Bilvashtakam Gujarati Hindi English

April 2, 2018 | Author: harrycsfl | Category: Shiva, Indian Religions, Hindu Literature, Hindu Mythology, Hindu Deities



॥ ॐ नमः Îशवाय॥ !nama:iSavaaya Om Namah Shivaya Íब~वा8कम |¤ƣ¤|Ƨô5- bilvashtakam Í×दलं Í×ग ु णाकारं Í×ने ×ं च Í×याय ु धम् Í×ज7मपाप संहारं एकÍब~वं Îशवाप णम् ॥ ĺcC ĺȤ O|5|³ ĺ= ́ ` ĺ«|Ȼ \- ĺ°ƛ-¹|¹ ¬ °|³ ~5|¤ƣ¤ l°¤|¹ O- ॥ tridalam triguNAkAram trinetram cha triyAyudham trijanmapApasamhAram ekabilvam shivArpaNam Three (Í×) Having three patals (Í×दलं ) Consisting of three gunas/qualities (Í×गु णाकारं ) Having three eyes (Í×ने×ं ) Three kinds of weapons are mace, trident and the bow, (Í×यायु धम् ) Sins of part three births (Í×ज7मपाप) Destroyer (सं हारं ) One (एक) Cluster (Íब~वं ) Lord Shiva (Îशवा) Offered to (प णम् ) I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva, Which has three leaves, Which causes three qualities, Which are like the three eyes of Shiva, Which is like the triad of weapons, And which destroys sins of three births. 1) I offer Bilva Patra (A Bilva Patra is so called leaf having three small leaves.) to God Shiva. This Bilva Patra is a form of the three human qualities. Good Virtue (Satva), Passion (Raja quality) and Irascible (Tama quality). This Bilva Patra is like three eyes, Sun, Moon and Fire. It is like three weapons. It is destroyer of sins committed in earlier three births. I perform pooja of God Shiva with such Bilva Patra. Í×शाखैः Íब~वप×ै ^च Hि¯छdै : कोमलै ः श ु भै ः Îशवप ू जां कÍर*याÎम HेकÍब~वं Îशवाप णम् ॥ ĺ°|H |¤ƣ¤¹́ǽ` Ĝ|ƍŨ : 5|-C Ƀ 0 l°¤ȶ Ĥ 5|³Ƨ«|l- Ĝ 5|¤ƣ¤ l°¤|¹ O- ॥ trishAkhaih bilvapatraischa hyachhidraih komalaih shubhaih shivapoojAm karishyAmi hyekabilvam shivArpaNam Three branches (Í×शाखै ः) Bilva leaves (Íब~वप×ै ) Pristine, no holes, damage (Hि¯छdै : ) Tender, delicate (कोमलै ः) Auspicious (शु भै ः) Lord Shiva (Îशव) Punja, worship (पू जां ) I preform (कÍर*याÎम) This One (Hेक) Cluster (Íब~वं ) Lord Shiva ( Îशवा ) Offered to (प णम् ) I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva, Which has three shoots, Which do not have holes, Which are good and pretty, And worship Lord Shiva. 2) I offer Bilva Patra to God Shiva. This Bilva Patra is very pious, soft and there are no holes on it. As such it is complete in it self. It is like three branches. I perform pooja of God Shiva with this Bilva Patra. अखÞड Íब~व पा×े ण प ू िजते नि7दके ^वरे श ु d²यि7त सव पापे¹यो HेकÍब~वं Îशवाप णम् ॥ ~HƖ6 |¤ƣ¤ ¹|́ O ȶ |°¹ =|ƛc5 ǽ¤³ Ƀ ƙƚ«|ƛ¹ ¬¤ ¹|¹ Ɵ«| Ĝ 5|¤ƣ¤ l°¤|¹ O- ॥ akhaNDa bilva patreNa poojite nandikeshvare shuddhyanti sarvapApebhyo hyekabilvam shivArpaNam Whole, unbroken (अखÞड) Bilva (Íब~व) Leaf (पा×े ण) If worshipped (पू िजते ) Lord of Nandi – Shiva (नि7दके ^वरे ) Purified (शु d²यि7त ) From all sins (सव पापे¹यो) (This One (Hेक) Cluster (Íब~वं ) Lord Shiva (Îशवा) Offered to (प णम् ) I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva, For if an uncut leaf is offered, To his steed the god Nandi, We get cleaned of all our sins. 3) I offer Bilva Patra to God Shiva. After performing pooja of Nandikeshwar (God Shiva) by offering complete Bilva Patra (as described in 2 above) to him, we become free from our sins. शाÎल0ाम Îशलामे कां Íव9ाणां जात ु चाप ये त् सोमय7 महाप ु Þयं HेकÍब~वं Îशवाप णम् ॥ °||C˴|- l°C|- 5| l¤̆|O| Ĥȱ `|¹ « ¹ ¬|-«T -°|ȶ Ɩ« Ĝ 5|¤ƣ¤ l°¤|¹ O- ॥ shAliagrAma shilAmekAm viprANAm jAtu chArpayet somayajna mahApuNyam hyekabilvam shivArpaNam Saligrama stone (शाÎल0ाम ) stone (Îशला ) a brahmin equipped with the knowledge of Self (Íव9ाणां ) At any time-ever (जातु ) If one gives (चाप येत् ) Aquires (सोमय7) Great blessing (This One (Hेक) Cluster ( Íब~वं ) Lord Shiva ( Îशवा ) Offered to ( प णम् ) I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva, For it is equal to, offering a saligrama to a Brahmin, Or the great blessing got out of performing Soma Yaga, 4) i) Soma Yadnya (Sacrifices and such like things) is performed to receive blessings from God, to accomplish good things in our life and to destroy our sins. ii) People who perform religious duties even for others offer Shaligram (God in the form of a very pious Stone) to God Shiva. These (i) and (ii) are very pious and good things however to offer Bilva Patra to God Shiva is much more pious thing of all. Hence I offer Bilva Patra to God Shiva. दि7तकोÍट सहPाÍण वाजपेय शताÎन च कोÍट क7या महादानं एकÍब~वं Îशवाप णम् ॥ c|ƛ¹5||ô ¬°̔||O ¤|°¹ « °¹|l= ` 5||ô 5ƛ«| -°|c|= ~5|¤ƣ¤ l°¤|¹ O- ॥ dantikoTi sahasrANi vAjapeye shatAni cha koTikanyA mahAdAnaM hyekabilvam shivArpaNam Elephant (दि7त) Tens of millions(of elephants) (कोÍट सहPाÍण) Vajapeya-kind of fire sacrifice (वाजपेय) Huge number (शताÎन) Also (च) Tens of millions maidens-un-married girls (कोÍट क7या) Great (महा) Giginv-presenting (दानं ) One ( एक ) Cluster ( Íब~वं ) Lord Shiva ( Îशवा ) Offered to ( प णम् ) I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva, For it is equal to gifting thousand elephants, Or the performing of hundred fire sacrifices, Or giving away billions of girls. 5) i) Long time back Kings and rich people in India were donating elephants. ii) Ashwamedha Yadnya (Sacrifices and such like things) were performed. iii) At time of marriage, father of bride is donating his daughter to bridegroom, and this is considered as a very pious thing performed by him. Above i), ii) and iii) are no doubt very pious things performed however offering Bilva Patra to God Shiva is much more pious thing than all. Hence I offer Bilva Patra to God Shiva. ल++या 1तन ु त उcप7नं महादे व1य च Í9यम् Íब~वव ृ Hं 9य¯छाÎम Hे कÍब~वं Îशवाप णम् ॥ CǛƠ«| ƨ¹ȵ ¹ uƗ¹đ -°|c ¤ƨ« ` l̆«- |¤ƣ¤ɂ H ̆«ƍU|l- Ĝ 5|¤ƣ¤ l°¤|¹ O- ॥ lakshmyAstanuta utpannam mahAdevasya cha priyam bilvavruksham prayachchhAmi hyekabilvam shivArpaNam From the body of Godess Lakshmi (ल++या 1तनु त) Born-originated (उcप7नं ) Dear to Mahadeva-name of Shiva (महादे व1य) Also (च) Very dear to (Í9यम् ) Bilva tree (Íब~वव ृ Hं ) I offer 9य¯छाÎम) This One (Hेक) Cluster (Íब~वं ) Lord Shiva (Îशवा) Offered to (प णम् ) I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva, For it is equal to giving a tree of Bilwa, Which was born from the breast of Lakshmi, And which is very dear to the Lord Shiva. 6) Bilva Tree is created By Godess Laxmi who is wife of God Vishnu. God Shiva Likes Bilva Tree (Bilva Patra) very much. I perform pooja of God Shiva with Bilva Patra. दश नं Íब~वव ृ H1य 1पश नं पापनाशनम् अघोरपापसंहारं HेकÍब~वं Îशवाप णम् ॥ c° = |¤ƣ¤ɂ Hƨ« ƨ¹° = ¹|¹=|°=- ~=|³¹|¹¬ °|³ ~5|¤ƣ¤ l°¤|¹ O- ॥ darshanam bilvavrukshasya sparshanam pApanAshanam aghorapApasamhAram hyekabilvam shivArpaNam Seeing (दश नं ) Bilva tree (Íब~वव ृ H1य ) Touching (1पश नं ) Sin(पाप) Destroyer – <of sins> (नाशनम् ) Most horrible (अघोर) Destroys sins(पापसं हारं ) This One (Hेक) Cluster ( Íब~वं ) Lord Shiva ( Îशवा ) Offered to ( प णम् ) I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva, As seeing and touching of a tree of Bilwa, Washes away ones sins and also very great sins. 7) When we see Bilva Tree and touch it, it simply destroys our sins. Even our very bad and biggest sins are removed and we become free from our sins. Hence I perform pooja of God Shiva with Bilva Patra. म ू लतो ñHFपाय म²यतो Íव*ण ु FÍपणे अ0तः ÎशवFपाय HेकÍब~वं Îशवाप णम् ॥ Ⱥ C¹| ̈ěĮ¹|« -ƚ«¹| l¤ƧȰ Įl¹O ~˴¹ l°¤Į¹|« Ĝ 5|¤ƣ¤ l°¤|¹ O- ॥ moolato brahmaroopAya madhyato vishNuroopiNe agrataH shivaroopAya hyekabilvam shivArpaNam At the root<base-bottom> (मू लतो ) Having a form of Brhama-the creator (ñHFपाय) In the mid position (म²यतो ) Having the form of Vishnu –the sustainer (Íव*णु FÍपणे ) At the topmost position (अ0तः) Having the form of Shiva – the destroyer (ÎशवFपाय) This One (Hेक) Cluster ( Íब~वं ) Lord Shiva ( Îशवा ) Offered to ( प णम् ) I offer one leaf of Bilwa to Lord Shiva, As Brahma resides at its bottom, Lord Vishnu lives in its middle, And Lord Shiva lives in its tip. 8) Lower part of Bilva Patra is God Brahma, Middle part of Bilva Patra is God Vishnu and Upper part is God Shiva himself hence I perform pooja of God Shiva with Bilva Patra. Íब~वा8कÎमदं प ु Þयं यः पठे त् Îशवसि7नधौ सव पाप ÍवÎनम ु ñः Îशवलोकमवा¯न ु यात् ॥ |¤ƣ¤|Ƨô5l-c ȶ Ɩ« « ¹6 ¹ l°¤¬lđ\| ¬¤ ¹|¹ l¤l=Ⱥ ƈ¹ l°¤C|5-¤|Ɯȵ «|¹ ॥ bilvAshTakamidam puNyaM yaH paThet shivasannidhau sarvapApa vinirmuktah shivalokamavApnuyAt Bilvashtakam Stotram (Íब~वा8क) This (Îमदं ) Sacred-auspicious (पु Þयं ) Reads (पठे त् ) In the presence of, close to Lord Shiva (Îशवसि7नधौ) All (सव ) Sins (पाप) Liberated-delivered (ÍवÎनमु ñः) The world of Lord Shiva <lokam=world, Abode> (Îशवलोकम) Will reach (वा¯नु यात् ) Reading this holy octet of Bilwa, In the presence of Lord Shiva, Would save one from all sins, And in the end take him to the world of Shiva. 9) Whosoever recites this Bilvashtakam by sitting in front of God Shiva temple will become free from all his sins and rest in Shiva Loka along with God Shiva after his death. Thus here completes Bilvashtakam. इÎत ÷ी Íब~वा8कम सं प ू ण òl¹ ̒l |¤ƣ¤|Ƨô5- ¬ ȶ O Eti shri Bilvashtakam sanpoorn Thus ends the BilvaStakam ॥ ॐ नमः Îशवाय॥ ! nama:iSavaaya Om Namah Shivaya
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