March 22, 2018 | Author: JohnSengsu | Category:
Mechanical Engineering
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Bladder AccumulatorsDescription Bladder Materials The bladder accumulator consists of a fluid section and a gas section, with the bladder acting as a gas-proof screen. The fluid around the bladder is connected with the hydraulic circuit, so that the bladder accumulator draws in fluid when the pressure increases thus compressing the gas. When the pressure drops, the compressed gas expands and forces the stored fluid into the circuit. Not all fluids are compatible with every elastomer at all temperatures. Therefore, HYDAC offers the following choice of elastomers: Construction HYDAC bladder accumulators consist of a welded or forged pressure vessel (shell), a bladder and ports for gas and fluid inlet. The gas and fluid sides are separated by the bladder. • • • • • • NBR (Standard Nitrile) LT-NBR (Low Temperature Nitrile) ECO (Epichlorohydrin) IIR (Butyl) FPM (Fluorelastomer) others (available upon request) To determine which material is appropriate... ALWAYS REFER TO FLUID MANUFACTURER’S RECOMMENDATION Corrosion Protection Valve Seal Cap Gas Valve Core Lock Nut Valve Protection Cap O-Ring Name Plate For use with certain aggressive or corrosive fluids, or in a corrosive environment, HYDAC offers protective coatings and corrosive resistant materials (i.e. stainless steel) for the accumulator parts that come in contact with the fluid, or are exposed to the hostile environment. Mounting Position HYDAC bladder accumulators can be installed vertically, at any angle, or horizontally depending upon the application. When installing vertically or at an angle, the fluid port must be at the bottom. On certain applications listed below, specific positions are preferable: Shell • Energy Storage: vertical Bladder • Pulsation Damping: any position from vertical to horizontal • Maintaining Constant Pressure: any position from vertical to horizontal • Volume Compensation: any position from vertical to horizontal System Mounting Poppet HYDAC bladder accumulators are designed to be screwed directly onto the system. We also recommend the use of our mounting components, which are detailed on page 33, to minimize risk of failure due to system vibrations. Applications Anti-extrusion Ring Seal Rings Spacer Ring Lock Nut Fluid Port Seal Ring Vent Screw Some common applications of bladder accumulators are: • Agricultural Machinery & Equipment • Forestry Equipment • Oil Field & Offshore • Machine Tools • Mining Machinery & Equipment • Mobile & Construction Equipment • Off- Road Equipment For specific examples of applications using bladder accumulators, please see page 45. 5 Accumulator Catalog 1) D = NPT (ANSI B1.5 gallons 5 gallons 10 gallons 11 gallons 15 gallons Line Connection A F = Threaded = Flanged Gas Port 1 = Standard model.Bladder Accumulators Model Code SB 330 __ .5 gallons 2.6000 psi (Code 62) Model Codes containing red selections are non-standard items – Contact HYDAC for information and availability Not all combinations are available 1-877-GO HYDAC Accumulator Catalog 6 . Buna) 6 = FPM (Fluoro-elastomer) 7 = Others (available on request) Compound NBR ECO IIR LT-NBR FPM Oper.ISO 4570) Material Code Depending on Application 112 = Standard for oil service (mineral oil) Fluid Port 0 1 2 3 4 6 = = = = = = Synthetic coated carbon steel (internal & external for water service) Carbon steel Stainless steel (high strength) Stainless steel (corrosion resistance) Chemically plated carbon steel (internal & external for water service) Low temperature carbon steel (<-40°F) Shell 0 1 2 6 = = = = Synthetic coated carbon steel (internal & external for water service) Carbon steel Chemically plated carbon steel (internal & external for water service) Low temperature carbon steel (<-40°F) Bladder Compound 2 = NBR (Buna N) 3 = ECO (Hydrin) 4 = IIR (Butyl) 5 = LT-NBR (low temp.2) Flanged E = SAE 2” . HYDAC gas valve version 4 (8V1 .3000 psi (Code 61) F = SAE 1 1/2” . Temp Range 5˚ to 180˚F 32˚ to 180˚F -20˚ to 250˚F -40˚ to 200˚F -50˚ to 180˚F 5˚ to 300˚F Typical Fluids mineral oils water & water-glycols mineral oils phosphate esters & brake fluids mineral oils chlorinated hydrocarbons Country of Installation S = USA (for other countries see page 2 for proper code designation) Maximum Working Pressure 210 345 = 3000 psi = 5000 psi Fluid Port Connection Threaded A = BSPP (ISO 228) B = Metric (DIN 13) C = SAE (ANSI B1.20 A 1 / 112 S – 210 C Series SB 330 SB 600 = 3000 psi = 5000 psi Design (omit) H TR HT = = = = Standard (bottom repairable) High Flow Top Repairable High Flow / Top Repairable Size (see dimension tables on following pages for most common sizes) 1 4 6 10 20 32 42 54 = = = = = = = = 1 quart 1 gallon 1. 7 Accumulator Catalog .0 2.2 2.3 (58) 6. gal.8 (70) 9.3 (58) 9.1 (231) 3.54) B in.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 240 54 15 3180 370 (168) 78. see separate chart and illustration.0 (888) 3.1 1 1/4 66 (7.3 (58) 9.5 (521) 2. Gas Weight A B(1 C ØD ØE Thread J Q(2 Size Vol.1 (53) 1 5/8-12 UN 1 1/4” 160 10 2 1/2 566 86 (39) 22.8 (70) 9.5) (303) (51) (58) (117) (36) UN 4 1 226 30 (14) 16./(kg) in./(mm) SAE NPTF gpm 10 12.6 (168) 2./(mm) in.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 2” 240 54 15 3205 330 (150) 78./(mm) in.3 4. 3) sizes 20 to 54 only.8 (2002) 3. Eff. gal.3 2.4 2.1 (232) 3.. Gas Weight A B(1 C ØD ØE Size Vol.2 (1402) 3..3 (58) 6. in3 lbs..2 (1530) 3./(kg) in.3 6.5) SAE 1 1/2” – 6000 psi Code 62 240 Series 1) Applies to SAE thread type only.8 (70) 9.1 (231) 3.1 (80) 2. Vol. 2) Maximum discharge flow rate recommended for vertically mounted accumulators.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 240 Split Flange Connection (sizes 10 .3 (58) 9. (3000 psi) Nom.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 2” 240 20 5 1125 140 (63) 34.1 (232) 3. For Split Flange./(mm) Split Flange Connection F Q(2 gpm SB 330 SB 330 T(3 4.3 (415) 2.1 (53) 1 5/8-12 UN 1 1/4” 160 6 1 1/2 340 33 (15) 20.0 2.1 (80) 2.8 (71.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 2” 240 32 10 2080 226 (102) 54./(mm) in.6 (66) 2.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 2” 240 42 11 2320 270 (123) 60.5 (140) 2.5 (876) 3./(mm) in./(mm) øE in.1 (232) 3.3 (58) 9.Bottom Repairable SB 330.3 4.3 (58) 9. Vol./(mm) 17 13.1 (80) 2. (5000 psi) Nom.1 (80) 2.1 (232) 3.0 (559) 3.1 (231) 3. Eff.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 240 20 5 1125 162 (73) 35.1 4 1 226 (15) (415) (64) (58) (173) (53) Q(2 Thread J SAE gpm 1 5/8-12 UN 160 1 5/8-12 UN 160 10 2 1/2 566 114 (52) 22.1 (231) 3.Bladder Accumulators Standard Bladder Accumulators ..8 2./(mm) in.7 (1390) 3.6 1./(mm) in.5 2.4 1 1/16-12 1 1/4 66 3/4” 60 (4.1 (80) 2.6 (66) 2.6 (168) 2.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 240 32 10 2080 250 (113) 55.5 (63.7) (335) (62) (58) (122) (53) 33 16.8 (70) 9.8 2.3 (1990) 3.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 2” 240 SB 600./(mm) in. in3 lbs.4 (568) 3.1 (104) 2.1 (231) 3.1 (80) 2.1 (80) 2./(mm) in.1 (80) 2.1 (80) 2.4) SAE 2” – 3000 psi Code 61 240 SB 600 SB 600 T(3 5. /(mm) in.6 (40) 9.8 (97) 2 1/2-12 UN 480 1) Applies to SAE thread type only.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 240 32 10 2080 260 (118) 53.8 (97) 2 1/2-12 UN 480 54 15 3205 352 (160) 79. Gas Weight A B(1 C ØD ØE Size Vol.6 (40) 9.3 (540) 3. see chart and illustration below.1 (80) 1.1 (231) 3.1 (231) 3. gal.1 (232) 3. 2) Maximum discharge flow rate recommended for vertically mounted accumulators.6 (40) 9. Eff./(mm) in. (Top Repairable.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 2” 240 54 15 3205 330 (150) 78./(mm) in.1 (231) 3. 3000 psi) Nom. (Top Repairable.6 (40) 9.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 240 54 15 3205 380 (172) 77.3 (1964) 3./(mm) in. (Top Repairable.1 (80) 1.. gal.0 (914) 5.8 (883) 3.6 (40) 9.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 2” 240 20 5 1125 140 (63) 34./(mm) in.6 (1997) 3./(mm) in.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 2” 240 SB 600 TR./(mm) in./(mm) in.1 (80) 1.8 (97) 2 1/2-12 UN 480 32 10 2080 247 (112) 57.6 (40) 9. in3 lbs.5 (851) 3./(kg) in./(mm) Thread J Q(2 SAE NPTF gpm 10 2 1/2 566 94 (43) 21. 1-877-GO HYDAC Accumulator Catalog 8 . 3000 psi) High Flow Flange Connection (optional) Nom./(kg) in./(mm) in../(mm) in.. in3 lbs.8 (2027) 5.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 240 SB 330 HT.3 (135) 1.1 (80) 1. High Flow. 5000 psi) Nom.1 (232) 3.1 (232) 3.6 (40) 9.1 (80) 1./(kg) in. gal.. Vol.0 (76) 1 7/8-12 UN 2” 240 32 10 2080 226 (102) 55.1 (80) 1. For Split Flange..1 (232) 3.2 (1409) 5.6 (40) 9./(mm) in. Gas Weight A B(1 C ØD ØE Size Vol. Vol.7 (1364) 3.1 (232) 3.6 (40) 9. Eff. Eff..0 (1397) 3./(mm) in.6 (40) 9.1 (232) 3. Gas Weight A B(1 C ØD ØE Size Vol. in3 lbs.Bladder Accumulators Top Repairable and High Flow Bladder Accumulators SB 330 TR.1 (231) 3./(mm) Q(2 Thread J SAE gpm 20 5 1125 172 (78) 33./(mm) Q(2 Thread J SAE gpm 20 5 1125 161 (73) 36.1 (80) 1.3 (135) 1. Vol.3 (135) 1. 7. 5. SB300H. 29. 28.Seal Kits & Spare Parts Bladder Accumulators: Spare Parts Bottom Repairable SB330. 15. 5. 7. 30 SB330HT: 2. 16. 7. 30 Item Description: Gas Side 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 51 Fluid Side Shell Bladder Gas Valve Core Bladder Stem Lock Nut Valve Seal Cap Valve Protection Cap O-ring 8 22 24 28 29 30 31 Name Plate Gas Port Adapter Anti-extrusion Ring Flat Ring O-ring Back-up Ring Gas Port Lock Nut Accumulator Catalog 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 Fluid Port Anti-extrusion Ring Flat Ring O-ring Spacer Ring Fluid Port Lock Nut Vent Screw Seal Ring Back-up Ring . 23 (where applicable). 16. 23 (where applicable) Seal Kits consist of items 15. 23 (where applicable). 3. SB 600 Detail Z Detail Z 4 22 6 3 4 Top Repairable SB330T. 29. 30 Seal Kits consist of items 15. 3. 23 (where applicable) Repair Kits consist of items SB330T. 15. 3. 28. 16. 29. 16. 4 (SB 600 only). SB 600T Detail Z 6 5 3 7 8 Detail Z 5 3 7 Detail Y 31 24 1 Detail Y SB 330 T: SB 330 HT: size 10 to 54 size 20 to 54 1 2 6 31 2 30 29 28 SB 600 T: Detail X 6 31 SB 330: size 1 to 54 SB 600: size 1 to 4 17 30 29 28 15 16 14 Detail X 17 Detail X 17 9 14 SB 600: size 10 to 54 18 9 Detail X SB 330 T: 17 15 16 23 size 10 to 54 15 16 19 20 18 20 19 size 20 to 54 17 SB 330 HT: size 20 to 54 SB 600 T: size 20 to 54 17 15 16 23 17 Repair Kits consist of items 2. 23 (where applicable). SB600T: 2. 5. 28. SB330HT. 5 gal. Complete maintenance instructions are available .) 10 (2.Seal Kits & Spare Parts Bladder Accumulators: Seal Kits For seal kits and repair kits other than Buna N. 1-877-GO HYDAC Accumulator Catalog 52 . Bottom Repairable . and 3 extension segements to accomodate accumulators up to 54 liter Spanner Wrench WARNING: Only qualified persons should perform maintenance on any type of accumulator.Buna N* Size 3000 PSI Fluid Port Repair Kit Seal Kit 5000 PSI Fluid Port Repair Kit Seal Kit 1 (1 qt.) 20 (5 gal.Contact HYDAC. and for sizes and types not listed please consult factory. Bladder Accumulators: Item Tools Part Number Pull Rod Gas Valve Torque Wrench Gas Valve Core Tool Spanner Wrenches: 1 Qt.) 54 (15 gal.) 42 (11 gal. and for sizes not listed please consult factory.) 32 (10 gal.) 4 (1 gal.) 6 (1.comes complete with fittings for both HYDAC gas valve types.) 02054031 02054032 02054032 02054033 02054033 02054033 02054033 02054033 02054032 02054032 N/A 02054283 02054283 02054283 N/A 02054283 02054034 02054035 02054677 02054036 02054037 02054038 02075963 02054039 02054557 02050357 N/A 02052798 02052808 02052818 N/A 20542828 * For seal kits and repair kits other than Buna N. 1-15 Gal High Flow and Top Repairable 00172054 01007948 00616886 Gas Valve Torque Wrench 02054547 02054545 02054548 Gas Valve Core Tool Pull Rod .5gal. has flat) from HYDAC Not ASME approved.5-3KT AI-5-3KT AI-10-3KT AI-15-3KT 9-534-232-025 9-534-232-026 9-534-232-027 9-534-232-028 9-534-232-0291 702956 702970 702984 702998 703026 A1-300 A2. Bosch5 Greer Oil Air Parker 5 gal 10 gal 15 gal 02054000 02054001 02054002 A5TR31003 A10TR31003 A15TR31003 9-530-230-085 9-530-230-095 9-530-230-1051 851430 851590 852480 TR-5-100-3 TR-10-100-3 TR-15-100-3 AB20C3T1A1 AB40C3T1A1 AB60C3T1A1 Repair Kits10 Replacement Bladder Size HYDAC Accum Inc.5-2-300 A5-2-300 A10-2-300 A15-2-300 0850693010 0850693025 0850693050 0850693100 0850693150 5/8” Gas Valve 1 qt 02054034 7/8” Gas Valve (HYDAC standard) 1 gal 2.5-5-100-3 G-5-5-100-3 G-10-5-100-3 G-15-5-100-3 N/A N/A AB10B5T1A1 AB20B5T1A1 AB40B5T1A1 AB60B5T1A1 Repair Kits10 Replacement Bladder Size HYDAC Accum Inc.3000 PSI / Oil Service / Buna N / SAE Thread Size HYDAC Accum Inc.5 gal 5 gal 10 gal 15 gal 02054036 02054104 02054105 02054106 AI-2. 4 Greer4 Oil Air4 Parker4 2.531003 A531003 A1031003 A1531003 0-531-112-640 0-531-113-640 0-531-114-640 0-531-115-640 0-531-115-650 0-531-116-6401 851550 841720 849760 849392 850670 849910 1QT-100-3 1-100-3 2.5 gal 5 gal 10 gal 15 gal 020544557 020540357 020542798 020542808 020542818 020542828 N/A N/A AI-2. Bosch Greer Oil Air Parker 1 qt 1 gal 2. Bosch2 Greer Oil Air Parker 1 qt 02054655 AI-1QT-3KT3 N/A 7029283 A1QT-3003 08506930023 N/A 9-534-232-0243 N/A N/A N/A AI-1-3KT AI-2.9 Bosch Greer9 Oil Air9 Parker8 1 qt 1 gal 2.5-3KT AI-5-3KT AI-10-3KT AI-15-3KT N/A 9-534-232-027 9-534-232-028 9-534-232-0291 702970 702984 702998 703026 A2.5-5-300 AG-5-5-300 AG-10-5-300 AG-15-5-300 N/A N/A 08619050258 08619050508 08619051008 08619051508 Footnotes 1 2 3 4 5 6 53 Only 14 gallon Bladder only Size of gas valve stem may be different than HYDAC standard (7/8”-14 UNF) Style of gas valve stem (top-repairable) may differ (i. TUV approved accumulators only Top-repairable only Accumulator Catalog 7 8 9 10 Gas valve stem 7/8”-14 UNF Gas valve stem 2” Size and/or style of gas valve may be different than HYDAC standard HYDAC Repair Kit consists of: • Bladder • Gas Valve Core • Lock Nut (SB 600 only) • Valve Seal Cap • Seal Kit .e.5000 PSI / Oil Service / Buna N / SAE Thread Size HYDAC Accum Inc.5-5-300 A5-2-300 A10-2-300 A15-2-300 0850693025 0850693050 0850693100 0850693150 Standard Bottom Repairable .5 gal 5 gal 10 gal 15 gal 02054003 02054004 02054005 02054006 02054007 02054008 A1QT31003 A131003 A2.5-100-3 5-100-3 10-100-3 15-100-3 AB01B3T1A1 AB04B3T1A1 AB10B3T1A1 AB20B3T1A1 AB40B3T1A1 AB60B3T1A1 Repair Kits10 Replacement Bladder Size HYDAC Accum Inc.5TR510036 A5TR510036 A10TR510036 A15TR510036 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 851120 851130 851150 855360 850680 855370 N/A N/A G-2.5 gal 5 gal 10 gal 15 gal 02054035 02054036 02054037 02054038 02054039 Top Repairable . Bosch5 Greer Oil Air Parker 1 qt 1 gal 2.5-5-3KT AI-5-5-3KT AI-10-5-3KT AI-15-5-3KT N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 704040 704060 704080 704100 704120 704140 N/A N/A AG-2.5 gal 5 gal 10 gal 15 gal 02054188 02054189 02054276 02054275 02054277 02054278 N/A N/A A2.4 Bosch2.3000 PSI / Oil Service / Buna N / SAE Thread Size HYDAC Accum Inc.Seal Kits & Spare Parts Bladder Accumulators: Competitive Crossover Standard Bottom Repairable .
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