BIT Aero Final Syllabus 2014-15

March 20, 2018 | Author: Krishnakumar Masimalai | Category: Inductor, Battery (Electricity), Electrochemistry, Differential Calculus, Corrosion



Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech.| Regulation 2011 |1 B. E. AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING (Minimum credits to be earned: 193) First Semester Objectives & Outcomes Code No. 11O101 11O102 11O103 Course PEOs Engineering Mathematics I* POs L T P C I * Engineering Chemistry ‡ 3 1 0 3.5 (a) 3 0 0 3.0 I Engineering Physics (a) I * (a) 3 0 0 3.0 II (g) 3 0 0 3.0 I (a), (b) 4 0 0 4.0 11A106 Language Elective I Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering+ Basics of Aeronautical Engineering I (a) 3 0 0 3.0 11A107 C Programming I (a) 2 0 3 3.5 I (a) 0 0 2 1.0 I (a) 0 0 2 1.0 21 1 7 25.0 L T P C 11O205 11O108 11O109 # Engineering Physics Laboratory # Engineering Chemistry Laboratory Total Second Semester Code No. 11O201 11O202 Course Environmental Science * ‡ PEOs POs I (a) 3 1 0 3.5 I (a) 3 0 0 3.0 II Engineering Mathematics II* Language Elective II Objectives & Outcomes (g) 3 1 0 3.5 11A204 Applied Materials Science I (a) 3 0 0 3.0 11A205 Engineering Mechanics I, IV (a), (j) 3 1 0 3.5 11A206 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery I, V (a), (j) 3 1 0 3.5 11A207 Engineering Design Concepts IV, V (j) 3 0 0 3.0 I (a) 2 0 2 3.0 I, II, III (a), (h) 0 0 2 1.0 23 4 4 27.0 11O208 Engineering Graphics 11A209 Workshop Practice $ Total * ‡ + # $ Common for all branches of B.E./B.Tech Common to all branches of B.E./B.Tech. (Continuous Assessment) Common for all branches of B.E./B.Tech except ECE,EEE & EIE Common for AE, CE, CSE, ECE & EIE (I Semester); EEE, ME, BT, FT, IT & TT (II Semester) Common for EEE, ME, BT, FT, IT & TT (I Semester); AE, CE, CSE, ECE & EIE (II Semester) Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |2 Third Semester Code No. Course Objectives & Outcomes PEOs POs L T P C 11O301 Engineering Mathematics III♣ I (a) 3 1 0 3.5 11A302 Solid Mechanics I, II, III (a), (b) 3 1 0 3.5 11A303 Aero Engineering Thermodynamics I, III (a), (b) 3 1 0 3.5 11A304 Aircraft Systems and Instrumentation I, III, (b), (d), (e) 3 0 0 3.0 11A305 Control Engineering I, II, III,V (d), (e), (f) 3 1 0 3.5 11A306 Aircraft Materials Strength of Materials Laboratory I, III (a), (b) 3 0 0 3.0 I, II (c) 0 0 3 1.5 I, II (c) 0 0 3 1.5 I, II (c) 0 0 3 1.5 18 4 9 24.5 L T P C 11A307 11A308 11A309 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Laboratory Thermodynamics Laboratory Total Fourth Semester Code No. Course Objectives & Outcomes PEOs POs 11A401 Numerical Methods I (a) 3 1 0 3.5 11A402 Aerodynamics I I, IV (b), (e), (k) 3 0 0 3.0 11A403 Mechanics of Machines II (a) 3 1 0 3.5 11A404 Manufacturing Technology I (a) 3 0 0 3.0 11A405 Aircraft Structures I I, II, III (b), (c), (d) 3 1 0 3.5 11A406 Heat Transfer I, II, V (a), (b) 3 1 0 3.5 11A407 Aircraft Structures Laboratory I I 0 0 3 1.5 11A408 Design and Drafting I, III, V 0 0 3 1.5 11A409 Aerodynamics Laboratory I,II,III,V (c) (c), (d), (e), (f) (c), (e) 0 0 3 1.5 18 4 9 24.5 Total ♣ Common for all branches of B.E./B.Tech except BT and CSE Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |3 Fifth Semester Code No. Course Objectives & Outcomes 11A501 Computational Fluid Dynamics I, II, V 11A502 Microprocessors and Micro-controllers I, II, V 11A503 Aircraft Structures II Aerothermodynamics and Gas Dynamics I, IV Propulsion I I, II,V 11A504 11A505 I, IV POs (b), (c), (f), (j) (a), (c), (j) (b), (c), (k) (a), (b), (c), (k) (e), (f), (g), (h) Elective I L T P C 3 1 0 3.5 3 0 0 3.0 3 1 0 3.5 3 1 0 3.5 3 1 0 3.5 3 PEOs - - 3.0 11A507 Aircraft Structures Laboratory II I, II, III (c), (f), (g) 0 0 3 1.5 11A508 Aircraft Structures Repair Laboratory I, II, III (d), (f), (h) 0 0 3 1.5 11A509 Modeling and Simulation Laboratory I,II,V (c), (e), (f) 0 0 3 1.5 11A510 Technical Seminar I I, II, III (g), (h) - - 2 1.0 - - - 25.5♠ L T P C 3 1 0 3.5 3 0 0 3.0 3 1 0 3.5 3 0 0 3.0 3 - - 3.0 3 0 0 3.0 1 0 2 2.0 0 0 3 1.5 - - 2 1.0 - - - 23.5♠ Total Sixth Semester Code No. Course 11A601 Finite Element Methods 11A602 Propulsion II 11A603 Vibrations Aircraft General Engineering and Maintenance Practices Elective II 11A604 Objectives & Outcomes PEOs POs (a), (b), (d), I, III (e) (b), (e), (j), I, IV, V (k) I, III, V (d), (e), (f) I, III (d), (e), (f) 11A606 Flight Dynamics I, II, IV 11A607 Aircraft Design Project I I, II, III, V 11A608 Propulsion Laboratory I, II, III, V (b), (e), (f), (k) (c), (d), (e), (f) (c), (f) 11A609 Technical Seminar II I, II, III (g), (h) Total ♠ Minimum credits to be earned. The maximum number of credits as well as the total number of LTP hours may vary depending upon the electives offered. Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |4 Seventh Semester Code No. 11O701 Course Objectives & Outcomes PEOs POs L T P C I, II (a), (b) 3 0 0 3.0 I, II, III, V (e), (f) 3 0 0 3.0 11A703 Engineering Economics* Aircraft Electrical and Avionic Systems Composite Materials and Structures I, III, V (a), (b), (d) 3 0 0 3.0 11A704 Aircraft Design Project II I, II, IV (f), (g), (h) 1 0 2 2.0 3 - - 3.0 3 - - 3.0 0 0 3 1.5 0 0 3 1.5 - - - 3.0 - - - 23.0♠ Objectives & Outcomes PEOs POs L T P C IV 2 0 0 2.0 3 - - 3.0 - - - 3.0 - - - 12.0 - - - 20.0♠ 11A702 Elective III Elective IV 11A707 Aircraft Systems Laboratory I, III, IV 11A708 Avionics Laboratory I, II, III, V Project Work - Phase I I, II, III 11A709 (c), (d), (e), (h), (i) (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) (b), (c), (e), (g), (h) Total Eight Semester Code No. 11O801 Course Professional Ethics* (i) Elective V Elective VI 11A804 Project Work - Phase II I, II, III (b), (c), (e), (g), (h) Total * Common for all branches of B.E./B.Tech. ♠ Minimum credits to be earned. The maximum number of credits as well as the total number of LTP hours may vary depending upon the electives offered. Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |5 ELECTIVES LANGUAGE ELECTIVES Code No. Course Objectives & Outcomes PEOs POs L T P C Language Elective I 11O10B Basic English I II (g) 3 0 0 3.0 11O10C Communicative English II (g) 3 0 0 3.0 Language Elective II 11O20B Basic English II II (g) 3 1 0 3.5 11O20C II (g) 3 1 0 3.5 11O20G Advanced Communicative English German II (g) 3 1 0 3.5 11O20J Japanese II (g) 3 1 0 3.5 11O20F French II (g) 3 1 0 3.5 11O20H Hindi II (g) 3 1 0 3.5 DISCIPLINE ELECTIVES Aircraft Structures Electives 11A001 Theory of Elasticity I, III, IV (b), (j) 3 0 0 3.0 11A002 Experimental Stress Analysis I, III, IV (b), (c) 3 0 0 3.0 11A003 Theory of Plates and Shells I, III, IV (b), (c), (e) 3 0 0 3.0 11A004 11A025 11A028 Fatigue and Fracture Structural Dynamics Flight Vehicle Design I, III, IV I, III, IV I, III,IV,V (e), (d) (b), (c), (e) (a), (b), (d) 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Aerodynamics and Propulsion Electives 11A005 Wind Tunnel Techniques I, III,V,VI (f), (e) 3 0 0 3.0 11A006 I,III,V, VI (d), (f) 3 0 0 3.0 I, III, V (d), (e) 3 0 0 3.0 11A008 Space Mechanics Introduction to V/STOL and Ground Effect Machines Rockets and Missiles I,III,V, VI (b), (d) 3 0 0 3.0 11A009 Industrial Aerodynamics I,III,V, VI (c), (e) 3 0 0 3.0 11A023 11A024 11A026 11A027 11A029 Introduction to Combustion Cryogenics Hypersonic Aerodynamics Wind Power Engineering Experimental Aerodynamics I,III,V, VI I,III,V, VI (b), (d) (b), (d) 3 3 0 0 0 0 3.0 3.0 I,III,V, VI I, III,V,VI I, III,V,VI (b), (c) (b), (e) (b), (c) 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.0 3.0 3.0 11A007 Maintenance and Operation Electives 11A010 Aero Engine Maintenance and Repair I, III, IV (d), (e) 3 0 0 3.0 11A011 Airframe Maintenance and Repair Air transportation and Aircraft Maintenance Helicopter Maintenance Air Traffic Control and Aerodrome Design Airworthiness Requirements I, III, IV (a) 3 0 0 3.0 I, III, IV (e), (j) 3 0 0 3.0 I, III, IV (e), (k) 3 0 0 3.0 I, III, IV (j) 3 0 0 3.0 I, III, IV (i), (j) 3 0 0 3.0 11A012 11A013 11A014 11A015 V (b).(j) - - - 1.0 3. II. IV.0 11A0XC Lean Manufacturing I.0 11A0XB Intelligent Optimization Techniques I.0 3 3 0 0 0 0 3.0 I. IV.V I.V.0 I. (j) 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.0 ENTREPRENEURSHIP ELECTIVES 11O001 11O002 Entrepreneurship Development I$ Entrepreneurship Development II $$ MANAGEMENT ELECTIVES Organizational Behaviour and 11A018 Management 11A019 Total Quality Management 11A020 Creativity and Innovation 11A021 Crisis Management in Aircraft Industry PHYSICS ELECTIVES 11O0PA Nano Science and Technology I.0 3. (k) - - - 1.VI I. (c).0 Electro-Optic Materials Vacuum Science and Deposition 11O0PD Techniques 11O0PE Semiconducting materials and Devices CHEMISTRY ELECTIVES I. (h).0 3.V (b). II.0 I.0 11A0XD Wind Turbine Design and Testing I.0 11O0PB Laser Technology I. Bannari Amman Inst.0 11O0PC Polymer Chemistry and Processing Energy Storing Devices and Fuel Cells Chemistry of Nanomaterials Corrosion Science and Engineering ONE CREDIT COURSESΘ 11A0XA High Temperature Instrumentation I. II.0 11O0YA 11O0YB 11O0YC 11O0YD I. VI (a) 3 0 0 3.(c).VI I. (h).VI (a).0 I. VI (a) 3 0 0 3.VI (a) (a) (a) (a) 3 3 0 0 0 0 3. (j) (b).0 3.V. (j) 3 0 0 3.0 $ $$ Θ Course offered during 5th semester.(c).VI (b).Department of Aeronautical Engineering. II.(b). .VI (a).V. (j) 3 0 0 3.VI (j).VI I.0 I. (j) - - - 1. | Regulation 2011 |6 11A022 Navigation Guidance And Control I.V (b). (c) 3 0 0 3. IV. II. (h). IV. IV.VI (a) - - - 1.VI (a) 3 0 0 3.0 11A030 Computer Integrated Manufacturing I (a). (j) 3 0 0 3.VI (a) 3 0 0 3.(j) - - - 1. II.0 I. Course offered during 6th semester and prior to this study of $ course required.V. (f) 3 0 0 3. (h). II.V I. (j) (b).V (b).0 11A0XE Real time industrial applications in CFD I. VI (a) 3 0 0 3. III. Classes to be conducted for 15 hrs duration. (h).V (b). IV. of Tech.V. (j) (d). (d) 3 0 0 3.VI I. (c). (c).VI (b). Bannari Amman Inst.VI I. | Regulation 2011 |7 SPECIAL COURSES Gas Turbine Heat Transfer and Cooling 11A0RA Technology 11A0RB Aircraft Design Approach 11A0RC Re-entry Aerothermodynamics I. (e). of Tech.0 3. (h). (f).0 3 3 0 0 0 0 3.V.0 CERTIFICATE COURSES FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 11AE01 Engineering Mathematics I (i) - - - - 11AE02 Aerodynamics I (i) - - - - 11AE03 Flight Mechanics and Space Dynamics I (i) - - - - 11AE04 Structures and Propulsion I (i) - - - - . (f) (b).Department of Aeronautical Engineering.V.V. Write the general form of Euler’s and Legendre linear differential equations. Choose an appropriate method to solve a practical problem. State the existence conditions for Laplace transform. 2 Define eigen value and eigen vector of a matrix.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Find the circle of curvature of the parabola y2 = 12x at the point ( 3. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 8. To improve problem evaluation technique. Find the radius of curvature at ( a. 2. Understand 2  1. Accordingly. which has wider application in engineering problems. Course Outcome(s) 1. State the necessary and sufficient condition for the differential equation to be exact. basic sciences and engineering. 7.6) ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. of Tech.0) on the curve xy = a3 – x3 3. Write the Radius of curvature in cartesian coordinates. • • Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. 10. 5. To make the student knowledgeable in the area of infinite series.5 Objective(s) Acquire knowledge in matrix theory. 6. a part of linear algebra. Define Convolution of two functions on Laplace transform. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Write the definition of convergence and divergence of a series. 3. Acquire more knowledge in basic concepts of engineering mathematics. Find eigen values and eigen vectors of the matrixA =  3 8  2 5 1 0  1 3  2 2. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze/ Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ End Semester Examination 20 40 30 10 100 20 40 30 10 100 20 40 30 10 100 20 40 30 10 100 Remember 1 State Cayley Hamilton theorem. . Write the Leibneitz’s form of linear equation in x and y. 3. Define evolute. 9. | Regulation 2011 |8 11O101 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS – I (Common to all Branches) 3 1 0 3. Assessment Pattern S. 4. their convergence and to solve first and higher order differential equations using Laplace transform. centre of curvature and Circle of curvature. Bannari Amman Inst. Diagonalise the matrix A=  1  by means of an orthogonal transformation − 1  3   1 3 −1 1 2..  4 4 1 2 3 + + + . 8 Solve ( D – 3 ) 2 y = x e-2x.2yz + 2zx . 1  3 3.4.5. Apply 3 1  1  1. 2 2 2 2. Use Bernoulli’s equation to solve xy ( 1 + xy2 ) 10.. ( s + 1 )( s + 2 ) 5. signature.cos θ ). Use Leibnitz’s linear equation to solve ( x + 1) dx 8.. Find the evolute of the cycloid : x = a( θ +sin θ ) . 5. Use Laplace transform to solve ( D2 + 4D + 13) y = e-t sin t.6. Hence find its inverse.4 3. index and the nature. Solve cos2 x dy + y = tan x dx 5 Solve y (2xy + ex ) dx = ex dy.2xy to its canonical form through an orthogonal transformation and find the rank. a a x + y = α at  . Discuss the convergence of the series 3. Reduce 3x + 5y + 3z . solve (D + a ) y = tan ax. Solve ( D2 + 4 ) y = x2 . 9..5 4.6 5. find inverse Laplace transform of 6. Use method of variation of parameters . 10. Test for convergence of the series n ∑1+ n dy =1 dx dy − y = e 2 x ( x + 1) 2 9. Using the method of variation of parameters. Test the convergence of the series 1 .. signature. Find evolute of the parabola x2 = 4ay. y = a(1 . . of Tech.8 3. | Regulation 2011 |9 4.6. Find the Laplace transform of e2t sin3t.6 4. index and the nature. Find the inverse of the matrix A =  4  1  3 2 2 7  3  us ing Cayley Hamilton theorem. Find the circle of curvature of −1 1   2 6. 7. to solve (D2+4)y = tan 2x 4.7 4. ∞ ∫ 0 e − t (sin t 3t ) dt Analyze / Evaluate 2 2 2 1. Verify Cayley-Hamilton theorem for the matrix A=  .4. Use Laplace Transform to evaluate.5 + + + . given y = 0 and Dy = 0 at t = 0. 7. Using Convolution theorem.. Bannari Amman Inst. −1 2 − 1    1 −1 2    2 2 7.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 4 4. 6. Reduce the quadratic form 8x 1 +7x 2 +3x 3 -12x 1 x 2 -8x 2 x 3 +4x 3 x 1 to canonical form by orthogonal transformation and find the rank. Find the laplace transform of t cos4t. 3. Jayanthi.Reduction of a real matrix to a diagonal of eigen values Cayley–Hamilton theorem.Applications of Laplace transforms for solving the ordinary differential equations up to second order with constant coefficientsapplication to engineering problems. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.Convolution theorems(statement only) . New Delhi 2000 . Chand and Co.Euler’s equation-Bernoulli’s-modelingapplication to engineering problems.Transforms of derivatives and integrals . 9 Hours Unit IV Differential Equations of Higher Order Linear differential equations of second and higher order with constant and variable coefficients . | Regulation 2011 |10 8.Curvature in Cartesian CoordinatesCentre and radius of curvature . 3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Find the envelope of the straight line x + y = 1 .Inverse transforms .Initial and Final value theorems (statement only) .Periodic functions . Khanna Publications .Orthogonal matrices. Volume I.Circle of curvature – Evolutes –Envelopes – application to engineering problems. 2. John Wiley and Sons. Vikas Publishing House. New Delhi-2009.Cauchy’s and Legendre’s linear differential equations . Louis Barrett. T. . 2. Volume I. Veerarajan .Department of Aeronautical Engineering. E. New Delhi 2008. Engineering Mathematics. 2003. x2 9. New Delhi. Higher Engineering Mathematics. C. 2008. Ray Wylie and C.Geetha and D. Inc. 9 Hours Unit III Differential Equation of First Order Linear differential equation of first order-exact-integrating factor. P.Quadratic form -Reduction of a quadratic form to a canonical form by orthogonal transformation-application to engineering problems. K.. 9 Hours Unit V Laplace Transforms Laplace Transform. Thilagavathy. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 2008. S.Comparison test– Ratio test . Tata McGraw Hill Publications . 9 Hours Unit II Series and Differential Calculus Series. Singapore. K A Lakshminarayanan.Megalai. 4.eigen values and eigen vectors of a real matrix . 8th Edition.Convergences and divergence. Kreyszig. Bannari Amman Inst. Engineering Mathematics .conditions for existence(statement only) -Transforms of standard functions – properties (statement only) . P. K. Find the Laplace transform of the following functions (i) (t + 2t2)2 (ii) sin2 2t (iii) sin 3t cos 2t Unit I Matrices Characteristic equation . Solve (x2D2 + 4xD + 2) y = x2 + 1 . 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Books 1. Kandasamy. Mathematics for Engineers. here a and b are connected by the relation a2 + b2 = c2 a b 10. Gunavathy and K. B S Grewal. of Tech.method of variation of parameters –application of engineering problems. References 1. 7. . 11. Accordingly. ceramics. the student will be able to • • • • • Learn the basic concepts of acoustics and ultrasonics. Bannari Amman Inst. List the applications of air wedge method. Gain knowledge in practical applications of fiber optics. 6. 4. • To apply fundamental knowledge in the area of LASERS and fiber optics • To use the principles of quantum physics in the respective fields • At the end of the course the students are familiar with the basic principles and applications of physics in various fields. Define lattice and unit cells. Assessment Pattern S. shape memory alloys and nanomaterials. Course Outcome(s) At the end of the course. Develop applications for real world problems such as designing acoustic buildings and study the basics and applications of crystal physics. 2. working and applications of laser. ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. No. Expand their knowledge towards new engineering materials such as metallic glasses. 9. 3. 10. Write a note on loudness. Give the classifications of sound. crystallography and new engineering materials. Define magnetostriction effect. 8. Analyze the construction. Give the classification of crystals. of Tech. Program Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. Write a short note on air wedge. Define Miller indices. basic sciences and engineering. Mention the applications of X-ray diffraction. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ 25 25 20 20 10 100 25 25 20 20 10 100 20 25 20 20 15 100 End Semester Examination 20 25 20 20 15 100 Remember 1. What is meant by reverberation time? 5. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Define decibel. | Regulation 2011 |11 11O102 ENGINEERING PHYSICS (Common to all branches) 3003 Objective(s) • To impart fundamental knowledge in the areas of acoustics. Elucidate the significance of timber. Distinguish between photography and holography. Discuss the particle in a one dimensional box by considering infinite length of well. Understand 1. 4. Why does air wedge occur only in the flat glass plates? Explain the various steps involved in holography techniques. 3. What are the various steps involved in holography? 12. List the advantages of ceramic materials. 14. Compare slip casting and isostatic pressing. 16. Ultrasonics: Ultrasonic production – magnetostriction . 13. Discuss the factors affecting the acoustics of buildings. Give the applications of LASER. FCC and HCP structures. What are the advantages of nano materials? Apply 1. Bannari Amman Inst. How Weber-Fechner law is formulated? 2. 17. 7. How do you calculate the packing factor of BCC structure? 9. Compare the packing factor of BCC. 7. How air wedge is used in determining the flatness of a thin plate? 10.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 10. 2. 3. Sketch the circuit diagram for piezo electric oscillator. 12.piezo electric methods. Explain the characteristics of loudness. 19. 6. 9 Hours . How can you determine the velocity of ultrasonic by acoustic grating? Explain how Miller indices are used in crystal structures? How do you calculate the packing factor for FCC structure? Draw the crystal lattice for (110) plane. How ceramic materials are prepared by slip casting technique? 17. of Tech. Differentiate musical sound and noises. 8. How can you derive the acceptance angle in fiber? 13. How the magnetostriction effect is utilized in the production of ultrasonic waves? 5. Why the wave function is called as probability density? 14. 9. 15. 11. 4. 5. Why the particle is not escaping through the walls of the well? 16. 18. Write a note on holography. Give the classification of laser based on refractive index. Define the term Compton effect. | Regulation 2011 |12 12. 3. What is the importance of reverberation time in the construction of building? 6.SONAR. What is the physical significance of wave function? What are metallic glasses? Write a note on shape memory alloys. Explain how shape memory alloy change its shape? How can you prepare the nano materials synthesized by sol gel technique? Analyze/ Evaluate 1. Draw the block diagram of fiber optic communication system. 5. Unit I Acoustics and Ultrasonics Acoustics: Classification of sound – characteristics of musical sound – loudness – Weber – Fechner law – decibel – absorption coefficient – reverberation – reverberation time – Sabine’s formula (growth & decay). Factors affecting acoustics of buildings and their remedies. Give the importance of lattice and lattice planes in a crystal. 11. Applications: Determination of velocity of ultrasonic waves (acoustic grating) . 4. Give the importance of optical pumping in the production of LASER. The phenomenon of cavitation. Justify. How do you measure the d-spacing? 8. Ultrasonic waves are electromagnetic waves. Compare magnetostriction and piezo-electric method in the production of ultrasonic waves. 20. 21. Why the wave function is finite inside the potential well? 15. Mention the merits of nano materials. 2. X-rays: Scattering of X-rays – Compton Effect – theory and experimental verification. New Delhi. Ltd. V. Rajendran and A. Nanomaterials: Preparation method – sol gel technique – mechanical – magnetic characteristics – uses. Pillai. New Delhi. Shape Memory Alloys: Working principle – shape memory effect – applications.. References 1. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. Ceramics: Manufacturing methods – slip casting – isostatic pressing – thermal and electrical properties . TMH. Crystal defects. Applications: Holography – construction – reconstruction – uses. Physics for Engineers. 4. 2008. 1. treatment methods and industrial applications. Gupta. New Delhi. 2. New Delhi. 5. G.expression for acceptance angle and numerical aperture . V. Bannari Amman Inst. Avadhanulu and P. | Regulation 2011 |13 Unit II Crystallography Crystal Physics: Lattice – unit cell – Bravais lattices – lattice planes – Miller indices – ‘d’ spacing in cubic lattice – calculation of number of atoms per unit cell – atomic radius – coordination number – packing factor for SC. • Basic information and application of polymer chemistry.X-ray Diffraction: Laue’s method – powder crystal method. Engineering Physics. 2004. Engineering Physics. Concepts of Modern Physics. 9 Hours Unit V New Engineering Materials Metallic glasses: Manufacturing – properties – uses. Physics I. S. K. 9 Hours Unit IV Modern Physics Quantum Physics: Development of quantum theory – de Broglie wavelength – Schrödinger’s wave equation – time dependent – time independent wave equations – physical significance – applications – particle in a box (1d). of Tech. basic sciences and engineering. Palanisami. K. Carbon nano tubes and applications. Kshirsagar. Arthur Beiser. Chennai. FCC and HCP structures .types of optical fibers (refractive Index profile. 11O103 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY (Common to all branches) 3 0 0 3. LASER: Types of lasers – Nd – YAG laser – CO2 laser – semiconductor laser (homojunction). Rajendran. 2006. 3. 2011. Gaur and S. A Textbook of Engineering Physics. Fiber Optics: Principle of light transmission through fiber .uses. Marikani. P. mode) fiber optic communication system (block diagram only) Laser gas sensors . M. Degenerate and non degenerate. R.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 2006. Solid State Physics. 2002. TMH. New Delhi. N. Program Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. 2005 2. L. O. New Age International Publication. Vol. • Understanding the principles and application of electrochemistry and corrosion science. 9 Hours Unit III Waveoptics Interference: Air wedge – theory – uses – testing of flat surfaces – thickness of a thin wire. Scitech Pub. (India) Pvt. nanotechnology and analytical techniques. Dhanpat Rai Publishers. BCC.0 Objective(s) • Imparting knowledge on the principles of water characterization.. S. Chand & Company Ltd. . Tata McGraw-Hill. What is break point chlorination? Write the significances of EMF series. What is meant by caustic embrittlement? 4. 4. 13. Write any four applications of galvanic series. 2. of Tech. What is pitting corrosion? 15. Select a polymer by considering their engineering requirement and identify the importance of nanomaterials. State Pilling-Bedworth rule. Differentiate between electrochemical and electrolytic cells. ∗ The marks secured in the Test I and II will be converted to 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. Define single electrode potential of an electrode. What are the advantages of H2-O2 fuel cell? 10. Bannari Amman Inst. 9. Gain an understanding of oxidation and reduction reactions as they relate to engineering applications such as batteries and electroplating. Comment on design of a metallic part which shows resistance to corrosion and analyze losses incurred due to corrosion. understand the disadvantages of using hard water domestically and industrially. Mention the various factors influencing the rate of corrosion. 6.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. select and apply suitable treatments. the student will be able to 1. 3. What is meant by priming? How it is prevented? 2. . 7. Carry out chemical analysis using various analytical instruments. Assessment Pattern S. Differentiate hard and soft water. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I∗ Test II∗ Model Examination∗ Semester End Examination 20 20 30 20 10 100 20 20 30 20 10 100 10 20 30 20 20 100 10 20 30 20 20 100 Remember 1. 5.No. What are reference electrodes? 11. 8. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 12. What is the role of calgon conditioning in water treatment? 5. Distinguish between alkaline and non alkaline hardness. | Regulation 2011 |14 Course Outcome(s) At the end of the course. What are the constituents of water repellant paints? 14. 3. Iron corrodes at a faster rate than aluminium. Define functionality of a monomer. Compare reversible and irreversible cells? 6. Calculate the total hardness in terms of CaCO3 equivalence.763 V. What are the monomers of epoxy resin? Differentiate between addition and condensation polymers. Boiling cannot give protection to water for all time – Reason out. E0Cu2+/ Cu= +0. Differentiate between AAS and flame photometry. 19. Bolt and nut made of the same metal is preferred in practice. 18. 2. Calculate the degree of freedom of water molecule. F= 96500 Coulombs.08N MgSO4. 15. What is the role of thiocyanide solution in the estimation of iron by colorimetry? Apply 1. 7. 5.Justify.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 19. A water sample contains 204 mgs of CaSO4 and 73 mgs of Mg(HCO3)2 per litre.314 JK-1Mol-1. 17. What are the limitations of Beer-Lambert’s law? Understand 1. | Regulation 2011 |15 16. TEFLON is superior to other addition polymers-Justify. Write any two applications of flame photometry.Give reason. 17.337V. 14. State Beer-Lambert’s law. How absorption spectrum is differing from emission spectrum? . Why? Caustic embrittlement is stress corrosion. How thermoplastics differ from thermosetting plastics? 16. 25. 15. 24. 16. 9. Why sodium carbonate conditioning is not advisable for high pressure boilers? 3. Reason out why do the properties of materials change at nanoscale? Why calomel electrode is called as secondary reference electrode? 7. On what basis polyamide is named as NYLON? Why UV spectroscopy is called as electronic spectra? IR spectrum is called as vibrational spectrum. Metals which are nearer in electrochemical series is preferred in practice. Why magnesium element is coupled with underground pipe line? 11. 2. 4. Differentiate between nanocluster and nanocrystal. How the functionality of monomer influences the structure of polymer? Mention the commercial applications of epoxy resins. Calculate the reduction potential of Cu2+/Cu=0. 13. 18. Give any two applications of IR spectroscopy. 23. of Tech. Which is the easier way to control corrosion? 12. Mention the type of corrosion that takes place when a metal area is covered with water. 20. List the monomers of nylon -6 and nylon-11. 8. 13.Justify. 11. 10. 4. 14. R=8. What are auxochromes? Give examples. Bannari Amman Inst. Differentiate between electro and elctroless platting. What are the significances of RO method of water treatment? 5.01M ZnSO4 solution at 250C? E0Zn/Zn2+ = 0. 12. Why? What are the disadvantages of NICAD battery? What are the requirements of a good paint? What information can you get from DP? What is degree of polymerization? Calculate the degree of polymerization of polypropylene having molecular weight of 25200. A steel screw in a brass marine hardware corrodes.Justify.Justify. Calculate hardness in ppm.5M at 250C. Soft water is not demineralized water whereas demineralized water is soft water. 18. Why? What is the action of brine solution on iron rod? 9. 22. 6. 21. 20. 3. 100 ml of sample water has hardness equivalent to 12.5ml of 0. Lithium battery is the cell of future. 8. 17. Write any two advantages of free radical polymerization. 10. What is the single electrode potential of a half cell of zinc electrode dipped in a 0. Applications. Thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics . Use of water for domestic purposes: Domestic water treatment . of Tech.Preparation.functionality . Types of corrosion: Galvanic corrosion . 2.Oxygen absorption – Hydrogen evolution . nylon and bakelite.break point chlorination.Instrumentation (block diagram only) .Degree of hardness and its estimation (EDTA method) .Galvanic series.Degree of polymerization .Estimation of nickel by atomic absorption spectroscopy. nickel .Single electrode potential .Daniel cell – Reversible cells and irreversible cells .Application.phosphate methods.Numerical problems on degree of hardness . TEFLON. A detailed survey on application of polymer in day to day life. Mechanism of free radical polymerization. Corrosion phenomenon is known as thousand dollar thief . | Regulation 2011 |16 Analyze/Evaluate 1.Electrochemical series. Batteries: Secondary batteries .Problems.Instrumentation (block diagram only) .electroless plating (Nickel).cadmium and lithium batteries.pH value of water.caustic embrittlement.Classification based on source applications.Units of hardness .Difference between electrolytic cells and electrochemical cells.Glass electrode pH measurement using glass electrode . Flame photometry: Principle .Estimation of sodium by flame photometry.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. How do you identify an organic molecule using IR spectrum? Unit I Chemistry of Water and its Industrial Applications Hardness of water: Equivalents of calcium carbonate .Carbon nanotubes .Estimation of iron by colorimetry.electrodialysis. Electricity assisted painting. Use of water for industrial purposes: Boiler feed water-scale-sludge . 4. Distinguish between hardness and alkalinity. Concept of electroplating: Electroplating of gold .lead acid.– Chemical and electrochemical . Softening of hard water: External conditioning – zeolite . Applications of analytical instruments in medical field.Water repellant paints.Examples . Compounding of plastics.ion exchange methods . 9 Hours Unit III Chemistry of Corrosion and its Control Corrosion: Mechanism of corrosion. 9 Hours Unit II Electrochemistry for Materials Processing Introduction – emf . What is the basic difference between polymers and oligomers? 5.Nanopolymers . 3. Applications of vapour phase inhibitors. 9 Hours Unit V Instrumental Techniques of Chemical Analysis Beer – Lambert’s law . condensation and copolymerization. Distinguish between battery and cell. Nanomaterials: Introduction – Nanoelectrodes . Fuel cell: Hydrogen oxygen fuel cell. Colorimetry: Principle – Instrumentation (block diagram only) .Constituents and Functions. Atomic absorption spectroscopy: Principle .internal conditioning – calgon .Disinfection of water .Differential aeration corrosion .Pilling-Bedworth rule .Impressed current method. properties and applications: Epoxy resins.reason out.Hydrogen electrode . Cells: Electrochemical cells – Cell reactions. Desalination: Reverse osmosis . Types of polymerization: Addition.Factors influencing corrosion. Bannari Amman Inst. Moulding methods: Injection and extrusion.Instrumentation (block diagram only) .Calomel electrode . UV visible and IR spectroscopy: Principle. Methods of corrosion control: Sacrificial anodic protection . 9 Hours Unit IV Introduction to Polymer and Nanotechnology Polymers: Monomer . Special paints: Fire retardant . Characterization of your campus water. Protective coatings: Paints . 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours . Ozin. 4. 5. Determine the characteristics of Bipolar junction transistors 4. Introduction to Nanotechnology. Nanomaterials. J. Derive an equation for self and mutual inductance 3. Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co. New Delhi. 2008. R. Course Outcome(s) 1. Nanochemistry: A Chemical Approach to 6. 1 2 3 4 5 ♠ Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze / Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ 10 20 30 40 100 Test II♠ 10 20 30 40 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 30 40 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 30 40 100 The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. Diagnose the operation of half wave and full wave rectifier 5. Design of an operational amplifier Assessment Pattern S. Andre Arsenault and Geoffrey A. A.. 2005. . 7. 1&2. Sharma and Madan S. 2. 2009. Skoog.0 Objective(s) • To understand the basics concepts of electric circuits & magnetic circuits • To learn the operations of electrical machines • To impart knowledge in the concepts of Communication systems Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. Sashi Chawla. Chemistry in Engineering & Technology. 3. R. B. Sivakumar. Analyze the power in single phase AC systems 2. R. Owens.. LANGUAGE ELECTIVE I 3003 11O205 BASICS OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING (Common to all branches except EEE. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry. ECE. 2007. (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems.. 2009. Kuriacose and J. West. D. 2005. basic sciences and engineering. Chand & Company. 2. Engineering Chemistry. S. 2009. R. D.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Engineering Chemistry. TMH. D. London. of Tech. C. New Delhi. F. Poole Jr. James Holler &S. Sivakumar and N. Bahl. Principles of Physical Chemistry. Wiley India Private Limited. Dhanpat Rai Publications. Crouch. Jain and M. L. 2004. Bannari Amman Inst. Vol. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2003. C. P. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Tuli and Arun Bahl. G. 3. Essentials of Physical Chemistry. New Delhi. Puri. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. M. J. Dhanpat Rai Publications. C. TMH. No. F. EIE) 4 0 0 4. Wiley. Jain. Text Book of Engineering Chemistry. P. B. Pathania. | Regulation 2011 |17 Text Books 1. Rajaram. References 1. S. second has a voltage drop of 4V and third has power dissipation of 12 W.Calculate a)the inductance i\of the coil and b) the average induced emf.25H. Yellow. What is resistor? Give its symbol. Explain pentavalent impurities with example. 11. 4. | Regulation 2011 |18 Remember 1. With a neat circuit diagram. 10. explain the working of full wave rectifier. What is BJT? 14. 5. What is junction barrier? 11. Explain the working principle of a transformer. Derive an expression for the efficiency of a half wave rectifier. Which process is used to convert the material into extrinsic? 10. Explain Ohm’s law relating to (V). 3. List the needs for modulation. 15. diameter of each turn being 6cm. of Tech. (I) and (R). Apply 1. Draw the circuit symbols of i) step up transformer and ii) step down transformer. 9. What is done in the base region of a transistor to improve its operation. The first resistance has a value of 2 . Which impurity play important role in formation of P type semiconductor? 6. if a current of 4 A is reversed in 60 milliseconds . 9. 6. 5. Define the term rectification and efficiency 12. 12. 6. Calculate the value of the circuit current. State the operating principle of a transformer. reluctance. What is Ex-OR gate? Explain its working & tabulate the truth table. 3. 4. 4. 8. Bannari Amman Inst. a mean length of 30cm and a cross-sectional area of 5 cm2. Explain the working principle of an induction motor. 14. 7. 8. 15. Explain the operation of P-N Junction diode when forward and reverse bias. A 25 resistor is connected in parallel with a 50 resistor. flux. knee voltage of diode. Why opamp is called as linear amplifier? 2. 11. find mmf. Calculate a) the mutual inductance between the two coils and b) emf induced in the second coil when current in the first coil changes at the rate of 100A/sec. Explain in brief. Understand 1. Why do we use transformer in rectifier circuit? 5. An air cored toroidal coil has 480 turns. Discuss intrinsic semiconductor are pure semiconductors. 10. Draw the neat-labelled I-V characteristics of zener diode. The current in 50 resistor is 8A. What is an inductor? 2. What are impurities? 7. flux density and magnetizing force. breakdown voltage of diode. Draw symbol of 2-input NOR gate & write its truth table. If the current in the coil is 10A. Calculate the % ripple factior. Draw circuit symbol of diode and zener diode. Explain the formation of depletion region in P-N Junction. 9. if the dc output voltage 20 V and ac voltage 2V. A toroidal air cored coil with 2000 turns has a mean radius of 25cm. Explain in brief. Explain Zener diode as voltage regulator. Why impurities are used? Calculate the value of resistance having co lour code sequence Red. With a neat circuit diagram explain the working of a half wave rectifier. 3. 13. 2. Explain trivalent impurities with example. 7. The self inductance of a coil of 500turns is 0. 13. What is the value of third resistance to be added in parallel to make the total line current as 15A. orange and Gold. State Ohm’s law. 8.If 60% of the flux is linked with a second coil of 10500 turns. Three resistors are connected in series across a 12V battery.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Block Diagram representation only – Block diagram of TV system – Introduction to cellular & mobile telephony. semiconductor and insulator. Distinguish between metal. Trivallent impurity is called as donor impurity. what are the approximate values this potential for Germenium and Silicon? 4. Distinguish between half wave and full wave rectifier Create 1. Magnetic capacitivity 12 Hours Unit III Electrical Machines Construction. Analog and digital signals. Principle of Operation & Working Principle of DC Generator. division of current in series & parallel circuits. Domestic wiring practice. Power & Energy. Comparison between Electric & magnetic circuits. Ampere Turns. Type. op-amp parameters and applications 12 Hours Unit V Communication Engineering Introduction to communication systems – Need for modulation – Types. Magnetic impedance. Characteristics of DC generators and DC motors. Current. Diode clippers. Fleming’s Right & Left hand rule. Reluctance. DC Motor. Self & Mutual Inductance. 5. Digital communication 12 Hours Total: 60 Hours . CC Configurations and characteristics – basic concepts of amplifiers and oscillators – Logic gates – Inverting. Non inverting amplifiers and Operational amplifiers. generation of alternating EMF. Give examples of each. Distinguish with diagram. Series & parallel magnetic circuits. 12 Hours Unit IV Electronics Engineering PN Junction diode & Zener diode – Characteristics – Half wave and full wave rectifier – Bipolar junction transistors – CB. Star to delta and delta to star transformations. | Regulation 2011 |19 Analyze / Evaluate 1. Transmission medium. Design a full wave uncontrolled rectifier and calculate the efficiency. Kirchoff’s Law & its applications – simple problems. definition of RMS value. comment. Induction type single phase energy meter. R-L and R-C series circuit 12 Hours Unit II Magnetic Circuits Definition of MMF. Transformer. Induction Motor. How the barrier potential is developed across the P-N Junction. Differentiate P type and N type semiconductor 9. Properties of Flux lines. Why inductor is referred as a choke? 2. Effective resistance. Power in single phase AC – three phase system. Earthing & earthing methods. Design a half wave uncontrolled rectifier and calculate the ripple factor. then solid material on the basis of band diagram. Unit I Electric Circuits Definition of Voltage. Flux. peak factor. of Tech. Bannari Amman Inst. Semiconductor theory.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Law of Electromagnetic induction.CE.Basic Computer organization – Block diagram of Microprocessors (8085). 2. 10. form factor. average value.Block diagram of Optical and Satellite communication systems. 6. How a zener diode can be used for voltage regulation in power supply? 7. Tube light circuit. Ohm’s law. How voltage source is converted into current source and vice versa? 8. Why single phase induction motors are not self starting? 3. 0 Objective(s) • To introduce the basic concepts of aerospace engineering and the current developments in the field. Van Valkenbergm. 10. R. What is aspect ratio? 6. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. S. What is the role of a rudder? 3. Tata McGraw Hill. Ltd. of Tech. 2004 References 1. A. What is aerofoil? 7. 2. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 11. Electronics and Computer Engineering. No. What is air breathing engine? 2. K. Basic Electrical. Smarjith Ghosh. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. basic sciences and engineering. Oxford Press.. 2005 3. 2005 2. Improve the knowledge in aircraft components. | Regulation 2011 |20 Text Books 1. Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Electric Circuits and Network Analysis. A. 2005. What is the turbojet engine? Understand 1. J. Electric Circuits.. McGraw Hill. S. Muthusubramaninan. .Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Sukhija. T. Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Basic of Electrical Engineering. How anhedral and dihedral angle occurs? 5. What is aerodynamic center? ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. 2005 2. What is purpose of flap and spoiler? 12. 11A106 BASICS OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING 3 0 0 3. Schaum’s Series. Analyse the performance of different types of aircraft. Assessment Pattern S. Say about NACA six series aerofoil. Differentiate solid propellant rocket and liquid propellant rocket. What is symmetrical and unsymmetrical aerofoil? 8. Edminister. Nagsarkar and M. Ltd. Muraleedharan. 1 2 3 4 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply/ Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 20 30 30 20 100 20 30 30 20 100 Model Examination♠ 20 30 30 20 100 Semester End Examination 20 30 30 20 100 Remember 1. Salivahanan and K. What is specific impulse? 14. 3. What is wing loading? 13. Bannari Amman Inst. Course Outcome(s) 1. • To know the basic principles on which the development of aerodynamics and other principal sub disciplines of aerospace engineering are based. Get a Performance over the control surface and power plants. What is biplane and monoplane? 9. What is the purpose of elevator? 4. Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. The velocity and pressure of the exhaust gas at the exit area are 1600ft/s and 640 lb/ft2. Mach number and maneuvers. temperature. Different types of flight vehicles. classifications. What is sweep back and how it is useful? What is need of camber in a airfoil? What is stalling in an aircraft? What is profile drag? What is lapse rate? What is TAS and EAS? What is service ceiling? What is absolute ceiling? What are geometric. 6. 3. 12. 13. 2. 17. 3. pressure and density at a geopotential altitude of 14 km. developments in aerodynamics. materials. respectively. absolute and geopotential altitudes? List out the different layers in atmosphere. use of aluminum alloy. 7. Bannari Amman Inst.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.5 ft2. The turbojet engine itself has inlet and exit areas of 7 and 4. Monocoque. 14. Layout of an aircraft with various components and their location.000 ft at a velocity of 500mi/h. titanium. 9. 9 Hours Unit IV Introduction to Airplane Structures and Materials General types of construction. drag and moment. pressure and altitude relationships. Metallic and non-metallic materials. Conventional control. Calculate the standard atmosphere of temperature. 16. Create 1. 9 Hours Unit III Introduction to Principles of Flight Physical properties and structure of the atmosphere. 10. Laws of motion. 19. evolution of lift. stainless steel and composite materials. typical wing and fuselage structure. Design a NACA 6 digit airfoil. 9 Hours Unit II Aircraft Configurations Components of an airplane and their functions. Design an advance type of engine. of Tech. powered control. 9 Hours Unit V Power Plants Used in Airplanes . 15. Case studies on materials used in commercial aircraft industry. typical systems for control actuation. Unit I Historical Evolution Early airplanes. semi-monocoque and geodesic construction. What is it spectrum? What is the application or use of titanium in aircraft manufacturing? What is propeller efficiency? What is bypass ratio? What is hypergolic propellant? What is cryogenic propellant? What is geodesic construction? What is alclad? Apply / Evaluate 1. 11. | Regulation 2011 |21 2. 5. Airfoils. basic instruments for flying. Design a new aircraft with contains all the control surface. 8. Consider a turbojet powered airplane flying at a standard altitude of 30. respectively. biplanes and monoplanes. Bernoulli’s Principle. structures and propulsion over the years. Calculate the thrust of the turbojet. Types of propulsion and their applications. 18. 4. 2. Introduction to Flight. . 2. structures and pointers. Pearson Education. 2. Comparative merits. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. Tell the use of recursion. T. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students. List the use of switch statement. G. C Language will exhibit skills for thinking logical problems and up gradation. | Regulation 2011 |22 Basic ideas about piston. What is a relational operator? 3. 11A107 C PROGRAMMING 2 0 3 3. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Fundamentals of Flight. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze/Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 20 40 10 100 10 20 20 40 10 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 20 40 10 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 20 40 10 100 Remember 1. References 1. 2006.No. principles of operation of rocket. 2006. To understand about functions. Megson. Kermode. turboprop and jet engines. 2. 2. 2005. Shevell. Course Outcome(s) 1. types of rockets and typical applications. Anderson. A. • To develop programming skills in C. S. exploration into space. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. C. Define tokens. Implement the basic commands needed for doing simple programs in C language. McGraw-Hill. basic sciences and engineering. Edward Arnold. 4. R. J.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. McGraw-Hill. How would you explain arrays? 5. Bannari Amman Inst. 2005. M. Types of fuels used in airplanes and future of aviation fuels. of Tech. use of propeller and jets for thrust production. Flight without Formulae.5 Objective(s) • To be familiar with basics of C. 3. D. Understand ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. • To be able to develop logic for a given problem. Assessment Pattern S. Initialization and declaration . Initialization.IF statement .Reading . 6 Hours Unit III Branching and Looping Decision making .M. Kernighan B.2007 References 1. | Regulation 2011 |23 1. Structures and Pointers User defined function .Initializing . Gilberg.Pointers Declaration. Fourth Edition. Summarize the string handling functions in arrays.Assignment operator .Arithmetic operations on characters string comparison .Nested IF .Basic structure of C programs . Computer Science: A Structure program approach using C.FOR statement . Balagurusamy. Apply 1.Increment and decrement operator . 6 Hours Unit V Functions.Data types.Structures . What examples can you give for explaining the categories of functions? 2. 6 Hours Total: 30+30 Hours Text Book 1.Forouzan and Richard F.Programming style .ELSE.Bitwise operator . of Tech.Nesting of functions . Unit I Fundamentals of C History of C-Importance of C . 3. How would you classify the nesting of functions? Create 1. two dimensional.Dynamic arrays -Strings .Recursion .Definition.DO statement . . Develop a structure using structure members.Variables (Declaration) .Executing a C program -Character set .Relational operators . PHI. E. Accessing.category of functions .Writing strings .Tata Mc Graw Hill.IF Ladder-Switch statement GOTO statement-?: operator .Declaring . Compare variables and constants. Bannari Amman Inst.Definition of function .operator precedence .Jumps in loops.Keywords and identifiers . Analyze/Evaluate 1.Managing I/O operations. C Programming Language. 6 Hours Unit II Operators and Expressions Arithmetic operators .Conditional operator . ELSE . Behrouz A. Explain function calls.Evaluation of expressions .W.function calls .string handling functions.IF . 6 Hours Unit IV Arrays and Strings One dimensional. What is the function of arithmetic operations on characters? 2.Constants (Declaration.ELSE .Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 2000. Programming in ANSI C. 4. Create a program for processing of examination marks using looping and branching statements. Construct a recursion function to explain the concept of functions. Accessing structure members . 3.C tokens . Cengage learning –India edition. What is the main idea of conditional operator? Classify the different If Statements. multi dimensional arrays . Ritchie D. Declaration. Definition) .Logical operators . 2008 2.Declaration .Arithmetic expressions . 2. 5.While statement . Reason out the formation of dark bands. Why the method is not suitable to determine the thermal conductivity of good conductor? should be constant. What is refractive index of flint glass? 9. • Different optical properties can be analyzed. | Regulation 2011 |24 11O108 ENGINEERING PHYSICS LABORATORY (Common to all branches) 0 0 2 1. 6. • It is an integral part of any science and technology program. 6. Understand 1. basic sciences and engineering.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Assessment Pattern Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Internal Semester End Assessment Examination Preparation Execution Observation and Results Record 10 10 10 5 15 15 15 - Model Examination 10 - 5 50 5 50 Viva Voce Total Remember 1. Define rigidity modulus. Why? 4. What is neutral axis? 3. of Tech. Why the order of the spectrum is different when observed from grating and prism though the light is coming from the same source? . Give the difference between longitudinal and linear stress. Give an example for bad conductor. 3. What is frequency? 5.0 Objective(s) • To know how to execute experiments properly. 4. Bannari Amman Inst. Why the radius of the wire to be measured more accurately in the determination of η? 2. What is the principle of air-wedge setup? 7. What is forbidden energy gap? 10. the students able to realize the theoretical knowledge acquired through experiments. • To view and realize the theoretical knowledge acquired by the students through experiments • At the end of the course. presentation of observations and arrival of conclusions. 2. What is grating? 8. Define stream-lined flow. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. Course Outcome(s) • Observation and analytical skills are developed • Various properties of matter can be known. Give the acronym of the term LASER. Why constant pressure head to be maintained in the case of Poisuille’s method? 5. 9. Bannari Amman Inst. In Hg spectrum using grating one can see red colour in the last position also red is used as a warning signal colour in all the areas. Why? 3. Young’s modulus – uniform bending (pin and microscope).0 Objective(s) • Imparting knowledge on basic concepts and its applications of chemical analysis. 12.Poiseulle’s method. 11. • Training in chemical and instrumental methods. Determination of Young’s modulus by non-uniform bending. Determination of energy band gap of a semiconductor diode. Determination of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor using Lee’s disc. 2. Determination of energy band gap of a semiconductor diode. Determination of viscosity of a liquid . 9. With the given value of rigidity modulus. 9. air-wedge system can not be formed. 8. 7. Determination of moment of inertia and rigidity modulus of wire using torsion pendulum (symmetrical masses method). This bending is known as non-uniform bending. 10. . Determination of thickness of a thin wire . Determination of wavelength of mercury spectrum – grating. Determination of frequency of vibrating rod using Melde’s apparatus. 10. Total: 30 Hours Experiments Determination of moment of inertia and rigidity modulus of wire using torsion pendulum (symmetrical masses method). Determination of wavelength of LASER and particle size of a given powder. Hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 11O109 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY LABORATORY (Common to all branches) 0 0 2 1. Determination of refractive index of a liquid and solid using traveling microscope. 4. Determination of frequency of vibrating rod using Melde’s apparatus.Poiseulle’s method. Determination of Young’s modulus by non-uniform bending. 5. If Hg spectrum is used as a light source. • Develop skills in estimation of a given sample by chemical and instrumental methods. 4. can you say that the material can serve as a good shaft? 2.air wedge method. Determination of wavelength of mercury spectrum – grating. Apply / Evaluate 1. What is the advantage of having high viscous liquid? 4. Practical Schedule S. Determination of thickness of a thin wire . 6. 2. 5. Measurement of numerical aperture and acceptance angle of a optical fiber. Why refractive index is important quantity in optics? Why Ge and Si are not used for the fabrication of laser diodes? Name the diffraction pattern formed while carrying out the particle size determination experiment. Determination of refractive index of a liquid and solid using traveling microscope. 6. 8.No 1. | Regulation 2011 |25 7. A beam is supported on two knife edges and loaded at its middle. Why? List of Experiments (Any 10 Experiments) 1. 3. Determination of viscosity of a liquid . 7. 3. of Tech. Determination of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor using Lee’s disc.air wedge method.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 8. Why? 5. Determination of wavelength of LASER and particle size of a given powder. 5. 4. 9. Bannari Amman Inst. 12. 5.Lambert’s law. basic sciences and engineering.metal ion complex. | Regulation 2011 |26 Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. 4. pH.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 6. What is a standard solution? Define normality and molarity. molecular weight of polymer and potential which will find application in industry. 3. rate of corrosion. 8. 6. Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment Semester End Examination Preparation 10 15 Execution 10 15 Observation & Results Record Model Examination Viva Voce 10 5 10 5 15 5 Total 50 50 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember 1. Course Outcome(s) • Students will able to identify and estimate quantitatively the certain impurities present in water. What are the ions responsible for alkalinities in water? What are the composition of glass electrode and calomel electrode? Define conductance.Houwink equation. 9.Kuhn. Understand 1. 2. Draw the structure of EDTA and EDTA. What are the different methods for expressing solution concentration? Which salt produces temporary and permanent hardness? How is caustic embrittlement caused by highly alkaline water in boiler? What chemicals would you use to make a buffer of pH 10? What is the pH value of lime juice. 10. 3. 2. which will be useful in industry. • Basic knowledge about the conductance. What are the units of hardness? Draw the structure of EBT. blood and deionized water? What is the effect of dilution on conductance? What is reference electrode? Give some examples. What do you understand by monochromatic source of light? During absorption spectroscopy. 7. complexing agents are added to colourless solution of given . 8. of Tech. 11. State Mark . 7. What is an electrochemical cell? What is electrode potential? State Beer . What weight of oxalic acid is required to prepare 250 ml of 0. 11. sodium carbonate.1N oxalic acid? Derive the relationship between mg/l and ppm? What is the significance of determining alkalinity of water? Name the gases dissolved in water that cause corrosion. Bannari Amman Inst. 5. 7. 5. hydrochloric acid. 12. 9. 4. What is the molecular mass of polystyrene molecule containing 4000 monomers units? What is the significance of determination of molecular weight of a polymer? Analyze/ Evaluate 1. temporary and permanent hardness of water by EDTA method. Determination of sodium and potassium ions in water sample by flame photometric method. 11. 13. 9. Preparation of molar and normal solutions of the following substances – oxalic acid. 10. 14. 7. 10. Determination of molecular weight of a polymer by viscometry method. What is the significance of pH titration? What are the advantages of conductometric titrations? Give the significance of potentiometric titrations. 11. Why is hydrogen electrode not generally used in pH measurements? Why is ordinary water unsuitable for conductivity measurements? Why should conductivity water be free of carbon dioxide? Why can’t absolute value of electrode potential be determined? Why are sodium and potassium estimated in flame photometry? Name the types of instruments employed in absorption measurements. 10. sodium hydroxide. Differentiate between acidity and alkalinity of water. 9. 4. 10. 3. Why disodium salt of EDTA is chosen for determination of hardness? Why does the color of the solution change from wine red to blue at the end point? Why does hard water not lather with soap? Which is the best method of hardness determination and why? Why is the alkalinity of irrigation water determined? 7. 15. 2. Explain. Determination of alkalinity in a water sample.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 6. What is meant by degree of polymerization? Apply 1. 3. Estimation of iron (thiocyanate method) in the given solution by spectrophotometric method. 11. 13. . Why? Are the polymeric materials polydisperse? List of Experiments (Any ten experiments) 1. 6. 3. Comparison of alkalinities of the given water samples. 8. 5. Conductometric titration of mixture of acids. 8. 2. Name two natural polymers which are used as textile fibres. 2. Write the repeating unit of PVC and polystyrene. 12. Determination of strength of iron by potentiometric method using potassium dichromate. | Regulation 2011 |27 species. Determination of corrosion rate by weight loss measurements. 8. What is the significance of spectrophotometric studies? Give some applications of UV – Visible spectrophotometer in environmental pollution analysis. 4. Is KMnO4 a primary standard? Give reason for your answer. of Tech. 6. Determination of total. whereas bakelite is hard and brittle. Determination of strength of hydrochloric acid by sodium hydroxide using pH meter. Why is the colour measured at 480 nm in the estimation of iron? PVC is soft and flexible. 2. basic sciences and engineering. Bannari Amman Inst.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Experiments Preparation of molar and normal solutions of the following substances –oxalic acid. Determination of strength of iron by potentiometric method using potassium dichromate. Course Outcome(s) 1. Acquire more knowledge in basic concepts of engineering mathematics. hydrochloric acid.5 Objective(s) • • Acquire knowledge to use multiple integrals to find area and volume of surfaces and solids respectively. | Regulation 2011 |28 12. of Tech. Choose an appropriate method to solve a practical problem. Determination of sodium and potassium ions in water sample by flame photometric method. 11O201 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS II (Common to all branches) Hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 3.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. 3. Determination of strength of hydrochloric acid by sodium hydroxide using pH meter. Determination of corrosion rate by weight loss measurements. complex integration and their interesting properties and applications. sodium hydroxide. Conductometric titration of mixture of acids. Comparison of alkalinities of the given water samples. Comparison of total dissolved solids (TDS) and hardness of water in Bhavani river and Bannari Amman Institute of Technology campus. Determination of molecular weight of a polymer by viscometry method. sodium carbonate. Total: 30 Hours Practical Schedule . Have a good grasp of analytic functions. . Comparison of total dissolved solids (TDS) and hardness of water in Bhavani river and Bannari Amman Institute of Technology campus. To improve problem evaluation technique. Estimation of iron (thiocyanate method) in the given solution by spectrophotometric method. State the sufficient conditions for a function of two variables to have an extremum at a point. What is the formula for finding the residue of a double pole? 6. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. ∂ ( x. y )dydx . 0 0 2 x 4. 4. v .    ∞ y 3. What is the greatest rate of increase of φ = xyz at (1. x = r cos θ . 0 0 j + (x-y+2z) k is solenoidal. of Tech. dz dz 9. Define analytic function..Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 2. Define Jacobian in two dimensions. 0. 5. Write all types of singularities. State Green’s theorem. ♠ Find The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. 2 dw given w = tan z. Write the formula for unit normal vector? 9. | Regulation 2011 |29 Assessment Pattern S. . Transform the integral ∫ ∫ f ( x.If u = 2 xy. 5. xz  show that x ∂x + y ∂y + z ∂z = 0. such that (3x-2y+z) i + (4x+ay-z) 6. 3. 8. Change the order of integration in ∫ ∫ f (x . y )dxdy to polar coordinates. y )  y− x z − x 2 ∂u 2 ∂u 2 ∂u u = f  xy . Define directional derivative of a vector point function. Understand 1. Evaluate ∫ where c is the circle z = 1 . State Cauchy’s integral formula. v = x 2 − y 2 . internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 3)? Test the analyticity of the function w = sin z. y = r sin θ compute 2. 10. Accordingly. 7. 7. Find a. 2 c ( z − 3) 8. No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Test II♠ Model Examination♠ End Semester Examination 20 40 20 40 20 40 30 10 100 Remember Understand Apply Analyze/ Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ 30 10 100 30 10 100 20 40 30 10 100 Remember 1. . Write the necessary condition for a function f (z) to be analytic. If ∂(u. Bannari Amman Inst. 6. z ≥ 0 and . v−w w−u u−v x= g ( x. 3. ( z + 2 ) ( z + 1) 2 ∫ 10. z = 0. If u v w . ∫∫∫ ( x By transforming into cylindrical polar coordinates evaluate 2 + y 2 + z 2 )dxdydz taken R 2 2 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. 2. Evaluate the following integral by changing to spherical coordinates x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≤ 9 2 1− x 2 1 1− x ∫ ∫ 0 0 0 ∫ − y 2 dxdydz 1 − x 2 − y → 5. 8. v = 2 xy prove that  ∂ 2ψ ∂2g ∂2g ∂ 2ψ + = 4 ( x 2 + y 2 ) 2 2  ∂u 2 + ∂v 2 ∂x ∂y  ∫ ∫ ∫ xyzdxdydz . Examine the function u = x + y − 2 x + 4 xy − 2 y for extreme values. y = 0 and x + y = 1.    3. over the region of space defined by x + y ≤ 1 and 4. y = 0. Apply Green’s theorem in the plane to evaluate ∫ (3x 1 w= . y. Prove that 2. If so find the relationship x− y ( x − y )2 between them.z = are functionally dependent. find v and f (z) such that f (z) = u + iv is analytic. z = 0 and z = c. Evaluate the integration taken throughout the volume for which 4. of Tech. y = b. ∫∫ Using Gauss divergence theorem evaluate → → → → → ˆ F ⋅ n ds where F = 4 xz i − y 2 j + yz k and S s is the surface of the cube bounded by x = 0. | Regulation 2011 |30 10. 5. x = 1. Using Cauchy’s integral formula evaluate C Analyze / Evaluate 1. z ( z − 2) 3 Apply 4 4 2 2 1. Find the area of the cardiod r = 4 ( 1+ cos θ) using double integral. . Bannari Amman Inst. Find the residue of the function f ( z) = 4 at its simple pole. − z 2 → 2 2 → 2 → Verify Gauss divergence theorem for F = x i + y j + z k where S is the surface of the cuboid formed by the planes x= 0. Determine the image of 1 < x < 2 under the mapping 7. e z dz where C is the Circle z = 3 . y = 0. x. z 2 − 8 y 2 )dx + (4 y − 6 xy)dy c where C is the boundary of the region defined by x = 0. Check if u= x+ y xy . 2 2 If u = log( x + y ) . z = 1. y = 1. x= a. v) where u = x 2 − y 2 . 2 .Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 9.v= are functionally dependent. y) =ψ (u. show that u = constant and v = constant are orthogonal.y= . When the function f(z) = u + iv is analytic. evaluate ∫( 0 9. Bannari Amman Inst.curl.Total differential . Khanna Publications.divergence . 10.application to engineering problems. Expand f ( z ) = z (z − 1)(z − 3) x2 dx .Jacobiansapplication to engineering problems.change of variables.Gauss divergence and Stokes’ theorems (statement only) .Change of order of integration . New Delhi.Green’s . 1 in the z-plane onto the points 0. 9 Hours Unit II Multiple Integrals Double integration in cartesian and polar co-ordinates .Necessary condition of analytic function-Sufficient condition of analytic function(statement only). B.Cauchy’s residue theorem (statement only) – Contour integration .Partial derivatives . of Tech. i. Higher Engineering Mathematics. 9 Hours Unit V Complex Integration Cauchy’s fundamental theorem (statement only). Using contour integration. ez.Determination of analytic function using Milne Thomson’s method.Area and volume by multiple integrals. conformal mappings .Department of Aeronautical Engineering.application to engineering problems.line . 2000. Unit I Functions of Several Variables Functions of two variables . 1/z. | Regulation 2011 |31 6. 0. 3i in the w-plane. az. 7.bilinear transformation .Mappings of w= z + a. 0 ∞ 8. 9 Hours Unit III Vector Calculus Gradient . Grewal.circular and semi circular contours (excluding poles on the real axis)application to engineering problems 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Books 1.and application of Cauchy’s integral formula(statement only) – Taylor’s and Laurent’s series. Determine the bilinear transformation that maps the points -1. 2π cos 2 θ Evaluate ∫ 5 − 4 cos θ d θ . . 9 Hours Unit IV Analytic Functions Analytic functions.classification of singularities . .Derivative of implicit functions Maxima and minima . x2 + 9 x2 + 4 )( ) as Laurent’s series valid in the regions: 1 < z < 3 and 0 < z − 1 < 2 .surface and volume integrals .application to engineering problems.Constrained Maxima and Minima by Lagrangian Multiplier method . Show that F = (6 xy + z 3 )i + (3 x 2 − z ) j + (3 xz 2 − y ) k is irrigational vector and find the scalar potential function φ such that F = ∇φ . 3. Inc. technologies and methods for sustainable management of environmental systems. Classify and understand the relation between human population and environment. P. • Awareness on value education. Engineering Mathematics. population and social issues. • Understanding the concepts of ecosystem. Veerarajan. 2. Vikas Publishing House. 4. Kandasamy. Geetha and D. Volume II. Course Outcome(s) At the end of the course. K. 2009. Megalai. Design and evaluate strategies. John Wiley & Sons. Singapore. 2008. Tata McGraw Hill Publications. of Tech. Understand current environmental challenges like pollution and its management. Engineering Mathematics. A. Chand & Co. Kreyszig. E. C. . References 1. Volume II. Thilagavathy. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics.. | Regulation 2011 |32 2. design. its purpose. 11O202 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (Common to all branches) 3 0 0 3. Gunavathy and K. biodiversity and impact of environmental pollution. Understand fundamental physical and biological principles that govern natural processes and role of professionals in protecting the environment from degradation. 2008. 2008. T. Tata McGraw Hill Publications. New Delhi. Ray Wylie and Louis. basic sciences and engineering.0 Objective(s) • Imparting knowledge on principles of environmental science and engineering. K. Jayanthi . Barrett. New Delhi. New Delhi.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. the students will be able to • • • • • Comprehend the importance of environment. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. exploitation of natural resources and perspectives. C. Mathematics for Engineers. P. Lakshminarayanan. Bannari Amman Inst. K. S. 2003. and biological factors responsible for soil formation. List some of the components of an ecosystem. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Define the roles of producers. 4.renewable resources. carnivore. 25. Give the scope and importance of environmental studies. omnivore. Discuss the concept and reactions of acid rain. Explain the impacts of mining on forests. scavenger. Explain why fresh water is a precious resource and classification of different water pollutants? 5. ∗ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. Distinguish between renewable and non. 20. 19. Give examples of point and nonpoint sources of pollution. | Regulation 2011 |33 Assessment Pattern S. List the physical. What are the laws regarding noise pollution? 23. parasite and decomposer. Bannari Amman Inst. 14. 15. Relate the concept of food web and food chain to trophic levels. Describe energy flow in a ecosystem. chemical. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 7. Define the term extinction. herbivore. Explain the source and effects of e waste. 8. 16. State the two energy laws and give examples that demonstrate each law. What are the Impacts of modern agriculture? 6. Identify the four parts of the atmosphere. What is the loudest sound possible? 22. Distinguish between the biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem. Describe secondary and primary succession with suitable examples.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 12. 9.No. 17. Draw a food web that includes ten or more aquatic organisms. 21. Describe the salient features of Wildlife (protection) Act. 11. Give some impacts of water pollution. Distinguish between primary and secondary pollutants. 18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I Test II Model Examination∗ 25 25 20 20 10 100 25 25 20 20 10 100 15 25 20 20 20 100 ∗ ∗ Semester End Examination 15 25 20 20 20 100 Remember 1. 3. What is rainwater harvesting? 24. of Tech. 2. 1972. 13. 10. . Forest resources: Use –over exploitation.deforestation . 12. Explain the concept of Malthusian theory. Water resources: Use – over utilization of surface and ground water. 4. Explain how we could reduce air pollution? 5.floods – drought . What type of pollution threatens wetlands? 14. 29. 11. | Regulation 2011 |34 26. Explain the importance of primary species.environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources – case studies. 3.Department of Aeronautical studies. Discuss the methods implemented by government to control HIV/AIDS. Identify four different habitats found in bodies of water and give examples of organisms that live in each habitat. Identify "greenhouse gases" and explain how they cause the "greenhouse effect". 2. 10. Why is urban energy requirement more than rural requirement? 16. Identify the grants available for rain water harvesting in buildings? 8. and economic issues-Justify. of Tech. 3. Apply 1. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the green revolution. What are the major limitations to successful implementation of our environmental legislation? 17. What are the measures to be taken to reduce your own noise pollution? 6. List the top ten polluted countries in the world? 7. How age-structure pyramids serve as useful tools for predicting population growth trends of a nation? 19. Describe any three health effects of air pollution. 8. 28. 2. 6. 18. political.scope . Food . Describe the causes of desertification and its preventive measures.importance – need for public awareness. Explain the relationship between technology and global warming. What problems does noise pollution cause to animals? 13. What are the major implications of enhanced global warming? 9. What are the objectives and elements of value education? Understand 1. 4. What are the major measures to attain sustainability? 15. What is the role of an individual in prevention of pollution? Analyze/ Evaluate 1. What is exponential growth and zero population growth? 30. Bannari Amman Inst. Explain the five major types of species interactions and give examples of each. Explain why fresh water is often in short supply? 3. 9. Unit I Introduction to Environmental Studies and Natural Resources Environment: Definition. Rank the five major sources of energy used to produce electricity and classify the energy sources as renewable or nonrenewable. Differentiate between mortality and natality. Give the effects of nuclear fallout. Identify a few plants and animals with the various biomes.conflicts over water. What is 3R approach? 27. 5. Give examples of human-made sources of radiation and explain how human-made sources differ from natural sources of radiation. Explain why providing adequate food for all of the world's people is so difficult? 2. Discuss various issues and measures for women and child welfare at international and national level. List reasons why it is important that we seek alternatives to fossil fuels. Name some alternatives to pesticides. 10. 7. Mineral resources: Use – exploitation .effects on forests and tribal people. Compare the energy efficiencies of any two inventions. Environmental problems involve social.mining . Environmental ethics: Issues . Value of biodiversity: Consumptive use .changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing .acid rain .water logging .control measures of urban and industrial wastes. Investigation on the pollution status of Bhavani river. Miller. China – the present and future scenario.cyclone . 9 Hours Unit III Environmental Pollution Pollution: Definition –air pollution .poaching of wildlife – man wildlife conflicts – endangered and endemic species of warming and its effects on flora and fauna . Environment protection act: Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) act – water (Prevention and control of Pollution) act – wildlife protection act – forest conservation act – issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation.rain water harvesting . Bannari Amman Inst.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Energy resources: Growing energy needs . | Regulation 2011 |35 resources: World food problems .marine pollution . Role of an individual in prevention of pollution . Environmental Science..field study.soil pollution .species –ecosystem) diversity. Disaster management: Floods – earthquake . 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. Swine flu – women and child welfare . Documentation of the endangered flora and fauna in your native place. streams. 9 Hours Unit II Ecosystems and Biodiversity Concept of an ecosystem: Structure and function of an ecosystem – producers .fertilizer-pesticide problems . New Delhi.nuclear hazards. Analyze the recent steps taken by government of India to prevent pollution.nuclear holocaust – wasteland reclamation . G. estuaries). Resettlement and rehabilitation of degradation .local levels.pollution case studies.characteristic features . Population explosion in India.grassland ecosystem – desert ecosystem .soil erosion.watershed management.water pollution . 2010. Solid waste management: Causes . Role of information technology in environment and human health. oceans. T.forest ecosystem . Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited. Threats to biodiversity: Habitat loss .salinity -case studies.consumerism and waste products. Jr. Biodiversity: Introduction– definition (genetic .aesthetic values. Land resources: Land as a resource .effects .consumers -decomposers – energy flow in the ecosystem – ecological succession – food chains .national . Introduction to Environmental Science and Engineering.India as a mega diversity nation.nuclear accidents .effects of modern agriculture. .possible solutions – climate change . Wadsworth Publishing Co. Biodiversity level: Global . of Tech. Water conservation . Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.productive use – social values – ethical values .renewable and non renewable energy sources.variation among nations – population explosion – family welfare programme and family planning – environment and human health – Human rights – value education – HIV / AIDS. lakes.noise pollution thermal pollution .ozone layer depletion .food webs and ecological pyramids. 9 Hours Unit IV Social Issues and Environment Sustainable development : Unsustainable to sustainable development – urban problems related to energy.hotspots of biodiversity. Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and ex-situ conservation of biodiversity . Electronic wastes. 2. Types of ecosystem: Introduction . rivers. 9 Hours Unit V Human Population and Environment Human population: Population growth . Raman Sivakumar. Documentation of the effect of degradation of forest resource.landslides.aquatic ecosystems (ponds. 2004. P. K. Oxford University Press.APPLIED MATERIALS SCIENCE (Common to AE. Delhi. Learn non-destructive testing methods of samples by various methods. R. Ecological & Environmental Studies. Cunningham.5 11A204/11C204/11M204 . basic sciences and engineering. W.html 7. S. 2004. 3. B. USA. Jaico Publising House. • To acquire knowledge in thermal properties of materials used in construction and non-destructive techniques. Garg. Gain the fundamentals of polarizable solids. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. magnetic and dielectric materials. semiconducting. K. | Regulation 2011 |36 References 1.. Course Outcome(s) At the end of the course. Analyze the thermal conducting property of the materials through various methods. Wager.0 Objective(s) • To make students familiar in the properties of conducting. the student will be able to • • • • • Understand how conducting materials are influencing engineering design. 2010 . http://www. . D.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. and ME) 3 0 0 3. CE. Environmental Management. R. Garg. Divan. New Delhi. Demonstrate magnetic and electrical properties of materials. Environmental Law and Policy in India. 4.ipcc. Philadelphia. Environmental Encyclopedia.. Saunders Co. Bannari Amman Inst. 5. Khanna Publishers. Mumbai. 2001.php LANGUAGE ELECTIVE II 3 1 0 3. W. 2006. Ahmedabad India. of Tech. Ltd. 1998. 2. Bharucha Erach. Mapin Publishing Pvt. S. http://unfccc. The Biodiversity of India. 6. 12. 14. 3. 7. 4. Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. 11. 13. 6. Mention the postulates of classical free electron theory.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Define mean free path. Briefly discuss the different stages involved in LP testing. How is it different from thermal velocity of an electron? Explain the Fermi-Dirac distribution function of electrons. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test 1∗ Test 2∗ Model Examination∗ 25 25 20 20 10 100 25 25 20 20 10 100 20 25 20 20 15 100 Semester End Examination 20 25 20 20 15 100 Remember 1. Illustrate graphically the effect of temperature on the distribution. What is the basic principle of liquid penetrant method? 17. Describe the construction and working of ultrasonic flaw detector. Explain the different types of polarization mechanisms in dielectrics and sketch their dependence on the frequency of applied electric field. Distinguish between the p-type and n-type semiconductors.No. Also write the merits and demerits. Discuss the different modes of heat transfer and mention their special features. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 16. 15. What are the characteristics of the LP testing materials? Understand ∗ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. Define drift velocity. . Discuss the variation of Fermi level with temperature in the case of p-type and n-type semiconductors. State Wiedemann-Franz law. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. What are donors and acceptors? 9. | Regulation 2011 |37 Assessment Pattern S. What is dielectric breakdown? Summarize the various factors contributing to breakdown in dielectrics. What is the meaning of band gap of a semiconductor? 10. 5. Define the term Fermi energy and mention its importance. 18. Write a note on X-ray fluoroscopy. 8. 2. Deduce the relation for the local field of a dielectric material which is in cubic structure.54 and 8950 kg/m3 respectively. 3. Explain any two practical applications of conduction and convection. 12. of Tech.problems. Derivation of thermal conductivity – Wiedemann-Franz law. 3. 11. 6. 4. What is Hall effect? What is its use in semiconductors? 9. Explain the thermal conductivity of rubber. Semi conducting devices: solar cells (Photovoltaic effect) – uses. Bannari Amman Inst. Mention the limitations of classical free electron theory. Distinguish between relaxation time and collision time. gap energy determination (quantitative treatment). By how many orders of magnitude is the mean free path reduced in a certain metal when temperature increases from 0°C to 340°C? The temperature coefficient of resistivity α = 5x10-3. State the relation between thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity. Explain the heat flow through compound media in series and parallel.experimental determination of Hall voltage.Importance of fermi energy. 6.applications. Distinguish between thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity.postulates of classical free electron theoryderivation of electrical conductivity of metals (Drude . Define density of states and also mention its uses. 7. 2.Lorentz theory). Extrinsic semiconductors: carrier concentration in p-type and n-type semiconductors.Derivation of microscopic form of Ohm’s law. Assuming the electron-lattice interaction to be responsible for scattering of conduction electrons in a metal. Derive an expression for density of states in a metal and hence obtain the Fermi energy in terms of density of free electrons. How will you determine the type of charge carriers present in a semiconductor? 7. Apply 1.elemental and compound semiconductors . Deduce Clausius-Mosotti relation and explain its use in predicting dielectric constants of solids.theory of Hall effect. Sketch the variation of conductivity with temperature in the case of intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. Does it hold good for all types of materials? 2. 4.density of energy states. Why do you prefer silicon for transistors and GaAs for laser diodes? 5. 2. Why do you prefer extrinsic semiconductor over intrinsic semiconductor? 8. Explain the principle behind radiography. Quantum free electron theory and Band theory of solids. Atomic weight and density of copper are 63. 10. Mention the limitations of LP testing. 4. 5. | Regulation 2011 |38 1. Photo detectors: pin photo diodes – applications. Hall effect.verification.merits and demerits. .calculation of density of electron and fermi energy at 0K.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Variation of Fermi level with temperature and doping concentration in extrinsic semiconductors. 9 Hours Unit II Semiconducting Materials & Devices Introduction . Mention the salient features of the ‘free electron gas’ model. Elaborate how you will explore the defects in automotive parts? Analyze/Evaluate 1.determination of carrier concentration and position of Fermi energy. Obtain the Ohm’s law based on it. Electron energies in metal and Fermi energyFermi-Dirac distribution function and its variation with temperature. Calculate the Fermi energy of copper at 0K. Explain thermal conductivity and derive an expression for thermal conductivity of metals. obtain an expression for conductivity in terms of relaxation time and explain any three drawbacks of classical free electron theory of metals.average energy of free electron at 0K.Intrinsic semiconductors: density of electrons density of holes. 13. Unit I Electrical Properties of Metals Introduction. Chand & Company Ltd. S. Charging and discharging of capacitors. New Delhi. Dielectric breakdown. Solid State Physics. Kumbakonam. M. of Tech. Prentice Hall of India. Bannari Amman Inst. Kshirsagar.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.dielectric loss. 2. 2.fundamental definitions in dielectrics. disadvantages and applications –ultrasonic flaw detector . The objectives are accomplished through coursework. Rajendran.various breakdown mechanisms with characteristics. A Text Book of Engineering Physics. Materials Science and Engineering. and working . 11A205 ENGINEERING MECHANICS 3 1 0 3. 3.X-ray fluoroscopy – liquid penetrant methodadvantages. Arumugam. 9 Hours Unit V Non-Destructive Testing Introduction . Physics For Engineers.internal field. S. New Age International Publications. M. New Delhi. Pillai. Chennai. Scitech Publications (India) Pvt. 2006. 2005. . ionic and orientation polarization mechanisms. 2005. demerits and applications of X-ray radiography . Physics II. 9 Hours Unit IV Thermal Physics Mode of heat transfer-thermal conductivity-thermal diffusivity-thermal conduction through compound media (bodies in series and parallel) .Lee’s disc-radial flow of heat-expression for thermal conductivity of rubberexperimental determination-practical applications of conduction-problems. S. Reprints 2010.expression for internal field (cubic structure)derivation of Clausius-Mosotti equation – importance. 4.recording of thermal images . Palanisami. knowledge of recent developments.N. | Regulation 2011 |39 9 Hours Unit III Dielectrics Introduction.expressions for electronic.S Mathur. 2011. New Delhi. V. Thermography: types-block diagram . V.frequency and temperature effects on polarization..thermal conductivity of good conductor . 2002.block diagram .Chand Publications.various steps involved in NDT process-X-ray radiographic technique -displacement method – merits. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. O. demerits and applications. P. Raghavan.Langevin.Forbe’s method-thermal conductivity of bad conductor. Engineering Physics. Students acquire the ability to apply the knowledge at master’s degree and doctoral degree level to conduct individual research.K. Elements of properties of matter. 2009. 5. New Delhi. Anuradha Publications.Debye equation. New Delhi. Ltd. Thermal and ventilation design of buildings . Tata McGraw-Hill.5 Objective(s) • • • The objectives of the program are to enable the student to attain a deeper understanding of engineering mechanics fundamentals. Avadhanulu and P. Fluoroscopy or Real-time Radiography.applications of dielectric materials and insulating materials .space charge polarization.merits. seminars and innovative presentations by the students.problems. References 1.merits and demerits. Analysis of different concepts of equilibrium. Define polygon law. basic sciences. 17. and triangle? Explain parallel axis theorem? Explain perpendicular axis theorem? Derive the expression for principal moment of inertia for plane areas. 19. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 21. 8. 3. The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. No. 9. 13. State principle of transmissibility. 11. Derive the expression for parallelogram law. 15. ♠ Define statics and dynamics. Bannari Amman Inst. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze/ Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 20 30 20 30 100 20 30 20 30 100 Model Examination♠ 20 30 20 30 100 Semester End Examination 20 30 20 30 100 Remember 1. 10. Assessment Pattern S. Define polar moment of inertia. Define triangular law of forces. What is the centroid of the sections. Define second moment of inertia. Define rolling resistance. 5. Define frictional force. 12. Define impulse and momentum. circle. Define product moment of inertia. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. . (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. 3. of Tech. Thorough study about friction. 14. Analysis of centroid and moment of inertia of different geometries. 4. and engineering. 7. Course Outcome(s) 1.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. | Regulation 2011 |40 Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics.rectangle. 6. 16. 2. Define Lami’s theorem Derive the expression for equation of equilibrium Define types of loads. What are the fundamental principles of mechanics? What are the units of quantities? State and explain parallelogram law. 18. 2. 20. Determine the reaction support of the pin-jointed truss shown in Fig. of Tech. velocity and acceleration? 12. What is meant by dimensional homogeneity? 6. Differentiate statics and dynamics.Units and Dimensions . What is the relationship between the displacement. Explain what is meant by rigid body? 4. 3. What is meant by free body diagram? 8. Differentiate impulse and momentum. Differentiate kinetics and kinematics. Unit I Basics and Statics of Particles Introduction . Differentiate between rectilinear and curvilinear motion. What is meant by equilibrium condition? 9. Bannari Amman Inst. What is meant by simple contact friction? Apply / Evaluate 1. Find the forces acting on it. Determine the product and polar moment of inertia for the ellipse of major axis ‘a’ and minor axis ‘b’ 3. the direction of resultant is unaltered.Equilibrium of a particle in space. Consider two forces F and 2F acting on a particle. What are the components of a force? 7. What are the basic concepts of mechanics? 5.Laws of Mechanics – Parallelogram Law of forces – Vectors – Vectorial representation of forces -Coplanar Forces – Resolution and Composition of forces – Equilibrium of a particle under coplanar forces – Forces in space . What are the limitations of the Varignon’s theorem? 14. | Regulation 2011 |41 Understand 1. What is angle of repose? 11. What are the supports and their reactions? 10. Obtain the reaction at the support points of the beam. 2. 5. Determine the second moment of inertia of angle section 100 cm x 90 cm x 10 cm 4. 13.2 The truss is subjected to a vertical load of 16kN and horizontal load of 8kN simultaneously at joint A.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 15. 2. 9 Hours . If the force F is increased by 13 KN and 2F is doubled. Basics of dot product and vector product. Tata McGraw-Hill. Beer and E. circle from integration – T section. Understanding and drawing of various types of free body diagrams. Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics. R. Applications of frictional force effects. Andrew Pytel and Jaan Kiusalaas.. New Delhi. Shames.Rolling Resistance – Problems involving the equilibrium of a rigid bodies with frictional forces. P. Dynamics (Vol. 2000. II). Nagan. S. Ltd. C. | Regulation 2011 |42 Unit II Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies Free body diagram – Types of supports and their reactions – Moments and Couples – Vectorial representation of moments and couples – Scalar components of a moment – Varignon’s theorem – resolution of a given force into a force acting at a given point and a couple – reduction of a system of coplanar forces acting on a rigid body into a single force and a single couple . 2005. 2005. Angle section. Engineering Mechanics – Statics (Vol. 3. M. Ltd. 9 Hours Unit V Dynamics of Particles Displacements. Engineering Mechanics – Statics (Vol I). Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics – 3rd Edition. 9 Hours Unit III Friction Frictional force – Laws of Coulomb friction – Angle of friction – cone of friction . their relationship – Linear motion – Curvilinear motion – Newton’s law – Work Energy Equation of particles – Principle of Impulse and Momentum – Impact of elastic bodies. Rajasekaran and G. Palanichamy and S. R. 7th Edition. Johnston Jr. 4. S. I). circle. Bannari Amman Inst. 5. Velocity and acceleration.. Irving H. 9 Hours Total: 45 + 15 Hours Text Book 1. Angle section. triangle. Pearson Education Asia Pvt. Dynamics (Vol II) – 2nd Edition. New Delhi. triangle from integration – T section. 2005. of Tech. New Delhi. 1999.Belt friction –Transmission of power through belts – Wedge Friction – Screw Jack – Self locking . Hollow section by using standard formula – Parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis theorem – Polar moment of inertia – Principal moments of inertia of plane areas – Mass moment of inertia – Relation with area MOI. . Ltd.. I section.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Laws of motions. IV Edition Pearson Education Asia Pvt. Hollow section by using standard formula – second and product moments of plane area – Rectangle.Simple contact friction – Ladder friction . Vector Mechanics for Engineers – Statics and Dynamics. References 1. 2004. I section. Sankarasubramanian. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. F.Equilibrium of Rigid bodies in two dimensions – Equilibrium of Rigid bodies in three dimensions. Hibbeller. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. 3rd Edition. 2. Brooks / Cole publishing company.. “Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics”. 9 Hours Unit IV Properties of Surfaces and Solids Determination of Areas and Volumes – First moment of area and the Centroid of sections – Rectangle. Finding the surface area and cross-sectional areas of various sections. 4. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply/ Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 60 10 100 10 20 60 10 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 60 10 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 60 10 100 Remember 1. Assessment Pattern S. ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. List the causes of minor energy losses in flow through pipes. • To understand the energy exchange process in fluid mechanics handling incompressible fluids. (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. and engineering.5 Objective(s) To understand the structure and the properties of the fluids. 5. State Buckingham’s π theorem. To understand the mathematical techniques already in vogue and apply them to the solutions of practical flow problems. 6. of Tech. Find the height of a mountain where the atmospheric pressure is 730 mm of Hg at normal conditions. basic sciences. 9. pumps and their characteristics. 7. Define Froude’s number. What is TEL? 8. What is the condition for maximum transmission of power? 11. State equation of continuity 3D compressible unsteady flow in differential form. | Regulation 2011 |43 11A206 FLUID MECHANICS AND MACHINERY 3 1 0 3. Flow analysis for different types of fluids. 2. No. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. What is the variation of viscosity with temperature for fluids? Define absolute pressure and gauge pressure. What is dynamic similarity? 10. 3. • • Program Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. 2. Able to analyze the performance of various fluid machines. Bannari Amman Inst. • To understand the Principles of turbines. What is venturimeter? Write an expression for the discharge through a venturimeter.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Course Outcome(s) 1. . 15. 16. 5. specific volume. 17. 12.Bernoulli's equation – applications Venturi meter. Write down the Hagen-Poisuille equation for laminar flow. kinematic and dynamic similarities. 9 Hours . Explain the preventing methods to separation boundary layer. | Regulation 2011 |44 12. Geometric. Derive the continuity equation in 3D (Cartesian form). 19.Equation of streamline . Which factor determines the maximum speed of a reciprocating pump? What is flow separation? What are the methods available to delay the flow separation in aircrafts? List down the type of minor energy losses. Explain the characteristic curves of a centrifugal pump. Pitot tube. Apply / Evaluate 1. of Tech. Classify various types of drag. 3. Create 1. 6. Classify the fluids on the basis of existence of interface (Free – surface). 2. 10. 9 Hours Unit II Fluid Kinematics and Fluid Dynamics Fluid Kinematics .continuity equation (one and three dimensional differential forms). Distinguish between compressible and incompressible flow. Explain with a neat sketch the working principle of reciprocating function . specific gravity. Explain the types of boundary layer with neat sketch. capillary and surface tension – Fluid statics: concept of fluid static pressure.types of flow . viscosity. Explain the properties of a hydraulic fluid. Explain with a neat sketch the working principle of centrifugal pump. absolute and gauge pressures – pressure measurements by manometers and pressure gauges. 18. Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids and their classification. Give the types of energy losses. Bannari Amman Inst. Show how formation of boundary layer takes place over a streamlined body in a non-separating flow. 7. Unit I Basic Concepts and Properties Fluid – definition.equations of motion . specific weight. distinction between solid and fluid – Units and dimensions – Properties of fluids – density. Distinguish ideal and real fluid.velocity potential function fluid dynamics . Orifice meter. 3. Can actual discharge be greater than theoretical discharge in a reciprocating pump? Define streamlined and bluff bodies with example.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. vapour pressure. 21. Derive an expression for the time period. 14. 2. 20. compressibility.lines of flow . Define specific speed. 8. Explain the losses of energy in flow through pipes. Understand 1. 11.Euler's equation along a streamline . 2. What are the different types of draft tubes? The time period (t) of a pendulum depends upon the length (L) of the pendulum and acceleration due to gravity (g). temperature. Show the various parts of a Kaplan turbine and explain their functions. 9. Using the method of dimensional analysis derive an equation for critical path. Derive an expression for lift force acting on rotating cylinder. Classify models with scale ratios. 4. 13.Flow visualization . New Delhi. McGraw-Hill.Francis turbine . Som and G.Kaplan turbine .specific speed . 4. planning for manufacture. 7th done . Fluid Mechanics. 5thEdition. 5.0 Objective(s) • • To understand the concept generation. 9 Hours Unit V Fluid Machines Hydro turbines: definition and classifications . M. 2004. 2. R.Moody’s diagram-minor losses. 2003. New Delhi. . 2008. efficiency. boundary layer separation . Boundary layer concepts . 9 Hours Total: 45 + 15 Hours Text Books 1. PDS development. 4. Course Outcome(s) 1. Expansion and contraction losses. working principles. Eurasia Publishing House (P) Ltd.bitsathy. velocity triangles. Brainstorming. Biswas. 2. 3. Laxmi Publications (P) Dhanpat Rai and Sons.Boundary layer flows boundary layer thickness. 2nd Edition. Introduction to fluid mechanics and fluid machines. L. K. 9 Hours Unit IV Dimensional Analysis and Boundary Layer Concepts Dimensional analysis . NPTEL (\\http:lib. 2005. of Tech.velocity triangles . Patent drafting .Pelton turbine . Morphological analysis. Pumps: definition and classifications Centrifugal pump: classifications. 2. K. K.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. B. Wylie.Buckingham's π theorem. 3. design process.similarity laws and models. Engineering Fluid Mechanics. References 1. White.drag and lift coefficients. To know the various techniques used in designing a product.. Programme Outcome(s) (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. S. Bannari Amman Inst. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics and Fluid Machines. Bansal. specific speed. 2005. V. Ramamirtham. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Machines.. S.applications . Fluid Mechanics. Streeter and E. L. Reciprocating pumps: Working principle and classification. Tata McGraw-Hill. Kumar. F. concept selection. New Delhi. New Delhi. 2005. Tata McGraw-Hill. Important dimensionless numbers. pressure gradient relationship – laminar flow between parallel plates – Laminar flow through circular tubes (Hagen poiseulle’s) – flow through pipes – Darcy –weisback’s equation – pipe roughness –friction factor. | Regulation 2011 |45 Unit III Incompressible Fluid Flow Viscous flow – Shear 11A207 ENGINEERING DESIGN CONCEPTS 3 0 0 3.working principles .5th Edition. How will you identify a problem? 3. 10. What are the steps follwed in industrial design? What is Ergonomics in Engineering Design? Define factor of safety? What are the elements of cost? What is meant by BOM? What is meant by QFD? List the content of a design report? Name the three types of patents? Understand 1. 2. of Tech. 4. | Regulation 2011 |46 Assessment Pattern Bloom’s Taxonomy S. Write the methods of selection of material for aircraft. 13. How will you estimate a manufacturing cost? 8. 15. (New Version) 1 Remember 2 Understand 3 Apply 4 Analyze/Evaluate 5 Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 30 40 30 100 30 40 30 100 Model Examination♠ 30 40 30 100 Semester End Examination 30 40 30 100 Remember 1. ♠ Write PDS for a car? Write the concept generation for a under seat suspension system of an excavator. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. . 14. Differentiate between Patent and copyright? 11. 7.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 10. 12. 17. For what break even analysis is carried out in a company? 9. 9. 6. Differentiate between final and intermediate design review. List out the five concept selection methods. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 11. No. How will you make decision based on knowledge? 7. What are the steps followed in drafting a patent application? Apply 1. How does engineering design interfaces are made within and outside the design department? 2. 5. 16. How will you identify customer needs? 5. Differentiate between concept sketches and scheme drawing 12. 8. Why we go for computer aided decision making? 4. Bannari Amman Inst. What are the five basic patterns of decision making? List the principles of engineering design. 3. Differentiate between criteria weighting and datum method of concept selection? 6. 2. 3. What is engineering design? What are the principles of engineering design? What are the six elements of design process? List the content of a PDS? What is meant by Brainstorming? List out the five creativity methods. Pahl G. Patent. Creativity and problem solving. Engineering Design. Beitz W. 2. 9 Hours Unit III Concept Evaluation and Design Process Evaluation methods. Study prior inventions. Dieter. Benchmarking. Yousef Haik and Tamer M. | Regulation 2011 |47 4. identifying customer needs. Design for environment. George E. Decision theory. Write the material selection procedure for bought out components Write a design report for a new product? Write a patent draft for any one product you know. Richard Birmingham. Principles of engineering design. Engineering Design Process. 5. Product and process cycle. Presentation Techniques. Decision www. Marketing.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 2010. Design Methods. Understanding Engineering Design. Quality function deployment (QFD). Springer. Before problem definition step. Materials selection. 5. Expert system. Introduction. Value analysis/engineering. 6. Shahin. Engineering Design Principles. 9 Hours Unit IV Planning for Management and Manufacture Production design specification (PDS). Cengage Learning. Industrial design. Classification of manufacturing process. Bannari Amman Inst. Design review. 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall of India. May 1999. Patent literature. 9 Hours Unit V Intellectual property rights & Case Studies Introduction. 2002 www. Feldhusan J and Grote K. References 1.nic. Design for manufacturing (DFM). Detail design. of Tech.ep. 4. Role of processing in design. John Chris Jones. Graham Cleland. Design for Assembly (DFA). Societal considerations in engineering.H.patentoffice. Creativity and problem solving. Engineering design interfaces. Design process. Search . Design report. 7. Case studies 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 1. Elsevier Science and Technology Books. Robert Driver and David Maffin. John Wiley & Sons. 9 Hours Unit II Technological innovation and Concept Generation Introduction. 3. 2007. simplified approach and detailed description. Problem identification. Considerations of a good design. Human factors design. Creativity methods.espacenet. Ken Hurst. McGraw – Hill International. Engineering Design. Unit I Principles and Problem Identification Engineering design introduction and definition. BT. Define Truncated solid. Bannari Amman Inst.MXE. State few important dimensioning rules. List the different drawing instruments. 3. Define Plan. State the principle of Isometric projection. List the various types of lines. AE. .ECE. What is Elevation? 12. What is a Frustum? 20. What are the different types of projections? 7. What are the applications of engineering graphics? 5.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. What is third angle projection? 10.0 Objective(s) Upon Successful completion of this course. Define Graphic communication or drawing. 17. 16. What are the two types of drawings? 6. 8. 13. What is blueprint? 4. basic sciences and engineering. What do you mean by I angle projection? 9. Course Outcome(s) • Able to understand the pictorial representation • Able to understand different views of orthographic projection • Able to draw the three dimensional object from the given orthographic views Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment Semester End Examination Preparation 10 15 Observation and Results 15 25 Record Mini-project/ Model examination/ Viva-voce 10 - 15 10 50 50 Total Remember 1. 15.EIE & FT (II Semester) 2 0 2 3. What do you mean by development of surfaces? 23. | Regulation 2011 |48 11O208 ENGINEERING GRAPHICS (Common for CE. What is Representative Fraction (RF)? 19. What are the two types of Solids? 18. of Tech. 11.ME. Dimensioning and lines. 21. Define Orthographic projection.CSE. Name the five standard sizes of drawing sheets that are specified by BIS.EEE. 2.IT & TT (I Semester). Give the BIS codes for Lettering. the student should be able to: • Understand and appreciate the importance of Engineering Graphics in Engineering • Understand the basic principles of Technical/Engineering Drawing • Understand the different steps in producing drawings according to BIS conventions Program Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. What is a section? 22. What do you mean by a Plane? 14. What is Isometric View? 25. Why CAD is preferred over Conventional drafting? Apply/Evaluate 1. What is the method used to determine the True length and inclination of a line inclined to both the planes? 4. Maximum height reached by the ball is 5m. Which is the most suitable method for drawing the Perspective Projection? 9. Trace the path of the ball. The Pictorial view of an object is shown below. Why is a hexagonal headed bolt and nut more common in use as compared to square headed bolt and nut? 8. How will you develop the lateral surfaces of simple and truncated solids? 10. What are the two methods used to obtain the Isometric view of a circle? 11. No. How will you project a pyramid whose axis is inclined to HP and parallel to VP by Change of Position method? 7. Which method is suitable for developing a truncated prism? 7. What are the prerequisites for Free hand sketching? 10. Understand 1. How will you project a prism whose axis is inclined to HP and parallel to VP by Change of Position method? 5. 3. How will you project a point which is below HP and behind VP? 3. Define Isometric scale. A cricket ball thrown from the ground level reaches the wicket keeper’s gloves. 2. 12 Q. | Regulation 2011 |49 24. 13 . Read the dimensioned drawing shown below. The ball travels a horizontal distance of 11m from the point of projection. How will you project a cone when the axis is inclined to VP and parallel to HP by change of position method? 8. How will you obtain the Sectional view of solids in simple vertical position cut by planes inclined to any one reference plane? 9. What are the differences between I angle and III angle projections? 6. Why II and IV angle projections are not used in industries? 5. How will you project a point which is above HP and in front of VP? 2. Redraw the figure to full size and dimension it as per Indian Standards. 12.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. When an object is said to be in III quadrant? Why are the projectors perpendicular to the Projection Plane in the Orthographic projection? What is the Shape of the section obtained when a cone is cut by a plane passing through the apex and center of the base of the cone? 4. How will you develop the complete surfaces of Frustums? 11. of Tech. a) Elevation in the direction of arrow b) Left end elevation c) Plan 13. Bannari Amman Inst. Q. Draw the following views to full size scale. No. How will you project a cylinder when the axis is inclined to VP and parallel to HP by change of position method? 6. 5. 2. Trim. Circles.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 5. Venugopal.. Bhatt. cylinder and cone when the axis is inclined to one reference plane by change of position method. Orthographic projection . Engineering Drawing. 4. Rectangle. Zoom. Break. Natarajan.Conversion of pictorial to orthographic views (Free hand). 2006 References 1. Julyes Jaisingh. Polyline.Creating a Point. Projection of points located in all quadrants. Mirror. K. layout and folding of drawing sheets – Lettering and dimensioning. 2002 N. Arrays. pyramids. of Tech. Ellipse. Fillet. cylinder and cone when the axis is inclined to one reference plane by change of position method. Scitech Publications (Pvt) Limited-2002 List of Experiments 1. Arcs. 2. Colors.Copy. cylinders and cones. New Age International (P) Limited. Determination of true lengths and true inclinations of Straight lines. Engineering Graphics. Engineering Graphics. Pan. 6 Hours Unit III Section of Solids and Development of Surfaces Sectioning of solids like prisms.First angle orthographic projection . Mtext. pyramids. Dimensioning. 2009 K. V. Layers – Exercises 6 Hours Total: 30+30 Hours Text Book 1. Engineering Graphics. 6 Hours Unit IV Isometric Projection and Perspective Projection Principles of isometric projection – isometric scale – isometric projections of simple solids. Move. pyramids. Hatch. Charotar publishing House 2003 K. 4. 6 Hours Unit V Introduction to AutoCAD and 2D Modeling Starting AutoCAD – Interfaces – Menus – Tool bars – Coordinates – Limits – Units – 2D commands – Drawing Commands . cylinders and cones. Linetypes – Edit and Modify commands . Chennai. 2010 V. VRB Publishers Pvt Ltd. Text. Erase. 6 Hours Unit II Projection of Solids Projection of simple solids like prisms. Chamfer. Redraw. General principles of orthographic projection – First angle projection – Layout of views – Projection of points. 3. Engineering Graphics. Regen. cylinder and cone in simple vertical position by cutting planes inclined to one Reference: plane – Obtaining the true shape of section. Dhanalakshmi Publishers. D. 3. Construction of Lines. Bannari Amman Inst. Polygon. Rameshbabu. Multiline.Systems of orthographic projection . Tri Sea Publishers. Kannaiah. pyramids. Development of lateral surfaces of simple solids – prisms. A Textbook: of Engineering Graphics. Projection of straight lines located in the first quadrant inclined to both the planes. | Regulation 2011 |50 Unit I Concepts and Conventions Use of drafting instruments – BIS conventions and specifications – Size. Narayana and P. Sectioning of solids in simple vertical position by cutting planes inclined to one reference plane and obtaining true shape of section. S. Projection of Solids like prisms. pyramids. . L. located in all quadrant and straight lines located in the first quadrant – Determination of true lengths and true inclinations. 0 Objective(s) • To learn the use of basic hand tools and to know the need for safety in work place • To gain hands on experience on Carpentry. Orthographic Projection of various components from pictorial views. pyramid and cylinder using AutoCAD. 10. pyramids and Cylinders. Drawing sectional views of prism. Course Outcome(s) • • • • Students will be able to use their skills during their project work Students will be able to understand the practical difficulties encountered in industries during any assembly work Students will be able to do simple electronic and electrical work throughout their carrier. Sheet metal. 3 11A209 WORKSHOP PRACTICE 0 0 2 1. Orthographic Projection of various components from pictorial views. and engineering. Fitting. pyramids cylinder and cone. Isometric Projections / Views of Solids like prisms. top and side views from given pictorial views using AutoCAD. pyramid and cylinder using AutoCAD. Development of lateral surfaces of simple and truncated solids like prisms. top and side views from given pictorial views using AutoCAD. No Experiments Hours 1 2 Projection of points located in all quadrants 3 Projection of straight lines located in the first quadrant inclined to both the planes. 3 10 Drawing sectional views of prism. 8. of Tech. 3 5 Sectioning of solids in simple vertical position by cutting planes inclined to one reference plane and obtaining true shape of section 3 6 7 8 9 Development of lateral surfaces of simple and truncated solids. 7. Bannari Amman Inst. basic sciences. Students will be able to rectify simple problem connected with pipe fittings . Plumbing and Arc welding operations by making simple objects • To have the basic knowledge on working of domestic appliances Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. (h) An ability to work with others and to lead the team. 3 3 4 Determination of true lengths and true inclinations of Straight lines 3 Projection of Solids when the axis is inclined to one reference plane by change of position method. 9. | Regulation 2011 |51 6. 3 3 3 Drawing of front. pyramids and Cylinders.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Drawing of front. Total: 30 Hours Practical Schedule S. Isometric Projections / Views of Solids like prisms. 11. 3. 7. How will make a connection of basic pipe lines. Understand 1. 6. 5. 6. 6. 4. cell phone stand etc.Conditioner. 4. | Regulation 2011 |52 Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment Preparation Observation and Results Record Mini-Project/ Model Examination / Viva-Voce Total Semester End Examination 10 10 10 20 10 - 20 20 50 50 Remember 1. What are the necessary equipments used in Arc Welding? What are the methods used in sheet metal work? List out the types and components of Air. 2. Forming of simple objects using sheet metal.. Prepare a small trolley to carry wastage by using welding work. Making simple gadget like chair. cell phone stand by using welding joints. sofa. Sketch all the wooden furniture present in your house in three dimensional view. table. What are the tools used in sheet metal work? What are the types of joints in sheet metal work? What is gas welding? List out the types of flames in welding. Making a connection of basic pipe lines. Sketch the wiring diagram for a room consist of two fans . 4. 10. 2. 3. Bannari Amman Inst. 7. of Tech. What is meant by carpentry? What are the types of joints in pipe connection? What is staircase wiring? What is the working principle of centrifugal pump? What are the types of valves in plumbing and where it is used? List out the cutting tools used in carpentry with specification. 6. using PVC pipes. box. Preparing a V joint from the given MS flat. 13. 2. Demonstration of working of domestic appliances: Washing Machine/ Refrigerator and WindowAir . 12. 3. 3. that includes valves and taps? How will form Staircase and Godown wiring? Prepare a hexagonal shape pen stand by using power tools. 9. using PVC pipes. 5. by using power tools.three tubelights. 8. Sketch the line diagram of the plumbing work carried out in your house. 8. Demonstration of Assembly and Disassembly of centrifugal pump. Compare the Refrigeration system with air Condition system. and one plug point. 5. Prepare a cover with handle by using sheet metal to cover a motor. 4. How the refrigeration system works? How will you select the suitable welding process for various materials? How will make a V joint in the given MS flat? How cavity is formed by using pattern? How the wires are joined by soldering? Apply / Evaluate 1. 5. Making simple gadget like pen stand.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. that includes valves and taps. 7. 2. List of Experiments 1. using PVC pipes. 11. Study and assembly of a simple piston engine.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. that includes valves and taps. . Demonstration of working of domestic appliances: Washing Machine/ Refrigerator and WindowAir-Conditioner. Acquire more knowledge in basic concepts of engineering mathematics. Demonstration of Assembly and Disassembly of centrifugal pump. Conditioner. 2 10 Spot welding and arc welding practice. 3 11 Study and assembly of a simple piston engine 2 12 Basic operations of a lathe machine.5 Objective(s) • • To obtain the knowledge of expressing periodic functions as Fourier series. Basic operations of a lathe machine. cell phone stand etc.. box. Making wooden model of symmetric airfoil using carpentry tool. Making simple gadget like pen stand. Making wooden model of symmetric airfoil using carpentry tool. Choose an appropriate method to solve a practical problem. Total: 30 Hours Practical Schedule S. Making wedge shape wooden model using carpentry tools. Spot welding and arc welding practice. No. Course Outcome(s) 1. of Tech. 10. cell phone stand by using welding joints. Bannari Amman Inst. Making a connection of basic pipe lines. 3. | Regulation 2011 |53 8. 9 Making wedge shape wooden model using carpentry tools. Ability to solve boundary value problems in heat and wave equation using partial differential equations. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. sofa. Fourier transform and Z transform which is used to analyze signals in signal processing. To improve problem evaluation technique. by using power tools. basic sciences and engineering. 3 4 5 6 7 Hours 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 11O301 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS III (Common to all branches Except CSE and Bio-Tech) 3 1 0 3. 9. 12. 1 2 3 8 Experiments Forming of simple objects using sheet metal. table. 2. Preparing a V joint from the given MS flat. Making simple gadget like chair. 5. State convolution theorem in Fourier transform. Find the general solution of ( ) 3. 2 2 2 x− y 2. Bannari Amman Inst.. Write any two solutions of the Laplace equation obtained by the method of separation of variables. 0 ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. Find the Fourier transform of f x =  ∞ Hence evaluate 2  sin x  ∫  x  dx and  0 ∞ 4  sin x  ∫  x  dx . No Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ End Semester Examination 20 40 20 40 20 40 30 10 100 30 10 100 30 10 -100 20 40 30 10 100 1 2 3 4 5 Remember Understand Apply Analyze/ Evaluate Create Total Remember 1. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 2. 1. 6. Define even and odd function graphically. of Tech. 0 < x < π and hence deduce the sum of the ∞ series 1 ∑ (2n + 1) 4 n=0 . 3. Write the complementary function of non homogeneous second order equations of distinct and repeated roots. 8. 3. State initial value theorem in Z-transform.. Solve (D + 2 DD ′ + D ′ )z = x y + e . Define complete solution of a partial differential equation. 4. 7. 2 n =1. | Regulation 2011 |54 Assessment Pattern Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) S. Define unilateral and bilateral Z-transform of {f(n)}. 9. Find the Fourier series of period 2 for the function πx f ( x) =  π (2 − x ) 0 ≤ x ≤1 1≤ x ≤ 2 1 . The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Solve the integral equation ∫ .  0  ∞ 6. .Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 4. Accordingly. f ( x ) cos α x dx = e −α . Understand ( ) ( ) ( ) x z2 − y 2 p + y x 2 − z2 q = z y 2 − x 2 . 5 . n ∞ Deduce the sum of ∑ ( ) 1 − x for x ≤ 1  0 for | x | > 1 5. What does a2 represent in the equation ytt = a2 yxx ? 10. Write down the complex Fourier transform pair. State the Dirichlet’s conditions. Find the half-range cosine series for the function f x = x. 5 1. 2. Solve (D2-5DD’+6D’2) z= y sinx.8 17.3 11. of Tech.76 2. Find the displacement of the string at any subsequent time. 4.00 6. Use convolution theorem to find the inverse Z –transform of 8z 2 (2 z − 1)(4 z + 1) 10. x being the distance from an end point. Make the harmonic analysis of the function in (0. given that y 0 = y1 = 0 . Find inverse Ζ transform 9. 8. (n + 1)(n + 2) 7. Find the steady state temperature. Obtain the constant term and the first harmonic in the Fourier series expansion in (0. Expand the function f ( x ) = cos x in ( − π . has its ends A and B at 20ºC and 80ºC respectively. 2. 3. Bannari Amman Inst. Find Z –transform of . 10. A rectangular plate with insulated surface is 10 cm wide so long compared to its width that it may be Considered infinite length . y n+ 2 − 7 y n+1 + 12 y n = 2 n . A string is stretched between two fixed points at a distance 2L apart and the points of the string are given Initial velocities v where v = cx /L 0 < x <L = c (2L . 7. Solve the equation Analyze/ Evaluate 1. The midpoint of the string is taken to a height of b and then released from rest in this position. Find the displacement of the string at any time t. Evaluate ∫ (x 0 dx using transform method. | Regulation 2011 |55 4z3 (2 z − 1)2 (z − 1) 2n + 3 8.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.16 0. 9. until steady state conditions prevail. Solve (4D2-4DD’+D’2)z = 16 log(x+2y). + a x2 + b2 2 )( dx 2 + a2 ) ∞ ) 2 and ∫ (x 0 x 2 dx 2 + a2 ) 2 .7 0 5.1 0.x) /L L < x < 2L .5 2.2 14.T) up to the second harmonic.30 1.8 1.t). Give a function which is self reciprocal under Fourier sine and cosine transform.25 1.If the temperature along the short edge y=0 is given by 8 sin( 0 πx 10 ) .4 17.12) for the function y = f(x) defined by the table below x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 f (x) 1. Solve z = p x + q y + p2 q2 . x 0 T/6 T/3 T/2 2T/3 5T/6 T y 0 9. .16 1. ∞ 4. π ) as a Fourier series of periodicity 2π. The temperature at the end B is then suddenly reduced to 60º C and at the end A is raised to 40º C and maintained so.3 0. 3. Find the resulting temperature u (x. A taut string of length L is fastened at both ends. A rod 30 cm long. Form the PDE of all planes passing through the origin.88 1. Apply 1. A function y=f(x) is given by the following table of values. Evaluate ∫ (x 2 0 ∞ 5. Find the PDE of all planes having equal intercepts on the x and y axis. while the two long edges x= 0 and x=10 as well as the other short edge are kept at 0 c . Mathematics for Engineers. 9 Hours Unit IV Partial Differential Equations Formation of partial differential equations by elimination of arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions – Solution of standard types of first order partial differential equations (excluding reducible to standard forms ) – Lagrange’s linear equation – Linear partial differential equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients. of Tech.Elementary properties – Inverse Z-transform – Convolution theorem -Formation of difference equations – Solution of difference equations using Z. 10 Find inverse Ζ transform 4z3 . 9. Geetha and D. Vikas Publishing House. a >0. Megalai. a > 0 and hence find Fourier transform of e − x2 2 . Find Fourier sine and cosine transform of e-ax . x 7.Grewal .Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Khanna Publications . New Delhi . S . 8. New Delhi.2008. Find Fourier sine transform of e − ax .2000. | Regulation 2011 |56 6.Application to engineering problems. 2 K. Bannari Amman Inst. Find Fourier transform of e − a2 x2 .transform .Parseval’s Identity-Finite Fourier Transform. Jayanthi . P. Higher Engineering Mathematics .Application to engineering problems. 9 Hours Unit V Boundary value problems Classification of second order quasi linear partial differential equations – Fourier series solutions of one dimensional wave equation – One dimensional heat equation (Insulated ends excluded ) – Steady state solution of two-dimensional heat equation (Insulated edges excluded ) – Fourier series solutions in Cartesian coordinates . a > 0 and hence find Fourier sine and cosine transform of x e-ax.Harmonic Analysis. Find Fourier sine and cosine transform of x n-1. 9 Hours Unit II Fourier Transform Fourier transform pair – Sine and Cosine transforms – Properties – Transforms of simple functions – Convolution theorem . 9 Hours Unit III Z -Transform and Difference Equations Z-transform . (2 z − 1)2 (z − 1) Unit I Fourier Series Dirichlet’s conditions – General Fourier series – Odd and even functions – Half range cosine and sine series – Parseval’s Identity .Application to engineering problems. Volume III. . 9 Hours Total: 45+15Hours Text Books 1 B. Gunavathy and K. 4. A cantilever beam of 2 m long is carrying a point load of 20 kN at its free end. civil. tensional and combined loads. Kandasamy. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Define shear force and bending moment.Tata McGraw Hill Publications . structural and aeronautical engineering • To understand the application of various material and their properties. 2008.. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. 2008. Thilagavathy. Analysis of the strain. 3. | Regulation 2011 |57 References 1. (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. Course Outcome(s) 1. Assessment Pattern S. Estimate the principal stress and principal strain.Singapore (2008). . Chand & Co. students are able to take up works of mechanical. No. bending. Inc. K. Calculate the slope at the free end. Engineering Mathematics . Draw the stress strain diagram for a ductile material.Volume III . 2. • By acquiring the knowledge of solid mechanics. 2. Veerarajan . • To understand the basic concepts of beam and column design. S. E. 8th Edition . Determine the SFD and BMD of beams. of Tech. P. John Wiley & Sons. 3. Bannari Amman Inst. Engineering Mathematics . New Delhi.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. basic sciences and engineering. Analysis of different types of beams 3. T. New Delhi. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply/Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 50 20 100 10 20 50 20 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 50 20 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 50 20 100 Remember 1.5 Objective(s) • To give brief descriptions on the behaviour of materials due to axial. What is the maximum slope of a simply supported beam subjected to udl over the entire span and where does it occur? ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. Kreyszig. stress and displacement which are due to loading of system 2. Assume EI = 12 × 103 kN-m2 4. 11A302 SOLID MECHANICS 3 1 0 3. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. The stress on a plane at right angles to this has a normal stress of 40 MPa (tensile). 7. 4. Differentiate open coiled helical spring from the close coiled helical spring and state the type of stress induced in each spring due to an axial load 6. A bar of length 1 m and diameter 30 mm is centrally bored for 0. 9. 2. What number of coils must the spring have for its deflection to be 6mm? At a point in material under stress. Calculate deflection at the point of loading and the slope at both the supports. one in each corner. The modulus of rigidity is 80 kN/mm2. 8.5 mm. A solid shaft is to transmit 320 kW at 100 rpm. When a circular shaft is subjected to torsion. Write the effective length of column for both ends pinned condition 9. A simply supported beam of span 6 m is acted upon by a point load of 60 kN at 4 m from one support. If the shear stress is not to exceed 80 MPa. State any four assumptions made in the theory of simple bending. material and maximum shear stress being the same? A helical spring of circular cross-section wire 18 mm in diameter is loaded by a force of 500 N. calculate the maximum deflection. 8. find the diameter of the shaft. Name the stresses induced in a thin walled cylinder subjected to internal fluid pressure. | Regulation 2011 |58 5. Draw the SFD and BMD. Take Poisson's ratio as ¼. Apply / Evaluate 1. Also. Under a load of 25 kN (applied axially).5 m long when stretched 2. What percentage saving in weight would be obtained if this shaft were to be replaced by a hollow one whose internal diameter equals 0. What are principal stresses and principal planes? 8. Derive the bending formula M/I = f/y = E/R 3. A simply supported beam AB of 6 m span is loaded as shown in Fig.04 × 105 N/mm2 and 1/m = 0. Taking I = 8000 cm4 and E = 2 × 105 N/mm2. Differentiate in the failure mechanism of short and long columns.3 Create 1. 3. Bannari Amman Inst. Take E = 2. What is a point of inflection? 4. Define ‘‘buckling load’’. how does the shear stress vary? 7. Understand 1. Derive a relation for change in length of a bar of uniformly tapering circular section subjected to an axial tensile load ‘W’. . Determine the maximum shear stress in the material of the spring. Young's modulus is 1 × 105 N/mm2 and modulus of rigidity is 0. Take E for steel = 210 × 103 N/mm2 and E for concrete = 14 × 103 N/mm2.4 m from one end. 2. A cantilever beam with a span of 3 m carries a point load of 35 kN at a distance of 2 m from the fixed end. Find (i) the resultant stress on the second plane (ii) the principal planes and stresses and (iii) the plane of maximum shear and its intensity. 5. The mean coil diameter of the spring is 125 mm.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.5 N/mm2. 5. 9. 7. what is the modulus of elasticity of the bar? For a given material. A reinforced concrete column 500 mm × 500 mm in section is reinforced with 4 steel bars of 25 mm diameter. if the extension of the bar is 0. Write the effective length of column for both ends fixed condition. how does the shear stress vary? 6. When a circular shaft is subjected to torsion. Determine the slope and deflection at the free end and at the point where the load is applied. Take I = 11924 cm4 and E = 200 GN/m2. Calculate the maximum intensity of shear stress induced and also the changes in the dimensions of the shell if it is subjected to an internal pressure of 1. the bore diameter being 10 mm.4 × 105 N/mm2. 6.6 of the external diameter. State the theory of simple bending. the length.185 mm. Find the stresses in the concrete and steel bars. Calculate the maximum bending moment and the point where it occurs. A cylindrical shell 1 m in diameter (internal) and 15 mm wall thickness is 3 m long. of Tech. the column is carrying a load of 1000 kN. Find the Bulk modulus and lateral contraction of a round bar of the above material of 50 mm diameter and 2. the intensity of the resultant stress on a certain plane is 60 MPa (tensile) inclined at 30° to normal of that plane. J.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. H. 2. Mohr’s theory and circle diagram.N. Chand & Co. 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Books 1. II. | Regulation 2011 |59 Unit I Basics and Axial Loading Stress and Strain – Hooke’s Law – Elastic constants and their relationship – Volumetric strain. Strength of Materials. Bannari Amman Inst. 1990. Vol. of Tech. Elements of strength Materials. Van No Strand Co-Inc Princeton. . I and Vol.Young. 1990. Load carrying capacity of beams and their free body diagrams. Dym and I. TMH. 9 Hours Unit V Bi Axial Stresses Stresses in thin circular cylinder and spherical shell under internal pressure. Nash William. Timoshenko and D. T. Rajput.Strength of Materials (Mechanics of Solids).shear stresses and twist in solid and hollow circular shafts – closely coiled helical springs. Principle of momentum. 9 Hours Unit III Deflection of Beams Double integration method – McCauley’s method – Area moment method – Conjugate beam method. Application of torsional effects. References 1. Thermal Stresses – stresses due to freely falling weight. Shames. 2. 9 Hours Unit IV Torsion Torsion of circular shafts . 2009. R.Analytical and Graphical methods. L. with uniform and varying section statically indeterminate cases –composite bar. H. Statically determinate cases . K. Combined loading – Principal Stresses and maximum Shear Stresses . 9 Hours Unit II Stresses in Beams Shear force and bending moment diagrams for simply supported and cantilever beams – Bending stresses in straight beams – Shear Stresses in bending of beams with various cross sections – beams of uniform strength. 1998. S. Understanding of properties of ductile and brittle materials. S. –Solid Mechanics. . 10. Analysis of different modes of mass transfer. 2. 4. ♠ Explain Kelvin – Plank statement of second law. of Tech. No. 3. Performance analysis of heat exchanger. Course Outcome(s) 1. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 7.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Bannari Amman Inst. 6. Improve the heat transfer rate for different modes. | Regulation 2011 |60 11A303 AERO ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS 3 1 0 3. The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze/Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 60 10 100 10 20 60 10 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 60 10 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 60 10 100 Remember 1. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. 8. 9. State first law of for a closed system undergoing a cycle. Write down the equations of inequality of clausius. 4. 2. refrigeration and air-conditioning and turbo machinery. Analysis of different modes of heat transfer. What is a thrust rocket motor? What do you understand by dry and wet compression? What is tone of refrigeration? What is the function of a compressor? What is the need of staging the compression process? Understand 1. 3.5 Objective(s) • • To give a brief background of application of various laws of thermodynamics To study the application in heat transfer. What are the three basic components of a gas turbine plant? Give any two properties of steam. Assessment Pattern S. Write down the equation of mean effective pressure of an Otto cycle. (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. 5. basic sciences and engineering. Determine (a) thermal efficiency of the cycle. 5. Properties of fluids and gases. list the various stages required in designing a new refrigerator? Design a vapour compression refrigeration system that will maintain the refrigerated space at -15°C while operating in an environment at 20°C using refrigerant 134a as a working fluid.Heat pumps . 8. 2. (c) net power developed in kW. 6. Dual combustion and Brayton combustion cycles – Air standard efficiency . 6.Isentropic flow of ideal gases through nozzles . 8. The turbine inlet temperature is 1400K. Arrange in order the various strokes of a petrol engine.Simple jet propulsion system . What do you think about the materials used for reciprocating engines? Is there a better solution to minimize the emission from the engines.10 kg/s from 500kPa. 7. Discuss the limitations of two stroke petrol engine.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 2. Second law. Diesel. Unit I Basic Thermodynamics Systems. Air enters the compressor of an air-standard Brayton cycle at 100kPa. Study of different types of thermodynamic processes.Heat and work transfer in flow and non-flow processes. 9 Hours Unit III Thermodynamics of One Dimensional Fluid Flow Application of Continuity and energy equations.Thrust of rocket motor – Specific impulse. 7. Compare four stroke diesel and petrol engines. 3. 210°C to 100kPa. Explain Diesel cycle and obtain its efficiency. 4. 300K with a volumetric flow ratio of 5m3/s. Assume a compression index of 1. A nozzle is to be designed to expand steam at the rate of 0. 9 Hours Unit IV Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Principles of refrigeration. Explain the different types of rotary compressors with neat sketches. Analyze/Evaluate 1.Clausius statement . of Tech. 9 Hours Unit II Air Cycles Otto. Distinguish between SI and CI engines. 9 Hours .Clausius inequality . Explain one dimensional steady isentropic flow through nozzle. Kelvin. if so what? What changes do you recommend for the existing engines to use them for bio-oils? Create 1.concept of entropy . Explain how a two stroke petrol engine works. Study of a domestic refrigerator and an air-conditioner.Mean effective pressure – Actual and theoretical PV diagrams of four stroke and two stroke IC Engines. Based on the principles. | Regulation 2011 |61 2. Explain vapour absorption cycle with property diagrams.Vapour absorption types Coefficient of performance. First Law .35 in both the cases and optimum pressure and complete intercooling in a two-stage compressor.Vapour compression .Planck statement . The compressor pressure ratio is 10. 3. 4. (b) back work ratio. Bannari Amman Inst. Zeroth Law. Principle of mass and energy conservation. Air conditioning .entropy change in non-flow processes. Properties of refrigerants. 5. Find the percentage saving in work input by compressing air in two stages from 1 bar to 7 bar instead of one stage. of Tech..0 Objective(s) • • To describe the principle and working of aircraft systems and instruments To instruct the student in operation of all aircraft systems other than the primary controls including pilot control. Longman Green & Co. 2009. 2006. Seventh Edn. India. 1986. Engineering Thermodynamics. Isothermal and Isentropic efficiency of reciprocating air compressors. | Regulation 2011 |62 Unit V Air Compressors Classification and working principle. 3rd Edition. E.B.Hill Co. Lakshmi Publications. (d) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. Bannari Amman Inst.I. Nag. 1989.L. Analysis of various control systems including small aircrafts and jumbo jets. Cengal. Rogers. 3. K. 3. Course Outcome(s) 1. Ltd. A. 2002. Saad. 11A304 AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS AND INSTRUMENTATION 3 0 0 3. E. A. References 1. London. Tata McGraw-Hills Co. Introduction to Thermodynamics. Mumbai. Ltd. Engineering Thermodynamics. Prentice – Hall. Edition. Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics (S.. problem detection and troubleshooting. G. Study of a commercial compressor. Ltd. 2005.S. Analysis of different types of aircraft system and components. Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Second Edition.. Radhakrishnan. instrumentation and gauging. . Sonntag. Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. 2004. 4. Rajput. multistage compression and intercooling. Van Wylen and R... Yunus A.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Mayhew and B. E. 2.. Ltd. Thermodynamics for Engineers. Thermodynamics an Engineering Approach. P. J. 2. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics. M. Understanding the working procedure of various components. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. 5. work of compression with and without clearance. 9 Hours Total: 45 + 15 Hours Text Books 1. 2.Version). Tata McGraw. No. Give the frequency band in electromagnetic spectrum. 5. Why priming is needed for aircraft power plant? 10. Define TAS with suitable example. What are the advantages of power assisted systems? 15. Distinguish between engine and navigation instrument 12.icing and anti . State and explain Bernoulli’s theorem? Define the term ECAM. 16. 6. 9. Derive the expression for lift. 12. 7. What are the advantages of aircraft pressurization? 6. Draw vane type and piston type shimmy dampers. 11. Write the limitations of altimeter. 14. | Regulation 2011 |63 Assessment Pattern S. 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 20 30 20 30 100 20 30 20 30 100 Model Examination♠ 20 30 20 30 100 Semester End Examination 20 30 20 30 100 Remember 1. 11. 5. 7. 18. 2.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. of Tech. What is purpose of starting & ignition system? Explain what is de . What are the advantages of gyroscopic instruments? 16. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 9. Explain what fly by wire system means. 4. Differentiate absolute altitude and true altitude. 8. 15. 17. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 17. Write the formula to calculate M number. Bannari Amman Inst. 10. What are the limitations of the oxygen system? 14. Explain the use of pitot static instruments. 13. 8. 2.icing? What is air data computer? Define EAS and CAS Define precision. Define rigidity in space. Write the advantages of vapour cycle system ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. Define cylinder head temperature Define tachometer What is flash and cloud point? What are shock absorbers and anti skid unit purpose? What are the advantages of pneumatic system over hydraulic system? Understand 1. 4. . Classify ice detectors and fire extinguisher system. Differentiate between fly by wire and fly by light system. Define bleed air ratio List out the components of fuel system of multiengine aircraft. What are cooling packs? 13. 3. Differentiate the starting procedure of piston and jet engine aircraft. L. D.Push pull rod system. Bannari Amman Inst. Bent. of Tech. 4.Typical examples for piston and jet engines. With a neat illustration. Engine vibration.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Study of engine cooling systems of an aircraft.Components. Apply / Evaluate 1.Advantages . EAS.Power actuated systems – Engine control systems .Power assisted and fully powered flight controls . Write short notes on following with a neat sketch of airspeed indicator. Landing Gear systems . Explain about gravity feed & pressure feed fuel system. Aircraft Maintenance & Repair.Modern control systems . VOR .Modes of operation .Hydraulic system controllers . Air speed Indicators – TAS. Write the limitations of anti . 9 Hours Unit III Engine Systems Fuel systems for Piston and jet engines. Unit I Airplane Control Systems Conventional Systems . 9.Pneumatic systems . Explain with a neat sketch.Study of typical workable system . Study of FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control system).Mach Meters – Altimeters – Principles and operation – Study of various types of engine instruments – Tachometers – Temperature gauges – Pressure gauges – Operation and Principles.Components . Tata McGraw-Hill. explain anti-icing & deicing systems used in aircraft. flexible push full rod system .icing system. 9 Hours Unit V Aircraft Instruments Flight Instruments and Navigation Instruments – Gyroscope – Accelerometers. 19.CCV case studies. McKinley and R.components . J. Write about aircraft Independent break system with a neat sketch. gyroscope. 9 Hours Unit IV Auxiliary System Basic Air cycle systems – Vapour Cycle systems. 9 Hours Unit II Aircraft Systems Hydraulic systems .Typical Pneumatic power system . .Working principles . 8.instruments. explain mechanical flight linkage system. Write short notes on power assisted control system with neat sketch 5.Typical Air pressure system – Brake system . Communication and Navigation systems Instrument landing systems. Study of fuel control systems for both commercial and fighter aircrafts. 2. | Regulation 2011 |64 18. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1.Digital fly by wire systems . 7. Explain the use of HSI. torque and temperature measuring methods. 6.Auto pilot system active control Technology. Lubricating systems for piston and jet engines . Boost-Strap air cycle system – Evaporative vapour cycle systems – Evaporative air cycle systems – Oxygen systems – Fire protection systems.Starting and Ignition systems . Deicing and anti icing systems. Write short notes a working principle of vapour cycle cooling system with neat sketch.Retractive mechanism. With a neat sketch.Classification – Shock absorbers . tachometer and pitot static system 3. Study of T. the working principle of typical hydraulic system used for the Boeing 757 aircraft. 2010. Explain about ILS with neat sketch. E. Dept. . General Hand Books of Airframe and Powerplant Mechanics. 5. Design of block diagram of control system Assessment Pattern S. 2. J. of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. | Regulation 2011 |65 2. New Delhi 1995. Define closed loop control system. D. the English Book Store. Development of flight control systems. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. References 1. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply/ Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ 10 20 50 20 100 Test II♠ 10 20 50 20 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 50 20 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 50 20 100 Remember 1. Analysis of aircraft system and controls 2. To introduce the basic concepts of Mechanical and electrical components. J. 1997. Aircraft Power Plants. U. S. What are the components of feedback control system? The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20.5 Objective(s) • • • To teach the Feedback control systems and representation of control systems. Bannari Amman Inst. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. Bent. 2. 2010. ♠ What is control system? What are the two major types of control system? Define open loop control system. Aircraft Instruments & Principles. L. of Tech. 2008.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. tools and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. Treager. Programme Outcome(s) (d) An ability to analyze aircraft systems and components. H. Pallet. Gas Turbine Technology.. 11A305 CONTROL ENGINEERING 3 1 0 3. S. Mekinley and R. (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques.. Pitman & Co. 3. To understand the Characteristic Equation and Functions of control system. Tata McGraw-Hill. 4. 3. Tata McGraw-Hill. Course Outcome(s) 1. What are the different types of controll controllers? 5. List the time domain specifications. Use Block diagram reduction technique and verify the transfer function with signal flow graph technique. What is a signal flow graph? 10. Understand 1. ramp and impulse response of a first order system and draw the curves 3. What are the advantages of Nichols chart? Apply & Evaluate: 1. What are the main advantages of Bode plot? 9. What is Bode plot? 8. Distinguish between open loop and closed loop system 7. What is Nichols chart? 10. 1 Obtain the closed loop transfer function C(S) / R(S) of the system whose block diagram is shown in Figure. 8. Create 1. What is frequency response? 7. What are the three types of compensators? 2. 2. Define peak overshoot. 2 Obtain the unit impulse response and unit step response of a unity feedback system whose open loop transfer function is G(s) = (2 s + 1) / s2. What is block diagram? 9. Bannari Amman Inst. 3. What is steady state error? 6.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. of Tech. Derive the used formula. 2. Define transfer function. Define damping ratio. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by G(s) = 20 / (s2 + 5s + 6). Sketch the Bode plot for a unity feedback system characterized by G(s) H(s) = ( K (1 + 0. Write Mason’s Gain formula.01 s) ( 1 + 0.025 s)) / (s2 ( 1 + 0.2 s) ( 1 + 0. Determine the transfer function X1(S) / F(S) and X2(S) / F(S) of the mechanical system shown in Figure. Determine the range of K for which the system is stable. Determine the damping ratio. | Regulation 2011 |66 eronautical 6. Sketch the Nyquist plot for a feedback system with the open loop transfer function G(s) H(s) = [K (s + 3) (s + 5)] / [(s – 2) (s – 4)]. . maximum overshoot. 4. Derive the unit step. rise time and peak time. 4.005 s)). 1998. Ltd. 4.0 Objective(s) The course is intended to introduce the various metallic and non-metallic engineering materials used in aircraft applications and their test methods. Kuo. of Tech. New Delhi. Control Systems. Output to input ratios. B. Root locus and Bode techniques. Houpis. Signal flow graph. Open loop system for aircraft controls. 2000. steady state errors and error constants of unity feedback circuit. Lamont. Control Systems. New Age International Publishers. C. Prentice – Hall of India Pvt. USA 1995. New Delhi. 2. New Delhi. • . • To understand the effect of corrosion in the aircraft materials and its prevention methods. 9 Hours Unit V Sampled Data Systems Introduction to digital control system. Routh – Hurwitz criteria of stability. Naresh K. References 1. Ogato. Digital Control Systems. 2. 9 Hours Unit III Characteristic Equation and Functions Lap lace transformation. Step input.. Time response of first and second order systems. Reduction of block diagrams. 3. Principles and design – Tata McGraw-Hill Publication. 9 Hours Unit II Open and Closed Loop Systems Feedback control systems – Block diagram representation of control systems. C. Feed back control system analysis and synthesis. J. Concept and construction. Gopal. Comparison between hydraulic and pneumatic controllers. Prentice – Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Study of aircraft stability analysis. M. impulse. hydraulic and thermal systems. New York. H. J. Study of characteristic equations for autopilot. 1998. Applications in aircraft. 1998. 3rd Edition. New Delhi. Bannari Amman Inst. 11A306 AIRCRAFT MATERIALS 3 0 0 3. Digital Controllers and Digital PID Controllers. Modern Control Engineering. Azzo and C. McGraw-Hill Book Co. D. H. Automatic control systems. B. parabolic and sinusoidal inputs. Analogies – Mechanical and electrical components. Sinha. Houpis and G. 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Books 1. frequency response. ramp.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 9 Hours Unit IV Concept of Stability Necessary and sufficient conditions. | Regulation 2011 |67 Unit I Introduction Historical review – Simple pneumatic. Series and parallel systems. Response of systems to different inputs viz. McGraw – Hill International. Development of flight control systems.. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. 2.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. ♠ How do metals and metalloids differ in properties? What is the effect of carbon in alloying? Write down the various properties of carbon that makes it an important alloying elements. 3. Improve the properties by using heat treatment methods. | Regulation 2011 |68 • To learn the heat treatment process of ferrous and non-ferrous materials. Prevent the corrosion by plating. 8. 13. Assessment Pattern Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total S. 6. 4. 5. 11. 10. . 3. 9. 2. 3. (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. 12. • To understand the basic concepts of materials. 4. basic sciences and engineering. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Test I♠ Test II♠ 20 20 20 30 10 100 20 20 20 30 10 100 Model Examination♠ 20 20 20 30 10 100 Semester End Examination 20 20 20 30 10 100 Remember 1. of Tech. 7. 2. What are super alloys? What is the need for specifications in materials? What is need for heat treatment? Write the general properties of non-ferrous alloy? What do you meant by precipitation hardening? Why corrosion does occur? What are the materials more vulnerable to corrosion? What is the effect of alloying joints? What is quenching? What is normalizing? What is polymerization? What are PVC and its uses? What are composites? What is plasticity and elasticity? Understand 1. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 14. Bannari Amman Inst. 1. Course Outcome(s) Analysis of materials by various testing. Why titanium is more preferred in the construction of engines? The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. No. yield strength and ductility for the steel? Give a range of values Create 1. aluminum and magnesium alloys. Heat treatment methods. 5. 11.strain curve varies for different materials? What is the difference between straight chain polymer and crossed link polymer? Compare the thermosetting and thermo plastics. 2. Nickel. Dispersion strengthening. . 6. 7. Study of aircraft components using the above materials. 4. Why are composites preferred in the construction of modern aircraft? Why memory effect is considered essential for modern materials? How does UV radiation affect advanced polymers? Name the naturally occurring composite materials and explain why? In a stress strain curve when is stress is maximum and how? Why are metals malleable and ductile while non-metals are brittle? Identify and explain some of the variables that affect the success of crack healing? Apply 1. galvanizing. MIL specification.________ + _____________ ii. 3. effect of alloying elements properties & heat treatment of aircraft steels. 9 Hours Unit III Corrosion and its Prevention Corrosion of dissimilar metals (Carbon Steel and Aluminum alloy joint. TiCl4 + 2Mg -------. 7. Why do nonferrous alloys show a number of cycles to failure in parenthesis where as steels don’t? Complete and balance the equation 5. What should we anticipate 6. Precipitation Hardening. How does tetra valency of carbon affect its alloying properties? How does chromatizing differ from galvanizing? How does plating prevent corrosion? Why stress. of Tech. Give the formula for finding tensile stress for a material. 4. 6. Cobalt base per alloys. stainless steel and aluminum alloy joint Corrosion protection of Aircraft steel. cadmium plating. Super alloys-Iron base. 9. 2. their composition and application. 10.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. SAE. | Regulation 2011 |69 5. Design the aircraft wing with high strength to weight ratio. 2. 3.________ + _____________ Quenched and tempered 4145 steel has a hardness of HRC 35. Magnesium & titanium alloys-its uses in aircraft parts. Write the compositions of stripping solutions which removes cadmium plating. testing of materials. How do composites differ from metals? How is fracture classified? What are the different ways to prevent fracture? Why polythene considered very important industrial polymer? Analyze 1. Write the formula for finding Brinell hardness number. Bannari Amman Inst. Unit I Steel and its Alloys Introduction to Aircraft materials and classification of metallic and nonmetallic materials. for the tensile strength. Heat treatment and applications of aluminum alloys. 8. Design the landing gear to with stand high impact load. TiO2 + 2C + 2Cl2 -. 12. 13. Chromatizing. i. 9 Hours Unit II Non – Ferrous Alloys and Heat Treatment Properties. chromium plating. commodity and engineering polymers – Properties and applications of PVC. W.hand experience in structural analysis. ABS. PPS. American Society for Metals. 2. 1985. USA. Prentice-Hall. of Tech. T. Application of the above light weight materials in aircraft industry. 1996. To understand the basic concepts of stress strain formation in the various structural components. Bannari Amman Inst. – fatigue test. PEEK. 9 Hours Unit V Mechanical Properties and Testing Mechanical behavior of materials. Flow and Fracture at Elevated Temperatures.5 Objective(s) • • To train the students on. McGraw-Hill. 1. Stress strain curves for ductile and brittle materials 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books George F. Hertzberg. H. S–N Curve. USA. 5th Edition . Titterton Aircraft materials and processes. | Regulation 2011 |70 Study of components subjected to corrosion in an aircraft. Inc. References R. Good in Application oriented experiments. PET. 2. PPO. Courtney. Fracture – ideal fracture stress. PMMA. Improve the practical knowledge for design experiments. Fracture toughness. cup and cone type fracture. . ductile failure.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Types of fracture – compression test – Hardness tests – Impact test – Creep test. 11A307 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS LABORATORY 0 0 3 1. 3 2. PI. PA. Marc andre Meyers and Krishna Kumar Chawla. endurance limit fatigue limit. 3. Programme Outcome(s) (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data.Indian Reprint 2004. PAI. 4th Edition. John Wiley. tensile test. PTFE Polymers – Urea and Phenol Formaldehydes Fiber and particulate reinforced polymer matrix composites. Mechanical behavior of materials. USA. Course Outcome(s) 1. Rishi Raj. 9 Hours Unit IV Non – Metallic Materials Polymers – types of polymer. Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials. Mechanism of elastic and plastic deformation. Mechanical behavior of materials. 1990. PC. 1999. A reinforced concrete column 500 mm × 500 mm in section is reinforced with 4 steel bars of 25 mm diameter. Taking I = 8000 cm4 and E = 2 × 105 N/mm2. Find the Bulk modulus and lateral contraction of a round bar of the above material of 50 mm diameter and 2.185 mm. Differentiate in the failure mechanism of short and long columns.4 m from one end. For a given material. what is the modulus of elasticity of the bar? 2. 6. State the theory of simple bending. Define ‘‘buckling load’’. Also. When a circular shaft is subjected to torsion.5 m long when stretched 2. Understand 1. Take E for steel = 210 × 103 N/mm2 and E for concrete = 14 × 103 N/mm2. Write the effective length of column for both ends pinned condition. if the extension of the bar is 0. one in each corner. Bannari Amman Inst. | Regulation 2011 |71 Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment Semester End Examination Preparation 10 15 Observation and Results 15 20 Record 10 - 15 15 50 50 Mini-Project / Model Examination/ VivaVoce Total Remember 1. 4. State any four assumptions made in the theory of simple bending. Calculate deflection at the point of loading and the slope at both the supports. Under a load of 25 kN (applied axially). 2. calculate the maximum deflection. Young’s modulus is 1 × 105 N/mm2 and modulus of rigidity is 0. What is a point of inflection? 4. Define shear force and bending moment. 7. Write the effective length of column for both ends fixed condition. 9. how does the shear stress vary? What are principal stresses and principal planes? Name the stresses induced in a thin walled cylinder subjected to internal fluid pressure.4 × 105 N/mm2. 4. the column is carrying a load of 1000 kN. Derive the bending formula M/I = f/y = E/R 3. the bore diameter being 10 mm. how does the shear stress vary? 6. of Tech. 3. A simply supported beam of span 6 m is acted upon by a point load of 60 kN at 4 m from one support. 8. 3.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Take Poisson’s ratio as ¼. 5. Derive a relation for change in length of a bar of uniformly tapering circular section subjected to an axial tensile load ‘W’. Draw the stress strain diagram for a ductile material. Calculate the slope at the free end. Apply / Evaluate 1. 8. 2.5 mm. . 7. Assume EI = 12 × 103 kN-m2 What is the maximum slope of a simply supported beam subjected to udl over the entire span and where does it occur? Differentiate open coiled helical spring from the close coiled helical spring and state the type of stress induced in each spring due to an axial load When a circular shaft is subjected to torsion. A cantilever beam of 2 m long is carrying a point load of 20 kN at its free end. Find the stresses in the concrete and steel bars. 5. A bar of length 1 m and diameter 30 mm is centrally bored for 0. 9. of Tech. Determination of a impact strength of a given materials by (a) Izod and (b)Charpy test 5.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Determination of a tensile strength of a given steel plate using Universal Testing machine. Determination of a fatigue strength of a given material using (a) Reverse plate bending and (b) Rotating Beam testing 6. To learn fundamental calculations in fluid mechanics. 3. 5 8 Bending Stress measurement in a cantilever beam using strain gauge. Programme Outcome(s) (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. Testing of springs. 2.5 Objective(s) • • • • The course is intended to build up necessary background for understanding the physical behavior of Fluid. Course Outcome(s) 1. Bending Stress measurement in a cantilever beam using strain gauge. Improve the fluid operating parameters. Bannari Amman Inst. Analysis of different modes of fluid mechanics. To understand the application of various experimental fluid mechanics correlations along with heat transfer and design considerations in engineering calculations. | Regulation 2011 |72 List of Experiments 1. Determination of a compression strength of a concrete block 8. Experiments Hours 1 6 6 Determination of hardness of a given materials using a)Vickers b)Brinell c) Rockwell and d) Shore testing. density and. Determination of hardness of a given material using (a) Vicrkers (b) Brinell (c) Rockwell and (d) Shore testing 2. thermodynamics and design. Determination of fatigue strength of a given material using (a) Reverse plate bending and (b) Rotating Beam testing. 4. Determination of a impact strength of a given materials by (a) Izod and (b) Charpy test. incompressible and compressible flow. 3. Performance analysis equipments . Determination of tensile strength of a given aluminum rod using Universal Testing machine. viscosity. 5 7 Determination of compression strength of a concrete block. Determination of tensile strength of a given aluminum rod using Universal Testing machine. like. 5 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 11A308 FLUID MECHANICS AND MACHINERY LABORATORY 0 0 3 1. Mini project Total: 45 Hours Practical Schedule S. Testing of springs 7. No. Determination of a tensile strength of a given steel plate using Universal Testing machine. To understand the basic concepts of compressible fluid flow. Find out the specific speed of the given reaction turbine. Calibrate the given orifice meter and venturimeter. 9. Determine the flow through pipes and losses in pipes. Find out the specific speed. of the given impulse turbine. 3. Analysis of different forms of fluids. 2. 3. 2. 7. 3. 4. 8. 10. 8. 10. of Tech.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 7. Differentiate between turbine and pump. 6. What is the importance of the term specific speed? Mention any two characteristics of impulse turbine Mention any two characteristics of reaction turbine. 5. Find out the flow in a pipe line by using a pitot tube. 4. 10. 9. 4. Define fluid mechanics Mention the significance of calibration. Calibrate the given vacuum gauge up to 5 mm. 6. 9. Define COP. 5. 2. Find out the force exerted by a fluid jet at a certain discharge in a 10 mm diameter pipe with efficiency. . Understand 1. What is known as a pump? What is the difference between the centrifugal pump and reciprocating pump? List out the important assumptions in the centrifugal pump. Evaluate the flow per minute by using rotometer. Evaluate the efficiency. 8. Calibrate the given pressure gauge up to 5 mm. 5. Bannari Amman Inst. Why we have to measure the fluid flow in different conditions? What is the significance of losses in pipes? How the rotometer is useful to find the fluid flow? Why some pumps are called positive displacement pumps? What we understand about efficiency calculation of the fluid jets? What we understand about the force calculations of the fluid jets? Why we have to go for multi stage pumps? How we can differentiate between nozzles and notches? How the submersible pump working under water? How one can identify a pump is positive displacement pump? Apply / Evaluate 1. discharge of the given positive displacement pump. Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment 10 15 Preparation Observation and Results Record Semester End Examination 15 20 10 Mini-Project / Model Examination/ Viva-Voce Total - 15 50 15 50 Remember 1. 7. | Regulation 2011 |73 4. 6. Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Use of a vertically oriented flow measuring device to measure the discharge of a pipe flow and find its significant parameters. List of Experiments 1. Design a positive displacement pump for the continuous supply. 2. Select an efficient flow measuring device to measure the flow of water in a closed pipe and find its coefficient of discharge. Mini project Total: 45 Hours Practical Schedule S. Operate an axial flow turbine suitable for high discharge applications. Measure and show the major loss of given pipe with water flowing inside then compare any two pipes. Operate an available impulse turbine with various water heads and conclude its best performance parameters. Operate an available low head turbine suitable for kodivery dam with various water heads and conclude its best performance parameters. 8. Operate an axial flow turbine suitable for high discharge applications. Operate an available impulse turbine with various water heads and conclude its best performance parameters. Bannari Amman Inst. 7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Experiments Select a simple flow measuring device and finds its coefficient of discharge to make it applicable to any closed pipe flow Select an efficient flow measuring device to measure the flow of water in a closed pipe and find its coefficient of discharge. 9. Find a suitable pump for domestic application and find its optimum performance parameters. of Tech. 3. Find a suitable pump for domestic application and find its optimum performance parameters. | Regulation 2011 |74 Create 1. 4. 6. Select a simple flow measuring device and finds its coefficient of discharge to make it applicable to any closed pipe flow 2. Perform experiments on a rotary type positive displacement pump to pumping high viscous fluids and finds its optimum parameters. with various water heads and conclude its best performance parameters. Hours 6 4 4 4 4 4 6 5 4 4 . Measure and show the major loss of given pipe with water flowing inside then compare any two pipes. Design a centrifugal pump according to the specific speed. Select a non rotary positive displacement pump and finds its optimum performance parameters. Select a non rotary positive displacement pump and finds its optimum performance parameters. with various water heads and conclude its best performance parameters. Perform experiments on a rotary type positive displacement pump to pumping high viscous fluids and finds its optimum parameters. Use of a vertically oriented flow measuring device to measure the discharge of a pipe flow and find its significant parameters. 10. No. 5. Operate an available low head turbine suitable for kodivery dam with various water heads and conclude its best performance parameters. Analysis of different modes of heat transfer. 3. 5. What is meant by performance test of a 4 stroke engine? List out the names of valves in I.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Understanding the heat transfer parameters. 3. 4. 2.C.5 Objective(s) • • • • The course is intended to build up necessary background for understanding the physical behavior of Heat. To understand the application of various experimental energy correlations in engineering calculations To learn fundamental calculations in heat transfer. Course Outcome(s) 1. To understand the basic concepts of various modes of heat transfer. Bannari Amman Inst. Performance analysis equipments Analysis of different forms of fluids. Programme Outcome(s) (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. 5. Is it possible to design a refrigerator system for one particular COP? . Evaluate the difference between port timing and valve timing diagrams. What do you understandfrom valve timing diagram? Differentiate between effectiveness and efficiency. 4. Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment Semester End Examination 10 15 10 15 20 - Preparation Observation and Results Record Mini-Project / Model Examination/ Viva-Voce 15 Total 15 50 50 Remember 1. and heat flow flow. Why we are using the term COP instead of efficiency? What is the major advantage of 4 stroke over 2 stroke engine? Why the thermal resistance exists in all the materials? Apply / Evaluate 1. 2. | Regulation 2011 |75 11A309 THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER LABORATORY 0 0 3 1. 3. engine. 4. What is meant by compression ratio? What is known as 4 stroke engine? What is known as 2 stroke engine? Understand 1. 2. of Tech. 2. basic sciences and engineering. 9. Acquire more knowledge in basic concepts of engineering mathematics. Is it possible to change the valve timing diagram of an engine? What is the incurrence of viscosity coefficient? Create 1. 5. 8. 2. 4. 10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Experiments Performance test on a 4-stroke engine Valve timing of a 4 – stroke engine and port timing of a 2 stroke engine Determination of effectiveness of a parallel flow heat exchanger Determination of effectiveness of a counter flow heat exchanger Determination of the viscosity coefficient of a given liquid COP test on a vapour compression refrigeration test rig COP test on a vapour compression air-conditioning test rig Study of a gas turbine engine Determination of conductive heat transfer coefficient Determination of thermal resistance of a composite wall Hours 6 4 4 4 4 4 6 5 4 4 11A401 NUMERICAL METHODS 3 1 0 3. Performance test on a 4 – stroke engine Valve timing of a 4 – stroke engine and port timing of a 2 stroke engine Determination of effectiveness of a parallel flow heat exchanger Determination of effectiveness of a counter flow heat exchanger Determination of the viscosity coefficient of a given liquid COP test on a vapour compression refrigeration test rig COP test on a vapour compression air-conditioning test rig Study of a gas turbine engine. List of Experiments 1. differential and integral equations by numerical methods and interpolating the values of a function using Lagrange’s and Newton’s polynomial approximations. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. Find out the effectiveness of the parallel flow heat exchanger. Determination of thermal resistance of a composite wall. transcendental. 2. Course Outcome(s) 1. 7. Determination of conductive heat transfer coefficient. Ability to find solution of initial and boundary value problems using multi step approximations and ability to solve boundary value problems using finite difference methods. Find out the COP of the given vapour compression test rig. Bannari Amman Inst.5 Objective(s) • • Acquire the knowledge of finding approximate solutions of algebraic. . 6. 4. Mini project Total: 45 Hours Practical Schedule S. of Tech. 3.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. No. | Regulation 2011 |76 3. 7. Give an example of a transcendental equation? 2. 5. of Tech. the numerically largest eigen value of the matrix The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. State the Fundamental theorem of algebra. 4. . No 1 2 3 4 5 Remember Understand Apply Analyze/ Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ End Semester Examination 20 40 30 10 100 20 40 30 10 100 20 40 30 10 100 20 40 30 10 100 Remember 1. find the polynomial through (0. Write the formula for two point and three point Gaussian quadrature. 5. Apply 1 ♠ Obtain by power method. Write the explicit formula for one dimensional wave equation.2). 3. 6. Write the formula for Regula Falsi method. 3. State the sufficient condition for solving Gauss Jacobi and Gauss Seidel method. 6. 2. State the way in which you can find the solution for Laplace equation. Mention the multistep methods available for solving ordinary differential equation. | Regulation 2011 |77 2. To improve problem evaluation technique. Assessment Pattern Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) S. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Define Algebraic and Transcendental equations. 3. What is the order of convergence of Newton – Raphson method? 4. (1. What do you mean by power method. Understand 1. Bannari Amman Inst. 9. 10. Write Milne’s & Adam’s Predictor and Corrector formula. 8. Choose an appropriate method to solve a practical problem. 8. 10. Accordingly. Write the condition of convergence of Iteration method.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 7. Write the Bender 77ehavio Scheme for solving one dimensional heat equation. 9. Using Lagrange’s interpolation. Write the differences between Direct and Iterative method. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments.0). What are the methods for solving simultaneous algebraic equations. Write the conditions for applying Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules. What do you mean by Interpolation? State the derivatives of Newton’s Forward and Backward Interpolation formula.1) and (2. y )= 0 for 0 ≤ y ≤ 4 . 0 < x < 1.1) by Euler’s method.556 1.0) = 3x for 0 ≤ x ≤ 4 . . Solve by Gauss-Elimination method: 6x + 3y +12z = 36 . ∂t ∂x 2 9. 2. If f ( x) = 1 .4 ) by Adam’s method. y (4. u (x.4) = x2 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 4 .Department of Aeronautical Engineering. A=    − 20 4 − 2 1    2. time(sec) : 0 5 10 15 20 velocity(m / s) : 0 3 14 69 228 1 3 If y = xy . 8x -3y +2z = 20 . Bannari Amman Inst. y (1) = 1.0049 find i)y ( 4.908 2. The following data gives the velocity of a particle for 20. y (0 ) =1 find y (0. Perform only 4 – iterations. u (5. Explain briefly Gauss Elimination Iteration to solve simultaneous equations.2 ) by Euler’s method ii) y (4. t) up to t=5. | Regulation 2011 |78  15 − 4 − 3 1  − 10 12 − 6  with the starting vector x ( 0 ) = 1 .t) = 0. find the value of y(0. u (x.0) = x2 (25 – x2). 10. For which points of x and y. 6. 3. x2 4. Find the acceleration for the following data 7. 7.0) = 100 (x-x2) . Solve u xx + u yy = 0 over the square mesh of side 4 units.690 1.t) = 0. Find the value of f (8) from the table given below x: 6 7 9 12 f ( x ) : 1. ∂ u ∂ 2u 8. u (0. satisfying the following conditions u (x.Using Bender-Schmitt formula. If y’= x2 + y2. u (4.1) .t) = 0 . of Tech. Use Lagrange’s interpolation formula to find the value of x when y = 20 for the following data .0) = 0. 8. u (0.Using Taylor series method. u (0. given dy /dx = x + y and y (0) =1 and correct to 3 decimal places.1) using Taylor’s method. Analyze / Evaluate 1.3) by Runge-kutta method iii) y ( 4. x > 0. ut (x. 2. What is the relation between divided differences and forward differences ? ' 5. the equation x fxx + y fyy = 0. 2 2. find all the Eigen values of A = 0 −2 0  .1) = 1. Name at least two numerical methods that are used to solve one dimensional diffusion equation.t ) =0. X : 1 2 3 4 Y: 1 8 27 64 2 5. x + y2 2 1 Assume 2 . t >0. b). Solve 2 = . solve ∂ 2u ∂u .6 dydx 10. find the positive root of cos x = 3x – 1. u (x. 9. y > 0 is elliptic. Given 5 x y ′ + y – 2 = 0 . find the divided difference f (a. Using Power method. 4x +11y – z =33 .y) =12 + y for 0 ≤ y ≤ 4. y (4 )= 1.Evaluate ∫ ∫ 2 using Trapezoidal formula. Using Newton’s method. 5 0 1  3. Find u(x. find y (1. u (1.    1 0 5   4.secs at an interval of 5-secs. = ∂x 2 ∂t ∆x =1.158 6. 2.Finite difference solution for one dimensional heat equation by implicit and explicit methods – one dimensional wave equation and two dimensional Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations.F Gerald. 2007. Gunavathy and K. 3. Singapore. 9 Hours Unit III Numerical Differentiation and Integration Derivatives from difference table – Numerical differentiation using Newton ‘s forward and backward interpolation formulae – Numerical integration by Trapezoidal and Simpson’s 1/3 and 3/8 rules – Romberg’s method – Two and three point Gaussian quadrature formulae – Double integrals using Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules. Sixth Edition.K..Chand and Co. and T. 2009. Sankara Rao . 2002. 11A402 AERODYNAMICS – I 3 0 0 3. Applied Numerical Analysis.Multistep methods –Milne’s and Adam’s predictor and corrector methods. Ltd. B. Text Books 1. 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours MAT LAB: Invited Lectures on Mat lab and its applications on Numerical methods.0 . T. New Delhi.elimination method and Gauss-Jordan method – Iterative method: Gauss – Seidel method. Bannari Amman Inst. P. K. and P. Pearson Education Asia.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. P. 4. Thomson Asia Pvt. Kandasamy. New Delhi. of Tech. 9 Hours Unit V Boundary Value Problems Finite difference solution for the second order ordinary differential equations. New Delhi 2010. Second Edition. Third Ed. 9 Hours Unit II Interpolation and Curve Fitting Newton ‘s Forward and Backward interpolation.Inverse of a matrix by Gauss-Jordan method. Thilagavathy.Fourth order Runge-Kutta method for solving first order equations . L Burden. K.Ltd. 2. 2008.Solution of system of linear equations : Gauss. First Edition References 1. Seventh Edition. Newton’s Divided difference interpolation formula – Lagrange’s interpolation formula – Fitting of curves by the method of Least squares: Straight line.Prentice Hall of India. | Regulation 2011 |79 Unit I Solution of Equations and Eigen Value Problems Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental equations by the method of False position – Newton. S. Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers. R. Numerical Methods . Tata McGraw-Hill Publication.Parabolic curves and the conversion of equations of the curves in the form of straight lines. Eigen value of a matrix by power method..D Faries. Numerical Methods with programs in C.Tata McGraw-Hill Publication company Ltd.Veerarajan.Euler’s and Modified Euler’s methods . New Delhi. Moorthy. Numerical Methods. 9 Hours Unit IV Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations Single step Methods : Taylor Series method for solving first and second order equations .Raphson method. Geetha.Owheatley.2006. Numerical Analysis. EAS and TAS. Define Mach number detachment 10. What is the mean camber line? 7. 6. 2.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Define chord. What are the advantages and disadvantages of sweepback? 3. 3. ♠ What is the critical Drag-rise Mach number? Explain compressibility Mach number. negative camber. (k) Desire for continuous learning throughout the professional career. Positive camber. 5. 2. of Tech. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply/ Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 60 10 100 10 20 60 10 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 60 10 100 and Semester End Examination 10 20 60 10 100 Remember 1. Why are wings swept? 4. To familiarize with the thin airfoils and wings with flow over them and Concept of Aerodynamics forces To learn the effect of viscous flows over the bodies. Bannari Amman Inst. The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. Why does not the B777 have winglets? 5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a thin wing? 2. Assessment Pattern 1. Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. Explain IAS. Interpretation of analytical. Numerical problems solving skills required. | Regulation 2011 |80 Objective(s) • • • To introduce the governing equations for the fluid flow and different basics ideal air flow. Course Outcome(s) Knowledge of basic subjects thermodynamics. No. What is Mach number? Understand 1. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. 4. How do you get zero lift in a positive camber wing? Explain positive camber. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 3. symmetrical airfoil definitions. negative camber and symmetrical airfoil. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. fluid Mechanics Mathematics required. . Define pitch attitude. 9. experimental and Computational skills required. 8. S. 25 ቈ0.2 m diameter and 7 m length rotates at 100 rpm with its axis perpendicular to an airstream of 40 m/s. 2.8 െ ൬ ൰ ቉ ‫ 4. Study of fluid properties. 3. When mach number reaches to critical mach. Blasius theorem. momentum and energy equations in integral and differential form in Cartesian co-ordinate system. 5. Lifting line theory and its limitations.0 ‫ܥ‬ ‫ܥ‬ ‫ܥ‬ ‫ܥ‬ Using thin airfoil theory. 9 Hours Unit III Conformal Transformation Joukowski transformation and its application to fluid flow problems. Calculate Lift coefficient ሺ‫ܥ‬௟ ሻ when angle of attack ሺα ሻ ൌ 3଴ and moment coefficient ( Cm ) about quarter chord point. Calculate the circulation around the cylinder. Unit I Review of Basic Fluid Mechanics Continuity. Bannari Amman Inst. Karman – Trefftz. How does a wing work? 2. Vortex line. 8 Hours Unit II Two Dimensional Flows Basic flows – Source. when flying at a speed of 150݇݉⁄݄‫ ݎ‬at sea level. A Circular cylinder of 1. Kutta Joukowski’s theorem.24 ݇݃⁄݉ଷ . Horse shoe vortex. Sink. uniform parallel flow. If you decrease AOA how does that affect induced drag? 4. Create 1. A wing with an elliptical plan form and an elliptical lift distribution has an aspect of 6 and a span of 12m. Pressure and velocity distributions on bodies with and without circulation in ideal and real fluid flows. Biot and Savart law. Flow over a circular cylinder.2 ൅ 0.111 ቈ0. 10.4 C C C C ܼ ܺ ܺ ଶ ܺ ൌ 0. Their combinations. 9.0 ݄݊݁ݓ‬൑ ൑ 1. . Apply / Evaluate 1. of Tech. Assume ρ௔௜௥ ൌ 1. Profiles – Thin aerofoil theory and its applications.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Applications of conformal transformation. | Regulation 2011 |81 6. 7. Kutta condition. Compute the induced drag for this wing. What limits an aircraft climb performance? What are the forces acting on an aircraft in flight? What is the free stream Mach number? Explain local Mach number. the lift force and position of stagnation points. Free and Forced vortex. 9 Hours Unit IV Airfoil and Wing Theory Joukowski. The wing loading is 900ܰ⁄݉ଶ .8 െ ൬ ൰ ቉ when 0 ൑ ൑ 0. momentum thickness and compare their values? The NACA 4412 airfoil has a mean camber line given by Z X X ଶ X ൌ 0. 8. If the velocity profile is assumed to be ௎ ௎∞ ௬ ௬ ଶ ൌ 2ቀ ቁ െ ቀ ቁ ఋ ఋ when 0 ൑ ‫ ݕ‬൑ ߜ Calculate the displacement thickness. Design the symmetrical airfoil using Source or Vortex panel numerical method. Clancey. Aerodynamics for Engineering students. Houghton and P. Milne Thomson.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. ♠ Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ Semester End Examination The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. of Tech. motion and profile drawing of cam. Interpret interrelationship between components of various mechanisms like bicycle. Assessment Pattern S. steering gear mechanism etc. New York. Blasius solution. 2. speed and torque determination for simple. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Displacement and Momentum thickness. . References 1. To give awareness to students on the phenomenon of direction of rotation. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 1 J. 1985. Flow over a flat plate. compound and planetary gear systems.. Boundary Layer. W. 2007. Compare the various power transmission devices and friction elements. E. Carpenter. Course Outcome(s) 1. Determine velocity and acceleration of links in a given mechanism and drawing of cam profiles from a given data. To understand the effects of friction in motion transmission and in machine components. 2005. 2007. L. To facilitate students to understand the types of cam and follower. 3. L. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. D. Theoretical aerodynamics.. Pitman. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. Navier-Stokes equation. Macmillan. 11A403 MECHANICS OF MACHINES 3 1 0 3. Bannari Amman Inst. Anderson. 2. Geneva mechanism. Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd. L. 10 Hours Unit V Viscous Flow Newton’s law of viscosity. 3. J. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics. Study of boundary layer theory and relation between viscosity and temparature.5 Objective(s) • • • • To impart students with the knowledge about the basics of Mechanisms and understand the geometry of motion at any point in a link of a mechanism. No. H. Aerodynamics. | Regulation 2011 |82 Study of air flow over airfoil. London. basic sciences and engineering. What are the differences between a Machine and a Structure? What is a Sliding Pair. What is Coriolis component of Acceleration? Define Cam and Follower. Give an example of straight line generators. 2. 19. 3. 39. 35. 9. 26. 22. 34. What are the types of gear trains? Write the applications of flat. Define kinematic link. 29. 25. 31. 24. 28. 16. Define Inversion of Mechanism. 10. 27. Define Pressure angle of the cam What is meant by lift and stroke of the follower? Discuss the term of dwell period in the Cams and Follower? What is meant by Undercutting in Cams? State the advantages and disadvantages of gear drives. 20. State Grashof’s law for four bar mechanism. 6. of Tech.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Define Velocity and acceleration of a link Define Radial component of an acceleration Define Tangential component of an acceleration What is the direction of radial and tangential component of acceleration of a link? Define Rubbing Velocity at a pin joint. 11. 18. | Regulation 2011 |83 1 2 Remember Understand 25 30 20 30 10 20 10 20 3 Apply/ Evaluate 45 50 70 70 4 Analyze - - - - 5 Create - - - - 100 100 100 100 Total Remember 1. 23. 3. 13. 40. 14. V belt and rope drive of belt. 33. 30. 12. 15. 17. Write the formula to calculate the angular velocity (ω) of a link when speed (N) is given in rpm. What is lower and higher pair? What are the types of Constrained Motion? What is locked chain? What are the types of Joints in a Chain? Define Kutzbach Criterian to Plane Mechanism. Bannari Amman Inst. Define module What is spiral gearing? Define Law of gearing Which materials are used to make gears? Define gear train. 7. 32. 36. 2. Which are the materials used for belts? Define Slip and Creep of the belt What is the use of idler pulley in the belt drive? Define Initial tension in the belt drive Define static and dynamic friction What is the use of friction clutches in automobiles? List out the materials used for brake lining What is the use of the collar bearing? Define Journal bearing. How to classify cams? Give the applications of cam and follower mechanism. pair and chain. 4. 37. and how it differs from turning and rolling pair? Which is all the kinematic chain in the following arrangement? (a) Three links (b) Four links (c) Five links (d) Six links . 38. Understand 1. 21. 5. 8. Compare the different types of motion used in cam and follower motion? 13.Types – Velocity Ratio – Slip of Belt – Creep of Belt – Ratio of Driving. Grashoff’s Law. The partially made model is seen below Figure 1. Fig. | Regulation 2011 |84 eronautical 4. Mechanism. Compare Sliding friction and Rolling friction 23. How to find the velocity ratio of epicyclic gear train? 18. How to draw the velocity and acceleration diagram for a fixed link? 7. 17. Machine and Structure. Add a suitable cam that controls two followers so that they rise and fall. Bannari Amman Inst. What are the factors considering the selection of t belt drive? the 22. What are the factors affecting the amou of power transmission? amount 19. rashoff’s Mechanical advantage – Transmission Angle. Sketch & describe working of bicycle free wheel sprocket mechanism A local toy shop has asked you to design a model to encourage parents to buy their young children mechanical toys. Inversions of Four bar and Slider Crank Mechanisms. Degree of freedom. 1 3. What is the difference between Prime Circle and Pitch Circle of Cam? 10. Tensions for Flat Belt Drive – Determination of Angle of Contact – Initial – Centrifugal and Maximum tension in the Belts – Condition for Maximum Power: V Belt Drive. What is the condition to draw the tangential component for an input link? 9. 20. How to find the Length of Stroke of the Crank and Slotted Lever Quick Return Motion Mechanism? 5. How to draw the velocity and acceleration diagram for a slider link? 6. – Gruebler’s criteria – Kutzback Criterian. o What happens to friction when we use wheels to roll an object instead of sliding it? Unit I Mechanisms Basic concepts of Link. 2. What type of belt drive is selected for rotating the opposite direction of rotation of driver and driven pulley? 21. Crank and lever mechanism. Design with suitable drive to transmit the power of 12 kW. Apply/Evaluate 1. 14.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. State the disadvantages of the V belt drive over flat belt drive. How to calculate the radial and tangential component of acce acceleration of a link? 8. of Tech. Determination of velocity and acceleration (Simple Problems only). Pair. Chain. Discuss length of path of contact and length of arc of contact in gear systems. Draw the displacement. How the follower is classified according to the surface in contact and path of motion? 12. Which type of profile generally used in gear? Give reason 16. How the power is transmitted in bevel and worm gear drive? beve 15. Differentiate Pitch and Trace point of a cam. – Ratio of . List the various factors depends on the capacity of the brake. 4. 11. 9 Hours Unit II Friction Friction in screw threads – Bearings and lubrication – Belt Drives . Velocity and acceleration diagram for the follower moves with simple harmonic motion. A..K. Simple Harmonic Motion..L. | Regulation 2011 |85 tensions – Effect of centrifugal and initial tension – Condition for maximum power transmission – Open and crossed belt drive. H. Theory of Machines. 9 Hours Unit IV Balancing and Governors Introduction – Balancing of a simple mass rotating in same plane – Different planes . Rattan. Bannari Amman Inst. 1989. basic sciences and engineering. Khanna Publishers. Knife edged. 4. Tech. Satya Prakasam. New Delhi. 1980. Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.P. Uniform Acceleration and Retardation Motion and Cycloidal Motion. Malhotra. The Theory of Machines. J. 2.V. Ballaney. 5. McGraw-Hill. 11A404 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 3 0 0 3. J. Tata McGraw–Hill Publishing Co. 1989. Velocity and Acceleration diagrams of Uniform Velocity Motion. • To impart knowledge on both conventional and non conventional methods of producing things under major groups of manufacturing. Multi plate and Cone clutches (Basics only). . A. 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Books 1. Prentice Hall. flat faced and roller followers with and without offsets. R.C.. Law of gearing (Simple problems only) – Gear trains: (Basics only) – Cams – Types of cams – Displacement. Shigley.Balancing of several masses rotating in same plane – Different planes – Swaying couple – Hammere Blow – Balancing of V engines.0 Objective(s) • To understand the basics and working principle of various manufacturing processes. D.J. References 1. and Mallick. 1979. Rao. India Publications. Gosh. Proell Governors (Basics Only) Working principle of governor in commercial vehicle. Affiliated East West Press. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 1992.S. forced and damped vibrations of single degree of freedom systems – Force transmitted to supports – Vibration isolation – Vibration absorption – Torsional vibration of shaft – Single and multi rotor systems – Geared shafts – Critical speed of shaft. Porter.. J. Governor – Introduction – Types – Watt. 2002. 9 Hours Unit III Gears and Cams Gear profile and geometry – Nomenclature of spur and helical gears. of Tech.S and Dukkipati. 3. 9 Hours Unit V Vibration Free. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms. Theory of Machines. 2004. Study of few commercial belt drives. 2. Study of commercial vibration measuring instruments. 2nd Edition. Rope Drives. and Uicker. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms. Kinematics and Dynamic of Planer Machinery. Burton Paul.S.. • To understand the basic knowledge of production.R and Gupta. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. Friction clutches – Single plate. Industrial applications of gears and cams.E. 5. Explain the thread cutting operation performed in lathe. Steady rest and Follower rest. 12. 10. 7. What is draft allowance? How is it provided for patterns? ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. of Tech. What machining operations can be performed on vertical turret lathe? What are the different methods of producing gears? What is meant by super–finishing? Name the two common methods of converting electrical energy to mechanical energy in Electro–Hydraulic forming. What is a boring bar? Describe its utility. 8. What is plasma? Explain the principle of plasma machining. 9. Explain the principle of ultrasonic machining process. | Regulation 2011 |86 Course Outcome(s) 1. Apply 1. Making of different casting processes 2. Enumerate the important properties of plastics which have made them suitable for large number of engineering uses. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Describe the LASER beam machining process and its merits. 3.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 4. 14. 8. 6. 5. . 9. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyse/Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 40 30 30 100 40 30 30 100 Model Examination♠ 40 30 30 100 Semester End Examination 40 30 30 100 Remember 1. 13. What are the properties of good moulding sand? Discuss the characteristics of metal powders. Explain the principle of ECM with a neat sketch. Briefly discuss the step by step procedure for CO2 moulding process. 11. 2. 4. 7. 6. 10. Bring out the differences between TIG and MIG welding. 2. Explain the use of the following in a lathe: Face plate. What is gear shaping? Describe the mechanism with a suitable sketch. What are the commonly used fillers in plastic industries? Understand 1. Improve the strength of principle of arc and gas welding. No. Bannari Amman Inst. Enumerate the various typical applications of Electro–magnetic forming process. 3. Performance analysis of various moulding methods Assessment Pattern S. Why is proper flushing so important in EDM? For what type of work would you specify electrochemical grinding? How do you specify a lathe? How do you classify the milling machines? State the main differences between shaper and planner. 3. Finishing processes: Surface finish and its measurements – surface grinding and cylindrical grinding operations – Other finishing processes: honing. rubber pad forming. allowances – Sand properties – Moulding methods – Cores: need and types – Fettling – Defects and Inspection – Introduction to special casting techniques: shell moulding. 9 Hours Unit – V Special Processes Need for unconventional processes – Working principle of: abrasive jet machining. Manufacturing Technology – Vol I & II. Ostwald and Jairo Munoz. | Regulation 2011 |87 2. polishing and super finishing. 3. electrochemical machining. upsetting – Rolling: high roll mills and shape rolling – Extrusion: forward and backward. What is flux? Why is it essential to use it in some welding situations? What are the defects that are generally found in welding? Unit – I Casting Processes Introduction to manufacturing – Casting process – Green sand mould preparation – Pattern: Materials and types. submerged arc welding. investment casting. rods and tubes – Sheet metal work: shearing and bending operations .Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 5. P. 3. (c) Squeeze and (d) Slinger. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 1. 4. wear and life – Cutting fluids – Constructional features of basic machine tools: centre lathe.Stretch forming – Special forming methods: hydro forming. of Tech. 4. 2nd Edition. 2009. Mikell P. die casting 9 Hours Unit – II Joining Processes Introduction to welding process – Principle of arc and gas welding – Tools and equipment – Filler and flux materials – Flame types – Weld defects – Safety in welding – Other welding processes: resistance welding. C.. 4th Edition. S. References 1. Chand & Co. Tata MC Graw Hill Publishing Ltd. Manufacturing Processes and Systems. radial drilling machine. Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: materials. Processes and Materials of Manufacture. Bannari Amman Inst. John Wiley and Sons. laser beam machining and electron beam machining – Manufacturing of composite materials: Fiber reinforced polymer composites and metal matrix composites – Robots in manufacturing. Enumerate the characteristics of following methods of sand ramming : (a) Hand. 9th Edition. 2008. 2009. Phillip F. electro discharge machining. What are the general advantages of forging as a manufacturing process? List various operations generally performed in a sheet metal shop. tungsten inert gas welding (TIG) and metal inert gas welding (MIG) – Brazing and soldering – Adhesive bonding. 9 Hours Unit III Mechanical Working of Metals Introduction to hot and cold working .Groover. tube extrusion – Drawing of wires. processesand systems”. universal milling machine and shaping machine – operations – safety practice – Introduction to CNC machines. Rao. (b) Jolt. 6. New Delhi. lapping. P. Sharma.Forging: open and close die. ND. Wiley India. 9 Hours Unit – IV Machining Processes Mechanics of metal cutting – Cutting tool: materials. Lindberg. properties. magnetic pulse forming. . A Text book of Production Technology (Manufacturing Processes). 2. Roy A. 2004. N. peen forming and super plastic forming. PHI Learning Private Limited. ( Hardy cross method). K. P. 5. of Tech. 4. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. (d) An ability to analyze aircraft systems and components. Non-Conventional Machining. Analysis of different types of structures. 4. Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. Assessment Pattern S. (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. 6..Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Understanding the procedure and concept of moment distribution method. Analysis of different energy methods. New Delhi. To understand the aircraft component failure theory. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply/Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 70 100 10 20 70 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 70 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 70 100 Remember 1. | Regulation 2011 |88 Ltd. ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. columns and failure theories. No. 3. 2. Derive the expression for strain energy stored in a beam due to bending 9. Derive the expression for Rankine’s formula 10. Define moment distribution method. supports and end conditions with particular emphasis on aircraft structural components.5 Objective(s) • • To study the different types of beams and columns subjected to various types of loading. Narosha publishing House. 11A405 AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES I 3 1 0 3. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Analysis of axial forces in framed structures. 5. 2. 2005. 2007. . New Delhi. Define plane truss and space truss? Explain what is meant by distribution factor? State and explain Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem? Define the slenderness ratio for a column of circular section. Bannari Amman Inst. 3. Mishra. Define beam column with suitable example. What is the slope at free end of a cantilever beam of length L and uniform EI when it is subjected to a load P at the free end? 7. Course Outcome(s) 1. Derive the expression for three moment equation 8. Write the limitations of maximum strain energy theory. Give the procedure for unit load method. (Beltrami Theory). of Tech. What are the factors affect the strength column? 12. Advantages of Rakine’s formula 15. Explain what is meant by beam of uniform strength? Derive the expression for buckling load for a column with one end fixed and the other end free. 4. 16. What are the advantages of continuous beam over simply supported beam? 6. (Rakine’s theory) 17. 9. 14. 20.4 m C B D A propped cantilever beam AB of length L and uniform EI is subjected uniformly distributed load of intensity q N/m and a concentrated load W at its mid-point. What are the limitations of the Euler’s formula? 14. Apply / Evaluate A beam of length L and uniform EI is simply supported at its ends and subjected to a load W 1. Obtain deflection at the midpoint and at the point of application of the load using double integration method or area moment method? 2.4 m A 3. Differentiate the statically determinate structures and statically indeterminate structures? 5. A beam of length L and uniform EI is simply supported at its ends. Write the limitations of Maximum Principal Stress Theory. 10. Write the expressions for the maximum bending moment and max. 13. Compute the maximum deflection using Castigliano’s theorem. 18. 7. Using Castigliano’s theorem or any other method compute the reaction forces at the support points A and B. Bannari Amman Inst. Define octahedral stresses Understand 1. Write the formula to calculate the strain energy due to pure shear Define equivalent length of the column. The beam is fixed at A and on roller support at B. 21. at a distance ‘a’ from left end.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 12. Differentiate short and long column 13. Define proof resilience. Differentiate truss and frame? 2. 2 kn/m 0. It is subjected uniformly distributed load of intensity q N/m. Define flexural rigidity of beams. What are the theories used for ductile failures? 16. Derive and Explain the following theories i) Maximum principal stress theory ii) Maximum principal strain theory Derive the expression for three moment equation. stress developed in a beam column carrying uniformly distributed load with axial load.5 m 0. . 18. What is relevance of slenderness ratio in column? 11. Compare the unit load method and Castigliano’s first theorem. Using moment distribution method. Define constant strength beam. State stiffness factor and distribution factor What is carry over moment and Carry over factor. 0. Differentiate the perfect and imperfect frames? 8. hinged at both ends. Explain what is meant by beam of uniform strength? 4. 17. 19. Using moment distribution method. Obtain the reaction at the support points of the beam shown in figure. Explain the use of Clampeyron’s three moment theorem? 3. Obtain the reaction at the support points of the beam shown in figure. | Regulation 2011 |89 11. 15. 22. trusses. Calculation of shear force of columns. 9 Hours Unit III Energy Methods Strain Energy due to axial. frames. of Tech. etc.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Unit load method – application to beams. Determine the ratio of buckling loads of two columns of circular cross–section one hollow and the etuer solid when both are made of same material. Determine the Forces and their nature in all the members of the pin-jointed truss shown in Figure. The truss is subjected to a vertical load of 16kN and horizontal load of 8kN simultaneously at joint A. bending and Torsional loads – Castigliano’s theorem – Maxwell’s Reciprocal theorem. 9 Hours Unit V Failure Theory Maximum Stress theory – Maximum Strain Theory – Maximum Shear Stress Theory – Distortion Theory – Maximum Strain energy theory – Application to aircraft Structural problems. rings. The inner diameter of hollow column is half its outer diameter. 9 Hours Unit II Statically Indeterminate Structures Composite beam – Clapeyron’s Three Moment Equation – Moment Distribution Method. cross-section area and end conditions. Bannari Amman Inst. Study of strain energy in springs. 6. 9 Hours Unit IV Columns Columns with various end conditions – Euler’s Column curve – Rankine’s formula – Column with initial curvature – Eccentric loading – South well plot – Beam column. 9 Hours . have same length. | Regulation 2011 |90 5. Simple problems on failure theory. Unit I Statically Determinate Structures Analysis of plane truss – Method of joints/sections/shear – 3 D Truss – Plane frames Study of different types of frames and trusses. Study of different types of indeterminate structures. McGraw-Hill. Vol. Strength of Materials. Performance analysis of heat exchanger 4. Princeton D. 4. What do you understand by log mean area? State its significance. 3. 7. | Regulation 2011 |91 Total: 45+15 Hours Text Books 1. 11A406 HEAT TRANSFER 3 1 0 3. basic sciences. III Edition. Timoshenko. Laksmi publications. 2.5 Objective(s) • • To introduce the concepts of heat transfer to enable the students to design components subjected to thermal loading. 1990. Analysis of Aircraft Structures – An Introduction. Nash. 5. State Newton’s law of cooling. Distinguish between Grashoff number and Nusselt’s number. Perumal. No. Analysis of different modes of mass transfer Assessment Pattern S. R Vaidyanathan and P. References 1. 2005. ♠ Define thermal conductivity. William A. Von Nostrand Co. Course Outcome(s) Analysis of different modes of heat transfer 1. S. Structural Analysis. (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. What are the types of fins? State and explain the Fourier’s law of heat conduction. K. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. . 2. 2008. B. Improve the heat transfer rate for different modes 3. 6.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply/Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 50 20 100 10 20 50 20 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 50 20 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 50 20 100 Remember 1. I and II. “Strength of Materials” Schaums’ Outliens. of Tech. Donaldson. 2. The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. To understand heat transfer problems in Aerospace application. and engineering. Explain Reynolds analogy for laminar flow. 2. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Bannari Amman Inst. 9. 11. calculate the thickness of insulation required. Heat Conduction: Conduction with phase change – Lumped System Analysis – Heat Transfer in Semi infinite and infinite solids – Use of Transient – Temperature charts – Application of numerical techniques. Discuss the advantages of NTU method over the LMTD method of heat exchanger design. Assuming that the inner and outer surface temperature of the insulated wall are 1300˚C and 30˚C. Understand 1. 4. application of numerical techniques in problem solving. The wall is to be insulated with material having an average thermal conductivity of 0. Define overall heat transfer coefficient. Define the effectiveness of the heat exchanger.3 W/m˚C. 9 Hours Unit II Convective Heat Transfer Introduction – Free convection in atmosphere free convection on a vertical flat plate – Empirical relation in free convection – Forced convection – Laminar and turbulent convective heat transfer analysis in flows between parallel plates. State reciprocity theorem of the radiation shape factors.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. over a flat plate and in a circular pipe. Define radiation intensity and radiation shape factor. Both the Nusselt number and the Biot number have the same form. 2. 2. Draw the temperature profile across a cooled rocket combustion chamber wall. Bannari Amman Inst. Unit I Heat Conduction Basic Modes of Heat Transfer – One dimensional steady state heat conduction: Composite Medium – Critical thickness – Effect of variation of thermal Conductivity – Extended Surfaces – Unsteady state. 5. so that the heat loss per square meter will not exceed 1830 W. How is natural convection different from forced convection? What do you understand by stability criterion for the solution of transient problems? What do you understand by the terms fully developed velocity and temperature profile regions in internal flow? Explain why the temperature boundary layer grows much more rapidly than the velocity boundary layer in liquid metals. What are the differences between them in terms of the variables employed and their physical significance? Apply / Evaluate 1. Explain the salient features of ablative heat transfer with a neat sketch. 12. Define LMTD.35 W/m ˚C . of Tech. 7. Define black body in radiative heat transfer. 6. Give two practical application of ablative heat transfer. Explain how the high speed flow heat transfer differs from normal heat transfer. 10. Empirical relations. Explain free and forced convective heat transfer. 8. | Regulation 2011 |92 8. 3. . Distinguish the heat transfer by conduction and convection. 9. What is shape resistance? How it influences on overall heat transfer coefficient? Why does an aerospace vehicle flying at high supersonic Mach number experience aerodynamic heating in atmosphere? 16. Analyzing 1. 14. Explain the different types of heat exchanger with neat sketches. A wall of 2 cm thick is to be conducted from material which has an average thermal conductivity 1. 15. 13. Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 2. Introduction to Heat Transfer. 4. Fundamentals of Engineering Heat & Mass Transfer. P. Basic Heat Transfer. And D. Course Outcome(s) 1. 3. Dewitt. C. Wiley Eastern Ltd. find the location of stress.Inc. M. 9 Hours Unit IV Heat Exchangers Classification – Temperature Distribution – Overall heat transfer coefficient. New 1. Sharma. of Tech. Delhi. Heat Transfer. F. 11A407 AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES LAB I 0 0 3 1. 1977. John Wiley and Sons. McGraw-Hill Book Co.5 Objective(s) • • • To experimentally study the deflection of beams. Incropera. Programme Outcome(s) (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data.. Analysis of deflection of beams. Standard Publishers. Necati Özışık. Heat Transfer – A practical approach. Tata McGraw-Hill. P. 2. Heat Exchange Analysis – LMTD Method and E-NTU Method. 2008.2001. McGraw-Hill. | Regulation 2011 |93 9 Hours Unit III Radiative Heat Transfer Introduction to Physical mechanism – Radiation properties – Radiation shape factors – Heat exchange between non – black bodies – Radiation shields. New York. References 1. Bannari Amman Inst. M.. 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Books S. 9th Edn. Gas Turbine and Jet and Rocket Propulsion.. Calibration of photo – elastic materials and study on strength of materials after application of load. P. Holman. 2008. Obtain the stresses in circular discs and beams using photo elastic techniques. P. New Delhi 2009. J. 2002. Cengel. 2nd Edition. Yunus A. . 9 Hours Unit V Heat Transfer Problems in Aerospace Engineering High Speed flow heat transfer – Aerodynamic heating – Ablative heat transfer. Sachdeva. Heat Transfer problems in Gas turbine combustion chamber and nozzle. Mathur and R.. Write down the expression for Young’s modulus. . Define fracture strength of brittle materials. Performance and analysis of various materials. Define fracture pattern of brittle materials. Verify Maxwell reciprocal theorem. Sketch the schematic arrangement of rivet. State principle of superposition. 4. 15. Which is efficient strain gauge or stress gauge? Why? 10. 8. What is meant by weight pass? 13. Compare fracture strength and fracture pattern of brittle materials. What is mechanical extensometer? 2. | Regulation 2011 |94 2. 7. Define stress. Define fracture strength of ductile materials. Write down the expression for Maxwell reciprocal theorem. Analysis on strength of materials. What do you mean by the term stress strain curve? 18. What is the effect of thin cylinder under pressure? 5. 3. 11. 9. It is always useful to have limited load on the material? Why? 13. 7. Which is efficient pin joint or rivet joint? Why? 11. 17. Understand 1. What are the effects of rivet in a material? 2. Compare fracture strength and fracture pattern of ductile materials 8. What will happen after the application of load? 14. Compare electrical and mechanical extensometer. Define strain.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. What are the effects of rivet on a material? 12. Define south-well’s plot. Bannari Amman Inst. Classify the beam test set up with various end conditions. 10. 19. What is the other name for south-well’s plot? 20. 5. Define fracture pattern of ductile materials. 14. 16. What is an electrical extensometer? 3. Verify principle of superposition. Why the young’s modulus differ from material to material? 3. Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment Semester End Examination Preparation 10 15 Observation and Results Record 15 20 10 - Mini-Project / Model Examination/ Viva-Voce 15 15 50 50 Total Remember 1. 9. What are the limitations of universal testing machine? 12. When will be the young’s modulus of the material reaches maximum? 4. State Maxwell reciprocal theorem. 6. of Tech. 6. Define fracture strength. What are the effects of deflection of beams with various end conditions? 15. 4 Deflection test on a cantilever beam 5 Deflection test on a simply supported beam 6 Verification of Maxwell’ s Reciprocal theorem 7 Determination of buckling load of a column using South-well plot 8 Determination of a strength of riveted joints (a) Lap joint (b) Butt Joint 9 Verification of principle of superposition. | Regulation 2011 |95 16. Create 1. Find the stress and strain of the materials. Verification of Maxwell’ s Reciprocal theorem 7. No. 2 Determination of fracture strength and fracture pattern of ductile and brittle materials 3 Determination of Stress Strain curve for various engineering materials. 3. Experiments 1 Determination of Young’s modulus of steel and aluminium using (a) mechanical extensometer (b) electrical strain gauges. Analyze 1. Determination of stresses in the thin cylinder due to internal pressure. Find the Youngs modulus for steel and aluminium using experiment. Analyze the column testing in an experiment you design. 4. Determination of fracture strength and fracture pattern of ductile and brittle materials 3. Determination of Stress Strain curve for various engineering materials. 3. 10 Determination of stresses in the thin cylinder due to internal pressure. Bannari Amman Inst. Apply / Evaluate 1. 2. Analyze the deflections of beams. of Tech. Find the fracture strength and fracture pattern for ductile and brittle materials. What is the need to test material with various end conditions? 17. Determination of buckling load of a column using South-well plot 8. Deflection test on a simply supported beam 6. Mini project Total: 45 Hours Practical Schedule S. List of Experiments 1. Design a universal testing machine that will maintain its accurate results even at -15° Celsius. Compare ductile and brittle materials. 2. 3. Determination of Young’s modulus of steel and aluminium using (a) mechanical extensometer (b) electrical strain gauges. Create a model of south wells plot and find its stress and strain. 2. Analyze the stress and strain of a constant beam. 2. What is the need to thin cylinder under internal pressure? 18. Design a column testing apparatus which can bear maximum load. Find the deflection of beams with various end conditions. 4. Deflection test on a cantilever beam 5. Determination of a strength of riveted joints (a) Lap joint (b) Butt joint 9. Verification of principle of superposition. 11A408 DESIGN AND DRAFTING Hours 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 5 . 10.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. . Describe how the variable radius fillet works. Explain the top-down assembly approach. of Tech. Distinguish between hidden line removal and hidden surface removal models. Explain the object snap mode. Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment Semester End Examination Preparation 10 15 Observation and Results Record 15 20 10 - Mini-Project / Model Examination/ Viva-Voce 15 15 50 50 Total Remember 1. 4. Course Outcome(s) 1. 4. and software package necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. Apply / Evaluate 1. (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques. Define relative co-ordinates. Explain briefly with sketches any six tests used for hidden line identification. (d) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. 2. | Regulation 2011 |96 0 0 3 1. Explain command prompt. Define aligned dimension. Knowledge of computer and drawing skill. Define graphics window. experimental and computational skills required.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 2. 3.5 Objective(s) • To study how computer can be applied in mechanical engineering design. What is cross hair cursor? 9. Define dimension variables? 10. Bannari Amman Inst. Discuss the hatch patterns. 3. tools. What is command line? 8. 7. 5. What are the symbols that were used in drafting? 6. Programme Outcome(s) (c ) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. 2. What is an ortho mode? Understand 1. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. Explain the polyhedral object using B-rep elements. Develop an Interpretation of analytical. 5. Computer aided modeling of landing gear Three view diagram of a typical aircraft Layout of control systems Mini Project Total: 45 Hours Practical Schedule S. Improve the practical knowledge for design experiments. 6 Computer aided modeling of typical aircraft wing. 7. Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment Preparation Observation and Results Record Semester End Examination 10 15 15 20 10 - . 10. Good in Application oriented experiments. of Tech. Computer aided modeling of typical aircraft wing. Course Outcome(s) 1. 2 Design of aircraft Landing Gear 3 Design of aircraft shimmy damper 4 Layout of typical wing structure. Convert single line to double line. 2. Computer aided modeling of typical fuselage structure. 9.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.5 Objective(s) • To train the students on-hand experience in subsonic wind tunnel. 8 Computer aided modeling of landing gear 9 Three view diagram of a typical aircraft 10 Layout of control systems Hours 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 5 4 4 11A409 AERODYNAMICS LABORATORY 0 0 3 1. 4. 2. 3. Experiments 1 Design of riveted joints (a) Lap Joint (b) But Joint (c) Welded joint. 1. 8. 5 Layout of typical fuselage structure. Design of aircraft Landing Gear Design of aircraft shimmy damper Layout of typical wing structure. 5. 7 Computer aided modeling of typical fuselage structure. | Regulation 2011 |97 Create 1. 6. List of Experiments Design of riveted joints (a) Lap Joint (b) But Joint (c) Welded joint. • To understand the basic concepts of Pressure distribution over airfoils and rough cylinder Programme Outcome(s) (c ) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. Layout of typical fuselage structure. No. Bannari Amman Inst. 4. Define coefficient of pressure and plot the variation of coefficient of pressure for the circular cylinder kept in a uniform flow for both real and inviscid flows. State the continuity equation for compressible flow. Write the Biot–Savart Law. 8. roll and yaw on airfoils using load cells. 6. 6. 3. 8. Force measurement using wind tunnel balance. For an irrotational flow show that Bernoulli’s equation is valid between any points in the flow. 8. List of Experiments 1. 7. 4. 3. Explain the horse shoe vortex. Pressure distribution over symmetric airfoils. 3. Pressure distribution over cambered airfoils & thin airfoils 5.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Sketch the flow pattern around a spinning cylinder in a uniform stream for various circulation strength indicating clearly the movement of stagnation points. What is the application of Joukowski’s Transformation to flow problems with respect to airfoils? 7. of Tech. Define a lifting line with the help of a neat sketch. What is a horse shoe vortex? Understand 1. Pressure distribution over smooth and rough cylinder. Derive the Blasius theorem for an incompressible flow over a flat plate. Bannari Amman Inst. Which causes induced drag? 4. Flow over a flat plate at different angles of incidence. Measurement of pitch. How is circulation defined? 4. 5. Calibration of subsonic wind tunnel. | Regulation 2011 |98 Mini-Project / Model Examination/ Viva-Voce 15 Total 15 50 50 Remember 1. Write the Karman –Tsien rule for compressibility corrections. What is D’Alembert’s paradox in fluid mechanics? 5. 2. Measurement of velocity profile on a flat plate and comparison with Blasius profile. not just along a stream line. What is the basic principle involved in the derivation of general momentum equation in fluid mechanics? 2. 6. Explain the starting vortex. 10. Distinguish between Karman–Trefftz and Von-Mises airfoil profiles. What is meant by circulation? 5. State Kutta’s condition for an inviscid flow over an airfoil. Define momentum flux and energy flux. . 11. Create 1. 3. Give the basic principles of conformal transformation. 7. Define stream line and path line. Flow visualization studies in low speed flows over cylinders. Explain the concept of Magnus effect. 2. Derive the continuity equation in Polar coordinates 2. 9. Explain the concept of source flow and derive velocity potential function Φ from vortex strength (Λ ) . What are the main assumptions in thin airfoil theory? 9. 10. Flow visualization studies in low speed flows over airfoil with different angle of incidence 9. 2. Apply / Evaluate 1. Explain briefly the Kutta–Jowkowsky transformations and get the transformation of a cambered airfoil and also find an expression for the thickness to chord ratio for the profile. Grid and Solver software skills required (CATIA. No. 6 Flow over a flat plate at different angles of incidence. Bannari Amman Inst. 2 Pressure distribution over smooth and rough cylinder. 8 Flow visualization studies in low speed flows over airfoil with different angle of incidence 9 Measurement of velocity profile on a flat plate and comparison with Blasius profile. GAMBIT/ICEM and Fluent Software) Assessment Pattern S. Experiments 1 Calibration of subsonic wind tunnel. ANSYS (FLUENT) and CFX. Course Outcome(s) 1. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques. (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. 4 Pressure distribution over cambered airfoils & thin airfoils 5 Force measurement using wind tunnel balance. Modeling. Knowledge of governing fluid flow and heat transfer equations.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Understanding of Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer and Numerical methods subjects require 2. No. 10 Measurement of pitch. 1 2 3 ♠ Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 30 20 10 30 20 Model Examination♠ 10 30 20 Semester End Examination 10 30 20 The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. tools. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. of Tech. (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context.5 Objective(s) • To study the fluid flow govering PDE equations. and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. • To study the different numerical methods solve the PDE • Implementation of commercial packages like Gambit. | Regulation 2011 |99 Mini project Total: 45 Hours Practical Schedule S. 3. Program Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. 7 Flow visualization studies in low speed flows over cylinders. roll and yaw on airfoils using load cells Hours 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 5 4 4 11A501 COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS 3 1 0 3. .of dynamic fluids by computational methods. 3 Pressure distribution over symmetric airfoils. 8. Explain the difficulties of evaluating the influences of a panel at its own control point.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. What are the methods available for grid generation? Understand 1. 10. 5. Identify Richardson scheme is stable or unstable with Von-Neumann stability analysis? For Supersonic flows prove the following equation is hyperbolic in nature.4) around NACA0012. Discuss the vortex panel method applied to lifting flows over a flat plate. Bannari Amman Inst. 2. 4. What is strong formulation? Explain with the help of one dimensional boundary value problem. 5. Explain cell-centered method. Differentiate between structured and unstructured grid. Study the stability behaviour of second order wave equation by Von-Neuman stability method. 9. Define discretization and round off error. Discuss the need for upwind type discretization. 2. | Regulation 2011 |100 4 5 6 Analyze Evaluate Create Total 20 20 100 20 20 100 20 20 100 20 20 100 Remember 1. 7. Distinguish between conservation and non-conservation forms of fluid flow. Obtain the 2D steady compressible continuity equation in transformed coordinates for the transformation ξ = x . 6. Write down an expression for the substantial derivative in Cartesian coordinates. Solve the simplified Sturn-Lioville equation: ∂y ∂2y (1 ) = 0 . What types of grids are used in FVM? 9. of Tech. Define stability. 8. Write down the significance of Taylor series expansion. 4. using Galerkin finite element + y = F With boundary conditions y(0) = 0 and 2 ∂x ∂x 2. 6. Define convergence. 4. Analyze 1. 2 2 ∂x 2 ∂y 2 (1 − M ) ∂ φ + ∂ φ = 0 2 ∞ Create . 3. Apply 1. What is the necessity for strong and weak formulations of boundary value problem? Elaborate the basic aspects of finite difference equations. What is meant by CFL condition? 10. 3. Explain the grid generation technique based on PDE and summarize the advantages of the elliptic grid generation method. Explain the description of Prandtl boundary layer equation and its solution methodology. 3. Study the incompressible flow (Re = 2500) around stationary circular cylinder using the Ansys Software? 2. Analyze the lift and drag force for subsonic flow (M = 0. η = ln( y + 1 ) . 7. method. Computational Fluid Dynamics – An Introduction. Create the 3D surface model of wing using Catia.Software. Flow analysis using Ansys software . 2006 ⊗ Students in a group learning simple exercises on Grid generation and flow analysis by using ANSYS and GAMBIT software.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 2. discretization of convective and diffusive PDE. Coefficient of pressure distribution in thick aerofoil. John F. Consistency and order of accuracy. Bannari Amman Inst. Classification of PDE: elliptic. Explicit and Implicit strategies.e. Anderson. flow past airfoil and cylinder.flow past a wedge and an expansion fan. Wendt (Editor). Generate the structure mesh around the symmetric airfoil for high speed flows i. Study of Taylor series expansion and numerical methods. | Regulation 2011 |101 1. parabolic. Geometric modelling and procedure of analysis. M = 2.0 Generate Boundary layer mesh around the high lift configuration.. 9 Hours Unit III Discretization Boundary layer equations and methods of solution –implicit time dependent methods for inviscid and viscous compressible flows – concept of numerical dissipation –stability properties of explicit and implicit methods – conservative upwind discretization f or h yperbolic systems – further advantages of upwind differencing. Springer – Verlag. Berlin. John D. 9 Hours Unit II Panel Methods Introduction – source panel method – vortex panel method – applications. 9 Hours Unit IV Finite Volume Techniques Finite volume techniques – cell centered formulation – lax – vendoroff time stepping – runge – kutta time stepping – multi – stage time stepping – accuracy – cell vertex formulation – multistage time stepping – fdm –like finite volume techniques – central and up-wind type discretizations – treatment of derivatives. Governing partial differential equations. 2008 2. 9 Hours Unit V Flow Analysis ⊗ Aspects of grids: structured and unstructured grids. Study of Reynold’s transport theorem. Method of finite differences. Unit I Introduction of Governing PDE Conservation equations in both differential and integral form. . 3. Computational Fluid Dynamics – The Basics with Applications. and hyperbolic. McGraw – Hill. of Tech. Jr. 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Books 1. Assessment Pattern S. To introduce the commonly used peripherals / interfacing Ics – To study simple applications. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 ♠ Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 20 30 30 20 100 20 30 30 20 100 Model Examination♠ 20 30 30 20 100 Semester End Examination 20 30 30 20 100 The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. C. 3. Freescale cold fire 32 bit processor and Programming. 1988. . 1993. Interfacing of microprocessor and microcontroller with various peripherals. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics. ARM. 2. Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. McGraw-Hill. (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. Anderson. Pentium. J. 2007. 2. John Wiley & Sons. Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics. Charles Hirsch. Engineering Education System. A. Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers.. 4. Springer – Verlag. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Course Outcome(s) 1.0 Objective(s) • • • • • To study the Architecture of Microprocessor. 3. To develop the skill of simple program writing. II. | Regulation 2011 |102 References 1. Freescale cold fire 32bit processor and Programming. Pentium. Enhancement of programming skills. D. Hoffmann and Steve T. 4. 11A502 MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS 3 0 0 3. Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. ARM. Identify the various types of microprocessors and microcontrollers. Computation of assembly language programs. To introduce the need & use of Interrupt structure. Fletcher. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. Chiang. basic sciences and engineering. To study the addressing modes & instruction set of Microprocessor. Jr. Klaus A. 2005. (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Define interrupt. Compare user and supervisor programming model of Coldfire 8. HS12. Apply 1. List the features of 8051 microcontroller. Name four major differences between microprocessors and microcontrollers. Why the DPTR is 16 bit wide and SP is 8 bit wide in 8051? 2. What should be the value of TI and RI bits to enable transmission and reception? 4. 6. How will you interface a microprocessor and microcontroller to a given peripheral? Create 1. State the function of RS1 and RS0 bits in the flag register of Intel 8051 microcontroller. rotate and stack using 8085? 4. MSP430? 2. Compare the peripheral modules of 8051. 10. How will you perform the operations like arithmetic. 10. 9 Hours Unit II Peripherals Interfacing Interfacing Serial I/O (8281) – Keyboard and display controller (8279) – ADC/DAC interfacing – Inter Integrated Circuits interfacing (I2C Standard) – Bus: RS232C-RS485-GPIB – Application in Aero Space. 3. Application of other interfacing devices. State the timing diagram of 8085. 5. of Tech. What is the difference between the Microprocessors and Microcontrollers? 5. Draw the architecture of 8085. MSP430 3. Define processor. Unit I 8085 CPU 8085 Architecture – instruction set – addressing modes – timing diagrams – assembly language programming – counters – time Delays – interrupts – memory interfacing – Interfacing. 13. Name the special functions register SP of 8051. What is microcontroller? 2. How the program memory is organized in 8051 based system? 8. 3. 4. HS12. 9. Input/output devices for 8085 microprocessor.PIC. 2. Explain DJNZ instructions of Intel 8051 microcontroller. 12. Write the notes on architectural based difference between 8051. 15. Name the five interrupt sources of 8051. 4. 14.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Design the hardware and software for pre-settable alarm system. Put in words the operation of segmented memory and paging. Give the alternate functions for the port pins of port 3. logical. 11. Clarify the protected mode operation of Multitasking. 9. How the other interrupt can be enabled when the HCS12 is servicing an interrupt currently? 12. Bannari Amman Inst. How will you transfer the data from one place to another? 5. Draw the register structure of 8085. | Regulation 2011 |103 Remember 1. Draw and explain the functional blocks of 103ehavio architecture. How many addressing modes are there in 8085? Understand 1. Design microcontroller system to control traffic signals. Explain the functions of the pin PSEN of 8051. Define I/O ports. Design a 4 seven segment LED display using 8085. 7. .PIC. 6. 7. Write the steps to (i) Enable Timer 1 Interrupt and External hardware Interrupt 1 (ii)Disable Timer 1 Interrupt 3. Design the real time clock using PIC Microcontroller. 2003. K. 11A503 AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES II 3 1 0 3. Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. Ray and K. Programming and application with 8085. 2. Stepper Motors. 8051 microcontroller for aerospace application. Rafi Quazzaman. McGraw Hill International Edition. New Delhi. ADC. ports and circuits – External memory – Counters and Timers – Serial Data I/O – Interrupts – Interfacing to external memory and 8255. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems. 1996. The 80x86 Family. Penram International Publishers (India). | Regulation 2011 |104 9 Hours Unit III 8086 CPU Intel 8086 internal architecture – 8086 addressing modes – instruction set – 8086 assembly language programming – interrupts – application in aero space Comparison of 8085 and 8086 microprocessors. (c ) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. Ltd. New Delhi. 8051 Interfacing: LCD. Person Education.I/O pins.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. John Uffenbeck. References 1. Burchandi. 2002. 2nd Edition. Pvt. 9 Hours Unit IV 8051 Microcontroller 8051 Micro controller hardware. Microprocessor Architecture. 3. Pearson Education Asia. Delhi. Sensors. Keyboard and DAC. International Publishing. Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. . 2003. The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture programming and Application. 2. To study the various types of stress and strain on different section of aircraft component. Design. M.. 9 Hours Unit V 8051 Programming and Applications 8051 instruction set – Addressing modes – Assembly language programming – I/O port programming – Timer and counter programming – Serial Communication – Interrupt programming. Mohammed Ali Mazidi and Jainice Gillispie Mazidi. 3. Programming and Interfacing. A. Kenneth J Ayala. Ramesh S Gaonkar. Microprocessors Theory and Applications : Intel and Motorola prentice Hall of India.5 Objective(s) • • To study the behavior of various aircraft structural components under different types of loads. 2000. Intel Microprocessors Architecture Programming and Interfacing. M. 2000. What is meant by neutral axis? Sketch the closed and open section. 18. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply/ Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 70 100 10 20 70 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 70 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 70 100 Remember 1. 8. ♠ Mark the location of the shear centre of the following section: a. 8. 3. Bannari Amman Inst. 9. . 3. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. State S. 3. 5.I. 4. 2.) T – section b. (b) shear modulus For a structure which carries primarily bending loads? Why are I – sections preferred over other cross-sections? The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. What is meant by local buckling stress? What is meant by crippling stress? What is meant by thin webbed beam? What is meant by shear resistance beam? What is called shear lag? What is called constant shear web? What are the assumptions made in the bredt-batho theory? Define principal axis. 7. What is meant by shear centre? What is meant by elastic axis? What is meant by direct stress? What is meant by shear flow? What is meant by Wagner’s beam? Define bredt batho’s formula.) V – section Differentiate between primary and secondary buckling. What is the advantage of using closed section rather than an open section? How the shear stress is computed from the shear flow. 17. | Regulation 2011 |105 (k) A desire for continuous learning throughout the professional career. 2.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 15. Course Outcome(s) 1. 6. Analysis of bending stresses in symmetrical and unsymmetrical sections Shear flow analysis in open and closed sections Design and analysis of wing and fuselage structures Assessment Pattern S. No. 14. 6. of Tech. 13. 16. 7. Relate the shear flow and angle of twist in a thin – walled structure subject to torque. 11. Distinguish between symmetric and unsymmetric bending. 5. 4. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Understand 1. 2. What is meant by anti-symmetric property? List out the methods finding bending stress. 10. Units for (a) shear flow. 12. B. C and D are 6. Bannari Amman Inst. B. A beam section shown in fig. 15. Give a sketch of a thin-walled angle section and mark the shear centre location for the same. 2. The stringer area is 3 cm2 each. Apply / Evaluate 1. Obtain the shear flow distribution and shear center location for the section in fig. ii. Vy=1. Area of the stringers A. What are monocoque structures? 10. 4. Obtain the bending stress values at the points A. Compute the load on the lumped flanges due to bending of the section shown in fig. Determine the bending stresses in all the corner points.8 m away from the indicated cross-section.has four stringers.5 and 6sq.The Area of the each stringer =6 cm2. Plot the shear flow and locate the shear center for the section shown in fig.1)for the following cases of loading: i. 6.Assume the web do not take part in bending. The section shown in fig.Compute the stresses using moment values with respect to x and y axis and the principle axis.2 kN acting through shear center. | Regulation 2011 |106 9.2 kN acting through shear center. 4.5. 13.9.10. 11.3. List two functions of an aircraft rib.the loads are Sx=10kN and Sy=50kN through the shear center .13. of Tech.12.25. indicating whether they are tensile or compressive. E1= 70Gpa . 7. C and D. Determine the bending stresses in the stringer of the section shown in figure below. Assume that webs and walls are ineffective in bending.14.The section is subjected to an 8 kNm bending moment in the x-z plane and a 10 kNm bending in the y-z plane. Find the maximum bending stress. Plot the shear flow and locate the shear center for the section shown in fig. 9.Each of the stringers has an area of 4 cm2 and the section subjected to vertical shear of 50 kN.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. C and D for the section shown in fig.4.6. A box beam with 50 cm length is subjected to loads Px=8kN and Py=25kN as shown in fig. 3.determine the bending stress at the corner points A.2 is subjected to bending moment Mx=30kNm. Compute the loads using moment values with respect to x and y axis and principle axis.stringer areas are 2 cm2 .cm respectively. Determine the normal stress at location A and G(refer fig. B. Refer fig. 10. E2=210Gpa and E3=100Gpa.11. Vx and Vy are applied0. 8.Also find the Shear center Find the shear center of the section shown in fig.125. 11.7. 12.When it is subjected to a shear load of 5 kN. 14. 5. Vx=1. 3. Find the shear flow for the section shown in fig. Find the stresses in all the four stringers of the section due toMx=50kNm and My=-20kNm where x and y are the centriodal axes.Area a=b=4 cm2 and c=d=2 cm2 Find the shear flow distribution and locate the shear center for the section shown in fig. | Regulation 2011 |107 16. of Tech. Locate the shear center for the section shown in figure below. Bannari Amman Inst. Plot the shear stress distribution when a vertical shear load of 1. .Department of Aeronautical Engineering.2kNacts through the shear center. 9 Hours . Bannari Amman Inst.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Study of moment of inertia of different sections. | Regulation 2011 |108 Unit I Unsymmetrical Bending Bending stresses in beams of unsymmetrical sections – Bending of symmetric sections with skew loads. of Tech. Shear flow in single & multicell structures under torsion. Tri– state off set company. References 1. Aircraft Structures. To understand the basic details of supersonic wind tunnels. J. M. of Tech. unsymmetrical beam sections. (k) A desire for continuous learning throughout the professional career. Study of polar moment of inertia for closed section. 2. inter rivet and sheet wrinkling failures. McGraw–Hill. thin walled column strength. J. 1985. Study of buckling effect on cantilever. local buckling stress of thin walled sections. concept of shear flow. Study of polar moment of inertia for open section. With parallel and non parallel flanges. Analysis and Design of Flight vehicles Structures.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. H. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. Azar. crippling stresses by Needham’s and Gerard’s methods. Theory and Analysis of Flight Structures. elastic axis. 1993. Edward Arnold. Bruhn. (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. 1993. . Shear flow in single and multi cell under bending with walls effective and ineffective. thin webbed beam. 9 Hours Unit IV Buckling of Plates Rectangular sheets under compression. Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students. R. Approximate methods. G. Shear resistant web beams. Sheet stiffener panels. Effective width. D. Rivello. M. T. basic sciences and engineering. 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Books 1. 11A504 AEROTHERMODYNAMICS AND GAS DYNAMICS 3 1 0 3.5 Objective(s) • • To understand the behavior of airflow both internal and external in compressible flow regime with particular emphasis on supersonic flows. 1995. shear centre. with wall effective and ineffective in bending. Bannari Amman Inst. 9 Hours Unit III Shear Flow in Closed Sections Bredt – Batho formula. With one axis of symmetry. 9 Hours Unit V Stress Analysis in Wing and Fuselage Procedure – Shear and bending moment distribution for semi cantilever and other types of wings and fuselage. 2. McGraw-Hill. Tension field web beams (Wagner’s). single and multi – cell structures. E. fixed beams. Study of different types of joints and their structure. Peery and J. Megson. | Regulation 2011 |109 Unit II Shear Flow in Open Sections Thin walled beams. (c ) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. What is the influence of back pressure on this variation? 9. How is the strength of a shock wave determined in a supersonic flow? 10. Explain why shocks cannot occur in subsonic flows. What are the flow losses that are suffered by a compressible flow in variable area ducts? 3. Understanding of Entropy. Derive an expression for choked mass flow rate through a converging diverging nozzle in terms of total pressure.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 4. ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. What is Rayleigh correction formula for pressure measurements in supersonic flows? 7. experimental and computational skills required. What is under-expanding nozzle flow? 2. of Tech. What conditions favour detachment of shock waves in supersonic flows over solid bodies? 10. . Bring out any two important differences between shock waves and expansion waves in a supersonic flow. 2. Interpretation of analytical. What is expansion hodograph? 5. Give any two practical examples of interaction and reflection of shock waves 6. What is the importance of Rankine-Hugoniot relationship for shock waves? Understand 1. 9. Knowledge of thermodynamics. Numerical problem solving skills required. Write the one-dimensional energy and momentum equations for an adiabatic compressible steady flow. total temperature and throat area. Sketch the pressure variation along the 110ehaviour110 of a converging diverging nozzle for optimum expansion. momentum and energy equations. Assessment Pattern S. No. Bannari Amman Inst. 2. 8. With a suitable sketch illustrate the propagation of waves from a sound source moving at a speed of sound. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. | Regulation 2011 |110 Course Outcome(s) 1. 4. 6. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply/ Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 40 20 10 100 10 20 40 20 10 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 40 20 10 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 40 20 10 100 Remember 1. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. What are the properties of flow medium on which the velocity of sound through the medium depends upon? 3. What are the applications of Rankine-Hugoniot relation? 8. Obtain an expression for velocity of sound on terms of specific heats and local temperature in air medium from one dimensional continuity. 4. Why is a convergent divergent nozzle required to expand a flow from stagnation condition to supersonic velocity? 7. Explain zone of action and zone of silence for a body moving at a speed of sound. 3. What is isentropic compressibility? 5. fluid mechanics and mathematics required. effects of thickness. An incident shock wave with wave angle=35 degree impinges on a straight wall. 9 Hours Unit II Normal. transonic area rule. flow past wedges and concave corners. Flow through converging. If the air storage pressure at the reservoir is 40x105 N/m2. hodograph and pressure turning angle. Prandtl equation and Rankine – Hugonoit relation. oblique shocks and corresponding equations. strong. Small perturbation potential theory. | Regulation 2011 |111 Analyze 1. Study of thermodynamics relations and their properties. temperature density at the exit of the nozzle. calculate the reflected shock wave angle with respect to the wall.Glauert affine transformation relations for subsonic flows. performance under various back pressures. Oblique Shocks Normal shock equations. Design a supersonic nozzle using method of characteristics. Illustrate Prandtl-Meyer expansion round a convex corner with a neat sketch Derive a relation connecting flow turning angle. An airplane flying at 1500 kmph at an altitude where the pressure and temperature are respectively 3x104 N/m2 and -50 degree C. shock polars. families of shocks. diverging passages and venturimenter. Air flow is discharged to sea level atmosphere through a sonic nozzle. corrections for subsonic and supersonic flows. Mach waves and Mach angles. calculate the shock wave angle and pressure & Mach number behind the shock wave. of Tech. momentum. solutions for supersonic flows. If the upstream flow properties are M1 = 3. 4. pitot static tube.. 9 Hours Unit III Expansion Flows. 9 Hours Unit IV Flow with Friction and Heat Transfer Rayleigh flow and Fanno flow. Lower and upper critical mach numbers. Create 1. Unit I One Dimensional Compressible Flow Energy. reflection and interaction of shocks and expansion waves.. lift and drag divergence. tip effects. camber and aspect ratio of wings. two dimensional supersonic nozzle contours. 3. Prandtl. If a compression corner of angle 20 degree is allowed to encounter an uniform stream of supersonic flow at Mach 5. Flows involving Shocks and Expansion Prandtl meyer expansion. Bannari Amman Inst. density and temperature at the leading edge of the wing. P1 =1 atm. 9 Hours Unit V Compressible flow over airfoils (linear theory) and practical flows. continuity and state equations. determine the pressure. Area velocity relations. Assume that the reservoir air is at ambient temperature.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. shock angle and free stream Mach number for oblique shock waves. weak and detached shocks. Apply / Evaluate 1. expansion hodograph. velocity of sound. T1 =300 K. Types of high speed aircrafts and their structures. adiabatic steady state flow equations. shock induced separation. characteristics of swept wings. 2. Calculate the pressure. Study of flow in pipe. methods of characteristics. 2. . 5 Objective(s) • • • • The course is intended to build up necessary background for understanding the basics of propulsion. (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques.. 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Books 1. H. Aerodynamics. drag. 2003. orally and in writing. To learn fundamental calculations in fluid mechanics To understand the basic concepts of compressible fluid flow. Modern compressible flows. McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1982. J. References 1. 2008. tools and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. Anderson. 4. Zucrow and J. J. 2007. E. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Improve the fluid operating parameters and energy transfer parameters. . D. Shapiro. | Regulation 2011 |112 Linearised two dimensional supersonic flow theory. 1979. Aeronautics and Flight Mechanics. M. D. Gas Dynamics. Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics. supersonic test facilities (wind tunnel. 2. 11A505 PROPULSION I 3 1 0 3. short tunnel. 3. Ability of using propulsion techniques. Ane Books India. D. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics. Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow. W. Babu. Bannari Amman Inst. 3. Radhakrishnan. Elements of gas dynamics. (g) An ability to make effective presentations. Basic details of supersonic wind tunnel. Anderson. free flight aero ballistic range). of Tech.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Analysis of different modes of fluid mechanics and heat transfer.. 4. pitching moment and center of pressure of supersonic profiles. Mc Cornick. McGraw-Hill Book Co.. 5. John Wiley. 1989. Analysis incompressible and compressible fluids. Ronold Press. Course Outcome(s) 1. 2. 2. To understand the application of various experimental fluid mechanics correlations in propulsion. (h) An ability to work with others and to lead the team. V. Anderson Jr. Prentice Hall of India. 2006.. lift. Programme Outcome(s) (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. 6. 2. . calculate the pressure. turbofan and turbojet engines.illustration of working of gas turbine engine – the thrust equation – factors affecting thrust – effect of pressure. Analyse the effect of external flow near a subsonic inlet. 8. 2. 3. Write down the significance opf trust reversal. | Regulation 2011 |113 Assessment Pattern S. Write the Eulers equation for a turbine and compressor. Create 1. Which basic process used in gas turbine combustion? How can we differentiate ejector and variable area nozzles? Apply / Evaluate 1. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 5. velocity and ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. The air enters a convergent air nozzle of area ratio at 1 bar and 300K. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 4. of Tech.I f the flow remains isentropic througjout the nozzle. 5. Analyse the effect of operating variables on the performance of combustion chamber. Bannari Amman Inst. Differentiate in basic the turboprop. Unit I Fundamentals of Gas Turbine Engines Classification of gas turbines – open cycle and closed cycle turbines. efficiencies . 2. 3. How can we differentiate between open and closed cycle? What we understand from velocity diagrams? Mention the significance of boundary layer separation. 5. 7. temperature and Mach number at the throat and the exit of the nozzle. 4. Define combustion Mention the significance of combustion chamber design. What is known as flame stabilization? Classify the various types of nozzles. What are the two major forces acting on centrifugal compressor? Understand 1. 9. What are the factors affecting thrust? Define supersonic inlets.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 4. 2. 3. Mention the signigficance of Ramjet. Evaluate the work done of a compressor by using the velocity diagrams. No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply/ Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 30 40 20 100 10 30 40 20 100 Model Examination♠ 10 30 40 20 100 Semester End Examination 10 30 40 20 100 Remember 1. Apply the basic thermodynamic processes and justify which process is highly suitable for nozzles. Draw inlet and outlet velocity triangles for a turbo machine and indicate the energy transfer. References 1. H. I. (d) Hours Unit II Subsonic and Supersonic Inlets for Jet Engines Internal flow and stall in subsonic inlets – boundary layer separation – major features of external flow near a subsonic inlet – relation between minimum area ratio and eternal deceleration ratio – diffuser performance – supersonic inlets – starting problem on supersonic inlets – shock swallowing by area variation – external declaration – models of inlet operation. 2. Bannari Amman Inst. Sharma. New York. Peterson. Delhi. L. Aero thermodynamics of Aircraft Engine Components. turbofan and turbojet – performance characteristics. Study of thermodynamic air standard cycles. H. 1999. Longman. Jet and Rocket Propulsion. Oates. Hill and C. 9 Hours Unit IV Combustion Chambers Classification of combustion chambers – important factors affecting combustion chamber design – combustion process – combustion chamber performance – effect of operating variables on performance – flame tube cooling – flame stabilization – use of flame holders – numerical problems. Mathur and R. Gas Turbine. P. Cohen. | Regulation 2011 |114 temperature changes of air entering compressor – methods of thrust augmentation – characteristics of turboprop.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Rogers and H. 2. 9 Hours Unit V Gas Turbines Impulse and reaction blading of gas turbines – velocity triangles and power output – elementary theory – vortex theory – choice of blade profile. Study of velocity diagrams of rotor 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. C.G. Standard Publishers & Distributors. 1985.R. M. Fuels: types of fuels – fuel chemistry – limits of flammability. pitch and chord – estimation of stage performance – limiting factors in gas turbine design. AIAA Education Series. Gas Turbine Theory. 1989. 9 Hours Unit III Compressors Principle of operation of centrifugal compressor – work done and pressure rise – velocity diagrams – diffuser vane design considerations – concept of prewhirl – rotation stall – elementary theory of axial flow compressor – velocity triangles – degree of reaction – three dimensional – air angle distributions for free vortex and constant reaction designs – compressor blade design – centrifugal and axial compressor performance characteristics Study of velocity diagrams for stator and rotor. .overall turbine performance – methods of blade cooling – matching of turbine and compressor – numerical problems. Saravanamuttoo. G. of Tech. Addison – Wesley Longman INC. Study of a diffuser and its performance. G. C. 1999.Rolls Royce Jet Engine – Third Edition – 1983. P. F. Mechanics & Thermodynamics of Propulsion. Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Define Gerard’s method. 2. Analysis on vibration of beams. obtain the stresses in circular discs and beams using photo elastic techniques. 11. (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques. orally and in writing. To study on vibration of beams. 5. State Wagner’s beam method. 8. 13. 14. 6. Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment Semester End Examination Preparation 10 15 Observation and Results Record 15 20 10 - Mini-Project / Model Examination/ Viva-Voce 15 15 50 50 Total Remember 1. 4. 9. (g) An ability to make effective presentations. Analysis the unsymmetrical bending of beams. 10. 12. What is sheet wrinkling failure? Define Needham’s method. tools and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. Explain concept of shear flow. Course Outcome(s) 1. | Regulation 2011 |115 ELECTIVE I 3 . • • • Programme Outcome(s) (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. calibration of photo . What is buckling of plates? What is crippling stress? State Bredt Batho formula What is shear flow? Define shear flow in single structures under torsion List out the types of fuselage. 2. Bannari Amman Inst.3.5 Objective(s) To experimentally study the unsymmetrical bending of beams To find the location of shear centre.0 11A507 AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES LABORATORY II 0 0 3 1. 7. 3. . Performance analysis of elastic techniques. 3. Explain concept of shear centre. of Tech..elastic materials. What is unsymmetrical bending? List out the types of shear flow in open section. 4. 8. Bannari Amman Inst. Analyze the vibration of beams. No. 2. 2. Constant strength beam 5. Create a beam where the vibration is far reduced. Constant strength beam Flexibility matrix for cantilever beam Beam with combined loading Stress analysis of a circular disc and beam using photo elastic techniques. Create a model of wagner beam and find its tension. Create 1. 3. Apply / Evaluate 1. | Regulation 2011 |116 Understand 1. Create an experiment to determine the thermal stresses using temperature strain gauges. Draw some results of the cantilever beam. What is constant strength beam? Explain the shear centre in an open section. Stress analysis of a circular disc and beam using photo elastic techniques. Beam with combined loading 7. Flexibility matrix for cantilever beam 6. 3.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Hours 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 . Analyze the flexibility of beams Analyze the strength of a constant beam Analyze the thermal effects in an experiment you design. Analyze 1. of Tech. 3. List of Experiments 1. Find the shear center of T section. 10. 7. 3. Determination of elastic constants for composite materials. 4. Explain the shear centre in a closed section. Find the shear center of closed O section. 9. Shear centre location for closed sections 4. Mini project Total: 45 Hours Practical Schedule S. 2. Explain flexibility matrix Explain vibrations of beams Explain in detail about Wagner beam – tension field beam. Difference between open and closed sections. Shear centre location for open sections 3. 2. Unsymmetrical bending of beams 2. 8. Shear centre location for open sections Shear centre location for closed sections. Vibration of beams 9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Experiments Unsymmetrical bending of beams. Wagner beam – Tension field beam 10. 6. 5. What are the effects of unsymmetrical bending in beams? Why Bredt Batho formula is used? Write about the shear flow in multi section. What is welding nomenclature? Explain the oxy-acetylene welding equipment. patchwork. 5. Briefly explain the troubleshooting process .Department of Aeronautical Engineering. tools. What is the purpose of retraction test? 8. | Regulation 2011 |117 8 9 10 Vibration of beams Wagner beam – Tension field beam Determination of elastic constants for composite materials. Define “EGT”. Write the notes about repair to glass fiber laminates. Bannari Amman Inst. 5 4 4 11A508 AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES REPAIR LABORATORY 0 0 3 1. Explain the biological hazards and write basic requirements of a hazard communication program? 2. Describe the maintenance required for APU. What is the special protection for special equipment? Understand 1. Explain the aircraft rigging and its components. 3. Improve the practical knowledge for Aircraft repair tools. What is blade tracking? 7. 9. Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment Semester End Examination Preparation 10 15 Observation and Results Record 15 10 15 20 15 50 50 Mini-Project / Model Examination/ Viva-Voce Total Remember 1. Apply / Evaluate 1.5 Objective(s) • To train the students on-hand experience in riveting. Define “Physical hazards”. Course Outcome(s) 1. Write the brief notes about various flames used in the welding. Define welding process. 4. welding and carpentry • To understand the basic concepts of fabrication procedure of an aircraft. 2. 6. What is the function of throttle control? 6. of Tech. 2. 2. 4. (h) An ability to work with others and to lead the team. What is carbon fiber? 5. Write the properties of oxygen used in the welding. Programme Outcome(s) (d) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. Write the steps of composite repair. 3. Write the properties of transparent plastics. Good performance in structure repair. and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques. 10. Department of Aeronautical Engineering. of Tech. tools and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. List of experiments 1. No. Create 1. Programme Outcome(s) (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. Briefly explain the structural alignment of aircraft structural component. 4. 2. To teach the modeling and grid generation on simple components for structural and cfd analysis. Hours 6 6 3 6 6 3 3 3 3 6 11A509 MODELING AND SIMULATION LABORATORY 0 0 3 1. 3. Describe the routine inspection of pneumatic system. 6. (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques.5 Objective(s) • • To teach and train the students in the lab about the design and drafting of aero components. 7 Preparation of composite and sandwich structure using vacuum bagging 8 Repairing of composites and sandwich panels 9 Sheet metal forming. PLASMA ARC 3 Welded patch repair by MIG 4 Welded patch repair by plasma Arc 5 Fabric patch repair 6 Riveted patch repairs. MIG. MIG. 8. Preparation of composite and sandwich structure using vacuum bagging Repairing of composites and sandwich panels Sheet metal forming. Welded patch repair by MIG Welded patch repair by plasma Arc Fabric patch repair Riveted patch repairs. 5. Course Outcome(s) 1. Aircraft wood gluing Welded patch repair by TIG. Bannari Amman Inst. | Regulation 2011 |118 3. Knowledge of fundamental subjects like structure. PLASMA ARC. . Knowledge of engineering graphics. 9. Experiments 1 Aircraft wood gluing 2 Welded patch repair by TIG. fluid mechanics and aerodynamics. Control cable inspection and repair. Basics knowledge on computer system and software. 10 Control cable inspection and repair. Mini project Total: 45 Hours Practical Schedule S. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. 10. 2. 7. 3. Lead time = 2 days. 4. entities. Discuss validation of input output transformation. Simulate a single item inventory system for 10 days. Simply supported. 6. 25. | Regulation 2011 |119 Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment Semester End Examination Preparation 10 15 Observation and Results 15 10 15 20 15 50 50 Record Mini-Project / Model Examination/ Viva-Voce Total Remember 1. CFD simulation of flow over an aerofoil Mini Project . of Tech. Stress analysis of a plate with different cutouts. Generate the structure and unstructured mesh around the airfoil. 2. 34. simulation model. editing. 3. The stress the deflection of a cantilever beam of rectangular cross 10 cm x10 cm using ansys software. 3. 2. What do you mean by face validity? 5. Analyse the Lift and Drag force developed by NACA0012 airfoil for M=0. translation. Understand 1. fixed ends) 9. 17. Construct a flow chart to perform simulation of single server queue to collect statistics of wave length. 5. Explain in brief a simple queuing model. Bannari Amman Inst. Only one outstanding order allowed. 23. Create 1. 4. 31. Analysis of Trusses 5. measures-of-performance. Solid Modeling 4.3 incompressible invicid flow using Fluent software. Scaling. Initial inventory = 40. Analyze 1. Stress analysis of beams (Cantilever. Conductive heat transfer analysis of a 2D and 3D components 10. Reorder point = 25. 18. Calculate the average shortage. Design and model the wing of the aircraft using the Catia software 3. dimensioning – Typical CAD command structure.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 3. 2. Describe the components of a simulation system. 11. 27. Define the concepts used in discrete event simulation. Stress analysis of ‘L’ bracket 7. Discuss significant features of a simulation language. Wire frame modeling – surface modeling 3. Define simulation. What is process model? 2. Explain any three important factors in the selection of simulation software. Reorder size = 50. 2. Explain the need for input 119ehaviour and histogram method of identifying the input distribution. Stress analysis of an Axi-symmetric component 8. Suppose that the demands are 12. 28. wait times. rotation. List of experiments 1. Performance analysis of various One-Dimensional Problems and Two-Dimensional Problems. No. dimensioning – Typical CAD command structure 2 Wire frame modeling – surface modeling 3 Solid modeling 4 Analysis of trusses 5 Stress analysis of a plate with different cutouts. of Tech. An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. rotation. Experiments 1 Scaling. • To improve the communications skills.5 Objective(s) To understand the concept of numerical analysis of structural components To understand the basic knowledge of Isoparametric Element Formulation To impart knowledge on both ANSYS. 11A601 FINITE ELEMENT METHODS 3 1 0 3. fixed ends) 9 Conductive heat transfer analysis of a 2D and 3D component 10 CFD simulation of flow over an aerofoil Hours 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 11A510 TECHNICAL SEMINAR I 0 0 2 1.0 Technical seminar by group of students on latest developments in the field of aeronautical engineering. Course Outcome(s) • • • Making of different boundary conditions. basic sciences and engineering. (h) An ability to work with others and to lead the team. (d) (e) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. • • • Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. Simply supported. NASTRAN. . 6 Stress analysis of ‘L’ bracket 7 Stress analysis of an Axi-symmetric component 8 Stress analysis of beams (Cantilever. • To improve the art preparing and presentation of the topics. Programme Outcome(s) (g) An ability to make effective presentations.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. | Regulation 2011 |120 Total: 45 Hours Practical Schedule S. Bannari Amman Inst. translation. editing. Improve the strength of Finite element 120ehaviour. Objective(s) • To learn the latest developments in their domain. (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. orally and in writing. 8. Distinguish between finite element method and finite difference method. 2. Derive the Governing Equation in Finite element Method. Distinguish between Galerkin’s method and finite difference method.? 2.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Evaluate the integral ( 3x2-x-8)dx using Gaussian integration. 5. 9. 8. The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. Find the expression for the maximum deflection using Finite Difference Method of simply supported beam of length L subjected to uniformly distributed load q. 7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Test II♠ 10 20 30 20 20 100 Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ 10 20 30 20 20 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 30 20 20 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 30 20 20 100 Remember Define flexibility and stiffness co-efficient. ʃ 1. No. 3. 9. . Apply / Evaluate 1. What is lumped mass matrix and consistent mass matrix? Derive the D matrix for a plane strain problem. 10. What is stiffness matrix of a cantilever beam of length L and uniform EI when it is subjected to a load P at the free end? 6. Understand 1. Write any eight FEM software packages. What are steps involved in FEM. Bannari Amman Inst. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Write down the stiffness matrix of one dimensional beam element 4. 3. | Regulation 2011 |121 Assessment Pattern S. Write down the flexibility matrix of a cantilever beam with nodal co-ordinates of your choice. 4. Write down the stiffness matrix of one dimensional bar element. 10. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 3. ♠ Find the expression for the maximum deflection and Maximum bending moment using RaleighRitz Method for simply supported beam of length L subjected to uniformly distributed load q . What is Rayleigh-Ritz method? In what why it is better than Rayleigh’s method. What are objectives of FEM. Write down the flexibility matrix of a cantilever beam with nodal co-ordinates of your choice. Define area co-ordinates for triangular element. What are isoparametric elements? What is meant by transformation matrix and how is it used in FEM. Define flexibility and Stiffness co-efficient. 7. of Tech. Distinguish between CST and LST element. 2. 6. 5. Assembly of global equations and load vector – example problems. Finite Element Method in Engineering. 2. convergence requirements. 1 –D bar element – shape function using natural co-ordinates –finite element formulation of stiffness matrix and finite element equation. | Regulation 2011 |122 4. 5. complex. Find the expression for the maximum deflection using Finite Difference Method for simply supported beam of length L subjected to uniformly distributed load q. shape functions of 1.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.1989 . Derivation of global stiffness matrix of triangular plane. 2x + 3y + 2z = 14. types. 9 Hours Unit IV Isoparametric Element Formulation Iso. Chandrupatla T. Selection of the order of the polynomial.Galerkin method. 2. Co ordinate types. 3. 9 Hours Unit II One Dimensional Problems Discretisation of domain-element shapes. Find the expression for the maximum deflection and maximum bending moment using Raleigh-Ritz Method for simply supported beam of length L subjected to uniformly distributed load q. location & numbers.S. stress strain relationship matrix plane stress plane strain – example problems. Sub & Super parametric element.z of following equation a. FEA applications Study of approximate methods. linear. 6. 9 Hours Unit V Heat Transfer Basic equations of heat transfer – Finite element formulation –example problems. Higher order elements. Indicate the nodel degrees of freedom. S. Derive the governing equation in finite element method. serendipity element. Study of wing structure and simple problems using 2D isoparametric element. Unit I Introduction Basic concepts of FEM – step by step procedure. strain displacement matrix.. R. of Tech. Strain Vs displacement relations – potential energy and equilibrium – general procedure of FEM-solution of equilibrium problems. 3x + 2y + z = 10. Simple problems on bars. 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Books 1. Pergamon press. Application of FEM in various fields.D. Derive the stiffness matrix for a bar element of lenth L with constant width b thickness varying from t1 to t2. simplex. Derive the expression for the stiffness matrix for a plate bending element. 3rd Edition. and Belegundu A.y.Rao. Pearson Education 2002.Gaussian elimination method. Introduction to Finite Elements Engineering. Derive the stiffness 122ehavi for a constant strain triangular element. multiplex. Truss element – stiffness matrix & finite element equation – example problems.Rayleigh Ritz method. Stresses and equilibrium – boundary conditions. 9 Hours Unit III Two Dimensional Problems Finite element modeling – CST– shape function using natural co – ordinates.D & 2-D Isoparametric elements– Gaussian quadrature – examples. Bannari Amman Inst.x + 2y +3z = 14. Create 1. LST elements. size. 7. Using Factorization solution scheme find the value of x. David V Hutton. 5. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. Vol. No. (k) A desire for continuous learning throughout the professional career. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. S. An Introduction to Finite Element Method. 2000. 6. New Age International Publishers. of 7.Cook.S. Course Outcome(s) 1. 2. 3. 11A602 PROPULSION – II 3 0 0 Objective(s) • • • • The course is intended to build up necessary background for understanding the Aircraft and Rocket propulsion systems To understand the application of various propellant systems and their properties To learn the propulsion system performance information at various condition To understand the basic concepts of nozzle design. TATA McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. 5th Edition. Analysis of different types of turbines Improve the work extraction of different turbines Performance analysis of propulsion system of Rockets Analysis of different types of propellants Estimate the range and velocity of single-stage rockets S. Finite Element Analysis authored. Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis.L. latest edition. | Regulation 2011 |123 References 1. The basic formulation and linear problems.Bhavikati. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks.1. Reddy J. 4. 2.iitm.Taylor. Wiley. Butterworth Heineman. . McGraw-Hill International Student Edition. 1985. http://www. 2005.mtu..Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Robert D.N. David. 2003. 4 Ed. Vol. Bannari Amman Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis. Zienkiewicz and R. The Finite Element Methods. 4. (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context.S. Malkucs Michael E Plesha. 1 2 3 4 5 ♠ Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply/Evaluate Analyze Create Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 60 10 10 20 60 10 Model Examination♠ 10 20 60 10 Semester End Examination 10 20 60 10 The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. 5. 3. 8. What are the types of propellant injector? Name any two properties of liquid propellant Define thrust coefficient. 13. 2. Define specific propellant consumption. Name any two oxidizer-fuel combinations used for hybrid rockets. 14. 19. . Define temperature sensitivity coefficient of a solid propellant. Describe the working of a ramjet engine. Define match point. the external static temperature is 258. 21. and the external static pressure is 57. An ideal ramjet engine operates at M = 1. 15. Compare air breathing engine and rocket engine. Air flows through the engine at 45. fuel ratio. Mention the various methods of cooling of thrust chamber assemblies and briefly explain anyone cooling method. With the aid of neat sketches explain various techniques for thrust vector control. How do you classify solid propellant rockets? Name any four solid propellant ingredients function with two examples for each function. 16. 9. 13. 12. Define discharge correction factor. Explain the working of an axial flow turbine stage with a neat sketch. 10. 17. Draw the T-S diagram and velocity triangles. 18. How will you classify turbine blade cooling? 3. 6. 7. Explain the working of liquid propellant rocket engine with a gas pressure feed system. Bannari Amman Inst. Write down the merits and demerits of integral ram-rocket. 11. Name the components in Pulsejet engine. What do you mean by supercritical mode of operation of ramjet? 7.520 kJ/kg. 6. What are the limitations of hybrid rockets? 10. 8. 20. of Tech. Find the thrust. 16. 3. 2. Define total-to-total efficiency and state when it is appropriate to use this efficiency Define characteristic exhaust velocity. What is the basic concept in using advanced propulsion technique? Define (a) Impulse stage (b) Reaction stage. Define specific impulse. Explain the principles of Nuclear propulsion? 5. Find its cycle efficiency. Can it be more than one? Justify your answer.5 at an altitude of 6500 m. The burner exit total temperature is 1944 K. Write down its merits and demerits. Understand 1. What are the important factors that influence the burning rate of a solid propellant? Explain them with appropriate sketches. 15. The specific heat ratio can be assumed to be 14. Describe briefly three important application of rocket propulsion 4. 5. | Regulation 2011 |124 Total Assessment Pattern Remember 1. Why electrical rockets are called essentially power limited? 12. A ramjet is 124ehaviour124 at Mach 3 at an altitude of 4572 m. Define specific impulse.35 kg/s.4K.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Mention the various methods of cooling of thrust chamber assemblies and briefly explain anyone cooling method. How does the shape of the nozzle affect performance? How do you overcome the thrust loss associated with over expansion? Apply / Evaluate 1. Define characteristic velocity. 11. The heating value of the fuel is 46. How do you classify ramjets based on combustion process? 9. 100 100 100 100 Draw T-S diagram of Ramjet engine. 4. Draw a neat sketch and explain the working of ion propulsion rocket. and TSFC.1 kPa. Explain the difference between impulse and reaction blade 2. 14. rocket nozzle classification – rocket performance considerations – numerical problems. Study of normal shock. | Regulation 2011 |125 3.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.numerical problems. Study of solid and liquid propellants used and their properties. Study of Indian launch vehicles and missiles. The turbine inlet temperature is 2540 K. The pressure in the combustion chamber is 7 Mpa and the temperature is 2800 K.1 m. 9 Hours Unit II Ramjet Propulsion Operating principle – sub critical. Principle of Newton’s second and third laws. the area ratio Ae / A’ of the nozzle is 20. Create 1. critical and supercritical operation – combustion in ramjet engine – ramjet performance – sample ramjet design calculations – introduction to scramjet – preliminary concepts in supersonic combustion – integral ram. of Tech. If the working fluid is assumed to be a perfect gas with the properties of air at room temperature. A rocket is to be designed to produce 5 MN of thrust at sea level. 5. thrust vector control.000 feet altitude. 9 Hours Unit III Fundamentals of Rocket Propulsion Operating principle – specific impulse of a rocket – internal ballistics.. If all components of the engine are frictionless determine (i) The thermal efficiency (ii) The propulsion efficiency (iii) The overall efficiency Let the specific heat ratio be r = 1. Unit I Nozzles Theory of flow in isentropic nozzles – convergent nozzles and nozzle choking – nozzle throat conditions – nozzle efficiency – losses in nozzles – over expanded and under – expanded nozzles – ejector and variable area nozzles – interaction of nozzle flow with adjacent surfaces – thrust reversal.rocket. (ii) The rocket thrust.4 and make the approximation of f« 1. A chemical rocket is used for launch into earth orbit.numerical problems. Design a nozzle to optimum expansion at 10. 13 Hours Unit V Advanced Propulsion Techniques . Design the liquid propellant system with maximum performance. 4. determine the following: (i) Specific impulse (ii) Mass flow rate (iii) Throat diameter (iv) Exit diameter and (v) Thrust at 30 km altitude. A jet engine is to propel an aircraft at Mach 3 at high altitude where ambient pressure is 8. Liquid engine cycles. oblique shock and expansion waves. Bannari Amman Inst. 9 Hours Unit IV Chemical Rockets Solid propellant rockets – selection criteria of solid propellants – important hardware components of solid rockets – propellant grain design considerations – liquid propellant rockets – selection of liquid propellants – thrust control in liquid rockets – cooling in liquid rockets – limitations of hybrid rockets – relative advantages of liquid rockets over solid rockets. and the throat is 0.2. The molecular weight of the combustion products is 26. 2. At the end of the combustion chamber the stagnation temperature is 3000 K. At sea level determine: (i) The stagnation pressure if the expansion is correct. The gases expand isentropically as an ideal gas mixture with specific heat ratio’ 1.5 kPa and the ambient temperature is 220 K. References 1 H. H. and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. G. 5 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1.preliminary concepts in nozzless propulsion. I. Analysis of different types motions Analysis of single and multi degrees of freedom systems Understanding the procedure and concept of Rayleigh’s and Holzer methods Understanding the basic principles of elements of aero elasticity . To understand the basic concepts of vibrations. P. Longman Co. ELBS Ed. elastic and inertia forces. Course Outcome(s) 1. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. To study the dynamic behavior of different aircraft components. 2. Mechanics & Thermodynamics of Propulsion. Space vehicles. 2008. Saravanamuttoo. C. Hill. P. Addison – Wesley Longman INC. New York. F.5 Objective(s) • • • • The course is intended to build up necessary background for understanding the physical behavior of various vibrations. | Regulation 2011 |126 Electric rocket propulsion – ion propulsion techniques – nuclear rocket – types – solar sail. 2. Gas Turbines and Jet and Rocket Propulsion. Rogers. New Delhi. G. Sutton. Bannari Amman Inst. Sharma. Programme Outcome(s) (d) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. 3. Cohen.. Peterson. R. (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques. 4. Mathur and R. 1989. Rocket Propulsion Elements.. V. Gorden. Standard Publishers. tools.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. AIAA Education Series. New York. 1989. Gas Turbine Theory. John Wiley & Sons Inc. P. Aero thermodynamics of Gas Turbine and Rocket Propulsion. 2005. G. 2 C. 3 M. To understand the interaction among the aerodynamic. and H. 11A603 VIBRATIONS 3 1 0 3. 1999.. and C. of Tech. Write in detail about Rayleigh’s method. 9. . What is vibration? Define degree of freedom. Explain in detail Basic ideas on wing divergence. 16. Discuss about the various energy methods Write in detail about the vibration measuring instrument. 10. 3. What is SHM? Define D’ Alembert’s Principle. Apply/ Evaluate ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. 15. 5. What is meant by coupling? Understand 1. Explain the various concepts in vibrations.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 8. 11. Explain in detail about aero elastic instabilities. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Write in detail about Holzer method. Derive the Lagrangean equation. 6. 7. 12. 12. 2. 2. No. Bannari Amman Inst. 3. 4. Why study of vibrations is required? Why reversal of aileron control used? Explain in detail the support excitation. 5. 6. 1 2 3 4 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply/ Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 60 10 100 10 20 60 10 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 60 10 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 60 10 100 Remember 1. 4. 11. | Regulation 2011 |127 Assessment Pattern S. 7. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Difference between forced vibration with and without damping. 9. 13. 10. 8. of Tech. State the energy methods What is forced vibrations? What is meant by aeroelasticity? What is damped vibration? What is a free vibration? What is single degree of freedom system? What is meant multi degree of freedom system? What is lateral vibration? What is longitudinal vibration? What is torsional vibration? Define Hamilton’s principle. 14. Determine the frequency of vibrations. 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Books 1. The density of the shaft material is 40 Mg/m3. Design an instrument to minimize vibrations. loss and reversal of aileron control – flutter and its prevention. principal modes and orthogonal condition – eigen value problems. 2. Create a method to provide the mechanism of aileron reversal. of Tech.Lagranges equation and application – vibration of elastic bodies. damping is provided. Longitudinal. Determine the damping coefficient. Study of numerical methods. Unit I Basic Notions Simple harmonic motion – terminologies –– D’ Alembert’s principle – energy Methods. the frequency of damped vibration was observed to be 0. 3. S. The following data is given for a vibrating system with a viscous damping. 6 Hours Unit II Single Degree of Freedom Systems Free vibrations – damped vibrations – forced vibrations.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Mass = 2.9 Hz. Design an instrument to reduce aero elastic instabilities. An instrument vibrates with a frequency of 1 Hz when there is no damping.6m long carrying a mass of 1 kg at its midpoint. 5. lateral and torsional vibrations.ordinates. 9 Hours Unit V Elements of Aero Elasticity Concepts – coupling – aero elastic instabilities and their prevention – basic ideas on wing divergence. 12 Hours Unit III Multi Degrees of Freedom Systems Two degrees of freedom systems – static and dynamic couplings vibration absorber. Taking youngs modulus of the shaft material as 200 GN/m2. A vibrating system consists of mass of 200kg. Bannari Amman Inst. with and without damping – support excitation. Timoshenko. Find natural frequency of longitudinal and transverse vibrations. Matrix nitration and Holzer methods to find natural frequencies. A spring of stiffness 80N/mm. Damping factor b.principal co. 4. Newton’s Laws. John Wiley and Sons. New York.vibration of strings. Calculate the whirling speed of a shaft 20mm diameter and 0. Meirovitch “Elements of Vibration Analysis” . Create 1. 9 Hours Unit IV Approximate Methods Rayleigh’s Rayleigh Ritz.25 of initial value after 5 cycles.Assume the shaft is freely supported. 2. 1993. A damper with a damping coefficient of 800N/m/s. Study of aerodynamics characteristics. Young’s modulus is 200GN/m2. 3.5kg Spring constant= 3N/mm The amplitude decreases to 0. 2. Vibration Problems in Engineering. Hamilton’s principle. Vibration measuring instruments. | Regulation 2011 |128 1. Logarithmic decrement A shaft of 100mm diameter and 1m long is fixed at one end and the other end carries a flywheel of mass 1 ton. Find a. | Regulation 2011 |129 References 1. L. To study the basic concepts of the maintenance and repair for performing all kinds of tests and repairs by strictly complying service bulletins and manufacturer’s manual. • • • Programme Outcome(s) (d) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components.Hogman. of Tech. Morse and R. cleanliness.0 Objective(s) To study the basic concepts of the maintenance and repair of both piston and jet aero engines and the procedures followed for overhaul of aero engines. Hunke. Rosenbaum. 1984. Ashely and R. 1982. 3. Tongue. Course Outcome(s) 1. Introduction to the study of Aircraft Vibration & Flutter. 1983. and clearance. 2. I. 2. New York.Tse. Oxford University Press.Benson H. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 30 50 20 100 30 50 20 100 Model Examination♠ 30 50 20 100 Semester End Examination 30 50 20 100 Remember 1. Addision Wesley Publication. 11A604 AIRCRAFT GENERAL ENGINEERING AND MAINTENANCE PRACTICES 3 0 0 3. wear and tear. 4. R. H.R. No. and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. L. New York. Bisplinghoff. 3. To updating inventory management system and maintaining aircraft components for alignment. Bannari Amman Inst. Scanlan and R. F. S. ♠ What is leveling of aircraft? What do you mean by unsatisfactory turbine engine start? What is purging? The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. 2. John Wiley and Sons. Mechanical Vibrations. H. 3. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. Principles of Vibration. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. New York. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. F. Improve the safety precaution for different maneuvers. 2000.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Aeroelasticity . (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques. T. tools. Performance analysis for handling the tools Analysis of different sub system for proper servicing Assessment Pattern S. Prentice Hall. Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |130 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. What are the precautions to be taken while handling compressed air? Define special inspection. What is the purpose of check list? What are aircraft logs? What are bulletins? Discuss the airworthiness directive. What are the advantages of swaging over splicing? What is rigging of aircraft? Why environmental cleanliness is required? Define ‘inspection technique’. What is swaging? What is shop safety? Enumerate the various manuals in aircraft maintenance. Understand 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. What is towing of an aircraft? What is the procedure for parking? What is rigging of an aircraft? Why jacking is required? What is mooring? What is precaution to be taken while parking an aircraft? What are the fire extinguishing agents used ? What are the inspections in a fire extinguisher? What are the requirements of lubrication system? What are the precautions while handling compressed air? What are the classifications of fire extinguishers? What is APU? What is the purpose of jacking? What type of equipment is used for towing the aircraft? Enumerate the various ground power units used in aircraft maintenance. What are the factors to make the cabin air contaminated with fumes? What is splicing? Create 1. 2. 3. 4. Design a new type of tools for handling the sub system. Create the procedure for maintenance and servicing the aircraft for easy handling Introduce the new step for inspection with low cost. Create the idea to reduce the weight due to the material changes over the frames. Unit I Aircraft Ground Handling and Support Equipment Mooring, jacking, levelling and towing operations – preparation – equipment – precautions – engine starting procedures – piston engine, turboprops and turbojets – engine fire extinguishing. Ground power units. 9 Hours Unit II Ground Servicing of Various Sub Systems Air conditioning and pressurization – oxygen and oil systems – ground units and their maintenance. Various methods of ground servicing. 9 Hours Unit III Maintenance of Safety Shop safety – environmental cleanliness – precautions. Environmental hazards. Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |131 9 Hours Unit IV Inspection Process – purpose – types – inspection intervals – techniques – checklist – special inspection – publications, bulletins, various manuals – far air worthiness directives – type certificate data sheets – ata specifications. Study of inspection techniques. 9 Hours Unit V Aircraft Hardware, Materials, Systems and Processes Hand tools – precision instruments – special tools and equipments in an airplane maintenance shop – identification terminology – specification and correct use of various aircraft hardware (i.e. Nuts, bolts, rivets, screws etc.) – American and British systems of specifications – threads, gears, bearings, etc. – drills, tapes & reamers. – Identification of all types of fluid line fittings. Materials, metallic and non-metallic. Plumbing connectors – cables – swaging procedures, tests, advantages of swaging over splicing. 9 Hours TOTAL: 45 Hours Text Book 1.Kroes Watkins Delp, Aircraft Maintenance and Repair , McGraw-Hill, New York 2006. References 1. A & P Mechanics, Aircraft hand Book, F. A. A. Himalayan Book House, New Delhi, 2008. 2. A & P Mechanics, General hand Book, F. A. A. Himalayan Book House, New Delhi, 2008. ELECTIVE II 3 - - 3.0 11A606 FLIGHT DYNAMICS 3 0 0 3.0 Objective(s) • • • The course is intentional to build up necessary background for understanding the physical behavior of during maneuvers, like, pitching, rolling, yawing, bank and steep turns. To understand the application of various aircraft components towards the stability and control To understand the basic concepts of special maneuvers, like spin, dutch roll, auto rotation and spiral divergence. Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques, tools and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. (k) A desire for continuous learning throughout the professional career. Course Outcome(s) 1. 2. Analysis of different maneuvers of an aircraft Improve the stability and control of an Aircraft Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |132 3. 4. Performance analysis of aircraft Analysis of special phenomena aircraft and recovery from that Assessment Pattern S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply/ Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 60 10 100 10 20 60 10 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 60 10 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 60 10 100 Remember 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Define skin friction drag and pressure drag. What is ISA? What are the conditions required for maximum drag and minimum power? Define angle of yaw and angle of sideslip. Explain the aerofoil nomenclature NACA 630-210? What is the cause of downwash in an infinite wing? Define parasite drag. State the conditions for static dynamic stability and indicate them with a plot. Define elevator power. What is aerodynamic balancing? Explain. Understand 1. Explain the significance of ‘load factor’. 2. What is meant by ‘degree of freedom’ and how much required for airplane? 3. State two conditions for static longitudinal stability and indicate them with a plot. 4. What causes induced drag 5. What is the use of winglets? 6. Derive an expression for variation of pressure in the ‘Stratosphere’ region. 7. Derive the expression for drag polar and explain it with a neat plot. 8. Explain the significance of V-n diagram. 9. Obtain the expression for turn radius and turn rate for pull up and pushover maneuver. 10. Derive the expression for wing contribution to static longitudinal stability, and write your comments on this expression. 11. What do you mean by stick fixed and stick free longitudinal static stability? 12. Explain about stick force gradients. 13. Describe Dihedral effect and aileron reversal. 14. Write short notes on : i. One Engine inoperative condition ii. Spin recovery iii. Rudder locks iv. Slip stream rotation of nose mounted propellers 15. Derive an expression for Aileron control power by using strip theory 16. Derive an expression for maximum propeller load factor and minimum turn radius ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |133 17. A jet aircraft with a wing loading 2.4 kN/m2 and mass of 4500 kg has a maximum thrust of 30 kN at sea level. If the drag coefficient at a speed of 450 km/hr is 0.04. What will be the maximum possible climb and the greatest climb angle. Apply / Evaluate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Obtain the values of pressure, density and temperature at 5 km in ISA. An aircraft weighing 25 kN has a wing area of 80 m2 and its drag coefficient is CD = 0.016 + 0.04 CL2, calculate the minimum thrust required for straight and level flight, and the corresponding true air speed. At sea level and at 10 km (ρ= 0.58kg/m3). Calculate also the minimum power required and the corresponding true air speeds at the above conditions. A wing body model is tested in a subsonic wind tunnel. The lift is found to be zero at a geometric angle of attack α = -1.5° . At α = 5° the C L is measured as 0.52, the moment coefficient about the CG are measured as -0.01 and 0.05 for α = 1 and 7.88° respectively. The C.G. is located at 0.35 C. Calculate the location of the aerodynamic centre and the value CM. “The statically stable aircraft may be dynamically stable or unstable. Similarly dynamically stable aircraft may be statically stable or unstable”. Are both statement true? Justify. A jet aircraft with a wing loading 2.4 kN/m2 and mass of 4500 kg has a maximum thrust of 30 kN at sea level. If the drag coefficient at a speed of 450 km/hr is 0.04. What will be the maximum possible climb and the greatest climb angle Sketch an airplane in landing phase and obtain expressions for the approach distance, flare distance and ground roll. Create 1. Why do airplanes require vertical tail? 2. Design the aircraft without tail assembly with stability Unit I Aerodynamics Characteristics of Airplane International Standard Atmosphere – Forces and moments acting on a flight vehicle – Equation of motion of a rigid flight vehicle – Different types of drag – Drag polars of vehicles from low speed to high speeds – Variation of thrust, power and SFC with velocity and altitudes for air breathing engines and rockets – Power available and power required curves. Lift and pitching moment of basic airplane and control characteristics. 9 Hours Unit II Aircraft Performance Performance of airplane in level flight – Maximum speed in level flight – Conditions for minimum drag and power required – Range and endurance – Climbing and gliding flight (Maximum rate of climb and steepest angle of climb, minimum rate of sink and shallowest angle of glide) –Turning performance (Turning rate turn radius). Bank angle and load factor . V-n diagram and load factor. Limitations of pull up and push over. 9 Hours Unit III Static Longitudinal Stability Degree of freedom of rigid bodies in space – Static and dynamic stability – Purpose of controls in airplanes – Inherently stable and marginal stable airplanes – Static, Longitudinal stability – Stick fixed stability – Basic equilibrium equation – Stability criterion – Effects of fuselage and nacelle – Influence of CG location – Power effects – Stick fixed neutral point – Stick free stability-Hinge moment coefficient – Stick free neutral points-Symmetric maneuvers – Stick force gradients – Stick- force per ‘g’ - Aerodynamic balancing. Determination of neutral points and maneuver points from flight test. 9 Hours Unit IV Lateral and Directional Stability Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |134 Dihedral effect – Lateral control – Coupling between rolling and yawing moments – Adverse yaw effects – Aileron reversal – Static directional stability – Weather cocking effect – Rudder requirements – One engine inoperative condition – Rudder lock. Comparison of various lateral and directional stability components. 9 Hours Unit V Dynamic Stability Dynamic longitudinal stability: Equations of motion – Stability derivatives – Characteristic equation of stick fixed case – Modes and stability criterion – Effect of freeing-the stick – Brief description of lateral and directional. Dynamic stability – Spiral, divergence, dutch roll, auto rotation and spin. Comparison between dyanamic and static stability 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 4 C.D. Perkins and R. E. Hage, Airplane Performance stability and Control, John Wiley & Son, Inc, New York, 1988. References 1. B. Etkin, Dynamics of Flight Stability and Control, Edn. 2, John Wiley, New York, 1982. 2. A. W. Babister, Aircraft Dynamic Stability and Response, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1980. 3. D. O. Dommasch, S. S. Shelby and T. F. Connolly, Aeroplane Aero dynamics, Third Edition, Issac Pitman, London, 1981. 4. R. C. Nelson, Flight Stability and Automatic Control, McGraw Hill BookCo.1998. 11A607 AIRCRAFT DESIGN PROJECT I 1 0 2 2.0 Objective(s) To introduce and develop the basic concept of aircraft design. • Programme Outcome(s) (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. (d) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques, tools and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. Course Outcome(s) 1. 2. 3. 4. Analysis of different types of aircraft and other flight vehicles. Analysis of various aircraft structural components parameters. Understanding the procedure and concept of each component design and analysis. Analysis of different types of loads. Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment Preparation Observation and Results Semester End Examination 10 15 15 20 5. 3. 4. 15. 17. Define takeoff roll. Define pitot static instruments. Differentiate fixed landing gear and retractable landing gear. 3. Define gravity feed fuel system. State different types of inspection methods. Write short notes on pressure feed fuel system with neat sketch List the function of slat and slot. of Tech. 11. Differentiate high wing and low wing aircraft. 7. Give the procedure for jacking. Define weighting of aircraft. What are the disadvantages of spoilers? 7. Explain the use of tracking in helicopter. What are the factors affect the aircraft in straight and level flight? 12. 18. 2. 4. Differentiate fixed landing gear and retractable landing gear system. 17. 2. How to do tracking in helicopter blades? Define C. 8. 3. Write the limitations of Al materials. 10. 6. 16. explain coefficient of lift versus AOA.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 13.G. Understand 1. Differentiate different control surfaces used in B777 aircraft. 9. 7. 9. 10. 18. Advantages of composite materials over Al. Define primer. Differentiate the term service and absolute ceiling. What is mean by throttle? 11. Bannari Amman Inst. Apply / Evaluate 1. What are the limitations of aircraft pressurization? 14. 14. 12. Write short notes a working principle of hydraulic system with neat sketch . With the help of a neat sketch explain the function of Landing gear system. 5. 6. What are the advantages of winglets? 6. | Regulation 2011 |135 Record Mini-Project / Model Examination/ Viva-Voce 10 15 Total 15 50 50 Remember 1. Compare the advantages of airfoils used in aircraft. 8. 4. Define the term hovercraft. 19. Comment on classification of shock absorbers. What are the uses of pneumatic systems? 16. 13. Write the limitations of APU systems. 5. Explain what ignition means. 2. Different types of engines used in aircraft Define the term angle of incidence. What is mean by load factor? Explain what is mean by fixed wing aircraft? What are the different types of drag? Define Mach number. With a neat sketch. Explain what is mean by gliding angle? State and explain different types of aircraft. 15. Define angle of attack. Differentiate the term flaps and trim tabs. Define jacking. Practical Schedule S. Explain about gravity feed & pressure feed fuel system. Drag estimation. Comparative graphs preparation and selection of main parameters for the design. Comparative configuration study of different types of airplanes. selection of main parameters. Bannari Amman Inst. (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques. Programme Outcome(s) (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. 8. tools. explain APU systems used in aircraft. With a neat illustration. To understand the basic concepts of compressible fluid flow. List of Experiments 1. Preliminary weight estimations. | Regulation 2011 |136 8. 10. 6. incompressible and compressible flow. Detailed performance calculations and stability estimates Mini project TOTAL: 45 Hours References 1. Comparative study on specification and performance details of aircraft. wing tail and control surfaces. 3. 2. 4. 7. Preparation of layouts of balance diagram and three view drawings. 9. wing tail and control surfaces 8 Preparation of layouts of balance diagram and three view drawings 9 Drag estimation 10 Detailed performance calculations and stability estimates Hours 3 6 6 6 3 3 6 6 3 3 11A608 PROPULSION LABORATORY 0 0 3 1.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 10. Describe aircraft lubrication system with neat sketch. 9. No. Book by Reymer Janes – All World aircraft. density and. Preparation of comparative data sheets.5 Objective(s) • • • • The course is intended to build up necessary background for understanding the physical behavior of Fluid. and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. . Experiments 1 Comparative configuration study of different types of airplanes 2 Comparative study on specification and performance details of aircraft 3 Preparation of comparative data sheets 4 Work sheet layout procedures 5 Comparative graphs preparation and selection of main parameters for the design 6 Preliminary weight estimations. of Tech. viscosity. To understand the application of various experimental fluid mechanics correlations in engineering calculations especially in heat transfer area To learn fundamental calculations in heat transfer applicable to propulsion. 2. 7 Power plant selection. 5. Power plant selection. aerofoil selection. like. selection of main parameters. Work sheet layout procedures. aerofoil selection. 2. 4. 7. 2. 4. Performance analysis equipments 4. What is the difference between pyrometers and total temperature probes? Mention the significance of free convection. 5.. 6. Evaluate the flow per minute by using rotometer. Analysis of different forms of fluids. 2. Differentiate the free and forced convection.15cm. Understand 1. Change the speed of the propeller to 900rpm. 3. Define convection. 1400rpm and find out the efficiency of the propeller. 4. Compare the reciprocating and rotary compressor. 25W. 5. 10cm.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 3. Find out the pressure change in wall jet apparatus by keeping the plate at 5cm. 3. Study free wall jet under the various operating conditions. 4. Analysis of different modes of fluid mechanics. Compare free and forced convection. 30W and 40W. 3. Evaluate the heat of combustion of the given fuel by using bomb calorimeter. of Tech. 6. Create 1. Improve the fluid operating parameters. Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment Semester End Examination Preparation 10 15 Observation and Results 15 20 Record 10 15 15 50 50 Mini-Project / Model Examination/ Viva-Voce Total Remember 1. Sketch the schematic arrangement of open cycle gas turbine plant and name the components. Bannari Amman Inst. | Regulation 2011 |137 Course Outcome(s) 1. What is known as cascade testing of a model? Mention the difference between a model and a prototype. 5. 2. 6. Write down the basic principle of propeller. 2. 1100rpm. What are the main significant differences between free and forced convection? What is the purpose of the manometer in convection apparatus? Apply / Evaluate 1. Find out the free convection effectiveness of the given plate under the following load conditions: 20W. List of Experiments . Define propulsion. Study the performance of a propeller by keeping the blade angle as 2. 4. 7 Combustion performance studies in a ramjet combustion chamber 8 Study of free jet. 4 Measurement of free convective heat transfer over a flat plate 5 Cascade testing of a model of axial compressor blade row. 6. To improve the communications skills. 9. | Regulation 2011 |138 1. .0 Technical seminar by group of students on latest developments in the field of aeronautical engineering. 11A609 TECHNICAL SEMINAR II Hours 6 6 3 3 6 3 6 3 3 6 0 0 2 1. 11O701 ENGINEERING ECONOMICS (Common to all branches) 3 0 0 3 Objective(s) • • To understand the basics of Micro and Macro Economics. Objective(s) • • • To learn the latest developments in their domain. Experiments 1 Dismantling and reassembling of an aircraft piston engine 2 Dismantling and reassembling of an aircraft jet engine 3 Measurement of forced convective heat transfer over a flat plate. Mini Project TOTAL: 45 Hours Practical Schedule S. orally and in writing.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 10 Determination of calorific value and moisture content of an aviation fuel. 10. of Tech. 9 Study of wall jet. 8. 5. (h) An ability to work with others and to lead the team. No. Cost Analysis. Dismantling and reassembling of an aircraft piston engine Dismantling and reassembling of an aircraft jet engine Measurement of forced convective heat transfer over a flat plate Measurement of free convective heat transfer over a flat plate Cascade testing of a model of axial compressor blade row Study of performance of a propeller Combustion performance studies in a ramjet combustion chamber Study of free jet Study of wall jet Determination of calorific value and moisture content of an aviation fuel. Pricing and Financial Accounting are done in the Industry. To improve the art preparing and presentation of the topics. To understand the methods by which Demand Forecasting. 2. 3. Bannari Amman Inst. 6 Study of performance of a propeller. Programme Outcome(s) (g) An ability to make effective presentations. 7. 8. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks . The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. basic sciences and engineering. Define Optimum Size of a Firm. List the theories that explain the basic objectives of a firm. 2. 5. 26. 20. 6. 19. 13. 18. 4. 14. ♠ Define economics Define managerial economics What are the branches of economics? What are the two methodologies used for investigation in economics? Name the other disciplines which are linked to managerial economics. 25. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze/ Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ Semester End Examination 20 30 20 20 10 100 20 30 20 20 10 100 20 30 20 20 10 100 20 30 20 20 10 100 Remember 1. 10. 15. 16. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 3. What is a semi variable cost? What are fixed costs? Define Short Run and Long Run costs. 11. Costing of products and services. 21. State the different degrees of elasticity of Demand? What are the factors determining Elasticity of Demand? State the Law Of Diminishing Marginal Utility. 27. (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. 12. 2. | Regulation 2011 |139 Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. 9. 23. Assessment Pattern S. What is Consumer Equilibrium? List the factors effecting Demand Forecasting. Bannari Amman Inst. 17. of Tech. Define Replacement Cost and Historic Cost. No. Market Analysis. Course Outcome(s) 1. 22. What methods will you use for forecasting demand for a new product? Define Cost. What are the basic concepts in decision making? What are the types of decisions a manager is expected to make? What are the techniques used in the process of decision making? What is opportunity cost? What is Demand? What are the types of Demand? What are the variations in the nature of Demand? State the law of Demand. 28. What are the factors determining Demand? Define Elasticity of Demand. 24. 7.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Explain with an appropriate diagram. 14. Explain the nature and scope of Economics. Explain the steps in the decision making process. Explain Total Revenue. 36. 41. 38. Explain the nature of Demand. What are the advantages of Double-entry Book-keeping? What is the role of the Central bank in controlling inflation? . 27. Distinguish between Cost and Price. 42. 35. 40. Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue. 31. Name the two types of Oligopoly. What is a Monopoly? What is an Oligopoly? What is Price Discrimination? What are the reasons for Price Discrimination? What are the advantages of Price Discrimination? Define Oligopoly in terms of market share. 39. Give reasons why Mangers aim to Maximize Sales even at the cost of a lower profit. 17. 36. 11. 2. 30. of Tech. Under what conditions does a company go in for Cross Subsidization pricing? Explain the Business Entity concept. 19. Explain Giffens Paradox. 7. What are the assumptions made when talking about the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility? Explain the characteristics of the Indifference Curve with examples. 44. 12. 6. 37. 18. 23. 16. 34. What are the objectives of Pricing? What are the two basic methods of Pricing? What is Market Skimming? What is sealed bid pricing? Define Accounting. 32. 20. What is the significance of Elasticity of Demand? Differentiate between Point and Arc Elasticity of Demand. Explain with examples. Explain the concepts of consumer’s equilibrium and consumers’ surplus with examples. the mechanism of pricing in a Perfectly Competitive Market. Match the following type of question between Cost Concepts and their Basis of Distinction Why is a study of Cost-Output Relationship necessary for a good Manager? How is Incremental cost different from Sunk Cost? Differentiate between Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition. | Regulation 2011 |140 29. 33. 4. 43. Explain the role of Time in price determination. What is the difference between Accounting Cost and Economic Cost? Explain with an example. 34. 35. 8. Bannari Amman Inst. Explain the types and features of Demand Based Pricing. Differentiate between Macro and Micro economics List and explain the focus areas of Managerial economics. 5. 9. 32. Differentiate between Mechanistic and Analytical Decision making with examples. Explain the types and features of Strategy Based Pricing. 25. Can Demand Forecasting principles be applied to Services? Substantiate your answer with an example.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 21. 37. 22. Differentiate between Extension and Increase in Demand. 3. 29. 31. exceptions to the Law of Demand. 28. 15. 33. 10. Under what conditions can a firm charge different prices for the same products? What are the characteristic features of an oligopoly industry ? What causes Oligopoly? Why does a firm need to have a Pricing Policy? Explain the types and features of Cost Based Pricing. What are the uses of accounting? What is a Balance Sheet? Definitions of key words used in Financial Statements. What is inflation? Understand 1. 24. 30. Explain the concept of a Perfect Market and its features. 26. 13. You are in a job which is paying you adequately. What are the methods you would adopt to forecast demand for an industrial product? Assuming that the actual demand versus forecast is very high. considering that it is a very competitive market. Problems concerning Elasticity of Demand. Discuss. 3. Do a survey of the automotive (only cars) industry and analyze the reasons and timing for discounts offered from the point of view of elasticity of demand. 2. you are stuck with a huge stock of jeans of international quality. Problem – Calculate and plot Average Variable Cost. 11. Yes or No? Substantiate your answer with reasons. 5. Kinds of Economic Systems. Create a matrix consolidating the definitions of the word “Economics” as defined by the leading Economists in the prescribed textbook. 8. Compare the merits and demerits of the Deductive Method and the Inductive Method of Investigation. How will you justify the cost of taking a flight considering the cost concepts you have learnt. You are called for an interview for a job that double your salary. 2. Objective of Organizations. Using this define economics the way you understand it. Legal rights and responsibilities of types of Organizations. 9. “The per-capita income of farmers in the country has to be raised by 20% this year to prevent their migration to cities”. (Question paper will contain at least 50% marks on numerical problems) Unit I Introduction Introduction to Economics. 5. 7. 3. 4. explain the pricing method that you think is most likely to have been followed for each of these items. Analyze/ Evaluate 1. Compare the types of information that one can derive from a Balance Sheet and a P&L Statement. Give six examples of products that fall under Monopolistic Competitive pricing. Business Decision Making. 10. 2.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Study the price of a commodity over a period of one year and explain the possible reasons for the fluctuations from an economist’s point of view. Marginal Cost and find the optimal production volume. Decision making improves with age and experience. Give examples of products falling under the various kinds of Competition. How would you modify a sealed bid pricing system to take care of different technical approaches by different bidders for a project for which bids are called for. 3. Unfortunately you miss the only train that will take you in time for the interview. 6. Give six examples of products that fall under Oligopolistic pricing. Explain decisions based on the degree of certainty of the outcome with examples. 4. Device a pricing strategy for disposing this stock without incurring a loss. Problems involving Marginal and Incremental Costs. 7. Average Total Cost. Analyze this statement from the point of view of Positive and Normative Economics. and the reasons they are able to survive in the market. 6. . 4. Opportunity Cost. | Regulation 2011 |141 Apply 1. Production Possibility Frontier. Pick any six Consumer Items and based on your knowledge of the markets. Kinds of Organizations. given that the cost varies depending on the technical approach? What are the steps you would take to control inflation? Create 1. Due to cancellation of an export order. Problems using statistical methods for Demand Forecasting. what would the most likely reason be for failure of the forecast? “Most of the cost concepts are overlapping and repetitive”. of Tech. in less than 50 words. Bannari Amman Inst. Per Capita Income. New Delhi. Law of Demand and Supply. Payback Period. Accounting – Terminology. Cost Curves. C Elanchezhian and T Sunder Selwyn. Price Equilibrium Role of logistics in managing supply and demand. Monopoly. Methods of Pricing. Sultan Chand. National Income – GDP.0 Objective(s) • • • The course is intended to build up necessary background for understanding the physical behaviour of various modes of microprocessor architectures for the purpose of the operations that is taking place in the circuit assemblies. Balance Sheet. Financial and Management Accounting. Engineering Economics and Financial Accounting. Fixed Cost. Perfect Competition. . of Tech. Ramachandra Aryasri and V V Ramana Murthy. Break Even point. Monopolistic. V L Samuel Paul and G S Gupta. New Delhi. Engineering Economics and Financial Accounting. Inflation. To learn the Signal and operational flow controls taking place in those systems Programme Outcome(s) (e) (f) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. Managerial Economics – Concepts and Cases. A. tools. 11A702 AIRCRAFT ELECTRICAL AND AVIONIC SYSTEMS 3 0 0 3. The secure payment process in e-commerce. S N Maheswari. To understand the basic concepts of avionics systems. Variable Cost. | Regulation 2011 |142 9 Hours Unit II Demand and Supply Functions of Demand & Supply. Indirect Taxes. Oligopoly. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited. Balance of Payment. 9 Hours Unit V Introduction to Macro Economics & Financial Accounting. Average Costs. Economies & Diseconomies of scale. and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. 2. P&L. Direct Taxes. 2005. Elasticity of Demand. An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques. Demand Forecasting Methods. R Kesavan. Business Cycle. Return on Investment. 9 Hours Unit III Production and Cost Production Function. Law of diminishing Marginal Utility Costing of a product during the stages of its life cycle 9 Hours Unit IV Pricing & Market Structure Components of Pricing.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Laxmi Publication (P) Ltd . 1981. 3. 2006. Role of Central Excise and Customs 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 1. Stabilization Policies. References 1. Market Structure and Pricing. Non price competition. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited . Stagflation. Deflation. Returns to Scale. New Delhi. E-commerce. Book Keeping. Bannari Amman Inst. Department of Aeronautical Engineering. What is HOTAS? 11. What are the changes brought out by solid state devices in avionic systems? 18. What is MFD and what is special about it? 13. What is a volatile memory and give example? 7. Compare the memory mapped I/O and peripheral mapped I/O in Microprocessor. Give some examples of DVI. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. What is HOTAS and what is the need for it? 3. 14. What are the major drivers for AVIONICS system in a typical civil transport aircraft? 9. 16. Name at least five Air data sensor. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. | Regulation 2011 |143 Course Outcome(s) 1. ASSESSMENT PATTERN S. Analysis of different concepts of avionics systems. With a neat sketch explain 8085 microprocessor architecture in detail. ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. 8. Explain the relation between reliability and maintainability? 5. 3. of Tech. (1) SHLD (2) DAD (3)DAA (4)LDAX (5) RLC . 5. 12. What operations can be performed with the following instructions. What is meant by LRU? List out the advantages of LRU concept. What is a flight management system (FMS)? 6. Distinguish between pave pace and pave pillar architecture? 10. Define glass cockpit. Explain the DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGIES of avionics system? 3. Name a few types of CRT. LED. 6. 4. What is the need for two different speeds in ARICNC 429? 4. 2. Name at least four air data sensors and what do they sense? 17. 7. LED and EL. Accordingly. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ 20 40 20 20 100 Test II♠ 20 40 20 20 100 Model Examination♠ 20 40 20 20 100 Semester End Examination 20 40 20 20 100 Remember 1. How is federated architecture different from centralized architecture? Understand 1. Explain the salient features that enhances the need for avionics in civil and military aircraft and also in space systems 2. Bannari Amman Inst. What is sampling frequency? 15. Explain the interface of a seven segment LED with the microprocessor to display binary data. 2. Performance analysis of the control flow signals Performance of memories in micro-controllers. . Compare the following display technologies: CRT. of Tech. List the evolution of avionics architecture starting from first generation to fourth generation. Study of other subsystems of an aircraft. 2. HOTAS Study of advanced cockpit display systems. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours . LCD. EL and plasma panel – Touch screen – Direct voice input (DVI) – Civil cockpit and military cockpit : MFDS. Derive (22222) 8 = (?) 2 (54A6C) 16 = (?) 8 Create 1.navigation systems . Discuss the types of color CRTs used in cockpit display 12. 17. Derive (7A4DF) 16 = (?) 8 (010101101110) 2 = (?) 16 2.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.certification. 9 Hours Unit III Digital Avionics Architecture Avionics system architecture–Data buses MIL–STD 1553 B–ARINC 429–ARINC 629. HUD. Unit I Introduction to Avionics Need for avionics in civil and military aircraft and space systems – integrated avionics and weapon system – typical avionics sub systems – design and technologies. 9 Hours Unit V Introduction to Avionics Systems Communication systems . Explain the role of timing in the ARINC 629 transmitter with relevant sketches 10. Compare the different avionics system architectures and bring out their merits and demerits Evaluate 1. | Regulation 2011 |144 8. LCD and plasma display and give their characteristics 13.radar electronic warfare .utility systems reliability and maintainability . 9 Hours Unit II Principles of Digital Systems Digital computers – microprocessors – memories . Describe the various ‘illities’ in avionics systems. Study of other data buses and their properties. Explain the coupling method used in MIL STD 1553B 9. 3. Application of digital computers. Describe the working of LED. Study of illities of avionics. MFK. LED. 15. Explain MIL STD 1553 B data bus in detail bringing out clearly the bus architecture Protocol word and message formats and coupling method. Explain DVI concept in a cockpit. Discuss the various classification of navigation system. 9 Hours Unit IV Flight Deck and Cockpits Control and display technologies CRT. Explain the ARINC 429 data bus in detail 11. Design heat block diagram using different avionics system? What is HUD and explain its principal of operation with a neat diagram. Bannari Amman Inst.flight control systems . 14. 16. Digital Principles and Application. N. Avionics Systems. Microprocessors Architecture – Programming and Application. 1990. 3. Bannari Amman Inst. No.. • To understand the effect sandwich construction in the aircraft materials and its prevention methods. 3rd Edition. Longman Scientific and Technical. References 1. | Regulation 2011 |145 Text Books 1. basic sciences. Prentice Hall.. (d) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. of Tech. Middleton. Improve the properties Sandwich Constructions methods Assessment Pattern S.R. England.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. R. D. Programme Outcome(s) • (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. . C. D. Analysis of composite by various testing 2. Ed. 2.. and engineering.. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Wiley and Sons Ltd.. Englewood Cliffs. • To learn the various open and closed mould processes • To understand the fabrication process.S. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments.0 Objective(s) The course is intended to introduce the various composite materials and structures used in aircraft applications and their test methods.Hill.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 20 40 10 100 10 20 20 40 10 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 20 40 10 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 20 40 10 100 Remember 1. ♠ Define composite material. the English Book House.P. 1993. Accordingly. New Delhi. Gaonkar. 1989. Digital Avionic Systems. and Leach. (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. New Delhi. Course Outcome(s) 1. USA.. 1987. Brain Kendal..P..H.J. Longman Group UK Ltd. 1990. Spitzer. Manual of Avionics. 2. The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. 11A703 COMPOSITE MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES 3 0 0 3. Malcrno A. Tata McGraw. 6. Write stability laminations of various manufacturing techniques. Bannari Amman Inst. 2. 9. 22. D matrices. 18. Write structural strain relation for laminates. 15. Give examples for fiber material Mention important matrix materials Define lamina Write the generalized Hooks law for composite materials What are composite materials? Classify composite material. 5. What are the laminate stress relations? Discuss significance of A. glass fibre. 10. What is an angle-ply laminate? Write transformation matrix for an angle-ply matrix. 25. What is the relevance of plane stress condition. 5. 14. 4. 13. 21. Discuss classical laminate theory. 13. 19. 8. 20. antisymmetric laminate and unsymmetric laminate What are various failure theories? Discuss the design concepts. 12. Write the laminate stress-strain relation in laminate global coordinate system. The maximum stress criterion will always predict failure in tension because the longitudinal tensile strength of a unidirectional ply is greater than the corresponding compressive strength. 3. 17. How engineer properties of a laminate are predicted from micromechanics? Write the laminate stress-strain relation in material coordinate. A lamina is deemed to have failed when the fibres fracture because the fibres carry the highest stresses. 3. Write stiffness matrix for plane stress. 16. What is the need for composite material? Mention important characteristics of composite material. 11. | Regulation 2011 |146 2. B. 24. 4. 2. Write laminate strain resultants? Write A. What are various types of Matrices used in FRP? Give relative merits of carbon fibre. D matrices for symmetric laminate. 9. Describe various manufacturing techniques. Apply / Evaluate 1. What is plane stress condition? Write the compliance matrix for plane stress. 15. which is the behaviour of laminae? What is a cross-ply laminate? Understand 1. Initial failure of a cross-ply laminate can only be predicted by the Tsai-Hill criterion because it corresponds to transverse ply cracking. 16. When predicting the failure of an off-axis lamina it is necessary to calculate the stresses in the principal directions because these stresses are always greater than the applied stresses. 14. 4. 7. 3. The Tsai-Hill criterion gives a more accurate prediction for off-axis loading because it does not predict the mode of failure. List types of fibres used in FRP. 6. 7. What is the role of matrix is a composite material? What is the role reinforcement in composite materials? What are the advantages of composite materials? Give examples use of composite materials. 10. 5. B. 8. of Tech.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Create . What is classical plate theory? Discuss assumptions. 12. List the characteristics of matrix material. 11. aramid fibre and natural fibre. What are laminae? What is laminate and how it is classified? List components of stress-strain in a 3-D continuum. 23. arbitrary axis – determination of material properties.. 1995. | Regulation 2011 |147 1.M. 2. Kogakusha Ltd. Unit I Stress Strain Relation Introduction. Application of sandwich composites. Von Nostrand Reinhold Co.advantages and application of composite materials.. 2. Experimental characterization of lamina. Handbook on Advanced Plastics and Fibre Glass. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. Mechanics of Composite Materials. McGraw-Hill. Plane stress and plane strain. 9 Hours Unit II Methods of Analysis Micro mechanics – mechanics of materials approach.failure modes of sandwich panels. Jones. B. R.generalized hooke’s law – elastic constants for anisotropic. Stress-strain curves.J.0 Objective(s) • To enhance the knowledge in continuation of the design project given in project–I. L. Application of composites in aero field. 9 Hours Unit III Laminated Plates Governing differential equation for a general laminate. Inc. References 1. New York. New York 1998. Calcote.. Lubin. Bannari Amman Inst. and Broutman. 9 Hours Unit IV Sandwich Constructions Basic design concepts of sandwich construction -materials used for sandwich construction . The Analysis of laminated Composite Structures. elasticity approach to determine material properties – macro mechanics – stress-strain relations with respect to natural axis. reinforcements and matrices – introduction to smart materials and smart structures .. Von – Noastrand Reinhold Company. Prediction of laminate failure requires an iterative approach because ply stiff nesses are modified as failures occur. . Study about matrix and reinforcements.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 1989. G. Failure criteria for composites. Manufacture of fibers – types of resins and properties and applications – netting analysis. L R.. John Wiley and sons. Agarwal. Classical laminate theory cannot predict failure of finite width laminates because it ignores the existence of through-thickness stresses. 2. Tokyo. New York. of Tech. Analysis and Performance of Fibre Composites. 11A704 AIRCRAFT DESIGN PROJECT II 1 0 2 2.D. 1985. angle ply and cross ply laminates.. orthotropic and isotropic materials. 9 Hours Unit V Fabrication Process and Repair Scheme Various open and closed mould processes.. Define span 16. 15 20 - 15 Preparation Semester End Examination 15 50 50 . Understanding the procedure and concept of each component design and analysis. 6. State and explain different types of flaps. (g) An ability to make effective presentations. and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. of Tech. Bannari Amman Inst. What are the advantages of cabin heat systems? 6. Analysis of various aircraft structural components parameters. Define the term stall. Analysis of different types of aircraft and other flight vehicles. 11. Explain what glide slope means. Explain what Hobbs mean. Understand 1. What is mean by load factor? 13. 4. Explain various forces acting in gliding flight.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Analysis of different types of loads. 7. Define lift and drag. 18. Programme Outcome(s) (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques. 3. Explain the use of spoilers on roll. 2. 4. Define spin and dive. Define monocoque structure. Differentiate climbing and gliding. Define V-n diagram. tools. 12. 19. Differentiate PAPI and VASI. Define airfoil nomenclature. 4. Different types of fuselage constructions. 3. 5. How to do preflight check. State different types of trouble shooting methods. 10. 8. Define slot. Course Outcome(s) 1. Define cessna flight components. Define wing loading. 3. What are the disadvantages of stall horn systems? 7. 5. Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment 10 15 10 Observation and Results Record Mini-Project / Model Examination/ Viva-Voce Total Remember 1. 9. | Regulation 2011 |148 • To provide the knowledge of estimating loads in aircraft components. What are the different fuel systems? 15. 17. Compare the advantages of composites used in aircraft. orally and in writing. 14. Differentiate the term jacking and rigging. 2. (h) An ability to work with others and to lead the team. 2. Define chord. 8. With the help of a neat sketch explain the function of fuselage design. Gust and maneuverability envelopes. No. Load estimation of fuselage. Design of some components of wings. Advantages of composite materials over Al. aileron and rudder loads.Theory approach. 8. Comment on classification of landing gear system. Book by Reymer Janes – All World aircraft Hours 3 3 6 6 6 6 4 3 3 5 . fuselage. Describe aircraft furnishing practices with neat sketch. Detailed structural layouts. With a neat sketch. Bannari Amman Inst. Mini Project Total: 45 Hours Practical Schedule S. Experiments 1 V-n diagram for the design study 2 Gust and maneuverability envelopes 3 Critical loading performance and final V-n graph calculation 4 Structural design study – Theory approach 5 Load estimation of wings 6 Load estimation of fuselage. Critical loading performance and final V . What are the factors affect the strength of composites at high temperatures? 12. 10. List the function of navigation systems and components. What are the limitations of aircraft pressurization system in jumbo jets? 14. Write the limitations of plastic materials. Preparation of a detailed design report with CAD drawings.icing and deicing systems. 6. 15. Structural design study . of Tech.n graph calculation. 7. 4. 3.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Balancing and maneuvering loads on tail plane. aileron and rudder loads. 5. 4. Differentiate fixed landing gear and retractable landing gear system. 8. 8 Detailed structural layouts 9 Design of some components of wings. List of experiments 1. 9. explain various loads acting in ailerons while aircraft in flight. 3. 7. Write the limitations of oxygen systems. 5. 2. V. 18. 9. References 1. Write short notes on critical load on wing structures. 2. What are the uses of pneumatic systems? 16. 7 Balancing and maneuvering loads on tail plane. Write short notes a working principle of ILS system with neat sketch. Differentiate the term maneuverability and fixed fly control system? Apply / Evaluate 1. explain load estimation of wings. 13. Load estimation of wings. What is meant by phugoid motion? 11.n diagram for the design study. With a neat illustration. 2. 17. Differentiate between aircraft anti. Give the procedure for performance calculation. Explain about gravity feed and pressure feed fuel system. 10. 6. 10. | Regulation 2011 |149 9. fuselage 10 Preparation of a detailed design report with CAD drawings. An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components.0 11A707 AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS LABORATORY 0 0 3 1. of Tech.5 Objective(s) • • To train the students on hand experience in maintenance of various air frame systems in aircraft and rectification of common snags. 3. | Regulation 2011 |150 ELECTIVE III 3 . 5. Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment Preparation Semester End Examination 10 15 Observation and Results 15 20 Record 10 - 15 15 50 50 Mini-Project / Model Examination/ Viva-Voce Total Remember 1.3.. 2. To understand the basic concepts of Maintenance procedure.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 2. What are the types of systems used in the aircraft? What are the precautions while handling the hydraulic system? What are the precautions while handling the pneumatic system? What are the types of jacks used for aircraft? What is the jack used for Cessna 150 aircraft? Define angle of incidence? Define angle of attack? What is overhaul? What is ‘A’ check? . Bannari Amman Inst. An ability to recognize the importance of ethics in professional work. Programme Outcome(s) (c) (d) (e) (h) (i) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data.3. Course Outcome(s) 1. Good in maintenance performance.0 ELECTIVE IV 3 .. 7. An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. 8. An ability to work with others and to lead the team. 9. Improve the practical knowledge for controls and systems in Aircraft. 4. 6. 6. 5. 7. 3. Brake torque load test on wheel brake units. What are the precautions while handling the gas pressurization system? Understand 1. According to the maintenance manual. Aircraft symmetry check procedure. 4. Control system rigging check procedure. Maintenance and rectification of snags in hydraulic and fuel systems.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. What is trouble shoot? 14. 12. leveling etc…. What are the safety precautions while handling fueling and refueling the aircraft? What are the precautions while jacking up the procedure? What is the aircraft leveling procedure? What are the advantages of spirit level method? When do you use Strain gauge to level the aircraft? When do you use Plumb ball method? When do you use Engineers steeper method? What occasion are you going to check wing incidence angle? Define wing dihedral angle? What occasion are you going to check wing dihedral angle? Define wing sweep back angle? What occasion are you going to check sweep back angle? What is bleeding? What are the precautions to be taken while bleeding the Pushpak aircraft? What is symmetric check? What are the precautions to be taken while bleeding the PUSHPAK aircraft? Apply / Evaluate 1. jacking. 7. What is ‘C’ check? 12. Pressure test to assess hydraulic external/internal leakage. pressure test procedure on fuel system components and brake torque load test on wheel brake units. Functional test to adjust operating pressure. 13. 6. 8. What is servicing? 15. 3. 11. Create 1. 9. of Tech. Flow test to assess of filter element clogging. To determine the flow test to assess of filter element clogging. 2. 10. 2. Mini project Total: 45 Hours . 4. the procedure can be followed to the various types of airplane and get the new result of servicing. Aircraft leveling procedure. 15. Aircraft jacking up procedure. | Regulation 2011 |151 10. 5. What is ‘D’ check? 13. Bannari Amman Inst. Pressure test procedure on fuel system components. 8.. 16. List of experiments 1. test to adjust operating pressure. 9. 14. pressure test to assess hydraulic external/internal leakage. 10. What is ‘B’ check? 11. programming with microprocessors. Design of 8 bit data multiplication using 8085 microprocessor. 3. Analysis of different avionics data buses. 2. of Tech. . Design of 8 bit data division using 8085 microprocessor. 2. Analysis of different methods of digital electronics. c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. | Regulation 2011 |152 Practical Schedule S. Design of 8 bit data subtraction using 8085 microprocessor. Experiments 1 Aircraft jacking up procedure 2 Aircraft leveling procedure 3 Control system rigging check procedure 4 Aircraft symmetry check procedure 5 Flow test to assess of filter element clogging 6 Pressure test to assess hydraulic external/internal leakage 7 Functional test to adjust operating pressure 8 Pressure test procedure on fuel system components 9 Brake torque load test on wheel brake units 10 Maintenance and rectification of snags in hydraulic and fuel systems. Design of 8 bit data addition using 8085 microprocessor. 1553B and remote terminal configuration and their importance in different applications in the field of Avionics. Assessment Pattern Internal Assessment Semester End Examination Preparation Observation and Results 10 15 15 20 Record 10 - 15 15 50 50 Mini-Project / Model Examination/ Viva-Voce Total Remember 1. No. Course Outcome(s) 1. 3. Programme Outcome(s) b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems.5 Objective(s) • This laboratory is divided into three parts to train the students to learn about basic digital electronics circuits. Bannari Amman Inst. Performance analysis of 4 digit 7 segment display. 4. tools and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques. design and implementation of data buses in avionics with MIL – Std. Hours 3 3 6 6 6 6 4 3 3 5 11A708 AVIONICS LABORATORY 0 0 3 1. d) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. Design of full subtractor of numbers using logic gates. 16 Channel analog to digital converter and generation of ramp. Experiments Hours 1 Performing 8 . binary comparator circuits. Design of full adder of numbers using logic gates. 11.bit and 16 . square. 3. Sum of series of numbers without carry using 8085 microprocessor kit. Design of maximum block of data using 8085 microprocessor. 10. Sum of a given series with and without carry. triangular wave by digital to analog converter. Design of half subtractor of numbers using logic gates.bit Addition and Subtraction of two numbers using 8085 microprocessor Sorting of Data in Ascending and Descending order using 8085 microprocessor 2 3 Performing Addition and Subtraction of binary numbers using Digital Interface IC Trainer 4 Implementation of interface Programming with 4 Digit 7 segment display 5 Configuration of Bus Controller and Remote Terminal using MILSTD 1553B Data Bus 6 Performing data transfer between BC to RT using MILSTD 1553B Data Bus 7 Performing data transfer between RT to BC using MILSTD 1553B Data Bus 8 Simulation of open loop and closed longitudinal Auto-Pilot system 9 Simulation of closed loop Lateral Auto-Pilot system 10 Simulation of Command Guidance Missile control system Mini project Total: 45 Hours Practical Schedule S. Sum of series of numbers with carry using 8085 microprocessor kit. 7. Timer circuits. Design and implementation of multiplexer.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. | Regulation 2011 |153 5. of Tech. 6.bit and 16 . 9. 2. Apply / Evaluate 1. 13. Design of half adder of numbers using logic gates. Multiplexer/ demultiplexer circuits.STD – 1553 remote terminal configuration.STD – 1553 data buses configuration with message transfer. Configuration of MIL STD 1553 B PCI ADD ON card as BC and RT for checking the communication in RT to BC mode? List of Experiments 1 Performing 8 . shift registers. Create 1. MIL . 8. Design and implementation of de multiplexer. Sorting of data in ascending & descending order. Interface programming with 4 digit 7 segment display & Switches & LED’s. Addition and Subtraction of 8-bit and 16-bit numbers. 10. 6. 2. Encoder/decoder circuits. 7. 16. 9. 15. No. 3. Understand 1. Configuration of MIL STD 1553 B PCI ADD ON card as BC and RT for checking the communication in BC to RT mode? 2. Sorting of data in ascending order using 8085 microprocessor. 14. Bannari Amman Inst. Design of minimum block of data using 8085 microprocessor. 4. Greatest in a given series & Multi-byte addition in BCD mode.bit Addition and Subtraction of two numbers using 8085 6 microprocessor 2 Sorting of Data in Ascending and Descending order using 8085 microprocessor 3 3 Performing Addition and Subtraction of binary numbers using Digital Interface IC 3 Trainer . 5. Sorting of data in descending order using 8085 microprocessor. 8. Study of different avionics data buses. MIL .Addition/Subtraction of binary numbers. 12. To appreciate the rights of others and to instill moral. Ability to propose possible solutions using articulated ethical theories. Assessment Pattern S. No. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Bannari Amman Inst. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. To enable the student in their engineering profession who explore the ethical issues in technological society. • Presentation on literature survey and definition of project work area and title. ♠ Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ Semester End Examination The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. 2.PHASE I 3 6 3 3 6 6 6 0 0 0 3. supported with facts and evidence. Course Outcome(s) 1. (h) An ability to work with others and to lead the team. 11O801 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS (Common to all branches) 2 0 0 2. 3. of Tech.0 Objective(s) • Students in group carry out the literature survey on the topic of their interest. social values and loyalty. (g) An ability to make effective presentations. (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. | Regulation 2011 |154 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Implementation of interface Programming with 4 Digit 7 segment display Configuration of Bus Controller and Remote Terminal using MILSTD 1553B Data Bus Performing data transfer between BC to RT using MILSTD 1553B Data Bus Performing data transfer between RT to BC using MILSTD 1553B Data Bus Simulation of open loop and closed longitudinal Auto-Pilot system Simulation of closed loop Lateral Auto-Pilot system Simulation of Command Guidance Missile control system 11A709 PROJECT WORK . . orally and in writing. Ability to form opinions based on reasoned ethical positions. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems andcomponents. do the design related works of the project work. Increase in awareness of the ethical component of daily engineering decisions. Programme Outcome(s) (i) An ability to recognize the importance of ethics in professional work.0 Objective(s) • • • To study the basic issues in Professional Ethics. Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. of Tech. What is engineering experimentation? 17. What are the steps needed in confronting moral dilemmas? 10. How does the manufacturer understand the risk in a product catalog or manual? 5. Which are the practical skills that will help to produce effective independent thought about moral issues? 2. How does the consideration of engineering as a social experimentation help to keep a sense of autonomous participation is a person’s work? 2. What does the Balanced Outlook on Law stress in directing engineering practice? 6. Name some of the engineering societies which published “codes of ethics”. 7. Mention different Human values.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. What is meant by a disaster? Understand 1. List the levels of moral development suggested by Kohlberg. Are the engineers responsible to educate the public for safe operation of the equipment? How? 7. | Regulation 2011 |155 1 2 3 4 5 Remember Understand Apply Analyze/Evaluate Create Total 30 40 30 100 30 40 30 100 30 40 30 100 30 40 30 100 Remember 1. Why does engineering have to be viewed as an experimental process? 3. 2. What are the steps needed in confronting moral dilemmas? 13. Why do the engineers refuse to do war works sometimes? Apply 1. 7. Why is the “code of ethics” important for engineers in their profession? 5. What kind of responsibility should the engineer have to avoid mistakes that may lead to accident due to the design of their product? 8. What do you understand by self-interest and ethical egoism? 12. Define Human Values. What is meant by “Informed consent” when bringing an engineering product to market? 16. 6. 9. How can the quantifiable losses in social welfare resulting from a fatality be estimated? Give some examples. Classify the types of inquiry. Bannari Amman Inst. What are the different roles and functions of “Code of Ethics”? 18. What is meant by moral autonomy? 8. How would you classify the space shuttle Challenger case accident? 4. What are Morals and Values? 3. How does the “code of ethics” provide discipline among the engineers? 3. 11. Why is Environmental Ethics so important to create environmental awareness to the general public? 10. What are the Limitations of “Code of Ethics”? 19. Write the various meanings of “Spirituality”? 5. What do you mean by Civic virtue and Respect for others? 4. How does the knowledge of uncertainties in design help the engineers to access the risk of a product? 6. 14. How does the engineer act to safeguard the public from risk? . 20. What are the professional responsibilities? 15. Why isn’t engineering possible to follow a random selection in product design? 4. What are the three virtues of religion?. What is the use of knowledge of risk acceptance to engineers? 9. List four different types of Virtues. Fleddermann. 6 Hours Total: 30 Hours Text Book M. 2012.aspx/human-values-and. Engineering Ethics.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 4. Engineering Ethics.. 6 Hours Unit V Global Issues Multinational corporations – Environmental ethics and Environmental Protection Act – Computer ethics – Engineers as managers – Consulting engineers – Engineers as expert witnesses and advisors – Moral leadership – Sample code of ethics like IETE. of Tech. 6 Hours Unit III Engineering as Social Experimentation Engineering as experimentation – Engineers as responsible experimenters – Codes of ethics – A balanced outlook on law – The Challenger case study – Bhopal Gas Tragedy – The Three Mile Island and Chernobyl case studies Safety aspects in Nuclear Power plants 6 Hours Unit IV Responsibilities and Rights Fundamental Rights. 3. S. IEEE. 2003. Bannari Amman Inst. United States.Professional-ethics 5. Responsibilities and Duties of Indian Citizens – Collegiality and loyalty – Respect for authority – Collective bargaining – Confidentiality – Conflicts of interest – Occupational crime – Professional rights – Employee rights – Discrimination Right to Information Act. http://www. Institution of Engineers (India). New Delhi. www. Mike W. Pearson Education/ Prentice Hall of India . PHI Learning Private 1.mne. Rabins. Senthil Kumar. Harris.psu. | Regulation 2011 |156 Unit I Human Values Morals. Charles D. Michael S. Wadsworth Thompson Learning. Govindarajan.slideworld. Values and Ethics – Integrity – Work Ethic – Service Learning – Civic Virtue – Respect for Others – Living Peacefully – Caring – Sharing – Honesty – Courage – Valuing Time – Co-operation – Commitment – Empathy – Self-Confidence Character – Spirituality in business. Indian Institute of Materials Management Weapons development. New Delhi. References 1. Natarajan and V. ASCE. 2005. Charles E. Protchard and Michael J. Ltd. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Pvt Ltd. 6 Hours Unit II Engineering Ethics Senses of 'Engineering Ethics' – Variety of moral issues – Types of inquiry – Moral autonomy – Kohlberg's theory – Gilligan's theory – Consensus and controversy – Models of Professional Roles – Theories about right action Self-interest – Uses of ethical theories. 2. Martin and Roland Schinzinger. New Jersey. Ethics in Engineering. Engineering Ethics – Concepts and Cases.ppt ELECTIVE V . S. Bannari Amman Inst.0 11A804 PROJECT WORK – PHASE II 0 0 0 1 2. orally and in writing. science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. An ability to construct and speak original sentences in English appropriate to the context. 5.3. • To improve Spelling and Pronunciation by offering students rigorous practice and exercises. 4.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.0 ELECTIVE VI 3 . Clarity on the basic sounds of the English language. | Regulation 2011 |157 3 .0 Objective(s) To offer students the basics of the English Language in a graded manner. Compilation of the report on their work and submit the same to the university. (g) An ability to make effective presentations.3. 1. To promote efficiency in English Language by offering extensive opportunities for the development of four language skills (LSRW) within the classroom. Improved fluency in English. • • Programme Outcome(s) (g) An ability to make effective presentations. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. orally and in writing. ELECTIVES LANGUAGE ELECTIVE I 11O10B BASIC ENGLISH I* 3 0 0 3. (h) An ability to work with others and to lead the team. * Subject to continuous assessment . Course Outcome(s) • The students will be able to converse in English with more confidence. 3.. analysis. (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. and design. of Tech. A marked progress in understanding the language when read or spoken to. 2. An ability to communicate effectively: Increased self-confidence and winning attitude in students. • • Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics.0 Objective(s) Students in group carry out the fabrication. • To give an intense focus on improving and increasing vocabulary.. experimentation. usage and pronunciation Tutorial Analysing an action plan Unit II Module Vocabulary/ Grammar 6 Basic words + greetings to be used at different times of the day 7 Last 28 of the 100 most used words Discriminative listening Content listening and Intonation Skills Sets Formal conversation Informal conversation between equals Informal dialogues using contracted forms 8 Using the 14 target words to form bigger words 9 Palindromes. | Regulation 2011 |158 Unit I Module 1 2 3 4 5 Vocabulary/ Grammar Basic words. usage and pronunciation Skills Sets Starting a conversation and talking about what one does Basic informal introduction to the IPA Reading aloud and comprehension Reading practice and comprehension Pronunciation pointers . festivals Tutorial Placing a word within its context. of Tech.12 most used words in English. soft skills Using the lexicon Unit IV Module 16 Skill Sets Pronunciation pointers.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. matching words with their meanings Briefcase words. adjectives Taking and leaving messages 10 Skill Sets Sentence construction bolstered by mother tongue Creating and presenting one’s own action plan Informal conversation Reading comprehension Skill Sets Intonation to be used in formal address Reading practice and peer learning Guided speaking.talking to peers using contracted forms Offering congratulations Unit III Module 11 12 13 14 15 Skill Sets Let’s Talk is a group activity that gives them some important pointers of speech Translating English sentences to Tamil Team work.culling out meaning Vocabulary/ Grammar Homophones Skills Sets Formal and informal methods of self-introduction Homophone partners. ‘ve and ‘s Formal and informal ways of introducing others Compound words and pronunciation pointers Tutorial Giving personal details about oneself Vocabulary/ Grammar Proper and common nouns Skills Sets Asking for personal information and details 17 Pronouns Telephone skills and etiquette 18 Abstract and common nouns Dealing with a wrong number 19 Group names of animals.good luck. Bannari Amman Inst.finding smaller words from a big word Contracted forms of the –be verbs.speaking activity involving group work. usage and pronunciation Basic words with a focus on spelling Basic words.20 oft used words.10 oft used words. greetings. form and usage Simple present tense. Chennai. orally and in writing. L&L Education Resources. of Tech. 2011.positive and negative forms 23 Am/is/are questions 24 Present continuous tense-form and usage 25 Skills Sets Interrupting a conversation politely. Students will be familiar with workplace communication Course Outcome(s) Students will develop the fluency and language competence of learners of Business English at the * Subject to continuous assessment .formal and informal Thanking and responding to thanks Skill Sets Pair work reading comprehension Comprehension questions that test scanning. | Regulation 2011 |159 on the telephone 20 Tutorial Unit V Module 21 Vocabulary/ Grammar Determiners 22 Conjugation of the verb ‘to be’.0 Objective(s) • To equip students with effective speaking and listening skills in English • To help the students develop speaking skills in Business English Programme Outcome(s) (g) An ability to make effective presentations. Bannari Amman Inst. The students will be able to communicate in English 2. An ability to communicate effectively 1. Basic English Module.rules Words with silent ‘g’Questions in the simple present tense Tutorial Skills Sets Calling for help in an emergency Making requests and responding to them politely Describing people Describing places Skill Sets Dialogue writing Identifying elements of grammar in text extract Guided writing Filling in the blanks with correct markers of tense Total: 45 Hours Resources 1. skimming and deep reading Small group activity that develops dialogue writing Finishing sentences with appropriate verbs Tutorial Giving instructions and seeking clarifications Making inquiries on the telephone Unit VI Module 26 27 28 29 30 Vocabulary/ Grammar Words with silent ‘b’ Present continuous questions Words with silent ‘c’ Simple present tense. 11O10C COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH* 3 0 0 3.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Common telephone phrases and responses . Trish Stott. a country and its people. Vocabulary of quality management – Using nouns and adjectives to form group nouns – Phrases for offering and accepting help and invitations – Telephone terms – Verb tenses – Questions and responses – Conditionals – Gap Filling Exercises.Explaining concepts and ideas – The pattern of phone call conversations – Giving. quantity and number . getting and checking information – Common Business phrases – Giving encouragement: phrases for positive feedback.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Pamela Rogerson. 9 Hours Unit V Writing Making conditions using the present and future conditional Phrases for stalling for time . Jeremy Comfort. 9 Hours Unit III Speaking Pronunciation Practice – Describing organizations . there is / there are. Cambridge University Press. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 1.A management meeting about a recent merger – A conversation about a town. and Derek Utley. agree and disagree – Practice of frequency. introducing a stranger – A Quality Manager talks about his work – Conversation between acquaintances – Sales talk at a sports equipment stand – Small talk among colleagues – A tour of a factory in Italy – Lunch in the factory canteen – A meeting to improve the efficiency of internal communication – A phone conversation arranging to meet – A credit card salesman talks to the bank – A conversation between business acquaintances . getting and checking information – Business description – Informal negotiations. skills and attitudes. | Regulation 2011 |160 lower intermediate level Unit I Grammar and Vocabulary Vocabulary for describing different company structures and company hierarchy – Practice using wh – questions. more emphatic adjectives and adverbs – Giving facts and explaining functions and processes – Asking for and clarifying information – How to state your point. Cambridge. Bannari Amman Inst.Business Communication – Calling for Quotation – Letter asking for Clarification – Transcoding – Rearranging the sentences – Cloze – Explaining visual information – Explaining concepts and ideas – Giving. 9 Hours Unit II Listening Business Presentation – Conversation between old friends. References . of Tech.A company presentation –– Practicing of conversation starters and closers with friends and strangers – Practice of simple language and step – by – step procedures to describe complex ideas – Explaining visual information – The language of increase and decrease applied to graphs and bar charts . 9 Hours Unit IV Reading Signalling the structure of a presentation – introducing. Speaking Effectively – Developing Speaking Skills for Business English. sequencing and concluding a talk . 2002.Presenting a work – related graph – Making a telephone call – A sports equipment buyer and a manufacturer’s sales representative talk business – Entertaining a visitor in your country – A short marketing meeting – Negotiating to meet around a busy schedule – Pairs or small groups discuss the implications of problems at an electronics factory – Finding out all you can about a partner – Chairing and holding meetings – Pairwork on questions and answers about places and people.A short marketing meeting – Suggesting and agreeing times and places – Phrases for the Chairperson – People at work: their emotions. Definitions of Quality. 2006. | Regulation 2011 |161 1. orally and in writing. New Delhi. Advanced Communicative English. of Tech. Tata McGraw-hill Education Private Limited. 2008. 2009.5 Objective(s) • • • • • • To promote fluency even downplaying accuracy To give room for a tacit acquisition of Basic English Grammar through ample listening. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. Cambridge University Press. New Delhi.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. An ability to communicate effectively with: (a) A vast improvement in vocabulary (b) Stronger spelling ability (c) A good command over Basic English grammar and its direct application (d) Improved pronunciations and fewer intrusions from the mother tongue (e) Improved reading competency (f) Greater appreciation and interest in the language Course Outcome(s) • The students will be able to communicate better with improved fluency. BEC VANTAGE: BUSINESS BENCHMARK Upper-Intermediate – Student’s Book. Kiranmai Dutt. 3. Geetha Rajeevan and CLN Prakash. Bannari Amman Inst. 4. 2008. A Course in Communication Skills. reading and writing inputs with direct theory wherever relevant To specifically focus on speaking and conversation skills with an aim to increase speaking confidence To nurture in students the capacity to express themselves lucidly and articulate their thoughts and impressions on a wide gamut of topics both through speech and writing To improve Spelling and Pronunciation by offering rigorous practice and exercises To correct common mistakes and to teach self-assessment techniques Programme Outcome(s) (g) An ability to make effective presentations. 2. P. New Delhi. New Delhi. vocabulary and pronunciation. LANGUAGE ELECTIVE II 11O20B BASIC ENGLISH II* 3 1 0 3. Professional Communication. Cambridge University Press. Unit I Module 31 * Vocabulary/ Grammar Difference between present continuous and simple present tense. Verbs ‘have’ and ‘have got’ Subject to continuous assessment Skills Sets Skill Sets Calling for help in an emergency Reporting an eventjournalistic style Describing animals Asking for and giving . Aruna Koneru. Krishna Mohan Balaji. Brook-Hart Guy. possessive pronouns Future continuous Talking about possessions Talking about current activities Asking for the time and date 41 42 43 44 Revision of future tense.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.a/an and some Articles.analyzing and debating a given topic 45 Unit IV 46 Articles a/an 47 Singular.simple and continuous forms. granting and refusing permission Pair work: writing dialogues and presenting them Reading and comprehension skills 40 Unit III Simple future tense Talking about the weather Simple future tense.Plural (usage of a/an) 48 Countable and uncountable nouns. answer questions on it and practice reciting the same Tutorial Articles.when and where to use each Tutorial Apologizing and responding to an apology Reading comprehension Paying compliments and responding to them Describing daily routines (Reading) conversation practice Seeking.applying grammar theory to written work Opening up and expressing one’s emotions Listening comprehension Discussion. prepositions used with time and date Tutorial Making plans.enquiry and offering one’s opinion on a given topic. accepting and declining invitations Refusing an invitation directions Self.the 49 50 Unit V Writing. Bannari Amman Inst.the: usage and avoidance . speaking and presentation skills Reading practiceindependent and shared reading Listening comprehension Sequencing sentences in a paragraph Transcribing dictation Speaking: sharing Listening: comprehend and Comprehension –logical analysis.more aspects. Reading and practicing prewritten dialogues 35 Unit II 36 37 Questions and the negative form of the simple past tense Asking questions in the simple past tense Past continuous tense 38 39 Difference between simple past and past continuous. | Regulation 2011 |162 32 Simple past tense 33 34 Spelling rules & table of irregular verbs Tutorial Inviting people. process analysis and subjective expression Vocabulary: using context tools to decipher meaning Listening to a poem being recited. of Tech. 5 Objective(s) • • • • To take part in a discussion in an effective manner To listen to an explanation and respond To write a formal communication To read company literature or any document Programme Outcome(s) (g) An ability to make effective presentations. L&L Education Resources. village/town. An ability to communicate more effectively with: (a) Complete preparation for the Cambridge Business English Certificate (BEC) Vantage examination (b) Correct Pronunciation of words (c) Proper business vocabulary Course Outcome(s) * Subject to continuous assessment . etc. setting and characters Comprehension passage Speaking: Debate Tutorial One and ones 57 Capitalization and punctuation 58 59 Syntax and sentence constructionrearrange jumbled sentences Cloze 60 Collaborative learningproblem solving Controlled writing Writing short answers to questions based on reading Listen to a story and respond to its main elements Listen to a poem and discuss its elements Frame simple yet purposeful questions about a given passage Tutorial Guided writing Free writing Total: 45+15 Hours Resources 1. Chennai.the: usage and avoidance with like and hate 53 Articles.. childhood. | Regulation 2011 |163 51 52 Articles. village/town. Basic English Module. Bannari Amman Inst. 10 students Speaking: sharing stories about family. childhood.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. childhood. etc.the: usage and avoidance with names of places This/ that/ these and those 54 55 Unit VI 56 stories about family. 11O20C ADVANCED COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH* 3 1 0 3..10 students Speaking: sharing stories about family. of Tech. orally and in writing.10 students Writing a noticeannouncement follow multiple step instructions read out by the teacher Reading: make inferences from the story about the plot. 2011. etc. village/town. Cambridge University Press. . fax. proposal – understanding formal and informal styles – responding to written or graphic input. etc. Cambridge Examinations Publishing. Cambridge University Press. 9 Hours Unit IV Reading The ability to skim and scan business articles for specific details and information – To understand the meaning and the structure of the text at word. 9 Hours Unit III Speaking The ability to talk about oneself and perform functions such as agreeing and disagreeing – ability to express opinions. letter. 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Book 1. Whitby. Cambridge University Press. Guy. sentence. note.take an active part in the development of the discourse . Norman. email. topic. 9 Hours Unit II Listening Prediction . report. Cambridge BEC Vantage – Self-study Edition. explanations. understand gist. 9 Hours Unit V Writing The ability to write concisely. memo.) – ability to follow a longer listening task and interpret what the speakers say. | Regulation 2011 |164 • The Students will be able to clear the BEC Vantage Level Examination conducted by the Cambridge ESOL Unit I Grammar and Vocabulary Comparison of adjectives and adverbs – tenses – simple and complex questions – countable/ uncountable nouns. Brook-Hart. 2006. Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate – Student’s Book. 2006. Bannari Amman Inst. New Delhi. disagree. articles. compare and contrast ideas and reach a decision in a discussion – appropriate use of stress. and function. apologizing.turn-taking and sustain the interaction by initiating and responding appropriately. Bulats Edition: Business Benchmark.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. intonation and clear individual speech sounds . Business Benchmark: Upper Intermediate – Student’s Book. of Tech. context. 2005. agree. and paragraph level – ability to read in detail and interpret opinions and ideas – to develop one’s understanding and knowledge of collocations – ability to identify and correct errors in texts. -ing forms and infinitives – conditionals – comparing and contrasting ideas – modal verbs – while and whereas for contrasting ideas – passives – used to.the ability to identify information – ability to spell and write numbers correctly – ability to infer. New Delhi. relative pronouns and expressing cause and result – workplace-related vocabulary. phrase. and ask for information by using the correct format in business correspondences like charts. and recognize communicative functions ( complaining. rhythm. reported speech. greeting. communicate the correct content and write using the correct register – ability to write requests. References 1. instructions. 2. UK. 9 Hours Unit IV Reading Reading lessons and exercises in the class .Interaction with correction of pronunciation. Cassel Language Guides – German: Christine Eckhard – Black & Ruth Whittle.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. References 1. 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Books 1.Exercises in the books . Numbers – Nouns . DEUTSCH Lehrbuch Hueber Munichen.talking about name – country – studies – nationalities .modal auxiliaries .festivals 9 Hours Unit V Writing Alphabets – numbers . VERLAG FUR DEUTSCH.Working with Dictionary – Nominative . 2007. paying special attention to pronunciation: Includes all lessons in the book – Greetings . Grundkurs DEUTSCH A Short Modern German Grammar Workbook and Glossary.words and sentences . 9 Hours Unit II Listening Listening to CD supplied with the books. Grundkurs.questions and answers . 2.talks on chosen topics.ordering in restaurants .pronunciation exercises: Alphabet – name – country – people – profession – family – shopping – travel – numbers – friends – restaurant – studies . Unit I Grammar & Vocabulary Introduction to German language: Alphabets. of Verbs and Conjugations definite and indefinite article .Negation .dialogue and group conversation on topics in textbooks . 1992. An ability to communicate effectively with: (a) Clarity on the basic sounds of the German language (b) Improved fluency in German (c) Proper vocabiulary Course Outcome(s) The students will become familiar with the basics of German language and start conversing in German.adjectives .Imperative case .Accusative and dative case – propositions .about family – studies . London / New York. | Regulation 2011 |165 11O20G GERMAN* 3 1 0 office .writing on chosen topics such as one self – family – studies . 2007. Continuum. Munichen. * Subject to continuous assessment .control exercises . Bannari Amman Inst.5 Objective(s) • To help students acquire the basics of German language • To teach them how to converse in German in various occasions Programme Outcome(s) (g) An ability to make effective presentations.Possessive articles. orally and in writing. 9 Hours Unit III Speaking Speaking about oneself . Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |166 2. 3. Kursbuch and Arbeitsbuch, TANGRAM AKTUELL 1 DEUTSCH ALS FREMDSPRACHE, NIVEAUSTUFE AI/1, Deutschland, Goyal Publishers & Distributers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2005. Langenscheidt Eurodictionary – German – English / English – German, Goyal Publishers & Distributers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2009. 11O20J JAPANESE* 3 1 0 3.5 Objective(s) • To help students acquire the basics of Japanese language • To teach them how to converse in Japanese in various occasions • To teach the students the Japanese cultural facets and social etiquettes Programme Outcome(s) (g) An ability to make effective presentations, orally and in writing. An ability to communicate effectively with: (a) Improved fluency in Japanese (b) Clarity on the basic sounds of the Japanese language (c) Proper vocabulary Course Outcome(s) • The students will become familiar with the basics of Japanese language and start conversing in Japanese. Unit I Introduction to Japanese - Japanese script - Pronunciation of Japanese(Hiragana) - Long vowels Pronunciation of in,tsu,ga - Letters combined with ya,yu,yo - Daily Greetings and Expressions - Numerals. N1 wa N2 des - N1 wa N2 ja arimasen - S ka - N1mo - N1 no N2 - …….san - Kanji - Technical Japanese Vocabulary (25 Numbers) 9 Hours Unit II Introduction - Kore - Sore - are - Kono N1 - Sono N1 - ano N1 - so des - so ja arimasen - S1 ka - S2 ka - N1 no N1 - so des ka – koko - soko - asoko - kochira - sochira - achira - N1 wa N2 (Place) des – dhoko-N1 no N2 - Kanji-10 - ima….ji…fun des - Introduction of verb - V mas - V masen - V mashitha - V masen deshitha - N1(Time) ne V - N1 kara N2 des - N1 tho N2 / S ne Kanji-10 - Technical Japanese Vocabulary (25 Numbers) – Dictionary Usage. 9 Hours Unit III - N1(Place) ye ikimas - ki mas - kayerimasu - Dhoko ye mo ikimasen - ikimasendheshitha - N1(vehicle) de ikimasu - kimasu - kayerimasu - N1(Personal or Animal) tho V ithsu - S yo. - N1 wo V (Transitive) - N1 wo shimus - Nani wo shimasu ka - Nan & Nani - N1(Place) de V - V masen ka - V masho - Oo……. Kanji10 , N1( tool - means ) de V - “ Word / Sentence ” wa …go nan des ka - N1( Person ) ne agemus - N1( Person ) ne moraimus - mo V shimashitha - , Kanji-10 – Japanese Typewriting using JWPCE Software, Technical Japanese Vocabulary (25 Numbers) 9 Hours Unit IV * Subject to continuous assessment Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |167 Introduction to Adjectives - N1 wa na adj des. N1 wa ii adj des - na adj na N1 - ii adj ii N1 - Thothemo amari - N1 wa dho des ka - N1 wa dhonna N2 des ka - S1 ka S2 – dhore - N1 ga arimasu - wakarimasu - N1 ga suki masu - N1 ga kiraimasu - jozu des - hetha des - dhonna N1 - Usages of yoku - dhaithai - thakusan sukoshi - amari - zenzen - S1 kara S2 - dhoshithe, N1 ga arimasu - imasu - N1(Place) ne N2 ga arimasu iimasu - N1 wa N2(Place) ne arimasu - iimasu - N1(Person,Place,or Thing ) no N2 (Position) - N1 ya N2, Kanji-10 - Japanese Dictionary usage using JWPCE Software, Technical Japanese Vocabulary (25 Numbers) 9 Hours Unit V Saying Numbers , Counter Suffixes , Usages of Quantifiers -Interrogatives - Dhono kurai - gurai – Quantifier-(Period ) ne ….kai V - Quantifier dhake / N1 dhake Kanji - Past tense of Noun sentences and na Adjective sentences - Past tense of ii-adj sentences - N1 wa N2 yori adj des - N1 tho N2 tho Dhochira ga adj des ka and its answering method - N1 [ no naka ] de {nani/dhoko/dhare/ithsu} ga ichiban adj des ka answering -N1 ga hoshi des - V1 mas form dhake mas - N1 (Place ) ye V masu form ne iki masu/ki masu/kayeri masu - N1 ne V/N1 wo V - Dhoko ka - Nani ka – gojumo - Technical Japanese Vocabulary (25 Numbers) 9Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Books 1. Japanese for Everyone: Elementary Main Textbook 1-1, Goyal Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 2007. 2. Japanese for Everyone: Elementary Main Textbook 1-2, Goyal Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 2007. References Software 1. Nihongo Shogo-1 2. Nihongo Shogo-2 3. JWPCE Software Websites 1. 2. 3. 4. 11O20F FRENCH* 3 1 0 3.5 Objective(s) • To help students acquire the basics of French language • To teach them how to converse in French in various occasions Programme Outcome(s) (g) An ability to make effective presentations, orally and in writing. An ability to communicate effectively: 1. Improved fluency in French 2. Clarity on the basic sounds of the French language Course Outcome(s) • The students will become familiar with the basics of French language and start conversing in French. * Subject to continuous assessment Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |168 Unit I Alphabet Français (alphabets) - Les accents français (the accents in French) – aigu – grave – circonflexe – tréma - cédille - écrire son nom dans le français (spelling one’s name in French) 9 Hours Unit II Les noms de jours de la semaine (Days of the week) - Les noms de mois de l'année (Months) - numéro 1 à 100 (numbers 1 to 100) 9 Hours Unit III Moyens de transport (transport) - noms de professions (professions) - noms d'endroits communs (places) nationalités (nationalities) 9 Hours Unit IV Pronoms (pronouns) - Noms communs masculins et de femme (common masculine and feminine nouns) Verbes communs (common verbs) 9 Hours Unit V Présentation - même (Introducing Oneself) - narration de son nom - l'endroit où on vit - son âge - date de naissance - sa profession - numéro de téléphone - adresse (name - where one lives – age - date of birth – profession - telephone number and address) - Narration du temps (tellling the time) 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Book 1. Angela Wilkes, French for Beginners, Usborne Language Guides, Usborne Publishing Ltd., Ohio, 1987. References 1. Ann Topping, Beginners French Reader, Natl Textbook Co, 1975. 2. Stanley Applebaum, First French Reader, Dover Publications, 1998. 3. Max Bellancourt, Cours de Français, London: Linguaphone, 2000. Softwares 1. Français Linguaphone, Linguaphone Institute Ltd., London, 2000. 2. Français I. Harrisonburg: The Rosetta Stone: Fairfield Language Technologies, 2001. 11O20H HINDI* 3 1 0 3.5 Objective(s) • To help students acquire the basics of Hindi • To teach them how to converse in Hindi in various occasions • To help learners acquire the ability to understand a simple technical text in Hindi Programme Outcome(s) (g) An ability to make effective presentations, orally and in writing. An ability to communicate effectively with: (a) Improved fluency in Hindi (b) Clarity on the basic sounds of the Hindi language (c) Proper vocabulary Course Outcome(s) • The students will become familiar with the basics of Hindi language and start conversing in Hindi. * Subject to continuous assessment Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |169 Unit I Hindi Alphabet Introduction - Vowels - Consonants - Plosives - Fricatives - Nasal sounds - Vowel Signs - Chandra Bindu & Visarg -Table of Alphabet -Vocabulary. 9 Hours Unit II Nouns Genders (Masculine & Feminine Nouns ending in – ā,і,ī, u,ū )- Masculine & Feminine – Reading Exercises. 9 Hours Unit III Pronouns and Tenses Categories of Pronouns - Personal Pronouns - Second person (you & honorific) - Definite & Indefinite pronouns - Relative pronouns - Present tense - Past tense - Future tense - Assertive & Negative Sentences Interrogative Sentences. 9 Hours Unit IV Classified Vocabulary Parts of body – Relatives – Spices – Eatables – Fruit & Vegetables - Clothes - Directions – Seasons Professions. 9 Hours Unit V Speaking Model Sentences – Speaking practice for various occasions. 9 Hours Total: 45+15 Hours Text Book 1. B. R. Kishore, Self Hindi Teacher for Non-Hindi Speaking People, Vee Kumar Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2009. References 1. Syed, Prayojan Mulak Hindi, Rahamathullah Vani Prakasan, New Delhi, 2002. 2. Ramdev, Vyakaran Pradeep, Saraswathi Prakasan, Varanasi, 2004. DISCIPLINE ELECTIVES 11A001 THEORY OF ELASTICITY 3 0 0 3.0 Objective(s) • To understand the basics and Assumptions In Elasticity • To understand the plane stress and plane strain problems in various beams. • To understand the theoretical concepts of material behavior with particular emphasis on their elastic property Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. Course Outcome(s) 1. Improve the strength of material behavior. 2. Performance analysis of various Stress – strain relations Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |170 Assessment Pattern S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply/ Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ 10 20 70 100 Test II♠ 10 20 70 .100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 70 .100 Semester End Examination 10 20 70 .100 Remember 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. For a material with E=70GPa and ν=0.3 find G and K. Explain Saint Venant’s principle. What is meant by stress ellipsoid? εx = 4(x2+y2), εy = 4y2, γxy = 8xy. Check whether this state of strain is possible. Distinguish between plan stress and plane strain. What are compatibility equations and what is its significant? What is Airy’s stress function? Determine the stress in a steel tube of internal pressure 770kg/m2, inside radius 9cm outside radius 17cm 9. What are the axis symmetric problem? Give example. 10. Define the terms i) homogenous, and ii) isotropic Understand What are the assumptions made in TOE? Define i) Elasticity ii) Plasticity Define: Principal stress and principal plane? What are stress invariants? What is stress tensor? Consider a solid bar having an elliptical cross section and subjected to torque T. Derive and obtain expression for the shear stress components in terms of applied torque. 7. State the uses of mohrs’s circle. 8. Direct stresses of 160 N/mm2 tension and 120 N/mm2 compression are applied at a particular point in an elastic matrial along the x and y direction respectively. The maximum normal stress in the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |171 material is to be limited to 200 N/mm2 tension. Find the allowable value of shear stress at this point. Determine also the maximum shear stress. Apply / Evaluate 1. At a point in material under stress, the intensity of the resultant stress on a certain plane is 60 MPa (tensile) inclined at 30° to normal of that plane. The stress on a plane at right angles to this has a normal stress of 40 MPa (tensile). Find (i) the resultant stress on the second plane (ii) the principal planes and stresses and (iii) the plane of maximum shear and its intensity. 2. Derive the compatibility equation for stresses in plain strain condition. Explain the importance of compatibility equation. 3. A concentrated load acts on the vertex of a wedge at a angle β to the vertical. Find the stresses in the wedge. 4. In polar coordinates, obtain the stress equilibrium equation in radial and tangential directions. 5. Find the stress and displacements in a shaft with elliptical cross section subjected to a torque using S. venant’s semi inverse method. 6. Explain Prandtl’s theory of torsion and what are its limitations. Unit I Assumptions in Elasticity Definitions- notations and sign conventions for stress and strain, equations of equilibrium. Study of material properties. 9 Hours Unit II Basic Equations of Elasticity Strain – displacement relations, stress – strain relations, Lame’s constant – cubical dilation, compressibility of material, bulk modulus, shear modulus, compatibility equations for stresses and strains, principal stresses and principal strains, Mohr’s circle, Saint Venant’s principle. Application of Mohr’s circle. 9 Hours Unit III Plane Stress and Plane Strain Problems Airy’s stress function, bi-harmonic equations, polynomial solutions, simple two-dimensional problems in cartesian coordinates like bending of cantilever and simply supported beams, etc. Study of plane stress and plane strain and their applications. 9 Hours Unit IV Polar Coordinates Equations of equilibrium, strain displacement relations, stress – strain relations, axi – symmetric problems, Kirsch, Mitchell’s and Boussinesque problems. Application of Kirsch and Mitchell’s problems in polar coordinates. 9 Hours Unit V Torsion Navier’s theory, St. Venant’s theory, Prandtl’s theory on torsion, the semi- inverse method and applications to shafts of circular, elliptical, equilateral triangular and rectangular sections. Study of torsional equation. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book Timoshenko, S., and Goodier, T.N., Theory of Elasticity, McGraw–Hill Ltd., Tokyo, 1990. 1. References 1. Enrico Volterra & J.H. Caines, Advanced Strength of Materials, Prentice Hall New Jersey, 1991. . Analysis of different types of instruments 2. | Regulation 2011 |172 2. 8. 15. 12. What is meant by accuracy? What is meant by sensitivity of measurements? What is meant by range of measurements? What are extensometers? What are the major types of extensometers? List out the advantages and disadvantages of extensometers. 16. 6. Accordingly. What are the techniques used for compensation and separation? What are photo elastic materials? The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. 3. 7.S. New York. ♠ What do you mean by experimental stress analysis? List out the principle of measurements. Sokolnikoff. McGraw–Hill New York.T. What is meant by electrical resistance strain gauges? Define cross sensitivity. Mathematical Theory of Elasticity. Performance analysis of instruments Assessment Pattern S.. 11. 4.0 Objective(s) To bring awareness on experimental method of finding response of structure to different types of load To study about various types of measurements and instruments used for structures. 9. Bannari Amman Inst. Improve the method of non destructive testing skills 3. 14. 1978 11A002 EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS 3 0 0 3. 10. C. 5. Wing. • • Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. Define rosette analysis. McGraw–Hill Co. of Tech.. Applied Elasticity. What are stain indicators? Define photo elasticity. State stress optic law. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 13. 3.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply/Evaluate Analyze create Total Test I♠ 10 40 50 100 Test II♠ 10 20 70 100 Model Examination♠ 10 30 70 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 70 100 Remember 1. 2. 1993. Course Outcome(s) 1. I. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks . advantages and disadvantages. 12. Principal of Wheatstone bridge. strain indicators. 16. 13. compensation and separation techniques. of Tech. 7. 10. Measurement techniques. 14. 15. What are the applications of mechanical extensometers and electrical extensometers over different fields? 2. 9 Hours Unit III Electrical Resistance Strain Gauges Principle of operation and requirements. acoustical and electrical extensometers and their uses. Distinguish between mechanical and electrical extensometers. optical. | Regulation 2011 |173 17. 11. What are principles used for measurements? Relate accuracy and sensitivity of measurements. sensitivity and range of measurements. How the potentiometer works? What is concept of light? What is photo elasticity? How the fringe pattern occurs? What is two and three dimensional photo elasticity? What are the fundamentals of NDT? What are the fundamentals of brittle coating method? Apply / Evaluate 1. rosette analysis. 2. How the electrical resistance strain gauges works? List out the uses of electrical resistance strain gauges. concept of light – photoelastic effects. photo elastic materials. stress optic law. 3. Introduction to three dimensional photo elasticity. State advantages and disadvantages of the extensometers List out the uses of extensometers. 4. What is meant by non destructive testing? 18. 17. 8. 5. Explain the principle of operation of different types of extensometers. materials for strain gauge. What are the different types of NDT methods performing in the aircrafts? Unit I Measurements Principles of measurements. What are the types of non destructive testing? Understand 1. Study of Wheastone bridge circuit. types and their uses. 9. How the acoustic extensometers works. 9 Hours Unit IV Photo Elasticity Two dimensional photo elasticity. accuracy. Principle of operation of extensometers.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Bannari Amman Inst. interpretation of fringe pattern. potentiometer circuit for static and dynamic strain measurements. Calibration and temperature compensation. 9 Hours Unit II Extensometers Mechanical. Explain the different NDT methods 3. cross sensitivity. 9 Hours Unit V Non–Destructive Testing . 6. Hetyenyi. 3. 1993. 1 2 3 4 5 ♠ Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply/Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 50 20 100 10 20 50 20 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 60 10 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 60 10 100 The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. By acquiring the knowledge of plates and shells. magnetic particle inspection. Accordingly. fluorescent penetrant technique. New York. Dally. K. Tata McGraw-Hill. K. (c) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components.. stress of plates and shells. Pollock A. Analysis of different types of plates. New Delhi. John Wiley and Sons Inc. 11A003 THEORY OF PLATES AND SHELLS 3 0 0 3. of Tech. Bannari Amman Inst. ultrasonic c. G. 2. Raghava. and Riley. and aeronautical engineering Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. Acoustic Emission in Acoustics and Vibration Progress..B. civil.F. thermograph. Garagesha. Analysis of various approximation methods. Pant B. ... Ed. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Srinath. References 1. W. L. fundamentals of brittle coating methods. Hand book of Experimental Stress Analysis. Lingaiah.. students are able to take up works of mechanical.W. Stephens R. Experimental Stress Analysis. acoustic emission technique. Study of fiber – optic sensors. Analysis of the strain.0 Objective(s) To study the behavior of the plates and shells with different geometry under various types of • • loads. 2.R. Assessment Pattern S. introduction to moiré techniques. 2.scan. 2005. radiography.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.. structural.. No... 1972. Chapman and Hall.S.. McGraw-Hill Inc. Experimental Stress Analysis. holography. 9 hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 1. New York. 1998. Course Outcome(s) 1. J.. M. and Ramachandra. eddy current testing. ultrasonic. | Regulation 2011 |174 Fundamentals of NDT.A.. M.W. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments.. Simple problems on rectangular plates. | Regulation 2011 |175 Remember 1. 9 Hours Unit II Plates of Various Shades Navier’s method of solution for simply supported rectangular plates – leavy’s method of solution for rectangular plates under different boundary conditions. 8. 5. Say about forced vibration? 3. 9 Hours Unit V Shells Basic concepts of shell type of structures – membrane and bending theories for circular cylindrical shells. 7. Discuss about the different plates having the different shapes? 2. of Tech. 3. Discuss Ritz method. Explain about finite difference method? Apply / Evaluate 1. What is axi-symmetric loading over a plate? 9. Derive Rayleigh method for simply supported with central point load. What is stability? State the vibration occurs in plate. 2. 7. Bannari Amman Inst. Give the points about annular plates? 5. 6. State the Rayleigh method to reshape the rectangular plates. 4. free vibration and stability analysis. Study of longitudinal stresses in plates. Find the displacements for simply supported rectangular plates by using Navier’s methods. 6. Galerkin Methods– Finite Difference Method – application to rectangular plates for static. 8. What is classical plate theory? 4. . Discuss levy’s method. Discuss about basic shell structures. What is free vibration? Understand 1. Study of thin and thick shells. Study of Finite Element Method. Governing equation – solution for axi-symmetric loading – annular plates – plates of other shapes. Create and design of innovative idea for cylindrical shell. What is the necessary for boundary formation over the plates? Draw simply supported rectangular plate. Create 1. 2. Define boundary condition. Define static vibration.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 9 Hours Unit III Eigen Value Analysis Stability and free vibration analysis of rectangular plates. Unit I Classical Plate Theory Classical plate theory – assumptions – differential equation – boundary conditions. 9 Hours Unit IV Approximate Methods Rayleigh – Ritz. To understand all the failure modes (i. S.e. Theory of Plates and Shells. 40 20 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 . S. and Kreger. 40 30 100 The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20.0 Objective(s) • • • To study the concepts of estimation of the endurance and failure mechanism of components To learn the failure mechanism of components. | Regulation 2011 |176 Study of Hoop stress. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks..1990. 2. 2. Timoshenko. 1985.. 40 20 100 Model Examination♠ 20 20 . fatigue.P. References Flugge. Bannari Amman Inst. Accordingly. 1. Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ 10 20 50 20 100 Test II♠ 20 20 . Performance analysis of different materials Assessment Pattern S. McGraw-Hill Book Co.). . Course Outcome(s) 1. 3. d) An ability to analyze aircraft systems and components. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Programme Outcome(s) e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft Systems and components.P. fatigue limit and fatigue strength. Springer – Verlag. creep etc.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. J. fracture. Analysis of different modes of fracture Improve the fatigue life time. 11A004 FATIGUE AND FRACTURE 3 0 0 3. Timoshenko. Winowsky. . 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 1. of Tech. Stresses in Shells. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 1986. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 ♠ . and Gere. S.M. Theory of Elastic Stability. W. Curves.' determine the required diameter of a solid circular rod of a ductile material having endurance strength has 266 MPa and tensile yield strength has 350 MPa. 17. 11.0. What do you understand by strain hardening? How does that change the mechanical properties of a material? 10. 7. of Tech. in detail. 5. Using Soderberg method. The rod is subjected to varying axial load from 800 kN compression to 700 kN tension. Understand 1. The stress concentration factor is 1. List down the factors that are to be considered. Bannari Amman Inst. Explain the methods of reducing stress concentrations. List the counting techniques used in fatigue study. Evaluate 1. 3. explain different modes of crack growth. 8. Remember 1.notches and stress concentrations . 15. Differentiate between low cycle and high cycle fatigue behavior of structures. 6. 8. repeated stresses and alternating stresses? 7. while designing the components to avoid fatigue failure. 13. 3. Describe any one of counting techniques used in fatigue study. 2. of components? 2. 4.intensity factor? Discuss the theoretical and experimental values of the factors for different geometries.effect of mean stress. Explain a procedure to predict the fatigue life of an aircraft. 6. Explain the significant points in the SN curve. Explain the relevance of coffin . Explain the dislocation theory. 4. What is stress. Obtain the strain-energy release rate on plate with a crack subjected to a tensile load. Explain the linear cumulative damage law for predicting the number of cycles to failure. Explain in detail the dislocations happening in a material.8 and factor of safety is 2. What is an SN Curve? What is low cycle and high cycle fatigue behavior? What are the different phases of a crack with respect to fatigue life? What is fracture toughness? Define safe life and fail safe design. 5. Explain Miner's theory to estimate the life of a component. Give suitable examples of aircraft structural components of composite materials and Unit I Fatigue of Structures Endurance limits .Neuber’s stress concentration factors . Explain the fracture failure in terms of energy. 4. What do you understand by fluctuating stresses. Curves. What is the need for using for factor of safety in the design. 9. Explain the Griffith's theory for obtaining the failure stress. What are the effects of notches and cutouts in the loaded structures? 3.N. Explain a method. With neat sketches. to increase the fatigue life of a structure. 12. Explain the effect of thickness on fatigue toughness. Study of S. | Regulation 2011 |177 . 9 Hours Unit II . 16. What is the need for Fracture Mechanics study in design of aircraft components? Create 1. 2. 14. Explain the information’s you may get about the materials from the fatigue fracture surfaces.N. Gerber and Soderberg relations and diagrams . 2. Goodman.Manson theory in the study of fatigue behavior of materials.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 18.plastic stress concentration factors notched S. Mechanics of fracture Vol. . Ripely. 2.L. 9 Hours Unit V Fatigue Design and Testing Safe life and fail-safe design philosophies . 1989.analysis of load histories . Comparison of fatigue of various materials. 9 Hours Unit III Physical Aspects of Fatigue Phase in fatigue life .crack initiation .stress analysis of cracked bodies . 1983 11A025 STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS 3 0 0 3. Sin.potential energy and surface energy ..Orwin extension of Griffith’s theory to ductile materials .importance of fracture mechanics in aerospace structures. J. Ltd. Bannari Amman Inst.0 Objective(s) • To introduce vibratory systems – vibration of strings. Fundamentals of Fracture Mechanics. Sijthoff and w Noordhoff International Publishing Co.miner’s theory. torsional vibration of shafts. 1983. Stress intensity factors for typical geometries. E. Application to composite materials and structures. (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. Buterworth & Co. Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. 2. of Tech.coffin . Pe/gamon press. and transverse vibrations of slender beams. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1.. C.Griffith’s theory . • Calculate the mode shapes and frequencies for the free response of continuous vibratory systems and use modal methods to calculate the forced response of these systems. References 1.Irwin .cycle counting techniques -cumulative damage .dislocations . Fatigue of aircraft structure.cyclic strain hardening and softening ... Oxford. axial vibration of rods. 9 Hours Unit IV Fracture Mechanics Strength of cracked bodies .fatigue fracture surfaces. London. I.Manson’s relation . Other theories related to statistical aspects of fatigue behaviour.G. Netherlands.transition life .Department of Aeronautical Engineering.effect of thickness on fracture toughness. Prasanth Kumar – Elements of fracture mechanics – Wheeter publication..crack growth .final fracture . | Regulation 2011 |178 Statistical Aspects of Fatigue Behaviour Low cycle and high cycle fatigue .. Barrois W. 1999.F. Knott. formulate and solve engineering problems. Course Outcome(s) • An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics. Describe D”Alembet s Principle? 2. • Understanding professional and ethical responsibilities. 2. . This will be accomplished by having students model. This will be accomplished by emphasizing the importance of understanding how structural vibrations may affect safety and reliability of engineering systems. analyze and modify a vibratory structure order to achieve specified requirements. | Regulation 2011 |179 (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. 9 Hours Unit II Principles of Dynamics ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. science. Give the Examples for virtual Work Forces? Apply 1. • An understanding of space structures by discussing vibration problems unique to large flexible structures Assessment Pattern S. Apply the Eigen Values And solve the Given problem? 2. and engineering by developing the equations of motion for vibratory systems and solving for the free and forced response. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 3. of Tech. Solve the Stifness and Flexibility Methods? Unit I Force-deflection Properties of Structures Constraints and Generalized coordinates – Virtual work and generalized forces – Force –Deflection influence functions. 1 2 3 4 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply/ Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 30 60 100 10 30 60 100 Model Examination♠ 10 30 60 100 Semester End Examination 10 30 60 100 Remember 1. Bannari Amman Inst.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. How the Rayleigh’s principle and Rayleigh – Ritz method in the Engergy Equation? 3. Explain the Effect Of Rotatory Interia? 3. • Ability to identify. Define the Generalized Corordinates? State the Damped and Forced viberations? What is meant by Rizig Method? Undersatand 1. No. Stiffness and flexibility methods. Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Damped and forced vibrations of systems with finite degrees of freedom. Von. (d) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. Bannari Amman Inst. 2. Ltd. Prentice Hall of India Pvt.S. Vibration Problems in Engineering. Rubinstein. 5.. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book(s) 1.P. McGraw-Hill Book Co. I. Morse and H.. 9 Hours Unit III Natural Modes of Vibration Equations of motion for free vibrations. 9 Hours Unit V Approximate Methods Approximate methods of evaluating the eigen values and the dynamic response of continuous systems. Vibration Analysis.E. Solution of Eigen value problems – Normal coordinates.H.K. 2.. | Regulation 2011 |180 Free. Hurty and M.S.A. Ltd. Young. Mathematical Methods in Engineering. 1984. 1989. (b)An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. structures and propulsion in design. Hinkle. Vierck.New Delhi. New York. Effect of rotary inertia. Lagrange’s equations of motion and its applications. Harper & RowPublishers. Coupled natural modes. 9 Hours Unit IV Energy Methods Rayleigh’s principle and Rayleigh – Ritz method. 3. D”Alembert’s principle – Hamilton’s principle. S..New Delhi.C.Tse. 2nd Edition. basic sciences and engineering. U.. John Willey & Sons Inc. W. F. Dynamics of Structures. • To learn the framework design. Karman and A.T.. Timoshenko and D.. Course Outcome(s) . Shear on lateral vibrations of beams. Application of Matrix methods for dynamic analysis. Crowell & Co. airplane performance calculation and analysis. structure tension analysis.F.. R. 1988. trouble-shooting and maintenance and apply in design Programme Outcome(s) (a)An ability to understand principles of mathematics. Thomas Y. 1987. 1985.Biot. Reference(s) 1.0 Objective(s) • To learn flight vehicle design process and apply the knowledge of aerodynamics. of Tech. Mechanical Vibration. New York. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Orthogonality conditions of Eigen vectors. airplane exterior design. 11A028 FLIGHT VEHICLE DESIGN 3 0 0 3. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Relative merits of location of power plant. mission. . No. Prepare Structural design of fuselage. fail safe and fatigue requirements – Maneuvering load factors – Gust and maneuverability envelopes. stiffness. Balancing and maneuvering loads on tail planes. Classify the Level flight. What are the methods of analysis in Testing? Understanding 1. Write the Propeller characteristics and selection with merits? 3. Explain Characteristics of different types of power plants? 3. For an understanding and experience of design of an aerospace system. Assessment Pattern S. wings and undercarriages? UNIT I Review of Developments in Aviation Categories and types of aircrafts – various configurations – Layouts and their relative merits – strength.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. and final reporting. | Regulation 2011 |181 • • • • To understand the process of aircraft design and apply the knowledge of propulsion. Illustarte Layout peculiarities of subsonic and supersonic aircraft? 2. of Tech. or vehicle. Define the Strength and stiffness? 3. Estimate the Amount of loads on complete aircraft and components? Apply 1. take – off and landing calculations? 2. Describe the types of aircraft? 2. climb. Bannari Amman Inst. 9 Hours UNIT III ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. To experience working with others on multidisciplinary team to accomplish an engineering goal To experience preparing and delivering Preliminary and Critical Design Reviews. structures and aerodynamics. 9 Hours UNIT II Power Plant Types and Characteristics Characteristics of different types of power plants – Propeller characteristics and selection. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply/ Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 30 60 100 10 30 60 100 Model Examination♠ 10 30 60 100 Semester End Examination 10 30 60 100 Remember 1. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Bangalore.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.. connections and joints.0 Objective(s) • • • • The course is intended to build up necessary background for understanding basic concepts of measurement of forces and moments on models during the wind tunnel testing. Torenbeek. controls. Bannari Amman Inst.Sc. 1953. Michigan. To understand nature flow over the various components. | Regulation 2011 |182 Preliminary Design Selection of geometric and aerodynamic parameters – Weight estimation and balance diagram – Drag estimation of complete aircraft – Level flight. AIAA Series. E. 1980. Necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. 1976. AERODYNAMICS AND PROPULSION ELECTIVES 11A005 WIND TUNNEL TECHNIQUES 3 0 0 3.I. 9 Hours UNIT V Structural Design Estimation of loads on complete aircraft and components – Structural design of fuselage. 2. II Edition. Methods of analysis.A. testing and fabrication. U. H. 2012. Integrated design approach to Design fly by wire Lecture notes Interline Pub. E. 3. Tristate Offset Co. Supersonic & Subsonic Airplane Design. Synthesis of Subsonic Airplane Design. Corning. .Kota. To learn the basic measurement procedure involving wind tunnel testing.P. I. Part-I. 1992. control requirements. Aircraft Design: A conceptual Approach. A. Raymer. Materials for modern aircraft. Loads on undercarriages and design requirements. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. London.F. Notes on airplane design. Bruhn. 2. To understand the application of various types of wind tunnels. Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures.S. climb. G. of Tech. D. tools and software packages. Programme Outcome(s) (f) An ability to use the internet and modern engineering techniques. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book(s) 1. Delft University Press.A. wings and undercarriages.. Static and dynamic stability estimates... 9 Hours UNIT IV Special Problems Layout peculiarities of subsonic and supersonic aircraft – optimization – of wing loading to achieve desired performance. Lebedenski. 3. 1971. Bangalore. Reference(s) 1. take – off and landing calculations – range and endurance. Edwards Brothers Inc.N. Name any two equipment. 9. To visualize the flow over the component by using various techniques. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. What is critical Mach number? What is Reynolds number? Define Mach number. . 2. Discuss the classification of wind tunnels in detail. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 8. Explain the techniques used for turbulence measurements in a wind tunnel. | Regulation 2011 |183 Course Outcome(s) 1. 5. 5. No (new version) 1 Remember 2 Understand 3 Apply 4 Analyze 5 Evaluate 6 Create Total Test I♠ 10 30 20 10 30 100 Test II♠ 10 20 20 40 10 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 20 40 10 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 20 40 10 100 Remember 1. Analysis of different components in wind tunnel. 3. Explain with a neat diagram the layout of a subsonic wind tunnel. Define laminar and turbulent flow. 3. The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. Accordingly. 4. Understand 1. 9. 3. Explain the techniques used for turbulence measurements in a wind tunnel. 2. of Tech. 2. Calibration of wind tunnels 4. ♠ What is meant by subsonic and transonic speed regime? What is meant by LDA? What is meant by PIV? How the surfaces are streamlines and turbulence measured in wind tunnels? Explain the Buckingham’s π Theorem. which is used for the measurement of force? What are the techniques adopted to visualize Shock waves. 11. 7. Name any two equipment used in the calibration of wind tunnels. 8. Bannari Amman Inst. Improve the accuracy of results by using various methods. Name any two equipment used for the measurements of velocity. 4. 6. Explain in detail the calibration of a supersonic tunnel. 6. Write notes on: (a) Setting Mach number in a transonic wind tunnel (b) Measurements of turbulence level in a transonic wind tunnel. 10. Assessment Pattern Bloom’s Taxonomy S. What are the classifications of wind tunnel? Define horizontal buoyancy. 7. velocity and force in a wind tunnel. Study of boundary layer wind tunnel. Explain with a neat sketch the working of a hot wire anemometer. Unit I Principles of Model Testing Buckingham π theorem – non-dimensional numbers –scale effect and types of similarities. 9 Hours Unit II Wind Tunnels Classification – special problems of testing in subsonic. What types of wind tunnel balances are used to ascertain forces and moments on an airplane model in a low speed wind tunnel? Hence describe the underlying principles of an external type wind tunnel balance for measuring lift. of Tech. 12. Evaluate 1. 2. It is desired to obtain pressure distribution of a rotating circular cylinder kept in the test section of a wind tunnel. What are the essential conditions to be satisfied for the results to be carried from the model to the prototype? Are there any limitations or preconditions involved? 3. Discuss the smoke and tuft grid techniques used for flow visualization. 16. Briefly discuss the scale effects of similarities. various types of low speed wind tunnels based upon the details of the flow in test section. Explain the term dynamic similarity. | Regulation 2011 |184 10. Explain in detail the calibration of a supersonic wind tunnel. Briefly explain the optical methods used for flow visualization. Briefly explain the optical methods used for flow visualization. 2. Importance of calibration and calibration methods. Describe the basis for the measurement of pressure and instruments used for the purpose. supersonic and hypersonic speed regions – layouts – sizing and design parameters. Explain the phenomenon of separation of flow over a 2D wing with the help of liquid paraffin generated smoke wire technique with good sketches. 14. 2. Study of different types testing models. Design the test section for supersonic speed. What are its advantages and applications? Illustrate with theory and an example. What are its merits over kerosene generated smoke? 4. Create 1. Analyze 1. 11. Bring out the essential features of a strain gauge based six component internal wind balance. 15.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. drag and pitching moments over a finite span wing. transonic. 13. 9 Hours Unit III Calibration of Wind Tunnels Test section speed – horizontal buoyancy – flow angularities – turbulence measurements – associated instrumentation – calibration of supersonic tunnels. Explain how the six components are measured using the balance. Design the subsonic wind tunnel. 3. Briefly explain the measurement of pressure. Explain the dynamic similarity between a wind tunnel model and the prototype to be flight-tested. . 4. What is understood by the term low speed wind tunnel in aerodynamic testing? Describe with brief details through sketches and plots. Bannari Amman Inst. 9 Hours Unit IV Wind Tunnel Measurements Pressure and velocity measurements – force measurements – three component and six component balances – internal balances. Explain with a neat sketch the working of a hot wire anemometer. of Tech. What is turning angle? 2. | Regulation 2011 |185 Pressure transducers. 5. 11A006 SPACE MECHANICS 3 0 0 3. W. Knowledge of atmosphere or space layers. Course Outcome(s) 1. Bannari Amman Inst. Accordingly.. 3. Assessment Pattern S. . Water flow visualization method. High Speed wind Tunnel Testing.H. 4.. Discuss two dimensional and three dimensional interplanetary trajectory analyses. necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. A. Low Speed Wind Tunnel Testing.0 Objective(s) • To study the basic concepts of orbital Mechanics with particular emphasis on interplanetary trajectories Programme Outcome(s) (d) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques. 1984.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 1985. 6. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Knowledge of earth orbits. L. and Goin. 9 Hours Unit V Flow Visualization Smoke and tuft grid techniques – dye injection special techniques – optical methods of flow visualization. Explain solar radiation perturbation and Luni-solar perturbation. tools and software packages. A. Pope. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Rae. and Pope. John Wiley. References 1. 3. Different types space vehicles and satellite. ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 1. Discuss the various assumptions considered in two body mechanics. Explain the various orbital elements required to describe a satellite with respect to the earth. 2. Describe in detail Cowells and Encke’s methods as applicable to orbital perturbations. John Wiley Publication. No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply/Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ 10 20 60 10 100 Test II♠ 10 20 40 30 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 40 30 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 40 30 100 Remember 1. What does a geostationary orbit mean for data transfer? Understand 1. 2. Study of the earth’s atmosphere. Where. 8. liquid oxygen). 5. What is synodic period? Analyze 1. 7. Halley’s Comet last passed perihelion in 1986. Discuss the means to control the attitude of a spacecraft.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Is this sufficient to bring a satellite in a low earth orbit with 90 minutes orbital period? 3. What are important parameters for spacecraft? 9. Discuss about solar electron and solar proton events. Calculate the theoretical final velocity of the V2 with Tsiolkovski. Study of orbital Elements.9564 AU and eccentricity (e) = 0. 9 Hours Unit II The General N-Body Problem The many body Problem – Lagrange – Jacobian Identity –The Circular Restricted Three Body Problem – Libration Points. What are the factors in space environment that affect spacecraft material? 10. | Regulation 2011 |186 7. Explain the Jacobian identity. assuming that the exhaust velocity of the rocket engine is 2250 m/s (ethanol + 25% water. Which are the essential elements in the mission need analysis for a new space system? 3. 2. Method of vibrations of orbital elements. What is the principle used for position determination in the GPS system? 6. Explain about meteoroids and micrometeoroids. 10.967298. [One astronomical unit (AU) is the distance between the earth and the sun]. Calculate the velocity loss (gravity loss) ∆Vg during the launch. of Tech. 9 Hours Unit IV . Where does aerodynamic disturbance torques come from? 4. It has a semi-major axis(a) = 17. Explain the spacecraft mission parts. Bannari Amman Inst. Calculate the period of Halley’s Comet and predict the year of next return. What are the four main areas of space application? 8. assuming a rocket engine burning time of 5 minutes. Unit I Basic Concepts The solar system – references frames and coordinate systems – the celestial sphere – the ecliptic – motion of vernal equinox – sidereal time – solar time – standard time. How does the Reaction Control System (RCS) affect the perturbations caused to spacecraft in orbit? Apply / Evaluate 1. 9 Hours Unit III Satellite Injection and Satellite Orbit Perturbations General aspects of satellite injections – satellite orbit transfer –various cases – orbit deviations due to injection errors – special and general perturbations – Cowell’s method – Encke’s method – General perturbations approach. 9. Discuss the spacecraft subsystems and their functions.Relative Motion in the N-body Problem –Two –Body Problem – Satellite Orbits – Relations Between Position and Time. Van de Kamp. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Application of ground machines. G. Assessment Pattern S...W.. Pitman. References 1.P. 11A007 INTRODUCTION TO V/STOL AND GROUND EFFECT MACHINES 3 0 0 3. Sutton.. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Rotorcraft and Hovercraft. Materials for Missiles and Spacecraft. 3. e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. John Wiley. W. 2. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks.optimal flights – time of flight – re – entry phase – the position of the impact point – influence coefficients. 2. Inc. of Tech. J. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 1. P. Freeman & Co.R. 1993. Knowledge of aerodynamics and flight dynamics. Bannari Amman Inst.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Rocket Propulsion and Space Dynamic. 1982. 1979.. Course Outcome(s) 1. Parker E.0 Objective(s) • To understand the principles of operation of Helicopters. Trajectory paths of launch vehicles for polar orbit and geosynchronous orbit. Cornelisse. Space environment – peculiarities – effect of space environment on the selection of spacecraft material. . No 1 2 3 4 5 ♠ Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply/Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ 10 30 50 10 100 Test II♠ 10 30 50 10 100 Model Examination♠ 10 30 50 10 100 Semester End Examination 10 30 50 10 100 The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. Elements of Astromechanics. 9 Hours Unit V Ballistic Missile Trajectories and Materials The boost phase – the ballistic phase –trajectory geometry. 1984. Rocket Propulsion Elements..H. Spacecraft and missile materials. | Regulation 2011 |187 Interplanetary Trajectories Two dimensional interplanetary trajectories –fast interplanetary trajectories – three dimensional interplanetary trajectories – launch if interplanetary spacecraft –trajectory about the target planet. Accordingly. Programme Outcome(s) d) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. 8. 5. Define the blade twist? 3. profile and parasite power requirements in forward flight curves with effects of altitude preliminary ideas on helicopter stability. 10. Explain the flight envelope diagram and maneuvering loads.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. | Regulation 2011 |188 Remember 1. 2. What is an auxiliary rotor? 3. Explain lift symmetry. Elaborate the Retreating blade stall concept. Create 1. 10. State the effect the tail rotor will have on power available to the main rotor. 6. What are the limitation of rotor RPM? 9. Explain the procedure for weighing helicopter. 9 Hours Unit IV Lift. 8. Discuss the working mechanism of hovercraft. Explain the total power required for helicopter performance. What are the forces acting on the main rotor blades in rotation? 5. Draw and label a blade element diagram for powered flight. 2.speed envelope. of Tech. 9 Hours Unit III Power Estimates Induced. Hovering and stability of helicopter. Discuss the limiting height . Understand 1. Unit I Elements of Helicopter Aerodynamics Configurations Based On Torque Reaction-Jet Rotors and Compound Helicopters-Methods of Control – Collective and Cyclic Pitch Changes – Lead – Lag and Flapping Hinges. What is advancing blade concept? 2. Apply / Evaluate 1. Define the auto rotative and anti-auto rotative areas. Study of different existing rotor dynamic helicopter and their specifications. 7. 9. Discuss on the variables affecting aerodynamic coefficients. 7. Blade element theory and momentum theory. Bannari Amman Inst. Explain the effects of flapping. Propulsion and Control of V/STOL Aircraft . Explain take-off and landing performance. 4. Determine the stability characteristics of helicopter. 9 Hours Unit II Ideal Rotor Theory Hovering performance – momentum and simple blade element theories – figure of merit – profile and induced power estimation – constant chord and ideal twist rotors. 3. What is the fail safe concept? 4. Interpret how a vortex is formed and how it affects the efficiency of the rotor system. Explain the parameters which influence the main rotor design. 6. State the effects that increased density altitude has on power available and power required. Define the stability augmentation system. lift augmentation and power calculations for plenum chamber and peripheral jet machine – drag of hovercraft on land and water. Gupta. Course Outcome(s) 1. Helicopter Engineering. B. No (new version) 1 Remember 2 Understand 3 Apply/ Evaluate 4 ♠ Analyze Test I♠ 10 20 50 Test II♠ 10 20 50 Model Examination♠ 10 20 50 Semester End Examination 10 20 50 - - - - The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. vehicle stability and control. Assessment Pattern Bloom’s Taxonomy S. transition and forward motion. propulsion systems and computational methods to solve beginning level problems in rocket and missiles Programme Outcome(S) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. and Myers. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Gessow. Bannari Amman Inst. rotor. To describe the principles and working of vehicle-performance.Y. N. 2. of Tech. Aerodynamics of Helicopter. 1987. 1980. Princeton University Press. 2.. Academic Press. Development in cooling method for heat protection.. Accordingly..W. (d) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. .. 11A008 ROCKETS AND MISSILES 3 0 0 3.0 Objective(s) • • To introduce basic concepts of design and trajectory estimation of rocket and missiles. B. McCormick. W. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. Applications of hovercraft.C. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. References 1. Himalayan Books. Performance analysis of stage separations 4.. John Wiley.. Aeronautics & Flight Mechanics. Johnson..W. 2body orbit theory. 3. Performance and thrust calculations of VSTOL. Aerodynamics of V/STOL Flight. Helicopter Theory. 1996. L. ducted fan and jet lift – tilt wing and vectored thrust – performance of VTOL and stol aircraft in hover. Improve the design for igniters 3. 1995. 9 Hours Ground Effect Machines Types – hover height. Macmillan & Co. Analysis of Thrust vector control 2. 1987. G. Aerodynamics. McCormick. | Regulation 2011 |189 Various configurations – propeller. is it necessary? What is radio fuse in missiles? Write a phase of missile guidance.The burnout time is 128 seconds. What is chugging in solid propellant burning? What is missile dispersion? What are the important component of airframe of rocket and missiles? Suggest the fins in rocket. | Regulation 2011 |190 5 Create Total 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100 Remember 1. Design a cooling chamber over the nozzle. 5. 14. What is zero lift trajectory? 8. 10. How are missiles classified? 5. 11. 3. 2. 6. What is kick angle? 9. What is thrust vector control? 11. the solid phase temperature is 354 k. Mention the aerodynamic characteristics of air to surface missiles. Estimate thermal efficiency of the propellant. A solid propellant rocket burns at a rate of 8. Suggest the materials for wing leading edges and nozzle throat? 13. 2.3 mm/sec and the burning surface temperature is 1073 K. How thrust control is achieved by jetevator control for rockets? 10. 3. 2. Design the rocket using various stage for long range missiles. 4.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Create . How do you characterize the pyrotechnic igniter from its performance point of view? What is tank collapse? Under what design requirements a turbo pump feed system is preferred over a pressure feed system for a liquid rocket engine. Design a Jet tabs and jet vanes for TVC. What is gravity turn trajectory? Discuss about thrust misalignment force. What are called pyrogen igniters? 2. 7. 13. 12.6 and 286seconds respectively. What are the different types of drag produced in missiles? 7. 8. List out the various types of liquid rocket engine injectors. Estimate the angle of attack at a time of 12 seconds after burnout. 6. 9. What is the wing control of supersonic guided missiles? 12. At a depth of micron from the burning surface. What materials are used for rear bodies of short range tactile missiles? Apply / Evaluate 1. 4. The rocket is tracing and inclined trajectory with a constant pitch angle of 38degree. Why SITVS is important for multistage rockets? What are the techniques that are used for stage separation of a space launch vehicle in space? Give details about canard control of guided missiles. 3. How cooling is necessary for re-entry bodies? Understand 1. Determine the mass ratio for vehicle optimization in the multistage rockets? 1. What is an adaptive nozzle? 15. Bannari Amman Inst. The mass ratio and specific impulse of a rocket are 5. of Tech. What is the role of caviations in propellant tank outlet design? 3. 15. What is the need for ceramic materials in missiles? 14. Ltd. of Tech. Rocket Propulsion Elements. New Delhi 1998.. Aerodynamic heating of rockets. Thrust vector controls. J.. M. automobiles. Mathur. Freeman & Co. Vinayak and Srinivasan. Parket. 9 Hours Unit II Aerodynamics of Rockets and Missiles Airframe components of rockets and missiles – forces acting on a missile while passing through atmosphere – classification of missiles – methods of describing aerodynamic forces and moments – lateral aerodynamic moment – lateral damping moment and longitudinal moment of a rocket – lift and drag forces – drag estimation – body upwash and downwash in missiles – rocket dispersion – numerical problems.. New York. 9 Hours Unit III Rocket Motion in Free Space and Gravitational Field One dimensional and two dimensional rocket motions in free space and homogeneous gravitational fields – description of vertical.P.. selection of materials – special requirements of materials to perform under adverse conditions. Gas Turbines and Jet and Rocket Propulsion. McGraw-Hill Book Co.. Aircraft materials.. 9 Hours Unit IV Staging and Control of Rockets and Missiles Rocket vector control – methods – thrust determination – SITVC – multistaging of rockets – vehicle optimization – stage separation dynamics – separation techniques. 4. R. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1993. 9 Hours Unit V Aero Thermo Heating and Materials Heat flux and heat transfer.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 1. Ejection of various stages of rockets. valves. Rocket Propulsion and Space Dynamics. 2.R.W.. propellant tanks outlet and helium pressurized and turbine feed systems – propellant slash and propellant hammer – elimination of geysering effect in missiles.. Combustion system of solid rockets. 2008.W. E. injector propellant feed lines. et al. G.. Ablative materials used in rockets and missiles. J. | Regulation 2011 |191 Unit I Classification of Missiles and Launch Vehicles Ignition system in rockets – types of igniters – igniter design considerations – design consideration of liquid rocket combustion chamber. References 1. and Sharma.P. Cornelisse. 1982. 1982. Bannari Amman Inst.0 Objective(s) • The course is intended to build up necessary background for understand the aerodynamic aspects of wind generators. London. 11A009 INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS 3 0 0 3. Inc. Standard Publishers. 3. Sutton. .. inclined and gravity turn trajectories – determination of range and altitude simple approximations to burnout velocity. Materials for Missiles and Spacecraft. buildings etc. 2. 3. What is a flume rise and discuss the different types of flume rise. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Accordingly. Analyze wind effects and flow induced vibrations. 3.. Write short notes on: (a) Applications of wind energy (b) Savonius rotor (c) Darrius rotor (d) Wind energy storage. What is down force? What is the importance of it in a racing car? What are the design changes that are required to increase the down force? What is a bluff body? Discuss about the effects of Reynolds number on wake formation of bluff bodies? Define: (a) Structure of wind (b) Terrain and the dynamics of wind over the terrain (c) Variation of wind speed with height in an open terrain The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ 10 20 30 20 20 100 Test II♠ 10 20 30 20 20 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 30 20 20 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 30 20 20 100 Remember 1. 6. 4. (b) Atmospheric boundary layer. Course Outcome(s) 1. 5. 9. of Tech. To learn the aerodynamics important in recent industries. Assessment Pattern S. ♠ What is meant by terrain? Define: (a) Boundary layer. 8. | Regulation 2011 |192 • • To understand the application of various aerodynamic aspects in vehicles and buildings etc. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft Systems and components. Bannari Amman Inst. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. . Programme Outcome(s) (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. Analysis of aerodynamics in automobiles. Performance analysis buildings and building ventilation. 7.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 2. What is the effect of atmospheric boundary layer on the car? Define galloping and discuss various types of galloping. 10. 7. What is pressure? How is pressure of wind affected by the shape of the car? How is it affected by the speed of the car? Draw good sketches. Analyze A wind of 10 m/s is blowing over a level ground at the foot of a hill. The torque and axial thrust.015 ii. Calculate the total wind power for wind velocities of 5. The total power density in the wind stream ii. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy conversion systems. 1. 3. Discuss in brief about the various design parameters of a chimney with neat sketches. 6. Describe the aerodynamic forces on a wind turbine (wind mill) blade. 3. 12. Is the terrain affected by the wind? Explain. and diameter D of a horizontal axis wind machine. 4. µr = 0. 2. Discuss about separation and reattachment and what are the four variables that affect it discuss. Compare and contrast the effects of atmospheric boundary layer and boundary layer on a low speed car and on a high speed car. Mass of the car = 1251Kg iii. What are the forces acting on a moving car? Derive the expression for power required to move the car? 5. 10 and 15 m/s and rotor diameters of 20 and 40 m. Prove that in case of horizontal axis wind turbine maximum power can be obtained when The exit velocity is = ( 1/3 ) wind velocity and Pmax = (8/27) ? A V3 Explain all the parameters clearly. maximum obtainable power density and total power obtained. | Regulation 2011 |193 10. Illustrate. State your assumptions very clearly.38. Silhouette area of the car A=1. Draw the variation of the wind speed over the hill starting from the top of the hill to a height of 50 ft. 11. Show the results graphically. The maximum obtainable power density assuming ? = 35% iii. 4. What is the shape you recommend for the blade and why? Evaluate 1. Discuss about the various design parameters that have to be considered for a tail building. Cd of a car = 0. i. Describe the external shape of a racing car using sketches for the three views. 13. Derive the expression for total power (available power). of Tech. (a) Calculate the resistant force of rolling friction? . 9. How is the wind affected by the terrain? 2. Why is wind energy classified as secondary? Explain and justify or give your reasons against. Explain all the variables used. Explain the effects of environmental winds in city blocks in brief. The turbine has a diameter of 20 m and its operating speed is 30 rpm at maximum efficiency. What is the basic principle of wind energy conversion? Understand 1. Derive the expression for the available (total) wind power for a wind speed of V. 5. Discuss about the pressure distribution on low rise building in brief.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Wind at 1 standard atmospheric pressure and 15 degree Celsius temperature has a velocity of 15 m/s. From the following parameters i. (d) Gust.77m2 iv. 8. Explain about the importance of the height of the chimney and velocity ratio in the study of diffusion of effluents in brief. The total power produced in kilo Watts iv. Bannari Amman Inst. 14. Describe the principle by which the wind speed is converted into useful energy by a wind mill. Calculate i. Sachs. power coefficient.D. | Regulation 2011 |194 6. building ventilation and architectural aerodynamics. London. i. galloping and stall flutter. 1978. Create 1. 9 Hours Unit III Building Aerodynamics Pressure distribution on low rise buildings. What are the factors to be considered if you would proceed with harnessing wind energy? Discuss whether any additional sources of energy those have to be utilized simultaneously.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.. Flow Induced vibrations. Blevins. 2. V2 = 54kmph iii. environmental winds in city blocks.. (b) Calculate air resistance force for different speeds and calculate the power required. Unit I Wind Energy Collectors Types of winds... 1998. R.Y. Study of car and trainaerodynamics. 1988. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. Show conclusively whether you would invest over wind energy in India or not. 9 Hours Unit II Ground Vehicle Aerodynamics Power requirement and drag coefficients of automobiles. Environmental Aerodynamics. . Charles Griffin & Co. 2. special problems of tall buildings. atmospheric boundary layer. effects of cut back angle. Scorer. Wind Forces in Engineering. wind forces on buildings. 11A023 INTRODUCTION TO COMBUSTION 3 0 0 3. Bannari Amman Inst. P. effect of terrain on gradient height. aerodynamics of trains and hovercraft. building codes. betz coefficient by momentum theory. Flow over the building model. N.S. Aerodynamics Drag Mechanisms of Bluff Bodies and road vehicles. 2. Plenum Press. References 1. England. of Tech. vortex induced vibrations. 9 Hours Unit V Industrial Gas Turbines Special features of industrial and stationary gas turbines as compared to aircraft gas turbines. Pergamon Press. Design the various parameters of a chimney with neat sketches. Study of wind mills. R. 9 Hours Unit IV Flow Induced Vibrations Effect of Reynolds number on wake formation of bluff shapes. V1 = 36kmph ii. causes of variation of winds. Sovran M. Horizontal axis and vertical axis machines.. V3 = 110kmph.0 Objective(s) • To know the composition of various types of fuels and their properties • To understand the thermodynamic of combustion • To understand the pollution from combustion of fuels and controlling them. Study of wake formation. Application of industrial aerodynamics.. Ellis Harwood Ltd.. 1979. (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. Apply 1. and heats of combustion. 2. | Regulation 2011 |195 Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. Classify the types of combustion. Write the equations for Hydrocarbon oxidation. Accordingly. • To make quantitative and qualitative estimates of characteristics of various combustion processes. Thermo . The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. heats of formation. of Tech. 3. Adiabatic flame temperature. Describe combustion stability briefly. ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. Give examples for Chemical Equilibrium. 2. UNIT I Introduction and Overview of Concepts in Combustion A Roadmap to Various Combustion Phenomena. Outline the combustion in gas turbine combustion chamber. Understand: 1. Sketch combustion chamber. • To discuss the fundamental physical and chemical principles of various combustion phenomena independent of an application • To address various combustion problems by extending the earlier-gained knowledge of thermodynamics. Define Combustion? 2. heats of reaction. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Bannari Amman Inst. . premixed flames.Hydrocarbon oxidation: Equivalence ratio.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.Chemical equations . What is equivalence ratio? 3. Diffusion flames. Course Outcome(s) • To explain the thermodynamics of combustion and analyse the composition of various types of fuels and their properties. fluid mechanics and heat/mass transfer. 3. Illustrate the CO emission and control. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ 20 20 30 30 100 Test II♠ 20 20 30 30 100 Model Examination♠ 20 20 30 30 100 Semester End Examination 20 20 30 30 100 Remember: 1. Assessment Pattern S. 2012 2. Dilip R. M. Sharma. London. 2001. Springer Verlag. Taylor & Francis Group. .P.. Ion and Electric Propulsion Theory and Design.. Applied Science Publishers Ltd. Sutton. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book(s) 1. Turns.. J. 11A024 CRYOGENICS 3 0 0 3.. 1988. Combustion Aerodynamics. New Delhi 1987. S..T.Combustion stability. S. Jet Rocket. Flame holder types and Flame stabilization Aerodynamics – Numerical problems.Supersonic combustion controlled by mixing.H. Measurement of burning velocity . diffusion and heat convection . Nuclear. Radiation by flames. Mathur..Deflagration Rankine – Hugoniot curve. and Chandra Mohan. Combustion of liquids: CO emissions and control.. 1981. 7th Edition John Wiley and Sons.Effect of various parameters on burning velocity . New Delhi.Various methods .Re-circulation – Combustion efficiency .. Combustion of solids: char oxidation. | Regulation 2011 |196 9 Hours UNIT II Chemical Kinetics and Flames Thermodynamics. An Introduction to Combustion Concepts and Applications. Combustion of solids: Coal and biomass paralysis. Reference(s) 1. 9 Hours UNIT V Supersonic Combustion Introduction . Inc. Ballal. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. McGraw Hill International Editions.Analysis of reaction and mixing processes. 2. 2000.Detonation . 2nd Edition. 9 Hours UNIT IV Combustion Phenomena and Applications Combustion of gases: NOx emissions and control. Bannari Amman Inst. and Sharma. Supersonic burning with detonation shocks. Chowdhury. Khanna Publishers. storage and transfer of cryogens..M..R. 4.. New Delhi. and Biblarz. R. and Chigier. N. Standard Publishers. G. 9 Hours UNIT III Combustion in Gas Turbine Engines Combustion in gas turbine combustion chambers . Applied Engineering Thermodynamics.0 Objective(s) • To understand the behavior of materials at low temperatures • To develop skills for designing cryogenic systems including refrigeration.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.. New York.P. Gas Turbine Combustion: Alternative Fuels and Emissions.Fuels used for gas turbine combustion chambers . New Delhi. Combustion of solids: SOx emissions and control. 3. Thermo chemistry and Chemical Equilibrium. 1986. R. Rocket Propulsion Elements. Fuels and Combustion. Beer.Flame stability .P. Arthur Henry Lefebvre. Loh. 4. New York 1982. and instrumentation. of Tech. W.A. Ltd. Gas Turbines and Jet and Rocket Propulsion.Factors affecting combustion efficiency . 3. liquid nitrogen and liquid oxygen. 3.Introduction to cryogenic propellants – Liquid hydrogen. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. . Properties of the cryogenic propellants. Apply: 1. (d) An ability to analyze aircraft systems and components. 3. | Regulation 2011 |197 Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical Engineering problems. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Bannari Amman Inst. Write the importance of Joule Thomson Effect. UNIT I Introduction Historical Background . No (new version) 1 Remember 2 Understand 3 Apply 4 Analyze 5 Evaluate 6 Create Total Test I♠ 10 30 60 100 Test II♠ 10 30 60 100 Model Examination♠ 10 30 60 100 Semester End Examination 10 30 60 100 Remember 1. Assessment Pattern Bloom’s Taxonomy S. Course Outcome(s) • To get introductory knowledge of cryogenic Engineering. Outline the Historical background of Cryogenics. • To get detailed knowledge of cryo-coolers. How does the reactions take place in expander cycle. 2. Describe Cascade process. Accordingly.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 9 Hours UNIT II Production of Low Temperature ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. 3. 2. Define zero gravity. of Tech. on which research is going on worldwide. Write the throttle expansion cycle. Predict the Magnetic effect. liquid helium. Understand: 1. Name the Cyogenic propellants. 2. Give examples for cryogenic propellants. • To get interest to embark on a research career in Cryogenic Engineering. Plenum Press.1 Fundamentals. Plenum Press.M Walker. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book(s) 1. New York and London. Cryogenics Process Engineering. Timmerhaus. . 1971. New York and London.The fraction liquefied . Plenum Press.Numerical problems 9 Hours UNIT V Cryogenic in Aerospace Applications Cryogenic liquids in Rocket launching and space simulation Storage of cryogenic liquids .Effect of cryogenic liquids on properties of aerospace materials – Cryogenic loading problems . G. of Tech.Ortho and H2 . Flynn.Thermodynamic efficiency.Cooling coefficient of performance . 1997. Cryogenic Systems.Zero gravity problems associated with cryogenic propellants . Course Outcome(s) • To know basics of hypersonic flow. | Regulation 2011 |198 Theory behind the production of low temperature . G.Phenomenon of tank collapse. 2. R.Cascade processJoule Thompson Effect .. Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems.specific amount of cooling . G. Cryocooler – Part – 2.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Thermodynamic analysis . Oxford University.Expansion engine heat exchangers . Bannari Amman Inst. Helium 4 and Helium 3 9 Hours UNIT III Efficiency of Cryogenic Systems Types of losses and efficiency of cycles . The energy balance Method 9 Hours UNIT IV Cycles of Cryogenic Plants Classification of cryogenic cycles . Reference(s) 1. 1983. 1983.. 2. Haseldom.M Walker. Barron.0 Objective(s) • To understand inviscid hypersonic flows. shock wave -boundary layer interaction and hypersonic aerodynamic heating.Magnetic effect . Academic Press.The structure of cycles – Throttle expansion cycles . Elimination of Geysering effect in rockets. viscous hypersonic flows and high temperature effects as they apply to hypersonic aerodynamics.Expander cycles. 3. Cryocooler – Part . (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret experimental data. F. 11A026 HYPERSONIC AERODYNAMICS 3 0 0 3. 1985. Cryogenic Fundamentals. New York. Bannari Amman Inst. Describe ocal surface inclination method. To understand the design issues for hypersonic wings. UNIT I Basics of Hypersonic Aerodynamics Thin shock layers – entropy layers – low density and high density flows – hypersonic flight paths hypersonic flight similarity parameters. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. To understand high temperature effects in hypersonic aerodynamics. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ 10 30 60 100 Test II♠ 10 30 60 100 Model Examination♠ 10 30 60 100 Semester End Examination 10 30 60 100 Remember: 1. Apply: 1. To apply the knowledge of recent developments in hypersonic aerodynamics with application to aerospace systems. 9 Hours UNIT III Approximate Methods for Inviscid Hypersonic Flows ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Shock wave and expansion wave relations of inviscid hypersonic flows. Calculation of surface flow properties. What is Newtonian theory? 3. How the blast waves produced? 3. Explain Thin shock layers. . Define entropy layers. Accordingly. 3. Understand: 1. 2. 2. Give examples for low and high density fluid. Assessment Pattern S. 2. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Sketch the boundary layer concepts. of Tech. Write the boundary layer equations. List out the parameters of Hypersonic flight. 9 Hours UNIT II Surface Inclination Methods for Hypersonic Inviscid Flows Local surface inclination methods – modified Newtonian Law – Newtonian theory – tangent wedge or tangent cone and shock expansion methods. | Regulation 2011 |199 • • • • To solve problems involving inviscid hypersonic flows and hypersonic flows. (e)An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. 9 Hours UNIT V Viscous Interactions in Hypersonic Flows Strong and weak viscous interactions – hypersonic shockwaves and boundary layer interactions –Estimation of hypersonic boundary layer transition.1991 2. . Pratt. 9 Hours UNIT IV Viscous Hypersonic Flow Theory Navier–Stokes equations – boundary layer equations for hypersonic flow – hypersonic boundary layer – hypersonic boundary layer theory and non similar hypersonic boundary layers – hypersonic aerodynamic heating and entropy layers effects on aerodynamic heating. Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics. Hypersonic Air Breathing propulsion. 1994 11A027 WIND POWER ENGINEERING 3 0 0 3. Bannari Amman Inst.New York. 2. design and control of wind turbines. • To learn the operation of a wind electric generator and wind turbine.0 Objective(s) • To learn how wind is generated and possible ways of extracting the same. • To estimate the resource potential.Anderson. Course Outcome(s) • Understand the aerodynamics. John D. John. Modern Compressible Flow with Historical perspective.D. (j)An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solution in a global and social context. Reference(s) 1.. Anderson. Heiser and David T.rotational method of characteristics. John T. 1996.New York.entropy effects . Washington D. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Test Book(s) 1. William H. Bertin.. | Regulation 2011 |200 Approximate methods hypersonic small disturbance equation and theory – thin shock layer theory– blast wave theory . of Tech. AIAA Education Series. Heat flux estimation. Programme Outcome(s) (b)An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. Jr. McGraw-Hill Series. McGraw-Hill Series.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. AIAA Inc. Hypersonic shockwave shapes and correlations. 2003. Jr. Hypersonic and High Temperature Gas Dynamics. Role of similarity parameter for laminar viscous interactions in hypersonic viscous flow. | Regulation 2011 |201 • • • Estimate wind power potential of a particular area Prepare and evaluate detailed project reports for establishing a wind farm. 9 Hours UNIT II Wind Characteristics and Resources General characteristics of the wind resource.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 3. Define Wind data. 9 Hours UNIT III Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines Overview. Ideal horizontal axis wind turbine with wake rotation. Describe the aerodynamics concepts in aerofoils. Write the one dimensional momentum theory. 2. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. Prdict the blade element theory. Motivations. Apply 1. Atmospheric boundary layer characteristics. Wind turbine energy production estimates using statistical techniques. and Constraints.1-D Momentum theory. 2. Classify the modern wind turbine. List out the atmospheric boundary layer characteristics. Assessment Pattern S. Components and geometry. Explain Wind turbine control system. Airfoils and aerodynamic concepts -Momentum theory and blade element theory General rotor blade shape performance prediction. 3. Sketch the aerofoil. Wind data analysis and resource estimation. . Historical perspective. UNIT I Introduction to Wind Energy Background. Modern wind turbines. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. What is wind energy? 2. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ 10 30 60 100 Test II♠ 10 30 60 100 Model Examination♠ 10 30 60 100 Semester End Examination 10 30 60 100 Remember: 1. Understand the operation of a wind farm and economics of power generation. Understand: 1. Accordingly. Power characteristics. 3. Wind effects on structures . Land use impacts. Indian Standards for Building codes.5 Objective(s) • • • Introduce the students to the practical elements of experimental aerodynamics and to develop an appreciation for how aerodynamic data are acquired. N J Cook.Wind turbine siting . techniques and equipment commonly used in the field of experimental aerodynamics.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. To develop a working knowledge of experimental test facilities. Provide the students with an opportunity to apply modern instrumentation and measurement techniques to the acquisition of aerodynamic data and understand the inherent limitations of each technique. Building Aerodynamics. 9 Hours Text Book(s) 1. John Wiley & Sons Inc New York. 9 Hours UNIT V Environmental and Site Aspects Overview. Safety.Fundamentals and Applications to Design. 11A029 EXPERIMENTAL AERODYNAMICS 3 1 0 3.Installation and operation. . 1996. Tom Lawson. Butterworths. Part I & II. (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. London. IS: 875 (1987) Part III Wind loads. Design Guides to wind loading of buildings structures. To operate various instruments used in wind tunnel.Power transformers. Course Outcome(s) • • • To operate different types of wind tunnels and calibration of the instruments associated with them.Wind farms. Imperial College Press London. Reference(s) 1. | Regulation 2011 |202 Wind turbine rotor dynamics 9 Hours UNIT IV Wind Turbine Design and Control Brief design overview – Introduction -Wind turbine control systems -Typical grid-connected turbine operation -Basic concepts of electric power. Electrical machines. Bannari Amman Inst. Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. To analyze the uncertainty situations by using instruments. Emil Simiu & Robert H Scanlan. 2001 2.Overview of wind energy economics-Electromagnetic interference-noise. 1985 3.1987. of Tech. Write the imporatance of Flow visualization. Give examples for turbulent and laminar flow. . transonic.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Apply: 1. 2. of Tech. 3. Understanding: 1. Accordingly. 9 Hours UNIT II Wind Tunnel Measurements Characteristic features. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ 10 30 60 100 Test II♠ 10 30 60 100 Model Examination♠ 10 30 60 100 Semester End Examination 10 30 60 100 Remember: 1. | Regulation 2011 |203 Assessment Pattern S. Measurements in boundary layers. 3. UNIT I Basic Measurements in Fluid Mechanics Objective of experimental studies – Fluid mechanics measurements – Properties of fluids – Measuring instruments – Performance terms associated with measurement systems – Direct measurements . 2. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. supersonic and special tunnels Power losses in a wind tunnel – Instrumentation and calibration of wind tunnels – Turbulence. Discuss the importance of Taylor-Proudman theorem and Ekman layer. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Bannari Amman Inst. operation and performance of low speed. What is the principle of Wind Tunnel. Describe supersonic and special tunnels. How the Background Oriented Schliren (BOS) System working. 2.Analogue methods – Flow visualization –Components of measuring systems – Importance of model studies Experiments on Taylor-Proudman theorem and Ekman layer. Define Fluid. Sketch Pitot static tube. Illustate the examples for signal conditioning. 3.Wind tunnel balance – Principle and application and uses Balance calibration. 9 Hours UNIT III Flow Visualization and Analogue Methods ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. and Experiments in Fluids. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION ELECTIVES 11A010 AERO ENGINE MAINTANANCE AND REPAIR 3 0 0 3. 2. CRC Press. E. Hydraulic jumps. 9 Hours UNIT V Data Acquisition Systems and Uncertainty Analysis Data acquisition and processing – Signal conditioning . 9 Hours UNIT IV Pressure. Course Outcome(s) 1.Estimation of measurement errors – Uncertainty calculation Uses of uncertainty analysis. Analysis of symptom failure in different engine system.Interferometer – Fringe-Displacement method – Shadowgraph . To get the knowledge of the inspection and overhaul of both piston and jet engines. CRC Press – Taylor & Francis. Instrumentation. Performance analysis of both piston and jet engines 4. Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurements. Pressure transducers.0 Objective(s) • • To study the basic concepts of the maintenance and repair of both piston and jet aero engines and the procedures followed for overhaul of aero engines.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Bannari Amman Inst.. Hydraulic analogy. Velocity and Temperature Measurements Pitot-Static tube characteristics . Robert B Northrop. of Tech.Velocity measurements . (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. Second Edition. 2007. Analysis of different modes of heat transfer over the engine due to spark plug. Temperature measurements.Schlieren system – Background Oriented Schliren (BOS) System. Rathakrishnan. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 1. Electrolytic tank. 2006. Programme Outcome(s) (d) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. . Taylor & Francis. Improve the efficiency of the engine operation condition at various altitude 3. Measurements.Hot-wire anemometry – Constant current and Constant temperature Hot-Wire anemometer – Hot-film anemometry – Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) – Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) – Pressure Sensitive Paints – Pressure measurement techniques. Reference 1. | Regulation 2011 |204 Visualization techniques – Smoke tunnel – Hele-Shaw apparatus . What is the operating principle of piston and jet engine? List out the types of piston engine. 8. What is TBO? List out the types of jet fuels. 5. ♠ How does the turbine transmit the power to the compressor? Discuss the purpose of hopper in the oil tank. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 7. 3. 19. What is mean by periodic system? How the automatic fuel dump valve is used? Define overhaul engine. 12. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 7. 10. What is rebuilt engine? Can a propeller be drive by a turbine engine? What is the temperature of air entering the combustion chamber? What are interconnectors? Understand 1. 13. of Tech. 18. 9. 9. 8. What is the purpose of dynamic dampers? What is the necessary to use the piston pins in engines? What is the trouble shooting? What is the purpose of using the supercharger? Is scheduled maintenance is necessary for the engines? Why? What is online maintenance? Define counter weights. 16. 17. 2. 6. Accordingly. 10.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 14. | Regulation 2011 |205 Assessment Pattern Bloom’s Taxonomy S. What is film cooling? Discuss about thrust reversal. What is valve overlap? Define trend analysis. thermal and overall efficiency of the engines. 4. How the electronic imaging is useful for inspection? What is certified repair station? What are the engine overhaul tools? Define pre-oiling. No (new version) 1 Remember 2 Understand 3 Apply 4 Analyze 5 Evaluate 6 Create Total Test I♠ 30 40 30 100 Test II♠ 30 40 30 100 Model Examination♠ 30 40 30 100 Semester End Examination 30 40 30 100 Remember 1. 3. Bannari Amman Inst. 5. 6. . 15. The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. 4. What is power check? Define propulsive. 11. 20. 2. 13. 17. . What is back firing and after firing? Engine preheating is necessary or not? List the types of compress tester. of Tech. Difference between inspection and maintenance. control and exhaust systems – engine mount and super charger – checks and inspection procedures. Bannari Amman Inst. 9 Hours Unit II Inspection of Piston Engines Inspection and maintenance and troubleshooting – inspection of all engine components – daily and routine checks – overhaul procedures – compression testing of cylinders – special inspection schedules – engine fuel. 9 Hours Unit V Overhaul Procedures Engine overhaul procedures – inspection and cleaning of components – repairs schedules for overhaul – balancing of gas turbine components. Design a turbojet engine with reducing the noise. 9 Hours Unit III Tools and Instruments for Inspection of Piston Engines Symptoms of failure – fault diagnostics – case studies of different engine systems – 1: tools and equipment requirements for various checks and alignment during overhauling – tools for inspection – tools for safety and for visual inspection – methods and instruments for non destructive testing techniques – equipments for replacement of part and their repair. 15. 2. Unit I Classification of Piston Engine Components Types of piston engines – principles of operation – function of components – materials used – details of starting the engines – details of carburetion and injection systems for small and large engines – ignition system components – spark plug details – engine operation conditions at various altitudes – maintenance and inspection check to be carried out. Various piston engines used in aircraft industry with specifications. Types of tools and instruments used for piston engine. 12. Engine testing: engine testing procedures and schedule preparation – online maintenance. 18. Various jet engines used in aircraft industry with specifications. 14. 9 Hours Unit IV Classification of Jet Engine Components 12 types of jet engines – principles of operation – materials used – details of starting and operation procedures – gas turbine engine inspection & checks – use of instruments for online maintenance – special inspection procedures: foreign object damage -blade damage – etc. Gas turbine testing procedures – test schedule preparation – storage of engines – preservation and depreservation procedures. | Regulation 2011 |206 11. Maintenance procedure of gas turbine engines – trouble shooting and rectification procedures – component maintenance procedures – systems maintenance procedures. Design and analysis of the nozzle by using the jet vanes.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 16. What is mean by carburettor? What are the materials used in crankshaft? List out the major parts of piston engine? How is turbine blade attached to the disk? What is the maximum RPM of a turbine engine? Create 1. Bannari Amman Inst. 2005. etc… Analysis of different safety practices. The Aircraft Gas turbine engine and its Operation. New Delhi. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 4. New Delhi. Turbomeca. 7th edition – TATA McGraw Hill. No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply/Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ 10 20 60 10 100 Test II♠ 10 20 60 10 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 60 10 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 60 10 100 Remember 1. Gas Turbine Engines. 2. United Technologies’ Pratt and Whitney. Aircraft Power plants. rigging. Analysis of various aircraft structural components.New Delhi. Course Outcome(s) 1. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. Assessment Pattern S. Krores and Wild. (latest edition) The English Store. ♠ Define soldering and brazing. The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. 2010. . | Regulation 2011 |207 Trouble shooting – procedures for rectification – condition monitoring of the engine on ground and at altitude – engine health monitoring and corrective methods. 2. Analysis of different types of welding techniques.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 3. of Tech. basic sciences and engineering. 11A011 AIRFRAME MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 3 0 0 3. Different types of maintenance. The English Book Store. Accordingly. References 1.0 Objective(s) • To study the maintenance aspect of airframe systems and rectification of snags Programme Outcome(sS) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. Understanding the procedure and concept of jacking. 1993. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |208 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Explain what welding jigs means? State and explain different types of welding. Define reverse technology. Define composites. Different types of plastics used in aircraft. Define the term MRO. Define autoclave. How to do tracking in helicopter blades. Define C.G. State different types of trouble shooting methods. What is mean by load factor? Explain what troubleshooting means? What are the different cases of fires? Define APU. Define rain removal system. Define jacking. Define composite components. Define weighting of aircraft. Understand 1. Differentiate repair and maintenance. 2. Explain the use of tracking in helicopter? 3. Explain what rigging means? 4. Differentiate anti icing and deicing. 5. What are the advantages of rain removal systems? 6. What are the disadvantages of fire protection systems? 7. Differentiate the term jacking and rigging. 8. Compare the advantages of composites used in aircraft. 9. Give the procedure for jacking. 10. What is mean by inspection? 11. What are the factors affect the strength of composites at high temperatures? 12. Differentiate fixed landing gear and retractable landing gear system. 13. What are the limitations of aircraft pressurization system? 14. Advantages of composite materials over Al. 15. What are the uses of pneumatic systems? 16. Write the limitations of water and waste water systems. 17. Write the limitations of plastic materials. 18. Differentiate the term hydraulic and pneumatic system. Apply / Evaluate 1. Differentiate between aircraft pneumatic and hydraulic systems. 2. Comment on classification of shock absorbers. 3. With the help of a neat sketch explain the function of landing gear system. 4. With a neat sketch, explain position and warning system. 5. Write short notes on rain removal system with neat sketch 6. List the function of NDT systems and components. 7. Write short notes a working principle of fire protection system with neat sketch 8. With a neat illustration, explain APU systems used in aircraft. 9. Explain about gravity feed & pressure feed fuel system. 10. Describe aircraft furnishing practices with neat sketch. Unit I Welding in Aircraft Structural Components Equipments used in welding shop and their maintenance – ensuring quality welds – welding jigs and fixtures – soldering and brazing. Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |209 Sheet Metal Repair and Maintenance Inspection of damage – classification – repair or replacement – sheet metal inspection – N.D.T. Testing – riveted repair design, damage investigation – reverse technology. Study about different types of welding joints and their symbols. 9 Hours Unit II Plastics and Composites in Aircraft Review of types of plastics used in airplanes – maintenance and repair of plastic components – repair of cracks, holes etc., various repair schemes – scopes. Inspection and repair of composite components – special precautions – autoclaves. Composites used in aviation industries. 9 Hours Unit III Aircraft Jacking, Assembly and Rigging Airplane jacking and weighing and C.G. Location. Balancing of control surfaces – inspection maintenance. Helicopter flight controls. Tracking and balancing of main rotor. Significance of centre of gravity and its location. 9 Hours Unit IV Review of Hydraulic and Pneumatic System Trouble shooting and maintenance practices – service and inspection. – inspection and maintenance of landing gear systems. – inspection and maintenance of air-conditioning and pressurisation system, water and waste system. Installation and maintenance of instruments – handling – testing – inspection. Inspection and maintenance of auxiliary systems – fire protection systems – ice protection system – rain removal system – position and warning system – auxiliary power units (APUs). Comparison between hydraulic and pneumatic systems. 9 Hours Unit V Safety Practices Hazardous materials storage and handling, aircraft furnishing practices – equipments. Trouble shooting theory and practices. Importance of safety practices. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 1. Kroes, Watkins, Delp, Aircraft Maintenance and Repair, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2010. References 1. Larry Reithmeir, Aircraft Repair Manual, Palamar Books, Marquette, 1992. 2. Brim D.J.and Bogges H.E., Aircraft Maintenance, Pitman Publishing corp. New York. 11A012 AIR TRANSPORTAION AND AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE 3 0 0 3.0 Objective(s) • The course is intended to build up necessary background for understanding the aircraft transportation and maintenances. • To understand the procedure for issue of civil aviation requirements. • To learn the objective and target of aircraft transport and aircraft maintenances. Programme Outcome(s) (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |210 (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. Course Outcome(s) 1. Scope of preparation and use of ICAO,DGCA,BCAS,AAL,AGO 2. To understand the issue of type approval of aircraft components and equipment including instruments 3. Improve the defect “Airline Revenue”, “Airline Cost,” recording, reporting, investigation, rectification and analysis. Assessment Pattern S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply/Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ 10 20 60 10 Test II♠ 10 20 60 10 Model Examination♠ 10 20 60 10 Semester End Examination 10 20 60 10 100 100 100 100 Remember 1. What does Annex.18 and Annex.13 of ICAO stand for? 2. What do you mean by SARP? 3. Draw the structural diagram of ICAO. 4. What do you mean by “Open skies” agreement? 5. What do you mean by Cambotage? 6. What do you mean by On demand Air transportation? 7. What does DGCA, BCAS and AAI stands for? 8. Define Airworthiness. 9. What is the concept of international multi-media transport? 10. Differentiate between amortization and depreciation. 11. What is the role of Civil Aviation authorities? Name any five. 12. What do you mean by “Bottom up” and “Top down” approach for maintenance? 13. What is AOG? 14. Define “Down time”. 15. What do you mean by “MRO”? Understand 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ♠ Write a brief note on line personnel. What do you mean by span of control in level of management? What do you mean by yield management? Differentiate between macro and micro economics. What do you mean by code sharing agreements? What is fleet assignment and A/C routing? Differentiate between “Airline Revenue” and “Airline Cost”. What is utilization? The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Accordingly, internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |211 9. Explain different types of international tariffs. 10. Who should have control of material – maintenance or finance? Apply & Evaluate: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define Human Factor. What costs are involved in flight operations? Differentiate between flight crew and ground crew. How do they assist each other? Differentiate between visual and transit checks. What is “MCC”? Also define “PIREPS”. Create 1. Differentiate between scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. 2. Differentiate between MSI and SSI. 3. What is “Back shops”? 4. Define “BITE”? What is “EBU”? 5. What is line maintenance? How is it different from maintenance done in hanger? Unit I Introduction Development of air transportation, comparison with other modes of transport – Role of IATA, ICAO – The general aviation industry airline – Factors affecting general aviation, use of aircraft, airport: airline management and organization – levels of management, functions of management, Principles of organization planning the organization – chart, staff departments & line departments. Comparison of air transportation with other transportation systems. 9 Hours Unit II Airline Economics Forecasting – fleet size, fleet planning, the aircraft selection process, operating cost, passenger capacity, load factor etc. – passenger fare and tariffs – influence of geographical, economic & political factors on routes and route selection. Fleet Planning The aircraft selection process – fleet commonality, factors affecting choice of fleet, route selection and capital acquisition – valuation & depreciation – budgeting, cost planning – aircrew evaluation – route analysis – aircraft evaluation. Study about airline management. 9 Hours Unit III Principles of Airlines Scheduling Equipment maintenance, flight operations and crew scheduling, ground operations and facility limitations, equipments and types of schedule – hub & spoke scheduling, advantages / disadvantages & preparing flight plans – aircraft scheduling in line with aircraft maintenance practices. Study of commercial airline schedule. 9 Hours Unit IV Aircraft Reliability Aircraft reliability – The maintenance schedule & its determinations – Condition monitoring maintenance – Extended range operations (EROPS) & ETOPS Ageing aircraft maintenance production. 9 Hours Unit V Technology in Aircraft Maintenance Airlines scheduling (with reference to engineering) – product support and spares – maintenance sharing – equipments and tools for aircraft maintenance – aircraft weight control – budgetary control. Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |212 On board maintenance systems – engine monitoring – turbine engine oil maintenance – turbine engine vibration monitoring in aircraft – life usage monitoring – current capabilities of NDT – helicopter maintenance. Future of aircraft maintenance. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. Fedric J.H., Airport Management, 2000. 2. C.H. Friend, Aircraft Maintenance Management, 2000. References 1. Gene Kropf, Airline Procedures. 2. Wilson & Bryon, Air Transportation. 3. Philip Locklin D, Economics of Transportation. 4. Indian Aircraft manual – DGCA Pub. 5. Alexander T Wells, Air Transportation, Wadsworth Publishing Company, California, 1993. 11A013 HELICOPTER MAINTENANCE 3 0 0 3.0 Objective(s) • To provide the Applicant with a strong focus on the practical skills required to ensure safe performance of maintenance, inspections and routine work on the Helicopter according to the Maintenance Manual. Programme Outcome(s) (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. (k) A desire for continuous learning throughout the professional career. Course Outcome(s) 1. Analysis of different modes of rotor blade alignment 2. Improve the practice by handling the special purpose equipment 3. Analysis of different modes of Main Rotor Transmissions Assessment Pattern Bloom’s Taxonomy S. No (new version) 1 Remember 2 Understand 3 Apply 4 Analyze 5 Evaluate 6 Create Total Test I♠ 30 40 30 100 Test II♠ 30 40 30 100 Model Examination♠ 30 40 30 100 Semester End Examination 30 40 30 100 Remember ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Accordingly, internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 4. 2. 12. 10. 7.mast – stabilizer. 9. How to reduce the vibrations? What is span wise dynamic balance? Discuss about power transmission over the rotors. dampeners – swash plate flight control systems collective – cyclic – push pull tubes – torque tubes – bell cranks – mixer box – gradient unit control boosts – maintenance & inspection control rigging. Bannari Amman Inst. | Regulation 2011 |213 1. What is need of tail rotor system? How to design the fuselage? What types of arrangement is need to develop the skid gear? Discuss the control system in helicopter. 9. What is auto rotation adjustment? Create 1. 9 Hours Unit III Main Rotor Transmissions Engine transmission coupling – drive shaft – maintenance clutch – freewheeling units – spray clutch – roller unit – torque meter – rotor brake – maintenance of these components – vibrations – mounting systems – transmissions. List out the procedure for installation. 3. 7. Design the advance type of gears and bearing. 8. 2. 2. 5. 13. Design a power frame systems over the turbo shaft engine. Types of rotor system. Design and evaluate the different angle for tail rotors. What is mixer box? Discuss about drive shaft. Understand 1. 10. Unit I Helicopter Fundamentals Basic directions – ground handling. When the tracking occurs in helicopter? What is push pull tubes? Say about electronic balancing. 3. 6. Discuss about ground handling system. 9 Hours Unit IV . 14. bearing – gears. Study about design of transmission. 11. of Tech. 9 Hours Unit II Main Rotor System Head maintenance – blade alignment – static main rotor balance – vibration – tracking – span wise dynamic balance – blade sweeping –electronic balancing – dampener maintenance – counter weight adjustment – auto rotation adjustments – mast & flight control rotor .Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 3. Under what mechanism the bell crank will operate? Define rotor brake. Different methods of ground handling of helicopters. 8. What are all the different types of gears? Discuss about the direction control. 6. 5. How vibration occurs? What is the effect of blade sweeping? What is the purpose of dampers? Is maintenance and inspection is necessary for control rigging? How to develop the mounting system? Say about counterweight adjustment. 4. 11. procedure and air traffic service. Knowledge about aerodrome design and its functions. Analyze about various air traffic data. Course Outcome(s) 1. New Delhi. . 9 Hours Unit V Airframes and Related Systems Fuselage maintenance – airframe systems – special purpose equipment. • To learn about various instruments used for air traffic control Programme Outcome(s) (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. 2. 2. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks.0 Objective(s) • To study the procedure of the formation of aerodrome and its design. Larry Reithmier. Civil Aircraft Inspection Procedures. References 1. of Tech. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Accordingly. CAA. Structural analysis of airframe. 11A014 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL AND AERODROME DESIGN 3 0 0 3. Assessment Pattern Bloom’s Taxonomy S. 2000. 1992. Study of helicopter engines. Helicopter Maintenance. Part I and II. Bannari Amman Inst. 1986. What are the parts of ATC service? ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. Aircraft Repair Manual. | Regulation 2011 |214 Power Plants and Tail Rotors Fixed wing power plant modifications – installation – different type of power plant maintenance. • To study and understand about the air traffic control. 3. Tail rotor system – servicing tail rotor track – system rigging. Jeppesen.No (new version) 1 Remember 2 Understand 3 Apply 4 Analyze 5 Evaluate 6 Create Total Test I♠ 50 50 100 Test II♠ 50 50 100 Model Examination♠ 50 50 100 Semester End Examination 50 50 100 Remember 1. Jeppesons and Sons Inc. Analyze about various air traffic service. Palamar Books Marquette.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. English Book House.. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 1. What is meant by obstacles restriction? 7. 9 Hours Unit IV Aerodrome Data. | Regulation 2011 |215 2. – obstacles restriction. What are the visual aids for navigation? 9. physical characteristics. What are the visual aids for denoting obstacles? Understand 1. What is the scope and Provision of ATCs? 3. Study about communication between aircraft and ATC. 9 Hours Unit II Air Traffic Services Area control service. Compare RNAV and RNP. lateral and longitudinal separations based on time / distance. 2. Comparison between domestic and international airports. 6. 10.basic terminology – aerodrome reference code – aerodrome reference point – aerodrome elevation – aerodrome reference temperature – instrument runway. Alerting Services. Explain in detail the simple approach lighting system and various lighting systems. Explain aerodrome reference point. basic radar terminology – identification procedures using primary / secondary radar – performance checks – use of radar in area and approach control services – assurance control and coordination between radar / non radar control – emergencies – flight information and advisory service – alerting service – co-ordination and emergency procedures – rules of the air. Unit I Basic Concepts Objectives of ATS . of Tech. Visual Aids for Denoting Obstacles Emergency and Other Services . assignment of cruising levels minimum flight altitude ATS routes And significant Points – RNAV And RNP – Vertical. Explain the use of radar in area and approach control services. 4. Coordination. What is position report? 5. Explain Establishment. What is meant by RNAV and RNP? 4.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Study about ATC. 9 Hours Unit III Flight Information. 8. Emergency Procedures and Rules of the Air Radar service. designation and identification of units providing ATS – division of responsibility of control. Physical Characteristics and Obstacle Restriction Aerodrome data . 8. List and explain the different visual aids for navigation. of ATC service – scope and provision of ATCS – VFR & IFR operations – classification of ATS air spaces – varies kinds of separation – altimeter setting procedures – establishment. designation and identification of units providing ATS 3. Explain about physical characteristics and obstacle restriction. lateral and longitudinal separations based on time / distance – ATC Clearances – flight plans – position report. 9. Explain VASI & PAPI. Explain vertical. 9 Hours Unit V Visual Aids for Navigation. Compare VASI and PAPI. Explain in detail about altimeter setting procedures. Comparison of various ATC services. length of primary / secondary runway – width of runways – minimum distance between parallel runways etc. 5. Write in detail about identification procedures using primary/secondary radar 7. 10. Bannari Amman Inst. List the identification procedures using primary / secondary radar. 0 Objective(s) • • • The course is intended to build up necessary background for understanding the civil air rules and regulations which are being followed by Directorate General of Civil Aviation. Course Outcome(s) 1. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 1. Connaught Circus.visual aids for denoting obstacles. 2. (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. identification beacon – simple approach lighting system and various lighting systems – VASI & PAPI . of Tech. Connaught Circus. | Regulation 2011 |216 Visual aids for navigation wind direction indicator – landing direction indicator – location and characteristics of signal area – markings. References 1. reporting. . New Delhi. Improve the defect recording. Connaught Circus. the English book store. The English Book Store. Bannari Amman Inst. object to be marked and lighter – emergency and other services. PANS – RAC – ICAO DOC 4444. Scope of preparation and use of MEL 2.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 ♠ Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Test I♠ 50 50 - Test II♠ 50 50 - Model Examination♠ 50 50 - Semester End Examination 50 50 - The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. New Delhi. To understand the issue of type approval of aircraft components and equipment including instruments. general requirements – aerodrome beacon. 3. general requirements – various markings – lights. 17-1. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 17-1.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. New Delhi. latest Edition – The English Book Store. 11A015 AIRWORTHINESS REQUIREMENTS 3 0 0 3. I & II. Aircraft Manual (India) Volume I. 17-1. rectification and analysis Assessment Pattern S. AIP (India) Vol. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Latest Edition. Accordingly. To understand the procedure for Issue of Civil Aviation Requirements To learn the Objective and target of airworthiness directorate of CAR Programme Outcome(s) (i) An ability to recognize the importance of ethics in professional work. investigation. Types of navigation systems. Explain about the general requirement for grant of approval in Category ‘G’ training school. and what are the Investigation and analysis of defects for scheduled operators? 4. What are the furnishing materials in an aircraft? Explain the term CDL. What are the preparation and use of cockpit and emergency check list? 2.procedure of CAR issue. Prepare reporting and rectification of defects observed on aircraft? Unit I C. 5. Compare different types of organization in categories A. airworthiness regulations and safety oversight of engineering activities of operators.R. 11. amendments etc. and G.R. 5.R. E. investigation. C. What are the responsibilities of reporting. flight report.R? Understand 1. Explain the procedure for renewal of C of A of Indian register aircraft abroad. MEL. 6. Investigation and Reporting Defect recording. What are the responsibilities of reporting. reporting. objectives and targets of airworthiness directorate. Preparation and use of cockpit checklist and emergency list. B. 10. 3. Write The AME License. Series ‘B’ – Issue Approval of Cockpit Check List. analytical study of in-flight readings & recordings.A. C. What is the procedure relating to registration of aircraft? What are deficiency list in the aircraft? What is meant by flight report? What are the objectives and targets of airworthiness directorate? List out the provision of first aid kits and physician’s kits in an aircraft.A.. maintenance control by reliability method. List out the procedure for change of owner ship of the aircraft. What are the series in C. recording and investigation? 3. 2. Monitoring. rectification and analysis. of Tech. 12. 8. 8. . Series ‘C’ – Defect Recording. Explain the design aspects of procedure for issue of type approval of aircraft and equipment? Apply 1. CDL: Deficiency list (MEL & CDL). 9 Hours Unit II C. 7. What are the procedures for issue / revalidation of type certificate of aircraft and its engines/ propeller? 6. 9.A.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. What is meant by condition monitoring? What is meant by reliability method? Define reporting and rectification. What is meant by MEL? Define hard time maintenance. 14. List out the documents to be carried on board on Indian registered aircraft. 9. Series ‘A’ – Procedure for Civil Air Worthiness Requirements and Responsibility Operators Vis-à-vis Air Worthiness Directorate Responsibilities of operators / owners. 4.A. reporting and rectification of defects observed on aircraft. Apply the TBO – revision programme? 2. F. | Regulation 2011 |217 Total 100 100 100 100 Remember 1. D. 13. Bannari Amman Inst. its classification and experience requirements ? 3. 7. A.R.A. Concessions.’ 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. 2. Connaught Circus. Bannari Amman Inst. of Tech. maintenance of fuel and oil uplift and consumption records – light aircraft engines. C. ‘M’ 9 Hours Unit V C.A. Issue / revalidation of Certificate of Airworthiness. Civil Aviation Requirements with latest Amendment (Section 2 Airworthiness) – Published by DGCA. Aircraft Manual (India) Volume – Latest Edition.A. Weight and balance control of an aircraft.A. ‘F’ 9 Hours Unit IV C. Comparison between C. Aeronautical Information Circulars (relating to Airworthiness) from DGCA 2000. on condition maintenance of reciprocating engines. Provision of first aid kits & Physician’s kit in an aircraft. ‘D’ 9 Hours Unit III C.’ C’ and C. 17-1. | Regulation 2011 |218 C. References 1.A. B. Advisory Circulars from DGCA 2003.1.A.R. & G – Requirements of infrastructure at stations other than parent base. E. Mandatory Modifications / Inspections. Comparison between C. • To learn the concept of control system and its analysis. Series ‘E’ – Approval of Organisations Approval of organizations in categories A. Flight testing of aircraft for which C of A had been previously issued. New Delhi. New Delhi 2000.R.R.Connaught Circus.R. Comparison between C.A.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Series ‘D’ – Reliability and Aircraft Maintenance Programmes Reliability programmes (engines).R. Document to be carried on board on Indian registered aircraft. ‘X.R. . ‘T’ and C. fixing routine maintenance periods and component TBOs – initial & revisions. its classification and experience requirements.A.0 Objective(s) • To learn the concept of navigation and guidance system.R.R. TBO – revision programme. Comparison between C. Use furnishing materials in an aircraft. F. Series ‘F’ – Air Worthiness and Continued Air Worthiness Procedure relating to registration of aircraft. The English Book Store. Series ‘L’&’M’ Issue of AME License.A.A.A. C.R. Procedure for issue of type approval of aircraft components and equipment including instruments. Procedure for issue / revalidation of Type Certificate of aircraft and its engines / propeller. The English Book Store.17. 11A022 NAVIGATION GUIDANCE AND CONTROL 3 0 0 3. aircraft maintenance programme & their approval.’ E’ and C. Registration Markings of aircraft.R.A.R. 2. Procedure for issue of tax permit.R. Requirements for renewal of Certificate of Airworthiness. D. Aircraft log books. Series ‘T’&’X’ Flight testing of (Series) aircraft for issue of C of A.’ L and C. control and stability of the aircraft. 3.Radar . The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Demonstrate transfer function representation. How does the GPRS based navigation system working. 2. Accordingly. basic sciences and engineering.Position fixing and Dead Reckoning system . Bannari Amman Inst. • To learn the necessary mathematical knowledge that is needed in design of Communication and Navigation system of aircraft.Radar frequencies.Very high frequency Omni directional Range . Define Navigation? 2. Identify the applications of RADAR? 2. Unit I Navigation Systems Introduction to types of Navigation . missile guidance. Assessment Pattern Bloom’s Taxonomy S. . Identify the difference between autorotation and spin? Understand: 1. Apply: 1. Classify the navigation system. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Explain Microwave landing system. Application of Radars 9 Hours Unit II Advanced Navigation Systems ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20.operation . 3. Write about the Radar frequencies. Course Outcome(s) • To understand advanced concepts of navigation. (e)An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. No (new version) 1 Remember 2 Understand 3 Apply 4 Analyze 5 Evaluate 6 Create Total Test I♠ 20 30 50 100 Test II♠ 20 30 50 100 Model Examination♠ 20 30 50 100 Semester End Examination 20 30 50 100 Remember: 1. | Regulation 2011 |219 Programme Outcome(s) (a)An ability to understand principles of mathematics. of Tech. What are the types of Navigation? 3. Flight Stability and Automatic Control. 9 Hours Unit V Control System for Space Vehicle Classical linear time variant control systems . 1994.Transfer functions representation. Modern Aviation Electronics.Guided missiles .Dutch roll.0 Objective(s) • To learn about the computers in the area of manufacturing to reduce manual processing and linking computers to all the manufacturing machines and increase the productivity. 9 Hours Unit IV Flight Control and Stability Concepts of static and dynamic stability . OMEGA navigation systems. 1991. 9 Hours Unit III Missile Guidance Introduction to guidance and control . description of tactical missiles Guidance phase during flight. McGraw Hill Book Co. Automatic Control of Aircraft and Missiles. John Wiley & Sons. McGraw Hill. Avionics Navigation System. Prentice Hall Career & Technology. Helfrick.Rudder requirements Directional and spiral divergence . Autorotation and spin. of Tech. Bannari Amman Inst. DECCA.Classifications. basic sciences and engineering. material requirement planning (MRP) Enterprise resource planning (ERP). computer aided process planning. (b)An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book(s) 1. Walfred Fried. 2nd Edition. John H Blakelock. R. and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice.GPS based Navigation . Artificial intelligence and Expert systems. C. PID controller design for Aerospace systems. Myron Kyton.Control yaw and sideslip . Albert D. Nelson.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.Dihedral effect .1998 11A030 COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING 3 0 0 3. Second Edition. . Course Outcome(s) • Able to know about the aid of computers in Aircraft manufacturing process. Programme Outcome(s) (a)An ability to understand principles of mathematics. 2. • To study about group technology. Categories of homing and command guidance. 1993.Microwave landing system – LORAN. (f)An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques. 2. tools. | Regulation 2011 |220 Inertial Navigation system . Computer aided quality control and Flexible manufacturing systems. Reference(s) 1. reduce the unnecessary costs. New Delhi. Summarize the various components of FMS? 3.production planning .the changing manufacturing and management scene . Define MAP? engineering . . Explain in detail about DBMS? 3.physical distribution Business and financial management.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments.plant operations . Bannari Amman Inst. Write in detail about Factory Data Collection system? 2. Predict the changes in manufacturing and management Scene? Apply: 1. computational and experimental practices Assessment Pattern S. | Regulation 2011 |221 • • Able to identify the snag in a particular area of mass manufacturing. Accordingly. List out the various approaches CAPP? 3.product related activities of a company.External communication . internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Distinguish between CIM Software and Hardware? 2. Identify the drawbacks of FDCS? Understand: 1.islands of automation and software-dedicated and open systems-manufacturing automation protocol . No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ 30 30 40 100 Test II♠ 30 30 40 100 Model Examination♠ 30 30 40 100 Semester End Examination 30 30 40 100 Remember: 1. Prepare a process planning chart with suitable example? Unit I Introduction The meaning and origin of CIM. 9 Hours Unit II Group Technology and Computer Aided Process Planning ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. To integrate systems using appropriate analytical. of Tech. . CAD/CAM. Bannari Amman Inst.benefits of G. 2.. New Delhi1..role of G.P. Paul G. CAPP and CMPP process planning systems. FMS layout -computer control systems-application and benefits. Radhakrishnan P. of Tech.part families . Roger Hanman Computer Intergrated Manufacturing.T. Process planning .cellular manufacturing.advantages of data base and relational database 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book(s) 1.manufacturing automations protocol and technical office protocol (MAP /TOP) Development of databases -database terminology. 9 Hours Unit III Shop Floor Control and Introduction of FMS Shop floor control-phases -factory data collection system -automatic identification methods. Addison – Wesley. New management and installations.system modeling tools -IDEF models . 9 Hours Unit IV CIM Implementation and Data Communication CIM and company strategy ..approaches to computer aided process planning .classification and coding . 2000. 1998.manufacturing enterprise wheel-CIM architecture. CAD/CAM/CIM..activity cycle diagram CIM open system architecture (CIMOSA). Prentice Hall International.T.Product data management-CIM implementation software. in CAD/CAM integration . Ranky.DCLASS and MICLASS and OPITZ coding systems-facility design using G.local area networks -topology -LAN implementations . 1997. Communication fundamentals. 2003. Mikell. ENTREPRENEURSHIP ELECTIVES 11O001 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT – I 3 0 0 3. . 4. Prentice Hall India.role of process planning in CAD/CAM integration . 3.Groover and Emory Zimmers Jr.variant approach and generative approaches. 5.P. Mikell. 2nd Edition New Age International (P) Ltd.0 Objective(s) .Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Pearson Education 2001. Reference(s) 1.and Raju V..architecture of database systemsdata modeling and data associations -relational data bases. Database operators .Bar code technology-automated data collection system. 1986. Kant Vajpayee S. Prentice Hall of India Pvt.FMS-components of FMS . | Regulation 2011 |222 History of group technology. 9 Hours Unit V Open system and Database for CIM Open systems-open system inter connection . Subramanyan S. Production Systems and computer integrated manufacturing.types -FMS workstation -material handling and storage systems. Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Ltd.T.Groover Automation. Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 9. No (new version) 1 Remember 2 Understand 3 Apply/ Evaluate 4 Analyze 5 Create Total Test I♠ 10 30 50 30 100 Test II♠ 10 30 50 30 100 Model Examination♠ 10 30 50 30 100 Semester End Examination 10 30 50 30 100 Remember 1. 10. 2. 3. Write some of the policies which are given by Government of India to small scale industries. 5. Knowledge about entrepreneurship. Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering engineering problems. Accordingly. key areas of development. Give any two differences between entrepreneurs and Intrapreneur. methods of taxation and tax benefits. 8. Define entrepreneurship. 7. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. financial assistance by the institutions. . internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 6. ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. 4. 2. Understand 1. of Tech. Assessment Pattern Bloom’s Taxonomy S. motivation and business. Course Outcome(s) 1. What are the types of Network Analysis? What do you mean by long term capital? Define joint venture. List out some successful entrepreneurs in our country. Ability to develop small scale industries in different field. Write any three facilitating factors which motivate a person to become an Entrepreneur. (h) An ability to work with others and to lead the team. etc. Explain the different types of entrepreneur. Bannari Amman Inst.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Explain the different functions of an entrepreneur. | Regulation 2011 |223 • Study of this subject provides an understanding of the scope of an entrepreneur. 2. (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. What is small-scale incurred? Define a project. financial statements. Lateral Thinking. 9 Hours Unit II Generation of Ideas Creativity and Innovation (Cases). companies act – kinds. Entrepreneurship. Selection. Tata McGraw Hill. Thomson Learning Inc. 4. Brain Storming 9 Hours Unit III Legal Aspects of Business Contract act. New Delhi: 2000. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours References 1. Fractionation.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. plant layout (cases). entrepreneurship as a career. sale of goods act. How will you decide. sources of finance. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. as an entrepreneur. Write some factors that are needed to become an entrepreneur. break even analysis. social entrepreneurship. technopreneurship. One man control is the best is the man is big enough to control everything. How will you choose the appropriate form of entrepreneurial origination for your business? Create 1. Hisrich. articles of association (cases). capacity requirement planning – inventory management (cases) – lean manufacturing. 9 Hours Unit IV Business Finance Project evaluation and investment criteria (cases). 4. Bannari Amman Inst. Projects – Planning. 9 Hours Unit V Operations Management Importance – functions –deciding on the production system – facility decisions: plant location. What are the various incentives offered by the central and state government for the promotion and growth of small business in India? 4. intrapreneurship. Analysis. the most editable agency or project finance? 3. Implementation and Reviews. formation. negotiable instruments – promissory note. . serial entrepreneurship (cases). Operations Management. 3. Akhileshwar Pathak. 2. limited liability partnership (LLP). Write some factors that is needed for achievement to become an entrepreneurs What are the steps involved in setting up a new business? What is meant by CPM? What are its reliant features? Apply/Evaluate 1. Prasanna Chandra. | Regulation 2011 |224 3. Tata McGraw Hill: 2006. memorandum of association. Legal Aspects of Business. Reversal Method. Do you agree? Give reason. bills and cheques. and Greg Frazier. Generation of Alternatives (Cases). 2. Give the difference between entrepreneur and intrapreneur. of Tech. Norman Gaither. Ninth Edition: 2007. cash flow analysis. 5. New Delhi: 2005. How would you choose the appropriate form of ownership proton for your enterprise? 2. Unit I Basics of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship competence. You plan to start a small enterprise. partnership. 5. | Regulation 2011 |225 5. Penguin books:1990 Websites 1. Narrate the role of IDBI in the development of entrepreneurship? 5. 2.0 Objective(s) The students on completion of the course will be able to • Evolve the marketing mix for promoting the product / services • Handle the human resources and taxation • Understand Government industrial policies / support provided and prepare a business plan. Bannari Amman 11O002 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT II 3 0 0 3. Lateral Thinking. No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply/ Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ 10 20 60 10 100 Test II♠ 10 20 60 10 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 60 10 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 60 10 100 Remember 1. Who are Fabian entrepreneur? 2. Explain the views on Schumpeter on entrepreneurship? 3. .wordpress.enterweb. Mention the three functions of NSIC? 4. Accordingly. Assessment Pattern S. (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. 3. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Course Outcome(s) 1. Edward de Bono.internationalentrepreneurship. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 http://www.asp http://indiakellogg.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. Increase in awareness of the entrepreneurship Development for engineering decisions. http://www. What are project objectives? ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. of (h) An ability to work with others and to lead the team. 19. 6. Define business idea. What are the stages in project formulation? 7. 8. What are the challenges and opportunities available in SSI's? Understand 1. Describe the various functions performed by entrepreneurs? 2. All economy is the effect for which entrepreneurship is the cause". Do you agree? Justify your answer with examples. 7. 3. 17. Explain briefly various types of entrepreneur? 3.Discuss. What are the types of entrepreneurs? Explain the various qualities of entrepreneur. 8. 5. What are the stages in a project lifecycle? Give the meaning of feasibility report? Explain the objective of entrepreneurial training? What is motivating training? Who is a small scale entrepreneur? How to develop rural entrepreneur? What are the social problems of women entrepreneur? Differentiate between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship. What factors contribute to nurturing such a culture? . of Tech. Explain the significant role played by DIC and SISI for the development of entrepreneurship. 11. Narrate any six differences between a manager and an entrepreneur? 2. Critically examine the growth and development of ancillarisation in India. 20. 9. Describe the role of entrepreneur in the development of country? 5. Briefly explain the recommendation and policy implication for survival of SME's. Discuss the various sources and collection of credit information of entrepreneurs. Bannari Amman Inst. What are the problems of Women entrepreneurs and discuss the ways to overcome these barriers? 4. Review the entrepreneurial growth by the communities of south India. Write a note on the role of NISIET. 8. “Developing countries like India need imitative entrepreneurs rather than innovative entrepreneurs”. 12. What is entrepreneurship training? Discuss any three programmes supporting women entrepreneurs. elaborate the problems and opportunities for an entrepreneur. 10. What are the reasons of very few women becoming entrepreneurs in a developing country like India? Whether Indian women entrepreneurs have now made an impact and shown that they too can contribute in economic development of the country? Discuss with examples. Discuss the “Culture of Entrepreneurship” and its role in economic development of a nation. 6. What are the target groups of EDP? 8.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Briefly explain the different merchant castes in India. 16. What are the major problems faced by small entrepreneur? 9. 7. | Regulation 2011 |226 6. Design a short entrepreneurship development programme for farmer. Discuss the role of the Government both at the central and state level in motivating and developing entrepreneurship in India. What are the elements of EDP? 4. 10. What are the problems & prospects for women entrepreneur in India? Apply/Evaluate 1. How would you classify projects? 6. 11. 15. Create 1. 9. Discuss the importance of small scale industries in India. Explain the role of different agencies in the development of entrepreneur? 3. Discuss the role and importance of the following institutions in promoting. Discuss the criteria for selecting a particular project? 4. Elaborate the schemes offered by commercial banks for development of entrepreneurship. What is the role played the commercial banks in the development of Entrepreneur? 5. 9. 7. 2. training and developing entrepreneurs in India. 18. 14. 13. interactive marketing. 4. Financial Institutions 9 Hours Unit V Business Plan Preparation Purpose of writing a business plan. Philip Kotler. http://www. Oxford University Press. Hisrich. Jain P MANAGEMENT ELECTIVES 11A018 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND MANAGEMENT 3 0 0 3. VAT. Capital outlay. Indirect taxation – Excise duty.. Sales and Service tax. Aswathappa K.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.nenonline. Human Resource and Personnel Management – Text and Cases. http://niesbud. New Delhi: 2005. the marketing plan.nic. New Delhi: 2003. Factories Act 1948 (an over view) 9 Hours Unit III Business Taxation Direct taxation – Income tax. EDII. Handbook for New Entrepreneurs. National Institute and Agencies. Wealth tax. international marketing . 5. 9 Hours Unit II Human Resource Management Human Resource Planning (Cases).org/businessplan. • To familiarize the students with organizational culture and help them to manage change. marketing through social networks. organizing.. .modes of entry. leading. of Tech. strategies (cases). http://www. Recruitment. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours References Objective(s) • To enable the students to understand the perspectives of management. Corporate tax. State Level Institutions. Akhileshwar Pathak. | Regulation 2011 |227 Unit I Marketing Management Formulating marketing strategies. Bannari Amman Inst. Tata McGraw Hill. New Delhi: 2002. below the line marketing. 2. GST (Cases) 9 Hours Unit IV Government Support Industrial policy of Central and State Government. Tax holidays.htm 2. controlling. Octroi. 3. Prentice Hall of India. • To give an insight about the functions of management like planning. Websites 1. Production plan.planware. Tata McGraw Hill: 2006. HR plan. MAT. Training and Development. Government approvals. Financial plan and Viability.htm 3. Legal Aspects of Business. Entrepreneurship. HRIS. staffing. Market survey and Marketing plan. Selection. Technical feasibility. deciding on the marketing mix (cases). Customs. SWOT analysis. Professional tax (Cases). Marketing Management. Tata McGraw Hill: 2007. Department of Aeronautical Engineering. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Course Outcome(s) 1. 3. What do you mean by policy? What is staffing? State the functions of attitude. (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. Develop a conducive organizational culture. Explain patterns of management Analysis. List the functions of managers. 8. Assessment Pattern Bloom’s Taxonomy S. If you were the chief executive officer of a large corporation. Bannari Amman Inst. Define management. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Predict the problems involved in creating and sustaining an organizational culture. 7. 2. Describe the personality attributes influencing organizational behaviour. No (new version) 1 Remember 2 Understand 3 Apply/ Evaluate 4 Analyze 5 Create Total Test I♠ 10 20 60 10 100 Test II♠ 10 20 60 10 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 60 10 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 60 10 100 Remember 1. of Tech. 4. Explain organization development intervention strategies. What is the role of change agent? Understand 1. 6. . What is group dynamics? Differentiate strong from weak cultures. 2. 5. 8. Influence and moderate the work behavior of different personalities. Accordingly. 5. 3. Explain the process of formulating career strategy of an employee. 7. Describe the evaluation of management. Apply / Evaluate 1. 6. 2. 4. Compare and contrast Maslow’s and Herzberg’s motivation theory. | Regulation 2011 |228 Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. 4. Discuss the planning process. 3. Select the best alternative by proper decision making. Solving complex issues by adopting proper conflict management styles. (h) An ability to work with others and to lead the team. how would you ‘institutionalize’ ethics in the organization? ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. nature of attitudes-job satisfaction. interpersonal conflict. motivation: needs. Develop an advertisement for “The Hindu” opportunity column inviting application from potential candidates for the post of Director – Information Technology. 8. Unit I Introduction of organizational Behavior Organizations as work settings – Purpose. 3. formal and informal groups . Organizational Culture. Decision Making. why change is an ongoing activity in an organization. 9 Hours Unit III Dynamic of organizational Behavior Group dynamic and team – nature of groups. organizational conflict. newer concepts – business process reengineering (BPR) – enterprise resource planning (ERP) – supply chain management (SCM) – activity based management (ABM). Justify. 7. 6. 9 Hours Unit V Management Concepts Nature and purpose of planning. Environments and Stakeholders. Bannari Amman Inst. perceptual organization. content and processes. Ethical considerations in research 9 Hours Unit II Micro Perspective of Organizational Behavior The perception process and impression management – nature and importance of perception. Create 1. Corporate models – business management games – electronic commerce/business. perceptual selectivity. Your boss has got the impression that “satisfied workers are productive workers” and has asked you to study this out. decision making – interactive conflict and negotiation skills: intraindividual conflict. personality and attitudes – meaning of personality. In this regard. Mission & Strategy. 2. High cohesiveness in a group leads to higher group productivity. 9 Hours Unit IV Macro Perspective of Organizational behavior Historical Background – Communication Technology – Interpersonal Communication – Upward And Down Ward Communication. established theories of leadership. social perception.objectives – nature of organizing –organizational strucutures. Organizational cultures. Validate why values are important in understanding behaviour of people. 5. | Regulation 2011 |229 2. power and politics. development of personality and socialization.effective communication . Prepare a short report with your recommendations for your boss. Comment. Many other disciplines have contributed to the discipline of organizational behaviour. Comment. Data gathering and Analysis. Organization Theory And Design – Classical And Modern Theory. cause and effect of occupational stress. 4. Diversity and Multiculturalism. Construct a proforma for studying the satisfaction level of employees as influenced by the culture of the organization. Research foundation of organization behavior – Theory in OB – Research design. of Tech.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Textbook . Design a performance appraisal matrix for a production engineer. “Formal organization is the intentional structure of roles and informal organization is a network of personal and social relations”. Illustrate with an example. organizational commitment. leadership: classic studies on leadership. based on your study. Macmillan Publishers Ltd. To learn the tools available for converting the customer’s need into usable product. of Tech.Hartmen. 2.0 Objective(s) • • • • To understand the Total Quality Management concept and principles and the various tools available to achieve Total Quality Management. Ernest Dale. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Course Outcome(s) 1. www. 2010. Jaico Publishing Home.. 6.2010. (j)An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. Management and Organizational Behavior. Management and Organizational Behavior Cengage Publisher. Assessment Pattern S./organizational-behavior-and-management-eleventh-pdf. 2008. Organization Behavior. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (new version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ 20 30 40 10 100 Test II♠ 20 30 40 10 100 Model Examination♠ 20 30 40 10 100 Semester End Examination 20 30 40 10 100 Remember ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. Mastering Organizational Behavior. Organizational behavior. O. Programme Outcome(s) (b)An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. manufacturing etc in order to maximize customer satisfaction. New Delhi. Accordingly. 4. Management Theory and Practice.Jeff Harris. Mullins. (h)An ability to work with others and to lead the team. McGraw Hill Books. Pearson. Sandraj J. . 2004. Richard References 1. | Regulation 2011 |230 1.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. John W. To learn and understand the management philosophies. 3. Students will be able to apply the quality concepts in product design. Pierce.2006. To understand the uses of SPC and applying in the shop floor. 5. Newstrom. Bannari Amman Inst. 3.2dix. Dunham. Gardner.php 11A019 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT 3 0 0 3.. To create an awareness about the ISO and QS certification process and its need for the industries.. Tata McGraw Hill. 2002. 2. To understand the application of statistical approach for quality control. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 56. 13. 54. 4. 47. What is meant by profit sharing? State the meaning of performance appraisal. 41. Define the term leadership. 39. 26. 53. 45. 57. 58. 9. 28. 44. List any four characteristics of successful team. 38. 20. 55. What is meant by PDPC? What is an activity network diagram? What are the reasons for benchmarking? Mention few benefits of benchmarking. 25. 31. List the characteristics of quality leaders. Write the names of any four gurus of total quality management. Write the meaning of quality cost. 40. 2. 23. 3. 22. 43. 49. 27. Write the functions of quality council. 48. 21. 12. 15. 11. What is the meaning of customer retention? What is meant by motivation? What are the concepts used to achieve motivated workforce? What is meant by empowerment? Mention few benefits of empowerment. 34. What is a team? What are the different types of teams? Give one example' for cross functional team and natural work team. 10. What is meant by quality policy? What meaning is conveyed through vision statement? What is meant by mission statement? Draw customer satisfaction organization diagram. Mention few benefits of TQM. 30. Define the term total quality management. 32. How the subgroup is sized? What is a scatter diagram? What is an np chart? Name the benefits of quality management tools What is an affinity diagram? What is a tree diagram? What is a matrix diagram? State the benefits of matrix diagram. 51. 46.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 14. 36. Write the meaning of vital few and useful many with respect to Pareto diagram. | Regulation 2011 |231 1. 33. 50. 6. of Tech. 7. What are the functions of a check sheet? What is a histogram? What is the difference between histogram and check sheet? How the central tendency is calculated? What is the objective of measuring central tendency? Write an equation for sample standard deviation. Enlist the basic concepts of total quality management. 5. Bannari Amman Inst. What is meant by gain sharing? " . 18. What is meant by employee involvement? Write few benefits of employee involvement What is continuous process Improvement? State Juran's Trilogy. List the objectives of performance measures. How the quality can be quantified? List the obstacles for TQM implementation. What is a non conforming unit? What is meant by nonconformity? State the meaning of attributes related to quality. . 37. 35. 52. 42. Define the term quality. 8. 17. Who is a customer? What is the customer perception to quality? Name the elements of customer service. 24. 29. 19. Mention some concepts of leadership. 16. What is meant by process capability? 95. List the objectives of internal quality audits. How the down time loss is measured? 75. What is meant by FMEA? 80. List the benefits of ISO certification. What are the customer related processes in ISO. 5. How the loss of reduced speed is measured? 76. 103. Mention the control charts used for variables. 84. Mention the pitfalls of benchmarking. What is the objective of measuring central tendency? 88. List the benefits of QFD. Write the applications of ISO/TSI 16949. 100. 71. What is the need for competitive assessment? 68. What is the significance of Cp and Cpk? 97. Initiated the quality function deployment. How RPN is calculated? 86. 63. Write Taguchi's quadratic loss function. What is meant by population? 90. | Regulation 2011 |232 59. 74. 64. What is the value of Cp and Cpk? 70. What is a control chart? 92. How the failure rate is predicted? 83. How the suppliers are rated? How a process flow diagram can be used as a quality improvement tool? How an interrelationship diagram can be used for the quality improvement? How the loss of poor quality is measured? What is the difference between a document and a record? . of Tech. Enlist the important types of FMEA. What are the requirements of ISO 140001? Understand 1. How QFD is carried out? 69. What are the important steps required to implement a quality management system? 106. What is meant by house of quality? 65. Draw the structure of the house of quality. What is meant by mode? 99. 61. Bannari Amman Inst. Mention the planned downtimes in an organization. 81. State the meaning of Total Productive Maintenance. Mention the environmental management systems. What is meant by reliability? 82. 72. 4. What is ISO 9000 standard and series? 102. What is quality function deployment? 62. 104. List the goals of TPM. What are the technical descriptors? 67. What is average loss? How it is estimated? 78. List the unplanned downtimes in an organization. 96. 105. What is the difference between mean and median? 98. Name the stages of FMEA. 73. What is a sample? 91. List the steps for building house of quality. 107. Define process capability index. Abbreviate ISO and ASQ. Write an equation for sample standard deviation 89. What is the meaning of upper and lower control limits? 93. State the benefits of FMEA. 77. 101. 94. 2.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 60. 79. 66. 3. 85. How the central tendency is calculated? 87. 108. List out the ISO 9000 requirements. Name the losses due to poor quality as per Taguchi. 20.51 9. 2. How should control charts be used by shop-floor personnel? Differentiate discrete and variable data. 16. 11. 25. 3.50-9. Differentiate between the chance causes and assignable causes of variations giving suitable examples When a process is ‘in control’ or ‘stable’? What type of variations is present in the process? Compare X Bar & R charts. 33. Construct a suitable control chart and offer r inference about the process. 22. one can use matrix diagram? Differentiate the term failure mode and failure effect Why aero diagrams are called PERT diagrams? Differentiate recognition and reward. 7. Sample no No of rejections Sample no No of rejections 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 2 7 11 3 6 2 4 3 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5 4 10 16 3 14 4 1 5 8 4. The inspection results of copper bushes in a machine shop based on samples size 50 are as given below. 34. 32. The width of 100 pins was checked after machining and data was recorded as follows 9. with suitable example? When do you use the affinity diagrams? Under what situation.51 9. 35.A machine shop produces steel pins. 10. 29. 9.50-9. 21. Bannari Amman Inst. 15.50-9. How do recognition and reward affect employee involvement? When do you use the scatter diagram? Why poission distribution curve is used for preparing c-chart? How the service quality affects company’s performance? Why the implementation of TQM is necessary? How control charts helps in finding poor quality? Why do we invest more on prevention cost than appraisal cost? How the dispersion of the data is measured? Why motivation is necessary? Why team works? How the benchmarking is done? How customer requirements are converted into product specifications? How environmental management systems are benefit to industries? What is the difference between histogram and check sheet? Differentiate defect and defective. Consider a company involved in testing the strengths of components.50-9.51 Width in mm .Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Assuming that the life in hours of an electric bulb is a random variable following normal distribution with a mean of 2000 hrs and standard deviation of 840 hrs. 26. 14. 27. of Tech.50-9. 17. one can use cause and effect diagram.50-9.51 9. When are c-charts used? Is customer complaint necessary for an organization? If yes. Apply 1. 19. 31. 23. 24. Currently 50 engineers are working in the company. 13. 18. 8. Explain briefly the steps that the company should take to implement ISO 9000:2000 based quality system and obtain the certificate from a certifying agency. 30.50-9.51 9. 28.50-9. 12.51 9. Differentiate control limit and specification limit Why np chart is not recommended when the sub group size is variable? Under what situation.51 9. list the various tools used for collecting customer complaints. Find the expected number of bulbs from a random sample of 2000 bulbs having life i) More than 3000 hrs ii) Between 2600 and 2800 hrs.51 9. | Regulation 2011 |233 6. Create an environment using 5S concept for the administrative office to keep things in clean. determine the revised control limits eliminating that point. 5.0 for the product. a suggestion is made to shift the process target to 37. what percent of the product produced will not meet the specifications set up by user A? (ii) What percent of the product will not match the specifications of user B? (iii) Assuming that the two users’ needs are equal.0. 42. (2) What percentage of the pins manufactured has width of 9. At this suggested value. and (ii) between 55. Working individually or in a team. Working individually or in a team. list six or more primary technical descriptors for one or more of the selections used in Exercise 2. 44.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Assuming tl1at the weights are normally distributed. 56. Assuming tire distribution is normal.that this shift to a process target of 37. what percent or the product will not meet the specifications of user B? (v) Do you think . 8.00. 28 and 70. forms an L-shaped matrix and completes the relationship matrix including weights.63? 5. and user R has specification of 36. (i) An industrial product was subjected to inspection with a batch size of 500 for consecutive days The number of defective pieces found are 33. Make an attempt to address all the customer requirements from Exercise 2 and refine the secondary technical descriptors to a second level.0 and a S:D. of Tech.6 kg and tile standard deviation is 10 kg. A certain product has been statistically controlled al a process average of 36. Working individually or in a team. User A has established a specification of 38. (i) Based on the present process set up. list four or more primary customer requirements for one or more of the following production items or service industries.In the manufacture of connecting rod assemble. 2. of 1. (ii) If any point goes outside the control limits.0±4.0 ± 4. • Mountain bike • Automatic Teller Machine • Coffee maker • University academic department 3. find the mean and tile standard deviation of the distribution. find how many students. construct the np chart and state whether the process is in control. so that it improves productivity. (ii) How is process Decision Program Chart (PDPC) used? Give an example. what percent of the product will not meet the specifications of user A? (iv) At the suggested process target. Bannari Amman Inst.52 to 9. 4. 60. At a certain examination 10% of the students who appeared for the paper in statistics got less than 30 marks and 97% of the students got less than 62 marks. The mean weight of 500 male students at a certain college is 65.5 kg. refine the primary customer requirements to a second level. Draw a p-chart and discuss.5 kg. for one or more of the selections used in Exercises 2 and 3. Also. compare two similar products or service industries based on . Create 1. Working individually or in a team. 7. 55. 42. 6. 6. complete the interrelationship matrix for one or more of the selections used in Exercise 3.0 would be desirable? Explain your answer. 9. 43. | Regulation 2011 |234 Frequency 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (1) Find the arithmetic mean. the numbers of defectives found in the inspection of 15 samples of 50 Items in each sample are given in the following table Sample no: No of defectives: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 7 5 4 8 7 9 21 12 10 9 8 16 15 17 (i) Determine the trial control limits. Working individually or in a team. The product IS presently being sold to two users who have different specification requirements. weigh (i) more than 75.5 and 75.0. standard deviation and variance. Feigenbaum A. Quality Management – Concepts and Tasks. 2002. 3. 1991. PDSA cycle. Inc. TS 16949. Pearson Education. New Age International. benefits. performance appraisal. Kaizen – obstacles to TQM implementation. Bannari Amman Inst. service quality.Evans & William M. Process capability. customer satisfaction – customer perception of quality. supplier selection.. Requirements and Benefits.S. leadership – concepts – role of senior management – quality council. and FMEA – Stages of FMEA. empowerment. References 1.. N. Narayana V.S. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Book 1. Control Charts for variables X bar and R chart and attributes P. (5th Edition). SouthWestern (Thomson Learning). Quality Function Deployment (QFD) – House of quality. Unit I Introduction Definition of quality – dimensions of quality – quality planning – quality costs – analysis techniques for quality costs – basic concepts of total quality management – historical review – quality statements – strategic planning. ISO 14000 – Concept. customer retention. continuous process improvement – supplier partnership – partnering.. 11A020 CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION 3 0 0 3. Oxford. 9 Hours Unit V Quality Systems Need for ISO 9000 and Other Quality Systems – ISO 9000:2000 Quality System – Elements. Implementation of Quality System. Butterworth – Hcinemann Ltd. James R. 5. Total Quality Management. 1991. strategy. Total Quality Management for Engineers. The Management and Control of Quality. Total Quality Management. employee involvement – motivation. 4. performance measures – basic concepts. Documentation. Wood Head Publishers. 1996. performance measure. | Regulation 2011 |235 the customer assessment of the customer requirements used in Exercise 2. 9 Hours Unit III Statistical Process Control (SPC) The seven tools of quality – Statistical fundamentals – Measures of central tendency and dispersion.0 .V. et al. Normal Curve. QFD process. and Sreenivasan. Dale H.Besterfiled.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. sourcing. Zeiri. 9 Hours Unit II TQM Principles Principles of TQM. of Tech. 1989. 2003 (Indian reprint 2004). Total Quality Management. and u charts. McGraw Hill. customer complaints. Deming philosophy – Juran trilogy – Crosby philosophy. Quality Auditing. 5S. improvement needs. relationship development. C. and benefits – Taguchi quality loss function – Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) – Concept. 2. nP. supplier rating. teams. Choose one of the products to be your organization’s product. Oakland J...Lidsay. Population and Sample. recognition and reward. 9 Hours Unit IV TQM Tools Benchmarking – Reasons to benchmark – Benchmarking process. Concept of six sigma – New seven management tools. Procedural approach to make and implement creative ideas. internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Working as a team to the organisational and new product development. Programme Outcome(s) (b) An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. What are all the characteristics of an innovator? What are all the expectation of creative people? What are all the characteristics of a leader to encourage creativity? What is brainstorming? Define psychological inertia. What are all the steps to convert an idea into a concept? What are all the types of innovation? What is top down innovation? What is bottom up innovation? What are all the stages of system approach to the innovation process? What is ICI stage? Define concept.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 16. What is TRIZ? What is input and output of a technique? The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and model examination will be converted to 20. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 4. Applying TRIZ to improve the product and process. Accordingly. 8. . | Regulation 2011 |236 Objective(s) • • An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics. 12. 10. Filing their ideas under intellectual property rights protection. To make them skilled in protecting their ideas through various available intellectual property rights. Course Outcome(s) 1.To secure skills in using various tools to create. 3. Assessment Pattern Bloom’s Taxonomy S. (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. 6. 7. 11. Bannari Amman Inst. 14. 15. ♠ What are all the four inputs to innovation? Define innovation continuum. 5. 2. innovate and implement new ideas to improve the technology in which they work. 3. No (new version) 1 Remember 2 Understand 3 Apply/Evaluate 4 Analyze 5 Create Total Test I♠ 10 20 50 20 100 Test II♠ 10 20 50 20 100 Model Examination♠ 10 20 50 20 100 Semester End Examination 10 20 50 20 100 Remember 1. 4. 13. 2. science. 9. of Tech. and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. 5. 8. 26. Write a brief report on your innovation. Identify the type under which your innovation is falling. 18. of Tech. Differentiate invention and innovation. Suggest one topic for conducting brainstorming to improve your innovation. Unit I Creativity . 10. 3. 4. 21. 6. 11. Under which IPR category your innovation is falling? Create 1. 8. Conduct an IPR search and provide a search report. 7. 12. Write a patent document for filing your invention for patenting. 18. 25. Apply TRIZ for your innovation and propose at least two solutions. 7. 23. 19. 20. 2. How important is an idea? How concept is differentiated from an idea? How innovations are differentiated? Why improvement of product platform is necessary? Why bottom up innovation is challenging than top down? What are all the considerations for an innovation process? Why process models are required? When is the ICI stage ends? and Why? Why is knockout analysis important? How do you measure success of an Innovation? How important is the brainstorming? What are all the advantages of young people in creative environment? How to identify a creative innovator? What do you expect from management as an innovator? What are all the characteristics you have to prove as a creative leader? How can team creativity be promoted in a group or an organization? How important is the criticism in the life of an innovation? Suggest a few areas in which quality circle can be formed in your environment. 21. 24. 9. 27. 2. 2. How contradictions are identified? How each type of contradictions is differentiated? How to find ideality? How standard solutions are found out? Why is IPR protection important? What are all the steps of filing a patent application? What is patent infringement? How copyright is different from other IPRs? Apply / Evaluate 1. Propose an idea to make an innovation around you. 13. 3. | Regulation 2011 |237 17. 3. 4. How are you going to convert your innovation as a group creativity? Give your strategic planning to complete ICI stage. 15. 6. Bannari Amman Inst. 22. What is idealization? Write any four contradictions of a TRIZ matrix. 4. 17. 14.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 5. What are all Intellectual properties? What is the life period of a patent? Understand 1. 16. 19. Define contradiction for a technical problem. How are you going to form your team and what are all your expectations to select teammates? Can you use TRIZ for creating an idea for your innovation? if so write contradictions and given standard solution in the matrix. 20. Corporate Creativity: How Innovation and Improvement Actually Happen. Patents. Sam Stern. sources of innovation. testing and quality evaluation. Alan G. design of prototype – purpose. 2.. project analysis. creativity in various contexts. 2003. Managing Creativity and Innovation (Harvard Business Essentials). kinds of evaluation. patents vis-à-vis economics. Measures of innovation. creative design. Prentice Hall Inc. Thompson. types of innovation. renewal. Hoon-Seok Choi. project evaluation – purpose. USA. Doubleday. 9 Hours Unit IV Product Development and Evaluation Research and new product development – process and types of new products. Creativity. diffusion of innovation. Kogan Page. 4. 5. marketing research – purpose and process. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. benefits and risks of new projects. Managing Technological Innovation. Brain Twiss. 2001. patent acts. USA. Paul E. pposition. prosecution. classes of IP – industrial property and copyrights. governing laws. Harry B. Creativity and Innovation in Organizational Teams. Robinson. Plsek. techniques of project evaluation. The Art of Innovation. 1998. selection criteria for new projects. London. factors Contributing to successful technological innovation. and types. lateral thinking. creativity vis-à-vis innovation. Harvard Business School. introducing new products. stages of creativity process. 2.. goals of innovation. measuring creativity. process of technological innovation. failure of innovations. Bannari Amman Inst. examination.Paul Birch and Brian Clegg. Pitman Publishing Ltd.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 11A021 CRISIS MANAGEMENT IN AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY . 1992. Irwin Professional. 1997. international code for patents. conceptualizing innovation. New Product Planning. fostering creativity. creative environment. stages of evaluation process. References 1. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Random House Inc. 9 Hours Unit II Innovation Definition. publication. screening ideas. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. 9 Hours Unit V Protection of Innovation Intellectual property (IP). Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). grant. 1992. patentability. history of patent laws and acts. Watton. economic view of creativity. model preparation. development of project plan. Business Creativity – A Guide for Managers. patent rights. process. Innovations and Quality. creative problem solving – brain storming and various techniques. patent administration. Leigh L. 9 Hours Unit III Project Planning and Evaluation Definition and purpose of project. 2006. creativity and intelligence. 1995. Tom Kelly. collection of ideas. cost evaluation. 3. need for creativity. USA. patent search. patenting process – patent application. | Regulation 2011 |238 Concept and history of creativity. innovation management. types and methods. of Tech. USA. Bannari Amman Inst. characteristics of crisis. Explain the psychological decisions of crisis management. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Assessment Pattern S. What is crisis management? 3. 2. Define the term crisis. Able to analyze the performance of preventive measures and decision making tools. List the causes and consequences of crisis in aircraft industry. List the basics of crisis management and its stages. What are the contingency plans used in aircraft industry? Understand 1. Classify the types of communication used in crisis management. Explain the importance of establishing crisis management team. List the various security threats to civil aviation. 2. What is contingency planning and what are the methods of post crisis analysis. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. What are the aims of crisis management? 7. (b) An ability to understand crisis issues and to comprehend the impact of damage to the airline industry. What are the different stages of crisis? 8. | Regulation 2011 |239 3003 Objective(s) • To understand the case studies of various causes. ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20.No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply/ Evaluate Analyze Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ Semester End Examination 10 20 60 10 10 20 60 10 10 20 60 10 10 20 60 10 100 100 100 100 Remember 1. • To understand the management techniques already in vogue and apply them to the solutions of crisis problems. 6. . 5.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 4. 4. 3. Program Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of crisis in the aircraft industry and its consequences. of Tech. Management attitudes during crisis and 2. Course Outcome(s) 1. 3.The airline industry. 7. Strategic communication. 3. Crisis-stage Disaster strike. Coomb's typology. Emergency response scenarios. Contingency plans. How a manager does handle emergency response scenarios in an aircraft industry? Apply / Evaluate 1. Pan American World Airways flight 103. Discuss the roles of a crisis manger in an aircraft industry. What is the role of crisis manager? 2. Turbulent Skies: The history of commercial aviation. Causes. Sally J. 9 Hours Text Books 1. Context of the crisis in the aircraft industry. Reference Books . Crisis stages. Establishing a crisis management team.Existing in pre-crisis phase. Crisis communication. Strategic communication in crisis management: Lessons from the Airline Industry. Confronting the crisis. 9 Hours UNIT V Case Studies Northwest airlines flight 255. What are the duties of an airport duty manager? 6. Trans world airlines flight 800. American airlines flight 191. Psychology of crisis management decisions. Bannari Amman Inst. | Regulation 2011 |240 5. UNIT I Introduction to Crisis Management Crisis management. Consequences. Organizational crisis and communication. Heppenheimer. A. Discussion about the psychology of crisis management decisions. Discuss various crises related to an aircraft industry apart from aircraft accidents. Characteristics of the crises. 9 Hours UNIT II Crisis Management in Action Putting crisis management into action. Post-crisis The National Transportation Board. preparing for the worst: Contingency planning. US Air flight 427. New York. A crisis management checklist. Explain briefly about the principles need to be implemented to avoid the crisis in aircraft industry. 8. Discuss how does a manager handle the situation at aircraft crash site? Create 1.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Illustrate with an example the measures taken for confrontation of the crisis? 2. 2. Damage control. John &Wiley Sons. Modeling crises. Value jet flight 592. Crisis typologies. 1995. 9 Hours UNIT III Airline Crisis Management Context of the crisis . Crisis management basics. Ray. The role of the crisis manager . 1999. 9 Hours UNIT IV Crash Management Pre-crisis . of Tech. Delta airlines flight 191. Director General of Civil Aviation. T. State the checklist for crisis management. of Tech. 1986. 1994.0 Objective(s) • To impart knowledge on nanoscience and technology. S. 4. quantum phenomena and the limitations of basic physical laws at the nano scale level. Newyork. ♠ Define nanoscale. Assessment Pattern S. • At the end of the course the students are familiar with nanomaterials and their applications. Pauchant. the student will be able to • Understand the behavior of nanomaterials. • To create an awareness on the nanomaterials. Fink S. organizational and environmental tragedies. 3. basic sciences and engineering. • Apply knowledge for modern and future engineering applications of nanomaterials. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. 2.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. • Identify the origin of size effects to control the properties of nanomaterials. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. University of Chicago Press. Cushing. • Explain important mechanisms involved in the of synthesis and functionalization of nano-structured materials.No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze/Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ Semester End Examination 25 25 20 30 - 25 25 20 30 - 20 25 20 35 - 20 25 20 35 - 100 100 100 100 Remember 1. I. Fatal Words: Communication clashes and aircraft crashes. & Mitro. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 3. Crisis Management: Planning for the inevitable. . | Regulation 2011 |241 1. What are the techniques used to find properties of materials? The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. Give the differences between nano and thin materials. T. Course Outcome(s) At the end of the course. 2. • Evaluate the promise of a nanotechnology device. Transforming the crisis prone organization: Preventing individual. San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass. PHYSICS ELECTIVES 11O0PA NANO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 3 0 0 3. Give the usage of nanomaterials in medical field. Bannari Amman Inst.. Explicate in which way thermally annealed quantum well technique is better than epitaxial growth technique? Explain the electro statically induced quantum dots and quantum wire technique. 26. How the nano dimension particle varies with bulk one? Explain the different classifications of nanostructures.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 18. | Regulation 2011 |242 5. 24. Explain structural. 32. 9. 19. What are the advantages and disadvantages of TEM? Explain the quantum confinement in semiconductor nanostructures. of Tech. How the nanomaterials are analyzed in scanning electron microscopic technique? Elucidate how nanomaterials are produced by template method? List the general classifications of characterization methods of nanomaterials. 15. 40. 8. How electron microscopy differ from scanning electron microscopy? Define diffraction. 14. Which is having high efficiency among injection and quantum cascade laser? Write the uses of FET. What are the day-to-day life applications of nanomaterials? What do you mean by total energy of the system? What do you mean by top down and bottom up approach? How physical properties vary while converting the material into nano size? What is SWCNT and MWCNT? What are the applications of CNT? Mention the general characterization techniques of nanomaterials. mechanical properties of nanoscale materials. 27. Give the reason for the effect of nanoscale dimensions on various properties. Write the advantages of nano robot in medical field. electrical. Explain the different fabrication techniques of nanoscale materials. 22. 7. 43. 25. List the advantages of nanomaterials as compared to bulk materials. 35. Understand 18. Explain how FTIR is used to analyze the bonding in nanomaterials? Why the TEM is widely used than SEM? Explain. Write the different diffraction techniques to analyse the properties of nanomaterials. 37. 16. 24. 22. 36. What are the applications of CNT? Why the electrical properties are more important as compared to other properties of nanomaterials? How nanomaterials are produced by machining process? Give the importance of vapor phase deposition method for the production of nanomaterials. 21. Why nanomaterials are used as energy storage device? Write the bio medical applications of nanomaterials. 42. 19. 21. 17. 41. 38. 26. Clarify the effects of nanometer length scale of particles. Why semi conducting nano material is more important than other nanomaterials? What are the advantages of nanomagnetic materials? How nanomaterials are used in organic FET? Why the organic LEDs are manufactured from nanomaterials? How nanomaterials are used in quantum cascade laser? Why nano photo voltaic fuel cells are used? Explain the bio medical applications of nanodevices. 20. 27. 23. 20. Apply 1. 25. 28. What is organic FET? State the principle of LED. 10. 11. 30. 6. 29. 33. 13. 31. 34. . What is nano magnet? Mention the applications of nanomagnets in industries. Elucidate the significance of MWCNT over SWCNT. 23. Bannari Amman Inst. 2. Explain the sol-gel technique of nanomaterial production. 12. 39. What is meant by surface analysis of nanomaterials? What are quantum dots? Write the importance of self-assembly technique. thermal. litho graphics. optical and electronic properties. Explain how the size of the particle will effect on their mechanical and structural properties of the material? Why sol gel method is used widely to synthesis nanomaterials? Templating method is better than physical vapor deposition method to synthesis nanomaterials. Differences between bulk and nanomaterials and their physical properties. electrostatically induced dots and wires. 9 Hours Unit III Nano Characterization Techniques General classification of characterization methods – analytical and imaging techniques – microscopy techniques . 6. Why nano structured particles are found in potential applications? 4. 8.quantum wells. Electrical properties of nanomaterials. 2. 10. quantum well width fluctuations. 5. lithography and etching. Explain how nanomaterials are characterized by imaging techniques? Why diffraction techniques are used to characterize the nanomaterials? Explain how nanomaterials are analyzed by transmission electron microscope? Clarify the differences between self-assembly and self-organization. mechanical. machining process – bottom-up process – vapor phase deposition methods. 9. epitaxial growth. of Tech. colloidal and solgel methods – methods for templating the growth of nanomaterials – ordering of nanosystems. self-assembly and selforganization. Unit I Nano Scale Materials Introduction-classification of nanostructures. 13. | Regulation 2011 |243 3. super lattices– fabrication techniques – requirements. Compare organic FET and organic LED. plasma-assisted deposition process. Explain how organic light emitting diode overcomes the drawback of LCD? How we can use CNT as a storage device in battery? Why nanomaterials are used in optical memory devices? How we can store nano particles? Analyze/ Evaluate 1.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. nanoscale architecture – effects of the nanometer length scale – changes to the system total energy. 12. quantum dots. Magnetron sputtering process to obtain nanomaterials. Give the relation between properties and applications of nano particles. 9 Hours Unit IV Inorganic Semiconductor Nanostructures Quantum confinement in semiconductor nanostructures . 3. chemical. 7. Quantum efficiency of semiconductor nanomaterials. 5. changes to the system structures– effect of nanoscale dimensions on various properties – structural. atomic force microscopy – diffraction techniques – spectroscopy techniques-X-ray spectroscopy. Explain with relevant example about the synthesize of nano structured materials employing selfassembly and template based methods. 11. 9 Hours Unit II Nanomaterials Synthesis Methods Fabrication methods – top down processes – milling. thermally annealed quantum wells and self-assembly techniques . scanning electron microscopy. transmission electron microscopy. Why? Why ordering of the nano system is more important? Give reason. 4. 6. Distinguish between SWCNT and MWCNT. . magnetic. 14.electron microscopy. Bannari Amman Inst. Analyze the relation between magnetic and nanomaterials. quantum wires. • To create expertise on the applications of laser in various engineering fields. Ian W. 3. Nanoscale Science and Technology. 2007. Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea. John Wiley and Sons. 3. Robert W. Assessment Pattern . Handbook of Nano Science Engineering and Technology. 5. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. T. carrier injection. 2004.principle. Frank J Owens. | Regulation 2011 |244 9 Hours Unit V Nanodevices And Applications Organic FET.fuel cells. 2005. Tune the applications of lasers towards industrial and medical fields.W. CRC Press. Kelsall. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. Wang. Charles P Poole. synthesis and electronic properties -applications. basic sciences and engineering. • At the end of the course the students are familiar with generation and applications of laser in various engineering fields. 2. Prentice Hall. Bharat Bhushan. excitons. theory. 4. Hamley. description. 11O0PB LASER TECHNOLOGY 3 0 0 3. Course Outcome(s) At the end of the course. Pradeep. requirements.2004. Michael Kohler.carbon nano photovoltaic cells. Donald . Wolfgang Fritzsche.nano motors -bio nano particles-nano – objects. Mark Geoghegan. 2002. integrated circuits. Kluwer publishers. References 1. 4. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. B.0 Objective(s) • To impart knowledge on laser principles. NANO: The Essentials Understanding Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Handbook of Nanoscience. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. Discuss the fundamental terms such as absorption. Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology. operations and types of laser. Engineering and Technology. Daniel LED’s – basic processes. of Tech. the student will be able to • • • • • Understand the principle. optimization . 2004. 2003. Introduction to Nanotechnology. Drug Delivery: Principles and Applications. Mark Ratner. Bannari Amman Inst. William Goddard. Applications of nano materials in biological field.Wiley Interscience 2005. spontaneous and stimulated emission. Nanotechnology: An Introduction to Nanostructuring Techniques. 2. 2003.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. McGraw – Hill Education (India) Ltd. Apply different types of lasers for day to day applications. Explore the various techniques involved in the laser materials and the performance of laser. 13. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 9. . Understand 1. 5. What is the energy in electron volts of the first excited state? What is the ratio of the stimulated emission and spontaneous emission at a temperature of 250oC for the sodium D line? Calculate the threshold condition for the ruby laser in which the appropriate parameters are as follows: νo =4. What is population inversion? Mention the important characteristics of laser. 6. ♠ The first line of the principal series of sodium is the D line at 580 nm.3x10-3 s. 6. 5. Write the conditions needed for laser action.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ Semester End Examination 25 25 20 20 10 - 25 25 20 20 10 - 20 25 20 20 15 - 20 25 20 20 15 - 100 100 100 100 Remember 1. 2. This corresponds to a transition from the first excited state (3p) to the ground state (3s). 10. How four level laser is more efficient than the three level laser? What is a resonant cavity? What role does an optical resonant cavity play in a laser? What are the host materials for solid lasers? Mention the different techniques involved in lasers.5x1011 Hz. 3. 2. 2. 3. Why laser is called as non-material knife? Apply 1. | Regulation 2011 |245 S. 3.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. no= 1. τsp= 4.76. Define atmospheric effect. 7. 7. Distinguish between Czochralski and Kyropoulous techniques. What is meant by pumping of atoms? How optical excitation occurs in three level lasers? What is the principle of laser action? Compare the activator and host materials for solid lasers. Bannari Amman Inst. τphoton=6x10-9s. 8. 8. 12. of Tech. ∆νo=1. 11. The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. What is a laser? How the basic laser action is achieved? Distinguish between spontaneous emission and stimulated emission. 4.3x 1014 Hz. 9. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 4. How will you measure the distance using laser? What is the basic principle behind the holography? Mention the medical applications of lasers. How will you determine the velocity of laser source? List the applications of laser in welding and cutting. Laser action. The energy difference between the excited state (2p) and the ground state (2s) is 10. 6. How many photons are emitted in each minute by this laser when operating? 5. A laser beam can be focused on an area equal to the square of its wavelength (λ2).population inversion-Pumping mechanisms . The life time of the excited state (2p) for spontaneous emission is 1. Types of lasers –principle. 2. A He-Ne laser emits light at a wavelength of 632.Bridgman and Stock-Berger technique – advantages and disadvantages .44 eV. Find the value of stimulated emission coefficient during a transition from an excited state (2p) to the ground state. | Regulation 2011 |246 4.3mW.growth techniques for solid laser materials . working. 9 Hours Unit V Laser in Industry . Calculate the wavelength of emission from a GaAs semiconductor laser whose band gap energy is 1. 2.Czochralski and Kyropoulous techniques – merits and demerits.stimulated emission . of Tech. Unit I Laser Fundamentals Introduction . 5.spontaneous emission . Conditions involved in laser production.characteristics. Transition occurs between a metastable state E3 and an energy state E2 just above the ground state. find the energy of the E3 state. construction.4x10-19J. Which method is used to achieve population inversion in a dye laser? Why we cannot use ordinary light source for LIDAR? How the optical disk data storage plays a vital role in computer memory storages? Evaluate 1. 4.8 nm and has an output power of 2. Why laser beam should be monochromatic? How the population inversion happening in lasers? Write the reaction for excimer laser action. If the laser radiates energy at the rate of 1mW.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Analyze 1. 9 Hours Unit II Threshold Condition Einstein coefficients A and B – spontaneous life time – light amplification – principle of laser action – laser oscillations – resonant cavity – modes of a laser. Techniques of producing laser. find the intensity of the focused beam. 3. For a He-Ne laser. 9 Hours Unit IV Laser in Science Introduction – harmonic generation – stimulated raman emission – self focusing – laser and ether drift – rotation of the earth – photon statistics. energy level diagram and applications of dye laser – chemical laser – excimer laser.2eV. λ = 6328Ǻ. 3.1µm and E2= 0. If emission is at 1.6x 10-9s. Bannari Amman Inst. 9 Hours Unit III Laser Materials Activator and host materials for solid lasers .principle . Applications of Laser in ranging. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1.Lasers: Principles Types And Applications . Bannari Amman Inst. K. CRC Press. Macmillan India Limited. 2006 4. Design electro optic modulators for day to day applications. 3. M.R. Course Outcome(s) At the end of the course. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 1966. 2. New Age International Publications. LASER:Theory and applications. References 1. | Regulation 2011 |247 Introduction – Applications in material processing: laser welding – hole drilling – laser cutting – laser tracking – Lidar – laser in medicine. 2001. • To develop fundamental understanding of various electro-optic materials in communication. Atoms. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. the student will be able to • • • • • Understand the mechanism involved in the laser action. K. John Wiley and Sons. 2. . Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 11O0PC ELECTRO OPTIC MATERIALS 3 0 0 3. Avadhanulu. Alphan Sennaroglu. 2000. Molecules and Lasers. N.0 Objective(s) • To impart knowledge on electro-optic materials. K. Chand Publisher. Know the birefringence and optical property of the materials.Ghatak. Nambiar . Bela A Lengyel.P. Solid-State Lasers and Applications. Assessment Pattern S. of Tech. An Introduction To Lasers Theory And Applications. Applications of Laser in sensors.Nair. basic sciences and engineering. Narosa Publishing House. Introduction to Laser Physics. 2006.No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze/Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ Semester End Examination 25 25 20 30 - 25 25 20 30 - 20 25 20 35 - 20 25 20 35 - 100 100 100 100 Remember ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. Choose suitable optical materials for modulators.K.Thiyagarajan and A. Realize the special optical properties of the opto electronic systems.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 2009. R. S. 2. Unit I Basics of Lasers Introduction – Einstein coefficients – laser beam characteristics – spontaneous and stimulated emission population inversion . Compare ordinary and laser light properties. Why is the optical resonator required in lasers? Where can we find the practical applications of wave plates? How to elevate the contrast ratio in display devices which uses in the nematic structures? Non linearity in glasses occurs. Discuss the three level pumping scheme for laser action. Differentiate longitudinal and transverse electro optic effects. 8. 3. 5. | Regulation 2011 |248 1. Given: P=10mW. Define anisotropic media. Spatial and temporal coherence.ray velocity surface – index ellipsoid. Give examples for direct and indirect band gap materials. Find the intensity of a laser beam of 10mW power and having a diameter of 1. 9. 2. Elucidate the importance of coherence in laser action. Bring out the importance of electro optic devices. 9 Hours Unit II Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Media Introduction – double refraction – polarization devices . Differentiate between stimulated and spontaneous emissions. Assume the intensity to be uniform across the beam. 4.3 mm. Define laser action. Optical activity. 9. 4. How the population inversion state in laser is achieved? Give examples for continuous and discrete time signals. d= 1. 3. 6. of Tech. 6. 5. Give the properties of LASER. Justify the argument. 4. Understand 1. 4. 7. 7. What is the purpose of switching to quantum mechanics from classical mechanics? Why we prefer LCD displays rather than CRT displays? What are the advantages of injection laser diode? Apply 1.3 mm.Nicol prism – Glan-Thomson prism – retardation plates – Soleil Babinet compensator – Plane waves in anisotropic media – wave refractive index . 10. Highlight the usage of a NLO material. Differentiate wave refractive index and ray refractive index. 5. 2. 10. Analyze/ Evaluate 1. 2. 6. 3.light amplification – threshold condition – laser rate equations – two level laser – three level laser – mode selection – transverse mode – longitudinal mode.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Define continuous and discrete time signals. Why birefringence property in an optical material is formed? In which effect KDP crystal is working? How the codirectional coupling occurs? List out the conditions in which the NLO property of a material emerges.ray refractive index . 9 Hours Unit III . What is an acoustic optic effect? Define a liquid crystal. Bannari Amman Inst. 3. 8. Mention the different types of polarizing devices. Electronic devices and applications. Acousto-optic effect – small Bragg angle diffraction – large Bragg angle diffraction – codirectional coupling – contradirectional coupling . 2. Wright. Consolidate the various components to generate vacuum for various applications. 9 Hours Unit IV Non Linear Optics Introduction – self focusing phenomenon – second harmonic generation – phase matching – birefringent phase matching – quasi phase matching – frequency mixing. Introduction to optics. J . Course Outcome(s) At the end of the course. Glassgow.0 Objective(s) • To impart a sound knowledge on the vacuum science. N.Hall of India private limited. Analyze the various measuring instruments in order to measure vacuum. Pearson Prentice Hall. basic sciences and engineering. of Tech. 3. Molecular crystals. 1993. 2010. Leno S. Frequency doubling nature of materials. Science Publishers. 1995. B. Somanathan Nair. science. Ironsid. Pedrotti. Ajoy Ghatak and K. Study the various components to generate low and ultra high vacuum. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. 9 Hours Total 45 Hours Text Books 1. J. Modulators.M. the student will be able to • • • • • Apply knowledge of mathematics. Frank L. 2nd edition. 2007. | Regulation 2011 |249 Electro Optic Effect Introduction – KDP crystals – longitudinal mode – phase modulation – amplitude modulation – transverse mode. Liquid crystal displays – dynamic scattering – field effect – advantages – disadvantages. Molecular crystals. Understand the fundamentals of vacuum technology. Bannari Amman Inst. 11O0PD VACUUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 3 0 0 3. Cambridge University Press. Optical Huang and K.applications. Optoelectronic devices. 7th reprint 2006. Ji . Pedrotti and Leno M.D. 2. R . References 1. • To develop the necessary background to perform projects involving vacuum and deposition techniques.W. Pedrotti.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 3. . 2008. computer programming and engineering. New Non Linear Optical Materials. S.Yu. • At the end of the course the students are familiar with the various vacuum deposition technologies employed in the various engineering fields. 9 Hours Unit V Electro Optic Devices Introduction – light emitting diode – direct and indirect band gap materials – homo junction – hetero junction – advantages – disadvantages – applications. Nova. Semiconductors – measurement of third order optical non-linearities in semiconductors. Injection laser diode – characteristics – advantages – disadvantages. Prentice . Cambridge university press. Munn (Ed) and C. Thyagarajan. Blackie Academic & Professional. 8. Mention the gauges that can measure ultra high vacuum. 4. List out the assumptions of kinetic theory. List out the methods of leak detection. 10. How will you seal the substance outside to maintain high vacuum? 3. | Regulation 2011 |250 Assessment Pattern S. ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. 14. 7. How will you measure the pumping speed in a vacuum unit? 2. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. of Tech. . 6. Name the sorbent materials that have widespread use in vacuum production. Name the ultra high vacuum gauges. State Avogadro’s law. Name the operation limits of penning gauge. Give the Ohm’s law of vacuum technology. 9. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Define throughput. 15. 12. Differentiate between the pirani gauge and penning gauge. 11. Give the pressure ranges of low and medium vacuum. 13. 2.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. What are the types of pump used to create vacuum? What are the gauges that are used to measure the vacuum? Name the direct reading gauges and indirect reading gauges. Give the importance of baffles and traps. 5. Bannari Amman Inst. Define the term mean free path. 3. Understand 1.No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze/ Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ Semester End Examination 25 25 20 30 - 25 25 20 30 - 20 25 20 35 - 20 25 20 35 - 100 100 100 100 Remember 1. Why does constant volume method have the disadvantage in measuring the pumping speed? 4. Measurement problems in partial pressure analysis. 5. Why? Analyze/ Evaluate 1. Differentiate the primary gauges from secondary gauges. | Regulation 2011 |251 5. How is the pumping speed measured? 7. 3. 2. Calculate the pumping speed at the chamber. Derive the relation between the effective pumping speed and conductance of the evacuation pipe. Why is cold cathode ionization gauges preferred to hot cathode gauges? 3. Special design considerations – glass to metal seals – high voltage metal feedthrough. 9 Hours Unit V Applications of Vacuum Systems . Why is the diffusion pump widely used in scientific instruments? Oil diffusion pump system can be used as a high vacuum pumping system. Noble pumps for inert gases. 10. Surface to volume ratio plays a major role in pumping systems.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 4. 9 Hours Unit IV Vacuum Materials and Leak Detection Sources of gases and vapours – materials for vacuum system – vacuum seals – vacuum valves – traps and baffles – leak detection – pressure test – spark-coil test – leak testing using vacuum gauges – halogen leak detector – mass-spectrometric leak detector. Unit I Vacuum Systems Introduction – units of vacuum – kinetic aspects of gases in a vacuum chamber – physical parameters at low pressures – classification of vacuum ranges – gas flow at low pressures – throughput and pumping speed – flow rate and conductance. Explain the applications of turbomolecular pump. 9 Hours Unit III Pressure Measurement Classification of gauges – mechanical gauges – McLeod gauge – thermal conductivity gauges – Hot cathode ionization gauges – Bayard . How are the vacuum surfaces cleaned? Apply 1. Bannari Amman Inst.Alpert gauge – cold cathode ionization gauges – Penning gauge – magnetron gauge.5 x 10-8 Torr. How does a rotary pump produce a low pressure? 8. Why? Compare real and virtual leaks. Connections between the chamber and diffusion pump and the diffusion pump and rotary pump are to meet good design practice (assume SE/SD=1/5). of Tech. How will you deposit the material from the plasma etching method? 2. 6.5 x 10-5 torr-lites/sec. The desired operating pressure is 7. Explain the designing of UHV evacuation systems. A vacuum chamber has a volume of 100 litres and an operating gas load of 7. the minimum connecting pipe conductance and the minimum speed required for the backing pump together with the minimum diffusion pump speed required to meet these requirements. 9. Evacuation rate – out gassing – gas flow – turbulent flow. 9 Hours Unit II Production of Vacuum Classification of vacuum pumps – rotary vane pumps – roots blowers – diffusion pumps – molecular drag and turbo-molecular pumps – sorption pumps – gettering and ion pumping – cryopumping measurement of pumping speed. • Implement the features of transistors for day to day applications. • Know the efficiencies of the existing semiconducting materials. Hata. Course Outcome(s) At the end of the course. Bawa Singh. | Regulation 2011 |252 Design considerations – vacuum system for surface analysis – space simulators – vacuum based coating units for thin film deposition – thermal evaporation – sputtering process – chemical vapor deposition metallurgical applications. 11O0PE SEMICONDUCTING MATERIALS AND DEVICES 3 0 0 3. • At the end of the course the students are familiar with various semiconducting materials and their applications Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics.No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze/Evaluate Create Total ♠ Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ Semester End Examination 25 25 20 30 - 25 25 20 30 - 20 25 20 35 - 20 25 20 35 - 100 100 100 100 The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20.V. References 1. Pearson Printice Hall. 2003. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. CRC Press. “Modern vacuum physics”.L. .0 Objective(s) • To improve knowledge on semiconducting materials. • Design semiconducting devices for industrial applications. David M. John F. 2005. Dorothy M. “A user’s guide to vacuum technology”. John Wiley & Sons. 2. 2005.B. basic sciences and engineering. Assessment Pattern S. of Tech. Chapman & Hall. Elsevier Science & Technology Books. Bannari Amman Inst. “Vacuum science and technology”. O'Hanlon. Allied Publishers Limited. 2. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. “Handbook of Vacuum science and technology”. “Introduction to vacuum technology”. Hoffman.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. John H. 3. 1997. • To develop the necessary understanding of semiconducting materials and their applications. 2007. Ghosh T. the student will be able to • Understand the mechanism involved in semiconductors. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Thomas. Chopra K.A. Chambers. Rao V. Plasma etching – pulsed vapour deposition – PE chemical vapour deposition. Graded Impurity Distribution. How does the thickness of the depletion layer in a p-n junction vary with increase in reverse bias? 3. Describe the operation of a laser diode. 6. Give the ratio of the number of holes and the number of conduction electrons in an intrinsic semiconductor. Unit I Properties of Semiconductor Energy bands – allowed and forbidden energy bands – Kronig Penny model – electrical conductivity in solids based on energy bands . doping of an intrinsic semiconductor? 3. 4. What is meant by breakdown? 5. Write the function of base region of a bipolar junction transistor. when doped with a pentavalent impurity? 4. What is meant by the term. How does the energy gap in an intrinsic semiconductor vary. 4. If N>>1. 7. of Tech. show that the wavelength separation between two adjacent resonant modes is λ=λ2/2L. 2. | Regulation 2011 |253 Remember 1. Explain the mobility effects on carrier density. Analyze/ Evaluate 1. What types of charge-carriers are there in a n-type semiconductor? What are the disadvantages of using laser diode? What are the defect levels in semiconductors? Consider an optical cavity. How does conductivity of a semiconductor change with rise in its temperature? 2. Define temperature effect. Define drift current density. 5. k-space diagram.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. What is the a. Define current crowding. How is the solar cell functioning? Apply 1. What are optoelectronic devices? 10. Bannari Amman Inst. In general what is the relation between density of states and energy? 2. Sketch the energy bands of a forward-biased degenerately doped pn junction and indicate how population inversion occurs. Understand 1. 5. 6. 9 Hours Unit II Carrier Transport Properties Carrier drift – drift current density – mobility effects on carrier density – conductivity in semiconductor – carrier transport by diffusion – diffusion current density – total current density – breakdown phenomena – avalanche breakdown. Explain the minority carrier distribution in p-n junction diode. 4. Explain the Kronig-Penny model. What do you understand by the term “holes” in a semiconductor? Explain how they move under the influence of electric field. 9. What properties are desirable in semiconductors? 2. 3. What is the basic principle of bipolar junction transistor? 8. . 3.c response of the p-n diode? model – electron effective mass – concept of holes in semiconductor – density of states – extension to semiconductors. Physics of Semiconductor Devices. of Tech. Semiconductor Optoelectronics Physics and Technology. optical absorption. 1999. • To make understand the principles and applications of advanced polymer materials. the optical cavity. Albert Malvino. 2007 References 1. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics.0 Objective(s) • To impart knowledge on the basic concepts and importance of polymer science.David J Bafes. Donald A Neamen.threshold current. • Acquire knowledge of polymerization techniques. Tata McGraw Hill. Tata McGraw Hill. Jasprit Singh. 2. | Regulation 2011 |254 9 Hours Unit III P-N Junction Diode Qualitative description of charge flow in p-n junction – boundary condition – minority carrier distribution – ideal p-n junction current – temperature effects – applications – the turn on transient and turn off transient. basic sciences and engineering. Kevin F Brennan. Photoluminescence and Electroluminescence. 9 Hours Unit IV Bipolar Junction Transistor Introduction to basic principle of operation – the modes of operation – amplification – minority carrier distribution in forward active mode – non-ideal effects – base with modulation – high injection emitter band gap narrowing – current clouding – breakdown voltage – voltage in open emitter configuration and open base configuration Frequency Limitations. photon absorption coefficient – electron hole pair generation . chemistry of polymers and its processing. “Electronic Principles”. 1999. The Physics of Semiconductors.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Assessment Pattern . 3. CHEMISTRY ELECTIVES 11O0YA POLYMER CHEMISTRY AND PROCESSING 3 0 0 3. loss and gain .solar cell – homo junction and hetero junction . “Semiconductor physics and devices”. 9 Hours Unit V Opto Electronic Devices Optical absorption in a semiconductor. Bannari Amman Inst. Prentice Hall of India. the student will be able to • Understand the knowledge of principles of polymer chemistry and mechanism of polymerization reactions. Micheal Shur. • Knowledge and application of different polymers and its processing. 9 Hours Total 45 Hours Text books 1. Cambridge University Press. 1998.. 2007 2. Course Outcome(s) At the end of the course. McGraw Hill Co. Charge storage and diode Transients. • Apply the contextual knowledge of polymer additives and polymer processing in industrial application.Photo transistor – laser diode. Name any four compounding ingredients of plastics. What is extrusion and injection moulding? Discuss with diagram. 2. Explain briefly the various constituents of a plastic. 7. 7. ♠ How polymers are classified based on source and application? The marks secured in the Test I and II will be converted to 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20.linkers. with example. Write their functions with example. 8. 3. Write an account of flame retardant polymers. List the various additives in processing of plastics. 6. 12. Write the important of plasticizers and UV stabilizers? Compare addition and condensation polymerization reaction with example for each type . What is calendaring? Write short account on reinforced plastics. 4. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 19. 18. Define polymer and degree of polymerization. 9. 11. Outline the method of lubrication of plastic material. 10. 5. 3. 20. Describe about coordination and ring opening polymerization. 4. 23. . 14. dry and wet spinning process. 17. Give the classification of foaming polymers with examples. 2. Apply 1. What is functionality of a polymer? Give example. Bannari Amman Inst. Suggest different types of additives for preparing reinforced polymers? What are the different types of polymeric resins? Give the significances of antioxidants and antiozonants additives. Explain with examples the relationship between structure and properties of polymers. What are the functions of ingredients of polymers? List the importance of cross. Briefly explain about emulsion polymerization. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 13. | Regulation 2011 |255 S. 6. 24. 21. Explain compression and extrusion moulding of plastics with diagram. Understand 1. 16. 15. 8. What is copolymerization? What are the different types of copolymers? Write the mechanism of addition polymerization.No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze/ Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ Semester End Examination 20 20 30 30 100 20 20 30 30 100 10 20 30 40 100 10 20 30 40 100 Remember 1. 22. 5. Distinguish between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Write short notes on melt. Give the classification of foaming polymers with examples. What is the nomenclature of a polymer? Discuss the addition and chain growth polymerization with example. Explain about crosslinking and blowing agents with examples. of Tech. Write the differences between melt and interfacial polycondensation. What are their functions? Explain homogeneous and heterogeneous polymerization. UV stabilizers. | Regulation 2011 |256 2. 9 Hours Unit II Polymerization Mechanism Addition polymerization .cationic and anionic polymerization . colorants. solution polymerization . coordination polymerization -.mechanical .copolymerization condensation polymerization –nylon 6. emulsion polymerization-synthetic rubber. anti-aging additives. Electrical .polymer alloys . What is the process involved in manufacturing cellophane sheets? 6. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours . properties and industrial applications of polystyrene and bakelite. Salient features. Importance of glass transition temperature. Insulating materials . What are the polymers that can be calendared into sheets? Give examples for thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers. What are the polymers suitable for insulations? 2.hand-layup . suspension polymerization-preparation of ion exchange resins. Preparation. crosslinking agents -functions-significance with suitable examples and applications in industrial processing. How the vinyl chloride is converted into polymer? 4. Bring out the differences between thermoforming and vacuum-forming process? Unit I Principles of Polymer Science Polymerization reactions . Application of fibre reinforced plastics. lubricants. flame retardants. 5. foamed polyurethanes.calendering. Bannari Amman Inst. Write the special properties of teflon? 3.polyacrylic acid.melt. ring opening polymerization –nylon 6. What are the polymers suited for compression and injection moulding? What are the articles produced by blow moulding? Analyze / Evaluate 1. 9 Hours Unit V Polymer Processing Compression – injection . plasticizers. Composite fabrication . Thermoplastics and thermosetting resins . blow agents. antiozonants. Thermoforming and vacuum formed polystyrene. antioxidants.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. advantages and disadvantages of bulk and emulsion radical mechanism . Preparation of biodegradable polymers 9 Hours Unit IV Additives for Polymers Moulding constituents-fillers. dry and wet spinning.6. 3. Film casting . Melt solution and interfacial polycondensation. 4.examples.thermal properties related to chemical structure.PVC. Ecofriendly sustainable additives. What are the different zones involved in simple extrusion polymer process? of polymerization and average molecular weights.PMMA. of Tech.types – examples .filament winding and pultrusion. How nylon 6 6 is prepared? 5. Application of industrial polymers.extrusion and blow mouldings. Fibre spinning . 9 Hours Unit III Polymerization Techniques Homogeneous and heterogeneous polymerization – bulk polymerization.composites. . References 1.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 2007. of Tech. New York. George Odian . John Wiley & Sons. Nelson Thornes Ltd. 11O0YB ENERGY STORING DEVICES AND FUEL CELLS 3 0 0 3. basic sciences and engineering. Joel R.0 Objective(s) • To make students understand the concept and working of different types of batteries and to analyze batteries used in electric vehicles. R.. N. V. 3. Stuart.. Polymer Science. | Regulation 2011 |257 Text Books 1. Polymer Science and Technology. • To make students learn about the concept of fuel cells. Bannari Amman Inst. Viswanathan and Jayadev Sreedhar. Introduction to Polymers. Polymer Analysis. 2002. 2. New Age International (P) Ltd. 2. Young and P. Assessment Pattern S.. Principles of Polymerization. Lovell. New York. Prentice Hall of India (P). 2005. • Students develop the skill of analyzing various energy storing devices and fuel cells at the end of the semester. New Delhi. • apply the knowledge for development of eco friendly energy sources. F. 2003. 2004. Billmeyer. J. Ltd. 2002. A. its types and to relate the factors of energy and environment. John Wiley & Sons. the student will be able to • • understand the knowledge of various energy storing devices.No 1 2 3 4 5 ♠ Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze/ Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ Semester End Examination 20 20 30 30 100 20 20 30 30 100 10 20 30 40 100 10 20 30 40 100 The marks secured in the Test I and II will be converted to 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. New York. Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. Gowarikar. Fried. acquire the knowledge to analyze the working of different types of primary and secondary batteries. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 4. W. Barbara H. R. John Wiley & Sons. Text Book of Polymer Science. Course Outcome(s) At the end of the course. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. V. What are the advantages of H2-O2 fuel cell? 13. | Regulation 2011 |258 Remember 1.voltage. 5. 4. Apply 1. What are alkaline batteries? 3. Differentiate between electrochemical and electrolytic cells. What are the economic impacts of using hybrid electric vehicles? Analyze / Evaluate 1.What are natural geysers? 9. Write the anodic reaction and cathodic reactions of NICAD battery. 7. alkaline. 10. Is the dry cell follows thermodynamic reversibility rule? 6. silver oxide batteries-Recycling/Safe disposal of used cells.How do you convert the chemical energy into electrical energy? 4.Justify. Document the various batteries and its characteristics used in mobile phones and lap tops. What are the effects of diesel and biodiesel emissions on the environment? 7. capacity. Write the functions of ultra-capacitor. 8. What are the effects of gasoline and ethanol emissions on the environment? 6. Name the factors which are affecting the efficiency of fuel cell.Differentiate between photo electrochemical and photovoltaic cells. 5. 14.Construct the alkaline fuel cell. discharge rate. What is meant by green technology? Unit I Batteries Characteristics . mercuric oxide. power. manganous dioxide. Bannari Amman Inst. Primary batteries. of Tech. shelf life. cycle life. Name the electrolyte present in the Li battery. What are active solar heat collectors? 3. energy efficiency. What are passive solar heat collectors? 2. 9 Hours Unit II Batteries for Electric Vehicles . What is DuPont’s experience in fuel cells? 4.Suggest any two secondary storage devices for automobiles. Classify the types of fuel cell. How does a fuel cell differ from traditional methods of energy generation (like batteries)? 2. What are eco-friendly cell? Understand 1. 9. 4.What is the role of impurities in photovoltaic cells? 3. How do you obtain ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass? 8. How the biomass is converted into biofuel? 5. electricity storage density.zinc-carbon.How do you assess the life cycle of fuel cells? 2. current. Lithium battery is the cell of future . Is lead acid battery thermodynamically reversible cell? 6. magnesium. What are the feedstocks can be used to make biodiesel? 3. State Ohms law.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. What are dry cells? 2. 7. What types of vehicles typically use methanol? 7.How do you harvest the energy from tides? 8. 5. Differentiate between diode and electrode.What types of cells are used in space applications? 6. 11. What is meant by redox reaction? 12. Mention the role of heart pacemaker in cardiology. Boca Raton. 3. solid oxide. cell reactions. 2003. M. of Tech. Battery specifications for cars and automobiles. molten carbonate and direct methanol fuel cells. 2. Christopher Brett. Oxford University. Bio-fuels from natural resources. M. CRC. R. Newman and K. phosphoric acid. nickelcadmium and lithium ion batteries . Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics.electrolysis. FL. 9 Hours Unit V Energy and Environment Future prospects-renewable energy and efficiency of renewable fuels – economy of hydrogen energy – life cycle assessment of fuel cell systems. Royal Society of Chemistry. G. David. 5. Renningen Malsheim. 11O0YC CHEMISTRY OF NANOMATERIALS 3 0 0 3. References 1. Lindon David. Course Outcome(s) .. 9 Hours Unit IV Hydrogen as a Fuel Sources of hydrogen – production of hydrogen. Electrochemistry: Principles. MA.lead acid. 3. working principle. | Regulation 2011 |259 Secondary batteries. Expert Verlag . Methods and Applications. M. To make students understand the principles and applications of nanomaterials. Thomas-Alyea. J.photocatalytic water splitting – biomass pyrolysis -gas clean up – methods of hydrogen storage. Burlington. Understanding Batteries. Cryogenic fuels. basic sciences and engineering.Introduction. F. India. 2002. Fuel cells for space applications.0 Objective(s) • • • To impart knowledge on the basic concepts and importance of nanochemistry including synthesis. Fuel Cells: Principles and Applications. Hoogers. Knowledge about the characterization and applications of nanomaterials. NJ. Aulice Scibioh and B. J. Electrochemical Systems. Barbir. 2003. cell representations and applications. PEM fuel cells: Theory and practice.Elsevier. Battery Technology Hand Book. S. lithium anode cell. Wiley. photogalvanic cells. components. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. application of hydrogen technologies in the future. Kiehne .limitations. 4. Hoboken. McGraw Hill. A. Handbook of Batteries. 2004.description.high pressurized gas -liquid hydrogen type -metal hydride – hydrogen as engine fuel – features. Dell Ronald and A. Viswanathan. 2004. Fuel Cell Handbook. 2001. 2.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. University Press. Reserve batteries: Zinc-silver oxide.rechargeable zinc alkaline battery. 2006. Bannari Amman Inst. 9 Hours Unit III Types of Fuel Cells Importance and classification of fuel cells . E. 2005. applications and environmental aspects of the following types of fuel cells: alkaline fuel cells. A. photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical cells – photobiochemical conversion cell. H. Development of batteries for satellites. Solar Cells: Energy conversion devices. Define carbon nanotube. the student will be able to • • • • • Familiar with fundamentals of nanoscience and technology and acquire the capability of applying them. Define nanoscience. Write down any four challenges that are faced by researchers in nanotechnology. What is meant by photolithography? Explain the principle behind vapour phase deposition.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 14. 20. What is biomimetic approach? Explain Feynman’s statement. 5. Define nanocomposite. 4. . 10. | Regulation 2011 |260 At the end of the course. Get strong foundation in the properties of nanoparticles which give contextual knowledge for their higher research programmes. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 17. 7. 11. 19. Classify nanomaterials and give examples for them.No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze/Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ Semester End Examination 25 25 20 30 100 25 25 20 30 100 15 25 20 40 100 15 25 20 40 100 Remember 1. 8. 15. Define top down and bottom up approach. Mention the different types of lithography. 6. 12. Bannari Amman Inst. 9. 13. of Tech. ♠ What do you mean by nano? Define nanotechnology. get vital understanding in the characterization of nanoparticles Furnish the knowledge and skills for entry level placement in core industry as well as scientific software concerns. Define bucky ball. 3. What is meant by chemical vapour deposition? The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. List any four bottom up approaches for the synthesis of nanopowders. Acquire comprehensive knowledge in the synthetic methods for the nanoparticles preparation. What is the dimension of quantum dot? Explain the principle behind lithography. 16. List any four day to day commercial applications of nanotechnology. Define nanostructured material. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. 18. 2. What are the types of nanocomposites? List any four material characterization techniques. Assessment Pattern S. What is the role of nanotechnology in medicinal field? 3. biological and hybrid methods for the preparation of nanomaterials. of Tech. Why do nanostructured particles find potential applications? 7. Differentiate top-down from bottom-up approach needed for nanosynthesis. Bannari Amman Inst. Explain sputtering. How is the template used to obtain nanowire or nanorods? 9. 29. 4. Differentiate self-assembly from self-organisation. What is the current status of nanoscience and nanotechnology? 7. How nanoparticles are stored? 12. optical. What are the characteristics of nanoparticles that should be possesed by any fabrication technique? 6. What are the induced effects due to increase in surface area of nanoparticles? 4. On what principle mechanical milling is based on? 7. 23. Expand AFM.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 11. How nanostructured particles are used in health applications? Analyze/ Evaluate 1. How are nanomaterials detected and analysed? 14. What is the relation between properties and applications of nanoparticles? 6. 27. 4. List the important physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials? 13. What is meant by plasma enhanced CVD? What is meant by bubblers? Explain the principle behind MOVPE. mechanical and electrochemical properties. 24. 22. How are nanomaterials prepared for biological testing? 15. 3. 2. Discuss the health effects of nanoparticles? Apply 1. 25. What is the grain size range of nanostructure materials? 5. First industrial revolution to the nano revolution. | Regulation 2011 |261 21. How is LPE used to obtain nanowire or nanorods? 8. Differentiate glow discharge from RF sputtering. When and where Feynman delivered his lecture on nanotechnology and what is the name of his classical lecture? 3. Properties – electronic. How are nanoparticles formed? 17. magnetic. How can we reduce/save our energy resources by using nanotechnology? 5. physical. What are colloids? What is nanosafety? What is meant by surface induced effect? How are nanomaterials defined? What are the uses of nanoparticles in consumer products? Understand 1. What are the potential harmful effects of nanoparticles? Unit I Nanoworld Introduction – History of nanomaterials – concepts of nanomaterials – size and confinement effects – nanoscience – nanotechnology – Moor’s law. 26. What are the advantages and disadvantages in mechanical synthesis of nanopowders? 5. 9 Hours . What is the difference between nanoscience and nanotechnology? 2. Why do we want nanotechnology in our life? 2. What is the role of nanotechnology in water purification? 10. Nanobiotechnology – molecular motors – optical tweezers. thermal. Compare the relative merits of the usage of photons and particles in lithography. Compare the relative merits of chemical. What are the physical and chemical properties of nanoparticles? 16. 28. 6. Springer. G B Sergeev. 2007. nanocomposites. Nano: The Essentials. 2006.. anti-reflective coatings. 3.2010. A Muller and A K Cheetham. smart sunglasses and transparent conducting oxides – molecular sieves – nanosponges. Nanochemistry: A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials.0 Objective(s) .Department of Aeronautical Engineering.powders of metallic nanoparticles . Royal Society of Chemistry. Nanomaterials Handbook. Implications of nanoscience and nanotechnology on society. USA.solvothermal methods. Microwave heating . zeolites. 2. John-Wiley and Sons. Organic – inorganic hybrids. Reactivity of ω-functional groups on ligand shells. nanofibres.. meso and nanoporous materials. 2009. Sonochemistry: nanometals . 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. nanofilters for air and water purifiers. Understanding Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.thermolysis – metathesis . Geoffrey A Ozin. 3. Bannari Amman Inst. | Regulation 2011 |262 Unit II Synthesis of Nanoparticles Introduction – hydrolysis-oxidation . colorants and pigments. 9 Hours Unit V Applications of Nanomaterials Nanocatalysis. Magnetron sputtering process to obtain nanomaterials. S Chen.Elsevier. 2. Functional Nanomaterials: A Chemistry and Engineering Perspective (Nanostructure Science And Technology).polymer metal composites metallic oxides . 2010. Nanoscience and technology research institution. C N R Rao. 1st Edn. photocatalysis. Jawaharlal Nehru centre for advanced scientific research. References 1. Tata Mcgraw Hill publishing company. UV-visible spectroscopy: principle – instrumentation (block diagram only) – applications.metallic colloids and alloys . 9 Hours Unit III Types and Functionalization of Nanomaterials Polymer nanoparticles. of Tech. semiconductor quantum dots. Yury Gogotsi. Harnessing nanotechnology for economic and social development. Nanoworld – An Introduction to Nanoscience and Technology. T Pradeep. 2006. André C Arsenault . 11O0YD CORROSION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 3 0 0 3. functionalization of nanomaterials – stabilization methods. The Chemistry of Nanomaterials: Synthesis. 2005. Bangalore. antibacterial coatings. 9 Hours Unit IV Physical and Chemical Characterization Electron microscopes: scanning electron microscope (SEM) – transmission electron microscope (TEM) – atomic force microscope (AFM): working principle – instrumentation – applications. Thermal insulation – aerogels. Nanochemistry. 1st Edn. India. micro. Vol.mesoporous materials . self-cleaning – lotus effect. 4.mixed oxides. FT-IR spectroscopy: introduction – instrumentation (block diagram only) – applications –merits and demerits.rare earth oxides . Taylor and Francis group. C N R Rao. 1 & 2. self-assembled monolayers. Sono electrochemistry nanocrystalline materials. Properties and Applications. supramolecular nanostructures.microwave synthesis of nanometallic particles. Discuss. Al and Fe and their limitations. 12. Have strong foundations in the designing of engineering products with corrosion protective mode.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. of Tech. | Regulation 2011 |263 To impart knowledge about the various types of corrosion and its mechanism. Students acquire the basic knowledge about corrosion and its control. formulate and solve corrosion based problems. corrosion testing and monitoring. 15. 3. Demonstrate their ability to identify. 7. Explain. Explain the mechanism of electrochemical corrosion. Get dynamic understanding in the types of corrosion and role of chemistry behind the corrosion. 4. What are the units to measure corrosion rate? Galvanic corrosion. Assessment Pattern S. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. List out the different forms of corrosion. 11.No 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze/ Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ Model Examination♠ Semester End Examination 25 25 20 30 100 25 25 20 30 100 15 25 20 40 100 15 25 20 40 100 Remember 1. How polarization and impedance techniques used to measure the corrosion products? Define cathodic protection. What are inhibitors? Explain the mechanisms of various corrosion scale formation and its types. 6. To make students understand the various methods of corrosion control. What are non-electrochemical and electrochemical methods of corrosion testing and monitoring? What is Tafel linear polarization? The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted to 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. . basic sciences and engineering. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 13. Explain the mechanism. List its types. 9. 5. 8. 14. 10. Have strong foundations in the analytical part of corrosion science which give contextual • • • • • knowledge to their higher research programmes. Course Outcome(s) At the end of the course. • • • Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. the student will be able to Familiar with fundamentals of corrosion science and technology and acquire the capability of applying them. Write the working principle of Tafel polarization techniques. Bannari Amman Inst. ♠ What is corrosion? What are the types of corrosion? Define dry corrosion. Describe the Pourbaix digrams of Mg. 2. fretting damage and microbes induced corrosion.cracking. Anodic protection-Design for corrosion control. Life time calculations . 3. 4. kinetics of protective film formation and catastrophic oxidation corrosion.corrosion of steels. 3. Describe alternatives to protective coatings. | Regulation 2011 |264 Understand 1. Differentiate between electrochemical and dry corrosion. 2. Compare the effects of corrosion products. 9 Hours Unit IV Cathodic and Anodic Protection Engineering Fundamentals of cathodic protection .insitu corrosion scale analysis. 7. Mechanisms of various corrosion scale formation . Analyze the rust formation in mild steel using weight loss method. 4. stress corrosion. List reasons why it is important to study of corrosion. erosion corrosion. pitting corrosion. Discuss the Pilling-Bedworth rule. intergranular corrosion. 5. 6. of Tech.the direct and indirect loss of corrosion.uniform corrosion-galvanic corrosion. corrosion fatigue . 5.galvanic corrosion: area relationship in both active and passive states of metals .high temperature oxidation. 2. selective leaching. 2.filliform corrosion. Why pitting corrosion is localized corrosion? Explain. 9 Hours Unit II Forms of Corrosion Different forms of corrosion . What are the measures to be taken to reduce corrosion fatiques? 7. How Tafel polarization and impedance techniques used to measure the corrosion products? 3. What are the major implications of enhanced techniques of corrosion product analysis? Analyze/ Evaluate 1.types of cathodic protection systems and anodes. Explain why corrosion rate of metal is faster in aqueous solution than atmosphere air? What are the factors influencing the corrosion rate? Explain.importance of pitting factor . cathodic and anodic inhibitors. What are consequences of Pilling-Bedworth ratio? List the difference between filliform corrosion and pitting corrosion.thick layer and thin layer . Identify different forms of corrosion in the metal surface. Stray current corrosion problems and its prevention. How inhibitors are used to protect the corrosion rate of the metal? Explain. Bannari Amman Inst. Al and Fe and their advantages and disadvantages . 9 Hours Unit III Mechanisms of Corrosion Hydrogen embrittlement.inhibitors .importance of corrosion prevention in various industries . Apply 1.units of corrosion rate . 6. Role of paints and pigments to protect the corrosive environment 9 Hours Unit V Corrosion Testing and Monitoring .rectifier selection. Industrial boiler corrosion. Explain how we could reduce corrosion of metals.mdd and mpy . Corrosion of metals by other gases. Explain how we could reduce corrosion of metals? Unit I Introduction to Corrosion Importance and cost of corrosion – spontaneity of corrosion – passivation . Coating for various cathodic protection system and their assessment.Pourbaix digrams of Mg. crevice corrosion.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.Pilling Bed worth ratio and its consequences . | Regulation 2011 |265 Corrosion testing and monitoring . • To learn the knowledge on various types of sensors for high temperatures for use in propulsion and other aerospace applications Programme Outcome(s) (a) An ability to understand principles of mathematics. 3. 2008. impedance techniques-Weight loss method . 2004. ASM Hand Book. 2005. Uhlig. basic sciences and engineering. linear polarization. 2000. Elsevier Science and Technology Books. . Principles of Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Control. Jones. R.W. Hand Book of Corrosion Engineering.electrochemical methods of polarization. Corrosion Engineering. Analyze the instruments for monitoring the corrosion.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. ONE CREDIT COURSES 11A0XA HIGH TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTATION . Winstone Revie and Herbert H.0 Objective(s) • The course is intended to build up necessary background for understand principles of heat flux measurements and their applications in aerospace. Houston. References 1. Measurement of different modes of heat flux 2. 13. 9 Hours Total: 45 Hours Text Books 1. Roberge. ASM International. Course Outcome(s) 1. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks.susceptibility test – testing for intergranular susceptibility and stress corrosion. New York.Tafel extrapolation polarization. 2006. 2. Fontana. Peabody. No. of Tech. Corrosion and Corrosion Control: An Introduction to Corrosion Science and Engineering. A.. Singapore. Prentice Hall Inc. McGraw Hill.1. John Wiley & Science. Control of Pipeline Corrosion. Pierre R. 3. Vol. Denny A. • To import knowledge on high temperature measurements. 2001. 4. Tata McGraw Hill.. Mars G. Zaki Ahmad. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Corrosion. Improve the accuracy of results by calibrating sensors Assessment Pattern S. NACE International. 2008. Bannari Amman Inst. 2. 1 2 3 ♠ Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 20 10 20 20 Model Examination♠ 10 20 20 Semester End Examination 10 20 20 The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. Principles and Prevention of Corrosion.. Gordon gauge. Programme Outcome(s) (bAn ability to apply knowledge of mathematics. Bannari Amman Inst. radiation. 11A0XB INTELLIGENT OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES . Illustrate the importance of thermocouple.P. vol 23. Write major errors associated with high temperature measurements.. velocity and displacement techniques. (1984) Reference 1. R. (c)An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. 3. Analysis of various neural network models. Give examples for thermocouples. 2. Course Outcome(s) 1. 2. pressure and flow measurements. ASTM publication. Advances in Heat Transfer. Understand 1. Define Heat flux.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. | Regulation 2011 |266 4 5 6 Analyze Evaluate Create Total 20 20 10 100 20 20 10 100 20 20 10 100 20 20 10 100 Remember 1. Apply/Evaluate 1. 2. science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems. • To develop the skill to apply the optimization techniques for real time mechanical engineering problems. Analysis of the acceleration. ASTM committee on E20. of Tech. 3. State the importance of Flame Temperature measurements. Thermopile and thin film gauges – calorimetric methods – calibration of heat flux sensors using black body furnace. Manual on the use of thermocouples in temperature measurement. Introduction . Explain Sodium line reversal method. Explain the Sodium line reversal method. 3.. .0 Objective(s) • To Learn Nontraditional Optimization techniques. Fundamentals of temperature. What are the types of heat flux sensors. 3. Total temperature measurements – recovery factor calibration – major errors associated with high temperature measurements and estimation of accuracies. 2. Academic press. Benedict. 2. 1993.1. Describe the importance of Spectroscopic methods. Total: 15 Hours Text Books 1.P Hartnett et al. (j)An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. Types of thermocouples and their calibration. two colour and infrared pyrometers – spectroscopic methods for flame temperature measurement – Sodium line reversal method. combustion chamber temperature measurements using refractory thermocouples – surface temperature measurement techniques using thermo couples and pyrometers – optical. PP (279 – 368). LDA etc. Analysis of different modes of optimization.importance of high temperature measurements in Aerospace industry – Heat flux measurement – Types of heat flux sensors – slug gauge. Third Edition. 1981. J. Introduction to Ant colony and Tabu search method. Kishk. Fundamentals of artificial neural networks. What is optimization? Define mutation operators.Cross over functions . References 1. To create an algorithm for all the functions. Bannari Amman Inst.Comparison study of GA with Ant Colony and Tabu search algorithm.Selection techniques . basic steps in SA. M. No. Morgan & Claypool. Phi Learning. Introduction. of Tech. 2001. General structure of GA .Example problems. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 30 40 30 100 30 40 30 100 Model Examination♠ 30 40 30 100 Semester End Examination 30 40 30 100 Remember 1. 3. | Regulation 2011 |267 Assessment Pattern S. James Kennedy. Types of ANN. Introduction. Applications of traveling salesman problems. Discuss re-anneling concept? Understand 1. Threshold function. Optimization Techniques.Concept explanations. 2. 2010. Swarm intelligence. New Age International.Molecular dynamics formulation –conservative and non-conservative Environments. James F. Mikki and Ahmed A. Velocity and acceleration techniques for PSO. Russell C. unconstrained and constrained problems. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers . What is the necessary of weight function? Discuss conservative and non-conservative environment. Eberhart and Yuhui Shi. Basic fundamental rules -Example for feed forward back propagation and perspective neural network model.Example problems. 2007. Jan 2008. 2. ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. Hassoun. .Classical particle swarm optimization method . Re-annealing concept.Weight function. Kennedy. S S Rao. 2. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Particle Swarm Optimization: a Physics-Based Approach. Introduction. Create 1. example simple design problems.Displacement. 2. Hidden layer network. Elements of ANN. Total: 15 Hours Text Book 1. To analyses and solve the problems with new ideas. Mohamad H. 3. Introduction .Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks.Constrained and unconstrained optimization problems-Mutation operators . 1. 2006.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 11A0XC LEAN MANUFACTURING .Value flow pull . .Work place organization Visual controls . The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 30 40 30 100 30 40 30 100 Model Examination♠ 30 40 30 100 Semester End Examination 30 40 30 100 Remember 1. R. Programme Outcome(s) (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context.Toyota production system . 3. 2. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Improve the different modes and steps to develop mass product and also save the time.Lean manufacturing overview .0 Objective(s) • • To acquire the general knowledge to deliver consistently high quality and value added products and services to the customer in a lean environment. 4.Pull production and cellular manufacturing . To understand the terminology relating to lean operations in both service and manufacturing organizations. What is reduction approaches? Create 1... What are the effects of die exchange process? 2. Assessment Pattern S. Bannari Amman Inst. Course Outcome(s) 1. Saravanan.. Manufacturing Optimization through Intelligent Techniques. Discuss the steps in process and product development? 3.S. Published by CRC Publications. U. of Tech. Develop an innovative methods and process for all products. No. Taylor and Francis. What is value stream analysis? Define evolution? How to develop lean six sigma? Discuss about productive maintenance? Understand 1. History – Evolution . (k) A desire for continuous learning throughout the professional career.A. | Regulation 2011 |268 4.Value and perfection lean – ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. Daniel T. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 30 30 40 100 30 30 40 100 Model Examination♠ 30 30 40 100 Semester End Examination 30 30 40 100 Wind turbine – Introduction. USA. Lean Production Simplified. Jay Arthur.Department of Aeronautical Engineering.reduction approaches Steps in implementing lean strategy – Lean accounting system. Jeffrey K. 11A0XD WIND TURBINE DESIGN AND TESTING . 3. Liker. 2007.Product and process development – Value stream analysis Over production . Pascal Dennis.0 Objective(s) • To build up necessary knowledge for understanding the basics of wind turbine • To understand the design and development of wind turbine blades and some its systems • To provide adequate knowledge of testing procedure involved in wind turbine Programme Outcome(s) (b).Identifying and eliminating unnecessary steps . References 1. Jones.. 2004. Mc-Graw Hill. 2.Setup time .Lean six sigma . Lean Manufacturing Implementation. ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. 2003.1. The Toyota Way – 14 Management Principles. Bannari Amman Inst. An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering and its allied fields. Integration of blade system.Transportation . Womack. 4.Excess motion or ergonomic problems . Wind turbine – general flow pattern.Defected products .Total Productive Maintenance – 5S . | Regulation 2011 |269 Mapping the present – Mapping the future . of Tech. Lean Thinking: Banish waste and create wealth in your corporation.Work In Progress . Simon & Schuster UK Limited. New Delhi.Kanban tooling . Hobbs.. No. Course Outcome(s) • To understand the flow physics involved the wind turbine systems • To learn the basic ideas involved the design and development of wind turbine systems Assessment Pattern S. Total: 15 Hours Text Book 1. power control and efficiency of wind turbines. Blade design. Dennis P.Single Minute Die Exchange .Waiting . testing of wind turbine blade.Underutilization of employees Just In Time . New York. Lean Six-Sigma Demystified. Developments & types with advantages & disadvantages. 2002. Free Press. 2004.Flow charting . Productivity Press. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks.Inappropriate processing . James P. Ross Publications. J. Noise reduction. . Blade profile selection and its comparison with conventional airfoil shape. Tata McGraw-Hill Company. Reference(s) 1. L. 2010. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Earth Scan Publications. Springer Publications. 11A0XE REAL TIME INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS IN CFD . Course Outcome(s) • To understand the physics involved in the internal and external fluid flow over the aircrafts and other land based vehicles • To attain expertise in handling the commercial CFD packages for solving the fluid flow problem involved in the industry Assessment Pattern S. Bannari Amman Inst. David Wood. Wei Tong.1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 30 30 40 100 30 30 40 100 Model Examination♠ 30 30 40 100 Semester End Examination 30 30 40 100 Basic introduction of CFD & its real time industrial applications. “Wind Power Generation and Wind Turbine Design” WIT Press. Martin O. Programme Outcome(s) (b).0 Objective(s) • To understand the flow physics involved in the airflow over the aircrafts and vehicles • To understand the internal and external fluid flow behavior encountered by the aircraft and other land based vehicles. “Small Wind Turbines: Analysis. An ability to use the internet and modern engineering techniques.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 2011. . Theoretical introduction of Grid generation. Preprocessing & Post processing techniques. “Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines” 2nd Edition. Text book(s) ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. (f). Solver techniques & its implementation. No. and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice.. Turbulence Modeling. 2013. Hansen. | Regulation 2011 |270 Text Book(s) 1. and Application”. tools.. of Tech. 2. 2D & 3D geometry creation using commercial CFD packages. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. Design. An ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering and its allied fields. Grid generation technique using commercial CFD packages – 2D & 3D. 3. Analysis of different forms of fluids. (c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyse and interpret experimental data. No. (b) n ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering principles to solve aeronautical engineering problems.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 1 2 3 4 ♠ Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 20 - 10 20 20 - Model Examination♠ 10 20 20 - Semester End Examination 10 20 20 - The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. 2009. Springer Publications. SPECIAL COURSES 11A0RA GAS TURBINE HEAT TRANSFER AND COOLING TECHNOLOGY . Analysis of different modes of fluid mechanics. 3.0 Objective(s) • The course is intended to build up necessary background for understanding the physical behavior of Fluid. incompressible and compressible flow. (h) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. H. 2. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments. tools and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice.. Pearson Publications. • To understand the application of various experimental fluid mechanics correlations along with heat transfer and design considerations in engineering calculations • To learn fundamental calculations in fluid mechanics. (j) An ability to understand contemporary issues and to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions in a global and social context. “An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method” 2nd Edition. W. Bannari Amman Inst. 2. thermodynamics and design. John Wendt. Course Outcome(s) 1. 1995 Reference books(s) 1. viscosity.. Programme Outcome(s) (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques. John Anderson. S. • To understand the basic concepts of compressible fluid flow. 2012. like. Improve the fluid operating parameters. of Tech. “Computational Fluid Dynamics”. density and. | Regulation 2011 |271 1. Performance analysis equipment 4. Malalasekera. “Computational Fluid Dynamics: An Introduction (Von Karman Institute Book)”. . Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Versteeg. Mc-Graw Hill Publications. turbine blade tip film cooling. Cooling techniques for combustion chamber and nozzle. When will be the gas turbine cycle efficiency reaches maximum? 2. 2. Mention any two methods in turbine heat transfer. 210°C to 100 kpa.0 Objective(s) • • To design process of aircraft. Understand 1. 2. What is meant by compounding of turbines? 3. Turbine heat transfer – turbine stage heat transfer. Define numerical modeling. Numerical modeling – turbulence models.. Construct a numerical model for turbulence. Turbine internal cooling – jet impingement cooling. Define film cooling effectiveness. To familiarize the student about aircraft system design and component design. Create 1. Total: 15 Hours References 1. 2. film cooling effectiveness. 4. Turbine film cooling – film on rotating turbine blades. film cooling on airfoil end walls. 11A0RB AIRCRAFT DESIGN APPROACH . 5.1kg per sec from 500kpa. What we are understanding from the work numerical problem? 7.35 in both the cases and optimum pressure and complete inter cooling in a two stage compressor. of Tech. . Neglect inlet velocity of the steam. Assume a compression index of 1. How we can increase the film cooling effectiveness? 6. How the rotometer is useful to find the fluid flow? Apply / Evaluate 1. turbine rotor blade tip heat transfer. 3. What is meant by sub cooling? 5. Define nozzle efficiency. Define cooling. 4. What are the various types of nozzles and their functions? 6. Heat transfer problems in gas turbine combustion chamber. In what condition the film cooling needed in turbine. A nozzle is to designed to expand steam at the rate of 0.9 determine the exit area of the nozzle. Bannari Amman Inst. What are the main significance of ribbed channel heat transfer? 8. leading edge region film cooling. Mention any two methods in turbine cooling technology.. | Regulation 2011 |272 5 6 Evaluate Create Total Assessment Pattern 40 10 100 40 10 100 40 10 100 40 10 100 Remember 1. numerical prediction of problems in combustion chamber and nozzle.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. AIAA Journal of Thermo physics and Heat Transfer.3. ASME Journal of Heat Transfer. cascade vane blade transfer. For nozzle efficiency of 0. AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power. after burner and nozzle. 3. 7. Find the percentage of work input by comprising air in two stages from 1 bar to 7 bar instead of 1 stage. 4. aerospace problems and Mathematics required. Analyse the design phases of aircraft design approach. ♠ The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 marks and Model Examination will be converted to 20marks. What are the factors to be considered for the design of aircraft? 2. and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. List down some of aircraft components and systems. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks . 2. 3. aircraft structures. (e) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components. What is the effect of fault and failure analysis? Apply 1. | Regulation 2011 |273 Programme Outcome(s) (d) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. experimental and computational skills required. Course Outcome(s) 1. Understand 1. Explain with an example of fault and failure analysis. cost analysis and airline economics for aircraft design approach. aerodynamics. (f) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques. Draw the product life cycle of aircraft design approach. Bannari Amman Inst. 1 2 3 4 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Apply Analyze/Evaluate Create Total Test I♠ Test II♠ 30 40 30 100 40 40 20 100 Model Examination♠ 30 30 40 100 Semester End Examination 30 30 40 100 Remember 1. Why layout of systems is important for aircraft design approach? 3. 2. of Tech. No. List out the processes involved in the design of aircraft. Assessment Pattern S. tools. How the design approach of an aircraft is differed with other products? 2. Interpretation of analytical. Knowledge of thermodynamics. Introduction to Systems Engineering. Systems Engineering. experimental and computational skills required. Course Outcome(s) 1.Build.Program-Planning and Design. 2004. Considerations and Integration of Aircraft Systems.Product Life Cycle Whole Life Cycle -Influence. Design and Development of Aircraft Systems: An Introduction . Allan G. Understanding of entropy 3. Operate and Disposal. of Tech. Sage. Interpretation of analytical.System Engineering – Design Process . Artech house. Sydenham . Economics. Operating Environment – Compatibility with the Subsystems. 1999.Cost analysis – Airline Economics Total: 15 Hours References 1. Numerical problem solving skills required. No. AIAA Education Series. Accordingly internal assessment will be calculated for 50 marks. Test. 2000 11A0RC REENTRY AEROTHERMODYNAMICS . convection and radiation with consideration to aerospace problems.3. To familiarize the student with high speed reacting flows. Aslaksen. | Regulation 2011 |274 Definition and Concepts . 3.0 Objective(s) To familiarize the student in the area of conduction.. Seabridge and Ian Moir. Knowledge of thermodynamics. Prentice Hall.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Systems Approach to Engineering. 1 2 ♠ Bloom’s Taxonomy (New Version) Remember Understand Test I♠ Test II♠ 10 20 10 20 Model Examination♠ 10 20 Semester End Examination 10 20 The marks secured in Test I and II will be converted 20 and Model Examination will be converted to 20. Andrew P. Peter. aerospace problems and mathematics required 2. Daniel P. . Aircraft Design: A conceptual Approach. The remaining 10 marks will be calculated based on assignments.. Armstrong. 5. S. Factors affecting compatibility – Systems Evolution.Systems Design. Systems Analysis – Development of various configurations. tools. and software packages necessary for aeronautical engineering practice. Systems and Components – Analysis . (b) An ability to design aircrafts to meet desired performance needs as well as design aircraft systems and components.Conceptual System Overview – Project Design Phase. Management of Systems. Bannari Amman Inst.Aircraft components and systems. 2. 2004.Fault and Failure Analysis . • • Programme Outcome(s) (d) An ability to analyse aircraft systems and components. James E. Layout of Systems Systems Integration. (c) An ability to use the Internet and modern engineering techniques. Raymer.. 4. AIAA Education Series. Design for Reliability . – Design Phases . Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management. Phase. Jr. Inc. 4. 1992. London. Erik and Rod Belcher. Derive the lifting trajectory with time t as the variable of integration. 2. 3. High temperatures – High pressures. Performance evaluation based on heat of ablation and erosion rate measurements. 6. selection of composite materials. 8. Explain the concept of ablation cooling. AIAA Journal of Thermo physics and Heat Transfer. Introduction to hypersonic flows – laminar and turbulent boundary layers with ablation aerodynamic heating. testing and performance evaluation of thermal protection materials using plasma jet/plasma tunnels. 4. Explain the effect of hypersonic flow during the re-entry of the space shuttle. 6. What do you mean by re-entry interface? 9. Solve distributed parameter transient heat transfer problems. Peragamon press. What are the different protection systems for re-entry vehicle? What are the radiation shape factors and why are they used? What is the function of insulating materials? Explain the aerodynamic heating of the re-entry vehicle What is a diffuse surface? Apply / Evaluate 1. 2. laser doppler anemometry. What are the different types of space shuttle heating? 7. hypersonic boundary shear layer transition. Describe the re-entry flight maneuvers. 10. | Regulation 2011 |275 3 4 5 Apply/Evaluate Analyze Create Total Assessment Pattern 60 10 100 60 10 100 60 10 100 60 10 100 Remember 1. protective coatings. Bannari Amman Inst. and design of insulation system using char – ablation model. inter metallics. Total: 15 Hours References 1. Simulation. What are the primary factors that are essential for designing a re-entry vehicle? 4. Journal of spacecrafts and Rockets. . 3. 3. 7. 9. 5. 5. Derive the six degrees of freedom equation for space shuttle re-entry. 2. 10. High temperature materials – super alloys. ceramic matrix composites. composites. 2. skin friction for hypersonic flow conditions. Reentry instrumentation – heat flux and temperature measurements. What are the critical system failures due to the re-entry heat transfer? Understand 1. Discuss on the topic of Ballistic entry and lifting entry. Derive the lift drag equation for re-entry vehicles. of Tech.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Create 1. Thermal protection system design – computation of thermal loads. Explain the flight control and guidance failures during re-entry Discuss on the design of insulation system for re-entry vehicles What are the materials suitable for the construction of re-entry vehicles? Describe the laser Doppler anemometry. Derive the solution for radiation heat transfer equation Compute the thermal loads using different models. ceramics. carbon – carbon. 8. | Regulation 2011 |276 CERTIFICATE COURSES FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 11AE01 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS (AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING) Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra. S. normal shock. 6. induced drag. Grewal. Numerical Methods.Vikas Publishing House. wave drag. Lakshminarayanan. B. Som and G. aerodynamic characteristics. inviscid flow in a c-d nozzle. divergence and curl. New Delhi. Vikas Publishing House. Khanna Publications . qualitative treatment of low aspect ratio wings. gradient. Higher Engineering Mathematics. boundary layer on a flat plate. critical and drag divergence Mach number. 7. 2nd Edition. New Delhi . Kreyszig. maxima and minima. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Wind Tunnel Testing: Measurement and visualisation techniques. Tata McGraw-Hill. White. New Delhi. Theorems of Stokes. directional derivatives. B S Grewal. New Delhi. wing theory. Helmholtz and Kelvin theorem. New Delhi. S .Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Veerarajan . Mathematics for Engineers. 4. 11AE02 AERODYNAMICS Basic Fluid Mechanics: Incompressible irrotational flow. K. P. 2. Bannari Amman Inst. Higher Engineering Mathematics . C. K. Inc. subsonic and supersonic airfoils. singularities and superposition. Kandasamy.Jayanthi. eigen values and eigen vectors. isentropic flow. K A Lakshminarayanan. 8. John Wiley & Sons. .Geetha and D.2009. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 2008. surface and volume integrals. mean value theorems. flow in diffusers.5th Edition. lift generation. vector identities. Cauchy and Euler equations. compressibility effects on lift and drag. Compressible Flows: Dynamics and Thermodynamics of I-D flow. Kutta Joukowski theorem. Barrett.2000. 20 Hours References 1. Volume I. 20 Hours References 1. 2008. 5. New Delhi. limit. evaluation of definite and improper integrals. initial and boundary value problems. Geetha and D. K. Megalai. K. Differential Equations: First order linear and nonlinear equations. Prandtl-Meyer flow. M. integration by trapezoidal and Simpson rule. Mathematics for Engineers. A.Tata McGraw Hill Publications . higher order linear ODEs with constant coefficients. P.Megalai. high lift devices. viscous flows. Higher Engineering Mathematics. Calculus: Functions of single variable. Tata McGraw HillPublications. B. Fluid Mechanics. Khanna Publications. Thilagavathy. Introduction to fluid mechanics and fluid machines. E. 2003. systems of linear equations. New Delhi 2000 . continuity and differentiability. 2. 2008. Ray Wylie and Louis. total derivative. transition. TataMcGraw-Hill. Numerical methods: Numerical solution of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations. Gunavathy and K. Jayanthi . Volume II. 2000. Viscous Flows: Flow separation. 9. T. Khanna Publications . New Delhi. line. F.Chand and Co. of Tech. flow in nozzles and diffusers. thin airfoil theory. single and multi-step methods for differential equations. K. 3. Singapore. Airfoils and wings: Classification of airfoils. Partial differential equations and separation of variables methods. Engineering Mathematics . S. 2003. S. 2008.Grewal . Gauss and Green. oblique shock. introduction to turbulence. . Biswas. partial derivatives. structure of a turbulent boundary layer. P. C. 2008. Laplace transforms. 6.. Shapiro. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Materials for Missiles and Spacecraft. bending and flexural shear.London. cruise climb. Anderson Jr. Space dynamics: Central force motion. 1982. L.H. indicated air speeds. determination of trajectory and orbital period in simple cases. John Wiley. 8. longitudinal stick fixed & free stability. 20 Hours References 1. ASI.1998. D. Inc. endurance or loiter. O. standard atmosphere. 11AE03 FLIGHT MECHANICS AND SPACE DYNAMICS Atmosphere: Properties. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics.D. Wing dihedral. 5. Macmillan. turning flight. Oxford. strain-displacement relationship. 1979. tail & cross winds. Flight Vehicle Structures: Characteristics of aircraft structures and materials. John Wiley. Connolly. sweep & position. equivalent. Parker E.R. Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow. J. D. 9. stick forces. Rocket Propulsion and Space Dynamic. Dommasch.. torsion. Bannari Amman Inst. Anderson. Dynamics of Flight Stability and Control. compatibility equations. Winds: head. F. 2006. Aeroplane Aero dynamics. load factor. Aircraft Dynamic Stability and Response. 7. Static stability: Angle of attack. Dynamics of continuous systems. New York. Aeronautics and Flight Mechanics. 10. 3. roll. G. S. Ronold Press. Cornelisse. McGraw-Hill Book Co. 2007. Third Edition. 1982. R. in-plane and out-of-plane. Pitman. J. constitutive law.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. Freeman & Co. Sutton. steady climb & descent. 4. Airy’s stress function. 8. 6. Dynamic stability: Euler angles.P. Flexural shear flow in thin-walled sections. Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd. Gas Dynamics.W. Orbit transfer. L. Airplane Performance stability and Control.. J. Drag polar. John Wiley. thrust and thrust augmentation. London. of Tech. stability & control derivatives. Elements of rocket motor performance. Houghton and P. NewYork. Shelby and T. Flight Stability and Automatic Control. directional stability. horizontal tail position and size. A. W. Equations of motion. Theoretical aerodynamics. 11AE04 STRUCTURES AND PROPULSION Stress and Strain: Equations of equilibrium. S. Buckling. C. Radhakrishnan. Airplane (fixed wing aircraft) configuration and various parts. C. Mc Cornick. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics. B. Milne Thomson. 1988. Elements of Astromechanics. John Wiley & Son. take off and landing. Primary flight instruments: Altimeter. Issac Pitman. New York. H. | Regulation 2011 |277 3.. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Anderson. 2007. VSI. W. D. 1984. plane stress and strain. Carpenter. 2. Propulsion: Thermodynamics of Aircraft Gas Turbine engines. lateral-directional modes. Etkin.. Airplane performance: Pressure altitude. hinge moments. W. Aerodynamics for Engineering students. 2.. 5.. Perkins and R. Pergamon Press. calibrated. Classification of aircraft. 9. 1985. McGraw Hill BookCo. P. E. . Failure theories. vertical tail position and size. E. W. 1980. Turn-bank indicator. Van de Kamp. 1982. H. Nelson. sideslip. 1993. Prentice Hall of India. Hage.. 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Theory and Analysis of Flight Structures. Gas Turbine Theory. K. Peterson. H. Thermodynamics of ramjets and scramjets. I and Vol. J. 1989. H. Saravanamuttoo. 1993.Young. 9. M. combustor and nozzle. Donaldson. centrifugal pumps and compressors. T. McGraw-Hill. Timoshenko and D. Aircraft Structures.G. G. F. Peery and J. 3. P. Addison – WesleyLongman INC. R. 1999. H. 1985. G. T.Department of Aeronautical Engineering. 1993. Rajput. Rivello. E.Strength of Materials (Mechanics of Solids). Cohen.N. Chand & Co. 2. Mechanics & Thermodynamics of Propulsion.J. Van No StrandCo-Inc Princeton. 6. D. 2009. 7. 4. 20 Hours References 1. Elements of rocket propulsion. M.
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