Bizmanualz Sales Marketing Policies and Procedures Sample

March 26, 2018 | Author: Ye Phone | Category: Sales, Marketing, Strategic Management, Direct Marketing, Advertising



Bizmanualz Sample from the Sales & Marketing Policies and Procedures Manualincludes an example policy, procedure, a list of topics, forms and job descriptions Sales & Marketing Policies and Procedures Manual Sales and Marketing Procedures manual takes best practices and sound advice from experts in the sales and marketing fields and brings them together in one well organized, easy-to-use, and readily customizable template to manage your sales and marketing processes. The Sales and Marketing Procedures manual helps you organize and manage these essential functions, giving you direction and guidance to help you turn the art of marketing and sales into science. This manual helps you break down the barriers between sales and marketing departments. It emphasizes communication and unity of purpose, helps you set a clear course for your sales and marketing strategy, and lays the foundation for continual improvement. US$ 595.00 How to Order: Online: By Phone: 314-384-4183 866-711-5837 Email: [email protected] Includes seven (7) modules: 1. Introduction and Table of Contents 2. Guide to preparing a well written manual 3. A Sample Sales & Marketing Executive’s Manual covering common requirements and practices 4. 41 Policies and 102 corresponding forms 5. Guide to Internet Marketing 6. 22 Job Descriptions covering every position referenced in the Manual 7. Complete Index     Instant download Available immediately (no shipping required) Files are delivered electronically in Microsoft Word format Sample Policy from Sales & Marketing Policies and Procedures Manual Sales Section: Qualifying Leads Document ID SL1020 Revision 0.0 Effective Date mm/dd/yyyy Title QUALIFYING LEADS Prepared By Preparer’s Name/Title Reviewed By Reviewer’s Name/Title Approved By Final Approver’s Name/Title Print Date mm/dd/yyyy Date Prepared mm/dd/yyyy Date Reviewed mm/dd/yyyy Date Approved mm/dd/yyyy Policy: In order to focus the efforts of the professional sales staff, the company shall determine which leads generated by advertising, marketing, and sales are prospective customers that should receive a sales call. Purpose: To outline the procedure for classifying sales leads and to identify leads ready for the attention of the professional sales staff. Scope: This procedure applies to all sales leads generated by marketing, advertising, and sales efforts. 2 Sales Management shall develop a process to assign a category to incoming leads according to the source of the lead and the information available about the lead. and a Prospects Database.1 Sales Management shall communicate daily/weekly targets for the number of incoming leads and the number of qualified leads stated in the SL1010-1 – SALES MANAGEMENT PLAN to Sales Administrators. a list of topics. or advertising techniques. procedure. 1. organization. forms. web pages. for information about all incoming leads. Lead Inquiry Form: A brief questionnaire form (available through trade shows. and supply the Sales Administrators with the proper training. marketing. . and sales targets. then attempt to set a sales call appointment for qualified leads. forms and job descriptions Responsibiliti es: Marketing shall regularly provide the Sales Administrators with all leads generated by inquiry forms. Definitions: Lead: Any potential customer whose name and/or information was garnered through sales. and the authority to purchase/lease. Procedure: QUALIFYING LEADS PLAN 1. Sales Management shall also monitor and adjust the qualifying procedures and its associated forms and records in order to maximize efficiency and meet lead. Sales Administrators shall complete the SL1020-3 – LEAD QUESTIONNAIRE and maintain the SL1020-2 – PROSPECT DATABASE Sales Management shall set the qualifying procedure. and advertising tear cards for example). Professional Sales Staff shall provide information to the Sales Management on a daily or weekly basis on the sales status of qualified leads. Sales Administrators shall also maintain a Leads Database. define the qualifying parameters. the resources to purchase or lease the Company's product. or individual identified by the company as having: a current or impending need. Qualified Lead or Prospect: A business. and tools necessary to qualify leads. prospect.Bizmanualz Sample from the Sales & Marketing Policies and Procedures Manual includes an example policy. Sales Administrators shall gather information in order to qualify leads according to the prospect of potential sales. Marketing shall adjust marketing techniques according to leads and sales statistics provided by Sales Management. that has been completed and submitted by a potential customer. for information on qualified leads.  Sales Administrators shall attempt to set a sales appointment within two weeks for all qualified leads.2 Sales Administrators shall enter the information available on the Lead Inquiry Form into the MT1060 LEAD DATABASE and onto a Lead Questionnaire. 1.1 Marketing and the Professional Sales Staff shall supply the Sales Administrators with leads on a daily basis through the MT1060-2 – LEADS DATABASE. The Sales Administrator shall evaluate the lead and its associated information and make a determination on the qualifying status according to the SL1020-3 – LEAD QUESTIONNAIRE and the required action according to the SL1020-1 – PROSPECT MANAGEMENT PLAN. determine status of lead quality according to defined categories. 1.6 The Sales Administrators and Professional Sales Staff shall maintain the SL1020-2 PROSPECT DATABASE. forms and job descriptions 1.4 2.  Sales Administrators shall respond to inquiry forms received by mail.7 Sales Administrators and Professional Sales Staff shall submit regular (daily/weekly/monthly) reports to Sales Management with information on the number of incoming leads and their sources.5 The Sales Administrators shall process incoming leads according to the Qualifying Lead Procedure. QUALIFYING LEADS 2.  Any Lead determined by the Sales Administrator to fit into Category 3 or Category 4 on the SL1020-3 – LEAD QUESTIONNAIRE shall be deemed a qualified lead or prospect. web forms. qualified leads and their sources. 1.3 Sales Management shall provide all the necessary forms and schedules required for qualifying leads. The . procedure.5  Sales Administrators shall start the qualifying lead for phone inquires upon receiving the call.3 Sales Administrators shall interview leads to collect and/or complete the required lead information using the SL1020-3 – LEAD QUESTIONNAIRE.  The Sales Administrator shall update the MT1060 LEAD DATABASE and enter qualified leads and associated information into the SL1020-2 – PROSPECT DATABASE. a list of topics. Each subsequent contact with a lead by a Sales Administrator or the Professional Sales Staff shall result in a re-interview of the lead. and sales and their lead sources. and take the appropriate action as determined by SL1020-1 – PROSPECT MANAGEMENT PLAN.4 Sales Management and Marketing Management shall develop a SL1020-2 – PROSPECT DATABASE. or email within 48 hours.Bizmanualz Sample from the Sales & Marketing Policies and Procedures Manual includes an example policy. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2 Sales Management shall review daily/weekly on the MT1060 LEAD DATABASE and the SL1020-2 – PROSPECT DATABASE to determine which marketing. advertising. 4.3.0 4. a list of topics. procedures and forms for effectively qualifying leads and meeting sales pipeline goals including the following:  Information collected in the on MT1060-3 – LEAD DATABASE and the SL1020-2 – PROSPECT DATABASE  Information collected during lead interviews and how information is used to qualify leads (category placement. leads qualified.Bizmanualz Sample from the Sales & Marketing Policies and Procedures Manual includes an example policy.1 Sales Management shall review daily or weekly the information provided on the SL1020-2 – PROSPECT DATABASE leads. forms and job descriptions information on the SL1020-3 – LEAD QUESTIONNAIRE shall be updated and the qualifying status of the lead re-evaluated. as required. and sales appointments are being reached. References: A. and the number of sales appointments set.1 IMPROVING THE QUALIFYING PROCESS Sales Management shall review and improve. and sales appointments. and submit the form to Sales Management daily or weekly. and sales efforts are most effective at providing leads. the number of leads qualified. The MT1060-2 – LEAD DATABASE and SL1020-2 – PROSPECT DATABASE shall be updated after each lead contact 2.3 Sales Management shall meet regularly with Marketing to review which marketing techniques provide the largest number and highest percentage of leads. 3. 3. qualified leads.3 – "Qualifying Leads" Additional Resources: .0 MONITORING THE QUALIFYING PROCESS 3.6 The Sales Administrator shall complete the SL1010-3 – SALES-LEADS TARGETS form with the actual number of leads interviewed.2 Sales Management shall meet regularly with the Sales Administrators to review the SL1010-3 – SALES-LEADS TARGETS and make improvements and adjustments in the qualifying leads process. procedure. 4. number and types of categories) on the SL1020-3 – LEAD QUESTIONNAIRE  Sales pipeline goals  The SL1020-1 – PROSPECT MANAGEMENT PLAN 4. and sales appointments. Sales & Marketing Executives' Manual  Section 5. qualified leads. to determine if targets leads contacted. htm Forms/Records:  SL1020-1 – PROSPECT MANAGEMENT PLAN  SL1020-2 – PROSPECT DATABASE  SL1020-3 – QUALIFYING QUESTIONNAIRE Revision History: Revisi on 0.knowthis. a list of topics. KnowThis. forms and job descriptions A.Part 18: The Selling Date Description of changes Initial Release Requested By .com. procedure.Bizmanualz Sample from the Sales & Marketing Policies and Procedures Manual includes an example policy. Principles of Marketing . http://www. SL 1020-2 – PROSPECT DATABASE Company Name Primary Activity Comments: Approval: Address Contact Contact Phone Contact Title Prospect Category Qualifying Points Comments . but not impending need. or has low interest in the product or service Maintain mail/email contact. Add to Prospects Database. has a high level of interest in the product or service. procedure. pass prospect information to Sales. and is willing meet with Sales. note dates of future activity in Leads Database 3 A lead that has an future.Bizmanualz Sample from the Sales & Marketing Policies and Procedures Manual includes an example policy. forms and job descriptions SL1020-1 – PROSPECT MANAGEMENT PLAN Category Description Action 0 Not a potential customer. or has moderate interest in the product or service Add to Prospects Database. 4 A lead that has a current or immediate need. or lacks the resources or authority to purchase a provided product or service. no interest or need in product or service Note on Leads Database 1 A lead whose needs and status are unknown Attempt to gather further information and find a point of contact and note in Leads Database. a list of topics. Set Sales appointment. has the resources. but does not have a current or impending need. Pass prospect information to Sales Staff. 2 A lead that uses a provided product or service. has the resources. and has the authority to buy or use a provided product or service. and has the authority to buy or use a provided product or service. Bizmanualz Sample from the Sales & Marketing Policies and Procedures Manual includes an example policy. a list of topics. forms and job descriptions Date . procedure. Required information not available 2 – Uses Product/Service. sales appointment Comments: . procedure. and funding. has low interest. high interest. immediate need. or no funding 3 – Uses Product/Service. and a future need 4 – Uses Product/Service. a list of topics.Bizmanualz Sample from the Sales & Marketing Policies and Procedures Manual includes an example policy. forms and job descriptions SL1020-3 – LEAD QUESTIONNAIRE Completed by: Contact Information: Name: Title: Phone: Email: Date of Inquiry: Date of Interview: Company: Company Address: Primary Business Activity: Secondary Business Activity: Product/Service Inquiry: Source of Reference: Timeframe Product/Service Needed: Number of Employees: Number of Locations: Number of Employees at this location: Primary Customers: Funding Available for Product/Service?: Current Provider/Vendor: Yearly Quantities/Sales: Authority to Purchase?: Problems to be Solved by Purchase: Desire Sales Appointment?: Sales Appointment Date/Time: Appointment Location: Overall Prospect Category: 0 . has moderate interest.No need or interest in Product/Service: 1 . no impending need. 33. Sales ( Con’t) Customer Service Telephone Answering Policy Complaint Handling Post-Sale Customer Follow Up Customer Satisfaction Survey Service Satisfaction 27. Sales Customer Life Cycle Management Sales Management Qualifying Leads Sales Calls Customer Improvement 21. 3. 11. 38. procedure. 31. 23. a list of the procedures where the position is referenced. 13. 18. Marketing Planning Strategy Team Stakeholder Analysis Vision and Mission Marketing Research/ Analysis Situational Analysis Goals and Objectives Marketing Strategy Marketing Plan Social Media Strategy 10. 9. 36. 41. 24. 20. 19. physical demands of the position. 8. organizational relationships. 35. 15. and work environment. a list of topics. 28. essential duties and responsibilities. 12. 5. 26. Accounting Manager Board Member Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Customer Service Manager Customer Service Representative Director of Quality Engineering Manager Human Resources Manager Internet Marketing Manager Manufacturing Manager Marketing Manager Marketing Researcher Procurement Manager Product Development Assistant Product Manager Production Manager Public Relations Manager Quality Manager Sales Manager Sales Representative Service Manager Trade Show Coordinator . Marketing Tactics Advertising Internet Marketing Public Relations Trade Shows/Events Direct Mail Lead Management 16. 22. 2. 7. 39. 37. 30.Bizmanualz Sample from the Sales & Marketing Policies and Procedures Manual includes an example policy. specific qualifications. 6. 40. Each position includes a summary description of the position. 32. Product Management Product Life Cycle Management Product Development Product Launch Product Recalls Customer Requirements Warranty and Service Policies Service Parts Pricing Customer Returns Job Descriptions: A complete job description is included for each of the 22 positions referenced in the Sales & Marketing Polices and Procedure Manual. 29. forms and job descriptions Sales & Marketing Policies and Procedures Manual: 41 Prewritten Policies and Procedures 1. 25. 4. 17. Sales and Marketing Administration Document Control Record Control Sales Supplies Sales Compensation Sales Hiring Sales Training Meetings 34. 14. 57. Keyword Log 33. Lead Management Plan 52. 71. Public Relations Plan Worksheet 34. Advertising Plan 29. Lead Management Status Report Sales and Marketing Administration 75. 20. 90. Leads Database 53. 5. Equipment Request from Inventory 45. 63. 87. 22. Competency Matrix 83. forms and job descriptions 102 Corresponding Forms and Records 1. Document Request 76. 11.Bizmanualz Sample from the Sales & Marketing Policies and Procedures Manual includes an example policy. Meeting Agenda Product Management Product Life Cycle Management Plan Request for Engineering Action Requirements Definition Product Brief Design Review Checklist Design Completion Checklist – Electromechanical Devices 92. 18. Visitor Evaluation 47. PR Events Log 39. Qualification Checklist 81. procedure. Product Recall Request (Internal) 96.Limited Warranty Form (Sample) 101. 3. 61. 24. Product Return Form 99. 12. 10. 19. 13. 68. 2.Returned Goods Authorization 102. Non-Food Product Recall Checklist 98. Internet Planning Worksheet 31. 73. Trade Show Event Plan 41. a list of topics. 65. 56. 64. 58. 91. Trade Show / Event Planning Worksheet 40. Sales Customer Life Cycle Management Plan Sales Management Plan Sales Forecast Weekly Sales Summary Prospect Management Plan Prospect Database Lead Questionnaire Sales Plan Customer Database Order Database Customer Contact Worksheet Sales Account Maintenance Plan Customer Improvement Plan Customer Improvement Goals Worksheet Customer Complaint-Feedback Strategy Phone Message Customer Service Contact Customer Service Log Post-Sale Satisfaction Report Customer Satisfaction Survey Customer Service Satisfaction Report Marketing Tactics 26. 74. 66. Internet Plan 32. Document Control Database 77. 62. 6. 4. PR Event Checklist 35. Advertising Schedule (Sample) 30. Trade Show / Event Supply Checklist 44. Sales/Marketing Records List 78. Product Launch Plan 95. 67. Product Test 94. 59. 17. 8. Media Kit Checklist 37. Direct Mail Budget Worksheet 50. 16. 72. Public Relations Plan 36. Design Completion Checklist – Non-Electromechanical Devices 93. Interview Guidelines 82. 89.Customer Returns Database 86. Food Product Recall Checklist 97. Customer Requirements Checklist 100. 55. 7. 25. . 70. Trade Show Checklist 43. 60. Show Registration 46. Advertising Objectives-Strategies Worksheet 28. 88. Training Plan 85. 9. 14. 69. Individual Training Record 84. Sales Compensation Plan 80. 21. 15. 23. Direct Mail Planning Worksheet 49. Press Release Template 38. Sales Supply Checklist/Order Form 79. Marketing Planning Project Planning Timeline (Sample) Project Status Report Strategy Team Review Checklist Project Progress Review Checklist Stakeholder Analysis Matrix Stakeholder Analysis Review Checklist Stakeholder Analysis Report Market Segmentation Worksheet Marketing Database Market Analysis SWOT Analysis Worksheet Competitive Analysis Worksheet Situational Analysis Report Goals/Objectives Worksheet Goals/Objectives Statement Marketing Strategy Matrix Strategy Checklist Marketing Strategy Marketing Plan Marketing Budget Template Social Media Planning Worksheet Social Media Plan Social Media Calendar Social Media Log Social Media Policy & Acknowledgement 54. Trade Show Worksheet 42. Advertising Review Worksheet 27. Trade Show / Exhibit Summary 48. Direct Mail Plan 51.
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