Bhasin Residency Flat Owners Association Rules and Regulations

April 4, 2018 | Author: Krishna Gopal Dubey | Category: Apartment, Lease, Elevator, Interest, Business



BHASIN RESIDENCY FLAT OWNERS ASSOCIATIONRULES OF THE SOCIETY (ADDENDUM) TO THE PREVIOUS ONE ALL THE MEMBERS/NOMINAL MEMBERS AND SUCCESSORS –IN INTEREST SHALL BE BOUND BY THE FOLLOWING RULES OF THE SOCIETY: All Members/Nominal Members and their representatives abide by the rules when using the above amenities. 1. MAINTENANCE CHARGES 1.1 All Flat owners are obliged to pay monthly maintenance charges on or before 5th of every month in advance to meet all expenses relating to the administration and proper functioning of “Bhasin Residency Flat Owners Association” (reg. no 4/14/01/10740/08, dt.24/11/08) including insurance premium policy to cover repair and reconstruction work in case of Hurricane, Fire, Earthquake or other hazard of calamity. 1.2 Maintenance charges shall include monthly payments to a general operating reserve and reserve fund for replacements. 1.3 Should a member fail to pay the monthly maintenance charges to the Society as fixed by the General Body even after extended period, then the Society can disconnect the access of all the amenities such as Power, Water, Gas etc., till such members pays all the outstanding dues along with the interest @ 12%PA 0r on the ration of the months or at the rate as fixed by the Society from time to time. Further the Society shall take all legal measures if it is a debt recoverable from the defaulters. 1.3.1 Three registered letter to the defaulter every fortnightly to be sent after that. 1.3.2 Necessary amenities to by dis-continued. 1.3.3 The defaulter has to pay all the expenses incurred by the society office related to postage, and other expenses incurred including the incurred late fee penalty. 1.4 Maintenance charges may be paid in advance for more than one month also if the occupants Page1 of 10 are likely to be away or such other eventuality. Chairman V. Chairman Secretary Jt. Secretary Cashier Auditor Member Member Member Member ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 7 Residents / Members must ensure that all garbage / refuse is properly packed and kept readily available for collection by the conservancy staff of the Society. which will not be returned. The Executive Committee reserves the right to impose fines up to Rs.6 Inside the Residency. Excuse such as servant maid had defaulted will not be accepted. 2.5 Residents / members shall refrain from causing irritation and inconvenience to their neighbors by loud music.1 It is mandatory for every member / resident to be the member of the society. 100 / .on any member / resident found throwing litter/ rubbish in the common areas and not in the garbage base / dust bins. Elders must accompany their children of age below‟5‟ years. roads and pavements for private purpose such as private parties / receptions or religious ceremonies and erection of shamianas in these area is banned until the written permission of the Management Committee is guaranteed.8 Cars shall be parked in parking places allotted to a particular flat.50 or as decided by the Society. 2. 2. pedestrians and cyclists have the right of way.3 Members letting out their flats are responsible to ensure that their tenants pay maintenance charges and do not „carry out any commercial activities in the Residency or act in any manner detrimental to the interest of the Residency‟.9 All the residents must obtain Identity Cards for their servants by paying requisite fee of Rs. Page2 of 10 2. 2. Chairman Secretary Jt. The speed limit for all vehicles is „10‟ kmph. The concerned staff may not collect garbage if it is not in proper packs / bags and the conservancy staff may move to next flat if garbage is not made available when on his round. and for which he/she has to deposit Rs.(hundred rupees) to the treasurer on annual basis (annual membership charges). 2.2 Every member / resident shall pay maintenance charges as approved by the Executive Committee for the services provided in the society. parties. DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF MEMBERS AND RESIDENTS 2. No vehicle should be parked in the driveway under any circumstances.200/.4 Members / residents under no circumstances shall occupy or use open spaces in the Residency. Chairman V. Owners of vacant flats are not exempted from paying maintenance charges. bursting crackers and so on. The amount can be paid on monthly basis or on yearly basis in advance. The host is responsible to ensure that his guests park their vehicles correctly and does not cause inconvenience to the other residents. the children. Secretary Cashier Auditor Member Member Member Member ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . 2. 2. 2. 1 Owners / Residents are expected to carry out repairs to their flats for all round safety and it should not be inconvenient to others.2500/. 2. REPAIRS TO FLATS BY FLAT OWNERS 3. Gas.12 Members / residents must cooperate to maintain neatness in the entire Residency. 10.3 Owners / Residents carrying out such repairs or any work (on or above Rs.11 Resident‟s cars / scooters shall display the Society‟s vehicle labels pasted on left hand side of the wind screen in case of cars and at an easily visible place on the front portion of two wheelers.6 Residents shall not carry out wood work (carpentry) in front of their apartment entrance. and should not be used from the common power plugs/wiring of the common area. 3. It should be strictly done inside the concerned flat only.or above as decided by the Executive Committee from time to time (non- refundable) with the Treasurer. Over and above if spent will be collected from the said owners/residents. balconies. Path or Common area is not damaged. 3. stilt parking and other common areas neither occupy these areas with flowerpots. Sundays are to be observed as holidays. Telephone. furniture packing materials.00 AM to 6. Sanitary installations. Power. 3. 3. construction material and the like shall deposit a sum of Rs.00 PM Monday to Saturdays.2 Repairs / maintenance works / inside of flats by flat owners will be undertaken between 10. Doors. clutter / stairways. corridors. Chairman Secretary Jt. Electricity related to the work should be used from the Page3 of 10 concerned flat. Bricks. boxes etc. Sewage. The Society will utilize the deposits to clean up / repairs the area if required. Elevators.4 All the repairs of internal installations of the flats such as water lines. Windows. 2. Chairman V.5 An owner shall reimburse the Society for any expenditure incurred in repairing or replacing any common areas and facility damaged through his fault.000) which entails in use of cement. Air conditioners. It is the responsibility of the concerned Owner / Residents to ensure road. Secretary Cashier Auditor Member Member Member Member ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . Gravel.10 Residents are responsible for the conduct of their servants inside the Residency and must ensure that the servants are in possession of proper security passes issued by the Society office. 3. 2. Lamps and all other accessories belonging to the flat area shall be at the cost of the flat owner concerned and shall be the responsibility of the flat owner. 3. hence all AC units.7 No structure temporary or permanent such as wall.1 Common areas maintenance and amenities by the Society out of the funds collected from the members by way of maintenance charges.6 In the event of seepage occurring in one flat and affecting apartment/ flat below or block.10 Any member/resident may be issued with a notice by the EB to explain in writing and/or present his case in person for any non-compliance of rules or violation of the bye laws. 3. 4. the affected party should put in notice to the other owner. Chairman V. 3.. Secretary Cashier Auditor Member Member Member Member ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . Cost of repair and restoration will be borne by both the parties involved and such repairs will be completed at the earliest and shall not exceed 30 days. 4. 4.5 All the repairs to internal installations of the dwelling shall be at the expense of the Apartment Flat Owner concerned. 4. iron fencing or barricade of any type shall be erected in the common areas by any Member / resident. the EB may initiate necessary action such as imposing fine etc on such member/resident depending upon the case. After due inquiry. landscaping. water pumping. 3.7 An owner shall reimburse the Society any expenditure incurred in repair or replacement of any Page4 of 10 common area facility or fittings damaged through his/her fault. 4.4 Every owner shall attend promptly to all the maintenance and repair works within his/her own flat. 4.9 The roof area is meant for the purpose of celebration and occasions. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS BY THE SOCIETY 4.8 The building material wastages arising from the repair of flats shall be disposed off by the member and not to be left in the public place. 4. cleaning of common areas in the flat including staircase lights and open common area maintenance etc. This is purely outside the purview of the Society.3 Common areas maintenance will include maintaining the roads.2 The Society shall have full powers to discontinue the access to amenities to the members who default on payment of maintenance charges till such outstanding amount is paid by the member. Chairman Secretary Jt. cable/internet wires should be properly installed to create wide area as possible. 3. falling within the jurisdiction of the Society. Seepage originating in common areas and is not originating from any flat will be the responsibility of the Society.. maintenance or displacement . RIGHT TO ENTRY AND EXIT Chairman V.6 The garage of any resident should never be used for resting place of drivers. 4. a complaint should be lodged in the complain register held with the watchman. 5. If any Member requires the balcony / corridors walls to be painted. 5. watchman or domestic worker. 5. without previously notifying the Society in writing and obtaining NOC. 4. T his is done to protect the esthetics like color scheme and elevation and overall appearance of the complex. It is strictly prohibited Page5 of 10 6. the request can be made to the Society and an estimate of costs will be provided by the Society at the earliest. A member may rent his flat for residential purposes and for families only.8 Structural changes within a dwelling flat that involve tampering with walls. Upon payment of the amount in advance by the Member.4 Every Flat owner. 5.3 Any fencing or covering of the common areas and outside the boundary wall/area of the flat shall be at the occupant‟s risk and discretion only and which shall be demolished with or without any notice by the Society according to the situation and the concerned falt has to pay the entire expences occured due to breakage.10 Repairs / maintenance works / inside or of flats or public areas may be undertaken between at any time as per the urgency of the work.9 Any complaint regarding maintenance and repairs under the scope of the society. 5. Chairman Secretary Jt. removal of load bearing columns and beams are strictly prohibited. 5. present or future. the painting will be carried out by the Society. USE OF FLATS – INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL CHANGES 5. The particulars of the owner duly completed in the prescribed form (Form-A) are to be submitted to the association office. his representative and every tenant or resident of the Residency shall abide by the terms of the agreement entered in to by flat owners with regards to the use of the common facilities in the Residency and rules and regulations specified in the occupier‟s handbook.5 No ingraving or painting of walls in the Balconies and corridors is allowed.1 All flats shall be utilized for residential purpose only. Secretary Cashier Auditor Member Member Member Member ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . All wires entering dwelling flats will be through designated conduits only. 4.2 An owner shall not make any structural modifications or alterations in his flat or installations located there in. 6.2 No Member/Nominal Member shall rent or lease parking space allotted to him in Bhasin Residency complex to a person not residing in the complex.5 All residents.4 A Member may rent or lease his apartment for residential purposes to families only. shall not be allowed inside the Apartments Complex.00 PM to 6. 6.3 No person shall be allowed for door-to-door sales / demonstration of any kind of solicitation without the written permission of the Management Committee. 6. except those authorized by the Management Committee.00 AM or during any other time to be notified by the Management Committee. 6. if such employee ceases to work with the Member/Nominal Member.1 All Flat owners and their certified tenants are permanently allowed. 7. vegetable vendors. 6. Entry of vehicles into the Residency complex without stickers will not be permitted. 6. 6. contribution (chanda) collectors.8 Residents should check whether their domestic help possesses a valid pass. In the interest of security. The Society reserves the right to approve / disapprove. 6. it will be the responsibility of the Owners and the Society to ensure that the tenants are carefully vetted and submit Form-A-1 as per Annexure to these bye-laws duly filled to the Society and concurrence shall be obtained from them in writing prior to entering in to rental agreement with prospective tenant. Use of Elevators during moving in/out carrying heavy baggage of residents is prohibited. 7. Residents are required to furnish to the society make and model of both two and four wheelers vehicles along with their registration numbers. Transport vehicles will not be allowed to enter / exit without in / out pass issued by the Society and vehicles shifting articles shall not be allowed between 6. and such others.1 Every member/nominal member should submit a xerox copy of their authourisation of allotment of parking space to the society office.7 Domestic help / Drivers and other employees should furnish personal details and two passport size photographs to the society for issuing passes at owners‟ request and the Member/Nominal Member should inform the office of the Society immediately. Chairman Secretary Jt. Chairman V. USE OF PARKING SPACES Page6 of 10 7. who want to shift out of the complex are required to obtain “No Due Certificate” from the society and shall obtain an “Out Pass” seven days in advance. trash collectors.2 Hawkers. Secretary Cashier Auditor Member Member Member Member ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) .6 The Society will provide residents with vehicle stickers. The tenant and his dependants are required to abide by the Rules and Bye Laws of the Society. 8. 7. fabrication.1 If a flat owner intends to let out his / her flat to a person on rent or wishes to give it for use to a relative for social obligation. In this case the driver should always accompany the vehicle or keys of the vehicle have to be handed over to the watchman along with the verification of host flats name. 7. No obnoxious trade or illegal activity shall be carried out in and/or around the Apartment. 9. Chairman Secretary Jt. Secretary Cashier Auditor Member Member Member Member ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . 9. However. then the flat owner shall intimate in writing to the Society in prescribed format (A-1) along with identity proof of the said relatives /Tenants duly countersigned by them.4 In case of utmost emergency.3 No refuse should be thrown directly into the open areas. Monthly maintenance charges will be paid by the owner /tenants. In that case. COMMON CODE OF CONDUCT 9.2 Any activity in the premises.3 No vehicle(s) will be permitted to be parked immediately behind stilt parking area preventing entry/ exit to the same. the ultimate responsibility and liabilities of the tenant or his/her relatives shall rest with the flat-owner only. alteration of material. 7.5 Residents are NOT allowed to park their cars/two wheelers apart from the garage /area allotted. etc. grading and packing of goods. The garbage should be properly packed in plastic bags and deposited outside the flat entrance so as to enable the collector of Chairman V. without prior permission of the society in written. a lean period of maximum of 10 minutes to be given to any unauthorised vehicle to use the space of any resident‟s space. which are of commercial nature are banned. he/she shall give 7 days prior intimation to the Society and duly written acknowledgement from the owner of the said flat and obtain “No Dues Certificate„‟ and “Gate Pass‟„ from the Chairman/Secretary for the entry / exit of truck/lorry/van engaged by him/her to enter into / leave the main gate of the residency.. In the case of any other irresponsible act by the member not covered under above provisions. manufacture of goods. case to case review would be undertaken by the Page7 of 10 Executive committee to settle the issue and decision taken by the EC will be final. 9. REGULATIONS ON LETTING-OUT PROPERTY 8. involving buying and selling of goods.2 If a tenant wishes to vacate the flat.1 The flat shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which it has been constructed / allotted. segregation. 8. Elevators etc.11 Municipal water shall be used only for drinking and cooking purposes. should be thrown directly in the open areas. Chairman Secretary Jt. Chairman V. staircases.5 No Advertisements or Posters of any kind shall be pasted in the Elevators or in or on the Apartments except as authorized by the Management Committee.4 No burning articles like matches. 9. No Garbage/dust-bin shall be left outside the flat or in the corridor. to dispose of the same in Municipal dust-bin. as these may clog /choke the drainage system thereby causing overflow of drainage water in the flats. Special arrangements to fire crackers during Deepavali / special occasion will be made and all residents and their wards are requested to follow strictly the instructions issued by the Management Committee. is prohibited. Special Page8 of 10 arrangements to Holi / special occasion will be made and all residents and their wards are requested to follow strictly the instructions issued by the Management Committee. 9. resulting in creating nuisance in the aparment and its surroundings. Garbage. 9. Secretary Cashier Auditor Member Member Member Member ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . are strictly prohibited. from the windows.9 Solid food materials or any clothing or such obnoxious items are not to be put in the kitchen sink.designated wash areas using bucket only. 9.. every year in this regard.13 Parking places shall be used only for parking and no articles shall be stored in the parking areas and no washing of vehicles is allowed in parking areas and however the vehicles can be washed in the pre.. Elevators etc. 9. passersby on the road below. 9. 9.. on railings of the balconies or the corridors. etc.8 Drying or hanging of clothes etc. care should be taken to see that water does not flow out from the balconies affecting the residents on the lower floors.. in Elevators or into any of the open areas from the balconies/ corridors. commode or drain pipes. 9.6 While washing the flats and watering the plants etc. 9.12 Vehicles shall not be parked by the Members other than in the allotted parking slots and should be parked in a manner without encroaching upon parking slots belongs to other Members and common areas. the cars parked and the exterior surface of the building.10 No person shall be allowed to stay / sleep in the common areas or in the vehicles during night times except under special circumstances for which Management Committee's permission will be necessary. staircases. 9. 9. every year in this regard.15 Playing Holi is strictly prohibited in common corridors. cigarette butts.14 Firing of crackers or any other articles of fireworks inside the flats..7 Product display/demonstrations/exhibitions/sales are strictly prohibited in the entire campus. in common corridors. 9. Speeding' and overtaking of vehicles is strictly prohibited.26 Every Member/Nominal Member is advised to insure safety and security of the premises and house-hold goods and valuables against theft. 9. 9. Apart form it all automatic car alarm systems to be closed before parking the vehicles in the premises. Management may impose the penalties for such violations. etc.27 The Society will govern the use the public areas and terrace for recreation facilities and children playing area and other common amenities. Four/Two wheelers are not allowed to wash in the premises 9. parents and guardians residing in or visiting the building are strongly advised not to allow their minor children below the age of 10 years to use the Elevators without an adult escort.17 Smoking. 9.24 When the Elevators are operated power failures are not un-common. Page9 of 10 9. linen etc hung out to dry in the balconies are not to protrude outside the building or on the railings of balcony.25 Every owner or tenant or occupant of a flat is advised to take necessary fire prevention measures and provide fire fighting devices in the premises occupied by him. (refer. Out of two elevators only one is to be functional every week on rotation basis on a particular time to be decided by the EB. Flower pots and other objects are not to be hung from balcony roof or placed on the parapet walls. Violation may invite legal consequences.19 Tetra pods (four legged animals) are prohibited and NOT allowed in premises. 9. Heavy and oversize articles should not be carried in the Elevators and further the Elevators shall be used for designated purposes. rugs. 9. 9.22 All residents are requested to conserve water when using for domestic purposes. 9. 9. use the Members of maintenance staff.23 No Member / Nominal Member or their representative shall directly interfere. TVs. and amplifiers that may disturb others. suggest. flood. earthquake. radios. Management may impose the penalties for such violations. Carrying construction materials through elevators is strictly prohibited. spitting of Pan/Gutka in the Corridors / Common Areas / Elevators etc. However. 9. contractors including security personnel. No horns shall be blown inside the premises.21 Garments. Plumbing. electrical and other maintenance issues by intimating to the maintenance office. they can request for the services for their own flats viz.18 Elevators should not be overloaded.20 Residents shall exercise extreme care about making noises or the use of musical instruments.. Chairman Secretary Jt. is strictly prohibited punishable. In-house/door step theft or burglary will be the responsibility of the member/nominal member. fire. Chairman V. 1986 (29 of 1986) 9. Environment (Protection) Act. Secretary Cashier Auditor Member Member Member Member ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) .16 The maximum speed limit for vehicles inside the premises shall be 10 kilometers per hour. Societies Registration Act.28 Any member/resident may be issued with a notice by the EB to explain in writing and/or present his case in person for any non-compliance of rules or violation of the bye laws. the matter may be referred to the General Body of the Society for an amicable settlement considering opinion of the majority.30 The interpretation/expression and other Rules & Regulations not specifically defined in the Bye-law should be in accordance with the No. After due inquiry. 1973 and its amendments there of or any other applicable laws of the land. 9.29 In case of any dispute between the Executive Committee and the flat owner. the EB may initiate necessary action such as imposing fine etc on such member/resident depending upon the case. 9. 9. Chairman Secretary Jt.44. Secretary Cashier Auditor Member Member Member Member ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . ______________________________xxxxxxxxxcxc_____________________________ Page10 of 10 Chairman V. (M. My contact details: Home Address: Work Address (optional): _________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone Res: Mobile: Phone Work (optional): e-mail: Thanking you.____________ dated___________. Yours Sincerely. Jabalpur. Page11 of 10 ___________________________ Owner Signature and name Note: A copy of the sale/purchase deed should be provided to the Association for the records. Chairman V. Chairman Secretary Jt. I. _____________________________________ am the owner of Flat No.______ and garage/parking lot no.P. every Flat owner automatically becomes the Member of the society.P). I request you to confirm the same. Though. _________ at Bhasin Residency. Upon admitting me as a Member. Secretary Cashier Auditor Member Member Member Member ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) .) vide registered sale deed document No. “FORM-A” LETTER OF CONSENSUS OF OWNERS Date: _____________ PHOTO To: The General Secretary Bhasin Residency. I hereby give my explicit consent to become Member of the Association and agree to abide by the bye-laws of the Association. I am happy to note that society is registered among the owners of the Flats and I have read and understood the bye-laws of the society. Jabalpur (M. (M. Secretary Cashier Auditor Member Member Member Member ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . Though.P). “FORM-A-1” LETTER OF CONSENSUS OF OWNER FOR TENANTS Date: _____________ To: PHOTO The General Secretary Bhasin Residency. Upon admitting him/her as a Member. _____________________________________ am the owner of Flat No. Chairman Secretary Jt. I am happy to note that society is registered among the owners of the Flats and I have read and understood the bye-laws of the society. I. Jabalpur (M. Yours Sincerely. Jabalpur. every Flat owner automatically becomes the Member of the society. _________ at Bhasin Residency.P. __________________________ (tenant) to become Member of the Association and agree to abide by the bye-laws of the Association. ___________________________ ____________________________ Page12 of 10 Owner Signature and name Tanent’s Signature and name Note: A copy of the tenant deed/acceptance should be provided to the Association for the records.____________ dated___________. I request you to confirm the same.______ and garage/parking lot no. His/Her contact details: Home Address: Work Address (optional): Phone: Mobile Phone (office) E.) vide registered sale deed document No. Chairman V. I hereby give my explicit consent to authorise Mr/Mrs/Ms.mail: Thanking you.
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