Bio Peka Panduan

March 24, 2018 | Author: Puan Wardah | Category: Histogram, Educational Assessment, Experiment, Temperature, Curriculum



1CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 3.0 Introduction Objectives of SPM Biology PEKA The Characteristics of SPM Biology PEKA 3.1 Compatibility with the Curriculum Specification 3.2 Pupil-centered 3.3 Feasible and Systematic 3.4 Open and Transparent 3.5 Variety of Instruments 3.6 Continuous and Formative Assessment 3.7 Valid and Reliable 3.8 Positive Reports 3.9 Continuous Monitoring The Organization of SPM Biology PEKA 4.1 Planning 4.2 Administration 4.3 Scoring 4.4 Reporting 4.5 Moderation Method for Assessment Page 2 2 2 4.0 4 5.0 5 6.0 The Framework of SPM Biology PEKA 6.1 Learning Area 6.2 Construct, Score and Criteria 6 7.0 Grading Procedure 7.1 Individual Score Form (ISF) 7.2 Grading 7.3 Sample of Individual Score Form (ISF) 7.4 Procedures in Managing the ISF 12 8.0 Reporting Procedure 8.1 Certificate 8.2 Master Score Form (MSF) 13 Appendix 14 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION The SPM Biology Practical Work Assessment (SPM Biology PEKA) is a school based assessment that is implemented in schools as a part of teaching and learning process. SPM Biology PEKA Assessment Guide contains information about the objectives, characteristics and organization of SPM Biology PEKA. It also outline the assessment procedures to serve as guidelines for teachers to carry out the assessment in a coordinated manner. 2.0 OBJECTIVES OF SPM BIOLOGY PEKA The objectives in conducting SPM Biology PEKA is to enable the pupils to : * Master the Scientific Skills * * Science Process Skills Science Manipulative Skills Strengthen the knowledge and understanding of scientific theories and concepts. Inculcate the Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values 3.0 THE CHARACTERISTICS OF SPM BIOLOGY PEKA 3.1 Compatibility with the Curriculum Specification The assessment should be compatible with the knowledge, scientific skills, scientific attitudes and noble values to be developed in the teaching and learning process as specified in the SPM Biology Curriculum. 3.2 Pupil-centered All activities should be carried out by the pupils in a conducive environment and guided by the teacher’s teaching plan. The pupils should be assessed in accordance to their abilities and readiness. 3.3 Feasible and Systematic The format of assessment is designed to be practical and manageable. The assessment procedure should be systematic to enable teachers to administer the assessment efficiently. 9 Continuous Monitoring The assessment process SPM Biology PEKA has to be monitored and supervised systematically from time to time to ensure that it is carried out in accordance to its objectives and procedures.7 Valid and Reliable The validity of the assessment is determined by the scores that portray relevant information on the constructs assessed. 3. folio. 3.3 3. scrap book. check-lists and models as evidence of their ability and their level of performance. The reliability of the assessment refers to the consistency and accuracy of the scores obtained through the process of moderation and monitoring.4 Open and Transparent The pupils should be informed of the following aspects : · · · · What are the constructs that will be assessed? How will the construct be assessed? When will the construct be assessed? Where will the construct be assessed? 3. Throughout the assessment period the pupils are encouraged to acquire knowledge and experience and also given opportunities to improve their work and their score. is achieved. It is ascertained by ensuring the constructs assessed are within the curriculum specification. project. . 3. 3.8 Positive Reports The scores reported should show that an acquisition of skills that stimulates the pupils to improve on their performance and achievement to a better level of mastering skills.5 Variety of Instruments Pupils may use a variety of instruments such as practical report.6 Continuous and Formative Assessment The assessment is to be carried out from Form 4 to Form 5. The maximum score of each construct is 3. 9 5 . 4. The teachers are required to manage the evidence produced by the pupils. 7 3.4 1 .2 Grade A B C D . The maximum score for each construct is 9.6.0 THE ORGANIZATION OF SPM BIOLOGY PEKA 4. Total Score 8.1 Planning The assessment should be planned accordingly which includes aspects such as: 4.3 Scoring Scores are awarded based on the scoring scheme. The grade for each total score is shown below.2 the pupils to be assessed the time / duration to conduct the assessment the frequency of the assessment the personnel involved the type of instrument the scoring the grading the reporting Administration All evidence for assessment are collected and assessed by teachers responsible in the teaching and learning process of the subject.4 4. The three best scores for each construct are taken from the assignments assessed. 5. 5.3 Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values should be assessed simultaneously with other skills.5 4.4 Teachers assess and score the evidence presented by the pupil.4 Reporting The scores and grades are recorded in the Individual Score Form (ISF) and compiled into the Master Score Form (MSF) 4. 5.6 Pupils must submit a complete evidence.8 Pupils should be given adequate opportunity to master the required skills before the assessment is made. Pupils who have not mastered any assessed constructs are given the opportunity to repeat it in another assignment. 5.0 METHOD FOR ASSESSMENT 5. 5. Teachers can assess either one construct/skill or several constructs/skills of a small group of pupils or of the whole class. .1 5.7 Students must complete enough assignments to ensure that all the constructs have been assessed. Moderation is an essential process to standardize and monitor school based assessments in order to maintain the validity and reliability of the assessment conducted by the teacher.5 Moderation A mechanism to ensure that pupils of similar skill level of each construct are given similar scores.5 5. 5. All the information regarding the evidence are accessible to the pupils.2 SPM Biology PEKA is carried out as a part of teaching and learning process. 6 5. The highest score for each construct could be taken from either year. 6. 4 and 5 contain a list of the skills used as performance indicators.0 THE FRAMEWORK OF SPM BIOLOGY PEKA 6.Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum. Construct 1 Construct 2 Construct 3 Construct 4 Construct 5 : : : : : Planning Investigation or Experiment Conducting Investigation or Experiment Collecting and Recording Data Interpreting Data and Making Conclusion Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values Constructs 1. 1995. The activity code is represented by the following information: Year / Theme / Learning Objective / Learning Outcomes (Refer Curriculum Specification) .9 The assessment should be carried at least two times in Form 4 and two times in Form 5. The list is extracted and translated from the Modul Kemahiran Proses Sains .1 Learning Area The learning area comprises of five main constructs. 2. 3. The Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values are imbedded during the assessment of science manipulative skills and must be observed by the teacher / assessor. 3 P Score 2 Accomplished 4 .2 Construct.6 P Score 3 Accomplished all P Scoring Scheme ii) responding variable iii) constant variable P5 : List the materials / substances / specimens and apparatus P6 :Technique P7 : Write the procedure 6.1 Construct 1 : Planning the investigation or experiment Construct (Skills) Planning the investigation or experiment Criteria (Performance Indicator) P1 : State the problem statement P2 : State the aim P3 : State the hypothesis P4 : State the variables: i) manipulated variable Score 1 Accomplished 1 .7 6. Score and Criteria (Performance Indicator) 6.2 Construct 2 : Conducting the investigation or experiment Construct (Skills) Conducting investigation or experiment Criteria (Performance Indicator) P1 : Set up apparatus and materials for the experiment / correct and functional P2 : Conduct the investigation or experiment according to procedure and technique correctly P3 : Take measurement / make observation correctly Score 1 Accomplished any one P Score 3 Accomplished all P Score 2 Accomplished any two P Scoring Scheme .2.2. 3 Construct 3 : Collecting and Recording Data Construct (Skills) Collecting and Recording Data Criteria (Performance Indicator) P1 : Construct a table with titles using correct variables and units. P1 : Title P2 : Big and clear P3 : Neat and without broken lines P4 : The diagram has a general acceptable overall appearance as representing the structure (functional diagram) Score 1 Accomplished Any one of P Score 2 Accomplished Any two of P Score 3 Accomplished All P Scoring Scheme .8 6. P2 : Record all values of the manipulated variable with correct decimal place P3 : Record all values of the responding variable (with correct decimal place) P4 : Record secondary data from calculation (with suitable decimal place and correct unit) OR Draw diagram that include the following.2. state the relationship between the variables P 5: Make a conclusion based on the graph OR Construct a Bar Chart / Histogram The chart includes the following: P1 : Title of the bar chart / histogram and both axes labeled with correct units P2 : All the bars / histogram constructed with correct height P3 : Uniform width of the bars / histogram P4 : Based on the bar chart / histogram.9 6.4 Construct 4 : Interpreting Data and Making Conclusion Construct (Skills) Interpreting Data and Making Conclusion Criteria (Performance Indicator) Plot graph correctly. state the relationship between the variables P5 : Make a conclusion based on the bar chart / histogram OR Score 1 Accomplished at least one P completely Score 2 Accomplished At least three P Scoring Scheme Score 3 Accomplished All P . The graph should includes the following: P 1: Title of the graph and both axes labeled with correct units P 2: Uniform and even scale and all points plotted correctly P 3: Connected all points with smooth curve and the size of the graph is more than 50% of the graph paper P 4: Based on the graph.2. The calculation includes the following: P1 : Writing out the formula P2 : Substitute values into the formula P3 : Complete calculation and give answer together with units P4 : Based on the calculation state the relationship between the variables P5 : Make a conclusion based on the calculation OR Drawing The drawing should include the following: P1 : Diagram with any two parts labeled P2 : State the magnification of the drawing P3 : Draw straight label lines P4 : Based on the observation state the relationship between the variables / similarities and differences P5 : Make a conclusion based on the observation .10 Calculations. Returns all apparatus to their proper places.11 6. Flexible and open minded to the views of others. Scoring Scheme Score 3 The student exhibits any one attitude or moral value from each of P 1 to P 4. 3. . 5. Criteria (Performance Indicator) P1 : Interested and curious Asks questions to gather information about the task given. 1. 6. P3 : Responsible 1. Honest in recording data and observations. Follows procedure in the correct order. 4.2. 2. 2. 3. W illing to listen to the ideas of others. safety of people around and the surroundings. Completes the task given Submits assignment on time.5 Construct 5 : Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values Construct (Skills) Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values 2. Score 1 The student exhibits any one attitude or moral value from each of any two P. P4 : Cooperative 1. Ensures personal safety. Score 2 The student exhibits any one attitude or moral value from each of any three P. Tolerant towards others. Willing to help each other. P2 : Systematic 1. Disposes materials (if any) properly. 0 GRADING PROCEDURE 7. 2 Grade A B C D Description Excellent Credit Satisfactory Achieved minimum level . 7 3.2 Grading A grade is given based on the following table.1 Individual Score Form (ISF) The scores obtained for each construct (skills / values) assessed are recorded in the Individual Score Form (ISF) (Refer Appendix 1). For each assignment: (i) mark each cell with a ‘ ’ or ‘X’ or ‘-‘ with reference to each performance indicator (P) as follows: ‘ ’ P assessed and mastered ‘X’ P assessed but not mastered ‘-’ P not assessed. 9 5. 7.12 7. (ii) Determine the score for each construct (according to the scoring scheme) and fill in the relevant cells. 4 1. (iii) Determine the total of the three highest scores for each construct and fill in the relevant cells. 6. Total Score 8. an updated copy of the ISF should be enclosed together with the personal file to be submitted to the new school.4 Procedures in Managing the ISF (i) The ISF is used to record the scores of each pupil during the assessment based on the construct assessed. the highest score and grade for every construct must be transferred to the MSF.0 REPORTING PROCEDURE 8.13 7. The certificate must shows the grade of each construct. (ii) The ISF should be used by teachers / assessors and moderators. The completed MSF must be submitted to Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia according to the scheduled date.1 Certificate The school must issue each pupil with a certificate signed school by the principal. 8.3 Samples of Individual Score Form (ISF) Refer Appendix 1a 7. (iii) The ISF must be completed in two copies: (a) (b) the original copy is kept by the teacher / assessor the second copy is kept in the pupils PEKA file (iv) If a pupil transfers to another school. 8. (Refer Appendix 2) .2 Master Score Form (MSF) At the end of the assessment period (Form 5). 26 APPENDIX 8 : Scoring check list. 24 APPENDIX 7 : Sample 5: A student’s report with score 1. 27 .14 APPENDIX APPENDIX 1 : Individual Score Form (ISF) 15 APPENDIX 1a : Individual Score Form (ISF) 16 APPENDIX 2 : Master Score Form (MSF) 17 APPENDIX 3 : Sample 1: A student’s report with score 3. 20 APPENDIX 5 : Sample 3: A student’s report with score 3. 18 APPENDIX 4 : Sample 2: A student’s report with score 3. 22 APPENDIX 6 : Sample 4: A student’s report with score 2. 9 A ASSESSOR’S SIGNATURE ……………………………………………………… DATE: 5. DATE INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR SCORE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR SCORE 1 2 3 1 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR SCORE 2 3 4 1 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR SCORE 2 3 4 5 1 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR SCORE 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOTAL OF 3 HIGHEST SCORE GRADE PUPIL’S SIGNATURE ……………………………………………………… DATE: TOTAL SCORE GRADE 8.4 C 1. NAME IC NUMBER TEACHER’S NAME FORM YEAR YEAR FORM 4 FORM 5 CONSTRUCT 1 C1 PLANNING INVESTIGATION / EXPERIMENT CONSTRUCT 2 C2 CONDUCTING INVESTIGATION / EXPERIMENT CONSTRUCT 3 C3 COLLECTING AND RECORDING DATA CONSTRUCT C4 INTERPRETING DATA AND MAKING CONCLUSION CONSTRUCT 5 C5 SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES & NOBLE VALUES NO.6.2 D ASSESSOR’S SIGNATURE ……………………………………………………… DATE: .7 B 3.15 APPENDIX 1 BIOLOGY PRACTICAL WORK ASSESSMENT INDIVIDUAL SCORE FORM (ISF) SCHOOL NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………. 9 A ASSESSOR’S SIGNATURE 9 A 9 A ASSESSOR’S SIGNATURE 9 A 9 A 9 A ……………………………………………………… DATE: 5.6.7 B 3.Sample 1 Transpiration .Sample 2 Cell Structure -Sample 3 Nutrition . DATE INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR SCORE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR SCORE 1 2 3 1 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR SCORE 2 3 4 1 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR SCORE 2 3 4 5 1 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR SCORE 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Enerqy value . NAME IC NUMBER TEACHER’S NAME FORM YEAR YEAR FORM 4 FORM 5 CONSTRUCT 1 C1 PLANNING INVESTIGATION / EXPERIMENT CONSTRUCT 2 C2 CONDUCTING INVESTIGATION / EXPERIMENT CONSTRUCT 3 C3 COLLECTING AND RECORDING DATA CONSTRUCT C4 INTERPRETING DATA AND MAKING CONCLUSION CONSTRUCT 5 C5 SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDES & NOBLE VALUES NO.Sample 5 √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X √ √ √ √ √ 3 3 3 2 1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 3 3 3 3 √ √ √ X X √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X X 3 3 3 2 1 √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ √ X √ √ √ X X √ √ √ X X √ √ √ X √ 3 3 3 2 1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3 3 3 3 3 TOTAL OF 3 HIGHEST SCORE GRADE PUPIL’S SIGNATURE ……………………………………………………… DATE: TOTAL SCORE GRADE 8.Sample 4 Cell Structure .16 APPENDIX 1a BIOLOGY PRACTICAL WORK ASSESSMENT INDIVIDUAL SCORE FORM (ISF) SCHOOL NAME: ………………………………………………………………………………….4 C 1.2 D ……………………………………………………… DATE: . YEAR: ……………………………………… PERFORMANCE INDICATOR C1 C2 PLANNING CONDUCTING INVESTIGATION INVESTIGATION / EXPERIMENT / EXPERIMENT C3 COLLECTING AND RECORDING DATA MARK GRADE C4 C5 INTERPRETING SCIENTIFIC DATA AND ATTITUDES & MAKING NOBLE VALUES CONCLUSION MARK GRADE MARK GRADE REMARKS NO NAME IC NO. MARK GRADE MARK GRADE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ASSESSOR’S SIGNATURE ……………………………… ( PRINCIPAL’S SIGNATURE ………………………………. CENTRE NUMBER:………………………… FORM :…………………………………………………………………………………………. ( ) ) .17 APPENDIX 2 MASTER SCORE FORM (MSF) ASSESSMENT OF SCIENCE PRACTICAL WORK BIOLOGY SCHOOL :…………………………………………………………………………………………. INDEX NO. 4. distilled water and matches Boiling tubes. 6. A cashew nut is weighed and its weight record. The other end of the pin is poked into a piece of plasticine. 7. thermometer. The cashew nut is ignited by using a match stick √ C1 P7 and immediately placed under the boiling tube. The water is stirred gently by using a thermometer to distribute the heat evenly. Types of nut The rise in temperature of water Volume of distilled water Fresh ground nuts. long pins. plasticine. Cashews nuts have higher energy value than ground nuts. The pointed end of a long pin is poked into a cashew nut. 2. Topic : Energy Value Problem Statement Aim Hypothesis Manipulated variable Responding variable Constant variable Materials : : : : : : : Do cashews nuts have higher energy value than groundnuts ? Determining the energy value in food samples. fresh cashews nuts. Steps 1 to 9 are repeated by using a groundnut. At the same time the rise in temperature is observed. The energy value of the cashew nut is calculated. . 5. 3. retort stand. 9.. TEACHER’S SIGNATURE : …………………. The flame from the cashew nut is allowed to heat up the water.18 APPENDIX 3 Sample 1: A student’s report with score 3. 25ml measuring cylinder √ C1 P5 √ C1 P4 √ C1 P1 √ C1 P2 √ C1 P3 Apparatus : Technique Procedure : : √ C1 P6 Measure the rise in temperature of a volume of water heated by the burning nuts to find its energy value 1. The temperature of the distilled water in the boiling tube is recorded. C1 = 3 10. 20ml of distilled water is poured into a boiling tube. 8. electronic weighing scale. The boiling tube is clamped to a retort stand. The final temperature of the water is recorded in a table. the energy value for the cashew nut is higher than the groundnut. The energy value of cashew nut is different from the energy value of groundnut.2 x 20 x 44 0.2 x 20 x 62 0.84 √ C3 P 1 √ C3 P 2 √ C3 P 3 √ C3 P 4 C3 = 3 We assume that all the heat released from the food sample has been transferred to the water.72 0.54 6488 J g -1 6. Since the specific heat capacity of water = 4. Cashew nut has a higher energy value than groundnut.72 7233 J g -1 7.23 6. The rise in temperature for cashew nut is higher than groundnut.2 (Jg-1 oC-1) x mass of water (g) x increase in temperature (oC) _______________________________ Mass of peanut(g) x 1000 Energy value of cashew nut = = = Energy value of groundnut = = = Discussion : 4.233 kJ g -1 4.19 Result : Food sample Weight(g) Initial temperature of water (oC) Final temperature of water (oC) Rise in temperature (oC) Energy value (Jg-1) Cashew Groundnut nut 0. The hypothesis is accepted.54 30 30 92 74 62 44 7. the more the energy value content in the food sample. Therefore.2 J-1g oC-1. Conclusion : √ C4 P 5 C4 = 3 . Energy value = 4.844 kJ g -1 √ C4 P 4 √ C4 P 1 √ C4 P 2 √ C4 P 3 The higher the rise in temperature of water. . The rate of transpiration are calculated. Cut the branch slantly in the water. Steps 6 to 8 is repeated but by using fan speed medium and high. stopwatch. 8.20 Sample 2: A student’s report with score 3 TOPIC – TRANSPIRATION APPENDIX 4 Scoring 1) Problems statement: Does air movement affect the rate of transpiration? 2) Aim: To investigate the effect of air movement on the rate of transpiration 3) Hypothesis: The rate of transpiration increases when air movement is faster. The result are recorded in the table as shown below. 5. Material A branch with leaves. 10.19 0. The leaves are wipe dry. 4. 4) Variables: Manipulate: air movement Responding: rate of transpiration Constant: Temperature 5) Apparatus: Potometer/capillary tube. beaker. retort stand. 2. Placed the photometer on the table under a fan with low speed. Mark two points. The branch is fixed to the rubber tube of the capillary tube. 6. 9. RESULT: √ C3 P1 Air movement Low speed Medium speed High speed Time taken for air bubble move from X to Y (5 cm) 1 2 3 Average 24 28 26 26 16 18 14 16 10 12 8 10 Transpiration Rate (cm s-1) 0. X and Y at the distance of 5 cm on the capillary tube. 6) Technique: Measure the time taken for the air bubble to move a distance of 5 cm with a stop watch under different air movement 7) Procedure: 1. Place the branch with leaves and the capillary tube in a container filled with water . 7. Time is recorded with a stop watch when the air bubble moves from X To Y point.30 0. distilled water. ruler. 11. Lift up the capillary tube above the water surface to trap an air bubble. 12.50 √ C3 P2 √ C3 P3 √ C3 P4 C3 = 3 . 3. √ C1 P1 √ C1 P2 √ C1 P3 √ C1 P4 √ C1 P5 √ C1 P6 √ C1 P7 C1 = 3 TEACHER’S SIGNATURE : …………………. stand fan. Steps 6 to 8 is repeated for three times to get an average reading. √ C4 P1 √ C4 P2 √ C4 P3 . √ C4 P4 Conclusion.21 Graph shows the transpiration rate against fan speed. Discussion: 1) The rate of transpiration is highest when the photometer is placed under a fan with high speed while the rate of transpiration is the lowest under a fan with low speed 2) This is due to more water loss because more water vapour are swept by the high fan speed. √ C4 P5 C4 = 3 . The rate of the transpiration increases when the air movement increases. 5. toothpick.. The epidermis is drawn and the cell structures which can be observed are labeled. 4. 5. aquatic plant. 2. .comparing and drawing structures in animal cell and plant cell by using microscope.22 APPENDIX 5 Sample 3: A student’s report with score 3 TOPIC – CELL STRUCTURE Scoring 1) Problems statement: Does the animal and plant structure are different? 2) Aim: To investigate the differentiation of animal cell and plant cell. 6) Technique: Observing . a filter paper is placed on the opposite end of the cover slip. drain water. The specimen is covered with a cover slip at 45° angle with the help of a mounting needle . A piece of filter paper is used to absorb the excess iodine solution. A drop of methylene blue solution is then added onto one side of the cover slip. To allow the methylene blue solution to spread through the cell. The scrapping is smeared on the drop of water on the glass slide. 4) Variables: Manipulate: type of cells. beaker. 7. 6. Responding: cell structure Constant: magnification of microscope. methylene blue solution and distilled water. To allow the iodine solution to spread through the epidermis. The cheek cell is drawn and the cell structures which can be observed are labeled. 2. 5) Apparatus: Glass slides. A drop of iodine solution is added onto one side of the cover slip. The slide is then examined under a light microscope using a low power objective lens and then the high power objective lens. iodine solution. The slide is then examined under a light microscope using a low power 7. yeast solution. 8. Using a blunt end of a toothpick. a light microscope. Animal cell 1. the inner side of the cheek is scraped a few times. 3. 6. cover slips. A piece of filter paper is then used to absorb the excess methylene blue solution. 9. A scale leaf is obtained from an onion bulb. a pair of forceps. objective lens and then the high power objective lens. The transparent epidermis from the inner surface of the onion scale leaf is peel off using a forceps. a glass dropper. 7) Procedure: Plant cell 1. a mounting needle and filter paper Material Material An onion bulb. Then it is covered with a cover slip at a 45° an gle using a mounting needle. √ C1 P1 √ C1 P2 √ C1 P3 √ C1 P4 √ C1 P5 √ C1 P6 √ C1 P7 C1 = 3 TEACHER’S SIGNATURE : …………………. 4. a piece of filter paper is placed at the opposite end of the cover slip. 8. 3. A drop of water is put onto the middle of the slide and the epidermis is placed on the drop of distilled water. A drop of distilled water is placed on the slide. 3) Hypothesis: The plant cell have the fixed shape but animal cells have round shape. a scalpel. Both plant cell and animal cell have cytoplasm and nucleus.23 RESULT: The diagram of plant cell and animal cell as shown under light microscope. Plant cell has regular shape because it has cell wall whereas animal cell has irregular shape because it has no cell wall. ii. The plant cell have the fixed shape but animal cells have round shape. Plant cell have vacuole. Both cells contain nucleus to control the activity of cell. √ C4 P5 C4 = 3 . √ C3 P1 √ C3 P2 √ C3 P3 Cell membrane Nucleus √ C3 P4 C3 = 3 Cytoplasm Vacuole Cell wall (X 100) √ C4 P 1 √ C4 P 2 √ C4 P 3 Plant cell Discussion: Animal cell √ C4 P4 i. cell wall and plasma membrane. Conclusion. iv. iii. electronic weighing scale. 20ml of distilled water is poured into a boiling tube. A cashew nut is weighed and its weight record. The pointed end of a long pin is poked into a cashew nut. The boiling tube is clamped to a retort stand. The energy value of the cashew nut is calculated. plasticine. fresh cashews nuts. The flame from the cashew nut is allowed to heat up the water. The cashew nut is ignited by using a match stick √ C1 P7 and immediately placed under the boiling tube. 20. 14. Steps 1 to 9 are repeated by using a groundnut. 16. 25ml measuring cylinder √ C1 P5 XC1 P6 √ C1 P4 √ C1 P1 √ C1 P2 √ C1 P3 Apparatus : Procedure : 11. Cashews nuts have higher energy value than ground nuts. : . C1 = 2 19. 18. long pins. 13. thermometer.. TEACHER’S SIGNATURE : …………………. distilled water and matches Boiling tubes. The water is stirred gently by using a thermometer to distribute the heat evenly.24 APPENDIX 6 Sample 4: A student’s report with score 2 Topic : Energy Value Problem Statement Aim Hypothesis Manipulated variable Responding variable Constant variable Materials : : : : : : : Do cashews nuts have higher energy value than groundnuts ? Determining the energy value in food samples. At the same time the rise in temperature is observed. Types of nut The rise in temperature of water Volume of distilled water Fresh ground nuts. retort stand. The temperature of the distilled water in the boiling tube is recorded. 17. 15. 12. The final temperature of the water is recorded in a table. The other end of the pin is poked into a piece of plasticine. 2 x 20 x 62 0.844 C3 = 2 √ C4 P 1 √ C4 P 2 X C4 P 3 The higher the rise in temperature of water. the more the energy value content in the food sample. X C4 P 4 Conclusion : XC4 P5 C4 = 2 . Since the specific heat capacity of water = 4. The hypothesis is accepted.2 (Jg-1 oC-1) x mass of water (g) x increase in temperature (oC) _______________________________ Mass of peanut(g) x 1000 Energy value of cashew nut = = = Energy value of groundnut = = = Discussion : 4.54 30 30 92 74 62 44 XC3 P1 √ C3 P2 √ C3 P3 X C3 P4 We assume that all the heat released from the food sample has been transferred to the water.25 Result Food sample Weight Initial temperature of water Final temperature of water Rise in temperature Cashew Groundnut nut 0.2 J-1g oC-1.2 x 20 x 44 0.72 0.233 4.54 6488 6.72 7233 7. Energy value = 4. cheek slide. The plant cells have the regular shape but animal cells have irregular shape. Material Onion slide. 2.. X C4P4 √ C4P5 C4 = 1 . The cell is drawn and the cell structures which can be observed. 4) Procedure: 1. X C1 P1 X X X √ X C1 P2 C1 P3 C1 P4 C1 P5 C1 P6 √ C1 P7 TEACHER’S SIGNATURE : ………………….26 APPENDIX 7 Sample 5: A student’s report with score 1 TOPIC – CELL STRUCTURE Scoring 1) Problems statement: The structure of animal and plant structure are different. RESULT: X X √ X C1 = 1 C3 P1 C3 P2 C3 P3 C3 P4 C3 = 1 X C4P1 X C4P2 X C4P3 Plant cell Animal cell Conclusion. The slide of onion cell and cheek cell is examined under microscope. 2) Aim: Animal cell and plant cell can be seeing under microscope. 3) Apparatus: Light microscope. Disposes m a t e r i a l s (i f a n y) p r o p e rl y. 6 . Score 3 Accomplished all P Score 2 Accomplished any two P Score 1 Accomplished any one P Score 2 Accomplished 4 . P 3 : R e s p on s i b l e 7. P1 : Title P2 : Big and clear P3 : Neat and without broken lines P4 : T he diagram has a general acceptable overall appearance as representing the s t ru c t u re ( f u n c t i o n a l diagram) S c or e 3 AccomplishedAll P 1 S c or e 2 A c c o m p l i s h e d A n y tw o o f P 1 S c or e 1 Accomplished An y one of P 1 Construct 4 : Interpreting Data Making Conclusion and APPENDIX 8 Construct 5 : Scientific Attitudes and Noble Values P 1 : I n t e r e s te d a n d c ur i o us 1. S c or e 1 The student exhibits an y one attitude or moral value from each of any two P s. SCORE SCORE SCORE SCORE SCORE . state the relationship between the variables P5 : Make a conclusion based on the bar chart / histogram OR Calculations. P 4 : C o op e r a ti v e 4. 11. P 2 : R e c o rd a l l v a l u e s o f the m anipulated v a ri a b l e wi t h c o rr e c t decim al place P 3 : R e c o rd a l l v a l u e s o f the responding v a ri a b l e ( w i t h c o rr e c t d e c i m a l place) P 4 : R e c o rd s e c o n d a r y data from calculation ( wi t h s u i t a b l e decim al place and c o rr e c t u n i t ) OR Draw diagram that include t h e f o l l o wi n g .6 P Score 1 Accomplished 1 – 3 P Plot graph correctly. 5. Returns all apparatus to t h e i r p ro p e r places.27 SCORING CHECK LIST Construct 1: Planning of the investigation or experiment P1 : State the problem statement P2 : State the aim P3 : State the hypothesis P4 : State the variables: i) manipulated variable ii) responding variable iii) constant variable P5 : List the materials / substances / specimens and apparatus P6 :Technique P7 : Write the procedure Score 3 Accomplished all P Construct 2 : Conducting The investigation or Experiment P1 : Set up apparatus and materials for the experiment/ correct and functional P2 : Conduct the investigation or experiment according to procedure and technique correctly P3 : Take measurement / make observation correctly Construct 3 : Collecting and Recording Data P1 : Construct a table with titles using c o rr e c t v a r i a b l e s and units. Submits assignm ent on tim e. Fl e xi b l e a n d open minded to t h e v i e ws o f others. S c or e 3 The student exhibits an y one attitude or moral value from each of P 1 to P 4. W illing to listen to the ideas of others. safety of people around and the s u rr o u n d i n g s . E n s u re s p e rs o n a l s a f e t y. W illing to help each other. The graph should includes the following: P 1: Title of the graph and both axes labeled with correct units P 2: Uniform and even scale and all points plotted correctly P 3: Connected all points with smooth curve and the size of the graph is more than 50% of the graph paper P 4: Based on the graph. Honest in re c o r d i n g d a t a and observations. state the relationship between the variables P 5: Make a conclusion based on the graph OR Construct a Bar Chart / Histogram The chart includes the following: P1 : Title of the bar chart / histogram and both axes labeled with correct units P2 : All the bars/histogram constructed with correct height P3 : Uniform width of the bars / histogram P4 : Based on the bar chart/histogram. 12. Tolerant towards others. 1 0 . Com pletes the task given 9.Follows procedure in t h e c o r re c t order. 2. 8. Asks questions to ather i n f o rm a t i o n about the task given. P 2 : S ys t e m a ti c 1. The calculation includes the following: P1 : Writing out the formula P2 : Substitute values into the formula P3 : Complete calculation and give answer together with units P4 : Based on the calculation state the relationship between the variables P5 : Make a conclusion based on the calculation OR Drawing The drawing should include the following: P1 : Diagram with any two parts labeled P2 : State the magnification of the drawing P3 : Draw straight label lines P4 : Based on the observation state the relationship between the variables / similarities and differences P5 : Make a conclusion based on the observation Score 3 Accomplished All Ps Score 2 Accomplished At least three Ps Score 1 Accomplished at least one P completely S c or e 2 The student exhibits an y one attitude or moral value from each of any three P s.
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