Behavioral Safety

June 13, 2018 | Author: Nam Nguyen | Category: Occupational Safety And Health, Traffic Collision, Business



BBBe eeh hha aav vvi iio oor rra aal ll S SSa aaf ffe eet tty yy T Te ec ch hn ni iq qu ue es s t to o R Re ed du uc ce e L Lo os st t- -T Ti im me e I In nj ju ur ri ie es s t th hr ro ou ug gh h A An na al ly ys si is s o of f y yo ou ur r C Cu ur rr re en nt t E En nv vi ir ro on nm me en nt t & & I Im mp pl le em me en nt ta at ti io on n o of f P Pr ro ov ve en n P Pe er rf fo or rm ma an nc ce e M Ma an na ag ge em me en nt t M Me et th ho od ds s 14 th (Tue) & 15 th (Wed) October 2008, Hotel Mulia Senayan - Jakarta, Indonesia Presented by: Prof. Dominic Cooper C.Psychol AFBPsS FIOSH FRSH MIIRSM MASSE One of the TOP 5 Safety Authorities in the World! A Ac ch hi ie ev ve e 4 40 0- -1 10 00 0% % R Re ed du uc ct ti io on ns s i in n t th he e N Nu um mb be er r o of f A Ac cc ci id de en nt ts s! ! Limited to 30 Seats Only! Contact Us at: Ken Knowledge International Tel: +65-6469 3422 Fax: +65-6469 8183 [email protected] Organised by: Behavioral Safety 14 th (Tue) & 15 th (Wed) October 2008 - Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta Indonesia PRESENTING ONE OF THE WORLD LEADERS AND AWARD WINNING AUTHOR PROF. DOMINIC COOPER FOUNDER OF B-SAFE PROGRAM An award winning author, Dr. Dominic Cooper is a Chartered Psychologist, Associate fellow of the British Psychological Society, Fellow of the Royal Society of Health, Member of the American Society of Safety Engineers, and a Fellow of the Institution of Occupational Safety & Health, he is one of Europe's leading figures in applying the behavioral sciences to improve organizational safety culture. WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND? The aim of this interactive workshop is to provide you with new skills critical to the management of safety and other business activities such as quality and productivity. After attending this workshop, you will leave fully armed with the knowledge needed to introduce behavioral safety into your organization. The combination of interactive presentations, hands-on exercises and open discussion groups along with real case studies, ensures you will obtain maximum value from attending. In these 2 days workshop you will learn: To focus on the prevention of workplace injuries by focusing on people's safety related behaviors. The management approach presented in the workshop has proven to be extremely effective at reducing injury rates, and other serious consequences such as property damage, business interrupts, environmental releases, regulatory agency violations, etc. The workshop includes interactive exercises and case studies to enhance the learning experience. Case studies will include the successful application of effective behavioral techniques in Offshore Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals and Manufacturing. Lessons learned from other work places within the Construction, Paper, Steel, Food, Agrochemical and chemical industries will also be explored throughout the two days. Results achieved include Zero Lost Time Accident Rates within 12-18 months, and improved bottom line profits. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This workshop is designed for Vice Presidents, Directors, General Managers, Safety Managers, Safety Supervisors and Engineers, EHS Professionals, Site/Plant/Factory/Operations Managers, Maintenance, Facilities Management & Training Managers. Contact Us at: Ken Knowledge International Tel: +65-6469 3422 Fax: +65-6469 8183 [email protected] Workshop timing: Registration at 08:30 Workshop starts at 09:00 Morning Coffee Break 10:30 - 10:45 Lunch at 13:00 - 14:00 Afternoon Coffee Break 15:30 - 15:45 Workshop ends at 17:00 Behavioral Safety 14 th (Tue) & 15 th (Wed) October 2008 - Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +65-6469 3422 Fax: +65-6469 8183 email: [email protected] DAY 1 INFLUENCING THE SAFETY CULTURE OF YOUR ORGANIZATION WITH BEHAVIOR CHANGE Session 1 - How Behavior influences your safety culture? Why people behave unsafely? How behavioral safety differs from traditional safety programs? Case Studies of Successful Behavioral Safety Projects Petrochemicals Case Study: Huntsman's JVO6 Olefines Cracker. Implementing behavioral safety after a decade without a reportable injury Manufacturing Case Study: Courtauld's Cellophane: The Reel Story. Offshore Oil & Gas: A tale of two North Sea platforms Session 2 - Understanding your current safety efforts The concept of readiness and how to rate your company Methods for assessing readiness Safety Climate surveys Safety Culture Workshops Strategies for conducting safety readiness assessments DAY 2 UNDERSTANDING HOW TO BUILD YOUR BEHAVIOURAL SAFETY PROCESS FOR SUCCESS Session 3 - How does a company implement a behavioral safety program? Avoiding implementation problems Developing steering committees Developing Project teams Session 4 - How can the observation process best be established? Developing a self-management approach with employees working in isolation Developing a peer to peer observation approach Developing a workgroup observation approach Session 5 - Developing behavioral measurement tools Analyse management systems and human performance problems Accident Analyses with Applied Behavior Analyses Identifying contributing factors and root causes to accidents Early detection and response to potential problems Session 6 - Training and introducing observers into the workplace The purpose and challenges of basic observation skills Enhancing communication skills to maximise the usefulness and acceptance of feedback How to involve your people in setting improvement targets Session 7 - Understanding how to maintain your behavioral safety process for long-term success. What leadership role does senior management play? Involving line management in your improvement plans Maintaining the process Understanding trends in the observation data Using the data to develop strategies to improve safety Using observation data to develop action plans to enhance the functioning of the process. Exploring process design issues: Chosen at random from the audience, one of the delegates work sites will be used to demonstrate how to strategically design a behavioral safety process Behavioral Safety 14 th (Tue) & 15 th (Wed) October 2008 - Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta Indonesia Tel: +65-6469 3422 Fax: +65-6469 8183 email: [email protected] Appended below are some examples of companies that benefited from Dominic´s program Arkansas Power and Light Working with Linesmen Videotaped the crews at work to identify safe behaviors Crews developed own behavioral checklists Crews took ownership of whole system 50% reduction in accidents within 12 mths Chemical Plant, UK 1994 is pre-B-Safe ® 1996 is post 2 nd phase of B-Safe ® Safety Attitude survey is accurate at the 95% level. Achieved Zero accident rate within 12 months Amoco Canada (Steelman Plant) Goal was to improve driving behavior 100% reduction in Lost time accidents over two years 100% reduction in Medical Cases 50% reduction in Vehicle Accidents PARTIAL CLIENT LIST Professor Dominic Cooper CFIOSH, C.PSYCHOL acknowledged as a Global Expert by Business & Legal reports in 2006, pioneered Behavioral Safety in the UK Construction Industry in the late eighties. He has since helped many companies to improve their safety performance on four continents, in numerous industries including Civil Engineering, Chemicals, Foods, Manufacturing, Offshore Oil & Gas, Steel, Paper, Paints, Petrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Steel and Transport. He has consistently helped multi-national companies such as Corus, Dow Corning, ExxonMobil, Kellog, Brown & Root, PPG, RasGas and Syngenta achieve 40-100% reductions in the number of accidents. He also: • Developed a free interactive knowledge resource • Developed the internationally acclaimed B-Safe Programme ® which creates ownership for organizational change through local-level, employee involvement • Received national awards for his work from Britain´s Institution of Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH) • Spoken regularly at numerous local and international conferences • Authored over 150 publications on safety • Held Professorships in both Safety and Organizational Psychology at Indiana University, Bloomington, USA Allied Wire & Steel, BNFL, Birds Eye, British Steel, Brunnermond & Co.,Chevron UK Ltd, City Power, Courtaulds Plc, Dow Corning, Durham and North Tees Hospital Trust, Elementis Specialties Chemicals, Exxon Chemicals & Olefines, HM Naval Base, Hickson & Welsh Ltd, Huntsman Petrochemicals, Iarnrod Eireann, INCO Europe Ltd, John Holland Group Pty Ltd, M.W. Kellogg Ltd, McVities Prepared Foods,Millennium Inorganic Chemicals, Mobil North Sea Ltd, Novartis, PPG Autocolors, Saudi Aramco, Shotton Paper, Scandianavian Airlines Ground Services, Statoil, Syngenta, Trellorborg Automotive, RASGAS Behavioral Safety 14 th (Tue) & 15 th (Wed) October 2008 - Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta Indonesia Please complete this form immediately and fax to: +(65) 6469 8183 Please wrIte In ßLDCK CAPITALS I. 0eIegate's detaIIs 1.Name:________________________________________________ PosItIon:________________________________________________ E·maIl : _________________________________________________ 2.Name:________________________________________________ PosItIon:________________________________________________ E·maIl :________________________________________________ 3. Name:_______________________________________________ PosItIon :_______________________________________________ E·maIl :_________________________________________________ CDhPANY :____________________________________________ Address : _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Country/ State: ______________________Postcode:_________ Nature of 8usIness :_____________________________________ Tel : _________________________ Fax: _____________________ Company SIze : 100-24º 250-4ºº 500-ººº 1000+ II. The InvoIce shouId be dIrected to hrlhs (0ept): Name: _________________________________________________ 0ept: __________________________________________________ Tel: ____________________________________________________ E·maIl:_________________________________________________ III. AuthorIsIng hanager's detaIIs Name : _________________________________________________ TItle : _________________________________________________ Tel: ____________________________________________________ SIgnature :_____________________________________________ 0ate: __________________________________________________ ThIs bookIng Is InvaIId wIthout a sIgnature REGISTER NOW! 2-0ay Course Fees: SG$ 1,690 (Priority Booking before12 Sept '08) SG$ 1,890 per delegate (Book after 12 Sept `08) 10% Discount for group registration of 3 delegates or more Fee includes documentation, refreshment & Lunch but EXCLUDES Accommodation & Bank charges MODE OF PAYMENT : Payment is required within 5 working days from the invoice date. SGD Bank Draft Made payable to: KEN Knowledge International Pte Ltd Or Telegraphic Transfer to Bank: United Overseas Bank Limited Clementi Branch Account Number: 130-314-691-7 SGD Corporate Current Account Swift Code: UOVBSGSG (Quoting your Company Name and Inv No. As Reference) CANCELLATIONS & SUBSTITUTIONS : All bookings carry a 50% liability immediately after a fully completed Registration contract has been received by Ken Knowledge International. All cancellations of registration must be made in writing. Regrettably, no refund will be made for cancellation after 15 th Sept 2008. However, a complete set of documentation will be sent to you. Substitutions are welcomed at anytime. NOTE: Due to unforeseen circumstances, we may change the content and timing of the event, speaker(s) or venue. Every effort will be made to inform the participants of the change. KEN Knowledge International should not be held liable for any costs arising from this change. HOTEL ACCOMODATION: Accommodati on i s not i ncl uded i n the workshop fees. To reserve accommodati on at the workshop venue, pl ease contact Hotel Mul i a Senayan at +(6221) 574 7777 For further information, Contact the KEN Knowledge International Business Managers, Tel: +(65) 6469 3422 / 6469 3936 Fax : +(65) 6469 8183 Email: [email protected] Address: 913 Bukit Timah Road #03-01 Singapore (589623) REGISTRATION CONTRACT
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