
May 28, 2018 | Author: nilesh_yerawar | Category: Engineer, Consultant, Engineering, Profession, New Delhi



2 DAY SEMINAR ONINTRODUCTION TO DESIGN OF BLAST RESISTANT BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES Location: Delhi & Mumbai Delhi: March 07 & 08, 2014 Mumbai: March 10 & 11, 2014 ORGANISED BY ACCORD Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants, Inc. Consulting Engineers Association of India PATRON DONOR Indian Association of Structural Engineers Accord Engineering Services PRINCIPAL DONOR FRANCE M E TA L Horizon Line-x Blast Mitigation Coatings Protecting the Walls of The Pentagon - USA Ceco Door ASSA ABLOY Manufactured Under License France Metal Steel Doors & Frams DONOR IN EC H CIVTECH CONSULTING ENGINEERS & PROJECT MANAGERS Construma Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. SUPPORTING ORGANISATIONS AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS INDIA SECTION India Chapter of American Concrete Institute ISO 9001: 2008 M HRO Mehro Consultants ASCE - India Section Vintech Consultants Consulting Engineers & Project Managers MEDIA PARTNER Masterbuilder THE Civtech Consultants Pvt. Ltd. CONSULTANTS Nobody Covers Civil Engineering Better was conceptualized and constituted in the year 2002 by a group of senior professional Structural Engineers from all regions of the country. By virtue of amalgamation of the two erstwhile professional bodies of consulting engineers. About CEAI Consulting Engineers Association of India (CEAI) is the apex body of consulting engineers in India. With the increase in urban areas and their population. CEAI has. behind it. India and Australia. industrial and terrorist explosions. The Seminar is aimed to bring the international best practices for the benefits of engineers in India and will focus on the procedures and practices used in the analysis. public transportation facilities etc. incident investigations. flammable and toxic materials. India with enriching work experience of projects in Qatar. It has also become necessary to give due consideration for blast resistant structures incorporating the necessary detailing. With its vast experience in Nuclear Power Plant Design and Offshore Oil & Gas Platform Design and Analysis capabilities. The Seminar will highlight the current Indian Practices in specially designed buildings and the need to thoroughly revise the Indian Code and make suitable recommendations to the Bureau of Indian Standards. IAStructE is a national body of structural engineers established with the objective to cater to the overall professional needs of structural engineers in India. etc. About IAStructE The Indian Association of Structural Engineers. About Accord Engineering Services Accord Engineering Services is a firm led by highly experienced practicing consulting engineers based in New Delhi. Accord will present a case study on Blast Resistant Design practice for Offshore Platforms.. Accord Engineering Services is a consortium of like-minded and experienced engineers who pool their respective resources to meet specific project requirements. CEAI looks after the interest and enhances the status of consulting engineering profession in India and is equally concerned with quality development.. training and research. The Indian practice of designing structures for blast resistance was limited but now needs to cover a wider spectrum. multisotrey office & residential buildings. on accounts of the rise in anti-social activities especially terrorism. Blast resistant design of structures was hitherto limited to use in refineries. CEAI represents the Indian Engineering Consultancy profession at the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC). private and public sector firms engaged in entire range of engineering consultancy services. petrochemical plants. over 54 years of accumulated knowledge and experience. BakerRisk engineers and scientists possess broad skills and experience in state-of-the-art engineering assessment. with particular emphases on risk management. analysis. Besides it is now becoming necessary for public buildings. identified as IAStructE. Headquartered in USA.ABOUT THE SEMINAR The devastating bombing of the Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City in 1995 brought sharp focus on the need to design/retrofit buildings to withstand the effects of a Blast. IAStructE has completed more than 10 years of eventful progress in enhancing its professional status as well as credibility in the country and has expanded exponentially and being now recognized as a prominent Structural Engineers Association. blast plans in defence airports. Accord offers Clients highly personalized service with experienced engineers taking personal interest and involvement in all projects. Baker Risk will also be presenting cases based on their own extensive experience in this field. testing. software and guideline development. the above facilities which were earlier outside the urban areas have now become surrounded by them and hence the total scenario has changed as such. etc. productivity enhancement and promotion of ethical practices. Since its formation in 1984. Indian case studies will also be presented by local expert faculty. Inc. (BakerRisk). design and retrofit of structures subjected to blast loads from accidental. CEAI Membership comprises of practicing consultants. determination of blast effects and the response of structures to dynamic loads. The seminar will delve on the provisions of UFC 3-340-02 'Structures to Resist the Effects of accidental Explosions' (2008) and the recently revised ASCI Publication and vastly updated ASCE Code dealing with Blast Resistant Design. UK. ORGANIZERS AND PRESENTERS OF THE SEMINAR About BakerRisk Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants. . nuclear containment vessels. Associating of Consulting Engineers (ACE) and National Association of Consulting Engineers (NACE) in to CEAI in the year 1996. CEAI has established linkages and strong bonds with its counter parts in various countries and is a staunch advocate of global networking and co-operating. design. is an internationally recognized engineering firm specializing in risk assessment and mitigation of hazards associated with explosive. BakerRisk has served numerous clients in both industry and government. It was registered under the Societies Registration Act on 20th December 2002. LPG. storages for LNG. lodging & boarding. Indian Association of Structural Engineers CEAI Bhawan. Pocket 9. PDF & JPEG format should reach the Seminar Secretariat before 15th February. we invite sponsorships from Government and Corporates. Additional delegates will have to pay the registration fees. Certificates of Attendance will be issued to those who attend. Practicing Engineers from the following industries will also benefit from the seminar: § Oil & . Delegates will have to make their own arrangements for travel. SOUVENIR REGISTRATION FEE On the occasion of the Seminar.000/- 1000 500 500 400 200 Advertisement material (in colour) in A-4 size in Corel Draw. New Delhi . Mob.000/20. OCF Plot No. Central and State Government Departments / Ministries. Chemical Processing and Pharmaceutical companies § Consultants offering Engineering Services to government and industrial Sectors § Armed Forces Engineering Units § Nuclear Industry § Power Industry § Marine and Ship Building Industry SPONSORSHIP OPTIONS For a seminar dealing with the SAFETY and WELL BEING of the public at large.WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE Representatives from Nuclear and Power Industries.00 Lakh 2000 3 Full Page Donor 0. Vasant Kunj. E-mail: [email protected]/25.000/25. 2014.000/10.000/- SAARC Country Delegate USD 200 Foreign Delegate USD 300 PAYMENTS All payments should be in favour of “Indian Association of Structural Engineers” payable at New Delhi or sent via Bank Transfer as per details given below: Account Number 10151200388 MICR Code 110002034 Name of Bank State Bank of India IFSC Code SBIN0007196 Branch Code 07196 PAN AAATI38885P ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE Mr. involved in design and development of Building and Public infrastructure codes and policies both from Indian and abroad.00 Lakhs 4000 4 Full Page Associate Donor 1. Levels of sponsorship and entitlement are given below: Category Amount Complimentary Delegates Advertisement in Souvenir 6000 5 2 Pages 2.00 Lakhs Principal Donor Name & logo of the sponsors will be displayed at both the venues | Complimentary delegates can attend either at Delhi or Mumbai. T/F: Lakh 1000 2 Full Page INR USD Patron Donor 3. Director. Educational and research institutions. articles on the theme topic and advertisements. Developers / contractors / Sub contractors and vendors. Sector B. S Najmi. CEAI /IAStructE Member ` 8. a special Souvenir will be published containing messages from dignitaries. Web: iastructe. Process Safety Management from Industrial sectors.000/- Non Member ` 10. Consulting Engineers and Architects.110 91 9811401507. financial and legal institutions. 2nd Floor. Defense establishments. Amount INR USD Back Cover Inside Back Cover Inside Front Cover Full Page Half Page 35. Railways. 2. CEAI WRC Honorary Secretary CEAI 10.30 Tea Break 10. Khaled El-Domiaty Introduction to BakerRisk P. Types/Sources of Explosions b.50 .30 .30 Registration 09. P-i curves b.30 16. Explosion Basics and Effects b.17.10 16.09.E. P-i curves b. BakerRiskLos Angeles Office Manager Mr.17.16. Ideal Explosions c. Harshavardhan Subbarao .13.BakerRiskIntroduction to Blast Resistant Design Washington DC Office Supervisor a.00 Mr. Principal Engineer.00 .PROGRAMME FOR DELHI PROGRAMME FOR MUMBAI 7 .15 Inaugural Session 09. Types/Sources of Explosions b.20 Mr. David Bogosian Mr. Pankaj Mehta MIEAust. Specifying response/damage criteria and Mr.E. Accord Engineering Services Mr.45 . Khaled El-Domiaty Mr. BakerRisk. Khaled El-Domiaty Mr.13. Ideal Explosions c.30 16.Principal Engineer.00 .00 Q&A Lunch Break 14.16.Industrial Accidental Explosions .00 P.16. Client/consultant roles and responsibilities e.Anti-Terrorism Applications and Mr. 19.E. S C Mehrotra Welcome Mr. Senior Principal Engineer.17.15 .30 . Somenath Ghosh Vote of Thanks Vice President.00 P.13.Los Angeles Office Manager Q&A Tea Break Blast Mitigation Techniques Overview Mr.10 13. Principal Engineer. Senior Principal Engineer. Energy Principles c. Pankaj Mehta 14.E.00 .BakerRisk Washington DC Office Supervisor Q&A Lunch Break Blast Resistant design of Offshore Oil & Gas Platforms Q&A Tea Break Case Study .15. BakerRiskLos Angeles Office Manager Blast Load and Effects a.18. Uttam Sengupta Consultant. Prabhakar Gundlapalli. Accord Engineering Services Panel Members: Mr. IAStructE President CEAI Dr.00 .00 Introduction to Blast Resistant Design (cont'd) d. Khaled El-Domiaty 13.10. Blast Design References .30 15. Managing Introduction of Speakers Mr. How blast design differs from conventional design c. Additional Chief Engineer (Civil). Khaled El-Domiaty a.30 16.20 .E.10 11. SDOF Modeling c.2 Panel Discussion & Concluding Session Chair: Mr.30 . BakerRisk. Harshavardhan Subbarao About the Seminar Dr. Non-Structural Components P.40 .10.10 13. Harshavardhan Subbarao About the Seminar Honorary Secretary IAStructE Introduction of Speakers Honorary Secretary IAStructE Mr. Accord Engineering Services Panel Members: Mr. Structural Components b.30 . Prabhakar Gundlapalli.15 Inaugural Session Mr.16.10 .00 .BakerRiskWashington DC Office Supervisor and Mr. Structural Components b.15 . Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) Q&A Tea Break Evaluation of Structures for Beyond Design Basis Impact Loads End of Day 1 Day 2 Day 2 Introduction to Dynamic Analytical Methods Mr. Scientific Officer G.15.00 13. Khaled El-Domiaty P. David Bogosian Mr. Pankaj Mehta. Pankaj Mehta Dr.11.16.Los Angeles Office Manager Q&A Tea Break Blast Mitigation Techniques Overview President. Khaled El-Domiaty a.30 15.20 .10 .15 .13.10 Q&A Lunch Break 14.16.30 .15. President. PMP.15 17.45 15.Principal Engineer.Anti-Terrorism Applications 16. Introduction & response to Explosion b.13. Ashoka Road 10 .30 .18.09.20 . Senior Principal Engineer.50 13.00 13. S C Mehrotra 9.2 Panel Discussion & Concluding Session Chair: Mr.13. PMP.8 March 2014 | Hotel The Royal Plaza.Los Angeles Office Manager Mr.15. Non-Linear Plastic Approach 15.BakerRiskIntroduction to Blast Resistant Design Washington DC Office Supervisor 10.E. Principal Engineer.11.15.15. BakerRisk.E.16.00 End of Day 1 a. Additional Chief Engineer (Civil).14. Pankaj Mehta. Scientific Officer G. SDOF Modeling c. Non-Linear Plastic Approach 15.00 .18. IAStructE 16. Managing Consultant. Principal Engineer.10 Introduction to Blast Resistant Design (cont'd) P.30 Tea Break 10.10 11. Khaled El-Domiaty Introduction to BakerRisk P.10 Mr.E.11. Finite Element Analysis 11.BakerRisk Washington DC Office Supervisor Q&A Lunch Break Blast Resistant design of Offshore Oil & Gas Platforms a.40 16. Blast Design References . Client/consultant roles and responsibilities e.1 Case Study . Harshavardhan Subbarao Introduction to Dynamic Analytical Methods P. President CEAI Mr. Accord Engineering Services Vote of Thanks Mr. David Bogosian a. David Bogosian P. Pankaj Mehta Dr. Finite Element Analysis 11.Industrial Accidental Explosions .10 . Managing Consultant.E.00 and Mr. Senior Principal Engineer.30 11. Specifying response/damage criteria 13.00 a.Los Angeles Office Manager Blast Load and Effects a.11.10 .14.30 .10 . Blast Wall Analysis d.15 .11 March 2014 | South Hall.10.30 9.16.00 . Non-Structural Components P.30 . BakerRisk.00 Mr.10 13.11.30 .30 .45 .10 .10 .13.13. A P Mull President CEAI Mr. Senior Principal Engineer.00 .00 . IAStructE Mr.00 .10 13. David Bogosian P. Non-Ideal Explosions a.10. Energy Principles c.E. David Bogosian Mr. A P Mull. MayFair Banquets.20 16. Worli Day 1 Day 1 09. David Bogosian P.45 15. Blast Wall Analysis d.30 . Non-Ideal Explosions Q&A Tea Break Evaluation of Structures for Beyond Design Basis Impact Loads Mr.30 .10 .30 Registration 09.14.BakerRiskWashington DC Office Supervisor d. How blast design differs from conventional design c. Senior Principal Engineer.11. Managing Consultant.30 . Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) Mr.15 17.10 . David Bogosian Q&A Tea Break Case Study . Explosion Basics and Effects b.1 Case Study .10 . S C Mehrotra.E.30 11.E. A P Mull Welcome President. Introduction & response to Explosion b.13.20 MIEAust. 2 DAY SEMINAR ON INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN OF BLAST RESISTANT BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES Venue: Delhi: March 07 & Payable at New Delhi................................... Organisation ..................................................... 2......................................................................................... Address ... 2014 Delegate Name (Mr............................................................. 91 9811401507...... Cheque / DD No . 2nd Floor.................................... ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Mr..................................................110070. Dated .................. T/F: 011-26124309.........REGISTRATION FORM .............................................................................) .............................. Position . Branch ........... REGISTRATION FEE CEAI /IAStructE Member ` 8........ Pocket 9..................... E-mail: iastructe@gmail.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2014 | Mumbai: March 10 & 11...................... E-mail .................. Mob........................................................... Web: iastructe.................000/- Non Member ` 10............... Payment can also be done by bank transfer as per details given below: Beneficiary Name: Indian Association of Structural Engineers | Account Number : 10151200388 Bank Name: State Bank of India | Branch Code: 07196 | IFSC Code: SBIN0007196 | MICR Code: 110002034 Branch Address: Flyover Market.... Fax ....... Sector B... Phone .......................... New Delhi ................................... / Mrs...................................................................................................... Vasant Kunj................................................................................. Defence Colony........ Signature .....................................................................................000/- SAARC Country Delegate USD 200 Foreign Delegate USD 300 PAYMENT Please find enclosed.......................................... Director.......................................................... / . Indian Association of Structural Engineers CEAI Bhawan....................... Country ......................... New Delhi ......................... S Najmi.............. City........................... in favor of “Indian Association of Structural Engineers” Bank .......................................... OCF Plot No......................... Pin Code ................ Mobile ......... ..........Commercial Sponsorship 2 DAY SEMINAR ON INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN OF BLAST RESISTANT BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES Venue: Delhi: March 07 & 08........... New Delhi ......................................... Sector B...............00 Lakh 2000 3 Full Page Donor 0......110024.. Indian Association of Structural Engineers CEAI Bhawan.. Payable at New Delhi................................................................................................... Web: iastructe..........................................................................00 Lakhs 6000 5 2 Pages Principal Donor 2........110070.....000/10.000/25...................... Payment can also be done by bank transfer as per details given below: Beneficiary Name: Indian Association of Structural Engineers | Account Number : 10151200388 Bank Name: State Bank of India | Branch Code: 07196 | IFSC Code: SBIN0007196 | MICR Code: 110002034 Branch Address: Flyover Market................ Signature ...... City................. Designation ....................................... Vasant Kunj........... Additional delegates will have to pay the registration fees........ Country .............. Address .................... Organisation ............................ 2nd Floor........... 2014 Organisation .......................... Mob.............................................. 2014.......................................................000/20.............................................................. SPONSORSHIP OPTIONS Amount SOUVENIR INR USD Complimentary Delegates Patron Donor 3..................... T/F: Certificates of Attendance will be issued to those who attend.... PAYMENT Please find enclosed...................................................................................... Branch . Fax ............. Director..........................................50 Lakh 1000 2 Full Page Category Advertisement in Souvenir Amount Back Cover Inside Back Cover Inside Front Cover Full Page Half Page INR USD 35................................................................................... Delegates will have to make their own arrangements for travel........................000/25........................000/- 1000 500 500 400 200 Name & logo of the sponsors will be displayed at both the venues | Complimentary delegates can attend either at Delhi or Pin Code ............................. Defence Colony.............. 2014 | Mumbai: March 10 & 11............................................ 91 9811401507............................................................................................. ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Mr................... Phone ........................................................ Cheque / DD No ............. E-mail .... OCF Plot No.... before 15th February...REGISTRATION FORM .......................................... PDF & JPEG format should reach the Seminar Secretariat lodging & boarding.................00 Lakhs 4000 4 Full Page Associate Donor 1................................................................................................................................ Dated ............ New Delhi .................................................... E-mail: iastructe@gmail... 2............................................................................................................... S Najmi................... Advertisement material (in colour) in A-4 size in Corel Draw.......... Contact Person............................ Pocket 9.............. in favor of “Indian Association of Structural Engineers” Bank ............... Mobile ................
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