
March 18, 2018 | Author: Kushal Shukla | Category: Parsing, Unified Modeling Language, Data Compression, Embedded System, Operating System



Syllabus BE (Computer Engineering) 2008 CoursePreamble Dear Students and Teachers, we, the Board of Studies Computer Engineering, are very happy to present BE Computer Engineering Syllabus (2008 course). We are sure you will find this syllabus interesting and challenging. The objective of the syllabus is to inculcate reading, innovative thinking, technical-writing and presentation habits in the students. Development of skills and imparting knowledge is also important part of syllabus. To achieve these objectives teachers are encouraged to take home tutorials, class tutorials, students presentations and invited talks in addition to the lectures conducted by teachers. Review and interactive discussions on home tutorials, classroom tutorials and students presentation along with review of recent advances in the subject is a must. There is mountainous growth in the areas of computer applications, subjects, technology and algorithms. The computer equipments are becoming very faster, granular with concurrent architectures and operating systems environments. Along with the Industry, the opensource movement has also contributed to the great extent. The education must withstand with this growth and demand of innovation and be the front-runner to lead the path of progress and innovation. We give you best wishes to take this syllabus and travel the path of success. Board of Studies Computer Engineering BE (COMPUTER ENGINEERING)- 2008 COURSE STRUCTURE Term-I Subject Subject Teaching Examination Scheme Code Scheme Lect. Pract. Th TW Pr Or 410441 Design & Analysis of 04 100 — Algorithms 410442 Principles of Compiler 04 — 100 — — — Design 410443 Object Oriented Modeling & 04 02 100 25 — 50 Design 410444 410445 410446 410447 Elective-I Elective-II Computer Laboratory-I Project Work Total Total of Part I (A) 03 03 — --18 04 02 10 02 100 100 — --500 25 ------50 100 — — 50 --50 750 50 --— --100 Total Marks 100 100 175 175 100 050 050 750 28 Hrs Term II Teaching Scheme Lect. Pract 04 04 04 04 — — 16 02 --04 06 12 --- Subject Code 410448 410449 410450 410451 410452 410447 Subject Examination Total Scheme Marks Th TW Pr Or 100 100 100 100 50 — 50 --- — ----- --- --100 100 200 100 100 150 750 Distributed Operating Systems Advanced Computer Architecture Elective-III Elective-IV Computer Laboratory II Project Work Total Total of Part II (B) — — 50 50 — — 400 100 — 50 200 50 100 750 1500 28 Hrs Grand Total (A+B) (A) + (B) Th: Theory TW: Term Work Pr: Practical Or: Oral Elective I 1) Image Processing 2) Design & Analysis of Computer Networks 3) Artificial Intelligence 4) Software Architecture Elective II 1) Multimedia Systems 2) Mobile Computing 3) Embedded Systems 4) Software Testing & Quality Assurance Elective IV 1) VLSI & Digital System Design 2) Operations Research 3) Cloud Computing 4) Information Security or Open Elective Elective III 1) Pattern Recognition 2) High Performance networks 3) Neural Networks 4) Advanced Databases Open Elective: Any other Electives that are being taught in Term II under the Faculty of Engineering or individual college and Industry, together, can define new elective using framework of Elective IV defined in syllabus structure and GET IT APPROVED FROM BOARD OF STUDIES COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND OTHER NECESSARY STATUTORY SYSTEMS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PUNE BEFORE 30th DECEMBER. The BE Project Term work assessment for Term I will be done by selecting panel of examiners amongst senior teachers of Computer Engineering. Existing prevailing practices are followed for all remaining examinations and assessment work. 410441: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme Teaching 4Hrs/Week Theory: 100 Marks Unit Teaching Scheme Unit I Asymptotic notations, necessary mathematical foundation, introduction to 10 Algorithm, Algorithm specifications, Performance analysis, Review of proof techniques: Contradiction and Mathematical induction, Solving Recurrence Equations. Introduction to NP-Hard And NP-Complete Problems, Divide And Conquer And Greedy Strategy, Performance analysis of Algorithmic Strategies Divide and Conquer: General Strategy, Exponentiation, Quick Sort and Merge Sort. Greedy Method: General Strategy, Knapsack problem, Job sequencing with Deadlines, Optimal merge patterns, Minimal Spanning Trees and Dijkstra's algorithm. Unit II Dynamic Programming, Study of different ways to implement Knapsack 6 Problem. Implementation of OBST, Traveling Salesperson Problem. General Strategy, Multistage graphs, OBST, 0/1 Knapsack, Traveling Salesperson Problem, Flow Shop Scheduling. Backtracking: General Strategy, 8 Queen's problem, Graph Coloring, 6 Hamiltonian Cycles, 0/1 Knapsack. Branch and Bound: General Strategy, 0/1 Knapsack, Traveling Salesperson Problem. Design of N Queen's problem, Hamiltonian Cycles Basic Concepts: Non deterministic algorithms, The classes NP Hard and 6 NP Complete, Cook's Theorem, NP Hard graph problems: Clique Decision problem, Node cover Decision problem, Chromatic number decision problem, Directed Hamiltonian Cycle Problem, TSP Decision problem, AND/OR Graph decision problem, NP-Hard Scheduling problems: Scheduling Identical processors, Flow shop scheduling, Job shop scheduling. NP-Hard Scheduling. Study of NP-Hard and NP-COMPLETE problems. Solving NP-COMPLETE problem. Parallel Algorithms, Study of different graph problems. Implementation of 6 different sorting problems on multiprocessor system. Computational Model, Basic Techniques and Algorithms, Complete Binary Tree, Pointer Doubling, Prefix Computation, Selection, Merging, Sorting, Graph Problems. Case Studies of Algorithmic Designs & Applications, Implementation of 6 Huffman Problem. Deadlock detection and avoidance implementation. Image edge detection algorithms, Resource allocation algorithm with deadlock avoidance, Heuristic search algorithm, Coding theory algorithm Content Unit III Unit IV Unit V Unit VI Thomas H Cormen and Charles E. Pearson Education ISBN 978 81 317 0205 5 3. "Design and Analysis of Algorithms". "Introduction to Algorithm" PHI 2. Review of recent advances in the subject. Sahani: ―Computer Algorithms / C++.(Huffman coding).L Leiserson. Review and interactive discussions on home tutorials. University Press. Ullman.". 2ND Edition. 81 7371 6126 2. 81 7371 611 0 . University Press.D. V. A. Horowitz and Sahani. ISBN: 978 81 7371 6126. Aho and J. PHI Reference Books: 1. Bressard. ISBN: 978 81 7371 6119. Text Books: 1. classroom tutorials and students presentation. "Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms". Horiowitz . Sorting & Convex hulls algorithm. 2ND Edition. "Fundamental of Algorithm. ". Automatic construction of parsers (YACC). procedure Call and return. Boolean expressions. Review of recent advances in the subject. arrays. variable-length data. Declarations. case 06 statements. Introduction to phases of Compiler. conditional statements. Lexical Analysis. back patching. Intermediate languages. Dag representation of basic blocks. nested procedures. Symbol Table organization and management Run-time Storage organization Introduction: Issues in code generation. token. procedure calls. Optimizing transformations: Unit III Unit IV Unit V Unit VI . Introduction to Semantic Analysis and syntax directed translation. structures. LEX specification and features. Bottom up Parsers . Predictive parsers. 13 LL (k) parsers. Review of lexical analysis: alphabet. Introduction and Classification of code optimization. procedure parameters. Dynamic programming. Generating code from a DAG. static and dynamic scope. classroom tutorials and students presentation. iterative statements. Loops in flow graphs. Automatic construction of lexical analyser-(LEX). using ambiguous grammars. L-attributed definitions. optimization of basic blocks. Run-time Storage organization. type checking and type conversion Syntax directed definitions. Error detection and recovery. Register allocation and assignment. Intermediate code generation using YACC. Review and interactive discussions on home tutorials. Need of semantic analysis. construction of syntax trees. shiftReduce: SLR. Introduction: Role of parsers. Peephole optimization. Intermediate languages programming structures. assignment statements. 06 next-use information. YACC specifications. Top down-RD parser. Target machine description. Activation record. Principle sources Of 06 Optimization. LR (k). Introduction. Intermediate Code Generation. Block schematic of lexical analyser. Source language issues. Storage organization and allocation strategies for block structured and non block structured languages. Basic blocks and flow graphs. access to non-local names. bottom-up evaluation of S-attributed Definitions. lexical error. Top06 down translation. Storage organization and allocation 05 strategies.41442 Principles of Compiler Design Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hrs/Week Unit Examination Scheme Theory: 100 marks Contents Teaching Scheme Unit I Unit II Introduction to lexical Analysis and Syntax analysis. LALR etc. Code generator concept.Operator precedence parsers. ISBN 81-2032725-X. A V Aho. D. "Engineering a Compiler". J. K. Sethi. "Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice". DAG based local optimization. dead code elimination and loop optimization. Common sub-expression elimination.590 . ISBN 81 . Prentice-Hall of India. . live range identification. Global Optimization: Control and data flow analysis. Text books: 1. ISBN 81-7366 061-X. Levine. 4.Introduction. strength reduction. R. "Compiler Design". Data flow analysis. code movement. Louden. Torczon.J D Ullman. O'Reilly. T. 2005. Cooper. Cengage Learning. 2. variable propagation. "Compilers: Principles. Brown. Iterative data flow analysis: Available expressions. Data flow equations. Techniques. L.7758 . and Tools". "Lex & Yacc". Mason. . Optimizing transformations: compile time evaluation.8 References Books: 1. Chattopadhyay. S. R. 2000. ISBN 978-81-315-0132-0 3. Local optimization. ISBN 81-8147-369-8. Pearson Education. K. Loops in flow graphs. Morgan Kaufinann Publishers. Computing Global Data flow information: meet over paths. Elaboration. Design patterns. Advanced Class diagrams. History of UML Building Blocks of UML.0. Composite structure diagrams. Need. Basic Class diagrams. Requirements workflow Detail Use case specifications. Construction. Façade. 7 Requirements metamodel. Review and interactive discussions on home tutorials. classroom tutorials and students presentation. UML 2. Interaction Overview diagrams. Composite structure diagrams Need. UML diagrams for following design patterns: Singleton. relationships). XMI. Forward Engineering and Reverse Engineering of all diagrams of UML 2. Object diagrams. Iterator. three tier architecture. purpose & 7 application of UML diagrams. Review of recent advances in the subject. UML 2. XMI.0 UNIT II Requirements modeling: Gathering & classifying requirements. Concept of Forward Engineering and Reverse Engineering of 7 UML Diagrams. Transition Phases. Need. Package diagrams. 4+1 Architecture. purpose & application of sequence diagrams. Advanced use-case modeling. Abstract factory. Basic Class diagrams. Illustrations of Package diagrams. Communication 6 diagrams. Use cases & RUP.410443 Object Oriented Modeling and Design Teaching Scheme Lectures: 4 Hours /Week Practical: 2 Hours/Week Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 50 Marks Hrs/ Unit 7 Units Contents UNIT I What is modeling? Object Oriented Thinking. CRC method. UML Meta model. RUP emphasizing Inception.0. Activity diagrams. purpose & application of above diagrams two. Timing Diagram. State Machine diagrams. constraints and profiles. proxy. Deployment 6 diagrams. Component Diagram. OCL: what & why. Interfaces and ports. MDA. tagged values. use cases. Observer. Use-case modeling (actors. Design pattern examples UNIT III UNIT IV UNIT V UNIT VI . Object diagrams. expression syntax Introduction to OMG standards MDA. Extensibility mechanisms like stereotypes. ISBN 978-81203-3322-2. wiely publication. 2. PHI Publications. Ivar Jacobson "Unified Modeling Language User Guide". (In a Nutshell (O'Reiily)) Paperback) . Onject-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML. ―UML 2 Bible‖. Reference Books: 1. An introduction to unified Process and design patterns. Erich Gamma Richard Helm.Addisioh Westey 4. Martin Fowler.0 in a Nutshell". ―Design patterns‖ Elements of reusable Object – Oriented Software. Neil Pitman "UML 2. Wieley India 4. Pearson Education. "UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language". Jim Arlow. by Mantha Mahesh. James Rumbaugh. Tom Pender.Text Books: 1. Ila Neustadt "UML 2 and the Unified Process : Practical ObjectOriented Analysis and Design" (2nd Edition) (Pearson) 2. Third Edition (Paperback). 3. The (2nd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series) (Hardcover) 3. Dan Pilone. ―Object Oriented Analysis & Design‖. Grady Booch. Mike O’Docherty. 0 diagrams. The students will try and identify scope of such a system as realistically as possible. its scope. the other diagrams can be drawn on paper. • To learn issues in modeling large. forward and reverse engineering aspects. • To model an entire system using UML 2. timing diagrams. . good modeling practices. complex systems with example hypothetical systems • To learn concepts. As far as possible draw as many diagrams for one single system. Any 8 diagrams can be drawn using tool. 5) Students will be able to select the set of appropriate diagrams to develop a system model. unless they are not applicable for the chosen system in which case other systems may be chosen for specific diagrams. 3) Students will be able to develop behavioral models. advanced notation. discuss different UML 2. object diagrams for your system as study assignments.0 Basic And Advanced concepts and notation for the same: • To use UML 2.0 • To learn effective use of any CASE TOOL for UML 2. firmware development today and explore UML 2.0. and composite structure diagrams. notation. 4) Students will be able to create Architectural models. 2) Students will be able to develop structural models.Object Oriented Modeling and Design Lab Objectives of the Laboratory: • To learn how to understand the requirements of a system. 6) Students will be skilled in a CASE Tool To meet above objectives teachers will help students choose a hypothetical system preferably either a commercial. paper based assignment or in cases relevant even in CASE TOOL The faculties are advised to use Project Based Learning [PBL] to conduct this lab. document them and be able to discuss the pros and cons of your designs and models.0 diagrams for modeling different aspects of a system throughout the SDLC lifecycle. Optionally one may draw Interaction overview diagrams. Students will learn to draw. web based or embedded system for modeling. their concepts. best practices in software. • To learn good design. Outcomes: 1) Students will be able to document SRS. RLE. Simple Boundary Descriptors. Elements of matrix theory. color balancing). . Classification of Compression Techniques (Lossy and Losless . Wiener Filtering. Regional descriptors(Texture). 6 Unit VI Wavelets & Application of Image Processing. Sub-band coding. Object Representation (Signatures. Coding Redundancy. Histogram Processing. Texture & shape measures. Principal Component Analysis & Local Component Analysis for dimension reduction. Lines & corners detection.JPEG. Spatial transformation Gray Level liner and non-linear transformation. Feature extractionEdges. Introduction to Object Recognition. Haar and Daubechies Wavelets. Fundamental steps and component of image processing system. Image enhancement in spatial and frequency domain: basic fundamental. Lines & corners detection. Lucy Richardson Filtering. region extraction. Background: Image pyramids. Image Processing filters. Model of Image degradation. Texture & shape measures. Digital representation of images (monochrome & color). Image Segmentation & Analysis. Unit V Image Compression & Object Recognition. use of motion in segmentation. Classification of image restoration techniques. Content Unit II Unit III 6 Unit IV Image Restoration & Reconstruction. Hadamard and Walsh transformation. Scalar & Vector Quantization. simple noise 6 reduction. Shannon fano). Sampling & Quantization. usage and application of 6 image processing. 6 Introduction to Image Compression and its need. Digital Imaging Hardware & Software. Introduction to Human Visual System. 6 Implementation Feature extraction: Edges. edge (Canny) & region based approach. Segmentation & thresholding. Introduction. Boundary Skeleton). Basic image preprocessing (contrast enhancement. Huffman. Image Compression using Wavelets (JPEG 2000). smoothing and sharpening domain filters. Noise Models.410444: Elective I: Image Processing Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme Teaching: 3Hrs/Week Theory: 100 Marks Practical: 2 Hrs/week Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 50 Marks Unit Unit I Teaching Scheme What is digital image processing? Origin. Blind-deconvolution techniques. use suitable algorithm for a. R. Cenage Learning Assignment for Image Processing (Using Object oriented techniques/OpenCV) 1) Write a program to create a simple image file . Digital Image Processing And Analysis. lavac. 2nd Edition. Veerakumar ( Mc Graw Hill). D. References Books: 1. Digital Image Processing using MATLAB. B. 3) Write a program using derivative filtering technique for edge detection and further thinning the edge. Iris Recognition (Note: Students will submit the term work in the form of journal . Anil Jain PHI. Smoothing and d. Iris Recognition Text books: 1. 2. Cenage Learning.Jayaraman. Chanda.R. Digital Image Processing. and display it .C. T. Constrained image restoration. Medical Image Processing b. Face detection. 4) Write a program for image enhancement . R.) . (recommended using Hadamard or Walsh transformation method or latest advanced transformation method).The journal will contain minimum six assignments.R. ISBN-81203-0929-4 2. Boyle.C. Sonka. 2) Write a program for image transformation. S. b. Gonzalez. Woods(TMH) 3. c. PHI. and b. 4. R.ApplicationsMedical Image Processing. Face detection c. Histogram equalization & specification.Datta Mujumdar. Alasdair McAndrew. Sharpening 5) Write a program to illustrate a. Woods(Person). Oral examination will be based on term work submitted. Digital Image Processing. Gonzalez. save the same in .tiff format. R. Unconstrained image restoration 6) Implement any of the following application/ or any Image processing application using MATLAB/ OpenCV a. Anil Jain. Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision. "Fundamentals Of Digital Image Processing". Local enhancement. Introduction to Digital Image Processing with MATLAB. 3. Network of queues. Signaling. Traffic classes. Modeling and simulation techniques. virtualization. comparison of various approaches. System Design. performance analysis and tuning. Access networks and Backbone design.410444: Elective I: Design and Analysis of Computer Networks Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme Teaching: 3Hrs/Week Theory: 100 Marks Practical: 2 Hrs/week Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 50 Marks Unit Unit I Teaching Scheme Introduction. Study of flow control and scheduling. capacity planning. scheduling best 6 effort connections and guaranteed service connections. IP trace back.). Network planning and 6 implementation. summarization of various techniques (e. soft state etc). Tools for BW and security management. common design 6 techniques. Router algorithms for network measurements. Requirements. Resource constraints and their metrics. security issues. Credit based etc. Review of background concepts of computer networks 6 and data communication Content Unit II Unit III Review of discrete random variables. Implementation aspects of Router/Switch architectures and algorithms Functions and responsibilities. Packet scheduling algorithms and RED/AQM. Traffic 6 Models. TCP Vegas. ATM Forum. Analysis and design of switching fabrics. Introduction and Framework for Traffic management. M/G/1 system. Fundamental choices.g multiplexing. Study and analysis of System Design. ATM Forum and IETF approaches Router/Switch architectures and algorithms 6 Introduction and overview of router architecture and hardware Prefix match IP lookup. generalized state dependent arrival and service system. Implementation aspects of open loop and closed loop flow control. M/M/1 Queue System. QOS (ATM Forum and IETF approaches). randomization. closed queuing system. Open loop and closed loop flow control. comparison of closed loop schemes (stop and wait. open queuing system. Network design. Renegotiation.Little’s theorem. Implementation of System Design. TCP Tahoe. Simulation techniques of System Design Introduction. Independence assumption. static window. Sub-netting. peak load pricing. Bandwidth management. Markov chains. Introduction. Admission control. point processes Delay Models. Security Issues and tools for BW Unit IV Unit V Unit VI . pipelining. Morgan Kaufmann (For Unit 5) Reference Books: 1. Data networks by D. Analysis of Flow control and scheduling algorithms using test data 5. Security Issues . Open Virtual Network Tools 2. Tata McGraw Hill Design 6 suitable assignments based on following topics for the purpose of Design and Analysis of Computer Networks Laboratory 1. McGraw Hill 3. Pearson education 2.Berteskas and R Gallagar. capacity planning 6.. Kershenbaum A. Printice Hall 2. An Engineering approach to computer Networking by S. Design and Analysis of Communication Networks By V Ahuja .Keshav. Use of Little’s theorem or Marcov Chains for design and analysis of network queues. Network planning and implementation: Bandwidth issue. ―Telecommunication Network Design Algorithms‖.Text Books: 1. Network Analysis based decision system for Admission control. Study of Network Simulators. peak load pricing. Using simulation tools and test data perform design and analysis of access network and backbone design 4. 3. Network Algorithms by George Varghese. Design and analysis of router Algorithm for network measurements using network simulation tools 7. Move ordering . Searching with Non-deterministic Actions: AND-OR search trees. Applications of A. How the components of agent programs work. Backtracking Search for CSPs. The Foundations of 6 Artificial Intelligence. The minimax algorithm.6 max algorithm Adversarial Search: Games. Variations on the CSP formalism. Implementation aspects of minimax algorithm and CSP. Memory-bounded heuristic search. Stochastic Games. Forward pruning. Uniform-cost search. Unit II Unit III .I. Intelligent Agents Agents and Environments. Partially Observable Games Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Defining Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Optimal Decisions in Games. Study and analysis of Various 6 searching algorithms. Constraint Propagation: Inference in CSPs. Alpha-beta pruning and CSP. Iterative deepening depth-first search. Alpha--Beta Pruning. Good Behavior: The Concept of Rationality. The Nature of Environments. Genetic algorithms. Learning heuristics from experience Beyond Classical Search Local Search Algorithms and Optimization Problems: Hill-climbing search Simulated annealing. Heuristic Functions. Bidirectional search Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies: Greedy bestfirst search A* search: Minimizing the total estimated solution cost. The History of Artificial Intelligence. Evaluation functions for games of chance. Search versus lookup. Local beam search. Local Search for CSPs. What Is AI. Optimal decisions in multiplayer games. Local Search in Continuous Spaces. Uninformed Search Strategies: Breadth-first search. Solving Problems by Searching. Imperfect Real-Time Decisions. Searching with Partial Observations Adversarial Search and Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Depth-first search.Teaching Scheme: Teaching: 3Hrs/Week Practical: 2 Hrs/week 410444: Elective I: Artificial Intelligence Examination Scheme Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Oral: 50 Marks Content Unit Unit I Teaching Scheme Introduction and Intelligent systems. Conditions for optimality: Admissibility and consistency. The Structure of Agents. Optimality of A*. Depth-limited search. Cutting off search. Evaluation functions. Searching for Solutions. Study of mini. Implementation of Depth-first search Problem-Solving Agents. Generating admissible heuristics from sub problems: Pattern databases. Backward (regression) relevant-states search. Study of fuzzy logic and Decision trees. Discourse and pragmatic Processing. Inducing decision trees from examples. 6 Unit VI Natural language processing and Expert systems. Other Approaches to Uncertain Reasoning. Reference Books: 1. Rule-based methods for uncertain reasoning. Planning Graphs. Learning Decision Trees. Supervised Learning. Horn clauses and definite clauses. Unification. Semantic interpretation. Implementation aspects of Backtracking algorithm and forward and backward chaining Logical Agents: Knowledge representation structures: Frames. Representing vagueness: Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic. Algorithms for Planning as State-Space Search. Kevin Knight and Nair ISBN-978-0-07008770-5. Inference and proofs. Basic Probability Notation. . The decision tree representation. Forward (progression) state-space search. Forward and backward chaining. Conjunctive normal form. Implementation aspects of Decision trees Learning from Examples: Forms of Learning. Proof by resolution. Prepositional Theorem Proving. Representing Knowledge in an Uncertain Domain. Natural Language Processing: Language Models. Components of Expert System. Knowledge Engineering in First-Order Logic.Unit IV Logical agents and Classical Planning. Case studies on Expert System Text Book: 1. Inference Using Full Joint Distributions. Symbols and interpretations. Other Classical Planning Approaches. The complexity of classical planning. Scripts. Study and comparison of 6 knowledge representation structures. Resolution. Text Classification. Logic: Prepositional Logic. Heuristics for planning. Implementation aspects of Syntactic Analysis (Parsing) Expert Systems: What is Expert system. Bayes' Rule and Its Use. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Peter and Norvig ISBN-0-13103805-2. Steps in NLP. Discourse and pragmatic Processing. Hierarchical Planning Unit V 7 Quantifying Uncertainty: Acting under Uncertainty. Introduction to logic programming (PROLOG) Classical Planning: Definition of Classical Planning. Artificial Intelligence by Elaine Rich. Syntactic Analysis (Parsing). TMH. Syntax and Semantics of First-Order Logic. A complete backtracking algorithm. semantic net. Expressiveness of decision trees. TMH 3. Oxforfd University Press. Implementation of A* algorithm for solving Puzzle problems. Implementation of Constraint Satisfaction Problem for solving Crypt-arithmetic Problems. by Bratko.978-81-315-1099-5. Cengage Learning 4. Implementation of Unification algorithm by considering Resolution concept. 5. Prolog Programming for A. Implementation of MinMax Search Procedure with alpha beta pruning for finding the solutions of games. Implementation of Parsing methods to categorize the text Or 7. 3.I.2. Implementation of Solving Uncertainty Problems like Weather forecasting 6. 4. Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems by Padhy. Implementation of Mini Expert System . 2. Artificial Intelligence by Saroj Kausik ISBN:. Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Assignments: 1. JSF. Need of quality attributes. achieving quality attributes. XML. Unit III Unit IV Unit V Unit VI Need of server side technology in multi-tier architectures. Introduction to Quality Attributes. Java Web 6 Services.0 Architecture. Case study of quality attributes in software architecture templates. Ways of using patterns Case studies of patterns in software architecture Introduction to Middleware. Recent advances in Middleware technologies Introduction to three tier and n-Tier Web Architectures. Session. RMI. Factory. JDBC. principles and expectations. DHTML. software architecture requirements. Need of Client side technology in multi-tier architectures Examples of three tier and n-tier architectures. Mediator. architecture and quality attributes. Server side technologies: JSP. Java Servlets. Documenting software architectures. Types of Middleware. Application servers. Specifications and characteristics of Middleware technologies. Opportunities and Advances in software architectures. EJB 3. SOCKET. Understanding 6 Unit II quality attributes. AJAX. Study of a number of 6 representative patterns like Singleton. Observer. RPC. XSLT. struts . What is 6 software architecture. Introduction to Java EE technologies like JMS. 6 Introduction to Java EE. Adaptor. Architecture Business Cycle. Message beans. Hrs Unit Contents Unit I Introduction to Software Architecture. Client side 6 technologies HTML. Facade. XML. chain of. Architecture structures and views. client side technologies Case study of mobile or portable client side technologies.420444 Elective I: Software Architecture Teaching Scheme Lectures: 3 Hrs/Week Practical: 2 Hrs/week Examination Scheme Theory: 100 marks Oral: 50 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks Nos. Java Applets. Proxy.MVC. Entity. Iterator. Active X controls. Deriving Quality Attributes for software architectures Design Patterns: history. DOM. composite. SOA. Richard N. Erich Gamma. Forces. PHI Publications Reference Book: 1. Rick Kazman. ''Software Architecture in Practice". Paul Clements. ―Software Architecture Foundation Theory and practice ―.4: From Novice to Professional 2. Kevin Mukhar. 3. 3. Weaver. Second Edition. Discussion/ Consequences/ Implementation.Text Book: 1.ISBN 978-81-775-8996-2 2. Implement an ITERATOR/OBSERVER or any two patterns pattern in language of your choice and submit it along with a write-up with its specification.Wiley ISBN: 978-81-265-2802-8. Java6 Programming. Nenad M.Taylor . Len Bass. Design Patterns 1. APIs. ―Java Sever Programming‖ Black Book dreamTech Press ISBN: \978-81-7722-835-9 4. platforms. Middleware. Black Book dreamTech Press ISBN:978-81-7722-736-9 Software Architecture Laboratory Objectives: • Understand various non-functional requirements that lead to need for good Architecture and good Design. • Explore various design Patterns and learn to implement them • Understand how to design and partly implement Client Server systems using components and web services • Explore implementations of some of the underlying technologies of distributed client server applications Faculty can set assignments based on Microsoft / Java world /OR Open source based languages. The specification must include Problem/ Issue.‖Design Patterns‖ 3. References. Example Instances. James L. "Beginning J2EE 1 . Audience/ Context. Study any two patterns and SUBMIT a design pattern specification these in a standard format along with their UML diagrams. Study and submit a report for any of the MVC based Frameworks (J2EE/EJB) . Related Patterns. 2. Solution. Pearson . xyz. A representative paper design of the above system using navigation. interfaces. components.Implement a web application for a system covering 4. Develop dynamic and interactive web client using JSP. . its deployment issue with UML 5. Develop server side programming with database handling/ servlets /EJB/webservice on server side with security aspects covered. Scripting/Applets/ActiveX controls 6. psycho. intraframe & interframe Hybrid. Video streaming. Color image processing. image file formats (GIF. Video transmission standards. Text file formats: TXT. Windows multimedia support. Study and Unit III Unit IV . digital audio. Multimedia authoring tools. EDTV. HDTV.Fano algorithm. Video formats: H-26I. LZ & LZW. Loss less: RLE. Image compression: Types of compression: Lossy & lossless. Multimedia architecture: Introduction to multimedia architectures. Multimedia OS. Audio file formats: WAV. MPEG Audio Audio compression: Compression in audio PCM. AVI. Image enhancement: Enhancement by point processing. symmetrical & asymmetrical. RTF. transform coding. DPCM Study of different audio file formats and compression techniques Programming considerations for audio compression. MPEG Video compression. BMP. Image data types. JPEG). MIDI and MIDI File format. psycho-analysis. TIFF. Programming aspects of using Windows/Open-source API for developing applications. Arithmetic coding. Design & programming aspects of application for audio/video streaming. Digital representation. Introduction to Image Processing and Compression applications. Lossy: Vector quantization. Study of different text formats and video formats. Video capturing . fractal compression technique. Digital representation of text. Image acquisition. 6 Multimedia Audio: Data structures used in audio files. interframe correlation. Shannon. Video: Digitization of video. User interfaces. CD and DVD formats. Multimedia building blocks. SIF. DOC. CIF. PDF. 5 Text :Visual representation of text. Spatial filtering. 6 Image Processing: Basic Image fundamentals. Characteristics of sound waves. Hybrid: JPEG-DCT Programs considerations for image enhancement using point processing and image compression.DM. Windows API for Multimedia. Media streaming. H-263.Teaching Scheme: Teaching: 3Hrs/Week Unit Unit I 410445: Elective II: Multimedia Systems Examination Scheme Theory: 100 Marks Teaching Scheme 6 Content Unit II MM Introduction: Overview of multimedia. Text compression: Huffman coding. VOC. Interaction techniques and devices. CCER. Multimedia Database Systems. compression and streaming Unit V Animation and Multimedia Languages. web-based applications. Rao. Study of Multimedia 5 networking. rendering. Students Presentations: Different Multimedia applications. 2. Creating animation. ‖ Multimedia Communication Systems: Techniques. Gerard Medioni. Edward Angel.R. Media on Demand Applications Media Entertainment. Addison-Wesley. Standards. Quality of data transmission. 3. principles of animation. "Fundamentals of Multimedia". SDK. 3. Learn to use OpenGL 5 Animation: Basics of animation.TMH. Drew. ―DeMustified Video‖ Parag Havaldar. "Digital Image Processing" Addison Wesley Ze-Nian Li. ‖OpenGL: A Primer‖. Media consumption. 5. Communication andApplications". Ralf Steinmetz and Klara Nahrstedt "Multimedia Computing. . Pearson Education. TMH. OpenGL: Open GL over windows/Linux. Woods. K. Cengage Learning. 2. types of animation. Multimedia over IP. Pearson Education. and Networks‖. "Principles of Multimedia".analysis of video formats. Gonzalez. 4. Analysis and development of Multimedia application Unit VI Text Book 1. techniques of animation. shadowing techniques. Marks S. Extension. e-learning and education. Programming aspects in creating simple animation using OpenGL Multimedia Communication and applications. Ranjan Parekh. References: 1. ‖Multimedia Systems‖. programming languages. Mobile Communication. Time organization of signaling channels. IEEE Press 2. data link layer. classroom tutorials and students presentation. MM-layer. Functioning and types of PSTN networks Security issues in mobile computing. FDMA. message formation. location updates. TCAP protocol. Gibson. PSTNMS call. Jochen Schiller. William C. steps in formation of a call. MS-PSTN call. Signaling protocols. cell layout and frequency planning. MAP protocol-MAP 6 protocol for MM. Wily Series In Telecommunication Reference Books 1. Security Application development for Mobile OS Multiplexing issues in time and frequency domains. Review of recent advances in the subject. GSM network structure. mobile station. register. base station systems. MAP protocol for basic service support. Time Organization of signaling Channels Mobility Management. TDMA standards and Applications. GSM operational and technical requirements. Application layers RR-layer. frequency hopping. encryption. Lee. equipment identification. API’s for mobile application development Text Books 1. history of mobile communication. switching sub systems. Visiting Location Register (VLR). introduction to GSM system. The Mobile Communication Handbook . Asha Mehrotra. 6 Unit III 6 Unit IV 6 Unit V Review and interactive discussions on home tutorials. 6 Unit VI Physical layer. equipment identity register.Y. home locations. TDMA. call handover. MTP3. Authentication. Recent Advances and application Standards in Mobile OS Time and Frequency Domains representations.Artech House 2. MS-MS call. CC-Layer. Jerry D. .410445 Elective II: Mobile Computing Teaching Scheme: 3Hrs/Week Marking Scheme : Theory: 100 Marks Hrs/Unit 6 Unit Unit I Unit II Content Applications. GSM System Engg. echo canceller. CDMA. structure of TDMA slot with frame. Mobile Communication Design Fundamentals . Characteristics of SIM. GSM background. Pearson Education Asia . SCCP. MAP Protocols. Android: Wireless Application Development Developer’s Library. Wilkes. Addison Wesley.3. Free Online Edition . 2nd Edition. ―Wireless and personal Communications Systems‖. Prentice Hall 4. Joseph E. Garg V.. by Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder. Design Examples. statements. Structural Units of Processor. Design Process in Embedded System. Processor and Memory Selection.RS232C. Details of Components of Embedded SystemsManagement of Power Supply. I/O devices. DSP processor. Processor and Memory Selection. Challenges in Embedded System design. Serial Data Communication using USB/CAN/RS-232C and Comparison. Brief overview of Embedded System Programming In C++ & Java. CISC and RISC Processor architectures. Different serial communication Protocols. ADC / DAC. Memories and I/O. Comparison with ARM9. Review of Microprocessors and Micro-controllers. Modes of operation. Interrupt Structure and Applications. Design metrics. Arbitration. I2 C. Programmer’s model. Design Process in Embedded System. Components of Embedded System & its Classification. different Packets. queues and stacks. Memory Map Of Embedded System. Process of Converting assembly language program and C language program to ROM image.Architecture. 06 Unit III 06 Unit IV 06 . Programming concepts. Steps in design process. Memory Map Of Embedded System I/O interfacing and Communication Buses. Optical Devices such as LED / LCD Display devices. Relay & stepper motor. Interfacing Processors . Characteristic of embedded system. Introduction to embedded processor. Opto-Isolator. Timers/Counters. Parallel ports their uses in device interfacing. Communication Cycle. data types. Application Specific System Processor. Advances in Embedded Systems System hardware. & USB – Protocol Architecture. RS 485. Parallel v/s serial communication. data structures. Interrupt structure and Applications. Clocking Unit. C /C++/Java programming concepts.Teaching Scheme: Teaching 3Hrs/Week Unit Unit I Content 410445: Elective II: Embedded Systems Examination Scheme Theory: 100 Marks Teaching Scheme 06 Unit II Introduction to Embedded Systems. Real Time Clock and Timers. loops and pointers. C program elements – Micros and functions. CAN. ARM7 Processor . Assembly language V/s High Level Language and its suitability for applications development. Applications. topology. Reset Circuitry and Watchdog Timer. Their comparison and area of application. modifiers. Software development cycle. List & Order List and their use in the implementation of Embedded System software. Digital Signal Processor. Embedded System Programming. Multiprocessor systems using General Purpose Processor. Handheld computer. Context. (Features. their sources. laboratory tools-Oscilloscope. Automatic Cruise control System.Technical Ref Manual 7. Digital camera. Design of tasks and synchronization and IPCs Examples of Real Time OS. types and Interrupt service mechanisms. CAN Specification Version 2. Response time. Dr. Software Defined Radio. Design of tasks and synchronization and IPCs. V. K. USB Specification Version 2. Logic Analyzer and In-Circuit Emulator. Andrew N. K. ―Embedded System Architecture Programming Design‖ Tata Graw Hill Publication Second Edition. Interrupts. Interrupt Latency.0 Protocol Standard. 2. Design of tasks and IPCs. Embedded System testing. Representative Embedded Systems – Digital Thermometer. Device drivers as ISRs . Strategy for synchronization between the processes. simulation and debugging tools – simulators. & Programming – Black Book‖ Dreamtech Press Publication. 6. Programmed I/O v/s Interrupt based I/O. Exemplary Operating Systems and Representative Embedded Systems. Navigation system. Symbian OS . Verma ―Programming for Embedded system ― Wiley – Dreamtech India Pvt. Virtual Device Drivers. ― Embedded Systems Architecture‖ by Elsevier . class diagrams. ―Embedded System Architecture Programming Design‖ Tata Graw Hill Publication first Edition. 5. ARM7/TDMI(ReV4). Interrupt Routines in RTOS environment. Sloss. Elsevier Publication.Their features and applications. MicroC/OS II. Palm OS. 2. Ltd. Chris Wright. their Block diagram.Unit V Unit VI Difference between Compliers & Cross Compliers. 3. IPC used. Dr.Brief about different types of device drivers. 2008. K. Scheduling. Tammy Noergaard. VxWorks. I2C Specification Protocol Standard. Deadline. K. RTOS Tasks and their Scheduling models. Applications). Rajkamal. Design. ―ARM System Developer’s Guide-Designing and Optimizing Software‖. Prasad ―Embedded / real time System : Concepts. Rajkamal. 3.0 Protocol Standard. Gupta Dass. 2004. IP phone. Prasad. Embedded Linux. Real Time & embedded System OS. embedded System OS and Handheld OS – Windows XP Embedded. their differences. Design Examples and case study of – Mobile Phone. 4. 06 06 Text Books 1. Context Switching. Device Handling and Concepts of Real Time Operating Systems. V. Domiic Symes. Reference Book: 1. K. Handheld Operating Systems. K. Productivity. Manual testing. Basics of Software Testing. Defect Life Cycle. Testing Methods. Loop Testing. Importance of testing in software production cycle. Quality control & Unit assurance. IV Other Software Testing: GUI testing.410445 Elective II: Software Testing and Quality Assurance Teaching Scheme Lectures: 3 Hrs/Week Unit Contents Examination Scheme Theory: 100 marks Hrs/ Unit 04 Introduction. Case studies based on Web VI based. Positive & negative testing. Quality V management. Testing types. Introduction. Smoke testing. Metric plan. SQA Model. Phases of Testing. Case studies of Black-Box testing. Requirement 06 Analysis. Advances in Software Testing Methods Software quality. Software quality metrics-TQM. Testing metrics: Type 06 of metric – Project. Defects. cause effect graph based. Automated Testing Tools Case studies 04 04 . Need of white box testing. Data flow testing. Scenario testing. ISO. Test adequacy criteria. III Graph metrics. Challenges in White box testing. Defect Report. Goals. Structure of testing. Testing of Object oriented systems. Equivalence Partitioning Unit class. Winrunner. Test case design criteria. Cost of quality. Design of test cases. Case-study of White-Box testing Test organization. Automated Testing Tools & Case studies.logic coverage criteria. Six Sigma. Basis path testing. error guessing. Regression testing. Quality Assurance. state based or graph based. Adhoc testing. Progress. Random Testing. Black box testing Concept. Specification based testing. design of test cases. Measurement tools. Manual testing Vs Automated testing. Quality attribute. 06 Unit static testing by humans. requirement based testing. Testing Life Unit Cycle. GUI testing. Loadrunner). Boundary value analysis. Methods of quality management. Testing Principles. Structure . Rational Robot. Sanity testing. II documentation testing & domain testing. Study of Testing tools Unit (QTP. Test Plan(IEEE format). Validation testing. Goal Question metric Unit model. Measurement in small & large system. Mutation Testing. Need of black box testing. Quality factor. I Introduction. Quality management & project management. Foundation of software testing by Dorothy Graham. Dreamtech . Dreamtech Press ISBN: 10:817722-532-4 . Willey Publication. Software Testing Principles and Practices By Naresh Chauhan.V.G. ISBN 81-265-0893-0 3. Pearson Education ISBN 81-297-0175-8 2.Text books: 1. ISBN 0-19-806184-6 4. CENGAGE learning .ISBN 81-7722-712-2 References Books: 1. Metric and Model in Software Quality Engineering . Prasad. Limaye TMG Hill Publication.K. Erik Van Veenendaal. Oxford University Press. By Stephen H Kan. ISBN 81-7758-121-X 5. ISBN 13:978-0-07-013990-9 3. Pearson Education.ISBN 978-81-315-0218-1 4. Second Edition By: Ron Patton. Software Testing Concepts and Tools By Nageshwar Rao . Pearson Education ISBN-13: 978-0-672-32798-8 2. Effective methods for software testing by William Perry .K. Software Testing Principles and Tools By M. Software testing Principle and Practices By Ramesh Desikan. Software Testing. Software Testing Tools by Dr. 410446 Computer Laboratory-l Teaching Scheme Practical: 4 hrs/week Examination Scheme Practical: 50 Marks Principles of Compiler Design Assignments LEX 1. Provide the details of all conflicting entries in the parser table generated by LEX and YACC and how they have been resolved Intermediate Code Generation 3. if. Write an attributed translation grammar to recognize declarations of simple variables. if-else statements as per syntax of C or Pascal and generate equivalent three address code for the given input made up of constructs mentioned above using LEX and YACC. Assignment to understand basic syntax of YACC specifications. Assignment to optimize the generated equivalent three-address code in 3rd assignment. Assignment to understand basic syntax of LEX specifications. assignment. Display all records stored in the symbol table. Code Optimization 4. "for". Code Generation 5. 2. built-in functions and Variables 2. Write an ambiguous CFG to recognize an infix expression and implement a parser that recognizes the infix expression using YACC. YACC 1. Generate the target code for the optimized code in 4th assignment. Write a code to store the identifiers from the input in a symbol table and also to record other relevant information about the identifiers. . Implement a lexical analyzer for a subset of C using LEX Implementation should support Error handling. built-in functions and Variables. Preferably. Review of Conference/Journal papers (atleast 10 papers + White papers or web references. To encourage and expose students for participation in National/ International paper presentation activities. use of state-of-art technologies. 2. (if any)) supporting the project idea. where papers can be published. The project group will submit the synopsis including title of the project. HOD can allocate the senior teacher as a guide. NP-Complete or P type using modern . Term I Teaching Scheme: Practical: 2 Hours/Week Examination Scheme: Term Work: 50 Marks Term I project term work 1. without compromising the quality of the work.410447 Project Work Objectives: To expose students with project-product development cycle using industrial experience. Plan of project execution using planner or alike project management tool. Journal papers and participation in research activities. (Recommended dates: 3 weeks after Commencement of the Term). satisfiability analysis and NP-Hard. names of atleast two conferences. In case of non-availability of qualified guide. The project conduct and procedures are amended as detailed below:Problem statement feasibility assessment using. be allocated to the guide. the projects are Industry Sponsored or part of high level research/ Sponsored Research Project that are not conducted for any award of the educational degree. ACM Keywords) and relevant mathematics associated with the Project. Internal guide allocation for the BE Project: Assistant Professor in computer engineering can guide the BE Project. The Project laboratory of 4 project groups (3 to 4 students in one group) constituting one laboratory batch (2 hrs per week). Technical Key Words (Ref. Exposure to Learning and knowledge access techniques using Conferences. Central Universities or UoP Conferences or equivalent International Conferences. morphism. Annex B: Laboratory assignments on Project Quality and Reliability Testing of Project Design at the end of term-I and Annex C: Project Planner and progress report. Project problem statement feasibility assessment using NP-Hard. functions and functional relations and any other dependencies. SRS (System Requirement Specification) Document in specific format and high-level design document along with Annex A: Laboratory assignments on Project Analysis of Algorithmic Design. Term-I Project Laboratory Assignments 1. 4. 5. platform choice. 7.6 weeks before term end) Functional dependency graphs and relevant UML diagrams or other necessities. overloading. A Report consisting of problem definition. Function testing principals) selection and appropriate use of testing tools. literature survey. algebra and relevant mathematical models. The term work at the end of Term-I shall be assessed and evaluated for 50 marks by the panel of examiners in the subject (Internal (preferably guide) and external examiner from Computer Department of Engineering Colleges). (recommended submission date:.two weeks before term end) The index of submission must cover above mentioned 5 heads in addition to the instructions by the guide.(recommended date of submission:. (recommended submission date:. testing of UML diagram's reliability. 8.8 weeks before term end) Use of above to identify objects. .3.3 weeks before term end) Testing of problem statement using generated test data (using mathematical models. Students must submit atleast one technical paper on the project design in the conferences/workshops in IITs. 6.(recommended submission date:. NP-Complete or satisfiability issues using modern algebra and/or relevant mathematical models. Testing of project problem statement using generated test data (using mathematical models. testing of UML diagram's reliability. if any) selection and appropriate use of testing tools. Use of above to draw functional dependency graphs and relevant UML diagrams or other necessities using appropriate tools. . Function testing principals. overloading in functions (if any). morphisms. 4. Use of above to identify objects.2. GUI. and functional relations and any other dependencies (as per requirements). 3. Issues in IPC by Message passing.Introduction . System architecture types. Group communication. Vector clock. Deadlock. Desirable features of good message passing system. non token based algorithms. Inherent Limitations of a Distributed System. Event ordering. Network. System Model. Classification of mutual 8 exclusion algorithms. Applications of Agreement algorithm. Issues in Interprocess Communication Message Passing . Communication primitives. Process Synchronization. Hierarchical deadlock detection algorithms Agreement Protocols – Introduction. Classification of agreement problems. Distributed Computing gaining popularity Issues in Designing Distributed System. Distributed Synchronization and . NOS. Threads Clock synchronization. Control organizations for distributed deadlock detection. Middleware Communication Networks. Distributed deadlock detection algorithms. Architectural models of Distributed System Synchronization Introduction. Interprocess Communication. Suzuki Kasami’s broadcast algorithms Distributed Deadlock detection – Introduction. Issues in deadlock detection and resolution. Failure Handling. Process Migration. Distributed Computing System Models . Solutions to the Byzantine Agreement problem. Ricart Agrawala algorithm. Global states. What is Distributed System? 7 Evolution of Distributed Computing System. Token based algorithms. Preliminaries. Concept of Process. Advances in Distributed Systems Architecture of Distributed System – Introduction. Case Study: RMI. Encoding and decoding of message data. RMI Synchronization. Introduction to Distributed Computing Environment. Preliminaries . Protocols for Distributed System. A simple solution to distributed mutual exclusion. RPC. CORBA. Multidatagram messages. Avoidance and Prevention algorithms. Lamport’s logical clock.Teaching Scheme: Teaching 4Hrs/Week Unit Unit I Content 410448: Distributed Operating Systems Examination Scheme Theory: 100 Marks Teaching Scheme Fundamentals – Fundamentals of OS. Distributed operating system. Centralized deadlock detection algorithms. Motivations. 6 Concepts of Distributed System. Process addressing. Deadlock handling strategies . Buffering. Election Algorithms Issues in Designing Distributed System and role of middleware in Distributed System Unit II Unit III Distributed Mutual Exclusion – Introduction. Mutual Exclusion. Basic concepts of Recovery and Types of Failures Recovery – Introduction. Reassignment protocols. Classification of failures. SOA Design and Development. Overview of SOA. Service Oriented Grid. Selecting a suitable load sharing algorithms. Commit Protocols. Concepts of Mutual exclusion. advanced models of protection. Advantages and Future of SOA Grid computing. Load sharing policies. SOA and Web Services. Issues in load distribution. Issues. Components of load distributing algorithms. Failure Resilient Processes. Concepts 5 of Grid Computing Grid Computing Introduction to GRID Computing. Dynamic vote. Design issues. algorithms for implementing DSM. Non blocking Commit protocols. Types of Grids Grid Computing Applications. Synchronous and Asynchronous check pointing and recovery Fault tolerance – Introduction. Coherence protocols. Backward error recovery. Case studies-Unix OS Distributed Fault tolerance and Security. Voting protocols. Access matrix Model. Consistent set of checkpoints. Concepts of Database system 8 Security. How Grid Computing Works. Mechanisms for building distributed file system. Recovery in concurrent systems.Agreement Protocol. Concepts of File System. Implementations of Access Matrix. Memory Coherence. Grid Middleware. Preliminaries. Basic concepts. Safety in Access matrix model. Load distributing algorithms. Performance Comparison. Backward and forward error recovery. Grid Architecture. Design issues. Stability. Atomic actions and committing. Task migration Distributed File System: Comparisons Recovery and Security mechanism. Google FS Distributed Shared Memory – Introduction. Cloud and SOA Unit V . Concepts of Cluster. 8 Scheduling Algorithms Distributed File System Introduction . Requirements for load distributing. Majority based Dynamic Voting protocol. Architecture. Architecture and Motivation. Deadlock Solution to Distributed Mutual exclusion Unit IV Distributed Resource Management. Advances in Recovery and security mechanisms Unit VI Emerging Trends in Distributed System. Case studies. Targon/32 UNIX Access and Flow control – Introduction. Simulators SOA: Basic SOA Definition. Log structured file systems. Case studies-Linda Distributed Scheduling – Introduction. Motivation. Reliable communication. Case studies-BAR Fault Tolerance. ―Advanced concepts in Operating Systems‖. Tanenbaum. P. ―Distributed System Principles and Paradigms‖.Text books: 1.S Concepts and Design‖. OXFORD University Press Reference Books: 1.K. 2nd edition . Seema Shah.G. Sunita Mahajan. PHI 2. PHI 2. ―Distributed O. ―Distributed Computing‖. Andrew S.Sinha. Colouris . ―Distributed Systems‖. Mukesh Singhal & N. TMH 3. 3rd Edition .Shivaratri. Speculative loading. SIMD computer organization. out of order execution. Advances in pipeline architectures. Parallel Algorithms For Array Processors: Matrix Multiplication. Implementation issues of a program on any pipelined processor their analysis. Pipeline Architecture. future trends. Case study: Super scalar Architecture. Pipelining hazards and resolving techniques. Speedup Performance Laws.Teaching Scheme: Theory: 4Hrs/Week 410449: Advanced Computer Architecture Examination Scheme Theory: 100 Marks Unit Unit I Teaching Scheme Overview of Parallel Processing and Pipelining Processing. Applications of parallel processing. Vector performance modeling. Conventional and EPIC architecture. Overview of Parallel Processing and Pipelining Processing Necessity of high performance. Study and comparison of processors with and without pipelining. Parallelism in uni-processor system. Design aspect of Arithmetic and Instruction pipelining. Content Unit II Unit III . Software pipelining. VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word) processor. Constraints of conventional architecture. cube hyper cube and Mesh Interconnection network. Interconnection networks of SIMD. Issues in Vector Processing. Instruction level Parallelism and Thread Level Parallelism. Sorting. trace scheduling. Static Vs Dynamic network. Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing (EPIC) Architecture. Programming aspects for Intel Itanium Processor Principles and implementation of Pipelining. SIMD Computer Organization Masking and Data network mechanism. study and 6 comparison of uni-processors and parallel processors. Classification of pipelining 8 processors. Register Stack Engine. Architectural Classification. Evolution of parallel processors. Case study: Cray Arch. Advanced pipelining techniques. future trends and there architecture. Case study of Intel Itanium Processor. vectorizers and optimizers. General pipelining reservation table. Evolution of parallel processors. Implementation issues of Matrix multiplication and sorting on array processor and their analysis. Basic vector architecture. Data buffering techniques. Principles of scalable performance: Performance Metrics and Measures.Pentium. Job sequencing and Collision. software scheduling. Study and comparison of Vector and array processors. loop unrolling techniques. Inter PE Communication. Super scalar architecture of Pentium. Ultra SPARC. 8 Vector and Array Processor. Predicated execution. Ultra SPARC. Data Parallel Programming. Kai Hwang. Inter Processor communication network. Study of Architecture of Multithreaded processors. Tata McGraw-Hill References: 1. "Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing" McGrawHill international Edition 2. PHI. Cow’s and NOW's Cluster and Network of Work Stations). William Stallings. study and comparison of Loosely and 8 Tightly coupled multiprocessors. Parallel software issues. Briggs. d) Issues towards cluster computing. C-Linda. "Computer Organization and Architecture. PVM (in distributed memory system). Principles of multithreading. Advanced Computer Architecture 6. Implementation issues of a multithreaded program. http://www. Synchronous and asynchronous message passing. 8 a)Parallel algorithms for multiprocessors. Shared Memory Programming. Processor characteristics of multiprocessors. Kain. Massively Parallel Processors (MPP). Case Study of IBM Power4 Processor Inter Processor Communication and Synchronization. Kai Hwang. Parallel Programming Techniques: Message passing program development. V. 3. Scalable Parallel Computing. Faye A. Message Passing Interfaces (MPI). performance of parallel algorithms b) Operating systems for multiprocessors systems. Chip Multiprocessing (CMP). 5. Message passing parallel programming. Richard Y. CCC etc. "Parallel Computers". Loosely and Tightly coupled multiprocessors. Occam. study of parallel programming concepts. Threads (in shared memory system) c) Parallel Programming Languages : Fortran 90. Sixth edition. classification of parallel algorithms. Message passing libraries for parallel programming interface. L Sivaram Murthy. Crossbar switch. Implementation issues of a program on multiprocessor system. High performance computer Architecture. Time shared bus. Harrold Stone. 4.Unit IV Microprocessor Architectures. "Advanced Computer Architecture".com/products/processor (for Intel Itanium Processor) . Issues and solutions. Kai Hwang. Multiport Memory Model. Memory contention and arbitration techniques. Introduction to Neuro Computing and Grid Computing: Unit V Unit VI Text Books 1. Designing for performance" Prentice Cache coherency and bus snooping. Latency hiding 7 techniques. 2. Least Squares Methods.Bishop.O. classroom tutorials and students presentation.Duda.410450: Elective III: Pattern Recognition Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme Teaching 4Hrs/Week Theory: 100 Marks Practical: 2 Hrs/Week Term Work: 50 Marks Oral: 50 Marks Unit Unit I Content Teaching Scheme 7 Basics of pattern recognition Features. C. Pattern Recognition. Unit III Unit IV Context-dependent classification.G.M. Hierarchical and other methods. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.. 2006 Reference Books: 1. Support vector machines. Challenges in Bayesian decision theory Parameter estimation methods. Algorithms for clustering: K-means. . K-Nearest Neighbour method. Perceptron. R. 1990. Non-numeric data or 7 nominal data. Supervised versus Unsupervised Pattern Recognition. Mean Square Estimation Revisited.E. Linear Discriminant Functions 7 and Decision Hyperplanes. S. Unsupervised learning and clustering. Dimension reduction methods. 4th Ed. 2nd edition.Hart and D. Linear discriminant function based classifiers.Stork. Perceptron. Bayesian estimation. Unit VI Non-metric methods for pattern classification. Morgan Kaufmann. 7 Gaussian mixture models. Statistical Pattern Recognition. Review and interactive discussions on home tutorials. Comparison of Supervised and unsupervised Pattern Recognition. Decision trees. 7 Context-dependent classification Discrete hidden Markov models. P. 2009 2. Continuous density hidden Markov models. Feature Vectors and Classifiers. Unit V Non-parametric techniques for density estimation. Feature Vectors and Classifiers Unit II Bayesian decision theory: Classifiers. Maximum-Likelihood estimation. Cluster validation. by K. Expectation-maximization method. John Wiley. Pattern Classification. Review of recent advances in the subject. Implementation issues in algorithms for clustering Text Books: 1. Parzen-window 7 method. classroom tutorials and students presentation. Review and interactive discussions on home tutorials.Theodoridis and K.Koutroumbas. Fisher discriminant analysis. Sequential Pattern classification. 2001 3. Fukunaga. Springer. Academic Press. Criterion functions for clustering. Principal component analysis. Review of recent advances in the subject. by A. 4. Webb.using Fourier shape descriptors.2. Using and interpretation of ROC curves. Exploring different feature spaces . Arnold. experiments with PCA and ICA. 3. Statistical Pattern Recognition. template matching. Experiments with edge detection: 6. . 5. Write program to build a Bayesian classifier Write a program to recognize line patterns in a given set of points. 7. 1999. 2. Pattern Recognition Practical Assignment Topic (design six suitable assignments based on the following topic) 1. Implement Image Block matching by 2D Log Search and Brute-force approach Write a program to implement Edit Distance Problem Exploring difference between color spaces and color-based image segmentation. experimenting with wavelet transform. ATM Adoption layer (need. Conceptual overview of Signaling System Number 7 Frame Relay: Frame relay Vs X.120 ). Architecture. Gigabit Ethernet Physical layer (1000Base X and 1000Base T) Unit I Introduction and Applications of Gigabit Ethernet Teaching Scheme 7 Unit II Integrated Services Digital Network. Cell Delineation etc). Protocol architecture etc). Ethernet summery Migration from 10Mbps to Gigabit Ethernet. LAPF protocol (Both Core and Control). Protocol architecture etc) Congestion Notification (FECN. ISDN Interfaces and functions. Conceptual overview of VDSL.465/v.931). BECN and CLLM) Conceptual view of ISDN and ISDN standards. Conceptual 6 overview of Signaling System Numbers. Conceptual overview of VDSL. B-ISDN protocol architecture. different types and comparison). Congestion Notification (FECN.ATM traffic and Congestion control . Virtual Channels and Virtual Path Switching. ATM service categories . Unit III Driving forces and need. Gigabit Ethernet Physical layer (1000Base X and 1000Base T).BECN and CLLM).ATM traffic descriptors. ISDN Interfaces and functions (transmission structure. ISDN Interfaces and functions (transmission structure. basic call control using Q. ATM QOS parameters. Background and technological capabilities.410450: Elective III: High Performance Networks Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme Teaching 4Hrs/Week Theory: 100 Marks Practical: 2 Hrs/week Term Work: 50 Marks Oral: 50 Marks Unit Content Business Drivers and need of it. Architecture. Applications of Gigabit Ethernet.Requirements. B-ISDN standards and services. ATM protocol architecture. Frame Relay Congestion control. Unit IV VDSL and DSL background and technological capabilities and its 8 standards. I. Concept of DLCI and its significance. Frame relay Protocols and services (protocol architecture. Deployment Case study. Architecture and Overview of Gigabit Ethernet. Market status . B-ISDN Transmission structure. terminal adoption. Standards and associations. Architecture and Overview of Gigabit Ethernet. ISDN Data Link layer (LAPD protocol. U-N Configuration. Frame Mode call control).ISDN Network layer (Overview. Concept of DLCI and its significance. Frame Relay Congestion control. Detail Functionality of ATM Layer( Cell structure . Frame relay LAPF protocol. Need.25. Congestion Control frame Work. B-ISDN Functional 8 Architecture. and DE bit. Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Control (Half Duplex operation Vs Full Duplex Operation). Network use of CIR. ISDN services. Classical IP over ATM. HEC. Network Design using Gigabit Ethernet a case study. SONET/SDH and comparison with other available standards ATM: Overview. U-N Configuration.ATM in LAN environment (LANE). RSVP protocol.11 standards. Costing etc. Physical layer specifications. MPLS network Components. MAC protocol and operation. Survey of Open Source Simulation tools for HPN. OFDM and OFDMA. ―Gigabit Ethernet‖(Addison Wesley Inc. Virtual Network Laboratory for HPN 2. WiMax physical and MAC layer overviews Introduction to IEEE 802. Applications. WiMax physical and MAC layer overviews. 6. New node detection and authentication implementation in WiFi environment or simulated WiFi environment 7. ―ISDN and Broadband ISDN with Frame Relay and ATM‖ 4th edition (Pearson Education) 2. Unit V Introduction to MPLS and QOS. Implementation of ISDN (U-N interface. WiFi & WiMax Basics.and future. IEEE Standards. Text Books: 1. Network Components of MPLS. WiMax Standards MAC protocol and operation. Introduction to various WiMax Standards. Integrated & differential Services Framework. 8 working RSVP protocol. Performance study of RSVP protocol using virtual HPN test-bed. William Stallings. IETF approach. Latency time measurements in different HPN Server-Client graphs configurations in simulated scalable environment (For example. Arunabha Ghosh and Rias Muhammad Pearson Education (For Unit VI) Design 6 suitable assignment form the following topics for HPN Laboratory 1. Unit VI 2.) 4.‖ATM Networks Concepts and protocols‖ Tata McGraw Hill Publication. Comparison of various standards. QOS and WiMax. Rich Seifert. Frame relay Congestion Control 5.) Reference Books : 1. 5 Introduction of WiFi and WiMax. MPLS basic working. Implementing WiFi Network (Including configuration). HPN organization using bipartite graph) . Sumit kasera and Pankaj Sethi . Fundamental of WiMAX by Jeffery Andrews. Router configuration. Physical layer specifications. Network Scalability (Servers) using Gigabit Ethernet 3. Yegnanarayana. B. Characteristics of Neural Networks. Adaline and madaline. Single layer and multi layer perceptrons. Basic data structures: mapping of vector spaces. Applications in Image Processing. Adaptive networks. Basic Learning Rules. Stochastic Networks & Stimulated Annealing. Unsupervised Learning Networks Competitive learning. Unit IV Analysis of linear auto adaptive feed forward networks. Models of Neuron. Adaptive Resonance Theory. Radial basis function networks. Boltzman machine. Pattern classification. Analysis of pattern storage Networks. principal components. Modular neural networks. Unit V Unsupervised Learning. Boltzman machine Multilayer Perceptrons. Adaptive Resonance Theory. Applications in Image Processing. Pattern classification. clusters. Analysis of linear auto adaptive feed forward networks. Supervised Learning Neural Networks. learning vector quantization. 8 6 8 Unit VI Applications of Neural Networks. Analysis of pattern storage Networks. Applications in decision making 6 Text Books 1. House. Hrs/ Unit 6 Unit II 8 Unit III Stochastic Processes and Neural Networks and Stimulated Annealing. PHI 2. Introduction to artificial neural systems. Jaico Publ. 1994. Jacek M. Applications in decision making. Optimization. Biological Neural Networks. Associative memories. Recent advances in Neural Networks The Perceptron and its learning law. Classification of linearly separable patterns. . Zurada.410450 Elective III: Neural Network Teaching Scheme: 4 Hrs. / Week Exam Scheme: Practical: 2 Hrs/Week Paper: 100 Marks Term Work: 50 Marks Oral: 50 Marks Unit Unit I Contents Introduction to Neural Networks. Principal component analysis of Hebbian Learning. Feedback Neural Networks. ―Artificial Neural Networks‖. Kohonen self-organizing maps. Analysis of linear auto adaptive feed forward networks. 3. Haykin. ―Neural Network a comprehensive Foundation‖. Implementation of BAM simulator. 5. Implementation of Hopfield network. 4.‖ Person Education Reference Books 1. . ―Neural Networks-Algorithms. ―An introduction to Artificial Neural Networks‖. Implementation of Perceptron Learning algorithm and Adaline algorithm for two class / three class problems. Implementation of back propagation algorithm/ simulator for character recognition. Prentice Hall Neural Networks Laboratory Assignment Teachers are instructed to frame suitable assignments on the following topics 1. 2. 6. Anderson. PHI 2. Applications and Programming Techniques. David M Skapura. James A Freeman. Implementation of ART simulator Implementation of SOFM network. 3. Multidimensional data model. Querying and Transformation: XQuery. Commit protocols. XML Applications: web services. Simulating and maintaining a Warehouse. Study of Data preprocessing need for preprocessing. Parallel database architecture. Directory systems-ldap. OLAP and data cubes.apriori algorithm. Implementation issues of Parallel query evaluation. Distributed Databases. Multidimensional data model. Comparison of Inter-query and Intra-query parallelism. Distributed transactions. scale-up I/O parallelism. Structure of XML Data. Data Warehousing. Data preprocessing need for preprocessing. Implementation of Distributed query processing.k means algorithm. Analysis of Data preprocessing. Design of parallel systems. FLOWR. clustering . Operations on cubes.decision tree. Comparison of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Databases. association rules . XPath. Creating and maintaining a warehouse. Introduction. Databases and web architecture. Implementation of XML validations. Study of DDBMS architectures. API to XML. Overview of client server architecture. Availability. XML Document Schema. XML and DTD implementation. Data Warehouse architecture. parallel query evaluation. OLAP and data cubes. Introduction to Data warehouse and OLAP. Data mining functionalities. Analysis of Decision tree. Data warehousing Concepts. Use of Web service like Amazon web service or Microsoft Azure.410450: Elective III: Advanced Databases Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme Teaching 4Hrs/Week Theory: 100 Marks Practical: 2 Hrs/Week Term Work: 50 Marks Oral: 50 Marks Unit Unit I Content Introduction. XML. Inter-operational and Intra-operational parallelism. Analysis of Concurrency control in distributed databases. Distributed data storage. 06 06 . Inter-query and Intra-query parallelism. classification . Introduction to text mining. Unit V Introduction to data mining . Web server. Use of web servers. Baysian classifiers. Distributed query processing. XML validation. Implementing Clustering . Design of parallel systems. Teaching Scheme 08 Unit II 08 Unit III 06 Unit IV Introduction to Decision Support. Storage of XML Data. Outlier analysis.k means algorithm. N-tier architecture. Web based system. DTD. Distributed data storage and transactions. speedup. synonyms. Database systems: "Design implementation and management". Relevance ranking using terms and hyperlinks. DB2. ontologies. Rob Coronel.Carolyn Beg ―Database Systems :Practical approach to design implementation and management ― third edition. Information retrieval and structured data. Thomson Learning Press 2. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Reference Books 1. Ontologies. Text Books : 06 1. Stop words Case Study : Anyone DBMS from open source: mysql. CauchDB . 6.overview. Jiawei han. Homonyms. homonyms. Johannes Gehrke. measuring retrieval effectiveness. Information Retrieval. McGraw Hill International Edition 3. Pearson education List of Laboratory Assignment Topics 1. Thomas Connolly. web search engines. "Data Mining: Concepts and systems". 2. Implementation of partitioning techniques and handling of skew Directory systems using LDAP (Latest version) Building cubes and OLAP analysis and construction of data mart Association rule (Apriori algorithm) or Clustering algorithm (K-means) IR assignment: TF. IDF. Micheline Kamber. McGraw Hill International Edition 2. Henry Korth. Sudarshan. 4. Implementation issues of Relevance ranking Algorithm. 4th Edition. "Database system concepts". 5. Abraham Silberschatz. S. Second Edition. 3.Unit VI Information retrieval . Raghu Ramkrishnan. Study and Comparison of Synonyms. postgres SQL Anyone DBMS from: ORACLE. SQL server. 5th Edition. Indexing of documents. "Database Management Systems". Photoresists. Basic Properties of Silicon Wafers Crystal Growth Wafer Fabrication Wafer Preparation and specification. programmable logic devices. electronic aspects of digital design. Raw materials and Purification. Czochrlski and Float-Zone Crystal Growth Methods. Semiconductor 6 Devices. Semiconductors. Lithography: Light sources. VHDL Programming Unit V Introduction to Digital Design. Process Option for Device Isolation – Shallow Trench Isolation. waveforms and timing. Tip or Extension(LDD) Formation. Multilevel Metal Formation. propagation delays. Software aspects of digital design. Memories. N and P Well Formation. Choosing a Substrate. Light sources. wafer Cleaning. entity-architecture. Gate Formation. Defects in crystals. digital circuits. Wafer Preparation and specification. basic concepts of wet etching and plasma etching. Wafer Development and Dopants. events. backend technology. Digital devices. wafer exposure systems. constructing VHDL models using CSAs . field programmable gate arrays(FPGAs). simulation vs. Integrated circuits and the Planar Process. basic concepts of chemical vapor deposition . and concurrency. basic language concepts: signals. Source/Drain Formation. gettering. understanding delays. interconnects and vias.410451 Elective IV: VLSI and Digital Systems Teaching Scheme: 4Hrs/Week Evaluation Scheme: Theory 100 Marks Unit Unit I Content Unit II Teaching Scheme VLSI concepts and technology. Unit IV What is VHDL? Introduction: Modeling Digital Systems: describing systems. Contamination reduction: Clean factories. shared signals. digital-design levels. and FPGAs Unit III 6 8 6 . Basic concepts of dopant diffusion . integrated circuits. number systems and codes. Contact and Local Interconnect Formation. The role of hardware description languages. contacts. physical vapor deposition. sequential logic design principles. Process Options for Active Region and Well Formation. implants in real silicon. dielectrics. application-specific IC’s. Semiconductor Technology Families. CPLDS. synthesis: the simulation model. concurrent statements. Software aspects of digital design Unit VI Combinational logic design principles. Analog versus Digital. CMOS Process Flow 6 Historical Development and Basic Concepts Crystal Structure. Active Region Formation. signal values. the synthesis model. Mask engineering: Basic concepts of Thermal oxidation and the si/sio2 Interface. Computer Simulation of VLSI Modern CMOS Technology 8 Introduction. Text Books: 1. Wakerly Pearson prentice hall ISBM 978-81-317-1366-2 . VHDL: from simulation to synthesis by Sudhakar Yalamanchili Pearson education ISBN 81-7808-558-5 3. al. Digital Design: principles and practices fourth edition by John F.. Practice and Modeling by James D Plummer et. Pearson education ISBN 978-81-317-2604-4 2. Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamental. Simplex method and sensitivity analysis. Decision making under risk. Optimal Strategies and value of game. Processing n jobs with m machines. ―Normality‖ and ―Orthogonality‖ conditions. General from of NLP. Principal 6 Assumptions. Review of basic probability. Game theory: Introduction and definitions. Multiplicatively Separable return. Constrained and unconstrained problems of Maxima and Minima. Lagrangian method. Decision making under certainty. To derive necessary condition of optimality. Solutions of mixed strategy games. Queuing decision models. Terminology and Notions. Computational procedures of Fractional Algorithms Unit VI Concept of dynamic programming. Geometric programming problem. Elements of Queuing models. Deterministic dynamic 6 programming. Goal Programming. Role of exponential distribution in queuing systems. Graphical LP Solutions. Generalized poisson queuing model. Characteristics of Game theory. Random Processes. List of 6 symbols. Advanced Linear Programming. Modeling with Linear Programming: Two-Variable LP model. processing 2 jobs with m machines. Project Management: Applications and basic steps in PERT/CPM techniques. Problems with inequality constrains. Processing n jobs with 2 machines. Forward and Backward recursion. Applications of dynamic programming in . Linear Programming (LP) Applications. Specialized Poisson Queues. Decision making under uncertainty. Canonical form of NLP. Four Common distributions. resource allocation. Multi. Utilization factor. Maxima-minima. Transient and steady States. Piece-wise linear approximation of NLP.period models. models of single additive constraint. Practical solutions of 8 NLP. Unit IV Job sequencing: Introduction. Queuing system. Marcov Process and Marcov chain. Review of recent advances in the subject. Network diagrams with time estimates and analysis. Duality. Solving the OR model. Transition Probability and Transition Matrix. Solution of sequencing problem. Continuous review models. Saddle point. M/G/1 formula. Minimum path problem. Queuing and 6 Simulation Models.410451 Elective IV: Operations Research Teaching Scheme: 4Hrs/Week Evaluation Scheme: Theory 100 Marks Unit Unit I Content Unit II Unit III Teaching Scheme Operation Research Models. Introduction to Separable functions. Random variables and Probability 8 distributions. Birth and Death Models. Inventory Models Unit V Non-Linear Programming (NLP) Introduction. Variations in expected value criteria. queuing problem. solution of game with saddle point. Problem of dimensionality. Equipment replacement problem. linear programming and reliability. S. Kedar Nath Ram Nath Publication . Inventory Models. Eighth Edition.D. ISBN 978-81-317-1104-0 2. Operations Research: An Introduction by Hamdy A Taha. Text Books: 1. Pearson Publications. Problem of dimensionality. Sharma. Recursive nature of computations in dynamic programming. Eleventh Edition. Investment models. Expectation of a random variable.production. Decision trees and Bellman’s principal of optimality. Operations Research by Dr. Vulnerability assessment tool for cloud. Characteristics. 6 HBase and Dynamo. Study of Hypervisors 8 Unit Compare SOAP and REST II Webservices.410451 Elective IV: Cloud Computing Teaching Scheme: 4Hrs/Week Examination Scheme Theory: 100 Marks Unit Hrs/ Unit Unit I Introduction to Cloud Computing. Definition. Parallel efficiency of Map-Reduce. resource optimization. Identity Management and Access controlIdentity management. Deploy application over cloud. VM Security Recommendations. Map-Reduce and extensions: Parallel computing. Trusted Cloud computing. SOAP versus REST. Map-Reduce model Content Unit IV Unit V Cloud security fundamentals. Introduction to cloud development. Implementing real time application over cloud platform 6 Issues in Intercloud environments. Sky computing. BigTable. Access control. Quality of Service (QoS) monitoring in a Cloud computing environment. Inter Cloud issues. Administering & Monitoring cloud services. virtualization applications in enterprises. PAAS. Monitoring in Cloud . Microsoft Azure. Secure Execution Environments and Communications in cloud. Cloud file systems: GFS and HDFS. A grid of clouds. AJAX and mashups-Web services: SOAP and REST. Autonomic Security Cloud computing security challenges: Virtualization security managementvirtual threats. Data access control for enterprise applications. Features and comparisons among GFS.Platform as Service: Google App Engine. Secure Execution Environments and Communications. Example/Application of Mapreduce. Issues in cloud computing. Relational operations using Map-Reduce. Cloud Middleware. IAAS Cloud computing platforms: Infrastructure as service: Amazon EC2. PAAS. Cloud 8 provider. streaming in Cloud. Multi-schema approach. Micro-architectures. benefits and limitations. data migration. The map-Reduce model. IAAS and Others. Pitfalls of virtualization Multitenant software: Multi-entity support. Organizational scenarios of clouds.HDFS etc. Dependability. SAAS. Multitenance using cloud data stores.General Issues. Comparison among SAAS. Components. QOS Issues in Cloud. AJAX: asynchronous 'rich' interfaces. Mashups: user interface services Virtualization Technology: Virtual machine technology. VM-Specific Security techniques. load balancing. Unit III Data in the cloud: Relational databases. Privacy and 6 Security in cloud Cloud computing security architecture: Architectural Considerations. Utility Computing. Enterprise batch processing using Map-Reduce. Mobile Cloud Computing. Elastic Computing Introduction to Cloud Technologies. resource dynamic reconfiguration. Latif (SPD. Wiley India 5. Cloud Computing : A Practical Approach. Apache Virtual Computing Lab (VCL). Cloud Security by Ronald Krutz and Russell Dean Vines.Pearson 2.. TPlatform. 6 Text Book: 1. Eucalyptus. R. 2010 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing . Nimbus. Antohy T Velte. Google Apps by Scott Granneman.Cambridge 3. Cloud Security & Privacy by Tim Malhar. Enomaly Elastic Computing McGraw Hill.‖QoS–aware Clouds”. et. OpenNebula.Halper (Wiley India Edition) 2. Cloud Computing for Dummies by Judith Hurwitz.Kumaraswammy.Unit VI Cloud computing platforms. Installing cloud platforms and performance evaluation Features and functions of cloud platforms: Xen Cloud Platform.Bloor. Wiley-India Reference Book: 1. Cloud Computing Bible by Barrie Sosinsky. F. S. Enterprise Cloud Computing by Gautam Shroff. S. Stefano Ferretti et.O’REILLY) 3. 4. web and email security considerations. S/MIME.algorithm. access control.Classical cryptography. Problems on key generation. standards. and SSL. stream cipher. trusted systems. TLS.Teaching Scheme: Teaching 4Hrs/Week Unit Content 410451: Elective IV: Information Security Examination Scheme Theory: 100 Marks Teaching Scheme Unit I Need of information security. MAC. Key management-Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Study of 6 IPSEC. AES. Study of applications and comparison of authentication functions. RSA. Elliptical curve cryptography. hash functions etc. Firewalls-design principles. finite fields. DES. Encrypt given messages 6 using ECC. confidentiality. Electronic commerce security. X. Security services. Firewalls-design principles. Intrusion Detection System. authorization. non-reproduction OSI security architecture. Study of Security services. SHA-512. 8 Unit III Unit IV Unit V Introduction to Network. Implementation and analysis of Security services. web security considerations. Intrusion Detection System. Introduction to cryptography. Implementation and analysis of IPSEC. man-in-themiddle attack. Security architecture. MAC. Introduction to number theory. Introduction to cryptography. MD5.authentication. Intrusion Prevention System IPSEC. block cipher modes of operation. Intrusion Prevention System. integrity. Unit II Introduction to Secret key and cryptography. and SSL. web security considerations. MAC. digital signatures. hash functions etc. authentication functions. security lifecycle. Intrusion Detection System. and SSL. trusted systems. Transport and Periphery Security. AES. IDEA. Ethical and Professional Issues 8 Attributes of security.Classical cryptography. hash functions. trusted systems. Intrusion Prevention System. RC5. cryptography algorithms Principles. TLS. Different standards related to IS. Implementation and analysis of authentication functions. Triple DES. security of RSA. Kerberos. guidelines and procedures.attacks. Problems on classical ciphers. PKI. services and mechanisms Information security management-security policy. Firewalls-design principles.509. PEM. Problems on cryptography algorithms.Legal. TLS. Introduction to Public key and Cryptography. DSA. 6 Electronic commerce security. Requirements of message authentication. IDEA. Principles. Encrypt given messages 6 using DES. Unit VI . Case-study: Information security management used in organizations. key distribution. PGP. HMAC. Authentication applications-. private communication in a public world" 4. Curtis Patton and RSA press "Security architecture. 5. King. 3. Text Books: 1. Nina Godbole.. Tata McGraw Hill Publication .SET. design deployment and operations". principles and practices". Pearson Reference Books: 1. Christopher M. Heith straggberg "Network Security. Radia Perlman and mike speciner "Network security. Mark Rhodes. ―Network Security and Cryptography‖. Charlie Kaufman. Wiley India Pvt. The Complete Reference". ―Information System Security‖. Bernard Menezes.Electronic commerce security. ISBN97881-265-1692-6. Cengage Learning. Smart cards. Robert Bragge. William Stallings "Cryptography and network security. strengths of Security services. 2.Ltd. Assignment on election algorithms. Study of Distributed File System: NFS – CODA 5. Re-assignment protocols. 4. Load distributing algorithms. a.410452 Computer Lab II Teaching Scheme Practical: 4 Hrs/Week Examination Scheme Term Work: 50 Marks Practical: 50 Marks 1. Backward error recovery in concurrent systems.Ring 3. 6. Application development on Cluster/Grid computing. b. Threads clock synchronization. Distributed/Hierarchical deadlock detection algorithms. 2. Clock synchronization: NTP / Lamports clock. Simulation of election algorithms (Ring and Bus Topology). a. Performance comparison.Bully b. . Inter-process communication using socket programming/ RPC mechanism including implementing multi-threaded echo server. Term II Project Term Work Teaching Scheme Practical: 6 Hours/Week Examination Scheme: Term Work: 100 Marks Oral: 50 Marks 1) Project workstation selection. (recommended submission date:. Central Universities or UoP Conference or International Conferences in Europe or US.Progress report every week during laboratory) 3) Test tool selection for various testing recommended by preferably external guide and generate various testing result charts.410447 Project Work (Term II) Objectives: To expose students with project-product development cycle using industrial experience. To encourage and expose students for participation in National/ International paper presentation activities. . graphs etc. University Conferences or equivalent centers of excellence etc. appendix (if necessary). Laboratory assignments on test cases and test results generated by selected project testing tool. detailed design (all necessary UML diagrams) document. (7 weeks before Term II Conclusion) 4) Review of design and necessary corrective actions taking into consideration feedback report of Term I assessment. use of state-of-art technologies. and other competitions/conferences participated like IIT. 6) Final term work submissions in the prescribed format given by the guides consisting of a project report consisting of a preliminary report prepared in term-I.3 weeks after commencement of second term) 2) Programming of the project. glossary. tools used and references at the end of Term-II. conclusions. GUI (if any) as per 1st Term termwork submission. including reliability testing.(recommended submission date:. User Interface design. 5) Students must submit and preferably publish atleast one technical paper in the conferences held by IITs. Central Universities. Exposure to Learning and knowledge access techniques using Conferences. installations and setup along with report to the guide. Journal papers and participation in research activities. 2. . Programming of the project functions.The Term II examination is conducted by panel of examiners (preferably guide and expert from Industry having atleast 5 years subject experience (or senior teacher in the subject in case of nonavailability of industry expert). interfaces and GUI (if any) as per 1st Term term-work submission using corrective actions recommended in Term-I assessment of Term-work. The remarks of Term I assessment and related corrective actions must be assessed during examining the term-work. The project assessment shall be done using Live Project Demonstration [in existing functional condition]. Central Universities. and other competitions/conferences participated like IIT. Test tool selection and testing of various test cases for the project performed and generate various testing result charts. Review of design and necessary corrective actions taking into consideration the feedback report of Term I assessment. 3. Term-II Project Laboratory Assignments 1. graphs etc. Project workstation selection. University Conferences or equivalent centers of excellence etc. 4. installations along with setup and installation report preparations. including reliability testing. using necessary simulators (if required) and presentation by the students.
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