74 Windows Command ............................................................................................................................................................ 91 7.2.7. Parser - Color window........................................................................................................................................... 92 Color Palette ....................................................................................................................................................................... 92 7.2.8. Parser - Mail window ............................................................................................................................................ 93 Outgoing mail server (SMTP) .............................................................................................................................................. 93 Email Service ....................................................................................................................................................................... 93 Email Sender ....................................................................................................................................................................... 93 Email Destination ................................................................................................................................................................ 93 Bcc Mail Address ................................................................................................................................................................. 93 Subject ................................................................................................................................................................................ 93 Message .............................................................................................................................................................................. 93 7.2.9. Parser - PDF window ............................................................................................................................................. 94 Encryption Level .................................................................................................................................................................. 95 Permanent editing lock ....................................................................................................................................................... 95 Administrator Password...................................................................................................................................................... 95 User Password .................................................................................................................................................................... 95 Printing allowed .................................................................................................................................................................. 95 Changes allowed ................................................................................................................................................................. 95 Enable copying of content .................................................................................................................................................. 95 8. ROUTER AS/400 LPD-SCS .............................................................................................................................................. 97 8.1. MPI ROUTER FUNCTIONS.................................................................................................................................................... 97 8.2. CREATING A NEW PRINTER CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................................... 98 8.2.1. Router LPD/SCS - information window ................................................................................................................. 99 Profile Name ..................................................................................................................................................................... 100 Printer Group .................................................................................................................................................................... 100 Comments ......................................................................................................................................................................... 100 8.2.2. Router LPD/SCS - connection window ................................................................................................................ 100 LPD Queue Name .............................................................................................................................................................. 100 Destination Type ............................................................................................................................................................... 100 Printer IP Address ............................................................................................................................................................. 101 IP Port ............................................................................................................................................................................... 101 8.2.3. Router LPD/SCS - control window ....................................................................................................................... 102 ASCII Printer (X2) ............................................................................................................................................................... 102 Printer character Set (X10) ................................................................................................................................................ 103 IBM Printer Emulation (X16) ............................................................................................................................................. 103 IBM System language (X19) .............................................................................................................................................. 103 Paper Orientation (X28) .................................................................................................................................................... 104 Flash Directory .................................................................................................................................................................. 104 Trace Option/Dump (X14) ................................................................................................................................................. 104 9. ROUTER MAINFRAME SCS/IPDS OVER SNA SERVER ................................................................................................... 105 9.1. MPI ROUTER FUNCTIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 105 9.2. THE MPI ROUTER MAIN MENU ......................................................................................................................................... 105 9.3. CREATING A NEW PRINTER CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................ 106 9.3.1. SNA Mainframe - Information window .............................................................................................................. 107 Profile Name ..................................................................................................................................................................... 108 Printer Group .................................................................................................................................................................... 108 Comments ......................................................................................................................................................................... 108 9.3.2. SNA Mainframe - connection window ................................................................................................................ 108 LU Name............................................................................................................................................................................ 108 Destination Type ............................................................................................................................................................... 108 The Blue Server V7 5 ........... 113 Paper Size ............1..........6................................ 118 Evolution ................ 125 Trace Option ............................4.4....................................................................................... 115 Suplex on Upper Tray ......................................4................ 129 Trace Option/Dump (X14) .........................................6......3................................. Profile Name .............3.......3.......................................................................................3.............................................. 119 File Name ............. 131 COMPATIBLE RESIDENT FONTS . 109 IP Port ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3............................4..........................................3................................. 10..................................................................... SNA Mainframe ............................3...........3.................................................................... 9..........3......................................3..............................4..................................... 10......2......................................................... 10.........................2........... 114 Back Left................................................................5.................. 10.............................................................................................................. 119 Reset Factory Default ......3.................................................. 109 IP Address ....................3.......................1...... 110 9...............................1.............................................................................................................................................. 9........................... 115 Suplex on Manuel Tray....................................... 9...................................................4...4......3.......................... 112 Code Page Version .......................................................1.... 124 Server IP Address ........ 111 Printer Emulation ........................ 9.3.................................2......... 115 Duplex ...SCS Settings window ........... 9............................3.......................................................5................. 9.....................................3......................4............................................3............3.......... 118 9......................3.................3................... 10.......................................................................3.......... 10...... 125 IP Port ..........................................3..............3.......................................................................................... 114 Out Paper Tray ........................................................................................................................1................................................... Router Telnet ............4........................................................ 128 Paper Orientation (X28) .5.......... 10..................................................................................6............................... 122 10........2......... 9..................................... 121 10...... 10.................. 119 10............ 113 9... 9...................................2........... 118 FSL Partial Mode ......................................... 119 Trace Flip Length ...................................4.....................................................................................4.............3........................ 9..3..................................................................................................................................................................5..........3...........................3.3......... 11.................................................2.............. 124 10....................................................... 10...........2....... Router Telnet 3270 – Telnet window ....................................................................................................................3........................ 117 MPL Default Value (X14) .............................. 116 9.........................................................................5.............3................................................................................................................2................... 125 Router Telnet 3270 – Control window ............................................................................ 9...............................IPDS setting window ........... 10................................................. 9.....................3...........4.......................................................................6......................3................................ 114 Back Top.............................................. 9.... 116 IBM System Language (X3) ........................ 128 IBM Printer Emulation (X16) ..................1.........................................................2......................5.......5.......... 121 10............................................9...8.................................... 123 10... 118 Printer Character Set (X82) ...1..... AFP/IPDS COMPATIBILITY ....................3..........................................................3.......................................................................................................4......... 9.................................3............... 9........3.....5....................................................................... 6 ......... 9.......................... 9................4......... 111 Code Page .......4............................................................................................. 9....................................3.....6......... 117 Printer Form Length (X6) .4......................................................... 9.....................................................................3.....................................2......................1..........................4...........5.......... 10.....................................................................5................... 117 Printing Format on First Paper Tray (X28) .........................5...... 127 10.1.................................................... 9................ SNA Mainframe ........................................................................ 112 Dynamic Sharing .................... 10..................... THE MPI ROUTER TELNET MAIN MENU ........................................................7............................... 115 End of Line Option (X1) ...........4........3.........................................................................3.......................3........3.................................... 9........................2...................................................... 10................6....3.........................6............................... 125 Destination Type..................................... 114 Front Top................................................................5............... 126 ASCII Printer (X2) ............................................................................................................. 9................... 115 Suplex on Lower Tray .....4.....................................................3..............................................2..........................3..1...................................................................... 9......................................................3............................ 124 Comments ................................... 9............................................................................................5.............3.................................................................................................................... 124 Telnet TimeOut .......3................. 129 10............. Queue name ............................................ 119 Tracing Mode ...................................3........ 113 Main Paper Tray .......................................Information window ...4............................. 9................2..............................................4............. 9...............8................4........................ 121 10...........................3........................................7.4........3.....5........................................... 10......................................... 129 Flash Directory .........................................3.............1..............................3........ Traces Options window ................................6.......3.............. 124 Telnet IP Port ..................................................................................................................... MPI ROUTER TELNET FUNCTIONS ........................2....9.....................2................................2.................................1..................................................................................................4............................ 10......... ROUTER TELNET 5250 OR 3270 ..................................1...........3.................... CREATING A NEW PRINTER CONFIGURATION ................ 10................3.3................ 9....6...............................................................................4.....................................3................................... 128 IBM System language (X19) ..............................................3....... 119 Dump Mode ........................................ 116 End of Page Option (X2) .3...........9............2.............................. 113 Standby Time ..............................................................................................10.................................................................................................................................................3.........................................................3................... 9............ 9..........6.....................1..................................3.........................2............. 10.................. 9............. 124 LU Name .......................................................................3...........................3........ 124 Telnet Type .......................7................. 124 Printer Group .................................... 9................................................................3...........................................................4............................5..............................................4....................................................................................................... 114 Front Left ................................................. Router Telnet 3270 – Connection window ..3...........3............... 127 Printer character Set (X10) ......................3............................................. SNA Mainframe ..............3.......................Paper Controls window ....... 131 The Blue Server V7 11................................... 9............5....................................3.......................................................................3...............................................3..................................................................................................2.3......................................11...................................................3..............................3........ 9......................................................................5................3................................. ...................................................................................................... 12....................................... 148 12....................1............................... 173 Defining the criteria to recognize this page ............................... 165 12...................................................................... Prerequisite ................9..............................................................................................................................1...... 12...............................................................2......................................10..............8.. First installation .......................................................................11..................................................................................... Blue Server child session configuration ........4............. 148 12.................... 12......8...........6...................4................................................................................................................2.................................................... TROUBLE SHOOTING .................................................................3...................... Introduction ............................4....................................4.......10.............................Parser...............3.................. 144 12........................ 140 Important information about the new Blue Server and update process ...................................................................4........... 151 Update specific configurations ............... 136 12.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 164 12..................................3......................10............... 12.. 12............................. 12...........2............................................................ Procedure ....................................... Modify a parameter for all the printer configurations associated to a profile ...................................................................................1............5................................10............................... 177 12......1..................................2........................... 146 Finalizing .......1.................. 12................................................................. 12...................1...................... 150 The printer configuration filter ..... 153 12............... 12.................................. 147 12..........4..... 150 The Update Button .............................................................................................. From Windows NT4 ...6............................ HOW TO CONFIGURE CUSTOM PAPER SIZE FOR BLUE SERVER ................................................10....................................... 12....................... HOW TO UPDATE CONFIGURATIONS ........2..5..........................................................2............................2................................ 140 12............................................. Description ............2........................................................8............... 133 12........4........................................................................................................3.......................6........................................................2.............3. HOW TO PRODUCE MULTIPLE OUTPUTS SIMULTANEOUSLY ................2.......................10.....................................................8....................................7........... 165 Example used with this manual ....................................................... 177 The Blue Server V7 7 .......5..................................... 174 Defining the indexes ............................ 164 12......................... 166 Producing the tiff files ............................................................ 163 12....... 135 12.................................................. 161 12.........................................................................1............10.................................................................. Launching Index composer ..........2.........................2...............10.. MPI File Server service ........................... Blue Server interface sessions status .........................1......... LATIN 1 .............. Blue Server ............1............................................................1.................................................................................................2...............................................1......... 144 Uninstall process .................. 162 12........................................4........................................... 164 12...........4..................................2.............. Step 1: Defining the rules ..............................................5....................3................................................1............................................ 147 12............ HOW TO UPDATE BLUE SERVER .................................. 134 12............................... 134 Error 1723 ..............................10..........................5..............................3............. 164 Step 2: Running in production ...................................3....10........................................ 149 12....................2.......10.........................................EURO CODE PAGES...1.... MPI Services – Proccess not stopped .............................2......2.. 12...........................................2...... From V6....................................... 158 12......................................2......................................................... 168 Blue Server configuration ......................................................................0001_20070327 .............9.... HOW TO USE BLUE SERVER AND THE INDEXER FEATURE ..............1........................................................xx ..................................................2...........xx to V5........ 12........ Action....1..2.......................4................................ HOW TO ACTIVATE A CORRECT BLUE SERVER LICENSE.............2.............2....................7.......................................................11............5......................... Description ......... 152 12.............................1..................4.... HOW TO CONFIGURE REMOTE WINDOWS XP QUEUE USING BLUE SERVER ...................... From V5.................................................... 151 12................................................................................. 132 12...................4................................ 163 12.....................................03............. 175 12.......................................................................................................................... 12........................10..........................5..................................................................................................1............................3.9............................1.......... Description ........2.................................................... 12............................................... HOW TO USE THE “ADD FORM” OPTION WITH BLUE SERVER.......................................................8...............9..................................................6........................2................. 170 Composer window ......................................................5........1............ 172 Creating indexes ......................................................................................................3......................................... Blue Server printer configurations and profiles ..............................................1.......1...............................................7..................................................................................... DURING THE INSTALLATION ...............................................................................3..................................................... Since Blue Server BSV7................................................................................................ 146 Configuration and Update .................................................... 134 12.....................................................................4............... 135 12............................1...................................... Opening Blue Server ...........2..................................................................1........................1...... HOW TO CONFIGURE “DATA EXECUTION PREVENTION” ....5................. 133 12..............................................5. Description ....................... HOW TO GET THE BLUE SERVER “REGISTERING NUMBER” BEFORE INSTALLATION ...........10...................... 133 12................................................ 134 12................................. 155 12............................ IPDS indexing .........2.... Blue Server master session configuration ............ 153 12.......6..........4.......... 168 12.................................10............. 140 12.............................................2................ 133 12............... 155 12.. Description ............. 173 Identifying a job and a page .................................................... 140 Getting started .............................................................................................................................................................................. Updating configurations ................................................................................2........................................................................... Explanation .........................................................................................................................2......... Description ................ 145 Install process ........PARSER . 131 11.............. 134 12..........80 or higher ............................... 12................. 12................2......2.............................. 161 12.................2............................. During an Update ............. 154 12.............................. 12..............xx to V7..... 12...............................5.............................................11.....................9......................... 153 12..............................10..................4............................................................ 12......... ..................................................1.. 207 12...........................19... HOW TO CONFIGURE BLUE SERVER ON CLUSTERED WINDOWS QUEUE ........................................................ Cluster configuration for windows queue .................................... Introduction ......................................................1................................11............................... 206 12........................... 206 12.......................................... 12.19...3.3.....................................................................................15.... 12....................................................15..................................................................................................................16.....................12...............2...........................................................................................................................................11..........................20............ 187 Blue Server configuration: ...............................12............................................................7............. 12.................................................................. Creating “Order.........................................................................................1...11...............................................................15... 190 12................. Cluster configuration .................................7.........18...00............................................ Starting Blue Server ........................................11...................................................................15.... 203 12............................8...12..................... 214 8 The Blue Server V7 ............................................ 191 12......... HOW TO INSTALL BLUE SERVER ON WINDOWS 2003 CLUSTER .003 ............14............... 193 Set-up – Blue Server A ............................. 192 12........................ 12................................................................................................Lst” file .................................................................................... Status problem .............................. 180 Example of XML file .................................................................1....... 12.........................13.................................. 205 12........12......13. 184 12......................................................1......15........................................................................1................................................4............14...................... One Blue Server printer addresses one E-mail destination .................................. 205 12..........4......................................................3..........................................7...............................1.......3..........13..............5.2.................. 202 Printing allowed ..........................2............ 12.................................................... 12.....6................................................... 184 “Mail” tab configuration: ....... HOW TO SET-UP AND USE BLUE SERVER BACK-UP ........................ 12............................. 185 Resulting E-mails in Lotus Notes and Microsoft Outlook................. 201 12....14.. 190 12..............................3........................ Description ............. 202 Changes allowed .....................................................18......................2........................ 181 MSXML 4......................................................... HOW TO USE BLUE SERVER ............... 12...1.3.0 Service Pack 2 (Microsoft XML Core Services) ......................................................................................................... HOW TO CHECK BLUE SERVER STATUS ............... 202 Permanent editing lock......................................... 12........................... 12........................ New interface – Since V7.........4......................4.............4...............................15...........11..................................3......................2.................................................................. 12........... 12........................2......................................2...............15.......................................... 178 Location of the images used ............ 12....2...........13.........19............................................................................ HOW TO SPLIT ON TLE MO:DCA STRUCTURED FIELDS ............ 202 User Password .... HOW TO LOAD – UNLOAD BLUE SERVER PRINTERS WITH A FILE COMMAND . Old interface – until V7................................................................1..................19...............15........... 182 12............ 12..................................................................................... 200 12..............12........ 202 Enable copying of content ............... 12.................................. 200 12.....................2.................. 186 12.............................................................3..... Example ...........................5......................3.............. Installation ..... 214 12.........................................................7.... 12.................8...................................17........................................................................................ What objects can be included ................2.. 206 12.................................................................................................................................................... 194 Set-up – Blue Server B .. 190 12..................1............13.............19..............................2..............................20....................... Parameter #54 AF ...19............................2................................................................11.................................................. Installation & set up .........01... 183 12.......................dll ................ 179 XML utility .......... Blue Server configuration ..........................................................3.............................192 ...................................................1.................................. 12.2....12.............. Description ....................... 203 12......................................................... AS/400 message CPA3394 : Load form type ............................................................... Syntax of the file "Order............................................. 184 12......................................................... 179 Syntax of the XML file . “Output Language” must be set to “PDF”: ........................ 214 12........... 202 Administrator Password ............................. 193 12............................... MPI Parser ............................................................. “Destination” Tab...................... 203 12............................... 12............. 203 12....................................................................................................................................... 205 12................................................................................................................... 180 12.............................................. 211 12.......................................................................15............4...................11......1....................2....................................2..................................... 12........12..........6.......................................................................... One Blue Server printer addresses any E-mail destination ....................................................................................14.................................... 209 Shared Disk .............................................. 192 12........................................................... HOW TO SET UP PDF ENCRYPTION . 195 12....1......................11... Introduction ..........................GENERATING MAIL ...................4..................3...............15............... 200 12................ 203 12................................1...........20.......3......12....3........................ 188 12.................. Windows Pre-requisite – MSXML4.............................................................................................14.......................................................................................1............................................2..........1.............. Blue Server Installation ..............................................................14... Encryption Level ....................................1...................................................................14................................14............................................. 209 12......................................................................9... 12.........................2..................... 12........... 198 12..........................17..................................Lst" . Description ......................14............................. 190 12............................................................... 179 Example of XML file .........................................................................................3..................................................15......................... 198 No more IP connection available with Blue Server ..... 12......... HOW TO HANDLE “PRINTER RESTART” EXCEPTION ERROR ..................................................1..........................19..... Requirement ................................18...1....................................12......................2.......................................................16..... Example .............................................................................................................................................. 196 Problems .....3........................................................3.................................................................2.......... Cluster configuration for Blue Server ......18...........1.........2.. AFP Files with indexes .................................................11.11............................1........................................................................................ 187 Modify the application: .......16....................................... 178 Activating the “Add Form” option ................................................................................................................................... Print Driver installation on the virtual server ..... 203 12....................11...... 178 How to specify when the images are added ..............18...............................................................4................................... 205 12.........2........ 205 12.................................... ...... Blue Server ......... 12............... 219 12...................................... 226 12....................................... 240 12................................................................................................................... HOW TO ALLOCATE A SNA/HIS LU USING BLUE SERVER – TELNET SESSION........................................ 12................................................................... HOW TO RECORD AN EXTERNAL SPY TRACE WITH PPRSPY UTILITY – PARSER SESSION .... Input Configuration ..............................................................30............... 223 12....................... 217 12.. 240 12...........................28.......................30...................................... HOW TO CONFIGURE A SNA/HIS LU USING BLUE SERVER ............. 215 12..............................................................................................2.2..................................................................3............................................................. 248 The Blue Server V7 9 . 231 12...............................................24............................2............................................ HOW TO VERIFY AN IPDS PRINTER EMULATION FROM A MVS HOST USING IP PROTOCOL .................27......................................................................28.......................................................................... The AFP font resources ...............................................................................1....................25..................................................................................... 12.............................................................33....33.5.........2..XX LICENSING .......................................... 234 12...............................21........................................................33.................................................................................................................................... HOW TO REMOTELY ACCESS USING MPI PARSER SERVICE ....24.................................................................................24...........28...23........................................................... Discovery ......... Summary......33..................................................32...............1.......... Description .............................................3...........33.... Print queue installation on the virtual server .................5.....3....... 231 12........2............... Printer port installation on the virtual server ....................................... 233 12...24........................................................................................... 234 12................ HOW TO INITIATE JOGGING IN BLUE SERVER – AOS – ALTERNATE OFFSET STAKER .......32............................................ 240 12.............................................32........ Send the job ............. 237 12...27................................2..............................1................................................................1.......... PRTSNA02 properties : ...................12........................................2...... 12............................ Access ......1... 238 12..... 224 12.........................................1................................................................ Blue Server configuration: .. AFPDS transform Log ...1..5...25............................................................................................. The Blue Server IPDS font ressources ......................................................21................................................................................. 231 12.........28.................2.................................2..24................3............................................................................................................................. Description ................................................ 220 12......................................1...............................1..........27......................... 219 12...... SNA Server configuration – Create a Printer LU ........................... HOW TO VERIFY AN AS/400 FEATURE FOR TELNET5250 EMULATION WITH BLUE SERVER ........................................... 245 12...... The AFP – IPDS correlation ................................... 216 12......................................................... Telnet Session ................................24......................................................2................................................................................................................................... 226 SNA ..... 227 12.............................................30..............................................................................................................................................................................20......................................................................1.............................................................5........ HOW TO CONFIGURE BLUE SERVER AFP FONT TABLES ........2. HOW TO UNDERSTAND BLUE SERVER V7.......................3................................ 244 12..................... 217 12.....32................................22.................................................................................. Setup and Configuration .........1.................................................................................30..................................................................................................... Windows Queue sharing properties ...................................................................33................... Font Character Set .................................... 227 12................................................................. You cannot get an access to GUI ........1......3....... Setup and Configuration ...................................................................4...................25...........3....1................................................................................... 218 12.................................................................. 12...... 233 12.21..30.....................4...... 236 12....28........... 237 12..............................................................3.......... Configuration ................................. 220 12.........................................................26.......................... Connection tab ......... 247 Active Products ...... 221 12.................................................................................................28... 234 12...............................................................4......... 225 Host tab .................. 240 12............................ HOW TO SETUP BLUE SERVER FOR AFP ....... 237 12...........................................................1.................................................................... HOW TO RECORD A INTERNAL SPY TRACE USING BLUE SERVER – PARSER SESSION........................................................... MPI Parser Service Properties .................... 227 12........................ Description .. For Canon imageRUNNER ...... Blue Server – Parser configuraiton .......2......... 223 12....................... Allocate a LUA to Telnet .......................................................................................................... 12. 12..3..........1...........................................................................................1...................................................................2... Description ..5.............................20. 224 12..................................... Blue Server side ................................................. 12..............................................................26.................................................................................................. 246 Definition .................... External AFP resources ................................................................. HOW TO DISPLAY BLUE SERVER JOB NAMES ON THE FRONT PANEL OF YOUR PRINTER ............24..................32.26................................................................................1. 217 12. Loading the Router Maiframe and Parser ....................................................................... 247 License Usage ..............22................... 219 12............................ 232 12...........33.33....................24.............25.............23.................................................................... 237 For Hp or compatible PJL printers .......................... Description .......1....2................................23..........1....... 232 12.....................1.......................................................................33.........................................2....................................... 245 12................. 230 12......................................22.... 237 12.......... 225 12... 246 Detail ........................................................25...................................................... 245 12.................. 228 12................................. Problems ..............................4............................................. Description ...........................................................24.........20.................................2..................................................................................21............................................... Procedure....... 234 Code Page .................................................................................................. 12...............................................27................... 226 12................................................. Description .....28..........................1............................................. Procedure...................21....................2................... 217 12.PARSER SESSION .......................3...........................2..............................................2..........1.................Router Mainframe configuration..................... 235 12..................................29.2............................................................. 234 Coded Font .....................................2..................................................................... HOW TO RECORD A SPY TRACE USING BLUE SERVER – TELNET SESSION................................. 245 12...............31.................................. Configuration on the Blue Server ......................................1..... 234 12.......................................1..... 215 12.......... ..5..............................4................................... 273 USER WARRANTY ..................................................12.............................................................................................................................................5................................................................................ 259 CUSTOMER SUPPORT AND WARRANTY INFORMATION ................... 15...................................... 12..................................................................................................................2.33...... 15................................ 273 AUTHORIZED DEALERS... 15.................33............................3.................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 The Blue Server V7 ...................... Registered Licenses ............ BLUE SERVER RECOVERY............ 15............................................................................................. 15............................................................... TRADEMARKS ...........................................................5..........................................................................................................5..................... 14.................1..........................................................4.................. 250 Alerts .................................................................................................... 273 END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR MPI TECH SOFTWARE ..............................33.............. 273 15........................................................................................... 273 MAINTENANCE ........................... 12...........1.......................................... 273 CUSTOMER SUPPORT ..3.... 253 13............... 257 PRODUCT SUPPORT ......5.. 257 13................ 251 Migration ............................................................................................................................. 1. VA 22203 USA Phone + 1 (703) 243 3322 Fax + 1 (703) 243 3305 e-mail : support. 7a D-80336 Munich Germany Phone + 49 (0) 89 35 4762 -30 Fax + 49 (0) 89 35 4762-11 e-mail : Denmark MPI TECH A/S Vadstrupvej 35 Dk – 2880 Bagsværd Denmark Phone + 45 4436 6000 Fax + 45 4436 6111 e-mail : Germany MPI TECH Gmbh Bavariastr. location & technical support Web site : www. Kennel Ride.Corporate Headquarters 40 rue du Général Malleret Joinville BP 88 94402 Vitry sur Seine France Phone + 33 (0) 1 45 73 09 40 Fax + 33 (0) 1 46 80 70 71 e-mail : The Blue Server V7 11 . Ascot Berkshire SL5 7NT United Kingdom Phone + 44 (0) 1344 891 008 Fax + 44 (0) 1344 890 908 e-mail : [email protected] US (West coast) MPI TECH Inc. 901 North Stuart Street #Suite 1105 United Kingdom MPI TECH United Kingdom Gibbs [email protected]@mpitech. MPI Europe France MPI TECH SA .fr@mpitech. Suite 301 Huntington Beach CA 92649-5506 USA Phone + 1 (714) 840 80 77 Fax + 1 (714) 840 21 76 e-mail : [email protected] North America US (East coast) MPI TECH Inc. 4952 Warner <This page is intentionally left blank> 12 The Blue Server V7 . xx main menu :  Start Programs MPI Blue Server The Blue Server  And you will get the following display : The Blue Server V7 13 . How to Start Blue Server interface 2. Microsoft® Blue Server Main Menu The first time. to access the MPI Blue Server V7.2.1. : launches Blue Server with process whell windows and the BlueServer interface./blueserver -stop : launches Blue Server in silent mode. The command for launching Blue server is: <blueserver [-w | -stop]>.With silent mode or . LINUX-SUSE:/opt/MPI_Blue_Server/MPI_Parser # ./blueserver . AIX and Linux Blue Server Main Menu The first time. to access the MPI Blue Server main menu :  You can launch Blue Server in two different modes: ./blueserver -w█ 14 The Blue Server V7 .With the process shell windows.2./blueserver -w .2. Usage: . SUN Solaris. : Stops all Blue Server processes. Icon list Add Domain This icon allows to add a Domain name from our Blue Server GUI. For adding a Server.3. and then Server.1. You must first to delete all Server. printer Channel Board configuration Printer filter Wizard Help Status: not connected Backup Server Status: connected The Blue Server V7 15 .1. Add Printer Delete Domain Delete Server This icon allows deleting a Domain previously created. Useful. This profile can be used for new printer not listed in our standard installation.3. From this new entry.1. This icon allows adding a new Printer. Delete Profile This icon allows deleting a Profile. modify. Useful. you can manage all other Blue Server installation (create.. delete. when you want to manage different Blue Server installation. This icon allows deleting a Server. when you want to manage different Blue Server installation. load and unload access). and then delete the Domain. Main task bar 2. (This domain name is not a Microsoft Windows domain).3. Blue Server Interface organization 2. Add Server Add Profile This icon allows adding a new profile. Delete Printer This icon allows deleting a Printer Update Profile. You must first create a Domain. IP address or <Server_Name> can be used. This icon allows adding a Server name from our Blue Server GUI.2. LDS SCS.This display shows a typical organization mapped to different domains. You are not able to stop/start this service.TECH_US   Some servers can be displayed. . When the information “Locked by DHA”. means the service is already started . means the service is stopped. PARSER…). When the status is green.  On each Domain. by this user.TECH_UK . You are able to stop/start this service. with their specific IP address or name . means the service is already started 16 The Blue Server V7 . servers. you are able to display the available products (LPD EVOLUTION. for example : . On each servers.TECH_FR . When the status is red. by this user. means the service is available. When the information “Used by EOLE”. 2.Service tab   On the Blue Server main menu. select printers.3. For more information refer to chapter xxxxx The Blue Server V7 17 .3.1. select Services. And you will get the following display : This function allows displaying all the printers available on the listed server.2.2. Tabs list 2. And you will get the following display : This function allows to display all the services available on the listed server.2. 2.1.Printer tab   On the Blue Server main menu. 3. select Profiles. 18 The Blue Server V7 . And you will get the following display : This function allows displaying all the profiles available on the listed server.1.2.3.Profiles tab   On the Blue Server main menu.2. verify which PTF is applied on your AS/400: If SF29961 PTF is already installed. PSF/400 AFP Printing Using TCP/IP This chapter provides information to configure your OS/400 using TCP/IP.1.3. The printer device configuration is different depending the OS/400 version.1. use 24144. use 29961.1. one is provided with the SF24144 PTF cover letter and the latest with SF29961 PTF cover letter.1.2.1. It offers an interface to a data area used by PSF/400 for TCP/IP printing. In order to know which WRKAFP2 version you must use. 3. TCP/IP With AS/400 V3R1  OS/400:  PSF/400: V3R1M0 or later. PSF is an optional feature: product 5763SS1 feature 5102) 3.SRC file. There are two WRKAFP2 source codes.1. The Blue Server V7 19 . – – TCP/IP installed and enabled.1. Creating The WRKAFP2 Command On Your AS/400 (V3R1) The WRKAFP2 command is provided by IBM. Warning Depending on your AS/400 version you must use WRKAPF2 command (V3R1 or V3R6) or CRTPSFCFG command (V3R2. Creating The AS/400 Printer Device In order to create an AS/400 printer device type the following command: CRTDEVPRT Press ENTER and the F11 command key to get the keyword displayed. Requirements Please check the following points before the device creation. You must configure as follows: Device Description Name Device Class Type Model AFP AFP Attach Online Font Remote Location Name Local Location Name Remote Net Id Mode DEVD DEVCLS TYPE MODEL AFP AFPATTACH ONLINE FONT FORMFEED RMTLOCNAME LCLLOCNAME RMTNETID MODE <Printer Name> *RMT *IPDS 0 *YES *APPC *YES 11 *AUTOCUT <Printer Name> *NETATR *NETATR QSPWTR When the device is created use the WRKDEVD command to vary on the device. PSF/400 license active on your AS/400 system. order SF29961 PTF. (From OS/400 V3. IBM Host configuration for Parser session 3. V3R7 or V3R1) 3.SRC file. TCP/IP configured must be installed. If SF24144 PTF is installed.1. If neither of the above PTF are installed. 60. Setting this parameter to *NOMAX indicates it will wait for ever The inactivity timer specifies the length of time PSF/400 will maintain a session with the printer while there are no spooled files with a status of RDY. INACTTMR : *SEC15 or *SEC30 20 The Blue Server V7 .20 for example Parser number (one number per printer) The activation timer specifies the number of seconds PSF/400 will wait for a printer to respond to an activation request. Using The WRKAFP2 Command For The Blue Server The WRKAFP2 command parameters used for the Blue Server are: DEVD TCPIP RMTSYS PORT ACTTMR : <Printer Name> : *YES : printer IP address : from 5001 to 9999 : *NOMAX (printer uses TCP/IP) 193.3.1. PSF/400 closes the connection with the printer which permits another LAN application to print.157. If the time elapsed.3.1. Setting this parameter to *NOMAX indicates it will wait for ever 193.2. Creating The AS/400 Printer Device In order to create an AS/400 printer device type the following command: CRTDEVPRT Press ENTER and the F11 command key to get the keyword displayed.1. TCP/IP With AS/400 V3R2 3. You must configure as follows: Device Description Name Device Class Type Model AFP AFP Attach Online Font Remote Location Name Local Location Name Remote Net Id Mode DEVD DEVCLS TYPE MODEL AFP AFPATTACH ONLINE FONT FORMFEED RMTLOCNAME LCLLOCNAME RMTNETID MODE <Printer Name> *RMT *IPDS 0 *YES *APPC *YES 11 *AUTOCUT <Printer Name> *NETATR *NETATR QSPWTR When the device is created use the WRKDEVD command to vary on the device.2.20 for example The Blue Server V7 21 . 3. It offers an interface to a data area used by PSF/400 for TCP/IP printing: IPDSPASTHR RLSTMR RMTSYS RESTFONT PORT ACTTMR : NO : *SEC15 or *SEC30 : printer IP address : *YES : from 5001 to 9999 : *NOMAX Parser number (one number per printer) The activation timer specifies the number of seconds PSF/400 will wait for a printer to respond to an activation request.3. The CRTPSFCFG Command Parameters The CRTPSFCFG command is provided by IBM.1.60.157. Creating the WRKAFP2 command on your AS/400 V3R6 As version V3R1 the WRKAFP2 is provided by IBM.3. You must configure as follows: Device Description Name Device Class Type Model AFP AFP Attach Online Font Remote Location Name Local Location Name Remote Net Id Mode DEVD DEVCLS TYPE MODEL AFP AFPATTACH ONLINE FONT FORMFEED RMTLOCNAME LCLLOCNAME RMTNETID MODE <Printer Name> *RMT *IPDS 0 *YES *APPC *YES 11 *AUTOCUT <Printer Name> *NETATR *NETATR QSPWTR When the device is created use the WRKDEVD command to vary on the device. It offers an interface to a date area used by PSF/400 for TPC/IP printing. Creating The AS/400 Printer Device In order to create an AS/400 printer device type the following command: CRTDEVPRT Press ENTER and the F11 command key to get the keyword displayed.2. and two of these contains the WRKAFP2 source on descriptions: # SF 32907 # SF 31461 22 The Blue Server V7 .1. 3.3. TCP/IP With AS/400 V3R6 The following PTF‟s must be applied on your system:       SF 32499 SF 32501 SF 33878 SF 33891 SF 31461 SF 32907 Some of these may superseded each other.3. 3. INACTTMR : *SEC15 or *SEC30 The Blue Server V7 23 .157.60.3. Setting this parameter to *NOMAX indicates it will wait for ever The inactivity timer specifies the length of time PSF/400 will maintain a session with the printer while there are no spooled files with a status of RDY. If the time elapsed.3. Using The WRKAFP2 Command For The Blue Server The WRKAFP2 command parameters used for the Blue Server are: IPDSPASTHR DEVD TCPIP RMTSYS PORT ACTTMR : *NO : <Printer Name> : *YES : printer IP address : from 5001 to 9999 : *NOMAX (printer uses TCP/IP) 193.1. PSF/400 closes the connection with the printer which permits another LAN application to print.20 for example Parser number (one number per printer) The activation timer specifies the number of seconds PSF/400 will wait for a printer to respond to an activation request. PRINTER NAME <-set to TCP/IP port TCP/IP activation timer Use outline fonts PORT ACTTMR USEOUTLFNT *NONE 170 *NO 24 The Blue Server V7 .1. Using the CRTPSFCFG command for with the Blue Server In order to create an AS/400 printer device type the following command: CRTPSFCFG Press ENTER and the F11 command key to get the keyword display.1. TCP/IP With AS/400 V3R7 You must configure as follows: First Display PSF Configuration Library User resource library list Device resource library list + for IPDS pass through Active release timer Release timer Restart timer SNA retry count Delay between SNA retries Text description' Second Display Blank page Page size control Resident fonts Resource retention Edge orient Remote location Name or address BLANCKAPGE PAGSIZCTL RESFONT RSCRET EDGEORIENT RMTLOCNAME *YES *NO *YES *NO *NO *NONE PSFCFG USRRSCLIBL DEVRSCLIBL more values IPDSPASTHR ACTRLSTMR RLSTMR RESTRTMR RETRY RETRYDLY TEXT PRTV3R7 *CURLIB *JOBLIBL *DFT *NO *NORDYF *SEC30 *IMMED 2 0 <.3. Creating the AS/400 printer device In order to create an AS/400 printer device type the following command: CRTDEVPRT Press ENTER and the F11 command key to get the keyword displayed.IP address USRDTATFM USRDRVPGM TEXT The Blue Server V7 25 . You must configure as follows: First Display : Device description Device Class Device Type Device model LAN attachment Advanced function Printing Port number Online at IPL Font : Identifier Pointsize Form feed Separator drawer Separator program Printer error message Second Display : Message queue Library Activation timer Maximum pending requests Print while converting Print request timer Form definition Library Remote location User-defined options + for more value Third Display : User defined object Object Library Object type Data transform program Library User defined driver program Library Text 'description' USRDFNOBJ PRTV3R7 *LIBL *PSFCFG *NONE *NONE Device IPDS over TCP/IP <.20 *NONE DEVD DEVCLS TYPE MODEL LANATTACH AFP PORT ONLINE FONT PRTV3R7 *LAN *IPDS 0 *IP *YES 5001 *YES 11 *NONE *AUTOCUT *FILE *NONE *INQ <.set to <.4.set to MSGQ ACTTMR MAXPNDRQS PRTCVT PRTRQSTMR FORMDEF RMTLOCNAME USRDFNOPT QSYSOPR *LIBL *NOMAX 6 *YES *NOMAX F1C10110 *LIBL 193.157.3.set to <.2.1.PRINTER NAME <.Printer name <.set to FORMFEED SEPDRAWER SEPPGM PRTERRMSG <.set to <.60. You must configure as follows: First Display PSF Configuration Library User resource library list Device resource library list + for IPDS pass through Active release timer Release timer Restart timer SNA retry count Delay between SNA retries Text description' Second Display Blank page Page size control Resident fonts Resource retention Edge orient Remote location Name or address BLANCKAPGE PAGSIZCTL RESFONT RSCRET EDGEORIENT RMTLOCNAME *YES *NO *YES *NO *NO *NONE PSFCFG USRRSCLIBL DEVRSCLIBL more values IPDSPASTHR ACTRLSTMR RLSTMR RESTRTMR RETRY RETRYDLY TEXT PRTV3R7 *CURLIB *JOBLIBL *DFT *NO *NORDYF *SEC30 *IMMED 2 0 <.1. Using the CRTPSFCFG command for with the Blue Server In order to create an AS/400 printer device type the following command: CRTPSFCFG Press ENTER and the F11 command key to get the keyword display.PRINTER NAME <.5.3.set to TCP/IP port TCP/IP activation timer Use outline fonts PORT ACTTMR USEOUTLFNT *NONE 170 *NO 26 The Blue Server V7 .1.1.5. TCP/IP With AS/400 V4R1 and V4R2 3. PRINTER NAME <.5.Printer name <.set to <.IP address USRDTATFM USRDRVPGM TEXT The Blue Server V7 27 .set to <.60.set to MSGQ ACTTMR MAXPNDRQS PRTCVT PRTRQSTMR FORMDEF RMTLOCNAME USRDFNOPT QSYSOPR *LIBL *NOMAX 6 *YES *NOMAX F1C10110 *LIBL 193.157.set to <.set to FORMFEED SEPDRAWER SEPPGM PRTERRMSG <.3.1. You must configure as follows: First Display : Device description Device Class Device Type Device model LAN attachment Advanced function Printing Port number Online at IPL Font : Identifier Pointsize Form feed Separator drawer Separator program Printer error message Second Display : Message queue Library Activation timer Maximum pending requests Print while converting Print request timer Form definition Library Remote location User-defined options + for more value Third Display : User defined object Object Library Object type Data transform program Library User defined driver program Library Text 'description' USRDFNOBJ PRTV3R7 *LIBL *PSFCFG *NONE *NONE Device IPDS over TCP/IP <.2. Creating the AS/400 printer device In order to create an AS/400 printer device type the following command: CRTDEVPRT Press ENTER and the F11 command key to get the keyword displayed.20 *NONE DEVD DEVCLS TYPE MODEL LANATTACH AFP PORT ONLINE FONT PRTV3R7 *LAN *IPDS 0 *IP *YES 5001 *YES 11 *NONE *AUTOCUT *FILE *NONE *INQ <. V5R1. V5R2.PRINTER NAME <. V5R3. Using the CRTPSFCFG command for with the Blue Server In order to create an AS/400 printer device type the following command: CRTPSFCFG Press ENTER and the F11 command key to get the keyword display. You must configure as follows: First Display: PSF Configuration Library User resource library list Device resource library list + for IPDS pass through Active release timer Release timer Restart timer Retry APPC and TCP/IP Delay between APPC retries PSFCFG USRRSCLIBL DEVRSCLIBL more values IPDSPASTHR ACTRLSTMR RLSTMR RESTRTMR RETRY RETRYDLY AUTOSSNRCY ACKFRQ TEXT PRTV4RX *CURLIB *JOBLIBL *DFT *NO *NORDYF *SEC30 *IMMED 15 90 *NO 100 <.3. TCP/IP With AS/400 V4R3 .6. V5R4 and V5R5 3.1.6. V4R4.set to Text description' Second Display: Blank page Page size control Resident fonts Resource retention Edge orient PSF defined options + for more values Font substitute message Font capture Font resolution Third Display: BLANCKAPGE PAGSIZCTL RESFONT RSCRET EDGEORIENT USEOUTLFNT PSFDFNOPT FNTSUBMSG FNTCAPTURE FNTRSL *YES *NO *YES *NO *NO *NO *NONE *YES *NO *SEARCH Replace CSEMODE REPLACE AUT *NONE *YES *LIBCRTAUT 28 The Blue Server V7 . V4R5.1.1. set to <.3.2. You must configure as follows: First Display: Device description Device Class Device Type Device model LAN attachment Advanced function Printing Port number Online at IPL Font : Identifier Pointsize Form feed Separator drawer Separator program Printer error message Second Display: Message queue Library Activation timer Maximum pending requests Print while converting Print request timer Form definition Library Remote location User-defined options + for more value Third Display: User defined object Object Library Object type Data transform program Library User defined driver program Library Text 'description' USRDFNOBJ PRTV4RX *LIBL *PSFCFG *NONE *NONE Device IPDS over TCP/IP <. Creating the AS/400 printer device In order to create an AS/400 printer device type the following command: CRTDEVPRT Press ENTERS and the F11 command key to get the keyword displayed.60.Printer name <-set to <-set to MSGQ ACTTMR IMGCFG MAXPNDRQS PRTCVT PRTRQSTMR FORMDEF RMTLOCNAME USRDFNOPT QSYSOPR *LIBL *NOMAX *NONE 6 *YES *NOMAX F1C10110 *LIBL 193.set to <.6.157.IP address USRDTATFM USRDRVPGM TEXT The Blue Server V7 29 .PRINTER NAME <.20 *NONE DEVD DEVCLS TYPE MODEL LANATTACH AFP PORT ONLINE FONT PRTV4RX *LAN *IPDS 0 *IP *YES 5001 *YES 11 *NONE *AUTOCUT *FILE *NONE *INQ <.1.set to FORMFEED SEPDRAWER SEPPGM PRTERRMSG <. 2.1. installed and configured on MVS. PSF/MVS AFP Printing Using TCP/IP 3.0 with APAR OW15599. Software Prerequisites To print from PSF on TCP/IP attached IPDS printers. or higher. Note: The TCP/IP address space name must be set to „TCPIP‟.  MVS Scheduler APAR OW12236 to support two new PRINTDEV keywords:  TCP/IP Version 3 Release 1. you need the following:  PSF/MVS Version 2 Release 2. the Parser port number is starting from value 5001 to 9999 PSFMVS startup procedure sample: 30 The Blue Server V7 .For Blue Server.1.3. Defining the Printer to PSF In the PSF startup procedure two new keywords have been added to the Printer statement.2. To print to a SNA attached printer. the destination is set using the keyword-LUNAME: For TCP/IP printing the 2 new keywords are:  IPADDR  PORTNO specifies the printer TCP/IP address specifies the TCP/IP port number be used for PPD/PPR communication (IPDS printing).2. which is the default at installation 3. PSF/VM Configuration 3. /* OVERLAY LIBRARY DD */ // PSEGDD=*. /* BLUE SERVER TCP/IP ADDRESS */ // PORT NO=’5001 /* IP Port Number for PARSER (value */ from 5001 to 9999 => one per configuration) //PRT1 ENDCNTL */ Sample JCL Startup Procedure for a TCP/IP-Attached printer The Blue Server V7 31 . CHARS=GT15 /* DS SEPARATOR FORMDEF */ //MSGDS OUTPUT PAGEDEF=A06462. /* ACCUMULATE DATA SET */ // DATACK=BLOCK.DSHDR. /* DEVICE FORMDEF DEFAULT */ // CHARS=(GF10.PDEF01.PSEG01.TU10. /* JOB TRAILER SEPARATOR */ // DSHDR=*.. /* FORMDEF LIBRARY DD */ // JOBHDR=*. /* CREATE INTERNAL TRACE */ // FAILURE=WCONNECT.FONT01. /* SYSTEM FONT . /* MESSAGE DATA SET OUTPUT */ // BUFNO=5. /* DATA SET HEADER */ // MESSAGE=*. /* DS SEPARATOR PAGEDEF */ // FORMDEF=A10110. CHARS=GT15 /* JOB SEPARATOR FORMDEF */ //DSHDR OUTPUT PAGEDEF=V00643.OLAY01.FDELIB.FONT300.GU10).PSEGLIB. /* SYSTEM FORMDEFS */ // DISP=SHR */ //* */ //********************************************************************************* / //* PRINTDEV */ //* */ //********************************************************************************* ********/ //PRT1 CNTL */ //*PRT1 PRINTDEV FONTDD=*. /* 240 PEL FONT LIBRARY DD */ //* */ /*  SEE REQUIRED ACTION ABOVE //PRT1 PRINTDEV FONTDD=*.240 PEL */ //* DISP=SHR */ //FONT02 DD DSN=SYS1.20’. /* SYSTEM PAGE SEGMENTS */ // DISP=SHR */ //OLAY01 DD DSN=SYS1OVERLIB. /* PSF ACTION ON TIMEOUT */ // MGMTMODE=IMMED. /* PRINTER MANAGEMENT MODE */ // DISCINTV=15. /* PAGEDEF LIBRARY DD */ // FDEFDD=*. /* MESSAGE DATASET PAGEDEF */ // FORMDEF=A10110 /* MESSAGE DATASET FORMDEF */ //*FONT01 DD DSN=SYS1. /* DEVICE PAGEDEF DEFAULT */ // FORMDEF=A10110. /* SYSTEM PAGEDEFS */ // DISP=SHR */ //FDEF01 DD DSN=SYS1. /* SEGMENT LIBRARY DD */ // PDEFDD=*. /* DEVICE */ // GS10. /* REPORT ALL DATA-CHECK */ // TRACE=NO. MSGDS.300 PEL */ // DISP=SHR */ //PSEG01 DD DSN=SYS1. /* MESSAGE DATA SET OUTPUT */ // PAGEDEF=A06462.FDEF01.187. /* DEFAULT FONT SET */ // PIMSG=YES.FONT02 /* 300 PEL FONT LIBRARY DD */ //* */ /*  SEE REQUIRED ACTION ABOVE // OVLYDD=*.JOBTLR. /* JOB HEADER SEPARATOR */ // JOBTRLR=*. /* PSF ACTION ON PRINTER */ // TIMEOUT=REDRIVE. /* DISCONNECT INTERVAL IN SEC */ //* TCP/IP =Printer Definition */ // IPADDR=’192.PDEFLIB.//JOBHORT OUTPUT PAGE=V00643 /* JOB SEPARATOR PAGEDEF */ // FORMDEF=A10110.60.FONTLIBB. /* JOB SEPARATOR PAGEDEF */ // FORMDEF=A10110. CHARS=GT15 /* JOB SEPARATOR FORMDEF */ //JOBTLR OUTPUT PAGEDEF=V00643.JOBHDR. /* SYSTEM FONT . /* SYSTEM MEDIUM OVERLAY */ // DISP=SHR */ //PDEF01 DD DSN=SYS1. <This page is intentionally left blank> 32 The Blue Server V7 . . . . . . SEQ Remote system . Requirements: AS/400 version 3. . .1. . . Starting time . . . MAXPAGES .1. RMTSYS . Output queue . press Enter. . . . .. . . . This will enable the AS/400 to automatically output SCS/DCA data directly to the Blue Server. Library . . + for more values Order of files on queue . . . . RMTPRTQ > 'BSOUTQ' More. Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) Type choices. . . Maximum spooled file Number of pages . . and the Blue Server session Router SCS has been completed. . . . . . . OUTQ . . . 4.. . . . . printing from AS/400 will be possible. The Blue Server V7 33 .1 with TCP/IP installed. . size: . . IBM Host configuration for Router SCS 5250 session 4. . . . . . . . . .4. > BSOUTQ > QGPL *NONE *FIFO > *INTNETADR Remote printer queue . . . .1. AS/400 SCS-DCA Printing Using TCP/IP LPR/LPD Once these parameters have been configured. . Create a remote output queue The CRTOUTQ command is used to create a Remote output queue. Ending time . . . . . . . . . AS/400 printing The data to be printed must be associated with the defined OUTQ via the various PRTF commands. . Destination options . . . . .2. Image configuration . . . . . . . AUTOSTRWTR MSGQ CNNTYPE DESTTYPE TRANSFORM USRDTATFM IMGCFG INTNETADR DESTOPT > 1 QSYSOPR *LIBL > *IP *OS400 > *NO *NONE *NONE > '192. . Internet address . . . . . . The printer defined in the Print Option menu panel of OFFICE/400 must have a similar emulation to the printed defined in the OUTQ parameter. . . 4. . . . . . Text 'description' . User driver program Library . Destination type . . . . . *NO must be used for TRANSFORM. . press Enter. . . . .. . . . . . Spooled file ASP .e. USRDFNOBJ . . . . . . . This method of printing supports various printer emulations. . . . writer starts automatically when created. i. . Writers to autostart . . Object type . . . . . USRDRVPGM . .1. . . . . *OS400 must be used for DESTTYPE. . . . . . press Enter. . “1” signifying “YES”. . . TEXT *NONE *NONE *SYSTEM 'Blue Server . .30. . . Host print transform . . . .Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) Type choices. .200' *NONE *YES *NONE More. . . . . 34 The Blue Server V7 . . USRDFNOPT + for more values Bottom The value The number The value The value The value The value *INTNETADR must be used for RMTSYS. . . . Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) Type choices.. . . . SEPPAGE User defined option . . . Connection type . . . Queue for writer messages Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . User defined object: Object . User data transform . Library . . . . . . . . .Remote OUTQ' Print separator page . When printing from OFFICE/400 care must be taken when submitting data to be printed. *IP must be used for CNNTYPE.168. . . . . used for INTNETADR must be the same as IP address of your local Blue Server. . . . SPLFASP . . . . . . . Library . . . . refer to the IBM documentation. For more specific information on Mainframe SNA configuration.1.5.1. 3746 communications controllers. Setup Mainframe SNA environment Notes:    This document is a help tutorial for configuring a Mainframe SNA connection. 37x5 front-end processors. IBM Host configuration for Router SCS 3270 session 5. 5.1. How to Define Host VTAM PU and LUs For host connections. you can link IBM host systems through 317x cluster controllers. or integrated token-ring controllers on 9370 IBM host SNA gateway The Blue Server V7 35 . The following are configuration examples for establishing SNA Mainframe sessions. PID=2 LOCADDR=01 USSTAB=USSADP DLOGMODE=PDMGRP4R <. IDBLK=05D.1. EXAMPLE : Token ring VTAM/NCP File for a Node type 2. GRPNM=GRP0401. USSTAB=USSTAB DIALNO=0044020000000088. LOCADD=400031741601.5 last bytes of Local Node ID <. IDNUM=00000. VPACING=0.1.3 first bytes of Local Node ID <. PUTYPE=2 XID=NO. MAXTSL=1033.1. MAXDATA=1456. VTAM LIST ========= *Line Definition *--------------NTRILN1 LINE ADDRESS=(1088.0 Connection 5.LUA address 36 The Blue Server V7 .5.Set to N0 for node 2.2.First 04=Source SAP PRTSNA201 LU <.0 PATH105E PATH <. MAXPATH=2.LOCCADD = NT Server MAC Address *PU LU Definitions *----------------PS0105E PU ADDR=04. FULL). RCVBUFC=4095. <. DISCNT=N0. CPNAME=PU. DLOGMODE=XCOM4K. MAXOUT=1.1. CALL=INOUT GID=1. MODETAB=LU1MODE.Max BTU Length <. PORTADD=0.1. Adding DLC 802.NT Server .2.Network protocol configuration 5.2 protocol to you NT Server/Workstation In order to communicate via Token ring or Ethernet over SNA.1.1.1. The Blue Server V7 37 . you must add the DLC protocol to your NT Server or Workstation running SNA Server. 5. .2 Link Service from the list. select the LAN card you want to use.1. Link Service Properties window.SNA Server configuration – Create a link You must define the Server LAN card to be used to communicate with the host.2.2.Folder Connections.SNA Server configuration – Create a connection You must define a connection (PU Emulation) with attributes matching the VTAM PU Definitions .3.2 from the list: 38 The Blue Server V7 . make a right click and select 802. make a right click and select Link Service.Folder Link Services. Select DLC 802.In the DLC 802.1. .1. Connections : General Connections : Address Note : Remote Network Address must match the Host MAC Address (TIC) The Blue Server V7 39 . Connections : System Identification Note : local Node ID must match the ID_NUM and ID_BLOCK parameters of the VTAM PU Definition Connections : System Identification Note : MAX BTU Length must match the MAX_DATAD parameter of the VTAM PU Definition 40 The Blue Server V7 . Make a right click on your connection and select Application LU (LUA).1. This new window appears : Note : The number specified for LU must match the LOCADDR parameter of the VTAM LU Definition The Blue Server V7 41 . you must define a LUA LU. you must create your printer LU. In order to run with MPI Router.5. .1.2.4.SNA Server configuration – Create a Printer LU Attached to the connection. <This page is intentionally left blank> 42 The Blue Server V7 . 1. For more specific information on TELNET 3270 configuration. IBM Host configuration for TN3270/TN5250 6.6. TN3270 Setup 6. Description IBM Host WorkStation/Server where the MPI Blue Server – Router telnet module is installed Printers This document is a help tutorial for configuring a Telnet Server on the IBM host.1. The following are configuration examples for establishing Telnet sessions.1. refer to : ”IP Configuration Guide for z/os” SC31-8775-01 The Blue Server V7 43 . To enable connections.2. Telnet 3270 connectivity The TN3270 Telnet Server acts as an interface between IP and SNA networks. and the characteristics of that port. End users in an IP network connect to the server which is also a VTAM application. For more information about these command sets. These Telnet application LUs establish sessions with VTAM host applications (for example. VARY and DISPLAY commands specifically related to the Telnet server can be used to alter the state of Telnet or display information about Telnet. 44 The Blue Server V7 .6. After TCP/IP is started. the VTAM and TCP/IP configuration data sets must be modified with Telnet statements. The TN3270 Telnet server runs in the TCP/IP address space as part of TCP/IP. The Server activates one SNA application minor node logical unit (LU) to represent each Telnet IP client. refer to z/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator’s Commands. simulating terminals (LU0 or LU2) or printers (LU1 or LU3). These statements describe the Telnet LUs. a listening port. CICS). The Telnet Server is started as part of the TCP/IP startup procedure.1. 3. MODETAB=MPITAB. EAS=1. PARSESS=NO. PARSESS=NO. PARSESS=NO. Sample of major node definition (only printers) Following is an example of an appropriate major node for six LU VTAM printers definition : TELPRT01 to TELPRT05 and TELMYPRT TELNET VBUILD TYPE=APPL TELPRT01 APPL AUTH=NVPACE. MODETAB=MPITAB. EAS=1. PARSESS=NO. SESSLIM=YES TELPRT03 APPL AUTH=NVPACE. EAS=1. MODETAB=MPITAB. VTAM Configuration 6. SESSLIM=YES TELMYPRT APPL AUTH=NVPACE. SESSLIM=YES X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X The Blue Server V7 45 . SESSLIM=YES TELPRT05 APPL AUTH=NVPACE.1.1. EAS=1. PARSESS=NO. SESSLIM=YES TELPRT04 APPL AUTH=NVPACE.3. SESSLIM=YES TELPRT02 APPL AUTH=NVPACE. MODETAB=MPITAB. MODETAB=MPITAB. EAS=1. MODETAB=MPITAB. PARSESS=NO. EAS=1.6.1. IPGROUP <IPGroup Name> . Telnet will assign an available LU from the group to the connection. PRTGROUP <ImpGroup Name> . An LU is required to represent the client when initiating a VTAM session. one creates an association between Telnet clients and VTAM LUs. a Telnet printer client must be associated to a specific VTAM LU.1.4. For single LU mappings. <IP address list which are authorized to reach the mainframe> ENDIPGROUP . Then a PRTGROUP name .1. 6. or Objects can be mapped to IPGROUP names containing exact IP addresses and subnets.4. In a static network. . Telnet will assign the LU name to the connection if the LU is available.The Generic PRTMAP mapping statement maps a single LU or PRTGROUP Object to a client.The PRTMAP statement assigns the LUs in PRTGROUP to any client identified by IPGROUP   TCP/IP profile . At least a PRTMAP name .. BEGINVTAM . we assume that TCP/IP is already active and Telnet server is already configured and active. Objects can be mapped to clients based on the exact IP address. Configuration TCP/IP In this document. inside a BEGINVTAM / ENDVTAM group. For PRTGROUP mappings. it will be necessary to modify the TCP/IP profile. TCP-IP Telnet configuration In the above TCP/IP profile. To configure a Telnet printer client. We will simply detail the elements relating to printers. PRTMAP <ImpGroup Name> <IPGroup Name> ENDVTAM 46 The Blue Server V7 . we will define:  An IPGROUP name – this is the most common method used to map Objects to the client.6. <LU VTAM list which are authorized to reach the Telnet connection> ENDPRTGROUP .. Define the VTAM parameters required for the Telnet server. <Parameters>.1. In a general way.. This configuration intervenes in a group BEGINVTAM/ENDVTAM in which. . SNMP Query Engine 433 TCP OMVS . OE TFTP SERVER 80 TCP OMVS . . FTP Server 21 TCP OMVS . . COPYRIGHT = NONE.. NCS Location Broker 161 UDP OSNMPD . The device configuration statements MUST be changed to match your . configuration. OE WEB SERVER 111 TCP PORTMAP .PROFILE.1. . SMTP Server 69 UDP OMVS . ARPAGE 20 . Remote Execution Server 515 TCP EPMLPD .. =================== . . . TCPIP. TELNETPARMS indicate the Port for Telnet communication TELNETPARMS PORT 23 INACTIVE 28800 TIMEMARK 28800 ENDTELNETPARMS .2. OE RLOGIN SERVER 514 UDP OMVS . FTP Server 23 TCP INTCLIEN . Portmap Server 135 UDP LLBD . PORT 7 UDP MISCSERV ... . Secure Server 512 TCP RXSERVE . OE syslog server 514 TCP RXSERVE .. Portmap Server 111 UDP PORTMAP . NOTES: . Sample Below is an extract from a TCP/IP profile corresponding to a VTAM definition listed previously. . . Telnet Server 25 TCP SMTP . hardware and software configuration.TCPIP . The BEGINVTAM section must be changed to match your VTAM . Miscellaneous Server 7 TCP MISCSERV 9 UDP MISCSERV 9 TCP MISCSERV 19 UDP MISCSERV 19 TCP MISCSERV 20 TCP OMVS NOAUTOLOG . Note : all the parameters are not indicated. . . . SNMP Agent 162 UDP SNMPQE .4.6. . Remote Execution Server 513 UDP OMVS . LPD Server The Blue Server V7 47 .. OE WEB Server 443 TCP OMVS . ..31.D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3279-5-E D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3279-5 D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE DYNAMIC .31.5 and address ranging between .60 ENDIPGROUP .. Define the LUs to be used for general users. 192...31.D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3278-5 D4C32XX3.16. DEFAULTLUS SC0TCP01.40.D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3278-3 D4C32XX3.31.40 to 192..D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3279-2-E D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3279-2 D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3278-3-E D4C32XX3. TELPRT01.D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3278-4 D4C32XX3. BEGINVTAM . . .192..31... .31.D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3279-4-E D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3279-4 D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3278-5-E D4C32XX3.....168.. .168.TELPRT05 TELMYPRT ENDPRTGROUP . definition of an IP address group authorized for Telnet printer client ..SC0TCP30 ENDDEFAULTLUS . assign an available LU from the group to a Telnet connection PRTGROUP PRTN32 .....D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3279-3-E D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3279-3 D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3278-4-E D4C32XX3..60 are authorized IPGROUP IPPRT 192. IP address 192.D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3287-1 . Define the VTAM parameters required for the Telnet server..168. latest level of VTAM TELNETDEVICE 3277 D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3278-2-E D4C32XX3. In this case.D4C32XX3 TELNETDEVICE 3278-2 D4C32XX3..D4C32XX3 .. . Define logon mode tables to be the defaults shipped with the . .168.168. . assigns the LUs in PRTGROUP to any client identified by IPGROUP PRTMAP PRTN32 IPPRT ENDVTAM 48 The Blue Server V7 . PORT 23 .5 192.. 2. TN5250 Setup To set up TN5250.as400. Autoconfiguration of Devices How to set up your AS/400 to autoconfigure devices :  Issue the command : WRKSYSVAL And follow the screen dump below. . . Subset by Type . telnet must be started and the correct PTFs must be installed. .2. 2=Change 5=Display Option System Value QABNORMSW QACGLVL QACTJOB QADLACTJ QADLSPLA QADLTOTJ QALWOBJRST QALWUSRDMN Type *SYSCTL *MSG *ALC *ALC *ALC *ALC *SEC *SEC Description Previous end of system indicator Accounting level Initial number of active jobs Additional number of active jobs Spooling control block additional storage Additional number of total jobs Allow object restore option Allow user domain objects in libraries More. press Enter.htm 6. See APARII10918 on IBM‟s support page for a list of PTFs to be installed for the different versions of AS/400 for TN5250e printing support. .. Type it will automatically set up a device on your AS/400. configure your Telnet session using Blue Server. Command ===> F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel F5=Refresh F9=Retrieve F11=Display names only *ALL System: S4449156 Starting characters of system value F4 for list The Blue Server V7 49 .ibm. When this new device has been loaded. . . .1. . .6. Select TELNET and enter the Device Name. Start Blue Server. Note : Auto configuration of devices must be set up on your AS/400. http://www. select Config / Add printer. Work with System Values Position to .. . . F3=Exit F12=Cancel 50 The Blue Server V7 . . . . : Autoconfigure device . : Description . . press Enter. .. . . .. . . Command ===> F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel F5=Refresh F9=Retrieve F11=Display names only *ALL System: S4449156 Starting characters of system value F4 for list 5 Display System Value System value . . Type options. 2=Change 5=Display Option System Value QASTLVL QATNPGM QAUDCTL QAUDENDACN QAUDFRCLVL QAUDLVL QAUTOCFG QAUTORMT Type *SYSCTL *SYSCTL *SEC *SEC *SEC *SEC *SYSCTL *SYSCTL Description User assistance level Attention program Auditing control Auditing end action Force auditing data Security auditing level Autoconfigure devices Autoconfigure of remote controllers More. . : QAUTOCFG Autoconfigure devices 1 0=Off 1=On Press Enter to continue. .Work with System Values Position to . Subset by Type . . . 2. How to configure Parser session .IPDS connection 7.7. Load or unload the printer‟s configuration. Create and/or modify the printer‟s configuration.  S tart: Programs MPI Blue Server The Blue Server  And you will get the following display : From this Menu you can : 1. The MPI Parser Main Menu To access the MPI Blue Server V5 (or higher) main menu.1. 3. Create a remote access to another MPI Blue Server. Display the status of the loaded printer‟s configuration. 4. The Blue Server V7 51 . 2. This list can be updated every month. select “Wizard Create Printers” to create a new printer configuration. Double click or select “Apply”. And you will get the following display :  Select the printer profile you want to use with this new configuration.7. Use this profile if you want to print color data. PCL5 PDF PS2 Sample XXXXXXXX Profile used for generic PCL5 printers Profile used for PDF files creation. Generic profile All the other profiles are created for specific printer model. And you will get the following display :    Select “PARSER”. 52 The Blue Server V7 . Creating a New Printer Configuration   From the previous display. Profile used for PostScript level 2 and level 3 printers. Profile Name Sample is the default. Parser .2.Information window 7.2.  Double click or select “Apply”. The Blue Server V7 53 .1. Useful to manage different servers. And you will get the following display :   Enter the name of the new printer configuration. Then. And you will get directly the following display : 7. 7.2.2. 7.1.2. select “OK”. Printer Group Used to select a specific printer group.1. this is the profile you select for the printer creation. Comments Used to write some notes.3.1.1. Parser . please contact your local MPI Tech office.2.2. For additional information.     Directory Path Telnet BS Session (IPDS from Host) BS Session (Preprocessed IPDS) For additional information. Press. For additional information.2. A specific license is requested. Available for input AFP. A specific license is requested. 7. Input Data Stream Values allowed:   IPDS: AFPDS: Select this option when your host sends IPDS over TCP/IP protocol (PPD/PPR). A specific license is requested.1. Select this option when your host sends AFPDS files (from IBM Host. Info Print Manager…) to a specific input Blue Server “Directory Path”.7. please contact your local MPI Tech office. 54 The Blue Server V7 . please contact your local MPI Tech office.Host window The Blue Server Parser can accept IPDS data over Six different ways:   TCP/IP Input Channel Input Working in conjunction with the PCI channel board.2. Configure the IP PORT according to your host device description. 2.2.2. For additional information. Values allowed:         IBM 4028 IBM 3812 IBM 3816 IBM 3130 IBM 3825 IBM 3827 IBM 3835 IBM 4000 IBM4028 is the default emulation suggested when using 300 DPI resources at the host level. IP Port This number (ranging from 5001 to 65535) must match the Port Number set in the host printer definition. When you define several printer configurations with the Blue Server Parser.2.2. Configure the channel address and speed according to the host definition. 3835 and 4000. please contact your local MPI office. The Blue Server V7 55 . 3825.2. please contact your local MPI office. please contact your local MPI Tech office.2. 3827. 7.4.2. you can manage up to eight devices (8 logical printers).7. each of them must be setup with a different IP Port. Channel Address Available for NT and Solaris With the MPI PCI Channel interface card. Select this option when AFP/IPDS data will be sent to this directory. IBM 3827 is a continuous form (fanfold) printer. For additional information. Use this emulation when you want to rotate the page 90 degrees clockwise compared to other IPDS emulation 7. The MPI PCI Channel interface card is required. Connection Values allowed:   TCP/IP: Channel: Select this option when your host sends IPDS over TCP/IP protocol (PPD/PPR). The IPDS paper origin is different.3. Select this option when your Blue Server station is attached to the host system over Channel 370 connection. Values allowed:  00* (default) to 07 7.5. Printer Emulation This parameter defines the IBM printer the Blue Server emulates.    Directory Path Telnet BS Session (IPDS from host)  BS Session (Preprocessed IPDS) For additional information. IBM 3812 is the default emulation suggested when using 240 DPI resources. IBM Resolution Values allowed:     240 dpi 300 dpi 600 dpi Auto This parameter is only accessible with the following IBM printer emulations : 3130.2. 2.9. © . Values allowed:   0 1 56 The Blue Server V7 .  Checked: Allows the Blue Server to print IPDS color data stream.6. License Group Used to select the out put speed (ppm – Page Per Minute). Check in the license server if you have color license installed.8. Code Page Version This parameter indicates the version of the code page. Values allowed:  from 1 to 9999 7. Values allowed:       Group0 (reserved) Group1 (1-55) Group2 (56-85) Group3 (86-120) Group4 (121-200) Group (no limit) 7. Usually this parameter matches with the target printer speed. ÷. Input Speed in ppm This parameter is used in conjunction with License Group. Certain characters differ between versions of the same code page.2.2. Usually this parameter matches with the target printer speed.2. please contact your dealer.  Unchecked: All color data are printed in black and white.2. Color license Warning To use this functionality. If you have problems printing characters like this . Some of the code pages supported by the printer are available in two versions.2.2. =. A specific license is requested. a specific license must be added. change the default code page.7. If not.7. Values allowed:           Group0 (reserved) Group1 (1-16) Group2 (17-30) Group3 (31-45) Group4 (46-60) Group5 (61-85) Group6 (86-120) Group7 (121-150) Group8 (151-200) Group (no limit) 7. Please contact MPI TECH or your local MPI TECH for further instructions.2. Used to select the out put speed (ppm – Page Per Minute). please refer to chapter “AFP/IPDS Compatibility”.2. Unchecked: The Blue Server waits until the job is physically completed to signal the host that the job is complete. For additional information. but may also degrade recovery and cause lost data from some printing problems.2. The Blue Server V7 57 .2. 7. Moves the page origin if this falls within the unprintable area.10.2.Default CPI This parameter indicates the CPI used when the application request default.12. Invalid characters such as Hex00 are replaced with a blank character and processing continues.Block Char Error (or Null Suppress) Defines the way The Blue Server reports the IPDS Invalid character exceptions to the host.Page Format Determines how data is positioned on the page.2.Default FGID This parameter indicates the FGID used when the application request default. All page positioning and formatting is done at the application level. 7.2. Values allowed:  Checked: The Blue Server does not report the invalid character exception to the host.Early print complete Values allowed:   Checked: The Blue server signals the host that the job is completed as soon as the IPDS data is formatted. Note Setting Early prints complete = Checked may improve print performance. such as jams. Values allowed:   Whole: Margin: The printer does not move or compress the page.  Unchecked: The Blue server reports the invalid characters as required by the host printer configuration. 7.14. Printout may stop depending your host configuration. 2.15.2.Code Page This parameter selects the default Code Page for the country: Country USA/Canada US ASCII-L Canadian French Austria/Germany Belgium Brazil Denmark/Norway Finland/Sweden Italy Japan-English Portugal Spanish-Speaking United Kingdom Austria/Germany (alternate) Denmark/Norway (alternate) Finland/Sweden (alternate) Spain (alternate) Japan-Katakana France English ASCII Arabic Greek 1 Hebrew 1 Personal Computer (PC) International Set 5 Hebrew 2 Portugal (alternate) Latin 2 Iceland Greek 2 Cyrillic Turkish 1 Turkish 2 USA/Canada (€) Austria/Germany (€) Denmark/Norway (€) Finland/Sweden (€) Italy (€) Spanish speaking (€) United Kingdom (€) France (€) International Set 5 (€) Iceland (€) Code Page 37 38 260 273 274 275 277 278 280 281 282 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 297 367 420 423 424 437 500 803 831 870 871 875 880 905 1026 1140 1141 1142 1143 1145 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 58 The Blue Server V7 .7. but it consumes more memory at the server level.17.2.2.Share IPDS with other session A specific license is requested.2.2.2. The Blue Server V7 59 . It requires less memory but provides less performance for jobs with repeated overlays. which improves performance for jobs with repeated overlays.20.Graphic Overlay Values allowed:   Checked: The Blue Server uses caching.19.Mandatory for True Type fonts. The Blue Server uses FreeType rasterizer 7. Unchecked: The Blue Server does not report the Position Error exception to the host. Values allowed:   Checked: The Blue Server uses the “Share IPDS with others session” functionality.2. Unchecked: The Blue Server does not use the “String Indexer” functionality.16.2. Unchecked: The Blue Server does not use the “Share IPDS with others session” functionality. Values allowed:   Checked: The Blue server reports the Position Error as required by the host printer configuration.Active String Indexer A specific license is requested. .2.7.2. For additional information.2. 7. Values allowed:   Checked: The Blue Server uses the “String Indexer” functionality.Free Type Rasterizer This option defines which rasterizer is used by Blue Server – parser module Values allowed:  Checked: Note . Unchecked: The Blue Server does not use caching.Report Position Error Defines the way The Blue Server reports the IPDS Position Error exceptions to the host. please contact your local MPI Tech office. 7. For additional information. Printout may stop depending your host configuration. 7.18. please contact your local MPI Tech office.Recommended for Double bytes fonts.  Unchecked: The Blue Server uses Nimbus rasterizer. 3.2. Parser – Destination window TCP/IP example LPD Printer example 60 The Blue Server V7 .7. Windows Queue example Only to File example The Blue Server V7 61 . 7. Values allowed:   300 600 62 The Blue Server V7 . The PPD files are located : <local_drive>:\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\ppd folder and select it in the printer configuration. For more details. The TIFF produced is a multi page document (contains the entire job unless the split option is set). Output format is PDF (Portable document format – Adobe ©). You can use this option to print on PDF printers (Xerox Dp65 for example) or to generate PDF files on your computer. Only Back & White support. Output format is PostScript Level 3. Not supported for the moment.2. Duplex. Used for archive documentation. Use this format only when you want to use the vertical and horizontal compression parameters to resize the logical page in the physical page. Do not used for Color output.2. Using Virtual Child For additional information. Produces one (Black & White or Color) image per page. PDF format for legal archiving. please contact MPI Tech. Output Resolution This parameter is used to select the output resolution.3.3. png…). A specific license is requested. A specific license is requested. please contact your local MPI office.  PCL5:  PS2:  PS3:  PDF:  TIFF:     PPML: IPDS: PDF/A-1b:2005 IMAGE 7. Output format is PCL5. A specific license is requested.3.2.2. Output Language Values allowed:  BMP: Output format is compressed PCL bitmap (Approx. If this cfg file does not exits for your target printer.7. Output format is PostScript Level 2. jpg. TIFF format. 75 Ko per page). A specific license is requested. This format is adapted to the most popular printers and keeps your network band switch available.1. in various compression format (bmp. Only used when Output Language is set to PS2 or PS3. Use this format when your printer supports the PostScript level 3 language or if you want to print color IPDS jobs. please contact MPI Tech. Specify the cfg file of the target PostScript printer to handle the printer feature such as input and output paper trays. please contact MPI Tech.3. A specific license is requested. Most current cfg files of printers manufacturers are created by MPI.2.3. stapling… properly. Use this format when your printer supports the PostScript level 2 language or when you want to print color IPDS jobs.4. contact MPI. For more details. tif. For more details. PPD file This parameter is only available when PS2 or PS3 are selected on Output Language parameter. (See „Print to file Option‟). Personalized Print Markup Language. 7. 7. Leave this field blank if you don‟t want to store output files on your computer.7. Paper Out.3.3. Use the browse button to discover the available printers over the network. Use this functionality when you want to print to a printer connected through parallel port. job number. Cover Open are reported to the host system. Folder path where you want to store output spool files.  Unchecked: (default) Disable bi-directional communication between The Blue Server and the printer.  Unchecked: (default) Disable bi-directional communication between The Blue Server and the printer.3. Out bin Full. Values allowed:  Checked: Enables bi-directional communication between The Blue Server and the printer. job id. Used when you want to address Windows Shared printers.  Only to File:  NULL Transform: 7. SNMP Support This parameter is only available when TCP/IP port is selected on Destination Type parameter.2. Out bin Full. Windows printer may be local or remote (even Novell print queue).5. Values allowed:  Checked: Note Make sure that your printer supports this protocol before using this parameter (please refer to your printer documentation).6. page range. The Blue Server V7 63 . Note Make sure that your printer supports this protocol before using this parameter (please refer to your printer documentation). Toner out. The file name is generated with the printer name. Printer errors such as Paper Jam. When you want to address the printer or a print server over TCP/IP LPR/LPD protocol. Paper Out. Destination Type Values allowed:    TCP/IP: LPD Printer: Windows Queue: Used when the printer destination is an IP printer that supports TCP/IP socket printing. 7. PJL Support This parameter is only available when TCP/IP port is selected on Destination Type parameter. date and time.2. Just allows a host connection with No printout. Printer errors such as Paper Jam. Toner out. Enables status between The Blue Server and the printer.2. Cover Open are reported to the host system. Printer IP Port This parameter is only available when TCP/IP is selected on Destination Type parameter.3. 7. The IP port varies depending on the print server manufacturer. Values allowed:  Target printer IP Address or DNS name. Printer IP Address This parameter is only available when TCP/IP or LPD Printer is selected on Destination Type parameter.Windows Queue EIO/LinkCom Internal card Internal card for N32/40 Internal card 9100 2000. this address can be found or changed through the front panel of the printer and will also appear on the printer configuration (Self-Test) page. Manufacturer Axis box DEC Digital card IBM Emulex box HP HP HP external print server Model Socket / Port Number / Raw port 9100 2501 NP or Info Print 2501 2501 (parallel) and 2502 (serial) Jet Direct MIO Jet Direct EIO EX Plus 3 9100 or 9099 9100 9100 (LPT1) 9101 (LPT2) 9102 (LPT3) 9100 Kyocera Lexmark Lexmark Lexmark external print server Lexmark external print server Marknet N MarkNet S MarkNet Xle MarkNet Pro 3 9100 9100 or 9600 9100 (LPT1) et 9102 (LPT2) 9100 (LPT1). For external print servers this address is set with specific printer/print server manufacturer and will also appear on the configuration page (Self-Test) for the external print server.9. 2501.7. 9102 (LPT2). 9100 9100 This parameter is only available when Windows Queue is selected on Destination Type parameter. Note This list is not exhaustive.2.3.2. For internal print servers. Use “Browse” for searching your local or remote windows queue.10.3. 9103 (Serial) 9100 35 MPI Tech (I-Data) QMS card Ricoh Xerox Xerox 7.2.8. Example: \\PRINT_SERVER\PRT_TEST 64 The Blue Server V7 . Specify the IP socket (or Port Number or Raw Port) to be used to send data to the print server over TCP/IP. A specific license is requested.11. This is needed when you want to use PostScript files with a PS viewer like Ghostscript. This option increases file size and decreases printer performance.3. 7.2.  Unchecked: Use standard fonts.3.16.2.Split Document Use this parameter to split a big document into several jobs. sender name.2.3. Unchecked: Remove PostScript configuration page from output data file.12.2.Page Configuration This parameter is only available when PS2 or PS3 are selected on Output Language parameter. 7. 7.3. Within the IPDS document.13. Values allowed:    None Send to Fax String Extraction The Blue Server V7 65 . receiver name. 7. This is needed when you want to view PostScript documents with a PostScript viewer such as Ghostscript. subject… from the document.15.2. Values allowed:  Checked: Includes all fonts and objects as bitmap objects. Most fax software use trigger and trailer strings to extract information such has phone number.3.2.7.  Checking Send to fax or String Extraction allows you to set Start String and Stop String according to your fax software requirement.LPD Queue Name Name of print queue to be addressed. any string found between these two strings will be added in ASCII format at the top of the page.  Enables the Blue Server to send to a fax software (such as RightFax  software).3. Example: Setting this value to 50 generates 4 printer spool files for a 200 sheets job and the printer starts printing after receiving only 50 pages.Text as graphic This parameter is only available when PS2 or PS3 are selected on Output Language parameter. duplex and paper tray selection) required when you want to send a PostScript document to the printer.Print to file File Path Specify the folder you want the transformed IPDS documents to be stored.Data Extraction This parameter is used for specific functionalities. With this option you can increase the printer speed on big documents because the printer can start printing without having to wait for the end of a job. Values allowed:   Checked: include PostScript configuration page (paper size. Example : Lpdprt1 7.14. Indicates the trigger string detected by the fax software. 7.3.2. PDF files are bigger but more realistic. Adobe Acrobat reader fonts are used (Courier.Start string This parameter is only available when Send to Fax or String Extraction is selected on Data Extraction parameter.4.1.Input trays window 7.Embed fonts Values allowed:   Checked: Not checked: Substitutes standard Adobe Acrobat fonts with internal MPI scalable fonts.17. Parser . Times New Roman).18. Values allowed:  Tray1 to Tray8. 66 The Blue Server V7 .2.2. Arial. AFP Tray Tray number selected from the host application.4. Indicates the trigger string detected by the fax software.2. 7. envelope and manual feed.Stop String This parameter is only available when Send to Fax or String Extraction is selected on Data Extraction parameter.3. PDF files are smaller but documents may not be exactly like the original one.7. PS3. you can add.4. Click right -> Setup  Select “Tray Profile” tab. PS3. You need to modify the specific profile (PCL5.) used.  From this display. The Blue Server V7 67 . DCxxxx…). delete. Select the specific profile. select “Profiles” Tab. Printer Tray Trays available on the printer (set according to the printer profile used such as PCL5. Do not forget to configure the PCL command for your target input Tray modification. Any other input tray can be added by the user. and rename the input Tray. DCxxxx….2. PS2.    From the main Blue Server Menu.2.7. PS2. 7. Values allowed:     0 degree* 90 degrees 180 degrees 270 degrees 7.5. Available sizes:                Custom Letter Legal A4 Exec Com10 Monarch C5 DL A3 A5 Ledger B4JIS B5JIS B6JIS 68 The Blue Server V7 .2.6. Suplex This parameter is only available for printers with the duplex option installed. 7. This parameter selects Duplex printing on target tray whatever duplex is selected or not. This parameter allows users when printing a duplex job to select another input Tray. If you are not sure about this. It means all the pages will be printed in duplex mode. please refer to your Printer Reference User‟s Guide. Duplex Tray This parameter is only available for printers with the duplex option installed.2. when “Preprinted or “Letterhead” or what else is configured. Unchecked: Unsupported.2. Rotation This parameter allows users to change the standard rotation on a specific IBM tray. Edge to Edge Support This parameter is only available for printer that support “Edge to Edge”.4.4.7. This option may be useful if the input tray is fed with letterhead paper. 7. Paper Size Select paper size for each physical printer paper tray. Values allowed:   Checked: supported. 7.2.4. 2. please read the hereafter table.5*300 = 2550 Size A4 LETTER LEGAL EXECUTIVE MONARCH COM-10 DL C5 A3 A4_E2E A4_WIDE LETTER_E2E A5 JISB4 JISB5 LEDGER INVOICE FOLIO QUARTO COM-9 ISOB5 A5 A6 Page Length 3507 3300 4200 3150 2250 2850 2598 2704 4960 3507 3507 3300 2480 4299 3035 5100 2550 3900 3248 2662 2952 2480 1753 Page Width 2480 2550 2550 2175 1162 1237 1299 1913 3507 2480 2480 2550 1748 3035 2150 3300 1650 2550 2550 1162 2078 1753 1240 Physical Margin 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 0 40 0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Escape Sequence ^&l26A ^&l2A ^&l3A ^&l1A ^&l80A ^&l81A ^&l90A ^&l91A ^&l27A ^&l26A ^&l26A ^&l2A ^&l13A ^&l46A ^&l12A ^&l6A ^&l15A ^&l9A ^&l2A ^&l89A ^&l100A ^&l4A ^&l203A 7. Unit : 300*Page Length or Page Width.2.4.00*300 = 3300 P W = 8. Page Width This parameter is only available when Custom is selected on Page Size parameter. => For example: Letter = P L = 11. The Blue Server V7 69 .4.Note : When custom paper size is selected.Physical Margin This parameter is only available when Custom is selected on Page Size parameter.9. Indicates the physical margin (refer to the above table).10.8. Indicates the page length (refer to the above table).2. 7.4. 7. Indicates the page width (refer to the above table). Paper Length This parameter is only available when Custom is selected on Page Size parameter. “Back Offsets” and “Compression” parameters for a specific Printer tray.13.12. The increment is 1/100 inch (a value of 10 = one character width at 10 CPI pith = 2. Values allowed:  -127 to + 127 (in 1/100 of an inch)  0* th 7.4. Indicates the PCL Escape command for selecting the correct paper size (refer to the above table).2. Checked.Front Left Offset Are used to move the printed logical page within the physical page.7.4.Tray Offset Values allowed:   For all Tray: Per Tray: Checked.Escape Sequence This parameter is only available when Custom is selected on Page Size parameter.Front Top Offset This parameter selects the vertical offset of the logical page on the physical page. “Back Offsets” and “Compression” will be apply to all Printer Tray. Back offsets apply to the back page when printing duplex.2.11. all “Front Offsets”. When setting these parameters.4. Front offsets apply to the front page. always consider the page in the portrait orientation. when you want to apply special values to “Front Offsets”.4. Values allowed:  -127 to + 127 (in 1/100 of an inch)  0* th 70 The Blue Server V7 .14.54 cm).2. 7. 7. This parameter selects the horizontal offset of the logical page on the physical page.2. 7. This parameter selects the horizontal offset of the logical page on the physical page for the back page in duplex mode. Used to fit logical page in physical page by pixel suppression.7.4.15. Default is 100 (no compression). Values allowed:  0 to 999  0* 7.Vertical Compression Available only with printer language set to BMP This parameter selects the vertical reduction and allows you to compress the page.19.Horizontal Compression Available only with printer language set to BMP This parameter selects the horizontal reduction and allows you to compress the page.18.2. The increment is 1/300 of inch.17.4. Values allowed:  -127 to + 127 (in 1/100 of an inch)  0* th 7.4.Duplex Support Specify if the target printer has a duplex feature installed.4.Nup Support Specify if your application selects this functionality.2.2. 7.Back Left Offset This parameter is only available for printers with the duplex option installed. Values allowed:  -127 to + 127 (in 1/100 of an inch)  0* th 7. Values allowed:  0 to 999  0* 7.2. This parameter selects the vertical offset of the logical page on the physical page for the back page in duplex mode. The increment is 1/300 of inch.2. Used to fit logical page in physical page by pixel suppression. Ratio (Percentage) (available only with printer language set to PS or PDF) Used to fit logical page in physical page. The Blue Server V7 71 .4.2.Back Top Offset This parameter is only available for printers with the duplex option installed.4.21. 5.1.2. activate this option.2. AFP Tray Tray number selected from the host application 7. Split on Stapling Values allowed:   Checked: Not checked: In case of “Non stapling” job. Stapling Mode When selecting an output tray from the host application it is possible to address a printer specific tray and force a stapling option even when stapling is not specified in the application.5. default value 7.3.5. Split on Punching Values allowed:   Checked: Not checked: In case of “Non punching” job.Output trays window 7.2.2. This feature is available according to the printer profile.2. Punching Mode When selecting an output tray from the host application it is possible to address a printer specific tray and force a punching option even when punching is not specified in the application.5. 7. This feature is available according to the printer profile.5. default value 72 The Blue Server V7 . Printer Tray Trays available on the printer (set according to the printer profile) 7. 7.5. activate this option. Parser . For technical support only.2. 7. PJL or what else) can be sent at the end of a printout.2.\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\nt 7. This option is used to replay an IPDS recorded with The Blue Server. Useful for sending specific Escape or PJL commands. Parser .. Useful for sending specific Escape or PJL commands.6.2..6. Default directory path: .6.2. Job Header file A file (with extension TXT.7.\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\nt 7.2.1. Job Trailer file A file (with extension TXT. PJL or what else) can be sent at the beginning of a printout. The Blue Server V7 73 .6. Job Automate A specific license is requested.6. Default directory path: . Trace Option Values allowed:  Inactive  Record  Replay (default) No action For technical support only.3.2.Utilities window 7. please contact your local MPI Tech office.4. This option is used to record the complete incoming IPDS data stream. For additional information. 1. just the latest job will be saved. 74 The Blue Server V7 . MVS : The eight-character EBCDIC job name parameter associated with the data set being printed. Job Name Job Name function is only available when the output used is PDF. PCL or BMP but stored in a file. test result in the target directory is: 7.7.Host Job Name .5. PS3.2.%JOBNAME% OS400 : The ten-character EBCDIC spooled file name associated with the file being printed.2. When the Job Name functionality is not activated.5. PS2.6. Test result in the target directory : Note : If the same JOBNAME is used for all jobs.6. 5. : The four-character EBCDIC spool identification number (spooled) of the print file. MVS VM : The eight-character EBCDIC job identifier number parameter associated with the data set being printed. Test result in the target directory : The Blue Server V7 75 .2.%JOBID% OS400 : The four-character EBCDIC spooled file name associated with the file being printed.7.2.Host Job Identifier .6. : The four-character EBCDIC spool identification number (spooled) of the print file.Job Form Name . Test result in the target directory : Note : If the same FORMS is used for all jobs.2. just the latest job will be saved.3. 76 The Blue Server V7 . MVS VM : The eight-character EBCDIC job FORMS parameter associated with the data set being printed.7.5.6.%FORM% OS400 : The ten-character EBCDIC forms name parameter associated with the file being printed. %USERNAME% OS400 : The ten-character EBCDIC user name associated with the file being printed.Host User Name .5. VM : The eight-character EBCDIC user id of the print file originator.2. Test result in the target directory : The Blue Server V7 77 .4.6.7. 6. just the latest job will be saved.Host Library Name . Test result in the target directory : Note : If the same LIBNAME is used for all jobs.%LIBNAME% OS400 : The ten-character EBCDIC library name associated with the specified output queue.5. 78 The Blue Server V7 .2.7.5. just the latest job will be saved. The Blue Server V7 79 .2.%DEVNAME% OS400 : The ten-character EBCDIC output queue name. Test result in the target directory : Note : If the same DEVNAME is used for all jobs.7.6.6.Host Device Name .5. %SESSID% OS400 : The six-character EBCDIC job number associated with the file being printed. Test result in the target directory : 80 The Blue Server V7 .Host Session Identifier . Session Name .%SESSNAME% OS400 : The ten-character EBCDIC job name associated with the file being printed.8. Test result in the target directory : The Blue Server V7 81 . Test result in the target directory: 82 The Blue Server V7 .%AFPNAME% InfoPrint : The job name associated with the file being printed.9.AFP Name . Test result in the target directory : Note : In our case. we have just printed 3 jobs from the host. The Blue Server V7 83 .Blue Server Job Number .10.Blue Server specific functionalities Blue Server : Increment Job number associated with the host file being printed. 84 The Blue Server V7 .%PRINTERNAME% Blue Server : Blue Server printer name (without extension al4).Blue Server Printer Name .6.2. Test result in the target directory : Note : Just the latest job is saved.11.7.5. 12.Blue Server Date .%DATE% Blue Server YYYY MM DD : The standard format used is YYYYMMDD Year Month Day Test result in the target directory : Note : Just the latest job is saved.7. The Blue Server V7 85 .5.2.6. Blue Server xxH yyM zzS : The standard format used is xxHyyMzzSuuuu Hour Minute Second Test result in the target directory : 86 The Blue Server V7 .2.Blue Server Time . Blue Server Pagerange .2. Test result in the target directory : The Blue Server V7 87 .%PAGERANGE% Blue Server : Allows to display page range. Test result in the target directory : 88 The Blue Server V7 .6.2.Blue Server Frompage to page .5.15.7.%FROMPAGE% %TOPAGE% Blue Server : Allows to display option “from” -> “to”. 7.6.2.Blue Server Sheetrange .16. Test result in the target directory : The Blue Server V7 89 .5.%SHEETRANGE% Blue Server : Allows to display Sheet range. Test result in the target directory : Note: Additional information.7.5.17.Blue Server From sheet to sheet .2.%FROMSHEET% %TOSHEET% Blue Server : Allows to display option “from” -> “to”.6. %FROMPAGE%_%TOPAGE% => this option will display the physical page in the queue %FROMSHEET%_%TOSHEET% => this option will display the sheet in the queue 90 The Blue Server V7 . .Mixed options When some Job Name functions such as : .5.LIBNAME .PRINTERNAME . The Blue Server V7 91 . Test result in the target directory : 7.7.DATE stored one job in a spool.JOBNAME.6.6.6. Do not close the MSDos window this would stop the Blue Server Parser Service.18.FORMS .DEVNAME .2.2. two or three (or more) Job Name functions can be used together. Windows Command For technical support only. a MSDos window is opened to display the MPI Parser activity. When this option is checked. a specific license must be added. Parser . Used to map AFP colors with printer colors. PDF or PPML is selected on Output Language parameter.2. Color Palette AFP Hi-lite/RGB Color correspondence table. Please contact MPI TECH or your local MPI TECH for further instructions. 7.Color window Warning To use this functionality. 92 The Blue Server V7 . PS3.1.2. This table is only used for some High-speed hi-lite color printers. This parameter is only available when PS2.7.7.7. Email Destination Internet address of the email destination.0x20. The AFP/IPDS document is then transformed to PDF and is sent as an attached file to an E-mail address.5. Example : Example of Message: This.BlueServer.0x20.7. 7.0x20. The message can contains several lines and Blue Server variables. Outlook Express… 7.2. 7.0x20.wiht.2. Parser .at.2.2.8.generated.0x20..8.8.0x20. a specific license must be added.1.4. Please contact MPI TECH or your local MPI TECH for further instructions.Mail window Warning To use this functionality. Bcc Mail Address Internet address of the bcc (blind carbon copy) email destination.%TIME% The Blue Server V7 93 . Email Service It is the name of the email sender. 7.%DATE%.0x0 d. Message Enter the message you want to be sent with the email delimited by “ character.mail. Subject Enter the subject you want to be sent with the email. Outgoing mail server (SMTP) DNS name or IP address of the mail server providing the SMTP service. This name is located in the address book of your Lotus Notes. 7.2.8. 7.0x20.2.has.0x20.On.0x0a. This window is available when Output Language is set to PDF. 7.0x20. Email Sender Internet address of the email sender.been.3.2. Parser . Selecting “Destination” tab.PDF window Warning To use this functionality. a specific license must be added. From a Blue Server GUI. This window is available when Output Language is set to PDF. you will get: 3. and checking “PDF encryption”. 1. Selecting “Options” box. Please contact MPI TECH or your local MPI TECH for further instructions. you will get : 94 The Blue Server V7 . The AFP/IPDS document is then transformed to PDF and put to a local drive and patch directory. Checked: this options is available.9. 7. Entering a User password.2. Changes allowed   Unchecked: this option is not available.Content Copying or Extraction and .2. the ADMINISTRATOR password is necessary.2. the USER password is necessary.7.9. User Password Password length: 20 alphanumeric characters. Notes:  For “Changes allowed” and “Enable copying of content” options. this password is necessary for opening the PDF file. .1.9. Checked: this option is available.3. Allows with Acrobat these options: . an ADMINISTRATOR password is mandatory for activating the options.2. 7.9. 7. 7.6. Permanent editing lock  Checked: no more modification such as: .2. Printing allowed   Unchecked: this option is not available. Enable copying of content   Unchecked: this option is not available.2.9.4.Signing are available.Filling of form Fields . Administrator Password Password length: 20 alphanumeric characters.Document Assembly . Entering an Administrator password.9. this password is necessary for opening the PDF file. The Blue Server V7 95 .Content Extraction for Assembly. the document. 7. Checked: this option is available. For opening the PDF file. but for activating other options. 7.2. Encryption Level Values allowed:   40 bits: 128 bits: (default) No action strong encryption. if a USER password active. <This page is intentionally left blank> 96 The Blue Server V7 . MPI Router functions The MPI Router converts the Host SCS data to PCL and forwards it the to the LAN printers. 3. Router AS/400 LPD-SCS 8.  S tart: Programs MPI Blue Server The Blue Server  And you will get the following display : From this Menu you can: 1. Load or unload the printer‟s configuration. Display the status of the loaded printer‟s configuration.8. The Blue Server V7 97 .1. Create a remote access to another MPI Blue Server. 2. 4. To access the MPI Blue Server V5 (or higher) main menu. Create and/or modify the printer‟s configuration. Double click or select “Apply”. And you will get the following display:   Select “LPD SCS”. it must be the same name of the Remote OUTQ created on the AS/400 or Mainframe. select “Wizard Create Printers” to create a new printer configuration. Then. Creating a New Printer Configuration   From the previous display.2. 98 The Blue Server V7 .8.  Enter the name of the new printer configuration. select “OK”. Note Usually. information window You will get the following display: The Blue Server V7 99 .1.2. Router LPD/SCS . And you will get directly the following display: 8. Useful for managing different server. 8.2.connection window You will get the following display: 8.8.2. 8. Printer Group Used to select a specific printer group.1. LPD Queue Name Must match with the Remote OUTQ created on the AS/400.2. Router LPD/SCS .2.2. when the printer destination is an IP printer configuring on the LAN.1. when the printer destination is a LPR port.2.2. 100 The Blue Server V7 .1. 8. Comments Used to write some notes. Destination Type Values allowed :     Windows Queue TCP/IP Port File LPR Port Note IP port parameter is automatically set to 515. 8.3.1. when you want to record an output specific trace. Profile Name Sample is the default.1.2. when the printer destination is a Windows Queue.2.2.2. 8.3.2. Manufacturer Axis box DEC Digital card IBM Emulex box HP HP HP external print server Model Socket / Port Number / Raw port 9100 2501 NP or Info Print 2501 2501 (parallel) and 2502 (serial) Jet Direct MIO Jet Direct EIO EX Plus 3 9100 or 9099 9100 9100 (LPT1) 9101 (LPT2) 9102 (LPT3) 9100 Kyocera Lexmark Lexmark Lexmark external print server Lexmark external print server Marknet N MarkNet S MarkNet Xle MarkNet Pro 3 9100 9100 or 9600 9100 (LPT1) et 9102 (LPT2) 9100 (LPT1).8. Specify the IP socket (or Port Number or Raw Port) to be used to send data to the print server over TCP/IP. Note This list is not exhaustive. 2501. 9102 (LPT2). IP Port This parameter is only available when TCP/IP is selected on Destination Type parameter.2.2. 9100 9100 The Blue Server V7 101 .4.2. Printer IP Address Is the IP address of the printer. The IP port varies depending on the print server manufacturer. 9103 (Serial) 9100 35 MPI Tech (I-Data) QMS card Ricoh Xerox Xerox EIO/LinkCom Internal card Internal card for N32/40 Internal card 9100 2000. 3. ASCII Printer (X2) This option is used to define which type of printer is connected to the kit. Router LPD/SCS . Values allowed :            0 1* 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 ASCII HP (PCL) Xerox (Iso mode) IBM-PPDS Canon LBP8 (Iso) Epson LQ2500 (PC set 2) Epson FX800 (PC set 2) IBM Proprinter XL24e Kyocera (PCL mode) XPPM (only for Xerox printer) ASCII GENERIC 102 The Blue Server V7 .1.2.3.control window You will get the following display: 8.2.8. 7 1.6 1. It must be selected according to the control unit configured language.3. Printer character Set (X10) This option allows any printer to be used with any other printer character set.7 0.3. Values allowed:                   0* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 252 253 254 Multinational US Germany Belgium Brazil Canadian Denmark/Norway Finland/Sweden France Italy Japan Portuguese Spain Spanish Speaking UK Hebrew Bulletin Old Hebrew Hebrew The Blue Server V7 103 .6* 0.16 0.17 3812 (5219 emulation) in non OS400 mode IBM 3812 (5219 mode) in OS400 mode IBM 4214 in non OS400 mode IBM 4214 in OS400 mode LU1-SCS (for mainframe connection with Interlink IP protocol) ASCII (for UNIX connection) 8. IBM System language (X19) It defines the language used for the text translation.8. IBM Printer Emulation (X16) This option is used to define the type of IBM printer that is emulated.3.2.2. Values allowed:       Values allowed:         0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 ASCII 7 bits HP Roman-8 ISO 6937 (Xerox) PC-850 ISO (Canon) PC Set 2 (PC-8) Epson FX IBM Proprinter 8.3. depending on the automatic orientation option. Portrait. COR. the default orientation of printer tray 1 and tray 2.8. A4. COR.5. A4. and whether these orientations are immutable or are defaults. It defines the format of the paper used by the printer. COR 0x00EA Automatic. Values allowed :        0x008A Automatic. COR. Letter. Portrait 0x028A No Quality. Letter. COR. 8.3. Portrait.2. Letter. Paper Orientation (X28) Parameter X-28 defines the options used for the page rotation/reduction. Flash Directory Used only for specific functionality. Values allowed:       0x00* 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x11 0x13 No dump EBCDIC dump with translation BINARY dump (only used for recording a trace file. Automatic. COR 0x02EA No Quality. A4. Trace Option/Dump (X14) This option defines the type of dump mode helpful in finding out the origin of printout defects.3. in conjunction with parameter “Destination Type” setting to “File” ASCII Dump with translation EBCDIC dump without translation ASCII dump without translation 104 The Blue Server V7 . Automatic. COR 0x100 0x160 No Automatic. COR Value Specified in File (only accessible with an ASCII editor) 8.2. Portrait No Automatic.  S tart: Programs MPI Blue Server The Blue Server  And you will get the following display: The Blue Server V7 105 . 9. MPI Router functions The MPI Router has two functions: SCS printing It converts the Host SCS data to PCL and forwards it the to the LAN printers.1. The MPI Router Main Menu To access the MPI Blue Server V5 (or higher) main menu.9. Routing IPDS The MPI Router routes the IPDS data stream either to the LAN printers equipped with the MPI IPDS SIMM/DIMM or the MPI Parser.2. Router Mainframe SCS/IPDS over SNA server 9. Load or unload the printer‟s configuration. And you will get the following display:  Enter the name of the new printer configuration. Create and/or modify the printer‟s configuration. it must be the same name of the LU Name of the SNA server.From this Menu you can: 1. 4.3. Double click or select “Apply”. select “OK”. 9. Creating a New Printer Configuration   From the previous display. Display the status of the loaded printer‟s configuration. 106 The Blue Server V7 . 2. Note Usually. Then. And you will get the following display:    Select “SNA Mainframe”. Create a remote access to another MPI Blue Server. select “Wizard Create Printers” to create a new printer configuration. 3. Information window You will get the following display: The Blue Server V7 107 . And you will get directly the following display: 9. SNA Mainframe .1.3. when the printer destination is a Windows Queue.1.3.2. Destination Type Values allowed:      Windows Queue TCP/IP Port Parser File LPR Port Note IP port parameter is automatically set to 515. 9. Useful for managing different server.1. LU Name Name of the „LU Name‟ configuring on the SNA server.1. when you want to record an output specific trace. when using the MPI Parser to print IPDS. 9.3. Comments Used to write some notes. Printer Group Used to select a specific printer group. SNA Mainframe . 9.3. when the printer destination is a LPR port.connection window You will get the following display: 9.2.9. when the printer destination is an IP printer configuring on the LAN. 9.3.2. Profile Name Sample is the default.1. 108 The Blue Server V7 . Note IP protocol must be configured and started on both servers.3. Queue name Value : Empty  For only SCS printer emulation : Type "//Server_Name/NT_queue_name" when the printer destination is a NT Queue Empty if you prefer to use an IP printer address. the Parser configuration is always used.3. 9.9. It can be the same IP address of the NT machine or a remote NT server. Note   For the IPDS printout.2.2.3.  For only SCS and IPDS printer emulation : Type "//Server_Name/NT_queue_name" when the printer destination is a NT Queue for only SCS printout. With the Parser configuration. Empty if you prefer to use the Parser configuration. you can print SCS and IPDS through an NT queue or an IP Printer Address. The Blue Server V7 109 . IP Address   For only SCS printer emulation : Is the IP address of the printer. For only SCS and IPDS printer emulation : Is the IP address of the NT server where is running the Parser.4. 9. 2501. Note This list is not exhaustive.3. IP Port This parameter is only available when TCP/IP is selected on Destination Type parameter. Specify the IP socket (or Port Number or Raw Port) to be used to send data to the print server over TCP/IP. 9102 (LPT2). Manufacturer Axis box DEC Digital card IBM Emulex box HP HP HP external print server Model Socket / Port Number / Raw port 9100 2501 NP or Info Print 2501 2501 (parallel) and 2502 (serial) Jet Direct MIO Jet Direct EIO EX Plus 3 9100 or 9099 9100 9100 (LPT1) 9101 (LPT2) 9102 (LPT3) 9100 Kyocera Lexmark Lexmark Lexmark external print server Lexmark external print server Marknet N MarkNet S MarkNet Xle MarkNet Pro 3 9100 9100 or 9600 9100 (LPT1) et 9102 (LPT2) 9100 (LPT1).5. 9103 (Serial) 9100 35 MPI Tech (I-Data) QMS card Ricoh Xerox Xerox EIO/LinkCom Internal card Internal card for N32/40 Internal card 9100 2000.2. 9100 9100 110 The Blue Server V7 . The IP port varies depending on the print server manufacturer. Values allowed :  3812 (240 dpi)  4028 (300 dpi) The Blue Server V7 111 . setting window You will get the following display: 9.3. SNA Mainframe . Printer Emulation This parameter selects the IBM printer emulation.3. 9.3.3. Some of the code pages supported by the printer are available in two versions.2.3. Values allowed :  0  1 Code Page 37 38 260 273 274 275 277 278 280 281 282 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 297 367 420 423 424 437 500 803 831 870 871 875 880 905 1026 112 The Blue Server V7 . ÷. =. Certain characters differ between versions of the same code page. Code Page Version This parameter indicates the version of the code page. © are not printing correctly. If the character .3. Code Page This parameter selects the default Code Page for the country: Code Page correspondance : Country USA/Canada US ASCII-L Canadian French Austria/Germany Belgium Brazil Denmark/Norway Finland/Sweden Italy Japan-English Portugal Spanish-Speaking United Kingdom Austria/Germany (alternate) Denmark/Norway (alternate) Finland/Sweden (alternate) Spain (alternate) Japan-Katakana France English ASCII Arabic Greek 1 Hebrew 1 Personal Computer (PC) International Set 5 Hebrew 2 Portugal (alternate) Latin 2 Iceland Greek 2 Cyrillic Turkish 1 Turkish 2 9.3. change the default code page. 4.3.1.Paper Controls window You will get the following display: 9.3.4. Values allowed :  Yes*  No 9. The time is set in seconds Values allowed:  0 to 990  50* 9.3. Standby Time This parameter allows to set the timeout before switching from the SNA mode to the LAN mode.5. Values allowed :           Letter Legal A4 Excec Cm10 Monarch C5 DL B5 A3 The Blue Server V7 113 . SNA Mainframe . Paper Size This parameter selects the paper size.3. Dynamic Sharing This parameter allows to select the dynamic sharing option. Values allowed :  Upper*  Lower The upper paper tray is used as primary tray (default tray) The Lower paper tray is used as primary tray. This parameter selects the vertical offset of the logical page on the physical page for the back page in duplex mode. Values allowed :  -127 to + 128 (in 1/100 of an inch)  0* th 9.4. Front Top This parameter selects the vertical offset of the logical page on the physical page. Values allowed :  Upper*  Lower 9. Back Top This parameter is only available for printers with the duplex option installed.3. Main Paper Tray This parameter is used to select if the primary paper tray is the upper one or the lower one (choose lower when the large capacity feeder is installed). 9.9. Values allowed :  -127 to + 128 (in 1/100 of an inch)  0* th 114 The Blue Server V7 .4.5.3. Front Left This parameter selects the horizontal offset of the logical page on the physical page.4.3. Out Paper Tray This parameter is used to select if the output paper bin is the upper one or the lower one (the lower one is located at the back side of the printer) Choose the lower one when the large capacity feeder is installed. Values allowed :  -127 to + 128 (in 1/100 of an inch)  0* th The upper paper bin is used to collect the printed pages.3.4. The Lower paper bin is used to collect the printed pages.4.3. 3. This parameter selects “duplex” printing on the printer tray whatever duplex is selected or not. Suplex on Manuel Tray This parameter is only available for printers with the duplex option installed.Suplex on Upper Tray This parameter is only available for printers with the duplex option installed.4.Suplex on Lower Tray This parameter is only available for printers with the duplex option installed.4. This parameter selects the horizontal offset of the logical page on the physical page for the back page in duplex mode. It means that all pages will be printed in duplex mode.10. It means that all pages will be printed in duplex mode.9.3. 9. Values allowed :  -127 to + 128 (in 1/100 of an inch)  0* th 9. Note These options may be useful if a printer tray is fed with letter head paper.11.4. Duplex This parameter is only available for printers with the duplex option installed.3. Back Left This parameter is only available for printers with the duplex option installed.4. The Blue Server V7 115 . This parameter selects “duplex” printing on the printer tray whatever duplex is selected or not.8.4. 9.9. This parameter selects “duplex” printing on the printer tray whatever duplex is selected or not. It means that all pages will be printed in duplex mode. 1. SNA Mainframe .3. if not already at 1st of physical page. Values allowed :  0  1  2* No action at the end of the line.SCS Settings window You will get the following display: 9.5. 116 The Blue Server V7 . Form Feed at MPL.3. if neither CR nor LF.3.9. End of Line Option (X1) This option defines the action at the end of a line.5. End of Page Option (X2) This option defines the action at the end of a page.5.2. Values allowed :  0  1* No Form Feed (FF) added at MPL. 9. NL sent at MPP position. Automatic sending of NL (New Line) at MPP position (Maximum Print Position). 5. MPL Default Value (X14) This option is a page-formatting parameter that can be sent by the host in SCS mode. It defines the maximum number of lines. X-14 is taken into account only if the host has not sent any MPL.3. IBM System Language (X3) This option defines the language. Values allowed :                            0* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 English (US) International English (UK) Canadian bilingual German/Austrian German/Austrian alternate Danish/Norwegian Danish/Norwegian alternate Finnish/Swedish Finnish/Swedish alternate French French AZERTY 105 Swiss French/Swiss German Belgian Italian Portuguese Brazilian Spanish Spanish alternate Spanish speaking Japanese (English) Multinational (P500) Portuguese alternate Canadian French Old Hebrew New Hebrew Bulletin Hebrew 9.9. Values allowed :  0 to 255 66* Maximum Print Line The Blue Server V7 117 .5. Printer Form Length (X6) This option defines the maximum number of vertical lines which can be printed on each physical form Values allowed :  0 to 255 64* Printer form length.5. which can be printed on each form. O.O.O.R Spec C.O.3.R Spec C.O.O.5.R Spec C.R Spec C.O. Values allowed :        0* 1 2 3 4 5 6 Roman 8 PC set 2 (PC8) PC 850 ISO character set (Xerox) ASCII Hebrew 7 bits ASCII Hebrew PC set ASCII Hebrew HP Roman 9.R User C.O.9.3.O.R Spec C.R Spec C.5.R Spec C.R Spec C.R Spec C.R Spec C.R Orient.R Spec C.O.O.O.O.O.R Spec C.O. Values allowed : X-28 Portrait Landscape Normal C.R Spec C. Evolution This option is only used with the module Evolution.R Spec C.R Spec C.O.6.R Spec C.R Spec C.O.O.O.O.3. FSL Partial Mode This option is only used for specific functions (FSL commands).O.R Spec C.5.O.R Spec C.R Spec C.R Spec C.R Spec C. 118 The Blue Server V7 .5.O.O.R Spec C.3.9.R Spec C.R Spec C. Printing Format on First Paper Tray (X28) This option specifies the text printing format on tray one.O.O.O.R Spec C.O.7.O.R Spec C.O.R Spec C. P L L P P P P P P P P L L L L L L L L L L L L P P P P L L L L Format S94 A4 LETTER A4 LETTER A4 LETTER A4 LETTER A4 LETTER A4 LETTER A4 LETTER A4 LETTER A4 LETTER A4 LETTER A4 LETTER A4 LETTER A4 LETTER A4 LETTER Column number MPP MPP MPP 80 80 80 80 132 132 132 132 80 80 80 80 132 132 132 132 198 198 198 198 80 80 132 132 132 132 198 198 Line number MPL MPL MPL 66 66 88 88 66 66 88 88 66 66 88 88 66 66 88 88 66 66 88 88 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 Value 0* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 9. 9.8. Printer Character Set (X82) This option allows any characters to be used with the printer. Trace Flip Length This option is used to create a file with a maximum length.3. The Blue Server V7 119 .1.6.4. Tracing Mode This option is used to activate a trace.3. Reset Factory Default This option is only used to reset all parameters to the default value. Values allowed:  0*  1  2 Disable Enable Replay 9. Dump Mode This option defines the type of dump mode helpful in finding out the origin of printout defects. File Name Enter a name (8 characters maximum) 9.9.3. Values allowed:  0*  1  2 Disable Input Output Traces Options window You will get the following display: Values allowed:  100000 to 1000000 <This page is intentionally left blank> 120 The Blue Server V7 . Load or unload the printer‟s configuration. From this Menu you can: 1. 10. Create a remote access to another MPI Blue Server. Display the status of the loaded printer‟s configuration. Create and/or modify the printer‟s configuration. MPI Router Telnet functions The MPI Router converts the Host SCS data to PCL and forwards it the to the LAN printers.10. 4. Router Telnet 5250 or 3270 10. 2. The MPI Router Telnet Main Menu To access the MPI Blue Server V5 (or higher) main menu. 3.1.  S tart: Programs MPI Blue Server The Blue Server  And you will get the following display: The Blue Server V7 121 .2. select “OK”. And you will get the following display:  Enter the name of the new printer configuration. Note Usually. 122 The Blue Server V7 . And you will get the following display:    Select “TELNET 3287”. Then. Creating a New Printer Configuration   From the previous display.3. select “Wizard Create Printers” to create a new printer configuration.10. Double click or select “Apply”. it must be the same name of the Device created on the AS/400 or Mainframe. And you will get directly the following display: 10.3.Information window The Blue Server V7 123 .Router Telnet .1. 124 The Blue Server V7 .Printer Group Used to select a specific printer group.4.1.3.Comments Used to write some notes.Telnet IP Port Leave this value to 23.2. Useful for managing different server.3.2. Telnet 3270 – Telnet window You will get the following display: 10. 10.2.Telnet Type Select Telnet 3270 for mainframe connection Select Telnet 5250 for AS/400 connection 10.1. this is the default value for Telnet communication.LU Name Must match with the LU used on the mainframe side.Server IP Address Enter the mainframe IP address. Name Sample is the default. 10.3. 10. when the printer destination is an IP printer configuring on the LAN. when using the MPI Parser to print IPDS.5.1. when the printer destination is a LPR port.Trace Option Values allowed:    Inactive (default) Record: Allow you to record a trace file for technical support Replay: Used to replay a trace file recorded with the record trace option.Destination Type Values allowed:      Windows Queue TCP/IP Port Parser File LPR Port Note IP port parameter is automatically set to 515.3.2.6.Router Telnet 3270 – Connection window You will get the following display: 10.3.3. Specifies the amount of time to wait.3. before releasing the printer.2. after the last page of the last ready spooled file has printed. The Blue Server V7 125 .Telnet TimeOut Default value in 120 seconds. 10. when the printer destination is a Windows Queue. when you want to record an output specific trace. 9103 (Serial) 9100 35 MPI Tech (I-Data) QMS card Ricoh Xerox Xerox EIO/LinkCom Internal card Internal card for N32/40 Internal card 9100 2000. 9102 (LPT2). 2501.IP Port This parameter is only available when TCP/IP is selected on Destination Type parameter. Manufacturer Axis box DEC Digital card IBM Emulex box HP HP HP external print server Model Socket / Port Number / Raw port 9100 2501 NP or Info Print 2501 2501 (parallel) and 2502 (serial) Jet Direct MIO Jet Direct EIO EX Plus 3 9100 or 9099 9100 9100 (LPT1) 9101 (LPT2) 9102 (LPT3) 9100 Kyocera Lexmark Lexmark Lexmark external print server Lexmark external print server Marknet N MarkNet S MarkNet Xle MarkNet Pro 3 9100 9100 or 9600 9100 (LPT1) et 9102 (LPT2) 9100 (LPT1). Note This list is not exhaustive.2. 9100 9100 126 The Blue Server V7 .10. The IP port varies depending on the print server manufacturer. Specify the IP socket (or Port Number or Raw Port) to be used to send data to the print server over TCP/IP.3.3. 1.4.ASCII Printer (X2) This option is used to define which type of printer is connected to the kit.3. Values allowed:            0* 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 ASCII HP (PCL) Xerox (Iso mode) IBM-PPDS Canon LBP8 (Iso) Epson LQ2500 (PC set 2) Epson FX800 (PC set 2) IBM Proprinter XL24e Kyocera (PCL mode) XPPM (only for Xerox printer) ASCII GENERIC The Blue Server V7 127 .3.4.Router Telnet 3270 – Control window You will get the following display: 10.10. Values allowed:         0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 ASCII 7 bits HP Roman-8 ISO 6937 (Xerox) PC-850 ISO (Canon) PC Set 2 (PC-8) Epson FX IBM Proprinter 10.7* 0.2.IBM System language (X19) It defines the language used for the text translation.3.17 3812 (5219 emulation) in non OS400 mode IBM 3812 (5219 mode) in OS400 mode IBM 4214 in non OS400 mode IBM 4214 in OS400 mode LU1-SCS (for mainframe connection with Interlink IP protocol) ASCII (for UNIX connection) 1.16 0.IBM Printer Emulation (X16) This option is used to define the type of IBM printer that is emulated. It must be selected according to the control unit configured language. Values allowed:       Values allowed:                   0* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 252 253 254 Multinational US Germany Belgium Brazil Canadian Denmark/Norway Finland/Sweden France Italy Japan Portuguese Spain Spanish Speaking UK Hebrew Bulletin Old Hebrew Hebrew 128 The Blue Server V7 .7 1.Printer character Set (X10) This option allows any printer to be used with any other printer character set.4. COR 0x00EA Automatic.3.10. It defines the format of the paper used by the printer.Paper Orientation (X28) Parameter X-28 defines the options used for the page rotation/reduction. Automatic.3.4.6. Letter. depending on the automatic orientation option. Portrait No Automatic. Portrait. in conjunction with parameter “Destination Type” setting to “File” ASCII Dump with translation EBCDIC dump without translation ASCII dump without translation The Blue Server V7 129 .Trace Option/Dump (X14) This option defines the type of dump mode helpful in finding out the origin of printout defects. COR. COR. Values allowed:       0x00* 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x11 0x13 No dump EBCDIC dump with translation BINARY dump (only used for recording a trace file.Flash Directory Used only for specific functionality. COR 0x02EA No Quality. Letter. Portrait.4. COR Value Specified in File (only accessible with an ASCII editor) 10. Automatic. Values allowed:        0x008A Automatic. COR.4. COR 0x100 0x160 No Automatic. the default orientation of printer tray 1 and tray 2.5. 10. Letter. A4. COR. Portrait 0x028A No Quality. and whether these orientations are immutable or are defaults. A4.7. A4.3. <This page is intentionally left blank> 130 The Blue Server V7 11. AFP/IPDS Compatibility 11.1. Compatible Resident Fonts 11.1.1.Blue Server - Parser The Blue Server contains the IPDS scalable internal fonts, compatible with the new resident fonts of the IBM printers. They are listed in the tables below. If the resident font is selected by the application, the FGID and the point size are the font identifiers. IPDS – Resident scalable font set FGID 304 305 306 307 318 319 322 400 404 416 420 424 428 432 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 20224 Parser : Internal fonts Font Name Gothic OCR A OCR B APL Prestige Bold Prestige Italic APL Bold Letter Gothic Letter Gothic Bold Courier Roman Medium Courier Roman Bold Courier Roman Bold Courier italic old Prestige Helvetica Roman Medium Helvetica Roman Bold Helvetica Italic Medium Helvetica Italic Bold Times New Roman Medium Times New Roman Bold Times New Roman Italic Medium Times New Roman Italic Bold Boldface The Blue Server V7 131 11.2. Latin 1 - Euro Code Pages This table displays, for each country, the code pages with and without the € currency. Supported Languages USA, Canada Austria, Germany Denmark, Norway Finland, Sweden Italy Spain, Latin America UK France International Iceland Regular Code Page 37 273 277 278 280 284 285 297 500 871 Euro Code Page 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 With AS/400 when you want to select a Euro code page (with Printer file, Office/400, Device definition..) set the CHRID parameter to 0695 - 114X : Where: - 695 is the Graphic Character Set - 114X is the Euro code page (1140 for USA, 1141 Germany…) 132 The Blue Server V7 12. Trouble shooting 12.1. How to get the Blue Server “Registering Number” before installation 12.1.1.Description 1. When you plan to install Blue Server on a production server, despite Blue Server is not installed yet, it is possible to get the “Registering Number” of this server. Forwarding the registering number to MPI will allow you to get the license keys before you install Blue Server. When the installation is performed, you just have to copy the License keys file “keys.cfg” to the directory “..\MPI Blue Server\MPI License”. If you have planned to install Blue Server on another WorkStation / Server, you must run again the MLRegister.exe For creating a permanent or temporary license, these information must be provided: - Products (Parser, Router LPD, Router Telnet 3270/5250, Router SNA Mainframe…) - Numbers of printers, Only for Parser: - Printer speed group, - Functionalities such as : Full Color, PDF, Job Automat, Mail, Tiff, Fax Upon reception of these information, a permanent or temporary license is created.   When a temporary / permanent license is activated, do not load more printers than the quantity asked. Otherwise, all the products will stop after 15 days. Always ask a new temporary license before the end of the test period, even if you haven‟t finish to test it completely. 2.  12.1.2.Procedure   Copy the MLRegister.exe file to the WorkStation / Server where the Blue Server is planned to be installed, Execute the MLRegister.exe utility. You get this display. The Registering Number is a unique number.  Make a copy / paste of this Registering Number and forward to MPI TECH sales or supports or your local MPI TECH vendor. The Blue Server V7 133 12.2. During the installation 12.2.1.First installation Action:  Before installing the Blue Server, check the user access on the target station or server. This user must be able to create services, and share directory. 12.2.2.During an Update Services – Proccess not stopped Action: Before installing the newest Blue Server version, check on the station or server:     All MPI Services must be stopped, All the printers must unloaded, The Blue Server interface must be closed, MPIMigrate.EXE must be stopped (Check on Process folder of the Task Manager). 1723 Action: OS : Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 Solution : this problem is a MSI installer 3.1 not updated. 134 The Blue Server V7 How to activate a correct Blue Server license The Blue Server V7 135 .Description Parser job format PDF PDF/A-1b:2005 PCL PostScript TIFF E-mail/FAX Image BMP printing PostScript (B&W) printing PCL5 printing Blue Server Host PostScript (Color) printing PDF printing For each configuration a specific license should be available. PPML.3. IMAGE 2.12. PS2 – black & white and PS3 – black & white.Group 3 [86 – 120] .Explanation 1. PDF/A-1 b:2005. TIFF.2.Group 2 [55 – 85] . PCL5.Group 1 [1 – 55] . IPDS. For each Output Language.Group 4 [121 – 200] . : PDF.Group [no limit]  Printer Speed (ppm) 136 The Blue Server V7 . For each License Group. a specific license should be available:   Standard license Specific license : BMP. a specific license should be available:  Printer Group: . Configuring this section => a license is requested. a “Mail” tab is added. a specific license should be available:  When on of this output is selected: PostScript (PS2 or PS3). The Blue Server V7 137 . PPML and PDF/A-1 b:2005. PDF. For each functionality. Checking Color License => a license is requested. a “Colors” tab is added.  When PDF language is selected => a license is requested.3. Activate String Indexer. Data Extraction. From “Destination” tab. Selecting String to Fax or Data Extraction => a license is requested. a new functionality is displayed. Note: Using Data Extraction -> Send to Fax or String Extraction use the same license information (Fax license is used). Checking Activate string Indexer => a license is requested. 138 The Blue Server V7 .  From “Host” tab. a new functionality is displayed.  From “Host” tab. Share IPDS with others Sessions.  From “Tools” bar. a new functionality is displayed. a new functionality is displayed. a new functionality is displayed.  From “Utilities” tab. The Blue Server V7 139 . Checking Share IPDS with other Sessions => a license is requested. Job Automate. Configuring Backup Server Setup => a license is requested. Backup Server Sertup. Configuring Job Automate => a license is requested. 80 or higher For all Blue Server version.mpitech. check the Blue Server version (top line – left side) 140 The Blue Server V7 .2.1. WARNING After this update and starting your MPI License service. How to update Blue Server 12.xx to V5. a new registering number is displayed. Therefore. 12.Getting started  On the main display of Blue Server.From or installing from a new CD-Rom.12. All your previous agreement number(s) are no longer valid.4. please contact MPI TECH or your local MPI TECH vendor for this update. please call MPI Tech to obtain your new agreement number(s).4.4.Introduction Downloading from the www. please execute the following steps: 12. MPI Licenses Service .MPI Router AS400 SCS .MPI Router TELNET 3287  Open your explorer.MPI Router Mainframe .    This new version will create automatically a new service: MPI File Server After this installation. The Blue Server V7 141 . your can check the new MPI Files Server. select this directory: <Local drive>:\MPI Blue Server. “Blue_Server_NT\disk1\setup” .80. This MPI File Server Service must be always started before starting the Blue Server V5. This new installation will erase all old version(s).MPI Parser Service .MPI Router AS400 IPDS . After the reboot.MPI Router LPD Evolution .MPI Router AS400 LPD .  Unload all printers Stop all MPI services: . and copy to another drive or directory location for a back-up.  Run a Blue Server installation from the zip file downloaded from the web site or from the CD-Rom. it would be recommended to reboot your computer. press F5 to refresh and you will get this new window:  Before loading the printers. then on Blue Server interface. you need first to update the printers configuration. you will get this windows:  Just start the MPI Files Server. If this MPI Files Server is not operating. 142 The Blue Server V7 .  Then you get this dialog box: The Blue Server V7 143 . Select all the printers.  use this specific icon for running the update. The Main License Server (MLS) has been renamed to the Main License Daemon (MLD) and the client (Secondary License Server . Therefore. license module and Blue Server or installing from a new CD-Rom. 12. If everything looks correct. Do not forget to call MPI Tech to obtain your new agreement number(s) at: By phone By mail : +33 1 45 73 60 80 (technical department) or : support. TELNET):     <Local drive>:\MPI Blue Server\MPI Router\pfn\backup You can check on one or more printers configuration.4.mpitech. please call MPI Tech to obtain your new agreement number(s). and restart again. All your previous agreement number(s) are no longer valid.1.  Select Yes Automatically all your old printers configuration will be saved to this specific directory: For Parser configuration: <Local drive>:\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\pfn\backup For the other printers configuration (LPD. Parser engine. The remaining server can be upgraded in any order. a new registering number is displayed. The Blue Server version number has been changed to the following format 7.xx to V7.00.00xx 144 The Blue Server V7 [email protected] information about the new Blue Server and update process Downloading from the www. that the configuration is still available. Now you can load the printers configuration. please execute the following steps : The Blue Server release includes fixes for the Router engine.From V6. Router SCS or IPDS. TECH or your local MPI TECH vendor for this WARNING After this update and starting your MPI License service.4. When upgrading the servers you should start with the local „administrator‟ server and then the MLD. This file contains control codes that are not visible through most text editors and may be corrupted if 12.xx For all Blue Server version.cfg file (except for viewing). you can close the Blue Server interface. please contact MPI update.2.SLS) is now called a Main License Client (MLC). You no longer can edit the licenses. 0.MPI License Service .\MPI Blue Server\MPI Router\pfn\*.MPI Files Server .MPI Router AS400 SCS . . Error messages may occur in licensing and on the host. stop it. pf7. Open your Windows Registry using regedit and delete the following keys : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → Software → MPI Blue Server HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → Software → MPITech  Delete the following file(s) from Windows Explorer (if the file exists) : ..\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\pfn\*.Router configurations pf8 . Execute the following steps :    Open your Blue Server interface.Uninstall process This action must be done on the local workstation or server where the Blue Server is installed. Stop all the MPI services : . From this point the server will be offline.MPI Router Mainframe .MPI Router TELNET3287  Check for this process.MPI Parser Service .12.2.2.pf4 .4.Profile configurations   .Parser configurations . If it is running.MPI Router LPD Evolution .  Back all of the Parser configurations and Router Configurations and profiles to a directory outside of the Blue Server structure : . meaning output is not possible..* .msi‟ file The Blue Server V7 145 .\MPI Blue Server\MPI Router\nt\*.pf2. pf6.\WINNT\Downloaded Installations\ any directory that contains a „The Blue Server V6.MPI Router AS400 IPDS .. Unload all the printers configuration.* Run the Blue Server uninstall from the servers control panel „Add/Remove Programs‟ feature...\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\nt\*. A server reboot is now required to insure all Blue Server mechanisms are stopped.2. All changes and updates will be done from the „administrator‟ PC(s).Install process After the server is back online install the new version of Blue Server. You must do the preceding steps on all servers.  Please reboot now. this should be the MLD.4.2. Delete the entire Blue Server directory structure from Windows Explorer. The InstallShield consists of the following screens :      Welcome Screen – click next License Agreement – accept and click next Customer Information – complete and click next Setup Type – choose custom and click next Custom Setup – choose the modules you want to install (note: MPI License and The Blue Server must be installed on every server). Router configurations and profiles. Upon boot the Blue Server will be completely removed from your server. If the remote servers are not visible then you must install each by selecting „Add Server‟ from the Config Menu. All of your printers should appear in the right pane. 12. 146 The Blue Server V7 . Next choose the „Install To‟ directory at the bottom of this screen. If a file or folder will not delete because of a sharing violation please try the delete after reboot. Click next.4.Configuration and Update    Open your local „administrator‟ Blue Server interface.  Completed Screen – click finish  The Blue Server is now installed. Start the MPI License Service and set to automatic Start the MPI Parser or SNA Mainframe service and set to automatic. If you are logged in remotely do not open the local Blue Server interface. This will be the PC from which you will monitor all of the Blue Server servers. Select all of the printers and click the green and red recycle symbol in the top center to update the configurations to the current release. Installation is complete for this server.    Copy back in the Parser configurations. Ready to Install Program – click install The file copy process will now run. The steps above will insure that the new version is installed without existing files from a previous installation.3. Select the first remote server.4. 12. The line that reads MLDaemonIPAddress = should point to the MLD‟s IP address. reboot your server/workstation.    uninstall this version.2. To do this you can edit the licenses.5. The Blue Server V7 147 .03. 12.   Continue to do this until all of your remote servers are migrated.001. After about an hour of operation you should look at the licensing to verify servers are reporting to the licensing module correctly.Do not load any printer yet.0001_20070327 If your previous Blue Server V7 installation is lower than V7... Next load the Routers.03. In the bottom left corner (To use the licensing server) enter the MLD‟s IP address or DNS name.4. we recommend : to save your configuration files from . On the right side (Add MLC to list) enter the first servers IP address or DNS name to migrate and click Add MLC.\MPI Blue Server\MPI Router\pfn or .4.   Right click on the MPI License Server in the upper left corner and select Licensing System. You will now see the server in the „Configure the following servers‟ field. set email alerts and migrate servers.cfg file which resides in the . and re-install from our latest link (please contact MPI tech). 12. enable the error log. Migration simply means we will be pointing each remote server to the MLD server for license validation. You now will need to begin loading printers.\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\pfn directory.Finalizing All servers are now updated.3..\MPI Blue Server\MPI License\ directory on the remote server.     Select the migration tab. migrated and configured. On each remote server restart the MPI License Service for the changes to take effect. When you are finished close the file but do not save if prompted. It is recommended that you also migrate the MLD sever to point to its own IP address or DNS name. Our first step is to migrate each server to the main license server. Highlight this server and click Migrate in the bottom right corner. The Licensing System module will now open. It is highly recommended that you verify the remote server properly accepted the migration request.Since Blue Server BSV7. From here you can view all of the licensing statistics. Start with the Parsers and wait for host status in Blue Server to become available. pfx. Pf1 = Router SNA AS/400 IPDS Pf2 = Router Mainframe Pf4 = Parser Pf5 = Router SNA AS/400 SCS Pf6 = Router LPD Pf7 = Router LPD Evolution Pf8 = Router Telnet The printer configurations are stored in the directories: <Local_Drive>:\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\pfn <Local_Drive>:\MPI Blue Server\MPI Router\pfn The Blue Server printer configurations are created from profiles. If the sample.1. X varies depending on the MPI product.5. The file name = the Blue Server Printer name and the extension is pfx. it is possible to create new profiles. 148 The Blue Server V7 .Blue Server printer configurations and profiles Each Blue Server printer configuration is stored in a file.12.pfx defaults are not suitable for the customer printer creation (the default parameters do not match the customer‟s requirements). How to update configurations 12.5. It is a text file which contains all the parameters with their default values. They are stored in the directory C:\MPI Blue Server\MPI Router\nt The default profile is sample. While creating a new printer configuration from the GUI.2. When the service MPI File Server starts.5.MPI File Server service MPI File Server service handles the configurations for the interface (no matter if it is local or remote) The sample. you must give a new name and select the profile you want to create the new printer from. it copies the Sample.pfx in the directories : <Local_drive>:\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\nt <Local_drive>:\MPI Blue Server\MPI Router\nt The Blue Server V7 149 . The new printer creation consists then in copying the selected profile from the \nt directory to the \pfn directory and renames it with the name chosen.pfx files are located in the directory C:\MPI Blue Server\The Blue Server. 12. 2.Updating configurations 12. the filter icon turns green: 150 The Blue Server V7 . When the filter mode is activated. you will work with the printer configurations of the product “SNA Mainframe” and with a name starting with PRT.1. you get the filter window where you select the attributes of the filter: In the above example. In order to activate the filter. use the icon: When you click on this icon.12.The printer configuration filter The filter allows you to work with a subset of printer configurations. Update specific configurations When you want to update only certain printer configurations. make a right click and select update. The Blue Server V7 151 . only the printer configurations selected with the filter will be affected. it may be necessary to update the profiles and the printer configurations when new parameters have been added. you can use the update function : Select the printer(s) you want to update.12. 12.5. This will update only the printer selected. you can access this button: The update button allows to update all the profiles and the printer configurations from the profiles sample.2.The Update Button When a new Blue Server version is installed.5.4. Caution: When the filter mode is activated.3.pfx.2. From the GUI. and click on “Apply”. With the Blue Server interface. Caution: if the filter is active. 152 The Blue Server V7 .Modify a parameter for all the printer configurations associated to a profile With the GUI. the modifications brought to the profile will be copied to the printer configurations.12. it may be necessary to add/modify parameters of the printer configurations for all the printers associated to a profile. In some cases. This can be performed by modifying the profile. the GUI asks if you want to apply these modifications to all the associated printers (printer configurations which have been created from this profile) If you click Yes. once you have modified a profile (with setup or edit).3. the modifications will be done only for the printers selected with the filter.5. you can modify the parameters for one printer configuration at a time. Or something you can get this message :  Selecting Close Message.6.Opening Blue Server   Opening Blue Server GUI.12. and nothing is dipslayed. you will get this new message: The Blue Server V7 153 . How to configure “Data Execution Prevention” Blue Server V6 or V7 on Windows 2003 12.1. exe The Blue Server\svcmpisrv.exe License\MLD.exe License\MLCsrv.exe Router\tel3270.exe Router\svcmainf.exe Router\svcaslpd.12. you must allow this Blue Server executable list.exe The Blue Server\blueserv.Action On Windows Server 2003 or 2008.exe License\MLDsrv.6.exe Router\svctelnet.3.exe License\MLProduct.exe The Blue Server\newblue.exe Router\ipfntlpd.exe MPI Parser\ipdsbsvc.exe MPI Parser\ipfntpcl.exe 154 The Blue Server V7 .   My Computer / Properties Execution prevention / Advanced / Performance Settings / Data Then allows this Software list from the MPI Blue Server directory: MPI MPI MPI MPI MPI MPI License\MLClient.exe MPI MPI MPI MPI MPI MPI Router\ipfnt370.exe License\MLDitf. 7.From Windows NT4 Please execute the following steps:    Start -> setting -> Printers. verify this points: 12. you will have this new display: Select Auditing.1.12. you will have this new display: The Blue Server V7 155 . you may have some problem for printing on remote queue configured on Xp machine. you will have this new display:   Security. In this case. 2000 or Xp. How to configure remote Windows XP queue using Blue Server Using MPI Blue Server installed on Windows NT. Printer -> Properties.7. Select your target printer.  Select Add. you will have this new display: 156 The Blue Server V7 .This is the default setting.  Select NETWORK -> Add. The Blue Server V7 157 . This modification will be taken immediately. you will have this new display: For the other parameters. please contact your local LAN administrator. to close the printer properties.   Select OK to confirm and valid this new configuration. Select OK. you will have this new display:  Select OK -> Print Success. Note: To determine the Blue Server paper size setting you must multiply the paper length and width by 300. A4…) and custom (edge to edge letter & A4 or other size).) to custom: this figure shows how to modify the custom paper size: 158 The Blue Server V7 .Parser Using Blue Server – Parser session..8.   From “Input Trays”. you can configure standard (letter. change Paper Size (from A4. How to Configure Custom Paper Size for Blue Server . letter.12. legal or . legal. PS2 and PS3 driver: Unit : 300*Page Length or Page Width => For example: Letter = P L = 11. These parameters are available for BMP. you must define all the other parameters according to this table. When you set to Custom.00*300 = 3300 P W = 8.5*300 = 2550 Size A4 LETTER LEGAL EXECUTIVE MONARCH COM-10 DL C5 A3 A4_E2E A4_WIDE LETTER_E2E A5 JISB4 JISB5 LEDGER INVOICE FOLIO QUARTO COM-9 ISOB5 Page Length 3507 3300 4200 3150 2250 2850 2598 2704 4960 3507 3507 3300 2480 4299 3035 5100 2550 3900 3248 2662 2952 Page Width 2480 2550 2550 2175 1162 1237 1299 1913 3507 2480 2480 2550 1748 3035 2150 3300 1650 2550 2550 1162 2078 Physical Margin 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 0 40 0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Escape Sequence ^&l26A ^&l2A ^&l3A ^&l1A ^&l80A ^&l81A ^&l90A ^&l91A ^&l27A ^&l26A ^&l26A ^&l2A ^&l13A ^&l46A ^&l12A ^&l6A ^&l15A ^&l9A ^&l2A ^&l89A ^&l100A The Blue Server V7 159 . PCL5. the custom paper size is not used. This figure shows how a complete setup (for PCL5 or BMP) must be configured for: .LEGAL (standard size) configuration Note: if one of these sections is empty. TIFF. PDF/A-1 b:2005 or IMAGE) must be configured for: . PDF. PS3.LETTER_E2E (edge to edge) configuration . 160 The Blue Server V7 .LETTER_E2E (edge to edge) configuration .A4_E2E (edge to edge) configuration . and returns to the previous paper size configured.A4_E2E (edge to edge) configuration .LEGAL (standard size) configuration  This figure shows how a complete setup (for PS2. 5. How to produce multiple outputs simultaneously Warning To use this functionality.01. 7.1. you can print PCL on a printer and archive the job in PDF on a remote server. Blue server is able to produce simultaneously different outputs. 12. generate output file. Blue Server is able to manage unlimited number of outputs at the same time.9. Since version V7. For example.004. Each session can print.Description Parser job format PDF PCL PostScript TIFF E-mail/FAX BMP printing PostScript (B&W) printing PCL5 printing PostScript (Color) printing PDF printing 4. send email …… The Blue Server V7 161 . Please contact MPI TECH or your local MPI TECH for further instructions. 6. a specific license must be added.9.12. “Share IPDS with other sessions”: to activate the input buffer sharing option. You must configure the Blue Server printer configuration as follow: .Configure the number of sub-session you want to manage from the main session.12.Blue Server master session configuration To configure this new option. 162 The Blue Server V7 . you must define a “master” session that sends its IPDS buffers to additional sessions.9.The printer emulation parameters must match on all printer definitions.The slower printer defines the printing speed for all printer definitions. .2. . . (see How to configure IPDS indexer) Printer emulation must be the same as the main session.12.9.Blue Server interface sessions status Available The printer session is available to the system and is awaiting IPDS data from the Host for a sub-session.4. Wait Parent The sub-session printer waits for the child session to be loaded Session Error This status appears when you unload one session. Wait Children The parent session waits for all sub-sessions to be loaded. The others session loose communication and must be Unloaded/Loaded again The Blue Server V7 163 . 12.   Connection: BS Session (IPDS from Host) Allow this session to connect to the main printer and receive IPDS buffers Connection: BS Session (Preprocessed IPDS) Allow this session to connect to the main printer and receive IPDS buffers modified to generate indexed output.9.Blue Server child session configuration You must configure the child sessions according to the number of sub-sessions you define.3. This configuration information is stored in a configuration file (. define the rules and create a configuration file which will be used in production.10. you can now split IPDS documents and name the files according to information extracted from the IPDS data. Blue Server produces a single tiff file for each page. it is possible to take advantage of the TLE command embedded in the AFPDS files to split and name the output files generated. 12. First “print” an application job (an invoice for instance) and produce with Blue Server a Tiff output. the Blue Server is able to split the job. This step is performed only once per host application.10. All invoices are in a single spool file. Blue server is able to locate and extract information from the IPDS data stream. you can locate and specify the information to be used to identify the pages and the data to be extracted and used as indexes. it is necessary to perform the following two steps.12. With Blue Server. With IPDS such a structure does not exist.How to use Blue Server and the indexer feature Warning To use this functionality. This means that thanks to information found in the IPDS pages.2.2. 12.07. extract data that may be used to rename the output document produced and generate an XML file which can be used with Archiving systems. In order to achieve this goal. Thanks to the MPI Tiff viewer.1.10. Please contact MPI TECH or your local MPI TECH for further instructions.Description Since version V7.10. 164 The Blue Server V7 . a specific license must be added.IDX file). You can even extract any information present in the IPDS data stream to create indexing files for archiving.01. Typical application: an AS/400 customer produces invoices in IPDS.1. He wants to produce a PDF of each invoice with the invoice number and the company name part of the PDF file name.Step 1: Defining the rules It is first necessary to analyse the document.IPDS indexing With AFP printing. 12. This configuration can produce an output (PCL.Prerequisite Blue Server version Index Composer: MPI Tiff viewer: Java Installed: V7. It takes advantage of the NOP commands to split the document.Step 2: Running in production Two Blue Server configurations are required.jar) The Blue Server V7 165 .2.008 (since) It is the Tiff viewer which allow you to create the .12.jar: this file contains the java code Pages. It is a java application IndexComposer. 12. This information is then injected to the IPDS data as NOP commands. PS.jar JRE V4 or later File charsets.3.10. it is able to recognize the pages and extract the relevant data.10.01. name the files generated.2.5.0_04\lib\charsets. It must be in the java installation library in the \Lib sub-directory (example : C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.Idx files. PostScript…) The second Blue Server configuration receives the “enhanced IPDS” from the first configuration and produces the output data stream (PCL. Thanks to the index configuration file. The first configuration receives the IPDS data from the system and analyses it. PDF…). 12.10.4.Example used with this manual With this manual we will use the AS/400 INVNEW3 job provided with the QSAMPLER AFP/IPDS demonstration library provided by IBM. This job produces 4 invoices: First invoice Second invoice Third invoice Forth invoice = 3 pages = 6 pages = 3 pages = 3 pages The purpose of this example is to convert the job to PDF, create a independent PDF for each invoice and name each PDF file generated with the “customer number” and the “Invoice number” which will be extracted from the document. When looking at the entire document one can see that each first page of an invoice contains fix information that may be used to identify that it is the first page of an invoice. In the above image, it is the information surrounded with a red ellipse (“Customer copy” and “Page 1”). When this information will be found at this specific location on a page, Blue Server will assume that it is the first page of an invoice. Data must then be extract and the job must be splitted. The customer number and the invoice number are found on the same page. They are surrounded with a Blue ellipse (“100” and ”31300”). They will be extracted and used to rename the PDF file. 166 The Blue Server V7 The Blue Server V7 167 12.10.5.Producing the tiff files The first step consists in producing the tiff files of the application. Server configuration tab In order for Blue Server to extract the information from the data, you must configure in the Blue Server printer configuration as follow: - “Overlay caching” must be unchecked. 168 The Blue Server V7 tab - “Output language” - “Split document” - “Print path” = Tiff =1 = directory to store the pages transformed in tiff format Load the tiff printer and print the job of the application you want the indexes for The tiff files will be stored in the directory The Blue Server V7 169 12.10.6.Launching Index composer - Run IndexComposer.jar, - And you will have this new display - Select “load page” at the top right corner to open a tiff file produced with Blue Server, - Select the tiff image you want to open, - Once the tiff page has opened a new window with all the data extracted from the page appears, - Big5 may be the default character set. - Select the appropriate code page (the one selected in the application) 170 The Blue Server V7 Example: IBM01140 (International with euro)  the text becomes readable. Note: If the code pages do not appear in the list, check the charsets.jar in the java install library The Blue Server V7 171 you get this window. When you move the cursor to the right side of the window. Page sub type: Criteria: Indexes: 172 The Blue Server V7 . Example “Firstpage” This is the information picked on the page to identify a specific page. It helps you knowing which kind of document you are working with. Enter a friendly name to recognize the job. These are the text strings recognized with the Index Composer.7. The strings will be used to identify the pages and select the index fields On the right side of the window there are 4 windows: Page type: Represents the type of document you are working with. These are the information picked on the page you want to extract and use as indexes.Composer window Once the Tiff page has been displayed.10. like INVOICES Represents the name of a specific page of the job you want to work with. you can see that the text is highlighted.12. Identifying a job and a page As an IDX file can contain different job descriptions and indexes.Creating indexes This is text is informational First window = “Page Types” : make a “add” and enter a name which qualifies the job you are working with. Example : First Page The Blue Server V7 173 . it is necessary to identify the jobs and the pages you are working with.8. example : INVOICES Second window = “Page Sub-Types” : make a “add” and enter a name which qualifies the page of the job you are working with.12.8. 12. make “Add” In the criteria window. Once this information is highlighted.10. locate the strings you to use to identify the page.8.Defining the criteria to recognize this page On the right side of the window. The selected text appears in the criteria window.2. You can do the same with “Page” and “1” 174 The Blue Server V7 . make “Add”.The string selected by the index composer appears above the text “Enter index name for” (100 in the above example). . A new window with the title “Entrée” appears.12.You can do the same for the invoice number. Make sure that this is the right information you want to use as index. The Blue Server V7 175 .Defining the indexes As for the Criteria.Enter a name for this index (Cust_num) .In the “Indexes” window.3. .10. highlight in the right window the information you want to use as indexes. .8. You now just have to save your configuration.Example: invoices.Click on save and specify the name of your indexing file (file extension = .The final result is: .. .idx 176 The Blue Server V7 .idx) . Please contact MPI TECH or your local MPI TECH for further instructions.How to use the “Add Form” option with Blue Server Warning To use this functionality.Description 1. a specific license must be added.Produce PDF documents from applications. 2.1. it is possible with Blue Server to add images to the document in order to enhance the printout generated by Blue Server. Examples of typical applications: . . . Without any application modification. which have been designed to be printed on preprinted paper. 12. a new interface has been designed for this “Add Form” functionality.01.11.11. Since Blue Server V7.Add a watermark to the documents… Without the add form option: With the add Form Option : The Blue Server V7 177 .Add the company logo to the documents.12.00x. 178 The Blue Server V7 .Jpeg (file extension . the image will be added on the back sides of a duplex document This option is used to force the image to be placed on the back side of a page when the document is simplex If several conditions are configured.How to specify when the images are added A XML file gives the flexibility to add images to specific pages of desired documents.12. It is one of the AS/400 printer File attribute or it is a JCL statement added to the job used to submit the print This is the IPDS printer input paper tray selected by the application. are black and white. Each Blue Server printer configuration can use different rules. These two files must be in the same directory. the XML file must be located in the directory: .Activating the “Add Form” option The Add Form Option is activated by setting the parameter #162 with the XML file name @0 --.11.gif) 12. This is IPDS printer output paper tray selected by the application         Input Ouput The conditions that can be used to differentiate the pages within a specific document are: frompage the image will be added from this page topage Modulo Front Back Suplex this option goes with the « frompage » option.jpeg) .2.Gif (file extension .Tiff (file extension . which can be included to enhance the printout.xsd”. The image formats which can be used are: .xml If you specify the XML filename without the path.Section 0 --#162 Pre-Printed File : c:\My_BS_Images\MyXML_AddForm.jpg or . the image is added only when all the conditions are satisfied 12.11..3. this option allows to indicate every how many pages (modulo 4 means that the image will be added every 4 pages) When it is set to 1. Important Note : The XML file goes together with the file “preprinted.4. The conditions which can be used to differentiate the documents are:  Form : This information comes from the application and is part of the IPDS data Stream received at the beginning of each IPDS job.tif) .\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\.tiff or . the image will be added on the front sides of a duplex document When it is set to 1.11.What objects can be included The elements. grayscale or color images. 12. It is possible to check the validity of the XML you configure.5.Syntax of the XML file The XML file must follow the standard XML conventions. The Blue Server V7 179 .xsd file) is located in the: <local_drive>\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\ directory and the images are in the <local_drive>\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\Images directory the file name specified in the XML configuration will be: <filename>\Images\my_company_logo.7.11.12. the images used to enhance to print must be in the same directory or in a sub-directory.11.xsd” located in the same directory is be used to control the validity of the XML file when you open it (with MS Internet Explorer for instance).6.11.Location of the images used Compared to the location of the XML file.jpg</filename> 12. Only some tags are allowed.XML utility The utility “Blue Server Form Overlay” is provided in order to help building XML file. The file “preprinted. Example: If the XML file (and the preprinted. Allowed values are 0. 1 (=90°).Example of XML file <?xml version="1. <topage>.w3.<reference> <filename>my_company_logo. the image my_company_logo. 3 (=270°).<condition> <form>STD</form> <frompage>1</frompage> <topage>1</topage> </condition> </image> </preprinted> In this example." xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="preprinted.<image> .12.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> . <condition> defines the conditions to insert the image on the page. <back> 180 The Blue Server V7 . The tags allowed for the <condition> tag are: <form>. <modulo>.<placement> <x>10</x> <y>600</y> <o>0</o> </placement> .11.1. <front>. are the absolute positions of the image on the page in 1/300 of inch <o> defines the rotation of the image on the page.7. <input>.jpg</filename> </reference> .xsd"> .Example of XML file The two first lines (in Blue) are mandatory </preprinted> <image> <reference> <placement> <x> and <y> is the beginning of the XML configuration defines a new rule defines the image to be used defines the position and the rotation of the image in the page. 2 (=180°).jpg will be added only on the first page of the all the document having the form = STD. <output> <frompage>.<preprinted xmlns:xsi="http://www.11.2.7. the msxml4. please download it from the Microsoft web site: The Blue Server V7 181 . If it is not installed on the PC.8. Please check that this dll is installed in the C:\WINDOWS\system32.dll In order to use the add Form option.11.dll Service Pack 2 must be installed on the PC.12.Windows Pre-requisite – MSXML4. MSXML Service Pack 2 (Microsoft XML Core Services) Run msxml.0 Service Pack 2 182 The Blue Server V7 .msi in order to update MSXML 4. Reply . . . Additional Message Information Message ID . . : 99 13:51:21 Message . Form type options: Form type . . *ALL. . . Start Printer Writer (STRPRTWTR) Type choices. Possible choices for replying to message . : CPA3394 Inquiry 11/21/05 Severity . . . .. : Message type . . : The file on output queue IPPHD in library QUSRSYS requires form type 'CONFIDENT' to be loaded on device IPPHD. . . . B -. . . . . : Time sent . . . . Name. *NOMSG. . . . Message option . Queue for writer messages Library . . . . . . . . . . Output queue . . Library . . . . . . . Print the file on the current formtype (same as option 0 on System/36). . . . . . . . .11. MY PRT *DEV *DEVD Name. . . *CURLIB *DEVD. . *CURLIB *ALL *NOMSG *FILE *DEVD Form type. : Load form type 'CONFIDENT' device IPPHD writer IPPHD. . . The spool file status changes to “MSGW” and it is necessary to answer the message with the option ”G” to process the spool file. . . . . *MSG. . . . (G B I H R C) Cause . . .AS/400 message CPA3394 : Load form type An inquiry message is sent to the message queue when a spooled file has a form type that is different than the form type in the printer. . *REQUESTER *LIBL. . . Name. *ALL.9. . . . The form type for the file was all blanks when '' appears as the form type. . . More. .Begin processing the current file after loading and aligning the form type (no alignment message is sent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name. . Name. *FILE F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F13=How to use this display F10=Additional parameters F24=More keys Bottom F12=Cancel The Blue Server V7 183 . I -.same as option 1 on System/36). . . .Ignore the request to load the form type. : G In order not to have to answer the message each time the writer processes a spool file with a new form type. .. . . . . press Enter. .. . *FILE 1-255. . 0-9. . : G -. . . The CPA3394 message will not be issued and the writer will then process the spool files automatically. *SYSVAL *DEV *LIBL.. *FORMS *INQMSG. *STD. . . . *DEVD. . .Begin processing the current file after loading the form type. File separators . . Printer . . Drawer for separators . . . . . modify the parameter FORMTYPE to (*ALL *NOMSG) when you start the printer writer. . . : Date sent . . . . .12. . . a specific license must be added.One Blue Server printer addresses one E-mail destination Instead of printing to a physical printer if you want Blue Server to send each document to one E-mail destination. you just have to configure the Blue Server printer as follow: 12. Depending on the IPDS data and Blue Server configuration it may be possible from one Blue Server printer configuration to address either one or any E-mail destination. Blue Server can transform the IPDS data to PDF. Please contact MPI TECH or your local MPI TECH for further instructions.12.12. Each host spool file generates a PDF file that can be sent as an attachment to an E-mail destination.1.12.“Destination” Tab.generating Mail Warning To use this functionality.12. “Output Language” must be set to “PDF”: 184 The Blue Server V7 .1. 12.1.How to Use Blue Server . %DATE%.w ith. This text will appear in the subject field of the E-mail. Example : This.generated.0x20.1. It will be used if somebody makes a reply to the E-mail sent from Blue Sever.0x0d. it must be entered in Hexadecimal format. it can contain variables generated by Blue Server.0x20. Note : For Space (0x20).0x20.0x20. In this The Blue Server V7 185 . the date and time are specified. Open text filed..2.0x0a. This is the mail address the PDF file generated will be sent to. As for the other fields of this window.0x20. This name will appear in the “From” Filed of the E-mail.On.12.BlueServer.0x20.“Mail” tab configuration:        Outgoing Mail Server Email Service Email sender Email Destination Bcc Mail Address Subject Message This is the IP address or the DNS Name of the server providing the SMTP Service. Internet address of the bcc (blind carbon copy) email destination.been. please refer to the document “How to use variables with Blue Server” section.mail.0x20.12. Carriage Return (0x0d) and Line Feed (0x0a) characters. This is the mail address that generates the mail. For a complete list of variables that may be used.0 x20. Resulting E-mails in Lotus Notes and Microsoft Outlook The PDF file produced by Blue Server is attached to the mail.12. It can be configured with variables to match the customer‟s requests (please refer to the document “How to use variables with Blue Server” for more information). the file name of the PDF file is the default name produced by Blue Server. 186 The Blue Server V7 .3. In the following example.1.12. 12.12. Example the start data extraction string may be $** and the end data extraction may be **$. Caution: These strings must be special strings that cannot be found in normal application data. - Example: In your application you want to specify the mail destination the subject the mail sender The start data extraction string you chose is $** and the end data extraction string is **$.com**$ $**[email protected] the application: In order to specify the E-mail destination to be used by Blue Server to address the Mail destination.One Blue Server printer addresses any E-mail destination It may be possible to address any E-mail if the application specifies the necessary information such as the mail destination. 12. The first string activates the Start extraction mode and the second string defines the End extraction mode. You must first define 2 character strings that will be used by Blue Server to extract the E-mail information from the**$ $**SUBJECT= This will be the subject of the mail**$ MAILTO.1. You must add in the application: $**[email protected]. you must add this information in the application data. SUBJECT and MAILFROM become variables you can use in the Blue Server printer configuration The Blue Server V7 187 . The text found between these strings will be removed from the “printed” data. 2. you must configure in the Blue Server printer configuration as follow: “Destination” tab: “Data Extraction” “Start String” “End String” = “String Extraction” = $** = **$ 188 The Blue Server V7 .2.12.12.Blue Server configuration: In order For Blue Server to extract the mail information from the data. “Mail” tab: You must inform Blue Server about how you use the variables set in the  This will be the subject of the mail The Blue Server V7 189 . you must specify the variable between % (example: %MAILTO%): The variables %MAILFROM%. %MAILFROM% %MAILTO% %SUBJECT%  master@mycompany. With Blue Server  mail001@mpitech. %MAILTO% and %SUBJECT% will be replaced with their values extracted from the application data. The PDF files and the XML file can be used to fill a document database. . Page Page . The page group may contain index information carried by TLE structured fields.. The file “Tle_afp. Blue Server splits the job when a TLE field with this “fully qualified name” is encountered.13. All the TLE “fully qualified name” become Blue Server variables and may be invoked to rename the job produced. Please contact MPI TECH or your local MPI TECH for further instructions. Blue Server does not use this structure. 12.How to split on TLE MO:DCA structured fields Warning To use this functionality. A separate XML file containing the PDF file names and the indexes is produced. a specific license must be added.. the MO:DCA architecture defines Document Index.12.AFP Files with indexes An AFPDS file may be indexed.13. Page Page . Page groups are defined so that the pages that comprise the group can be referenced or processed as a single entity.13.2.1. To invoke this variable. logical grouping of sequential pages. A page group is used in the data stream to define a named. MO:DCA elements that may be indexed are pages and page groups. One of the main usage is to produce multiple named pdf files out of a single AFP document. 190 The Blue Server V7 .3. . . When this parameter is set with a “Fully qualified Name”. 12. Page group TLE TLE .Introduction This document gives basic information about AFPDS indexes and describes how you can take advantage of this information with Blue Server. use the %#<Fully_Qualified_Name>% syntax (starting with %# and ending with %). The Document index is a structure which contains the indexing information for the entire document. Document Page group TLE TLE . It may be located within the document or external to the AFPDS File..xml” is automatically created. The AFPDS file structure is then: Resource Group Resource Object data Resource object Data ……. 12. the AFPDS document contains page groups. The TLE structured fields mainly contain a pair of information: A fully qualified Name (example “NAME”) An attribute value (example “James Cameron”) In addition. When indexed. .Blue Server configuration The parameter “#70 Split On TLE :” has been added..13. Transform = PDF . .pdf when processed by Blue Server. . Page Group Nb of pages 3 1 2 TLE (Fully Qualified Name = Attribute value) NAME = Cameron COUNTRY = United Sates NAME = Durant COUNTRY = France NAME = Wolf COUNTRY = Germany Page Group 0001 Page Group 0002 Page Group 0003 Blue Server Configuration: .Each page group starts with two TLE structured fields.Durant_ France_00001_pages.Wolf_Germany_00002_pages.13.pdf</DOCUMENT> </INDEX> </TLE> The Blue Server V7 191 .pdf </DOCUMENT> </INDEX> <INDEX><NAME>Durant</NAME> <COUNTRY>France</COUNTRY> <DOCUMENT>Durant_France_00001_pages.Example .Each page group contains a variable number of pages.pdf .12.Job Name = %#NAME%_%#COUNTRY%_%TOPAGE%_pages.#70 Split On TLE : NAME . the “Tle_afp.pdf .Output Directory = C:\AFP_Output .pdf In the “C:\AFP_Output” directory.pdf</DOCUMENT> </INDEX> <INDEX><NAME>Wolf</NAME> <COUNTRY>Germany</COUNTRY> <DOCUMENT>Wolf_Germany_00002_pages. the “C:\AFP_Output” directory will contain 3 PDF files: .xml” file contains: <TLE> <INDEX><NAME>Cameron</NAME> <COUNTRY>United States</COUNTRY> <DOCUMENT>Cameron_United Sates_00003_pages.Cameron_United Sates_00003_pages.4.An AFPDS file contains 3 page groups. Notes:    The only action/modification that the administrator must do is on the Host printer definition. MPI File Server Service stopped…) automatically the printers loaded from this Blue Server 3.04. All these A and now must match with the Blue Server B.14.19) This function is available since Blue Server V7. A mail notification is send to the administrator when a problem occurs. you must also modify the registry (BS installation A and B) 192 The Blue Server V7 . B Station/Server where Blue Server Back-Up is installed (For example IP address = 192.1.31. A are loaded to Blue Server B and are ready to print.66) 1. While they are connected.How to Set-Up and Use Blue Server Back-Up Warning To use this functionality. 2.168. Please contact MPI TECH or your local MPI TECH for further instructions. traces… Since version Blue Server V7.12. a specific license must be added. the Blue Server A will replicate all new setup modification to the Back-Up.14.31.Description A Station/Server where Blue Server is installed (For example IP address = 192.0153 (Parser session for the moment). IP problem. the printers Back-Up are just awaiting. When you have loaded printers on Blue Server A. 12. They are not loaded at the same time.00. 4. For each Blue Server installation A and B it must be done on the same C:\ or D:\ target drive to printers definition match with Blue Server avoid directory access for PDF files. 5.04.168. This Back-Up functionality is useful when a problem occurs on Blue Serve A (maintenance. 14.Installation & set up 12.1. You will get from us a link for downloading our latest version. please contact MPI Tech or your local MPI Tech for further instructions. starting the Blue Server : Change from : View -> Refresh Time value from 1sec to 2sec  and new functionally is available from the “Tools” tabs: Tools → Backup Server Setup Unload All Printer Backup Synchronize Backup Server The Blue Server V7 193 . After the installation.2.Installation    If you pay for an annual Blue Server maintenance.14.2.12. This is IP address of the Blue Server B (backup). Then select Apply for saving the information.2. “Tools → Backup Server Setup”. Is will be used if somebody makes a reply to the E-mail sent from Blue Server. This is the mail address the notification file generated will be sent to. 194 The Blue Server V7 . Select. is the number of Backup Polling Tempo before starting the Back-Up procedure.Set-up – Blue Server A To perform this setup. This number (ranging from 3 to 10 000). This is the IP address or the DNS Name of the server providing the SMTP Service. Use Backup Server Option Backup Server Address Backup Server Port Backup Polling Tempo Retry Number to Disconnect Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) Email Account Email Sender Email Destination  Uncheck this box if you don‟t want to active this function.   After starting your Blue Server A GUI. This number (ranging from 1 to 1 000).12. and you will have this new display : * * Information displayed in the above picture are the default values.14. This name will appears in the “From” Filed of the E-mail. This is the mail address that generates the mail. specified the amount of time between each problem. This number (ranging from 0 to 65 535) must be equivalent on both sides.2. the MPI File Server Service. must be stopped before. This name will appears in the “From” Filed of the E-mail.12.Set-up – Blue Server B To perform this setup. Is will be used if somebody makes a reply to the E-mail sent from Blue Server. is the number of Backup Polling Tempo before starting the Back-Up procedure. The Blue Server V7 195 . and you will have this new display : * * Information displayed in the above picture are the default values. must be stopped before. it must be set to 127. Then select Apply for saving the information.   After starting your Blue Server B GUI. This number (ranging from 3 to 10 000). This is the mail address that generates the mail.14.0. In this case. This is the IP address or the DNS Name of the server providing the SMTP Service. This is the mail address the notification file generated will be sent to. the MPI File Server Service.1 for the Blue Server B This number (ranging from 0 to 65 535) must be equivalent on both sides. Select “Tools → Backup Server Setup”. This number (ranging from 1 to 1 000).3.0. specified the amount of time between each problem.2. Use Backup Server Option Backup Server Address Backup Server Port Backup Polling Tempo Retry Number to Disconnect Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) Email Account Email Sender Email Destination  Uncheck this box if you don‟t want to active this function. 0. In our case. the correct IP address of the Backup server .3. Action: You must check: . you can load the printers.That MPI File server Service is started.Starting Blue Server  After configuring yours Blue Server display on Blue Server A and B.  Then you will have: 196 The Blue Server V7 . there is no connection with the Backup server.0.14.1” .From Blue Server A : Tools → Backup Server Setup”. you can check if the Backup server is active or not.From Blue Server B : Tools → Backup Server Setup”. and you will have this A:   From the interface.12. the correct IP address “127. TP4 And you will have: → Temporary configuration 3. to be sure that on both side.Notes : 1. are the printers loaded on Blue Server A are awaiting to be load. if a problem occurs. the Backup Server.PF4 PRT6000. The Blue Server V7 197 . A: → Configuration file → Configuration loaded . When you start the first time. 2. On Backup server B side.AL4 And you will have: . files located in the <Local_Drive>:\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\pfn directory.Blue Server B: PRT6000. we recommend to use Synchronize Backup Server option. all printers use the same configuration.Blue Server PRT6000. 14.Problems 12.No more IP connection available with Blue Server In this case of problem.12. you will have: 198 The Blue Server V7 .4. what should be the different steps:  On the Blue Server A. you will have:  On the Backup server B.14.4.1. PF4 PRT6008.PF4 PRT6004. Then "Load" on the server On the Server A the printers.PF4 on on on on on on on on on on Server(EOLE) Server(EOLE) Server(EOLE) Server(EOLE) Server(EOLE) Server(EOLE) Server(EOLE) Server(EOLE) Server(EOLE) Server(EOLE)  Now the Backup server is ready to operate. TP4 files will appear again. 2. you will receive a mail for this problem  Inside the MpiBackup. to make sure that all printers are up to date on both sides. and you want to load the printers. AL4 files will appear again. The Host IP destination must match with the new Blue Server address. in the .PF4 PRT6005. you will read : Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load Load config config config config config config config config config config PRT6000. in the . The server A and backup B are ready again. A side. On your E-mail account. 4. 3.PF4 PRT6006. 6.PF4 PRT6002. but do not forget to change the Host IP address.PF4 PRT6009.\MPI On the Backup B side. Notes: A comes back online again. if should be advise to Synchronize backup server B This action is done..log file.. 5.PF4 PRT6007.PF4 PRT6001. The Blue Server V7 199 .\MPI Parser\pfn directory. must be manually perform this action on server B: When the primary server 1. Parser\pfn directory.PF4 PRT6003. Tools -> Unload All Printer Backup If your backup was running for a couple of hours/days/month. a specific license must be added.1. Please contact MPI TECH or your local MPI TECH for further instructions.00.004. Selecting “Destination” tab. 12.2.15.How to set up PDF encryption Warning To use this functionality.12. a new interface has been designed for this “encryption” functionality.Old interface – until V7. 12.15. you will get : 200 The Blue Server V7 .192   From a Blue Server GUI.01.Description PDF output IBM Host  Blue Server Since Blue Server V7.15. you will get : The Blue Server V7 201 . Selecting “Destination” tab.01. and checking “PDF encryption”. 12. you will get :  This interface is no longer supported.003   From a Blue Server GUI. Checking PDF encryption. and has been replaced by a new one.New interface – Since V7.3.15. Document Assembly . 202 The Blue Server V7 .4.Administrator Password Password length: 20 alphanumeric characters. 12.3. 12. you will get : 12.Signing are available.Changes allowed   Unchecked: Checked: this option is not available.3. Selecting “Options” box.2.3.15. this option is available.15.6.1.Change the document.15. Entering a User password.3. . this option is available.15.5. 12. this password is necessary for opening the PDF file.15.3.Encryption Level Values allowed:   40 bits: 128 bits: (default) No action strong encryption.3.3.Printing allowed   Unchecked: Checked: this option is not available.15. this password is necessary for opening the PDF file. Entering an Administrator password. 12.Permanent editing lock  Checked: no more modification such as: .Filling of form Fields . 12.User Password Password length: 20 alphanumeric characters. 17.1. Notes:  For “Changes allowed” and “Enable copying of content” options. sent it directly to MPI by mail. Available.Section 2 --- The Blue Server V7 203 . this option is available.16. Active.How to handle “Printer Restart” exception error 12. This action will open the “LogBS. 12.txt” <local_drive>:\MPI Blue Server\The Blue Server directory file located on Inside this file.3. Then open : Tools / Blue Server Report. but for activating other options. are useful to help you when a problem occurs.Content Extraction for Assembly. Sharing. Connected.Pending.Parameter #54 AF @2 --. you will display all the actions for opening or displaying status used. Host and Printer status can be displayed. These status. If you cannot understand this log file.     By activating this option can help you to understand or find the problem. the ADMINISTRATOR password is necessary.1.17. you can activate from the Blue Server GUI :  Tools / Report Trace Option (default value is unchecked).15. if a USER password active. Inactive. 12. For opening the PDF file. status are not displayed or disappeared.12. the USER password is necessary.Content Copying or Extraction and .How to check Blue Server status 12. 12. Session Error….Introduction On the Blue Server GUI. an ADMINISTRATOR password is mandatory for activating the options.7.2.Status problem In case of problem. Printing.Enable copying of content   Unchecked: Checked: this option is not available. Allows with Acrobat these options: . such as : .16. Not Connected.16. . When the exception 0100. #54 Block exception Printer restart : 0 (This is the default value). 204 The Blue Server V7 ..This parameter was used with old Blue Server versions (Router + DIMM) 20020703 : the parameter becomes #54 Block exception Printer restart. This new implementation has been performed for few customers who generates IPDS with an CICS application.00 Normal Printer Restart is sent to CICS it locks the session.00 is not reported to the host . #54 Block exception Printer restart : 1 The exception 0100. Lst" The complete syntax is : <FILE> = <Line of Order><Line of Order><Line of Order>. you must create a file named "Order.18.2.. <server><SP><printer><SP><product>.. L BSTST xdf 4. This file must be copy to “. 12.. Router SCS Mainframe Parser LPD Telnet it is 2. if it exits it treats it and deletes it.Lst” file When a specific action need to be completed for unloading or loading Blue Server printers.Lst” is a file used by the Blue Server Interface for unloading or loading printers.18.EOLE lpd6 6. case sensitive for the Server and printer name.. The Blue Server V7 205 .Description “Order. 12. U SRV_PRT lpd3 6.18.12.How to load – unload Blue Server printers with a file command 12.18.<CR><LF> <ORDER> <SP> <server> = L | U = space character (L for LOAD.Lst” file is executed by Blue Server.Lst".3. that corresponding to extension PF6 it is 8. U WRKTEST IPJMD2 4.Example L EOLE lpd5 6.<Line of Order><EOF> <Line of Order> = <ORDER><SP><server><SP><printer><SP><product>. that corresponding to extension PF8 12.Creating “Order. that corresponding to extension PF4 it is 6.\MPI Blue Server\The BlueServer" directory And automatically this “Order.Syntax of the file "Order.2..1.. SRV_PRT lpd8 6. that corresponding to extension PF2 it is 4.EOLE lpd7 6.. The Blue Server Interface polls periodically if this file exists. L WRKTEST AF1075 4.18.. 2. U for UNLOAD) = serverName concerned (in Your case the Local Server normally) <printer> = printerName concerned by order <product> = Mpi Product Number in Text Notes : 1..1. 19.19. using the cluster administration tools:    The cluster name The cluster IP address The nodes used by the cluster By default after the cluster configuration. you must have something configure as follow: For this example.19.1.12.Cluster configuration First. we define R:\ as the shared disk and nodes name is EOLE and Bigbrother 206 The Blue Server V7 . you must define on one server.2.How to install Blue Server on Windows 2003 cluster 12.Requirement   Windows 2003 installed on each cluster server (Node) Shared disk drive between each node 12. stop the MPI License File server service and the MPI License client service. Choose Custom install and change the installation path from c:\MPI R:\MPI Blue Server. Launch setup.Blue Server Installation         From the cluster administrator.3.12. Blue Server\MPI License to Delete the folder R:\MPI Blue Server\MPI License. Open regedit.19.exe from the Blue Server installation cdrom. Copy the folder R:\MPI C:\MPI Blue Server\MPI License. switch to the first node. Blue Server to After the installation complete. Go on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MPI Blue Server\MPI License\CurrentVersion\Setup and change the Rootdir key by the new license path (c:\MPI Blue Server\MPI License)  Go on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MPITech\MPI License\CurrentVersion\Setup and change the Rootdir key by the new license path (c:\MPI Blue Server\MPI License) The Blue Server V7 207 .  Go on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MPI Service and change the ImagePath key by the new (c:\MPI Blue Server\MPI License\MLCsrv.exe) License license Client path  Go on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MPI License Service and change the ImagePath key by the new license path (c:\MPI Blue Server\MPI License\MLCsrv.exe)    Then Start the MPI File Server service, MPI License Client service, MPI License Service (Set these services to Automatic startup) Generate a license key for this node Switch to the second node and then do the same procedure to install the Blue Server and modify the registry. 208 The Blue Server V7 12.19.4.Cluster configuration for Blue Server   You must now add the resources managed by the cluster. We need to add the MPI Parser service and the Shared disk as cluster resources Parser   From the cluster administrator , select New, New resources Configure this new resource like bellow  Select the servers used to create the MPI Blue Server Cluster The Blue Server V7 209  Create a MPI Parser Service dependency to the Shared disk. This is needed to be sure the shared disk was online before the MPI Parser service start. 210 The Blue Server V7 Disk The Blue Server V7 211  Select the servers who use the shared disk ressource  No dependency are needed for the shared disk 212 The Blue Server V7  Select the physical disk volume used by the Cluster  Select Bring Online The cluster became online and ready to use. you must use the CLUSTER IP ADDRESS and not the SERVERS IP ADDRESS The Blue Server V7 213 . On host side. You can use after the move group command to change the active server on the cluster group. if these do not already exist. Create a Print Spooler resource in that virtual server and make it dependent on the Network Name and Physical Disk resources. and a Physical Disk resource.12. LPR Ports: The LPR port monitor files are shipped on the Windows Server 2003 family media. a resource group containing a Network Name resource (where the Network Name resource is the name of a virtual server). Create a virtual server. Bring the virtual server containing the Print Spooler resource online. creates. an IP address resource.1.20. Important The port monitor must be installed on all nodes in the cluster before installing printer drivers on the virtual server.Print Driver installation on the virtual server   Click Start and then click Run.   o Open Printers and Faxes. type \\MyVirtualServer where MyVirtualServer is the name of the virtual server that the print spooler resource depends on. In the Run dialog box. Install the printer drivers. see "Virtual servers" in Related Topics. the port monitor for the Standard TCP/IP Port is installed by default with the operating system.Cluster configuration for windows queue To create a cluster-managed printer: 1.2. 5. The virtual server opens. printer port. see "To create a new group" and "To create a new resource" in Related Topics. 3.How to configure Blue Server on clustered Windows queue 12. then click the Drivers tab. and printer queue on the virtual server. For more information. see "To add a port" in Related Topics. For more information on installing the LPR port monitor and adding it to the list of Available port types for a node. 214 The Blue Server V7 . For more information. that is. For two other types of ports. 12. To install the IHV port monitor on each node. For the Windows Server 2003 family. install the driver package on each virtual server in the cluster. 4.20. Open Cluster Administrator. see "To bring a group online" in Related Topics.20. 2. Contact your IHV to verify that the third party port monitor is compatible with the Cluster service before installing on the cluster nodes. right click and select Server Properties. Custom IHV Ports: Printer drivers from Independent Hardware Vendors (IHVs) may include a custom IHV port monitor that must first be installed on each node. For more information on creating a new resource group and resources. Important: These two resources are required dependencies for the Print Spooler resource. Install printer drivers for your printer on the virtual server. you must first install the appropriate port monitor on each node before installing the printer drivers. 12. The virtual server opens. To open Cluster Administrator. both provided with the Windows Server 2003 family. Add a port. may be used in a server cluster. and then double-click Cluster Administrator. Check your printer documentation to verify that your printer can use one of these two ports.20. As a security best practice.4. Use the Add Printer Wizard to add a new print queue. LPR and Standard TCP/IP Port. Open Printers and Faxes. In the Run dialog box. you must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer.Printer port installation on the virtual server      Click Start and then click Run.Print queue installation on the virtual server   o Open the remote printers folder of the virtual server. double-click Administrative Tools. o o o The Blue Server V7 215 . then click the Ports tab.20. right click and select Server Properties. click Control Panel. Notes: To perform this procedure. To share out the printer. consider using Run as to perform this procedure. click Start. If the computer is joined to a domain.3. type \\MyVirtualServer where MyVirtualServer is the name of the virtual server that the print spooler resource depends on. Not all printer ports may be used in a server cluster. or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority. 12. you must share out the print queue from the virtual server itself and not from the individual nodes. members of the Domain Admins group might be able to perform this procedure. you must add some security user rights on the windows Queue. 216 The Blue Server V7 .Windows Queue sharing properties In order to use the windows queue from the Blue Server. Give all right to these users.20.  Open the windows queue properties windows    Open the Security Tab Add the Network and Network Service user.5.12. AS/400 or Mainframe (e g : IP address = 192.21.Description With Blue Server you can record a Telnet trace with the internal utility.21.Configuration on the Blue Server WorkStation where the Blue Server is installed (e g : IP address = Session    On Blue Server side. Double click to activate the set up mode.2. unload the printer session.How to record a SPY trace using Blue Server – Telnet session 12.64) Set the Trace Option parameter to “Record” The Blue Server V7 217 . 21. unload the printer. The trace file will be created. 218 The Blue Server V7 . Note :If you are running AS400 you will now need to end the writer.3. To Stop the trace. The communication is established with the AS/400 or Mainframe.   Select Apply. 12.Send the job   Wait for the entire job to print on the printer. Load the printer. and load the printer Print the job. Click right.64) The IBM Host will send data over TCP/IP to the PC/Workstation running Blue Server Spy utility.3) WorkStation where the Blue Server is installed (e g : IP address = 192.).Description Blue Server internal trace is a internal TCPIP utility used for capturing IPDS traces in a Mainframe and AS400 environment. select setup mode. Spy utility needs to be stopped to close the recording. or application problem is generated from the ipfntpcl.\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\trace   Apply the modification. AS/400 or Mainframe (e g : IP address = 192. A new parameter is displayed.spy>.   Change the Trace Option parameter to “Record”. At the end of the job.168. The Blue Server V7 219 . 12.Setup and Configuration    Unload your target printer configuration from the Blue Server GUI... overlay. only in case of “simple” printing problem (fonts.How to record a internal SPY trace using Blue Server – Parser session 12. The default directory used for recording the spy trace is : . file. but the external trace utility.22.1.168. The Blue Server Spy utility will forward the data to the printer without alteration. If a Dr Watson.  Fill this new option with a <file_name. Use this trace mode. do not use this trace mode. page presentation.22.12. Select the “Utilities” tab. The Blue Server Spy utility will record the data to a file. The PPR Spy tool will forward the data to the Parser without alteration. 220 The Blue Server V7 .27.1.23.How to record an external SPY trace with PPRSPY utility – Parser session 12.12.82) The IBM Host will send data over TCP/IP to the PC/Workstation running PPR Spy.23.17. At the end of the job. PPR Spy needs to be stopped to close the recording.Description PPRSPY is a TCPIP utility used for capturing IPDS traces in a Mainframe and AS400 environment AS/400 or Mainframe WorkStation where PPRPSY is installed (e g : IP address = 172.82) WorkStation where the Parser is installed (e g : IP address = 172. The PPR Spy tool will record the data to a file. Note: For PPR Spy to record the job.27.17. PPR Spy will not record a job sent directly to the Parser. verify that the Host sends the data to the TCP/IP address of the PC/Workstation. you will need to specify this in the PPR Spy utility (5001) Open the utility by double clicking on the application: The Following GUI will appear        One to one IP Address IP Port PC IP Address Accepting IP Port : checked ”1” : Setup the TCP/IP address of the target LinkCom or Host2Net product ”2” : Setup the Port Number of the target LinkCom or Host2Net product ”3” : Match this to the IP address of the workstation where the utility is running.EXE to a new directory of your local C or D hard drive (for example C:\PPRSPY) On your IBM host (Mainframe or AS/400) printer definition change the TCP/IP address to the one of the PC running the PPR Spy tool (PC IP Address).2.12.23.Setup and Configuration   Copy PPRSPY2. Be sure to note the port number you are using. : Match this to the IP port you have specified your IBM host printer definition : Browse to any location and specify a file name ”4” File Name ”5” The Blue Server V7 221 . instead of the IP address of the LinkCom or Host2Net. ). **Please email the file to you MPI technical support representative. Closing the Trace When the Job is printed please click the Stop button.** 222 The Blue Server V7 . this will close the MPI PPR Spy GUI and the MPI PPR Spy Dos window. Click on Record ”6” This will also open a Dos window and the message "waiting for accepting” will display You can now send the job to the new printer definition setup on you IBM Host pointing to the PPR Spy tool. (On the PPR Spy DOS window you will see data being received. you must define a LUA LU. .1.12.Parser session 12.This new window appears: Note : The number specified for LU must match the LOCADDR parameter of the VTAM LU Definition The Blue Server V7 223 .How to configure a SNA/HIS LU using Blue Server . In order to run with MPI Router. . you must create your printer LU.24.Make a right click on your connection and select Application LU (LUA).SNA Server configuration – Create a Printer LU Attached to the connection.24. 224 The Blue Server V7 . “Paper Controls”. .2.Blue Server .The other tabs “IPDS Settings”.2.Connection tab Notes: . are not used in this case.The SCS Settings tab is only used only for SCS printout.Router Mainframe configuration 12. 24.Blue Server – Parser configuraiton 12.12.1.Host tab The Blue Server V7 225 .3.24.3. Loading the Router Maiframe and Parser you are now able to print SCS or IPDS jobs from your Mainframe IBM host.4.24.24. 226 The Blue Server V7 .Blue Server side With this configuration.SNA The PSNA201 is SSCP 12.24. MPI3 Is the SNA connection PRTSNA02 is the LUA LU defined with MPI3 and assigned to the TN3270 service. you can assign it to the with the TN3270 service which will transform the SNA data stream to TN 3270 data stream.Description When you have a LUA printer attached to a SNA Connection. The Blue Server V7 227 . In the above example.31.12.How to allocate a SNA/HIS LU using Blue Server – Telnet session 12.Allocate a LUA to Telnet MATRIX is the HIS server : IP address = 192.1. AS/400 or Mainframe WorkStation/Server where SNA / HIS is installed WorkStation/Server where the Blue Server is installed 12.25.25. properties : 12.2.TN3270 Set Type = Generic Printer 228 The Blue Server V7 .12.1.2. 1.61 is the PC running Blue Server. You must allow this IP Address to access the PRTSNA02 printer The Blue Server V7 229 .IP Address List 15 230 The Blue Server V7 .168.Blue Server configuration: Telnet Type = Telnet 3270 SCS (Mainframe) You must specify the HIS Server as “Server IP Address” : in this case Matrix is Procedure Below are the steps needed to turn the jogging function “on” in Blue Server.Description This article describes the steps needed to initiate jogging in Blue Server. vary the device off and on again and retest. Next reload the printer. This process will need to be done on all printers needing the ability to job. Parameter 21 Alternate Offset Stacker: 1 1 – Enables jogging 0 – Disables jogging @2 --. This will open a window which will allow you to edit additional printer parameters.How to Initiate Jogging in Blue Server – AOS – Alternate Offset Staker 12. Right click on the printer and select edit.    Open the Blue Server interface and unload your printer. Scroll down to Section 2.12. If the job does not jog we will need to capture a trace to verify that the XOA AOS (jog command) is present in the data.26.Section 2 --#1 Defaults switches: 0 #2 Paper size (Upper bin): 0 #3 Paper size (Lower bin): 0 #4 Automatic / manual: 0 #5 Paper sizer (manual bin): 2 #6 Print orientation (Upper bin): 0 #7 Print orientation (Lower bin): 0 #8 Print orientation (Manual bin): 0 #9 Automatic print orientation: 0 #10 Primary tray: 0 #11 Lines Per Inch: 0 #12 Line spacing: 0 #13 Characters Per Inch: 0 #14 Send to Fax: 0 #15 Page Configuration: 1 #16 Text as Graphics: 0 #17 Maximum Page Length: 64 #18 Maximum Print Position: 132 #19 Top binding margin: 2 #20 Left binding margin: 2 #21 Alternate Offset Stacker: 1 #22 Default code page: 0 #23 Code page version: 1    After parameter 21 has been set click the disk icon in the upper right corner to save and then click apply.26. The Blue Server V7 231 . The resources can be fonts. As soon as a file with the extension .27.\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\” directory. Page Segments or Formdefs (PageDefs support is not implemented yet). The software which analyses and transforms the AFPDS to IPDS is the DLL “AfpAnalyzer. From this point.) In order to rename the output produced..How to setup Blue Server for AFP Warning To use this functionality.afp 232 The Blue Server V7 . all the standard Blue Server features are available (transforms.) 12.afp arrives in this directory.…. job naming. Blue Server automatically detects it and processes it. “C:\Input_AFP” is the active directory. The AFPDS data used in Blue Server may be created with embedded or external resources.27. The Blue Server accepts the AFPDS file from a “Hot Directory”. In addition to IPDS. overlays. PostScript ….12.1. The Blue Server (Parser) supports AFPDS input data.Input Configuration In this example.dll” located in the “. a specific license must be added. splitting. It transforms the AFPDS to IPDS in order to take advantage of all the transforms already available (PCL.. Please contact MPI TECH or your local MPI TECH for further instructions. the parameter %FILENAME% has been added to the naming convention. It represents the name of the input AFPDS file without the extension . If a required resource is not embedded in the AFPDS file.IbmMpiPages..27. If it is not present. 12. it looks in the “UserLib” configured directory.AFPDS transform Log In addition to the standard Blue Server Parser log. “afpsyn. The Blue Server looks at external files for font substitution: .TXT : substitution file for Character Sets : substitution file for Code Pages . if it is not found in the AFPDS file nor in the configured directories.\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\pfont” directory. I case of a font resources.External AFP resources There are specific directories to store the external AFP resources.. The Blue Server V7 233 . Blue Server searches it first in the corresponding configured directory.log” located in “.FGIDLIST.TXT These font substitution files are located in the “.\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\log” is an additional Log file which gives indications about the AFP transform process. 1. The character set may contain a raster or an outline font.2.1. the character set in ISO Standard 646.28.28.28.pfb) The file 3812. Page Contains A set of assignments. font metrics.3.pfb.12.28. In IPDS the code page is „identified with both a GCSGID and a CPGID.275.The AFP font resources There are three kinds of AFP font resources: 12.cpg The file T1IPDS.259. contains the association adobe type 1 font to a FGID and a list of code page supported .How to configure Blue Server AFP font tables 12. It is a finite set of different graphic or control characters that is complete for a given purpose. The IBM code pages use the prefix T1 (example T100500= international) 12.416 - The file Subst4028. each of which assigns a code point to a character. and the digital representation of character shapes for a specified graphic character set. the raster font is identified with a FGID and a Font Width.….1.274.28.fon contains all the code pages known by Blue server.1.38. Example: #mpicou.277.Font Character Set Contains the descriptive information.xml contains the font correlation between a raster IPDS font (FGID + Font Width) with the corresponding outline font Example: <Substitution> <RasterCodedFont> <RegisteredFontID>11</RegisteredFontID> <FontWidth>144</FontWidth> </RasterCodedFont> <OutlineCodedFont> <RegisteredFontID>416</RegisteredFontID> <FontWidth>144</FontWidth> <FontHeight>144</FontHeight> <Report>1</Report> </OutlineCodedFont> </Substitution> 234 The Blue Server V7 .Coded Font Contains elements of a code page and a font character set The IBM coded fonts use the prefix X0 (example X04140 = char set C0420000 + code page T1000361) 12.The Blue Server IPDS font ressources The directory \MPI Parser\Pfont contains the Blue Server font resources: A collection of Adobe type one fonts corresponding to the IBM resident fonts (example: mpicou. The outline font is identified with a FGID and a Pointsize (corresponding to a Font Width) The IBM raster fonts use the prefix C0 (example C0420000 = raster Character set courier latin 1 The IBM outline fonts use the prefix CZ (example CZH200 = Character set Helvetica Latin 1 12.37. For example.1. In IPDS.2.276. xml this table makes the correspondence between the AFP code page name to the IPDS code page number (CPGID) Example: <CPSUBSTITUTION> <CODEPAGE> <NAME>T1V10037</NAME> <CPGID>37</CPGID> <DESCRIPTION>USA/CANADA . two tables have been produced: AFPCPSubst. Example: from raster fonts they want the fonts to be substituted with outline PDF fonts and only have a subset of the outline font embedded to the PDF or just want to have the reference of the font in the PDF (It is then Acrobat reader from its internal font list which makes the substation for the display).CECP</DESCRIPTION> </CODEPAGE> <CPPRINTER> <CPGID>37</CPGID> <DOWNLOAD>false</DOWNLOAD> </CPPRINTER> </CPSUBSTITUTION> AFPFontSubst.12.3.xml this table makes the correspondence between the AFP Character set and the IPDS font selected (FGID + Font Width): Example: <CSSUBSTITUTION> <CHARACTERSET> <NAMENBR>1</NAMENBR> <NAMELIST>C0G00001</NAMELIST> <FGID>2304</FGID> <DESCRIPTION>Helvetica</DESCRIPTION> </CHARACTERSET> <IPDSFONT> <FGID>2304</FGID> <FONTWIDTH>67</FONTWIDTH> <FONTHEIGHT>0</FONTHEIGHT> <DOWNLOAD>false</DOWNLOAD> </IPDSFONT> The Blue Server V7 235 . In order to address the right IPDS font.28.The AFP – IPDS correlation The default is all the AFP resources are downloaded in IPDS and then incorporated to the transformed data stream (PCL PS…) The customers who want to produce PDF from the AFP often have concerns about the PDF file size and PDF quality. select Network → Servers → TCP/IP. The QSPL subsystem needs to be started to run printer passthrough sessions.29. check these points on the AS/400. At the Operation Navigator screen.How to verify an AS/400 feature for Telnet5250 emulation with Blue Server Before loading and SCS Telnet 5250 emulation with MPI Blue Server. so be sure to set it large enough to allow for necessary printer session as well as display sessions. The default value QAUTOVRT is set to zero to prevent automatic virtual device creation. To allow for up to 50 virtual devices (for example).  236 The Blue Server V7 . If you want the Telnet server to start automatically. You need to change this value. and the appropriate PTFs or Service Packs.   Minimum OS/400 V3R1M3 or higher. you have to issue the following command : CHGSYSVAL SYSVAL(QAUTOVRT) VALUE(50)  The OS/400 Telnet server needs to be started before the printer emulation can be used. and check the box next to "Start this server automatically when TCP/IP starts. right-click Telnet." You also have to make sure that an interactive subsystem is active to run interactive jobs for Telnet sessions. The QAUTOVRT system value also applies to printer emulation sessions. selects Properties. click the General tab. This can be done by issuing the command : STRTCPSVR SERVER(*TELNET)  Alternatively the Operations Navigator interface can be used as well.12. 30.2. Below are sample header files.Procedure You must create a Job Header file that will be specified in the Blue Server printer setup.30. They include the following : %JOBNAME% %JOBID% %FORMS% %USERNAME% %LIBNAME% %DEVNAME% %SESSID% %SESSNAME% %INCREMENT% %PRINTERNAME% %DATE% %TIME% The Blue Server V7 237 .Description This article describes the steps needed to display job names from Blue Server on the front panel of your printer.. This file will insert PJL commands and these commands will allow the job name to be displayed on the front panel of your printer.30. When the printer is idle and displaying the “Ready” message this is a priority of 0 (zero).12. <ESC>%-12345X@PJL JOB NAME="AFP" @PJL RDYMSG DISPLAY="%JOBNAME%" <ESC>%-12345X The above header will produce the job name on an HP printer.\MPI Blue Server\MPI Parser\NT\.1. 12. <ESC>%-12345X@PJL JOB NAME="AFP" @PJL COMMENT CANPJL SET DOCNAME="%JOBNAME%" <ESC>%-12345X 12. you can use a number of other parameters in place of the job name. Below is an example. Note that each printer manufacture may use different PJL commands to produce the job name.30. You can then apply the printer and test.For Hp or compatible PJL printers You can use a basic text editor to produce the file. Note on HP‟s there is a priority to the messages that are displayed on the front panel.For Canon imageRUNNER You can use a basic text editor to produce the file. If you would like. When using the PJL command “RDYMSG”. We recommend contacting them for a PJL manual. <ESC>%-12345X@PJL @PJL COMMENT Restore READY message @PJL RDYMSG DISPLAY="" <ESC>%-12345X Once this file(s) is created save it to the following directory . When a job is processing and the printer displays “Processing Job” this is a higher priority and therefore will over ride the “Ready” message.How to Display Blue Server job names on the front panel of your printer 12.2. 12. Below are sample header files. Then in your Blue Server specify the file on the Utilities tab under Job Header File. if a front panel message is produced with a higher priority your job name will disappear. Also be aware that HP‟s require a RDYMSG reset. You can accomplish this by creating a second file or trailer file. . enter this command : User ID .----------------------------------------------. duplication or disclosure restricted | | by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. : TSO logon : TSO prefix: System ID : MVS acct. : Release . : Time. : Screen. | | All rights reserved. | | US Government Users Restricted Rights | s | Use.168. . : Language. r | Licensed Materials .31. : PHD 15:31 3278 1 ENGLISH ISR ISPFPROC PHD S390 ACCT# ISPF 4. | '----------------------------------------------' ard F10=Actions F12=Cancel   Select option 6 From this menu.How to verify an IPDS printer emulation from a MVS host using IP protocol   Used your LOGON access for the MVS session.31. : Terminal.8 F8=Forward F9=Swap TELNET <printer_IP_Address> <Port_Number> For example: Menu List Mode Functions Utilities Help -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ISPF Command Shell Enter TSO or Workstation commands below: ===> TELNET 192. From the main menu : Menu Utilities Compilers Options Status Help -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ISPF Primary Option Menu Option ===> 0 Settings Terminal and user parameters 1 View Display source data or listings 2 Edit Create or change source data 3 Utilities Perform utility functions 4 Foreground Interactive language processing 5 Batch Submit job for language processing 6 Command Enter TSO or Workstation commands 7 Dialog Test Perform dialog testing 8 LM Facility Library administrator functions 9 IBM Products IBM program development products .12. 1999. : Appl ID . 1980. .Property of IBM | | 5647-A01 (C) Copyright IBM Corp.201 5001 Place cursor on choice and press enter to Retrieve command => => => => => => => => => => F1=Help F10=Actions F2=Split F12=Cancel F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap 238 The Blue Server V7 . 31. If the connection is possible : Menu List Mode Functions Utilities Help -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ISPF Command Shell Enter TSO or Workstation commands below: ===> TELNET 192. port 5001 EZA8262I Foreign host did not respond within OPEN timeout (8560) *** The Blue Server V7 239 .168.168.201 5001 Place cursor on choice and press enter to Retrieve command => => => => => => => => => EZA8200I MVS TCP/IP TELNET CS V2R8 EZA8256I Connecting to 5001 Place cursor on choice and press enter to Retrieve command => => => => => => => => => EZA8200I MVS TCP/IP TELNET CS V2R8 EZA8256I Connecting to 192. port 5001 *** If the connection is NOT possible : Menu List Mode Functions Utilities Help -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ISPF Command Shell Enter TSO or Workstation commands below: ===> TELNET 192. Press enter.168.201. The Parser files (PDF.32.32.85) The IBM Host will send data over TCP/IP to the PC/Workstation running Blue Server – Parser session.27.17. WorkStation where the Parser wants to remotely access (e g : IP address = 192.Configuration 12.32.Description AS/400 or Mainframe WorkStation where Blue Server is installed (e g : IP address = 192. PS2. PCL) can be forwarded to a remote workstation.How to remotely access using MPI Parser Service 12.MPI Parser Service Properties In the Column "Log On As" the default value is LocalSystem 240 The Blue Server V7 . the MPI Parser Service must be configured as follows:   Select MPI Parser Service. select properties  Select the Log On Tab. The Blue Server V7 241 .To allow the remotely access. Click right.    Select This account: The default value is "LocalSystem" Click on Browse box  And you will get the default name of the workstation / server. 242 The Blue Server V7 .  Select OK. select the Administrator account. When the Domain Name is displayed. and you will get this new display : The Blue Server V7 243 .  Change this value to your Domain Name. Select Apply.32.  Enter the Password. and you will get this message : Now your MPI Parser Service is ready for remotely access to other workstation or server 12.Problems  If you get the other message => Problem. 244 The Blue Server V7 .3. and Confirm.  Check the previous steps. 12.You cannot get an access to GUI Unfortunately you cannot get an access to the MPI License GUI.jar (enter)    Your first step is to connect to the main license server.IP Connection. or send it by mail to you local MPI Tech area. The main license server can report any errors via an email broadcast. All remote Blue Servers will poll this server for the required licenses.Read this file. Java (version 1. Or open a MSDos window and run these commands (on the local drive. and you have checked: . 12.1. .How to understand Blue Server V7. Then click connect. MLDiag tools . .exe file from <Local_Drive>:\MPI Blue Server\MPI License .xx Licensing 12.33.Access Once the Blue Server is installed you can access the license module from the main interface by :   Double left clicking on the “ “ icon in the upper left corner.Double click on it.Java version. where Blue Server is installed) : CD MPI Blue Server\MPI License javaw –jar mlditf.1.diagnostic. The Blue Server V7 245 . 12. Special utilities has been created for identifying problems: 1. a log file or an interface which can be viewed from any remote PC running the proper software. To configure the Blue Server License system. .33.Summary      The Main License Server (MLS) has been renamed to the Main License Daemon (MLD) and the client (Secondary License Server . You can do this by entering either the IP address or DNS name in the field labeled „Server‟ in the upper left corner. The Blue Server license module is designed to be run on one central server.A “licenses.Blue Server V7 version.log” file is created.Open the MLDiag.33.2.3 or higher) must be installed on the MLD server.33.SLS) is now called a Main License Client (MLC). .2. exe file from <Local_Drive>:\MPI Blue Server\MPI License . Following the Registered Licenses tab is the Alerts tab. You can also enable or disable the license logging and reset licenses in the case of an extended trial period or license error.33.Double click on it. The last tab is called Migration. Here you can setup alerts to be sent to you in the case of a product overflow. . This number along with some additional information allows MPI to generate a proper license. It will display such information as the connected product. You will also see the types of products installed and the options being used for each product. This can be remedied by unloaded the number of printers in overflow or purchasing an upgraded license. platform. On this tab you will configure all of your remote servers to connect to the mail license server. Each tab contains information important to managing your license server and Blue Server environment. MLRegister tools .Definition The license module contains 5 tabs as well as a registering number field. Keep in mind that a server may reside a great distance from the main license server so it could take a minute or two before the updated information displays. 4. The second point to know is that the license screen is updated automatically every 15 minutes. This simply means that the number of active (loaded) printers for that product exceeds the number of licenses installed. and so forth. The server field along with the refresh button we have already outlined and the exit button will close the license interface. 1. called License Usage. The first tab. version. 246 The Blue Server V7 . The next tab is Registered Licenses. To see any updates immediately you must click refresh at the bottom of the interface. You may not see updated information during an automatic update because remote servers will poll licenses at different times. Active Products breaks your licenses up by server and product. 3.33. The agreement numbers are generated by MPI and are what define how many active printers you can safely run. The second tab. shows over all data for your entire Blue Server environment.Discovery There are a couple points to know before moving on. You will see DNS and IP addresses for each server as well as last communication between servers. Any product in red is considered to be in an overflow status.2. 12.And you will get the following display 12.4.Open the MLRegister. The registering number is unique to each Blue Server.3. 5. This is where you will install and manage your agreement numbers. 2. a server field and a refresh and exit button. Linux and Windows versions. : Along with the above mentioned products there are many options under each product that can be installed such as AFP input.33. : Displays version of remote license module. : Here you will see how many total pages have been ripped for each product. : This column shows the number of licenses installed for the named product. : Some products have a limit of pages that can be processed each month such as PDF or Tiff. : The total amount of licenses used for a given product are displayed in the column. This includes our Sun Solaris. Speed Nb Lic Lic Used Usage Used The Blue Server V7 247 .33. : Our Blue Server versions are being developed to connect to one universal license platform. They are displayed in this column.1.5. Parser and Telnet.12. If you are using a product that has a monthly rip limitation the product will show in overflow if the Used column exceeds the Usage column. For now this is the only product we have developed to connect to this license module.5. This column will show how many pages are defined by the license for a monthly rip. : There are many different products within Blue Server that can be configured such as SNA Mainframe. : This displays the speed in which the printers are configured to rip.Detail 12.License Usage Product Platform Ver. faxing and emailing. Type Option of : This will always say “The Blue Server”. This column displays these products. 5.2. : Displays the IP address of the connected server.Active Products All columns on this tab have the same definition as the Licenses Usage tab except for the following : Server Ip Last Comm : Displays the DNS name of the connected server.33. 248 The Blue Server V7 .12. : Here you will see the time of the last communication between the remote server and the main license server. : By selecting a server and clicking this button you can verify that a remote server is responding to requests from the main license server. If the server is still active it will reappear in the list when you click refresh. : During a Blue Server trial this button will tell you how many days remain on the installed products. If the server does not respond you need to verify that it is online. Check Presence Get Counters The Blue Server V7 249 . In the below image you can see that “IPDS”. no limit” has a permanent license of usage.Button : Remove Server : You have the option of removing servers from the list by selecting them and clicking the Remove Server button. . If the licenses are permanent then a “No Limit” is displayed.Copy this file to ”<Local_Drive>:\MPI directory. File keys. execute the following steps : . 250 The Blue Server V7 . : This column displays the date the licenses expire. and sent to the customer. : Displays the date the licenses were generated by MPI. Delete Agreement : Clicking this button will delete the selected agreement number. . S/N Gen Date Validity Button : Add Agreement : This button allows you to add a new agreement number generated by MPI.5.3.Registered Licenses All columns on this tab have the same definition as the Licenses Usage tab except for the following. To perform this Agreement update. Blue Server\MPI License” : This is the internal serial number of the product installed.Re Start the MPI License Service.12.33.Stop the MPI License service.cfg can be generated. in case of problem). Load Current Setting : Used for retrieving parameters from the configuration file. : Display current license server status. Refresh Exit : Used for displaying the updated modification (Error log for example) : Used for exit.Used to create all “Licenses Services Events” (for tech supports. The Blue Server V7 251 . :.Alerts All columns on this tab have the same definition as the Licenses Usage tab except for the following : Outgoing SMTP Email address Log to File Error log Button : Save New Setting : Used for saving the new parameters : This is the internal DNS name or IP address of the mail server providing the SMTP service. : It is the name of the email sender. 252 The Blue Server V7 .Reset License Errors : Used with the agreement of MPI. and .jar .Migration     The migration tab will allow you to define your main license server and all of the remote servers you want to connect.Configuration. Make sure in the Server field.Firewall configuration. This action can be done on the MPI License server or on other workstation.ini to the server/workstation.5. the local host (default value) may be replace with the MLD server name. and double click on MLDitf.33.MLDitf. And you will get the following display: Notes: If the message: “Communication problem or Licensing Service Stopped” is displayed.jar file.Launcher. The Blue Server V7 253 .3 or higher) must be installed on the server/workstation.exe . if the GUI is not running on the MLD server. Java (version 1.5.MPI License Service started on the MLD .MLDitf. To configure the Blue Server License system.Server field name.12.txt . check: . Make sure the “MPI License Service “ is started. Just copy these files: . Note: In the above display. the new server should be displayed. (i.1. 2. Repeat this action as many once as necessary. 5. In the “Add a new MLC” field specify the DNS or IP address of all the Main License Client installed. No Parser and/or Router are installed. Then in the field “migrate MLCs to use the following license server (aka MLD)” enter the DNS or IP address of the remote server you would like to connect. Then click on the field “>>” In the MLCs to migrate column. 4. 254 The Blue Server V7 .e: idafr2) only manage the licenses. 3. and you will get the following display: 8. The Blue Server V7 255 .6. (i. 7. Next click the “Do Migration” button.e: idafr2) manage the licenses and Parser and/or Router. Note: In the above display. The migration has been finished. Then in the field “migrate MLCs to use the following license server (aka MLD)” enter the DNS or IP address of the remote server you would like to connect. <This page is intentionally left blank> 256 The Blue Server V7 . 13. When the active node fails.1. Use the VMware environment and a backup image of the server. The Blue Server V7 257 . The only manual intervention required is the re-direction of the host data to the backup server. A backup copy of the configuration files. The backup server will monitor the operation of the primary server and if it detects a failure will automatically load its copy of the printer configurations ready for operation. MPI recommends using one of the following options as a means of backup:  Use of the MPI Backup system (optional component): A second copy of Blue Server can be installed on a separate machine in a backup capacity to mirror the primary server. Product Support To aid fast and efficient recovery from a server or system failure it is necessary to have the following items available from the original installation: The original Blue Server installation files. the passive node automatically starts the application. Blue Server Recovery 13.   Use a Windows active/passive cluster environment. When the product is being used as a “business critical” application requiring availability 24 hours a day 7 days a week. <This page is intentionally left blank> 258 The Blue Server V7 . Inc. annotations. or are under common control with that entity.freetype. Trademarks . PANTONE® and other Pantone. . whether in Source or Object form. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. Definitions.Unix® is a registered trademark of the Open Group. trademarks are the property of Pantone. All rights reserved.apache. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control. Inc.. © Pantone. or other modifications The Blue Server V7 259 . "Derivative Works" shall mean any work. and Windows NT® are U. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications. and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship. Inc.Windows®.Microsoft® is U.S. reproduction. .S. January 2004 http://www. including but not limited to software source code. whether in Source or Object form. AND DISTRIBUTION 1. whether by contract or otherwise. ========================================================== Apache License Version 2. . .0. "control" means (i) the power.14.S. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. Consult current PANTONE Publications for the accurate color. MS Windows®.org). registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions. 2000.True Type™ is U.PANTONE® Colors generated may not match PANTONE-identified standards. direct or indirect.Netscape Navigator is a U. or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares. . REPRODUCTION. trademark of Netscape Communications. are controlled by.PostScript® is a trademark of adobe Systems. elaborations.Adobe® is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. . documentation source. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form. and configuration files. generated documentation. or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. including but not limited to compiled object code.Portions of this software are copyright © 2006 The FreeType Project (www. For the purposes of this definition. made available under the License. trademark of Apple Computers. and conversions to other media types. . "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use. . to cause the direction or management of such entity. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE. the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work. and in Source or Object form. "submitted" means any form of electronic. worldwide. then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium. use. no-charge. source code control systems. including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof. publicly display. royalty-free. have made. but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution. import. and form of the Work. the Work and Derivative Works thereof. Redistribution. 2. and otherwise transfer the Work. 4. irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make. For the purposes of this definition. Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from. sell. prepare Derivative Works of." "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. sublicense. in the Source form that You distribute. publicly perform. offer to sell. and (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files. irrevocable copyright license to reproduce. royalty-free. where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. For the purposes of this License. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License. and (c) You must retain. each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual. verbal. Grant of Copyright License. or on behalf of. and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. worldwide.represent. non-exclusive. an original work of authorship. and issue tracking systems that are managed by. all copyright. as a whole. and of any Derivative Works patent. Grant of Patent License. no-charge. including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists. or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship. each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual. or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License. attribution notices from the Source excluding those notices that do not the Derivative Works. trademark. provided that You meet the following conditions: (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License. with or without modifications. non-exclusive. 3. pertain to any part of 260 The Blue Server V7 . In no event and under no legal theory. 7. You may choose to offer. including any direct. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use. Submission of Contributions. 5. unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. or any and all other commercial damages or losses). without limitation. reproduction. excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works. then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file. or. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing. incidental. whether in tort (including negligence). and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. special. or otherwise. or distribution of Your modifications. or product names of the Licensor. indirect. indemnity. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof. or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill. MERCHANTABILITY. without any additional terms or conditions. acceptance of support. within the Source form or documentation. except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. Limitation of Liability. if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. Notwithstanding the above. or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this The Blue Server V7 261 . if provided along with the Derivative Works. trademarks. work stoppage. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND. warranty. or for any such Derivative Works as a whole. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. including. shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work. reproduction. Disclaimer of Warranty. NON-INFRINGEMENT. Unless You explicitly state otherwise. within a display generated by the Derivative Works. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names. computer failure or malfunction.(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution. 9. in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works. any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License. and charge a fee for. provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. 8. contract. Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS. service marks. nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. provided Your use. 6. Trademarks. either express or implied. any warranties or conditions of TITLE. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.An LZW decoder for GIF Copyright (C) 1987.0 (the "License").davide. You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility. by Steven A. To apply the Apache License to your work. in accepting such obligations.Spann@ConnRiver. or claims asserted Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] Licensed under the Apache License.71 25/Apr/2003 See the file history. an H&R Block Company.pizzolato@libero. either express or implied.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing. software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS. with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information. ========================================================== ************************************************************* *** *** *** GIF Image Class Loader and Writer copyright(s) notice *** *** *** ************************************************************* ---. such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. and only if You agree to indemnify. you may not use this file except in compliance with the> ---CxImage version 5. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format.CxImageTIF (c) 07/Aug/2001 <ing. not on behalf of any other> ---CxImage version 5. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives.unam.CxImageICO (c) 07/Aug/2001 <ing.71 25/Apr/2003 original CImageGIF and CImageIterator implementation are: Copyright: (c) DECODE.C . However. Incorporated. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.htm for the complete bugfix and news report. and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by. defend.License. Version> 6/15/97 Randy Spann: Added GIF87a writing support R. Alejandro Aguilar Sierra <asierra@servidor. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND. attach the following boilerplate notice.davide. Parts of the code come from FreeImage 2 262 The Blue Server V7 . C++ version by Alejandro Aguilar Sierra GIF and 'Graphics Interchange Format' are trademarks (tm) of Compuserve. ---.pizzolato@libero. Bennett Copyright (C) 1994. Inc. text and solid shapes on a solid-colored background. INCIDENTAL. INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND. since the image data is not LZW-compressed (this is the point: in order to avoid transgression of the Unisys patent on the LZW algorithm. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe LibTIFF is: Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics. with respect to this code and accompanying ." The Hutchison Avenue Software Corporation disclaims all warranties. including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. distribute.) However. and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee. provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of CompuServe Incorporated. IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL.univ-lehavre. generate files conforming to the GIF spec. ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. either express or . INCLUDING WITHOUT Permission to use. for example digital or scanned photos. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. modify. 7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39 4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B ivo@hasc. copy.Floris van den Berg (flvdberg@wxs. This type of compression gives good results on images with many runs. and (ii) the names of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the software without the specific.Markus Loibl (markus.Design and implementation by . ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE. The miGIF compression routines do not. AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY.miGIF Compression . modify. der Mouse [email protected]@epost.qc.v . prior written permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon [email protected] and ivo's GIF-compatible compression ---Copyright (C) 1998 Hutchison Avenue Software Corporation http://www.Luca Piergentili (l. Permission to use. for example images with lines. This software is provided "AS IS. provided that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and related documentation. It compresses horizontal runs of pixels of the same color.cpp. miGIF generates data streams that any reasonably sane LZW decompresser will decompress to what we want.Herve Drolon ([email protected] 2000/12/18 22:42:53 uzadow Exp $ ---Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Ulrich von Zadow The Blue Server V7 263 . WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE. copy. strictly speaking.$Id: FilterRotate. DATA OR PROFITS. miGIF compression uses run length encoding.pierge@terra. and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted. It gives little or no compression on images with few runs. IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE. ---. Inc nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. INDIRECT. 1991. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT. INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE LOSS OF USE. LOSS OF USE. this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. with or without modification. DATA. WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT. are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice. CMU AND THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE. PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES. Networks Associates Technology.Part 2: Networks Associates Technology. copy. EXEMPLARY. OR PROFITS. Inc copyright notice (BSD) ----Copyright (c) 2001-2003. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY. SPECIAL. WHETHER IN CONTRACT. NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION. *********************************** *** *** *** NETSNMP copyright(s) notice *** *** *** *********************************** ---. INCIDENTAL. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS.******************************** *** *** *** JPEG copyright(s) notice *** *** *** ******************************** This software (The Blue Server) is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms. IN NO EVENT SHALL CMU OR THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL.1996. 1998-2000 The Regents of the University of California All Rights Reserved Permission to use. STRICT LIABILITY. INCLUDING. and that the name of CMU and The Regents of the University of California not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific written permission. modify and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted. 1998-2000 Copyright 1996. 264 The Blue Server V7 . this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice. * Neither the name of the Networks Associates Technology. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING. EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Inc All rights reserved. 1992 by Carnegie Mellon University Derivative Work . ---.Part 1: CMU/UCD copyright notice: (BSD like) ----Copyright 1989. provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. DATA OR PROFITS. Part 5: Sparta. Inc. with or without modification. INCLUDING. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES. SPECIAL. Use is subject to license terms below. STRICT LIABILITY. * The name of Cambridge Broadband Ltd. and other countries.Part 4: Sun Microsystems. * Neither the name of the Sun Microsystems. copyright notice (BSD) ----Portions of this code are copyright (c) 2001-2003.A. EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. with or without modification. in the U. This distribution may include materials developed by third parties. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT. 4150 Network Circle. California 95054. ---. OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING. the Sun logo and Solaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems. this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. copyright notice (BSD) ----Copyright © 2003 Sun Microsystems. INCIDENTAL. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. Inc. WHETHER IN CONTRACT. Sparta. WHETHER IN CONTRACT. this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice. with or without modification. All rights reserved. INCIDENTAL.S. Inc. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: The Blue Server V7 265 . ---. may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY. OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. Cambridge Broadband Ltd. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. DATA. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms. INDIRECT.Part 3: Cambridge Broadband Ltd. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice.S. LOSS OF USE. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. OR PROFITS. Inc. Sun Microsystems. Inc copyright notice (BSD) ----Copyright (c) 2003-2004. INCLUDING. PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES. DATA. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice. EXEMPLARY. Inc All rights reserved. this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. STRICT LIABILITY.---.. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms. are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice. All rights reserved. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. EXEMPLARY. EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SPECIAL. OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. INDIRECT. OR PROFITS. Sun. U. OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY. LOSS OF USE. Santa Clara. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. STRICT LIABILITY. ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice. * Neither the name of Sparta. provided that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and related documentation. Permission to use. LOSS OF USE. SPECIAL. OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING. OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY. OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION. distribute. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. INDIRECT. ********************************** *** *** *** JASPER copyright(s) notice *** *** *** ********************************** Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Image Power. and (ii) the names of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the software without the specific. prior written permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. INCIDENTAL. Inc. OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE. JasPer Software License IMAGE POWER JPEG-2000 PUBLIC LICENSE ************************************ GRANT: 266 The Blue Server V7 . IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE. DATA. INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND. this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. All rights reserved. INCIDENTAL. and the University of British Columbia. ******************************** *** *** *** TIFF copyright(s) notice *** *** *** ******************************** Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics. ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. INCLUDING. OR PROFITS. and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee. Inc. AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY. EXEMPLARY. Inc nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. copy. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT. EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES. WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE.* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice. WHETHER IN CONTRACT. Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Michael David Adams. IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL. this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. modify. DATA OR PROFITS. EXPRESS. THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. (ii) rights associated with works of authorship including copyrights. INC. THE JASPER SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE LICENSORS AND CONTRIBUTORS UNDER THIS LICENSE ON AN ``AS-IS'' BASIS.. nor any other contributor (including. sublicense. NO USE OF THE JASPER SOFTWARE IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER THIS DISCLAIMER.e. MANUFACTURED OR INTENDED FOR USE OR RESALE AS ON-LINE CONTROL EQUIPMENT IN HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTS REQUIRING FAIL-SAFE PERFORMANCE. (ii). WARRANTIES THAT THE JASPER SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS. WITHOUT LIMITATION. B. E. The JPEG-2000 Part 1 standard can be purchased from the ISO. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE JASPER SOFTWARE IS WITH THE USER.. the University of British Columbia. IMAGE POWER. (iii) rights relating to the protection of trade secrets and confidential information. without limitation. mask work rights. free of charge. and the following disclaimer. No license or right to this Software is granted for products that do not comply with ISO/IEC 15444-1. JPEG-2000 Part 1). OR ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTOR) SHALL ASSUME THE COST OF ANY NECESSARY SERVICING. to deal in the JasPer Software without restriction. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice. Inc. This software is for use only in hardware or software products that are compliant with ISO/IEC 15444-1 (i. SUCH AS IN THE OPERATION OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES. or service mark rights). and (v) divisions. but not limited to. IS FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR IS NON-INFRINGING. THOSE INTENDING TO USE THE JASPER SOFTWARE OR MODIFICATIONS THEREOF FOR USE IN HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE PRODUCTS ARE ADVISED THAT THEIR USE MAY INFRINGE EXISTING PATENTS.. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice. WITHOUT LIMITATION. WORK STOPPAGE. copyright registrations. License Conditions ****************** A. MICHAEL DAVID ADAMS. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL. and to permit persons to whom the JasPer Software is furnished to do so. DIRECT LIFE SUPPORT The Blue Server V7 267 . WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. continuations. COPYRIGHTS. Michael David Adams. (iv) any right analogous to those set forth in subsections (i). trade dress. INCLUDING. mask work registrations. ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTOR. and/or sell copies of the JasPer Software (in source and binary forms). including.e.Permission is hereby granted. copyright applications. OR OTHERWISE. OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. distribute. to any person (the "User") obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation. provided further that the License Conditions below are met. the University of British Columbia and Michael David Adams) may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS LICENSE. OR ANY AND ALL OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES. THE JASPER SOFTWARE AND UNDERLYING TECHNOLOGY ARE NOT FAULT-TOLERANT AND ARE NOT DESIGNED. If User commences an infringement action against any Licensor(s) then such Licensor(s) shall have the right to terminate User's license and all sublicenses that have been granted hereunder by User to other parties. including without limitation the right to use. or any other contributors (collectively "Licensors") for infringement of any intellectual property rights ("IPR") held by the User in respect of any technology that User owns or has a right to license or sublicense and which is an element required in order to claim compliance with ISO/IEC 15444-1 (i. SHALL THE INITIAL DEVELOPER. Inc. and this list of conditions. F. and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. C. copy. COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION. and this list of conditions. SHOULD ANY PART OF THE JASPER SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE IN ANY RESPECT. "IPR" means all intellectual property rights worldwide arising under statutory or common law. Neither the name of Image Power. TRADEMARKS. modify. SPECIAL. OR ANY DISTRIBUTOR OF THE JASPER SOFTWARE. all (i) patents and patent applications owned or licensable by User. BE LIABLE TO THE USER OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY INDIRECT. OR ANY SUPPLIER OF ANY OF SUCH PARTIES. and whether or not perfected. EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. renewals. or (iii) and any other proprietary rights relating to intangible property (other than trademark. User agrees that it shall not commence any action against Image Power. THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. hereafter filed. WHETHER TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE). publish. OR OUGHT TO HAVE KNOWN. THE USER (AND NOT THE INITIAL DEVELOPERS. D. INCIDENTAL. reissues and extensions of the foregoing (as and to the extent applicable) now existing. MICHAEL DAVID ADAMS. JPEG-2000 Part 1). IS MERCHANTABLE. CONTRACT. AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER INCLUDING. IMAGE POWER. OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL. REPAIR OR CORRECTION.. EVEN IF SUCH PARTY HAD BEEN INFORMED.. merge. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY. issued or acquired. mask work applications. INC. version 1. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such. LICENSOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES.h -. Raymond Gilles Vollant and with the following additions to the disclaimer: There is no infringement. without any express or implied warranty.MACHINES.0. *********************************** *** *** *** zlib copyright(s) notice *** *** *** *********************************** zlib. Jean-loup Gailly jloup@gzip. COPYRIGHT NOTICE. 2000. IN WHICH THE FAILURE OF THE JASPER SOFTWARE OR UNDERLYING TECHNOLOGY OR PRODUCT COULD LEAD DIRECTLY TO DEATH. and to alter it and redistribute it freely. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented. 2002. OR SEVERE PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE ("HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES"). *********************************** *** *** *** libpng copyright(s) notice *** *** *** *********************************** This copy of the libpng notices is provided for your convenience. October 3.2. 3. the latter shall prevail.interface of the 'zlib' general purpose compression library. warranty against interference with your enjoyment of the library or against There is no warranty that our efforts or the library will fulfill any of your 268 The Blue Server V7 . libpng versions 1.7. and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. July Mark Adler madler@alumni. you must not claim that you wrote the original software. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. DISTRIBUTE OR RESELL THE JASPER SOFTWARE OR UNDERLYING TECHNOLOGY OR PRODUCTS FOR HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES AND WILL ENSURE THAT ITS CUSTOMERS AND END-USERS OF ITS PRODUCTS ARE PROVIDED WITH A COPY OF THE NOTICE SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION.2.6 with the following individuals added to the list of Contributing Authors Simon-Pierre Cadieux Eric S.caltech. including commercial applications. through 1. USER WILL NOT KNOWINGLY USE.0.5. PERSONAL INJURY. 2005 Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler This software is provided 'as-is'.edu zlib software copyright © 1995-2004 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. DISCLAIMER. July 18th. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose. subject to the following restrictions: 1. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. In case of any discrepancy between this copy and the notices in the file png.h that is included in the libpng distribution. 2. OR WEAPONS SYSTEMS. an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. and LICENSE: If you modify libpng you may insert additional notices immediately following this sentence. are Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Glenn Randers-Pehrson and are distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng1. If you use this software in a product.3. The Contributing Authors and Group 42.png" (98x31). Permission is hereby granted to use. January 1998. indirect. and distribute this source code. 2000.6. Inc. Also. acknowledgment is not required but would be appreciated.0. special.96. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must not be misrepresented as being the original source. incidental.96. Inc. including.89.with the following individuals added to the list of Contributing Authors: Tom Lane Glenn Randers-Pehrson Willem van Schaik libpng versions 0. 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat. 1999 Glenn Randers-Pehrson. modify. This library is provided with all faults. are Copyright (c) 1995. through 1. copy. This Copyright distribution. libpng versions 0. and effort is with the user.97. For the purposes of this copyright and license. If you use this source code in a product. expressed or implied.png" and The Blue Server V7 269 . through 0. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented. are Copyright (c) 1998. and are distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng0. June 1996. exemplary. subject to the following restrictions: 1. is supplied in the files "pngbar. notice may not be removed or altered from any source or altered source The Contributing Authors and Group 42.particular purposes or needs. without fee.88. Inc. accuracy. which may result from the use of the PNG Reference Library. A "png_get_copyright" function is available. without fee. of course) "pngbar. or consequential damages. the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. even if advised of the possibility of such damage. May 1995. 2. for convenient use in "about" boxes and the like: printf("%s". May 1997. Inc. are Copyright (c) 1996. March 20. the PNG logo (in PNG format.5. through 0. The Contributing Authors and Group 42. and the entire risk of satisfactory quality. disclaim all warranties. or portions hereof. 3. 1997 Andreas Dilger Distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-0. January 1996. specifically permit. for any purpose. and encourage the use of this source code as a component to supporting the PNG file format in commercial products. without limitation. performance.jpg (88x31) and "pngnow. Group 42.png_get_copyright(NULL)). assume no liability for direct.88. "Contributing Authors" is defined as the following set of individuals: Andreas Dilger Dave Martindale Guy Eric Schalnat Paul Schmidt Tim Wegner The PNG Reference Library is supplied "AS IS". with the following individuals added to the list of Contributing Authors: John Bowler Kevin Bracey Sam Bushell Magnus Holmgren Greg Roelofs Tom Tanner libpng versions 0. subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this substantial portions of the Software. permission notice shall be included in all copies or THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". merge. URL : http://www. 2002 OSI Certified Open Source is a certification mark *********************************** *** *** *** lua. with or without modification. this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. sublicense. if and wherever such thirdparty acknowledgments normally appear. The CIP4 Software License. PUC-Rio. must include the following acknowledgment: This product includes software developed by the The International Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in Prepress. Permission is hereby granted.html. 270 The Blue Server V7 . EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.Libpng is OSI Certified Open Source Software. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice. of the Open Source Initiative. Press and Postpress (www. FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND the CIP4 JDFWrapper C++ Library. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM. free of *********************************** *** *** *** cip4 copyright(s) notice *** *** *** *********************************** This package includes software developed by the The International Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in Prepress. publish. TORT OR OTHERWISE.rpi. WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.cip4. Copyright © 2001-2005 The International Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT. All rights reserved. October 3. Version 1. The end-user documentation included with the may be found at http://www. ARISING FROM. Press and Postpress (CIP4). and/or sell copies of the Software. to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"). OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY. this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself. Glenn Randers-Pehrson randeg@alum. Press and Postpress (www. Redistribution and use of this library in source and binary forms. this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. including without limitation the rights to use. DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY. if any. to deal in the Software without restriction. distribute.cip4. copyright(s) notice *** *** *** *********************************** Copyright © 1994-2008 Lua. and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice. specifically. INCIDENTAL. OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. INDIRECT. LOSS OF USE. EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Press and Postpress must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. OR OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. Products derived from this software may not be called CIP4. For written permission. DATA. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION FOR THE INTEGRATION OF PROCESSES IN PREPRESS. without prior written permission of the CIP4 organization. Usage of this software in commercial products is subject to restrictions. STRICT LIABILITY. please contact info@cip4. OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. nor may CIP4 appear in their PRESS AND POSTPRESS OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT. EXEMPLARY. INCLUDING. WHETHER IN CONTRACT. The Blue Server V7 271 . SPECIAL.The names CIP4 and The International Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in Prepress. For details please consult info@cip4. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES. <This page is intentionally left blank> 272 The Blue Server V7 . by key permission access or otherwise. enhancements or supplements that MPI Tech. its licensees or agents may provide to The End User or make available to The End User. CUSTOMER SUPPORT AND WARRANTY INFORMATION 15. End User License Agreement for MPI Tech Software Important: Please read this License carefully before using this Software. United Kingdom. No other express warranty is given by MPI. and USA (California and Virginia) to help you in case of difficulties with this product. affiliates. any associated documentation (including any electronic documentation) provided to The End User by MPI Tech (collectively "Software"). its subsidiaries. downloading. web services. call your local authorized MPI dealer or call MPI:      + 33 (0) 1 45 73 09 40 + 45 4436 6000 + 44 (0) 1344 891 008 + 49 (0) 89 35 4762 30 + 1 (714) 840 80 77 in France. Maintenance In order to guaranty a proper operation of your Blue Server Software over the years.2. This End User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal and binding agreement between The End User (either an individual or a single entity) and MPI Tech Group. in Denmark. 15. access or use the Software. from and after the date permission is granted to The End User. Customer Support MPI has support services available from France. to the extent that such items are not accompanied by a separate license agreement or terms of use.15. add-on components. Authorized Dealers If you determine that the Blue Server requires support. or as the result of service and modification by other than an authorized dealer or MPI Support Service Facility. In particular MPI shall not be liable for consequential damages or indirect losses. after the date The End User obtain The End User initial copy of the Software. Any software updates. in UK. Denmark. but immediately cease the download / return the unused Software to the place of the original purchase. agents and OEM licensees ( collectively.1.  + 1 (703) 243 3322 during normal business hours. This warranty does not apply if this product has been damaged by accident or misuse. copying. please subscribe the MPI maintenance agreement through your local authorized MPI dealer or directly with MPI 15. in Germany. access or use) and the associated proprietary media. accessing or otherwise using the Software. User Warranty This product is warranted against malfunction for a period of 3 months from the date of installation by the End User. however said Software is named or branded. do not install. During this warranty period. 15. 15. shall be deemed to be "Software" within the scope of this EULA. in Virginia (East coast – USA).5.3. The Blue Server V7 273 . If The End User do not agree to the terms of this EULA. Germany. "MPI Tech") for the Software The End User are about to download (or otherwise install. in California (West coast – USA). The End User manifest The End User consent to and agreement to be bound by the terms of this EULA. printed materials. MPI will provide bug fixes at no charge provided the host and the network environment have not been modified. By installing.4. and specifically in case of Host and Network environment evolutions or modifications. and may be subject to the payment of additional fees.1.1: During the term of The End User subscription only. 1. as set forth under the License Record. All license fees (and. No source code rights are granted hereby. All the terms and conditions of this EULA will continue to apply to its use of the Subscription Product during any subsequent renewal periods unless otherwise specified. 1. 1. improvement. Any references hereunder to "sales" or "acquisition" or like terms notwithstanding. modification. 1. copy.2 Intellectual Property Rights.2 The End User may load the Software and use it only on a single computer which is under the control or such other number of computers as may be specifically licensed and also under the End User control. if applicable. subscription or service fees) The End User have paid are non-refundable. reverse-engineer.SOFTWARE LICENSE The Software is protected by intellectual property laws and treaties. Support Services provided by MPI Tech or its Resellers are governed by the policies and programs adopted from time to time by MPI Tech or by those Resellers offering such services. the End User may print ten copies of such electronic documentation. 1. or in other materials furnished by MPI Tech or its Resellers.1 The End User may use the Software and the Documentation in connection with a single computer or such other number of computers as may be specifically licensed and for which license fees have been paid. patches. Enhancements and Supplemental Software. translation. copying or use of the Software and the Documentation is beyond the scope of the license and is therefore a breach of this Agreement. including all unauthorised work. enhancements. the following additional licensing terms apply and supersede any inconsistent provision under section 1. Under copyright law the End User are not permitted to install or run the Software product ('the Software') or use the electronic material ('the Documentation') supplied to the End User without the permission of the Owner. the accompanying printed materials. The End User has no rights to distribute.2 Additional License Permitting Use of Software under a Subscription or Service Agreement. MPI Tech retains all rights in and to any copy. No Software maintenance or support is included in the calculation of license fees paid in consideration for this EULA. The End User may install the Software on a single computer which is under its control or such other number of computers as may be specifically licensed and also under its control. modifications or other support services related to the Software ("Support Services") are beyond the scope of this EULA and will be the subject of and governed by a separate maintenance or support agreement (if any) between The End User and MPI Tech or licensed MPI Tech 'resellers. The End User cannot use the Subscription Product on any computer after its subscription expires unless The End User renew or extend its subscription. Any rights The End User may be granted for Software maintenance or support. Reservation of Rights. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the Software and all elements and components. 2.1.1 General License to Install and Use Software Product.3 The End User may use the Software for its personal use or in its business or profession. unless expressly authorized by MPI Tech in writing.1. modify or adapt the Software unless such rights are clearly and specifically granted herein. not sold. 1. All references to the Software mean the object code only of the program(s) comprising the Software. adaptation or derivative works of the Software. except as may be provided in the Documentation.3 Updates. ADDITIONAL RIGHTS. By renewing or extending its subscription. 274 The Blue Server V7 .1 License Fees. Separation of Component Parts: The Software Product is licensed as a single product and its component parts may not be separated. The End User may not copy the printed materials accompanying the Software. the Software is licensed. All rights not expressly granted are retained by MPI Tech. as described in the Documentation.1. enhancement. The initial subscription period begins on the date The End User first activate its copy of the Subscription Product and ends at the end of the subscription period. including updates.4 2. In consideration of the End User accepting the terms of this agreement the Owner grants the End User a non-exclusive right ('the License') to install and run the Software and use the Documentation as permitted by this Agreement. The End User may not assign or otherwise transfer this EULA to any other party. If The End User licensed the Software under a subscription ("Subscription Product"). The End User will be entitled to continue using the Subscription Product for a specified period of time beyond the date when its previous subscription would have otherwise ended. The license granted hereunder may not be shared and permitting unauthorised access to. and any copies of the Software are owned by MPI Tech or its suppliers/licensors. without specific written permission from MPI Tech. except in connection with a return of the Software as provided in the initial paragraph of this EULA or under section 6. If this Software contains documentation that is provided only in electronic form. 1 GRANT OF LICENSE. distributors or OEM providers' (Resellers). 1. development. as reflected on license records generated in connection with the acquisition of the Software ("License Record"). and rights granted hereunder are limited to the Software in object code only. TERMS AND LIMITATIONS 2. 3. via a Web interface. 3.3 Copy Protection. The Software may incorporate copy protection technology to prevent the unauthorised copying of the Software or may require original media for use of the Software on the Device. in a form reasonably required by MPI Tech. appoint an Administrator. 2. the License to use the Software will terminate automatically if The End User fails to comply with any term of this EULA. no license fee paid or owing for the Software shall be refunded or abated by virtue of such unilateral termination. bankrupt.. and 2. indemnify and hold harmless MPI Tech. this EULA and all licenses granted hereunder will also terminate without further action and may also terminate on notice by MPI Tech if The End User become unable to pay its debts or are otherwise insolvent. Upon expiration or termination of the EULA for any reason The End User will immediately destroy the Software together with all copies in any form. and 2. INDEMNITY.1 This EULA shall terminate automatically on the date (if any) specified on the License Record.5. Any use of any copies of the Software after expiration or termination of the License is unlawful. 4.2 The End User agree to allow MPI Tech or its agents full access.5. and to the site or sites on which Devices are located. costs and fees (including reasonable attorney fees) arising from its use of the Software as well as from its failure to comply with any term of this EULA. The End User agree to supervise and control use of the Software to ensure compliance with all terms and limitations under this EULA (including but not limited to compliance with the laws and regulations of all applicable jurisdictions in which The End User use the Software) and to maintain accurate records of the number and location of all users and copies of the Software and the number of storage devices used in connection with the Software (Compliance Data").2. The End User may terminate this EULA at any time by destroying the Software and the Documentation together with all copies in any form. and to furnish therewith written certification that its use of the Software at the time of the request complies with this EULA. consultants. affiliates. lend or provide commercial hosting services to third parties with the Software. and at MPI Tech's sole option. The Blue Server V7 275 . on 14 days' notice and during normal business hours. In this connection. directors. Unless applicable license fees are paid in full. cease trading. The End User agree to defend. sub-contractors and other parties who have use of or access to the Software aware of the provisions of this Agreement prior to such use or access. liabilities. enter into any arrangement with its creditors other than for the purpose of a solvent reorganisation or become the subject of any action under which a receiver or administrator is appointed by a court. lease.5 Compliance. leasing or commercial hosting.6 The End User acknowledge that in the event that the End User have been granted a licence pursuant to this agreement for a Subscription Product we may without notice enable the Subscription Product so that it shall cease to operate at the end of the licence term in any event. officers. As an alternative to such written reports or certification. damages. The End User agree to enable and to allow MPI Tech to collect. and shall ensure compliance by such users with this EULA. within thirty (30) days of any written request. It is unlawful and prohibited to make unauthorised copies of the Software or to circumvent any copy protection technology included in the Software. advisers.5. affiliates. TERM AND TERMINATION 3. become the subject of any liquidation or winding up action in any jurisdiction. without MPI Tech's express written authorization. The End User also agrees to the following: 2.2 below.4 Rental. this EULA shall be perpetual subject to termination in accordance with subsections 3. 3. including copies on its hard and back-up disks.1 The End User agree to provide to MPI Tech with summaries of updated Compliance Data. The End User may not rent. to all of the devices on which the Software is loaded or from which it may be accessed "Devices"). group-companies.2 Furthermore.3 Termination of this EULA shall be without prejudice to the accrued rights and liabilities of either party. distributors. agents.3 The End User agree to make all relevant employees. 2. regulatory agency or other authority or in the event that any local equivalent of the aforesaid arise in any jurisdiction. If no date is specified on the License Record. However. ONLY the record of the number of installed clients. its subsidiaries. 2. licensors. employees and agents from any third party claims. suppliers. to monitor its compliance with this section 2. unless extended by the prior mutual consent of the parties in writing.5 and the other terms of this EULA. The End User agrees that MPI Tech shall have no liability whatsoever for any use The End User make of the Software. 6.g. misapplication. including without limitation. Suite 301. will perform substantially as described in the accompanying materials and documentation for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of receipt and that the media on which the Software is recorded will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for the same period. Rue du Général Malleret-Joinville. If an implied warranty or condition is created by the End User state/jurisdiction and federal/national or state/provincial law prohibits disclaimers of it. BUT ONLY AS TO DEFECTS DISCOVERED DURING THE PERIOD OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY (THIRTY DAYS). 6. The End User may have others which vary from state/jurisdiction to state/jurisdiction.212 for civilian agencies and Defence Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 227. Consequential and Certain Other Damages") are also incorporated into this Limited Warranty. so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to the End User.1 LIMITED WARRANTY FOR SOFTWARE ACQUIRED IN THE US. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. when used properly. BP 88. Some states/jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty or condition lasts. IF NO SPECIAL AND SEPARATE WARRANTY IS APPLICABLE. NO CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES. US AND CANADA. or other entity of the United States Government ("Government"). any (if any) service packs or hot fixes provided to the End User after the expiration of the initial thirty (30) days Limited Warranty period are not covered by any warranty or condition. or any related documentation of any kind. Bagsvaerd. The use of the Software and related documentation is further restricted in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. or (b) repair or replacement of the Software. 6. US GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. that does not meet this Limited Warranty and that is returned to the original place of purchase with a copy of the End User proof of purchase. USA.5. This Limited Warranty gives the End User specific legal rights.1. implied or statutory. release.. The End User exclusive remedy for any breach of this Limited Warranty is as set forth below. the End User may also have an implied warranty or condition. THE END USER ARE NOT ENTITLED TO ANY DAMAGES.1. 40. AS TO ANY DEFECTS DISCOVERED AFTER THE THIRTY (30) DAY PERIOD. department. either (a) return of the price paid (if any) for the Software. LIMITED WARRANTY 6. duplication.1 LIMITATION ON REMEDIES.7202 for military agencies to the extent said regulations apply to solicitations within the scope of said regulations. Thus. abuse. Huntington Beach. This Software is commercial computer software and the related documentation is commercial computer software documentation. Some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. THE WARRANTIES OF MPI Tech AND ITS SUPPLIERS SHALL BE LIMITED AS PROVIDED HEREIN TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE APPLICABLE JURISDICTION. abnormal use or a virus. The terms of Section 8 below ("Exclusion of Incidental. MPI Tech SAS. the use. cost of returning the Software to MPI Tech). so the above limitation may not apply to The End User. or any modification hereto. shall be. CA 92649-5506. at MPI Tech's sole option exercised subject to applicable law. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF ANY KIND. Any replacement Software will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or twenty (20) days. PLEASE REFER TO THE WARRANTY PROVIDED TO THE END USER WITH THE SOFTWARE DOCUMENTATION. contact MPI Tech in writing at one of the following addresses: MPI Tech A/S. is restricted in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation 12. FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTIES AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO THE END USER PARTICULAR JURISDICTION. 4952 Warner Avenue. except that the End User are responsible for any expenses the End User may incur (e. whichever is longer. To exercise the End User remedy. The entire liability of MPI Tech and its suppliers and the End User exclusive remedy relative to any Software. Vadstrupvej 35.2 THE END USER EXCLUSIVE REMEDY.2 LIMITED WARRANTY FOR SOFTWARE PRODUCTS ACQUIRED OUTSIDE THE EU. France 6. Denmark. EU AND CANADA: MPI Tech warrants that the Software. express. 276 The Blue Server V7 . MPI Technologies Inc. disclosure or transfer of the Software. reproduction. The End User will receive the remedy elected by MPI Tech without charge. This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the Software has resulted from accident. a US subsidiary of MPI Tech Group. including technical data or related manuals. if The End User are an agency. 94402 Vitry Sur Seine Cedex. 2880. Except for any refund elected by MPI Tech. is located at MPI Tech. Any supplements or updates to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. modification. MPI TECH HEREBY EXCLUDES ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW IN EACH JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS USED UNDER THIS EULA. GENERAL PROVISIONS. ALL WITH REGARD TO THE SOFTWARE. and unless expressly prohibited by local law. and agree to service of process in accordance with the applicable court rules. 10. 7. QUIET ENJOYMENT. FOR NEGLIGENCE. IMPLIED OR STATUTORY. If the End User acquired this Software in any other country. BE THEY DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS OR CONFIDENTIAL OR OTHER INFORMATION. this EULA shall be governed by the laws of Switzerland (Code Suisse des Obligations) by the Court in Geneva. ALL DAMAGES REFERENCED ABOVE AND ALL DIRECT OR GENERAL DAMAGES). EVEN IN THE EVENT OF THE FAULT. MPI Tech AND ITS SUPPLIERS PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES (IF ANY) AS IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS. EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL. 11. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. CONSEQUENTIAL AND CERTAIN OTHER DAMAGES. MPI Tech expressly reserves the right to assign this Agreement and to delegate any of its obligations hereunder. INDIRECT. THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF MPI TECH AND ANY OF ITS SUPPLIERS UNDER ANY PROVISION OF THIS EULA AND THE END USER EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ALL OF THE FOREGOING (EXCEPT FOR ANY REMEDY OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT ELECTED BY MPI TECH WITH RESPECT TO ANY BREACH OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY) SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE GREATER OF 110% OF THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID BY THE END USER FOR THE SOFTWARE OR U. The sole and exclusive jurisdiction and venue for actions arising under this Agreement shall be the State and Federal courts in California. OF RESULTS. The failure of MPI Tech to act with respect to a breach of this EULA by The End User or others does not constitute a waiver and shall not limit MPI Tech's rights with respect to such breach or any subsequent breaches. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES. 8. THE LIMITED WARRANTY THAT APPEARS IN SECTION 6 ABOVE IS THE ONLY EXPRESS WARRANTY MADE TO THE END USER AND IS PROVIDED IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTIES (IF ANY) CREATED BY ANY DOCUMENTATION OR PACKAGING. OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER. The party prevailing in any dispute under this Agreement shall be entitled to its costs and legal fees. This Agreement and the terms of any License Record provided to the End User (if any) combine to represent the complete agreement concerning this license between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and representations between them. IN NO EVENT SHALL MPI Tech OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL. OR OTHERWISE UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY PROVISION OF THIS EULA. OF ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OR RESPONSES. This EULA is personal to the End User and may not be assigned or transferred for any reason whatsoever without MPI Tech's prior written consent and any action or conduct in violation of the foregoing shall be void and without effect. EXCLUSIONS AND DISCLAIMERS (INCLUDING SECTIONS 6. This EULA may be amended only in writing executed by both parties.S. FOR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION. QUIET POSSESSION. ABOVE) SHALL APPLY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. AND 8. OF LACK OF VIRUSES AND OF LACK OF NEGLIGENCE. EVEN IF ANY REMEDY FAILS ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. OF WORKMANLIKE EFFORT. THE PROVISION OF OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE SUPPORT SERVICES. INCIDENTAL. TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE). $250. DUTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY. or any country of South America. AND EVEN IF MPI Tech OR ANY SUPPLIER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. as provided above. 9. Canada. ALSO. this EULA shall be governed and construed under California (USA) law (without regard to its conflicts of laws provisions) as such law applies to agreements between Californian residents entered into and to be performed within California. CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION OR NON-INFRINGEMENT WITH REGARD TO THE SOFTWARE. EXCEPT FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTY AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. AND THE PROVISION OF OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE SUPPORT SERVICES. If the End User acquired this Software in the United States. GENERAL DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. INCLUDING. EITHER EXPRESS. AND HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS. APPLICABLE LAW. FOR LOSS OF PRIVACY. THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS. AND FOR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY OR OTHER LOSS WHATSOEVER AND ANY OTHER LOSS ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT.7.00. The End User consent and submit to the jurisdiction of the applicable courts. OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY DAMAGES THAT THE END USER MIGHT INCUR FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING. and unless expressly prohibited by local law. FOR PERSONAL INJURY. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF TITLE. EACH PARTY RECOGNIZES AND AGREES THAT THE WARRANTY DISCLAIMERS AND LIABILITY AND REMEDY LIMITATIONS IN THIS AGREEMENT ARE MATERIAL BARGAINED FOR BASES OF THIS AGREEMENT AND THAT THEY HAVE BEEN TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT AND REFLECTED IN DETERMINING The Blue Server V7 277 . STRICT LIABILITY. FOR FAILURE TO MEET ANY DUTY INCLUDING OF GOOD FAITH OR OF REASONABLE CARE. If any provision of this EULA is held to be illegal or unenforceable. MPI Tech SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF LOSS IN ANY EVENT. WITHOUT LIMITATION. BREACH OF CONTRACT OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OF MPI Tech OR ANY SUPPLIER. that provision shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary to make it legal and enforceable and this Agreement shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. ANY (IF ANY) IMPLIED WARRANTIES. Denmark. Vadstrupvej 35. Bagsvaerd. Any notices or correspondences will only be effective if sent to such address: MPI Tech A/S. BP 88. 2880.THE CONSIDERATION TO BE GIVEN BY EACH PARTY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT AND IN THE DECISION BY EACH PARTY TO ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT. Questions concerning this Agreement should be sent to the either of the addresses set forth below. MPI Tech SAS. France 278 The Blue Server V7 . 40. Rue du Général Malleret-Joinville. 94402 Vitry Sur Seine Cedex.
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