

Training and Development Programmes at BESCOMINDUSTRY PROFILE Electricity is one of the most important forms of energy. We cannot see, hear or smell electricity, but we know about it by what it does. Electricity produces light and heat and it provides power for household appliances and industrial machinery. Electric power also enables us to have telephones, computers, films, television, and radio etc,. Most of the electricity that we use daily consists of a flow of tiny particles called electrons. Electrons are the smallest unit of electricity. They are much too tiny to be seen, even with a microscope. Everything around us, including our bodies, contains electrons. Therefore, everything can be thought of as partly electrical. Some of the effects of electricity can be thought of as partly electrical. Some of the effects of electricitymay be seen in nature. For example, lightening is a huge flash of light caused by electricity. Almost all the world’s electricity is produced at power plants by large machines called generators. Most of these plants burn coal or oil to make steam, which provides the energy to run the generators. Thick wires carry electricity from the plant to all the places such as houses, schools, colleges, farms, factories and other places where people need it. Electricity is a handy source of energy, but it must be used with great care. Faulty wiring or an overloaded socket can cause a fire. An electricity supply even with one voltage can kill a person if he/she touches a bare wire with wet hands or while standing on a wet floor. 1 Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM BESCOM HISTORY : The erstwhile Mysore State had the enviable and glorious position of establishing the first major hydroelectric generating station for commercial operations at Shivanasamudram as early as 1902. The art at that time was still in its infancy, even in the advanced countries. The longest transmission line, at the highest voltage in the world, was constructed to meet the power needs of mining operations at Kolar Gold Fields. The State of Karnataka, with availability of cheap electric power, and other infrastructure facilities, was conducive for increased tempo of industrial activity. It became necessary to augment the powergenerating capacity by harnessing the entire potential of the Sharavathi Valley. The first unit of 89.1 MW was commissioned in 1964 and completed in 1977. The demand for power saw a phenomenal increase in the mid sixties and onwards with the setting up of many public sector and private industries in the State. As power generation in the state was entirely dependent on monsoon and was subject to its vagaries, the state government set up a coal based power plant at Raichur. The present installed capacity of the power plant at Raichur is 1260 MW. To augment the energy resources of the State, the Kalinadi Project with an installed capacity of 810 MW at Nagahari Power House and 100MW at Supa Dam Power House, with an energy potential of 4,112 Mkwh, were set up. 2 Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM The transmission and distribution system in the state was under the control of the Government of Karnataka (then Mysore) till year 1957. In the year 1957, MSEB was formed and the private distribution companies were amalgamated with Karnataka Electricity Board. Till the year 1986, KEB was a profit-making organisation. However, in the subsequent years, like other State Electricity Boards in the country, KEB also started incurring losses, mainly due to the increase in agricultural consumption and due to the implementation of the socioeconomic policies of the government. To improve the performance of the power sector and in tune with the reforms initiated by Government of India, the Government of Karnataka came out with a general policy proposing fundamental and radical reforms in the power sector. Accordingly an Act, namely the Karnataka Electricity Reforms Act was passed by the Karnataka Legislature. The Reform has mandated major restructuring of the Karnataka Electricity Board and its Corporatisation. As part of corporatisation, Karnataka Electricity Board ceased to exit and Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited was constituted from 1st August 1999. As a part of the reforms, the distribution sector was further divided into 4 companies viz. Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited – BESCOM; Hubli Electricity Supply Company Limited - HESCOM; Mangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited – MESCOM; Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company Limited - GESCOM. These companies came into existence from 1st June. 3 As a first step. KPTCL is headed by a Chairman and Managing Director at the Corporate office. Karnataka Electricity Board (KEB) was dissolved and in its place. the Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL) was incorporated. 1956 was incorporated on 28-71999 and is a company wholly owned by the Government of Karnataka with an authorised share capital of Rs. This was followed by the constitution of Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) in November 1999. KPTCL was formed on 1-8-1999 by carving out the Transmission and Distribution functions of the erstwhile Karnataka Electricity Board. Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited is a registered company under the Companies Act. He is assisted by four functional Directors. 4 . The Board of KPTCL consists of a maximum of twelve directors.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM COMPANY PROFILE In the year 1999. Karnataka embarked on a major reform of the power sector. 1000 crores. To transmit and distribute power in the State. Thermal and other sources.000 distribution transformers and 3. KPTCL also purchases power from Central Government owned generating stations like National Thermal Power Corporation.30.57. fifty seven divisions. One Rural Electric Cooperative Society is functioning in Hukkeri taluk. Neyvelli Lignite Corporation and the Atomic Power Stations at Kalpakkam and Kaiga. Belgaum district which purchases bulk power from KPTCL and redistributes it to the consumers within the taluk.92 lakh square kilometres. nearly 1. KPTCL serves nearly 109 lakh consumers of different categories spread all over the State covering an area of 1. KPTCL purchases power from Karnataka Power Corporation Limited. it operates nearly 684 substations.000 Kms of LT lines.50. fifteen Circles. from time to time. The annual 5 . each headed by a Superintending Engineer. 28.000 Kms of 11 KV lines. each headed by a Assistant Executive Engineer. KPTCL purchases power from KPC at the rate fixed by the State Govt. Maintenance of power supply and day to day functioning are being looked after by the above officers. To enable easier operation of the system. which generates and operates major power generating projects in the state consisting of Hydel. each headed by a Chief Engineer. It operates under a license issued by Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission. The approximate share of power from these generating stations is around 16%.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited is mainly vested with the functions of Transmission and Distribution of power in the entire State of Karnataka.000 Kms of transmission lines with voltages of 33 KV and above. each headed by a Executive Engineer and over two hundred and seventy sub-divisions. KPTCL has been divided into five zones. 1. with a population of over 6 . Hubli Electricity Supply Company and Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company. which were registered on 30/04/2002. Mangalore Electricity Supply Company. BESCOM : Districts. KPTCL is now vested with the responsibility of transmitting power all over the State and construction and maintenance of Stations and lines of 66KV and above.e. 69 BSR 2001 Bangalore.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM turnover of the organisation was nearly Rs.. Kms. 01/06/2002. The four newly formed independent distribution companies.4000 crores during the year 2000-01. dated 15/02/2002 has unbundled KPTCL and formed four distribution companies. These companies are incharge of distribution of power within their jurisdiction. Consequent to this the function of distribution of power has been totally separated from KPTCL.092 Sq. KPTCL will purchase power from various power producers and sell it to the distribution companies. They have started functioning w.f. are Bangalore Electricity Supply Company. which are serviced by BESCOM: Bangalore Urban Bangalore Rural Kolar Tumkur Chitradurga Davangere BESCOM covers an area of 41. KPTCL Unbundled: Government vide order No. Bangalore Rural Area Zone and Chitradurga Zone. The company has three operating zones – Bangalore Metropolitan Area Zone.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 139 lacs. BESCOM Corporate Structure : 7 . He is assisted by different functional Directors – • • • • • • • Diector – Technical Financial Advisor Company Secretary Vigilance TA & QC Internal Audit Communication and Reforms Co-ordination Officers. 8 .Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM BESCOM is headed by a Chairman and Managing Director at the Corporate office. All our 9 . HIGH STANDARDS IN CUSTOMER SERVICE . BESCOM SERVICES :  Improving the Quality of Power In the coming years the main focus of BESCOM would be on improving the distribution network by inducting the latest technologies. OPTIMUM USAGE OF TECHNICAL & HUMAN RESOURCES.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM MISSION STATEMENT : THE MISSION OF BANGALORE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED (BESCOM) IS TO ENSURE COMPLETE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION BY PROVIDING ITS CUSTOMERS QUALITY. HIGH ORDER MAINTENANCE OF ITS TECHNICAL FACILITIES. BESCOM is set to achieve this mission through: BEST PRACTICES IN THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ITS TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK . RELIABLE POWER AT COMPETITIVE RATES. quality power at the most reasonable prices. These meetings will be organized by all the Zonal Chief Engineers (EL.  Closer Customer Interaction To improve customer care and customer relationships BESCOM will have regular interactive meetings with resident/customer welfare associations etc. The aim is to provide the customers reliable.. a pilot scheme involving Grama Panchayats for revenue collection and improvement in customer service has been started in two Grama Panchayats – Karahally in Devanahalli Taluk and Konagatta in Doddaballapura Taluk in September 2002 and a memorandum of agreement has been entered between BESCOM and the two Grama Panchayats  Soujanya Counters and Service Stations 10 . O&M Circle Executive Engineers (EI.). systems and work culture to become a truly reliable. At BESCOM we have already embarked on a major overhaul of our technology. These steps will go a long way in ensuring better quality of power to customers. Every Customer of BESCOM has a right to expect good service.. efficient and customer-friendly power utility. Our endeavour is to provide you the best customer service.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM efforts are being made to reduce technical and commercial losses.Further. O&M Sub-divisions at frequent intervals. O&M Divisions and Assistant Executive Engineers. equipment. Superintending Engineers (EL.  Community involvement in Rural Areas Community involvement in rural power distribution is done as a pilot project and is in force since 47 months and has resulted in improvements in attending to customer complaints and also in revenue collections ..).). Special attention is being paid to strengthen and expand the distribution system and improve the services in rural areas. politeness and responsiveness while dealing with customers. BESCOM is planned to setup four consumer care centres in Bangalore as a one point service centre for all consumers. 3. HRD training is being given to them.  Better Customer Care for Greater Customer Satisfaction Since it became operational in June 2002. Speedy response to customer 2. BESCOM have been undertaken a number of measures to improve customer care. to make it easier for customers to recognize them. Uniforms/Identity Cards for meter readers: All meter readers have been provided with uniforms and identity cards.  An environment friendly measure To ensure proper trimming of trees.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM To provide better service to customers. the Soujanya Counters and Service Stations are being remodeled and refurbished. These include: 1. the field staff have been instructed to consult the area welfare associations before they take up such work BESCOM STATISTICS : 11 . Sensitising field staff to improve behaviour with customers: Special efforts are being made to bring about an attitudinal change in the field staff attending to customer’s complaints. They have been sensitized to the need for courtesy. 134971 Km.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM BESCOM Statistical Details as of 31-Mar-2006 Geographical Information Area Districts Zones Circles Divisions Sub Divisions Section Offices Distribution Transformers Length of HT lines Length of LT lines Population (as per census 2001) Consumer base Domestic & AEH Commercial LT Industrial HT Industrial IP Sets Others Total : 3982318 499146 114372 4516 502352 83032 5546043 </TD< TR> 41092 Sq.</T D< TR> 6 3 6 24 103 416 92024 57439 Km. 168 lacs 12 .Km. 15% -2.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM Performance of BESCOM in last 4 years: Sl.5% 50% 26% 6% -4.5% KM T & D Losses 28% Transformer Failures 15% Introduction to HRM Evolution of HRM Earlier references: In western countries HRM had its primitive beginning in 1930s.57 lakhs 2276 crores 2089 crores 88% 2005 .02 46.88% 12.44 lakhs 4212 crores 3708 crores 97% Percentage 19% 88% 78% 9% 5 6 7 8 9 61429 Nos 45543 ckt KM 127658 ckt 92024 Nos. 57439 ckt KM 134971 ckt KM 23.N o 1 2 3 4 Particulars Customers Revenue Demand Revenue Collection Collection Efficiency (Excluding IP Sets and Bhagyajyothi Installations) DTC’s HT Lines LT Lines 2001 .06 55. Not much thought was given on this subject in particular and no written records or documents interesting to note HRM 13 . as a concept was found developed in ancient literatures in general and in Indian philosophy in particular. Personnel functions: Till 1930s. as it is known today. it is the employer who decided what is “legitimate need” of employees. land. India or china. In fact. existed in ancient Greece. Indian and Chinese. Process and peddle” labour as one of the resources. This is not to suggest that industrial establishment and factories system. Need for the Study :  Shortage of skills. In fact. it was to maintain a “buffer” between employer and employee to meet the “legitimate need” of employees. The first time when such a specialist “person” was used. it was not felt necessary to have a separate discipline of management called “Personnel management”. certain developments took place. However. the specialist “person” was more needed to prevent “unionization” of employees. labour and capital. The philosophy of managing human being. 14 .Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM concepts was available. This was the case before 1930-s all over the world. Environmental Influences on HRM: Since 1930s. which greatly contributed. to the evolution and growth of Human Resources Management (HRM). this job was assigned as part of the factory manager. These developments are given below:  Scientific Management  Labour Movements  Government Regulations. in ancient philosophies of Greek. Adam Smith’s concept of factory was that it consists of three resources. This factory manager is expected to “procure. There is a great need to upgrade technology. production methods. Modern management has introduced a number of innovative steps in functions of management like planning.  Technological Obsolescence. 15 .  Organization Obsolescence. coordinating and directing.  Upgrading Ability of Threshold workers. At the time recruitment employees possess a certain of knowledge and skill. All these are threshold workers having less than minimum prescribed level of knowledge and skill. They require extensive training to bring them up to the minimum level of performance standard. This happens because of changes taking place in product technology. The best alternative is to improve skill and knowledge of existing employees. procurement of better machines. unless it is updated by proper training.  Coercive training by government. Alternatively they are too costly to hire from outside. This needs suitable training.  Personal Obsolescence. minorities and dependents of deceased workers etc. setting up of modern production lines.. Public policy provides reservation to disadvantaged sections of the society like handicapped. introduction of modern method of supervision and information processing through MIS and EDO. This will render current technology obsolete in the future. Growth of technology takes places very fast. As time passes knowledge becomes obsolete.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM Skills and knowledge people are always on short supply. organizing. controlling. Organization which is impervious to such changes is bound to fail and become obsolete. Scope of Human Resource Management 16 .Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM In order to provide better employability chances of unemployed youth. The expenditure involved is training and developments are now being considered as an investment. A part of expenditure incurred for this by private sectors are reimbursed by government. of India. certain governments taken initiative to mobilize resources available at pubic/government and private sectors to outside candidates. One such example is the “Apprentice Training ” conducted by govt.  Human capital The latest thinking is to treat employees as “human capital”. safety and health. come under the preview of HRM. Job analysis and design. Performance appraisal and Job evaluation. employee welfare. the activities included are Human Resource planning. Orientation and placement.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM The Scope of HRM is in deed fast. Specifically. Selection. employee and executive renumeration and communication. Recruitment. Training and development. HRM is becoming a specialized branch giving rise to a number of specialized areas like : • • • • • Staffing Welfare and Safety Wages and Salary Administration Training and Development Labour Relations Nature of Human Resource Management Prospects of HRM Employee hiring Industrial Relations Human Resource Management Employee and executive Remuneration Employee Maintenance Employee Motivation Scope of HRM 17 . industrial relations and the like. All major activities in the working life of worker from time of his entry in an organization until he / she leaves. Objectives of the HRM are to secure the following: 1. Profitability and in fact the very existence of the undertaking will depend on this constituents. Co-operation and dedication in performance on the part of its personnel ends in the accomplishment of its objectives. and developing individuals at work and maintaining effective multilateral communication systems. 4.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM Human Resource Management in BESCOM : Personnel/Human Resource of an undertaking is its important constituent. Achieve High Productivity: The underlying objective brings to increase the “quantity or volume” of the product or service for a given input. developing and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of an organization in an effective and efficient manner. In short HRM may be defined as the art of procuring. Industrial peace: This is secured by excellent union management relations. Therefore human resource is of immense importance since it involves matters such as identifying. evaluating. placing. Efficiency. Better quality of working life of employees: This involves both intrinsic and extrinsic factors connected with work. Obtain and sustain competitive advantage through empowerment : continuous improvement and innovative steps being the two essential 18 . healthy inter-personal relationships. and promoting participative management style and good industrial and labour relations.. 3. Human resources along with financial and material resources contribute to production of goods and services in an organization. productivity improvement programme is very significant in a competitive environment. 2. which just means that the Indian training industry seems to have come of age. Training is a 19 . His research led him to believe that if these same employees were properly motivated. Training could be one of the means used to achieve such improvements through the effective and efficient use of learning resources. today’s industries are “knowledge based” and “skill intensive”. Organization and individual should develop and progress simultaneously for the their survival and attainment of mutual goals. Personnel research functions. Behavioral science concepts like motivation and enhanced productivity could well be used for such improvements in employee output. every modern management has to develop the organization through human resource development. they could work at 80-90% of their capabilities.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM ingredients to achieve and sustain competitive advantage. BACKGROUND SCENARIO William James of Harvard University estimated that employees could retain their jobs by working at a mere 20-30 percent of their potential. 5. training industry has come a long way today. Proper orientation and introduction to the new employees. From training imparted to improve mass production to now training employees on soft skills and attitudinal change. So. 7. Training and development has been considered an integral part of any organization since the industrial revolution era. In fact most training companies are expecting the market to double by the year 2007. Cordial relationship between the employer and employees. 6. Employee training is the most important sub-system of human resources development. 000 crores per annum. According to Ms Pallavi Jha. Managing Director. With soft skills training gaining so much momentum.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM specialized function and one of the fundamental operative functions for human resources management. which organizations cannot ignore. Translate them into programs that meet the needs of the selected trainees. "The Indian training industry is estimated at approximately Rs 3. Walchand Capital and Dale Carnegi Training India. I plan to research if training indeed is proving to be effective in the behavioral area. Perception regarding corporate training seems to have undergone a sea-change in the past two years. human resources have become the key assets. the bug seems to have bitten most companies aiming at increasing their efficiency. The market is unofficially estimated to be anywhere between Rs 3000 crores and Rs 6000 crores. with most companies realizing it to be an integral part of enhancing productivity of its personnel. While MNC.s imperative to understand if it serving the right purpose or not. What is surprising is that the Indian companies. The following steps must form the basis of any training activity: • • • Determine the training needs and objectives. it. The NFO study states that over a third of this is in the area of behavior and soft skills development. With the exponential boom in the services sector and the emergence of a full-fledged consumer-driven market. 20 . Evaluate the results.s with their global standards of training are the harbingers of corporate training culture in India. With this background. Training a person for a bigger and higher job is development. It covers not only those activities which improve job performance but also those which bring about growth of the personality. What is Development? Development is a related process. What is Training? Training is the act of increasing the knowledge of an employee for doing a particular job.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM There are few generalizations about training that can help the practitioner. this process includes not only imparting skills but also certain mental and personality attributes. It is a powerful tool that can have a major impact on both employee productivity and morale. It is the application of knowledge. if properly used. 21 . It can heighten the skills and abilities of the employees and their motivation by increasing their sense of commitment and encouraging them to develop and use new skills. It gives people an awareness of the rules and procedures to guide their behaviors. Training should be seen as a long term investment in human resources using the equation given below: Performance = ability (x) motivation Training can have an impact on both these factors. It attempts to improve their performance on the current job and prepares them for an intended job. -Edwin B Flippo Training is process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM Need for training :  Specifically. ICICI…  Organizational Viability and the Transformation Process: The primary goal of most of the organizations is that their viability is continuously influenced by environmental pressure. mechanization. knowledge. If the organization desires to adapt to these changes. first it has to train the employees to impart specific skills and knowledge in order to enable them to contribute to organizational efficiency and to cope with training in order to ensure a smooth transformation process.e. attitude. behavior. etc… to the tune of the job requirements and organizational needs as felt Glaxo India.  Organizational Complexity: With the emergence of increased mechanization and automation. computerization and automation. So. manufacturing of multiple products and by-products or dealing in services of diversified lines. Training is needed to fill these gaps by developing and molding the employee skills. the need for training arises due to the following reasons: To match the employee specifications with the Job requirements and organizational Needs: Management finds deviations between employee’s present specifications and the job requirements and organizational needs. the organization should train the employee’s train the employees to enrich them in the areas of changing technical skills and knowledge from time to time.  Technological Advance: Every organization to survive and to be effective should adopt the latest technology i. extension of operations to various 22 . The need for training also arises to: • • • • Increased Productivity. 23 . This situation calls for training in the skills of co-ordination. Training is also necessary to equip employees with advanced displaces. diversification and expansion.  Human relations: Trends in approach towards personnel management has changed from the commodity approach to partnership approach.  Change in the job assignment: Training is also necessary when the existing employee is promoted to the higher level in the organization and when there is some new job or occupation due to transfer. Improved quality of the product/service. organization of most of the companies has become complex: This creates the complex problems of coordination and integration of activities adaptable for and adaptable to the expanding and diversifying situations.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM regions of the country or in overseas countries. Improved organizational climate. techniques or technology. integration and adaptability to the requirements of growth. Training also becomes essential when an organization has plans for modernization. crossing the human relations besides maintaining sound industrial relations although hitherto the managers are not accustomed to deal with the workers accordingly. Training in human relations is necessary to deal with human problems. Help a company to fulfill its future personnel needs.  To prepare employees for higher-level tasks. Minimize the resistance to change and To act as mentor. both new and old to meet the present as well as the changing requirement6s of the job and the organization. Prevent obsolescence.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM • • • • • Improved health and safety.  To prevent obsolescence. Effect personal growth. 24 . Training objectives : The personnel manager formulates the following training objectives in keeping with the company’s goals and objectives:  To prepare the employees.  To impart the new entrants the basic knowledge and skills they need for an intelligent performance of a definite job.  To promote individual and collective morale. and manager.  To ensure smooth and efficient working of a department. supervisor. a sense of responsibility.. worker.  To develop the potentialities of people for the next level job. other than managers (executives following are the methods of training: 25 .  To ensure economical output of required quality. Use of particular methods depends on the trainees’ viz.  To broaden the minds of senior managers by providing them with opportunities for an interchange of experiences within and outside with a view to correcting the narrown3ess of outlook that may arise from over-specialization. co-operative attitudes and good relationships  Classification of Training : There are a number of training methods available. Basically these methods can be classified into following broad categories:  On the job training  Off the job training In regard to employees.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM  To assist employees to function more effectively in their present positions by exposing them to the latest concepts.  To build up a second line of competent officers and prepare them top occupy more responsible positions. information and techniques and developing the skills they will need in their particular fields. 3. Games and Role-playing. 5.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM On the job training 1. plumbers. Programmed instructions (PI). Audio visual/film shows. Class room lectures. 2. Apprenticeship training is normally given to artisans. Apprenticeship training. The duration of the course/training depends on the nature of trade and desired skill level. Apprenticeship training is carried out under the guidance and intimate supervision of a master craftsmans/expert worker/supervisior. Group discussions/case study analysis. 8. the trainee is paid less than that of a qualified worker. 2. 7. The duration normally varies from 2 to 5 years. Simulation/Computer modeling. 4. Vestibule training. bricklayers and the like. Off the job training 1. On The Job Training:  Apprenticeship Training: Skilled worker and apprenticeship training. Job instruction training (JIT).  Job Instruction Training(JIT): 26 . This should not mix up with government sponsored “Apprenticeship Training” for unemployed youth certain underdeveloped nations like India. During apprenticeship training period. Conferences/seminars. electricians. 6. Off The Job Training:  Class Room Lectures: This is the simplest form of training. Training within industry(TWI) was one such programme. It is a planned activity with a leader/ moderator to guide the proceedings. JIT was intended for developing efficient supervisiors. policies. Major disadvantage is that it involves passive participants of trainees and depends on ability of teacher to a great extent. This form os also suited on imparting knowledge on theory and concepts. Seminars and Workshops: This is a formal method of arranging meeting in which in which individuals confer to discuss points of common interest for enriching their knowledge and skill.  Conferences. JIT proved very effective and extremely popular.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM During Second World War. regulations. It encourages group discussion and participation of individuals for seeking clarifications and offering explanatations and own experiences. Lecture form has limited success when the objective is to improve the skill level of trainees. This is a group activity. which is focused on 27 . Special training programme was initiated on warfootings. This is a best form of instruction when the intention is to convey information on rules. Allied Forces experienced acute shortage of skilled craftsmen and able supervisors. It also saves time. and procedures. Another advantage is that it can be used effectively even when numbers of trainees. JIT was part of TWI. Another advantage is that it can be used effectively even when numbers of trainees are more. Special training. contemplation and discussion of concrete cases. come under this category. Audio –visual and film shows can supplement the efforts of lecturing and improve its effectiveness. This method has.  Group Discussions and Case study analysis: Christopher Langdell initially introduced case study method at Harvard Law School in 1880’s.  Simulation/Computer Modelling: Any training activity in which actual working environment is artificially created as near and realistic as possible. When using computer-programming method artificially creates work environment. Case study analysis experimenting exercises. we call it computer modeling. however. 28 . The principle used is “experience is the best teacher”. game playing. Training conference and seminar/workshops. In case of workers . “The case study is based upon the belief that managerial competence can best attained through the study. computer modeling and vestibule training etc. limited use for workers but better use for supervisiors. Here several empirical studies are examined in details to find out commonalities to derive general principles.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM agreed agenda points prefixed during planning of such conferences. audio-visual aids considered very useful and sometimes inescapable to demonstrate operation of a machine or explain a process.  Audio/Visual and film shows: In order to improve understanding. is called simulation training. There are 3 variations nearly Directed conferences. one area of importance in this method is that of quality control . LIC. Banking etc.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM  Vestibule Training : In vestibule training. There are many instances of protests and fear by many workers in various fields like railways. the learning ability is tested and evaluated in real time basis.. employees are trained on the equipment they are employed. posts and telegraphs. In this case the instruction material and information is broken down in meaningful units and arranged in a proper sequence to form a logical method of learning package. handouts. For training a machineshop operator. Phases of training: The various steps involved in the design and development of training programme particularly for the employees are: 29 . suddenly find themselves useless to the company. but the training is conducted away from the place of work. and computer aided instructions(CAI) . Loyal workers of long service. books.  Programmed instruction: Programmed instruction is a structured method of instruction aided through texts.  Retraining: Technology is advancing at a very rapid pace. Hence obsolescence is a major problem fixed by individual workers. Second problem faced by the workers are the introduction of automation. a vestibule or separate room is arranged for training in which all necessary equipment and machines required in an actual machineshop are duplicated. Benefits of training How Training Benefits the Organization :  Leads to improved profitability and/or more positive attitudes toward profits orientation 30 .Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 1) Identification of training needs of employees 2) Planning of training programme 3) Preparation of trainees 4) Implementation 5) Evaluation The last stage in the training programme process is the evaluation of results this is the main part to know the effectiveness/determines the results of the training programme. personnel distribution etc…  Develops a sense of responsibility t the organization for being competent and knowledgeable.g. Benefits to the individual which in turn ultimately should benefit the organization: 31 .Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM  Improve the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization  Improve the morale of the workforce  Helps people identify with organizational goals  Helps create a better corporate image  Fosters authenticity. production. e.  Helps keep costs in many areas. loyalty. motivation. better attitudes and others aspects that successful workers and managers usually display. openness and trust  Improves the relationship between boss and subordinate  Aids in organizational development  Learns from the trainee  Helps prepares in guidelines for work  Aids in understanding and carrying out organizational policies  Provides information for future needs and all areas of the organization  Improves labor management relations  Helps prepare guidelines for work  Organization gets more effective decision making and problem solving skills  Aids in development for promotion from within  Aids in developing leadership skills.  Moves a person towards personal goals while improving interactive skills.  Helps eliminate fear in attempting new tasks. achievement. responsibility and advancement are internalized and operationalised.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM  Helps the individual in making better decisions and effective problem solving. growth.  Aids in orientation for new employees and those taking new jobs through transfer or promotion.  Provides the trainee an avenue for growth and a say in his/her own future  Develops sense of growth in learning. communication skills and attitudes. motivational variables of recognition. Intragroup and intergroup relations and policy implementations:  Improves communication between groups and individuals. 32 .  Increases job satisfaction and recognition. knowledge.  Helps a person develop speaking and listening skills: also writing skills when exercises are required.  Through training and development.  Aids in encouraging and achieving self-development and selfconfidence. Benefits in personnel and Human Relations.  Provides information for improving leadership.  Educational institutions award degrees but graduates lack skills: This is the reason why business must spend vast sums of money to train workers in basic skills. Worse still. budget allocation to training is the first item to be cut when a company faces financial crunch. Managers. Organizations also need to train employees in multiple skills.  Aggregate spending on training is inadequate: companies spend misuscule of their revenues on training. 33 . combined with new approaches to organizational design and production management. particularly at the middle level. The rank and file workers are ignored. This must change for as a result of rapid technological change. (iii) the ability to diagnose system problems.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM IMPEDIMENTS TO EFFECTIVE TRAINING : There are impediments which can make a training programme ineffective :  Management commitment is lacking and uneven: Most companies do not spend money on training. the ability to implement rapid changes in product and technologies is often essential for economic viability. technicians and professionals. In an increasingly competitive environment. need to be retrained in team-playing skills. workers are required to learn three types of new skills: (i)the ability to use technology. Those that do tend to concentrate on managers. (ii) the ability to maintain it.  Organised labour can help: organized labour can play a positive role in imparting trainng to workers. Companies in our country. 34 . leadership skills and customer oriented skills.  No help to workers displaced because of downsizing: Organizations are downsizing and de-layering in order to trim their workforces. Unlike Germany. This must change. particularly before deputing them to undergo training in foreign countries. settlement of disputes and the like. Business is seen as not communicating its demand in B schools. wages. where local business groups pressure companies not to poach company’s employees there is no such system in our country. Such bonds are not effective as the employees or the poachers are to pay the stipulated amounts as compensation when the bounds are breached. Major trade unions in our country seem to be busy in attending to mundane issues such as bonus. however insist on employees to sign ‘bongs of tenure’ before sending them for training.  Large scale poaching of trained workers: Trained workforce is in great demand.  Employers and B schools must develop closer ties: B schools are often seen as not responding to labour-market demands. The govt should set apart certain fund from the national renewal fund for the purpose of retraining and rehabilitating displaced workers. They have little time in imparting training to their members.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM entrepreneurship skills. Let training help employees at all levels and acquire the needed skills.  Ensure that training contributes to competitive strategies of the firm. 35 .Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM How to make training effective?  Determine the training needs through job description. performance appraisal.  Ensure that the management commits itself to allocate major resources and adequate time to training.  Select the efficient faculty.  Define the training objectives specifically.  Prepare a training calendar in discussion with the managers concerned.  Ensure that a comprehensive and systematic approach too exists. potential appraisal and discussion with employees. training and retraining are for all levels of employees.  Different strategies need different HR skills for implementation.  Determine the criteria of need for nomination of employees for training. Let this philosophy percolate down to all employees in the organization. Therefore the study is completely based on the training and development programmes conducted in BESCOM .Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM  Make learning one of the fundamental values of the company. Training is a short term educational process and utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which employees learn technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose and then reward the employees based on the performance through performance appraisal system after the training programme are conducted.  Ensure that there is proper linkage among organizational.  Create a system to evaluate the effectiveness of training. operational and individual needs. Objectives of the study 36 . Research Problem The Training programme plays an important role in increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM  To analyze the training methods followed in BESCOM its merits pitfalls.  To put forward suggestions and recommendations in the Training methods followed in the organization.  To analyse whether the training has reached the employees. Research Methodology: The purpose of the study is to understand the training and development programme followed in BESCOM. The methodology evolves from the objectives of the project and involves collecting primary and secondary data. Research Design The research design adopted is descriptive research design. It involves fact-finding, Inquiries of different kinds etc. The researcher has a wide variety of methods to consider, either singly or in combination. They can be grouped as 1. Primary source of data 2. Secondary source of data For this dissertation the data was collected from both the sources. Primary data – Data is made available through interview and questionnaires. Appointments were with scientists and interviews were conducted. Questionnaires were prepared for trainers and trainees to know the methods adopted by the organization. Secondary data – Data were collected from documents, records, Journals, Internet, text books and company past records etc. Sampling unit/Target group 37 Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM The respondents were Linemen, Assistant Executives /Junior Executives, Senior Assistants /Assistant etc. Sample size As the name indicates, sample size refers to the number of respondents or the size of the sample, which is to be surveyed. Here the sample size taken for the study was 40. Sampling procedure It refers to the definite plan adopted by the research for obtaining the data from the respondents; the technique adopted here is to gather data from sampling unit, questionnaire method and interview. Statistical tools used The various statistical tools for the analysis and interpretation of data are simple percentage method and Pie charts. Percentage was calculated for each factor as per the below shown formula Number of respondents in favour of X 100 Percentage = ---------------------------------------------------------Total number of respondents FORMULATION OF HYPOTHESIS The hypothesis has been to analyze the effectiveness of training programme conducted in the company i.e it analzes the effective training methods and techniques adopted to achieve the organizational goals. Tools used for testing of hypothesis 38 Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM A Hypothesis is the tentative explanatation for something. It frequently attempts to answer the questions “How” and “Why” at one level, hypothesis simply suggests how particular variable is related. At a more theoretical level hypothesis may offer a reason for the way that particular variable was selected generally speaking, it is a logically organized set of proposition which serves to define the events describe the relationships among these events and explains the occurence of these events. By hypothesis we mean a statement hypothesis testing deals with a procedure, which aspects or rejects the hypothesis. The two hypothesis are : NULL HYPOTHESIS It states there is no significance difference between the sample value and population value. This means that the observe difference is clue to the random fluctuations Ho denotes the null hypothesis. ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS In case the null is rejected, we should have the alternate hypothesis to accept alternative hypothesis denoted by Ha. Types of Errors While testing hypothesis, there are four possible combinations between the population value and sample value. The four combinations are: Hypothesis is true & test accepts it. Hypothesis is true & test rejects it. (Type 1 error) Hypothesis is false & test accepts it. (Type 2 error) Hypothesis is false & test rejects it. 39 Set up a null hypothesis denoted by Ho this means there is no significant difference between sample value and population value. If calculated value is less than the tabulated value. Acceptance region This represents the region with in which the calculated of the statistics must lie to accept the null hypothesis. Calculate the necessary values from the given data for the test. which is known as test hypothesis the distribution generally used are normal distribution students ‘t’ distribution. 5. It is always preferable to keep the level of significance at a low percentage. In case if Ho is rejected we must have an alternative hypothesis. Hypothesis testing procedure : 1. 1-α gives the level of confidence of the experiment in taking the decision. If calculated value lies in this region then the null hypothesis will be rejected. 2. Select the level of significance. else Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Limitations of the study 40 . It means that we should not reject a true hypothesis. 3. Select an appropriate distribution for the test. 4. Make conclusion from testing.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM Level of significance It is nothing but the probability of rejecting a true hypothesis and denoted by α. Fisher ‘F’ distribution or chi-square Ψ distribution. β represents the risk of accepting a false hypothesis 1-β is called the power of the test. The study is purely confined to BESCOM and based on the facts and data provided by the company. to complete the study in the stipulated time. Profile of BESCOM Development in BESCOM :  Power theft has been reduced to a greater extent.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 1. adequate representation was given for all categories of employees and officers. power loss during transmission is 41 . The time duration was very short. 3. However. Due to time and financial constraints it was possible to interview 40 respondents though we selected 60 respondents. 2. Curbing the menace of power theft. they are able to know the power produced and the power provided.  Highly computerized  Payment of bills – 24 hours through All Time Money (ATM) Counters which has helped the customers a lot.  They have also provided more outlets for the payment of bills.  They are conducting regular interactive meetings with resident/customer welfare associations etc.  Speedy response to the customer problems.Training and Development Centre in Bangalore which is providing all the benefits to the employees of the organization. Training in BESCOM : 42 .  Extending their service to each and every corner. Human Resource obviously need the skills which has to be trained.  By installing meter near to each transformer. So they have a separate HRD . This in turn has resulted to the development of the organization as a whole. to have a sound relationship  On-line addressing of problems which is helping the customer a lot. By developing so much in a small period they need human resource to look over all these.  Reduction in power cuts.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM minimized by adopting latest techniques These measures has resulted in the acceptable power tariff which will lead to total customer satisfaction.  By replacing installation from 4 poles to 1 pole which would minimize the space.  To prevent obsolescence. TRAINING IS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE THE FOLLOWING:  Growth. Expansion and Modernization  To increase productivity and profitability. To put the right man at the right task with the trained personnel has now become essential in today’s Globalized Market. No organization has a choice on whether or not to develop employees.  To make people trust each other more. Therefore training has nowadays become an important and required factor for maintaining and improving interpersonal and inter group collaboration. reduce cost and finally enhance skill and knowledge of the employee.  To help in developing a problem solving attitude.  To make personnel become committed to their job resulting in pro activeness.  To give people awareness of rules and procedures.  To make people more competent . KEY ASPECTS OF HRD TRAINING IN BESCOM: 43 .Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM Training is the most important activity and plays an important role in the development of human resources. Our approach to training must be to increase productivity and profitability and secondly to initiate personal growth and development. Discussion: 44 . This is suitable for large audience. • • • • • • • • • Linemen (including gangmen) Attenders Drivers Overseers/meter readers Jr. Talk: Incorporates variety of techniques. Assts AEES/AES/JES (including contract aes/jes) All women employees.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM • • • • • Learning and Development Leadership. AOS/AAOS Training Methods adopted in BESCOM : Classroom lectures: Arranging classroom lecture to the participants which do not involve much participation except some questions from participants. allows participation and discussion from trainees. Management Training Setting training and learning at the right level Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Train the Trainer Training categories : Training is being imparted to the following categories of employees regularly. Assts / Daftary / Typists Assts / Sr. Suitable for groups of not more than 20. Lack of participation may reduce it to a lecture. Key factors • • • • • Stress management Health & eating the right food Attitude & motivation Team work Role play 45 . Suitable for situations where the trainees need to practice. Role-play: Trainees asked to enact role they would be called upon to play in the job. Suitable for subjects where near-to-life practices in the training situation is helpful. Some trainees may become entrenched about there behaviour rather than change it.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM Knowledge. Suitable where information a matter of opinion. Behavioural and attitudinal training . ideas and opinions on a subject exchanged freely. Case study: A history of some event or set of circumstances with the relevant details examined by the trainees. Helps change attitudes and provide feedback to the instructor on application. It provides opportunities for exchange of ideas and consideration of possible solutions. Can be posted to individuals or to the groups. Exercise: Trainees asked to undertake a particular task leading to a required result following the laid down steps. Very useful in building confidence to handle real problem. May be used to discover trainee’s existing knowledge. 46 Job training – Key factors : .Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM • • • • • • • • • Leadership and decision making. Attitude and Motivation Communication skills Leadership training Decision making and multi tasking Presentation skills Communication Skills Man Management skills Technical Training : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Energy Audit. Preventive Maintenance Safety Devices and Proper usage at working places. Company accounts IE ACT – 2003 and ERC Filing Budget and Budgetary control Revenue Reforms Meter & Meter Testing Safety aspects and procedures ES & D Code RLMS. AT & C Losses ES & D Code and Electrification of Layouts Works unit and Field works. Field works IT initiatives in BESCOM. Distribution losses. Energy audit. Rural Management System Fire fighting training for the cadre of linemen and Gangemen. Effects of bad habits. Central board for workmen education (for linemen) Training sessions • • Training sessions are being continuously held at the hrd centre right from 03.  M/S. Expert solutions. Cartman  M/S. EXTERNAL FACULTY They have engaged following external faculty :  M/S.00 pm. Chinmaya institute of management  M/S. • About 200 nos. of Graduates and Diploma holders have been allotted under apprentice act by GOI Regional centre.2004. 47 .03. Shine. Quality circle forum of india  M/S.30 am everyday and ends at 6. of apprentices. HRD training commences at 9.  M/S. Chennai have been deputed to various Circles. Training to other utility: The HRD Training centre have also provided training to 260 nos.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM Apprentice Training – Key factors : • The HRD Training centre have also providing training to the apprentice as per the policy of Government of Karnataka since 1st October 2005 and have trained 75 nos. Divisions and Subdivisions. Parimala consultants (for training drivers & attenders)  M/S. of PWD Engineers as per the request of Public Work Department of Karnataka. Training schedules: Training is conducted in different batches : • • • • • AOS/AAOS/AEES/AES/JES/SR. arising out of dual responsibilities. (ii) A special one day workshop was conducted for all women employees in batches. on stress management.Assts/Meter Readers/Daftary/Overseers: Total 3 days Job Training : 2 days (Internal Trainers) Attitude and Behavioural Training : 1 day (External Trainers) Lineman Cadre – 1 day (Internal Trainers) (i) Attitudinal and Behavioural Training : 2 days (External Trainers) (ii) Job Training : • Attenders and Drivers – (i) The Training is only for one day devoted to Attitudinal and Behavioural aspects.Assts Assts/JR. Proposed training schedules : 48 . (iii) M/S. NTPC have conducted two batches of training for all officials of BESCOM on technical aspects. (iv) A special training for one day is being conducted in batches for all the employees due for retirement during the current finanical year on financial and emotional aspects.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM • Basic aim of the HRD centre is to make the employees more effective in their day to day works. The first phase of HRD training is completed for all employees of BESCOM. to 4. M/S. The timings for the training sessions 9.Shine is conducting training for the employees in Kolar circle. 3 day behavioural training is proposed. 4.00 p. 3. Training needs of the year 2006-07 Accounts : 49 . All employees of BMAZ area and BRC area. For linemen cadre. all AEES/AES/JES/AOS and AAOS in BESCOM covered. One day field training is also proposed for all the batches.m. Second phase of HRD Training 1.Expert solutions is conducting training for the employees in Chitradurga zone.30 a.m. The second phase training is now commenced. (The participants are finding it difficult to concentrate after the lunch hour) • Brain storming sessions proposed on the last half–day. 2. M/S.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM • • • • • As existing—3 days: as proposed—5 days 2 days Behavioural training is proposed for all cadres excluding linemen. New training programmes :  One day training programme on distribution losses and energy audit at HRD BESCOM for all AEES/AES/JES in batches of 20 each  This programme will commence during the month of August every year. he has also agreed to submit the proposal for the same shortly.J. Backbilling. Category of Employees 1 2 Contract AEs/JEs Linemen Total for the year 2005-06 Cumulative (Upto Jan 2006) 95 1434 Total 253 2793 50 .No.  Cash management systems different collection agencies and mechanisms and accounting thereof.Jayathirtha of M/S Bullseye Consulting Group was contacted in this regard. it is also proposed to identify more internal trainers in BESCOM .  Material Audit. MRI downloading . HRD TRAINING PROGRESS IN BESCOM (IN HOUSE) Sl. He has agreed to conduct this training programme for all the internal trainers of BESCOM.  Various taxes and duties and all related matters.  Costing concept  System Auditing.  Sub-divisional revenue accounting–latest amendments to the ES&D Code and various acts. reading of MT reports.  Meter reading. In this connection.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM  Financial accounting packages . Training to Trainers : Dr.  Establishment matters .accounts related matters with the proper accounting packages and proper utilization of these packages. JPA KAVIKA Personnel NTPC Training Retiring employees Total 15 268 259 222 31 113 560 182 57 56 19 62 53 18 3444 167 65 774 779 23 898 225 264 439 58 802 70 202 72 71 19 62 53 18 8107 Super 10 subdivisions In order to motivate the employees working in 10 subdivisions of Bangalore (E2. S1. BMTC.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 AOs/AAOs Senior Officers AEs/JEs Sr. accounts and technical is being imparted to these subdivisions to achieve specific targets. about 600 employees out of 1000 have been trained. /Asst. W4 AND W6) which are being projected towards super subdivisions. E6.. S4. BESCOM. C6 N1. BWSSB & BSNL – once in 3 years. /Typists AEEs PWD Engineers Training for Lady Officers Training for MT Engineers Overseers/Meter readers Training on System Audit Attenders /Watchmen Drivers B&C Software Training P/S. Impact of training 1. SPA. So far. N4. The Third Citizen Report card on Bangalore’s public service announced by the Public Affairs Center in December 2003/January 2004 has in fact ranked BESCOM among the top performers 51 . Asst. a training on HRD. C4. Public Affair Centre (PAC) an NGO conducts survey to evaluate the performane of the service providers in Bangalore city viz. Asst. BMP. 2. Training for Trainers Jr. BDA. Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 3. Parimala Consultants – the faculty conducting the Attitudinal and Behavioural programmes regularly for the linemen cadre very well prepared and their involvement is total. Some of the participants had tears in their eyes at the end of the session and requested for more such sessions. which has increased from 54% (in 1999) to 84% (in 2004) as per this report. OF PARTICULARS ON THE JOB OFF THE JOB TOTAL RESPONDENTS 34 6 40 PERCENTAGE 85% 15% 100% 52 .to increase the duration for a further period of 3 days. • • SWOT analysis . DATA ANAYLSIS In the study as said overly 40 respondents were interviewed and analysis were drawn on the basis of their opinions. TABLE 1: EMPLOYEES INTEREST IN TYPE OF TRAINING NO. as can be seen from the customer feedback survey.motivation to work on strengths and weaknesses to become better human beings. Feedback Feedback forms are being given to all the trainees on the last day of training. Customer satisfaction level has increased from 47% (in 1999) to 94% (in the year 2004) 4. • M/S. • The Attitudinal and Behavioural programme is the highlight of the 3 days training . Staff behavior has improved considerable. 5% 100% 53 . TABLE 2: METHODS OF TRAINING ADOPTED IN THE ORGANISATION NO. OF PARTICULARS REFRESHER SENSITIVITY CONVERGENT LATEST TECHNOLOGY CEP TOTAL RESPONDENTS 4 1 4 8 23 40 PERCENTAGE 10% 2. it reveals that 85% of employees are interested in on-the-job and only 15% of the employees are interested in off-the-job.5% 10% 20% 57.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 15% ON THE JOB OFF THE JOB 85% From the Table1 and graph. Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM REFRESHER 10% 3% 10% SENSITIVITY CONVERGENT 57% 20% LATEST TECHNOLOGY CEP The above stated training are the main training programmes conducted in the organization. 10% for both convergent and refresher training and Refresher training and only 2.5% have attended Sensitivity training. 20% of them have attended latest technology. TABLE 3: OPININON OF EMPLOYEES IN CONTEXT TO TRAINING PROGRAMME NO. OF PARTICULARS INTRAPERSONAL INTERPERSONAL TECHNICAL TOTAL RESPONDENTS 1 12 26 40 PERCENTAGE 5% 30% 65% 100% 54 . from the above Table2 and graph 57% of the employees have attended CEP ie continous education propgramme. 30% of the employees opine training is helpful for interpersonal activities and only 2. OF PARTICULARS YES NO TOTAL RESPONDENTS 38 12 40 PERCENTAGE 95% 5% 100% 55 . TABLE 4: SATISFACTION OF ENVIRONMENT DURING THE TRAINING PERIOD NO. the organization should also give priority for conducting training programmes which can enhance the intrapersonal activities.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 30% 5% INTRAPERSONAL INTERPERSONAL 65% TECHNICAL From the above Table3 and graph. It clearly indicates that about 98% of respondents opine that the training facilities so far offered was not helpful for the enhancement of intrapersonal activities in the institution. it is highlighted that 65% of the employees opine training is helpful for their technical activities. Hence.5% said training is helpful for intrapersonal activities. it can be viewed that 95% of the employees are comfortable during the training programme. and only 5% are not comfortable during the training period. OF RESPONDENTS 36 PERCENTAGE 90% 56 . TABLE 5: SATISFACTION ABOUT YHE TRAINING PROGRAMME PARTICULARS YES NO. Thus most of the employees are comfortable during the training programme.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 5% YES NO 95% From the above Table4 and graph. TABLE 6: PLACE OF THE EMPLOYEES GETTING TRAINED NO. OF PARTICULARS WORK SHOP RESPONDENTS 2 PERCENTAGE 5% 57 .Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM NO TOTAL 4 40 10% 100% 10% YES NO 90% From the above Table5 and graph. it is analysed that 90% of the employees are satisfied with the training programme they had and only 10% are not satisfied with the training programme. Thus it can be concluded that most of the employees are fully satisfied with the training programme conducted by the organization. 23% in conference hall. it can suggested that in order let out the fatigue it is better to conduct some out station programme outside the factory specially for the technicians and other skilled workers. 39% in class rooms. 58 . from the graph it is viewed that 5% of them were trained in work shops.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM CLASS ROOMS CONFERENCE HALL OUTSIDE THE ESTABLISHMENT TOTAL 16 9 13 40 39% 23% 33% 100% WORK SHOP 33% CLASS ROOMS CONFERENCE HALL OUTSIDE THE ESTABLISHMENT 5% 23% 39% The above are the places were the training are held. 33% of them outside the establishment. Hence. SKILLFUL & KNOWLEDGEABLE 3. ENCOURAGED CLASS PARTICIPATION ALL(1+2+3) TOTAL RESPONDENTS 20 5 1 14 40 PERCENTAGE 50% 11% 3% 36% 100% 36% 50% QUALIFIED & EXPERIENCED SKILLFUL & KNOWLEDGEABLE ENCOURAGED CLASS PARTICIPATION ALL 3% 11% From the Table7.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM TABLE 7: OPININON OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT TRAINERS NO. OF PARTICULARS 1. skillful & knowledgeable. and also encouraged class participation. 3% of them encourage class participation and other 36% said trainers are qualified & experienced. TABLE 8: BEHAVIOURAL ASPECTS OF THE TRAINERS 59 . 12.5% of them are skillful and knowledgeable. it is analysed that 50% of the employees view their trainers as qualified and experienced. QUALIFIED & EXPERIENCED 2. Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM NO. 70% feel that trainers were friendly. 60 . OF PARTICULARS IMPARTIAL RUDE FRIENDLY EASY GOING TOTAL RESPONDENTS 4 0 28 8 40 PERCENTAGE 10% 0% 28% 20% 100% IMPARTIAL 34% 17% 0% RUDE FRIENDLY EASY GOING 49% From the above graph and Table8 it reveals that 10% of the employees feel that trainers were impartial. TABLE 9: TRAINING CONDUCTED IN BESCOM NO. OF PARTICULARS FORTNIGHTLY MONTHLY QUARTERLY HALF YEARLY ANNUALLY TOTAL RESPONDENTS 0 16 4 1 19 40 PERCENTAGE 0% 40% 10% 3% 47% 100% 61 .Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 20% feel they were easy going and finally employees feel none of the trainers were rude that is 0%. 2.5% for half yearly.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 47% 40% MONTHLY QUARTERLY HALF YEARLY 3% 10% ANNUALLY From the above Table9 it reveals that. 47.5% for annually. TABLE 10: DURATION OF THE TRAINING PROGRAMME NO. 10% for quarterly. 40% of them said the fact that courses are conducted monthly. The table clearly indicates that most of the training programme were conducted monthly(40%) some of the training programs are conducted even once in a year(47. The table further reveals that no training programms is been conducted with a period duration of a fortnight. OF PARTICULARS ONE DAY 2-3 DAYS RESPONDENTS 1 4 PERCENTAGE 3% 10% 62 .5). when all training courses are held. 10% said for 2-3 days. 2. remaining 32.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM ONE WEEK FORTNIGHT TOTAL 22 13 40 55% 33% 100% 3% 33% 10% ONE DAY 2-3 DAYS ONE WEEK 54% FORTNIGHT As regards the duration of the training programme. OF PARTICULARS WORK SCHEDULE PERFORMANCE RESPONDENTS 6 2 PERCENTAGE 15% 5% 63 . 55% said training takes place for a week.5% said it was conducted fortnight. It indicates that highest % of training programme are one week duration.5% of the employees said it was held for one day. TABLE 11: EMPLOYEE OPINION ABOUT THE TYPE OF TRAINING NO. Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM APPRAISAL CONTINOUS LEARNING 18 ALL TOTAL 14 40 45% 35% 100% 15% 35% 5% WORK SCHEDULE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL CONTINOUS LEARNING 45% ALL From the Table11. TABLE 12: IS ORGANIZATION CONDUCTING PRE-TEST & POST-TEST NO. it is highlighted. 15% of the employees said training as a part of their work schedule. OF PARTICULARS YES NO TOTAL RESPONDENTS 4 36 40 PERCENTAGE 10% 90% 100% 64 . 5% of them for performance appraisal. 45% of them for continuous learning and 35% of them vote for all. e.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 10% YES NO 90% From the Table12. TABLE 13: FEEDBACK OF THE TRAINING NO. It is most surprising fact inspite of its existence in the field for more than 3-4 decades it is not taking interest in the pre-test and pro-test because out of 40 respondents 36 respondents i. 90% of respondents opine that the pre and pro-test are not conducted. it is analysed that the organization is not conducting regularly the pre-test and the post-test. OF PARTICULARS YES NO TOTAL RESPONDENTS 38 2 40 PERCENTAGE 92% 8% 100% 65 . It is one of the important aspects of HRD is that identification of the type of the training requirements of the employees and also to evaluate their performance of the trained workers during their post period . OF PARTICULARS YES NO TOTAL RESPONDENTS 35 5 40 PERCENTAGE 87% 13% 100 66 . It can be emphasized that the training component of the organization gives importance for getting the feedback about the impact of the training programme on the employees. the remaining 8% expressed a negative answer. TABLE 14: SELF EFFICACY INCREASED BY THE TRAINING PROGRAMME NO.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 8% YES NO 92% From the above Table13 it is analysed that 92% of the employees expressed that their performance are evaluated and the feed back is given. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE 5 10 2 2 4 17 40 13% 25% 5% 5% 10% 42% 100% 67 . TABLE 15: EMPLOYEES CONCERN TOWARDS TRAINING ENCHANCMENT IN THE FOLLOWING AREA PARTICULARS 1. OPERATIONAL SKILLS 2. EFFICIENCY 3. COMMUNICATION SKILLS 5. TEAM BUILDING ALL(1+2+3+4+5) TOTAL NO. BEHAVIOUR 4.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 13% YES NO 87% From the above table 87% of the employees opine is that there is an increase in their self improvement and the remaining 13% have not noticed any improvement. 5% in communication. 25% in efficiency for others.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 13% 42% 25% 10% 5% 5% OPERATIONAL SKILLS EFFICIENCY BEHAVIOUR COMMUNICATI ON SKILLS TEAM BUILDING ALL It is seen from the graph that . 5% in Behaviour for others. Test of Hypothesis Whether the training and development activities has reached the employees or not . 10% in team building for few employees and other 43% feel that training has enhanced them for all the areas stated.5% in operational skills for few employees. Efforts are made in the study for proving the following has enhanced in the following areas like 12. Information: Sample size Number of respondents for “NO” Assumptions: 68 : 40 : 2 Number of respondents for “YES” : 38 . It is assumed that out of total population 5% of the respondents will respond negatively.05/40 = 0.05 69 .95 = 1-0.95 = 0. Zcal = │p-P│ √PQ/n = √0.95×0. Alternative hypothesis = Ha = Training and development activities has reached the employees effectively.92 P = 95% Q = 1-P n = 40 Therfore. Such a test for attributes are one tailed on the basis of the above assumptions Null hypothesis = Ho = Training and development activities has not reached the employees effectively.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM The test is at 5% level of significance. Test statistic Zcal = │p-P│ √ PQ∕ n when n = sample size p = Population proportion P = sample proportion Q = Significance Given: p = 38/40 = 0.03 = 0. Findings Suggestions & Recommendations :  Determine the training needs through job description.03 Ztab = 1.92-0.  Determine the criteria of need for nomination of employees for training. performance appraisal.95│ 0.  Select the efficient faculty.96 Conclusion Zcal < Ztab Therefore . 70 .  Ensure that the management commits itself to allocate major resources and adequate time to training.  Prepare a training calendar in discussion with the managers concerned. potential appraisal and discussion with employees.  Define the training objectives specifically. we can infer that training and development activities has reached the employees effectively.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM Zcal = │0.  Ensure that there is proper linkage among organizational. Let training help employees at all levels and acquire the needed skills.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM  Ensure that training contributes to competitive strategies of the firm. operational and individual needs. training and retraining are for all levels of employees. Different strategies need different HR skills for implementation.  Make learning one of the fundamental values of the company. BIBLIOGRAPHY  HUMAN RESOURCE AND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT BY K.  Ensure that a comprehensive and systematic approach too exists. Let this philosophy percolate down to all employees in the organization. ASWATHAPPA  PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 71 .  Create a system to evaluate the effectiveness of training. ANNEXURES Questionnaire : A project undertaken by Prathibha M. Name (optional): Designation (optional): 3. ICFAI PUBLICATIONS. What according to you is Training? An instrument of change. BY JOHAR IVANCEVICH. [Please tick ( ) the appropriate answers] 1.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM BY N. NAIR & LATHA NAIR  HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. 72 . 2003. TATA Mc GRAW HILL.  TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT" EDITED BY V V RAMANI. 2005. G. On the Training programmes conducted at BESCOM. On-the-job Refresher Training Sensitivity Training Convergent Training Latest Technology CEP 7. All the above. Interpersonal c. Technical 8. Have you undergone any of the following types of training? 73 . What kind of training programme. 6. Have you undergone any type of training? a. Yes a. No b.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM An instrument to bring effectiveness. Yes a. b. Learning organization. Was the environment during training period comfortable? a. No b. What was the context of the training program? a. please suggest ___________________________ 10. Off-the-job 5. No 9. Maximize benefits. Yes b. 4. Where were you trained? (Venue) Work shop Class rooms Conference hall Outside the establishment. Are you satisfied with the training you had If No. Enhancing the skills efficiency and behavior. An instrument of better performance in terms of productivity. Intrapersonal b. Impartial c. Group synergy. d. 2-3 days d. What was the duration of the training programme? a. Easy going Others please specify_______________________ 13. a. Annually 14. No b. How effectively is the training programme implemented onb. b. a. Rude d.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 11. Is the training programme part of? 16. How often is the training programme conducted? a. Friendly b. Quarterly e. Skillful and knowledgeable. No 18. Increase in work environment. a. Is your performance evaluated and feedback given after? 74 . Qualified and Experienced. Yes Training. Encouraged class participation. half yearly 15. Continuous learning. d. Performance appraisal. Monthly d. c. b. b. 12. Behavioural part of the trainers. d. All. a. Quality of work life improved. One day c. Personality development. Yes the-job. b. How were the trainers? a. One week a. c. fortnight b. Work schedule. All of the above. Fortnightly c. c. Is the training programme having Pre-test and Post-test? 17. 22. 20. Improvement in the Human relations.Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 19. How has training programme benefited the organization? a. Hike in the salary. 75 . Efficiency d. Increase in Quality of work life. b. Yes a. Is your self-efficacy increased by the training programme? a. Improvement in Intrapersonal relations. _________________________________ _________________________________ Thank you. b. Operational skills c. d. Increase in incentives. c. No b. c. Team building b. How were you benefited by training in terms of monetary? a.. Recognition 23. (Junior/senior) d. Transfer to the convenient place e. Promotion. Others please specify__________________________ 21. All of the above. Any Suggestions…. Behaviour e. Communication skills f. Whether the training enhance the following. Increase in the productivity. Training and Development Programmes at BESCOM 76 .
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