bhartiya post jan 2008

March 20, 2018 | Author: K V Sridharan General Secretary P3 NFPE | Category: United States Postal Service, Strike Action, Supreme Court Of India, Employment, Trade Union



1 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008This is nothing but a crude news that the cabinet had excluded the Central Government Employees from the purview of the Bonus Amendment Act 2007. The legitimate right of the enhancement of Bonus Ceiling Limit from Rs.2500/- to Rs.3500/- has been simply denied, I diluted and we are deprived our dues. The proposal submi tted by the Postal Department seeking exemption from the purview of the screening committee has also been handled by the Finance Ministry negatively. The posts are being axed without any justified reasons. The Department of Posts on the other hand desires to open more franchisee outers and pave way for privatisation of Postal Services. The Postal Amendment Act which ensures the monopoly of consider upto 150 grams at last and 49% cap in FDI has also been diluted and returned back due to the powerful lobby of the Couriers and multinational companies. The moves of downsizing, merger closure of post offi ces, curtai l ment of postal del i veri es, outsourcing some of the functions of the postal, closure of RMS sections and sorting offices are still continuing and nothing is assured to arrest such menace which adversely affect the services rendered to public by the Postal. Our genuine problems like LSG, HSG II,HSG I promotions, Modification of LSG, Fixing up of all pending residual vacancies, withdraw of dracanion orders dt.21-5-2007 denying BCR benefits for those declined LSG promotion, the plight of postal Accountants and their promotion, Eligibility in writing the Group B Exam, the plight of the JAO qualified officials, Administrators, Marketing Executives, Clearance of pending personal claims etc. are still protracted on one pretext or the other and the Bureaucracy is reletunt in mitigating them with positive thinking. The youngsters who are with more aspiration for better promotional avenues have been frustrated due to prolonging policies affecting their interest. We are time and again pushed to the wall and we have been neglected by the Government and also by the Postal Department. Even small issues are not resolved and resarted peacefully and takes its own time just look after such demands. Grant of FSC, incentive to WMT, OTA, Honororium are some among them. No periodical meeting or Departmental The New Year's Message Let us struggle for Unity and Unite for struggle Council JCM over these 11/2 years. The need of the hour is now to resist such onslaughts with our full determination for which it need the total and complete awareness of all these issues to individual member of our organisation. The workers of gross root level should aware and come forward to resist such moves of the administration in tooth and nail. Just to create awareness of the problems and also the need for total unity, it was proposed in the NFPE Federal Executive held on 1-12-2007 to organise state level conventions of all the unions of NFPE in one platform which should consist of all Branch/Divisional Secretaries and the Circle Office Bearers. The convention is intended to have a close interaction with the cream of leadership by the leaders of the Federation and All India Unions. The main purpose of such convention is to galvanise the members regarding the need of adopting serious trade union activities. The Federal executive held on 1-12-2007 also decided to organize a serious programme of action culminating in indefinite strike in consultation with Postal JCA. It was also decided to submit a detailed annexure on all pending sectional issues of all affiliates. We shall be prepared to take up the programme effectively. Si mi l arl y the Nati onal Executi ve of the Confederation has decided on 9-12-2007 in its Bangal ore sessi on that the enti rety of our membership shall be prepared for a serious agitation if the VI CPC submits negative recommendations on basic issues. In addition the Confederation National Executive has called upon to launch a programme or action from 3rd January to 11th January on other i ssues l i ke Bonus cei l i ng, Compassionate appointments etc. We are always to be ready for struggle for the cause of Postal and its fraternity. We have to fight. Struggle is inevitable. Everything so far achieved is through struggle only. May this new year bring a message of unity for struggle and struggle for unity and create awareness among all our members and strengthen our unity for the betterment of the future. Wish the readers a Happy & Prosperous New Year 2008.............. 2 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF POSTAL EMPLOYEES 1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi - 110001 PF/01[e]/3/2007 Dated 4th December 2007 To All Office Bearers of NFPE All General / Circle Secretaries. Federal Executive of NFPE Dear Comrade, The Federal Executive of NFPE met for the first time after the 7th Federal Council Session on 1st December 2007. Comrade D.K.Rahate the President of NFPE presided over the Executive.The meeting condoled the sad demise of departed leaders Com. Ajoy Bhowmik [Leader of CG Employees - WB]; Com.Chandra Gupta [Ex-Dy.General Secretary P4]; Com. Ravinder Sharma [P3 Punjab Circle Secretary]; Mrs. Promila Sharma [w/o Ravinder Sharma] and all who laid down their lives for the cause of working class. All General Secretaries and Office Bearers of NFPE attended except one comrade due to unavoidable reasons. The Executive had the benefit of presence of our Ex-Secretary General Com.C.C.Pillai and Deputy Secretary General Com. Des Raj Sharma as special invitees. These two leaders addressed the Executive also. The deliberations of the Federal Executive Members were deep on all issues and the Secretary General's Report helped concentrating the issues at hand. The highlights and the decisions taken in the Executive meeting is as under: 1. 30th October Strike: The strike performance of Postal Employees has considerably improved in comparison to earlier one-day strikes in many circles. The unity of postal workers established through a joint platform and the demands gripping the minds of our employees contributed to the success of the strike. But more than rejoicing the success of strike in many circles and wings of the NFPE and congratulating them, it was the weaknesses and non-participation of employees in certain areas and wings caused concern in the meeting of the Executive. It was noted that unless and otherwise these areas of weaknesses are removed through organisational measurers we cannot bring compulsions on the Government to settle our justified demands. And we cannot afford to allow any deliberate inaction on the part of our leaders holding the leadership at any level to fail to perform their organisational responsibilities during the time of struggles and strikes as expected from them and take their own line of indiscipline against the decision of the all India Organisations. 2. Recognition of Federation: The Federal Executive noted that despite our complying with all the directives of DOPT, the Department of Posts is delaying unnecessarily to grant recognition to the eligible Federations. The Department of Posts has asked us now to amend the names of the 'Unions' into 'Associations' in the Constitution of NFPE. The Secretary General has al ready repl i ed to the Department that since the existing unions were recognized by the Government already with the nomenclature of 'Unions', the question of changing it as 'Association' is not feasible. It was also pointed out that in all earlier communications of DOPT and the Department the reference was always as 'Unions/ Associations' and therefore there should not be any further delay in grant of recognition. The Federal Executive has noted that recognition of NFPE is very i mportant i n the background of expected recommendati ons of Pay Commi ssi on and to negotiate all issues of regular employees of Postal Department in proper negotiating forums. Therefore it was resolved that any further delay should be met by our agitations by making it as the first demand of our future Charter of Demands. 3. Resolutions of Federal Council: The Resolutions of the Federal Council as finalized would be published in the next issue of Postal Crusader. 4. Confederation and common issues: The Federal Executive noted that the 6th Pay Commission is expected to submit its recommendations at any time before February 2008. The rumours flouted in the media, though denied by the 6th CPC, cannot be totally baseless and if so the minimum pay scale to Group D as printed in the media could not be accepted at any cost. It was decided by the Executive that our viewpoint that a struggle through Confederation and JCM Steering Committee will become unavoidable if the minimum of Group D pay scale goes below 8000/- shall be placed before the National Executive meeting of Confederation on 9th December at Bangalore. CIRCULAR 3 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 5. On Bonus Ceiling: The Executive noted that despite all the efforts of the Confederation and the JCM Staff Side the issue of bonus ceiling is yet to be granted to CG Employees. There is growing unrest amongst the CG Employees. The issue stands raised on the floor of the Parliament by Members of Parliament also. The Executive noted that this is an issue on which a common stand should be taken by the Steering Committee of JCM Organisations to pressurize the Finance Ministry to issue orders immediately. It was resolved to suggest to the National Executive of Confederation on 9th December that we should continue our agitational programme of action and political intervention to clinch the issue. 6. Postal Employees Issues: The Department of Post s i s yet t o i mpl ement many of i t s commitments held out in the gist of negotiations during April 2007. The going back on its assurance on formation of a Judicial Committee for GDS; the intention of the Department to go ahead with more and more Franchisee outlets as per its 11th Plan Document; the delay being caused in recognizing the Federati ons; the conti nued appl i cabi l i ty of Screening Committee; the going back on its word to regularize RRR candidates; the non-absorption of full time and part time Casual Labourers; the delay in filling up residual vacancies in many circles; the delay in granting notional promotions to LSG in many ci rcl es et c are causi ng great concern. Therefore a serious agitational programme culminating in indefinite strike has become necessary. The exact nature of programme and the dates on which the programme and the strike action shall take place will be decided in consultation with t he FNPO i n t he Al l I ndi a Post al JCA. A Comprehensive Charter of Demands including an Annexure containing union wise sectional issues will be prepared for the above programme of action. 7. Financial Review: The i mprovement i n receipt of Rs.10/- per member NFPE Fund is very slow and not sufficient to overcome the financial crisis. The Executive therefore endorsed the Secretary General's presentation that in addition to making appeals in circulars the leadership should directly undertake organisational measurers to reach out entire rank and file. 8. Organisation: In order to galvanize the whole movement - to educate the leaders at divisional and branch level on issues like organising a joint struggle on postal issues; organising a common movement if Pay Commission denies justified scale of pay and other benefi ts; tasks connected wi th the next membership verification programme that may come up next April 2008; strengthening the finance of NFPE etc the Federal Executive of NFPE has decided to call upon the Circle Secretaries of NFPE Unions in all circles to hold a joint state level convention of Circle Office Bearers and Divisional and Branch Secretaries of all affiliated Unions/Associations of NFPE and also with GDS Union in each circle between January and March next year as per the ti me tabl e the Federal Secretariat will suggest. The Secretary General and all the General Secretaries of NFPE shall participate in all Conventions. This is a very major organisational activity and Circle Secretaries of NFPE Unions/ Associations are expected to plan collectively for the success of the Conventions. 9. Re-organisation of Postal C-O-C: As part of organisational measure the Federal Executive of NFPE also decided to form as well as re-organise the Circle Postal Co-Coordinating Committees under the new by- laws to be finalized by the Federal Secretariat soon. The importance of C-O-C is that it can only play the role of a unifier and organizer of successful movement. It was decided that the Circle Secretaries and Circle Presidents of all affiliated Circle Unions/ Associations of NFPE and also the GDS Union shall be the members of the re-organised Postal C-O-C. The members of the C-O-C will elect the Office Bearers of the C-O-C viz the President, Convener and the Treasurer during the state level convention mentioned above. 10. GDS Committee: The Federal Executi ve noted that FNPO and some other Unions submitted Memorandum to Nataraja Murti Committee and that the AIPEDEU GDS Union also directed all members t o submi t memor andum t o Nat ar aj a Mur t i Commi t t ee t hrough t he SSPOs af t er hol di ng demonst rat i ons et c. I n thi s background the Federal Execut i ve of NFPE unani mousl y decided that the detailed Memorandum on GDS issues already prepared by the NFPE should be submitted to the VI Pay Commission along with our observations as to why we are submitting it to the Sixth Pay Commission. 11. Unity of Regular employees and GDS: The Federal Executive of NFPE noted with concern that despite the earnest efforts taken by the Secretary General and the General Secretary P3, the General Secretary of GDS Union continue to publish anti-NFPE write ups in the union journal. The Executive endorsed the Secretary General's presentation that the GDS Union should create a conducive atmosphere for 4 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 unity by withdrawing its letter of objection submitted to the Secretary [P] over the outcome of the 7th Federal Council and take out the NFPE from the list of respondents from all its pending court cases. 12. PSS Group 'B': The Federal Executive has noted that the issue of PSS Group B examination in rel ati on to the subj ects pendi ng i n the ol d departmental council JCM was discussed between the General Secretaries of P3, R3, Admn Unions. Whi l e i t was resol ved that we shoul d demand appropriate increase of share in PSS Group B posts i n consonance wi th the surrenderi ng of 1/3rd promotional avenue to IPO posts and to modify the el i gi bi l i ty of PAs/SAs to wri te the competi ti ve examination on completion of 20 years service irrespective of their status. It was resolved further that the issue would be discussed with the General Secretary of Postal Accounts also by other General Secretaries and then a uniform stand would be projected by the Federation before the Department for settlement. 13. WFTU / UNI: The Federal Executive noted that the NFPE has participated in the recently held Asia Pacific Regional Conference of World Federation of Trade Unions in New Delhi. NFPE is a member of the Trade Union International [TUI], which is affiliated to the WFTU. The invitation extended by the Union Network International [UNI], another world body of trade uni ons i n whi ch most of the Postal and Telecommunications Unions are members, was considered. We also noted that in the past also NFPE has attended the international seminars organised by them on invitation. It was therefore resolved that while we continue to associate with the TUI and WFTU, we can accept the invitation of UNI and participate in the future meetings of UNI for which we are invited by UNI and to explore the possibility of pursuing the common struggle at the international arena. 14. German Study Tour: The Federal Executive noted that for the first time the Department of Posts is taki ng the representati ves of staff si de to an international study tour and welcomed the move. The Executive noted that some General Secretaries of recognized Unions/Associations could not be included in this tour of Germany. However it was resolved that the Federation would pursue with the department to evolve a formula to be adopted in future for such international tours in which staff side members are also included. 15. Uniform: On the demand of the P4 Union [NFPE] the Department has called for opinion on changing the colour of the uniform. The Federal Execut i ve has deci ded t o seek khaki col our uniforms instead of blue with good quality terrycot cloth. 15. Jodhpur Court case: The Executive has resolved to request Comrade Des Raj Sharma Ex- Deputy Secretary General to continue to assist the NFPE in looking after the court case at Jodhpur High Court in which NFPE is a defendant. 16. Postal Crusader: It has been resolved to fix the annual subscription of Postal Crusader as Rs.60/- and individual copy @ Rs.5/- from the issue of January 2008 to meet the escalating cost of printing of the monthly organ of the Federation. NFPE requests the branch secretaries to enroll atleast five annual subscription from each branch union to increase the circulation of the journal. 16. Solidarity to BSNL Strike: The BSNL Employees under the banner of United Forum of BSNL Employees Unions are launching a one-day strike on 12th December 2007. We remembered with gratitude that they extended solidarity to the Postal and CG Employees on 30th October 2007 strike and whenever we were on strikes. The Federal Executive of NFPE has therefore resolved to call upon the entire branches of NFPE to show solidarity to the striking BSNL Empl oyees by hol di ng sol i dari ty demonstrati ons at al l our branches on 12th December 2007. 17. Quota to Confederation: All branches have to remit their quota to confederation @ 1/- per member per year in the month of January. The Executive requests all Affiliated All India Unions/Associations to ensure remittance of the same to the Confederation without fail. Let us get into the task: Comrades, The task is cut out for all of us by the higher managing body of the NFPE. Let us take a resol ve t hat al l t he deci si ons woul d be implemented with all seriousness to register marked advancement in the organisational activities at all levels. The Circle Secretaries are requested that they may kindly take out copies of this circular of NFPE and send to all divisional and branch secretaries under their circles. With Regards, Comradely Yours [K.Ragavendran] Secretary General 5 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF POSTAL EMPLOYEES 1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi - 110001 FEDERATION OF NATIONAL POSTAL ORGANISATIONS T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi-110001 No.JCA/2/2007 Dated : 15 th December 2007 POSTAL JCA CALL UPON TO LAUNCH PROGRAMME OF ACTION Dear Comrades/Colleagues, The Postal Joint Council of Action of NFPE and FNPO notes with deep concern that the Government has taken a negative and unjustified stand to deny the benefit of increase in bonus ceiling for the CG Employees from 2500/- to 3500/- even after the amendment of Bonus Act by the Government. The Postal JCA finds that despite our launching of a nationwide protest demonstrations last month and sending of telegrams/savingrams to Hon'ble Finance Minister as per the call of the Confederation Central Government Employee, the Government has chosen to ignore the justified voice of the central government employees. The Staff Side has been told by the Secretary (Finance) that the Government has decided not to extend the above benefit to CG Employees. The Staff Side has sharply reacted and communicated that a show down would become inevitable if the Government don't come forward to settle the issue. Similarly we could find that the Government has taken retrograde stand on many issues including lifting the 5% cap on compassionate appointments. The CGHS rates in cities except Delhi have been reduced arbitrarily by the government causing denial lf treatment to beneficiaries in specialist hospitals; 16 Arbitration Awards are yet to be accepted by the Government; and daily rated mazdoors are yet to be regularized. The Postal JCA of NFPE and FNPO has therefore decided to endorse and implement the following call of the Confederation of CG Employees with the addition of withdrawal of SLP on RRR Candidates, in a united manner to mobilize the entirety of the Postal Employees behind the Charter. The 5 point charter of demands is not directly related to 6th Pay Commission and settlement is over due. Charter of Demands : 1. Remove 5% cap on Compassi onate Appointment and also withdraw the SLP filed in the Supreme Court against absorption of RRR Candidates; 2. Revising Bonus for 2006-07 on account of revision of ceiling; 3. Regularisation of daily rated workers; 4. Implementation of 16 Arbitration Awards; 5. Enter into MOU with specialist hospitals on CGHS rates for in-patient treatment and various pathological tests to cities other than Delhi. Programme of Action : 1. Badge wearing and mobilization of employees on 03-01-2008; 2. Relay Dharna from 7th January to 10th Jan, 2008 followed by a March to Lt. General/ Governors/Prime Minister on 11-01-2008 to present a Memorandum; 3. To take up the issues through a memorandum with all MPS by the C-O-Cs of the respective constituencies and by CG Employees Unions. Where no C-O-C is in existence. Dear Comrades, The Postal JCA of NFPE and FNPO once again call upon the Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries of all Unions/Associations to make the above programme a grand success. We request the Circle Secretaries to circulate this call to their divisional and branch secretaries, directing them to conduct the programme of action unitedly by the unions/associations of both the Federations along with other CG Employees in their areas. Let us March ahead to compel the Government to concede our jsut and legitimate demands. Comradely Yours, D.Theagarajan K.Ragavendran Secy. Gen.-FNPO Secy. Gen. - NFPE 6 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 WELL DONE KOLKATA GPO COMRADES All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C', Postmen & Group 'D', Kolkata GPO Branch, West Bengal Circle, organized a Voluntary Blood Donation Camp on 23.11.2007 (Friday) at Registration Delivery Department, Kolkata GPO. The Central Blood Bank, Kolkata, conducted the said camp. Director, Kolkata GPO, Smt. Sheuli Barman, inaugurated the camp. An interactive seminar on "Blood Donation" was also conducted on 21.11.2007 (Wednesday). Lot of enthusiasm was observed amongst the members of staff to make the blood donation camp a success. A total of 76 (seventy six) donors voluntarily donated their blood and amongst them there were 10(ten) ladies. The camp was organized under the active l eadershi p of Com. Soumen Bandopadhyay, Presi dent of the Branch Uni on and Com. Sachidananda Biswas, Secretary of the Branch Union. Com. Janardan Majumder, Circle Secretary, P-III, West Bengal Circle and Com. Nirmal Chandra Dey, Circle Secretary, P-IV, West Bengal Circle, also attended the camp and gave valuable speech to encourage the blood donors. Well done Comrades. In 60 years we have never solved the land issues. Over 85% rural households are either landless, sub marginal, marginal or farmers. The average monthly per capita expenditure (MPCE) of the Indian farm household is Rs. 503. This is the National average, mixing giant landlords and tiny landholders. About 60% of this Rs.503 is spent on food. There are countless households for whom the MPCE is not Rs. 503, but only Rs. 225. The lower 50% of the rural households owe only 3.5% of the total land ownership. Whereas the top ten per cent of rural house hold own well over 50% of the lands. Today, the direction of policy on farming is simple in it's main idea. To take Agriculture out of the hands of farmers and place it firmly in the hands of large corporations. The price of cotton that our farmers gets, collapses by the season. Over a million bales of US cotton, with huge subsidies attached to it, was dumped in 2001-02. This not challenged. Duties are not raised. Govt. tells us over 1, 12,000 farmers have committed suicide since 1993. These suicides are driven by debt. (Hindu. 09.08.07) RURAL INDIA PROGRAMME OF STATE CONVENTIONS South/South West 1. Andhra - 5-2-08 (Vijayawada) 2. Tamilnadu - 6-2-08 (Chennai) 3. Karnataka - 7-2-08 (Bangalore) 4. Kerala - 8-2-08 (Calicut) 5. Maharashtra - 10-2-08 (Mumbai) East/North 6. Delhi - 4-3-08 (Delhi) 7. Orissa - 6-3-08 (Cuttack) 8. West Bengal - 7-3-08 (Kolkata) 9. Assam - 9-3-08 (Guwahati) 10. North East - 11.3.08 (Shillong) 11. Jharkhand - 13.3.08 (Ranchi) 12. Bihar - 14.3.08 (Patna) 13. U.P. - 15.3.08 (Lucknow) 14. M.P. - 18.3.08 (Bhopal) 15. Chattisgarh - 19.3.08 (Raipur) North West/West 16. Uttarakhand - 23.3.08 (Dehradun) 17. H.P. - 24.3.08 (Shimla) 18. Punjab - 25.3.08 (Chandigarh) 19. Haryana - 26.3.08 (Ambala) 20. J & K - 27.3.08 (Jammu) 21. Rajasthan - 29.3.08 (Jaipur) 22. Gujarat - 30.3.08 (Ahmedabad) 7 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 "Recent Supreme Court verdicts militate against interests of working class". Memorandum submitted to Chief Justice of India The Labour Law Practitioners' Association has expressed concern at the recent trend of Supreme Court decisions going against the interests of the people as well as the apex court. In a memorandum submitted to the Chief Justice of India, Justice K.G. Balakrishnan, who was in Chennai last week, the association listed several judgements and said they had "emboldened employers and strengthened the coffers of private entrepreneurs, leaving working people in a state of distress." The memorandum, signed by the association president, N.G.R. Prasad, said: "It is unfortunate that recently the Supreme Court has directed the formation of a larger Bench to reconsider the famous Bangalore Water Supply Board case rendered in 1978, which every right thinking citizen thought had settled what is an 'industry' under the Industrial Disputes Act." But now, the court had "exhibited undue anxiety for the employers, "and had stated that overemphasis on the right of the workers and the curtailment of the rights of the employers to organise their business had resulted in larger industrial claims, it said. "These observations of the Supreme Court had a debilitating effect on the minds of the workers. These observations are not in tune with the Constitution, but in tune with the economic policy of Liberalisation, Privatisation, and Globalisation, shortly known as LPG." Pointing out that the order did not refer to constitutional promises, Mr. Prasad said: "That it is not the Preamble and the Directive Principles of State Policy, which is their goal, but the economic policies of LPG that matters, is clear from the other recent judgements of the Supreme Court." While the earlier orders of the Supreme Court had stated in "unmistakable terms" that contract labour was an exploitative system and should be put an end to, now the court quashed a 1976 notification abolishing contract labour. The court has said that "employees will have no right to automatic absorption, but will have to stand in the que for fresh employment along with others, exept that they may be entitled to some preference in the matter of direct employment. But there is no guarantee of employment on abolition. They would lose even the little employment that they had, before contract labour was abolished. 'Judicial retreat' A further 'judicial retreat' had come in the form of Umadevi's case, where the Supreme Court held that if a person had not been recruited by following the rules relating to normal recruitment, then he would not be entitled to any regularisation, no matter how many years he had worked or even if he had worked on low wages. "Therefore the supreme Court puts a premium on the employers who had employed a person without following the recruitment process for years," Mr. Prasad said in the memorandum. Section 11-A of the ID Act, which empowered tribunals to give relief to workers, had been "judicially repealed" he said, adding. "Now the Supreme Court has held that even if a dismissal is not justified, the employee cannot claim back wages. Even in the matter of illegal retrenchment, the Supreme Court had made it clear that reinstatement is not the normal rule as held earlier. Now the question of a poor worker, who had been dismissed, getting relief in courts has become a little too remote. "The working class feels totally disarmed in today's world of Liberalisation, where they are exposed to long hours, low wages and insecurity of employment. It is at this hour, the Supreme Court is expected to give a helping hand to the working people. Far from it, they are emphasising the rights of employers against whom employees are expected to be protected," the memorandum said. "With growing liberalisation and privatisation and the system becoming more exploitative, the people tend to strike. Even this minimal democratic expression has been sought to be put an end to by the Supreme Court in T.K. Rengarajan Case, where nearly 2.5 lakhs employees were dismissed without inquiry when their existing benefits were sought to be taken away by holding that employees have no right to strike even if it is justified. This reminds us all of Oliver Twist being turned out of Poor Law home for asking for more," it added. (Courtesy : The Hindu, 08.11.2007) 8 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 LETTERS TO DEPARTMENT Letter No.P/2-2/Cachar Dated : 02.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Post Arbitary downgradation of Cachar division in Assam Circle. The Circle office has caused instructions to downgrade the Cachar division from class I to Group B and Silchar HPO from Gazetted to HSG I due to Categories SSP Cachar Division SSP Kamrup SSRM RMS (GH) Division Division HPO 3 Nos 2 Nos Ghy stg Gazetted P O 1 Nos 1 Nos Ghy RMS HOS 3 Nos 1 Nos SRO Rangia SOS 103 Nos 76 Nos SRO New Bongaigao BOS 504 Nos 225 Nos SRO North Lakhimpur ESOs 4 Nos Nil TMO Tezpur P&T Dispensary 1 Nos 2 Nos Postal Sub Division 7 Nos 3 Nos It may mentioned here that the Cachar Postal Division comprises of 4 district namely Cachar, Hailakandi, N.C. Hill., and Karimganj which is in the international border with Bangladesh with area covered by the SSP and population as per 2001census is mentioned below. Sr. No. Name of District Area Covered (Sq KM) Population in lakh (2001 Census) 1 Cachar 3798 14,73,156 2 Karimganj 1812 10,28,688 3 Hailakan 1491 6,69,986 4 N. C. Hill 4893 1,79,189 5 Total 11994 33,69,019 Under the above comparison it may be brought to your kind notice that a total of more than 1500 employees are under the administrative control of Sr. Supdt. of Post office and if the proposed down gradation is implemented it would sent a wrong message. While in the case of Silchar Head Post Office which is the second biggest Post Office in the Assam implementation of Fifth cadre review of officers. The Cachar Postal Division is the biggest division in the Assam Circle with maximum out turn annually. A comparatively study of above (Class I) division in the Assam Circle shows that the down gradation of Cachar division is with out any reasonable justification. Categories Account Categories Account Categories Account S/B A/C 97,170 Nos R/D A/C 74,151 Nos T/D A/C 17,731 Holder Holder Holder Circle which was upgraded to the status of Sr. Post Master from the Postmaster in the year 1984 looking into its transaction which has increased drastically along with the increase in population with in the municipality area the statistical data shows that the down gradation of the Silchar Head Post Office is also not at all justified. Categories Account Categories Account Categories Account MIS A/C 21,795 Nos PPF A/C 1,387 Nos NSS & SCSS 619 Holder Holder 9 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 In addition to the above data the transaction in term of other Postal service may be presumed by the growing population and logic and norms by which the office was upgraded earlier. Even the sanctioned staff strength of the Silchar Head Post Office show that a total of 141 employees are working under the control of Sr. Postmaster (Gazetted) with 56 S.O.s and some branches in two shift. A Silchar town which is growing fast in area and population a Class II Gazetted officer is required in the Silchar Head Post Office to maintain the administrative and Public relationship to settle all the claims of the customer and a class I officer for the Di vi si on for prompt deci si on maki ng i n the administrative line. It is learnt that the Chief PMG has also sent proposal to modify the down gradation and there is scope to downgrade one post in the circle office. It is therefore requested to reconsider and withdraw the down gradation orders of both the division & HO immediately. A line in reply about the action taken in highly solicited. Letter No. P/4-1 Dated- 03.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Post Non Settlement or improvement in the assured items- protracted delay in causing orders- request personal intervention. A kind attention is invited to the discussions we had on 28.9.07 and the directions, you had given to the DDG (P) in our presence in resolving the burning following issues. 1. LSG, HSG II & HSG I Promotions: While we discussed about the non completion of LSG Promotion process in many Circles like Bihar, U.P. Gujarat, Rajasthan, A. P. etc, and also non according due HSG II & HSG I promotions, you have informed that a cut off date will be fixed and all the DPS & APMG staff will be invited and sort out all the pending issues. No improvement could be seen. The position remains static. It is also instructed to the DDG (P) to depute one of the officers to Orissa Circle to sort out the mistakes in notional promotion. The assurance given in April 07 to depute Director (SPN) to rectify the mistakes in notional promotion has not yet been honoured. The senior officials are retiring every month with out availing any benefits. 2. Filling up of Residual Vacancies During discussions, you have directed the DDG (P) to cause immediate instructions to all circle heads to fill up all the pending residual vacancies irrespective of the years of unfilled and there is no need to obtain revival sanction etc to fill up such posts. No instruction has been emanated from your office so far. The Circle Heads are taking a ruse under seeking clarifications for their inaction to fill up the residual vacancies. This serious issue is being delayed despite your assurances and instructions. 3. Fixing incentive to WUMT services etc. It was assured to fix incentive for the works like Western Union money transfer, processing of Pass Port applications, I.M.O etc. it was also assured to instruct all the circle heads to fix incentive at the time of introduction of any new service and supply the copy of the instruction to Unions. We could see no improvement in the assurance. 4. Shortage of Staff It was assured on 28.09.07 to formulate a new scheme of engaging retired postal employees to manage the shortage of staff with fixed remuneration. Similarly it was assured to issue instructions to all the circle heads to grant OTA to manage the shortage in the Post offices. It was assured to revise the LGO exam syllabus and conduct a special exam in Nov'07 to fill up the Vacant Posts. It is constrained to note that no order is issued in these three vital issues confronting the Postal employees at base levels. 5. Withdrawal of irregular order dt 21.05.07 on declination of LSG While requesting to withdraw the order dt. 21.05.07 on declining the regular LSG Promotion affecting BCR, you have agreed that LSG is the regular promotion and TBOP & BCR are financial upgradation and the order is the arbitary and instructed the DDG (P) to withdraw the instruction. This has not been implemented far. In short, all the assurances and directions to DDG (P) you have given on 28.09.07 have not been carried out or implemented and we are very much fed up over the inordinated delay in mitigating the genuine grievances of the staff which were agreed for settlement in April 2007 itself. The staff are very much agitated and it causes a concern. It i s once agai n requested ki ndl y cause appropriate action and orders on all the above items without any further delay. A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited. 10 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 Letter No.P/2-18/Rajasthan Cle Dated :03.11.2007 addressed to the Member (P) Department of Post Non-issue of LSG promotion (notional) orders-Case of Rajasthan Circle. It is brought to our notice that in Rajasthan Circle, all the vacant LSG Posts have been filled up with prospective effect and notional promotion as per the instruction contained in Directorate letter no. 137- 4/2006-SPB I dt. 22.05.07 has not been carried out. Despite clear instruction in the order cited in Para Supra that a critical review may be carried out to ensure notional promotions by the Head of the divisions in the LSG upto the year 2002 and vacancies which arose after the notification of RR Rules notified on 7.2.02 till 17.5.06 shall be filled up in terms of provisions of R. R Rules 2002. The notional promotion is not an one time exercise and it should be applied as per the spirit of instructions contained in letter dt. 22.05.07. Whereas the Chief PMG, Rajasthan Circle has caused LSG promotion with prospective effect. It is therefore requested to cause necessary instructions to the Chief PMG, Rajasthan Circle to rectify the mistake and recast the notional LSG promotion as per the directorate instructions. A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited. Letter No. P/2-8/HP Cle Dated : 03.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Post Joint memorandum by Circle Unions against Sri Kushan Vashishat, then SSPOs, Simla- reg. The copy of the Joint Memorandum submitted by all the Circle Unions of Himachal Pradesh Circle against the corrupt and Maladministration of the then SSPOs, Simla Sri Kushal Vashishat addressed to the Chief Postmaster General, Himachal circle which is exhaustive on the subject is enclosed herewith for your deterrent action. The Chief PMG, H.P. Circle on receipt of the memorandum has instituted a thorough probe on the allegations and the enquiry is in progress. Whereas, it is learnt that the said officer has been promoted and posted to Chandigarh in the midst of enquiry. When a prima facia case is there and instituted an enquiry by the Chief PMG, it is not known that how this officer has been promoted to next higher cadre. This has causes a serious concern in H.P. Circle. It i s needl ess to say that to create the confidence, sense of sincerity, honesty and devotion to duty amongst the Postal employees/officer, the department must refrain in promoting and rewarding such officers whose conduct has been challenged and under clouds. It is requested to take appropriate action and order to continue the enquiry by keeping the promotion orders issued to the said officer in abeyance. A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited Letter No. P/4-4 Dated : 03.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Post System managers- Grievances- request settlement. It is brought to our notice that the system managers who are imparting training to employees at the work place Training centre which are running regional level are not being paid with any Teaching/ Coaching allowance. They may be paid with Teaching Allowance. In many divisions, the divisional head are restricting the ceiling limit of Road mileage Allowance to System's Manager which is practically impossible. Since the system adminstrations have to travel long di stances to attend the probl ems at SOS, the restriction of mileage allowance is unfair and arbitary. At present, there is no working norms fixed to system managers. Suitable work norms may be considered. Similarly, there is no clear cut guidelines from the di rectorate about the duti es and responsibilities of the Systems Managers. This should be evolved and circulated. A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited. Letter No. P/2-17/Bhatinda Dated : 20.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Sale of Punjab State Mahalaxmi Bumper Lottary Tickets through Post Offices-case of Punjab Circle. It is constrained to note that the Chief PMG, Punjab Circle has started sale of Punjab State Mahalaxmi Bumper Lottery Tickets through all HOs, SOs & BOs with effect from 15.10.07. It is much painful to see that the Chief PMG stated that he desired to introduce the sale of Lottery Tickets through Post offices only to ensure easy availability of the State Lotteries to the general public. In many states Lottery Tickets have been banned as it deceive the gullible public. It is still termed as authorised gambling in many parts of our country. There should be some ethics and morale in the 11 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 functioning of the Post office and its work. Such works like sale of Lottery tickets, sale of 'Nirodh' etc will mar the image of the department and the staff feel that such kind of work will lower the dignity and their image. We record our strong protest over these kinds of retail business. It is requested to withdraw the scheme at once and cause instructions to all circle heads to desist such kind of business work in the Post offices. A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited. Letter No. P/2-1/Hyd. South East Dated : 20.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Immediate shifting of OGH PO in Hyderabad South East Division. It is brought to our notice that recently the largest mortuary in the twin cities of Hyderabad has been shifted to Osmania General Hospital just nearby the Post office is functioning. Abovminable fowl smell is imminating from the mortuary and the soiled waste which are being dumped in front of the post office. A total Unhygenie condition is prevailing in the Post office and causing health hazards to the officials. Despite the Circle administration visited the site and assured to shift the PO, after realising that none can sit for on hour continuously due to the horrible foul smell imminating from the mortuary and the solid waste, nothing has been done since six months. The staff are very much frustrated and agitated. It is therefore requested to cause immediate action to provide better service condition to the official working in the said post office forthwith. Soliciting response, Letter No. P/4-1/Staff Dated : 20.11.07 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Post Improve the quality of delivery of mails and effective Supervision by PRI (P)s. It is brought to our notice that the Secretary Department of Posts had issued a D.O. letter vide No. 3-39/2007- PG. Dt. 05.10.07. addressed to all Circle Heads in which he directed them to create a pool of PA/SA cadre officials so as to attend Court Cases on behalf of the department. The intention and the move initated is nothing but to make free the over burden PRI (P) officials so that they may hence forth attend promptly for ensuring efficiency in Mail Transmission/ Delivery network instead of attending court cases on behalf of the department as they are currently doing. It has also been instructed in the same D.O. letter that a pool of such PA/SA cadre officials be now onwards attached to divisional office/regional office/ Circle office. The gesture of the Secretary so as to relieve the overburden PRI (P)s is welcome. However as per the statutory rules framed by the Department, it is the personal duty of the ASPOs or IPO cadre officers/ officials to represent the Department in the court of law in both cognisable & non cognisable cases vide rule 172- A III of Postal Manual volume V- 'Rule on institution of criminal proceedings." Thus, the engagement of PA/SA cadre officials so as to attend court cases is totally in contradiction with the existing statutory rules of the Department. Furthermore in the prevailing acute shortage of staff in PA/SA cadre, this will generate further shortage. Above all, the PA/SA cadre officials are not having any kind of experience/Knowledge in Indian Penal Code, Code on Criminal procedure, Indian Evidence Act etc so as to represent the Department in the court of law or in different forums. In case if the court case is not represented properly and the Department looses any litigation and has to pay fine, the department may also try to fix up responsibility on the shoulder of PA/ SA cadre officials representing the Department in the said Court/Forum. As such, there is ample scope to penalise PA/SA cadre officials for such omission for which he can never be held responsible under the purview of the existing statutory rules. It is therefore requested to kindly fix up the responsibility of court attendance etc in favour of the Divisional Superintendent/ASPO/IPO cadre officers/ officials as is laid down in the statutory rules. A line in reply is highly solicited. Letter No. P/2-4/Durg Ho Dated : 20.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Non Posting of SB qualified officials in SB branch at Durg HO in Chatisgargh Circle. It is brought to our notice that the following officials who have passed SB aptitude Test have not been considered for posting in SB branch since three years whereas unqualified officials are being deployed in SB/SC branch of Durg H.O. 1. Shri. P.S. Netam, SPM, Rajnandgaon Stadium 2. Shri. M.L. Bhocer, PA, Dongargaon. 3. Shri. A.M. Kannurkar, SPM, SAF lines, Bhilai: 4. Shri R.L. Verma, PA, Durg HO. Apart from the above Shri S.P. Saha, PA. 12 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 Rajnandgaon HO and the divisional Treasurer of this union who passed SB aptitude exam has applied for transfer under immunity transfer and also to SB branch Durg. Similary the divisional Secretary Shri V.K. Agarwal PA, C.C. Bhilai who is also a SB qualified official applied for transfer to Durg HO as S.B. P.A. All the officials have already represented to DPS, Raipur and their cases have not been considered so far. It is requested to intervene and render justice to the aggrieved eligible officials who are deprived of their dues. A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited. Letter No. P/2-22/Mi dnapore Dated : 22.11.07 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Conveyance of cash with police escort- Problems there on. The present limit for conveyance of cash is not commensurate with the requirement in many offices and the SPMs are unauthorisedly remitting more cash beyond the limit to the cash offices in order to clear the surplus by taking risks. The Police authorities, in general, do not come for escort for such cash remittances and thus the remittance of cash become more risky. Our earlier request to insure the cash remittances of Post offices has not so for been considered and decided. In Mi dnapore, the Pol i ce authori ti es are enquiring the Quantum of cash to be conveyed and if the amount crosses lakhs, they are providing escorts. Recently, the SPM, Khargpur in Midnapore division has been charge sheeted by the SSPOs under Rule 16 for merely intimating the quantum of cash to be remitted to the Police authorities. This causes a concern. The following things have to be decided at the earliest. 1. The present cash limit should be enhanced up to one lakh per individiual. 2. Cash collection van should be arranged in all bigger towns and the officials should be asked to take unwarranted risks in cash remittances. 3. Insuring the remittance amount be explored. 4. The officials should not be penalised or brought under contributory factor for the cash if any theft or lost beyond the capacity of the official who is engaged for the cash remittance. It is requested to consider the above and cause appropriate orders early. A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited. Letter No. P/2-22/Mi dnapore Dated : 22.11.07 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Posting of Permanent divisional head to Midnapore division in West Bengal Circle. It is brought to our notice that there is no permanent SSPOs posted in the said division since two years. The officers, who have been posted for two or three months during these periods, took no initiate to discuss and settle the divisional problems. It further hampers all types of developmental activities and progress in the business aspects. It is therefore requested to cause necessary instructions to the Chief PMG, West Bengal to post a permanent hand as the divisional head immediately to this division. Soliciting response. Letter No. P/2-22/Sikkim Dated : 22.11.07 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Provision of Heaters etc to the Pos in Darjeeling & Sikkim divisions in West Bengal Circle. The officials working in Darjeeling & Sikkim divisions are facing lot of problems during winter season where the mercury remains minus 4 or 5 degree celecious. The heating arrangements as provided in NE Circle has not been provided in any Post offices in both the divisions due to inadequate allotment of funds for this purpose. It is requested to provide adequate funds and provide necessary heating arrangements to the POs situated in Darjeeling and Sikkim Divisions. A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited. Letter No. P/2-15/Shillong Dated : 22.11.07 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Payment of licence fee for the Quarters allotted to R JCM at Shillong in N.E. Circle. Ref: This Union letter of even no dt. 17.11.07. Anent reference, it is rather constrained to note that the Chief PMG, NE Circle has asked the Secretary, RJCM, to vacate the Quarters allotted for RJCM as the quarters are meant for needy staff and cannot be used for any purpose. Further, she informed that the staff side can hold their meetings in the canteen or Recreation Hall. 13 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 This is nothing but to create provocation and unrest in the region. Earlier, the Staff side Secretary has been asked to pay double the licence fee as penal rate. It is requested to intervene immediately and direct to withdraw such instructions and maintain transquility with the service unions. Letter No. P/2-17/Bhatinda Dated : 22.11.07 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Non drawal of due HRA to the officiating Postmaster, Bhatinda, Ho in Punjab Circle- C/o Smt Balwinder Kaur BCR PA. Ref: (i) This Union letter of even no. dt. 14.02.2007 (ii)Yr. Letter no. 4-16/2007-PAP dt. 05.03.07 Apropos reference, I wish to draw your kind attention that after your intervention, the due HRA for three months had been sanctioned by the SSPOs Bhatinda and thereafter there is no action in this regard. According to the Directorate orders vide letter no. 10-4/2003- Bldg dt 06.05.03, the power of suspension of Quarters has been vested with the Circle head. Neither the SSPOs, Bhatinda has sent proposal for suspension of quarters beyond three months to Circle head nor the Chief PMG, Punjab Circle has initiated action and mitigated the griveance of the official by according the suspension of Quarters for the remaining Period. Further it is most painful that the official has been denied due officiating pay which is against to the statutory rules and faced loss in emoluments due to her officiation in higher post due to non drawal of HRA. It is therefore requested to cause necessary orders in this regard and arrange to pay the dues to the official at the earliest. Letter No. P/2-22/Tamluk Dated : 22.11.07 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Fixing of Uniform rate of incentive for computerised work in POs. The Chief PMG, West Bengal Circle has fixed Rs. 0.50 per S. B. data entry work for creation of Accounts and Rs. 0.15 for the subsequent posting of deposit/Withdrawal for the computerised work. The order did not contain about the quantum of incentive to the supervisors and also for other works. The arrangement is made by the Circle to manage the acute shortage of staff. If similar kind of orders is issued at Directorate level for the uniform application of the same besides fixing due incentive for supervisory work and also other works, it will be purposeful to manage the existing shortage and also to avoid pendancy of work. It is therefore requested to consider the same and cause orders at the earliest. Letter No. P/4-11/Strike Period Dated : 22.11.07 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Treatment of Strike Period - regarding. The operative portion of the DOPT orders contained in OM. No. 41016/1(S)- Estt(B) dt. 01.05.91, circulated by the Directorate vide its letter No. 51/ 10- 91 SPB II dt. 31.07.91 & again vide No 8-8/2001 SR dt. 08.01.02 about treating of Strike period of CG employees, is interalia:- "It is not enough that the employees attend the place of work. The must put in the work allotted to them. It is for the work and not for the mere attendance that the wages/Salaries are paid." "It is clear that wages are payable only if contract employments fulfilled and not otherwise. Hence, when the workers do not put in the allotted work or refuse to do it, they would not be entitled to the wages proportionately." The staff side of the RJCM Maharastra Circle has taken this issue and requested action as per para supra against the employees who attended duty but not carried out any work on 14.12.06. The decision has arrived in the RJCM to cause instructions to all regional heads to take action accordingly. Since, this is applicable to all, it is requested to cause uniform application of the orders in all Circles Letter No. P/2-13/Maharastra Cle Dated : 22.11.07 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Periodical meeting with PMG (FP & Mktg), Mumbai - reg. Consequent upon the upgradation of Director, Foreign Post to Postmaster General (FP & mktg), the periodical meetings are not conducted in Maharastra Circle. This has resulted in accumulation of staff problems. When the issue was discussed in the RCM, the Chief PMG had replied that it is yet to decide that the status of the Foreign Post whether to function as Circle or other wise and decide about the periodical meetings. It is requested to cause instructions to grant Bimonthly meeting with PMG FP & Mktg to Circle Union and monthly meeting with the Director incharge of Foreign Post for the divisional Union which is in 14 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 practice in other circles. Soliciting response, Letter No. P/4-11/Trade Union Dated : 22.11.07 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Irregular grant of Trade Union facilities to Postal Supervisors Association-case of Punjab Circle. It is brought to our notice that the Chief PMG, Punjab Circle of Chandigarh has granted trade union facilities to the All India Postal Supervisors Association of Punjab Circle vide his letter No. Union/11-19/07 dt. 14.907. contrary to the rulings on the subject. There is no membership for the said Association as per the declarations submitted as on 30.04.07 in all the divisions. The circle association has been formed recently without any membership. The Circle Treasurer Sri Yashpal, LSG PA Jalandhar City has given letter to Sr. PM Jalandhar on 06.08.07 stating that he has been elected as Circle Treasurer of the said association and hence stop the recovery of his subscription to National Union. These is no such provision to stop recovery in between the financial year and becoming member of other Union. Similar is the case of Sri Dalip Kumar Chopra, the Circle Secretary of the said association who withdraw his membership from National Union on 06.08.07 after his election as Circle Secretary. The copy of the letters are enclosed for ready reference. It is therefore requested to cause instructions to Chief PMG Punjab Circle to withdraw the recognition mistakenly accorded to the said association and avoid such occurrences in future. Soliciting immediate action. Letter No. P/2-22/Belgharia Dated : 01.11.2007 addressed to the DDG (P), Department of Post Stepping up of Pay case of Smt. Bandana Roy PM (HSG I), Belgharia HO in West Bengal. The above said official has applied for stepping up of pay with her junior Sri Pramod Bhusan Karmakar in 1997 itself after the implementation of Fifth Pay Commission and it is stated that the Chief PMG West Bengal has referred the case to Directorate vide his letter No. A & P/B/9-5/2/97 dt. 13.5.98. The Directorate has called for the service books of the both officials and the case is being dealt under the case mark of No. 2-70/98-PAP. the service books were sent during 1999 itself and the same were still lying at the Directorate. It is therefore requested to expedite approval for the stepping up of pay and also return the service books at the earliest. A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited. Letter No. P/2-19/Salem East Dated : 30.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Revision of Fee for issuing Postal identity card. At present, a meagre sum of Rs. 9/- in the shape of postage stamp is being collected for issue of Postal identity card which is largely used by the public for availing Pass Port etc. The fee requires revision. The fee is not commensurating with the cost of work like application, cost of Identity Card, verification etc and this may be fixed as Rs. 100/- as charge. The amount can be collected by issuing ACG 67 receipt. It is requested to consider the suggestion and intimate the decision at the earliest. Letter No. P/2-22/CSD Kolkata Dated : 17.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Non attending Civil work and electrical work-case of Circle Stamp Depot building at kolkata in West Bengal Circle. It is brought to our notice that no civil or Electrical work has been carried out for the existing building since 1986. The present dilapidated condition of the building may cause any serious accident at any time. It is requested to cause necessary instruction to the Circle head to carry out the civil and Electrical maintenance work forthwith to avoid any such occurrence. Soliciting response. Letter No. P/2-22/CSD Kolkata Dated : 17.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Fixing Norms/ Time Factors to Circle Stamp Depot. Since creation of Circle Stamp Depots during 1979, no norms has been fixed so far to justify the workload and staff strength. Merely the staff from neighbouring divisions are being deployed and the posts are mai ntai ned wi th out any j usti fi ed augmentation. It is therefore requested to fix work norms to the C.S.D and augment adequate posts at the earliest. A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited. 15 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 Letter No. P/2-7/Hisar Dated : 17.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Holding of DPC for ASPOS cadre- case of Haryana Circle. Out of 38 ASPOs Posts available in Haryana Circle, 21 Inspector Posts are officiating as ASPOS. Resultantly, the Postal Assts have been officiating in Inspector Post Vacancies. These vacancies are not brought under regular Inspector vacancy due to non- holding of DPC for ASPOs cadre in the Circle. This has resulted in denial of chances in writing the inspector posts exams to the deserving candidates besides keeping the PA posts vacant due to the continuous officiation. It is therefore requested to cause necessary instructions to the Chief PMG, Haryana Circle to hold the DPC and fill up all the vacant ASPOs Posts duly declaring the actual vacancies in inspector Posts for the ensuing exam. Soliciting response, Letter No. P/2-7/Hisar Dated : 17.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Non holding of regular DPC for LSG & HSG II promotions-case of Haryana Circle. It is brought to our notice that the process of notional LSG and regular LSG has not been carried out after 2004 despite several instructions from your office. Resultantly, the due HSG II promotions have not been accorded i n the absence of noti onal promotions granted to LSG cadre. No formal action has been initiated in many divisions and also the Circle office to compete the notional promotion to LSG and convening DPCs for HSG II & HSG I promotions. This causes a serious concern. It is therefore requested to intervene and ensure immediate release of notional promotions as per the checklist prescribed by the Directorate and to take action to arrest such kind of lethargy in disposing staff promotion issues. Letter No. P/2-13/Satara Dated : 17.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Grant of incentive for acceptance of MSEB bills at Pos - case of Maharastra Circle Despite the assurance that whenever a new business product is introduced incentive will be fixed for the staff, the Chief PMG, Maharastra Circle has not fixed any incentive for acceptance of Electricity bills in the Post Office. It is pertinent to mention that for such similar work, the incentive at the rate of 0.50 Paise per bill has been fixed in Madhya Pradesh, Uttranchal Circle etc. It is therefore requested to Cause necessary instructions to Maharastra Circle to fix similar incentive amount at once with retrospective effect and also to ensure the fixing of remuneration for any work introduced under business Post by all Circle heads. A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited. Letter No. P/2-3/West Champaran Dated : 17.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Non-according Notional LSG Promotion- case of Bihar Circle. It is rather dismayed to note that despite your assurances to fix cut off date to sort out the issues prevailing in grant of notional promotion, this has not been implemented in most of the circles. To cite an instance, no action has so been taken by the circle administration, Bihar to grant notional promotion to LSG, HSG II etc and all seniors are retired without any due benefits. Adding salt to injury, the Chief PMG Bihar circle instead of releasing the notional promotion in LSG and fix seniority on notional basis to the seniors has caused orders to FTP qualified officials of 2004 promoting them to HSG I on adhoc basis. This causes total resentment amidst the senior officials. It is requested to intervene immediately and set right matters in this sensitive and serious issue as if fire on the house. Your immediate action is highly solicited. Letter No. P/2-15/ NE Circle Dated : 17.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Payment of licence fee for the quarters allotted RJCM, at Shillong in N. E. Circle. It is rather constrained to note that the Chief PMG N E Circle has directed the Secretary, Staff side RJCM to deposit Rs. 366/- per month (i.e.) double the rate of normal licence fee from Dec' 2005. Since the Regional JCM is part & parcel of the negotiating machinery at circle level, there is no need to pay any licence fee for the accommodation allotted to staff side to function. Moreover this is not in practice in any other circle too. This causes a concern. It is therefore requested to cause suitable instructions in this regard and withdraw the letter of the circle administration demanding double the rate of licence fee from the staff side as if it is an irregular occupation. 16 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 A line in reply about the action taken is highly solicited. Letter No. P/2-13/Kol hapur Dated :17.11.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts Representation against rejection of medical reimbursement claim- C/o Sri Y. V. Gorwade, Accountant, O/o the SSPOs, Kolhapur division in Maharastra Circle. Ref: (i) This union letter of even no dt. 02.04.07. (ii) Yr. Letter no. 21-38/2005- medical dt 15.05.07 Apropos reference, I wish to inform that the bills mentioned in our letter dt 02.04.07 have not been paid so far. Since the son of the said official met with two road accidents one after another and got admitted in private hospitals by the public, the official could not observe the procedures as mentioned in Rules. This is clearly an exceptional case. It is requested to kindly consider the case on humanitarian grounds and cause necessary orders for the reimbursement of the claims. Soliciting response, Letter No. P/2-1/Nellore Dated : 04.12.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Non-supply of medicines in time by Postal Dispensary, Nellore - reg. The j oi nt memorandum submi tted to the Postmaster General, Vijayawada region by all the divisional unions of Nellore division on the subject is enclosed herewith for appropriate action. The memorandum itself self explanatory and exhaustive. The officials could not have proper treatment since May 2007 and they could not get proper medicines due to non visit of incharge of Guntur dispensary. This causes resentment amidst the officials. It is therefore requested to cause appropriate action and intimate about the action taken to fill up the Doctor Post & ensuring supply of medicines. Soliciting response, The CHQ has taken an issue to grant pension to the official who have put in less than 10 year service but more than 9 years and 9 months by citing the G.O.l. decision (1) below Rule 19 of CCS (Pension) Rules. Initially the Department rejected our request vide its letter no. 4-1/05- Pen dt. 14.2.05. However, an another order was i ssued subsequently by the Department vide its letter no. 4- 1/05- pen. dt. 11.11.2005 in which it is clarified that the officials having less than 10 years service but more than 9 year 9 months will be rounded off to 10 years for the purpose of pension under Rule 49(2) (b) of the, CCS pension on Rules 1972. The CHQ is receiving many enquiries on this subject and therefore the content of the order is reproduced below for the information to all. Copy of letter No. 4-1/05-Pen dated- 11.11.2005 of DG Post Sub: Rule 49 (2)(b) of Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 - Minimum qualifying service for grant of pension-clarification whether 9 years 9 months qualifying service can be rounded off to 10 years under the provisions of Rule 49(3) of CCS (P) Rules, 1972. Attention of Branch/Divisional Secretaries Officials having less than 10 years Service but having more than 9 year and 9 months will entitle pensionary benefits. I am directed to state that the question rounding off more than 9 years and 9 months but less than 10 years of service to 10 years of service to 10 years of qualifying service for grant pension has been under consideration for quite some time. It is observed that Rule 49(2) (b) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 provide for grant of proportionate pension on completion of 10 years qualifying service. This rule does not bar applicability of Rule 49(3) for rounding off of minimum qualifying service required for grant of pension. In view of the above it is clarified that with reference to the provisions of Rule 49 (3) of Central Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1972, qualifying service of less than 10 years but more than 9 years 9 months will be rounded off to 10 years for the purpose of grant of pension under Rule 49 (2) (b) of the rules ibid. This is for your kind information, guidance and further necessary action. However while processing such cases for grant of pension it must be ensured that the qualifying service is more than 9 years and 9 months. Kindly acknowledge receipt. Thus all the promotees who are having 9 years and 9 months service but less than 10 years will also entitle for pension and other benefits. Please take up the cases and settle accordingly. 17 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 Has the devel oped worl d l ost i nterest i n globalisation? Yes, to an extent, and a study confirms this. It reveals that the more developed countries seem to be losing their enthusiasm towards globalization, MNCs and free markets. Countries like the US, Britain, France, Italy, are not so supportive of globalisation anymore, unlike their stand, even five years ago-while people in China and India fully support it. Thanks, to their buoyant economy. In fact, most people across the globe say gl obal i sati on i s fi ne, but i t shoul d not l ead to disruptions. They support capitalism but are wary of immigration that comes with the opening up of the economy. They feel, it could threaten their culture and environment. Therefore, they need to be protected. This has emerged from the latest Pew Global Attitudes report that surveyed 45,000 people across 47 countries. The study reveals 64% people in China and 73% in India support foreign companies, while in the West where economic growth has been relatively modest, the figure is as low as 45% in the US, and 38% in Italy. Britain and France too are in the same league. Interestingly, most countries support capitalism even though it creates wealth disparities among people. Support for free markets has increased more in the Latin American and Eastern European nations. This is because of increased satisfaction with income in these countries. However, along with the huge support for globalisation there is concern about the freeflow of people, ideas and resources that comes with it. People feel immigration could threaten their culture and environment and they may lose their national identity. The study shows, US and Canada are more welcoming to immigrants than Europeans. Among western European people, the Swedes are the most likely to support immigration from key immigrant groups, while Italians and Germans express the most negative views. More than one-in-five respondents in 11 of the 36 developing countries say they receive money from relatives living in another country. In Lebanon and Bangladesh, nearly half say they receive help from family members living abroad. Also, few people want economic growth at the expense of environment. In 46 of the 47 countries, the majority say the environment should be given priority, even if this means less growth and fewer jobs. So is there a need to protect themselves against foreign influences? Should there be tighter restrictions on immigration? Yes, say most people. There should be greater restrictions on immigration and tighter control of their country's borders. In Italy for example, the support for greater restrictions is as high as 87%. In India it's as high as 84%. Study : Religiosity related to economic development Is there a strong connection between the religiosity of a country and its level of development? The latest Pew Global Attitudes study seems to suggest there is one. It reveals there is a connection between how religious a country is and its economic status. For example, in the poorer nations of Africa and Asia, religion remains central to the lives of the people while secular perspectives are more common in richer nations of Europe. This pattern is consistent across most regions and countries. However, there are some exceptions, including most notably the US. Unlike what its prosperity may indicate, the Americans are much more religious than many Western European countries. Some other nations too deviate from the pattern. These include the oil-rich Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. In much of Africa, Asia, and West Asia, there is a strong consensus that belief in god is necessary for morality and good values. While throughout much of Europe, the majority thinks morality is achievable without faith. Opinion in the US is divided, while 57% say that one must believe in god to have good values and be moral, 41% disagree. The middle-income people from the former Eastern bloc counties emerge as the least religious. Globalisation losing steam in West CHANGING ATTITUDE Support for Globalisation (in %) Countries Trade MNCs Free Market India 89 73 76 China 91 64 75 USA 59 45 70 Britain 78 49 72 France 78 44 56 Germany 85 47 65 18 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 The study also throws up some interesting features about the Islamic countries and countries with a dominant Muslim population. Most of them are seei ng a struggl e between Isl ami c fundamentalism and those who want to modernize. While most people agree that religion and politics do not mix, the trend is moving in the opposite direction in two major Muslim countries. Both of them are key allies of the US. While the support for strict separation between religion and government is growing in Pakistan, in Turkey support for separation has declined significantly in the past five years. Similarly, while the majority of Latin American, Eastern European, and African countries say women should choose their own husbands, people in South Asia and most Arab countries say a woman's family should choose whom she marries or both should have a say. On whether Muslim women should wear the veil. The majority of Muslims say women should have the right to decide whether they should wear the veil. More women feel this way than men. (The Times of India : Sunday, 07 Oct. 07) North block in no mood to give extra space to Post North Bl ock has turned down the postal department's proposal to amend the Indian Post Office (Amendment) Act. The finance ministry has expressed reservations on capping of foreign direct investment (FDI) to 49% and providing exclusive rights to Indian Post on letters, parcels and packets weighing up to 150 gram as proposed by the postal department. Capping for forex to 49% would force multinationals like Fedex to pare down their stake in Indian venture while exclusivity of India Post, it is feared, would affect private courier companies and consumers by wiping out competition. The proposal, which was nixed once, has again been revived by the department of posts (DoP), which has circulated a draft Cabinet note to various ministries for their feedback. Sources said both department of revenue and economic affairs were opposed to changes suggested by the postal department. The proposal, if accepted will seriously impact the business of multinational courier companies because the draft amendment bill also seeks to restrict letters, parcels and packets weighing up to 150 gram for Indi a Post. Mul ti nati onal couri er companies proposing to operate in the segment will have to charge 2.5 times higher than speed post. Also, they would have to seek annual registration to operate in he sector. Most of the global leaders in the business, like DHL, Fedex, UPS and TNT, are present in India as the current policy allows 100% FDI in the sector. Some other ministries, including commerce & industry, were also opposed to the move, sources said. The Investment Commission headed by Tata Group chief Ratan Tata had also expressed strong objections to this proposal last year. The draft bill had earlier also met with opposition from not just the industry but also various ministries. The department of posts had proposed these changes for the first time in 2002 under the NDA government. The draft was revived again under the tenure of the UPA government in 2006. (Economic Times : 23-11-07) The Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) has declined to grant regularization of service to casual labourers employed by the central government holding that they were not regularly appointed. A bench of the Tribunal consisting Vice-Chairman Justice M Ramachandran and member Chitra Chopra said," Since they were not regularly appointed but only casually engaged and as they had thus been so accommodated without conferment of any legal rights, it could not have been possible for them to urge a contention that they are required to be regularized." "Taking notice of the work that was to be discharged with transparency, a method has been evolved whereby the contractor has to supply the required labour," the bench observed. This cannot be considered as offensive or CAT denies regularization of service to casual labourers surreptitious method, as it is well settled that and employer has a right to decide in what manner his work has to be arranged, said the Tribunal. Dismissing the petition filed by Krishan Kumar Rajput and Gajendra Pratap Pal engaged as casual labourers by the Ministry of Environment and forests though a contractor, the Tribunal said that there may not be regular work available. "Or there might be any number of reasons, which may justify engagement on contract basis. We are not expected to look into such matters," it said. However on humanitarian grounds the Tribunal asked the Ministry to consider continuation of employment of the petitioners who had been evading the contractor and not responding to his letters. (24 Nov, 2007, 2330 hrs IST, PTI) 19 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 L.G.O Exam- Model Questions (Second instalment sent by our CHQ) to Smt. M. Niranjala Devi ADG (Training) on 30.11.07 Suggested Questions from Postal Manual Volume-V 1. Who is in-charge of a Head Office. a. Superintendent of Post offices b. Head Postmaster c. Chief Postmaster d. None of a,b,c, Ans: b Rule 5 of Postal Manual Volume V 2. Post office situated at the headquarters of the Head of a Circle is termed as: a. Head Post Office b. General Post Office c. Sub Post Office d. None of a,b,c Ans: b Rule 6 of Postal Manual Volume V 3. First Class Head Offices under the control and supervision of a. Postmaster General b. Group B Officer c. Senior Time Scale Officer d. None of a,b,c Ans: c Rule 6 of Postal Manual Volume V 4. Is Branch Office is lower status than a a. Sub Office b. Head Office c. Record Office d. None of a,b,c Ans: a Rule 8 of Postal Manual Volume V 5. The Officer in-charge of a Sub Office is designated as a. Postmaster b. Sub-Postmaster c. Sr. Postmaster d. None of a,b,c Ans: b Rule 7 of Postal Manual Volume V 6. Post Office which is situated on a line of through mail communication, and receives and sorts bags intended for offices in advance, with out opening them is called a. Mail office b. Transit Office c. Sorting Office d. None of a,b,c Ans: b Rule 9-A of Postal Manual Vol.V 7. Who is in charge of Transit mail Office a. Sub Postmaster b. Sub Record Officer c. Mail agent or Mail Guard d. None of a,b.c Ans: C Rule 9-b of Postal Manual Vol. V 8. Which office is meant to (a) simplify the work of sorting in other offices, (b) to reduce the number bags exchanged between post offices, and (c) to reduce the weight of mails carried on mail lines. a. Record Offices b. Transit Mail Office c. Sorting Office d. None of a,b,c Ans: C Rule 10 of Postal Manual Vol. V 9. Automatic Mail Processing Centres now functioning at a. Important Cities b. Delhi and Kolkatta c. Mumbai and Chennai d. None of a,b,c Ans: C Rule 10-A, Postal Manual Vol.V 10. Processing of registration work is done on computer is called a. Sorting Office b. Computerized Registration Centres (CRC) c. Automatic mail Processing Centres d. None of a,b,c Ans: b Rule 10-B Postal manual Vol. V 11. Sorting Sub- Office is authorized to receive a. Articles of all kinds in Sorting Assistants b. Fully pre-paid articles c. Registered articles d. None of a,b,c Ans: a Rule 11 of Postal Manual Vol. V 12. Nodal Post Offices authorized to a. Receive letters from Sorting Offices 20 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 b. Receive letters from neighboring Post offices c. Receive letters from branch offices d. None of a,b,c Ans: b Rule 11- A of Postal Manual Vol. V 13. Central Bagging Unit / Kendriya Baging Unit is a. Branch of Post Office b. Branch of RMS Office c. Branch of Divisional Office d. None of a,b,c Ans: b Rule 11-B of Postal Manual Vol. V 14. Returened Leter Office deals with a. Registered and unregistered mails b. Unclaimed and refused articles c. Articles with addresses or with decipherable or complete address d. None of a,b,c Ans: b Rule 12 of Postal Manual Vol. V 15. Transcription Center is a cell established in a. Sorting Office b. Head Post Office c. Sub Office d. None of a,b,c Ans: a Ruel 12-A of Postal Manual Vol. V 16. The abbreviation RLO is used for a. Sorting Office b. Post Office c. Returned Letter Office d. None of a,b,c Ans: c Rule 12 of Postal Manual Vol.V 17. Exchanges mails with offices in foreign countries is known as a. Office of Exchange b. Office of Booking c. Office of Delivery d. None of a,b,c Ans: a Rule 13 of Postal Manual Vol. V 18. Traveling offices in Railway Mail Service on Railway or river steamer lines are called a. Transit Sections b. Transit mail office c. Sorting Sub Office d. None of a,b,c Ans: a Rule 14 of Postal Manual Vol. V 19. Two kinds of mails offices are a. Sorting Mail Offices and Transit mails Offices b. Sub Post Offices and Head Post offices c. Branch Post office and Sorting Mail Office d. None of a,b,c Ans: a Rule 15 of Postal Manual Vol. V 20. Identified bulk mailer who post 5000 unregistered articles / 250 registered articles at a time can utilize the services at a. Mass Mailing Centre b. Corporate Mail Office or Bulk Mail Centre c. Head Office d. None of a,b,c Ans: b Rule 15-A of Postal Manual Vol. V 21. Loose letters, circulars and blank envelopes separately received at a. Mass Mailing Centre (MMC) b. Press Sorting Office c. Head Post Office d. None of a,b,c Ans: a Rule 15-B of Postal Manual Vol. V 22. Sorting Office situated on the premises of the News Paper is called a. Sorting Office b. Bulk Mail Office c. Press Sorting Office (PSO) d. None of a,b,c Ans: c Rule 15-C of Postal Manual Vol. V 23. Record office is a a. Stationary office of RMS b. Stationary office of Post Office c. Stationary office of administrative office d. None of a,b,c Ans: a Rule 16 of Postal Manual vol. V 24. The Officer in-charge of a Head Record office is designated a. Head Postmaster b. Record Officer c. Head Record Officer d. None of a,b,c Ans: C Rule 17 of Postal Manual vol. V 25. Sub-record office is a stationary office of the a. Post Office b. Railway Mail Service c. Sorting Office d. None of a,b,c Ans: b Rule 18 of Postal Manual Vol. V 21 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 There is no uniformity in many divisions in the reimbursement of CG HS rates for the treatment obtained in private hospitals which are recognised by CGHS for the officials who are the beneficiaries under CS (MA) Rules. The beneficiary of CS (MA) Rules has been reimbursed only under the Govt approved rates in many places. One, Com. Uttam Bhattacharya, PA Circle office West Bengal has sought clarification on the point under RTI Act 2005 and the Ministry of Health & Family welfare vide its letter No. S. 14025/31/2007 - MS. Dt 26.9.07 clarified that the CS (MA) beneficiary will entitle for reimbursement at CGHS rate. The contents of the letter is reproduced below, Copy of letter No. S.14025/31/2007 added to.26.9.07. Sub: Information under RTI Act. 2005 regarding CS(MA) Rules. Sir, I am directed to refer to your application dated 29.8.2007 regarding subject mentioned above and to furnish the clarification in respect of your queries as under. CS (MA) Beneficiary entitles for CGHS rates for the treatments in Private CGHS recognised Hospital 1. As per provisions contained in Department of Health OM No.S.14025/7/2000-MS dated 28.3.2000. a CS (MA) beneficiary can avail treatment (OPDIPD) in any CGHS recognized hospital with the permission of Department concerned and on a reference from AMA concerned. 2. Same as in (1) above. 3. A CS (MA) beneficiary who obtains treatment at CGHS recognized private hospital with the permission of Department, concerned, the beneficiary is entitled for reimbursement at CGHS rates. However, in case of emergency CGHS rate can also be reimbursed with out prior permission of the Department. 4. The information pertaining to this question/ query is not being maintained in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and can be obtained from the concerned Department/Ministries. All the Branch/Divisional Secretaries are requested to keep watch over the reimbursement of such claim and do best to protect the interest of our comrades. The Circle Secretary, AP Circle has geared up the Divisional/Branch Secretaries vide his Circular dated 18.11.07 to verify the grant of notional promotion from 1983 onwards. The following is the excerpts from his circular. "The Directorate vide lr. No. 139-4/2006-SPB II dt, 22.5.07 reiterated that the officials should be promoted notionally from 1983 on year to year basis (not as one time measure) by conducting the DPCs form 1983 to 2002. But this exercise was not done and senior officials were denied with promotions to HSG II and HSG I. If this exercise is done strictly according to these, orders there will be sufficient no. of officials eligible for HSG II notionally. Both the circle unions challenged the circle office to complete his exercise before holding HSG II DPC for promotion w.e.f 1.1.2008. The Divisional Secretaries are requested to carryout the following exercise and intimate the result whether the officials are promoted notionally correctly or not. 1. Collect the Gradation lists from 1983 to 2002. 2. There may be surplus in LSG in between 1983 to 1991 as the Department surrendered 15 % from L.S.G. Notional Promotion Check List Prescribed by Circle Union Andhra Pradesh 30.11.83 for TBOP and 5% from 1.10.91 for BCR as Matching savings. 3. Hence start the exercise from atleast 1991 or 1992 and place the officials according to the seniority and according to no. of LSG Posts norm based. You can do it from 1983 that is inevitable. 4. Prepare the lists year wise exercise should be year wise then go on replacing the officials on promotion, retirement, death of the officials. The date of notional promotion of the new officials is the replacement date………so on……….. 5. Finally arrive the list of officials promoted notionally as on 2002. 6. Then challenge the Divisional Supdt. about the irregularities in fixing the notional promotion. 7. Keep it in mind that all Divisional Supdt. carried out this exercise as a one time measure without conducting DPCs year wise." Well-done Com. Prasad! If similar exercise is made in all the Branches/Divisions, we could find out the irregularities in the notional LSG Promotion. Please ensure that no senior official is deprived of his dues. 22 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 Age-limit for dependent children of Government servants and pensioners for availing medical facilities under CGHS and Central Services (MA) Rules, 1944-Clarification regarding disability. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry's Office Memorandaum, of even number, dated the 31st May, 2007 (SI. No. 138 of Swamysnews of July,2007) vide which age-limit for dependent sons and daughters were refixed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, after the Delhi High Court dismissed Civil Miscellaneous Petition No. 115/97 in Civil Writ Petition No: 2542 of 1996 in Shri Madan Mohan Sharma v. Union of India, by its order on 29th November, 2006. In terms of the Office Memorandum of 30th May, 2007 referred to above, a son who is dependent on his father / mother can avail CGHS facilities up to the time he attains the age of 25 years or till he starts earning, whichever is earlier. The age-limit of 25 years would not be applicable in respect of the son of a CGHS beneficiary, in case he was suffering from any permanent disability of any kind (physical or mental). 2. Subsequent to the issuing of the Office Memorandum of 31st May, 2007, referred to above, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has been receiving requests for clarification from, many sources, as to whether renal failure constitutes a permanent disability. After examination of the matter in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, it is hereby clarified that disability that are covered by the above-mentioned Office Memorandum of 31st May, 2007, are "disability" as defined in Section 2 (i) of 'THE PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES, PROTECTION OF RIGHTS AND FULL PARTICIPATION) ACT 1995 (No. 1 of 1996)", which is reproduced below:- "(i) " disability" means- (i) Blindness; GOVERNMENT ORDERS (ii) low vision; (iii) leprosy-cured; (iv) hearing impairment; (v) locomotor disability; (vi) mental retardation; (vii) mental illness;" 3. The other conditions of dependency and normally residing with the Government servant / pensioner will remain the same. G.I., M.H., O.M. No. 4-24/96-C&P/CGHS/CGHS (P), dated 29-8-2007 Amendment to the Post Office Savings Account Rules, 1981 G.S.R. 481 (E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 15 of the Government Savings Banks Act,1873 (5 of 1873), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Post Office Savings Account Rules, 1981, namely:- 1. (1) These rules may be called the Post Office Saving Account (Amendment) Rules, 2007. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. In the Post Office Savings Accounts rules, 1981, in Rule 4, in the Table, in Item No.3 (Pension Account), (i) Under Column 2, for the entry, the following entry shall be substituted, namely :- " A pensioner either individually or jointly with his or her spouse in whose favour an authorization for family pension exists in the pension payment order." (ii) Under Column 5, for entry (b), the following entry shall be substituted, namely:- "(b) In case of Individual accounts, the pensioner and in case of joint account, either of the joint account holders, for making withdrawals." G.., M.F., Notification No. 2/5/2006-NS. (L), dated 12-7-2007 NFPE SUBMITS GDS MEMORANDUM TO 6th CPC NFPE has submitted a detailed Memorandum on GDS issues to the 6th Central Pay Commission headed by Honourable Justice B.N.Srikrishna for its consideration and rendering justice with appropriate recommendations to the Government of India for acceptance. The Memorandum was sent by Speed Post to the Member Secretary of 6th CPC and an Electronic Mail containing the full text of the Memorandum was also emailed to the 6th CPC on 6.12.2007. A Delegation of NFPE consisting of Comrades K.Ragavendran [SG NFPE]; K.V.Sridharan [GS P3]; Ishwar Singh Dabas [GS P4]; Giriraj Singh [GS R3] and Balwinder Singh [ATR P3 CHQ] has also endorsed a copy of the above Memorandum to Shri. I.M.G.Khan, Secretary [P], Department of Posts and submitted it to Ms.Radhika Doraiswamy, Member [P], Postal Services Board, Dak Bhawan on 6.12.2007 as the Secretary [P] was on a foreign trip to China. The Memorandum contains all basic issues of the GDS including the demand for grant of Status of Civil Servant and Departmentalisation, Proportionate Pay Scales and full neutralization of DA and 50% merger of DA; Social Security Pension, all allowances at par with regular employees; Statutory Conduct and Disciplinary Rules; Proper Rules for Appointment and Promotions; Assured Career Progression ensuring three financial upgradations; Grant of all welfare schemes; Decent leave rights; and full trade union facilities including right to federate with the Federation. 23 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 LETTERS FROM DEPARTMENT TO CHQ Unbearable work brunt due to NREGS Scheme introduced in AP Circle - Fixing higher rate of incentive and liberal garant of OTA to wipe out arrears A.P. Circle-reg. I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/2-1/ AP Circle dated 6.07.2007 on the above mentioned subject 2. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Circle Office. AS reported, the position is as indicated below: i) The scheme for payment of wages under NREGA in Andhra Pradesh has been taken up as a business initiative by signing an MoU with the Government of Andhra Pradesh, so as to earn additional revenue to the Department, besides reinforcing the social relevance of the Post Office in the rural areas. ii) With the implementation of NREG Scheme, there is some increase of work in some of the offices and orders for payment of incentive to all categories of staff attending to this work have already been issued. iii) As of now 90% of the B.Os are in loss. Most of them do not have adequate work. As such NREGS is a golden opportunity to create work in the B.Os and to come out of the loss. They will no longer be a burden on the Department. iv) Further, after reviewing the performance of the scheme over the last one year, the overall incentive payable under this scheme has been revised from 0.2% of the total amount of deposits under the scheme to 0.5% of the deposits under the scheme. Accordingly the rates of motivational incentive payable to different categories of staff have been revised and the same were communicated to all the concerned. With this revision, the rate of incentive payable to BPMS is increased three times, while that of others is doubled, w.e.f. April, 2007 v) The work relating to data entry had to be outsourced to wipe out the arrears. (Letter No. 16-65/2007-SR Dated : 27-11-2007 addressed to C.H.Q. Alleged harassing of staff in the name of business activities of Hoshangabad Division in MP Circle. I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/2-14/ Hoshangabad dated 29.09.2007 on the above mentioned subject. 2. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Circle Office. As reported, the Circle Office has issued financial targets to all divisions for opening of SB accounts/Sale of NSCs etc. and these targets have been further distributed by divisional heads down the line. Accordingly the Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices, Hoshangabad has issued suitable instructions to all Postmasters/Sub-Postmasters in his Division to achieve the targets. Letter No. 16-90/2007-SR dated 07-11-2007 addressed to C.H.Q. Alleged arbitrary issue of rule 14 memo for participation in 14.12.06 strike - case of Singhbhum Division in Jharkhand Circle-reg. I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/2-10/ Singhbhum dated 27.02.2007 on the above mentioned subject. 2. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Circle Office. As reported, the proceedings initiated against the officials viz Shri J. Bhattacharya, P/A, Jamshedpur H.O. and Shri Sanjay Kumar, Postman, Jamshedpur H.O. have already been dropped by the Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices, Sinnghbhum Division, Jamshedpur vide his memo No. U/Strike-14/ 2006 dated 22.10.2007 Letter No. 16-37/2007-SR dated 14-11-2007 addressed to C.H.Q. Alleged alarming atmosphere prevailing in Kovilapatti Division in Tamil Nadu Circle. I am directed to refer to your letter No. SR/2-1/ 3/2004 Pt. dated 13.08.2007 on the above mentioned subject. Based on the information received from the Circle Office, a reply was sent to All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C' And All India Postal extra- Departmental Employees Union. Being dissatistied with the reply, the AIPEU Group 'C' has further represented on the issue. A copy of the Union's letter No. P/2-19/Kovilpatti dated 31.10.2007 is enclosed. 2. It is requested to send a detailed report on the issue at the earliest. Letter No. 16-64/2007-SR dated 16-11-2007 addressed to C.P.M.G. Tamil Nadu copy to C.H.Q. Alleged undue & abnormal delay in releasing ROHSC claims - C/o Nagaon Division in Assam Circle. I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/2-2/ Nagaon dated 29.10.2007 and 31.10.2007 on the above mentioned subject and to say that allotment of funds to a Division is to be decided by the Head of the Circle. 2. You may like to advise your Circle Union to 24 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 take up the matter with the CPMG. Letter No. 16-97/2007-SR dated 16-11-2007 addressed to C.H.Q. Joint memorandum by Circle Unions against Sri Kushan Vashishat, then, SSPOs, Simla-reg. I am directed to enclose a copy of letter No. P- 2-8/HP Cle dated 3.11.2007 received from the General Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C' on the above mentioned subject. 2. It is requested to look into the matter and furnish a detailed report to this office at the earliest. Letter No. 16-103/2007-SR dated 16-11-2007 addressed to C.P.M.G. Himachal copy to C.H.Q. Payment of salaries throuth Bank - case of Vijaywada Division in A.P. Circle-reg. I am directed to enclose a copy of letter No. P/ 2-1/Vijaywada dated 31.10.2007 on the above mentioned subject. 2. It is requested to look into the matter and furnish a detailed report to this office at the earliest. Letter No. 16-100/2007-SR dated 20-11-2007 addressed to C.P.M.G. Andhra Pradesh copy to C.H.Q. Continued grant of HRA to the postal staff working in Malayinkeezhu (renamed from Malayinkil) p.o. near Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala Circle. I am directed to refer to your letter of even number dated 18-07-2007 and subsequent reminder dated 28-09-2007 on the subject noted above. Required information is still awaited from your office. You are, therefore requested to furnish the same immediatedly. It may kindly be noted that the case will not be processed at this end unless full information is received from your side. Letter No. 4-21/2006-PAP dated 26-11-2007 addressed to C.P.M.G Kerala copy to C.H.Q. Alleged maladministration of SPO's, Durg Division in Chhatisgarh Circle-reg. I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/2-4/ Cle dated 27.02.2007 on the above mentioned subject. 2. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Circle Office. As reported the position is as indicated below: Shri B.R. Nimsatkar the then SSPOs Durg Dn. assumed the charge of SSPOs Durg w.e.f. 3.5.2006 on his promotional transfer from M.P. Circle. The officer stands retired on superannuation w.e.f. 31.3.2007. During the incumbency of the said officer 23, officials were ordered to be transferred after issue of rotational transfer orders in May-2006 out of which approval in respect of 9 officials was given by the Circle office on merit and out of remaining 14 officials, 3 were transferred as per the requests and cost of the officials and 11 officials were transferred locally in the interest of service. All the representations received so far from the officials from Durg Dn. have been decided on merit. Now there appears no aggrieved official left in the Division. 3. As regards the cases of transfer of the 9 (Nine) officials, as mentioned in your letter, the exact position is explained as under: (i) Smt. P. Ekka PA was transferred from Motilal Nehru Nagar to Bhilai-1 S.O. locally due to her being untrained on computer. (ii) Smt. Neena Parbat PA was transferred from Bhilai-1 to Motilal Nehru Nagar S.O. locally, being trained on computer and in order to modernize the S.O. as an ideal S.O. (iii) Smt. J.R. Sangadikar SPM Rajnandgaon Kutchery S.O. was ordered to be transferred locally to Rajnandgaon H.O. on 23.8.2006 where he joined on 6.9.2006. (iv) Shri M.G. Angola PA Rajnandgaon H.O. was ordered to be transferred locally as SPM Rajnandgaon Kutchery on 23.8.2006 where he joned on 5.9.2006. (v) Shri R.B. Kori SPM Nawagaon Bhilai was transferred locally as SPM Khursipar S.O. as approved by Circle office on merit. (vi) Shri S.R. Thakur SPM Saja was ordered to be transferred as Treasurer Bemetara vide memo dated 28.7.2006 but it has been ordered to be held in abeyance vide memo dated 6.11.2006. (vii) Shri B.L. Navrang, SPM Gurur was ordered to be transferred and posted as treasurer Durg. H.O. at his own request and cost. (viii) Shri H.C. Khobragarhe SPM Ambagarh Chowki was transferred as SPM Chichola as approved by Circle Office on merit. (ix) Shri R.N. Janghel SPM Chi chol a was transferred as SPM Ambagarh Chowki as approved by Circle Office. 4. During the consideration of representations submitted by the affected officials, the irregularities if any noti ced were removed whi l e deci di ng the representations on the merit. 5. It i s true that S/Shri V.K. Agrawal , P.L. Dewangan and Shri K.P. Tiwari were proceeded against under Rule 16 of the CCS (CA) Rules, 1965 but it is not a prejudiced action on the part of SSPOs Durg but in fact the disciplinary action against these three officials were taken for the lapses/irregularities noticed on their part in different cases. 25 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 6. The allegations of corruption against the SSPOs are not substantiated with proofs. 7. Direction was issued by the Circle office that no orders of transfer/attachment and deputation be issued by the then SSPOs without specific approval from Circle Office. 8. In the light of the above, the grievance of the Staff Side stands redressed. Letter No. 16-33/2007-SR dated : 29-11-2007 addressed to C.H.Q. Alleged unhelpful & anti-worker attitude of the Chief PMG, Chhatisgarh Circle. I am directed to refer to your letter No. P/2-4/ Chh cle dated 9.7.2007, 24.07.2007 and No. P/2-4/ Raipur dated 27.9.2007 on the above mentioned subject. 2. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Circle Office. As reported, the position is as indicated below : (i) During visit of CPMG to Shankar Nagar Post Office, Raipur on 16.9.2006, S.O. Account of the Post Office was not found filled up after 8.9.2006. Divl. Supdt. was di rected to get i t fi l l ed up, check correctness of accounts and take action against the officials at fault. Divl. Head has taken action against the officials who held the charge of the SPM and did not write SO Account. (ii) Shri M.K. Sharma is a LSG FTP official of accounts line. During rotational transfer in May/June, 2007 DPS (Hqrs.) posted him against the vacant post of APM (A/cs) at Raigarh HO. Two other LSG officials, namely Shri D.K. Sahu and Shri G.G. Goswami (Divisional Secretary of National Union) both of accounts line have also been posted by the DPS (Hqrs.) out of Raipur against vacant posts of APM (A/cs) at Korba HO and Durg HO. CPMG has not found any justification to change these orders of the DPS. Even the said union (AIPEU) has no grievance against the DPS who has ordered these transfers. (iii) Shri V.K. Aggarwal is working as PA in SB Branch at Civic Centre Mukhya Dak Ghar (MDG) Bhilai since last two years. He is already working in SB Branch in a big office and has not completed his tenure. Therefore, SSPOs Durg did not find justification to transfer him. His representation for posting to Durg HO was rejected by the DPS (Hqrs). On further representation CPMG did not find justification to intervene in the matter. However, SSPOs was directed that he may consider posting of Shri V.K. Aggarwal after he completes computerization of SB work at Civic Centre Post Office Bhilai where he is working since last two years. Shri Aggarwal has not yet computerized it. 4. Name of the official of Raigarh Division has not been mentioned. Therefore, it is not possible to comment on it. (a) Item is not clear. However, this is to mention that there is no mention that there is no improper utilization of gardener. 4(b) Regarding utilization of Power supply from office to quarters portion, it is stated that there is no misuse of power supply. There is separate meter for the residence of Chief. PMG. Electricity bills are being paid regularly by the Chief. PMG. No such item has ever been taken by the union either in writing or verbally. 4(c)and (d). So far as computerization is concerned, there is very good achievement/progress in all divisions except Raipur division where the union is resisting computerization especially computerization of SB work. This may be due to the vested interest of some staff in keeping the public at their mercy in POSB work. However, the computerization will be implemented of the union, to the extent possible. 4(e) As reported, the Circle and the Divisions are being managed and will be managed in the interest of public/ customers and th staff in general without any favouritism. Letter No. 16-68/2007-SR Dated : 11-12.2007 VENTURE A compliation of Staff Welfare orders A companian to Postal Comrades/Activists Containing various staff matters like Tenure, Transfer, Promotion, Welfare, Recruitment etc. The first kind of such activity by CHQ Available for sale. 'No profit, No Loss' Basis Limited copies are available in hand. Rush your indent. Cost Rs. 70/- + Postage charges. 26 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 A meeting to review the Scheme of Franchisee was convened by the Department of Posts on 19.11.2007 in the Committee Room, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi. The DDG (Planning) conducted the meeting. The Staff Side was represented by Comrades K. Ragavendran (Secretary General, NFPE), D. Theagarajan (Secretary General, FNPO), K.V. Sridharan (General Secretary P-III NFPE), Ishwar Singh Dabas (General Secretary, P-IV NFPE), P. Rajanayagam (Vice President, NFPE), Balwinder Singh (ATR P-III(CHQ) NFPE) and Com. Shri Bhagwan (Finance Secretary ,P-III FNPO). The DDG (Planning) circulated the details of business transacted by the Franchisees for certain months and expressed that the scheme i s very economical and picking up traffic. The Staff Side Review of Franchisee Scheme expressed its strong resentment for the absence of the Secretary (P) or at least a Member of the Postal Board in such an important meeting involving an issue over which the Staff and Official sides have divergent approaches all along. The non-supply of complete figures regarding the details of business transacted by all the Franchisees also was pointed out to the DDG. The Staff Side clearly informed that the Scheme of Franchisee is a Scheme of outsourcing the functions of the Postal Department and therefore it is detrimental to our interests and not acceptable to Staff Side. Finally it was requested that a fresh meeti ng after suppl yi ng the ful l busi ness transactions to Staff Side may be convened by the Secretary (P) or Postal Board Member. The meeting ended without further discussion. An impressive protest demonstration was held in front of the Ministry of Finance in North Block to demand immediate upward revision of bonus ceiling from 25oo/- to Rs. 3500/- for all Central Government Employees. The demonstration was organized by the Delhi State C-O-C of Confederati on. Large number of employees including from Postal & RMS, Central Secretariat, Income Tax, Audit, Civil Accounts and other organizations attended. The demonstration was presided over by the R-III General Secretary and C-O-C President Com. Giri Raj Singh. Various leaders including Com. C.C. Pillai(Vice Chairman Confederation), Com. K.Ragavendran (SG- C.G. Employees of Delhi Demonstrate before MOF in North Block NFPE), Com. K.V. Sridharan (GS-P-III), Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas (GS-P-IV),Com. S.P. Mukherjee(GS- Admn),Com. P. Rajanayagam (GS-Postal A/C) and from other organizations attended and addressed. Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee the Secretary General Civil Accounts Employees Association as well as the General Secretary of C-O-C Confederation, Delhi State finally addressed and moved a resolution for adoption and submission to Hon'ble Prime Minister and Finance Minister seeking immediate raise of bonus ceiling as amended under Bonus Act by the Govt. of India. The resolution also cautioned industrial action by C.G. Employees in the event a negative stand on the part of the UPA Govt. K. Ragavendran, Secretary General, Com. K. V. Sridharan, General Secretary, Com. Iswar Singh Dabas, General Secretary, P4, Com. Giriraj Singh, General Secretary R3 will participate in the delegation. The team may leave India on 09.12.07 and remain in Germany for 5 days. New cell phone connection to General Secretary: As the roaming charges & call charges are in higher rate in the existing vodafone, the General Secretary has shifted to MTNL connection from today. Orissa Circle Working Committee Meeting: The CWC of Orissa Circle was held at Gopalpur (Berharpur) from 7-12-2007 to 9-12-2007. The Circle Secretary, Orissa organised an interaction session on 8-12-2007 night with the General Secretary from 11.00 PM and it lasted upto 5.00 AM on 9-12-2007. All Branch/Divisional Secretaries attended the meeting and participated in the discussions. An open session meeting was held on 9-12-2007 at Berhampur HO at 11.00 AM under the presidentship of Com.K.C.Patnaik, Circle President. The PMG Berhampur parti ci pated. General Secretary discussssed the issues at length. Detailed report will be printed in next issue. (Contd. from page 33) Com.R.C.Mishra, Circle Secretary has arranged the meeting and discussed in a befitting manner and the comrades of Berhampur di vi si on deserves al l appreciations. Joint Circle Conference of Karnataka Circle: The 25th Silver Jubilee Conference of P3, P4 and GDS Unions of Karnataka Circle has been held at Kudal Sangam from 16-12-2007 to 18-12-2007. Open session was held on 16-12-2007 at 10.30 AM under the Joint Presidium of Com.S.Devapal, Com.K.S.Ranganath and Com. K. Prahlad Rao, Presidents of P3, P4 and GDS of Karnataka Ci rcl e Uni ons. Sri .P.C.Gaddi gowdar, Member Parliament, Bagalkot inaugurated the conference. Sri.Veeranna Charantimasta MLA, Bagalkot D.B.Kulkarni, SPOs, Com.S.S.Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, GDS, Com.R.Seethalakshmi, Secretary, NFPE, were the prominent speakers. Com.K.V.Sridharan, General Secretary discussed all issues at length. Further an interaction session with the General Secretary was organised in the evening and also in the night which ended at 1.30 AM on 17-12-2007. Com.S.Devapal, Com.S.S.Manjunath, Com. R.S. Karnic were duly elected as Ci rcl e Presi dent, Secretary and Treasurer respectively. The list of office bearers will be published in the next issue. 27 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 Hon'ble Montek Singh Ahluwalia, the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Government of India has come out heavily against implementation of the expected recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission. After the conclusion of a recent meeting of the Planning Commission that was held to discuss the draft report on 11th Five Year Plan under the presidentship of our Hon'ble Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Deputy Chairman Shri Ahluwalia addressed the Media. At that time he informed that the Planning Commission has approved the 11th Plan and mentioned that there is no need to implement the 6th CPC recommendations. He further expressed that since full neutralization in the shape of DA hi ke i s bei ng sancti oned to central Government Employees, unlike the past, there is no question of any grievance about low wages. Moreover implementation of 6th CPC recommendations would cause heavy financial crisis to the Central Government and would lead to loss of gains made available by the activities of economic reforms of the Government. We are neither shocked nor surprised by the comments of Hon'ble Montek Singh Ahluwalia, as we know very well about his policy orientations. We are all along are aware that the Deputy Chairman was the Director of IMF in Washington for three years from 2001- 2004 just before his occupation the Chair of Deputy Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Planning against CG Employees Chairmanship of the Planning Commission. Is it therefore any wonder that he still speaks the tune of his earlier assignment with the IMF? It is known to the CG Employees that our Hon'ble Deputy Chairman indeed started his higher career as the Economist in World Bank in Washington D.C. from 1968-1971. Legacy hardly dies. However we have one pertinent question to our Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission. He could not but know with his vast experience that the neutralization to CG Employees by way of DA is not a recent phenomena as he tries to report. It was there even during the time when he was the Finance Secretary to Government of India. Hon'ble Deputy Chairman's Comments only make the earlier Finance Ministers including our present Prime Minister of India less knowledgable than the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission! We know that always the CG Employees movement faced rough weathers and obstacles whenever the question of their wage revision come up before the Central Government caused by one or the other Ahluwalias! We would only like to tell our readers that it was always and it will be always the strength of our united might that ultimately decides if there is going to be a wage hike or not irrespective of some people in high places like our Deputy Chairman. Let us Concentrate on building that strength. Dated: 13-11-2007 Conf.D-11/11/2007 Dear Comrades, As you are aware., the Government took the decision to raise the bonus ceiling for the purpose of computation from Rs 2500 to Rs 3500 after more than a decade. As per the Press Information Bureau release, this decision of the cabinet is applicable to the bonus payable to the workers for the FY 2006-07 onwards. The Adhoc and productivity linked bonus in the case of CG Employees were declared and paid in Sept. Oct. 2007. Confederation has taken up this issue with the Government. The Secretary of the Staff Side of the JCM National council had also written to the Secretary, Expenditure and Secretary Personnel, indicating the need for making this applicable to the CGEs. for the year 2006- 07 and revise the orders issued in respect of PLB and adhoc bonus. We have been informed by the Officials in the Finance Ministry that the proposal is awaiting the approval of the Finance Minister. Perhaps this may require the sanction from the cabinet too as that has been the procedure adopted in the earlier occasion. Since the matter is being unduly delayed for no ostensible reason as the Finance Minister was party to the earlier cabinet decision for raising the ceiling limit to Rs 3500,the CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND WORKERS Confederation desires that Demonstration/Dharna should be organized in front of all Offices and send the following telegram/Saving gram to Shri P. Chidambaram, Finance Minister, Govt. of India, North Block, New Delhi- 110 001. The programme of action may be carried out immediately on receipt of this letter by the Units of all affiliates. The affiliates are requested to kindly convey the decision to their branches and units so that the programme will have wider participation and create sanction to compel the Govt. to take an expeditious and positive decision in this matter. We are sending this communication through our e-mail and copy of the same has been placed in our web-site. Programme may be carried out as and when the message is received by the State/Divisional/Branches. Confederation has also sent SMS to all the National Executive Members. Text of Telegram KINDLT EXTEND THE BENEFIT OF THE DECISION TO RAISE THE BONUS CEILING LIMIT FROM 2500 TO 3500 TO CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES. With greetings, Yours fraternally, Sd/- K.K.N.Kutty, Secretary General. 28 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 a¬ æac¸ue mi u=uì¬ a¬ æac¸ue mi u=uì¬ a¬ æac¸ue mi u=uì¬ a¬ æac¸ue mi u=uì¬ a¬ æac¸ue mi u=uì¬ ¬: ¬l¬ ¬i - ¤¬ l((¬i¤ r· ni¬ ¬i n ¬·i - ·i¬ ¬l-¤i ¬i r·ni¬ ¤(ºi· - (rn ¬·iiº r¬i r+ ·i¬ ¬l- ¤i ¬i ¤¬ni ¤¬ ¬l--l¬n ¬l-ln ·¬ -¤i- ¬ ¬·ni r ¬iº ·i¬ ¬l-¤i ¬i -in ¤(ºi· ( r·ni¬ ¬i ¬¤¬ (·ini r+ ¬: ¬l¬¬i - r·ni¬ ¤(ºi· - ¬·iiº r¬i r ¬iº :¬ ¬¤¬ni ¤º ¤·.¤¤.¤i.:. ¬i ºiiªii¬i ( ¬·¤i · ·i¬ ¬l-¤i ¬i ºi·i¬i-·i¤ ·ii (i r ¬l¤n ¬s ¬l¬¬i - ¬s ¬l-¤i ¤i: n: r+ :· ¬-¬ilº¤i ¬i ¬n-· l(l·i·· ¬¤i¤i riºi (º l¬¤i ¬i ¬¬ni r+ ¬ l¬· ¬º¬iº :· -i ni ¬i r¬ ¬º·i ·ri ¤irni ¤º r- ¬º¬iº ¬i -i n -i·· ¬ l¬¤ -¬( º ¬º ¬¬n r + r- ¬¤· ¬n-· ¤i r·ni¬ - ·n-( ¬i l¤s·· ·ri (·i ¤irn ¬l¤n :¬ ¬iº ¤(¬ ( -¬(n (·i¤n+ ¬»o¬ æìe æì× ×: ¬»o¬ æìe æì× ×: ¬»o¬ æìe æì× ×: ¬»o¬ æìe æì× ×: ¬»o¬ æìe æì× ×: ¤ ·º¬ ¤ l·¬·¤ l-( · (ni¤i ¬i s- ( n· ¬i¤i n - ¬¤·i l¬¤ilººi ¤º(ºi zoos ¬ ¤r¬ l¬¬i ·ii ¬-¤ ¬iºi ¬º ¬¬ni r+ ¤ ¬¤(ir -il·¤i ¬ riºi ¤¬i r+ (ri s- ( n· ¬i¤i n · ·ii ¤ ¬i ¬ ·ii(·i ¬ :·¬iº l¬¤i ( :¬ ¬i·iiººlrn (ni¤i r+ s- (n· ¬i¤in · ¬ri r l¬ n ¤ ·i ¬ l¬¤ ¬nº -il·¤i - ·¤ ·n- ¬i¤ -nº ¬i ¬i: ¬¤·i ¬i: r ni ¤r -i¤ ¤¬ ¬¤r(ir r+ ¬nº n¤ ·i ¬i -¬ (n· -nº sooo÷ ¬ ·i¤ r¬i ni ¤·¬i·¤l-( riºi l·ºi¤ r l¬ ¬·i ¬iº ¬.¬i.¤-. riºi ¤¬¬i·i ¬·i·i l¬¤i ¬i¤ni+ uì ¬¬ uì ¬¬ uì ¬¬ uì ¬¬ uì ¬¬ ¤·¬i·¤-i( · -i·i l¬ ¬·i ¬iº ¬.¬i.¤- ¬ ¤¤i¬i riºi ¬·(i¤ ¬-¤ilº¤i ¬i (i·¬ l(¤ ¬i· ¬i -(i¬ln ¤(i· ¬i ¬i ¬¬ni r+ ¬·(i¤ ¬l-¤i - ºi·i («ni ri ¬i ºri r ( :¬ -ª ¬i ¬¬( - ·ii ºªii n¤i r+ ¤·¬i·¤-i( · :¬ -( ¤º ¤¬ ¬i- l·ºi¤ l¬¤i l¬¬- ¬.¬i.¤-. · l(-i -¤i ¤º ((i( ·i¬i ¬i :· -ªi ¬i ¬~( ¬ ¬~( r¬ l¬¤i ¬i¤+ ¤º·n ¤r -i-¬i ¬·ii n¬ ·ri ¬¬ni r+ s l(¬-(º ¬i ºi·-i¤ ¤·¬i·¤-i( ¬i.¬i.¬i. riºi r-iº ¬i¤¬- ¤º ¬i¤(iri ¬º· ¬i ¬iº(i¬· l(¤i n¤i+ =ìm m×uì|euì m ×: =ìm m×uì|euì m ×: =ìm m×uì|euì m ×: =ìm m×uì|euì m ×: =ìm m×uì|euì m ×: ·i¬ l(·iin riºi ¬¤¬ zoo/ ¬ (i( ·ii ¬·ii ¬s ¬-nin ¬i ¬·ii n¬ ¬in ·ri l¬¤i n¤i r+ ¬¬ ¬i.·i.¤¬. ¬ l¬¤ ·¤il¤¬ ¬l-ln ¬ n-· ¬ l¬¤ ¬iº(i¬· ¬ ¤is r-·i ( ·¤iº( ·¬i· ¬ nrn ¤·¤i:¬ ¬i¬-¬- ¬i ¬iº ¬l·i¬ ¬ª¤i - («i·i ¤¬.¤¬.¬i. ¤i-iºi· ¬i ¬-(i¬iº ¬º·i ªii¬i ¤(i ¬i ·iº·i ¬il( -ªi ¬ ¬º¬iº ¤is r- ºri r+ :¬ ¤¬iº :· ¬( ¬--¤i¬i ¬ l·¤-· ¬ l¬¤ ¬l·lº¤n ¬i¬i· r·ni¬ ¬ªºi r+ ¤¤.¤·.¤i.¬i. ¬iº ¬lªi¬ ·iiºni¤ ¬.¬i.¤. riºi ¬l·lº¤n ¬i¬i· r·ni¬ ¬ l¬¤ ¬i ¬i· (i¬i ¬i¤(iri ¬i ¤¤i ¬i ¬i¤ni+ ¬¤¤·n ¬i¤¬- - l¬¤ ¬i· (i¬i ¬i¤(iri - -ini ¬i ¤¬ ¤i-º ¬·ii ¬l¬¬i - ·i¬i ¬i¤ni+ -ì|uo ,nir m ¬ìtì ¬+ìì -ì|uo ,nir m ¬ìtì ¬+ìì -ì|uo ,nir m ¬ìtì ¬+ìì -ì|uo ,nir m ¬ìtì ¬+ìì -ì|uo ,nir m ¬ìtì ¬+ìì ¤¬ (¬ ·s÷··÷zoo/ l¬¬- ¬i·ii ¬i.¬i l¤~¬ (¤ ( -ri ¬l¤( ¤·.¤¤.¤i.: .) ¬ ºi·i( ·( ((n -i· -ri ¬l¤( ¤·.¤¤.¤i.: ) ¬ . 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Guide to Exam for LGO/Sorting Asst. 2006 320/- (Prices including Handling Charges) BOOKS FOR IPO/PO & RMS Acctt. EXAM. 1. Kairali Bare Act. on PO Act. SB Act. S.C.Act. 07 35/- 2. Kairali Master Guide to IPO Paper V 2007ed 200/- 3. Kairali Unsolved Paper of IPO Exam 89 to 06 90/- 4. Cr. PC 1973 (English-Hindi) 2007 220/- 5. Indian Penal Code 1860 (English-Hindi) 90/- 6. Indian Evidance Act 1872 (English-Hindi) 40/- KAIRALI BOOKS SYNDICATE 251/A, Baba Faridpuri, Nr. Gopal Dairy, West Patel Nagar, P.Box No. 6059, New Delhi-110008 Phones : 011-25880816, 25882753, Mobile : 9810353797, E-mail : [email protected] PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH ADVANCE OF RS. 100/- OR TELEPHONE BOOKS FOR POSTAL DEPARTMENT 7. Swamy FR SR Part.I (Ref. Book) 06 320/- 8. Swamy FR SR Part.II (Ref. Book) 06 145/- 9. Swamy FR SR Part.III (Ref. Book) 07 105/- 10. Swamy CCS Pension Compilation 07 225/- 11. Swamy FHB Vol. I 2006 with Supl. 285/- 12. Swamy's CCS (CCA) Rules-07 200/- 13. Swamy's CCS (Conduct) Rule-07 125/- 14. Swamy TA Made Easy 2004 90/- 15. Swamy Pension made easy 07 160/- 16. Swamy Pay Rule made easy 06 145/- 17. Swamy Leave rule made easy 04 70/- 18. Swamy Master guide to FR SR Service Rules 2006 195/- 19. Swamy's GPF Rules 2007 105/- 20. Swamy's Group Insurance 2007 85/- 21. Swamy's Medical Att. Rules 07 200/- 22. Swamy's LTC Rules 2007 80/- 23. Consumer Protection Act 50/- 24. CAT Act 2007 110/- 25. Indian Evidence Act 2007 40/- 26. Code of Criminal Procedure 2007 125/- 27. Indian Penel Code 2007 90/- GENERAL BOOKS FOR OFFICE REFERENCE: 1. Swamy's Brochure on Reservation of SC/ST & OBC in Service 2008 600/- 2. Bhatia CGHS Compilation 2007 295/- 3. Swamy Manual on Disciplinary Proceeding 2006 530/- 4. Swamy Establishment & Administration 2008 695/- 5. Right to Information Act on should know 2007 120/- 6. lwpuk dk vf/kdkj vf/kfu;e 2005 (Digital Ed.) 2006 125/- GB SINGH PUBLICATIONS : 1. Law of Suspention, Penalities & Departmental Enquires 2005 August 350/- 2. Hand Book for Inquiry Officers, Presenting Officer & Defence Asstt. 2007 340/- 3. Hand Book for Disciplinary Authorities 2005 350/- 4. Commentary on CCS CCA Rules 2008 250/- 5. Commentary on CCS Conduct Rules 2008 250/- 6. Law of Seniority, Promotion & Adhoc Service 08 350/- 7. Digest of Important Case Laws on service matters in 3 Volumes 2003 1480/- Hand Book 2008 8. Swamy Hand Book 2008 170/- 9. Bahri C.Govt. Hand Book 2008 170/- 10. Nabhi Referencer for C.G.E. 2008 170/- 11. (rºi ¬·(i¤ ¬( l·¤-i(¬i zoos 175/- 12. ·i¤i ¬·(i¤ ¬-¤iºi :¤º (¬ 2008 170/- K.B.S. PUBLICATIONS 1. ¬ºi¬i -i--º ni:· ¤i---· ¤( -¬ni· ¤ºi·ii 2006ed by (i.·i. ¤¬. ¬i(i-n( (Retd. SSPO) in 2 Books 170/ -2. Kairali Master Guide to IPO Paper V (as per new Syllabus) 2007ed 200/- 3. Kairali Syllabus & Unsolved Paper of IPO Exam 89 to 2006 90/- 4. ¬º¬i -i--º ni:· ¤¬.¬i.¬i. (¤i--¬ s-i: ¬iº ¤-.¤-.¤¬. ¬ri¤¬ ¬ l¬¤) in 2 Books 370/- 31 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 NOTES OF THE MONTH Meeting withSecretary [P]: A Delegation consisting of Comrades C.C.Pillai (Ex-SG NFPE), K. Ragavendran (SG0-NFPE); K.V.Sridharan (GS-P3); Ishwar Singh Dabas (GS-P4); and Balwinder Singh (ATR P3 CHQ) met Shri I.M.G. Khan, the Secretary (P) on 19.11.2007. Com. K. Ragavendran the newly elected Secretary General was formally introduced to the Secretary (P) by Com. C.C.Pillai and early recognition to the Federation was requested. In addition certain important issues like LSG-HSG-II-HSG-I promotions; filling up of residual vacancies; withdrawal of direction to stop TBOP/BCR vacancies; benefit to those who decline LSG etc. were also discussed. The Secretary (P) assured to look into all the issues. Meeting with Member (P): Postal Services Board Ms. Radhi ka Dorai swamy was met by Comrades K. Ragavendran (SG-NFPE); K.V.Sridharan (GS-P3); S.P Mukherjee (GS-Admn); Rajanayagam (GS-Postal A/Cs); and Balwinder Singh (ATR-P3 CHQ) on 23.11.07. Issues like Chief PMG (NE) attempting to evict unions from R- JCM Quarters; Fixation of pay to unapproved candidates/ substitutes including HRA/CCA; Notional promotion of LSG in all Circles to Senior officials; Filling up residual vacancies; LGO Exam syllabus, PO & RMS Accountants problems, Repatriation of proportionate staff from Chief PMG office Chattisgarh to MP Circle; Repatriation of Postal Accounts staff from J&K to Kapurthala; and some other issues were discussed. We anticipate positive outcome. WFTU: The Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of WFTU on Impact of Neo-liberal globalization on the Working Class and Role of WFTU Trade Unions in the Asia Pacific Region was held on 28th and 29th November 2007 in New Del hi . Comrade Gurudas Das Gupta M.P. inaugurated the event. The General Secretary of WFTU Comrade George Mavrikos delivered keynote address. Comrade H.Mahadevan Deputy GS anchored the event. Leaders of various Trade Union Centres including Comrade M.K.Pandhe [CITU]; leaders from AITUC, AICCTU, TUCC greeted the event. Delegates from India, Pakistan, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Mauritious attended. Many Indian Trade Unions and Federations including the AIBEA, Confederation, NFPE, NFTE and BSNLEU attended. Comrade K.Ragavendran Secretary General NFPE and Comrade K.V.Sridharan General Secretary P3 represented the NFPE. Comrades C.C.Pillai Working President, K.K.N.Kutty Secretary General and M.S.Raja Secretary represented the Confederation of Central Government Empl oyees. Comrade S.S.Mahadevaiah GS GDS also attened. The Asia Pacific Regional Meeting adopted a Charter of Demands as well as an Action Plan to popularize the WFTU and strengthen it to fight the neo-liberal globalization policies. Delhi Circle CWC: Delhi Circle CWC Meeting was held at Delhi GPO on 28.11.07. General Secretary attended and discussed the problems Com. R.A.P. Singh Ex G/S & Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah were also present. Federal Executive of NFPE: The Federal Executive of NFPE was held in the Office of NFPE in New Delhi under the presidentship of NFPE President Comrade D.K.Rahate. The Meeting considered all the important issues before the Postal Employees and CG Employees movement and unanimously decided to submit a comprehensive memorandum on GDS i ssues to the Si xth Pay Commission for consideration. The Executive noted that many important issues like Recognition of Federation, Exemption of Postal Department from the purview of Screening Committee, LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I Promotions, Filling up of Residual vacancies, Scrapping of Franchisee Scheme, Outsourci ng of Postal functi ons, Non- regularisation of RRR Candidates, Non-regularization of full time and parttime Casual labourers and contingent workers etc are agitating the minds of the employees but the Postal Department has been moving at snail's pace. The Federal Executive of NFPE has decided to organise a serious programme of action including strike to settle the issues in consultation with the FNPO. AIC of Admn Union: The 26th All India Conference of All India Postal Administrative Offices Employees Union Group 'C' & 'D' is notified to be held at the Bank Employees Union Hall, Thiruvananthapuram from 18th to 20th December, 2007. The General will be attending the AIC. Exemption from Screening Committee: It is informed that the Ministry of Finance & Department of personnel have rejected the cabinet note submitted by the Dept for exemption of Postal Services from the purview of screening Committee. The Federal Executive, which is scheduled to be held on 01.12.07 at New Delhi will decide further course of action. Bonus: The Finance Minister has not favourably responded for extending the benefit of increased bonus cei l i ng l i mi t to Central Govt. empl oyees. The Confederation of CG Employees & workers held a Massive demonstration at North Block in front of Finance Ministry's office on 23.11.07. Postal Act: It is shocking to note that the Govt has turned down the postal Dept proposal to amend the Postal Act. The news item appeared in the Economic Times dt 23.11.07 is appended alongwith this note for information. Postal Leaders - German Tour: The Dept is sending study tour delegation to Germany for exposure to Deutche post and study the functioning. On behalf of NFPE, Com. (Contd. on page 28) 32 BHARTIYA POST JANUARY, 2008 1. Postman Examination Guide 100.00 2. L.G.O. to P.A./RMS Sorter Guide 500.00 3. P.O. & RMS A/Cs Guide I & II 1000.00 4. Solved Paper P.O.A./cs 250.00 5. L.S.G. Guide 600.00 6. L.S.G. Unsolved Paper 60.00 7. H.S.G. Guide 500.00 8. H.S.G. Unsolved Paper 30.00 9. Postal & RMS Confirmation Guide 500.00 10. Inspector PO/RMS, Paper I-V Material 2100.00 11. Solved paper to IPO/IRM I-IV 500.00 12. PSS Gr. B Exam, Material Paper I to IV 1850.00 13. PSSGr.B Solved Paper I-IV 800.00 14. JAO Pt.I Postal Guide I-V- 1600.00 Sol. Paper I-V 350.00 15. JAO Pt. II Guide VI-IX 1450/- Sol. Paper 350.00 16. SB/SC Aptitude Test 400.00 Deptt. Books 1. Manual of Office Procedure 200.00 2. P&T Manual II (Ch 9-10 & 12) 100.00 3. Postal Manual Vol. V 250.00 4. P&T Manual Vol. VII 125.00 5. Financial Hand Book Vol. I 285.00 6. Financial Hand Book Vol. II 150.00 7. Appendix V to P.A.M. 100.00 8. P.O. Insurance Fund Rules 60.00 9. Accounting Procedure for P&T Motor Serivces 75.00 10. Constitution of India 230.00 11. G.D.S. Service Rule (Swamy) 130.00 DICTONARIES 1. The Concise Oxford Dictionary 535.00 2. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictonary 410.00 3. Oxford English - Handi, Dictonary 123.00 4. Oxford Hindi - English Dictionary 330.00 5. Oxford Advance Dictonary Eng. Eng.-Hindi 300.00 6. Bhargava's Dictonary Eng.-Hindi 170.00 7. Bhargava's Dictonary Hindi-Eng. 170.00 8. Oxford Dictionary Thesaurus & world power guide 795.00 9. Oxford Progressive Eng.-Hindi Dictonary 105.00 10. ¬i·il·¬ lr·(i ºi·( ¬iºi 300.00 11. ¤ºii¬l·¬ ¬ n ¬i lr·(i ¬i ºi 300.00 12. (rn lr·(i ¤¤i¤(i¤i ºi·( ¬i ºi 450.00 JOIN CORRESPONDENCE COURSES (HINDI/ENG.) For J.A.O. PARTI, PART II TELECOM, POSTAL IMM, IPO & I.R.M.U.D.C., P.O. & R.M.S., D.T.O. ACCOUNTANT. JE/J.T.O., ASTT.,L.S.G., T.E.S. CLASS II PSS HSG, SOG & OTHER EXAMS. We will give full direction secrets of success, guess papers, model paper & the right techniques to solve the questions & the knowledge on every subject. How to Join : ask prospectus by sending Rs. 30/- by M.O. ALL INDIA EMPLOYES INSTITUTE Post Box. No. 2660, 6724, Block No.10, Dev Nagar, New Delhi-110005. ·. ¤i---· ¤ºi·ii ni:· ·oo.oo z. ¤i--¬ ·¬¬¬iº.¤-.¤¬. ¬i-º ni:· roo.oo s. ¤i--¬¬iº.¤-.¤¬. ¬¬i¬-- ni:· I & II ·ooo.oo «. ¤º· ¤¤ ¬·¬i~(· ¬¬i¬-- ·oo.oo r. ¤¬.¤¬.¬i. --ilº¤¬ coo.oo c. ¤¤.¤¬.¬i. --ilº¤¬ roo.oo /. ¤i --¬RMS Confirmation ni: · roo.oo s. :·¬¤·-º P.O./RMS --ilº¤¬ ¤¤º I-V z·oo.oo s. Solved Paper IPO./IRM I-V (Hindi) /oo.oo ·o. PSS Gr. B Exam Material I-IV (Hindi) ·sro.oo ··. Solved Paper I-IV PSS (Hindi) ·oo.oo ·z. JAO Pt.-I (Postal) Guide Paper I-V (Hindi) ·coo.oo ·s. Solved Paper I-V JAO Part-I (Postal) (Hindi) sro.oo ·«. JAO Pr II Guide Paper VII 400 IX 300 (Hindi) ·r. SB/SC Aptitue Guide (Hindi) «oo.oo Publication in Hindi ·. ¬iº ¬ªi· ¬iº ¤¤ ·¤(riº zoo.oo z. ¤i¤·¬lºi¤¬ rº·(¬ ·iin I (FHBI) zoo.oo s. ¬i-i·¤ l(l-i¤ l·¤-i(¬i (GFR) ·ro.oo «. ¬·(i¤ -¬·in ¤º¬ l·¤- (FR & SR) soo.oo r. ¬·(i¤ l¬l(¬ ¬(i l·¤-i(¬i (CCA) zoo.oo c. ¬·(i¤ l¬l(¬ ¬i¤ººi l·¤- (Conduct) so.oo /. ¬i¤¬º (n· ¤º (Income Tax) co.oo s. ¬i¤ n rºi¬i¬ zr.oo s. ·iiºni¤ (º· ¬lrni (IPC) ·oo.oo ·o. ·iiºni¤ ¬i·i¤ ¬l·il·¤- (IEA) ro.oo ··. (º· ¤l¬¤i ¬lrni (CRPC) zoo.oo Bare Act 1. PO Act. 30/-, 2. SB Act. 15/-, 3. SC Act. 15/- 4. IPC 100/-, 5. Evidence 50/-, 6. CRPC 160/- 7. Tribunal Act. 130/-, 8. Consumer Protection Act 55/- G.B. Singh 1. Handbook of Inquiry officers P.O., DA, 2007 340.00 2. Law of Seniority, Promotion & Adhoc Services-04 320.00 Swamys Publications 1. FR & SR Pt. I 300.00 II 145.00III105.00IV88.00V 105.00 2. Pension Complition 225.00 3. CCS, CCA Rule 200.00 4. CCS Conduct Rule 125.00 5. Hand Book for C.G.S. 2008 170.00 6. LTC 80.00 CEA 50.00 7. Made Easy TA Rule 90.00 Leave 70.00 Pay rule 145.00, Pension 135.00 8. Commutation of Pension Rule 60.00 Saving Bank Rules (A.N. Dureja) 1. POSS Pt. I Act. & Rule 2007-08 160.00 2. POSS Pt. IA -PPF 2007-08 50.00 3. POSS Pt. II-SB Procedure 2007-08 160.00 4. POSS Pt. III-SC Procedure 2007-08 100.00 5. POSS Pt. IV-SBCO Procedure 2007-08 100.00 6. POSS Pt. V Ready Reckoner of Interest & M. Tables 07-08 70.00 7. POSS Pt. VI-Handbook for SAS/MPKBY Agents 120.00 CAPITAL PUBLISHERS 6724, Block No. 10, Pyare Lal Road, Dev Nagar, New Delhi-110005 Mobile : 0-9811728675 Tel.: 011-25724981 Fax : 011-25743714 ASK FOR DETAILED LIST & SEND ORDER WITH ADVANCE BY MO
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