Bihar Finance Rules 2005

April 4, 2018 | Author: Mithilesh Kumar | Category: Procurement, Contractual Term, Prices, Request For Proposal, Specification (Technical Standard)



la- la- ,e & 4&35/2002Government of Bihar Finance Department Notification S. No. 6076 F(2) Patna-15, Dated 10-11-2005 Whereas over the last so many years, many developments, including a rapid growth of alternative service delivery systems, development in information technology, outsourcing of services and liberlization of the system of procurement, inventory management in line with the international practices have taken place, and whereas keeping in view these developments, based on the report of the task force of experts, extensive review and consultations, Government of India has notified General Financial Rules, 2005 with effect from July 1, 2005, and whereas Bihar Finance Rules are primarily based on Government of India's General Financial Rules, and whereas keeping in view above mentioned changes there is a need for amendment in Bihar Finance Rules for economy and increasing the efficiency of the government, Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred under sub-sections(1) and (3) of the Bihar Finance Act, 1981, the State Government of Bihar makes the following "The Bihar Finance (Amendment) Rules, 2005" to amend the Bihar Finance Rules :The Bihar Finance (Amendment) Rules, 2005 1. Short title, extent and commencement: (a) These rules may be called "The Bihar Finance (Amendment) Rules, 2005. (b) It shall extend to the whole of the state of Bihar. (c) It shall come in to force at once. 2. Substitution of Title of Section XI before Rule 30 of the Bihar Finance Rules The title of Section XI "Contracts" will be substituted by "Contract Management" 3. Substitution of Rule 29 and 30 of the Bihar Finance Rules relating to Contracts. Rule 29 to 30 of the Bihar Finance Rules will be substituted by the following rules :"Rule 29. (1) All contracts shall be made by an authority empowered to do so by or under the orders of the Governor in terms of Article 299 (1) of the Constitution of India. (2) All the contracts and assurances of property made in the exercise of the executive power of the State shall be executed on behalf of the Governor. The words “for and on behalf of the Governor of Bihar” should follow the designation appended below the signature of the officer authorized in this behalf. Rule 30. General principles for contract : The following general principles should be observed while entering into contracts: (i) The terms of contract must be precise, definite and without any ambiguities. The terms should not involve an uncertain or indefinite liability, except in the case of a cost plus contract or where there is a price variation clause in the contract. (ii) Standard forms of contracts should be adopted wherever possible, with such modifications as are considered necessary in respect of individual contracts. The modifications should be carried out only after obtaining financial and legal advice. (i) In cases where standard forms of contracts are not used, legal and financial advice should be taken in drafting the clauses in the contract. (iv) (a) A Ministry or Department may, at its discretion, make purchases of value upto Rupees one lakh by issuing purchase orders containing basic terms and conditions: (b) In respect of Works Contracts, or Contracts for purchases valued between Rupees one lakh to Rupees ten lakhs, where tender documents include the General Conditions of Contract (GCC), Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) and scope of work, the letter of acceptance will result in a binding contract. (c) In respect of contracts for works with estimated value of Rupees ten lakhs or above or for purchase above Rupees ten lakhs, a Contract document should be executed, with all necessary clauses to make it a self-contained contract. If however, these are preceded by Invitation to Tender, accompanied by GCC and SCC, with full details of scope and specifications, a simple one page contract can be entered into by attaching copies of the GCC and SCC, and details of scope and specifications, Offer of the Tenderer and Letter of Acceptance. (d) Contract document should be invariably executed in cases of turnkey works or agreements for maintenance of equipment, provision of services etc. (v) No work of any kind should be commenced without proper execution of an agreement as given in the foregoing provisions. (vi) Contract document, where necessary, should be executed within 21 days of the issue of letter of acceptance. Non-fulfilment of this condition of executing a contract by the Contractor or Supplier would constitute sufficient ground for annulment of the award and forfeiture of Earnest Money Deposit. (vii) Cost plus contracts should ordinarily be avoided. Where such contracts become unavoidable, full justification should be recorded before entering into the contract. Where supplies or special work covered by such cost plus contracts have to continue over a long duration, efforts should be made to convert future contracts on a firm price basis after allowing a reasonable period to the suppliers/contractors to stabilize their production /execution methods and processes. Explanation : A cost plus contract means a contract in which the price payable for supplies or services under the contract is determined on the basis of actual cost of production of the supplies or services concerned plus profit either at a fixed rate per unit or at a fixed percentage on the actual cost of production. (viii) (a) Price Variation Clause can be provided only in long-term contracts, where the delivery period extends beyond 18 months. In short-term contracts firm and fixed prices should be provided for. Where a price variation clause is provided, the price agreed upon should specify the base level viz, the month and year to which the price is linked, to enable variations being calculated with reference to the price levels prevailing in that month and year. (b) A formula for calculation of the price variations that have taken place between the Base level and the Scheduled Delivery Date should be included in this clause. The variations are calculated by using indices published by Governments or Chambers of Commerce periodically. An illustrative formula has been appended to these rules at Appendix -1A for guidance. (c) The Price variation clause should also specify cut off dates for material and labour, as these inputs taper off well before the scheduled Delivery Dates. (d) The price variation clause should provide for a ceiling on price variations, particularly where escalations are involved. It could be a percentage per annum or an overall ceiling or both. The buyer should ensure a provision in the contract for benefit of any reduction in the price in terms of the price variation clause being passed on to him. (e) The clause should also stipulate a minimum percentage of variation of the contract price above which price variations will be admissible (e.g. where resultant increase is lower than two per cent. no price adjustment will be made in favour of the supplier). (f) Where advance or stage payments are made there should be a further stipulation that no price variations will be admissible on such portions of the price, after the dates of such payment. (g) Where deliveries are accepted beyond the scheduled Delivery Date subject to levy of liquidated damages as provided in the Contract, the liquidated damages (if a percentage of the price) will be applicable on the price as varied by the operation of the Price variation clause. (h) No price variation will be admissible beyond the original Scheduled Delivery Date for defaults on the part of the supplier. (i) Price variation may be allowed beyond the original Scheduled Delivery Date, by specific alteration of that date through an amendment to the contract in cases of Force Majeure or defaults by Government. (j) Where contracts are for supply of equipment, goods etc, imported (subject to customs duty and foreign exchange fluctuations) and / or locally manufactured (subject to excise duty and other duties and taxes), the percentage and element of duties and taxes included in the price should be specifically stated, along with the selling rate of foreign exchange element taken into account in the calculation of the price of the imported item. The mode of calculation of variations in duties and taxes and Foreign exchange rates and the documents to be produced in support of claims for such variations, should also be stipulated in the Contract. (k) The clause should also contain the mode and terms of payment of the price variation admissible. (ix) Contracts should include provision for payment of all applicable taxes by the contractor or supplier. (x) “Lumpsum’ contracts should not be entered into except in cases of absolute necessity. Where lumpsum contracts become unavoidable, full justification should be recorded. The contracting authority should ensure that conditions in the lump sum contract adequately safeguard and protect the interests of the Government. (xi) Departmental issue of materials should be avoided as far as possible. Where it is decided to supply materials departmentally, a schedule of quantities with the issue rates of such material as are required to execute the contract work, should form an essential part of the contract. (xii) (a) In contracts where government property is entrusted to a contractor either for use on payment of hire charges or for doing further work on such property, specific provision for safeguarding government property (including insurance cover) and for recovery of hire charges regularly, should be included in the contracts. (b) Provision should be made in the contract for periodical physical verification of the number and the physical condition of the items at the contractors premises. Results of such verification should be recorded and appropriate penal action taken where necessary. (xiii) Copies of all contracts and agreements for purchases of the value of Rupees Twenty-five Lakhs and above, and of all rate and running contracts entered into by civil departments of the Government other than the for which a special audit procedure exists, should be sent to the Audit Officer and /or the Accounts officer as the case may be. (xiv) (a) The terms of a contract, including the scope and specification once entered into, should not be materially varied. (b) Wherever material variation in any of the terms or conditions in a contract becomes unavoidable, the financial and other effects involved should be examined and recorded and (xvi) All contracts shall contain a provision for recovery of liquidated damages for defaults on the part of the contractor. periodicals. material. transparency in matters relating to public . Rule 126. Substitution of Title of Chapter 8 before Rule 124 of the Bihar Finance Rules The title of Chapter 8 "Stores" of the Bihar Finance Rules will be substituted by "Procurement of goods and Services" 5. as provided in the contract. industrial plant etc. Fundamental principles of public buying : Every authority delegated with the financial powers of procuring goods in public interest shall have the responsibility and accountability to bring efficiency. This chapter contains the general rules applicable to all Ministries or Departments. should be carefully scrutinized before filing to safeguard government interest. Substitution of Rules 124 to 131 of the Bihar Finance Rules relating to purchase of stores Rules 124 to 131 of the Bihar Finance Rules will be substituted by the following rules:"PROCUREMENT OF GOODS Rule 124. Any goods repaired or replaced by the supplier shall be delivered at the buyers premises without costs to the buyer. economy. requiring the supplier to. instruments. Management of Contracts : (1) Implementation of the contract should be strictly monitored and notices issued promptly whenever a breach of provisions occur. livestock. alongwith a review of the 83 progress of supply or work. (xvii) A warranty clause should be incorporated in every contract. Documents to be filed in the matter of resolution of dispute. Detailed instructions relating to procurement of goods may be issued by the procuring departments broadly in conformity with the general rules contained in this Chapter.specific approval of the authority competent to approve the revised financial and other commitments obtained." 4. publications. raw material. if any. regarding procurement of goods required for use in the public service. should be sought immediately. where warranted. Extensions of Bank Guarantees or other instruments. legal advice should be sought before initiating action to refer the dispute to conciliation and/or arbitration as provided in the contract or to file a suit where the contract does not include an arbitration clause. commodities. repair or rectify defective goods or to replace such goods with similar goods free from defect. machinery. spares. Rule 30A. (c) All such changes should be in the form of an amendment to the contract duly signed by all parties to the contract. Monitoring should include a monthly review of all Bank Guarantees or other instruments expiring after three months. (2) Proper procedure for safe custody and monitoring of Bank Guarantees or other Instruments should be laid down. etc. (xviii) All contracts for supply of goods should reserve the right of Government to reject goods which do not conform to the specifications. Rule 125. have occurred or the terms and conditions include such a provision for other reasons. Extensions as provided in the contract may be allowed through formal amendments to the contract duly signed by parties to the contract. for a library. purchased or otherwise acquired for the use of Government but excludes books. (3) Wherever disputes arise during implementation of a contract. equipment. without charge. furniture. before varying the conditions. fixtures.The draft of the plaint for arbitration should be got vetted by obtaining legal and financial advice. Definition of Goods : The term 'goods' used in this chapter includes all articles. (xv) Normally no extensions of the scheduled delivery or completion dates should be granted except where events constituting force majeure. as also quantity of goods to be procured. DGS&D) or State Purchase Organisation with the approval of competent authority. transparent and reasonable procedure. it may purchase through the Central Purchase Organisation (e. which may result in unwarranted expenditure. The procedure to be followed in making public procurement must conform to the following yardsticks :(i) the specifications in terms of quality. Rule 129. (v) at each stage of procurement the concerned procuring authority must place on record. Compendium of Financial Delegations and Bihar Stationary Manual. aftersales service. for goods and items of standard types. In case however.procurement and for fair and equitable treatment of suppliers and promotion of competition in public procurement.. type etc. Such registered suppliers are prima facie eligible for consideration for procurement of goods through Limited Tender Enquiry. Definition of Registered suppliers is given in Rule 131 below. The Departments shall follow those rate contracts to the maximum extent possible on direct payment basis and not on book transfer basis. quality control systems. Such approved suppliers will be known as "Registered Suppliers". Rule 131. manufacturing capability. which are identified as common user items and are needed on recurring basis by various Departments. (ii) Credentials. past performance. Authorities competent to purchase goods : An authority which is competent to incur contingent expenditure may sanction the purchase of goods required for use in public service in accordance with Appendix 5. Powers for procurement of goods : The Departments have been delegated full powers to make their own arrangements for procurement of goods. the considerations which weighed with it while taking the procurement decision. (ii) offers should be invited following a fair. Designation of State Purchase Organisation: State Government can designate one or more organizations as State Purchase Organisation for the procurement of any particular class of goods keeping in view the expertise developed or to be developed. in precise terms. of the supplier(s) should be carefully verified before registration. (iv) the procuring authority should satisfy itself that the price of the selected offer is reasonable and consistent with the quality required. . A Head of Department may also register suppliers of goods which are specifically required by that Department or Office. a Department does not have the required expertise. (iii) the procuring authority should be satisfied that the selected offer adequately meets the requirement in all respects. Rate Contract : The State Purchase Organisation shall conclude rate contracts with the registered suppliers. Rule 128. The specifications so worked out should meet the basic needs of the organisation without including superfluous and non-essential features. They are also ordinarily exempted from furnishing bid security along with their bids. The purchase shall be done on direct payment basis and not on book transfer basis. Rule 130. should be clearly spelt out keeping in view the specific needs of the procuring organisations. financial background etc. Registration of Suppliers : (i) With a view to establishing reliable sources for procurement of goods commonly required for Government use.g. All Departments may utilize these lists as and when necessary. The State Purchase Organisation will furnish and update all the relevant details of the rate contracts in its web site. Rule 127. the State Purchase Organisation will prepare and maintain item-wise lists of eligible and capable suppliers. following the general procedure contained in the following rules. Care should also be taken to avoid purchasing quantities in excess of requirement to avoid inventory carrying costs. (Rupees Fifteen Thousand) only and upto Rs. however.(Rupees One lakh) only on each occasion may be made on the recommendations of a duly constituted Local Purchase Committee consisting of three members of an appropriate level as decided by the Head of the Department.(iii) The supplier(s) will be registered for a fixed period (between 1 to 3 years) depending on the nature of the goods. However.000/. priced at the prevailing market rate and the supplier recommended is reliable and competent to supply the goods in question. The small scale units located in Bihar shall not be liable to deposit earnest money. the prices to be paid for such goods shall not exceed those stipulated in the rate contract and the other salient terms and . Enlistment of Indian Agents : As per the Compulsory Enlistment Scheme of the Department of Expenditure. provided they fulfil all the required conditions. The registered supplier(s) are liable to be removed from the list of approved suppliers if they fail to abide by the terms and conditions of the registration or fail to supply the goods on time or supply substandard goods or make any false declaration to any Government agency or for any ground which. DGS&D). (iv) Performance and conduct of every registered supplier is to be watched by the concerned Department. 1. Rule 131C. They will have to deposit only 20 percent of the general security amount. no relaxation is to made in terms of quality and specifications. Rule 131A.000/. the registered supplier(s) willing to continue with registration are to apply afresh for renewal of registration. 15. members of the purchase committee are jointly and individually satisfied that the goods recommended for purchase are of the requisite specification and quality. At the end of this period. DGS&D)/Sate Purchase Organisation rate contracted goods from suppliers. 15. Purchase of goods without quotation : Purchase of goods upto the value of Rs. " Rule 131E. in the opinion of the Government. who desire to quote directly on behalf of their foreign principals. ___________________. Price Preference and other concessions for public sector and state suppliers: A maximum of 2 (two) percent price preference will be given to the goods produced by the large/medium industries (including Public Sector Undertakings) located and registered in the State over the goods produced by the large/medium industries located outside the State of Bihar . "Certified that we _____________________. am personally satisfied that these goods purchased are of the requisite quality and specification and have been purchased from a reliable supplier at a reasonable price. to get themselves enlisted with the Central Purchase Organisation (eg. they will be blacklisted as per the procedure laid down. "I. New supplier(s) may also be considered for registration at any time." Rule 131D. Similarly. if they fail to supply the goods.000/. Ministry of Finance. While giving price preference.g. after receiving the purchase order. Government of India it is compulsory for Indian agents. 7 (seven) percent price preference will be given to the goods produced by the small scale units located and permanently registered in the State of Bihar over the goods produced by the small/medium/large industries located outside the State. Before recommending placement of the purchase order. without any appropriate reason. Purchase of goods by purchase committee : Purchase of goods costing above Rs. quality and specifications and identify the appropriate supplier. such enlistment is not equivalent to registration of suppliers as mentioned under Rule 131 above. is not in public interest. The committee will survey the market to ascertain the reasonableness of rate.00. Rule 131B. Such Indian agents will have to get themselves registered with State Purchase Organisation.(Rupees Fifteen Thousand) only on each occasion may be made without inviting quotations or bids on the basis of a certificate to be recorded by the competent authority in the following format. Purchase of goods directly under rate contract : (1) In case a Department directly procures Central Purchase Organisation (e. the members of the committee will jointly record a certificate as under. Advertisement in such case should be given in the Indian Trade Journal (ITJ). in the following circumstances. prices and other salient details of different rate contracted items. Kolkata and at least in one national daily having wide circulation.Where the department also contemplates obtaining bids from abroad. If such a downloaded bidding document is priced. (a) The competent authority in the Department certifies that the demand is urgent and any additional expenditure involved by not procuring through advertised tender enquiry is justified . (2) The State Purchase Organisation (e. Purchase of goods by obtaining bids: Except in cases covered under Rule 131C. A demand for goods should not be divided into small quantities to make piece meal purchases to avoid the necessity of obtaining the sanction of higher authority required with reference to the estimated value of the total demand. appropriately updated. Rule 131I. invitation to tenders by advertisement should be used for procurement of goods of estimated value Rs. (i) This method may be adopted when estimated value of the goods to be procured is up to Rupees Twenty-five Lakhs.g.. (iii) The organisation should also post the complete bidding document in its web site and permit prospective bidders to make use of the document downloaded from the web site. Departments shall procure goods under the powers referred to in Rule 128 above by following the standard method of obtaining bids in : (i) Advertised Tender Enquiry. Rule 131H. Advertised Tender Enquiry. (i) Subject to exceptions incorporated under Rules 131I and 131J. the minimum period should be kept as four weeks for both domestic and foreign bidders. Rule 131G. 25 lakh (Rupees Twenty Five Lakh) and above. Rule 131F. there should be clear instructions for the bidder to pay the amount by demand draft etc. (v) Ordinarily. (iii) Single Tender Enquiry. the Department may send copies of the tender notice to the Indian embassies abroad as well as to the foreign embassies in India. Efforts should be made to identify a higher number of approved suppliers to obtain more responsive bids on competitive basis. on the web site for use by the procuring Department. web based publicity should be given for limited tenders. (iv) Where the Department feels that the goods of the required quality. whichever is later. The selection of the embassies will depend on the possibility of availability of the required goods in such countries. The number of supplier firms in Limited Tender Enquiry should be more than three. The Department shall make its own arrangement for inspection and testing of such goods where required. Further. specifications etc. (ii) Limited Tender Enquiry. the minimum time to be allowed for submission of bids should be three weeks from the date of publication of the tender notice or availability of the bidding document for sale. published by the Director General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics. (ii) An organisation having its own web site should also publish all its advertised tender enquiries on the web site and provide a link with NIC web site. It should also give its web site address in the advertisements in ITJ and newspapers. may not be available in the country and it is necessary to also look for suitable competitive offers from abroad. (ii) Purchase through Limited Tender Enquiry may be adopted even where the estimated value of the procurement is more than Rupees twenty five Lakhs. DGS&D) should host the specifications. 131D and 131E(1).conditions of the purchase should be in line with those specified in the rate contract. along with the bid. Limited Tender Enquiry. Copies of the bidding document should be sent directly by speed post/registered post/courier/e-mail to firms which are borne on the list of registered suppliers for the goods in question as referred under Rule 131 above. bids may be obtained in two parts as under :(a) Technical bid consisting of all technical details alongwith commercial terms and conditions. the required item is to be purchased only from a selected view of urgency. The technical bids are to be opened by the purchasing Department at the first instance and evaluated by a competent committee or authority..e. (iii) Sufficient time should be allowed for submission of bids in Limited Tender Enquiry cases. (iii) Concurrence of internal finance wing/Finance Department to the proposal vide : ………………. (iv) Approval of the competent authority vide :……………………… ________________________ ________________________ (Signature with date and designation of the procuring officer)' Rule 131M. and (b) Financial bid indicating item-wise price for the items mentioned in the technical bid. Rule 131J. (ii) In a case of emergency. indicating that it will not be in public interest to procure the goods through advertised tender enquiry. to be recorded in writing by the competent authority. bids received after the specified date and time for receipt of bids) should not be considered. Rule 131L. stipulations and information to be incorporated in the bidding document are to be shown in the appropriate chapters as below :- . Contents of Bidding Document : All the terms. Rule 131K. (c) The sources of supply are definitely known and possibility of fresh source(s) beyond those being tapped. At the second stage financial bids of only the technically acceptable offers should be opened for further evaluation and ranking before awarding the contract. late bids (i. ………………………. ……………………….………………. The Department should also put on record the nature of the urgency and reasons why the procurement could not be anticipated. Late Bids : In the case of advertised tender enquiry or limited tender enquiry. (ii) No other make or model is acceptable for the following reasons : ………………………. Procurement from a single source may be resorted to in the following circumstances : (i) It is in the knowledge of the user department that only a particular firm is the manufacturer of the required goods. The technical bid and the financial bid should be sealed by the bidder in separate covers duly superscribed and both these sealed covers are to be put in a bigger cover which should also be sealed and duly superscribed.. Single Tender Enquiry. machinery etc. Two bid system : For purchasing high value plant. the required goods are necessarily to be purchased from a particular source and the reason for such decision is to be recorded and approval of competent authority obtained. (iii) For standardisation of machinery or spare parts to be compatible to the existing sets of equipment (on the advice of a competent technical expert and approved by the competent authority). conditions.. of a complex and technical nature. is remote. (b) There are sufficient reasons. '(i) The indented goods are manufactured by M/s……. Note : Proprietary Article Certificate in the following form is to be provided by the Department before procuring the goods from a single source under the provision of sub Rule 131L (i) and 131L (iii) as applicable. (ii) Performance Security should remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations of the supplier including warranty obligations. Maintenance Contract : Depending on the cost and nature of the goods to be purchased. Bid Security (also known as Earnest Money) is to be obtained from the bidders except those who are registered with the Central Purchase Organisation/State Purchase Organisation. The exact amount of bid security. Fixed Deposit Receipt from a Commercial bank. other costly equipment.Chapter – 1 : Instructions to Bidders. The bid security may be accepted in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft. Performance Security is to be obtained from every successful bidder irrespective of its registration status etc. it may become necessary to make advance payments in the following types of cases :(i) Advance payment demanded by firms holding maintenance contracts for servicing of Airconditioners. payments for services rendered or supplies made should be released only after the services have been rendered or supplies made. safeguarding the purchaser's interest in all respects. Bank Guarantee from a Commercial bank in an acceptable form safeguarding the purchasers interest in all respects. etc. if any. it may also be necessary to enter into maintenance contract(s) of suitable period either with the supplier of the goods or with any other competent firm. Fixed Deposit Receipt. Rule 131P. Chapter – 2 : Conditions of Contract. Rule 131Q. . Performance Security should be for an amount of five to ten per cent. However. (ii) Bid securities of the unsuccessful bidders should be returned to them at the earliest after expiry of the final bid validity and latest on or before the 30th day after the award of the contract. should be determined accordingly by the Department and indicated in the bidding documents. Chapter – 7 : Other Standard Forms. Chapter – 4 : Specifications and allied Technical Details. The bidders should be asked to furnish bid security along with their bids. of the value of the contract. computers. Rule 131O. Performance Security is to be obtained from the successful bidder awarded the contract. Amount of bid security should ordinarily range between two percent to five percent of the estimated value of the goods to be procured. The bid security is normally to remain valid for a period of forty-five days beyond the final bid validity period. Chapter – 3 : Schedule of Requirements. Chapter – 6 : Contract Form. National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) or the concerned Department. Banker's Cheque or Bank Guarantee from any of the commercial banks in an acceptable form. to be utilised by the purchaser and the bidders. It may however be kept in mind that the equipment or machinery is maintained free of charge by the supplier during its warranty period or such other extended periods as the contract terms may provide and the paid maintenance should commence only thereafter. Rule 131N. Performance Security may be furnished in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft. Performance Security : (i) To ensure due performance of the contract. Such maintenance contracts are especially needed for sophisticated and costly equipment and machinery. (iii) Bid security should be refunded to the successful bidder on receipt of Performance Security. Bid Security : (i) To safeguard against a bidder’s withdrawing or altering its bid during the bid validity period in the case of advertised or limited tender enquiry. Chapter – 5 : Price Schedule (to be utilised by the bidders for quoting their prices). (1) Advance payment to supplier : Ordinarily. not necessarily the supplier of the subject goods. time and place for sending the bids. past performance. While making any advance payment as above. (ii) Suitable provision should be kept in the bidding document to enable a bidder to question the bidding conditions. Some of the measures for ensuring the above are as follows:(i) the text of the bidding document should be self-contained and comprehensive without any ambiguities. which a bidder needs for sending responsive bid. a suitable provision is to be kept in the bidding documents for a pre-bid conference for clarifying issues and clearing doubts. the specification should be general and broad based to the extent feasible. equipment and machinery projected in the bidding document. In order to attract sufficient number of bidders. manufacturing facilities and financial position etc. competition. (ii) Forty per cent. the ceilings(including percentage laid down for advance payment for private firms) mentioned above. (v) The bidders should be given reasonable time to send their bids. if any. Efforts should also be made to use standard specifications which are widely known to the industry. time and place of pre-bid conference should be indicated in the bidding document. (viii) Pre-bid conference : In case of turn-key contract(s) or contract(s) of special nature for procurement of sophisticated and costly equipment. of the contract value to private firms. part payment to the supplier may be released after it despatches the goods from its premises in terms of the contract. The date. of the contract value to a State or Central Government agency or a Public Sector Undertaking. Such advance payments should not exceed the following limits : (i) Thirty per cent. (iii) Suitable provision for settlement of disputes. (iv) The bidding document should indicate clearly that the resultant contract will be interpreted under Indian Laws. the amount should not exceed the amount payable for six months under the contract. All essential information. Transparency. about the specifications and other allied technical details of the plant. This date should be sufficiently ahead of bid opening date. bidding process and/ or rejection of its bid. to secure best value for money. (b) eligibility criteria for goods indicating any legal restrictions or conditions about the origin of goods etc which may required to be met by the successful bidder. Rule 131R. technical capability. emanating from the resultant contract. . in consultation with Internal Finance Advisor/Finance Department concerned. This will also enable the prospective bidders to formulate and send their competitive bids with confidence. time and place of opening of the bid. or (iii) in case of maintenance contract. (d) date. should be clearly spelt out in the bidding document in simple language. The bidding document should contain. should be kept in the bidding document. adequate safeguards in the form of bank guarantee etc should be obtained from the firm. if any. fairness and elimination of arbitrariness in the procurement process : All government purchases should be made in a transparent. (vii) The specifications of the required goods should be clearly stated without any ambiguity so that the prospective bidders can send meaningful bids. (e) terms of delivery. Departments may relax. (2) Part payment to suppliers : Depending on the terms of delivery incorporated in a contract. competitive and fair manner. (c) the procedure as well as date..(ii) Advance payment demanded by firms against fabrication contracts. inter alia. if any. turn-key contracts etc. (a) the criteria for eligibility and qualifications to be met by the bidders such as minimum level of experience. (vi) The bids should be opened in public and authorised representatives of the bidders should be permitted to attend the bid opening. (f) special terms affecting performance. the remaining quantity. . negotiation as well as counter offering of rates are permitted with the bidders in view and for this purpose special permission should be given to the State Purchase Organisation. economy and accountability in the system. where a number of firms are brought on rate contract for the same item. suitable provision should also be kept in the bidding document to enable the purchaser either to trade or not to trade the item while purchasing the new one. the time as well as the mode of handing over the old item to the successful bidder should be decided and relevant details in this regard suitably incorporated in the bidding document. The State Purchase Organisation should also ensure that the rate contracts remain available without any break. (xiii) In the rate contract system. a suitable clause is to be incorporated in the bidding document so that the prospective and interested bidders formulate their bids accordingly. appropriate time frame for each stage of procurement should be prescribed by the Department. For this purpose. (xi) Bidders should not be permitted to alter or modify their bids after expiry of the deadline for receipt of bids. However. may delegate. Further. no new condition which was not incorporated in the bidding documents should be brought in for evaluation of the bids. where the lowest acceptable bidder against ad-hoc requirement is not in a position to supply the full quantity required. criteria as well as factors to be taken into account for evaluating the bids on a common platform and the criteria for awarding the contract to the responsive lowest bidder should be clearly indicated in the bidding documents. Depending on the value and condition of the old item to be traded. Determination of a bid's responsiveness should be based on the contents of the bid itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence. Buy-Back Offer : When it is decided with the approval of the competent authority to replace an existing old item(s) with a new and better version. be ordered from the next higher responsive bidder at the rates offered by the lowest responsive bidder. To achieve the same. (xii) Negotiation with bidders after bid opening must be severely discouraged. in exceptional circumstances where price negotiation against an ad-hoc procurement is necessary due to some unavoidable circumstances. Rule 131S. (xiv) Contract should ordinarily be awarded to the lowest evaluated bidder whose bid has been found to be responsive and who is eligible and qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily as per the terms and conditions incorporated in the corresponding bidding document. Such a time frame will also make the concerned purchase officials more alert.(ix) Criteria for determining responsiveness of bids. as far as possible. Rule 131T. (iv) The designated State Purchase Organisation(s) should bring into the rate contract system more and more common user items which are frequently needed in bulk by various Government departments. Extension of bid validity must be discouraged and resorted to only in exceptional circumstances. (x) Bids received should be evaluated in terms of the conditions already incorporated in the bidding documents. every Department. the same may be resorted to only with the lowest evaluated responsive bidder. Efficiency. (ii) To minimise the time needed for decision making and placement of contract. (xv) The name of the successful bidder awarded the contract should be mentioned in the Departments notice board or bulletin or web site 66. (iii) The Departments should ensure placement of contract within the original validity of the bids. with the approval of the competent authority. wherever necessary. the department may trade the existing old item while purchasing the new one. the following keys areas should be addressed :(i) To reduce delay. appropriate purchasing powers to the lower functionaries. However. Economy and Accountability in Public Procurement System : Public procurement procedure is also to ensure efficiency. Rule 131ZB. However. The eligibility and pre-qualification criteria to be met by the consultants should also be clearly identified at this stage. Rule 131ZC. preparation of a long list of potential consultants may be done on the basis of formal or informal enquiries from other Departments or Organisations involved in similar activities. the broad scope of work or service. Association of consultancy firms etc. Preparation and Issue of Request for Proposal (RFP) : RFP is the . Rule 131W. (ii) Outline of the tasks to be carried out. which is well defined in terms of content and time frame for its completion or outsource certain services. Preparation of Terms of Reference (TOR) : The TOR should include (i) Precise statement of objectives. Enquiry for seeking Expression of Interest should include in brief. The consultants may also be asked to send their comments on the objectives and scope of the work or service projected in the enquiry. an enquiry for seeking ‘Expression of Interest’ from consultants should be published in at least one national daily and the Department's web site. Identification of likely sources : (i) Where the estimated cost of the work or service is upto Rupees twenty-five lakhs. PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES Rule 131U. Identification of Work / Services required to be performed by Consultants : Engagement of consultants may be resorted to in situations requiring high quality services for which the concerned Department does not have requisite expertise. Rule 131Y. in addition to (i) above. the Departments shall ensure that they do not contravene the basic rules contained in this chapter. This chapter contains the fundamental principles applicable to all Departments regarding engagement of consultant(s) and outsourcing of services. Estimating reasonable expenditure : Department proposing to engage consultant(s) should estimate reasonable expenditure for the same by ascertaining the prevalent market conditions and consulting other organisations engaged in similar activities. consultancy firms or consultants (referred to as consultant hereinafter) for a specific job. consultants meeting the requirements should be short listed for further consideration. The Departments may hire external professionals. (v) The final outputs that will be required of the Consultant. The number of shortlisted consultants should not be less than three. Approval of the competent authority should be obtained before engaging consultant(s). (iv) The support or inputs to be provided by the Department to facilitate the consultancy. The web site address should also be given in the advertisements. Rule 131X. inputs to be provided by the Department. Chambers of Commerce & Industry.Adequate time should be allowed for getting responses from interested consultants Rule 131ZA. Rule 131Z. eligibility and the pre-qualification criteria to be met by the consultant(s) and consultant’s past experience in similar work or service. objectives and the scope of the assignment. Rule 131V. Preparation of scope of the required work / service : The Departments should prepare in simple and concise language the requirement. Detailed instructions to this effect may be issued by the concerned Ministries or Departments.II. (iii) Schedule for completion of tasks. Short listing of consultants : On the basis of responses received from the interested parties as per Rule 131Z above. (ii) Where the estimated cost of the work or service is above Rupees twenty-five lakhs. The CEC shall record in detail the reasons for acceptance or rejection of the technical proposals analysed and evaluated by it. Rule 131ZH. (iii) Terms of Reference (TOR). should not be considered. (v) List of key position whose CV and experience would be evaluated. bids received after the specified date and time of receipt. Rule 131ZG. Monitoring the Contract : The Department should be involved throughout in the conduct of consultancy. Rule 131ZG. (viii) Proposed contract terms. The bidder should put these two sealed envelops in a bigger envelop duly sealed and submit the same to the Department by the specified date and time at the specified place. (iv) Eligibility and pre-qualification criteria incase the same has not been ascertained through Enquiry for Expression of Interest.e. The RFP should be issued to the shortlisted consultants to seek their technical and financial proposals. The RFP should contain : (i) A letter of Invitation (ii) Information to Consultants regarding the procedure for submission of proposal . (ix) Procedure proposed to be followed for midterm review of the progress of the work and review of the final draft report. (vii) Standard formats for technical and financial proposal. Evaluation of Technical Bids : Technical bids should be analysed and evaluated by a Consultancy Evaluation Committee (CEC) constituted by the Department. Consultancy by nomination : Under some special circumstances. Rule 131ZF. time and place. . it may become necessary to select a particular consultant where adequate justification is available for such single-source selection in the context of the overall interest of the Department. Outsourcing of Services : A Department may outsource certain services in the interest of economy and efficiency and it may prescribe detailed instructions and procedures for this purpose without. On receipt. Late Bids : Late bids i. (vi) Bid evaluation criteria and selection procedure. Receipt and opening of proposals : Proposals should ordinarily be asked for from consultants in ‘Two-bid’ system with technical and financial bids sealed separately. OUTSOURCING OF SERVICES Rule 131ZI. Evaluation of Financial Bids of the technically qualified bidders : The Department shall open the financial bids of only those bidders who have been declared technically qualified by the Consultancy Evaluation Committee as per Rule 131ZF above for further analysis or evaluation and ranking and selecting the successful bidder for placement of the consultancy contract. the technical proposals should be opened first by the Department at the specified date. however. Full justification for single source selection should be recorded in the file and approval of the competent authority obtained before resorting to such single-source selection.document to be used by the Department for obtaining offers from the consultants for the required work / service. Rule 131ZE. preferably by taking a task force approach and continuously monitoring the performance of the consultant(s) so that the output of the consultancy is in line with the Department’s objectives. Rule 131ZD. contravening the following basic guidelines. e. Rule 131ZN. Identification of likely contractors : The Departmentshould prepare a list of likely and potential contractors on the basis of formal or informal enquiries from other Ministries or Departments and Organisations involved in similar activities. Monitoring the Contract : The Department should be involved throughout in the conduct of the contract and continuously monitor the performance of the contractor. and trade journals. Rule 131ZP. Late Bids : Late bids i. 6. Invitation of Bids : (a) For estimated value of the work or service upto Rupees ten lakhs or less : The Department should scrutinise the preliminary list of likely contractors as identified as per Rule 131ZJ above. Evaluation of Bids Received : The Department should evaluate. Preparation of Tender enquiry : Department should prepare a tender enquiry containing. bids received after the specified date and time of receipt. Deletion of Appendix 8 of the Bihar Finance Rules relating to rules for the supply of articles of stores Appendix 8 of the Bihar Finance Rules will be deleted. Rule 131ZO. Rule 131ZK.Rule 131ZJ. in an exceptional situation to outsource a job to a specifically chosen contractor. Outsourcing by Choice : Should it become necessary. Substitution of Rules 132 to 153 of the Bihar Finance Rules relating to stores Rules 132 to 153 of the Bihar Finance Rules will be substituted by the rules which are as follows :"Rule 132. decide the prima facie eligible and capable contractors and issue limited tender enquiry to them asking for their offers by a specified date and time etc. Rule 131ZM. Substitution of Title of Chapter 8 of the Bihar Finance Rules The title of Chapter 8 "Receipts of Stores" of the Bihar Finance Rules will be substituted by "Inventory Management" 8. 7. web site etc. rank the responsive bids and select the successful bidder for placement of the contract. as per standard practice. in at least one popular largely circulated national newspaper and web site of the Department. (b) For estimated value of the work or service above Rupees ten lakhs: The Department should issue advertised tender enquiry asking for the offers by a specified date and time etc. This chapter contains the basic rules applicable to all Ministries or Departments regarding inventory management. if available. should not be considered. (ii) The facilities and the inputs which will be provided to the contractor by the Department. In such cases the detailed justification. and (iv) The statutory and contractual obligations to be complied with by the contractor. the Competent Authority in the Department may do so in consultation with the Internal Financial Adviser. Rule 131ZL. the circumstances leading to the outsourcing by choice and the special interest or purpose it shall serve shall form an integral part of the proposal. The number of the contractors so identified for issuing limited tender enquiry should not be less than six. Detailed instructions and procedures relating to inventory . inter alia : (i) The details of the work or service to be performed by the contractor. scrutiny of ‘Yellow pages’. (iii) Eligibility and qualification criteria to be met by the contractor for performing the required work / service. segregate. the Officer-in-charge of the stores shall see that an appropriate indent. Rule 133. Receipt / issue of goods and materials from internal divisions of the same organisation : (1) The indenting officer requiring goods and materials from internal division(s) of the same organisation should project an indent in the prescribed form for this purpose. measured or weighed and subjected to visual inspection at the time of receipt to ensure that the quantities are correct. in terms of the relevant contract provisions may also be given to the supplier on receiving the materials. Lists and Accounts : (1) The Officer-in-charge of stores shall maintain suitable item-wise lists and accounts and prepare accurate returns in respect of the goods and materials in his charge making it possible at any point of time to check the actual balances with the book balances. dust free environment etc. proper storage accommodation. the indenting officer shall examine. . equipment. furniture. a suitable indication to this effect may be made in the document. Rule 136. . the quality is according to the required specifications and there is no damage or deficiency in the materials. all relevant particulars. Rule 135. While receiving the supply against the indent.R. sale. the quality is in line with the required specifications and there is no damage or deficiency in the materials. (3) Details of the material so received should thereafter be entered in the appropriate stock register. (2) All materials shall be counted. fixtures etc. shall take appropriate steps for arranging their safe custody. the officer–incharge of stores should refer to the relevant contract terms and follow the prescribed procedure for receiving the materials. Custody of goods and materials : The officer-in-charge of stores having custody of goods and materials. (4) If the Officer-in-charge of the stores is unable to comply with the indent in full.5A. including the recovery rates and the total value chargeable to the contractor should be got acknowledged from the contractor duly signed and dated. In case alternative materials are available in lieu of the indented materials. in the Form F. the cost of which is recoverable from the contractor. (2) In the case of issue of materials from stock for departmental use. (3) In case of materials issued to a contractor. The form of the stock accounts mentioned above shall be determined with reference to the nature of the goods and materials. Receipt of goods and materials from private suppliers : (1) While receiving goods and materials from a supplier. An appropriate receipt shall also be given to this effect by the indenting officer to the division sending the materials. manufacture. the frequency of the transactions and the special requirements of the concerned Ministries /Departments. Rule 134. measure or weigh the materials as the case may be. Technical inspection where required should be carried out at this stage by Technical Inspector or Agency approved for the may be prescribed by various Ministries or Departments broadly in conformity with the basic rules contained in this chapter. (2) Separate accounts shall be kept for (i) Fixed Assets such as plant. in the prescribed form has been projected by the indenting officer.. etc. machinery. An appropriate receipt. The officer-in-charge of stores should certify that he has actually received the material and recorded it in the appropriate stock registers. he should make the supply to the extent available and make suitable entry to this effect in the indentor’s copy of the indent. especially valuable and / or combustible articles. count. A written acknowledgement of receipt of material issued shall be obtained from the indenting officer or his authorised representative at the time of issue of materials. to ensure that the quantities are correct. including arrangements for maintaining required temperature. . unless adequate reasons to treat it otherwise exist. 5C (iv) Assets of historical / artistic value held by museum / government departments in the Form F. . including shortages. loss of a book of a value exceeding Rs. A statement giving all relevant details of the goods. if any. Discrepancies. (ii) Loss of five volumes per one thousand volumes of books issued / consulted in a year may be taken as reasonable provided such losses are not attributable to dishonesty or negligence. . shall immediately be brought to the notice of the competent authority for taking appropriate action in accordance with provision given in Rule 31 to 35. should be recovered regularly. Note : As the inventory carrying cost is an expenditure that does not add value to the material being stocked. (3) Procedure for verification : (i) Verification shall always be made in the presence of the officer. For libraries having more than twenty thousand volumes and upto fifty thousand volumes.(Rupees One thousand only) and rare books irrespective of value shall invariably be investigated and appropriate action taken. optimum buffer stock should be determined by the competent authority. Rule 140. materials etc. Rule 137.. Calculation of the charges to be recovered from the local bodies.R. in the Form F. proper record should be kept of the assets and the hire and other charges as determined under rules prescribed by the competent authority. Transfer of charge of goods. Rule 138. (iii) Library books in the Form F. identified during verification. the transferred officer shall see that the goods or material are made over correctly to his successor. damages and unserviceable goods. Rule 141. maintenance spare parts etc. : In case of transfer of Officer-incharge of the goods. materials etc. Sample physical verification at intervals of not 74 more than three years should be done in case of libraries having more than fifty thousand volumes. if any. chemicals. (iii) Discrepancies. Each of these officers will retain a copy of the signed statement.R. . (1) Physical verification of Fixed Assets : The inventory for fixed assets shall ordinarily be maintained at site. in question shall be prepared and signed with date by the relieving officer and the relieved officer. In case such a verification reveals unusual or unreasonable shortages.(ii) Consumables such as office stationery. should be recorded in the stock register for appropriate action by the competent authority. However.R.5B. Rule 142. contractors or others.5D. complete verification shall be done. if any. (2) Verification of Consumables : A physical verification of all the consumable goods and materials should be undertaken at least once in a year and discrepancies. Rule 139. Disposal of Goods. 1. Fixed assets should be verified at least once in a year and the outcome of the verification recorded in the corresponding register. contractors and others as above should be based on the historical cost. materials etc. a material remaining in stock for over a year shall generally be considered surplus. (ii) A certificate of verification alongwith the findings shall be recorded in the stock register. such verification should be done at least once in three years. Note : These forms can be supplemented with additional details by Departments as required. Buffer Stock : Depending on the frequency of requirement and quantity thereof as well as the pattern of supply of a consumable material. responsible for the custody of the inventory being verified. shall be promptly investigated and brought to account.000/. Hiring out of Fixed Assets : When a fixed asset is hired to local bodies. Physical verification of Library books : (i) Complete physical verification of books should be done every year in case of libraries having not more than twenty thousand volumes. (i) An item may be declared surplus or obsolete or unserviceable if the same is of no use to the Department. The reasons for declaring the item surplus or obsolete or unserviceable should be recorded by the authority competent to purchase the item. (ii) The competent authority may, at his discretion, constitute a committee at appropriate level to declare item(s) as surplus or obsolete or unserviceable. (iii) The book value, guiding price and reserved price, which will be required while disposing of the surplus goods, should also be worked out. In case where it is not possible to work out the book value, the original purchase price of the goods in question may be utilised. A report of stores for disposal shall be prepared in Form F.R. - 5E. (iv) In case an item becomes unserviceable due to negligence, fraud or mischief on the part of a Government servant, responsibility for the same should be fixed. Rule 143. Modes of Disposal : (i) Surplus or obsolete or unserviceable goods of assessed residual value above Rupees Two Lakh should be disposed of by : a) obtaining bids through advertised tender or b) public auction. (ii) For surplus or obsolete or unserviceable goods with residual value less than Rupees Two Lakh, the mode of disposal will be determined by the competent authority, keeping in view the necessity to avoid accumulation of such goods and consequential blockage of space and, also,deterioration in value of goods to be disposed of. (iii) Certain surplus or obsolete or unserviceable goods such as expired medicines, food grain, ammunition etc., which are hazardous or unfit for human consumption, should be disposed of or destroyed immediately by adopting suitable mode so as to avoid any health hazard and / or environmental pollution and also the possibility of misuse of such goods. (iv) Surplus or obsolete or unserviceable goods, equipment and documents, which involve security concerns (e.g. currency, negotiable instruments, receipt books, stamps, security press etc.) should be disposed of / destroyed in an appropriate manner to ensure compliance with rules relating to official secrets as well as financial prudence. Rule 144. Disposal through Advertised Tender. (i) The broad steps to be adopted for this purpose are as follows : a) Preparation of bidding documents. b) Invitation of tender for the surplus goods to be sold. c) Opening of bids. d) Analysis and evaluation of bids received. e) Selection of highest responsive bidder. f) Collection of sale value from the selected bidder. g) Issue of sale release order to the selected bidder. h) Release of the sold surplus goods to the selected bidder. i) Return of bid security to the unsuccessful bidders. (ii) The important aspects to be kept in view while disposing the goods through advertised tender are as under :(a) The basic principle for sale of such goods through advertised tender is ensuring transparency, competition, fairness and elimination of discretion. Wide publicity should be ensured of the sale plan and the goods to be sold. All the required terms and conditions of sale are to be incorporated in the bidding document comprehensively in plain and simple language. Applicability of taxes, as relevant, should be clearly stated in the document. (b) The bidding document should also indicate the location and present condition of the goods to be sold so that the bidders can inspect the goods before bidding. (c) The bidders should be asked to furnish bid security along with their bids. The amount of bid security should ordinarily be ten per cent.of the assessed or reserved price of the goods. The exact bid security amount should be indicated in the bidding document. (d) The bid of the highest acceptable responsive bidder should normally be accepted. However, if the price offered by that bidder is not acceptable, negotiation may be held only with that bidder. In case such negotiation does not provide the desired result, the reasonable or acceptable price may be counter-offered to the next highest responsive bidder(s). (e) In case the total quantity to be disposed of cannot be taken up by the highest acceptable bidder, the remaining quantity may be offered to the next higher bidder(s) at the price offered by the highest acceptable bidder. (f) Full payment, i.e. the residual amount after adjusting the bid security should be obtained from the successful bidder before releasing the goods. (g) In case the selected bidder does not show interest in lifting the goods, the bid security should be forfeited and other actions initiated including re-sale of the goods in question at the risk and cost of the defaulter, after obtaining legal advice. (iii) Late bids i.e. bids received after the specified date and time of receipt should not to be considered. Rule 145. Disposal through Auction : (i) A Department may undertake auction of goods to be disposed of either directly or through approved auctioneers. (ii) The basic principles to be followed here are similar to those applicable for disposal through advertised tender so as to ensure transparency, competition, fairness and elimination of discretion. The auction plan including details of the goods to be auctioned and their location, applicable terms and conditions of the sale etc. should be given wide publicity in the same manner as is done in case of advertised tender. (iii) While starting the auction process, the condition and location of the goods to be auctioned, applicable terms and conditions of sale etc., (as already indicated earlier while giving vide publicity for the same), should be announced again for the benefit of the assembled bidders. (iv) During the auction process, acceptance or rejection of a bid should be announced immediately on the stroke of the hammer. If a bid is accepted, earnest money (not less than twenty-five per cent. of the bid value) should immediately be taken on the spot from the successful bidder either in cash or in the form of Deposit-at-Call-Receipt (DACR), drawn in favour of the Department selling the goods. The goods should be handed over to the successful bidder only after receiving the balance payment. (v) The composition of the auction team will be decided by the competent authority. The team should however include an officer of the Internal Finance Wing of the department. Rule 146. Disposal at scrap value or by other modes : If a Department is unable to sell any surplus or obsolete or unserviceable item in spite of its attempts through advertised tender or auction, it may dispose off the same at its scrap value with the approval of the competent authority in consultation with Finance division. In case the Department is unable to sell the item even at its scrap value, it may adopt any other mode of disposal including destruction of the item in an eco-friendly manner. Rule 147. A sale account should be prepared for goods disposed of in Form F.R. 5F duly signed by the officer who supervised the sale or auction. Rule 148. (1) Powers to write off : All profits and losses due to revaluation, stock-taking or other causes shall be duly recorded and adjusted where necessary. Formal sanction of the competent authority shall be obtained in respect of losses, even though no formal correction or adjustment in government accounts is involved. Power to write off of losses are available under the Compendium of Financial Delegations. (2) Losses due to depreciation : Losses due to depreciation shall be analyzed, and recorded under following heads, as applicable :(i) normal fluctuation of market prices; (ii) normal wear and tear; (iii) lack of foresight in regulating purchases; and (iv) negligence after purchase. (3) Losses not due to depreciation : Losses not due to depreciation shall be grouped under the following heads :(i) losses due to theft or fraud; (ii) losses due to neglect; (iii) anticipated losses on account of obsolescence of stores or of purchases in excess of requirements; (iv) losses due to damage, and (v) losses due to extra ordinary situations under ‘Force Majeure’ conditions like fire, flood, enemy action, etc.;" 9. Substitution of Rules 199 to 322 of the Bihar Finance Rules relating to works Rules 199 to 322 of the Bihar Finance Rules will be substituted by the following rules :"Rule 199. Original works means all new constructions, additions and alterations to existing works, special repairs to newly purchased or previously abandoned buildings or structures, including remodeling or replacement. Repair works means works undertaken to maintain building and fixtures. Rule 200. Administrative control of works includes: (i) assumption of full responsibility for construction, maintenance and upkeep; (ii) proper utilization of buildings and allied works; (iii) provision of funds for execution of these functions. Rule 201. Powers to sanction works : The powers delegated to various subordinate authorities to accord administrative approval, sanction expenditure and re-appropriate funds for works are regulated by the Compendium of of Financial Delegation and other orders contained in the respective departmental regulations. Rule 202. (1) A Ministry or Department at its discretion may directly execute repair works estimated to cost upto Rupees ten Lakhs after following due procedure indicated in Rule 208. (2) A Ministry or Department may, at its discretion, assign repair works estimated to cost above Rupees ten Lakhs and upto Rupees thirty Lakhs to any Public Works Organisation, which includes State Public Works Divisions, other Central Government organisations authorised to carry out civil or electrical works such as Central Public Works Department (CPWD), Military Engineering Service (MES), Border Roads Organisation etc. or Public Sector Undertakings set up by the Central or State Government to carryout civil or electrical works. (3) All original works costing upto Rupees ten Lakhs may be assigned by the Ministry or Department concerned to a Public Works Organisations as defined in Rule 202(2). (4) All original works estimated to cost above Rupees ten Lakhs and repair works estimated to cost above Rupees thirty Lakhs may be got executed through a Public Works Organisations as defined in Rule 202(2) after consultation with the Building Construction Department. Rule 203. Work under the administrative control of the Public Works Departments : Works not specifically allotted to any Ministry or Department shall be included in the Grants for Civil Works to be administered by Building Construction Department. No such work may be financed partly from funds provided in departmental budget and partly from the budget for Civil works as mentioned above. Rule 204. General Rules : Subject to the observance of these general rules, the initiation, authorization and execution of works allotted to a particular Ministry or Department shall be regulated by detailed rules and orders contained in the respective departmental regulations and by other special orders applicable to them. Rule 205. (1) No works shall be commenced or liability incurred in connection with it until, (i) administrative approval has been obtained from the appropriate authority in each case; the administrative approval and expenditure sanction shall be accorded and funds allotted by the concerned authority under these rules and in accordance with the Compendium of Financial Delegation. (vii) a Work Order issued. shall not. The necessity for obtaining approval or sanction of higher authority to a project which consists of such a group of work should not be avoided because of the fact that the cost of each particular work in the project is within the powers of such approval or sanction of a lower authority. (iii) no work shall be undertaken before Issue of Administrative Approval and expenditure Sanction by the competent Authority on the basis of estimates framed. Procedure for Execution of Works : The broad procedure to be followed by a Department for execution of works under its own arrangements shall be as under :(i) the detailed procedure relating to expenditure on such works shall be prescribed by departmental regulations framed in consultation with the Finance Department. shall be considered as one work. The Public Works Organisation shall then execute the work entrusted to it in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed in that organisation. (vi) execution of Contract Agreement or Award of work should be done before commencement of the work. am personally satisfied that the work has been executed as per the specifications laid down in the Contract Agreement and the workmanship is upto the standards followed in the Industry. Finance (Internal Financial Advisor) and the Executing Agency to review the progress of the work. shall have to be covered by a supplementary estimate. Rule 210. (2) On grounds of urgency or otherwise. without special authority. Simultaneously. For works costing less . (vi) tenders invited and processed in accordance with rules. (v) funds to cover the charge during the year have been provided by competent authority. Any anticipated or actual savings from a sanctioned estimate for a definite project. be applied to carry out additional work not contemplated in the original project. This provision. however. (vii) final payment for work shall be made only on the personal certificate of the officer-incharge of execution of the work in the format given below: “ I …………………. (iv) open tenders will be called for works costing Rupees five lakhs to Rupees ten lakhs. the concerned executive officer may do so on his own judgement and responsibility. (ii) preparation of detailed design and estimates shall precede any sanction for works. generally based on the procedures and the principles underlying the financial and accounting rules prescribed for similar works carried out by the Public Works Department (PWD). (v) limited tenders will be called for works costing less than Rupees five lakhs. Executing Officer of (Name of the Work).” Rule 209. Rule 206. (iv) estimates containing the detailed specifications and quantities of various items have been prepared on the basis of the Schedule of Rates maintained by PWD or other Public Works Organisations and sanctioned. (3) Any development of a project considered necessary while a work is in progress. if it becomes necessary to carry out a work or incur a liability under circumstances when the provisions set out under sub rule 1 of rule 205 cannot be complied with. For original works and repair works entrusted to a 'Public Works Organisation' as defined in Rule 202(2). Review of Projects : After a project costing Rupees ten crores or above is approved.. shall not apply in case of works of similar nature which are independent of each other. Rule 208. (iii) a properly detailed design has been sanctioned. The Review Committee shall have the powers to accept variation within 10% of the approved estimates. Rule 207. he should initiate action to obtain approval from the competent authority and also to intimate the concerned Accounts Officer. the Administrative Ministry or Department will set up a Review Committee consisting of a representative each from the Administrative Ministry.(ii) sanction to incur expenditure has been obtained from the competent authority.……. a group of works which forms one project. For purpose of approval and sanctions. which is not contingent on the execution of work as first sanctioned. Where price variation clause has to be provided for services (with insignificant inputs of materials) as for example in getting Technical assistance normally paid in the form of per diem rates. will not be subject to variation.that Rupees ten crores. . Government Press. dated-10-11-2005 Copy forwarded to. 10. a high fixed element and a labour element. The portions of the price represented by the material element and labour element alone will attract Price variation. My & Mz.-6976F(2) Patna. The figures representing the material element and the labour element should reflect the corresponding proportion of input costs. while the fixed element may range from 10 to 25%. the material element can be broken up into two or three components such as Mx. The fixed element can in such cases be 50% or more. L0 and L1 are the wage indices at the base month and year and at the month and year of calculation respectively. Bihar Memo No. depending on the markup by the supplier of the per diem rate vis-a-vis the wage rates. it will be at the discretion of the Administrative Department to set up a Review Committee on the above lines. a is the assigned percentage to the material element in the Contract price.The Superintendent. The following will be inserted as appendix 1A in the Bihar Finance Rules :"Formula for Price variation Clause The formula for Price Variation should originally include a fixed element. That portion of the price represented by the fixed element." By the order of Governor. F is the Fixed element not subject to Price variation. If more than one major item of material is involved.P0 where P1 is the adjustment amount payable to the supplier (a minus figure will indicate a reduction in the Contract Price) P0 is the Contract Price at the base level. The formula for Price Variation will thus be : P1 = P0 { F + a(M1/M0) + b(L1/L0)} . b is the assigned percentage to the labour element in the Contract price. Patna for publication in extraordinary issue of Bihar Gazette. the price variation formula should have only two elements viz. M0 and M1 are the material indices at the base month and year and at the month and year of calculation respectively. He is also requested to make arrangement for providing 500 copies of the Gazette published to this department. a material element and a labour element. Insertion of Appendix 1A in Bihar Finance Rules. Bihar/ Principal Secretary to Governor/Development Commissioner/Secretary.-6976F(2) Patna. dated-10-11-2005 Copy forwarded to-Accountant General. dated-10-11-2005 Copy forwarded to. Cabinet and Co-ordination Department/All Commissioners and Secretaries/ All Secretaries/ Resident Commissioner.Chief Secretary.All concerned officers for information and necessary action. Memo No. . Patna for information and necessary action.Memo No. dated-10-11-2005 Copy forwarded to.-6976F(2) Patna. Memo No.-6976F(2) Patna. Bihar Bhawan/All Divisional Commissioners/ All District Magistrates/ All Deputy Development Commissioners for information and necessary action. ferO.oa ljdkj dh n{krk dks c< k+ us gsrq fcgkj foÙkh.] jkT. fu.ekoyh] 2005^^ dgh tk ldsxhA ¼[k½ bldk izlkj lEiw.ksa dk mi. fu.ekoyh] 2005 vf/klwfpr dj fn. foÙkh. fu.g rqjUr ds izHkko ls izo`Ùk ekuh tk.oa foe’kZ ds mijkUr Hkkjr ljdkj us lkekU.ekoyh ewyr% Hkkjr ljdkj ds ysuk] varjkZ"Vªh.k 1 XI ds 'kh"kZd dk izfrLFkkiu%& .ekoyh ^^fcgkj foÙk ¼la’kks/ku½ fu.h gS] rFkk pw¡fd fcgkj foÙk fu. fuEu:is.e 30 ls igys izdj.ekoyh] 2005 cukrh gS%& fcgkj foÙk ¼la’kks/ku½ fu.ku esa j[krs ¼3½ esa iznÙk 'kfDr. fo’ks"kKksa ds ny ds izfrosnu ds vk/kkj ij foLr`r leh{kk .kZ fcgkj jkT.drk gS] blfy.g fu.ekoyh ds fu.ekoyh ij vk?kkfjr gS .s] fcgkj foÙk vf/kfu. ekudksa ds vuq:i vf/kizkfIr O.ekoyh esa la’kks/ku dh vko’.e & 4&35/2002 fcgkj ljdkj foÙk foHkkx vf/klwpuk .ksx djrs gq.e] 1981 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ .k 'kkfey gS rFkk pw¡fd bu ifjoÙkZuksa dks /.s gSa ftuesa rsth ls oSDfYid lsok rjhdksa dk fodflr gksuk] lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh esa fodkl] ckgjh lzksrksa ls lsok.ekoyh] 2005 1- 2- laf{kIr uke] izlkj vkSj izkjEHk%& ¼d½ .ku esa j[krs gq.f.l0 vks0 6076 F(2) iVuk] fnukad 10/11/2005 pw¡fd foxr dbZ o"kksZa esa dbZ ifjorZu .ekoyh dks la’kks/ku djrs gq.k gS tks 1 tqykbZ] 2005 ls iznk. esa gksxkA ¼x½ .sxhA fcgkj foÙk fu. ljdkj fcgkj foÙk fu. foÙkh.k fcgkj foÙk ¼la’kks/ku½fu.oLFkk] lkexzh izc/a ku dk mnkjhdj.oa pw¡fd mijksDr ifjorZuksa dks /. ekoyh ds fu.sls ekeys] ftuesa ekud Qkje dk mi. lykg izkIr dj ysus pkfg.oa fuekZ.e 30& lafonk ds lkekU.oa foÙkh. lHkh izdkj dh lafonk.Ro vUrxzZLr ugha gksus pkfg.sxk A 3- fcgkj foÙk fu.k .knh 'kÙkksZa . dj ldrs gSaA ¼[k½ . ds fuekZ.oa izfrcU/kksa ds lkFk cus Ø.d yk[k :0 ewY./khu .saxs %& ^^fu.oa 30 dk izfrLFkkiu& fcgkj foÙk^^ dks ^^lafonk izcU/ku^^ }kjk izfrLFkkfir fd. fl)kar& lafonk djrs le.r nkf. okyh fuekZ. .e 29 ls 30 fuEufyf[kr fu.M gks] dks NksM+dj 'kÙkksaZ esa dksbZ vfuf’pr .k vf/kd dh izkDdfyr ewY.FkkFkZ] fuf’pr .sls ifjektZu forh.k lafonkvksa vFkok Ø.iky ds fy.d yk[k :0 ls nl yk[k :0 ds chp ewY.sxkA ¼2½ & jkT.s tk. vf/kd`r izkf/kdkjh }kjk fd.iky .e 29¼1½& lHkh lafonk. ifjorZu lEcU/kh [k. .Fkko’.A ¼3½ .ksx u fd.k vFkok nl yk[k :0 ls vf/kd dh [kjhnnkjh ds fy.ksa dk iz.k tkuk gks] ogk¡ lafonk dh 'kÙkZ izk:fir djus ds fof/kd .saxsA bl gsrq izkf/kd`r inkf/kdkjh ds gLrk{kj ds uhps ^^fcgkj ds jkT.kns’k fuxZr djrs gq. fl)kar vuqikfyr fd.slk djus ds fy. dh dk.Zikfydk 'kfDr.k dh O. fl)kar ¼th0 lh0 lh0½] lafonk dss fo’ks"k fl)kar ¼.s tk. fuEufyf[kr lkekU.oa oSf/kd ijke’kZ izkIr djus ds i'pkr~ gh gksus pkfg.l0 lh0 lh0½ .A .k egkefge jkT.dkjh lafonk gksxkA ¼x½ nl yk[k :0 .oa lafnX/krk ¼vusdkFkZrk½ ls ijs gksA ykxr vk/kkfjr lafonk vFkok tgk¡ lafonk esa ewY.fDrxr lafonkvksa ds ekeyksa esa .k foHkkx vius Lofoosd ls .k XI ds 'kh"kZd ^^lafonk.oa rjQ ls^^ 'kCn vafdr jgsaxsA fu. rd dh [kjhnnkjh cqfu.A ¼2½ tgk¡ rd lEHko gks] lafonk ds ekud Qkje] O.s tk.k tk.s tkus pkfg. lafonkvksa ds ekeysa esa lafonk dkxtkr bls 2 .kfIr 'kkfey gks] Lohdkj dk i= gh ck/. .d ifjektZu ds lkFk] Hkkjr lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn 299¼1½ dh fof’k"V inkoyh esa egkefge jkT.ekoyh dh lafonk ls lEcfU/kr fu.ksx djrs gq.izdj. lafonkvksa tgk¡ fufonk dkxtkrksa esa lafonk ds lkekU.iky dh rjQ ls fd.oa ifjlEifÙk lEcU/kh gLrkukUrj.ssaxs& ¼1½ lafonk dh 'kÙksZ .e 29 .k muds vkns’kksa ds v/.A ¼4½ ¼d½ ea=ky.k tk.eksa }kjk izfrLFkkfir fd. 0 lh0 lh0 layXu djrs gq.oa fof’kf"V ds iw. ewY.k o"kZ ls lEcfU/kr gks] mldk fof’k"V :i esa mYys[k gks rkfd ml ekg .oa fof’kf"V.d gks] Lohd`fr dk i= fuxZr djus ls 21 fnuksa ds Hkhrj fu"ikfnr fd.Mksa ¼okD.k vkiwfrZdÙkkZ }kjk lafonk fu"iknu ds bl 'kÙkZ dk iw.ksa vFkok lsokvksa ds mRiknu dh okLrfod ykxr esa izfr .k vkiwfrZ.s tkus pkfg.Ro ykus gsrq .wfuV fuf’pr nj ij ykHk .kZ ikyu u djuk vf/kfu.Z gks tk.s] lafonk djus ds igys iw. ogk¡ djkj fd.d lk/kkj.ksjs ds lkFk fufonk vkeaf=r dh xbZ gks rks] th0 lh0 lh0 .k tkuk pkfg.A ¼6½ lafonk nLrkost tgk¡ vko’.A laosnd .s tkus pkfg.k%& ^^ykxr vk/kkfjr lafonk^^ dk vFkZ gS oSlh lafonk] ftlesa lafonk ds vUrxZr vkiwfrZ .k x. tgk¡ vkiwfÙkZ vof/k 18 ekg ls mij dh gksA vYidkyhu lafonkvksa esa fLFkj .Z mijof.A tgk¡ .d [k.saxsA gkykafd .kZr izko/kkuksa esa .kZ vkSfpR. ifjorZu [k.slh lafonk vifjgk.djkjukeksa ds ekeyksa esa lafonk nLrkost fujiokn :i esa fu"i™k fd.k tk ldsA 3 .A Li"Vhdj.ksa dk C.s tkus pkfg.d i`"B dh lafonk dh tk ldrh gSA ¼?k½ cM+s fuekZ. .d fuf’pr izfr’kr vfrfjDr tksM+dj fd.ksjk .A tgk¡ ewY.vkReHkfjr lafonk cukus gsrq lHkh vko’.oa fufonkdkj dk vkWQj .A ¼5½ fdlh izdkj dk dksbZ dk.oa izfØ. O.kZ. dk izko/kku gksuk pkfg.s tk. ij vk/kkfjr lafonk esa ifjofrZr djus dk dne mBkuk pkfg.kfIr .oa . ifjorZu [kaM mUgha nh?kZdkyhu lafonkvksa esa 'kkfey djuk pkfg.oa o"kZ ds ewY.slk ykxr vk/kkfjr lafonk ls vkPNkfnr vkiwfrZ .kfIr .Z yEcs le.k jkf’k dh tCrh gsrq i.djkjukek dks leqfpr :i ls fu"i™k fd.kvksa esa LFkkf.ka’kksa½ ds lkFk fu"i™k fd.k vFkok la.k fo’ks"k dk.kZIr vk/kkj gksxkA ¼7½ ykxr vk/kkfjr lafonk lkekU. Lrj ds vk/kkj ij ifjorZuksa dks ifjxf.kZ C. rd tkjh jguk gks] ogk¡ vkiwfrZdÙkkZ@laosnd dks muds mRiknu@fu"iknu ds rjhdksa .qfDr. dks jí djus rFkk cdk.oa Lohdkj dk i= layXu djrs gq.fn blls igys th0 lh0 lh0 .k tkrk gksA VIII¼d½& ewY.k mRiknu dh okLrfod ykxr ij .FkkfufnZ"V .r% ugha dh tkuh pkfg.oa .M dk izko/kku fd.k izkjfEHkd Lrj ewY.s fcuk izkjEHk ugha fd. dk fu/kkZj. .k tk.k .a=ksa ds j[kj[kko] lsokvksa ds izko/kku vkfn ds fy.qDr vof/k vuqer djrs gq.0 lh0 lh0 dh izfr] O. ftl ekg .oa fuf’pr ewY. fuf’pr ewY. vfHkfyf[kr fd.A tgk¡ .k lsokvksa ds cnys Hkqxrs. s rRo fu/kkZfjr vkiwfÙkZ frfFk ds dkQh igys gh ladqfpr gks tkrs gSaA ¼?k½ ewY. ftlds mij gh ewY. ifjorZu ns.oa vuqlwfpr vkiwfÙkZ frfFk ds chp gq. D.A ifjorZuksa dh x. ij vuqns.d U. ugha gksxkA ¼>½ vfuok.k tkuk pkfg. ifjorZu [k. ifjorZu ds fy. ifjorZu vuqefr .k nksukssa gks ldrh gSA lafonk ds ewY.sxk½ ¼p½ tgk¡ vfxze .wure izfr’kr Hkh fu/kkZfjr gksuk pkfg.A .FkkifjofrZr ewY.k tk.M esa lkexzh .k[.kkeh o`f) 2 izfr’kr ls tgk¡ de gks ogk¡ vkiwfrZdÙkkZ ds i{k esa dksbZ ewY.k tkrk gks ogk¡ .wVh . ifjorZu Lohdkj ugha gksxkA ¼N½ tgk¡ fu/kkZfjr Msyhojh frfFk ds ckn Hkh Msyhojh bl 'kÙkZ ds lkFk Lohdkj dh tkrh gS fd lafonk esa .k ekSds ij Hkqxrku fd.kfrr ¼dLVe M~.M ds ykxw gksus ds dkj. ifjorZu ns.k .kuk ljdkjh izdk’kuksa vFkok pSEcj vkWQ dkWelZ dh if=dkvksa esa izdkf’kr lwpdkad dk mi.g Hkh 'kÙkZ gksuh pkfg. ewY. pkfg.k .d fuf’pr izfr’kr . fd [kjhnnkj dks lafonk ewY.ksx djrs gq.d dqy feykdj mijh lhek .ekoyh ds lkFk ifjf’k"V 1d ij ekxZn’kZu ds fy.M esa 'kkfey fd. gksxhA ¼t½ vkiwfrZdÙkkZ dh vksj ls xyrh ds dkj. ifjorZu [k. fd.ksX. gksxk ¼.M esa lafonk ewY.M dh 'kÙkZ ysrs le.d O.kstu ugha fd. esa ifjorZu dk . dk dksbZ izfr’kr½ ewY.M esa [kkldj tgk¡ rhozrk ls o`f) fufgr gks] ewY.rk vFkok ljdkj dh vksj ls xyrh gksus ds ekeyksa esa] lafonk esa la’kks/ku ds }kjk ewy vf/klfwpr Msyhojh frfFk esa la’kks/ku gksus ij] mDr frfFk ds ckn ewY. ifjorZu [k.Fkk micaf/kr ifjlekfIr {kfr olwyuh.ksafd .k tk.kRed QkewZyk bl fu.Fkk ifj. :i esa fofufeZr mRikn 'kqYd .ksa esa fdlh deh dk ykHk ysus dk izko/kku lqfuf’pr djsaA ¼³½ mDr [k.g izfro"kZ . gksxkA ¼¥½ tgk¡ lafonk vk. gksxh] ogk¡ ifjlekfIr {kfr ¼ewY.¼[k½ izkjfEHkd Lrj .k ewy vuqlwfpr Msyhojh frfFk ds ckn Msyhojh gksus ij dksbZ ewY. njksa esa mrkj&p<+ko dh 'kÙkksZa ds lkFk vkSj@vFkok LFkkuh. fd mDr Hkqxrku dh frfFk ds ckn Hkqxrku dh lhek rd dksbZ ewY. mikc) dh xbZ gSA ¼x½ ewY.kuk ds QkewZyk dks bl [k.oa 4 . mijh lhek fu/kkZfjr gksuh pkfg. ifjorZu [k.oa Je esa vkiwfrZ gsrq Hkh dV vkWQ MsV dk mYys[k dj nsuk pkfg.A .Z ck/. lek.oa fons’kh eqnzk fofue. ifjorZuksa dh x. fer :i ls fdjk.k iz.A ¼ix½ lafonk esa laosnd .Ur vko’. fons’kh eqnzk fofue.k rks fdjk.kiu rFkk HkkSfrd fLFkfr dh tk¡p dk izko/kku lafonk esa djuk pkfg.A ¼xii½¼d½ lafonk esa tgka ljdkjh lEifÙk laosnd dks . 'kqYd rFkk djksa dh 'kÙkksZa ds lkFk½ la.deq’r^^ lafonk vifjgk. lqiwnZ dh tk.k ys[kk inkf/kdkjh tSlk ekeyk gks] dks Hkst nh tkuh pkfg. vko’.slh oLrq dk fuxZe nj lfgr ek=k dh vuqlwph lafonk dk vko’.k tk.k vkiwfrZdÙkkZ }kjk Hkwxrku dh tkus okyh lHkh ns.A lafonk esa 'kqYdksa .s] lafonk esa ljdkjh lEifÙk dh la[.A lafonk djus okys izkf/kdkjh dks lqfu’pr djuk pkfg.oa . x.k 'kqYd dh olwyh ds fy.kZr gksuh pkfg.A tgka oLrqvksa dks foHkkxh.sls foHkkxksa tgk¡ fo’ks"k vads{k.oa djksa ds rRo .s] dk.kuk ds rjhdksa rFkk mu ifjorZuksa ds fy.k ¼chek vkPNknu lfgr½ . fy.s pkyw lafonkvksa dh izfr. fd.s lHkh lafonkvksa .A ¼V½ mDr [kaM esa ns.k inkf/kdkjh [email protected] x.deq’r^^ lafonk dh 'kÙkZ ljdkj ds fgr dks leqfpr :i eas lajf{kr .kZ vkSfpR. fd ^^.k dk vkof/kd :i ls HkkSfrd lR.oa djksa rFkk fons’kh eqnzk fofue.s tkus okys nLrkostksa dk mYys[k Hkh gksuk pkfg.d ekeyksa dks Nks+dj ugha dh tkuh pkfg. dh [kjhn ds fy.vU.oa izfr’krrk dh fof’kf"V.A tgka ^^.k Hkqxrku ij mi. nkoksa ds leFkZu esa izLrqr fd. fuxZeu dks tgka rd gks lds] Vkyuk pkfg. djksa dk izko/kku 'kkfey gksuk pkfg. ewY.oa ljdkj ds vlSfud foHkkxksa }kjk] . fof’kf"V izko/kku 'kkfey jguk pkfg.oa Hkqxrku dh 'kÙkZ Hkh of.kZr gksuh pfkg.A ¼x½ ^^.s] ogka mldk iw.slh oLrqvksa dh la[.slh lEifÙk ij vkxs dk.A ¼xiii½ 25 yk[k :0 vkSj vf/kd ewY.s x. njksa ds lkFk&lkFk 'kqYdksa . ifjorZu dk izdkj .deq’r^^ lafonk vR.A ¼[k½ laosnd ds ifjlj esa .k¡ vads{k. njksa esa ifjorZuksa dh x.oa fu.ksx ds fy.kfrr oLrqvksa dh dher dh ifjx.d .djkjukeksa dh izfr.d Hkkx cuuk pkfg.k .kuk esa fy.Z dks dk. gks] ogk¡ vk. vfHkfyf[kr gksuk pkfg.k¡ rFkk lHkh njksa . .a=ksa] oLrqvksa vkfn dh vkiwfrZ ds fy.kkyh oÙkZeku gS] ds vykok ds lkFk fd.A 5 .kZ.oa lqjf{kr djrh gksA ¼xi½ lkefxz.Z djus ds fy. :i ls vkiwfjr djus dk fu.ksa dk foHkkxh.k¡ of.Z gks tk.kZfUor djus ds fy. fyfDoMsVsM {kfr dh olwyh ds fy.A ijhfo{k.ksa .A ¼[k½ tgka Hkh lafonk dh fdlh 'kÙkZ . fd fof’kf"V.k¡ 'kkfey gS] esa HkkSfrd gsjQsj ugha gksuh pkfg.d ckj izfo"V lafonk dh 'kÙkksZa] ftlesa mldh O. .oa vU.oa ijhfo{k. lHkh lafonk.k tkuk pkfg.M lekfgr jguh ljdkj ds bl vf/kdkj dks lqjf{kr djuh pkfg.ksa dks iwjk u djus okyh lkefxz.k lkekU.r.k vU. ftlesa lafonk ds lHkh i{kdkjksa dk gLrk{kj gksA ¼xv½ lafonk esa izko/kkfur vifjgk.sls lHkh ifjorZu lafonk esa . opuc)rk ds vuqeksnu gsrq l{ke izkf/kdkjh dk vuqeksnu izkIr dj fy. . dkj.Z gks tk.kksa] tc .k esa izxfr ds lkFk&lkFk rhu eghuk ckn lekIr gks jgh lHkh cSad xkjUVh .ksa vFkok vU.u dM+kbZ ls ifjohf{kr gksuk pkfg.¼xiv½¼d½ .k tkuk pkfg.ksa dh vkiwfrZ ds fy.e ls vuqfer dh tk ldrh gSA ¼xvi½ lHkh lafonkvksa esa laosnd dh vksj ls xyfr.oa vU. . vkSipkfjd vfHkys[kksa dk ekfld iqujkoyksdu 'kkfey gksuk pkfg.k ugha fd.Z fLFkfr.k esa vkiwfrZ vFkok fuekZ.ksa ds fy.ksa dks og [kkfjt+ dj ldsA fu.A tgk¡ vko’.slh oLrqvksa dks le:i =qfVjfgr oLrqvksa ls izLFkkfir djsaA vkiwfrZdÙkkZ }kjk izLFkkfir .kZrk dh frfFk dk dksbZ foLrkjhdj.k izfrcU/kksa esa HkkSfrd gsjQsj vifjgk.kfIr .k . fufgr izHkkoksa dh tkap rFkk bls vfHkfyf[kr fd.kZUo.k ejEer dh xbZ dksbZ oLrq Øsrk ij dksbZ Hkkj Mkys fcuk Øsrk ds ifjlj esa vkiwfjr dh tk.A ¼x½ .A lafonk esa izko/kkfur foLrkjhdj.oa 'kÙkksZa esa gsjQsj .sxhA ¼xviii½ lkefxz.d la’kks/ku ds :i esa gksus pkfg. vkSipkfjd vfHkys[kksa dk foLrkju rqjUr djk. tgk¡ izko/kkuksa dk mYya?ku gks] ogk¡ uksfVl fuxZeu esa rRijrk cjruh pkfg.A 6 .A ¼2½ cSad xkjUVh .oa vU.k lafonk ds i{kdkjksa ds gLrk{kj lfgr lafonk esa vkSipkfjd la’kks/kuksa ds ek/.s] ogk¡ foÙkh. ftlesa vkiwfrZdÙkkZ ls vis{kk gks fd og =qfViw.oa vU.h tkuh pkfg.k lq/kkj fcuk 'kqYd ds djsa .k tkuk pkfg.d gks] cSad xkjfV.oa fucU/kuksa esa 'kkfey gks] dks NksM+dj vuqlwfpr fMyhojh dks dk.k cnyko ds iwoZ la’kksf/kr foÙkh.slk izko/kku 'kÙkksZa .e 30 d& ¼1½ lafonk dk izcU/ku lafonk dk dk.k cuk.k tkuk pkfg.Ziw.k dh izfØ.oa fof’kf"V. vkSipkfjd vfHkys[kksa ds lqjf{kr j[kj[kko .kZ ekyksa dh ejEefr . izko/kku jgsxkA ¼xvii½ lHkh lafonkvksa esa okjaVh [k. esa mfYyf[kr 'kCn ^^lkexzh^^ esa ljdkj ds vU.oa foHkkxksa ij ykxw gksus okys lkekU. gsrq iqLrd] izdk’ku] if=dk.ksa . ls lEcfU/kr fu.k.k.k] e’khujh] .ekoyh ds Hk. vko’. 'kfDr.ksx ds fy.rk] ikjnf'kZrk ykus rFkk vkiwfrZ dÙkkZvksa ds lkFk fu"i{k 7 . fu.sxk %& ^^lkefxz.k [kjhnh xbZ lHkh izdkj dh oLrq.oa foÙkh.A fu.¼3½ tgk¡ fdlh lafonk ds dk. izkIr djuh pkfg.j djus ds iwoZ fof/kd jk.e 124 ls 131 dks fuEufyf[kr fu.a=] vkS|ksfxd la.Mkj lkexzh^^ dks ^^lkefxz.s x.kZr lkekU.e 124& bl v/.oa lsokvksa dh vf/kizkfIr^^ ls izfrLFkkfir fd. 8 ds 'kh"kZd dk izfrLFkkiu& fcgkj foÙk fu.e 124 ls 130 dk izfrLFkkiu& fcgkj foÙk fu. mldh Hkyh&Hkk¡fr Nkuchu djuh pkfg. foÙkh.ekoyh ds fu.LFkrk gsrq nkok&i= ds izk:i dks fof/kd .ksa dh vf/kizkfIr fu. 8 dk 'kh"kZd ^^Hk. fof/kf{kr djkuk pkfg. izkIr djrs gq. vf/kxzg.d oLrqvksa dh vf/kizkfIr ls lEcfU/kr lHkh ea=ky.ksx ds fy.ekoyh ds v/.ksa dh vf/kizkfIr ls lEcfU/kr foLr`r vuqns’k fuxZr djus pkfg. fu.sxkA 5-- fcgkj foÙk fu.s gSaA vf/kizkfIr djus okys foHkkxksa dks bl v/.fn dksbZ gks] nk.A fooknksa ds lek/kku ds ekeysa esa nLrkost .f.a= 'kkfey gSa ijUrq iqLrdky.u ds nkSjku fookn mB [kM+k gks] ogk¡ fookn ds lafonk esa mfYyf[kr lqyg vkSj@vFkok e/.Mkj lkefxz.¡ vkfn 'kkfey ugha gSaA fu.h .e 125&lkefxz.¡] lkeku] iU.e 126& yksd Ø.ksa .ksa dh [kjhn ds fy. esa yksd lsok esa mi.eksa }kjk izfrLFkkfir fd.ksftr dh xbZ gSS] yksd vf/kizkfIr ls lacaf/kr ekeyksa esa n{krk] ferO.e 'kkfey fd.k.ekoyh ds fu. ds ewy fl)kUr & lHkh izkf/kdkjh ftUgsa yksdfgr esa lkefxz.k.e 124 ds igys v/.k dh x.LFkrk dks lUnfHkZr djus vFkok tgk¡ lafonk esa e/.k.k tk.A e/.kZUo.LFkrk izko/kku 'kkfey u gks] eqdnek nk. jk.j djus ds iwoZ ljdkjh fgrksa dh j{kk ds fy.] i'kq/ku] miLdj] fLFkjhdkjd] dPpk eky] vfrfjDr iqtsZ] midj.A** 4- fcgkj foÙk fu.ksa ds Ø.eksa ds vuq:i lkefxz. esa of.k tk.k¡ izR.Fkk mi.ksa dh ifjHkk"kk& bl v/.k. laxBu ¼. laxBu dk ukfer fd.oa xSj t:jh vkd`fÙk ¼QhplZ½ ftldk ifj.e 127& lkefxz. fd vko’. fd p. Ø.k¡ & foHkkxksa dks vius Lrj ls lkexzh dh vf/kizkfIr ds fy.oa fcgkj LVs’kujh eSuqvy ds izko/kkuksa ds vuqlkj vkdfLed O.A (iii) vf/kizkfIr djus okys iznkf/kdkjh dks bl ckr ls larq"V gks ysuk pkfg.k vf/kd 8 .eksa esa of.oa yksd vf/kizkfIr esa izfrLi)Zrk dks c<+kok nsus gsrq ftEesokj . fy.Fkk Mh0 th0 .A bl izdkj r. ljdkj fo’ks"kKrk fodflr djus vFkok fo’ks"kKrk fodflr gksus dks /. ns ldrk gSA fu.A fu.h gksaxh A lkoZtfud vf/kizkfIr gsrq fuEu ekin.e ls l{ke izkf/kdkjh dh Lohd`fr izkIr dj Ø.k ls vkeaf=r fd.e .qfDrlaxr izfØ. rkfd bUosUVªh [kpZ ls cpk tk ldsA (ii) izLrko mfpr] ikjn’khZ . ds :i esa gks] 'kkfey j[kk tkuk pkfg.fur izLrko dh dher vko’.k ds vk/kkj ijA fu.. Ø.kZ. gsrq l{ke izkf/kdkjh & dksbZ izkf/kdkjh tks ifjf’k"V&5] foÙkh. ugh dh tk.oa mfpr gks A (v) vf/kizkfIr ds izR. iw. izR. djus gsrq l{ke gks] yksd lsok esa mi.d O.drkvksa dks /.O..fur izLrko vko’drk dh iwfrZ lHkh rjg ls djrk gksA (iv) vf/kizkfIr djus okys izkf/kdkjh dks Lo.k viukrs gq. laxBu ds ek/.d fo’ks"kKrk ugha gks] og dsUnzh.ksx gsrq vko’.k tk.sxk u fd iqLr&gLrkUrj.k.s tkus pkfg.k x.Z :i ls viukuh pkfg.oa .d .M ds vuq:i izfØ. & (i) vf/kizkfIr djus okys laxBu dh fof’k"V vko’. vf/kizkIr dh tkus okyh lkekfxz.drkvksa dh iwfrZ djus okyh gksuh pkfg.ogkj .k¡ vis{kkf/kd .k.e 128& lkexzh dh vf/kizkfIr gsrq 'kfDr.l0 .ku esa j[krs gq.ksa Ø. .s fcuk laxBu ds ewy vko’. ysrs le.ksa dh ek=k ds lkFk&lkFk mldh xq.d xq.k ukfer jkT.oa izdkj dh fof’kf"V.k gS mls vfHkfyf[kr djuk pkfg.k vfuok.kZ 'kfDr izR.kork .sd Lrj ij lacaf/kr vf/kizkfIr izkf/kdkjh dks vf/kizkfIr dk fu. ftl vk/kkj ij fu. izfØ.kZ.e 129& jkT.kork ls laxr . dh tkuh pkfg.ku esa j[krs gq.k¡ Li"V rkSj ls r.d oLrqvksa dh [kjhn dh Lohd`fr fuEu fu. Ø..kZr lkekU.M Mh0½ .oa mÙkjnk. dj ldrk gSA Ø.drk ls vf/kd ek=k esa Ø.a larq"V gks ysuk pkfg. lh/ks Hkqxrku ds vk/kkj ij fd.kstu dWEisfM. fd p.A bl ckr dk Hkh [.k tkuk & jkT. dh xbZ fof’kf"V.ksftr gSA mu ekeyksa esa tcfd foHkkx ds ikl vko’.kke vuko’. {k Hkh oSlh oLrqvks] fo’ks"k :i ls ftldh vko’.ksx oLrq ds :i esa fpfUgr gks rFkk fofHké foHkkxksa dks ftudh yxkrkj vko’. laxBu ds :i esa fdlh fof’k"V oxZ dh lkekfxz.k tk ldrk gS c’kÙksZ fd okafNr 'kÙkksZa dks os iwjk djrs gksA (iv) lacaf/kr foHkkxksa }kjk lHkh iathd`r vkiwfrZdÙkkZvksa ds vkpj.d ls rhu o"kZ ds chp½ ds fy.sxsaA ml vof/k dh lekfIr ij iathdj.d fu’fpr vof/k ¼. Ø.k gsrq fopkj fd. iathd`r fd.k dk.Fkk laHko vf/kdkf/kd :i ls bu nj&lafonkvksa dk lh/ks Hkqxrku vk/kkj ij] u fd iqLr gLrkarj.s tk. fo’oLr lw= izLFkkfir djus dks /. i`"BHkwfe vkfn dh lko/kkuhiwoZd lR. Ø.koÙkk fu.a=.oa lkekfxz.drk gksrh gS ds fy. gSA viuh cksyh ds lkFk cksyh tekur jkf’k lefiZr djus ls Hkh lkekU.drk muds foHkkx .d lkekU.e 131 esa nh x. fucaf/kr vkiwfrZdÙkkZvksa ls nj lafonk dj ldrh gSA fucaf/kr vkiwfrZdÙkkZ dh ifjHkk"kk uhps fu.k gsrq u.laxBuksa dks jkT.s fljs ls vkosnu djsxsaA u.d gks bu lwfp.k .oa la/kkfjr djsxhA oSls vuqeksfnr vkiwfrZdÙkkZ **iathd`r vkiwfrZdÙkkZ** ds :i esa tkus tk.ksX. laxBu vius osc lkbV ij nj lafonk dk lacaf/kr C.ksx gsrq vko’.s .k {kerk] xq.ksa dh vf/kizkfIr ds fy. dks gksrh gS] ds vkiwfrZdÙkkZ dks iathd`r dj ldrs gSA (ii) iathdj.k %& (i) jkT.k tkuk pkfg.ksa dh vf/kizkfIr ds fy.h gSA jkT. Ø.kj . . laxBu ekud fdLe dh oLrqvksa .oa mls v|ru djsxhA foHkkx . lkekfxz.ksa tks lkekU.ksa dk mi.ksjk nsxh .k vk/kkj ij vuqikyu djsxhA fu.ksX. izFke n`"V.ksX.A (iii) vkiwfrZdÙkkZ oLrq ds izd`fr ds vk/kkj ij .e 130& nj lafonk & jkT.kkyh] fiNyk izn’kZu] fcØh ckn lsok] foÙkh.e 131& vkiwfrZ dÙkkZ dk iathdj. laxBu ljdkj ds mi.oa {kerkoku vkiwfrZdÙkkZvksa dh bZdkbZokj lwph rS.kiu fd.ksx dj ldsxsA . iathdj. ukfer dj ldrh gSA fu.s tkus ds .sxsaA lHkh foHkkx tc vkSj tSlk vko’. mi.ku esa j[krs g.k iz.sls iathd`r vkiwfrZdÙkkZ lhfer fufonk iwNrkN ds ek/.rk] fofuekZ.r% foeqDr gSA foHkkxk/.ksa dh vf/kizkfIr ds fy.e ls lkefxz.k dks tkjh j[kus ds bPNqd iathd`r vkiwfrZdÙkkZ iathdj.k ij utj j[kh tkuh gSA iathd`r vkiwfrZdÙkkZ vuqeksfnr vkiwfrZdÙkkZ dh lwph ls gVk. 9 .kZy.k ds iwoZ vkiwfrZdÙkkZ dh fo’oluh.k ds uohdj.s vkiwfrZdÙkkZ ij Hkh fdlh le. a okafNr xq. laxBu ¼Mh0 th0 .fDrxr :i ls larq"V gw¡ fd [kjhnh xbZ .ksa dk Ø. .sd volj ij 15]000-00 ¼iUnzg gtkj :0½ ek= rd dh [kjhn l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk fuEu izk:i esa vHkhfyf[kr izek.M Mh0½ ds lkFk lwphd`r djkuk vfuok.oa fof’kf"V. .ksa ij jkT.sxkA fu.koÙkk .e 131 d & Hkkjrh.ksa dh 'krksZa esa dksbZ NwV ugha nh tk. NwV %& jkT. vf/kekurk .ksa dh vkiwfrZ ugha djrs gS vFkok xSj ekud oLrqvksa dh vkiwfrZ djrs gS vFkok fdlh ljdkjh . esa vofLFkr rFkk LFkkbZ :i ls iathd`r y?kq m|ksx bZdkbZ.gS] . esa iathd`r o`gr~ . .oa e/.fn os iathdj. vkiwfrZdÙkkZvksa ds fy. ds ckgj vofLFkr y?kq@e/. ewY.ksa esa vf/kekU.oa jkT.e 131 x& fcuk dksVs’ku ds lkefxz.kork .oa izfrca/kksa dks iwjk djus esa vlQy jgrs gS vFkok le.k ds vuqlkj mUgsa dkyh lwph esa Mky fn.k .sxhA mlh rjg fcgkj jkT.l0 . O. laxBu esa vius dks iathd`r djkuk gksxkA gkaykfd .tsUlh dks >qBh ?kks"k.rk nsus esa xq.k ds lkefxz.k mijksDr fu.s dh tk ldrh gS& **eS]a -------------------] O.oa e/.sxhA ewY.Fkk fofgr izfØ.rk nh tk. Ø.. foHkkx dh vfuok.k tk.tsUVksa] tks vius fons’kh iz/kkuksa ¼ekfydks½ dh rjQ ls lh/ks nj lwph nkf[ky djus dh bPNk j[krs gS] dk vius dks dssUnzh.oa vU.k cksyh vkeaf=r fd.kk djrs gS vFkok dksbZ nwljs vk/kkj ij tks ljdkj dh jk.sxhA fcgkj jkT. esa yksdfgr esa ugha gSA fu.oa fof’kf"V.rk nh tk.tsUVks dk lwphdj.kns’k izkIr djus ds ckn os fcuk fdlh leqfpr dkj. lqj{kk jkf’k dk 20 izfr’kr tek djuk gksxkA gkaykfd Ø.e 131 ds vUrxZr of.ksa dh gS vkSj fo’oluh.ksa dh vkiwfrZ esa vlQy jgrs gSa rks .e 131 [k& lkoZtfud {ks= .s oLrq. dsckgj vofLFkr o`gr~ . ij lkefxz.kZr vkiwfrZdÙkkZ ds led{k ugha gSA fu. %& izR.ksa dks fcgkj jkT.sls Hkkjrh.k %& Hkkjr ljdkj foÙk ea=ky. vkiwfrZdÙkkZ ls mfpr dher ij [kjhnh xbZ gSA** 10 .kstuk ds vuqlkj Hkkjrh.slk lwphdj. Ø.Ro ugha gksxk mUgsa flQZZ lkekU.e m|ksxksa }kjk mRikfnr ekyksa ij vf/kdre 2 izfr’kr dh vfHkekU.e@c`gr m|ksxksa }kjk mRikfnr eky ij 7 izfr’kr dh vf/kekU.k i= ds vk/kkj ij fcuk dksVs’ku .Z lwphdj.e m|ksxks ¼ftlesa lkoZtfud {ks= ds izfrLFkku 'kfey gS½ ds }kjk mRikfnr lkefxz.tsUVksa dks jkT.Z gSA . esa vofLFkr y?kq Lrj bZdkbZ ij vusZLVeuh tek djus dk nkf.k dh 'krksZa .ksa }kjk mRikfnr lkekfxz.. M Mh0½@ jkT.k tkrk gS fd geyksx]-------------------.fDrxr :i ls larq"V gS fd Ø.fu.kZr 'kfDr ds v/khu ekud rfjds ls izLrko vkeaf=r dj oLrqvksa dh vfHkizkfIr fuEuor~ djsxk %& (i) foKkfir fufonk iwNrkN( (ii) lhfer fufonk iwNrkN( (iii) . laxBu viuh osc lkbV ij fofHké lacaf/kr njksa okys vkbZVeksa dh fof’kf"V.dy fufonk iwNrkN 11 . lafonk nj esa fd.a vkiwfrZdÙkkZ ls lh/kh vfHkizkfIr djrh gS rks oSlh oLrqvksa dk Hkqxrs.kZ. lfefr dh vuq’kalk ij dh tk. 'krsZ rFkk izfrca/k lafonk nj esa fofgr fof’kf"V. Ø.oa ijh{k. gsrq vuq’kaflr lkefxz.x. laxBu ¼Mh0 th0 .d mPprj inkf/kdkfj.e 131 p & dqy ek¡xksa ds vkdfyr ewY.kns’k nsus gsrq vuq’kalk djus ds igys lfefr ds lnL.s½ ek= rd dh [kjhnxh foHkkxk/.A fu. lfefr }kjk oLrqvksa dh [kjhn %& izR.. izeq[k fo’ks"krkvksa dks v|ru djrs gq. Ø. Ø. viuk [kqn dk bUrtke djsxkA ¼2½ jkT.ksa rFkk vU. cktkj dk losZ{k.ksa .k ds fy. lkewfgd :i ls fuEuor~ .& nj lafonk ds vUrxZr oLrqvksa dh lh/kh [kjhn %&¼1½ tgka foHkkx dsUnzh.ksa dh Lohd`fr izkIr djus dh vfuok. ls vf/kd ugha gksxk rFkk Ø.k djsxhA Ø.kork .k¡ fu/kkZfjr fof’kf"V.oa xq.d izek. laxBu }kjk laosfnr nj dh oLrq.ksa dh vkiwfrZ gsrq l{ke gSA** fu.sxkA fu.qfDrlaxrrk fuf’pr djus rFkk lgh vkiwfrZdÙkkZ dh igpku djus ds fy. ds lanHkZ esa vko’.ksa ds vuq:i gksuh pkfg. n'kkZ.l0 .d gks foHkkx .ksx ds fy.k lkewfgd .oa O. dh vU.e 131 N & izLrko ¼cksyh½ vkeaf=r dj oLrqvksa dh [kjhn& foHkkx fu.e 131 ?k & Ø.] Ø.A tgk¡ vko’.sd volj ij 15]000-00 ¼iUnzg gtkj :0½ ek= ls vf/kd rFkk 1]00]000-00 :0 ¼.kuqlkj leqfpr Lrj ij xfBr rhu lnL.e 128 esa of.Zrk ls cpus gsrq oLrqvksa ds fy.kork dh gS rFkk oÙkZeku cktkj nj ij ewY.k .k i= vfHkfyf[kr djsxsa & **izekf.hd`r gS vkSj vuq’kaflr vkiwfrZdÙkkZ fo’oklh gS .oa fof’kf"V.e 131 x] 131 ?k] 131 M.ksa] ewY.oa lacaf/kr lkefxz.d yk[k :i. vfHkizkfIr okys foHkkxksa }kjk mi. Ø.{k ds fu.¼1½ ds vUrxZr vkPNkfnr ekeyksa dks NksM+dj fu. ewY.e 131 M.sls oLrqvksa dk fujh{k.ksa dh .sxhA lfefr nj] xq. ek¡x dks NksVs VqdM+ksa esa ck¡V dj [kjhnxh ugha djuh pkfg.ksa okyh LFkkuh. lfefr ds lnL.r ewY. kfT.ksa dh miyC/krk dh laHkkouk ij fuHkZj djsxkA (v) cksyh lefiZr djus dh U.u .ksx fd.sxhA mls vkbZ0Vh0ts0 . nwrkokl ds lkFk&lkFk Hkkjr esa vofLFkr fons’kh nwrkoklksa dks Hkh Hkst ldrh gSA nwrkoklksa dk p.A (ii) dksbZ laxBu ftldk viuk osclkbV gks ml ij og vius lHkh foKkfir fufonk iwNrkN dks Hkh izdkf’kr djsxh . dh lkefxz. fons’k dh vksj Hkh ns[kuk vko’.k ¼cksyh½ izkIr djus dh bjknk j[krh gS rks ogka ns’kh .k tkuk pkfg.M.k 25]00]000-00 ¼iPphl yk[k :i.oa lkaf[.ka fons’kksa esa vofLFkr Hkkjrh. iPphp yk[k :i.fu.k dk mi.A .u VsªM tuZy¼vkbZ0 Vh0 ts0½ rFkk de ls de .k tkuk pkfg.e 131 > rFkk 131¥ ds vUrxZr lekosf’kr vioknksa dks NksM+dj :i.oa fof’kf"V.fn Mkmu yksMsM nLrkost dh dksbZ dher gks] rks cksyh ds lkFk fMekaM Mªk¶V vkfn }kjk jkf’k ds Hkqxrku gsrq cksyhdÙkkZ dks Li"V crk.ksa dh vf/kizkfIr ds fy.A (iv) tgk¡ foHkkx .sls ekeyksa dk foKkiu egkfuns’kd] okf.oa jk"Vªh.slk eglwl djrk gS fd okafNr xq.k tkuk pkfg.qDr izfrLi)hZ izLrko ds fy.k tk ldrk gS tc vf/kizkIr dh tkusokyh lkefxz. U.d gS rks foHkkx fufonk lwpuk dh izfr.d xqIrpj .k djk.e 12 .k¡ mu QeksZa dks ftudk uke mi.wure vof/k lkekU.ZqDr fu.koÙkk .ksx djus dh vuqefr nsuh pkfg.d jk"Vªh.A .ksa rd gksA cksyh ls lacaf/kr nLrkost dh izfr.r% fufonk lwpuk izdk’ku dh frfFk vFkok cksyh nLrkost fcØh gsrq miyC/k gksus dh frfFk] tks Hkh ckn esa gks] ls rhu lIrkg dh gksxhA tgk¡ foHkkx fons’kksa ls vkea=. foKkiu }kjk fufonk vkea=.e 131 t & foKkfir fufonk iqNrkN & (i) fu.dh] dydÙkk }kjk izdkf’kr bf.ksa dk vkdfyr ewY. rFkk lacaf/kr cksyhdÙkkZvksa dks osclkbV ls nLrkost Mkmu yksM dj mi.A fu.oa fons’kh cksyhdÙkkZ nksuksa ds fy. Lrj ij vf/kdkf/kd izlkj okyh nSfud i= esa fd.oa lekpkj Ik= ds foKkiuksa esa vius osclkbV dk irk Hkh nsuk pkfg.A (iii) laxBu dks vius osclkbV esa lewph fcfMax nLrkost dks iksLV djuk pkfg.wure vof/k pkj lIrkg j[kh tkuh pkfg.sls ns’kksa esa okafNr lkefxz.k½ .oa blls vf/kd vkdfyr ewY. lwpuk dsUnz dh osclkbV ds lkFk fyad eqgS.k¡ vkfn ns’k esa miyC/k ugha gks ldrh gS vkSj mi.e 131 > & lhfer fufonk iwNrkN & (i) bl rjhds dks rc viuk. iPphl yk[k :0 ls vf/kd gksA ¼d½ tc foHkkx dk l{ke izkf/kdkjh izekf.k esa cksyhdÙkkZ }kjk eqgj can fd.k rhu ls vf/kd gksuh pkfg.A ¼[k½ tgk¡ .kfT.f/kd vko’.k gSA (ii) lhfer fufonk iwNrkN ekeysa esa cksyh tek djus ds fy. cksyh nks Hkkxksa esa fuEuor~ izkIr dh tk ldrh gS%& ¼d½ rduhdh cksyh ftles okf.qÙkjnk.h bZdkbZ. cksyh vyx&vyx mijysf[kr vkoj.kZIr le.a=] e’khujh vkfn dh [kjhnkjh ds fy.e ls vf/kizkfIr u djus ls gksus okyk vfrfjDr O.ksa dk bdkbZokj ewY.ksa dh vf/kizkfIr yksdfgr esa ugha gS A ¼x½ tgk¡ vkiwfÙkZ ds lzksr fuf’pr :i ls irk gSa vkSj ftUgas 'kkfey fd. n’kkZ.k.k x.k Hkh vfHkfyf[kr djuk pkfg.d cM+s 13 .k .kkyh & tfVy .k tk jgk gS] muls vyx u. vf/kdkf/kd vuqeksfnr vkiwfÙkZdÙkkZvksa dks fpfUgr djus dk iz. iathd`r vkiwfrdÙkkZ dh lwph ij gks] lh/ks LihM iksLV@fucaf/kr [email protected] izfrcU/kksa ds lkFk lHkh rduhdh C.131 ds varxZr lanfHkZr lacaf/kr oLrqvksa ds fy.kZIr dkj.k gksA rduhdh cksyh .oa ¼[k½ foÙkh.k tk.s lzksrksa dh lEHkkouk {kh.j@bZ&esy }kjk Hksth tkuh pkfg.A lhfer fufonk iwNrkN esa vkiwfrZdÙkkZ QeksaZ dh la[.slk nksuksa eqgj can vkoj.k esa izfrLi)ZkRed vk/kkj ij izR.e ls lkefxzz.A blds vfrfjDr lhfer fufonkvksa ds fy.e 131 ¥& nks cksyh dh iz.ko’.ksfpr gSA foHkkx dks vko’.k tkuk pkfg.drk dh izd`fr rFkk vf/kizkfIr dk iwokZuqeku u gksus dk dkj.k gSa] ftUgsa l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk vfHkfyf[kr djuk gksxk] ftudh otg ls foKkfir fufonk iwNrkN ds ek/. i.drk dh n`f"V ls foKkfir fufonk iwNrkN ds ek/.A vf/kdkf/kd la[.oa rduhdh izd`fÙk ds vf/kd ewY.sxk vkSj .k tk ldrk gS tgk¡ vf/kizkfIr dk vkdfyr ewY. cksyh ftlesa rduhdh cksyh esa 'kkfey dh x.k tkuk pkfg. ds la. osc vk/kkfjr izpkj fd.kl djuk pkfg.oa foÙkh..sls i. dks fuEu fLFkfr esa ogk¡ Hkh viuk. fn.d gS rFkk vR. U.h cksfy.A fu.kSjk Hkh 'kkfey jgs( .d 'kÙkksZa .e ls Ø. A (ii) lhfer fufonk iwNrkN ds ek/.kr djrk gks fd ek¡x vR.k¡ izkIr djus ds fy. sxk& ^^¼i½ek¡x if=r eky es.=ksa ds lsV esa ekudhdj.d fuf’pr lzkrs ls (ii) vfuok.Zr% [kjhnh tkuh gS rFkk .k tk.k . fofuf’pr frfFk .k izkf/kdkjh }kjk ewY.k tk.sxhA fu.k lhfer fufonk iwNrkN ds ekeyksa esa foyafcr cksyh ¼cksyh dh izkfIr ds fy.k le.kZ.Z ugha gS& -------------------------------…………………..sxh vkSj l{ke lfefr .sxk ftls eqgj can .k vfrfjDr ikVZ&iqtksZ dks oÙkZeku la.e 131 B &.ksxdÙkkZ foHkkx dh tkudkjh esa okafNr lkefxz. }kjk izkIr A 14 .k vfHkfyf[kr gks rFkk l{ke izkf/kdkjh dk vuqeksnu izkIr fd.. izkIr dj l{ke inkf/kdkjh ds vuqeksnu ij½ vko’.kh %& mifu. cksyh djkj iznku djus ds igys vxzrj ewY.oa mijfyf[kr Hkh fd. dk dkj.oa Js.sxhA nwljs Lrj ij rduhdh :i ls Lohdkj .r oLrq izek.k gksA e’khujh .kksa ls Lohdk.fur QeZ ls [kjhnh tkuh gksA fVIi.k esa j[kk tk.k tkuk pkfg.oa 131 ¼B½ (iii) tSlk ykxw gks ds izko/kkuksa ds vUrxZr .e 131 ¼B½ (i) .ksX.}kjk fofufeZr gksrs gSA (ii½nwljh cukoV vFkok ekWMy fuEu dkj.A fu.ksa dh vf/kizkfIr ds iwoZ foHkkx }kjk fuEufyf[kr izi= esa fefYd.vkoj.ksa dk fofuekZ. ds ckn izkIr cksyh½ ij fopkj ugha fd.kafdr dh tk.khc)rk gsrq [kksyh tk. (iii) izLrko ij vkarfjd foÙkh.d gh (i) fof'k"V QeZ esa gksrk gksA vkikrdkyhu fLFkfr esa okafNr oLrqvksa dh [kjhn . ¼l{ke rduhdh fo’ks"kK dh jk.k&i= fn.sxkA Øsrk foHkkx }kjk igys rduhdh cksyh [kksyh tk. …………………. izLrkoksa dh gh foÙkh.dy lzksr ls lkekfxz.k (iii) ds fy.d oLrq flQZ .dy Jksr ls vf/kizkfIRk fuEu ifjfLFkfr esa dh tk ldrh gS & mi.kadu . izdks"B@foÙk foHkkx dh lgefr & …………………….slk fu.-------------------.d p.e 131 V&foyafcr cksyh & foKkfir fufonk iwNrkN .k x.dy fufonk iwNrkN & . A cksyh izfrHkwfr dh jkf’k vf/kizkIr gksus okyh oLrq ds vkdfyr ewY.ksa ds vkiwfrZdÙkkZ vFkok dksbZ vU.k¡ .ksa dk vkiwfrZdÙkkZ gksuk vko’. laxBu] jk"Vªh. ekud izi= .oa eagxs l.k lhfer fufonk iwNrkN ds ekeys esa oS/krk vof/k ds nkSjku cksyh yxkus okyk }kjk cksyh ls okilh vFkok mlesa ifjoÙkZuksa ls cpus ds fy. & 5 & nj vuqlwph ¼cksyhdÙkkZ }kjk ewY. Hkh gksrh gSA . & 3& vko’. Ø.e 131<+&j[kj[kko dh lafonk %& Ø.u0 .oa frfFk lfgr½** fu.fn dksbZ gksA fu.k& cksyh dh izfrHkwfr %& foKkfir .oa izd`fr ds vk/kkj ij .k. & 4& fof’kf"V.oa lacfa /kr rduhdh C. dh tkus okyh oLrqvksa ds ewY.oa e’khujh dk j[kj[kko fcuk 'kqYd ds fd.a=ksa . & 2 & lafonk dh 'krsZaA v/. foLrkfjr vof/k esa tSlk djkj dh 'krksZ esa izko/kku gks la.oa cksyhdÙkkZ }kjk mi.k. y?kq m|ksx dkWjiksjs’ku ¼.s . . j[kj[kko 'kq: gksA fu.d ugha gS ds lkFk j[kj[kko dh lafonk dh tk.drk lw{e .(iv) l{ke izkf/kdkjh dk vuqeksnu i=kad & ---------------------------------------- ¼vf/kizkfIr inkf/kdkjh dk gLrk{kj] inuke] . mi.k. & 1 & cksyhdÙkkZ dks vuqns’kA v/. & 7& Øsrk . iznf’kZr djus ds fy.k tk.ksx esa yk.k.qDr½ v/.k.slh j[kj[kko dh lafonk dh vko’.oa e’khujh ds fy. & 6 & lafonk izi= v/.oa lwpuk.sA .g vko’.k.kSjs A v/.= . Ø.e 131 .e 131 M&cksyh nLrkost dh vUroZLrq & cksyh nLrkost esa 'kkfey dh tkus okyh lHkh 'krsZa] izfrca/k] vuqca/k .k.ku nsus dh gS fd vkiwfrZdÙkkZ }kjk okjaVh vof/k esa vFkok vU.oa mlds ckn gh Hkqxrs. dk nks izfr’kr ls ikap izfr’kr ds chp gks ldrh gSA cksyh izfrHkwfr dh lgh jkf’k dk 15 .k tkuk okys vU.d gks ldrk gS fd lkefxz. esa fuEuor~ fn[kkbZ tkuh gS& v/.k. l{ke QeZ ftls lacaf/kr lkefxz. cksyh izfrHkwfr ¼ftls vusZLVeuh ds :i esa Hkh tkuk tkrk gS½ cksyh yxkus okys] ¼mudks NksM+dj tks dsUnzh.g ckr /.drkvksa dh vuqlwphA v/.¡ leqfpr v/. [email protected] ckbZ0lh0½ vFkok lacaf/kr foHkkxksa esa iathd`r gks½ ls izkIr dh tkuh gSA cksyh yxkus okys dks viuh cksyh ds lkFk izfrHkwfr tek djus dks dgk tkuk pkfg. A fu.dkmUV is.vkiwfrZ dÙkkZ dk Hkqxrku %& lkekU.a=ksa vkfn dh lfoZflx ds fy.d cSad ls Lohdkj .h fMekaM Mªk¶V] fQDLM fMiksftV fjflIV] cSdlZ psd vFkok cSad xkjaVh ds :i esa gks ldrh gSA cksyh izfrHkwfr vfUre cksyh dh oS/krk vof/k ls lkekU.s x.r. lQy cksyhdÙkkZ ftUgsa djkj iznku fd.A (iii) izn'kZu izfrHkwfr dh izkfIr ij lQy cksyhdÙkkZ dks cksyh izfrHkwfr okil dj nh tkuh pkfg.kfT.wVj] vU.r.d gks ldrk gS & (i) .A gkaykfd vfxze Hkqxrku fuEu ekeyksa esa fd.ku esa j[ks fcuk izkIr dh tk. QkeZ esa .k tk.s tkus vFkok vkiwfrZ dj fn.k LVsVl dks /.sls vfxze Hkqxrku fuEu lhek ls vf/kd ugha gksuh pkfg.h lsokvksa vFkok dh x.k tkuk gSaA izn'kZu izfrHkwfr lHkh lQy cksyhdÙkkZ ls muds iathdj.s ls izn'kZu&izfrHkwfr izkIr fd.A cksyh izfrHkwfr lHkh rjg ls Øsrk ds fgrksa dh lqj{kk ds izko/kkuksa ds lkFk fdlh Hkh okf. Hkqxrku] lsokvksa ds iznku dj fn. QkeZ esa fuxZr .A fu.sxhA izn'kZu izfrHkwfr ikap ls nl izfr’kr jkf’k rd gksuh pkfg.s tkus ds ckn gh tkuh pkfg.h vkiwfrZ ds fy.d cSad }kjk fuxZr Lohdkj .dkmUV is.k . izn'kZu lqfuf’pr djus ds fy.k vxys iSarkyhl fnuksa dh gksrh gSA vlQy cksyh yxkus okyksa dh cksyh izfrHkwfr mUgsa vfUre cksyh oS/krk dh (ii) lekfIr ds ckn 'kh?kzkfr’kh?kz .ksX.oa cksyh nLrkost esa mldk lekos’k gksuk pkfg.e 131 Fk& 1. dherh . j[kj[kko dk djkj djus okys QeZ }kjk vfxze Hkqxrku ek¡xs tkus ij A (ii) QSfozds’ku lafonk] VuZdh lafonk vkfn ds fo:) QeZ }kjk ek¡xs tkus ij vfxze dk Hkqxrku A .A ¼d½ futh QeksZa dks fn.Ro lfgr vkiwfrdÙkkZ ds lHkh djkj nkf.kfT. dk rhl izfr’kr( 16 ..A izn'kZu izfrHkwfr lHkh rjg ls Øsrk ds fgrksa dh lqj{kk djus okyk@fdlh okf.j daMh’kuj] dEI.k nh x.k tkuk vko’.h fMekaM Mªk¶V@fQDLM fMiksftV jlhn@cSad xkjaVh gks ldrk gSA izn'kZu izfrHkwfr okajVh nkf.oa djkj iznku djus ds ckn vf/kdre 30 fnu ds igys okil dj nsuh pkfg.e 131 r&izn'kZu izfrHkwfr%& (i) lafonk dk izdkj foHkkx }kjk fu/kkZj.Roksa ds (ii) iwjk gksus dh frfFk ls lkB fnu ckn dh vof/k rd oS/k jguh pkfg.s lafonk ds ewY.ksX. k Hkk"kk esa lkQ&lkQ of. Hkqxrs.k gsrq frfFk] le.qZDr fdlh vfxze Hkqxrku djus ds iwoZ QeZ ls cSad xkajVh ds :i esa i.tsalh vFkok lkoZtfud {ks= ds miØeksa dks fn. ljdkj dh .s tkus ij vkaf’kd Hkqxrku fd.s x.¼[k½ jkT.e 131 n & vf/kizkfIr izfØ.s lafonk ds ewY.A lHkh vko’.kZIr lqj{kk izkIr dj yh tkuh pkfg.wure vuqHko] foxr izn’kZu] rduhdh l{kerk] fofuekZ. ckrksa ds lkFk&lkFk fuEu izko/kku gksus pkfg. ik=rk dh dlkSVh ftlesa oLrqvksa vkfn ds mn~xe ds ckjs esa fdlh oSf/kd izfrcU/kksa vFkok 'kÙkksZa dk funsZ’k gks vkSj tks lQy cksyhdÙkkZ }kjk iwjk fd.fn dksbZ gks 17 .A foHkkx pkgs rks lacaf/kr vkUrfjd foÙkh. dk pkyhl izfr’kr( ¼x½ j[k&j[kko dh lafonk ds ekeyks esa .ksX. vkiwfrZdÙkkZ dks muds ifjlj ls lafonk dh 'krksZa ds vuq:i eky izsf"kr dj fn.k tkuk gks( ¼x½ cksyh izs"k. fuEuor~ gS%& ¼i½ cksyh nLrkost dk etewu fcuk fdlh vLi"Vrk ds Lor% Li"V .Fkk U. lcls vPNk ewY.ksa ds fy. izfØ.k esa LosPNkpkfjrk dh lekfIr . . & ¼d½ cksyhdÙkkZ dh ik=rk .k dsUnzh.g laHkkfor cksyhdÙkkZvksa dks fo'okl ds lkFk izfrLi)hZZ cksyh cukus .A .d gksxkA mi.g jkf’k lafonk ds varxZr N% ekgksa ds fy. gksuk pkfg. .oa ikjnf’kZrk] izfrLi)kZ rFkk fu"i{krk lqfuf'pr djuk& lHkh ljdkjh [kjhn iSls ds fy.A cksyh nLrkost esa vU. lgk.oa Hkstus ds fy.oa ¼p½ izn’kZu dks izHkkfor djus okyh fo’ks"k 'kÙksZ] .k tk ldrk gSA fu.rk dh dlkSVh . izkIr djuk lqfuf’pr djus ds fy.A 2- vkiwfrZdÙkkZ dks vkaf’kd Hkqxrku& lafonk esa 'kkfey fMyhojh dh 'krksaZ ij vk/kkfjr jgrs gq.drk cksyhdÙkkZ dks cksyh Hkstus esa gksrh gS] cksyh nLrkost esa lk/kkj.qZDr dks lqfuf’pr djus gsrq dqN mik. lykgdkj@foÙk foHkkx ds ijke’kZ ls mDr lhek ¼ftlls futh QeksZ ds y. ikjn’khZ] izfrLi/khZZ .kZr gksuh pkfg.oa LFkku ds lkFk&lkFk ftudh vko’.rsa . fu/kkZfjr izfr’krrk 'kkfey gS½ esa NwV ns ldrh gSA mi. vfxze Hkqxrku ds fy.d lwpuk.k( ¼?k½ cksyh [kksys tkus dh frfFk le. jkf’k ls vf/kd ugha gksuh pkfg.oa .k lgwfy.oa LFkku( ¼³½ Msyhojh dh 'kÙksZ . .oa cks/kxE. fLFkfr vkfn( ¼[k½ lkefxz.oa fu"i{k :i ls dh tkuh pfkg.oa foÙkh. ksftr la.qDr le.k fcuk fdlh ckgjh lcwr ds nh x.oa e’khujh dh fof’kf"V.k tkuk pkfg. rkfd cksyhdÙkkZ vFkZiw.kadu esa ugha ykuh pkfg.fn ckn esa fd.qÙkjnk.ksa ds dkj.k¡ lqfuf'pr djus ds fy. lac) rduhdh C.A . fd ekud fof’kf"V.u djus ds fl)kar] cksyh nLrkost esa lkQ&lkQ bafxr jguk pkfg.ksa dk] ftudk m|ksxksa dks foLr`r :i ls tkudkjh gks] iz.s tkus okys bdjkjukes esa dksbZ gks] cksyh nLrkost esa j[kk tkuk pkfg.a=ksa ds vf/kizkfIr ds fy.oa ifjektZu djus dh vuqefr ugha gksuh pkfg.k] . cksyh nLrkost esa iwoZ lEesyu cqyk. fd lkQ&lkQ fcuk fdlh vLi"Vrk ds of.s tkus dk izko/kku j[kk tk. ekinaM ftuds vk/kkj ij loZekU.kidrk vk/kkfjr gksuh pkfg. dkuwu ds vUrxZr gksxkA ¼v½ cksyhdÙkkZ dks cksyh Hkstus ds fy.Ro fuf’pr djus ds fy.A ¼iii½ fooknksa ds lek/kku gsrq mi.Z fLFkfr.qDr izko/kku] .kadu djuk gks .a= .A ¼vii½ okafNr lkexzh dh fof'k"Vrk.kl fd. vk/kkj ij cksyh dk ewY.A ¼iv½ cksyh nLrkost esa bl ckr dk Li"V mYys[k gksuk pkfg.h vUroZLrq ij gh fd.ksa rFkk vU.A ¼ix½ cksyh dk izR.kZr gksuk pkfg.¼ii½ cksyh nLrkost esa cksyh dh 'kÙksZa] cksyh dh izfØ.k tkuk pkfg.kadu cksyh nLrkost esa lekfgr 'kÙkksZa .kZIr la[.h U. fn.Ro dk fu/kkZj.ksx fd. fo’ks"k izo`fÙk ds lafonk¼vksa½ ds ekeysa esa cksyh nLrkost esa ifj.k tk.A cksyh izR.( dksbZ ubZ 'kÙkZ ftldk mYys[k cksyh nLrkost esa u gks] cksyh ds ewY.A ¼vi½ cksyh lkoZtfud :i ls [kksyh tkuh pkfg.A ¼xii½ cksyh [kqyus ds ckn cksyhdÙkkZ ds lkFk eksyrksy dks l[rh ds lkFk grksRlkfgr djuk pkfg. tgk¡ rd lEHko gks lds fof’kf"V.qÙkjnkf.a=] .oa izR.sA ¼viii½ cksyh iwoZ lEesyu& VuZ&dh lafonk¼vks½ dk ifj"d`r .kZ cksyh Hkst ldsA i.k tkuk pkfg. rFkk cksyhdÙkkZ ds izkf/kd`r izfrfuf/k dks cksyh [kqyus esa 'kkfey jgus dh vuqefr gksuh pkfg.k tkus okys bdjkjukes dk foospu Hkkjrh.k .qÙkjnkf.wure cksyhdÙkkZ dks p.k esa cksfy.g Hkh iz.oa@vFkok cksyh dks [kkfjt+ djus ds laca/k esa iz'u iwNus ds fy. fu/kkZfjr frfFk dh lekfIr ds ckn cksyhdÙkkZ dks viuh cksyh esa gsjQsj .fn dksbZ gks] ds fy.oa izfrcU/kksa ds rgr gh gksuk pkfg.A ¼xi½ cksyh izkfIr ds fy.ksjk ds ckjs esa ekeysa dks Li"V djus . laxr izko/kku j[ks tkus pkfg.k tgk¡ rnFkZ 18 . mi.oa O.A gkykafd dqN vifjgk.oa dherh .A ¼x½ izkIr cksyh dk ewY.k¡ lkekU. .oa lansg dk fuokj. qÙkjnk. dbZ QeZ nj lafonk ij yk. .sA fu.rk j[krk gksA gkykafd tgka U. vf/kdkfj.h tkrh gS] cksyhdÙkkZvksa ls eksyrksy .ksX.A cksyh dh oS/krk ds foLrkj.wure izR.k tk.k O.oa tks cksyh nLrkost esa 'kkfey fd.h cksyhdÙkkZ ds lkFk dh tk ldrh gSA ¼xiii½ nj lafonk O. lwpuk iV ij vFkok cqysfVu vFkok osclkbZV ij 'kkfey fd. Hkh gSA bls lqfuf'pr djus ds fy.r. %& ¼i½ foyEc u gks bl gsrq foHkkx }kjk vf/kizkfIr ds izR.rk .drk ds vuq:i vko’. dk eksyrksy vko’.h cksyhdÙkkZ }kjk izLrkfor nj ij] vxyh mPprj mÙkjnk. fuEu egÙoiw.wure ewY.oLFkk esa tgk¡ mlh oLrq ds fy.vf/kizkfIr ds fo:) ewY.k tk ldrk gSA ¼xv½ p.fur lQy cksyhdÙkkZ] dk uke foHkkxh.kafdr cksyhdÙkkZ dks nh tkuh pkfg. cksyhdÙkkZ] rnFkZ vko’. laxBu dks nh tk ldrh gSA ¼xiv½ lafonk lkekU.ksa dks leqfpr Ø. Ø.sa .sd Lrj ds fy.kZfUor djus dh ik=rk .oLFkk esa n{krk] ferO.k tkuk pkfg. Ø.h cksyhdÙkkZ dks vkiwfÙkZ vkns’k fn.oLFkk esa n{krk] ferO.k dks grksRlkfgr fd.sA 19 .h ik.Ùkk& lkoZtfud vf/kizkfIr izfØ.A ¼iv½ lalwfpr jkT.e 131 /k& lkoZtfud vf/kizkfIr O.oa mÙkjnkf. 'kfDr.knk oLrqvksa dks nj&lafonk iz.oa .s x.ksa dks Hkh vf/kd lpsr djsxkA ¼ii½ fu.s 'kÙkksZa .k. fd fofHké ljdkjh foHkkxksa dh vko’.k¡ vko'.ku fn.f. leqfpr dkykof/k fu/kkZfjr dh tkuh pkfg.slh dkykof/k lacaf/kr Ø.ksX.oa izfrcU/kksa ds vuq:i lafonk dks lUrks"kizn <ax ls dk.qÙkjnk.Zdkfj.wure Lohdkj . lHkh foHkkx l{ke izkf/kdkjh dk vuqeksnu izkIr dj v/khuLFk dk.kZ {ks=ksa ij /. laxBu dks pkfg.kkyh esa yk.k tk.k tkuk pkfg.k tkuk pkfg.oa mÙkjnkf.Ùkk lqfuf’pr djus ds fy.kZ ek=k dh vkiwfrZ djus dh fLFkfr esa ugha gks] vf/k’ks"k ek=k dh vkiwfrZ gsrq U.qÙkjnk.knk ls T.drkuqlkj izR.oa njksa ds izfrizLrko dh fo'ks"k vuqefr bl ckr ds eísutj jkT.drkuqlkj iw.rk .f.ksftr dj ldrk gSA ¼iii½ foHkkx dks cksyh dh ewy oS/krk ds vUrxZr djkj lEikfnr fd.oa vkiokfnd ifjfLFkfr esa gh oSlk fd.h tk.kZ.drk esa vkus okyh T.oa djkj nsus esa yxus okys le.d gks] og flQZ U. ysus .wure izR.k tkuk lqfuf’pr djuk pkfg. A .] ftldh cksyh izR. dks de ls de djus ds fy.k ml U. kj dj ldsA fcØh dh tkus okyh iqjkuh oLrqvksa dh dher .qDr [k.oa lsok dks okg~.jkT. fd.g lqfu’pr djsxk fd nj lafonk vck/k :i ls miyC/k jgasA fu. laxBu .ksjk 'kkfey djuk pkfg.kSjs rFkk iw.iw. t:jr] mís’..drk gks vkSj lacaf/kr foHkkxksa dks mlesa okafNr fo"ksKrk gkfly u gksA ijke’kZnkrkvksa dhs lsok.oa fLFkfr dks /.oa vPNs izdkj ds vkbVe ls cnyuk gS rks foHkkx u..Z tks vius C.k tk.A fu.oa laf{kIr Hkk"kk esa rS.k ijke'kZnkrk ¼blds ckn ijke'kZnkrk ds :i eas lanfHkZr½ dh lsok. dk vkdyu cktkj dh 20 .ku esa j[krs gw.kj djuk pkfg.k dh izfØ.A cksyh nLrkost esa vkxs . lzksr ls izkIr djus laca/kh ekSfyd fl)kUrksa dks j[kk x. esa lHkh foHkkxksa ij ijke’kZnkrk dh fu.qDr izko/kku Hkh j[kuk pkfg.oa cksyh nLrkost esa blls lacaf/kr C. mlds fy.Z@lsokvksa dk fo"k.k ds lkFk&lkFk le. {ks= rS.k gSA bl laca/k esa foLr`r vuqns’k lacaf/kr ea=ky.kZ O. ys fy.e 131 Q %& bl v/.iw.e 131 i %& foHkkx . {ks= lk/kkj.rk dk ekinaM Hkh Li"Vr% fpfUgr dj ysuh pkfg.A bl Lrj ij ijke’kZnkrkvksa dh vgZrk .g fu. lQy cksyhdÙkkZ dks mlds gLrkUrj. .s dh [kjhn djrs le.M j[kk tk ldrk gS rkfd laHkkfor .d mi.s fd oÙkZeku iqjkus vkbVeksa dks u.kj djuk %& foHkkxksa dks ijke'kZnkrk dh fu.k [kjhnrs le.s tkus okys dk.s ij ys ldrk gS rFkk dqN lsokvksa dks okg~.e 131 u %& tc l{ke izkf/kdkjh ds vuqeksnu ls .e 131 e %& vkSfpR.d dk. dk vkdyu & ijke’kZnkrkvksa ds fofu. gksus okys vkSfpR. oÙkZeku iqjkus vkbVeksa dks csp ldrk gSA bl gsrq cksyh nLrkost esa .s . lzksr ls ys ldrk gS A fu.ksX.k.s tk ldrs gSA fu.oa iwoZ&. fd Øsrk dks u.kstu mu fLFkfr.kstu dk izLrko djrs le.e 131 Hk %& vko’. dkykof/k ds laca/k eas iw.e 131 c %& ijke’kZnkrkvksa }kjk djk. okg~.oa dk. iqjkus dks [kjhnus . vFkok foHkkxksa }kjk fuxZr fd.A fu.qfDr ds fy.qfDr .k tkuk pkfg.d fof’k"V dk.kZ :i ls ifjHkkf"kr gks] ds fy.kZ djus ds fy.ksa esa fd.k tk ldrk gS tgk¡ mPp xq.ZHkkj dk fo"k. Ø.koÙkk dh lsokvksa dh vko’.k .Z@lsokvksa dks fpfUgr djuk %& lykgdkjksa dk fdjk. fo'ks"kK] ijke'kZnkrk QeZ .sa ysus ls iwoZ l{ke izkf/kdkjh dk vuqeksnu izkIr dj ysuk pkfg. .kZ O. dk fofu’p.oa vfHk:fp j[kus okyk cksyhdÙkkZ rn~uqlkj viuh cksyh dks rS.k u [kjhnus dh lqfo/kk miyC/k jgsA fu.kZ.g mi. dkykof/k ( ¼4½ dUlYVasalh dks lqfo/kk miyC/k djkus gsrq foHkkx }kjk miyC/k djk.& lekuor~ lzksrksa dk fpfUgdj.kid foLrkj] foHkkx }kjk miyC/k djk.rk dk ekinaM rFkk le:i dk.slh vU.k tk ldrk gSA vfHk:fp j[kus okys ijke’kZnkrkvksa ls izfrmÙkj izkIr djus ds fy.ksa dh la[. .kZIr le.oa foLrkj rFkk dk.k( ¼2½ iwjk fd.oa foHkkx dh osclkbZV ij djuk pkfg.r dk.Z ij ijke’kZnkrk ls mudk eUrO.fDr ¼bZ-vks-vkbZ-½^^ ek¡xus gsrq iwNrkN dk foKkiu U.oÙkZeku fLFkfr dks ns[krs gq.Z@lsok esa ijke’kZnkrk dk iwoZ vuqHko foLrkj ls 'kkfey gksuk pkfg.kj dh tk ldrh gSA ¼2½ tgka¡ dk.e 131 .s’ku vkfn ls vkSipkfjd vFkok vukSipkfjd iwNrkN ds vk/kkj ij lEHkkfor lykgdkjksa dh cM+h lwph rS.kj djuk ¼TOR½ lUnHkZ ds fcUnw esa fuEufyf[kr 'kkfey gksus pkfg. fn.qZDr ¼1½ ds vfrfjDr lykgdkjksa ls ^^:fp dh vfHkO.MLVªht] lykgdkjksa QeksZa ds .k laxBuksa] pSEcj vkWQ dkWelZ .Z .%& ¼1½ mís’. 25 yk[k :0 ls mij gks] ogk¡ mi.k tkusokyk fuos’k] ijke’kZnkrk¼vksa½ }kjk iwjh dh tkusokyh vgZrk .e 131u ds vuqlkj bPNqd i{kdkjksa ls izkIr izfrmÙkj dss vk/kkj ij vis{kkvksa dks iwjk djus okys ijkef’kZ.ksa dh vxzÙkj fopkj gsrq N¡VkbZ dh tkuh pkfg. rFkk bl izdkj dh xfrfof/k esa 'kkfey .e 131y& lUnHkZ ds fcUnq rS.wure .ksX.k lsok dk vkdfyr ewY. Hkh izkIr fd.k rhu ls de ugha gksuh pkfg.s ijkef’kZ. iwNrkN esa dk.k tkuk pkfg.k % ¼1½ tgka dk.Z dks iwjk djus ds fy.A fu.ksa esa 'kkfey nwljs foHkkxksa .e 131 j& ijke’kZnkrk lwph dh N¡VkbZ& mijksDr fu.k lsokvksa dk O.A foKkiu esa mDr osclkbZV dk irk Hkh fn.Z dh :ijs[kk( ¼3½ fu.s tkus okys dk.kke ¼fMyhojscy½ ftldh ijke’kZnkrk ls vis{kk gksxh ( 21 .oa iwoZ& .A iwNrkN esa fofgr lsokvksa ds mís’.A ^:fp dh vfHkO.Z .M b.fDr* izkIr djrs gq.k tkus okyh lqfo/kk.k tkuk . laxBuksa ls ijke’kZ dj djuk pkfg.A fu. i. nSfud .sls Nk¡Vs x. 25 yk[k :0 rd gks og le:i xfrfof/k.k fuos'k ( ¼5½ vafre ifj.A .d jk"Vªh.A fu.Z .ksa dk lqLi"V fooj.k lsok dk vkdfyr ewY..lksfl. oa le.oa dUlYVsUlh lafonk iznku djus ds fy.k tkuk pkfg. cksyh dk ewY.dy lzksr p.kadu& foHkkx flQZ oSls cksyhdÙkkZ dh cksyh [kksysxk ftUgsa mijksDr fu.ksX.%& ¼1½ vkea=. izLrkoksa ds fy.sls .A fu. cksyhdÙkkZ dh foÙkh.ksX.k ls lEcfU/kr ijke’kZnkrk dks nh tkus okyh lwpuk( ¼3½ lUnHkZ ds fcUnq ¼Vh-vks-vkj-½ ¼4½ vgZrk .k( ¼6½ rduhdh .kadu lfefr }kjk vxzÙkj fo’ys"k.kafdr izLrko dks Lohd`fr .e 131 l& rduhdh :i ls .ksjsokj vfHkfyf[kr djsxhA fu.Q0 ih0 N¡VkbZ fd.kadu .oa foÙkh.e 131 "k& rduhdh cksyh dk ewY.oa vfUre izk:i izfrosnu dh leh{kk gsrq izLrkfor izfØ. izfØ. dkj.kksa dks C.e 131 g& ukekadu }kjk dUlYVsUlh& dqN fo’ks"k ifjfLFkfr esa .Q0 ih0 esa fuEu 'kkfey gksuk pkfg.ksx fd.oa ewY.Q-ih-½ dh rS. fd.kafdr fd.kof/k leh{kk .k tkrk gSA vkj0 .rk dk ekinaM . iwNrkN ds ek/.u izfØ.kadu ekinaM . mi. izLrkoksa dh ekax djus ds fy.ksX. ?kksf"kr fd.Z dh izxfr dk e/.k&i=( ¼2½ izLrko lefiZr djus ds fy.kadu lfefr ¼lh0bZ0lh0½ }kjk fo’ysf"kr .oa foÙkh.fn mls vfHk:fp dh vfHkO.A vkj0 .e 131o& izLrko ds vkea=.Q0 ih0 og nLrkost gS tks foHkkx }kjk ijke’kZnkrk ls visf{kr dk.k x.d [kkl ijke’kZnkrk dk p.oa vkea=.k .ku esa j[krs gq.k tkuk pkfg. lQy cksyhdÙkkZ ds p.s x.k %& vkj0 .e dss v/khu dUlYVsUlh ewY.kjh .kA fu.g vko’. izLrko izkIr djus ds fy. i.k 22 .u gsrq rduhdh :i ls .fDr ds fy.k ¼vkj-.Z@lsokvksa ds fy.oa iwoZ&.k tkuk pkfg.u ds fy. ekud izk:i( ¼7½ izLrkfor lafonk 'kÙksZ .oa vLohd`fr ds fy.oa p.d gks ldrk gS fd dqy feykdj foHkkx ds fgr dks /.k gks( ¼5½ cksyh ewY.fu.kadu& rduhdh cksyh dks foHkkx }kjk xfBr dUlYVsalh ewY.u djuk iM+s tgka .oa ewY.e ls fofuf’pr u fd.k gSA fu.k ewY.kZIr dkj. ds ckn izkIr gksus okyh cksyh ij fopkj ugha fd.e 131 'k& foyEc cksyh& foyEc cksyh vFkkZr~ fofuf’pr frfFk .k x.oa ¼8½ dk.k .A lh0 bZ0 lh0 vius }kjk fo’ysf"kr .s ijke’kZnkrkvksa dks muls rduhdh . miyC/k gksA .oa izfØ. foHkkx vkSj laxBu ls vkSipkfjd vFkok vukSipkfjd iwNrkN ds vk/kkj ij]. A lhfer fufonk iwNrkN fuxZr djus gsrq pqus x.e 131 =& foHkkx ferO.Zdyki esa yxkrkj 'kkfey jguk pkfg. lzkrs ls izkIr djuk fu.oa lEHkkfor laosndksa dh lwph rS.dy Jksrp.k vgZrk izkIr .oa ¼3½ fofufnZ"V dk.kZ. mís’.u dk lgkjk ysus ds iwoZ l{ke izkf/kdkjh dk vuqeksnu izkIr fd.e 131 K¼d½& fufonk iwNrkN& foHkkx vU.k tkuk pkfg.s .kj djuh pkfg.d dk.syks istst] O.ksX.Z@lsok dks iwjk djus ds fy.oa le. ckrksa ds lkFk&lkFk fuEu ckrksa dks 'kkfey djrs gq. laosnd dh vgZÙkk .Z .ksa esa 'kkfey vU. fufonk iwNrkN rS. rFkk .s tkus okys dk.Z lsokvksa dks lEikfnr djus ds fy.e 131K ds vuqlkj fpfUgr le:i laosndksa dh izkFkfed lwph dh Nkuchu dj izFke nz"V~. ij viuk izLrko nsus dks dgk tkuk pkfg.k mlls de ds vkdfyr ewY.A fu.u ds fy. fcuk bl gsrq foLr`r vuqns’k .k N% ls de ugha gksuh pkfg. iwjk vkSfpR.s tkus okyh lqfo/kk. rFkk ijke’kZnkrk¼vksa½ ds izn’kZu dk yxkrkj ewY. dj] mUgsa lhfer fufonk iwNrkN fuxZr djrs gq.e 131 K& le:i laosnd dh igpku& foHkkx dks leku xfrfof/k.Ro] fu. lafpdk ij vfHkfyf[kr fd.] csgrj gksxk fd .k funsf'kr dj ldrk gSA fu. rkfd ijke’kZnkrk dk vkmViqV foHkkxh. ds vuq:i gksaA lsok dks ckg~.oa lsokvksa ds fy.k tkuk pkfg.Z .k tk.sls .oa lsok dh foLr`fr] ¼2½ foHkkx }kjk laosnd dks miyC/k djk.A 23 .a .fn miyC/k gks] osclkbZV vkfn dh tk¡p ls le:i .rk ekinaM ¼3½ vko’.dy Jksrp.kadu fd.kikfjd if=dkvksa] .f.k& foHkkx dks dUlYVsUlh ds dk.oa n{krk ds fgr eas dqN lsokvksa dks ckg~.rk .oa l{ke laosnd dk fu.A fu.d dk.s rd .oa .sls laosndksa dh la[. foHkkx dks mijksDr fu.e 131 K¼[k½& cksyh dk vkea=. laosnd }kjk iwjh dh tkuh okyh lkafof/kd .kj djsxk& ¼1½ laosnd }kjk iwjk fd.oa lafonkRed nkf. okys dk. Jksr ls izkIr dj ldrk gS vkSj fuEu ewy fn’kkfunsZ’kksa dk mYya?ku fd.k& ¼d½ nl yk[k :i.Zcy dh 'kSyh viukbZ tk.d fuf’pr frfFk . ekud pyu ds vuq:i .e 131 {k& lafonk dk vuqqJo. ij izLrko ekaxus ds fy. foHkkx dks fuf’pr frfFk .sxkA 7- fcgkj foÙk fu.k lsokvksa ds fy.saxs %& 24 .k .ekoyh ds Hk. Jksr dk fn. lykgdkj ds ijke’kZ ls .u }kjk dk. rFkk lafonk nsus ds fy.kZdh.e 132 ls 153 fuEufyf[kr fu.Mkj lkexzh ls lEcfU/kr fu.slk dj ldrs gSaA oSls ekeyksa esa C.k.Z djkuk& fdlh vkiokfnd fLFkfr esa fo’ks"k :i ls p. .Mkj lkefxz.k tkuk vfuok.sxkA 8- fcgkj foÙk fu.g iwjk djsxk] izLrko dk iw.ekoyh dk ifjf’k"V 8 foyksfir fd.ksa dh izkfIr.e 131 K¼?k½& izkIr cksyh dk ewY.A fu.kadu& foHkkx dks izfrmÙkjnk.k& foHkkx dks lafonk dks lapkfyr djus esa yxkrkj 'kkfey jguk pkfg.fur laosnd dks dksbZ dk.oa le.kadu] i`FkDdhdj. Hkkx gksxkA fu.oa Øekafdr djuk pkfg. L=ksr dks lkSaius dh fLFkfr. lQy cksyhdÙkkZ dk p.k mís’.e 131 K¼x½& foyEc cksyh & foyEc cksyh vFkkZr~ izkfIr ds fofuf’pr frfFk .s tk.oa le.ekoyh ds v/.Mkj dh lkefxz.Z gks tk.ekoyh ds Hk.ksa dk ewY.Z ckg~.e 131 K¼M+½& ukekadu }kjk ckg~. 8 dk 'kh"kZ ^^Hk.A fu.ksjsokj vkSfpR.¼[k½ nl yk[k :0 ls vf/kd vkdfyr ewY. lzksr ls dk.k¡^^ dks ^^buHksaVjh izcU/ku^^ ls izfrLFkkfir fd.d] vf/kd izlkj okys jk"Vªh.ekoyh ds v/.k tk. ds ckn izkIr cksyh ij fopkj ugha djuk pkfg. okys dk. fu. de&ls&de .s rks foHkkx ds l{ke izkf/kdkjh vkUrfjd foÙkh.eksa }kjk izfrLFkkfir fd.ksa dh vkiwfrZ ds fy. tks .e 131 K¼p½& lafonk dk vuqJo.A** 6- fcgkj foÙk fu.u djuk pkfg.e 132 ls 153 dk izfrLFkkiu& ^^fcgkj foÙk fu.ekoyh ds fu.] p.h cksfy. 8 ds 'kh"kZd dk izfrLFkkiu& fcgkj foÙk fu.Z dks ckg~.Z .k tk.e ls lEcfU/kr ifjf’k"V 8 dk foyksiu& fcgkj foÙk fu. nSfud lekpkj i= rFkk foHkkx ds osclkbZV esa foKkfir fufonk iwNrkN fuxZr djuh pkfg.oa mlls iwjk gksus okyk fo’ks"k fgr .oa laosnd ds dk.k djuk pkfg.A fu.Z dk yxkrkj vuqJo.k.k¡ . k deh ugha gS] dks lqfuf’pr djus ds fy. fofHk™k ea=ky.A ¼3½ blds ckn leqfpr Hk.oa lkefxz.e 133& ¼1½ futh vkiwfÙkZdÙkkZ ls oLrqvksa .oa lkefxz. .oa izfØ.¡ izkIr dh gS vkSj leqfpr HkaMkj iath esa bldk la/kkj.k gSA lkefxz. fofgr izfØ.koÙkk gksus] lkefxz.ksa ds vuqlkj gS] rFkk mlesa dksbZ {kfr .k fd. mi.oa lkefxz.Fkko’.k.ksas dh fxurh ekih .k fcØh bR. foLr`r vuqns’k .ksa dh izkfIr@fuxZeu& ¼1½ mlh laxBu ds vkUrfjd ize.oa lkefxz.A ¼2½ oLrqvksa dh izkfIr ds le.ksa@foHkkxksa }kjk rkfydk micU/k ds le. Hk.My dks bl izHkko dk leqfpr ikorh iznku djsxkA ¼2½ HkaMkj ds izHkkjh inkf/kdkjh foHkkxh.Myksa ls oLrqvksa .k gSA djsaxs fd mlus okLro esa oLrq. Hk.A ekaxi= ds fo:) vkiwfrZ izkIr djrs le.ekssa ls lEcfU/kr gSA bl v/.k fofgr dh tk ldsxhA fu.ksa ds izkIr djrs le.k rkSy djsxkA ekaxdÙkkZ inkf/kdkjh lkexzh Hkstus okys ize.^^fu.oa lkefxz.Mkj iath esa izkIr dh x.ksa dks fuxZr djrs le.ksa ds fuxZeu ds ekeysa esa .d fof’kf"V. vk/kkjHkwr fu.ksa ds vuq:i xq.ksa dh fyf[kr ikorh jlhn yh tk.k dk ikyu djuk pkfg.ksa dh izkfIr ds fy.k.ksX.ksx] fofuekZ.A HkaMkj ds izHkkjh inkf/kdkjh .k esa fd.k deh ugha gS lHkh lkefxz.Mkj ds izHkkjh inkf/kdkjh dks lEcfU/kr fufonk 'kÙkkZ dks lUnfHkZr . .g lqfuf’pr djus ds fy.kfn ds fy.ksa dh izkfIr& vkiwfÙkZdÙkkZ ls oLrqvksa .d mldh tk¡p] fxurh] eki .k tkuk pkfg.Myksa ls izkIr oLrqvksa .d fof’kf"V.e 134& laxBu ds vkUrfjd ize.ksa esa dksbZ {kfr .koÙkk vko’. ds lekfgr ewy fu.kid vuq:irk j[krs gq.eku~ fujh{k.k rkSy n`’.g izekf. ekaxdÙkkZ iznÙk oLrqvksa dh ek=k lgh gksus] vko’.k x. fd oLrqvksa dh ekax lgh gS] xq.Mkj ls lkefxz.eksa ds lkFk dh izfof"V dh tkuh pkfg. buHksaVjh izcU/ku ds lEcU/k esa lHkh ea=ky. ekaxdÙkkZ inkf/kdkjh vFkok mlds izkf/kd`r izfrfuf/k ls fuxZr dh xbZ lkefxz.e 132& .@foHkkxksa esa ykxw gksus .g v/.h oLrqvksa dh fooj.sxhA 25 .ksa ls vis{kk j[kus okyk ekaxdÙkkZ inkf/kdkjh dks bl gsrq fofgr izi= esa ekaxi= tkjh djuk pkfg.g ns[ksxk fd ekaxdÙkkZ inkf/kdkjh }kjk fofgr izi= esa ekaxi= tkjh fd. dqy ewY.] lEcfU/kr lHkh fooj. djuk lEHko gks ldsA mij of.ksa@foHkkxksa dh fof’k"V vko’.ot esa oSdfYid lkefxz.s dykRed ewY.kZ:is.xkA fVIi. esa( ¼ii½ miHkksX.oa laosnd ls vkns.oa lkefxz.a=] miLdj] tqM+okj vkfn izi= . ys[ku lkexzh] jlk.Fkkvko’.k ftlesa olwyh nj .k¡ miyC/k gksus dh fLFkfr esa nLrkost esa bl vk’k.drkvksa ds lUnHkZ esa fofuf’pr fd. dk leqfpr funsZ’k fd.k¡ . dh fdrkcsa .kZr HkaMkj ys[kk dk izi= oLrqvksa .u] j[kj[kko lEcU/kh vfrfjDr ikVZ iqtsZ vkfn izi= . dh ljdkjh foHkkxksa dh ifjlEifÙk.Fkk la.k djus okys HkaMkj dk izHkkjh inkf/kdkjh mldh lqjf{kr vfHkj{k.oa ys[kk j[ksxk rFkk mldk . 'kkfey gS] ds lEcU/k esa mlls frfFk lfgr gLrk{kfjr ikorh izkIr dh tkuh pkfg.Q0 vkj0 5Mh esa( ds fy.A ekax dh xbZ lkefxz.Q0 vkj0 5&.k tk ldrk gSA fu.oa oLrqvksa [kkldj cgqewY. vyx&vyx ys[kk j[kk tk.ksjk vuqiwfjr fd.ksa .k& lkefxz.Q0 vkj0&5ch esa( ¼iii½ iqLrdky.FkkFkZ fjVuZ rS.Fkk dk.oa ekaxi= dh ekaxdÙkkZ dh izfr esa bl izek.d vfrfjDr C.¼3½ laons d dks lkexzh fuxZr djus dh fLFkfr esa laosnd ls olwyuh.oa lkefxz.Q0 vkj0 5lh esa( ¼iv½ .ksa dh izd`fr ls lUnfHkZr] laO.e 136 & ¼1½ lwph .ogkj dh ckjEckjrk .sxkA ¼2½¼i½ fuf’pr ifjlEifÙk.ksa .oa ys[kk Hk. esa j[ks x.s j[kus dk bUrtke 'kkfey gS] ds fy.kj djsxk rkfd iqLr'ks"k ds lkFk .fn HkaMkj dk izHkkjh inkf/kdkjh ekaxi= dk iw.xkA 26 . . leqfpr dne mBk.oa oLrqvksa dk vfHkj{k.A ¼4½ .k tk.k dh leqfpr izfof"V djuh pkfg.oa lEcfU/kr ea=ky.k vuqikyu djus esa v{ke gksa rks mls miyC/k lhek rd lkefxz.ksa ds lEcU/k esa bdkbZokj lwph .a=] e’khujh] .k cuk.Mkj ds izHkkjh inkf/kdkjh vius izHkkj esa j[ks oLrqvksa .k djus] mfpr HkaMkj. ewY.ksa dh vkiwfrZ djuh pkfg.ksa ds .kh.FkkFkZ 'ks"k dk feyku fdlh Hkh le. vkoklu ftlesa okafNr rkieku] /kwyjfgr okrkoj.k¡ izi= .k tk.] .kZy. vkSj@vFkok Toyu’khy inkFkkZsa dk vfHkj{k.e 135& lkefxz.sfrgkfld bu izi=ksa ds lkFk foHkkxksa }kjk .sxkA fu. .kke lEcfU/kr iath esa ntZ dh tkuh pkfg.kiu ds nkSjku ik.e 138& fLFkj ifjlEifÙk.k&i= vafdr fd.k LFky ij la/kkfjr gksxkA fLFkj ifjlEifÙk.A fVIi. .Mkfjr lkexzh ds ewY.ksa dks fdjk. tokcnsg inkf/kdkjh dh mifLFkfr esa gh ges’kk lR. gS tks Hk.¡ 'kkfey gS] lR.fn dksbZ fopyu gks rks mldh leqfpr tk¡p rFkk mls ys[kk esa yk. fd.k tkuk pkfg.ksa] laosndksa .ksa dk leqfpr vfHkys[k j[kk tkuk pkfg.A . dks fdjk.k oÙkZeku u gksA 27 .sfrgkfld ewY.ksa dk HkkSfrd lR.oa . oLrqvksa .k¡ tc LFkkuh. izko/kkuksa ds vuqlkj leqfpr dkjZokbZ djus ds fy. ij nh tk.ksa dh rkfydk¼bUosUVªh½ lkekU.e ds vUrxZr fu/kkZfjr fdjk.oa lkefxz.kiu ls izkIr ifj.sxkA ¼iii½ ..Mkj iath esa fu"d"kZ lfgr lR.Mkj dk fofuf’p.k tk..kiu o"kZ esa de&ls&de .A fu. fudk. fudk.r.kiu o"kZ esa de&ls&de .ksa dk HkkSfrd lR.e&31 ls 35 esa fn. ij nsuk%& fLFkj ifjlEifÙk.k tkuk pkfg.A LFkkuh.r. .k ds lR.d o"kZ ls vf/kd rd HkaMkfjr lkexzh lkekU.h pw¡fd bUosUVªh ds j[kj[kko ij O.fer :i ls dh tkuh pkfg. x.ksa] laosndksa vFkok vU. ls olwyuh.A 2- miHkksX.fn dksbZ fopyu gks rks l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk leqfpr dkjZokbZ gsrq Hk.oa mldh ek=k rFkk mldh vkiwfrZ ds rjhds] ds vuqdwyre vUr%LFk Hk. .d ckj fd. oLrqvksa dh ckjEckjrk .k ¼i½ rkfydk ds vfHkj{k.FkksDr 'kqYd dh x. 'kqYd dh olwyh fu.k tkuk pkfg. esa o`f) ugha djrk gS] .k¡ dk lR.oa vU.kiu fd.Mkj iath esa bldk la/kkj.k tkuk pkfg. rks ifjlEifÙk.fn dksbZ foypu ftlesa deh] {kfr vkSj csdkj oLrq.e 139& vUrLFk HkaMkj& l{ke inkf/kdkjh }kjk miHkksX. rFkk lR.sxkA fu.k tk. ds vk/kkj ij dh tkuh pkfg.fu.kiu& lHkh miHkksX.d ckj fd.sxkA ¼ii½ Hk.A 3- lR.k vfrjsd ekuh tkrh gS tcrd fd bls vU.k tk.k fd.kuk .kiu dh izfØ.kiu dk izek.k n`f"Vxr gks rks fu.k tkuk pkfg. rFkk l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk fofgr fu.slk O. l{ke izkf/kdkjh dh tkudkjh esa bls rqjar yk.Fkk ekuus dk dksbZ leqfpr dkj.k rFkk vU. dk lR.e 137& fLFkj ifjlEifÙk.kiu ds fy.kiu 1- fLFkj ifjlEifÙk. oa lkefxz. ftlesa 20]000 ls vf/kd 50]000 rd iqLrdsa gSa] dk de&ls&de rhu lky esa .A fu"iknu ds HkaMkj dk izfrosnu izi= . dh fdrkc .k¡ csbZekuh vFkok ykijokgh ds dkj.slh dfe.A oSls iqLrdky.fn .kiu fd.xkA 28 .kh dh .k dh fLFkfr esa LFkkukUrfjr inkf/kdkjh .kiu fd.xk ftlij Hkkjxzkgh inkf/kdkjh dk frfFk lfgr gLrk{kj gksxkA buesa ls izR.k tkuk pkfg.ksx u gks] dks vfrjsd vFkok jí vFkok csdkj ?kksf"kr fd.kj fd.&ewY. .oa lkefxz.sxk c’kÙksZ fd .] funsf’kr ewY.k tk.kZ lR.k tk.e 141& oLrqvksa] lkefxz. dk mi.k jí .A .A .kj fd.ksjk ntZ gks] rS.ksx esa 5¼ik¡p½ fdrkcksa dh deh dks rkfdZd ekuk tk.k tkuk pkfg.k tkuk pkfg.d fooj.e 140& ¼i½ iqLrdky.ksa dh iqLrdksa dk HkkSfrd lR.k tkuk pkfg.k tk.kZ HkkSfrd lR.k u gksA gkykafd .oa vkjf{kr ewY.ksa dk lHkh lEcfU/kr C.oa nqyZHk iqLrdsa pkgsa mldh dksbZ Hkh dher gks ds [kksus dh fLFkfr esa vfuok.d ckj .ksa vkfn esa izHkkj dk gLrkUrj.Q0 vkj0&5bZ esa rS.d gtkj fdrkcksa ds [email protected]& oLrqvksa] lkefxz.d ckj mldk iw.sxhA fu.g ns[ksxk fd oLrq.k tkuk pkfg.kiu ds ikl gLrk{kfjr fooj.fu.slk lR.drk vfrjsd oLrqvksa ds fu"iknu esa gksxh] dks cuk.kiu esa vLokHkkfod vFkok vrkfdZr dfe.k csdkj ?kksf"kr djus ds fy.sxh vkSj leqfpr dkjZokbZ dh tk.k¡ mlds izfrLFkkuh dks lgh&lgh lkSai nh tk. l{ke inkf/kdkjh Lofoosd ls .sls lR.k tkuk pkfg.k¡ lkeus vkrh gSa rks ftlesa oLrqvksa .A oSls iqLrdky. fudkyk tku laHko u gks rks oLrq dk izkjafHkd Ø. ftlesa 50]000 ls vf/kd iqLrdsa gksa] ds ekeysa esa rhu o"kZ ls vuf/kd vUrjky ij uewuk HkkSfrd lR.d izfr jgsxhA fu.Z :i ls mudh tk¡p dh tk.ksa ftlesa 20]000 ls vf/kd iqLrdasa u gksa] ds ekeysa esa o"kZ esa de&ls&de .¡ . ftldh vko’.e 142& ¼i½ oLrqvksa dk fu"iknu& dksbZ vkbZVe ftldk foHkkx dks dksbZ mi.sxkA ¼ii½ o"kZ esa izfr .k tk ldsxkA fdlh bdkbZ ds Ø.kfn esa izHkkjh inkf/kdkjh ds LFkkukUrj.fn ewY.s ls vf/kd ewY.kiu fd.d gtkj :i.A ¼ii½ oLrqvksa dks vfrjsd .ksx fd.ksa bR.d leqfpr Lrj dh lfefr xfBr dj ldrk gSA ¼iii½ [kkrk ewY.kiu& oSls iqLrdky. gsrq l{ke inkf/kdkjh }kjk ml oLrq dks vfrjsd vFkok jí vFkok csdkj ?kksf"kr djus dk dkj.A .k vfHkfyf[kr fd. kkeLo:i LFkku ds yxkrkj Hkjs jgus vkSj fu"iknu .k .qDr rjhdk viukdj vfr'kkh?kz fu"ikfnr .k t.k dksbZ bZdkbZ dke . ds xksiuh.rk ls lacaf/kr fu.kfn dk fu"iknu@fofuf"Vdj. dk laxzg. dh tk.kid dne mBk.e ls fufonk izkIr dj vFkok ¼[k½ lkoZtfud uhykeh }kjk dh tk.ksx ds fy. fufonk dk vkea=.Fkk nok.ku esa j[krs gq. .sa] vukt] xksyk&ck:n bR.k vkSj oSlh oLrqvksa ds nq:i. ugha jg tkrh gS rks blds fy.kZoj.k dk fo'ys"k.Ro fu/kkZfjr fd.xhA ¼ii½ nks yk[k :i. gkfudkjd .oa csdkj oLrqvksa dk fu/kkZfjr 'ks"k ewY.eksa ds lkFk&lkFk dk.a= vkSj nLrkost ftlesa lqj{kk ekeys lfUufgr gksa ¼. nq"ifj.eksa ds vuqikyu lqfuf'pr djus ds fy.ksX.k fou"V dj nsuk pkfg.u( ¼p½ p. leqfpr rjhds viukdj fd.fn nks yk[k ls mij gks rks mldk fu"iknu ¼d½ fufonk izdk'ku ds ek/. oLrqvksa ds ewY.kadu( ¼M½ vf/kdre cksyh yxkus okys dk p.k iznw"k. mi.oa lsD.A fu.e 143 foKkfir fufonk ds ek/.fn fdlh ljdkjh deZpkjh dh ykijokgh] /kks[kk vkSj nq"d`R. nkf.e 143& fu"iknu ds izdkj ¼i½ vfrjsd] jí . ds dkj.xhA ¼iii½ dqN vfrjsd] jí vFkok csdkj oLrqvksa .kj fd. ds vfrjsd] jí vFkok csdkj oLrqvksa ds fy.s ls de ewY.kkeksa vkSj@vFkok i.kZy. l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk fu"iknu dk rjhdk] .e ls fu"iknu ¼i½ bl gsrq fuEu izdkj ls O.wfjVh izsl½ bR.ksX.drk vkSj ifj.k( 29 .s tkus gS%& ¼d½ cksyh nLrkost rS.Fkk djsalh] fuxksf'k.a .k vuqi.fur cksyh yxkus okys ls fcØh ewY. esa fxjkoV dks /.scqy baLVªqesaV] izkfIr jlhn] cgh] LVkEi .¼iv½ .k( ¼x½ cksyh dk [kksyk tkuk( ¼?k½ izkIr vkea=.ksx dh laHkkouk ls cpk tk ldsA ¼iv½ vfrjsd] jí vFkok csdkj oLrq. vfrjsd oLrqvksa ds fy.kfn tks ekuoh.xkA fu.qDr gS dks mi.sls oLrqvksa ds teko ls cpus dh vko'.k tkuk( ¼[k½ fcØh . fu. rkfd LokLF.k tkuk pkfg.ksX.k foÙkh.oa ewY. d 'kÙksZ .e ls oLrqvksa ds fu"iknu ds fy.oa fcØh ds fy.ksX.fur cksyh yxkus okys dks fcØh foeqfDr vkns'k fuxZr djuk( ¼t½ p.slh oLrqvksa ds foKfIr fufonk ds ek/.oa Lohdkj .ksX. cksyhnkrk }kjk fu"iknu .A vkea=. egRoiw.k tk ldrk gSA ¼p½ lQy cksyhnkrk ls oLrqvksa ds iw.A cksyh tekur dh jkf’k lkekU.e ls fcØh ds fy.oa fu/kkZfjr ewY.oa izfrcU/kksa dks lk/kkj. oLrqvksa dh oÙkZeku fLFkfr of.fn mPpre Lohdkj .k tkuk .ksX.k nLrkost esa LFkku dk funsZ’ku .kZr gksuh pkfg.kstu ds ckn cph 'ks"k jkf’k ds Hkqxrku½ ds ckn oLrqvksa dh foeqfDr dh tkuh pkfg.kssX.r.k nLrkost esa fcØh ds fy.kZ Hkqxrku ¼vFkkZr~ cksyh tekur jkf’k ds lek. Lohdkj . iwjh ek=k ugha yh tk lds rks cph gqbZ ek=k vxyh mPprj cksyhnkrk dks mPpre Lohdkj . lHkh vko’. u gks rks flQZ mlh cksyhnkrk ds lkFk nj okÙkkZ dh tk ldrh gSA .ke fuEuo~r gS %& ¼d½ .kZr gksuh pkfg.ksX.A cksyh nLrkost esa lgh cksyh tekur jkf’k dk mYys[k gksuk pkfg. ij izLrkfor fd.oa fcØh ds fy.k tkuk foKfIr fufonk ds ek/. ewY.k tkuk pkfg.A 30 . oLrqvksa dk O.fn ml cksyhnkrk }kjk izLrkfor ewY.fn nj okÙkkZ bfPNr Qy u nsa rks mfpr .oa ¼>½ ¼ii½ vlQy cksyh nkrk dks cksyh tekur jkf'k okil fd.rk Li"V :i ls of. dk nl izfr’kr gksuk pkfg.k vf/kdre cksyh yxkus okys dh cksyh gh Lohd`r dh tkuh pkfg.A gkykafd .r% oLrq ds vkjf{kr . ewy fl)kUr gSa& Lofoosd ¼LosPNkpkfjrk½ dh lekfIr] ikjnf'kZrk cjruk] izfrLi/kZrk . nwljs mPPrj izfrmÙkjnk.kZ vk.h cksyhnkrk dks izLrkfor fd.A ¼[k½ vkea=.oa fu"i{krk A fcØh .k .¼N½ p. rkfd cksyhnkrk cksyh ds iwoZ oLrqvksa dk ijh{k.k tk ldrk gSA ¼³½ .kstuk .A ¼?k½ lkekU.k dj ldsA ¼x½ cksyhnkrk ls cksyh ds lkFk cksyh tekur jkf’k dks tek djus dks dgk tkuk pkfg.fur cksyh yxkus okys dks fcØh dh xbZ vfrjsd oLrqvksa dks foeqDr fd. cksyhnkrk }kjk izLrkfor ewY.oa ljy Hkk"kk esa vafdr djuk gSA nLrkost esa lUnfHkZr djksa dh vkns.kid izpkj&izlkj fd. e ls fu"iknu& foHkkx fuiVkjk fd.ksjk 'kkfey gS( ykxw gksus okyh fcØh dh 'kÙkksZa .A ¼iii½ foyfEcr vkea=.d inkf/kdkjh 'kkfey jguk pkfg.s tkusokys oLrqvksa dh fLFkfr .kuk jkf’k ¼vusZLV euh½ ¼tks cksyh ewY.oa ykxr ij dh tkuh pkfg.k tkuk pkfg.oa vU.s tkus okyh oLrqvksa dks uhykeh dks .ksX. l{ke inkf/kdkjh }kjk fy. .gka ykxw gksus oky ewy fl)kar foKfIr fufonk ds ek/.kk rqjr gFkkSM+s dh pksV ij dh tkuh pkfg.kid izpkj fd. rjhds ls fuiVko& 31 .l0 bZ0 vkj0½ ds :i esa yh tkuh pkfg.k tkuk pkfg.fn p.k tkrk gS mlh izdkj O.k¡ ftlesa lEcfU/kr oLrq dh iqufcZØh 'kkfey gS] fof/kd ijke’kZ izkIr djus ds ckn nks"kh ds fjLd . cksyhdÙkkZvksa dks ykHk ds fy.k tk.k rks uxn .A ¼3½ uhykeh dh izfØ.kstuk] ftlesa uhykeh gksuh okyh oLrqvksa . fMiksftV bu dkWy fjflIV ¼Mh0 .A ¼5½ uhykeh Vhe ds la.A ¼4½ uhykeh dh izfØ.k izkjEHk djrs le.ia muds LFkku dk C.fur cksyhnkrk oLrqvksa ds mBko esa :fp ugha fn[kkrk gS rks cksyh tekur jkf’k tCr dj yh tkuh pkfg.e 145& jíh eky ds ewY.kZ.A fu.oa le.A 'ks"k jkf’k dk Hkqxrku izkIr gksus ds i'pkr~ gh lQy cksyhdÙkkZ dks eky gLrk{kfjr djuh pkfg.oa LosPNkpkfjrk dh lekfIr lqfuf’pr gks ldsA uhykeh .A fu. cksyh dh Lohd`fr .A .kstu dk fu.k ds le.kid izpkj nsrs gqn vuqnsf’kr gS½ tek gq. fcØh dh 'kÙksZa .¼N½ . ykxw gksus okys ds leku gh gS rkfd ikjnf’kZrk] izfrLi/kkZ] fu"i{krk lqfuf'pr dh tk lds .k vLohd`fr dh ?kks"k.] uhykeh fd.k vU.k oLrq cspus okys foHkkx ds i{k ea ns.k tkuk pkfg.k vuqeksfnr uhykedÙkkZ ds e/k.k vFkkZr~ fu/kkZfjr frfFk . ij . dks"kkax dk . dkjZokbZ.sxkA gkykafd Vhe esa foHkkx ds vkUrfjd foÙkh.e ls fu"iknu ds fy. fQj ?kksf"kr fd.e ls djk ldrk gSA ¼2½ .e 144& ¼1½ uhykeh ds ek/.k rks lh?ks vius gkFk esa ys tk ldrk gS . ds i'pkr~ izkIr gksus okyh cksyh ij fopkj ugha fd. ds 25 izfr’kr ls de ugha gks½ rqjr mlh LFkku ij .oa izfrcU/kksa dks ftl izdkj foKkfir fufonk ds ekeysa esa fd.oa vofLFkfr] ykxw gksus .fn dksbZ ckssyh Lohdkj dh tkrh gS lQy cksyhdÙkkZ ls c.oa izfrcU/kksa dks ¼tSlk fd iwoZ esa gh blds fy. O. k {kfr& ewY..k tkuk Hkh 'kkfey gSA fu.e 199 ls 322 dk izfrLFkkiu& fcgkj foÙk fu.k vU.k /kks[kk ds dkj.sxhA {kfr dks viysf[kr djus dh 'kfDr foÙkh.sxk %& 32 .k {kfr( ¼iii½ HkaMkj ds csdkj gksus ds dkj.fn foHkkx jíh eky dh dher ij Hkh ml oLrq dks csp ugha ikrh gS rks og fuiVko dk dksbZ vU.k tk. fofu.fn foHkkx fdlh vfrjsd .kksa ls gksus okys lHkh ykHk .{kj.ksX.sxkA ljdkjh ys[kk esa dksbZ vkSipkfjd la’kks/ku .k.k lek. dk lkekU.d gks] lek.e 199 ls 322 dks fuEufyf[kr fu.ekoyh ds fu.k jí .oa tks vko’.sxk vkSj .k vuqekfur {kfr( ¼iv½ fou"V gksus ds dkj.{kj.k ls vyx {kfr& ewY.k tk.eksa }kjk izfrLFkkfir fd.{kj. rjhdk viuk ldrh gS ftlesa i. izR.k ls vyx gVdj gksus okyh {kfr dks fuEu 'kh"kZ esa lewghd`r dj fy.sxk& ¼i½ cktkj ewY.k tk.sxk& ¼i½ pksjh . dkj.ksftr fd.kstu ladyu ds vUrxZr miyC/k gSA ¼2½ ewY.k tk. ds ckn ykijokghA ¼3½ ewY.k gqbZ {kfr** 9- fcgkj foÙk fu.kstu 'kkfey u jgus ij Hkh {kfr ds lEcU/k esa l{ke izkf/kdkjh dh vkSipkfjd Lohd`fr izkIr dh tk.u] HkaMkj dh tk¡p .k ifjf/k ds dkj. ds dkj.Fkk ykxw fuEu 'kh"kZ ds vUrxZr vfHkfyf[kr fd. mrkj&p<+ko ¼ii½ lkekU.k vFkok t:jr ls vf/kd Ø.k gqbZ {kfr( vkSj ¼v½ vifjgk.k uhykeh ds ek/.kZoj.kl djus ds ckn Hkh djus esa lQy ugha gksrh gS rks og mls foÙk foHkkx dh lgefr ysdj l{ke inkf/kdkjh ds vuqeksnu ls jíh eky dh dher ij fuiVko dj ldrh gSA .k {kfr( ¼ii½ ykijokgh ds dkj.k lsok.{ esa nwjnf’kZrk dk vHkko( vkSj ¼iv½ Ø.k fd.e 146& ¼1½ viys[ku dh 'kfDr& iquewZY. f?klko ¼iii½ Ø.k ls lEcfU/kr fu.Z n’kkvksa .Fkk vkxyxh] ck<+ 'k=q] vkØe.ekoyh ds fuekZ.k ds vuqdwy rjhds ls oLrq dk fou"V fd.k {kfr dk fo’ys"k.k tk.e ls iz. ugha jgs oLrqvksa dh fcØh foKfIr fufonk .k ds dkj.k ds dkj.k vkfn vlk/kkj.oa gkfu dks vfHkfyf[kr . yksd fuekZ.k vFkok <+kpksa esa fo’ks"k ejEer ftlesa iquizZfr:i.eksa esa la/kkfjr vU.k dk.Ro xzg.k foHkkxksa ds iz’kklfud fu=a=.oa lEc) dk.e 201& dk.k lsok ¼.k x.Z Hkou fuekZ.kZfUor djk.Z laxBu ftlesa jkT.Z va’kr% 33 .Z ds fy.e 200& dk.w0Mh0½] lSfud vfHk.oa vuqj{k.Z ds iz’kklfud fu.l0½] lhek lM+d laxBu vkfn .fer dh tkrh gSA fu.ksZa ds fu"iknu ds fy.e0bZ0.e 208 esa funsf’kr fu.k :ikUrj.oa iquLZFkkiu 'kkfey gSA ^ejEerh dk.e vkWQ Qkbusafl.oa lEcfU/kr foHkkxh..ksZa dh Lohd`fr dh 'kfDr& fofHk™k v/khuLFk izkf/kdkfj.Z .slk dksbZ dk.Z laxBuksa }kjk dk.oa tqM+ukjksa ds j[kj[kko ds fy.k esa 'kkfey gS& ¼i½ fuekZ.ksx djus dh izR.k¡ dEisfUM.k ds v/khu dk.k dsUnz vFkok jkT.kZfUor djk ldrk gSA ¼2½ dksbZ ea=ky.ksZa esa tqM+ko .My] vlSfud vFkok bysfDVªdy dk.ZA fu. rd ds lHkh ewy dk. ljdkj }kjk vlSfud vFkok bysfDVªdy dk.k] j[kj[kko . vFkok foHkkx vius Lofoosd ij nl yk[k :0 ls vf/kd . izkf/kd`r vU.k . ls mij ds vkdfyr lHkh ewy dk.e izfØ.s x. ljdkj laxBu tSls dsUnzh.k] oÙkZeku dk. vFkok lEcfU/kr foHkkx }kjkk fu.k vkoafVr ugha fd.s dk.Z& fdlh ea=ky. dh Lohd`r djus .Z ea=ky. fuf/k dk izko/kku fu.ksftr 'kfDr.^^fu.e 202¼2½ esa ikfjHkkf"kr yksd dk. yksd fuekZ.Z laxBuksa dks lkSaik tk ldrk gSA ¼4½ nl yk[k :0 ewY.k foHkkx }kjk iz’kkflr gksus okys ^^xzkUV vkWj flfoy oDlZ^^ esa 'kkfey gksaxsA .Z Hkou fuekZ.k foHkkx ds lkFk lykg ds ckn fu.Z^ ls vfHkizsr gS Hkou .k foHkkx ¼lh0ih0MCY.e 203& yksd fuekZ.Z fdlh yksd dk.ksZa dk leqfpr mi. vFkok foHkkx vius Lofoosd ij fu.k ds fy.y Msyhxs’ku .Z djus ds fy. .k dk ikyu djrs gq.ksx( ¼iii½ bu dk. fuf/k dk iqufoZfu. iw.kZ mÙkjnkf.s tk ldrs gSA fu.a=. fd.Z dks lh/ks dk.Z djus gsrq LFkkfir lkoZtfud {ks= miØe dks lkSai ldrk gSA ¼3½ nl yk[k :0 ewY. fofu.k foHkkx dks fo’ks"kr.ksa dks iz’kklfud vuqeksnu iznku djus] O.e 202& ¼1½ dksbZ ea=ky.oa 30 yk[k :0 ls mij ds vkdfyr ejEefr dk.k.oa rhl yk[k :0 rd ds vkdfyr ejEefr dk.Z^ ls vfHkizsr gS lHkh u.k djuk( ¼ii½ Hkouksa .a=.oa dk.k ize.k fuekZ. dsUnzh.e 202¼2½ esa ikfjHkkf"kr yksd dk. vkns’kksa }kjk fofu.e 199& ^ewy dk. nl yk[k :0 rd ds vkdfyr ejEefr dk. djus dh Lohd`fr izkIr ugha dj yh x.Z foHkkxksa }kjk la/kkfjr nj dh vuqlwph ds vk/kkj ij foLr`r fof’kf"V.u lEcfU/kr foHkkxh.kstuk curh gS] dks .d dk.d ekeyksa esa leqfpr izkf/kdkjh ls iz’kklfud Lohd`fr izkIr ugha dj yh x.k tk.k mlds lEcU/k esa nkf.Fkk ds vk/kkj ij .k x. .Z djk. fuf/k dk izko/kku u dj fn.oa mÙkjnkf.u ij voyfEcr ugha gks rks mls vuqiwjd izkDdyu }kjk vkPNkfnr djuk gksxkA fu.ko’.kZr foLr`r fu.k x.. fd.kstuk esa dksbZ fodkl djuk vko’.kZr flfoy dk.kZ.ksa ds vUnj vko’.oa dk.oa ek=k ds fofHk™k vkbZVeksa ls la/kkfjr izkDdyu rS.Z ds dk.Ro dk xzg.Ro xzg. fu.k djuk ifjfLFkfr.d gks tk.kstukFkZ dk.kj .e 206& vuqeksnu .Z izxfr ij gks] ifj.Z dk izkjEHk .k .A ¼3½ ftl le. dk.oa vkns’kksa }kjk fofu.d le>k tk.k rcrd u fd.h gks( ¼N½ dk.k vU.ksa .s x.k gksA ¼2½ vR.k tkuk .s] tcrd& ¼d½ izR.foHkkxh.kZUo.sxkA . yksd dk.e ¼1½ ds vUrxZr r./khu fdlh [kkl ea=ky.k gks( ¼p½ fu.ksZa dk izkjEHk] izkf/kdj.s vkSj tc fu. vFkok foHkkx dks vkoafVr dk.k tk lds rks lEcfU/kr dk.e& bu lkekU.k x.ksZa dk lewg ftls feykdj .k gks( ¼³½ l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk o"kZ ds nkSjku [kpZ ds fy.e 205& ¼1½ fdlh dk.eksa ds vuqikyu ds v/.Ro ij .kstuk 34 .oa vuqeksfnr u dj fn.drk . vkSj tks izFker% Lohd`r dk.h gks( ¼x½ mfpr :i ls foLr`r :ikad.e 205 ds mifu.k vU.slk dj ldrk gSA mlds lkFk gh] mls l{ke izkf/kdkjh dk vuqeksnu izkIr djus dh dkjZokbZ izkjEHk dj nsuh pkfg.oa Lohd`fr ds iz.a ds fu.Z le>k tk.fn dksbZ dk.k nkf.eksa esa of. ctV esa izko/kkfur fuf/k }kjk vkSj va’kr% .k eUtwj u gks x.eksa .Fkkmijof.s izko/kkuksa dk vuqikyu u fd. fofu.fer gksaxsA fu.k gks( ¼?k½ ih0 MCY.h gks( ¼[k½ l{ke izkf/kdkjh ls O. rFkk lEcfU/kr ys[kk inkf/kdkjh dks bldh lwpuk nsuh pkfg.Z gsrq] ctV ls foÙkiznÙk ugha gks ldrk gSA fu.oa lalkf/kr u dh x.kZns’k fuxZr ugha fd.w0 Mh0 . fu.ekuqlkj fufonk vkeaf=r .kZUo.Z lewg okys ifj.sls dk.Zikyd inkf/kdkjh vius Lo.e 204& lkekU. k dk vuqikyu djsxh %& ¼1½ ..drk bl ckr ds dkj.ksZ ij gksusokys O. izfØ.dk.Z izkjEHk gksus ds iwoZ lafonk bdjkjukek dk fu"iknu .s izkDdyu ds vk/kkj ij l{ke inkf/kdkjh }kjk O.ds ckjs esa mPp izkf/kdkjh ls vuqeksnu vFkok Lohsd`fr izkIr djus dh vko’.kZs dh fdlh Lohd`fr ds iwoZ foLr`r :ikad. ds dk. ¼vokMZ½ dj fy.oa fl)kar ds vuqlkj gksxhA ¼2½ dk.sxh fd ifj.k .w0Mh0½ }kjk djk.oa izkDdyu rS.u ds fy.A ¼7½ dk.kstuk ds izR. fuEufyf[kr lkekU.kj fd.Z esa u yxk.s foHkkxh.sls ekeyksa esa ykxw ugha gksxk ftlds dk.sxkA ¼3½ dksbZ dk.k Vkyh ugha tk.s x.kZ.ksa ds vuqlkj fØ. ds dk.Z dk O.k [kkl dk.k yksd fuekZ. fofu. ls lEcfU/kr foLr`r izfØ.Z iz’kklfud vuqeksnu fuxZr gksus rFkk cuk.fDrxr :i ls lUrq"V gw¡ fd dk..Z ds fy.a dh O.oLFkk ds vUrxZr dk.kZUo.k tk.k foHkkx ¼ih0MCY.Z dk uke½ O.ksZa ds fy.Z lafonk bdjkjukesa esa of.s tk jgs leku dk.Zikyd inkf/kdkjh ¼dk.k foÙk foHkkx ds lkFk ijke’kZ dj cuk. vfUre Hkqxrku fd. izfØ.Z ds dk.r. lhfer fufonk ekaxh tk. ftldk bjknk ewy ifj.kfUor dh xbZ gS rFkk cukus dk rjhdk m|ksx esa izpfyr ekud rd gSA ^^ 35 .k dk. .k&i= ftldk izk:i fuEuor~ gS] ij gh dk. Lohd`r vkdyu ls izR.kZr fof’kf"V.sxkA ^^eS-a ---------------------.e 208& dk.u ds fy.k Lohd`fr dh 'kfDr ds vUrxZr gSA gkykafd .sls dk.Z ds fy.Z dk vfHkfu.kstuk ds fy.ksZa ds dk.sls vfrfjDr dk.sxhA ¼6½ dk.u ds izHkkjh inkf/kdkjh ds O.fDrxr izek. fofgr foÙkh.e 207& fdlh fuf’pr ifj.k tk.kZUo.kstuk esa u gksA fu.eksa ij vk/kkfjr izfØ.ksaZ ds dk.k .k tkuk pkfg.sxhA ¼5½ 5 yk[k :0 ls de ewY.sxh vkSj og lkekU.Z ds fy.g izko/kku .s x.kf’kr vFkok okLrfod cpr dks fo’ks"k izkf/kdkj ds fcuk . mDr fuEurj inkf/kdkjh ds vuqeksnu .sxhA ¼4½ 5 yk[k :0 ls nl yk[k :0 ewY.kZUo. Lohd`fr ds iwoZ gkFk esa ugha yh tk.eksa }kjk fofgr dh tk. [kqyh fufonk ekaxh tk.Z leku izd`fr ds gksa vU.k& foHkkx vius Lo.Fkk ijLij Lora= gksA fu..oa ys[kk fu. s dk.k.tsalh izR.oa foÙkh.kuk [k.d Je Hkkx gksuk pkfg. leh{kk lfefr xfBr djsxh ftlesa iz’kklfud ea=ky.M ds fy.] foÙk ¼vkarfjd foÙkh. dh Lohd`fr bu fu.kZUo. lkeaftr jkf'k gS ¼_.oa O.d lkexzh Hkkx rFkk . izR.kkRed jkf'k lafonk ewY.d vpy Hkkx] .s A tgk¡ vpy Hkkx dqy ykxr dk 10 ls 25 izfr'kr rd gks ldrk gS] lkexzh rFkk Je Hkkx dqy ykxr ds bUgha Hkkxkssa ds vuqikr ds vuqlkj gksus pkfg.eksa ds vUrxZr .s A ewY.s ewy dk. dh dksbZ ifj.sxh . ds dk.sxh vkSj rHkh yksd fuekZ. ifjorZu x.@foHkkx dks Lofoosd jgsxkA 10- fcgkj foÙk fu.oa dk.Z dk dk..e 202¼2½ esa . iz’kklfud ea=ky.d izfrfuf/k gkssaxsA leh{kk dfeVh dks vuqeksfnr izkDdyu ls 10 izfr’kr dh lhek ds vUrxZr ifjorZu dks Lohdkj djus dh 'kfDr.kZUo.ksZ ds ekeysa esa mi.ekoyh ds ^ifjf’k"V 1d^ ds :i esa fuEufyf[kr dks vUr%LFkkfir fd.kstuk dk iqufoZyksdu& nl djksM+ :0 .sxk %& ^^ewY. lykgdkj½ .ekuqlkj rFkk mDr laxBu esa fofgr izfØ. esa deh dk |ksrd gksxh ½ A 36 .FkkifjHkkf"kr ^^yksd dk.ksZa dh iz’kklfud Lohd`fr .P0 tgk¡ P1 vkiwfÙkdÙkkZ dks ns.qDr ykbZu ij leh{kk dfeVh xfBu djus ds fy.k laxBu mls lkSais x.oa ejEefr dk.kstuk vuqeksfnr gksus ds ckn iz’kklfud ea=ky.ekoyh esas ifjf’k"V ^1d^ dk vUr%LFkkiu& fcgkj foÙk fu.Z laxBu^^ dks lkSais ds .s QkWewZyk ewY.u fu.s QkWewZyk esa ewyr% .kuk ds fy.fu.k vf/kd ewY. . ifjorZu x. ifjorZu dk QkWewZyk fuEur% gksxk %& P1 = P0 { F + a(M1/M0) + b(L1/L0)} . ds dsoy lkexzh rFkk Je Hkkxksa esa gh ifjorZu gksxk A bl izdkj ewY.k ds vuqlkj djsxhA fu.k¡ izkIr gksxhA nl djksM+ :0 ls de ewY.k tkrk gS mlesa ifjorZu ugha gksxk A ewY.e 210& ifj.oa fuf/k vkoafVr dh tk.k foHkkx dk. dk og Hkkx tks vpy Hkkx }kjk n'kkZ.ksZa .k tk.e 209& fu.Z dh izxfr leh{kk djus ds fy.kstu ds ladyu ds vuqlkj lEcfU/kr inkf/kdkjh }kjk nh tk.u . k¡ ux. 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