Bibliography on Russian Guitar

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Bibliography on Russian Guitar9/9/09 8:22 PM A Basic Bibliography on the Guitar in Russia in 19th- and 20th-Century compiled by JcG 1. Russian sources in chronological order Books and Essays from 1700 to 1899 1. Jakov Shtelin, Nahr von Die Musik in Russland, St.Petersburg 1769. This book was re-issued in 1935 bearing the title Izvestija o muzyke v Rossii Muzykalnoe nasledie (News on Russian Music - Musical Inheritance). A copy at Glinka Museum (f. 359, N° 71, l. 231-232). The writer Jakov Shtelin, a Petersburg dweller, was a member and a professor of the Russian Science Academy and an encyclopedist numbered as being one of the earliest Russian musical historians. He was active until 1740 as columnist for the newspaper S.Peterburgskie vedomosti. He was able to provide us with the earliest indications on the guitar cultivation in Russia. This is in all probability the first source on the appearance of guitar in Russia. The author describes it as follows: "At the end of the telling about the musical news and curiosity at court of Elizabeth, one should mention also the Italian kitarra [sic], (La Chitarra [sic, in Latin], namely the "gitara" [in Russian] together whit his countryman mandolin, brought thanks to the Italians, it appeared in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and he could not been employed, as in England, for the accompaniment of loving sighs under the front door of the lover, in our country where neither night Serenate [sic] nor the sighs along the streets are usual". Shtelin published also an Opera bearing the title "Triton", as a separate booklet under the name "Music and ballet in 18th-Century Russia". 2. Nikolaj Petrovich Makarov, Dve sestrichki (Two little sisters), Bank Tscheslavija (Bank of vainglory), Stradalcheskij krest (The cross of the martyrdom), St.-Petersburg 1861. This romances were signed by the author with the pseudonym "Ghermochen Trechzvevdockin". These are three quite big volumes of literary and autobiographical character. The author N.P. Makarov (1810-1890) was an important 6-string guitarist, highly educated, eminent lexicographer (it is mentioned he was also author of three dictionary) and the writer of the text of a famous Romance by Guriliev ("Odnozvuchno gremit kolokolcik"). In his books one can find a vivid description of the guitar history in its decay period. 3. Mikhail Stakhovich, Istorija semistrunnoj gitary (History of the seven-string guitar), St.Petersburg, ed. Stellovski, 1864. This book is the re-issue of the original text appeared in the magazine "Moskvitjanin", Moscow 1854, N°4 and "Akkord", 1864, N° 14. This very important text, is mentioned as one of the main source for any research in the field of history of guitar in Russia by all Russian musicologists. Page 1 of 10 The volume 6 is dedicated to the guitar in Russia and in the West. The book was repeatedly quoted by the American musicologist Matanya Ophee. http://www. 6. Bilingual edition (Russian . Josef Zuth. The author. Internatzionalnyj soyuz gitaristov (The International Union of guitarists).justclassicalguitar. 3). St. Valerian Rusanov. and also of the International Association of guitarists in München in the years 1900-1901. Kiev 1910 (or 1911). Here it is also re-issued the previous work "Zadushevnaja ispoved". Istoriceskaja spravka o gitare (Historical Notes on the Guitar). see the bibliography of his article "La guitar in Russia" in Il "Fronimo" op. P. Moscow Sergej Spirindovich Zajazkin (1850-1910) was a pupil of Sychra and Vyssotski and was an active performer and propagandist.php Page 2 of 10 . Vyssotski (1791-1837).French) including a Preface and 9 "Rules".com/pen&nail/rusbib. Moscow 1899.-Petersburg 1891. In this volume are included the biographies of the major guitarists of the period. Valerian Rusanov. Aleksandr Faminizyn. Domra i srodnye ej instrumenty russkogo naroda (Domra and other similar instruments of the Russian people). 9/9/09 8:22 PM Nikolaj Makarov. and also the critics of the works of Stakhovich (see ref. Gitara v Rossii (Guitar in Russia). 9. Gitara i gitaristy (Guitar and guitarists).-Petersburg 1874. cit. St. Sergej Zajaizkii. 10. Nikolaj Makarov. Quelques régles du jeu superior de la guitar (Some rules of superior performance on the guitar)). Moi semidesjatiletnie vospominanja i s tem vmeste moja predsmertnaja ispoved (My 50 years of remembering and with them my final confession). Moscow 1902. This contains an authorized summary of the previous works of Valerian Rusanov. This is a very erudite work on the use of the plucked instruments. Chebodko. 11. Handbuch der Laute und Gitarre Guberner Hierhammer. (also erroneously with the only first name of the author. 15 pages. Books and Essays from 1900 up today 8.Bibliography on Russian Guitar 4. This is a detailed biography of the Russian guitarist Mikhail T. This essay contains the first detailed biography of Andrei Ossipovich Sychra (1773-1850) and a the mention of his complete works. 5. 7. St.-Petersburg 1881. Vienna 1926. Moscow 1901. Aleksandr Sergeevich). published in the magazine "Sovremennik" in November 1859. Moscow 1928. It is devoted to the arrival of Andrés Segovia in Russia. guitarreros. 41). histórico.justclassicalguitar. Paganini.php Page 3 of 10 . Muzyka i muzitzirovanie v starom Peterburge (Old Peterburg. M. Casa Romero y Fernandez . The life and the adventures of the noble Nikolaj Petrovic Makarov).Bibliography on Russian Guitar 9/9/09 8:22 PM Vienna 1926. 16. 17. Muzgiz. Analiz stroja 7-mi i 6-ti strunnoj gitary (Analysis of the tuning of the 7. Marshrut v bessmertie. The Music and the Musicians in the old City). 58 pages. Leningrad 1927. Buenos Aires 1933. Stolpjanskij. vol. Diccionario biográfico. guitarristas. I-IV. The entries on the Russian guitar are cured by Valdimir Pavlovic Mashkevich (1888-1971). Zhizn i podvighi ciuchlomskogo dvorjanina Nikolaja Petrovicia Makarova (Root towards the immortality. Modern edition by Facsimile. V. It is here re-issued the volume of the "Memories" of Makarov. Moscow 1927. The notes on Russia were written by Vladimir Mashkevich. printed in 1. Moscow 1933. Moscow 1934. Aleksandr Martinsen. K. http://www. Pjotr Agafoshin. 24 pages This is a self-produced edition by the author. Novoe o gitare (News on the guitar). Neskolko slov o gitare (Some words on the guitar). A. Boris Ejchenbaum. 14. de guitarras. Kuznetzov. Not checked. M. with some attacks against the 7-string guitar. whose here is a portrait "while he executes a pizzicato". Muzhikalno-istoriceskie portrety.000 copies. 13. 15. Kuznetzov. It includes some information on Paganini as guitarist. Mejcik. due to Orphée Edition 1986. Moscow 1937. Starij Peterburg. bibliográfico. crítico.and 6-string guitar). with many satirical notes and critics. Moscow 1935. 19. and some piece of history of the Russian seven-string guitar. Domingo Prat. 18. This essay is re-issued in the volume by Yablokov (ref. 12. Interesting pamphlets about the history of 6-string guitar. in "L'Arte Chitarristica". 41). Paganini as a guitarist. Kamenski (p.justclassicalguitar.678. 719). 27. its perspectives. see "il Fronimo". Russkaja semistrunnaja gitara (The Russian seven-string guitar). with some music examples.) at p. cit. 22.Bibliography on Russian Guitar 9/9/09 8:22 PM 1937.A. Not checked.-Febr.P. Powrozniak Józef. Sovremennje orkestr (The Contemporary Orchestra). Makarov. Gitara v Rossii (La guitar in Russia).000. 152 pages. D. Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne 1966. Ophee. This essay is re-issued in the volume by Yablokov (ref. Moscow 1956. vol. 21. Rogal-Levizkij. 292 it deals on N. R. Gitara od A do Z. Paganini. 1954. Ablòniz). it includes news about the guitarists Giuseppe Santi (who was often mistook in Russian sources with the great composer Giuseppe Sarti. op. 9. Kouchenet (p. Moscow-Leningrad 1948. Boris A. vol. 23. Ivanov. 610 . Modena Gen. Printed in 10. Muzika 1961. Zhizn i tvorcestvo (Paganini. http://www. V. 24. Bèrben n. 1956. its scholars. 645-646). the periods of flourishing and as reported also in M. Manujlov. Muzgiz. Geneva. 767) and mention all the works for guitar by Carlo Canobbio (p. The first appearance of the guitar in Russia. Annales de la Musique et des Musiciens en Russie au XVIIIe siècle. 20. M. Probably the most important essay written by a not-Russian author. 55 anno X. Life and Work). Gitarist Vyssotskij i Lermontov . Editions de Mont-Blanc. 180 pages. 1948-51. The chapter "The guitar and the Russian song" deals with the genesis of the song "Ekhal kozak za Dunaj" (The kosak went to Danube). Aloys Mooser. 250-2). ed. Leningrad. The introduction is written by Boris Asafiev (1884-1949). 26. II. about Batik (p. 25. Translation from English (the original source is unknown to me) of the story of the friendship between B. In the vol. 4 is presentated the guitar.000 copies. The printed copies of the book were 6. Perott.php Page 4 of 10 . Boris Volman. M. 1961. and its fortune in Western countries (also described by the musicologist M. Perott and N. Ophee). I.Leningradskij almanach (The guitarist Vyssotskij and [the poet] Lermontov Almanac of Leningrad). At p. Jampolskij. Incontro con Makaroff (trasl. Moscow 1977. A.and early 20th-century.000 copies. Muzyka Ispanii (The music of Spain). 33. Here are explained many suggestions and examples on the subject (how to choose the keys. Moscow 1972. 30. 19. It lists many Russian editions in 19th-century. Pocket book of the serie "Musical instruments". A Biographical Dictionary. but their book just popularizes the guitar. 29. 359 pages. Granados and Falla. 1969. Kak delat perelozhenja dlja semistrunnoj gitary (How to conduct a transcription for the 6-string guitar).php Page 5 of 10 . Tvoj drug gitara (La tua amica chitarra). Moscow 1975. Printed in 25. Printed in 10. Segovia. 215 pages.) 34. Russkie notnye izdanija XIX veka (The Russian editions of 19th-century). Anido. Gitara (Guitar). 188 pages.Segovia's activity. Sredne-Uralskoe knizhnoe. Meleshko. History of the 6-string guitar in Europe and Russia. Leningrad 1968. etc. New York.justclassicalguitar. 32. Vodarsky-Shiraeff. Moscow 1977. 62 pages. Martynov. P. Sovietskij Kompozitor. of whom 134 are Russian and Soviet. Boris Volman. with short description of history with few music examples and pictures. Gitara i Gitaristy (The guitar and the guitarists).000 copies. 28. with few pictures. pages 152. Da Capo Press. Sovietskij Kompozitor. Muzika. Boris Volman. with some dozens of Russian guitarists of the 19th. Lev Voinov e Vitalij Derun. Leningrad 1970.L. Russian Composers and Musicians. Brief biographic dictionary. Printed in 10.000 copies. B. ed. I. M. Muzika. Printed in 75. Biographies and news about the guitar in Russia are here contained. http://www. 54-58. Here are mentioned all the recordings by A. In the book are mentioned 605 names. Sverdlosk 1970. Muzika. 72 etc. 27-29. An entire chapter is devoted to the A. 22. 56 pages. Miron Vajsbord. It contains a comparison between the pianoforte and guitar under the influence of the guitar in the works of Albeniz. the guitar can be found on the p. The authors are among the most known scholar and historic now in Russia. Volman. Isaac Albeniz. Llobet and M.Bibliography on Russian Guitar 9/9/09 8:22 PM Muzyczne 1966. with short bibliographies of its performers.000 copies. 35. The biography by Andrés Segovia. Larin. Number of copies: 50. 120 pages. Vospominjanija. Les instruments de musique dans le monde. all his recordings. tir. http://www. article on "Almanach bibliofila" XI.. Here are mentioned all the Segovia's transcriptions. Vol. pages 176. The volume is devoted to the orchestra of folk instruments of the choir "Pjatnitzkij". Moscow 1981. 41. but includes an article by Chvatov on the 7-string guitar. Printed in Andres Segovia. V. I. 1980. Graficheskoe oformlenie notnogo teksta dlja gitary (Graphical formulation of the music guitar text).000. Chvatov. Russkaja narodnaja instrumentalnaja muzika (The Russian popolar instrumental music). Moscow 1984. 142-153. A. 42. Muzika. Poponov. Ucrainian lute-bandurria. Stati. Znanie. Folk instruments in Russia (domra.Bibliography on Russian Guitar 36. Moscow 1985.: 50. Nekotorye voprosy artikuljatzij na nachalnom etape obucenija v klasse gitary (Some problems of articulations in the first stage of teaching in the class of guitar).000. 9/9/09 8:22 PM Francois-Rene Tranchefott. 6 of the serie "problems of musical pedagogy". 37. pisma (Ricordi. Sovietskij Kompozitor. etc). pages 59-70.php Page 6 of 10 . About guitar notation for classic music andd flamenco (128 pages). V. lettere). Obzor literatury (The guitar in Russia. This is probably among the first attempt to generalize the primary and secondary sources about the guitar in Russia. Muzika. Moscow 1981. 40. Moscow 1984. This article was published in the vol. Miron Vajsbord. articoli. Sovietskij Kompozitor. Muzika. 38. Moscow 1984. V. pages 282. It is a very detailed source about the Segovia's journeys in Russia. Editions du Seuil.000 copies. written by Miron Abramovich Vajsbord. almost unknown in the Western. Leningrad 1985. 43. Tziganskoe muzikalnoe isponitelstvo i tvorcestvo v Rossii (The musical performance in the gipsy creativity in Russia) . T. A. Gitara v Rossi. Review of literature). wellknown pianist and musicologist. p. Shcerbakova. Maksimenko. Number of copies: 20. among which the ones by Melodija LPs. It includes an extended bibliography on the subject. Printed in 3350 copies. 112 pagg. 39. Nikolaev. 9 "typewritten books". a bibliography with a short annotation of the printed materials). Tyumen-Ekaterinburg 1992. p. 1988. Gitara Alekseja Kuznetzova (The guitar by Aleksej Kuznetzov). Segovia. Fundamental text for the guitar history. Detskaja literatura. unluckily with many drawbacks. Josef Powrozniak. 50. Early interview with this Russian composer. Problems. musical almanac. 2. Guitar Lexicon. Valuable attempt to write a complete bibliography about the subject. Nikita Koshkin.V. Masters. E. 1986.A. Musatov E V. "The world of the guitar" in "Sovietskaja Muzyka" april 1986. S.M. Shirjalin "La guitar a sette corde".php Page 7 of 10 . 45. 3. 147 "articles in magazines" from 1817. Kuznetsov .000 copies. It is an impressive reprint of a part of the voluminous Mashkevich's archive (preserved at the http://www. obzor i kratkaia annotatzia russkhikh pechatnykh materialov (The guitar. Klassiceskaja Gitara v Rossii i SSSR (The classical guitar in Russia and USSR). 51.V. Interview in Guitar International. Shirjalin "Osannato da Lermontov (su Vissotskij)".com/pen&nail/rusbib. 59 "schools and autodidactical methods" from the Vysotski's School (1866). Kuznetzov "La guitar nel jazz". V. I. Yuri Rimkavicjus "Il canto leggendario della chitarra (su M. Gitara. Gazarjan. It includes a collection of music and articles by A.000 copies.. V. Verlag Neue Musik Berlin. Mosca 1987. Moscow 1987. Rasskaz o gitare (Story about the guitar). V. who published " more then 40" ones 47. Sverdlosk (Ekaterinburg). September 1986. lists 50 printed "books". 14 "catalogs". M. It includes as annex: 1. A. Kolosov. Rekhin. A. Nazarov "About the guitar". Evolution. An overview of the various types of guitars."The musical palette of the guitar" (8 pages). 44. Laricev "La tecnica di Segovia". 67 pages. 268-272. Igor Rekhin. Menro e A. The book. first exit 1987 Printed in 10. 48 pages Printed in 20. Popov.justclassicalguitar. L. "The guitar in rhymes" (59 pages). Articolo contained in the book "Soviet Jazz.Bibliography on Russian Guitar 9/9/09 8:22 PM includes an article by Chvatov on the 7-string guitar. about 1300 pages The volume was printed in 3."Analisis of the guitar tunings" (12 pages).". the many subsequent ones will not be mentioned. 46. A. Russkaja Entziklopedija. Sokolovski)".000 copies. 8 "programs of study and methodic instructions". Yablokov e A. 49. One of the article by I. 48. Evgenij Larichev "The 6-string guitar".A: Rusanov . their history and a chapter on A. updated until 1988. 335 "articles in newspapers" from 1801. "Gitara". from F. V. La musique pour guitare du compositeur moscovite Igor REKHIN. 54. The redactors' committee comprises. Liudmila Rapatskaia. The dictionary lists a great number of Russian guitar professionals and aficionados. Vitalij M. these authors: Mikhail S. La chitarra degli Jan. 57. The photos archive begin with the early 19th-century. p.Ustinov. Anastasija V. Guitar periodical. 52. Eric Godel-Cecco. and just some composers of the same area (the listing of them is quite uncomplete). Shirjanin. numbered by columns (from 3 to 2108 for the numbered pages. guitar teacher at the Tyumen Institute. coming up the newest Russian guitar generation. Paris. 1993. Suroviatin.-Feb. but at the end there is a long unnumbered photographic file of about 120 pages). In the internal pages the photos are absent and the musical examples are almost rare. 55. Moscow dweller. Paris. Poema o gitare (Poem on the Guitar). concertist of seven-string Russian guitar. V. beside many cultural and artistic societies of Tyumen. doctor of historical sciences. Ph. Les Cahier de la Guitare et de la Musique no.justclassicalguitar. A. to my knowledge it exited in one number only. 1994. with many reproductions of very old guitars. A divulgative summary of aspects related to the subject. Bàrdina. Marco Bazzotti. Petr Ivanovic Panin: Invitation au voyage. Moscow 1994. Zotov and S. 1994. The pages are printed in two columns. 2. but there is space for the long biographies and the list of works of the musicians. 48. Unluckily. until about 1991. 12-19. and complete genealogies of pupils. Seicorde no. thers is no index of all the bulk of materials contained therein. Les Cahiers de la Guitare et de la Musique n°50. Yablokov. Derun.P. ed. Danilov. 56. Analysis of the music by this composer. 53. Rekhin. Russian National Library Svodnij Katalog Rossijskikh Notnykh Izdanij. The chapter "The Guitarra in Rhymes" is a collection of hundreds poetries and songs inspired by the guitar. 58.php Page 8 of 10 . Dr. N. coming from all the former Soviet Union. 1994.and 7-string guitar. 3 (1993. Vikom 1993.D. Gitarist' No. There is only a photo by Andrés Segovia together with Piotr Isakov (during the Fifthies). A. the biographies are listed alphabetically (by the 29 initial cirillic letters).Bibliography on Russian Guitar 9/9/09 8:22 PM (59 pages). 1. guitar teacher at the Ural Conservatory. Tom 1: XVIII vek (General catalog of Russian musical printed materials Part 1: 18th-century) http://www. It includes a complete Russian translation of the well known Method for Guitar by Fernando Sor. Nachala-Press. The volume bears as a subtitle "Musical-literary Biographycal Dictionarynewsletter of the Russian and Soviet scholars of the guitar". Gitarnyj Almanakh. 43.Garcia Lorca to Turgenev (included Gitara by Evgenij Evtushenko and Vinceremos by Pablo Neruda). Guitar magazine reissued in Moscow by Volkov and I. Summary of Russian guitar schools for 6. It is an impressive reprint of a part of the voluminous Mashkevich's archive (preserved at the Glinka's Museum in Moscow). 1996). Interviewed by Peter Päffgen for G&L. in Il Fronimo XV/58 1987 Jan. Soundboard XVIII/1 1991 Spring. Annotation and edition of the piece.P. etc. "Piccolo Fantasia. of international copyright. with biographical info on the composer. 1993 Nov/Dec. D. Annotation and edited facsimile of the piece(in German). editorial http://www. Russian guitar music. G. Righini. Yerundovski (a fictitious persona created jointly with George Warren). Soundboard XVII/3 1990 Fall. Variationen uber "Carnaval de Venice" von Nikolai Petrovich Makaroff. recent publications. In German. The guitar is here represented by songs with guitar(s) accompaniment. 1982 Sept/Oct. "Svetlana’s Lullaby" by Tikhon Khrennikov. Martin-y-Soler. 1. "Etude" by Nikolai Alexandrov. "Tarantella" by Alexandr Mikhailovich Ivanov-Kramskoi. "Der Patriarch der russischen Gitarristen: Andrei Osipovich Sychra". "Variations of Carnival de Venice" by N. In German. In Japanese. Historical Notes. bio info on Sychra.F. willful or otherwise. discusses controversial writings. "Andrei Osipovich Sychra". Ophee: "The Memoirs of Makaroff". in Classical Guitar XII/4 Part 1 of 2. General history of guitar in Russia. 1986. the Russian Koslovsky. Saporiti. Discusses the pirating of music publications by many Soviet guitarists "Slawische Robin Hoods—oder bloß gemeine Räuber?" in Gitarre & Laute XV/5. Articles M. in Gitarre & Laute XV/6. plus mea culpa re The in Classical Guitar X/4 1991 Dec. Questions of Soviet and Russian guitarists’ Kourakin. in Classical Guitar XII/5. (from pages 77 to 87). Missini. and edition of the piece. or Hoodlums?" in The Orphée Catalogue. 59. Makaroff’s Confession regarding the competition at which Mertz won first prize. A. Annotation. "The Patriarch of Russian Guitarists—Andrei Osipovich Sychra". V. an appraisal of some works by Sychra. M. vol. Translation and annotation of two reviews of Perott’s comcerts in pre-Revolutionary Russia. Also appeared in CG XII 4 and 5. "Slavic Robin Hoods." and The Four Concert Etudes. Gitarre & Laute IV/5. Discusses concert etudes.Bibliography on Russian Guitar 9/9/09 8:22 PM Part 1: 18th-century) It lists many guitar editions of the period. 1994 Jan.justclassicalguitar. discusses inherent difference in flavor of Russian vs. Soundboard XVII/2 1990 Summer. Muschietti. Soundboard XIX/2 1992 Summer. Makaroff. with information on scholars and composers/enthusiasts. the Italian Mortellari. in Soundboard IX/3 . Part 2 of 2. The other part are awaited. Tarchi. M. Supplementing the truncated translation by Vladimir Bobri and Nora Ulrich previously published in the Guitar Review.php Page 9 of 10 . or guitar duo. and About This Edition: The Russian Collection. Soundboard XVIII/4 1992 Winter. by the (presumably) Frenchmen J. Annotation and edition of the piece. Introduction. Solzi. in Gendai Guitar XXVII/350 1994 July. Soundboard IX/3 1982 Fall. Rosselli. in Gitarre & Laute XV/1 1993 Jan/Feb.B. Pergolesi. "The Post" by Marek Sokolovski. Marrone.B. "The Patriarch of Russian Guitarists—Andrei Osipovich Sychra". As Shutka O." by Ivan Smertseevich Ovsianiko-Kulikovski. Millet and Dalayrac. T. including variations on "Not a Single Path in the Field. Western musical compositions.N. and the Countess Golowin. P. Hainglaise. Annotation/question and edition of the piece. "Drei Romane von Agatha Christie und amerikanischer Rock’n Roll". Annotation and edition of the piece. includes edition for 6-string guitar of "Not a Single Path in the Field". "La Chitarra in Russia: osservazioni dall’Occidente". Boutourlin. A discussion of players and compositions of and for the guitar in Russia (in Italian).1982 Fall. with Latin transliterations. B. "The Spinster" by Mikhail Timofeevich Vyssotsky. Ophee: "The Musical Activity of Boris Perott in Russia". 1993. 1993 Sept/Oct. Segovia. Soundboard IX/2 1982 Summer. 1993 Dec. Dalgourokin. Annotation and edition of the piece. The present version will be keep updated as soon as possible to the author. historical commentary on the etudes. http://www. Introduction: Music by St. Milan 1998. From the Editor: Music by Soviet Composers (Russian Collection Volume V). Collection vol. Informazioni sulla privacy. 104 of "il Fronimo". editorial methodology. much of it on Asafiev. Just Classical Guitar . Oleg Timofeyev and Marco Bazzotti. About this Edition: Andrei Sychra. Prelude et Valse. Petersburg Composers for Classical Guitar (Russia. End Notes This bibliography. 60. Biographies of the composers and brief discussion of the edition.Milano . Editor’s Preface: Sergei Rudnev. 27-40. Biography of Sychra.php Page 10 of 10 . I wish to thank Mr Oleg V. Four Concert Etudes (Russian Collection Volume II). 1992. Editor’s Preface: Boris Asafiev. 1993.Firenze.the CG Web portal. and performance discussion. 4) 1994. Introduction to Nocturne by Vasilii Sarenko. biographical info on the composers of the pieces in this volume and some commentary on the pieces themselves. Timofeyev for his suggestions and corrections. ITALIA Tutti i diritti riservati. with information on scholars and composers/enthusiasts. is forcedly uncompleted and a work in fieri. Introduction. Detailed biographical info and commentary on the pieces. History and anecdoctes of the Russian 7-string guitar of the Golden Age. 1989. dedicated to Leif Christensen. due to its nature. The Orphée Catalogue. Russian Folk Songs for classical guitar (Russian Collection Volume III) 1994.justclassicalguitar. Asafiev’s relationship to the guitar and commentary on the manuscripts and editorial procedures. Music for Guitar Solo (Russian Collection Volume VI) 1992. Pen JcG Romatic Modern JcG & Web Guitar Guitar Home Nail portal Copyright © 1995-2009 Just Classical Guitar . I will be grateful to anybody who wish to help me with translations and insertion of new data.Bibliography on Russian Guitar 9/9/09 8:22 PM General history of guitar in Russia. no. Discusses the genesis of this edition and of the folk songs which it emulates. La chitarra eptacorde nella cultura russa dell'Ottocento. Brief note on the arrangement for 6-string guitar.
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