Big Bazaar Research

March 23, 2018 | Author: AkshayMusale | Category: Distribution (Business), Retailing, Sales, Business, Retail



Managing Human ResourceProject: Retail Market Big Bazar INTRODUCTION Future rou! is In"ia#s lea"ing $usiness grou! t%at caters to t%e entire In"ian consum!tion s!ace& 'e" $( Mr& )is%ore Bi(ani* t%e Future rou! o!erates t%roug% si+ ,erticals: Retail* Ca!ital* Bran"s* -!ace* Me"ia an" 'ogistics: . Future Retail /encom!assing all lines o0 retail $usiness1* . Future Ca!ital /0inancial !ro"ucts an" ser,ices1* . Future Bran"s /all $ran"s o2ne" or manage" $( grou! com!anies1* . Future -!ace /management o0 retail real estate1* . Future 'ogistics /management o0 su!!l( c%ain an" "istri$ution1 an" . Future Me"ia /"e,elo!ment an" management o0 retail me"ia& T%e grou!#s 0lags%i! com!an(* Pantaloon Retail /In"ia1 'imite" o!erates o,er 3 million s4uare 0eet t%roug% 566 stores in 56 cities& -ome o0 its lea"ing retail 0ormats inclu"e* Pantaloons* Big Bazaar* Central* Foo" Bazaar* Home To2n* 78one* De!ot* Healt% 9 Beaut( Malls an" online retail 0ormat* 0uture$azaar&com& Future rou!#s ,ision is to* :"eli,er 7,er(t%ing* 7,er(2%ere* 7,er( time to 7,er( In"ian Consumer in t%e most !ro0ita$le manner&; T%e grou! consi"ers <In"ian=ness# as a core ,alue an" its cor!orate cre"o is = Re2rite rules* Retain ,alues& INDU-TR> PROFI'7 Retail is In"ia#s largest in"ustr(* accounting 0or o,er ?6 !ercent o0 t%e countr(#s DP an" aroun" @ !ercent o0 t%e em!lo(ment& Retail in"ustr( in In"ia is at t%e crossroa"s& It %as emerge" as one o0 t%e most "(namic an" 0ast !ace" in"ustries 2it% se,eral !la(ers entering t%e market& But $ecause o0 t%e %ea,( initial in,estments re4uire"* $reak e,en is "i00icult to ac%ie,e an" man( o0 t%ese !la(ers %a,e not taste" success so 0ar& Ho2e,er t%e 0uture is !romisingA t%e market is gro2ing* go,ernment !olicies are $ecoming more 0a,ora$le an" emerging tec%nologies are 0acilitating o!erations& In"ia %as one o0 t%e %ig%est sa,ings rate in t%e 2orl" 2it% Rs BC o0 e,er( Rs ?66 o0 its national income $eing sa,e"& T%ese e+tremities lea,es a lot o0 o!!ortunit( 0or marketers* $ot% In"ian an" international& One o0 t%e ke( gro2t% 0actors %as $een t%e s%i0t to ser,ice sector* 2%ic% accounts 0or 36D o0 t%e total DP& 'e" $( ser,ices suc% as IT* telecommunication* %ealt%care an" retailing* t%e ser,ices sector is likel( to !la( an e,en more im!ortant role in t%e In"ian econom(& In"ia %as a large num$er o0 retail enter!rises& Eit% close to ?B million retail outlets In"ia %as one o0 t%e %ig%est retail "ensities in t%e 2orl"& In terms o0 t%e structure* t%e in"ustr( is 0ragmente" an" !re"ominantl( consists o0 in"e!en"ent* o2ner manage" s%o!s BIG BAZAR Big Bazaar is a c%ain o0 "e!artment stores in In"ia currentl( 2it% ?66 outlets& It is o2ne" $( Pantaloon Retail In"ia 't"* Future rou!& It 2orks on t%e same econom( mo"el as Eal=Mart an" %as $een success0ul in man( In"ian cities an" small to2ns& T%e i"ea 2as Pioneere" $( entre!reneur Mr& )is%ore Bi(ani* t%e C7O o0 Future rou!& Currentl( Big Bazaar stores are locate" onl( in In"ia& It is t%e 0astest gro2ing c%ain o0 "e!artment stores an" aims at %a,ing F36 stores $( B6?6& Big Bazaar is t%e "estination 2%ere (ou get !ro"ucts a,aila$le at !rices lo2er t%an t%e MRP* setting a ne2 le,el o0 stan"ar" in !rice* con,enience an" 4ualit(& MGNG7M7NT FUNCTION It 2as "escri$e" $( Henr( Fa(ol in t%e (ear ?@66 2%en %e 2as t%e C7O o0 a large mining com!an(& Fa(ol %as note" managers at al le,els o!erating in a 0or !ro0it or not 0or !ro0it organization* must !er0orm eac% o0 t%e 0unctions o0 : Planning T%e organization#s long term goal is to ca!ture a major !ie in t%e market s%are an" earn goo" !ro0its& For t%is !ur!ose t%e organization %as: H G Procurement !lan 2%ere it !rocures its 0inis%e" goo"s /a!!arels1 0rom ,arious $ran" manu0acturers& H G outlet site selection !lan /to o!en at con,enient an" !ro0ita$le location1 H G marketing !lan 2%ere /Collect a!!arels* 0oot2ear etc 0rom com!anies an" allocate store s!ace etc&* G",ertising&1 H G 0inance !lan on re,enues an" e+!en"iture an" %o2 man( stores to o!en* %o2 man( $ran"s to kee!& Directing H Ne2 !ro"uctsI "esigns to $e intro"uce" /Juantit(=2ise an" Kariet(=2ise1& H I"enti0ication o0 !ro!er stores location H Continuous su!!l( o0 in,entories 0rom su!!liers /Pre!aration o0 Procurement sc%e"ule1 H In,entor( !lanning* monitoring* an" tracking o0 2ork in !rocess& Coordinate and Controls H In,entor( control to kee! t%e cost at o!timum le,el& H Or"ers !lace" to t%e su!!liers 0or in,entories& H Kolumes o0 t%e or"ers 0rom t%e customers t%at t%e com!an( can %an"le H Organize" re!orts at all le,els& H Com!etitors HUMGN R7-OURC7 MGNG7M7NT T%e e00ecti,e use o0 !eo!le to ac%ie,e $ot% organizational an" in"i,i"ual goals& It is actuall( e00ecti,e recruitment* selection* "e,elo!ment* com!ensation* an" utilization o0 %uman resources $( organizations& Key functions Human resource management ser,es t%ese ke( 0unctions: ?& Recruitment 9 -election B& Training an" De,elo!ment /Peo!le or Organization1 F& Per0ormance 7,aluation an" Management 5& Promotions 3& Re"un"anc( L& In"ustrial an" 7m!lo(ee Relations M& Recor" kee!ing o0 all !ersonal "ata& @& Com!ensation* !ensions* $onuses etc in liaison 2it% Pa(roll C& Con0i"ential a",ice to internal NcustomersN in relation to !ro$lems at 2ork ?6& Career "e,elo!ment In a $usiness 2%ere in"i,i"uals com!rise t%e !rinci!al asset* t%e structure o0 t%e !eo!le !(rami" in0luences t%e 4ualit( o0 kno2le"ge ca!ture"* t%e s!ee" 2it% 2%ic% "ecisions are ma"e an" t%e morale o0 t%e organization& Human Resource is one o0 t%e critical su!!ort 0unctions an" 0orms anot%er ke( element o0 t%e cor!orate $ack$one& BI BG8GGR Peo!le Management -(stem BI BG8GGR Peo!le management s(stem is $uilt on 3 !illars o0 !eo!le $ase" gro2t%: a& Culture Buil"ing $& Per0ormance Management t%roug% Balance" -coreCar" c& Peo!le Processes "& Management Processes e& 'ea"ers%i! 7+cellence Organization Structure Our organization is %ea"e" $( our Managing Director& Ee 0ollo2 an in,erse !(rami" structureA as a result "ecisions are taken closest to t%e !oint o0 customer action& -ales e+ecuti,e are encourage" to t%ink customer 0irst& T%e( are em!o2ere" to run t%eir res!ecti,e "e!artments like <small siness o2ners#& HUMGN R7-OURC7 D7PGRTM7NT OF BI BG8GGR T%e HR "e!artment o0 Big Bazaar is ,er( "(namic& 7m!lo(ees are t%e $iggest strengt% an" asset o0 an( organization an" t%e HR "e!t realizes t%is ,er( 2ell& T%is is ,er( e,i"ent 0rom t%e 2a( t%e HR "e!artment %an"les all its em!lo(ees& T%e( take utmost care to select* train* moti,ate an" retain all t%e em!lo(ees& T%e( %a,e continuous "e,elo!mental Programs 0or all t%e em!lo(ees& T%ere are t2o s%i0ts 0or t%e em!lo(ees& T%e 0irst s%i0t em!lo(ees arri,e at ?6GM in t%e morning an" lea,e at M&F6 in t%e e,ening* 2%ile t%e secon" s%i0t em!lo(ees re!ort at ?B&F6 in t%e a0ternoon an" lea,e at t%e time o0 -tore closing /?6!m1& For an( %r acti,it( one o0 t%e major acti,it( is recruitment o0 t%e em!lo(ee& T%e 0ollo2ing are t%e main sources t%roug% 2%ic% Big Bazaar recruit it em!lo(ees& Sources of Recruitment a1 Consultanc( -er,ices: For to! le,el management* em!lo(ees are recruite" t%roug% !ri,ate consultants& T%e( are usuall( a!!ointe" as De!artmental Managers& $1 Ealk=ins: T%is is t%e main source t%roug% 2%ic% Big Bazaar recruits its em!lo(ees& Peo!le seeking jo$ usuall( t%emsel,es a!!roac% t%e HR "e!artment 0or jo$ ,acanc(& 7m!lo(ees usuall( selecte" 0rom t%is source are a!!ointe" at t%e entr( le,el as team mem$ers& c1 7m!lo(ee Re0errals: T%is is t%e ot%er main source t%roug% 2%ic% em!lo(ees are selecte"& Can"i"ates 2%o %a,e gi,en t%eir !re,ious em!lo(er as re0errals are 0irst inter,ie2e" an" 0rom t%eir !re,ious em!lo(er* o!inion is taken a$out t%eir $e%a,iour an" !er0ormance in t%e jo$& I0 t%e( recei,e a !ositi,e o!inion 0rom t%eir !re,ious em!lo(er t%e( are selecte"& "1 Cam!us Recruitment: >oung !eo!le $ring ne2 i"eas an" 0res% ent%usiasm& T%ere0ore Big Bazaar ,isits some o0 t%e re!ute" e"ucational institutions to %ire some o0 t%e most talente" an" !romising stu"ents as its em!lo(ees& e1-election Proce"ure: T%e 0ollo2ing is t%e selection !roce"ure t%at t%e HR "e!artment !ractices to %ire its em!lo(ees& i1 Inter,ie2: For entr( le,el jo$s* t%e can"i"ates are inter,ie2e" $( a HR !erson& T%e( are aske" a 0e2 $asis 4uestions a$out t%eir e"ucation* !re,ious 2ork e+!erience i0 an(* languages kno2n etc& T%is is "one to e,aluate t%e can"i"ate#s a$ilit( to communicate 0reel( an" also ot%er skills& ii1 Ps(c%ometric Tests: For %ig%er an" to! le,el jo$s* can"i"ates are aske" to ans2er a 0e2 4uestions 2%ic% $asicall( test t%eir s%ar!ness* anal(tical a$ilit(* a$ilit( to %an"le stress* !resence o0 min" etc& T%is is "one as Managers are re4uire" to 2ork un"er stress all t%e time an" still maintain a cool %ea" to make some ,ital "ecisions& iii1 rou! Discussion: In cam!us recruitment stu"ents are in,ol,e" in a rou! Discussion* 2%ere t%e( 2ill $e gi,en a to!ic on 2%ic% t%e grou! %as to "eli$erate* "iscuss an" arri,e at a solution or a "ecision 2%ic% is acce!te" $( t%e 2%ole grou!& Glong 2it% t%e D t%e( are also gi,en a 2ritten a!titu"e test& Finall( a 0ormal inter,ie2 2ill $e con"ucte" to assess t%e o,erall skills o0 t%e stu"ent& Induction Ne2 em!lo(ees selecte" 2ill $e gi,en a ?F "a( in"uction an" training !rogram& T%e( 2ill $e gi,en in0ormation a$out t%e com!an(#s $usiness* "i00erent "e!artments etc& T%e( 2ill $e in0orme" o0 t%eir roles* "uties an" res!onsi$ilities& T%e( 2ill also $e in0orme" a$out t%e HR !olicies an" rules o0 t%e com!an(& T%e ne2 em!lo(ees 2ill $e on !ro$ation 0or a !erio" o0 L mont%s& G0ter t%is !erio" t%e HR !erio" along 2it% t%e "e!artment manager 2ill re,ie2 t%e !er0ormance o0 t%e em!lo(ee& I0 t%e em!lo(ee#s !er0ormance is goo" an" encouraging* t%e em!lo(ee#s ser,ices 2ill $e con0irme"& Com!ensation 9 Re2ar"s T%e em!lo(ees are re2ar"e" suita$l( 2it% attracti,e !a( !ackages& T%e salar( o0 an em!lo(ee inclu"es $asic !a(& HRG* s!ecial allo2ance* PF*7-I* Me"iclaim etc& Gnnual $onus 2ill $e gi,en at t%e time o0 Di2ali& T%e em!lo(ees an" t%eir "e!en"ents are also entitle" 0or me"ical treatment in recognize" %os!itals 2it% cas%less %os!italization 2it% 2%om t%e com!an( %as tie=u!s& I0 a %os!ital is not recognise"* t%e amount s!ent $( t%e em!lo(ee 2ill $e reim$urse"& Glong 2it% t%ese all t%e em!lo(ees are gi,en a car" kno2n as <7m!lo(ee Discount car"# /7DC1 t%roug% 2%ic% t%e( can $u( an( !ro"uct at Big Bazaar at a s!ecial "iscount o0 B6=F6 D& 'ea,es an" ot%er rules Gn em!lo(ee "uring %is !ro$ationar( !erio" is entitle" 0or M "a(s o0 lea,e& G con0irme" em!lo(ee is entitle" 0or F6 "a(s o0 lea,e in a (ear& T%ere is onl( one t(!e o0 lea,e t%e em!lo(ees can take 2%ic% is kno2n as Gll Pur!ose 'ea,e /GP'1& Gll t%e em!lo(ees 2ill $e gi,en i"entit( car"s 2%ic% t%e( %a,e to 2ear an" also s2i!e 2%ile at t%e time o0 entering an" lea,ing t%e -tore& Per0ormance G!!raisal T%e HR "e!artment con"ucts !er0ormance a!!raisal o0 all t%e em!lo(ees annuall( in t%e mont% o0 G!ril& Base" on t%eir !er0ormance increments 2ill $e gi,en in t%eir !a(& In a""ition to t%is i0 an em!lo(ee ac%ie,es or e+cee"s t%e target gi,en to along 2it% t%eir team mem$ers 2ill $e !ro,i"e" 2it% attracti,e cas% an" ot%er incenti,es& Training 9 De,elo!ment Future grou! %as its o2n training "i,ision 0or all its em!lo(ees* kno2n as <Future 'earning 9 De,elo!ment 'imite"# /F'D'1& Gll t%e em!lo(ees are gi,en training 0or B6 "a(s in a (ear s!rea" o,er "i00erent !erio"s& Retention -trateg( Ee stri,e to 0oster a 0eeling o0 2ell=$eing in our em!lo(ees t%roug% care an" res!ect* 2e %a,e se,eral structure" !rocesses inclu"ing em!lo(ee mentoring an" grie,ance management !rogrammes 2%ic% are inten"e" to 0acilitate a 0rien"l( an" co%esi,e organisation culture& O00=site acti,ities are encourage" to im!ro,e inter=!ersonal relations%i!& Ee also ackno2le"ge t%e e00orts e+erte" $( our em!lo(ees $( organisation an annual cele$ration calle" <Pantaloon Da(# 2%ere 2e recognize em!lo(ees 2%o %a,e s%o2n e+ce!tional talent* sincerit( an" "e"ication& Ee %a,e im!lemente" an em!lo(ee suggestion !rogramme calle" <Prerna# 2%erein t%e em!lo(ee can gi,e t%eir suggestions& 7,er( 4uarter t%e $est suggestion recei,e" !er zone !er 0ormat is a2ar"e" !rize calle" :ol"en Ca!;& Eork Culture at Big Bazaar Gt Pantaloon Retail* 7m!o2erment is 2%at (ou ac4uire an" Free"om at Eork is 2%at (ou get& Ee $elie,e our most ,alua$le assets are our Peo!le& >oung in s!irit* a",enturous in action* 2it% an a,erage age o0 BM (ears* our skille" 9 4uali0ie" !ro0essionals 2ork in an en,ironment 2%ere c%ange is t%e onl( constant& Po2ere" $( t%e "esire to create !at%= $reaking !ractices an" %el" toget%er $( ,alues* 2ork in t%is !eo!le intensi,e in"ustr( is "ri,en $( so0ter issues& In our 2orl"* making a "i00erence to Customers# li,es is a Passion an" !er0ormance is t%e ke( t%at makes it !ossi$le& Out o0 t%e Bo+ t%inking %as $ecome a 2a( o0 li0e at Pantaloon Retail an" li,ing 2it% t%e c%ange* a %a$it& 'ea"ers%i! is a ,alue t%at is 0ollo2e" $( one an" all at Pantaloon Retail& 'ea"ers%i! is t%e 4ualit( t%at moti,ates us to ne,er sto! learning* stretc%ing to reac% t%e ne+t c%allenge* kno2ing t%at 2e 2ill $e re2ar"e" along t%e 2a(& In t%e 4uest o0 creating an In"ian mo"el o0 retailing* Pantaloon Retail %as taken initiati,es to launc% man( retail 0ormats t%at %a,e come to ser,e as a $enc%mark in t%e in"ustr(& Belie,ing in lea"ers%i! %as gi,en us t%e o!timism to c%ange an" $e success0ul at it& Ee "o not !re"ict t%e 0uture* $ut create it& Gt Pantaloon Retail (ou 2ill get an o!!ortunit( to %an"le multi!le res!onsi$ilities* an" t%erein* t%e grooming to !la( a larger role in t%e 0uture& Eork is a uni4ue mi+ o0 !reser,ing our core In"ian ,alues an" (et !ro,i"ing customers 2it% a ser,ice* on !ar 2it% international stan"ar"s& Gt Pantaloon (ou 2ill 2ork 2it% some o0 t%e $rig%test !eo!le 0rom "i00erent s!%eres o0 in"ustr(& Ee $elie,e it#s a !lace 2%ere (ou can li,e (our "reams an" !ursue a career t%at re0lects (our skills an" !assions& CONCLUSION Big Bazaar is un"ou$te"l( t%e num$er one retailer in In"ia& It %as $uilt a ,er( emotional an" cor"ial relations%i! 2it% its customers& It is also ,er( inten"ing to $uil" long=term relations%i! 2it% all its stake%ol"ers* 2%ic% is ,er( essential 0or a success0ul $usiness ,enture& It is o$ser,e" t%at t%e organisation %ierarc%( is !ro0essional as all t%e "e!artmental Managers "irectl( re!ort to t%e -tore Manager 2%o in turn re!orts to t%e 8onal Hea"& Big Bazaar* 2it% B3 (ears o0 e+!erience in t%e 0iel" o0 2ea,ing 0a$rics* is t%e lea"ing G!!arels an" 0as%ion "esign Fa$ric Com!an(& T%ere e+ist a %ealt%( an" !ositi,e relations%i! $et2een em!lo(ees an" managers& T%e em!lo(ees acce!t t%eir res!onsi$ilities 2%ole%earte"l(* acce!t t%at it is t%eir res!onsi$ilit( to carr( out a !art o0 t%e acti,ities o0 t%e com!an( an" t%e( 2ill $e %el" accounta$le 0or t%e 4ualit( o0 t%eir 2ork& It is 0oun" t%at more t%an L6D o0 em!lo(ees are o0 t%e age grou! o0 B6=F3& From t%is it re,eals t%at com!an( is %a,ing (oung an" energetic 2ork0orce 2%o are ,er( creati,e* ent%usiastic an" also ,er( "etermine" to gro2 in t%eir career an" in turn %el!ing t%e com!an( to gro2& Eorking en,ironment is goo" an" also t%e ,arious 0acilities !ro,i"e" %el!s in moti,ating t%e em!lo(ees& T%e com!an( is reac%ing out to all t%e sections o0 t%e societ( as it is creating a %(!ermarket 2%ere not onl( t%e ric% !eo!le s%o! $ut also t%e mi""le an" t%e lo2er class customers come to enjo( t%e 2%ole s%o!!ing e+!erience&
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