Beyond Imagination: Reality Creation

June 14, 2018 | Author: Wayne Hartman | Category: Consciousness, Soul, Habits, Emotions, Self-Improvement



BEYOND IMAGINATION: REALITY CREATION TABLE OF CONTENTS What We Want - Needs -- Physical -- Emotional -- Mental -- Spiritual - Hierarchy of Needs- Selfish Needs Versus Collective Needs - Desires -- Causes of Desires - Wishes -- Making Practical Wishes -- Wish Board How We Get It - Beliefs -- Core Beliefs -- Playground for Reality Creation -- Conflicting Beliefs - Choices and Consequences -- Conscious Choices -- Other Than Conscious Choices -- The Unknown Element -- Choosing Again -- Anticipated Consequences -- Unanticipated Consequences - Actions -- Habitual Actions -- Innovative Actions - Emotions -- Experiencing the Feelings of Having It -- Putting our Heart and Soul Into It - Dreams - Imagination -- Making Your Day -- Making Your Work -- Making Your Life - Focus -- Individual -- Collective 1 - Expectations Other Considerations - Intent -- Our Reason for Wanting Things -- Our Reason for Doing Things - Giving -- Giving Primes the Abundance Pump -- Giving Creates a Vacuum for Receiving - Service -- Creating a Contract for Service -- Service to Ourself, Our Family, Our Community, Our World - Worthiness -- Do We Deserve What We Ask For -- Addressing Self-Worth Issues - Allowing for the Unknown -- This or Something Better For the Good of All Concerned - Spiritual Economy -- Doing What We Love -- Magical Work in a Magical Way for Magical Pay MAIN BODY What We Want - Needs Needs are our primary drivers. They color everything that we do. When our needs go unmet, we suffer. When collective needs go unmet society suffers. Most of the ills in society are due to unmet needs, either at an individual or a collective level. The economic system is our way of filling needs. It employs us to create the goods and services that we need collectively in a manner that allows us as individuals to acquire the goods and services that we need. Unfortunately, it does not do a very good job at present. There are far too many people living in poverty, even in this country, but especially in the world. People should not have to struggle excessively just to live. Some of our needs include: -- Physical Needs --- Clean air --- Clean water --- Nutritious food --- Fashionable and functional clothing --- Adequate housing --- Adequate sanitation --- Timely transportation --- Affordable health care 2 --- Recreational areas, parks, and playgrounds -- Emotional Needs --- Relationships, friendships, teamwork, nurturing, kindness, love --- Meaningful work -- Mental Needs --- Education ---- Left brain: logic, reason, mechanical ability, sciences ---- Right brain: spatial acuity, intuition, imagination, music, arts ---- Whole brain --- Concentration -- Spiritual Needs --- Peace and goodwill --- Tolerance and acceptance --- Spiritual laws --- Know thyself --- Meditation --- Bliss --- Awareness - Hierarchy of Needs There is a hierarchy of needs. Maslow came up with one long ago, but I don't remember it. From my perspective, first come survival needs, followed by social needs, followed by selfactualization needs, followed by community-actualization needs. -- Survival Needs Survival needs are some of the physical needs and emotional needs that we identified above. Meeting these is necessary for people to live. Not live well, just live. -- Social Needs Social needs are our needs to be around other people, to be part of a family, a group, or a community. It seems that people vary extensively in their social needs. At one extreme, we have loners and hermits who prefer their own company and that of few others. On the other extreme, we have social butterflies with a myriad of friends and social contacts who need to be with others most of the time. -- Self-Actualization Needs At some point, the need to know thyself and become all that you can be kicks in. It may not happen in this lifetime, but eventually we feel the need to find who we were created to be, to develop a relationship with spirit, and to develop a relationship with All That Is. Actually, develop might not be the right term to use here. Rather we rediscover a relationship that has always been there inside of us. -- Community-Actualization Needs 3 Just as the self strives toward actualization, so does the collective. We live at the brink of a new age. One of the hallmarks of this age will be that our organizations seek to actualize and become all that they can be. - Selfish Needs Versus Collective Needs Selfish needs are those things that we want for ourselves alone. Collective needs are those things we want for ourselves and others, potentially for the entire world. It is OK to have selfish needs in moderation anyway. Overall, however, it typically works out better for all concerned if we express our needs in a collective way, so that a group or even the whole is served when we get our needs met. Some collective needs might include having a social contract that ensures we get what we need in return for providing services that employ our unique gifts and talents to society. This is a WIN/WIN need for everyone. Though, there may be many who doubt that this would work. - Desires Desires are things, services, or experiences that we want that we do not necessarily need. It is OK to have desires, everyone does. Desires may or may not be met. Typically, if they are to be met, they require extra effort on our part. Usually, the extra effort involves providing our services to others in some way. -- Causes of Desires There are a number of causes of desires. Many of these involve the association of what we desire with an emotional state that we want to feel, or with an image of something we want to experience. Advertisers have used such association in their commercials for years to get us to buy their products or services. In many cases, their techniques are subliminal, impacting us at levels that we are not even consciously aware of. - Wishes Wishes are pleas to the universe or Higher Self for things, services, or experiences that we want. It is generally left to the hands of a higher power to grant our wishes. It helps if we can make a compelling argument for what we wish for by expressing our wish in a way that not only benefits us but benefits others. -- Making Practical Wishes Practical wishes are wishes with a relatively high probability of coming true. If you believe that you are wishing for something that is impossible, most likely your belief will keep your wish from coming true. If you believe that you are not worthy of your wish being granted, most likely your belief will keep your wish from coming true. If your wish involves harming yourself or another, your wish will most likely not be granted. If your wish involves something that you could do for yourself, most likely you wish will not come true until you do that something. So, wish for something that is possible, that you believe you are worthy of, that does no harm, that you need help from a higher power for. That still may not be enough for your wish to be granted. You may want to adjust your wish so that it involves things that benefit others greatly. -- Wish Board 4 A wish board is a poster board on which we place items that remind us of the things, services, and experiences that we wish for in our life. It can include images, words, or whatever reminds us of what we wish for. We keep the wish board in a place that allows us to focus on it frequently, often several times per day. It serves as a reminder to our conscious and the other than conscious parts of us of what we wish for. It can be as big as you want and hold as many items as you want. It helps to hold a magical attitude as you review your wish board. The universe and your Higher Self are far more capable than you could ever imagine. How We Get It - Beliefs Beliefs are the filters through which we see the world and interpret our experiences. They are also the means through which we attract experiences into our reality. If we want to change the reality that we experience, that is the place to start, with our beliefs. Many of our beliefs are at other than conscious levels. They have been programmed into us primarily by authority figures over the years. For the most part, these beliefs entered into our system without question. In many cases, we harbor beliefs that clearly no longer serve us nor those whose lives are touched by ours. Unfortunately, belief management is not something that we are taught. Though, it should be a required part of the educational curriculum. We can't take control of our reality unless we take control of our beliefs. -- Core Beliefs Core beliefs are the fundamental beliefs that are the basis of our belief framework. Typically, they are few in number and all of our other beliefs are attached to these core beliefs. The fastest way to tend to our belief garden is to focus on the core beliefs, find those that are disempowering or negative, and replace them with ones that are empowering or positive. Though, this can be easier said than done, especially when we are dealing with other than conscious beliefs. When we address core beliefs, all of the ancilliary beliefs related to the core beliefs are altered as well. So, what are some useful core beliefs: I am perfect as I am. I am deserving of the best that life has to offer. I deserve to be happy. My life is abundant. Money is my friend. It flows easily into and through my life. I am spirit expressing in flesh. I deserve to love and be loved. Everyone is doing the best they can under the circumstances that they face. If I do what I love, abundance will follow. My life is getting better in every way every day. I am here for a purpose and that purpose is being constantly revealed. We create our own reality. I am whole, complete, and one. I can do anything that I set my mind, my heart, and my soul to do. Life is magical. 5 My primary purpose is to be what I was created to be. I freely express who I am. I allow others to be who they are and accept them for that. My relationships are life-affirming and supportive. -- Playground for Reality Creation Beliefs are the playground for reality creation. As such, we should play to our heart's content and use utility as our guide for what beliefs are valuable and what beliefs are not. We are free to believe anything that we choose. Though choosing to believe things that are clearly not true is disempowering. If something is known to be true or false, it is already a certainty, it is not a matter for belief. That is OK. There are many things that are unknown. The unknown is the realm for belief. While you believe, believe strongly. Where there is great doubt, belief is not. -- Conflicting Beliefs When we have conflicting beliefs, we sabotage ourself by not providing clear directions to the other than conscious parts of us that are creating our reality in accord with our beliefs. Without clear directions, there is no telling what will come out. It is not always clear where there are conflicts. Often these occur when we consciously believe something that other than conscious parts of us do not believe. Generally, in such cases it is the other than conscious parts of us that win out. So, it behooves us to do what we can to get the conscious and other than conscious part in synch. - Choices and Consequences The next factor involved in reality creation is choices and consequences. One of the major things that characterizes us is our free will, our ability to choose. This is something that cannot be taken away from us, ever. We make many choices everyday, varying from simple choices to profound ones. All of these choices have consequences: sometimes positive, sometimes neutral, sometimes negative, often a combination of all three. Because we make so many choices and the time lag between choice and consequence is variable, in all but the simplest of cases it is impossible to predict what the consequences of the choices will be. Though, there are things that we can do to make the odds of favorable consequences better. -- Conscious Choices Conscious choices are the choices that we observe ourself making consciously. We are aware of the process of choosing. We may not be fully aware of all of the factors that went into the choice, but we are aware of deciding and making the choice anyway. Rarely are choices solely conscious. Even when it appears that we are making logical choices, there are always unknown factors involved in our considerations. Emotions almost always come into play. Beliefs come into play as well. If fact, if we are not making choices in accord with our beliefs, that is a sure sign that we do not really believe what we think we believe. Generally, when we make choices we do so with some expectation of outcomes. We want to experience something as a result of our choice. -- Other Than Conscious Choices Many choices are automatic. They occur at other than conscious levels. Most of the choices required to keep the body alive and functioning are that way. We don't consciously 6 choose when to breathe except perhaps during times of meditation. Our body just chooses to do it when it needs to. We don't typically choose our words when we speak. Sometimes we don't even have much of an idea as to what we are going to say. The words are somehow chosen by other than conscious parts of ourselves. Even expressing here now, I have an outline for the topic that is going to be conveyed, but I don't know what I am going to write next. It is somehow chosen by an other than conscious part of me. If our conscious and other than conscious beliefs are aligned, there is a good chance that so will our conscious and other than conscious choices. If they are not, once again we sabotage ourselves. -- The Unknown Element There is always an element of the unknown in everything that we choose. Sometimes it is a relatively small element, at other times it is huge. This primarily depends on the nature and complexity of the choice. There is nothing wrong with this. The unknown is what keeps life interesting. If we knew exactly what would happen every time that we made a choice, it would take a lot of the fun out of it. The unknown doesn't have to be negative. While it is out of our direct control, it can bring us pleasant surprises. Use the unknown in a positive way. Choose to expect the unexpected in your life. -- Choosing Again If you don't like the consequences, then choose again, and keep choosing again until you experience something that you prefer. The universe is a friendly place. Life is on your side. Spirit is on your side. You just need to do your part and keep making new choices until the consequences suit you. Often however, a single choice is not enough. You may have to choose something enough times to make it a habit to reap the outcome that you seek. And, even then that outcome may unfold over time. -- Anticipated Consequences Some consequences are anticipated. We expect them as a consequence of our choice. Though, just because we anticipate it doesn't mean that it will manifest. It may be likely, but in most cases it is not certain. If we choose to exercise more and keep everything else in our life the same, an anticipated consequence is a loss of weight. It may take awhile to manifest, but if we make it a habit that consequence is highly likely. -- Unanticipated Consequences Some consequences are unanticipated. We don't expect them and have no idea that they might occur. Unanticipated consequences can be positive, neutral, or negative. If we can relate the consequences to the choices which may have triggered them, it may give us the information that we need to make better choices in the future. However, the complexity of most situations is such that it is difficult to associate the specific choices with the specific consequences. Also, even when it comes time to make a similar choice in the future, the new present circumstances are different enough that the same consequences may or may not arise. - Actions Actions are our way of telling the universe that we truly believe what we believe and truly choose what we choose. Until we take action, we are only paying lip service to our beliefs and choices. What we do makes all of the difference. The difference between a thought and a belief 7 is a willingness to act in accord with it. That willingness to act is a choice that we make. The action confirms the choice and sets the wheels of the universe in motion. -- Habitual Actions Habitual actions are the things that we do every day, the things that we do all the time. A habit is an action that we repeat on a regular basis. In some ways, our habits define our character, they define who we are in the world and who we are to ourself. Habits can be positive, neutral, or negative as well. Positive habits are beneficial to us and to others. Neutral habits at least do no harm but may otherwise limit us. Negative habits are detrimental to ourselves and/or others. It is important to pay attention to our habits and their impacts. Remember, habits are choices of action. As such, they always have consequences. In this case, recurring consequences. -- Innovative Actions Innovative actions are the new things that we do. Sometimes we do them for the fun of it. Sometimes we do them for a change. Sometimes we do them because the situation calls for something bold and new. Whatever the reason, it gets us out of our rut and allows us to experience something new. The something new comes on two fronts, first in the experience of doing it, second in the consequences that result from the action. - Emotions Emotions are important to reality creation. Many times what we are seeking is the feeling states that we get from things, services, and experiences. We want the love, the joy, the bliss, the sense of belonging, the happiness, the recognition, the satisfaction, the peace, the harmony, the understanding, the safety, etc ... and the way we get it is from things, services, and experiences. The emotions are primary. -- Experiencing the Feelings of Having It One of the keys to getting what we desire is to experience the feelings of having it. It does not matter that we don't have what we desire. We can still imagine what it would be like if we did. We can control our emotions. Our mind and body does not distinguish between something real and something imagined. We can close our eyes and feel whatever we choose to feel. Actors do it all of the time. There is no fundamental difference in their nature than there is in ours. If you can truly feel as if you already have what you desire, you are far along the path to manifesting it. -- Putting our Heart and Soul Into It Our higher self and spirit don't care what we pay lip service to. They are looking for more than we think, and more than we decide based on conscious thoughts. They want to be sure that we are truly behind what we desire before they unleash their forces to do our bidding. They need to see that we have fully engaged our heart and soul, that we truly desire what we desire. The heart is where our emotional nature resides. The heart is also the seat of the soul. Many may not be in touch with their soul yet. My advice to you is to look within. It is there within each and every one of us. But, you have to be still and open in order for you to find it. Though, know that this is possible for you. Many have done it. It is a matter of choosing to establish a relationship. 8 - Dreams Here we speak not of the dreams that you have during the night, but of the dreams you have of what your life and what the world can be. Dream big. The grander the dreams the better. You have the power to make your life anything that you can dream for it to be. Collectively, we have the power to make the world anything that we can dream for it to be. Why not make the world as close to a utopia as we can make it for all of us on the planet? Our collective creative potential is unlimited. We have over 6 billion souls on the planet. We can do anything our heart's desire. We can do anything. It is all a matter of choosing to do it and taking actions that confirm those choices. It is that simple. - Imagination The power of imagination by far exceeds the power of dreams. Imagination is not restricted by what has come before or what has been done before. It operates in the realm of the unknown and makes the unknown known. Through our imagination we can create an image of what we desire for ourself, for our family, for the organizations we belong to or support, for our community, and for our world. Whatever we can imagine, we can manifest. It may take persistance, it will definitely require innovative action, and most likely will require enlisting the support of others. -- Making Your Day This is the process of imagining what we want our day to be. It is a matter of picturing what we want to happen in our day and loosely how we want it to happen. Then, it is a matter of expecting our day to unfold as we have imagined or even better than we have imagined. As we do this, we need to be open and accepting of what spirit would bring into our day. At first it may not seem that the process works at all. But, if we trust and believe, we will start seeing signs that it is working. It also helps if we imagine how we desire to feel as we go about our day. -- Making Your Work This is the process of imagining what we want our work to be. We know what our gifts and talents are. We need to take the next step and imagine how we want to work. That involves imagining what our ideal job would be ... what we would be doing, where we would be working, with whom we would be working, how we would be working, what the products of our work would be, how those products would serve others ... everything about how we would work. The more detailed, the more vivid the images the better. Though, it doesn't have to be images. Some of us don't visualize in images, we visualize in words. It also helps if we imagine how we desire to feel as we do our work. -- Making Your Life This is the process of imagining what we want our life to be. This includes our relationship with ourself, our family, our friends, our community, our work, and our world. This includes what we want to do with our life and how we want to feel as we do it. Our life is meant to be our masterpiece. Our imagination is the brush and the paints that we use to create an image of the masterpiece. Then, we have to manage our beliefs, make choices, and take actions that are consistent with what we imagine our life to be. Don't expect this to happen overnight. It takes practice to become a conscious master. You are already an other than conscious master. Your life precisely reflects what you are creating it to be through your beliefs, choices, actions, 9 emotion, and imaginings. - Focus We get what we focus on. If our attention is scattered, there is not enough energy available to manifest what we desire. It is for us to choose where to place our attention. In particular, that needs to be on what we desire. There are numerous distractions in our world. Many of these are entertaining. And, entertainment can make us laugh or feel good. But, ultimately it is how we share whom that we are and how we serve others that matters in life. We need to make sure that we give due consideration to this, preferably everyday. -- Individual We all focus on individual needs, desires, and wishes. This is perfectly fine. The universe is abundant. We can manifest anything that we choose to manifest for ourselves within that abundance. However, it doesn't just happen, we have to work to manifest it. We do that by sharing who we are and providing services to others. Giving primes the abundance pump. If we desire more in our life, we need to give more. -- Collective We focus on the collective when we focus on meeting the needs of others, be they individuals, or groups of any size up to the whole world. It is important that whenever we make choices we consider the impacts on others as well as the impact on ourself. Where possible we need to make choices in the best interest of all concerned. - Expectations We tend to experience what we expect to experience, so expectations are very important. As with beliefs, however, it does little good to expect something that we believe to be impossible or even highly unlikely. This makes it important to manage our expectations. It helps to expect the very best under every circumstance. And, not only to expect the best from ourself but from others as well. Other Considerations - Intent Our intent is the why, why we are wanting things or why we are doing things. The nature of our intent can play a major role in whether what we need, desire, or wish is manifest. When our intent is selfish, we typically need to compensate by working more or working harder to manifest what we desire. When our intent is selfless, it still may require substantial work from us, but there is the potential to enlist the forces of others to make the load lighter for all. We are individuals. It is perfectly fine to have selfish needs, desires, and wishes. We just need to find a balance, and consider our part in fulfilling collective needs, desires, and wishes. -- Our Reason for Wanting Things There are many reasons for wanting things, services, and experiences. Some of these are selfish, others are selfless or at least consider the needs of others as well. Some of these are driven by advertisers. Some of these are driven by peer pressure. Some of these are driven by 10 society expectations. Some are basic, required to live a decent life. Others are more optional, going beyond basic requirements to the more luxurious. The universe doesn't care. You have the freedom to attract any thing, service, and experience that you want. You even have the freedom to do harm. It is not advisable, but neither is it restricted. -- Our Reason for Doing Things There are many reasons for doing things. Some of these are selfish, others are selfless or at least consider the needs of others as well. Sometimes we are self-driven. Sometimes we are compelled to do things by others. Sometimes it seems that we have no other choices of what to do under the circumstances. Sometimes we simply react spontaneously. In general, it helps tremendously if our actions at least consider the needs of others. - Giving Giving is extremely important if we want to receive anything to meet our needs, desires, and wishes. It seems that is backwards but it is how the system works. Unless we give, we do not show our worthiness to play in the game. Without this worthiness, the channels are not open to receive what we need, desire, or wish. -- Giving Primes the Abundance Pump Abundance doesn't come for free. It has to be created. We do that by giving. The most important things that we have to give are whom that we are and the services that we can provide. When we give we prime the abundance pump. We guarantee continued abundance by following the principle from The Lion King: "The secret to life is to never take more than we give". We have to trust that if we all give the best that we can give, the abundance will be sufficient to meet the needs, desires, and wishes of all of us. At least, it will allow us to meet enough of these to live productive, meaningful, adventurous, and happy lives. -- Giving Creates a Vacuum for Receiving Nature abhors a vacuum. When we give, we create a vacuum in our life that can attract the things, services, and experiences that we need and desire. It doesn't matter what we give. The most valuable thing that we have to give is us, our time and abilities. It helps to remember that it is not just us doing the giving. Spirit assists us every step of the way and employs us to do her bidding. Her primary bidding is to share of whom that we are with others in beneficial ways. But we are spirit in flesh. So, at the only level that matters, spirits' bidding is our bidding as well. - Service Life is about service, service to ourselves, service to our families, service to our friends and relationships, service to our social groups, service to our community, service to our world, even service to the earth herself and to the universe. That does mean that it is all work. Life is meant to be fun. Service is meant to be fun. It can be if we employ what we love to do in doing it. It can be if we allow spirit to do it through us. That does not mean that we can't take time out to enjoy ourselves and the company of others. Indeed, we should, and we should do so often. Actually, there are two key components to life ... being and doing. Service comes out of the doing component. It is how we express whom that we are consistent with our mission and purpose. 11 -- Creating a Contract for Service In reality creation, it helps to think in terms of a contract for service. This involves specifying what you will give in return for what you desire. In doing this, the more compelling that we can make the contract, the better. By more compelling, we mean the greater the value of the service that we can provide in return for what we desire. If we make the terms such that we are giving far more than we expect to receive, our contract is more likely to manifest. But, we can't wait for the contract to take effect before we start our giving. We need to act as if the contract is in effect when we make it. No, we may not have the means to honor all of its terms until we start getting some of what we are asking for. But, that is OK. It or something better will unfold in our life. In general, it is better not to make our actions conditional. However, sometimes what we desire is to do something grand that we don't necessarily have the ability or resources to do. That is OK. Via spirit, we can attract the resources that we need to do anything. -- Service to Ourself, Our Family, Our Community, Our World Service occurs at many levels. We serve ourselves, we serve our families, we serve our friends, we serve our organizations, we serve our community, we serve our world. All service is valued, especially when it is done out of love. And, ultimately, perhaps that is the only way that it can be done. Many people are self-serving. Actually, perhaps all people are to some degree. Most people serve their families. A good number of people serve their communities. However, far fewer people take on tasks of serving the world. This just seems to be far too big to take on. There are ways to do this, however. We can do things that are life affirming for the planet on an individual basis. We can buy certificates to feed those suffering from hunger at our check out stands in our grocery stores. Some volunteer for the Peace Corps. It is for us as individuals to choose how, who, and what we serve. In many cases, we may not even know the who and what. We only know that we are moved to do the how. - Worthiness Worthiness is extremely important to getting our needs, desires, and wishes met. We are all spirit in flesh. We are all worthy of whatever we would choose to create in our lives. However, most of us do not believe this. We set limits on what we are worthy of based on assessments of our abilities, who we are, what kind of a person we are, what society has told us, and any number of other constraints. So long as we accept these limits, our creations will be far less than they could be. Most of these limits come down to what we believe about ourselves, the economy, the country, and even the world. We need to make sure that our core beliefs are empowering and enable us to have what we need, desire, and wish for. -- Do We Deserve What We Ask For If we ask for things that we do not believe that we deserve, we will sabotage ourselves and sabotage the manifestation process. Perhaps not all the time. Sometimes we get what we need anyway. However, it is best to use belief management to root out those beliefs that involve feeling or being less than worthy of anything. One way to do this is to state I am worthy of ... and see how you feel inside. If there is any sense of doubt, you know you have something to work on. Follow up with questions to yourself to find where the doubt is coming from. It may be from anything. It may be something you were taught as a youngster in school or in church. It may be something that you picked up from life experiences. Whatever it is, know that it is 12 accessible to your conscious mind. It is simply a matter of being open to it. Once you find what it is, re-evaluate your reasons for believing it, and choose again. You are free to do this at any time. -- Addressing Self-Worth Issues One way of addressing self-worth issues was described in the previous section. Another way is through Psych-K. It allows you to balance beliefs in different areas of your life. It is one of the fastest ways that I know to get your conscious and other than conscious beliefs aligned. One of the balances specifically relevant here is the self-esteem balance. Each balance has 25 empowering statements designed to optimize functioning in that area. It is not a miracle cure however. We all have many core beliefs that are interweaved in a belief network that includes many supporting beliefs. Untangling all of this can take a while, but is well worth it. Some of the changes are immediate. Others require more time. Realize that you are spirit in flesh. You possess a soul that is not only wise but is priceless. Any thing, service, or experience you could want is yours for the asking. But, you have to ask from a position of truly realizing your value. You do that by becoming aware of your soul and establishing a relationship with it. When you do so, you may just find that many of the things that you thought that you needed, desired, or wished for simply go away ... and other things take their place. - Allowing for the Unknown It is important to allow for the unknown to play its role in everything that we do. Reality creation is no different. Complex systems have a lot of unknowns. We have limited understanding of them at best, and here we are talking about very complex systems. However, this is not necessarily bad. There are a host of other than conscious unknown forces that are out there to do our bidding. We just need to be clear about what we desire, do our part, and get ourselves out of the way and allow spirit and the universe to do their parts. The unknown keeps the game of life interesting. It keeps us coming back for more. It allows us to get out of bed to face each new day. It even enables us to express at our finest, our most creative. -- This or Something Better For the Good of All Concerned We need to be open to spirit or the universe identifying and manifesting something better for us and for the good of all concerned than we have dreamed or imagined. As an individual, our perspective is limited. We can never take all things into consideration, try though we might. That is OK. We are not meant to. There are higher organizations than us who have that responsibility. We just need to be open to allowing something other than we desire. If we don't retain this openness and insist on a particular outcome, we may or may not be able to create that outcome, and if we do, we will be responsible for what we have done. - Spiritual Economy Spiritual economy is best expressed as a contract between the members of society and society as a whole. It's simplest statement is: from each in accord with their abilities, to each in accord with their needs. Spirit herself has a grand plan for the evolution of consciousness in the world. In this plan, everyone has their place. Everyone was created to play particular roles for which they were given the gifts and abilities needed. Spirit herself ensures that the whole play is coordinated and that each actor is moved to be where they need to be when they need to be there, and moved to do what they need to do when they need to do it. Within this plan, there is free 13 will to determine needs, desires, and wishes and the degree to which these are met individually and collectively. -- Doing What We Love We are meant to earn our abundance via doing what we love. The current economic system and society is not set up to allow us to do this very well. That is OK. Things can change. The key is to find what you love to do and then find a way to do it so that you serve others. Each of us is unique. What we love to do is typically something that we excel at. There is a saying "do what you love and the money will follow". However, it does not say how long it will take for the money to follow. -- Magical Work in a Magical Way for Magical Pay It helps to approach life with the sense of the magical. Creative work, work that we love, is truly magical work. When we do that work in a magical way, we embue it with a specialness that adds great value. And, the magical pay is the very abundance of the universe to use at our bidding to satisfy our needs, desires, and wishes for things, services, and experiences. Life is truly magical when we live in this way. Indeed it is. BEYOND IMAGINATION 14
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