Biblio 10

March 27, 2018 | Author: ektawhatsis | Category: Touchscreen, Tablet Computer, Personal Computers, I Phone, Graphical User Interfaces



02.11.13 (2008..2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing History of Pen and Gesture Computing: Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition, Pen Computing, Gesture User Interfaces and Tablet and Touch Computers References from the approximate years 2008 to 2010. This compilation and all annotations are copyright © Jean Renard Ward, 1993, 2004, 2011. Permission is granted to use this information in publication, including confidential reports, provided that accompanying text clearly makes reference to the URL for this page, along with the statement: S o u r c e :A n n o t a t e dB i b l i o g r a p h yi nO n l i n eC h a r a c t e rR e c o g n i t i o n , P e nC o m p u t i n g ,G e s t u r eU s e rI n t e r f a c e sa n dT a b l e ta n dT o u c h C o m p u t e r s C o p y r i g h tJ e a nR e n a r dW a r d These are items in my personal collection, either as physical items or (sometimes) as PDF files. I can be contacted at [email protected]. Copyright © T h uO c t2 42 2 : 1 0 : 5 8E D T2 0 1 3. Mirrors of this page can be found at: (Generally most up-to-date) Main Reference Page [3MTouch08a] ( * )3M Touch "Dispersive Signal Touch Technology: Technology Profile", 3M Touch, 2008 Acoustic touch digitizer, using bending waves within substrate/glass 1/74 02.11.13 (2008..2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing instead of surface waves SAW, determins center location of smearing/dispersed/reflected acoustic waves. Compare with TouchDynamics / Acoustic Pulse Recognition? [Acer10a] ( * )Acer "Acer Iconia: Dual-Display-Notebook",, 24 November 2010 Dual-touchscreen laptop with virtual keyboard or other elements in one side, regular display in other. Compare with Refalo, Microsoft Courier. Dual-touchscreen. Additional references in file. [Adapx08a] ( * ) "Adapx Digital Paper",, fetched 2008 Paper forms for Anoto-type opctical digitizer pen: mentions 1200 dpi resolution of color printers certified by Anoto. Capturx capture software to upload electronic ink data directly into Microsoft OneNote, ArcGIS 9.2 Desktop geographical mapping software, and AutoCAD. "Rite in the Rain" all-weather waterproof writing paper. [AFB10a] ( * )American Foundation for the Blind "Assistive Technology Timeline",, 2010 History of talking computers, DOS and Windows Screen readers, and other assistive technologies: Enhanced PC Talking Program by Ronald Hutchinson worked with word processors ands spreadsheets 1984, outSPOKEN for Macintosh 1989, ASAP Automatic Screen Access Program "with artificial intelligence" 1990. Virtual keyboards? [AlasdairA10a] ( * )Alasdair, Allan "Learning iPhone Programming: From Xcode to App Store", O'Reilly Publishers, 2010 Development guide for iPhone (iPod, iPad) devices: Compass, Proximity, Accelerometor sensors, Objective-C, Tablet-based view controller objects, etc. [AnalogDevices10a] ( * )Analog Devices, Inc. "Application Notes AN-925 Sensors for the AD7147 and AD7148 CapTouch Controllers", Analog Devices, 2010 Capacitive-to-digital A/D for single-electrode capacitive sensors (capacitance to ground). Intended for touch buttons, sliders, wheels, and matrix keypads (compare touchscreens). Matrix keypad, each button has two electrodes (connected to row and to column lines), single key detected by row + column ID. Eight sensor inputs, so up to 4x4 keypad. [AnanthaswamyA09] ( * )Ananthaswamy, Anil "Vibrating touch screen puts Braille at the Fingertips", New Scientist Magazine, 31 March 2009 2/74 02.11.13 (2008..2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Accessibility technology: Haptic display device for Nokia haptic touchscreen with vibration (similar to iPod/iPhone) devices: six pulse/no-pulse signals via vibration corresponding to the six dots of a Braille character. [AndreBK10a] ( * )Andre, Bartley K; Ording, Bas; and Christie, Greg "Activativating Virtual Keys of a Touch-Screen Virtual Keyboard", United States Patent 7,844,914, November 30, 2010 virtual/soft keyboard on touchscreen: find centroid of finger touch, and map it to (weigeted sitance) nearest key. Compare with stroke targeting/ink targeting in PenPoint, Tappert, and Slate PenApps? [Apple08a] ( * ) "iPhone: Using the Multi-touch Display / Entering Text on the Multi-touch Display Keyboard",, July 10, 2008 iPhone/iPad gestures: flicking and dragging gestures does not select (press-and-hold or press gesture). Tapping halts dynamic zoom. Pinch and zoom gestures. Press to get magnified view of text while editing. Note: does not cover accessibility gestures, such as triple-flick. [Apple09a] ( * ) "iPhone User Guide for iPhone OS 3.1 Software",, 2009 User Guide for iPhone: zoom/pinch, scroll, flick gestures on touchscreen, on-screen (virtual) keyboard: Japanese/Chinese keyboards show alternative characters to pick from: Pinyin and Zhuyin. Writing area for handwriting recognition of Simplified or Traditional Chinese handwriting. VoiceOver accessibility. [Apple10a] ( * ) "It's easy to be good with Numbers",, April 2010 iWorks spreadsheet for iPad: refers to swip and tap gestures [Apple10b] ( * ) "VoiceOver: Für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen hat Apple eine Loesung in jeden Mac integriert",, October 2010 (in German) Review of VoiceOver screen reader software for Maic with multi-touch trackpad: mentions "rotor" circle/rotational gesture to bring up navigation tools and command input. Supports up to 32-line braille (braillezeilter) output, 1 on Bluetooth, 31 on USB. [Apple10c] ( * ) "Apple - Accessibility - iPhone - Vision",, fetched 2010 VoiceOver accesibility screen-reader software. Mentions voice prompting on what gesture is appropriate: Rotor gesture with two fingers to change 3/74 press release. Input device is three-axis accelerometer. www. www. April 10-15. Poster paper. Michael "Microsoft TouchWell can inexpensively turn any flat surface into a multi-touch display". 2009 Three-finger translate/scale/pinch/zoom/rotate/move gesture instead of two-finger pinch/zoom: more stable hand posture. which uses cameras to recognize objects placed on it (e. [ArrasK09a] ( * )Arras. [AshtianiB09a] ( * )Astiani. Universitatet Wolfgang "XNT: Object transformation on multi-touch surfaces". Described as distinct from Microsoft Surface. [Atmel08a] ( * )Atmel Inc. Touchscreen is touch glove with LED light sources on fingertips. CHI 2010. Atlanta.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing scope of other features: flick to move by pages or lines.02. Gestures may be assigned new semantics: preferences may be stored removed on a server.crunchgear. Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ACM).In Depth". Capacitive sensing. Daniel and Starner. 10 pages Trainable gesture recognition system by Drag of finger (or two) over item speaks the item. October 22. 2008 Microsoft TouchWall. Single layer of ITO (front surface?) users. project display.11. refers to three-laser sensor for multi touch on any flat surface.VoiceOver . October 2009 Matlab/Octave tutorial: Octave is Matlab clone. Double-tap with two or three fingers. Surface reads photos from cell phone). [Apple10d] ( * )Apple. fetched 2010 VoiceOver accesibility screen-reader software.g. 2008 Amtel: formerly Quantum Research Behrooz and Stuerzlinger. Includes some automaticion for false positive and recognition error rates. Thad "MAGIC: A Motion Gesture Design Tool". "Amtel's New Family of Touch Screen Solutions Enable Two Touch Gestures for Intuitive user Interfaces". improves precision and control. a cell "Apple .13 (2008. Proc. like a Wii. interactive mathematical graphing and data calculation utility. See also CrunchPad about Arrington [AshbrookD10a] ( * )Ashbrook. etc. [Arrington08a] ( * )Arrington. May 14th. QTouch touchscreen. detected optically when touch surface with diffuser glass.erols. www. statement about detecting two 4/74 . Germany.Accessibility . Kai "Octave/Matlab Tutorial". Social Robotics Lab. erols. March 3. Lorenz "Eine Multitouch-fähige Küchentheke: Im Kontext des Living Place Hamburg".atmel. "Atmel QMatrix Touch Technology". [BarnkowL10a] ( * )Barnkow.499. refers to multi-touch. 2009 Multi-pod (hexapod/pentapod) linkage mechanism for force feedback using magneto-restrictive fluid brakes. [BaileyRPS09a] ( * )Bailey. differential detection to reject capacitive pickup on adjacent keys. Ralph-Peter Steven "Haptic Input Devices". 2009 Gesture on an inactive area (not an icon.02. QTouch touchscreen. Capacitive sensing. Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg.13 (2008.11. Compare with PenPoint. differential detection to reject capacitive pickup on adjacent keys. Markku Autlo and Jaervioe. United States Patent 7. Amtel: formerly Quantum Research Group. Cites to NUI Group Community for users. www. statement about detecting two touches. Has squeezable (pressure.119.) is processed as a command if the handwritten character matches character. Jami Jarkko Juhani "Graphical Functions by Gestures". QTouch touchscreen. Extensive discussion of functioning of capacitive touch sensors. scrollbar. Shows electrode configurations including serpentine and spiral. www.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Additional material in paper files: Quantum acquired by Amtel: see Quantum file.. QMatrix touch sensor IC devices: scan touchscreen keys consisting of passive matrix of copper or transparent ITO indium in oxide. States spread spectrum signals to reduce interference. "Touch Sensors Design Guide / Amtel Touch Library User Guide".021. [Atmel08b] ( * )Atmel Inc. United States Patent 7. etc. November Amtel: formerly Quantum Research Group.html 5/74 .com/rwservices/pens/biblio10. [Atmel09a] ( * )Atmel Inc. 2010 Report on multi-touch-enabled kitchen in experimental setting: multi-touch touchscreen / surface using under-the-table optical tracking and internal reflection from finger contact.623. States spread spectrum signals to reduce interference. [AutioMT09a] ( * )Autio.atmel. but not tipforce) stylus for input. QMatrix touch sensor IC devices: scan touchscreen keys consisting of passive matrix of copper or transparent ITO indium in oxide. Overview of capacitive touch tablet technology. [BarrettGL10z] ( * )Barrett. December 2010. Asserts that first iPad / iPhone touchscreens were resistive film with "ghosting" for multi-touch. not as handwriting/shape gesture for pen-computing (cites to Kurtenbach90 for definition). One difference is refering to glass vs. Whitepaper. multi-touch input seen by applications (in most OSs) as multip mouse/locator devices. [Billinghurst09a] ( * )Billinghurst. Kevin.. plastic flexible and can be curved.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing construction of multi-touch Touch Panel. March 2010. Ahlgren. Ryomei "Projected Capacitive Touch Screens". Douglas F. Ryomei "ProjectedCapacitance Touch Technology". Kelley. Janet. Describes true multi-touch as possible in multi-pad self-capacitance sensor and in intersection grid mutual capacitances. Data from multiple sources can be combined based on keywords. similar to palm rejection. plastic substrates. rotate.13 (2008. Stuart E. www. William "Gesture based Interaction: Chapter 14 of "Haptic Input" Draft Documents".com Gesture defined as hand gesture ("a motion of the body that contain contains information".698. [BarrettG10b] ( * )Barrett. expand. Information Display. pp. 59-61 Brief overview of several multi-touch technologies: describes projected capacitive as multi-touch zones (compare with Kaplow?). Gary L. and Omote.160 Graphical user interface allowing users to combine information from multiple internet and other sources into single web page and share information with others. Draft of May 27. "System for Performing Collaborative Tasks". Mentions Theremin as gesture-input device (non-computer). www. Touch International Appears to be alternative/revised/version of 2010 SID article by same authors. Gary L. Palmer. [BarrettGL10a] ( * )Barrett. and Omote.veritasesvisus. 16-21 pp. Patent assigned to Virtual Agility. field names. United States Patent 7. Mark and Buxton. (Microcracks?) [BeavenDF10a] ( * )Beaven. users.billbuxton. and Rudolph. "grip supression" for handheld smartphones.02. States only three gestures unique to multi-touch (???): pinch. or other attributes present in the data.html 6/74 . Gary "Putting the "Touch" in Multi-Touch: An in-depth look at the future of interactivity". Gorham. Mentions "put that there" (Bolt 84). Gorman. Matthew N. Paul P. 37-ff Review of Agile versus Formal development: refers to writing tests before implementation in Agile development. [BostonGlobe08a] ( * )Boston Globe "Tech Development: Taking creepy out of proximity sensing".com. June 16.11. page B6 Electrostatic digitizer proximity sensing in a picture frame: Synaptics.erols. tap on region gives sub-menu of individual characters. and Edwards. mostly) to separate users. W.. Numerous references. to maintain some compatibility with existing single-stream input applications. Brudvik. May 17-20. [BonnerM10a] ( * )Bonner. ICCC Computer. The Boston Globe. September 2009. 2008.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing 2009: File also contains 2002 Draft [BishopT10a] ( * )Bishop. August 8. Hinchey. Jonathan P. The Boston Globe. 2010 On a multi-touch tablet/tabletop with multiple users (but not a tablet like DiamondTouch with extra electronics to identify each user). Jeremy. June 9. Todd "Dead 'Courier' walking: Microsoft gets dual-screen design patent". assign touches far apart (in space. Helsinki Finland. Boca. Abowd.html 7/74 . [BostonGlobe08b] ( * )Boston Globe "Tech Development: HP joins the campaign against keyboards". additional references on Courier in file.. Monday. 2010 Accessible on-screen keyboard on touchscreen for blind/visually impaired: divide screen into large regions for groups of characters (ABC. DEF). Jason. pp. Adam "Segmenting a multi-touch input region by user". includes review of accessibility techniques for touchscreens including multi-touch. assign touches close to another touch (in space and time) to the same user as the first touch. Bowen. Cites to VoiceOver and Quikwriting.. 8th Int'. on Pervasive Computing. United States Patent Application 2010/0085323..02. compared with One Laptop Per Child XO-2 and MoleSkine. page B6 users. Sue. 2010 Dual-screen digitizer tablet by Microsoft: 3 Megapixel camera. Keith "No-Look Notes: Accessible EyesFree Multi-touch Text Entry". Conf. 2008.13 (2008.. Mike "Formal versus Agile: survival of the Fittest?". techflash. June 29. [BlackS09a] ( * )Black. Gregory D. argues that formal proof of correctness and automatic test generation more valuable [BogueA10a] ( * ) Hardware can stream the assigned touches to different input streams. Monday. graphics.13 (2008. Brown University. Andrew. Sketch-based user interfaces / Sketch recognition. Discoverable. of Comp. Sci. Comparison made to One Laptop Per Child PC design with no keyboard. Cites to Microsoft Tablet PC Music Composition tool in 1998(??).erols.brown. 2008 Teach pen-gestures and multi-touch gestures by displaying gestures in a toolbar at the top of the Boston Teach pen-gestures and multi-touch gestures by displaying gestures in a toolbar at the top of the application. [BragdonA08b] ( * )Bragdon. with integrated touchscreen. instead second screen which can display a keyboard: compare with Refalo.Microsoft Center for Research on Pen-Centric Computing: What is Pen Computing?". Dept.11. 2009: fetched 2011 Final web page for Microsoft Center for Research on Pen-Centric users. [BragdonA09a] ( * )Bragdon. Some essays date to 2000. Zeleznik. Andrew "GestureBar: Making Gestures Browseable. [Brown09a] ( * )Brown University "Brown University . CHI 2009. Timothy. Robert. [BricklinD09a] ( * )Bricklin. [BragdonA08a] ( * )Bragdon.html 8/74 . / Lotus 123) inventor of spreadsheet software. April 4-9. July 2008 Teach pen-gestures and multi-touch gestures by displaying gestures in a toolbar at the top of the application. Learnable and Training-Free". 2009.02. Proc. Dan "Bricklin On Technology". Cites to Microsoft Tablet PC Music Composition tool in 1998(??). Wiley Publishing. Microsoft Courier. and a simple crib sheet with tool-tips.cs. Joseph J. of Computer Science. Lineogrammer. Miller. "GestureBar: Improving the Approachability of Gesture-based Interfaces". Brian. Gestures must be discoverable/searchable. "Tablet Computing Old and New" (earlier "Pen Computing Old and New"). and La Viola. Tapping on toolbar tab brings up practice area and explanation of the gesture. Chap 8: Hans On: Tablet and Gestural Computing includes essay from Tapping on toolbar tab brings up practice area and explanation of the gesture. Brown University. Master's Project. Cites to Kurtenbach Learning-while-Doing. Tapping on toolbar tab brings up practice area and explanation of the gesture. Jr. Dept.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing HP TouchSmart display.. report CS-08-06. 2009 Collection of Essays and historical notes by Dan Bricklin (Slate Corp. Andrew "GestureBar: A Training-Free Approach to Disclosing and Teaching Gestures". Kida. Scientific American. Mitsubishi Diamond Touch. May 2010.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Computing at Brown University: three-year funding for research on applications for Microsoft Tablet PC operating system and tablet hardware: ChemPad. approaching conductor changes coupling between electrodes. Optical sensors in pixes detect infrared light reflected from fingertips etc. Frustrated total internal reflection FTIR. Stindt. Chris. Stuart F. Shinji. Edward. "Hand-on computing: Multi-touch screens could improve collaboration without a mouse or keyboard". Optical panel is both sensing surface and diffusion screen for rear projection. and Stindt. Hiromi "In-Cell Capacitance Touch-Panel with Improved Sensitivity". Vol 229 No 1. Lacoste.13 (2008. changes capacitance to underlying (integrated into LCD) sensing electrode by changing distance to sensor. [BrownC10a] ( * )Brown. pp. [BrownC10b] ( * )Brown. 453-456 Integrated in-cell LCD display and touchscreen. IEEE Spectrum. and iPhone. Lineogrammer. 2010. see Light Blue Optics file. Dominik. Lilian. Perceptive Pixel. pp. Yamagishi. and Kato. [BuckleyE09a] ( * )Buckley. and Isele.erols. 64-67 Jeff Han. senses in proximity. Robert "Novel Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Design Enabled by Holographic Laser Projection". 2009 SID Vehicles and Photons Conference. Chris et al "A System LCD with Integrated 3Dimensional Input Device". Stylus or finger depresses conductive surface. SID Digest of Technical Papers. [BuckleyE09b] ( * )Buckley. dates to 1999. 2009 SID Symposium pre-distorted projected image shown on curved surface to appear undistorted Holographic 3-D three dimensional projection on windshield of automobile [BuckleyE10a] ( * )Buckley. Math Paper. two-electrode sensor. 346-349 In-cell LCD touchscreen.. capacitive sensing. Edward. Kazutoshi. 45 Holographic (portable) projector projects display and simulated/virtual users. 16th Annual Symposium on Vehicle Displays Holographic 3-D three dimensional projection on windshield of automobile. Edward "A Projector of a Different Color". SID Digest of Technical Papers. Some work listed (SKETCH) pre-dates Tablet PC. July 2008. [BrownSF08a] ( * )Brown. 2010. Dominik "Rear-View Virtual Image Displays".html 9/74 .11. p. Second style. MathPad (mathematical notation) Music Notepad.02. Also mentions Microsoft Surface. United States Patent Application 2010/0275122. 2010 Transparent/overlay menus and widgets for user interface on a touchscreen: compare with earlier click-through work.. 41(1) Session 31.theglobeandmail. Wei. Gesture recognition used broadly for natual gestures. IBM Simon.13 (2008. like all new technologies go far back: Plato in 1960s. transparent sheets. William "Chapter 14: Gesture Based Interaction / Haptic Input". precursor to iPhone. May 2010. and Yalcin. Casio wrist-watch with touch-screen in 1984: unistroke single-digits and arithmetic symbols for caclulator funcs. S.02. John "Click-through controller for mobile interaction". William "A chat with Microsoft Principal Researcher Bill Buxton". [BuxtonWAS10a] ( * )Buxton. IBM Simon in 1993. multi-touch user intefface inveted in 1984. 2010 (theglobeandmail. William "Invited Paper: A Touching Story: A Personal Perspective on the History of Touch Interfaces Past and Future". Society for Information Display (SID) Symposium Digest of Technical Papers. October 28.billbuxton. gestures with the hands in free space. X/Y/Z torque) touchscreen . [BuxtonW09a] ( * )Buxton. [BuxtonW10a] ( * )Buxton. Apple iPhone developers knew of IBM Simon smart touchscreen phone in 1993. multi-touch. also to "Chameleon" system detecting position of handheld touchscreen for viewing virtual scene (compare with Tagliozzi video?) [CakmakM10a] ( * )Cakmak. Oscar winner (2003).2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing keyboard onto table-top. described by Bill Buxton as precursor to iPhone. 444-448 Touchscreens. United States Patent Application US 2012/0153236 A1.erols. Online at http://www.html 10/74 . softmachines. and [BuxtonB10b] ( * )Buxton. dated 18 William Historical interview with Bill Buxton concerning user interfaces. Non-contact (touch sensors) interfaces in 1982. Canada. Zhao.11. senses touchscreen surface by fan of low-power infrared laster light superimposed on projected image and infrared sensors that detect scattering. Vol. August Multidimensional (X/Y/Z force. Baris "Manufacturing of multifunctional electrically conductive-transparentflexible films". www. Toronto. 2009 Book chapter in progress. portable computing. users. Casio PF-8000 Data bank. Cites to ToolGlass. The Globe and Mail. Mukerrem. pp. Xiang. Univ.) to simulate larger or smaller forces on virtual objects. films of conductive fibers. Also simulate pressing.13 (2008. PARCTAB hand-held ubiquitous computing unit 1989/1992. Jared and Gutwin. pen. Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human Computer Systems User interface for large touchscreen surfaces (e. hand area. "ShapeTouch: Leveraging Contact Shape on Interactive Surfaces". Music Notepad with twho-dimensional gesture input. etc. INTERACT 2009. casiocalculatorwatch.brown. California.11. colliding (pushing on virtual edge). Seminar Notes. 878-891 Addition of pressure sensors. Ravin. MathPad. Compare to Wang/Microtouch.. Palm PDA with Unistroke Graffiti [CaoX08a] ( * )Cao. [CenterForPenCentric08] ( * )Center for Research on Pen-Centric Computing.cs. ChemPad for teaching chemistry and molecular models. and Hudson. timed gestures hover-help and spring-loaded folders.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing June 21. Cites to ITO for transparency and very low resistivity. users. Lineogrammer sketch recognition / diagram editing. COMPSCI 298-50. fetched 2010 Casio wristwatch with unistroke character input on touchscreen. Proc. Carl "What is Pen-Centric Computing?". 2012 Transparent conductive films for touchscreens. but is brittle especially on flexible substrates. Rekimoto surface): use area of contact (multi-touch number of fingers. (Microsoft) "What is Pen-Centric Computing?". Grid Comppass laptop. Balakrishnan. Osborne I luggable computer 1981. Hinckley. Projects as of 2008 include MathPaper two-dimensional mathematics input and gesture/direct manipulation.html 11/74 . Ken. double-click. *Pad SDK ink middleware experimental pencomputing UI kit. Fluid Inking for gesture editing of electronic ink (compare with Van Raamsdonk?).g. flicking and rotate/scale around an anchor point. John and Hartmann.erols. Scott E. circa 1984 [CechanowiczJ09a] ( * )Cechanowicz. TABLETOP: 2008 IEEE Int'l. friction (require more area contact to slide). Microsoft Surface. pp. Microsoft funding of graphics research group under Andries van Dam at Brown University. [CasioCalculatorWatch10a] ( * )Casio Calculator Watch "Vintage Casio TC-600 Touch Screen Calculator Retro LCD wristwatch". Andrew D. September 2010 IBM Simon 1994. [CannyJ10a] ( * )Canny.02. Proc. Berkeley. Contrast of WIMP user interfaces with other numerous non-shape-recognition-based gestures: shift-click. Bjoern "Beyond the Cell Phone: Introduction and Historical Perspective".. each capacitor constructed to that a nearby flat conductor such as surface of a finger increases capacitance by a significant amount. [CERNCourier10a] ( * )Stumpe. Andy. electronic whiteboards. [ChaudhriI10] ( * )Chaudhri. Li. Wang. December 23. 2010 Sliding/swipe slide-to-unlock gesture on Apple iPad and iPhone. Darius "Asus takes user interface to the next level". insulating lacquer coating on top. 2013.02. 2009 pen-computing user interface. Greg "Unlocking a Device by Performing Gestures on an Unlock Image". Wei-Yin "Annotation Management in a Pen-based Computing System". display/touchscreen on other half. traces were solderable. March 31. Bas. Capacitor sensors etched into a film of copper on a shett of flass. June Ma. Anzures. PDAs. users.849. [ChangD08a] ( * )Change.erols. Scott.cnet. 2010 Structure-through-motion modeling of human shape. United States Patent 7. Lemay. Xiaoxu "Simple Techniques for Three-Dimensional Modeling". Feb. crave. virtual devices? [ChenJ10a] ( * )Chen. and Christie. Ording. may be irregular). 3D model using single camera.13 (2008. Traces 80 micrometers wide. Jian. The CERN Courier. Eow. 80 micrometer spaceing. multiple views from webcam. Van Os. Compare with D. OLPC One Laptop Per Child) with display on one half.046. annotations can be added to documents. Forstall.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing ReMarkable Texts digital note-taking. drift compensation by comparison to reference capacitor in same construction.11.706. Compare with direct manipulation. Phaselocked oscilator. Gives details of construction using ion sputtering. Barn-Wan. etc. Imruan. Marcel. Devices include pen computers (Tablet PCs).555.. Also US 8. First prototype produced in shop at CERN on flexible transparent Mylar sheet. United States Patent Application 2010/0319100 A1. Freey Allen. Bent and Sutton. 2. Also reads gestures by motion using video camera. Zhen. and Ma.657. system determines 3D shape by analysis of the images. United States Patent 7. change in capacitance changed phase not frequency.html 12/74 . Stephoen O. Christine "The first capacitative touch screens at CERN". 2008 Dual-display computer (compare with Refalo. Customer puts on patterned garment (with targets. June 2010 Historical article on capacitive touchscreens invented at CERN in the 1970's as simplified/better-organized user interface UI for complex computer ystem for SPS Super Proton Synchroton.. [ChenZ09a] ( * )Chen. Holz. Jian. erols. pp 45-ff. pp 2:1. Organic user interfaces / tangible user interfaces: E-Ink / electronic ink electrophoretic display technology. Additional materials in file: claim Cirque originatedcapacitive touchscreens in 1991 [CITT08] ( * )CITT Center for Instructional Technology and Training. focus plus context. both graphical zoom (original meaning of focus+context.13 (2008. Andy. Article 2. and in Mac XDock) and semantic zoom. for Handheld Augmented Reality "History of Mobile Augmented Reality".11. Benjamin B. Classifies as University of Florida "Tablet PC Workshop". Communications of the ACM. users. June 2008.html 13/74 .edu/training/manuals/TabletPC.ufl.2:31 Review of of user interface systems that show more and less detail. Vol 41 No 1.citt. [ChristianDopplerLaboratory10a] ( * )Christian Doppler Laboratory. ACM Computing Surveys. defined as overlaying computer data on real world.02. Compare with Agulnick and Slate annotations and electronic ink indexing. [Cirque09a] ( * )Cirque Technology (owned by ALPS) "Capacitive Touch with Near Field Communication". Sutherland head-mounted display with 6-D sensors 1968. Elise and Pshenkov. etc. (physical) power button action can be changed [CoE08] ( * )Co. and Bederson. 2010 Timeline of mobile augmented reality and non-mobile augmented reality systems. www. December 2008. Zooming and Focus+Context Interfaces". wordpress. Vol 51 No 6..2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Annotations can be recognized as gestures: recognizing a date annotation bring up a calendar multi-touch multi-finger gestures on Cirque GlidPoint sensor. Mentions pressure/force of touchcreen for zooming (Zliding. www. cue-based to highighlight or suppress items selectively. Fisheye zoom (enlargement in graphical context).pdf. fetched November 23. overview plus detail. Loomis GPS system for visually impaired 1993.. Cites Grid Compass 1000 as first clamshell laptop: compare with Data General DG/1? IBM Simon Personal Communicator 1992. "A Review of Overview+Detail. deferred fetched 2008/03/03 Training manual for Tablet PCs. Annotations anchored to context/text of document.). [CockburnA08a] ( * )Cockburn. Amy. Karlson. electroluminescent displays on clothing fabric. Nikita "Emerging Display Technologies for Organic User Interfaces". 26. down gestures across the (simulated) keys of a keypad -. etc. mostly relating to sketch recognition [Cypress08] ( * )Cypress Inc. [CSAIL08a] ( * )CSAIL "MIT CSAIL: Design Rational". "Capacitive touch screen with conductive polymer".02. Paul J. File contains additional materials. Announced as an "open-source" hardware design. Big Nerd Ranch Publishing. Oviatt. [Crunchpad09] ( * )CrunchPad "CrunchPad photos leaked: Arrington builds dream tablet". blogs.477. Maryland. Frank J.. Aug 25.cypress.Apple News "Apple files for 'swipe-gesture' patent application".13 (2008. Robert Compare with Freestyle at Wang. Darran [ConwayJ10a] ( * )iPhone Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide "Conway. Aaron". 2008 Patent application publication of Apple filing for 'swipe-gesture': article refers to left..11. www. Jennifer Bergin. Swindells. iPod) touchscreen devices: Simulator. up.. January 13. Joe and Hillegass. Bottari. Dec.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Later version of 2006 technical report.coolest-gadgets. so may be used on flexible touchscreens. United States Patent 7.. 2008 users. Anthony Alex "A high-performance dual-wizard infrastructure for designing Moshrefzadeh. [CoolestGadgets08a] ( * )Coolest Gadgets . Colin. Richter. 10th I'tal with 1980's Japenese calculator with handwriting input on physical keypad? [CrossEM09a] ( * )Cross. "TrueTouch touchscreen technology". and not brittle.html 14/74 . and pen. 2008 List of research reports and publications. Cairns. Objective-C. U. ICMI '08.zdnet. rationale. on Multimodal Interfaces Wizard-of-oz (two people) simulation of system reacting to group whiteboard utilizing both voice and real-time electronic ink/pen input streams. April 10. 2010 Development guide for IOS for iPhone (iPad.csail. Chernefsky. 2009 Web-only pen-computing web-tablet with no disk storage. same authors [CohenP08a] ( * )Cohen.242. Proc. Phil. Sharon..erols. 2009 (Filed 2002) Conductive polymer for capacitive touch screens: higher resistance than ITO (desirable for for capacitive-sheet touchscreens). running Ubuntu Linux. right.. and multimodal interfaces". Elisa M. tap) which have no interpretation phase File contains additional material on open-source code. Contains review of multi-touch hardware and software systems.13 (2008.11. Master Degree Thesis. Comb-like interdigitated pattern between rows and columns. also three layer with intermediate coupling conductors. Mutitouch. Kenneth Lawrence. Resistive [DeckerS09] ( * )Decker. Susan "Microsoft Wins Reversal of $358 Million Alcatel Award (Update4)". Surface-Acoustic-Wave (SAW). Sparsh-UI. not GO Corporation damages [DegnerBW08a] ( * )Degner. 2009 Partial reversal (basis for damages) in Lucent-Microsoft case: only mentions Date-Picker UI. Cooperative gesturing as distinct from multi-user gesture systems for collaboration. November 5. and Choi.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Multi-touch touchscreen using projected capacitive technology (electrostatic?). Staton. single-stroke. Hotelling. Shin John "Multi-touch Sensor Pattersn and Stackups". December 2008 Experimental multi-touch system (Rear Diffusion optical detection: rear DI) incorporating Z-order gestures by tunneling and bubbling (for overlapping objects). Includes comparison chart for touchscreen technologies: Infrared. Mentions running traces on single layer plus vias. Hovering gesture is press-and-hold. Discusses dynamic gestures (e. iPhone generally determines target of gesture on touch-down / hitTest:withEvent / users. Brett William. to fit to curved surfaces. 2009 Capacitive grid / mutual capacitance touchscreen on flexible substrate. some reference to Tablet PC but none to handwriting input. and statis gestures (e. [DeNardiA08a] ( * )De Nardi. Gestures are simple.02. lasso/lazo gestures. Gestures recognized by both spatial (shape?) and temporal (motion/movement) aspects of fingers moving over surface (compare with Nokia in-air optical gestures?) Tangible User Interface (TUI)/ Graspable User Interface. Surface Capacitance. pinch/zoom) which are detected and interpreted progressively. Niversita di Defines gesture as including motion. 11. and few ( Not to be confused with Graffiti unistroke handwriting.html 15/74 . United States Patent Application 2009/0273570. drag. Refers to larger target area as "iceberg tips" of object.Framework on MacOS/ Sept. Steve Porter. etc. except for double-tap) to avoid recognition ambiguity. Alessandro "GRAFITI: Gesture Recognition mAnagement Framework for Interactive Tablettop interfaces". not in-air hover: uses two-hand hover on two objects to link them. Multi-touch Vista. Boomberg News: www.erols. com. 2010 Nokia sell Windows Hpone 7 instead of Symbian. Describes event bubbling through parent windows for gestures. Janaruy 2010. Andreas "Features. Klinker. 2009 Stylus with force feedback: magnetic fields acting on metal ball in tip.11.erols. December 20. March 24. Regions. compare with Microsoft Courier and with Refalo.13 (2008. Cambridge.508. 2010. 227-23Multitouch optical touchscreen sensor: infrared LEDs in pairs behind an LCD display -. [EchtlerF10b] ( * )Echtler. "Forcefeedback stylus and applications to freeform ink". Jonathan T. Inc. Larry "Nokia and Microsoft's Windows Phone 7: It could June 21. but why stop there?". June 20. Focuses more on direct manipulation 2010 Dual-screen multitouch portablet computer with virtual keyboard.02. spin-off company for DiamondTouch multi-touch digitizer table developed at Mitsubishi. Florian. Mass. zdnet. Gudrun "An LED-based Multitouch Sensor for LCD Screans". not finger-lift/mouse-up/gestureend [DenoueL09a] ( * )Denoue. "DiamondTouch". SIGCHI Workshop: Engineering Patterns for Multitouch Interfaces. United States Patent 7. (various) File on Diamond Touch. Laurent and Foote.382. Germany Recognize multi-touch gestures based on shared features: move/tap/rotate/spin gestures recognized on features motion/blobcount/rotation/scale..2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing gesturestart. ACM TEI 2010. One LED used as infrared emitter. Gestures: Components of a Generic Gesture Recognition Engine". 2010 Apple iPhone patents asserted against HTC/Android and Nokia: antenna design. Larry "Apple's HTC patent suit: Can it derail Google's Android devices?". comparable to Microsoft Surface [DignanL10a] ( * )Dignan. pp. derstandard. Berlin. and Klinker. geographical positioning [DignanL10c] ( * )Dignan. and with proposed design by Negroponte's project [DiamondTouch08a] ( * )DiamondTouch. Proc. [DerStandard10a] ( * )Der Standard "Toshiba bringt Dual-Screen-Tablet Libretto W100".com. 2010 Apple iPhone patents asserted against HTC/Android and Nokia [DignanL10b] ( * )Dignan. and Butz. zdnet. [EchtlerF10a] ( * )Echtler.html 16/74 . Thomas. Pototsch. March 2. zdnet. other used as infrared detector. Der Standard.LCD displays tranparent to infrared. for infrared light reflected users. Florian. May 7. Larry "Apple's HTC patent suit: Can it derail Google's Android devices?". Myra Mary "Multi-touch Gesture Dictionary". Has enough proximity sensing to detect hover. Jeff Han of Perceptive Pixel on pressure-sensitive gestures. users. Quotes Bill Buxton on haptic "eInstruction Interwrite DualBoard". push harder to move something "under" another window instead of double-click operation.02. Interwrite DualBoard for Windows and Mac. [E-Ink08a] ( * )E-Ink Corporation "Wacom and E-Ink Partnership Delivers Pen Input to Electronic Paper Displays". Compare Fig.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing from objects touching the screen. [ElanMicroelectronics10] ( * )Elan Microelectronic Corporation "Elan Microelectronics Corporation". Westerman. Wayne Carl.13 (2008. Wacom Technology.11. 2010 Extension of chorded keyboard (on multi-touch touchpad) to defining chording input as user-defined chord (multi-finger) gestures. 2008 Touchscreen / integrated display and digitizer tablet from Wacom and EInk. multiple small untethered electromagnetic tablets for other participants in a group: see KayeS. product information Electrostatic digitizer / capacitive touchpad vendor [ElektronikIndustrie10a] ( * )Elektronik Industrie "Der etwas andere touch".com product literature Large whiteboard digitizer using projector. See also Qomo HitVision RF wireless tablets. eInstruction. November 23. United Statest Patent 7. Interwrite Mobi small wireless digitizer. and Haggerty. September 4. and multi-touch gestures. Numerous citations to Elan Microelectronics. 7 (image of hand) with Rekimoto 2002 paper (electrostatic/capacitive).erols. 10/22/2006. John Greer. pp. Cites Elo TouchSystems and Sam Hurst as first touchscreen (resistive tablet) in 1971 (missed earlier references). Elektronik Industrie. The Economist Magazine. [eInstruction09] ( * )eInstruction. 22-23 in German: overview article on capacitive touchscreens using ITO Indium Tin Oxide. May 19. 2008 Article on touch screens.html 17/74 .912. based on Quantum Research Group (commercial company) [EliasJG10a] ( * )Elias. Press Release. [Economist08a] ( * )Economist Magazine "Touching the Future: Computing: Touch screens are becoming an increasingly popular way to control mobile phone and other devices". first Windows version 1. mouse-operations. for DOS.2X 1991. 97 through 99. 2008 ESRI International User Conference. Georg. sells and collects old versions of software in original form. Used and Out-of-Print SideKick(R) Software".com Version information for Lotus 123 versions: www. fist to scroll or tilt. Commerical multi-touch touchscreen tabletops PerceptivePixel. For mouse "Old. PIM: Versionn 1.erols. 23 February 2010 Hand-gesture input using hand-held magnet and magnetic compass sensor users.0X.0 for Windows 9991. Victoria BC. Kelowna B.oldsoftwareinfo. TouchTable.C. [EoffBD09a] ( * )Eoff.htm Borland SideKick with phone Brian David and Hammond.02. [EsslG09a] ( * )Essle. first MacIntosh version 1.html 18/74 .0 through 20. rohs. OS/2 version 2. Slide presentation. and writing speed. Graphics Interface Conf. multiple users handled first-to-touch wins. Prototype built by taping two iPhones together. [EsentherA08a] ( * )Esenther. rather than constraining users to keep track of which pen to use: pen tilt. [FlemingN10a] ( * )Fleming. Lucid Touch.13 (2008. ESRI Incorporated. 1993. two fingers to resize/move/rotate object. "Precision-hover" when finger obscures pixel to be selected. pressure (force). tablet-PC lower case. UIST '09. May 2009.0 1991. Canada Two-sided (front/back) touchscreen/touchpad interfaces. Proc. not Tablet PC. Kratz. Sven "Squeezing the Sandwich: A Mobile Pressure-Sensitive Two-sided Multi-touch Prototype". identify user inputs by physical characteristics of writing. Windows and MAC [EMSSoftware08] ( * )EMS Software "Lotus 1-2-3 Version Information". Nic "Magnet magic puts phone control in the air". Hybridtouch.com10a] ( * )emsps.0.11. Hardware was Wacom Cintiq tablet with tilt and tip force sensing. Proc. www. DiamondTouch CircleTwelve. New York Gestures: one finger to select. Tracy "Who Dotted That `i'? : Context Free User Differentiation through Pressure and Tilt Pen Data". Middle finger tap for middle mouse button. New Scientis.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing [emsps. Canada In multi-touch / multi-pen / multi-user desktop with tablet or touch input. Michael.oldsoftwareinfo.emsps. and Shape touch. five fingers to pan enire map. Alan "Multi-Touch Gestures for Controlling Synchronized Map Views". Lotus 123 for DOS only through 2. Citations to Chen. flick. Microsoft surface. October 2009. demonstrated at CeBIT exhibition for iPoint Presenter. news. Newer model includes audio recording: compare with LiveScribe and Plawa. [FoleyMJ10a] ( * )Foley.fingersystemusa. fetched 2010 Optical mouse in a pen-shapped barrel. February 2008 (in German) GestureID hand Kindle and Tablet kingdoms?". Mentioned as replacement for touch-screen digitizers at infoterminals (kiosks). May December 2010 Historical review (revised from 2002 and 2008) of Tablet PC and Apple iPad. Tablet PC announced August 1999 by Bill Gates. [FrankeK09a] ( * )Franke.02.erols. Describes morphing of on-line and off-line traces/markings -. 2010 UI alternative to soft/simulated keyboard on touch-screen/pen computer: physical keys for separate hands on back of tablet-type computer. Fraunhofer Institute Press Release for CeBIT 2008 exhibition. August 9. Cites to IBM TransNote and Sony Slimtop Pen Tablet. [FriedI08b] ( * )Fried. One of few papers from handwriting motion analysis that shows insights into some of the problems with digitizer reliability and bad behaviors.zdnet. compares with Apple iPod user interface.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing in an iPhone or portable device [FihnM10a] ( * )Fihn. Uses optical pattern recognition (machine vision) [FriedI08a] ( * )Fried. Mary Jo "Microsoft's RearType: Physical keys to the [FingerSystem10a] ( * )Finger System USA "i-Pen Mouse product information". Comparison with success of Apple Newton concept in the form of smart phones. www.13 ( with Tappert elastic matching? [Fraunhofer08] ( * )Fraunhofer Institut "Computer steuern per Fingerzeig / Gesture-driven computers". even though really only talks about stylus tilt Gestures include pinching (zoom) and two-finger rotating. www. Mark "Touch Panel: Will Apple enable Microsoft's vision for the Tablet PC?". Prototype demonstrated June 2000. Katrin "Capturing Reliable Data for Computerbased Forensic Handwriting Analysis II: Pen-position Activations". www.11. Ina "Microsoft to add multitouch interface to Windows 7". Shown by Steve Ballmer and Bill Gates at trade show. 2008 Windows 7 Vista will include multitouch..html . 2009 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition Pointing out unreliability of data from (electromagnetic) digitizer tablets.veritasetvisus.cnet. Ina "Microsoft hopes 'Milan' table PC has magic 19/74 users. Microsoft Surface tabletop PC. March 25. screens can be oriented end-to-end or fold out side-to-side (special hinge). convertible with multitouch separate display [Fujitsu10b] ( * )Fujitsu America. July 1. Priya "3-D Tabletop Display Gets Rid of the Glasses".html 20/74 . using multi-touch input. Fujitsu Video demonstration at CEATEC 2010 of prototype Fujitsu dualtouchscreen phone. one keyboard. Inc.erols.11. Product information on Lifebook T900 Tablet PC. Fujitsu Fujitsu dual-touchscreen phone. news. "CEATEC Fujitsu's dual-screen phone prototype: Video demonstration".com. news. users.cnet. 2008 Milan code name for "surface computer". November 2009: reporter Wilson Rothman Wacom technology (?) capacitive/electrostatic digitizer in an e-book reader.g.gesturetek. Stay in Touch". "Lifebook Tablet PC. "Fujitsu Shows Off Clamshell Handset With 2 Touch Panels". Gizmodo. 2009 Touch/multi-touch interface in Windows 7 just for show. one application display) compare with Reefalo? [Ganapati10] ( * )Ganapati. screens can be oriented end-to-end or fold out side-toside (special hinge): compare with Reefalo? [Fujitsu10c] ( * )Fujitsu Hand-gesture recognition using video input and motion tracking: commercial product. Wired. May 29. www. Inc.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing touch".02. N-Trig dual-mode digitizer (electrostatic+electromagnetic?) has funding from Microsoft [Fujitsu10a] ( * )Fujitsu America. Described as touch-free gesture input utilizing computer vision and body tracking software to convert simple hand movements into direct mouse control. or separate apps (e. Ina "Touch in Windows 7: Just for show?".13 (2008. Fujitsu America.cnet. 2010 Simulated 3-D display: each side of a cube has an LCD display showing a side/top view of something simulated to be inside [GestureTek08a] ( * )GestureTek "GestPoint Gesture Recognition for Presentation Systems". because touchscreen digitizer hardware adds $100 to price of "Que: Plastic Logic's Capacitive-Touch Ebook Reader". [FriedI09a] ( * )Fried. May be combined to be one display. [Gizmodo09a] ( * )Gizmodo. com "First Hands On: Touch Book is PartNetbook. Joseph "Light-based Touch Screen". Eriksson. Glasgow users.erols. September 23. not a "book reader".com/p0/iphone-haptics.html 21/74 . [Google08a] ( * )Google Code "iphone-haptics". circular-icon gesture UI (pie gestures?) [GoertzM09a] ( * )Goertz. [GoldsteinN10a] ( * )Goldstein. Assigned to NeoNode: see NeoNode file. Thomas.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing but says being marketed as a "document reader". such as having LEDs at or below surface of device and low-angled mirror on the full dide to direct the light across/over the touchscreen surface.11. See also file on "Plastic Logic". but not optical.02. Neal and angled upward from points within touchscreen at an angle and detectors also at an angle to detect light reflected diagonally downward from finger or object. Part-Tablet". and Shain. [GoertzM10a] ( * ) 2010 Optical touchscreen using infra-red LED diodes and light detectors. Tony "iPad Application Development for Dummies". Wiley Publishing. 2009 Optical touchscreen using infra-red LED diodes and light [Gizmodo10a] ( * )Gizmodo. Arpil 13. United States Patent Application 2010/0238138. Joseph "Optical Touch Systems using Reflected Light". code. Various geometries for reflectors. Magnus. Stephen Brewster Tacton project at U. Prior art discussion mentions resistive and capacitive touchscreen etc. 2008 VibeTonz and vibrotactile haptic feedback project for Apple iPhone. States can detect hard and soft touches by detecting position while still above surface and determining vertical height (and velocity) from how much light is reflected from the object/finger above the surface. 2010 Touch Book web tablet / tablet computer: Linux. July 30. LEDs projecting a plane or lines of light to detectors diagonally (rather than directly across). and Shain.13 (2008. 2010 Programming tutorial for the iPad/iPhone/iPod. Variations include having LEDs at four corners projecting light in a full plane to the two opposite sides of the LED. One figure showing light propogated across and within touchscreen glass by internal reflection. Magnus. United States Patent Application 2009/0189878. and all LEDs on a side being illuminated at once and the detectors on the opposite side read in paralle. Eriksson.. Gizmodo. Thomas. November 3. drewp. 2009 Three-dimensional pressure sensitive touch digitizer: IMPAD Inexpensive Multi-touch Pressure Acquisition Device.html 22/74 .. Larry "Magic Fingers: Digging into Multi-touch Technology with Both Hands: Perceptive Pixel chief scientist Jefferson Han has big plans for changing how people use computers". 2010 Interview with Jeff Han on Multitouch technology by perceptive pixel: states that large screen manipulation is the interesting user-interface area. 2008 Microsoft research Patrick Baudisch adding touch digitizer interaction to back of devices so that display is not obscured by finger or stylus [Greene09a] ( * )Greene. Kate "Touching the Future: Next steps for touch screens". 13 Patrick Baudisch of Microsoft: touch pad on back of October 28.11. Recognition by neural network. Kate "What's Next for Computer Interfaces? Touch tricks for small and large displays could be the next big thing". such as Air Guitar. Kate "Muscle-Bound Computer Interface: Forearm electrodes could enable new forms of hands-free computer interaction". December 11.quickwitretort.touchco.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing [Google08b] ( * )Unknown "google chrome". and Raizlabs ABC and Heatmap [GonsalvesA09] ( * )Gonsalves. March 30. Technology Review. Ilya Rosenberg. www. 2009 electromyography sensors in arm used to recognize hand/arm gestures. March 5. Scientific American. Technology Review. etc. Kate "A Better. 2009 p. criticizes capacitive sensing multi-touch input as not scalable to large surfaces or use with gloves compared to frustrated internal reflection users. Information Week. Antone "Barnes and Nobel Sued over EReader".13 (2008. Also mentions Perceptive Pixel [Greene09c] ( * ) Search hits highlighted in Google Chrome scrollbar UI/user-interface: references to work by David McClosy. [GreenemeierL10a] ( * )Greenemeier. using force sensitive resistor (IFSR) ink. Technology Review. Cheaper Multitouch Interface: A new pressure-sensistive pad could improve large and small touch schreens". February. 2009 E-Reader maker Spring Design (kindle-like product) sues Barnes and Nobel over using features of Alex e-reader from confidential product technical discussions [Greene08a] ( * )Greene. Technology [Greene09b] ( * )Greene. so that small screen remains unobstructed. Andries. Malls Get More 'Gesture' Ads: Interactive Video-Out-of-Home Ads let Consumers Play". pp.581.13 (2008. Monster Media. "Applications and Issues in PenCentric Computing".com/rwservices/pens/biblio10. Zeleznik. [GunnHD10a] ( * )Gunn. Mentions Wang Freestyle.411. October 2008 Scroll bar displays highlighted/small images of text/document to be scrolled: add-on to Microsoft Visual Studio by Rocky Down's [Hardie-BickAR08a] ( * )Hardie-Bick. Utz. CA. 2008 Based on 2002 GB filing: Acoustic touchscreen using frequency profiles characteristic of different location (Lamb waves: higher frequencies disperse faster) rather than acoustic delay. not contact. 14-21 WIMP User interfaces predominate. IEEE MultiMedia. Chuanjun. Microsoft employee blog posting: www.. Harold David and Chapman. Li. van Dam. using predictive work list and pause and lift (press-and-hold) to re-invoke search for text completion. and LaViola. 2008 Press article on Reactrix. Westermann. jr. Tenneson. Requires profiling of construction first. Berkeley. Joseph J.02. Advertising Age.hanselman.11. March 16. Identifies touch events (start of touch).2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing [GroskyWI08a] ( * )Grosky. 2010 Pop-up movable virtual keyboard in the form of a marking menu. United States Patent Anoto photo pen. John "Data entry for personal computing devices". Proc. Andrew "Airports. GO PenPoint. [HamppA08] ( * )Hampp. "Pseudo-3D video Conferencing with a Generic Webcam". Maloney. August 12.html ( * )Harrison. May 8. Anthony Richard "Touch Pad". Dana. Scott E. 10th IEEE Int'l Symposium on Multimedia.. Dec 15-17. ?? "Introducing RockScroll". but some applications better with tablet/pen computers: 2D mathematical notation MathPad). pp. Christopher. others. Chris and Hudson. United States Patent 7. Pen Windows. [HarrisonC08b] users. Robert. and GestureTek on gesture input on interactive advertizing: foot-pressture touch pad with foot input [Hanselman08] ( * )Hanselman. Diagraming/sketch input (Lineogrammer). to produce a table? [HarrisonC08a] ( * )Harrison. Chris and Hudson. October 2008.681. Scott E. "Scratch Input: 23/74 . 236-241 Simulated 3-D video using flat display: perform trapezoidal scaling of image as viewer moves left and right (and up and down?) as detected by Webcam camera. chemical structures (ChemPad).erols. 2008. William I. html 24/74 . 2010. 2008.11. 20009. O-with-slash. Tan. Describes polar gestures (circular motion around a very small display) [HarrisonC10a] ( * )Harrison. Cannot detect sptial location. Dan "Search by Sketch". palm fingers and thumb. UIST 08. using small magnet mounted on fingertip. UIST '09. October 19-22. Atlanta GA Optical-mouse type input built into portable device (basically on back of display). File contains additional materials [HarrisonC10b] ( * )Harrison. "Minput: Enabling Interaction on Small Mobile Devices with High-Precision. Cites to earlier work on passive acoustic sensing (knocks) and frustrated-internalreflection digitizer tablets [HarrisonC09a] ( * )Harrison. double tap. CA. system matches by dominant color and rough orientiation. October 4-7. Proc. Monterey. LowCost. April 10-15. CHI 2010. and Morris. but recognizes multi-part (multi-stroke) gestures such as X. www. Scott E. CHI 2010. Multipoint Optical Tracking". providing results in real time while user is "sketching". and Unpowered Finger Input for Very Small Mobile Devices". Inexpensive. and Morris. pp 205208 Gesture recognition not using a digitizer. [HarrisonC10c] ( * )Harrison. 2010. Chris and Hudson. Also refers to distinctive sounds made when tapping on parts of body: arm.. Y.erols. High-Precision. Desney. can detect distance/proximity by strength of magnetic field sensed.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Creating Large. but the acoustic sound of scratching when a finger/fingernail moves on a surface. Canada Proximity-sensing electromagnetic digitizer for finger input on small display. "Abracadabra: Wireless. Compare with ferrite-rod digitizer technologies? Can detect clicking "below" a virtual surface by reversal of magnetic field.chrisharrison. no digitizer users. Thus display is not occuluded by finger or Project description: Compare with earlier work on sketch recognition: use uses paint interface (not draw/sketch) to draw color patterns. Scott E. Victoria BC. lowercase-I-with-dot. Georgia Surface (?) acoustic wave design of touch input device comprising an arm band and propagating acoustic signals through human skin: a wearable SAW touch input digitizer. Chris and Hudson. Desney.13 (2008. single tap.02. April 10-15. Atlanta. Tan. Chris. Dan "Skinput: Appropriating the Body as an Input Surface". Unpowered and Mobile Finger Input Surfaces". Mongraph.13 (2008. Aug 11. users. Bran "Touch driven method and apparatus to integrate and display multiple image layers forming alternate depictions of same subject matter". [HaywardP08a] ( * )Hayward. may show additional areas of an image or of a second image when moved. [HarrisonP08a] ( * )Harrison. W. 2009 T. Gesture recognition for flick. Generic to type of input device.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing on display.. Microsoft Visual Programming Language: Review of visual programming languages and environments: cites to Sketchpad 1963. "Haptic Pads for use with User-Interface Devices". 2008 Add a haptic output actuator to an existing input devices.11. Ramon. ThingLab and other earliy systems. thus can do scroll-bar gestures. Miguel "For the Blind. twist. 2008 (in German) Microsoft Robotics Studio 2006.html 25/74 . June 26. [HewlettPackard08] ( * )Hewlett-Packard "HP Pavilion tx2z series".336. Rosenberg. Technology Does What a Guide Dog Can't". Phil "Hand-held Device with Touchscreen and Digital Tactile Pixels". Apple IPhone) using Gestures [HembrowD10a] ( * )Hembrow. [Helet09] ( * )Helet. www. Louis and to type of haptic actuator.724.V. accessibility technology for low-vision on touchscreen cell phones (e. David "EO Personal Communicators EO440 / EO880 running GO PenPoint". implies support for multi-touch gestures on laptop running Windows Vista [HillisWD10a] ( * )Hillis. AMBIT/G TouchSmart 2x2z ulgraportable Tablet PC: multi-touch input. www.hembrow. fetched 2010 Personal notes on EO/PenPoint in the UK. Daniel and Ferren. May 25.erols. Raman. 2008 Haptic/tactile vibration pixels around edges of touchscreen PDA computer [HartmannC08a] ( * )Hartmann. January 4. February 26. visually impaired researcher at Google. GRAIL 1967. Alarcon.266. 2010 Tabletop computer system: slide/zoom/pinch gestures include inertia. Can also scan a larger surface. United States Patent Application 2008/0150911. Christoph "Microsoft Visual Programming Language: End-User Perspektive". The New York United States Patent 7. www. United States Patent 7. including examples of documentation and product. curly-cue gesture. Collaborative use. such as foldable paper which is also a display. [HolmanD08] ( * )Holman. Lanman. and Buxton. [HookJ09a] ( * )Hook. Taylor. Shows multiple-touch. [HinckleyK10a] ( * )Hinckley. Software based on InkSeine note-taking with "floating tool ring" (marking-menu?). Society for Information Display (SID) Symposium Digest of technical Papers. Ravin "Codex: A Dual Screen Tablet Computer". Dual-display use includes webpage next to notebook page. Ken. MA Dual-screen dual-display/dual-touchscreen tablet. Raman. Multiple references to other current dual screen computers. Butler. and Balakrishnan.02. Dixon. Alex. Pahud. Morgan. book/lecturn/laptop. Compare with Courier and Refalo. Vol 28 No 5. Nicolas. Taxonomy of dual-screen "postures": landscape/portrit.11. multiple-user actions on a globe model. David and Vertegaal. Guimbretiere. Permits 3D user input manipulation. Bill "Direct Display Interaction via Simultaneous Pen + Multi-Touch Input". battleship (opposite directions). Depth-Sensing LCD for 3D Interaction using Light Fields".com (IP shop). Vol 41(1). 537-540 Using pen and touch gestures simultaneously. Displays on real-world objects allow more realistic user interfaces".com/rwservices/pens/biblio10. 2009. Dual displays can be detached. Francois.13 (2008. Douglass. June 2008. December 2009 Bidirectional LCD sensor/display: LCD display with 3D optical touchscreen and proximity (3D) sensing using synthetic apertures onto optical sensors behind each LCD pixel: no change to LCD. proximity changes zoom. Matthew. [HirschM09a] ( * )Hirsch. May 2010.erols. Session 38. Railing around table to keep users from resting hand on tabletop touchscreen. and Raskar. corner-to-corner/face-to-face. cites to Wellner. Or Form. April 4-9. pp 48-ff. 4x6 inch. Shahram "A Reconfigurable Ferromagnetic Input users. Communications of the ACM. Villar. Sarin. appliedminds. Holtzman. ACM Trans of Graphics. Michel. Jonathan. Boston. Stuart. Shape.html 26/74 . pp. users perform different actions with the two hands -. Organic user interfaces / tangible user interfaces: deformable user-input devices. Roel "Organic User Interfaces: Designing Computers in Any Way. Henry. [HinckleyK09a] ( * )Hinckley.dominant hand holds pen/stylus for writing. Ramesh "BiDi Screen: A Thin. and Izadi. Proc CHI 2009. Cites to earlier work on two-handed/multi-touch user interfaces. Ken.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Long list of references: See also TouchTable (assignee). and responds to folding. Vol 51 No 6.. compared to trackball that keeps spining after initial push [HotellingSP09a] ( * )Hotelling. October 4-7. [HotellingS10a] ( * )Hotelling. BC. John Z. Compare with Cypress? [HotellingSP09b] ( * )Hotelling. July 14. 51=54 X/Y grid matrix of electromagnetic sensing coils used to detect ferrous / ferromagnetic objects: objects need not be tagged. Joshua A. Eva "Tangible interaction".663. [HOPL08] ( * )HOPL History of Programing Languages "Maths input language". [HorowitzBT08a] ( * )Horowitz. Steve Porter. 2010 users. "Synaptics touch pad tech gains momentum". Feberuary 16. if ferrous. interpolated to get higher location resolution. Brian Q. 2009 Single-layer multi-touch/Multipoint mutual capacitive touchscreen (not really a display). UIST '09. hopl. See also augmented 2009 Essay defining tangible interaction as distinct from direct manipulation in user interfaces: physical objects interact with users under computer control: numerous references to background of the art. 2009. quotes as saying that real-time / online handwriting recognition is easier than static / OCR character recognition. Brian T. [HorneckerE09a] ( * )Hornecker.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Device". blog. United States Patent Application 2009/0091551. "Multipoint Touchscreen". and Steve. 2009 proximity-sensing hand/palm rest near keyboard: if detect user's palm/hand near keyboard.607.html 27/74 .edu. History of two-dimensional mathemathics input languages as programming languages: essentially a short bibliography of papers by Mort.02. filter out touch input (palm rejection).. Placing flat ferrofluid bladder on array is touch/force/pressure touchpad surface. "Singlelayer touch-sensitive display".146.11.erols.13 (2008. physical slider with ferrous handle.interactiondesign. I Bernstein. InteractionDesign. Zhong. United States Patent http://www. Victoria.html.561.g. Strickon. Proc. Steven One use is sensing of actual objects: e.murdoch. United States Patent 7.internetnews. April 9. 2008 Scrolling momentum / dynamic scrolling by Synaptics in a touchpad digitizer. June 26. Canada. "Method and Apparatus to Reject Accidental Contact on Touchpad". November 16.02. Applications also include medical and surgical simulators : digitizers with haptic feedback under the product name Mechanical digitizers using multiple-link mechanical arms. Windows PC with integrated multitouch touchscreen.11. Bas "Wide Touchpad on a Portable Computer ". Used for kiosk users. Chris. Bartley K. Anthony M.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Multi-touch/Multipoint mutual capacitive touchscreen: compare to Fingerworks and Rekimoto? [HotellingS10b] ( * )Hotelling. Derek. Multi-modal feedback..834. instead of just a touchpad in the middle. General explanation of haptic terms.) [Immersion10b] ( * )Immersion Corporation "The Value of Haptics: A summary of published findings on the value of haptic feedback in humancomputer interaction". Huppi. San Jose.13 (2008. www. Brian. PDAs. Christie. [HP08a] ( * )Hewlett-Packard "HP TouchSmart IQ506/IQ504 PC". Immersion Corporation. United States Patent 7. 2010 Touchpad the full width of a laptop computer. United States Patent 7.855. non-visual interaction. Allows user to move hand less away (horizontally) from keyboard position to use touchpad. Imran. and Ording.076 Motion and/or position sensor in portable cell phone. Joshua A. Fadell. PDA or hand-held unit to detect user activity: motion / orientation sensor on handheld tablet device? iPhone/iPad [Immersion08] ( * )Immersion Corporation "MicroScribe Systems: Solutions fo Inspection. articulated-arm digitizers and portable CMMs.html 28/74 . (various) File of product information on HP TouchSmart PC. Greg. Barrentine.. Ligtenberg. Palm discrimination by sensing fingers over keyboard.. Andre. ignore touch input on touchpad (using separate proximity sensor.. Daniel "Automated Response to and Sensing of User Activity in Portable Devices".633. or visual sensor above keyboard on top edge of display screen). Reverse-engineering. Steve. Intended for three-dimensionsal / 3D digitizing of engineering objects. Kerr. Duncan. Strickon.erols. Brian Q.immersion. Several citations to studies of touchscreens with and without tactile/haptic feedback. and VibeTonz auditory/haptic components for hand-held devices (cell phones. California. 2010 Haptic: Tactile Feedback. and Freeman. etc. [HuppiB09a] ( * )Huppi. and 3D Digitizing".. Chaudhri. informationdisplay. including capacitive electrosensor interface (CEI) in nerve endings Journal of the SID Article: Beneath the Surface (Microsoft Surface) Journal of the SID Article: Taking Touch to New Frontiers: Why It Makes Sense and How to Make It Happen News: FlatFrog Laboratories optics-based multi-touch kits. iogear. Vol 26 No 3 SID special issue on touch technology (rather than displays). piezo actuation. especially multi-touch digitizers. Compare with 1990's article in Information Display by Ward/Tappert? Advertizement: IRTOUCH multi-touch is ready for Windows 7 Editorial: The Limitless Horizon for Touch Article: LCD In-Cell Touch Article: Projected-Capacitive Touch Technology Article: The State of the Touch-Screen Market in 2010 Article: Touch Screens and Touch Surfaces are Enriched by Haptic ForceFeedback: intertial actuation. (constracting) electro-active polymer actuation.useful as accessibility technology? File contains additional references. Irislink.13 (2008. File contains additional references [IOGEAR10a] Acoustic/sonic digitizer. Applications include note taking (Microsoft OneNote.erols. IRISnotes. etc.S. includes OCR software for text and for handwriting recogition (static/off-line character recogition).html 29/74 .com/rwservices/pens/biblio10. IRISPen translator 6 for translating text in other languages. hand-held optical ( * )IOGEAR "IRISPen executve 6 User's guide".) and handwriting recognition (MyScript). See also IOGEAR GPEN100C. lateral actuation. See also IRIS file.R. [IRIS10a] ( * )I. fetched 2010 OCR software for IRISpen and other scanner devices. users.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing [InformationDisplay10a] ( * )SID Society for Information Display "The Best of Times For Touch: Touch Technology Issue". SID Information display. touchco flexible touchscreens [IOGEAR08a] ( * )IOGEAR "IOGEAR Digital Scribe".I.02. Includes speech synthesis for recognized text -. bar-code recognition. bending wave. (electrostatic) surface actuation. www. single acoustic receiver that mounts on corner or top of paper (or other surface) and transmitter stylus/pen with optional ink cartridge. Revice may also be used as stylus or in mouse-input mode with side button on stylue barrel.11. IRISnotes software for IOGEAR acoustic stylus digitizer tablet: compared with products requiring special paper (Anoto) and optical digitizer. "Readiris 12 Pro". March 2010. but reflects second image projected from above. iRex Technologies BV. such as recognizing shadows of physical stick figures or clay models. Hiroshi "The Tangible User Interface and Its Evolution". Shi. Dan. The Independent. 2010 Mouse with additional pressure sensors: references contrast with WIMP interfaces [iRexTechnologies09] ( * )iRex Technologies BV "iRex Technologies Turns the Page on eReaders with new 8. Steve. pp. United States Published Patent Application 20100127983. CACM. In diffusing state. Shahram. Press Release Sep. Deformable/rollable input devices. Willar. Jare. Misc Miscellaneous iPad information [IraniP10a] ( * )Irani. [iPad10] ( * )iPad "iPad file information".com/rwservices/pens/biblio10. October 19-22. 23. [IzadiS08a] ( * )Izadi. rear display not visible.erols. 32-36 Special issue on organic/graspable/haptic/tangible user interfaces. Kang. 2009 iRex Technologies e-book reader: marketed with additional applications (compare with PenPoint from GO): uses Wacom capacitive/electrostatic touch digitizer tablet component. UIST '08. Sriram "Pressure Agumented Mouse". 169-278 SecondLight: Combined two-image display and multi-touch sensor: surface has cells (like LCD) electronically switchable between diffusing and transparent state: in transparent state. Alex. Proc. Cechanowicz.02. Nicolas. May 27. Vol 51 No 6. California pp. image from display behind is visible. June 2008.html 30/74 . Additional materials in file. Taylor. and an optical camera behind the display can see objects above the surface. can sense touching fingers users. At the same time. Lemur touch-surface music controller in 2003 (see reference) quotes Bill Buxton on touchscreens being unusable by blind/visually impaired (compare with iPhone VoiceOver?) Chris Harrison latex touchsurface covering. Pourang. Stuart. [IshiiH08a] ( * )Ishii.. Jonathan "Going Beyond the Display: A Surface Technology with an Electronically Switchable Diffuser". Hodges. United Kingdom "Why touch screens push our buttons".2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing [Independent09a] ( * )The Independent.11. Monterey. Butler. 2008.1-inch Consumer Device". Rosdenfeld.13 (2008. 9 September 2009 Mostly interview with Chris Harrison and Bill Buxton regarding multi-touch input and touchscreens: mentions Casio touch-screen AT-550 wristwatch in 1980. and Subramian. and Westhues. [Janam08a] ( * )Janam Technologgies LLC "Janam XP30 User Guide".13 (2008. passted. December 20009 Vol 52 NO 12. Molloy. multi-touch. Steve. Janam Technologies LLC. 2009 Scroll/drag a web page using a stylus on a touchscreen: when move stylus to perimiter.erols.jazzmutant. Butler. and Buxton.02. Mike.99 Version of 2007 and 2008 papers: Multi-touch optical touchscreen: mount array of infra-red transmitters and receivers (coarse) behind and LCD.. undo [JarrettRJ09a] ( * )Jarrett.0 User Guide". cut (pig-tail). Alban. United States Patent 7. West.. detect reflection of infra-red reflective fingers and objects through LCD.. page will auto-scroll with simulated momentum. 90. Shahram. Darren. www.11. www. [JazzMutant09a] ( * )JazzMutant. multi-touch. Cites to MIDI controller/GUI software toolkit for touch gestures specific to controlling music and audio MIDI controller/GUI software toolkit for touch gestures specific to controlling music and audio systems. shift.519. Emily K. "Behind the Lemur". CACM. Steve P. Duncan. RibasRibikauskas. April 14. copy (down-left).html .com/rwservices/pens/biblio10.jazzmutant. Mentions measuring area of contact of fingertip as indirect measure of pressure/force. et al "Touch Screen Device. Bicubic interpolation to interpolate to higher accuracy for "center" of a finger touchpoint. William "ThinSight: a Thing Form-factor Interactive Surface Technology". 2008 Janam XP30 touchscreen/digitizer smart phone: Uses Graffiti 2 gestures: backspace. multi-touch. [JobsSP09a] ( * )Jobs. and major and minor axis of oval to determine rotational orientation/angle of finger "Lemur: Schliessen Sie Ihren Lemur an". Method. pp. "Scrolling Web Pages using Direct Interaction". 31/74 "Lemur V2. [JazzMutant09b] ( * )JazzMutant.jazzmutant. [JazzMutant09c] ( * )JazzMutant. multi-touch digitizer capable of handling an unlimited number of fingers at once: genesis of the device was that the developers designed a user interface assuming such a device was available. Alex.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing on surface from reflected light by FTIR frustrated total internal reflection.. menu (diagonal) Shortcut (bottom curlique. Richard J.920. Robert J. [IzadiS09a] ( * )Izadi. www. See also 2007 SID article by Largillier [JonesRE08a] ( * )Jones. New Interfaces for Musical Expression NIME09. Pittsburgh. "Control intimacy" -. U. United States Patent USA Madronalabs. and Tzanetakis. Also refers to using conductive rubber or piezo switch elements at nodes. [KaneSK08a] ( * )Kane. intended as controller for electronic musical instruments. shows slide-to-unlock. of Victoria. Pascal and Largillier. 2009 Gesture (multi-touch gesture) recognition by heuristics. Peter. Shaun K. of Comp. Jan 20. Randy.13 (2008. pressing brings wires closer together for stronger capacitive coupling.erols. Numerous other iPad/iPhone gesture patents incorporated by reference. [JonesR09a] ( * )Jones. Specific to finger contacts / touchscreens. Grid of X and Y conductors. forming capacitive-sensor nodes. Bigham.949 B2. 2009. Used as musical instrument interface. Multi-touch sensing. Guillaume "Multipoint touch sensor with active matrix".com Madrona Soundplane: force/pressure sensing X/Y touchsurface. Andrew.11. Schloss. Interpolation of values plus centroid detection. Canada Multi-dimensional force sensor: multi-touch sensor used to sense dynamic pressure image over the touchpad surface.. separated by layer of rubber dielectric. Proc. Cites to earlier devices. correlating to centroids detected in previous sample (tracking touches). Master's Thesis. and Wobbrock. [JoguetP10a] ( * )Joguet. 2010 Includes description of JazzMutant/Stantum multi-touch touchscreen. Dynamic calibration to compensate for mechanical hystereis of rubber sheet (persistent pressure indication after touch has ended).. Randall Evan "Intimate Control for Physical Modeling Synthesis".2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing and Graphical User Interface for Determining Commands by applying Heuristics". BC. overcomes masking/shadowing effect of simple switch matrix designs by using active matrix switching array (similar to active matrix LCD circuitry) to measure each coordinate in grid of perpendicular wires separately. United States Patent Application 2010/0066686 A1. June 3-6.tightly-coupled haptic feedback? Capacitive grid forcesensitive touchscreen tablet: X and Y antennae separated by a rubber/elastomeric sheet. March 18. Cites to Radio Drum from 1980's. Driessen. not other stylus digitizer input. Very large spec (362 pages). George "A Force-Sensitive Surface for Intimate Control".479. Dept.html . Sci.02. 32/74 users. Jeffrey P. Steve and Davis.the area reachable by the thumb while holding the PDA in one hand. Compare with Ward paper on digitizer technology: paper does not mention stylus tilt. report rate or data rate in samples/sec). 2008. 73i80 Accesibility multitouch touchscreen gestures for visually impaired: inspiration for Apple VoiceOver gestures? Second-finger tap (see earlier touchscreen gestures w/o multi-touch).html . power consumption. fixed or variable error. CHI 2008 April Florence Italy. Germany. October 13-15 2008. [KlimovsV09a] ( * )Klimovs.k. 2009 Report on perceived versus actual performance in user interactions: mentions "kinetic scrolling" and "two-way scrolling". January 10. Vjaceslavs and Pisarenko. Trevor "Understanding key specs in reliable capacitive touchscreens". "OneHanded Touchscreen Input for Legacy Applications". ASSETS '08. Proc. Sergejs "Towards enhancing perceived performance through adoption of proposed benchmarking techniques".com/rwservices/pens/biblio10.erols. registration. refresh rate (a. response time. Nova Scotia. www. one-finger scan/ and Bederson. Digitizer touch sensing limit is 52 touch points: four players. pp. 2008. Show thumbnail (sic) image of whole screen in ThumbSpace for user to pick from on whole touchscreen. with direct manipulation of photographs. noise. Proc. Report from Consumer Electronics Show on Microsoft digital table / surface table touch digitizer.13 (2008. Halifax. Accuracy. Matthias "Microsoft bittet zu Tisch".02. user defines a ThumbSpace -.11. 10 fingers plus 3 playing figures each. University of Gothenburg. Compare with Wang Freestyle for graphical manipulation? [KrempM08b] ( * )Kremp. Spiegel news magazine (in German). flicks [KarlsonAK08a] ( * )Karlson. 2011 Cypress Semiconductor white paper on specifications for capacitive touchscreen using XY grid for multi-touch digitizers. [KrempM08a] ( * )Kremp. etc. Amy K. Benjamin B. EE Times-Asia / eetasia. "L" gestures. 1399-1408 For one-handed PDA use. "Slide rule: Making mobile touch screens accessible to blind people using multi-touch interaction techniques". Report 2009-029. Refers to whole screen touching as DirectTouch. Compare with Apple slider/slide-to-unlock? [KolokowskyS10a] ( * )Kolokowsky. Matthias "Windows 7 bekommt iPhone33/74 users. References to iPhone interface.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Jacob O.. finger separation (minimum discernable distance). 02.11.13 (2008..2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Interface", Spiegel news magazine (in German), May 28,2008. Report on Microsoft Windows 7 touch-UI interface. Also mentions digital table / surface table touch digitizer, with direct manipulation of photographs. Points out awkward positioning of touch screens at a desk, compares with keyboardless one-laptop-per-child touch system. [KrempM10a] ( * )Kremp, Matthias "Nokias letztes Aufgebot: Smartphone N8", Spiegel news magazine (in German), October 20, 2010 Nokia N8 cellphone with touch-screen interface, runs videos (Linux OS?) and GPS Ovi Maps no charge. [KroekerKL09] ( * )Kroeker, Kirk L. "Electronic Paper's Next Chapter", Communications of the ACM, Vol 52. No 11, November 2009, pp. 15-17 Overview report on E-Ink, Plastic Logic, and other vendors of electronic paper and flexible displays. E-Ink acquired by Prime View International of Taiwan, which manufactures the Kindle. Mentions color displays: no information on tablets or digitizers. Electrophoresis, electrophoretics, electrofluidic technologies. [KruegerMW09] ( * )Krueger, Myron W. "Myron W. Krueger", Mentions computer input of two-arm gesture holding arms out to sides, recognized optically [KurtenbachG09a] ( * )Kurtenbach, G. "Demo of Marking Menus Versus Linear Menus",, posted 2009 Demo of marking menus versus linear menus: date of video probably earlier than posting date. [LapstunP09a] ( * )Lapstun, Paul; Bertok, Attila; King, Tobin Allen; Underwood, Matthew John; and Silverbrook, Kia "Collapsible force sensor coupling", United States Patent 7,523,672, April 28, 2009 Netpage pen/stylus: piezo-electric force sensor in stylus, with spring to absorb shock and protect sensor if hit hard. Netpage is an optical positionsensor stylus using camera and infra-red illuminator/LED and a dot-like encoding of position. Cites to Sekendur. Compare with Anoto? [LeeJH10a] ( * )Lee, Jae-hoon "Audio/video Device Having a volume Control Function for an External Audio Reproduction Unit by Using Volume Control Buttons of a Remote Controller and Volume Control Method Therefor", United States patent 7,672,470 B2, March 2, 2010 34/74 02.11.13 (2008..2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Volume control on (on touchscreen) when an external amplifier/speakers (headset) are plugged in. Related to Labview? [LeeJK10a] ( * )Lee, Jong-Kwon; Kim, Sang-Soo; Park, Yong-In; Kim, Chang-Dong; and Hwang, Yong-Kee "In-cell adaptive touch technology for a flexible e-paper display", Solid-State Electronics, Vol 56 (2011), pp. 159-162, available online 18 November 2010 Light-sensitive touch panel with display, photo-sensor arrays integrated into cells of electronic ink paper display. Capacitive coupling to finger to avoid shadowing of light. [LiY08a] ( * )Li, Yang; Klemmer, Scott; and Landay, James A. "Tools for Rapidly Prototyping Mobile Interactions", Chapter XXI in Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology, National Research Council of Canada, Joanna Lumsden Ed., 2008, pp. 330-345 Prototyping UI design using UIMS with storyboarding, either with paper or with software tools. Prototype with Toshiba Tablet PC (Microsoft) and HP iPAQ Pocket PC with interactive maps. [LightBlueOptics10a] ( * )Light Blue Optics "Light Speed, Light Touch, Light work",, fetched 2010 Holographic projector and infrared sensor for creating a "touch screen" on any surface on which an image can be projected. [LinJC08a] ( * )Lin, Jao-Ching; Huang, Shyh-In; Chu, Lin-Abel; and Shen, Chung-Yi "Method of scrolling window screen by means of controlling electronic device", United States Patent 7,319,457, January 15, 2008 Scrolling using multiple taps in scrolling press zones: more taps, faster scrolling, also tap to stop scrolling. [LindemannP10a] ( * )Lindemann, Patrick "A Short Report on Multi-touch User INterfaces", Dept. of Media Informatics, University of Munich, Germany:, Fetched 2010 Review of multi-touch gestures. Cites to 2003 for flick gestures (with hand or finger), but does not mention PenPoint/GO. Cites Buxton on multi-key/nkey rollover on a keyboard in 1970's being a form of multi-touch. [LinuxForDevices10] ( * ) "Multi-touch displays support all ten fingers at once",, 2010-02-18 multi-touch digitizer capable of ten fingers concurrent/simultaneous input. PMatrix from Stantum. Resistive touchscreen display. Quotes Jim Meador at Stantum regarding non-proprietary nature of Apple iPad pinch gesture. 35/74 02.11.13 (2008..2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Compare with JazzMutant. [Livescribe08] ( * )LiveScribe, Inc. "Livescribe: Never Miss A Word (Smartpen)", Voice/handwriting recording using Anoto digital pen and digitizing (tablet) paper. Includes syncronized voice recording built into pen. Touch previous mark, pen plans recorded audio recorded at that time of writing: example is write "define" followed by word, get definition. Uses Anoto technology, see also EchoPen. [Livescribe08a] ( * )Science Daily "Smart Pens Help Blind See",, May 9, 2008 Voice/handwriting recording using Anoto digital pen and digitizing (tablet) paper. Includes syncronized voice recording. Article / press-release attempts to make accessibility connection to being annotation device for the visually impaired. [Livescribe10a] ( * )Fahlberg, Tim "Livescribe Smartpen: How (and why) to Enlarge audio Dots (+How to Make them Findable for those with Vision Loss] ",, December 8, 2010 Use Anoto Pen (Livescribe Pulse or Echopen) and printed labels to make audio notes that can be played back by visually impaired/blind user or motor impaired by touching sensor to printed dot. File contains additional references, such as LiveScribe/Anoto Post-it notes. UI for creating notes still requires use of printed paper with control functions. Compare synchronized voice and handwriting of Freestyle with LiveScribe Anoto pen. [LjLies10a] ( * )LjLies (Youtube) "Video demonstration: Casio PF-8000 Calulator, circa 1984",, uploaded 2010 Video demonstration of Casio PF-8000 calculator, using keys as digitizer input for recognizing handwritten numerics and math operator sysmbols. [LucentMicrosoft08] announcement file ( * )Lucent v. Microsoft "Lucent v. Microsoft", Press Press articles on Lucent v. Microsoft patent case concerning United States Patent 5,544,295 on tablet PC and gesture-based user interface [LucentMicrosoft08a] ( * )Associated Press: Jessica Mintz "Microsoft to Appeal $367M Patent Ruling", Associated Press, April 4, 2008 Microsoft found to infringe GO patent on using gestures on Tablet PC. Other patents in case concern video compression, forms input, and color management. 36/74 edu/~luckie/ "Newton Gallery".de. or other image) comes up on touchscreen when proximity of user's hands is detected. [LuckieD10a] ( * )Luckie. Notebook / Notizbook application allowed free-hand electronic ink note-taking.11 from 1992. Michael Tchao ("Apple had been working for years on slate computers that read handwriting"). cut (pigtail). www. WallyScript). John Jr. Associated with Steve Capps. www. BcBrearty.: OS 2.msu. 2.winhistory. Gestures/Gesting include check-mark to edit text.0".501. Exhibits (technical references) in Lucent v. August 3. Stepan Pachkov.3. "Newton Hall of Fame". 2010 Virtual keyboard (transparent/translucent: or may display image of touchpad. D. and 1. Lucent v.k.768. similar to PenPoint OS.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing [LucentMicrosoft08b] Microsoft ( * )LucentMiccrosoft "Exhibits". fetched September 6. removed when hands no longer near surface.msu.13 (2008. www.a. a. 2005 edition". and Shieh. Walter Smith (NewtonScript. [Makowski08b] ( * )Makowski.0.02.htm Bios of major personalities in Apple Newton development team: Steve Capps (Finder).0 1. Larry Yaeger (Cursive Recognizer) [LuckieD10b] ( * )Luckie. 2008 Screen shots of Windows XP Tablet PC edition. Dirk "Windows XP Tablet PC Edition (Codename "Lonestar"). undo (loop). [MaddalozzoJ10a] ( * )Maddalozzo.11. which is described as more of an add-on and less integrated. several models.htm Detailed specs on Apple Newton MessagePads. fetched September 6. new line. 2008 Screen shots of Windows for Pen Computing 1. Gerald Francis.0 released 1993..0 on Windows 95. All applications (but not OS) were penenabled by means of pen tool "Stiftpalette". United States Patent [Makowski08a] ( * )Makowski..winhistory.html 37/74 . German-language version. space. Shows multiple gestures accepted in text editor: check mark to edit text. Dirk "Windows für Pen Computing 1. Johnny Meng-Han "Method and system for touch screen keyboard and display space sharing".0 on Windows 3. D. Comparison with Windows for Pen Computing 2. backspace. John Sculley. Microsoft in San Diego: long list. German-language version.erols. www. January 8.g. virtual on-screen keyboard displayed as visual feedback/confirmation at that position..02.winhistory. United States Patent Size of targets.11. and Bollinger. Steve "Touch Pad for Handheld Device". Compare with Microtouch.erols. ms704819 Windows Vista / Tablet PC: defines gesture as "a glyph that defines the shape traced by the gesture". German-language version.495. www. Greg. plus a hotpoint [Microsoft08b] ( * )Microsoft Corporation "Designing for Direct Manipulation". Does not refer to details of mouse/stylus message differece in Guy. user may then type at positions relative to established home row position: compare to Westerman? [Measurand08a] ( * )Measurand Inc. [MarriotG09] ( * )Marriot. 2008 Flexible tape sensor using optical fibers to detect bend and twist configuration of the mm. 2008 Screen shots of Windows Vista. Dirk "Windows Vista". Discussion of limits to resolution and detecting due to spacing of points of sensing along the tape: bending or dent between two sensing points not "Touch Sensor Pad User Input Device". fetched September 6. "Measurand Sampling shapes with ShapeTape: Use enough sensors to do the job!".html 38/74 . ms698539 Tutorial for Tablet PC developers on basic physical differences between stylus/pen interaction with a digitizer. 2009 Touch typing on a multi-touch touchscreen keyboard: user first touches to establish home row position (e. William J. involuntary hand movements. February and operation with a mouse. [Microsoft08a] ( * )Microsoft Corporation "Integrating Application Gestures". and with Pencept and CIC recognition Macros? [McDermidWJ09a] ( * )McDermid. [Makowski08c] ( * )Makowski. Includes Tablet PC functionality.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Lonestar released in 2002.measurand. Tablet resolution in Tablet PC is normalized in software to 0. msdn. eight fingers gesture). www.13 ( United States Patent Application 2009/0009482 A1. hand/stylus obscuring view of users. 2009 Detection of events (gestures?) on a touch-pad and filtering the native coordinates based on those events. Bar-Nahum. msdn. 02. See also 2003 version of same reference. Description for Tap refers to chosing a command from the menu or 39/74 . Curlicue/fixed (compare with proofreader's marks). [Microsoft08d] ( * )Microsoft Corporation "Microsoft Tablet PC Glossary". Mouse events WM_MOUSEMOVE and WM_LBUTTONDOWN events not coordinated with GID_SELECT message for gesture. right-semicircle/ List of System Gestures for Microsft Tablet PC/Vista. leftsemicircle/undo. hover/proximity feedback with digitizer tablet. Microsoft users. Lists Tap and DoubleTap as gestures that work for both system and application. take action if command is chosen.erols. "Object regonizer" for recognizing non-gesture. fetched February 21 2008 Vista/Tablet PC SDK documentation from MSDN: defined gestures include scratch-out/erase. flick left / ISF Ink serialized format (similar to JOT?) [Microsoft08e] ( * )Microsoft Corporation "Application Gestures and Semantic Behavior". math notation (i. Hold (press-andhold/dwell) generates separate GID_HOLD message. [Microsoft10a] ( * )Microsoft Corporation "Touch Gestures".2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing display. Touch Gestures. used to represent right click of a mouse. non-handwriting shapes such as musical notation. Flick gesture GID_SCROLL message to scroll. [Microsoft08c] ( * )Microsoft Corporation "SystemGesture Enumeration". double-circle/paste. Invertedcaret/insert. using GID_DOUBLESELECT gesture message. msdn. dated 4/8/2010 Tap gesture of finger represents left click of a Check-off. MSDN. Double tap for left double click of mouse. Windows Mobile 6. flick right / space (compare with GO flick gestures). Caret gesture/paste.13 (2008.5. www. Refers to "Microsoft gesture recognizer" as engine that specifically recognizes ink iput as either system or application commands. Double-Curlicue/copy.e. sketch recognition would fall into this). GID_PAN gesture to pan (can be after hold gesture) [Microsoft10b] ( * )Microsoft Corporation "Microsoft Project 2010 Product Guide: Project Standard and Project Professional".microsoft. ms840456 Definitions of Application Gesture..11. Stroke based on pen down/up. Application Gesture. GID_END messaged at end of hold time threshold. left/right/up/down corners with directional gestures. Triangle/insert. Glyph (as ink data). 561. [MistryP08a] ( * )Mistry. Pattie "Quickies: Intelligent Sticky Notes". Electronic file includes MicroTouch Capacitive TouchSense system with haptic transducer touch feedback for Gaming.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Corp. Seattle. 2008 Electronic ink application using small outboard (sonic?) digitizer with a PC.02. multi-touch. Agile project plans. but to graphical user interface [MilekicS10a] ( * )Milekic.uars. [MicroTouch08a] ( * )3M Touch Systems (Microtouch) "MicroTouch Capacitive TouchSensor System". Feb 27 2010 Educational uses of touch technology and human/computer design: Please Touch Museum (touch-screen user interface) at Phoenix Art Museum and Cleveland Museum of stylus/pen takes precedence -. [MicroTouch09a] ( * )3M Touch Systems (Microtouch) "MicroTouch Software MT7 Gesture Application Programming Interface API".11. 4th Int'l Conf. 2008 Capacitive touchscreen/digitior that senses either a stylus or a finger touch -. 3m Touch Systems. IE08.html. 2010 Microsoft Project collaborative work system: includes CPM critial path method. 2009 Using a gaze tracker / visual input to simulate mouse events: no specific reference to gestures. Gantt charts. 3m Touch Systems. Lets writing/ink be tied to the piece of users.stated as palm-rejection. [MilekicS09a] ( * )Milekic. 3m Touch Systems. Pranav and Maes.but not both. Dallas Museum of Art: KiddyFace digital environment. July 14. 2008 Capacitive touchscreen/digitior with actuator for haptic feedback. 2009 Microtouch: Software toolkit MT7 for gesture recognition.. Proc.erols.html 40/74 . www. on Intelligent Environments.143. 3M MicroTouch Software MT7 User Guide. United States Patent 7. Refers to "Slow Draw Anomalies" with jagged electronic ink (polling input of touch coordinates on tablet?) Stroke matches (elastic matching?). Slavoljub "Curriculum Vitae: Slavko Melekic".13 (2008. Slavoljub "Using gaze interactions to interact with a display". resource and schedule views. and paper with embedded RFID can be mounted to frame/carrier/display for ClearTek II touch sensor touchscreen [MicroTouch08b] ( * )3M Touch Systems (Microtouch) "MicroTouch TouchPen System for ClearTek II Touch Screens". Strokes and Stroke data objects. 02. Located and can Send Reminders and Messages". Pranav and Maes. and paper with embedded RFID tag.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing paper. October 4-7. MobileHCI09. Demonstration includes used of deferred recognition to index/search notes.11. Victoria. B. [MiyakiT09a] ( * )Miyaki.pranavistry. [MistryP10a] ( * )Mistry. [MistryP08b] ( * )Mistry. IUT08. Canada Address accuracy on touchscreen by selecting all widgets/objects under area of touch (since finger touch contacts and area. Click sound on activiation (audible highlight) and also visual highlight. similar capability to Anoto including a hand: tips of fingers (more than one) identified by colored bands on fingertips allow fingers to be detected optically with respect to image. 2009. Pattie "Intelligent Sticky Notes that can be Searched. 2008. not a single pixel). Lets writing/ink be tied to the piece of paper. Demonstration includes used of deferred recognition to index/search notes. Spain Electronic ink application using small outboard (sonic?) digitizer with a PC. however RFID can be used to locate the paper (which may be tucked into a book or folder) using RFID technology. www.C. Takashi and Rekimoto. multi-function widget.. however RFID can be used to locate the paper (which may be tucked into a book or folder) using RFID technology. Bonn Germany thumb-gesture input combining motion and pressure/force sensing: light touch is move. forming an optical digitizer touch surface. Jun "GraspZoom: zooming and scrolling control model for single-handed mobile interaction". Gives example of moving down a scroll list for "History". Tomer "Contact Area Interaction with Sliding Widgets". retrieve specific notes. September 1-18. then flicking a stroke left or right to move forward in history. Proc. Compare with Apple users. Proc. retrieve specific notes. Suggests using contact area of fingertip as substitute for pressure/force sensitive digitizer touchscreen. push-touch is zoom: refers to apple Pinch and Flick gestures for zooming and scrolling. similar capability to Anoto technology.erols.. Pranav "SixthSense: Integrating Information with the Real World". 2009. copyright 2010 Display image can be projected onto any (2008. January 13-16. UIST '09. Maspolomas. comments that Flick may require multiple flick gestures for long list. [MoscovichT09a] ( * )Moscovich. and user moving to activate a particular function: Sliding widget.html 41/74 . Gran Canaria. LE 1700. edge problems.motioncomputing.erols. [MotionComputing08c] ( * )Motion Computing "Motion LE1700 Tablet PC User's Guide: Windows Vista". Austin Business Journal. Also competing ruggedized tougher-tablet market from Samsung. "Motion moves in on other markets. Sony. release side button. Inc. http://labs. 2007 Tablet PC User's guide: mostly hardware features including SIM/phone card slot.11. write one letter or symbol. unveils new product". compare with other papers on digitizer effects and user Interface by Phillips and users. XFR D630 : Ruggedized Tablet PC. March Blog posting of testing of touchscreens and multi-touch surfaces: mentions erratic behavior at light touch. [MotionComputing09a] ( * )Motion Computing.. Press-and-hold / tap or touch and drag touchscreen. Motion Computing. Schreibblock (input panel) has both handwriting are input and simulated/virtual on-screen keyboard. "J3400 Tablet PC Benutzerhandbuch (J3400 Tablet PC User Guide)". [Moto. or use Function button and tap. 2009 User guide for Tablet PC running Windows 7 (not Windows Tablet PC/XP).moto. Inc.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing slide-to-unlock? [MotionComputing08a] ( * )Motion Computing. Press side barrel button on stylus. [MotionComputing08b] ( * )Motion Computing.html 42/74 .com "Blog Archive: DIY Touchscreen Analysis: touchscreen stress test".pdf Motioncomputing Tablet PC: Definition of single-letter "gestures" using side-button on stylus: appears functionally identical to "recognition macros" of Pencept PenPad 320 series product circa 1985. Pre-defined keyboard input is 2008 and other press reports Motion Computing F5 Tablet Dell Latitude XT convertible tablet.13 (2008. Option to set barrel button to be erase (compare with Freestyle pen) instead of rightmouse-button click simulation. For Arbeiten mit dem Stift (Stylus) has long-hold and barrel button for emulating Features bad behaviors/errors for which Moto touchscreens tend to do well.com10a] ( * )labs. Inc. http://www. Mentions patent infringement lawsuit from Typhoon Touch. and similar feature from CIC HandWriter from about the same time. "Use Shorthand to Create a Gesture". Motion Computing. com users. http://www. WII-like game controller using accelerometers and magnetic north. [Motorola10a] 2010 ( * )Motorola "Droid 2 Global User Guide". On and Above Tabletops. no handwriting recognition.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Ward. "Multi-Touch Technology: Firefox 3. displays Firefox 3 window executes Android applications within browser: use smartphone as portable PC with external display/keyboard. hold followed by "FireGestures 1. applications. 2010 Webtop: Desktop extension to Android PDAs and Smartphones: when using external keyboard and monitor (Lapdock station).Horizontal Interactive Displays". http://addons. Filemanager for accessing internal files of smartphone. Around and Beyond Tabletops (3D) [MultiTouchTechnology08] ( * )multitouchtechnology.) "Tabletops .com "Multi-Touch Technology". and Chatzilla.13 (2008. Compare to accelerometer pen from Hew Crane at Mouse gestures for Mozilla / Firefox browser.html 43/74 .11.mozilla. [Motorola10b] ( * )Motorola "Webtop Application Overview".multitouchtechnology. www. (Ed.02. [MultiTouchTechnology08b] ( * )multitouchtechnology.motusgames. rather than infra-red optical digitizer for sensing hand gestures and position.erols. Thunderbird Mail. CNN using multi-touch screens from 2006 TED conference. Slide out physical keyboard.2 von Gomita". Electronic file contains additional Gesture recognition apparently based on changes in direction.1 Adds Multi-Touch Support". Springer Verlag. mouse wheel. developer. ISBN 9781-84996-112-7. scrolling. 2010 Anthology of tabletop/touchscreen displays.motorola. User guide for Droid 2 Android touchscreen cell phone / smart phone with stylus and finger gestures: touch (tap). [MotusGames08] ( * )Motus Games "Motus Darwin product information". Certain gestures involve right mouse [Mozilla08] ( * )mozilla. Apple MacBook with Multi-Touch touchpad using two-finger gestures similar to Apple iPod. [Mueller-TomfeldeC10a] ( * )Mueller-Tomfelde.. touch & hold. Motorola. Sections Under Tabletops. Florence Italy pp 1299-1302 Haptic/Tactile input device: Hand-held object with various ribbed textures on the surface and piezo macrophone inside: rubbing or stroking a finger across the surface causes vibrations characteristic of the ribbed texture. "Capacitive Recognition of the Uer's Hand Grip Position in Mobile Handsets".codeplex. Copmbines two sensors: one using the antenna. Chris "7 Tips for Using the iPad in Business". November 1. fetched 2010 Proposed tablet/gesture UI user interface for a Chrome OS tablet UI: mentions dwell/hover gester for contextual actions [MurraySmithR08a] ( * )Murray-Smith. 2010. 203.html 44/74 . position by stroking different seconds.1: pinch. [MurpyG10a] ( * )Murphy. "Multi-Touch Vista: TouchablePanel code example". Information Week. mentions fewer number of gestures in Safari web browser.. the other a dual-electrode (transcapacitance). states that development was less difficult than iPhone because display size allowed application to be built as more ordinary web/browser application.. Proc. dev. Progress in Electromagnetics Research B.. Additional materials in file: "M" gesture. 2010 Capacitive method for measuring/detecting the position of the user's hand holding a mobile phone.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Several announcements of multi-touch gestures in Apple computer products. multitouchvista.erols. two-finger scroll by page or window.. April 2009.. [MultiTouchVista08a] ( * )codeplex. H. swipe/flick. page 26 Review of use of iPad touchscreen tablet at Mercedez-Benz Financial: customers sign agreements using iPad.13 (2008. Control of zoom.WPF. Stephen. Vol 22. Palakuru. [MurpyC10a] ( * )Murphy. Huttunen.11. Huges. A. volumn. dated 2008 Example WPF code for multi-touch demo on Windows Vista using Multitouch.multitouch. gestures supported in Firefox 3. and Torben "Stane: Synthesized Surfaces for Tactile Input".Windows from schema. John. The more of the user's hand is around the cel phone. touchpads. and Quaade. Glenn "The Chromium Projects: Tablet".Framework. the more the capacitance change. fetched Feb 2011.Multitouch and Surface Computing. S. double-tap with finger gesture to turn UI on/off (for carrying pen computer so that cursor does not move) [MyllymakiS10a] ( * )Myllymaki. Purpose is to users. CHI 2008 . 2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing transmit stronger signal when user is covering most of the antenna. electrostatic (capacitive) stylus. Folder contains additional materials.122. mentions unintentional touch / hand-rejection Additional materials in file: "M" gesture. [NetworkSignatures10a] ( * )NetworkSignatures. One example is using hand to hold a virtual object stationary on an active surface. and a pen/stylus to tear of a virtual page.511.ntrig. specifically for the iPad. identifies as InvenSens ITG-3200 or STMicro L3G4200D three-axis MEMS gyro. Dec. April 12.networksignatures. as in van Raamsdonk [NelsonF10b] ( * )Nelson. "Intermediate Network Authentication". [NaoneE10b] ( * )Naone. July 2009 N-trig digitizer tablet. licensed from Naval Research Laboratory. 2010 Re-designing of web pages for touch input. Erica "Redesigning the Web for Touch Screens".com "Researchers develop 3-D squeezable input device". based on patent 5. Fritz "iPhone 4 Teardown Telegraphs Future iPad Gyro". Cites to Internation children's Digital Library re-design. 01. www. Fritz "Review: Dan Bricklin's Note Taker HD puts the "Pad" in iPad".com/rwservices/pens/biblio10. Information Week. 2010 Multi-modal (haptic?) interface by Ken Hinckley at Materials relating to two-factor authentication products (exchange of PK signatures) for iPhones. Information Week. 2010 iPhone 4 cell phone / tablet contains gyroscope in addition to accelerometer. July 6. senses stylus and touch/multi-touch. 2010 Notetaker application for apple iPad. double-tap with finger gesture to turn UI on/off (for carrying pen computer so that cursor does not move) [NaoneE10a] ( * )Naone.02. Java-enabled phones and Blackberry mobile devices. [N-Trig09a] ( * )N-Trig Corporation "DuoSense Technology". 2009 users.html 45/74 . using both pen and hand.13 (2008.11. Technology Review. editing of electronic ink. [NetworkWorld09a] ( * )NetworkWorld.networkworld. May 04. Technology Review. but otherwise spare the battery. Erica "New Computer Interface goes beyond Just Touch". June 24. [NelsonF10a] ( * )Nelson. multi-lingual (pictographic/iconic?) user interfaces was particularly amenable to touch input. Appears similar to Daytimer product by Slate in the early 1990s for PenPoint and for Pen Windows: follows paradigm of ink-as-datatype.erols. com. news service "Fat fingers no problem with 'see-through' touchscreen". 18 December 2008 Fat fingers / touchscreen accuracty: Place touch pad on back side of handheld touch-screen device.02.networkworld. http://www. Part of offering to for measurements for neuromotor analysis of handwriting motion. news service "Phones with feeling are more useful".2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing news service "'Fat fingers' can 46/74 . "NetWindow Optical Touch Screens". Earlier technology was called Lucid Touch. ability to control two points of view simultaneously with one hand.erols. April software package for measuring performance of tablet digitizers: missing coordinates. missing simulated finger on display when user touches back of display for input.. touch screen is on rear of display so that finger does not occlude view of display -. 24 March 2008 VibeTonz vibrotactile haptic/vibration feedback for touch interfaces and touchscreens: VibeTonz is a hardware actuator component for PDAs and devices similar to Apple IPhone [NewScientist08b] ( * )NewScientist. http://www. Sensors mount at corners of front surface of rectangular glass assembly. [NetworkWorld09b] ( * ) "Nanotouch technology shrinks touchscreen displays".neuroscript.newscientist.html ( * )NewScientist.nextwindow. [NeuroScript09] ( * )NeuroScript "Testing Digitizer / Tablet Linearity". [NewScientist08] ( * )NewScientist... by Cambridge Consultants.13 (2008. so that finger tip does not obstruct/obscure view of display and where user is touching [NewScientist09a] users.neuroscript. [NextWindow09] ( * )NextWindow Inc. www. squeezable mouse-like input device for three-dimensional input. www. but does not mention velocity-induced errors (compare with Carau) [NeuroScript10] ( * )NeuroScript "MoveAlyzeR Tutorial". Article states light-sensitive sensors for pressure/ July 2009 Infrared optical digitizer multi-touch flat-panel displays: notes that no optical coating is required on display. 2009 Pseudeo-transparency: on small software package for measuring performance of tablet digitizers: manual procedures for testing lineary by using diagonal non-linearity. www.html 47/74 . Due to patent conflicts with Apple Multi-Touch (see Fingerworks).com. force-feedback systems [NewScientist10b] ( * )NewScientist. 2008 Review of S60 No-touch / touchless electrostatic touch UI device from Nokia.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing become dainty for touch screens". Allows in-air three-dimensional 3D gestures. November 18 2010 Nokia demonstration system of turning blocks of ice into translucent optical touch screen (based on reflected light where hands come into contact).com.13 (2008. [Nokia08a] ( * )Nokia "Nokia N810 Internet Tablet". January 9. check mark. stationary pointing. pinch and zoom. open-source (Linux). [Nokia08c] ( * )Nokia "Nokia creates a real Minority Report" fetched users. based on Active Matrix LCD with integrated optical touch screen. 2008 Review of Nokia publication on in-air gestures. January 8.blogs. Touchscreen digitizer. enclosed curve / lasso to select. check news service "World's first ice touschscreen virtually burns".unwiredview. compared with film "Minority Report": clockwise and counter-clockwise circular X mark for delete.newscientist.newscientist. lateral vibration to simulate the haptic sensation of a sharp edge. www. Compared to "Minority Report" product information Dedicated pen computer with MP3 and auto map news service "Putting the touch into touchscreens". [Nokia10c] Dec 2010 ( * )Nokia "Nokia N8-00 User Guide". www. Gestures include clockwise and counter-clockwise phonenews.newscientist. lasso / enclosed curve.. two finger pinch and expand for zoom. displaying virtual flames where touched. Nokia. 26 April 2010 Review of haptics technologies for touchscreens: vibration to give the illusion that a button protrudes from thes ervice. 24 November 2009 Improve accuracy of touch-screen input by sensing orientation of finger: experimental system to demonstrate used fingerprint scanner to determine orientation of finger [NewScientist10a] ( * )NewScientist. Going beyond Multi-touch". [Nokia08b] ( * )Nokia "First glimpse inside Nokia S60 Touch. high frequency vibrations to simulate a slippery surface. com09a] ( * )nortd. Steven W.02.992. displays location on a web homepage accessible to selected users.343. Licensee of Typhoon Technologies. Media and Engineering Patterns Library. www. Microsoft". Michael L. Keyboard usable while user wearing heavy gloves. labs. Physical slide switch to unlock.522. Also mentions CUBIT multitouch system for rapid implementation of multitouch projects: ofxTouch API for C++ OpenFrameworks on various platforms. [ObradovichML08a] ( * ) Market is industrial uses. "GPS Publication Application Server". Schebesch. NUIFrame. United States Patent 7. United States Patent 7. John D. Discusses open-source Gesture widget and software libraries.nortd.165. camera. April 21. Michael L. Nokia.13 (2008.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Nokia N8 touchscreen cellphone with network applications.. Windows Mobile. [NUIGroup09a] ( * )NUI Group Authors "Multi-Touch Technologies: Community Book. May 2009 Textbook/tutorial from open-source hardware project for multi-touch (optical: rear diffusion) hardware.novamobility. available at nuigroup. March 11. says resistive touch. [ObradovichML09a] ( * )Obradovich. Device includes haptic (vibration) feedback as confirmation on some touch inputs [nortd.. 2008 Server receives GPS and other data from a personal device. Grafiti (not the Palm unistroke library).com "TouchKit: open source multitouch development kit" NMS-5000. Windows XP Embedded. [Nokia10d] [Nokia10e] ( * )Nokia ( * )Nokia "Nokia. Windows CD.digitizer technology not stated.11. Compare with products by Leo Shpiz for military market. NMS-SUNPAD. AME Arts. 2009 Server responds to GPS/routing request from a cellphone with GPS and users.html 48/74 . includes projection of images on reflective surface. such as X12. Pirtle. mag stripe reader. Integrated bar code. File contains additional materials: Zaagtech multi-touch kit [NovaMobility08] ( * )Nova Mobility Systems "Nova Mobility Rugged Tablet PC and Handheld Computer Systems". other gesture fetched 2009 Open source development system (hardware and software) for multi-touch technology. touch-screen based pen computers and PDA's. "Technique for Effective Navigation based on User Preferences". 1st ed". data collection. Touch screen with palm rejection -. 2010 Folder with information on Nokia and Microsoft Windows 7 phone OS User guide for cellphone with touchscreen interface.. (various) "Nokia N8-00 User Guide". Tablet PC. GDML Gesture Definition Markup Language. .13 (2008. John D.patenthawk. Steven W. 2010 Server responds to GPS/routing request from a cellphone with GPS and touchscreen. John D.739. 2009 Server responds to GPS/routing request from a cellphone with GPS and touchscreen.039. 2008 Tool bar re-configures automatically. June 15. Michael L. [ObradovichML10b] ( * )Obradovich. September 22.. Pirtle. United States Patent 7.234 January 19.. Michael L.702. Pirtle.. "Technique for Effective Navigation based on User Preferences". computs a route based on traffic and/or weather.erols. December 23. Steven W.455. Steven W. Michael [ObradovichML10a] ( * )Obradovich.11.. changing/re-arranging toolbar menu items depending on what tool user has selected and is using most frequently: file contains press reports on patent assertion against Microsoft. See also www. sends back map with points of interest. 2010 Server responds to GPS/routing request from a cellphone with GPS and touchscreen.html 49/74 .2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing touchscreen. Schebesch. Pirtle.592 B1. [ObradovichML09b] ( * )Obradovich.812. and Rotation on a touch-screen display". 2008 User-interface on touchscreen (or near-touch) for document dragging: when part of document is dragged. Schebesch. [OdomG08] ( * )Odom.. Schebesch. United States Patent 7. sends back map with points of interest.02. Scaling. United States Patent [OrdingB08a] ( * )Ording. "Technique for Effective Navigation based on User Preferences". sends back route with areas to avoid and points of interest.. expose another part of the document: users. receives a user touch input. "Personal Communication System to Send and Receive Voice Data Positioning Information". April 20. John D.. Schebesch. Gary "Tool Group Manipulations". sends back map with points of interest.650. based on preferences in a user profile. 2010 for a hand-held device with a touchscreen. Pirtle.593. Michael L. Bas "List Scrolling and Document Translation. United States Patent 7. "Technique for Effective Navigation based on User Preferences".363. establishes communications to (filed under Odom): patenthawk. and computes a route to avoid traffic problems. United States Patent 7. April 22.. John D. United States Patent 7. on a point of interest. [ObradovichML10c] ( * )Obradovich.469. server requests traffic data. Steven W. Randall "Visual Recognition of Sketched Symbols". Bounce-list at end of scrolling on Apple iPod/iPad [OrdingB10a] ( * )Ording. 2010 On touch-screen user interface. Stephen O.975. but using visual features (OCRlike?) rather than dynamic or time-sequence recognition. United States Patent 7. Christie. Greg "Methods for Determining a Cursor Position from a Finger Contact with a Touch Screen Display". gravity? Compare with Penpoint and W4PC targeting on ink. Compare with Ink targeting. rotate a virtual knob. United States Patent 7. October 12. Lemay. and Davis. Imran "Continuous Scrolling List with Acceleration".. Christie. Greg. Randall "A Visual Approach to Sketched Symbol Recognition". Bas. Greg.erols. Mentions problems of overlapping/touching sketch symbols and gestures. Bas. 2010 multi-touch user interfaces: multi-touch gestures used to adjust parameters e. Forstall. and Davis. August 31.?) Does not describe recognizing handwriting: electrical symbols.13 (2008. and File constains additional references for sketch recognition for mechanicalengineering. IUI 2009 Workshop on Sketch users.11. Scott. [OrdingB10c] ( * )Ording.843. target a touch to the nearest valid UI object based on position of centroid of touch: example is small keyboard. Forstall. to 2003 [OuyangTY09b] ( * )Ouyang.g. [OrdingB10b] ( * )Ording. Bas. Christie. 2010 Scrolling/flick gesture: faster gesture results in faster scrolling: flick-toscroll. E and 3. S and Z. United States Patent 7.02. pp 14631468.html 50/74 .com/rwservices/pens/biblio10. etc.786. Tom Y. Forstall. 2009 ITO and organic transparent conductive inks for screenprinting: intended for touchscreen electrode market [OuyangTY09a] ( * )Ouyang. November 30. Lemay. Imran "Portable Electronic Devices with MultiTouch Input". and Chaudhri. powerpoint symbols. Tom Y. States that recognizer is rotationally invariant (so what about M and N. Proc 2009 IJCAI.427.812. Stephen O. Scott. Re-exam document also in file. Scott.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing also describes "bounce" at end of scroll: Compare with Alternate Reality Kit? Twist gesture to rotate an object or screen. Orgacon. [Orgacon09a] ( * )Agfa/Orgacon "Indium Tin Oxide and Transparent Conductor Products". Pasadena CA On-line/dynamic character recognition. etc. Feb. 2008 Compendium of over 100 handheld devices up to 2008 running Palm OS 5.13 (2008. and Davis. States superior to Graffiti. stylus (pointer or finger) [Palm08a] ( * )Unknown "Die Palm Pilot History". Amanda.. which requires constrained writing. Nilay "MIT reinvents the Post-It note . pp 11-12 touchscreens and digitizers using indium tin oxide ITO: indium is scarce users. FL OCR-type recognition. 2009. pp 58-ff.html 51/74 . touch-screen small size with a post-it note sized display from Audiovox. pointer (computer address. Palm [PatelN08] ( * )Patel. along with Audiovox Digital Message Center. Vol 51 No 6. 2008 press reports on Quickie handwriting notes using what appears to be the Anoto pen. Organic user interfaces / tangible user interfaces: combination of physical input and haptic/physical feedback. fetched 2010 Definitions of select terms. mentions doun-sampling of images prior to classifier. See other Ouyang papers. and Isshi. with hardware specifications [Palm09a] ( * )Palm "Palm Pre Benutzerhandbuch". Communications of the ACM. 2009 User guide (in German) for Palm PRE hand-held touchscreen PDA [ParkesA08] ( * )Parkes.engadget. June 2008. form factor like a postit note.. Rachel "The Trouble With Touch Screens". Reference to three-dimensional mechanical digitizers. with an RFID tag (?) embedded in the paper. Hiroshi "Designing Kinetic Interactions for Organic User Interfaces". Sanibel Island. (Unistroke) [OuyangTY09c] ( * )Ouyang. Posted on scribd. www. Prototype of DPF711K.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Recognition. www. IEEE Spectrum. Tom Y.02. post-it note sized small digitizer. pp..Series display/touchscreen digitizer for taking gesture (with motion).com and handheld. screen symbol).11. Sony E. [PatelPredd09] ( * )Patel-Predd. with Post-It notes". January 2009. 1401-1405 Recognition of clusters of squiggles and angles in a sketch as an indication that the strokes should be parsed together in one object [OxfordEnglishDictionary10a] ( * )Oxford English Dictionary "Oxford English Dictionary". Advances in Neural Information Processing. 8 2009.oed. May 1. Poupyrev. not specific to gesture input.0 on PalmPilot type models. Randall "Learning from Neihboring Strokes: Combining Appearance and Context for MultiDomain Sketch Recognition". Also Girton Labs Andrew and Herz. alternatives are antimony tin oxide. flexible polymer PEDOT [PeltonenP08a] ( * )Peltonen. April "The Peregrine gaming data glove". [Peregrine10a] ( * )ThePeregrine. 2009 ff File on Plastic Logic Reader. 2010 API to set parameters for scroll bounce [Plawa10a] ( * )Plava Feinwerktechnik GmbH "Scrivo. Dr.844. Director of Active Learning in Computing: experimental program using multi-touch desk surfaces in education: SynergyNet project of the Technology-enhanced Learning Research Group [Piquepaille08] ( * )Piquepaille. Plastic Logic. fetched 2010 Electronic gesture data glove. zdnet. 1285-1294 CityWall public multi-touch display in Helsinki: social behaviors among users coordinate use. bigasterisk. John. Plawa. 17. indented for gaming market.. [PlatzerA10a] ( * )Platzer. Scott "Application Programming Interface for Scrolling Operations". Florence. 2010 users. November 30. CHI 2008. Tommi. Petri ""It's Mine. Don't Touch!": Interactions at a Large MultiTouch Display in a City Centre".com "Smart desks make sci-fi a reality in the classroom". electronic ink display with touch-sensitive touchscreen interface: swipe gesture to turn pages.13 (2008. Ilmonen.915. United States Patent 7.erols. approximately 30 product information". Antti.html 52/74 . Kurvinen. Drew and Salovaara. Liz Burd. and Saarikko. Oulasvirta.physorg. ThePeregrine. pp. "Plastic Logic Reader".com.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing resource. carbon nanotube. File contains additional materials [Perttula08] ( * )Pertulla. Evans. Roland "Multi-touch smart desks in the classroom".com/projects/skim Text file document read with scrollbar highlighting parts of text in the scrollbar [Physorg08] ( * )PhysOrg. 2008 Durham University UK experimental SynergyNet project using multi-touch tablet desks for gradeschool education [PlasticLogic09a] ( * )PlasticLogic.02. Antti. fetched 2008. Esko. David "skim text file reader". Italy. Proc. Jacucci. Sept. Durham University in UK. Giulio. probertencyclopaedia. 2009 Game-theory Mathematical model of overcoming Peter Principle (individuals are promoted until they reach a position they are not competent at. and then stay there: thus organizations tend to have managers who are not competent at their job) by promoting people at random. Timelines of history of personal computers. "POSey POS Point Of Sale product information". Centro Ettore Maiorana Erice.. 2008 Apple iPhone touch-sensitive digitizer does not work for women with long fingernails. Posting at www.islandnet. PocketCalculatorShow. Cites also to 2010 paper with same title. Described tongue-in-check as accessibility problem. [ProbertML10a] ( * )Probert. fetched 2010 Borland SideKick phone dialer dials a phone number found anywhere on the DOS screen: it didn't need to be in SideKick mode [Qomo09] ( * )Qomo HiteVision LLC "Qomo HiteVision QIT 30 product literature". buttonless touchscreen input with 42x32 pixel display. Kong 53/74 .qomo. Wang. multiple tablets may be used wirelessly to annotate on a common shared whiteboard display [QuinnM08] ( * ) 25-31. Garofalo. A.13 (2008. Michelle "Women put a finger on an iPhone problems". Zoran. [PositiveSystems10a] ( * )Positive Systems Inc.pos-ey. or with gloves. www. fetched 2010 Variety of Seiko computer/calculator watches. Physica A 389 (2010) 467 [PocketCalculatorShow10a] ( * )PocketCalculatorShow "Seiki Computer Watch Fun". Newer model includes audio recording: compare with LiveScribe and FingerSystem. Ken "Chronology of Personal Computers".11. graphical icons [PolssonK09] ( * )Polsson. circa 1985. "The Peter Principle revisited: a computational study".com/rwservices/pens/ Untethered electromagnetic digitizer. www. www. [Radivojevic08] users. Oct.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Optical mouse in a pen-shapped barrel.erols. RC-20. back to fetched 2010 POS system for DOS/Windows95 and later using modified MicroTouch unMouse touch screen to replace mouse. A.html ( * )Radivojevic.. File contains additional information. Rapisarda. Italy. Los Angeles Times. Windows for Pen Computing and GO/PenPoint both accounced January 1991. Leela "Research Results for 'SideKick'". Presentation: Econophysics Colloquirum 2009. June 16. Qomo HiteVision LLC. [PluchinoA09a] ( * )Pluchino. Zou. Matt and Probert. 2008 Nokia: In-air finger and hand gestures in front of a PDA or cell phone: describes a sonic/sonar digitizer for detecting hand gestures close to the device. 38-44 Special issue on organic/graspable/haptic/tangible user interfaces. Proc. Toni. but also mentions electrostatic/capacitive and optical hardware. additional materials in file: Vibrating touch screen puts Braille at the fingertips: rhythmic haptic encoding of braille characters similar to Morse code. Rantala. Raisamo. Surakka.11. MA.html 54/74 . Lehtiniemi.13 (2008.. Jani. [RayJ10a] ( * )Ray. Lantz. Takala.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Qiao. Jim "SAGE: Cold-War Forerunner to the Information Age".see elastomeric touchscreens?). Roope. Arto "Method for Presenting Braille Characters on a Mobile Device with a Touchscreen and Tactile Feedback".02. Mentioned in other references as multi-touch. on Haptics. Vol 51 No 6. Vol 2 No 1. Vuokko SAGE system: information on light gun [RekimotoJ08a] ( * )Rekimoto. Reijo. Jussi. Jukka. June 2008. pp 28-39 Abstract only. and Hippula. Jan 2009. not the hardware. 2009. haptic/tactile display of braille on a touchscreen/multi-touch surface [RapidRepair10a] ( * )RapidRepair. Pakkanen. Deformable/rollable input devices. Jun "SenseableRays: Opto-Haptic Substitution for Touch-Enhanced Interactive Spaces". Instead. CHI '09. just an optical receiver on a finger-mounted sensor/vibrator that picks up users. Boston. April 4-9. Jukka Ilmari. Methods and Computer Program Products Providing Finger-Based and Hand-Based Gesture Commands for Portable Electronic Device Applications". PreSense (pressuresensing touchscreen surface -. CACM. Raisamo. Available on eskimo. Ramin "Apparatus. Jun "Organic Interaction Technologies: From Stone to Skin". pp. without direct position sensing. 2519-2528 "passive" 3D/2D tactile feedback. IEEE Trans. generally relates to use of in-air hand and finger "iPad Repair Guide: Stay tuned for a shocking tear down of the new Apple iPad". www. Examples include HoloWall with Wellner? [RekimotoJ09a] ( * )Rekimoto. [RantalaJ09] ( * )Rantala. Roope Tapio. and Vatanparast. Lylykangas. fetched 2010 Disassembly of Apple iPad: shows separate front-mounted digitizer with transparent screen. United States Patent Application US 2008/0005703 A1. as SmartSkin. pp. Katri. Junary 3. Scott A. PA. Burberry. 2008 Browsing or scrolling a document (such as a map) using a virtual semitransparent overlay over the image of the document: like moving a magnifying lens? [RohrabaughGB08a] users. United States Patent Application 2010/0020039 A1. Says resistive-film touchscreens with spacer dots have 75% transparency. Cairnes. Application of Buxton 3-state model: Out-Of-Range on proximity.. Hendrik.. David M. Horviz. "Antiglare Coating and Particles". pp 72-79 Tactile/Haptic feedback on a touchscreen in an Automotive map userinterface: also tracks finger in proximity.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing time-modulated light (or infrared) projected by rays on a location on a surface. and Sherman.. passive tracking. Microsoft Surface (infrared). Ronald. Christopher. and January 28. Daniel C. [RichterPJ08a] ( * )Richter. Ecker. Gary B.k.327. February 5. Apple.html ( * )Rohrabaugh. Sarin. Proc. Mitchell S. "Multi-touch Technology". resistive).11. [RobbinsDC08a] ( * )Robbins. April S. January 17. or when not touching firmly. Nove 11-12 2010.02. 2nd Int'l Conf. Pittsburgh. put display in front of pressure-sensitive touchscreen (spacing dots..erols. and vibrates in response to the light beam projected to that particular spot. Edward B. and Cutrell. "Advanced Navigation Techniques for Portable Devices". [ReynaA09] ( * )Reyna. 2008 Antiglare coating for touchscreens: silica particles in inorganic polymer matrix. [RicksTK10a] ( * )Ricks. "Touch Input Device with Display Front".13 (2008.wiziq. AutomotiveUI 2010. United States Patent Application 2008/0014340 A1. United States Patent 7. on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Application. so that touchscreen does not reduce visibility of display. active tracking (a. Apple iPhone [RichterH10a] ( * )Richter. and pressed.349. Raman K. Paul J. 2010 Using flexible display (polymer-dispersed imaging layer). Touchscreen may be opaque. 3D by using two light Frank J. Deisler. Eric J.a. June 6 2009 Internet posting of review of multi-touch technology: Perceptive Pixel.. Darran R. 55/74 . Theodore K.. Andreas "HapTouch and the 2+1 State Model: Potentials of Haptic Feedback on Touch Based In-Vehicle Information Systems". and Bottari. ITO capacitive typically 90%. www. and Butz. 2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing "Scalable Display of Internet Content on Mobile Devices". Perlin.02. "The 15 Euro designer multitouch pad: ". pp. Mass. Charles. and Guiard. Proc. Holz. and Becker T. Instead of marking menus.592. Proc. Massachusetts. SigGraph '09. September 22. Grau.181. and Riegel. Slides of the Thumb". Ken. Alexander. Described as touch imaging technology. A.html 56/74 . December 2. United States Patent 7. Hasso Plattner Institut: Seminar at ITS '10.. P. Yves "MicroRolls: Expanding Touch-Screen Input Vocabulary by Distinguishing Rolls vs. or detect multi-touch points. Ken "IMPAD . New Orleans Multi-touch touchpad using force variable resistors with interpolation (IFSR) to get position resolution finger than minimum discrimination distance for multiple touches (like human skin). materials available at www. Louis B. Nadim. 2009. [RosenbergI09b] ( * )Rosenberg. CHI 2009.. pp. for better rendering on small (handheld/smartphone) displays. [RoudautA10a] ( * )Roudaut. Alex.13 (2008. Anne.. Charles. [RoudautA09a] ( * )Roudaut. United States Patent 7. Lecolinet. etc.html users.999. Ilya.The Future of Touch Sensing". 2009. Ilya.anneroudaut. Interpolation to get higher resolution of single points. "Haptic Feedback For Touchpads and Other Touch Controls". Six microroll gestures (four directions. 8. 2009 (See also Haptic force feedback transducer/actuator mounted on back surface of touch surface or tablet. two circular) four slide gestures (direction) four swipe gestures (direction) two diagonal rubbing (rubout) gestures. Boston. Baudisch. Nadim "The UnMousePad . and Awad.erols.7. Proc. Effect is grid of force/pressure FSR forcesensitive-resister points whose sensing areas overlap and fall off with distance. Hendee. April 4-9 2009. [RosenbergI09a] ( * )Rosenberg. C. April 4-9. August 3.031. CHI 2009.An Inexpensive MultiTouch Pressure Acquisition Device".353. 927-936 Gesture based on rolling of thumb instead of sliding of thumb. [RosenbergLB09a] ( * )Rosenberg.. and Perlin. James R. Grau.461.11. Hendee. Boston. 3217-3222 Force/pressure sensitive touchpad/tablet using elastomeric material (conductive rubber: force decreases resistance) between perpendicular matrix layers of conductor lines. which is mounted on springs to allow motion. 2008 Convert HTML layout to resolution-independent vector display-list form.059. Awad. Enrico. Compare to Chen 2009 and structure-throughmotion. Fadi. Krueger. Marcus "Method and System for Detecting the Three-Dimensional Shape of an Object". Hans "PhoneTouch: A Technique for Direct Phone Interaction on Surfaces". USA. Example is special pants/trowsers/clothing with marks on human body. Dan "Interactive Gestures: Designing Gestural Interfaces". and Olivier. multi-touch from Fingerworks and iPhone. O'Reily Press. Proc UIST '10. Chehimi. April 2009.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing How to construct a multitouch FTIR optical digitizer using easily-available parts at home in your spare time. pp. New York City.html 57/74 . www. 2009 Single camera. Proc. hand-gestures. object at known position. android operating system. Long live multi-touch". [RutschmannD09a] ( * )Rutschmann. includes Flash. Patrick "Multi-touch is dead. CHI 2009.813.) long with input from touch surface (simulated with video detection) as user input. Uses marks on floor (surface) at known locations. Acrylick sheets with webcam camera underneath. October 3-6. eye-winks. Rukzio..02. February 10. United States Patent 7. Boston Opinion piece on multi-touch having a 25 years history before Jeff Han and the iPhone from Apple. First multi-touch device in 1982. [SchoeningJ09a] ( * )Schoening. determine shape of an an object form multiple Recommends spraying surface with silicone lubricant to get better detection (better optical contact and reflection).11. [SafferD08] ( * )Saffer. many designs not taking into account 25 years of HCI lessons learned ( keys.489. Mentions "the Clapper" as a gestural interface with indirect manipulation. [SchmidtD10a] ( * )Schmidt. Object has photogrammetrically evaluable marks (targets).erols. Johannes. Refers to gestures as motions of the human body. Buxton) users. File contains additional material.samsungmobile. [Samsung10a] ( * )Samsung "Galaxy Tab Tablet Mobile Product Information". 2008 General tutorial book on gestural interfaces including motion gestures such as Wii.13 (2008. Includes video showing both operation and construction. Dirk and Josten. Dominik. 1316 Use input of smart phone such as iPhone (inertial input. etc. Dec 2010 Samsung Galaxy Tab mobile tlabet device. Antonio. and Gellersen. so that no scale reference object needed. body motions. com. April 2009. Proc. Communications of the ACM. siffness. apparently taken from www.13 (2008. MobileHCI 2010. damping. Leila Sadat. [ScottJ10a] ( * )Scott. Boston MA. pp 67ff. www. James. Vol 51 No 5. Press Release. Balakrishnan. pp 19-21 Essay on multi-touch interfaces. Ehr-li (Early).com. Chu. front/back faces of virtual objects. Xiaojun.tested. contributory infringement [SchweitzerB10a] ( * )Schweizer. [ShenE09a] ( * )Shen. Rezai. gesture with iPhone. Bobby "How You Should Guage the Quality of a Touchscreen".2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing [Schweibenz09] ( * )Schweibenz. friction. 3D friction. Force/touch effects include constant/gravity. can be bent as a form of gesture input (for zoom) combined with touchpad / touchscreen sensing. 2009 eInstruction whiteboard system using wireless tablets. Ravin "RearType: Text Entry Using Keys on the Back of a Device". Jeff Han cited as multi-touch. Meg McGinity "This Menu has changed: Innovative interfaces will give wireless the golden touch". Organic user interfaces / tangible user interfaces: Gummi flexible display. November Product information on hand input devices with haptic force feedback: mechanical linkages.erols. September 7-10. Lisbon. 2010. [ShannonMM08] ( * )Shannon. "eInstruction Corporation Files New 337 Complaint Regarding Certain Collaborative System Products". spring. www. viscosity. versus importer Qomo Hitevision of wireless tablets. Bi. Carsten "What makes an Interface feel Organic?". 4339-4344 users. User interface with physical keyboard on rear of hand-held (two hands) display: compare with LucidTouch [SensAble09] ( * )Sensable Technologies "Haptic Devices and Toolkits for Haptic Application Development". July 13.. Dominika. W. Bending force determines how fast it zooms.html 58/74 . May 2008. Eric. Ruszkowski. Vol 51 No 6. Sung-sheng (Daniel). States taht "flick" gesture first implemented in 1999: compare with PenPoint flick gestures in 1991? [SchwesigC08] ( * )Schwesig.11.buxton. Izadi. 2010 overview article on touchscreen products with short notes on multi-touch history. GestureTek video gesture recognition Tsai. Hao-Hua "Double-side Multi-touch Input for Mobile Devices". pp. June 2008.sensable. Shahram.GestureTek in business since late 1980s. Communications of the ACM. LexisNexis. CHI 2009. "SiMa Systems Product Development Platform (PDP) for multi-touch/dual force (MT/DF) touchscreen sensor.or Challenge?". Feb 6th 2009: www. Multi-touch gestures (e.bnet. Der Spiegel. Addison-Wesley. Der Spiegel. Discussion of direct manipulation.g.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Multitouch touchpanel on back/rear of PDA/iphone so that display is not obscured. BNET Technology Insights. fingertip positions displayed with small cursors on front SMART board interactive whiteboard digitizers. www. 1998. 5th Edition". March 2008 pressure/force-sensitive (?) resistive multi-touch touch sensor: Multiple Simultaneous Touch Activation. user presses harder to activate. 2010 Review of VoiceOver for iPhone: refers to gesture input on touchscreens has being the solution for visually-impaired/blind computer access [Spiegel10b] ( * )Der Spiegel "Cebit vor zehn Jahren: Ipad-Opa und 59/74 users. Erik "Can Apple's MultiTouch Patent Withstand Scrutiny .Earlier editions 1987. [SimaSystems08a] ( * )SiMa Systems. publishers 2010 University textbook on computer-human interaction .erols. two-finger "grab"). SiMa Systems. Catherine "Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction.". manipulation because you have WYSIWYG behavior in the document. Graffiti.. Inc. Germany: October 17. not because it is a tangible user interface. Electronic file contains additional information.html . [Smart10a] ( * )SMART Technologies "SMART Technologies Inc. Germany: October 20. stylus recognized by smaller contact area.13 (2008. microTILE electronics for reference design. some use of gestures. Ben and Plaisant. PROSPECTUS". [Spiegel10a] ( * )Der Spiegel "Warum viele Blinde das iPhone lieben".com/rwservices/pens/biblio10. Earlier editions go back to 1986. 2009 multi-touch mouse has no wheels or buttons: uses a touch surface. with Microsoft Office as an example -. [ShermanE09] ( * )Sherman.. with digital ink: Prospectus for public offering [Spiegel09a] ( * )Der Spiegel "Apples neue Maus hat keine Tasten". One chapter on input devices talks about pointing/digitizer Review of published patent application relating to iPhone/Fingerworks touch gestures [Shneiderman10a] ( * )Shneiderman. Also double-side input multitouch gestures on both sides at same time.11. com Capacitive multi-touch that can detect both fingers and stylus (passive) at same time: apparently by size of contact/detection area? [StewartWM09a] ( * ) pressure/force-sensing multi-touch resistive touchscreen Formerly known as JazzMutant / Lemur. Wolfgang and Wingrave. Der Spiegel.stantum. Uni. 2D touchscreens better than existing 3D input devices. PDF) instead. users. 2010 Mentions skeye. Mentions bounce on scroll action.506.html 60/74 . 2009 Filter Email for virus detection by executing program on another computer to check before sending to email recipient: send recipient converted file ( "Unlimited multi-touch". "The Value of Constraints for 3D User Interfaces". mostly because of accuracy and precision of the device. Walter Mason.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Bluetooth-Waschmaschinen". [Stantum09a] ( * )Stantum. Trier.stantum. 203. Virtual Realities: Dagstuhl Seminar Resistive-grid multi-touch detection using X/Y addressable nodes in a grid pattern. Includes gesturerecognition software for pinch. twist. Virus is assumed to be executable code. close. unlike capacitive digitizer. Marcy 17. Marcelo. Robert G. and Hook. [StuerzlingerW08a] ( * )Stuerzlinger. unlike capacitive digitizer. www.155. "E-Mail Virus Protection System and Method". rotate. www. Webpanel. United States Patent 7. Carrera.g. Resistive-grid multi-touch detection using X/Y addressable nodes in a grid "Stantum adds Finger-Pressure Detection to Its Patented PMatrix Multi-Touch Detection Platform". [Stantum09c] ( * )Stantum. zoom gestures.erols.224 Review of 3D input and 3D display in consumer-level systems: Perspective and occlusion more important than stereoscopic display. touchscreen interface with browser..stantum. www.pad webpad tablet computer at Cebit 2000 about the time of the Tablet PC introduction by Microsoft: Wireless connection.stantum. similar to iPhone/iPad? [Stantum09b] ( * )Stantum. Germany: Feb 28. notes that it works with any touch stylus.11. Germany. Additional references on 3D input with similar devices.13 ( "PMatrix: The unparalleled Multi-Touch detection firmware". [Stantum10a] ( * )Stantum.02. pp. notes that it works with any touch stylus.. Chadwick "Stantum Unlimited Multitouch: How it Works". Proc. www. 2010 Using feature points/characteristics of a gesture in carrying out the operation of the gesture: characterizes this as performing multiple operations. Ben Sharpe. Compare with using single or multiple hotpoints of a gesture? [Synaptics08a] ( * )Synaptics (author publication) Definition Input [Tabletized09] ( * )www. Xerox Patent Infringement Lawsuit". The Apple Newton. Original price for Newton Toolkit was $1000.html 61/74 .13 ( Ruth "Five open source alternatives to the iPad". opensource. "Synaptics RMI4 Interfacing Guide".com "Journey to the beginning of Tablets. Richard L. "A Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux. Enhanced gestures (multi-finger pinch and zoom).".". Synaptics Inc. "Example of Historical Research: Palm v. Charles C..tabletized. MSI Taiwanese tablet with Android.11. [SuehleR10a] ( * )Suehle. Appears to be copy of Wikipedia article on Newton (platform). and Jones. Haiyong. Wang. Developers of Newton Toolkit: Norberto Menendez. Landstad. Course users. The input focus specifies the window that receives keyboard input. Peter Potrebic. Bhattacharyay. rumored Google Tablet. Subha.. Mark G. United States Patent 7.02. Asus / Asusteck Eee Pad. David "Controlling Multiple Map application Operations with a Single Gesture". TouchBook. Fourth Edition. [Synaptics10a] ( * )Synaptics Inc.erols. "Synaptics RMI3 Interfacing Guide". 2010 Synaptics capacitive-grid touchpad hardware controllers: Devices support NumberOfFingers detection (report count of fingers) with additional position registers for each finger position. Synaptics Inc.555. Spencer. TouchShapes contoured special areas on tablet.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing [Sobell08a] ( * )Sobell. 2007/2008 Synaptics capacitive-grid touchpad hardware controllers: Devices support MultiFinger (multi-touch) detection (report count of fingers). Examples include endpoints and apex point of a checkmark. open source: Neofonie WePad with Android OS. fetched 2010 History of Newton development: Walter Smith developer of NewtonScript object-oriented programming language. www. Herry. [TappertCC10a] ( * )Tappert. iFreeTablet.752. F.tabletized. Todd M. 4 Apr 2010 web tablets. July 6. [SutantoH10a] ( * )Sutanto. www. v Vexor patent suit. Terminology: uses Diagram Recognition for Sketch Recognition.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing presentation. page 30 SpaceNavigator 3-D mouse. Daniel Matthew "The BoPen: A Tangible Pointer tracked in Six Degrees of Freedom".iturls. tapping.13 (2008. three-finger press / flick. apparently optical [TheEngineer08a] ( * )The Engineer "Magic touch". NY.blogspot. etc. Seidenberg School of CSIS.six-degrees-offreedom joystick-like input device. technetyes. nortd.3dconnexion. pinch zoom.asp Compendium of URL links to pen TouchKit multitouch table input tablet. Pace University. January 1.html.02. with thanks to Jean Renard Ward [TechHotSpot10a] ( * )Unknown "Pen Computing". www. and thus to a TechnologyRview. four=-finger flick. [TechnologyReview08a] ( * )Technology Review "Mouse for 3-D clicking (separate?). July/August 2008. includes several Chinese commercial handwriting recognition / pen-computing 2008 users. Interesting record of how prior-art research is done.erols. EECS/MIT. 2009 Light-pen-like device using projected barcode pattern.html 62/74 . [TechNet10a] ( * )TechNetYes.11. 2010 Personal record of expert-witness analysis concerning Xerox Unistroke handwriting recognition patent in Palm. Prior-art research lead to limiting of claims.. lists this reference. Master's Thesis. scrolling (at edge?). www. August 21. rotating. Credits Doug Englebart with first GUI graphical user interface.blogspot. [TaubDM09a] ( * ) Do-It-Yourself Multitouch Display". July 28. projector uses switchable diffuse/clear surface that can project onto the surface and also see objects above the "The Windows PC ClickPad finally improved? Synaptics ClickPad IS Series 3 preview". November 2010 Synaptics ClickPad 3 touchpad with ACM accidental contact Shows configuration for optional multifinger (multi-touch) gesture: twofinger scrolling. Cites to this bibliography and to this collection by name "which made my related works section both more interesting and immensely more timeconsuming". Haptikos project at Nokia.. March 10. Gary Todd.Touch Screen and Multi Touch". tipb.13 ( Press release for SpaceNavigator.g.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Review of some touch-screen and haptic technologies (seems to confuse "haptic" with "touch-input"). August 12. Freestyle. [TIPB10a] ( * )TIPB. 3Tap. The Guide (Wang). Kathryn L. www.11.3dconnexion. also rotation. using force/pressure for up and down. Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG). Michael G..erols.582. [ThreeDconnexion08] ( * )3dConnextion "Perfekter Begleiter für Globe Strotter: 3Dconnexion stellt SpaceNavigator für Notebooks vor". keyboard driver) for physical input devices. including Ken from Detailed description of IFSR (ink force-sensing resistor) multi-touch touchscreen: Stantum / Touchco [TouchInternational09a] ( * )Touch International "Touch International 57B-5-12 Surface Capacitive Controller Specification Guide". "Soft Input Panel System and Method". Roope Takala. 2008 Virtual Keyboard and other devices simulating actual devices by generating system messages same as drivers ( SIP Soft Input "New Gesture in iPhone SDK Commercial company with touch/pressure sensitive digitizer using IFSR Force-sensitive resistor ink.02.1.411. Jeffrey R. 2009 Five-wire surface capacitive touchscreen: shows wire connection diagram for five-wire interface.touchco. [Touchco10a] ( * )TouchCo "Touch User Interface . etc. Doster/Oed [Touchco09a] ( * )TouchCo "Touchco IFSR Multi-touch Resistive Sensors".2 for iPad". UK. Christophe Ramstein. Rotate-(anti)clockwise. For Tablet PCs (Microsoft) [TouchUserInterface09a] ( * )TouchUserInterface.. Virtual Veins. PenWindows.html 63/74 . [ToepkeMG08a] ( * )Topeke. Compare with PenCept. other systems with simulated keyboards. Electronic file contains additional information on multi-touch resistive technology. Blum. Mark Williams. 2010 Additional gestures for iPhone: Pinch-in/out/ and Parker. Touch International Document 6500292 Rev "How the Stantum's Resistive Multi-Touch Screen Works". iPhone. United States Paten 7. Immersion corporation. three-dimensional mouse pointing device. www. www. users.touchco. using in part a Wii hardware digitizer and Flash (software) on a MAC. Press reports on settlements with [TouchUserInterface10a] ( * )TouchUserInterface. LED). Applications include two-way video with user eye contact directed in same direction as camera.. 2009. 2009 Optical sensors (e.11.468. CCD imaging) integrated into display panel (e. Germany. MT/MF multi-touch multi-fource. EDGAR report states that original purpose of company was to sell MP3s on-line. Force-feedback. May 19. Brauneggerstrasse "Yet Another Thing and Flexible Resistive Multi Touch . Compare to in-cell optical technologies for 64/74 .2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing TouchUserInterface.SiMa Systems".535. Michael "Integrated Sensing Display".erols. TouchUserInterface. acquired patents from Nova Mobility Systems. References to force-feedback back to 1990. description from 2007 patent application. press information". (in German) Touchtisch Projekt. ISBN: 978-90-386-1672-8 PH. Licensing company for two patents (see CloughWA) relating to application generators for tablet/pen computers. Dynamic cursor invented 1968 by Engelbart.wordpress.g.typhoontouchtechn. Peratech QTC quantum tunnelling composite and FSR force sensing resistor. Koert Martinus "What You See is What You Feel". users. versus separate webcam camera mounted on Motion Computing. mechanically simulated or optically simulated (via cursor displacements) or via animation of stickiness. www. Comparison with Stantum PMatrix. Thesis on haptic touch user interfaces.13 (2008. See also Nova Mobility (product partner). [Touchtisch08] ( * )Touchtisch Projekt "Touchtisch Ausgabe 01: Erste Erfolge". Resistive grid with spacer dots. other rows and columns are set to high-impedance state. See file folder for patent information. Changing cursor cited to 1988 for WIMP interfaces.g. 2009 Stantum multi-touch resistive grid touchscreen. [UyM09a] ( * )Uy. [TyphoonTouch09] ( * )Typhoon Touch Technologies "Typhoon Touch Student project on touch-sensitive interface. [vanMensvoortK09a] ( * )van Mensvoort.D. touchtisch. United States Patent 7. Eindhoven University of Technology. 2010 SiMa Systems multi-touch resistive grid touchscreen. February 11. Company originally formed to distribute MP3 files. Includes "Dynamic home row" virtual keyboard/typing. July 18. etc.erols. Via Voice speech voice recognition added in users.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing [ValePO08a] ( * )Vale. Ph. 26-30 Introduction to special articles on organic/graspable/haptic user interfaces. and Niemi. or enter data using cursor keys (forward. Test of Tablet PC user interface (Microsoft Windows) with conventional mouse UI. Daniel "Direct Hand Input and Hand Occlusion". pp.02. John "Lotus 1-2-3 Release History". Toronto Dept.down. Pen input faster than pointing with a mouse -. [VilppulaM09] ( * )Vilppula. Arto. 324-388. June 2008. j-walk. of Computer hand occulsion.13 (2008. difficulty with small targets/menus/icons.. gorilla-arm fatigue.718. Mattila.11. hand fatigue. Matti. pp.696 Handheld mobile (cellphone) device using GPS and other means for determining geographic position. Roel and Poupyrev. difficulty moving to keyboard. move to next field/element. and lack of additional mouse buttons or roller. hand instability. "Browser Navigation for Devices with a Limited Input System". Based on Vogel Ph.558. Ravin "Direct Pen Interaction With a Conventional Graphical User Interface". Vol 51 No 6. United States Patent 7. Credits Alan Kaye (indirectly) for inspiring the Tablet PC. Markku "Method and Device for Position Determination". API picks available means/method that meets accuracy requirements specificed via the API [VogelD10a] ( * )Vogel. Daniel and Balakrishnan. November 18.D. [Walkenbach08a] ( * )Walkenbach. Lotus 1. CACM.htm History of Lotus 123 Release dates: First Windows (non-DOS) version in 1991.) for small display with small keyboard (smartphone) [VertegaalR08a] ( * )Vertegaal. Problems are poor precision with tapping and dragging. U. [VogelD10b] ( * )Vogel.454. with observations on Windows for Pen Computing and GO/PenPoint in early 1990's.D.html 65/74 . 2008 Automatic user interface behavior of scroll. such as paper that can be bend or folded. 2010 Hand occlusion for pen input: points out problems of that pen / handwriting / gesture recognition is used with legacy/existing software. Various citations to Ward/Philipps 1987 paper. Human Computing Interation. Peter O. Thesis. United States Patent 7.0 for Windows. Vol 25. Deformable/rollable input devices. Ivan "Organic User Interfaces". 2009 Tutorial on touchscreen technologies: covers multi-touch. Optical. Optical: problems if black display / no ambient last update of April.g. No treatment of electromagnetic.11. [Walkenbach08b] ( * )Walkenbach. switch-sensing (resistive/voltage). force sensing (Vissumo). Continuous ITO film/sheet: analog resistive. Alternative materials to ITO. digital resistive. [WalkerG10a] ( * )Walker. SID October. LCD In-Cell (Optical. 2010 Excerpt of Tutorial on touchscreen techologies. Haptic feedback. Flexible displays. Circular polarizers to reduce visual reflections.erols. APR Acoustic Pulse Recognition. NextWindow Optical Touch. contrast ratio. includes FIR/FTIR). SID November 17. capacitive-sensing. acoustic/sonar. July 14. RPO Waveguide infrared optical: waveguide layer on top of display. pinching gestures from 1983. as in Feb 2010 version? Covers Wacom EMR. walkermobile. anti-smudge hydrophobic coating. [WalkerG09b] ( * )Walker. Capacitive). Traditional infrared (IR). Geoff "Touch Technologies Tutorial". Asserts capacitive cannot sense stylus (?).. "Excel 2007 Power Programming with VBA". States Multi-touch from 1982. Abbie "Fundamentals of Touch Technologies and Applications".com. NextWindow Optical Touch. Tutorial Session.02. 2009 Tutorial on integrated in-cell LCD display/touchscreen technologies: Lightsengins. surface jwalk. [WalkerG10b] ( * )Walker. Force sensing (Vissumo). Formulae for anti-glare non-smooth hardcoat surface coatings. anti-Newton's-rings. SemiCon DST Dispersive Signal Technology. Wilely.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing 1998. 2010 Tutorial on touchscreen techologies. Tutorial session. Lotus 1-2-3 [WalkerG09a] ( * )Walker. Software solution to "occlusion" problem for multi-touch. not at corners. Switch. Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Surface Capacitive (electrostatic). Chapter 1 Excerpt Release and development history of Excel spreadsheet program: cites provenance from VisiCalc available at www.html 66/74 . Geoff "touch Technologies tutorial". EMR Electromagnetic Resonance. Multi-Touch. Waveguide infrared (RPO). Non-multi-touch: analog resistive. Vision-base optical (e. Figures on major vendors. Multi-touch: Projected capacitive. Tutorial Session. Geoff and Touch technologies with patterned ITO: analog multi-touch users. Vissumo force sensors at edges of display. or Anoto pattern. Geoff "LCD In-Cell Touch".13 (2008. market share. John "Excel 2007: Where It Came From". Distinguishes Touch Screens (passive) from Active Digitizers. Use of pointing to reduce occlusion problem. embedded on-cell and in-cell. March 2010. Geoff and Fihn. gestures using intersection of two pointing fingers to get active point. Waveguide Infrare / RPO. Materials and Process 5: 2009.html 67/74 . Surface Acoustic Wave / SAW. or Anoto pattern? [WalkerG10c] ( * )Walker. Supported by JOHNNIAC project. "RAND and the Information Evolution: A History in Essays and Vignettes". analog resistive. Optical. determine direction of finger from oval shape.02. used for (electronic ink / gesture) annotation of maps with text. Mark "Skin becomes gadget control pad". 2010 Skinput: acoustic digitizer mounted on arm: must learn/be trained to recognized characteristic sound of tapping on different parts of the skin surface. carbon nanotubes. Force Sensing. BBC News. States that RAND tablet was first operational digitizing tablet. magnesium hydroxide.g. Vision-Based. directional sector (radial) menus. Proc. Xiangshi "Empirical Evaluation for Finger Input Properties In Multi-Touch Interaction". Feng and Ren. ITO replacement materials (redacted): sub-micron metal mesh. [WardM10a] ( * )Ward.. 10-inch flat surface with free-pen stylus. Session "Tabletop Gestures" Determine shape of contact of fingertips on tablettop digitizer (FTIR optical).erols. Saved user actions to reconstruct image users. or digital resistive: light/optical sensors in display. [WangF09a] ( * )Wang. RAND Corporation corporate publication series. acoustic/sonar. In-Cell generally projected capacitive (X/Y grid matrix). [WareWH08a] ( * )Ware.11. Willis H. Electromagnetic resonance (EMR) multitouch tablets. also Videographic System to integrate characters and graphics (video) in same display. 2008 Personal history of RAND Corporation. conductive polymer No treatment of electrostatic stylus. Boston MA 1063-1072. Vertical contact and horizontal contact touch gestures. Dispersive Signal Technology / DST. CHI '09. One use is touchpad on laptop (not touch display) with displayable icons in touchpad. 814 Touchscreens with touch sensor physically integrated into display: Cites to 2007 SIGGRAPH publication. March 26. pp. rocking gestures. silver (Ag) nanowires. Later printed-circuit version was 36 inces by 36 inches. April 7. Manufacturing processes e.13 (2008. Information Display Vol 3 No 10. projected capacitive. Mark "Frontline Technology: LCD In-Cell Touch". photolithography Without ITO: Acoustic Pulse Recognition / APR.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing resistive. Notes that users quickly adjusted to separate tablet and display. Companies and Computer Systems That Changed Forever the Practice of Engineering". Available at www. and Dreisbach. 2008." resolution. 100 data points/second.02. Matthew Evan "Swipe Gestures for Touch Screen Keyboards". Wayne Carl. Chapter 7: Applicon. including Android and rumored apple iSlate. Gesture UI of Applicon CAD/CAM system known as pattern recognition command entry/ Tablet Symbol Recognition / sketching a pattern with a stylus. United States Patent Application Publication 2008/0316183 A1. Plastic Logic e-reader with multi-touch capacitive digitizer and annotation. BIOMOD graphical user interface to construct biological models. David E. [WestermanWC08] ( * )Westerman. Weisberg. 2008 Swipe gestures by moving finger across keys on (simulated) keyboard touch-screen: compare with 1980's Japanese calculator in collection? [WestlyE10a] ( * )Westly. "The Engineering Design Revolution: The People. Henri. GRAIL was automatic recognition of gestures and characters for system flowcharts. [WeisbergDE08a] ( * )Weisberg.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing rather than saving bitmap. then woven grid of Formex wires with distinct signal on each wire: 0. Erica "A Layman's Guide to the Tablet PCs of 2010". www. Gestures more clumsy with a mouse when implemented on Macintosh as MacBRAVO!. end-point location. David E. First version of RAND tablet was electromechanical (reversed flatbed plotter).com History of CAD/CAM history. Jeremy "Multi-touch Interfaces and Map 68/74 users. Dictionary (stroke order) look-up to recognize handwritten Chinese characters. Circle/lasso gesture to select and zoom.html . stroke directions. stroke identified (handwriting recognition) of features relative positions of strokes. Lamireaux. 2010 Review of "slab-form" tablet PCs.cadhistory. dothoriztonal and dot-vertical for dimension lines. December 25.01" resolution. Final version used (new at the time) PCD with 0. January 14. dual-screen courier tablet (Microsoft?) [WhiteJ09a] ( * )White. User could define new patterns/gestures.fastcompany. Ken Ledeen (Ledeen Recognizer) at ComputerVision in Lenovo IdeaPad U1 running Linux with multitouch tablet as display portion of Windows PC. and context (1 vs I? 0 vs O?) History of GRAIL project (later BIOMOD and CLINFO). with filtering. still unique signal on every conductor.13 (2008. BIOMOD graphical language for construction system models.erols. but for second display. Shipman.g.. Clifton. [Wikipedia08a] ( * )en. Darren. en. Describes algorithm for finding "center" of finger-touch blob for pointing. "Post-WIMP". October 15-18.wikipedia. pp.11. Bi-manual/two hands: Under-the-table can also be used at same physical position as hand on top table. Master's Thesis. 256-268 Tabletop touchpad with multi-touch sensors on both top and bottom side of "Wang Laboratories".org "Scrollbar". Contains review of usability of multi-touch gestures over mouse/keyboard. Daniel. and visibility to make gestures easy to learn. John. Cia "Under the Table Interaction". Montreux. Proc. since hands/moves not visible under table.wikipedia.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Navigation". [WigdorD09a] ( * )Wigdor. Barnwell. UIST '06. Wisconson/Madison. Under-the-table can use first-contact selection rather than lift-off. Forlines. since cursor fully visible. Ravin.13 (2008. [Wikipedia08b] ( * ) Mentions google chrome browser scroll bar which places highlights/marks in trough of vertical scroll bar to indicate places where term was found that user was looking for in a web page [Wikipedia08d] ( * )en.wikipedia.wikipedia. not obscured by finger/hand. contrasted to WIMP Windows Icons. Also useful for simultaneous-input two-person games (e. Cites to Buxton for awkwardness of mouse as a gesture device compared to stylus and tablet General reference on mouse gestures: history first mouse gesture (not using a pre-defined shape) was "drag" by Apple to replace a dedicated "move" button on the mouse.wikipedia.wikipedia.02. Diplomacy). 2006. Balakrishnan. 2009 Physical design of large rear-projection multi-touch interactive surface (FTIR Frustrated Total Internal Reflection: see Han). Samuel.wikipedia. en. See Andries van Dam [Wikipedia08c] ( * )en.html 69/74 . Cites lack of feedback to show that the gesture was recognized correctly (showing actual gesture: compare with GO/Agulnick). Pointing device user interfacse. (Catography and GIS). fetched 2008 users. Post-WIMP: defines as paper sheet user "Mouse gesture". or on same display. U. Leigh. Shen. en. which was derived from NeXT IDE and tools. pointing device: mentions postWIMP (Andries van Dam) [Wikipedia10a] ( * )en.13 (2008.wikipedia. Later development done by Starfish Internet Sidekick. "Xcode". en. "SideKick". calculator. en. Mentions early history of peninput devices and handwriting tablets: Scripture 1895 devices for storage of pen positions.wikipedia.wikipedia. [Wikipedia10d] fetched 2010 ( * )en. Over one million copies sold in first three years (starting 1983). Also on www. character/handwriting recognition with Jourjine [Wikipedia10e] fetched 2010 ( * )en.wikipedia.11. users. en.wikipedia. and address book / phone dialer. icon. fetched 2008 WIMP user interface: window.wikipedia.wikipedia. Review article on Muli-Touch: states that 1982 movie "Tron" shows MuliTouch -.wikipedia. Borland SideKick PIM / Personal Information Manager for DOS: included calendar.. fetched Xcode IDE and development tools superceded Project Builder IDE. does not mention pen or tablet gestures. menu. text ( * ) Describes gesture as motion of human "Gestenerkennung".org "Ken Knowlton".02. Biography on Ken Knowlton: cites to patent 3.722 on automatically relabeled keys/button (soft button lables) by with Tog's movie? [Wikipedia10f] ( * )de. en. fetched 2010 Wikipedia: Gesture McAllister 1900 [Wikipedia10b] 2010 [Wikipedia10c] fetched 2010 ( * ) [Wikipedia10g] fetched 2010 ( * )en.html 70/74 .org "Multi-Touch" "WIMP (Computing)".org/wiki/Handwriting_movement_analysis Cites to Teulings and Jean Renard Ward.wikipedia.wikipedia.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Wang Laboratories Freestyle electronic ink/voice whiteboarding and communication desktop system using Hitachi digitizer: has link to Freestyle demonstration video [Wikipedia08e] ( * ) "Gesture" "Handwriting movement analysis".wikipedia. graphical flip book from Freestyle at Wan.wikipedia. [Wikipedia10k] fetched 2010 ( * ) States that "drag" was first gesture on apple Macintosh. not PenPoint-type gestures. direct manipulation/ handwriting recognition / gesture 2009 Mentions touch gestures on Windows 7 not working well. fetched 2010 Wikipedia: Gesture for pen "Windows CE Wall Street Journal.wikipedia.11. [Wikipedia10h] ( * )en. Comparison with OS/2.wikipedia.html 71/74 . Reference has no information on gesture input.wikipedia. Makoto.wikipedia. Sugimoto. Makino.contains (lengthy) historical notes going back to 19th century. en.0 operating system ca.13 (2008. HP implementing alternatives [WithanaA10a] ( * )Withana. 2000 for palm-top pen computers.erols. makes assumptions about heirarchical menus and ability to chain multiple levels of menus. [Wikipedia10l] ( * )en. fetched 2010 Wikipedia: Historical timeline of Microsoft Windows operating system. en. No mention of Windows for Pen Computing. fetched 2010 Wikipedia: Windows CE Yasutoshi. and "History of Microsoft Windows".com/rwservices/pens/biblio10. [Wikipedia10m] ( * )en.wikipedia.02.0". en.wikipedia. [Wikipedia10i] ( * ) Describes gesture as visible body actions communicate particular messages. Masahiko "ImpAct: users. Cites early references to pie meus to 1970s. Wikipedia: Pie menu.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Wikipedia: Gesture. Anusha. Gota. Kondo. fetched 2010 Wikipedia: Defines gesture recognition as recognizing human (body motion) gestures. Kakehi.wikipedia. [Wikipedia10j] fetched 2010 ( * ) "Gesture Recognition" "Pen computing". touchscreen digitizer. DOS addressing modes replaced with Windows 95. en. en. en. Wikipedia: Pen computing -. Nick "Notes for Tablet Aware Application Developers". or of Tablet "Pie menu" "Pointing Device Gesture". Maki. Absolute/relative pointing/locator input. involving motion while holding down mouse See also Windows [WingfieldN09] ( * )Wingfield. as a gesture gestural user interface (similar to "drag" gesture?). January 12. Brad A. April 4-9. Hauke "Sketch Recognition". "Using Edges and Corners for Character Input". [WobbrockJO10a] ( * )Wobbrock. Drags to/from off-screen. 16 pages Haptic stylus to give illusion of touching objects inside a flat tablet display: when pressed on screen. [WobbrockJO09a] ( * )Wobbrock. and then letting user make what they think is an appropriate gesture: i. 2009 On-screen visual/virtual keyboard for accessibility: abbreviation expansion. Vol 8 NO 2. and Myers. Morris. and Wilson.html 72/74 . Group select: hold and tap (two hand). Jacob Boston MA. Click selection. December 2010.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Immersive Haptic Stylus to Enable Direct Touch and Manipulation for Surface Computing".com "WiViK Onscreen Keybord Version 3 / Microsoft Windows". Research focus is multi-touch input for sketch recognition in programming tools.proximity sensing? [WitternH09a] ( * )Wittern. expanding quadrant selection (compare with Marking menus).11.. scanning selection (hit switch when desired item is highlighted in a sequential scan of items). United Statest Patent users. Andrew D. 2009 Design hand/finger gestures on touchscreen touch table by showing use the effect. 2009 Review of Sketch Recognition. dwell selection (using both a time and a distance threshold)..02. Jacob O. cites to ASSIST system (and video) from M. prentrom. Described as "direct touch". Article 9. "User-Defined Gestures for Surface Computing". Note: what type of touchscreen/tablet technology -. Prentke Romich Company / Bloorview Kids Rehab. rubout gesture.13 (2008. Meredith Ringel. cut/paste: two separate taps with same hand. Additional materials in electronic file [WiViK09a] ( * )Prentke Romich Company.e. Elicited gestures included single select: tap or lasso gesture.erols. Not so much intended for user-defined gestures. move: drag or jump gesture (one hand to the other). May 28. as helping designers pick gesture sets informed by user natural behavior. Proc. CHI 2009.T. Colloquium of the Hochschule für Angewandte Wisstenschaften Hamburg. user placed hand on surface and moved across as direct manipulation. and to Sutherland Sketchpad.I. word prediction from adapable dictionary. for pan or drag. Refers to surface computing (two authors from Microsoft). Cites to Wellner. ACM Computers in Entertainment. stylus shortens (collapsible moving shaft) and projected tip of virtual stylus elongates in displayed image. Bragdon. Stylus".170 Prettyfying graphical editor for line drawings: limited use of snap-to grid. scribble/scratch out. Lee. Swe Myo "Segmentation and Recognition of Phonetic Features In Handwritten Pitman shorthand". pp. United States Patent Application 20090070711 Scrolling in mobile terminal.erols. 2008 Paper file may have 2004 version: See also paper file for Higgins [YiK10a] .. ByungIn. 161. heuristics to recognize drawings or text or gestures. Chu-Chi. Seung-Jun. a GestureBar. Andrew. Kwak. Leedham. Chart of input alphabet. Park. Ferdi. Refers to flick gesture input. somewhat similar to zone-based recognition. Uses timeout for distinguishing characters versus drawing.02. 2010 EdgeWrite unistroke/graffiti gesture/character recognition using joystick input.princeton. Han. Changkyu. Dusik. Htwe. Kim. [WooYoung09] ( * )Woo-Young. UIST 08. User moves to edge limits when making character. Andrew "Lineogrammer: Creating Diagrams by Drawing". Jae-Joon. double-circle / lasso gesture to select. and to a graphical effect being displayed at the end of scrolling. SID Digests of Technical Papers. wordnetweb. Pattern Recognition. pigtal lasso to delete (compare Scriboli). Ma. Colin. Graham. [WordNetWeb10a] ( * )WordNetWeb "Stroke.2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing Robert. 73/74 users. Changyeong "Novel LCD with a Sensible Backlight".13 (2008.html . Proc. fetched Feb 2011 Definition of stroke Definition of stylus [YangM08a] ( * )Yang.Yi. Andrew. Kwonju. Bragdon. June 1. with feedback when the scrolling hits the last item of a menu list. Suh. similar to presentation of Grafitti. [Zeleznik08a] ( * )Zeleznik. and So-Young. Vertex dragging. zig-zag for zoom in / out. Park "Scrolling method of mobile terminal".542.. Higgins. Sungjoo. Adeputra. similar to approach for Tackball EdgeWrite. It has an advantage over existing multi-touch LCD displays in that it maintains a slim form factor for LCDs without loss in display quality while it is possible to sense multiple touches and hovers simultaneously. Supports overdrawing to connect disjoint lines. [ZeleznikR10a] ( * )Zeleznik.11. and Forsberg. press-and-hold/dwell for panning. 2010 A novel multi-touch LCD architecture with hover-sensing capability based on an infrared sensor array will be described. Liu. Robert. Choi. undo gestures similar to W4PC. polilines. pp. [Zibreg09] ( * )Zibreg. swap positions.erols. 2009 Reference to Palm Pre and Apple iPhone and unspecified patent claims concerning separate gesture area from display touchscreen in hand-held device Main Reference Page users.. Hsu-Sheng "Hands-On Math: A page-based multi touch and pen desktop for technical work and problem solving". www. Instead of shape/path gestures.html 74/74 . move. January 27. Two-finger gestures for open space. UIST '10.11. 17-26 Multi-touch electronic ink / mathematical text editing user interface using both pen and fingers: primarily for students applying algebraic manipulation. 2010.tgdaily.13 (2008. menu under fingertips of non-dominant hand to select tools (see Buxton bi-manual). vertical angle orientation of finger (see Rekimoto?).com/rwservices/pens/biblio10. Christian "Apple's A-bomb against Palm: A 358 page iPhone patent". select. Proc. New York. Ink/text adjusts for cut/paste/move (Compare with van Raamsdonck?).2010) History of Pen and Gesture Computing and Ko. October 3-6. Users learn gestures by dynamic example much more readily than by text or verbal description (duh!). Gestures include shape of hand/palm on
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