Bem 53 Dodatek

March 27, 2018 | Author: Agnieszka Kołodziejczak | Category: Employee Benefits, Employment, Internship, Layoff, Recruitment



D O DAT E K D O DW U M I E S I Ę C Z N I K A B U S I N E SS E N G L I S H M AG A Z I N EJęzyk Angielski Biznesowy Business English Magazine Human Resources Język Angielski Biznesowy Business English Magazine Business English Magazine Language Guide Dear Readers, whether you are a personnel specialist, a general manager or just a humble employee, you might find yourself in need of a bit of HR vocabulary. Armed with your Business English Magazine glossary, you’ll be able to negotiate, ask for a pay rise and discuss a range of human resource issues with more knowledge and confidence. Poradnik biznesowo-językowy jest bezpłatnym dodatkiem do Business English Magazine nr 53/2016. Opracowanie: Janet Sandford, przy współpracy: Prochor Aniszczuk Zdjęcie na okładce: Goodluz Colorful Media ul. Lednicka 23, 60-413 Poznań tel. 61 833 63 28, [email protected] 360-degree review /dɪˈɡriː rɪˈvjuː/ ocena 360 stopni a performance review system based on feedback from superiors, peers and subordinates abandonment rate /əˈbændənmənt reɪt/ wskaźnik porzucenia a measure of the number of people who start a job application process but choose not to complete it absenteeism /ˌæbsənˈtiːɪz(ə)m/ absencja, (częsta) nieobecność (w pracy) the condition of employees not present at work for reasons other than holiday absenteeism policy /ˌæbsənˈtiːɪz(ə)m ˈpɒləsi/ polityka dot. częstych nieobecności a set of rules by which the company seeks to manage and reduce absenteeism accessibility /əkˌsesəˈbɪləti/ dostępność komunikacyjna, dostępność dla niepełnosprawnych the quality of making a building and work environment accessible to employees and customers with disabilities accident report book /ˈæksɪdənt rɪˈpɔːt bʊk/ książka/księga wypadków a book or electronic file in which work accidents should be recorded accrued holidays /əˈkruːd ˈhɒlədeɪz/ niewykorzystany urlop holidays that are part of an employee’s entitlement but that have not been taken. They are sometimes carried forward to the following year accrued holiday pay /əˈkruːd ˈhɒlədeɪ peɪ/ dodatek urlopowy, ekwiwalent urlopowy the amount of money owed to employees for holidays earned but not taken alternative disputes resolution (ADR) /ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv dɪˈspjuːts ˌrezəˈluːʃn ˌəɪ diː ˈɑː(r)/ alternatywna metoda rozwiązywania/ rozstrzygania sporów a legally binding agreement between an employer and employee(s) to agree to third party mediation affirmative action /əˈfɜːmətɪv ˈækʃn/ akcja afirmatywna (rodzaj pozytywnej dyskryminacji osób czarnoskórych w USA) a selection and promotion strategy based on favouring women and disadvantaged groups (US) BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     3 but that are distributed unevenly to take account of seasonal demand applicant /ˈæplɪkənt/ poszukujący pracy a person who applies for a job at an organisation applicant pool /ˈæplɪkənt puːl/ pula poszukujących pracy the total number of people who have applied for a particular job or sent personal details to a company appraisal /əˈpreɪzl/ ocena pracownicza an older term for performance review. in which an employee’s work over the year is assessed apprentice /əˈprentɪs/ praktykant. uczeń a young person who works under the supervision of a skilled worker to learn a trade aptitude test /ˈæptɪtjuːd ˈtest/ test kwalifikacyjny a test used in recruitment to measure an applicant’s thinking skills assessment centre /əˈsesmənt ˈsentə(r)/ centrum/ośrodek oceny a place where candidates for employment or promotion are assessed using a range of testing methods (UK) attendance policy /əˈtendəns ˈpɒləsi/ polityka (firmy) w sprawie punktualności i obecności a set of rules determining the company’s expectations of employees concerning attendance and punctuality attitude survey /ˈætɪtjuːd ˈsɜːveɪ/ ankieta postaw.ageism /ˈeɪdʒˌɪz(ə)m/ dyskryminacja wiekowa the illegal practice of discriminating against employees or candidates on the basis of age annual/annualised hours contract /ˈænjuəl ˈænjuəlaɪzd ˈaʊəz kənˈtrækt/ umowa z rocznym wymiarem godzin an employment contract based on a total number of hours per year. ankieta pracownicza a survey conducted to measure attitudes and feelings of employees or customers baby boomers /ˈbeɪbi ˈbuːməz/ dzieci wyżu demograficznego (po drugiej wojnie światowej) individuals born between 1945 and 1965 4     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE . background check /ˈbækɡraʊnd tʃek/ prześwietlanie (kandydata). świadczenia socjalne rewards that are non-cash elements of a payment package. and learning and growth. in comparison to other similar businesses benefits /ˈbenɪfɪts/ świadczenia dodatkowe. internal business processes. barrier analysis /ˈbæriər əˈnæləsɪs/ analiza barier. such as free medical cover or leisure facility use bereavement leave /bɪˈriːvmənt liːv/ urlop okolicznościowy z powodu śmierci w rodzinie leave granted to an employee due to the death of a partner or close family member best practice /best ˈpræktɪs/ najlepsza praktyka a definition of the way in which something is done best within the company or industry BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     5 . including reference checking and criminal record check balanced scorecard /ˈbælənst ˈskɔːkɑːd/ zrównoważona karta wyników a strategic assessment method that measures company results in financial performance. mniejszości oraz osób niepełnosprawnych an assessment of company procedures to identify possible barriers to employment and progression of women. ocena dostępności zatrudnienia dla kobiet. sprawdzanie czyjejś przeszłości an investigation into a potential employee’s background. customer knowledge. ethic minorities and people with disabilities basic (pay) /ˈbeɪsɪk peɪ/ wynagrodzenie zasadnicze a guaranteed minimum payment given to salespeople who earn extra through sales bonuses behaviourally anchored rating scale (BARS) /bɪˈheɪvjərəli ˈæŋkəd ˈreɪtɪŋ skeɪl bɑːz/ skala oceny zachowań “BARS” an employee assessment method based on scoring a set of predetermined behaviours (UK) benchmarking /ˈbentʃmɑːkɪŋ/ badania/analiza porównawcza the process of assessing company performance and/or wage levels. manual workers bonus /ˈbəʊnəs/ dodatek (do pensji) additional money given to an individual or group of workers for achieving a higher level of targeted results breach of contract /briːtʃ əv ˈkɒntrækt/ naruszenie warunków umowy.blended workforce /ˈblendɪd ˈwɜːkfɔːs/ personel mieszany. broader bands brownfield site /ˈbraʊnfild saɪt/ teren poprzemysłowy an area of disused or derelict industrial buildings (UK) buddy system /ˈbʌdi ˈsɪstəm/ system koleżeński. system oceny wzajemnej the process of placing a new employee in the care of an experienced employee in order to help them to integrate into the company burden of proof /ˈbɜːdn əv pruːf/ ciężar dowodu in a legal dispute. employer or contractor breaks the terms of their contract broadbanding /ˈbrɔːdbændɪŋ/ struktura wynagrodzeń z szerokimi przedziałami płac the process of placing a large number of narrow pay grades into fewer. For example. in discrimination claims. temporary staff and contractors blind ad (advertisement) /blaɪnd æd ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ ślepa reklama (bez podawania nazwy reklamodawcy) an advert placed in a publication for a job vacancy that does not reveal the name of the employer blue-collar worker /bluː ˈkɒlə(r) ˈwɜːkə(r)/ pracownik fizyczny archaic term for hourly paid. pracownicy jednej firmy zatrudnieni na różne rodzaje umów (od umów o pracę do freelancerów) a workforce comprising a combination of full and part-time workers. the burden of proof lies with the employee in the UK and the employer in the USA 6     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE . złamanie kontraktu a situation in which an employee. the obligation of one or the other party to prove their case. BFOQ/ BFOR /ˌbəʊnə ˈfaɪdi ˌɒkjʊˈpeɪʃn ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn rɪˈkwaɪəmənt ˌbiː ef əʊ ˈkjuː ˌbiː ef əʊ ˈɑː(r)/ kwalifikacja zawodowa w dobrej wierze a situation in which an employer may legally specify the age.g. znajomość podstaw prowadzenia działalności the knowledge and understanding of the financial. whose roles are prefaced by chief – e. fashionable term for a human resource manager who is dedicated to working with a particular part of the business C-suite /siː swiːt/ poziom/szczebel ścisłego kierownictwa spółki a collective term for the executive members of an organisation.burnout /ˈbɜːnaʊt/ wypalenie zawodowe the state of physical and mental exhaustion brought about by continued high pressure work – experienced most commonly by managers. sexuality or gender of an employee. race. partner biznesowy a modern. accounting. CFO BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     7 . such as requiring a female employee in a women’s refuge or changing room (US/Can) business partner /ˈbɪznəs ˈpɑːtnə(r)/ business partner. consultants and traders business continuity planning/ contingency planning /ˈbɪznəs ˌkɒntɪˈnjuːɪti ˈplænɪŋ kənˈtɪndʒənsi ˈplænɪŋ/ planowanie ciągłości działania plans made to enable the company to continue providing a service in the case of physical or system interruption. such as caused by severe weather or power failure business literacy /ˈbɪznəs ˈlɪtərəsi/ edukacja biznesowa. marketing and operational functions of an organisation business necessity /ˈbɪznəs nɪˈsesɪti/ konieczność biznesowa a situation in which an employer may legally specify the age. race. COO. such as requiring a female employee in a women’s refuge or changing room bona fide occupation qualification/ requirement. sexuality or gender of an employee. CEO. against sales made commission-only /kəˈmɪʃn ˈəʊnli/ prowizyjny (system płac) a payment structure in which a person is only paid for sales and receives no basic salary 8     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE . to employees on their career development opportunities and choices (UK) career ladder /kəˈrɪə(r) ˈlædə(r)/ szczeble kariery zawodowej a metaphor for the different levels within an organisation career mobility /kəˈrɪə(r) məʊˈbɪlɪti/ mobilność zawodowa the capacity to switch careers a number of times rather than sticking to a single profession for all of one’s life career path /kəˈrɪə(r) pɑːθ/ ścieżka rozwoju zawodowego/kariery the route made available to. or taken by an employee through an organisation career plateau /kəˈrɪə(r) ˈplætəʊ/ stagnacja kariery. often by human resources. usually a salesperson. osiągnięcie szczytu kariery the point at which an employee is unable to progress to a higher level casual attire/dress /ˈkæʒʊəl əˈtaɪə(r) dres/ strój swobodny clothing such as jeans and T-shirts. often not permitted in workplaces code of conduct /kəʊd əv ˈkɒndʌkt/ kodeks postępowania a set of rules for employees specifying ethical and behavioural requirements commission /kəˈmɪʃn/ prowizja money paid to an centre /kɔːl ˈsentə(r)/ telefoniczne biuro obsługi klienta. call centre a room or building in which all customer enquiries are dealt with via the phone or the Internet – this is often provided at a separate location from the business and provided by external contractors (UK) career counselling /kəˈrɪə(r) ˈkaʊnsəlɪŋ/ doradztwo/poradnictwo zawodowe guidance and advice given. skills and abilities that all employees need to deliver the company service core workers /kɔː(r) ˈwɜːkəz/ pracownicy merytoryczni employees who are considered vital to the company’s successful running. in jobs that are unlikely to be externalised BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     9 .competencies /ˈkɒmpɪtənsi/ kompetencje the knowledge. thus constructing their dismissal contractor /kənˈtræktə(r)/ kontrahent an individual or external company that provides a specified service for a fixed duration under contract core competencies /kɔː(r) ˈkɒmpɪtənsi/ kompetencje kluczowe/ podstawowe the essential knowledge. all of which cannot be served without compromising integrity or risking corruption constructive dismissal /kənˈstrʌktɪv dɪsˈmɪsl/ wymuszone wypowiedzenie umowy o pracę an illegal practice in which an employer makes an employee’s working life so unpleasant that they leave. skills and abilities needed to do a particular job compressed hours /kəmˈprest ˈaʊəz/ skumulowany czas pracy. skompresowane godziny pracy an arrangement whereby an employee works more than eight hours in a day in order to work fewer days conditions of employment /kənˈdɪʃnz əv ɪmˈploɪmənt/ warunki zatrudnienia the set of company rules that an employee must follow in order to remain employed confidentiality agreement /ˌkɒnfɪˌdenʃɪˈæləti əˈɡriːmənt/ umowa o (zachowaniu) poufności an agreement made by an employee not to divulge commercially sensitive information conflict of interest(s) /kənˈflɪkt əv ˈɪntrəsts/ konflikt interesów a situation in which a person or organisation has multiple interests. emergency planning /ˈkraɪsɪs ˈplænɪŋ ˈmænɪdʒmənt ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi ˈplænɪŋ/ plan awaryjny. etc. zarządzanie sytuacjami kryzysowymi plans and provisions made to cope with extreme situations such as bomb threats. particularly in areas with high ethnic minority populations. CV /kəˌrɪkjələm ˈviːtaɪ ˌsiː ˈviː/ CV. terrorism. życiorys a one to two page document giving the most important details of somebody’s education and work history (UK) 10     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE . taking into account advertising.corporate culture /ˈkɔːpərət ˈkʌltʃə(r)/ kultura korporacyjna the unwritten beliefs. critical success factors /ˈkrɪtɪkl səkˈses ˈfæktəz/ krytyczne/kluczowe czynniki sukcesu factors identified as key to ensuring the success of a business critical tasks /ˈkrɪtɪkl tɑːsks/ kluczowe zadania the essential tasks that must be performed by a job holder cross-functional team /ˈkrɒs ˈfʌŋkʃnəl tiːm/ zespół interdyscyplinarny/ wielofunkcyjny a team comprising members from different functions and departments cultural awareness training /ˈkʌltʃərəl əˈweənəs ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ treningi świadomości kulturowej training given to employees. recruitment and training crisis planning/ management. values and customs within an organisation that define its character corporate image /ˈkɔːpərət ˈɪmɪdʒ/ wizerunek korporacji the way in which an organisation portrays itself and is perceived by customers and the public corporate values /ˈkɔːpərət ˈvæljuːz/ wartości korporacyjne the beliefs and principles that govern an organisation’s behaviour cost-per-hire /kɒst pɜː(r) ˈhaɪə(r)/ koszt zatrudnienia the total cost of filling a vacancy. fire. to make them aware of and responsive to cultural differences curriculum vitae. zmniejszenie ilości szczebli organizacyjnych the practice of reducing the number of levels within an organisation delegation /ˌdelɪˈɡeɪʃn/ oddelegowanie zadań.damages /ˈdæmɪdʒɪz/ odszkodowanie the amount determined by a court to be paid by the losing party to the winning party in a legal dispute debarment /dəˈbɑːmənt/ wykluczenie (z powodu wykroczenia zawodowego) the act of banning or state of being banned from delivering or applying for contracts due to malpractice or lawbreaking delayering /diːˈleɪərɪŋ/ spłaszczenie struktury zawodowej organizacji. appropriate in matters such as the use of safety equipment disability /ˌdɪsəˈbɪlɪti/ niepełnosprawność a permanent physical or mental impairment that significantly inhibits thought processing. czynniki demograficzne the physical and economic aspects of the population such as age. movement or the senses disciplinary action /ˈdɪsɪplɪnəri ˈækʃn/ odpowiedzialność/ action taken by an czynności dyscyplinarne employer against an employee to punish and correct unacceptable behaviour BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     11 . race and income demotion /ˌdiːˈməʊʃn/ degradacja. obniżenie stanowiska the reassignment of an employee in an organisation to a lower position with less responsibility and pay didactic training /daɪˈdæktɪk ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ szkolenie dydaktyczne a method of training based on strict instruction. gender. przekazywanie zadań the process of distributing tasks to subordinates demographics /ˌdeməˈɡræfɪks/ warstwa demograficzna. gender and religion. etc. redukcja zatrudnienia the process of reducing the size of the workforce. motivating them to do more than is contractually required . moczu itp.) the process of checking staff for being under the influence of drugs or alcohol while at work due diligence /djuː ˈdɪlɪdʒəns/ należyta staranność the process within mergers and acquisitions of taking reasonable measures to gather legal and financial data about the acquisition target company early retirement plan /ˈɜːli rɪˈtaɪəmənt plæn/ prawo/plan przejścia na wczesną emeryturę a package offered by an employer to encourage older workers to retire before the statutory retirement date zaangażowanie employee engagement /ɪmˈplɔɪiː ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt/ pracowników 12     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE a state where employees feel a strong association with and commitment to the organisation. the state of difference and variety in race. downsizing /ˈdaʊnsaɪzɪŋ/ reorganizacja w celu redukcji personelu.disciplinary procedure /ˈdɪsɪplɪnəri prəˈsiːdʒə(r)/ postępowanie dyscyplinarne the formal set of rules and process for dealing with disciplinary matters discrimination /dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn/ dyskryminacja a policy or action taken by an employer that results in disadvantaging a particular group of people dismissal /dɪsˈmɪsl/ zwolnienie obliging someone to leave a company through the termination of their contract diversity /daɪˈvɜːsɪti/ różnorodność (np. kulturowa) in a work context. often to correspond to a falling demand for the company’s products or services drug testing /drʌɡ ˈtestɪŋ/ badanie na obecność narkotyków (we krwi. utrzymanie personelu the extent to which an organisation keeps employees employment/ recruitment agency /ɪmˈploɪmənt rɪˈkruːtmənt ˈeɪdʒənsi/ agencja zatrudnienia a private company that sources candidates and links them to vacancies employer branding /ɪmˈploɪə(r) ˈbrændɪŋ/ budowanie wizerunku pracodawcy the presentation of a company to the public designed to make it an attractive employer empowerment /ɪmˈpaʊəmənt/ wzmocnienie czyjejś pozycji the act of giving employees. who are often at lower levels with direct customer contact.employee handbook /ɪmˈplɔɪiː ˈhændbʊk/ regulamin pracy a guidebook for all employees featuring elements such as organisation chart. policies and procedures. the power to make independent decisions on the spot environmental scanning badanie makrootoczenia /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl ˈskænɪŋ/ the process of assessing the external employment. code of conduct and internal communication channels employee relations /ɪmˈplɔɪiː rɪˈleɪʃnz/ relacje pracownicze a general term to describe all aspects of the relationship between the employer and employee employee retention /ɪmˈplɔɪiː rɪˈtenʃn/ retencja pracownicza. healthy and comfortable design features into furniture and the use of tools and machinery BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     13 . political and economic environment for opportunities and threats equal opportunities /ˈiːkwəl ˌɒpəˈtjuːnətiz/ równe szanse a general term for all aspects of ensuring that all members of society are given equal access to opportunities ergonomics /ˌɜːɡəˈnɒmɪks/ ergonomika the study and appliance of safe. trener personalny a method of training in which the trainer. work-based rewards such as pay and other benefits facilitation /fəˈsɪlɪteɪʃn/ facylitator. manages the learning process and enables participants to identify their own problems and solutions family-friendly /ˈfæməli ˈfrendli/ przyjazny dla rodziny (z dzieckiem/dziećmi) policies and working practices that are supportive and flexible to people with children fast-tracking /fɑːst ˈtrækɪŋ/ procedura przyspieszona a system of moving people of high calibre quickly to higher positions in the company feedback /ˈfiːdbæk/ opinia zwrotna information given to an employee about his or her performance or behaviour final warning /ˈfaɪnl ˈwɔːnɪŋ/ ostateczne ostrzeżenie a formal caution given to an employee for unsatisfactory behaviour or performance.executive search /ɪɡˈzekjʊtɪv sɜːtʃ/ rekrutacja na stanowiska menedżerskie an organisation or process to find candidates for senior positions exit interview /ˈeksɪt ˈɪntəvjuː/ rozmowa z osobą odchodzącą (z pracy) an interview conducted with an employee who has chosen to leave to find out reasons for leaving and gather opinions about the organisation expatriate /ˌeksˈpætriət/ ekspatriant an employee working on a long-term basis in a foreign country extrinsic rewards /ekˈstrɪnsɪk rɪˈwɔːdz/ nagrody/dodatki motywacyjne quantifiable. which if repeated will result in dismissal flat organisation/ structure /flæt ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃn ˈstrʌktʃə(r)/ płaska struktura organizacyjna an organisation comprising only a few levels from top to bottom 14     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE . or facilitator. g. pokolenie Milenium people born between 1980–1999 glass ceiling /ɡlɑːs ˈsiːlɪŋ/ szklany sufit. McDonalds BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     15 . without reference to local culture – e. szklany pułap (niewidoczna bariera rozwoju zawodowego i zarobkowego kobiet) a metaphor used to describe the invisible barrier to women advancing to senior positions globalisation /ˌɡləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/ globalizacja the development of an international presence by companies. świadczenia dodatkowe another term for benefits other than pay. such as pension scheme. full-time /fʊl taɪm/ w pełnym wymiarze godzin. klauzula zachowania poufności a non-disclosure clause in an employee contract obliging them not to reveal sensitive information about the company (informal) generation X /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn eks/ pokolenie/generacja “X” people born between 1965 and 1979 generation Y. etc. na pełen etat (working) for a full number of hours each week – in the UK. at least 35 gag clause /ɡæɡ klɔːz/ pot. company car.flexible benefits /ˈfleksəbl ˈbenɪfɪts/ elastyczny plan wynagrodzenia rewards that can be adapted to the individual rather than being the same for all employees flexible working /ˈfleksəbl ˈwɜːkɪŋ/ elastyczna organizacja czasu pracy working arrangements such as work hours and holidays that can be adapted to suit an individual’s needs flexitime /ˈfleksitaɪm/ elastyczny czas pracy a system of working whereby employees work a number of compulsory core hours but can choose when they start and finish their work each day (UK) fringe benefits /frɪndʒ ˈbenɪfɪts/ dodatki do wynagrodzenia. additional paid holidays. millennials /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn waɪ mɪˈleniəlz/ pokolenie Y. often uniformly. stealing or hitting a colleague group dynamics /ɡruːp daɪˈnæmɪks/ dynamika grupy the naturally occurring social interaction between members of a group group interview /ɡruːp ˈɪntəvjuː/ wywiad grupowy an interview method in which applicants are interviewed together to see how they project themselves in a group halo effect /ˈheɪləʊ ɪˈfekt/ efekt nimbu/aureoli (podstawowy błąd atrybucji) a misjudgement of a candidate by an interviewer caused by personal liking.g. budowa od podstaw a project started from scratch with no precedent or inherited limitations grievance /ˈɡriːvns/ skarga/zażalenie a formal complaint brought by an employee against a colleague. procedura zgłaszania skarg/zażaleń the formal process by which grievances are dealt with gross misconduct /ɡrəʊs ˌmɪsˈkɒndʌkt/ poważne przewinienie/ wykroczenie an act by an employee so bad that it justifies dismissal – e. office or development is built where there have been no buildings before (UK) greenfield operation/ project /ˈɡriːnfiːld ˌɒpəˈreɪʃn ˈprɒdʒekt/ nowa inwestycja. unofficial communication channels in an organisation greenfield site /ˈɡriːnfiːld saɪt/ teren niezagospodarowany a piece of land where a factory. manager or employer grievance procedure /ˈɡriːvns prəˈsiːdʒə(r)/ procedura odwoławcza.grapevine /ˈɡreɪpvaɪn/ poczta pantoflowa a term used to describe informal. noticing some positive characteristics and overlooking negative ones 16     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE . it describes the positive correlation between treating employees well and productivity hazard /ˈhæzəd/ czynnik niebezpieczny. bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy all matters relating to the safety and wellbeing of customers and employees hidden disabilities /ˈhɪdn ˌdɪsəˈbɪlɪtɪz/ niepełnosprawności ukryte disabilities that are not visible such as learning difficulties and psychological problems home-based worker /həʊm beɪst ˈwɜːkə(r)/ pracownik pracujący z domu a worker who works exclusively from home BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     17 . Elton Mayo. obsada the total number of people on the company payroll. umiejętności kluczowe knowledge and task based skills that are required to be done in a certain way and can be learnt Hawthorne effect /ˈhɒθɒrn ɪˈfekt/ efekt Hawthorne. including full and part-time headcount freeze /ˈhedkaʊnt friːz/ zamrożenie zatrudnień a high level directive given stating that the total number of people employed shall remain the same health and safety /helθ ənd ˈseɪfti/ BHP. zagrożenie anything that may be a potential cause of harm. szatański efekt halo (podstawowy błąd atrybucji) a misjudgement of a candidate by an interviewer caused by personal disliking. noticing negative characteristics and overlooking positive ones harassment /ˈhærəsmənt/ nękanie intimidation or aggression by one person or a group of people towards a person hard skills /hɑːd skɪlz/ umiejętności twarde. efekt obserwatora based on a study by organisational psychologist.horns effect /hɔːnz ɪˈfekt/ efekt Golema. injury or detriment to health headcount /ˈhedkaʊnt/ załoga. manpower planning /ˈhjuːmən rɪˈzɔːs ˈplænɪŋ ˈmænpaʊə(r) ˈplænɪŋ/ assessment. skills. pozwalająca na przełamanie lodów an activity at the beginning of a training session designed to relax and integrate participants impairment /ɪmˈpeəmənt/ upośledzenie a physical or mental condition resulting in damage to. creativity and potential – it can therefore be increased through investment.hostile takeover /ˈhɒstaɪl ˈteɪkəʊvə(r)/ wrogie przejęcie a takeover of a company by another which is not wanted but cannot be financially resisted hot-desking /hɒt/ hot-desking. gorące biurka a system in which workers do not have their own designated desk but book and use desk space on demand hotelling /hə(ʊ)ˈtelɪŋ/ hoteling. HR the most common name given to the people and department responsible for all corporate aspects of employee management planowanie zasobów human resource ludzkich planning. or loss of a faculty such as hearing or sight incentive pay /ɪnˈsentɪv peɪ/ motywacyjny system wynagrodzenia additional pay offered to employees to motivate them to achieve above standard performance and results 18     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE . projection and provision of the supply and demand needs for labour within the company icebreaker /ˈaɪsbreɪkə(r)/ czynność wstępna. HR /ˈhjuːmən rɪˈzɔːsɪz ˌeɪtʃ ˈɑː(r)/ zasoby ludzkie. wynajem powierzchni pracy/ stanowisk roboczych pracownikom (w tym innych firm) a system in which employees do not have a permanent office but book and use rooms on demand human capital /ˈhjuːmən ˈkæpɪtəl/ kapitał ludzki a valuation of the workforce based not only on productivity but knowledge. such as training human resources. into the organisation.incident rate /ˈɪnsɪdənt reɪt/ wskaźnik wypadkowości a calculation of the number of work related accidents or illnesses x 200. sometimes without pay internship /ˈɪntərnʃɪp/ staż the arrangement of offering interns work experience BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     19 .000 divided by total hours worked by all employees induction /ɪnˈdʌkʃn/ staż. typically through training insourcing /ˈɪnsɔːsɪŋ/ insourcing. but may be applied to other functions internal equity /ɪnˈtɜːnl ˈekwɪti/ postrzeganie poziomu wypłat względem podejmowanych zadań employees’ perception of the fairness of the company’s payment structure internal recruitment /ɪnˈtɜːnl rɪˈkruːtmənt/ rekrutacja wewnętrzna the process of filling a vacancy through the existing workforce intern /ˈɪntɜːn/ stażysta a student who is temporarily working to gain experience or qualifications. often hiring an external specialist to train company staff intellectual property /ˌɪntəˈlektʃʊəl ˈprɒpəti/ własność intelektualna creations such as literary and artistic works. trademarks and patents internal audit /ɪnˈtɜːnl ˈɔːdɪt/ audyt wewnętrzny an in-company investigation most frequently monitoring financial systems and transactions. designs and chemical formulas – they are usually protected through copyright. przekazanie zadań zewnętrznych do wewnętrznego działu firmy the practice of bringing work that would normally be done by a contractor. wprowadzenie na stanowisko the formal process of introducing new employees to the organisation. wartościowanie pracy a formal.intrinsic reward /ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk rɪˈwɔːd/ nagroda wewnętrzna/ emocjonalna psychological gratification gained from doing the thing itself and the sense of achievement of having done it interview /ˈɪntəvjuː/ wywiad. poszerzenie zadań (w obrębie tego samego stanowiska) the act of adding tasks and responsibilities to a job to make it more motivating for the job holder job evaluation /dʒɒb ɪˌvæljʊˈeɪʃn/ ocena pracy. analiza pracy a systematic assessment of everything involved in doing a particular job job classification /dʒɒb ˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ zaszeregowanie pracowników. key responsibilities and tasks of a job job enlargement /dʒɒb ɪnˈlɑːdʒmənt/ poszerzenie/ rozszerzenie wykonywanych obowiązków the act of adding more tasks to a particular job job enrichment /dʒɒb ɪnˈrɪtʃmənt/ wzbogacenie wykonywanych obowiązków. podział stanowisk the process of placing jobs into categories for the purpose of deciding pay range job code /dʒɒb kəʊd/ numer kodowy stanowiska a code number given by larger organisations to each job job description /dʒɒb dɪˈskrɪpʃn/ opis stanowiska pracy a document outlining the purpose. often company-wide process of comparing the value of jobs within the organisation to determine the pay level for each job grade /dʒɒb ɡreɪd/ poziom stanowisk (pod względem płacy) a value given to a group of jobs 20     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE . rozmowa a formal meeting between an employer and candidate to determine suitability of employment interviewee /ˌɪntəvjuːˈiː/ ubiegający się o pracę the job applicant who is interviewed interviewer /ˈɪntəvjuːə(r)/ prowadzący rozmowę o pracę the company representative who interviews the interviewee job analysis /dʒɒb əˈnæləsɪs/ analiza zadań. ogłoszenie) the advertising of a job vacancy online and in publications job redesign /dʒɒb ˌriːdɪˈzaɪn/ zmiana zakresu zadań the act of adding.job offer letter /dʒɒb ˈɒfə(r) ˈletə(r)/ list z ofertą pracy (po pomyślnym przeprowadzeniu rekrutacji) a formal letter sent to a successful candidate offering them the job job posting /dʒɒb ˈpəʊstɪŋ/ oferta pracy (reklama. determined by a company against which employees’ performance is judged knowledge management /ˈnɒlɪdʒ ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ zarządzanie wiedzą the process of gaining and sharing knowledge within an organisation knowledge worker /ˈnɒlɪdʒ ˈwɜːkə(r)/ pracownik umysłowy. removing or altering tasks to reflect changing needs of the job job role shift /dʒɒb rəʊl ʃɪft/ stopniowa zmiana zadań na stanowisku the situation where. often working half a week each job title /dʒɒb ˈtaɪtl/ stanowisko (nazwa). tytuł zawodowy the official company name given to a particular job key performance indicators. the duties of a job change but the job description is not updated accordingly job rotation /dʒɒb rəʊˈteɪʃn/ rotacja stanowisk (wewnątrz firmy w celu podniesienia kwalifikacji) the process of getting staff to swap jobs within a department in order to provide greater flexibility and cover for sickness and holidays job satisfaction /dʒɒb ˌsætɪsˈfækʃn/ zadowolenie z wykonywanej pracy a measure of an employee’s contentment and pleasure derived from a job job sharing /dʒɒb ˈʃeərɪŋ/ dzielenie etatu (między dwóch pracowników pracujących na pół etatu) an arrangement whereby one full-time job is performed by two parttime workers. KPIs /kiː pəˈfɔːməns ˈɪndɪkeɪtəz ˌkeɪ piː ˈaɪ/ kluczowe/główne wskaźniki efektywności the tangible measures. over time. pracownik wiedzy an employee whose work is knowledge-based and intellectual in nature labour force /ˈleɪbə(r) fɔːs/ siła robocza a collective term for all of the employees of a company or in a job market (UK) BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     21 . often secretly. which may be for example. a younger employee gets guidance from an older. through careful study or experimentation management development /ˈmænɪdʒmənt dɪˈveləpmənt/ rozwój umiejętności zarządzania processes and systems for improving the skills and performance of managers mandatory retirement age /ˈmændətri rɪˈtaɪəmənt eɪdʒ/ ustawowy/obowiązkowy wiek emerytalny the age at which employees are obliged to retire. wskaźniki an alternative word for measurements by which things are judged mission statement /ˈmɪʃn ˈsteɪtmənt/ misja przedsiębiorstwa a short sentence that defines the purpose and aims of an organisation moonlighting /ˈmuːnlaɪtɪŋ/ dodatkowa praca na czarno. fucha na boku (szczególnie taka. in addition to one’s regular job 22     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE . o której się nie mówi) the practice of having a second job.labour turnover /ˈleɪbə(r) ˈtɜːnəʊvə(r)/ rotacja personelu (odchodzenie z pracy odsetka pracowników) a measurement of the number of people leaving a company in a year as a percentage of the total workforce (UK) lay-off /leɪ ɒf/ czasowe odsunięcie od pracy a temporary and unpaid stoppage of a worker’s employment due to a lack of work or orders learning style /ˈlɜːnɪŋ staɪl/ styl uczenia się the way in which an individual prefers to learn. this has been removed in the UK but still applies to professions such as airline pilot (65) maternity leave /məˈtɜːnɪti liːv/ urlop macierzyński a period of leave granted to a woman during part of pregnancy and after childbirth mentoring /ˈmentərɪŋ/ mentoring. bycie mentorem an employee development process where typically. more senior person metrics /ˈmetrɪks/ miary. job placement and promotion notice /ˈnəʊtɪs/ wypowiedzenie pracy formal notification given. lower cost country – for example from Germany to Poland needs analysis /niːdz əˈnæləsɪs/ analiza potrzeb an assessment of the gap between the skills and knowledge required for a job and the employee’s current ability nepotism /ˈnepətɪz(ə)m/ nepotyzm the practice of showing favouritism to family members in matters of recruitment.Myers-Briggs Type Indicators /ˌmʌɪəzˈbrɪɡz taɪp ˈɪndɪkeɪtəz/ wskaźniki MBTI a popular proprietary brand of personality test nearshoring /ˈnɪəʃɔːrɪŋ/ outsourcing do krajów sąsiednich lub bliskich geograficznie the transfer of a business process to a close. one month’s notice observation interview /ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃn ˈɪntəvjuː/ wywiad obserwacyjny an assessment of a candidate based on watching them perform certain tasks alone or with others occupation /ˌɒkjʊˈpeɪʃn/ zawód a job or profession occupational hazard /ˌɒkjʊˈpeɪʃnəl ˈhæzəd/ ryzyko zawodowe something potentially harmful or injurious that is associated with a particular job occupational injury /ˌɒkjʊˈpeɪʃnəl ˈɪndʒəri/ obrażenia powstałe w wyniku wypadku przy pracy an injury sustained in the course of one’s work BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     23 . either by employer or employee to terminate employment notice period /ˈnəʊtɪs ˈpɪərɪəd/ okres wypowiedzenia (pracy) the contracted amount of time that must be given before terminating a contract of employment – e.g. pomoc przy przekwalifikowaniu zawodowym. particularly IT and call /ɒf ˈdjuːti/ czas wolny od pracy. policji) the state of not being at work or required to be available – particularly used in conjunction with medical and police work offshoring /ˌɒfˈʃɔːrɪŋ/ offshoring (zlecanie usług lub procesów biznesowych podwykonawcom z krajów z tanią siłą roboczą) the transfer of business processes. w niepełnym wymiarze godzin fewer working hours than 35 paternity leave /pəˈtɜːnɪti liːv/ urlop ojcowski leave given to a father after the birth of a child 24     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE . w szpitalu. rozmowa o pracę z panelem rekrutacyjnym an interview in which a single interviewee is interviewed by two or more people at once. performing the task that needs to be learnt organisation chart /ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃn tʃɑːt/ schemat organizacyjny (przedsiębiorstwa) a diagram that shows the power structure within an organisation outplacement /ˈaʊtpleɪsmənt/ reorientacja zawodowa. godziny poza dyżurem/ po czasie służby (np. typically board members or senior managers part-time /pɑːt taɪm/ na pół etatu. dyżur the state of not being physically at work but being available in the event of being required on-call payment /ɒn kɔːl ˈpeɪmənt/ płatność tytułem pracy na dyżurze extra money paid to an on-call employee on-the-job training /ɒn ðə dʒɒb ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ szkolenie pracownicze podczas pracy training that is delivered at the place of work. to cheap labour countries on-call /ɒn kɔːl/ gotowość do pracy. zwolnienie monitorowane assistance given to employees who have been made redundant to find work elsewhere overtime /ˈəʊvətaɪm/ nadgodziny hours worked and paid for that are above the contracted number of hours panel interview /ˈpænl ˈɪntəvjuː/ dyskusja panelowa. if the employee leaves before an agreed time – e. lunch vouchers BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     25 . such as iPhone.repayment agreement /rɪˈpeɪmənt əˈɡriːmənt/ porozumienie w sprawie zwrotu pomocy/pakietu relokacyjnego an agreement made for an employee to pay back some or all of an investment made by an employer. travel. the cost of a qualification pay compression /peɪ kəmˈpreʃn/ kompresja płac a situation where there is little difference in pay between workers of different levels payroll /ˈpeɪrəʊl/ lista płac. dodatkowe świadczenia additional or indirect benefits of a job.g. całkowita lista płac a list of all employees and their rates of pay pay structure /peɪ ˈstrʌktʃə(r)/ struktura płac the design of the payment system within an organisation peer appraisal /pɪər əˈpreɪzl/ ocena wzajemna assessment of one’s performance and behaviour by people at the same level pension plan /ˈpenʃn plæn/ program/plan emerytalny money paid by an employer into a retirement fund and invested on the employee’s behalf performance appraisal/ review /pəˈfɔːməns əˈpreɪzl rɪˈvjuː/ ocena pracowników a usually annual discussion between a manager and employee to assess performance and set goals for the coming year performance-related pay /pəˈfɔːməns rɪˈleɪtɪd peɪ/ wynagrodzenie uzależnione od wyników pracy pay that rises in accordance with performance performance management /pəˈfɔːməns ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ zarządzanie wynikami/ wydajnością an overall approach to managing performance incorporating different elements such as assessment and coaching perks /pɜːks/ korzyści w ramach programów motywacyjnych. pracownicy an older term for human resources personnel records /ˌpɜːsəˈnel ˈrekɔːdz/ akta personalne personal details about employees kept by the human resource department phased retirement /feɪzd rɪˈtaɪəmənt/ stopniowe przechodzenie na emeryturę a retirement plan whereby a retiring employee gradually reduces his or her working hours physical examination /ˈfɪzɪkl ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃn/ badanie lekarskie a test by a doctor of an employee’s or candidates physical health and fitness for work probationary period /prəˈbeɪʃnri ˈpɪərɪəd/ okres próbny typically. a trial period of three months at the beginning of employment to assess the employee’s suitability to be employed permanently profit-sharing /ˈprɒfɪt ˈʃeərɪŋ/ program udziału w zyskach (firmy) an employee reward system where all employees receive a percentage of company profits promotion /prəˈməʊʃn/ awans (na wyższe stanowisko) the state of being raised to a higher position with more responsibility and pay quota system /ˈkwəʊtə ˈsɪstəm/ system kwot an employment or promotion strategy based on having a specified proportion of potentially disadvantaged people (women. ethnic minorities. disabled) employed or in certain positions 26     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE .personality test /ˌpɜːsəˈnælɪti ˈtest/ test osobowości a test designed to measure personality characteristics protective clothing /prəˈtektɪv ˈkləʊðɪŋ/ odzież/strój ochronny items such as safety goggles and hard hats worn to protect workers from injury personnel /ˌpɜːsəˈnel/ personel. random testing /ˈrændəm ˈtestɪŋ/ badania/kontrole wyrywkowe unannounced. such as removal. usually as an alternative to being made redundant redundant/redundancy /rɪˈdʌndənt rɪˈdʌndənsi/ zwalniany/zwolnienie (w wypadku braku zapotrzebowania lub środków na utrzymanie pracownika) the ending of a job because it is no longer economically viable resulting in the termination of the job holder’s employment re-engineering /riˌendʒəˈnɪrɪŋ/ reorganizacja spółki (systemów. travel and temporary accommodation paid by an employer to compensate an employee required to work in a different location BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     27 . processes and structure reference /ˈrefrəns/ rekomendacja. procesów i struktury) the redesign of company systems. referencja a written or oral comment from a former employer on a candidate’s abilities and character relocation assistance /ˌriːləʊˈkeɪʃn əˈsɪstəns/ wsparcie/pakiet relokacyjny expenses. unordered testing of staff for alcohol and drug use at work reasonable care /ˈriːznəbl keə(r)/ należyta staranność/ dbałość the personal responsibility of every employee to work in a safe and sensible manner at a level expected of an average. rational person recordable injury or illness /rɪˈkɔːdəbəl ˈɪndʒəri ɔː(r) ˈɪlnəs/ choroba lub uraz podlegający zgłoszeniu a work injury or illness of a magnitude that warrants being recorded in writing recruitment /rɪˈkruːtmənt/ rekrutacja all aspects of the process of attracting. interviewing and selecting people to join an organisation redeployment /ˌriːdɪˈploɪmənt/ przeniesienie. przesunięcie (na inne stanowisko/do innego działu) the fact or process of moving somebody from one job or department to another. remote manager /rɪˈməʊt ˈmænɪdʒə(r)/ menedżer zdalny. CV another name for a CV (curriculum vitae) (US) retention bonus /rɪˈtenʃn ˈbəʊnəs/ premia lojalnościowa additional money paid to an employee for agreeing to stay for a specified period – typically used with employees with hard to find skills retirement /rɪˈtaɪəmənt/ emerytura the state of finishing work permanently reverse discrimination /rɪˈvɜːs dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn/ dyskryminacja pozytywna discrimination towards majority groups by unfairly favouring minorities rightsizing /ˈraɪtsaɪzɪŋ/ redukcja etatów (w celu podwyższenia rentowności spółki) a euphemism for downsizing. which involves redundancies and reducing the size of the organisation to correspond with demand role-play /rəʊl pleɪ/ odgrywanie ról a training method in which participants act out a situation – for example. menedżer pracujący poza zakładem pracy a manager who is not based at the location that he or she manages repatriation /ˌriːˌpætriˈeɪʃn/ repatriacja the act of returning an employee who has been working abroad to his or her home country reprimand /ˈreprɪmɑːnd/ nagana an oral or written warning given to an employee about unsatisfactory behaviour résumé /ˈrezjumeɪ/ życiorys. dealing with an angry customer sabbatical /səˈbætɪkl/ (kilkumiesięczny/ roczny) urlop płatny an agreement between an employee and employer for the employee to take paid or unpaid leave for up to a year to pursue academic or personal development 28     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE . wynagrodzenie a fixed. zatrudnieni an alternative term for employees BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     29 . wykład a lecture or training event in which information is disseminated severance pay /ˈsevərəns peɪ/ odprawa (z tytułu zwolnienia) compensation paid to an employee required to leave the company before retirement – usually based on the number of years in the company sex discrimination /seks dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn/ dyskryminacja płciowa unfavourable or unpleasant treatment of an individual based on their gender sexual harassment /ˈsekʃʊəl ˈhærəsmənt/ molestowanie seksualne unwanted sexual advances. analiza przesiewowa the first stage of filtering out unsuitable candidates in a selection process selection /sɪˈlekʃn/ selekcja. monthly payment made to an employee in exchange for work screening /ˈskriːnɪŋ/ kontrola.sack /sæk/ wylanie (z pracy) the ending of an employee’s contract due to gross or repeated misconduct (informal) salary /ˈsæləri/ pensja. dobór the act of choosing which candidate will be offered the job seminar /ˈsemɪnɑː(r)/ seminarium. contact or comments sick leave /sɪk liːv/ urlop zdrowotny paid time off during illness skills inventory /skɪlz ˈɪnvəntri/ wykaz/inwentarz kompetencji a listing of the skills of an individual or organisation soft skills /sɒft skɪlz/ umiejętności miękkie interpersonal skills that enhance communication and help in the achievement of goals involving others span of control /spæn əv kənˈtrəʊl/ rozpiętość kierowania the number of people and range of functions for which someone is responsible staff /stɑːf/ pracownicy. usually on full pay. which although not obviously apparent is endemic in the systems and culture of an organisation talent management /ˈtælənt ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ zarządzanie talentami a planned strategy and steps taken to develop the skills and abilities of the workforce 30     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE . jako pracownika) a compulsory absence from work of an individual.staffing /ˈstɑːfɪŋ/ pozyskiwanie pracowników the process of providing an organisation with workers statutory benefits /ˈstætʃʊtri ˈbenɪfɪts/ świadczenia ustawowe social security payments to which an individual is entitled to by law strategic HR /strəˈtiːdʒɪk ˌeɪtʃ ˈɑː(r)/ strategiczna polityka kadrowa the aspect of human resources concerned with long-term planning and corporate strategy stress interview /stres ˈɪntəvjuː/ rozmowa (o pracę) pod napięciem a type of interview in which the interviewee is deliberately put under stress to see how they cope and react strike /straɪk/ strajk a collective refusal to work by employees in pursuance of a grievance with the employer succession planning /səkˈseʃn ˈplænɪŋ/ strategiczne planowanie zmian kadrowych a long-term. structured approach to planning the replacement of senior managers with people currently lower in the organisation suggestion scheme /səˈdʒestʃən skiːm/ program sugestii a system that gathers ideas for improvements or developments from company employees supervisor /ˈsuːpəvaɪzə(r)/ przełożony a person who oversees the work of another usually as the first line of management suspension /səˈspenʃn/ zawieszenie (w prawach. pending an investigation systematic discrimination /ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn/ dyskryminacja systemowa discrimination. holidays and other perks trade secret /treɪd ˈsiːkrɪt/ tajemnica zawodowa a formula. patent or recipe that is unique and must not be divulged trade union /treɪd ˈjuːnɪən/ związek zawodowy an association which works to further the rights and interests of a group of employees training needs analysis /ˈtreɪnɪŋ niːdz əˈnæləsɪs/ analiza potrzeb szkoleniowych a formal process for identifying the development needs of employees transfer /ˈtrænsfɜː(r)/ przeniesienie to move an employee to a different job. usually to cover for an absent permanent worker total reward package /ˈtəʊtl rɪˈwɔːd ˈpækɪdʒ/ całościowy pakiet wynagrodzenia the entire benefit to the employee of working including pay. additional benefits. niezgodne z prawem rozwiązanie stosunku pracy a termination of employment that is either unjustified or not done according to correct procedures BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     31 . such as recruitment and training unemployment /ˌʌnɪmˈploɪmənt/ bezrobocie the state of seeking work but being unable to find a job unemployment rate /ˌʌnɪmˈploɪmənt reɪt/ wskaźnik bezrobocia the number of people unemployed as a percentage of the national workforce unfair dismissal /ˌʌnˈfeə(r) dɪsˈmɪsl/ nieuczciwe zwolnienie. department or location turnover costs /ˈtɜːnəʊvə(r) kɒsts/ koszty rotacji pracowniczej the costs caused by people leaving and having to be replaced. telekonferencja a meeting with participants at different locations using telephony and closed-circuit TV temp/temporary employee /temp ˈtemprəri ɪmˈplɔɪiː/ pracownik tymczasowy an person who is employed on a short-term basis.tasks analysis /tɑːsks əˈnæləsɪs/ analiza działań/zadań the careful study of tasks to define what they entail teleconference /ˈtelikɒnfərəns/ wideokonferencja. it may also be recorded in writing vertical organisation /ˈvɜːtɪkl ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃn/ organizacja pionowa an organisation with a traditional.unsafe conditions /ʌnˈseɪf kənˈdɪʃnz/ niebezpieczne warunki pracy a work environment that is hazardous to health and safety. such as poor ventilation or lack of guards on dangerous machinery unskilled worker /ˌʌnˈskɪld ˈwɜːkə(r)/ robotnik niewykwalifikowany an employee who performs. while oral. urlop a period of leisure time away from work or study (US) value-added work /ˌvæljuː ˈædɪd ˈwɜːk/ praca o wartości dodanej work that increases the final value of a product or service value statement /ˈvæljuː ˈsteɪtmənt/ misja przedsiębiorstwa a formal statement issued by a company that states its driving principles and beliefs verbal warning /ˈvɜːbl ˈwɔːnɪŋ/ ustne long-term 32     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE . simple. ostrzeżenie ustne a spoken warning to an employee of unsatisfactory behaviour or performance – the first stage in discipline. hierarchical structure with many levels virtual HR /ˈvɜːtʃʊəl ˌeɪtʃ ˈɑː(r)/ wirtualne/zdalne zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi the use of technology to provide automatic and self-service HR – such as an electronic holiday booking system or staff updating their own personnel records virtual office /ˈvɜːtʃʊəl ˈɒfɪs/ wirtualne biuro using mobile technology such as a smartphone or tablet to provide the functionality of an office while travelling or in any location vision statement /ˈvɪʒn ˈsteɪtmənt/ (wspólna) wizja przedsiębiorstwa a short statement that describes a company’s aspirations of what it will become in the mid. manual tasks such as labourer or shelf stacker vacation /vəˈkeɪʃn/ wakacje. tygodniówka a fixed amount of money for work paid daily or weekly. anonimowo) an employee who makes it publicly known that their organisation is engaging in illegal or unethical practices wilful misconduct /ˈwɪlfəl ˌmɪsˈkɒndʌkt/ umyślne działanie/ przewinienie wrongdoing by an employee that is done knowingly and intentionally (UK) work-life balance /wɜːk laɪf ˈbæləns/ równowaga między pracą a życiem prywatnym the concept of finding a happy medium between the conflicting demands and time pressures of work and outside life written warning /ˈrɪtn ˈwɔːnɪŋ/ pisemne ostrzeżenie/ upomnienie a warning within the disciplinary procedure that is written and placed on employee’s personnel records for a period of time zero-hours contract /ˈzɪərəʊ ˈaʊəz ˈkɒntrækt/ umowa o pracę bez określenia minimalnego wymiaru czasu pracy a contract in which an employee is guaranteed no hours of employment and is only paid for the hours they work – usually waiting on-site to be called at short notice BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE     33 .voluntary redundancy /ˈvɒləntri rɪˈdʌndənsi/ dobrowolne odejście z pracy the state of an employee offer to be made redundant in exchange for financial compensation wage /weɪdʒ/ płaca. possibly in cash whistle-blower /ˈwɪsl ˈbləʊə(r)/ osoba zgłaszająca naruszenia (np. 34     BUSINESS ENGLISH MAGAZINE .
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