Bibliography Byzantine Law a Books

March 17, 2018 | Author: Safaa Saeid | Category: Legal Ethics, Jurisprudence, Roman Law, Government Information, Former Empires Of Europe



A Bibliography of Byzantine LawA. Books on Byzantine Law © woensdag, oktober 21, 2015, Tom van Bochove A 1 BAert Loki Radt Wal 1985 W.J. Aerts / J.H.A. Lokin / S.L. Radt / N. van der Wal, [edd.], ΣΧΟΛΙΑ. Studia ad criticam interpretationemque textuum graecorum et ad historiam iuris graeco-romani pertinentia viro doctissimo D. Holwerda oblata, Groningen 1985 Contents (articles on Byzantine Law only):  pp. 11-27: L. Burgmann, ‘Eine byzantinische Juristenkontroverse zum kirchlichen Verjährungsprivileg’,  pp. 75-89: J.H.A. Lokin, ‘Scholion in Theophili Paraphrasin 4,6,2’,  pp. 119-133: D. Simon, ‘Balsamon zum Gewohnheitsrecht’,  pp. 135-141: B.H. Stolte jr., ‘Interpretatio schol(i)astica: Dig. 27,1,14,4’,  pp. 143-148: N. van der Wal, ‘Die Prätoren in Konstantinopel und ein Scholion zur Institutionenparaphrase des Theophilos’,  pp. 149-155: W.J. Zwalve, ‘Περὶ ᾿Εναντιοφανειῶν’, BAliv 1913 1973 H.S. Alivisatos, Die kirchliche Gesetzgebung des Kaisers Justinian I., [Neue Studien zur Geschichte der Theologie und der Kirche, 17], Berlin 1913 (repr. Aalen 1973) B- V. Arangio-Ruiz, [cur.], Opere di Contardo Ferrini. I: Studi di diritto romano Aran bizantino, [Fondazione Guglielmo Castelli, 5], Milano 1929 1929 Contents:  pp. 1-14: C. Ferrini, ‘Intorno all’opportunità di una nuova edizione della Parafrasi di Teofilo e intorno alle fonti di questa, ai sussidi e al metodo’, Nota presentata dal M.E. Antonio Buccellati, e letta al R. Istituto lombardo nell’adunanza dell’ 11 gennaio 1883, in: Rendiconti, ser. II, 16 (1883), pp. 56ff.  pp. 15-25: C. Ferrini, ‘La Parafrasi di Teofilo ed i Commentari di Gaio’, Nota presentata dal M.E.A. Buccellati e letta al R. Istituto Lombardo nell’ adunanza del 17 maggio 1883, in: Rendiconti, ser. II, 16 (1883), pp. 565ff.  pp. 27-39: C. Ferrini, ‘Note critiche al libro IV dello Pseudo-Teofilo’, Nota letta al R. Istituto Lombardo nell’adunanza dell’ 11 dicembre 1884, in: Rendiconti, ser. II, 17 (1884), pp. 891-902  pp. 41-56: C. Ferrini, ‘La Glossa torinese delle Istituzioni e la Parafrasi dello Pseudo-Teofilo’, Nota letta al R. Istituto Lombardo nell’adunanza del 31 Juglio 1884, in: Rendiconti, ser. II, 17 (1884), pp. 714-729  pp. 57-69: C. Ferrini, Prolegomena a “Institutionum graeca paraphrasis Theophilo antecessori vulgo tributa”, pars prior (Berolini 1884)  pp. 71-79: C. Ferrini, ‘Natura e diritto nella Parafrasi greca delle Istituzioni’, Nota letta al R. Istituto Lombardo nell’adunanza del 12 novembre 1885, in: Rendiconti, ser. II, 18 (1885), pp. 857-865 2                   pp. 81-103: C. Ferrini, ‘I commentarii di Gaio e l’indice greco delle Istituzioni’, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 6 (1897), pp. 547-565 pp. 105-137: C. Ferrini, ‘Delle origini della Parafrasi greca delle Istituzioni’, Archivio giuridico 37 (1886), pp. 353-414 pp. 139-224: C. Ferrini, ‘Scolii inediti allo Pseudo-Teofilo contenuti nel manoscritto Gr. Par. 1364’, Memorie Ist. Lomb., terza serie, 9 (1886), pp. 1368 pp. 225-228: C. Ferrini, ‘Sugli “stemmata cognationum”’, Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo, ser. II, 30 (1897), pp. 761-763 pp. 229-235: C. Ferrini, ‘Frammenti inediti della versione greca del “Codex Iustinianus” fatta da Anatolio Antecessore’, Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo, ser. II, 17 (1884), pp. 326-331 pp. 237-295: C. Ferrini, ‘Anecdota Laurentiana et Vaticana in quibus praesertim Iustiniani Codicis summae ab Anatolio confectae plurima fragmenta et praefatio ad Institutiones historica continentur’, Memorie R. Istituto Lombardo, ser. III, 17 (1883), pp. 13-50 pp. 297-306: C. Ferrini, ‘Intorno all’indice de’ Digesti di Stefano (nota preliminare)’, BIDR 3 (1890), pp. 61-71 pp. 307-312: C. Ferrini, ‘Frammenti inediti della Somma del Codice di Stefano antecessore’, Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo, ser. II, 29 (1896), pp. 661-666 pp. 313-338: C. Ferrini, ‘Novella di Costantino Monomaco per la prima volta tradotta e illustrata’, Archivio giuridico 33 (1884), pp. 425-448 pp. 339-343: C. Ferrini, ‘Notizia del Cod. Ambrosiano Q. 25 sup. (Compendio di diritto romano in lingua greca)’, Rendiconti del R. Istituto Lombardo, ser. II, 15 (1882), pp. 313-316 pp. 345-347: C. Ferrini, ‘Notizie su alcuni manoscritti importanti per la storia del diritto greco-romano’, BZ 6 (1897), pp. 155-157 pp. 349-352: C. Ferrini, ‘Contributo alla reintegrazione dei Basilici’, Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo, ser. II, 29 (1896), pp. 160-163 pp. 353-356: C. Ferrini, ‘Ein unbekannter Codex rescriptus der Basiliken’, SZ(rA) 17 (1896), pp. 329-332 pp. 357-358: C. Ferrini, ‘Nuovo contributo alla restituzione del libro 53 dei Basilici’, Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo, ser. II, 31 (1898), pp. 772-773 pp. 359-363: C. Ferrini, ‘Di un nuovo palinsesto dei Basilici’, BZ 11 (1902), pp. 905-908 pp. 365-370: C. Ferrini, ‘Sull’ opuscolo greco intitolato “de actionibus”’, Rendiconti del R. Istituto Lombardo, ser. II, 26 (1893), pp. 717-722 pp. 371-373: C. Ferrini, ‘De meletemate quod de nudis pactis inscribitur’, in: Per il XXXV anno d’ insegnamento di Filippo Serafini, Firenze 1892, pp. 31-32 pp. 375-395: C. Ferrini, ‘Edizione critica del νόμος γεωργικός’, BZ 7 (1898), pp. 558-571 3 Ferrini. Scritti sul diritto bizantino di C. Istituto Lombardo. pp. pp. römisch-syrischen Rechtsbuches)’. 431-433 pp. Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo. 477-489: Appendice. ‘Ambitus und angiportus. (Nachtrag zu: Beiträge zur Kenntniss des sog. ‘Gli estratti di Giuliano Ascalonita’. 34 (1901). 443-452: C. Ferrini 4 .       pp. pp. 1087-1094 pp. 467-475: Recensioni da C. 613-622 pp. pp. 65-68 pp. 439-441: C. Ferrini. 101-143 pp. Zachariae von Lingenthal tradotti da C. ser. ‘Beiträge zur Kenntniss des sog. Rivista italiana per le scienze giuridiche 18 (1894). SZ(rA) 23 (1902). Ferrini. Ferrini pp. pp. Ferrini. 397-437: C. ‘Intorno a due papiri giuridici di Harît (Fayûm)’. SZ(rA) 23 (1902). ‘Carolo Eduardo Zachariae von Lingenthal’. 35 (1902). Rendiconti del R. Ferrini. II. 461-465: C. 453-460: C.E. römisch-syrischen Rechtsbuches’. II. ser. Atze Gesta senatus Romani de Theodosiano publicando. ‘Alcune osservazioni sulla prassi documentaria a Ravenna nel VI secolo’.  pp. Mazzucchi / E. [Altertumswissenschaftliche Texte und Studien. 139-171: R. ‘Nuovi valori e ambiguità nella legislazione di Giustiniano’.M.C.  pp.G.]. Bonini. Berlin 2008 B. 225-249: G. Archi. 43-58: G. 113-124: R. ‘La politica ecclesiastica di Giustiniano e la chiesa di occidente’. Oxford 1909 (repr. Hildesheim / Zürich / New York 1989 5 . Tjäder. Archi. 23-42: J. Neue Folge. von Falkenhausen. Biblioteca di “Felix Ravenna”. 91-111: M. Matelli. The Rhodian Sea-Law.-O. Il Codice Teodosiano e la sua 2008 diffusione ufficiale in Occidente. Ruggini. Caratteri e problematiche. 125-137: M.  pp. Magistrale. ‘Il documento nel diritto giustinianeo. Aalen 1976) B.B.G. Avotins. Markus.  pp. ‘L’ultima legislazione pubblicistica di Giustiniano (543565)’.I.L. 59-90: V. Cavallo / F. ‘I rapporti dei ceti dirigenti romani con Costantinopoli dalla fine del V secolo alla fine del VI secolo’.  pp. Band 58]. Atzeri.  pp. 209-223: C. 2]. Amelotti. Avot On the Greek of the Code of Justinian. [ed.  pp. Arch Il mondo del diritto nell’ epoca giustinianea. Simonetti. ‘Libri e Scritture del diritto nell’età di Giustiniano’. 1985 [Università degli studi di Bologna. Ashburner. ‘Giustiniano e la società italiana’. Prassi e legislazione’. Νόμος ῾Ροδίων Ναυτικός. A Supplement to Liddell-Scott-Jones 1989 together with Observations on the Influence of Latin on Legal Greek. [Freiburger Rechtsgeschichtliche Abhandlungen. Band 17].]. Ravenna 1985 Contents:  pp.G. ‘La dottrina dello Stato nel dialogo “sulla scienza politica” e il suo autore’. BAshb 1909 1976 W. 173-207: L. ‘La politica religiosa di Giustiniano’. [ed.  pp.  pp. Istituto di antichità ravennati e bizantine. Hildesheim / Zürich / New York 1992 6 . Avotins.I. Avot On the Greek of the Novels of Justinian.B. A Supplement to Liddell-Scott-Jones 1992 together with Observations on the Influence of Latin on Legal Greek. Band 21]. [Altertumswissenschaftliche Texte und Studien. B 7 . 1-51 BBirk McLe 1987 2001 P. ‘Beiträge zur Revision des Justinianischen Codex’. Philosophischhistorische Abteilung. Translated with an Introduction by Peter Birks & Grant McLeod. London 1987 (impr. Justinian’s Institutes.W. Geschichte der Novellen Justinians.BBene 1934 W.A. Heimbach. Heimbach. Zeitschrift für geschichtliche Rechtswissenschaft.A. t. Beneszewicz. 2001) BBoch 1996 Th. Paris 2011 BBien 1824 1970 Digital: F. Biener. documents. 1-236  K.E. Jahrgang 1934. Berlin 1824 (repr. pp.E. McLeod. With the Latin text of Paul Krueger. études sur le monde byzantin néohellénique et balkanique. Aalen 1970) Contents:  F. 11]. To Date and Not to Date. pp. Berlin 1833 (repr. Pour une nouvelle histoire du droit byzantin. ‘Ungedruckte Constitutionen des Justinianischen Codex aus der Coislinschen Handschrift der Basiliken’.A. Biener / K. van Bochove. Biener.W. Beiträge zur Revision des Justinianischen Codex. [Textes. Heft 7]. Groningen 1996 (two copies) 8 .1560. Melanchthoniana. [Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Aalen 1970) Trekstor\Library\Byzantine Law\Electronic publications\Biener BBien Heim 1833 1970 F. Ein Beitrag zur Literargeschichte des byzantinischen Rechts in Westeuropa 1521 . Zeitschrift für geschichtliche Rechtswissenschaft VII/2. Théorie et pratique juridiques au XIVe siècle. Birks / G. München 1934 BBéno 2011 L. On the Date and Status of Byzantine Law Books.E. Bénou. 9 . in: R.H. Feenstra / A. pp. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 52 (1984). Schmidt.A. 35-46 (also published in: Πρακτικά Β´ Διεθνούς Κυπριολογικού Συνεδρίου. pp. 3].]. Lokin.]. 5-16: J. in: G. 17-33  pp.A. ius antiquum et papyrologicam pertinentia. [Βιβλιοθήκη Βυζαντινοῦ καὶ Μεταβυζαντινοῦ Δικαίου. pp. ‘Administration and Jurisdiction in Cyprus in the 6th Century AD’. 1.A. Vol. Ἐπιστημονική ἀπόδοση στήν Ἑλληνικνή Γλώσσα: Ἀρχιμανδρίτης Ἱερώνυμος Νικολόπουλος.].E.H. IV]. 17-30: J. Pisa 2000. in: F. Collatio iuris romani. 1. The Composition and Decomposition of Roman Law’.C. Lokin. [ed. Lokin. ‘The Work of Penelope. pp. On the Date and Status of Byzantine Law Books – Χρονολογώντας καί Ἐξακριβώνοντας. Antiquity renewed. Amsterdam 1995.6’. 65-73: J. Late Classical and Early Modern Themes. Études dédiées à Hans Ankum à l’occasion de son 65e anniversaire. Subseciva Groningana II (1985). 261-273  pp. Sijpesteijn / L.A.M. Hilversum 1987.A. 255-258  pp.5 en CTh. Ketelaar. [Groningen Studies in Cultural Change. Hartkamp / J. 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[ed. ‘De wetgevingsplannen van keizer Theodosius II ofwel De verhouding tussen CTh. [eds. Lokin. Leuven / Paris / Dudley (Ma) 2003. Αθνήνα – Θεσσαλονίκη 2007 (two copies) BBoch 2010 Th. van Bochove.J. A]. De historie herzien.E. in: Z. von Martels / V. [Atti del Quinto Convegno Nazionale dell’ Associazione di Studi Tardoantichi]. σ. 155-162: J.A. ‘The Novels of Leo and the Decisions of Justinian’. Athen 2008. [Forschungen zur byzantinischen Rechtsgeschichte. [Εταιρεία Κυπριακών Σπουδών].H. ‘Scholion in Theophili Paraphrasin 4. pp.A. [eds.1’.B. in: W. ‘The Influence of the Bar of Thessaloniki on the Legislation of Justinian’. XIII]. 89-97: J. Lokin. 151-154: J.H. Satura Roberto Feenstra sexagesimum quintum annum aetatis complenti ab alumnis collegis amicis oblata. 43-68 pp.A. 175-182: J. Analecta Atheniensia ad ius Byzantinum spectantia. Spruit / C. II: Was Theophilus the author of the Paraphrase?’. 1-9) pp.6. I: The Codex Messanensis.J. Studia ad criticam interpretationemque textuum graecorum et ad historiam iuris graeco-romani pertinentia viro doctissimo D. ‘Dormitat bonus Homerus in Inst. Byzantine Law.A. 97103 (article revised on the basis of J. ‘Anatolius Antecessor’. Anatolius and the Excerpta Vaticana et Laurentiana.7.]. Woesthuis.R.]. [eds. Groningen 1985. I. Le Roy/ P.20. ‘Die Karriere des Theophilos Antecessor.H.A. in: Ch. Holwerda oblata.H. 81-87: J.H. [eds. Weimar. pp.E.A. Lokin. 99-113: J.A.H. Polyphonia Byzantina. pp. in: H. Rang und Titel im Zeitalter Justinians’. Lokin / R. 65-74 pp. in: J.E. [ed.H. in: Sp.H. Fribourg – Freiburg 1985. Ankum / R. Groningen 1999. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 44 (1976). [ed.          Β´: Μεσαιωνικόν τμήμα.H. Subseciva Groningana I (1984). 21-31 pp. ‘Decisio as a Terminus Technicus’. ‘Old questions arising from a new unpublished scholion on Institutes 2. 251-271 pp. Band 15]. Lokin. pp.]. Radt / N.A. ‘Theophilus antecessor. pp. 75-80: J. In memori-am Nikos Oikonomides. [eds.A. van der Wal. Feenstra / J. Groningen 1993. Lokin. Papastathis. Wubbe. 2.A.A. 131-149: J. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Jurists Thessaloniki. Lokin. pp. pp. ΣΧΟΛΙΑ.]. 109-115 pp. Lokin / S. Spruit / F. in: Sp.6’. Cannata / Y.2’. Edition and Commentary.A.L. 24-30) pp. Mélanges Felix Wubbe offerts par ses collègues et ses amis à l’occasion de son soixante-dixième anniversaire. pp.H. Studies in Honour of Willem J. 295-299 pp. Λευκωσία 1986. 10 – 13 Decem-ber 1998.J. ‘Sane uno casu’.H.A. [Forschungen zur byzantinischen Rechtsgeschichte. in: J. Troianos. 337-344 pp. 75-89 pp. Lokin. Fribourg – Freiburg 1993. Aerts / J. Ankum / J. Thessaloniki 2001. pp. Lokin. [Bar Association of Thessaloniki]. 163-173: J.]. Athener Reihe. [ed. [Mediaevalia Groningana.A.M. Lokin. Athener 11 .A.]. 115-129: J. Lokin. Lokin. Hokwerda / E. hodie Kilianus. Κατευόδιον. Troianos.H.]. pp. Meijering. Smits / M. Aerts. Subseciva Groningana V (1992). Bologna 1973 Contents (articles on Roman and Byzantine Law only):  pp. de Ligt / J. Subseciva Groningana IV (1990) (= Novella Constitutio. pp. van Bochove. Nieuwe Reeks. [Proceedings of the Symposium on Law and Society in Byzantium. Lokin Digital: BBoni 1973 R. Essays in Honour of Johannes Emil Spruit. Problemi di storia delle codificazioni e della politica legislativa.A. ‘Habent sua fata Basilica. 71-91  pp.A Lokin.]. 1994.A. 131-150  pp. 2]. First Part: Antiquity.]. Lokin. ‘Reading Basilica cum Scholiis: 11. [Transactions of the Jean Bodin Society for Comparative Institutional History. Studies in Ancient Law and Society. pp. ‘Ad Novellam 159’.10 alla 12 . 251-256  pp. Subseciva Groningana III (1989) (= Proceedings of the Symposium on the Occasion of the Completion of a New Edition of the Basilica. Lokin Trekstor\Library\Byzantine Law\Electronic publications\Bochove. Piro.Reihe. Afdeling Letterkunde. in: I. Laiou / D.H. Vol. Bonini. 1 – 4 June.C. 183-199: J.H. ‘From the Greek Basilica Tradition’.H. 225-242: J.A. 261-272: J. van de Vrugt / L. On the Occasion of the Completion of the Groningen Basilica Edition’.H. de Ruiter / E. Lokin. 273-294: Th. Lokin. 211-218: J.A. 1988). 397-406  pp. Law and Society in Byzantium: Ninth – Twelfth Centuries. 16-20 settembre 1997.A. Dumbarton Oaks. William of Orange case (1544-1666). 243-260: J. Slob / J. ‘Wills in Byzantine Law’. Règle et pratique du droit dans les réalités juridiques de l'antiquité. in: Acts of Last Will. 1992]. [Studia Amstelodamensia. Tevel / M. Graeca leguntur? The significance of Justinian’s Novel 159 in the Württemberg v. in: L. [Centro Romanistico Internazionale Copanello].H.C. 131-140  pp. Viva Vox Iuris Romani. Deel 70 no. XXXVIII].A. in: A.H. Studies in Honour of Nicolaas van der Wal). [eds. Lokin. Atti della 51a Sessione della SIHDA.H. 163-177  pp.H. 219-224: J. 3-25: ‘Criteri per l’ affidamento della prole dei divorziati in dritto romano’  pp. 59].H. Lokin. Bruxelles 1992.M.A. Washington. 27-71: ‘Il divorzio consensuale dalla Novella Iustiniani 117.A. Amsterdam 2007  pp. May 1-3. A Selective Bibliography of J. [eds. Athen – Komotini 1997. pp. [ed. Winkel.E. Simon. pp. Amsterdam 2002. [Mededelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Lokin. Crotone-Messina. 9th – 12th Centuries.]. D. Rubbettino 1999. pp. ‘The Significance of Law and Legislation in the Law Books of the Ninth to Eleventh Centuries’. 201-209: J. J. 1-10  pp. Groningen. 10].2. pp. pp.E.4 and 5’.  Novella Iustini 140’ pp. 73-135: ‘Comportamenti illegali del creditore e perdita dell’ azione o del diritto (nelle Novelle giustinianee)’ 13 . Rimini 1987 Contents:  pp. Brandsma. ‘Ὀρφανοτρόφοι. Groningen 2010 Contents (articles relating to Byzantium only):  pp. ὀρφανοτροφεῖα et 14 . Jahrhundert.6.9.3 e 120. van Bochove. Bonini. 2002 BBran 1991 F.BBoni 1975 R. Untersuchungen zur byzantinischen Administration im 6. 159-180: ‘I subsidia del vocabolario delle leges di Giustiniano’ BBoni 1980 R. Bonini.d. II. Iustiniani 8: venalità delle cariche e riforme dell’ amministrazione periferica. Brink. . Band 25]. Problemi di storia delle codificazioni e della politica legislativa. Finanzverwaltung in Krisenzeiten. Bologna 1975 Contents (articles on Roman and Byzantine Law only):  pp. Dorotheus and His Digest Translation. 9-33: ‘Caduta e riconquista dell’ impero romano d’ occidente nelle fonti legislative giustinianee’  pp.2)’  pp. Enige Groninger Opmerkingen voor Dieneke Hempenius. Frankfurt/M. Groningen 1996 BBrin 2010 R. Iustiniani 4. 93-110: ‘Giustiniano e il problema italico’ BBran 2002 W. 3-45: ‘La c. 5-15: Th.J. [ed. Bonini. Dorotheus en zijn Digestenvertaling. Ricerche sulla legislazione giustinianea dell’ anno 535. Brandsma.H. Groningen 1991 BBran 1996 F. datio in solutum necessaria (Nov. Bologna 19802 BBoni 1987 R. 35-55: ‘Note sulla legislazione giustinianea dell’ anno 535’  pp. Nov. Studi sull’ età giustinianea. [Forschungen zur byzantinischen Rechtsgeschichte. 57-92: ‘L’ ultima legislazione pubblicistica di Giustiniano (543-565)’  pp.E.]. Brandes. Penna. alia. ‘Dressed in ‘porphyra’ and drinking ‘retsina’. 53-55: D. Iets over ‘weesheren’. A scene from the Byzantine court through the eyes of a Western ambassador in the 10th. weeshuizen en andere zaken in Byzantium’ pp. century’ 15 . Th. Vier Texte zum byzantinischen Kirchen. Prinzing. 235-244: Sp.R. Murder and Cannibalism in the Provinces’  pp. Schminck / D.BBurg 1983 L.327). ‘Byzantinisches Herrscherlob für den türkischen Sultan. Ecloga. Kaisermacht und Patriarchenmacht in Mosaiken’  pp. [eds. Burgmann. Jahrhundert’  pp. Das Gesetzbuch Leons III. Repertorium der Handschriften des byzantinischen Rechts. Burgmann / M. 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Der Kodexunterricht des Thale-laeus’, Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 31 (1963), pp. 97-98 pp. 128-129: H.J. Scheltema, ‘Subseciva. VIII. Der Kodexunterricht Isidors’, Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 31 (1963), pp. 98-99 pp. 130-131: H.J. Scheltema, ‘Subseciva. IX. Das Kata Podas’, Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 31 (1963), pp. 99-100 p. 132: H.J. Scheltema, ‘Subseciva. X. Die Fragmenta Sinaïtica’, Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 31 (1963), p. 100 pp. 133-137: H.J. Scheltema, ‘Subseciva. XI. Das Authenticum’, Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 31 (1963), pp. 275-279 pp. 138-141: H.J. Scheltema, ‘Subseciva. XII. Die Notiz der Codd. Vindobon. lat. iur. civ. 19 und Claustroneoburg. 642’, Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 31 (1963), pp. 279-282 pp. 142-144: H.J. Scheltema, ‘Subseciva. XIII. Die Epitome Novellarum Iulians’, Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 31 (1963), pp. 282-284 pp. 145-147: H.J. Scheltema, ‘Subseciva. XIV. 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Groningen 2009 Contents:  pp. 45-89: Th. van Bochove. 105-126: Th. Brandsma.H. van Bochove.A. ‘Die Codexvorlesungen von Thalelaios über die Rechtsanwälte’  pp. Lokin / B. ‘Index Titulorum. van der Wal. 25-33: J.H.H. Stolte / N. 127-133: F. gr. 1-33: J.A. 147-159: B.H. Penna. ‘The Use of Greek in the Theodosian Code’  pp. 35-43: B. Das Abstraktionsprinzip und das byzantinische Recht’  pp. Some suggestions concerning their date and promulgation’  pp. ‘Fiducia cum creditore contracta in early Byzantine law?’  pp. van der Wal.H. ‘Im Westen nichts Neues. Stolte / N. Studies in Roman and Byzantine Law VII edd. Paris. 15-23: F. ‘Revendication. 161-165: N. 135-146: D. Harder / A.E.A. Paris. Stolte. Stolte / N. Radt / J. 167-170: N. II. 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I. pp. Bosqueti Narbonensis icti selectisque observationibus C. 20  Early Monastic Rules. pp. MacCoull). Egypt (trans. 332 B. pp. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. 120-124 117 . xliii-xlix  Introduction. pp. pp. Phoibammon near Thebes. Pantelleria: Typikon of John for the Monastery of St. 1-20  Maps (Sites of monasteries).C.H. Michaelis Pselli Synopsis legum versibus iambis et politicis cum latina interpretatione et notis F. pp.]. John Stoudios in Constantinople (trans. Siebenii icti. Theodore Studites: Testament of Theodore the Studite for the Monastery of St. The Law of Greco-Roman Egypt in the Light of the Papyri. – 640 A. Euthymios: Testament of Euthymios for the Monasteries of Psamathia and Ta Agathou (trans. pp. for the Monastery of St. Constantinides Hero / G. pp. pp. 43-50 Seventh Century  1. xxxix-xlii  Abbreviations. Stoudios: Rule of the Monastery of St. Taubenschlag. 2000 LRBLByzMonFD Contents:  Preface. A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders’ Typika and Testaments. pp. Warszawa 19552 BTeuc 1789 L. 84-119 Tenth Century  5. B. Thomas / A. Constable. 67-83  4. Leslie S. 59-66 Ninth Century  3. Gianfranco Fiaccadori). Timothy Miller).BTaub 1955 R. pp. follow p. et in illustri gymnasio Amstelodamensi antecessoris. Timothy Miller). Patricia Karlin-Hayter)..C. Teucherus. xi-xxxvii  Acknowledgments. Washington D.D. [Dumbarton Oaks Studies. Lipsiae 1789 BThom Cons Cons 2000 (I) Digital: J. 21-41: Chapter one: Traditional Private Religious Foundations  Introduction. Vol. Anastasius Bandy). pp.  6. Ilija Iliev). 118 . 148-166  10. Rule: Rule of Athanasios the Athonite for the Lavra Monastery (trans. pp. Ath. George Dennis). 281-293 Chapter three: The Protectorate  Introduction. Kyriake in Lakedaimon (trans. Patricia KarlinHayter). pp. George Dennis). pp. Latros: Testament of Paul the Younger for the Monastery of the Mother of God tou Stylou on Mount Latros (trans. pp. George Dennis). 135142: Eleventh Century  8. Rila: Testament of John of Rila (trans. 310-312  17. Tzimiskes: Typikon of Emperor John Tzimiskes (trans. pp. 323-325  19. 193-204 Tenth Century  11. pp. pp. Attaleiates: Rule of Michael Attaleiates for his Almshouse in Rhaidestos and for the Monastery of Christ Panoiktirmon in Constantinople (trans. Testament: Testament of Athanasios the Athonite for the Lavra Monastery (trans. Bishop of Stroumitza. 143-147  9. pp. Constantine IX: Typikon of Emperor Constantine IX Monomachos (trans. 205-231  12. 232-244:  13. Gianfranco Fiaccadori). the Mother of God and St. Anastasius Bandy). Timothy Miller). Ath. pp. John Xenos: Testament of John Xenos for the Monastery of the Mother of God Antiphonetria of Myriokephala on Crete (trans. George Dennis). Gianfranco Fiaccadori). Nikon Metanoeite: Testament of Nikon the Metanoeite for the Church and Monastery of the Savior. 313-322 Eleventh Century  18. pp. pp. pp. 245-270  14. 295-309 Tenth Century  16. Black Mountain: Regulations of Nikon of the Black Mountain (trans. pp. Eleousa: Rule of Manuel. 167-191 Chapter two: Athonite Monasteries  Introduction. for the Monastery of the Mother of God Eleousa (trans. 271-280  15. Ath. John Thomas). Mount Tmolos: Typikon of Nikephoros Erotikos for the Monastery of the Mother of God and the Old Age Home called Ta Derma on Mount Tmolos (trans. Galesios: Testament of Lazarus of Mount Galesios (trans. Nea Gephyra: Testament of Nikodemos for the Monastery of Nea Gephyra near Lakedaimon (trans. pp. Typikon: Typikon of Athanasios the Athonite for the Lavra Monastery (trans. Stephen Reinert). 326-376  20. 125-134 7. AliceMary Talbot). pp. Robert Allison). Roidion: Typikon of Nikon of the Black Mountain for the Monastery and Hospice of the Mother of God tou Roidiou (trans. pp. 425439 119 .Robert Allison). pp. 377-424 Twelfth Century  21. pp. Patricia KarlinHayter). John the Theologian on Patmos (trans. 607-620  25.BThom Cons Cons 2000 (II) Digital: J.C. 725-781  29. Washington D. Kosmosoteira: Typikon of the Sebastokrator Isaac Komnenos for the Monastery of the Mother of God Kosmosoteira near Bera (trans. pp. pp. Christodoulos: Rule. pp. pp. Constantinides Hero / G. pp. 782-858 BThom Cons Cons 2000 (III) Digital: J. Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents. II. III. Fragala: Testaments of Gregory for the Monastery of St.]. 649-724  28. Robert Jordan). Washington D. 564-606 Chapter five: Imperial and Royal Monasteries of the Twelfth Century  Introduction. 454-506  23. 2000 LRBLByzMonFD 120 . Kecharitomene: Typikon of Empress Irene Doukaina Komnene for the Convent of the Mother of God Kecharitomene in Constantinople (trans. Luke of Messina: Typikon of Luke for the Monastery of Christ Savior (San Salvatore) in Messina (trans. [Dumbarton Oaks Studies. 441-453  22. [Dumbarton Oaks Studies. 2000 LRBLByzMonFD Contents: Chapter four: Early Reform Monasteries of the Eleventh Century  Introduction. Thomas / A. pp. XXXV]. A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders’ Typika and Testaments. Pantokrator: Typikon of Emperor John II Komnenos for the Monastery of Christ Pantokrator in Constantinople (trans. pp. Testament and Codicil of Christodoulos for the Monastery of St. Constable. Robert Jordan). Constantinides Hero / G. pp. Pakourianos: Typikon of Gregory Pakourianos for the Monastery of the Mother of God Petritzonitissa in Bačkovo (trans. Evergetis: Typikon of Timothy for the Monastery of the Mother of God Evergetis (trans.]. Nancy Patterson Ševčenko). Vol. Robert Jordan). p. Robert Jordan). 637-648  27. 507563  24. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents. Timothy Miller). 621636  26. Vol. XXXV]. Thomas / A. [eds. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. Patricia Karlin-Hayter and Timothy Miller). [eds. Philip of Fragala in Sicily (trans.C. Constable. A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders’ Typika and Testaments. Contents: Chapter six: Early Reform Monasteries of the Twelfth Century  Introduction, pp. 859-871  30. Phoberos: Rule of John for the Monastery of St. John the Forerunner of Phoberos (trans. Robert Jordan), pp. 872-953  31. Areia: Memorandum and Typikon of Leo, Bishop of Nauplia, for the Monastery of the Mother of God in Areia (trans. Alice-Mary Talbot), pp. 954-972  32. Mamas: Typikon of Athanasios Philanthropenos for the Monastery of St. Mamas in Constantinople (trans. Anastasius Bandy), pp. 973-1041  33. Heliou Bomon: Typikon of Nikephoros Mystikos for the Monastery of the Mother of God ton Heliou Bomon or Elegmon (trans. Anastasius Bandy), pp. 1042-1091 Chapter seven: Independent and Self-Governing Monasteries of the Thirteenth Century  Introduction, pp. 1093-1106  34. Machairas: Rule of Neilos, Bishop of Tamasia, for the Monastery of the Mother of God of Machairas in Cyprus (trans. Anastasius Bandy), pp. 11071175  35. Skoteine [Boreine]: Testament of Maximos for the Monastery of the Mother of God at Skoteine near Philadelphia (trans. George Dennis), pp. 1176-1195  36. Blemmydes: Typikon of Nikephoros Blemmydes for the Monastery of the Lord Christ-Who-Is at Ematha near Ephesos (trans. Joseph Munitiz), pp. 1196-1206  37. Auxentios: Typikon of Michael VIII Palaiologos for the Monastery of the Archangel Michael on Mount Auxentios near Chalcedon (trans. George Dennis), pp. 1207-1236  38. Kellibara I: Typikon of Michael VIII Palaiologos for the Monastery of St. Demetrios of the Palaiologoi-Kellibara in Constantinople (trans. George Dennis), pp. 1237-1253  39. Lips: Typikon of Theodora Palaiologina for the Convent of Lips in Constantinople (trans. Alice-Mary Talbot), pp. 1254-1286  40. Anargyroi: Typikon of Theodora Palaiologina for the Convent of Sts. Kosmas and Damian in Constantinople (trans. Alice-Mary Talbot), pp. 12871294 121 BThom Cons Cons 2000 (IV) Digital: J. Thomas / A. Constantinides Hero / G. Constable, [eds.], Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents. A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders’ Typika and Testaments, Vol. IV, [Dumbarton Oaks Studies, XXXV], Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington D.C. 2000 LRBLByzMonFD Contents: Chapter eight: Later Private Religious Foundations  Introduction, pp. 1295-1302 Twelfth Century  41. Docheiariou: Rule of Neophytos for the Monastery of St. Michael the Archangel of Docheiariou on Mount Athos (trans. Robert Allison), pp. 13031310  42. Sabas: Founder’s Typikon of the Sabas Monastery near Jerusalem (trans. Gianfranco Fiaccadori), pp. 1311-1318  43. Kasoulon: Rule of Nicholas for the Monastery of St. Nicholas of Kasoulon near Otranto (trans. Timothy Miller), pp. 1319-1330  44. Karyes: Typikon of Sabbas the Serbian for the Kellion of St. Sabbas at Karyes on Mount Athos (trans. George Dennis), pp. 1331-1337 Thirteenth Century  45. Neophytos: Testamentary Rule of Neophytos for the Hermitage of the Holy Cross near Ktima in Cyprus (trans. Catia Galatariotou), pp. 1338-1373 Fourteenth Century  46. Akropolites: Testament of Constantine Akropolites for the Monastery of the Resurrection (Anastasis) in Constantinople (trans. Alice-Mary Talbot), pp. 1374-1382  47. Philanthropos: Typikon of Irene Choumnaina Palaiologina for the Convent of Christ Philanthropos in Constantinople (trans. Alice-Mary Talbot), pp. 1383-1388  48. Prodromos: Testament of Neilos for the Monastery of St. John the Forerunner (Prodromos) on Mount Athos (trans. Stephen Reinert), pp. 13891395  49. Geromeri: Testament of Neilos Erichiotes for the Monastery of the Mother of God Hodegetria in Geromeri (trans. George Dennis), pp. 13961403  50. Gerasimos: Testament of Gerasimos for the Small Monastery of St. Euthymios in Jerusalem (trans. George Dennis), p. 1404-1407  51. Koutloumousi: Testaments of Chariton for the Monastery of Christ Savior of Koutloumousi on Mount Athos (trans. George Dennis), pp. 1408-1432  52. Choumnos: Rule and Testament of Makarios Choumnos for the Nea 122 Mone of the Mother of God in Thessalonike (trans. Alice-Mary Talbot), pp. 1433-1454  53. Meteora: Canonical Rule of Athanasios the Meteorite for the Monastery of the Transfiguration (Metamorphosis) (trans. George Dennis), pp. 14551461 Fifteenth Century  54. Neilos Damilas: Testament and Typikon of Neilos Damilas for the Convent of the Mother of God Pantanassa at Baionaia on Crete (trans. AliceMary Talbot), pp. 1462-1482 Chapter nine: Independent and Self-Governing Monasteries of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries  Introduction, pp. 1483-1494 Fourteenth Century  55. Athanasios I: Rule of Patriarch Athanasios I (trans. Timothy Miller), pp. 1495-1504  56. Kellibara II: Typikon of Andronikos II Palaiologos for the Monastery of St. Demetrios-Kellibara in Constantinople (trans. George Dennis), pp. 15051511  57. Bebaia Elpis: Typikon of Theodora Synadene for the Convent of the Mother of God Bebaia Elpis in Constantinople (trans. Alice-Mary Talbot), pp. 1512-1578  58. Menoikeion: Typikon of Joachim, Metropolitan of Zichna, for the Monastery of St. John the Forerunner on Mount Menoikeion near Serres (trans. Timothy Miller), pp. 1579-1612 Fifteenth Century  59. Manuel II: Typikon of Manuel II Palaiologos for the Monasteries of Mount Athos (trans. George Dennis), pp. 1613-1624  60. Charsianeites: Testament of Patriarch Matthew I for the Monastery of Charsianeites Dedicated to the Mother of God Nea Peribleptos (trans. AliceMary Talbot), pp. 1625-1666  61. Eleousa Inv.: Inventory of the Monastery of the Mother of God Eleousa in Stroumitza (trans. Anastasius Bandy, with Nancy Ševčenko), pp. 16671678 123 1851-2021 BTroi 1980 Σπ. pp.]. Τρωιάνου. Αθήνα / Κομοτηνή 1986 BTroi 19992 Σπ. [Forschungen zur byzantinischen Rechtsgeschichte. Οι πηγές του βυζαντινού δικαίου. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. Constantinides Hero / G. 1717-1723  General Bibliography. 1691-1695  Appendix B: The Regulation of Diet in the Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents. Band 6]. Constable. [eds. Εισαγωγικό βοήθημα. 1725-1743  Index of People and Places. Ὁ “Ποινάλιος” τοῦ Ἐκλογαδίου. Αθήνα / Κομοτηνή 1996 BTroi 1997 Σπ. Αθήνα / Κομοτηνή 19992 BTroi 1996 Σπ. Frankfurt/M. XXXV]. 1745-1849  General Index. Οι πηγές του βυζαντινού δικαίου. pp. pp. Ἀθῆναι 1997 124 . Washington D. pp. 1679-1690  Appendix A: Concordance with Previous Lists. Μαγεία καὶ Δίκαιο στὸ Βυζαντιό. V. Τρωιάνος. Κεφάλαια βυζαντινού ποινικού δικαίου. Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents. Συμβολὴ εἰς τὴν ἱστορίαν τῆς ἐξελίξεως τοῦ ποινικοῦ δικαίου ἀπὸ τοῦ Corpus Iuris Civilis μέχρι τῶν Βασιλικῶν. [Dumbarton Oaks Studies. pp. pp.C. 1980 BTroi 1986 Σπ. pp. Vol. Τρωιάνος. 1696-1716  Appendix C: Topical Interrelationships of the Families of the Typika of the Byzantine Monastic Reform Movement. Thomas / A. 2000 LRBLByzMonFD Contents  Glossary.BThom Cons Cons 2000 (V) Digital: J. Τρωιάνου. A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders’ Typika and Testaments. Τρωιάνος. ]. 192-216 125 . Βυζαντινά 3 (1971). ‘Μία νεοελληνική Epitome canonum aucta. ‘Die Synode der Hierarchie als höchstes Verwaltungsorgan der einzelnen Autokephalen Orthodoxen Kirchen’.H. Troianos. “Σύνοψις νέα βιβλίου νομικοῦ καὶ περὶ ἐξομολογήσεως” (1753)’ BTroi 2000 Σπ. Η ελληνική νομική γλώσσα. 3-21: Sp. 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Göttingen 1992.          mittelbyzantinischen kanonischen Gesetzgebung’. in: La peine. Troianos. 89-102 pp.F.]. Troianos. 603-609 pp. [Orientalia Christiana Analecta. A Critical Reflection.]. in: R. Campidoglio. [Schriften des Historischen Kollegs. Its Institutions and Its Thought. [Da Roma alla Terza Roma. Identité et Droit de l’Autre. pp. Sellert. I: Antiquité. Troianos. 339-364: Sp. in: L. ‘Die Strafen im byzantinischen Recht. pp. pp. München 1992. 21 Aprile 1991]. pp. Berkeley 1994. Troianos. Fontes minores IX (1993). ‘Unbekannte Kaiserurkunden und Basilikentestimonia aus dem Sinaiticus 1117’. Bruxelles 1991. Eherecht und Familiengut in Antike und Mittelalter. Troianos. Troianos. 507-531: Sp. [Recueils de la Société Jean Bodin pour l’histoire comparative des institutions. Troianos. Troianos. Geschichte und Kultur der Palaiologenzeit. Jahrhundert’. des Weisen’. 3. Philoso-phisch – historische Klasse. 533-550: Sp. ‘La paix comme bien légal protégé à Byzance’. Rome. [ed. in: Festschrift für Ilias Krispis. 133-146 pp. Baccari. in: W. 399-410 pp. 30 May – 5 June 1993. 55]. Δίπτυχα 6 (1994-1995) (Gedächtnisschrift für Bruno Lavagnini). 196]. 493-506: Sp. [Studies in Comparative Legal History]. 445-461: Sp. Athen – Komotini 1995. 463-482: Sp. ‘Das Gesetz in der griechischen Patristik’. [ed. im 14. 387-444: V. 22]. Simon.]. Documenti e Studi. also Sp. 137-179 pp. pp. 185-199) pp. 251]. Troianos. 483-492: Sp. Rome 1996. 313-337: Sp. The Christian East. Eine Übersicht’. Mayali. ‘Die Wirkungsgeschichte der Novellen Leons VI. in: W. 465-484 pp. [ed. 4762 pp. 125-141 pp. Seibt. pp. Symposium der Kommission “Die Funktion des Gesetzes in Geschichte und Gegenwart”. Folge. Das Gesetz in Spätantike und frühem Mittelalter. Anniversary of the Pontifical Oriental Institute. Tiftixoglu / Sp. 4. [ed. Roma 1995. Troianos.J. pp. 365-386: Sp. ‘Die Wirkungsgeschichte des Trullanum (Quinisextum) in der byzantinischen Gesetzgebung’. ‘Rome et Constantinople dans les commentaires des canonistes orientaux du XIIe siècle’. Taft S. Kolloquien. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 42 (1992). Troianos. 5574 (cf.]. in: E. 551-562: Sp. 563-578: Sp. ‘Ein Patriarchalakt über die dritte Ehe’. [edd. 382- 130 . 657-674: Sp. Österreichisches Archiv für Recht und Religion 46 (1999). pp. Troianos. ‘Die Gesetzgebung Leons VI. Athen – Komotini 1997. Problèmes théoriques et pratiques lors de la création d’un état’. über die ἐποχαί und ihre Nachwirkung’. Mannheim / Möhnesee 1999. philosophisch-historische Klasse. Troianos. Αθήνα / Κομοτηνή 2000. Fontes Minores X (1998). [edd. ‘Le mariage et la “disparitas cultus” dans les sources juridiques grécoromaine’. 306-314 pp. ‘La contribution des laïcs à la formation du droit de l’Église’. Athen / Komotini 1999. 30. Beiträge eines Symposions in Frankfurt im Dezember 1996. pp. I. in: Sp. Miscellanea für Peter Schreiner zu seinem 60.]. Makris. ‘La notion de “citoyen” dans les textes constitutionels de la révolution grecque (1821 – 1828). in: Gedächtnisschrift für Ioannis K. Geburtstag. Troianos. 58-63 pp. über die ἐποχαί und ihre Nachwirkung’. [Peleus. Athener Reihe.’. Studien zur Archäologie und Geschichte Griechenlands und Zyperns. Papagianni / Sp. 43-51 pp. 97-111 pp. 58-69 pp. pp. ‘Der Teufel im orthodoxen Kirchenrecht’. Troianos. 19]. Karakatsanis. 235-244 pp. 10]. pp. Méditerranées. München / Leipzig 2000. Denkschriften. Band 241. Letsios / H. Troianos. [Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. [Forschungen zur byzantinischen Rechtsgeschichte. Troianos. Stupperich. ‘Die Novellen Leons VI. Griechenland und das Meer. 687-701 pp. Troianos. 643-655: Sp. Troianos. in: Kirchenrecht und Ökumene. Eichenau 1999. November bis 3.          Herbert Hunger (Wien. 621-631: E. ‘Die Novellen Leons VI. pp. in: Τίμαι Ιωάννου Τριανταφυλλοπούλου. 165-169) pp. Band VIII]. Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Byzantinistik. 675-686: Sp. pp. pp. 633-641: Sp. Troianos. [ed. Kanon 13 (1996). pp. Analecta Atheniensia ad ius Byzantinum spectantia. Chrysos / D. 509-516 pp. Wien 1996. ‘Die Religionsfreiheit in Griechenland’. Dezember 1994). also Sp. 603-619: Sp. pp. ΠΟΛΥΠΛΕΥΡΟΣ ΝΟΥΣ. pp. pp. 389-397 (cf. Troianos.]. Byzantinische Zeitschrift 90 (1997). pp. Festgabe für den Metropoliten von Tyroloi und Serention Panteleimon Rodopoulos (= Kanon XV). Troianos. in: C. 687-704: Sp.]. 141-154 pp. 579-602: Sp. Troianos. ‘Die rechtliche Stellung von Kirchen und religiösen Gemeinschaften in Griechenland’. [Byzantinisches Archiv. Revue de l’association Méditerranées 9 (1996) (= La citoyenneté: entre Orient et Occident). Richter / R. ‘Die Einweihung und Entweihung der Kirchengebäude nach orthodoxem Kirchenrecht’. Band 4]. Scholz / G. Verfassungsgeschichte und Staatsrechtslehre. Frankfurt/M. pp. Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte. 403-419 pp. in: Festschrift für Günter Prinzing. pp. pp. [Bar Association of Thessaloniki]. 705-713: Sp. 19 – 23 Novembre 2001. ‘Le célibat épiscopal dans la “civitas augescens”’.]. 140]. ‘Kanonistische Antworten und Abhandlungen in der Ostkirche (9. Sonderhefte. in: G.13 December 1998. in: G. 151-168 pp. 185-195 pp.]. in: Ch. Budapest 2002. [Ius commune. [Atti dell’XI Congresso Internazionale di Diritto Canonico e del XV Congresso Internazionale della Società per il Diritto delle Chiese Orientali. ‘Römisches Recht und byzantinisches Recht. pp.]. 829-846: Sp. 847-873: Sp. in Folia Canonica 5 (2002). Kassimatis / M. Weiß / St. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Jurists Thessaloniki. 19-27. in: Ius Ecclesiarum – Vehiculum Caritatis. Kassimatis / M. [edd. Studies in Honour of Wieslaw Litewski. Frankfurt/M. also Sp. 2001. Sonderhefte. Jh. 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Geburtstag.        394 pp. Studien zur europäischen Rechts-geschichte. Troianos. Vol. [eds. 783-799: Sp. [ed.]. in: H. Stolleis. Troianos. Korta. Troianos. Thessaloniki 2001. Griechisch-deutsche Wechselwirkungen. ‘Die Kirchenpolitik des griechischen Staates im 19. ‘Staatskirchenrecht an der Universität Athen im 19. Bern / Bruxelles / Frankfurt / New York 2003. Territorialità e personalità nel Diritto canonico ed ecclesiastico. pp. 715-737: Sp. – 15. in: Roman Law as Formative of Modern Legal Systems. Simposio Internazionale per il decennale dell’entrata in vigore del Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium. pp. 2001. in: P. [Ius commune. [eds. ‘Das Gottesurteil im Prozeßrecht der byzantinischen Kirche’. cf. pp. Szabó. 169-179) pp. XXV]. und 20. 759-782: Sp. (in print) pp. [Festvortrag am “XIII Seminario internazionale di studi storici Da Roma alla Terza Roma”. Byzantinische Zeitschrift 58 (1965). Troianos. Napoli 1984. Rom. pp. 3]. Recherches sur la tradition juridique à Byzance. 891-905: Sp. pp. Orientalisches Kirchenrecht. ‘Staatskirchenrechtliche Kontextualität der theologischen Fakultäten in Griechenland’. Troianos. 380-382  pp. 531-540  pp. pp.]. Münster 2004.60. Theologische Fakultäten an europäischen Universitäten. 510-516 III. Troianos. 937-941: Sp. pp. 4]. Legislazione e natura nelle Novelle giustinianee. Bulletin ET. pp. Geburtstag. 907-927: Sp. review of: W. [Bibliothèque byzantine. Lanata. 14. review of: N. 949-954: Sp. April 1993]  pp. Demicheli. [ed. review of: A. 875-889: Sp. Österreichisches Archiv für Recht und Religion 50/2-3 (2003) (= Festschrift für Richard Potz). 3]. 287-288 132 . 929-934: Sp. Ghini-Tsofopoulou / M. Besprechungen  pp. Loretan. La Μεγάλη Ἐκκλησία nel lessico e nel diritto di Giustiniano. Dezember 2001]  pp. Troianos. Troianos. Troianos / H. Paris 1964. review of: G. Band 388. 407-409  pp. [Monografie nel vocabolario di Giustiniano. 70-78 (= A. ‘Saints Notarii: Status and Iconography’ II. Troianos. [Storia del pensiero giuridico. pp. Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für antike Rechtsgeschichte. ‘À la recherche d’un Code Civil: La révolution grecque (1821) et le droit romain’.G.G. 967-969: Sp. 943-947: Sp. in: Byzantinische Zeitschrift 79 (1986). Selb. 7]. in: Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 57 (1991). Zeitschrift für Theologie in Europa 14 (2003). Rechtliche Situation und theologische Perspektiven. Wien. 79-80  pp. La Synopsis major des Basiliques et ses appendices. 163-172)  pp. Wien 1981. pp. Svoronos. Troianos. Milano 1990. Papadimitriou. I: Die Geschichte des Kirchenrechts der Nestorianer (von den Anfängen bis zur Mongolenzeit). Études. in: Byzantinische Zeitschrift 77 (1984). Nachruf  pp.M. 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Noch einmal die prohibitoria actio. Der Digestenindex des Stephanus hat den Index des Theophilus zur Grundlage. IX (1). o XXIV. o XVI. Das Proömium der griechischen Institutionen. o XXXIV. o XIX. 3. Die stylistischen Eigenthümlichkeiten der alten Indices. o XXVII. Nov. Joannes. Die Art der Zusammensetzung der Digesten (Bluhmes Entdeckung) wird schon vom Antecessor Theophilus angedeutet.E. XI (4) c. o XXXVII. Nov. o XXII. o XXXVI. o XXXII. Lücken in der Florentinischen Digestenhandschrift. XX (121). 450-501: K. ‘Gli scolii greci ad Ulpiano “ad Sabinum”’. pp. 1-20 pp. LXXI (53) c. Monatsberichte / Sitzungsberichte der königlichpreussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1888. CXXIV (106). 4. 502-510: K. 603-623: K. pp. Jahrhunderts’. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. XCVI (Edict. o XLVII.E. 593-602: K. St. Zachariä von Lingenthal. o XLIX. 88-97 pp.E. XCIII (73). pp. LI (40).         o XLI. 18. CLXXII (Edict. 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