
May 26, 2018 | Author: Husnina Fakhira | Category: Deep Foundation, Horticulture And Gardening, Natural Materials, Soil, Mechanics



CONFIDENTIAL,'{ tIif Lffi UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER II sEsr 20lll20r2 COURSE NAME F OUNDATI ON EN GT.NE ERING )f . tfi'3 COURSE CODE BFC4043 / BFC+fiio3 PROGRAMME 4 BFF EXAMINATION DATE JUNE 2OI2 DURATION 3 HOURS INSTRUCTION ANSWER Ql AND OTHER THREE (3) QUESTIONS THIS QUESTIONS PAPER CONSISTS OF FIFTEEN (15) PAGES CONFIDENTIAL 7 (8 marks) (c) One of housing area consists 20 blocks of 14 storey aparfrnent.^1: tl. time and the efficiency (10 marks) .tntl/m3 Moisture content. w: 14 Yo Specific gpvity. If the specification calls for the soil to be compacled to a minimum dry unit weight of at the same moisture content of 18. BFC4043 / BFC 41303 Q1 (a) Describe the objectives of the dewatering and list FIVE (5) reasons this technique is used in civil engineering purposes.ight. Calculate how many cubic meters of soil from the excavation site are needed to produce 20.000 mJ of compacted fill The following are given borrow material properties: Moist unit w. Gr:2. recreation park and 2 siorey shops will constuct at soft clay area 30 m depth' As a ieotechnical engineer. (7 marks) (b) The borrow material is to be excavated and transported to a construction site for use in a compacted fill.4 kN/m'. mosque. propor" a suitable method which commonly practiced in ilrtalaysia for soil impiovement for that particular area Your proposal should inctude reasons that associate with cost. Desk study shows that the area is soft clay area with high water table.5 l0 ) 24 7.5 34 t0 42. Propose with explanation the required: (i) number of borehole (3 marks) (iD type of in-situ testing (3 marks) (iii) type of sarnpling (2 marks) (iv) type of laboratory testing (2 marks) o) Table I shows result of a seismic refraction field work of a proposed site for a building project. (6 marks) . of a seismic refraction field able 1: Result of Distance from the point of Time of first arrival of impact seismic wave (metres) (milliseconds) 2. BFC4043 / BFC 41303 Q2 (a) Syarikat Berjaya proposed to develop 300 m2 housing project (single storey and double storey terrace house). 15 51 20 57 25 65 30 69 3s 7l 40 75 50 77 19 Calculate the seismic velocity and thickness of the material encorurtered from the survey (g marks) (iD Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of seismic refraction technique in the site investigation works. considering: (i) a method (5 marks) (ii) p method (5 marks) (iii) ?'. (i) Soil contact Pressure (7 marks) (ii) Factor of safety against bearing capacrty failure (8 marks) effrciency should be Q4 (a) In order to have a good design for a group pile.5 m x will be constructed as shown in Figure Q3(c).fF*h"re as the unit weight of-concreter :143'61il{/m'' Yconcrete with unconfined compressive sfiength. BFC4043 / BFC 41303 Q3 (a) Exptain the differences between 'safe bearing capacrty' and 'ultimate bearing capactty'.{/J. and co: ZS ntm2. method (5 marks) Based on the ultimate skin friction from these three different methods. Include the advantages and disadvantages perceived for each methods- (6 marks) (c) A 1. Explain the concept of pile goup efficiency' (5 marks) o) A 12 mlong concrete pile having a cross section of 350 mm X 350 mm is :fully embedded in a normily consolidated saturated clay layer for which Ysat 18 kl. the pile group considered. A unit weight of soil.: l8'8 :23-5 kll/m'' Cohesive soil kl.upu"ity for thutto* foundations. UCS Examine. Calculate the ultimate skin friction resistance by using Figure Q4(b).5 m square footing centic column load on the footing :250 kJrl.0: 0. (4 marks) (b) Describe briefly Two (2) methods or procedures for determining the design bearing . (iv) from these discuss your preference and explain the design implication different aPProaches (5 marks) . A 1. 1-rd1. ight of 19 kN/ m3. Below the water table. the soil is saturated and has a unit *.rThe soil above the water table is partially saturated u"a n* a unit weight of 17 kl'{/ m3. the water table has built up to a dep/f1of 4m below tfte gro""a surface b€hind the retaining wall shown in Figure Q5. SOO"kN4"2 whil-e value of kr and kz are 213. The foundation soil's ultimate bearing capacrty i. examine factor of safety against: (D sliding (5 marks) (ii) overturning (5 marks) (iii) bearing caPacrtY failure (5 marks) . By using Rankine's theory. Calculate the total and effective vertical and horizontal sfesses at point A under active conditions. BFC4043 / BFC 41303 Qs (a) Due to clogging of drainage system. (10 marks) (b) (b) The Gravity Retaining Wall shown in Figure Q5 is io be constructed of concrete havine a unit weieht itZ+ ld{/m3. BFC4043 / BFC 41303 S1 (a) Bincangkan tujuan penyatrairan dan senaraikan LIMA (5) sebab kegunaan teknik ini digunakan didalam kerja-kerja kejuruteraan awam. Tanah tambakan akan dipadatkan kepada berat unit kering minimum sebanyak 18.bangunan diatas tt"gk r.000 m3 tanah terpadat Diberi butiran bagi tanah pinja+ korek: Berat unit basah.Gd^gk* Q.T : 17 -8lll/m' Kandungan lembaPan. (7 markah) o) Tanah pinjam dikorek dan dibawa ke tapak pembiryan bagi digunakan sebagai tanah tam6ak terpadat. Cadangan Uagi perlulah merangkumi kos. geoteknik.n n yang sesuai yang selalu-diamalkan anda 'lufJuyriu terjaiaifcputi[ tu"tft bagi tapak-pembinaan tersebut. masa and keberkesanannya (10 markah) 6 . kawasan ietrreasi dan bangrrnan kedai 2 t. w: 14%6 Graviti tertentu. tit*:ul. Gr: 2-7 (8 markah) apartment 14 (c) Satu projek perumahan yang terdiri daripada 20 blok.4 k]\l/m3 dan mempunyai kadar lembapan yang sama' pinjart Kirakan berapa banyak isipadu tanah yang perlu dikorek daripada tapak bagi menghasilkan 20.rctgkort akan dibinaseorang tanah liat lembut yang mempunyai kedalaman 30 m dalam' Sebagai di i"*r". Jadual 1: seismik Jarak dari sumber seismik Masa ketibaan pertama (metres) gelombang seismik (milliseconds) 2. keperluan: (D bilangan lubang jara (3 markah) (ii) jenis ujikaji tapak (3 markah) (iii) jenis pensampelan (2 markah) (iv) jenis ujikaji makmal (2 markah) (b) Jadual I menunjukan keputusan dari satu kerja lapangan pembiasan seismik di atas satu tapak cadangan sebuah projek bangrman.5 t0 5 24 7.5 34 t0 42. (6 markatt) . (9 markah) (ii) Nyatakan pendapat anda mengenai kebaikan dan keburukan teknik pembiasaan seismik dalam kerja-kerja penyiasatan tapak. l5 5l 20 57 25 65 30 69 35 7l 40 75 50 77 (i) Kirakan halaju seismik dan ketebalan lapisan bahan-batran yang ditemui dari kerja tersebut. Desk study menunjukkan bahawa kawasan tersebut menrpakan kawasan tanah liat lembut dan water table yang tingg*. Cadangkan beserta dengan penjelasan. BFC4043 /BFC41303 s2 (a) Syarikat Berjaya bercadang untuk membangunkan sebuah kawasan seluas 300m2 bagi projek perurnanan (rumah teres setingkat dan dua tingka|. Kirakan keupayaan galas geseran .kabentuk dengan baik' (a) Bagi memastikan rekabentuk cerucuk berkumputan S4 perlu tak t"tt rr*s. Berat unit konkrit.d t"fr""yit ZSO f<N dikenakan ditengah-tenea!' Berat : : 1g.r/m3. NyataLan setiap kaedah tersebut. Ttanah . Trcnnit 23. (6 markalD Satu asas 1.5 m segiempat sama akan dibina seperti ditunjukkan ld* (c) unit Rajah e3(c).5 Htl/m'' Kekuatan tanah.t.t"rtuouri --.. 0 : 0.. Terangkan konsep keefisianan cerucuk berkumpulan itu keefisianan cerucuk berkumpulan ini' (5 marka$ (b) Sebatangcerucukkonkritsepanjang12mdanmempunyaikeratarrrentas350mm t^"h liat : terkukuh biasa dengan Ysat 18 r"p"oi-yu x 350 -. UCS : r43'6kN/#' Tentukan: (i) Tekanan Permukaan tanah (7 markalD keupayaan galas (ir) Faktor keselamatan terhadap kegagalan (8 markah) dire.e"U*... bincangkan t"mt"o* y*g bu91 anda pertimbangkan dan kaedatr-kaedah ini' implikasi r"tul"ot * yang dapatdilihat'melalui (5 markatD . tn"rrgguttuk* nqi"tt Q4O)' mempertimbangkan: (1) kaedah o (5 markaQ (iD kaedah B (5 markatf (iii) kaedah )' (5 markah) (1v) Berdasarkan keupayaan galas geseT" y*9 diperolehi melalui kaedah- kaedah di atas. BFClt043 / BFC 41303 galas s3 (a) Terangkan perbezaan di antara 'keupayaan galas selamat' dan 'keupayaan muktamad'.g kl. dan c" lslltl/nn2.5 m x 1. p^r" cerucuk kll/m3. (4 markah) (b) prosedur bagi menentukan kapasiti Huraikan dengan ringkas DUA (2) kaedah atau juga kelebihan dan kelemahan bagi keupayaan gatas bagi asas cetek. BFC4043 / BFC 41303 Sistem penyaliran yang tersumbat menyebabkan paras air bumi telah naik hingga 4 Qs (a) yang m di bawah permukaan atas tanah di belakang tembok penatran seperti ditunjukkan aAu.Dengan keselamatan terhadap -. periksa faktor (D gelinciran (5 markatt) (ii) keterbalikan (5 markah) (iii) keuPaYaan galas (5 markah) 9 .nggu"uk* Kaedatr Rankine.ntyA berat unit: Z+ nfi-'. Keupayaan galas tanah di bawah dasar i"m6ot uaaun 800 kl. tekanan aktif berkesan secara pugak dan sisi pada titik A' (10 marka$ Tembok penahan graviti yang ditunjukkan dalarn Rajah (b) dibina d91ean o) -ktld' y*g -"-p.Rajah Q5. Manakala tanah dibawah aras air bumi adalah t-tuft tepu yang mempunyai berat unit sebanyak 19 kt'{/m3' Kirakan tekanan aktif jumlalt. Tanah dibahagian adalah separa tepu dan mern-punyai berat unit seUanyat< 17 ld{/m3.f/m2 manakala nilai kr dan kz adalah 2l3. 81d.9m Tsoil: 1S. BFC4043 / BFC 41303 X'INAL EXAMINATION SEMESTEWSESS ION: SEMIl20ll20l2 PROGRAMME : 4 BFC COURSE NAME : FOUNDATION ENGINEERING CODE : BFC4M3 COURSE P:250 kl.5m x l.Vm3 T concrete:23.6 kll/m'.3m ' l.5m FIGURES O3(c) 10 . 0.51J{/m3 UCS:143.J 0. 1?7 50 0.74 0.6 0-38 1.110 FIGURE O4ft) t1 .35 2. L lml 0 0.336 r0 0.48 1.4 0.7 0-4? 1.3 0.8 0.113 70 0.00 0.2 0.136 35 0.8 0"36 2.200 20 0.r73 75 0. BFO+043 / BFC 41303 FINAL EXAMINATION PROGRAMME :4BFC SEMESTER/SESSION : SEM I | 20112012 : BFC4043 :FOUNDATION ENGINEERING COURSE CODE COURSENAME Table Ql (a): Variation of i (Interpolated values based on Tenaghi.5 5 0.0 s.118 60 0.9? 0.1t0 s0 0.r10 g].82 0-4 0.6 0.132 40 0. l00kN/m2 TableQlo):VariationofEwithpileembedmentlength'L Embedmcnt lcngth.8 0.' 0. s 0.?10 1.6? 0.34 2.1 1.34 Note: Po = atmospheric Pressure .4 O. Peck and Mesri' 1996) cu P.0 0.150 30 0.245 t5 0.54 t. BFC4043 / BFC 41303 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER/SESSION :sEMIl20ll20l2 PROGRAMME :4BFC COURSE CODE : BFC4043 COURSE NAME : FOUNDATION ENGINEERING t.\ lr.t ) FIGURE OS: Retaining Wall t2 .IISHcF 6r lf Srl# t'Sf . 20 0.26 4.94 7 8.O7 6.76 3.47 l3 .25 .92 65.06 0.12 6.a L99.2r 0.20 109.84 15 10.16 0.14 f8.rc.40 7.44 41.92 2.00 26 22.3s 34 52.47 0.28 287.10 .27 0.24 15.64 t87.36 0.97 0.67 20.00 26 27.06 0.10 5.09 32.03 0.6r 13 11.50 0.16 1.77 3.75 L7t.59 0.32 44 rr8.62 7 7.73 11 8. BFC4043 / BFC 41303 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER/SESSION : SEM I | 20ll20l2 PROGRAMME :4BFC COURSENAME :FOUNDATION ENGINEERING COURSECODE :BFC4M3 Tezaqhi's Beari .28 2.10 158.(B 0.16 29.31 224.04 2L 15.69 37 70.33 0.27 33 2l8.3s 0.96 92.69 0.10 75.44 0.16 1.23 6.56 36 63.09 31 32.57 0.t6 22.rA 0.35 2.19 0..22 0.29 42 93.53 47.14 1072.56 8L.14 34 42.52 4T 106.59 4 151.90 1r.07 0.zo 0.10 0..54 0.10.19 25 20.43 0.56 6.19 5.03 t4 12.80 L4.56 18 15.47 r.41 25.55 8 7.93 18 13.86 73.07 30 30.26 0.W 4r5.00 0.04 9 9.63 42.81 3.31 &.88 134.60 9.25 0.72 0.20 0.45 0.60 6 6.15 24 19.25 0.45 2.55 24L.70 0.19 0.40 s.r6 2.01 t.20 0.85 0.qJ 0.19 407.00 1.90 1.38 47 r73..W 35.74 26r.apac|r Factors o Nc Nq N/ a Nc Nq N/ 0 s.06 0.53 2.11 99.45 1.26 L.43 0.64 36.60 5.86 16.35 48.23 31.64 0.03 28 25.78 13 9.67 1.37 3.13 r.83 6.87 55.53 1.31 43 105.01 27 29.27 L2 L0.07 45 t72.27 115.98 16.67 9 7.75 4L.o7 22 16.72 0.3r 496.94 0.76 1.t6 54.67 25.72 16.55 78.03 0.44 19.45 50 266.20 0.85 38 77.41 3.6L 95.0s 29 27.73 1.24 0.24 0.31 15 12.9 319.4 3.W t4.7L 344.15 1.14 31 .36 11.70 3.90 L7 L2.97 1.66 8..94 2.10 22.19 I.80 25 7q 1? t2.35 0.36 46 152.03 0.07 0.9 0.08 r.50 211.29 0.34 0.05 29 34.40 0.89 r.85 0.49 0.4 45.26 40 9s.s3 3 5.7L t.75 10. Tan Q a Nc Nq N/ No/ N.22 0.88 0.59 37.51 16 13.?4 20 L7.(B .IL 4.18 30.23 0.63 r.07 762.20 1.00 0.60 2 6.38 155.8 50 ?47.68 0.95 t47.70 3 6.42 0.97 70.04 39 85.63 0.68 0.6 4.31 47 224.3!) 0.27 4L 83.39 0.22 204.82 0.24 19.88 0.s1 613.87 2.9 t7 14.31 0.37 115.85 650.81 93.04 1.44 35 57.75 0.97 0.05 8.20 14.25 11.12 33.77 0.23 39 67.44 0.4 0.30 48.28 0.4 0.68 4.18 43 134.02 186. Tan Q 0 5.28 22.0r 53.02 27 23.67 22 23 2r.42 49 229.3s 1.72 10.44 3.18 35 50.25 1.65 5 7.69 7.75 56.21 9.88 7.60 19 16.64 45 196.28 L73.61 2.07 t.98 3.93 78.49 1 5.84 1 6.27 9.94 13.64 0.81 0.67 l(F.91 0.14 1.46 19.32 9.20 32 44.s0 38.92 1.55 0.57 0.34 0.s8 5 6.15 0.65 0.57 0.31 0.7t 0.72 R?I Beari )aciW Factors for General L973 a Nc Nq N/ N/ N.59 2.90 t30.22 0.09 2.69 0.18 4 6.7r 8s.29 0.93 5.70 10 8.21 38 61.00 20 14.22 0.82 42 Itg.00 49 zgft.34 6 7.26 4.41 0.63 4.s5 4 6.92 8.81 L4 10.28 325.88 0.75 L2 9.70 1.L3 0.45 0.54 0.&4 20.64 26.82 7.04 2.11 23 18.LL 2I 18.34 45 133.82 7.32 0.80 0.8s L2.49 23.61 0.M 28.00 0.19 37 55.60 2.4t 10 9.04 28 31.22 0.16 35 46.88 271.49 t.34 4.8L 13.53 0.85 l.87 16 11.51 0.80 65.t2 1.2L 403.51 2 5.97 19 13.50 61.72 0.97 1.00 o.10 30 37.25 222.51 330.tB 258.53 0.99 24 23.15 8 8.30 0.80 4.31 0.21 0.12 33 38.37 0.52 26.66 10.30 r.58 126.61 17.38 0.01 1.93 265.80 2.11 32 35.62 1.36 11 10.63 831.81 1.65 0. --.(squore.| Qu : + qN n+0 -5 ytsN r.+2L Fca =l+2tart(| -"^il' F. *f.. =l*!\ LN..P =7-o'4+ L Where : L .o =l ifD/B>1 F"a =r+(0.(strip foundation) cN - " Qu =|. length of the foundation and (L>B) (II) dePth if DflB s 1 oi F"a =t+0.3cN" + qN n +0-4yBN r-.'' Ju? .F"...rt*r'rFroFn (I) shape F.. = cN"F".. -+)' s"=A. F"" - -qs L ' =l*1r*rO F......F"...o =r NOTE : tan-l(DrlB) is in radian (ilI) inclination F". = i Ir] ltvz z 2= ll. -.-.i'l)'* '(?) F. + qN oF*F* Q" = | .3 7r8N r. BFC4043 / BFC 41303 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER/SESSION :sEMI/20112012 PROGRAMME : 4 BFC COURSENAME : FOUNDATION ENGINEERING COURSECODE :BFC4043 E lr-P (z') (t -2pYt* p) z...A.+)tan"[?) Fsa =t+zt^no1-.=Fqi=(t- #)' tn =[.(circul " Q.@ l4 .3cN + qN o + 0. f"r +ir+:.-' \ ic.=. =_Ar+'il -Q L {l method: . BFC4043 / BFC 41303 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER/SESSION : SEM I / 20rr20r2 PROGRAMME : 4 BFC COURSE NAME : FOUNDATION ENGINEERING COURSECODE : BFC4M3 il method: .kos2 $' 1"s .) Qr = Pl. )+ Bkrc'..max=+(t. {kGmO' Kos a + .4'..slnio.Em: (For overconsolidated clay) (F v)t r(t. {4 + ?c./ kos2 cr . +Po e = Br2.+) G=Kcr Kosa.i.sia@i (For normally consolidated clay) f = {1. It=-It" FS(sriaing) = fv Qmin..- ff = I .f = cco F method: f= Fo. S = fftano:. 1. . >l I l. Sand T: 17 kN/m3 Sand Ysat :20 kN/m3 l.l/m3 c:40 kl.5m ro.gmlo-6ml Silty clay Tsa :25 li.l/m'? i:2oo Figure Q5(b) Grnvify Retaining Wall . 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