Beginner_s Guide to Pocket Master

March 26, 2018 | Author: suzubashi | Category: Pokémon, Gemstone, Video Game Design, Video Games, Gaming



Incomplete Guide to Pocket Masterby Stenjamesfar AKA Jojo from S04 Cerulean City My wireless is down, so I’ve allocated 20 minutes of my day to write up some very basic information about the game. Everything I write here is from memory since I cannot access the game right now. I’m writing this because when I started playing the game I desperately wanted more information and it was not available. Hopefully this will help out beginner players a little. Endless TrialsIn this mode you challenge progressively more difficult groups of pokemon. Every ten levels you face off against a single boss pokemon. Every five wins earns you a loot chest where you pick one of three for a reward (pokestones, evolution stones, dawn stones, etc.). At each stage you will be presented with three difficulty levels of adversaries. One star opponents will give you a maximum of three trial stars if you win without losing any pokemon. Two star opponents give you a maximum of six trial stars and three star opponents will grant you a maximum of nine stars for a flawless victory. The trial stars are used for two purposes. The first is to purchase buffs that are presented to you at regular intervals as you progress. The types of buff are random and could apply to attack, defense, HP, or skill damage. The buffs cost 5, 15, or 30 stars. If you only challenge the one star pokemon then you will not be able to afford the larger buffs. Once you have challenged one of the three opponents you will not be able to challenge the other two if you lose, but you will be able to battle the opponent that you lost to as much as you like. The second purpose of trial stars is to give rewards to the top ranking players. The number of stars you gain along with the number of stages you complete is recorded and the top players will be awarded pokestones when the server resets. The rankings are based on the highest level of trial stars that you earn that day and the stars that you “spend” on buffs are not subtracted from the total. If you were to get stuck on an opponent, reset the trials, and then earn fewer stars on your next try the game will retain your first attempt as your highest score for the day. As you progress you will also gain trial coins, which can be used to purchase various items in the shop. The loot tab is where you claim trial coins based on how many chests you opened that day. If you do not claim the coins they will be lost the next day. The Trials are separated into four groups based on the level of your equipment and the level of the pokemon in your current team. If just one pokemon from your team is even one level above the limit you will not be able to challenge that group of trials. If you challenge a group, leave, level up a pokemon beyond the limit, and come back you will not be permitted to access the trials again with that pokemon in your group. If you were to promote one piece of equipment and then level it up beyond the limit then you will As you increase in level you will obtain additional slots to allow multiple pokemon to explore at the same time. the player’s defense team. Losing against another player will not cost you anything other than the points used to initiate the attack. The key to protecting your gains is to have a competent defense team with a suitable composition of offense and defense arrayed in a strategic position. It is advisable to keep your team within the limit until you are able to adequately challenge the next group. You are still able to use these pokemon normally. Below your defense team is a place to insert the leader pokemon from your friends. If the player has a much higher OA than you it is often a good idea to refresh in an attempt to find easier prey. Above these slots is a portal that you can click on that allows you to rob other players who have sent their pokemon to explore. which means that whoever you position in the middle will be taking constant ranged damage. It costs one point in order to generate a new potential player to rob. An automatic battle will ensue with your attack team vs. If you don’t have anything available you can go to the switch tab of your pokemon team and create a new team with an empty item slot. Most attackers will have their ranged pokemon in the middle behind their healer. 3. Generally your team will not make it very far in the next group unless everyone in your team exceeds the limit. but it is rarely successful unless your team has recently leveled up a great deal. While your pokemon are exploring you may be robbed by another player and lose a portion of your rewards. or 8 hours at a time. but it depends on the circumstances. If you win the battle you will gain a small random prize. so there’s no downside to doing this. If the ranged pokemon is able to shoot through multiple targets then everyone you place in the middle will be taking damage. Every day you must reselect which of your friends . ExplorationThe exploration icon is a place where you can send your pokemon to explore and gain rewards.also be restricted from that group. The rewards you gain are based on your pokemon’s OA (overall ability score) and how long you choose to explore for. If one piece of equipment is beyond the limit you can swap it out with a lower level piece provided you have one available. It is usually a good idea to place your weaker pokemon away from the center line. The chance that you will be robbed in decreased by a certain percent based on the OA of your friends’ combined leader pokemon. It costs five points to try to rob another player. You are given the option of exploring for 1. The Garrison tab allows you to set up your defense team against other players that seek to rob you. The reward gained from doing 3 sets of 1 hour explorations is higher than doing one 3 hour exploration. Once you choose a group you will not be able to select another group during that day even if you reset. These points regenerate at a rate of 1 per 30 minutes. You are given the option to seek revenge in order to win back what was stolen. but are ranked at or near the bottom then you will drop to the previous tier for the next day. whether they are using gems. if they have any rare pokemon. etc. If you don’t wish to spend any pokestones. but it is recommended that you play fairly. You can challenge the same players on your list until you run out of tries in order to gain some reputation points to spend in the shop. Each of the opponents you are shown will be worth a certain amount of credits that you can earn by defeating them. Each player begins in the bronze league and must be in the top rankings at the end of the day to gain access to the next tier. You are given a total of five battles per day with a 10 minute cooldown between each battle. The game’s AI can be exploited using certain abilities in order to win against more powerful teams. so being in a higher tier is greatly beneficial. It also differs in the amount of tries you have per day and the cooldown period between battles. A team that consists of weaker pokemon can still defeat you with clever positioning. The leagues are highly competitive and challenging low credit opponents may not be enough to join a higher tier. Hero League The hero league is much like the arena except you are able to click on your opponent’s icon to view their strategic placement of pokemon. You can to view your opponent’s team of pokemon down to the smallest detail before you fight them. Be sure to note that instead of being able to endlessly refresh your list of opponents for free you will need to pay 10 pokestones for each refresh and your list is limited to three instead of five. Be aware that certain fragments can only be purchased by those of a certain tier regardless of whether you have the points to afford it. It is highly advisable to view your opponent’s placement of pokemon in order to win. If you wanted to purchase a fragment of Diamond you would need to be at or above the Platinum level. Players that spend pokestones to refresh their list until they find a suitable opponent have the advantage. Once a match begins it is carried out automatically without any control over the pokemon. You are given . You are able to tell if they get a boost from matching equipment. but the shop is still available at that time. Different tiers award different amounts of reputation per day. if some of their pokemon are leveled up more than others. Active abilities are only used at their highest point (if a pokemon has three levels of an ability it will only activate upon reaching the last level). ArenaIn the arena you are allowed to refresh your list of potential opponents as many times as you like by clicking the roll button. If you are in a higher tier. Every weekend the league is shut down for an entire day and then begins anew for the next week. but are faced with impossible opponents then you can still earn 50 reputation points even if you lose against them. The shop generally has an assortment of gems to purchase and usually a rare pokemon would like to include in your defense as it will reset to empty when the server refreshes. The shop will generally have items. You only receive a reward when you break your personal record for highest rank. or on varying quantities of dawn stones. Guild battles can be found through the exploration icon. a significant amount of pokestones. which allow you purchase a greater variety of items from the guild mall. Your pokemon retain their HP and rage meter from the previous stage instead of receiving full health and having their meter reset. The more you donate the more contribution you earn. If you rank down and then rank back up then you will not receive a reward. When a pokemon is defeated it can no longer be utilized in your current attempt at completing that floor. on a small selection of pokemon fragments. The champion coins you win are influenced by three conditions. Once you join a guild this list will no longer appear. Some guilds are higher level than others. or various berries to purchase with champion coins. and hard opponents per stage. or a great deal of pokestones. Losing a battle will give you 50 honor while winning a battle gives you 100 honor. There is no time limit. defense. Each day you are given the choice of resetting the current floor of the tower or advancing to the next floor. To get the greatest reward. GuildWhen you are not in a guild you will be shown a random list of guilds that can be refreshed. The tower has a set amount of 10 stages to complete. After every win you will receive a random number of gear cards. At the end of the day you will receive honor based on your ranking. a few pokestones. . which is 15 coins. chests. The buffs you can receive are always attack. medium. Donating daily is required by certain guilds and a history of your donations is available for all guild members to view under the member icon. When you get to a loot chest the rewards are more likely to be equipment items and you cannot choose from three different chests. a large sum of gold. but can be replaced before the next battle by any pokemon above level 10 in your possession. You cannot reset it unless you are a high level VIP player. You can donate a small quantity of gold. which has slightly higher level pokemon. you must complete the battle quickly (there is no visible timer during the battle). You can spend honor in the arena shop on high level items. and HP restore and are available after every three victories. Items in the guild mall are purchased using contribution points. Certain guilds require that the player be a certain level. so it is often a good idea to disable auto and move your wounded pokemon back to heal when there are few enemies remaining.the ability to create both a defense team and an attack team. Champion TowerThe tower is similar to endless trials. but have not yet been implemented in S04 Cerulean City. There is no option to choose between easy. badges. Contribution points are earned by checking-in for that day and through donating. Initially when you reach a higher rank you will be sent a substantial reward via mail. but differs in a few major ways. not lose any pokemon. and defeat the very last enemy pokemon using skill damage. . Usually this happens while uncovering tiles. but it can also happen while auto-farming a completed stage. There is a summons count-down indicating how many more summons before you receive a five star pokemon. There is a time limit of 60 minutes before the myth pokemon escapes. During your battle you may randomly receive a myth pokemon fragment pertaining to the pokemon you are battling. The rewards are based on the percent of damage that you deal during the event. If it does not say that the next summon will be five star quality then you will most likely receive a four star pokemon. It also has a summons count-down. If you have friends you can either invite everyone or go through a list and individually pick who you want to invite. Although there are only a limited number of battles you can earn rewards from you can still participate in additional battles to help your friends receive extra dawn stones for slaying their myth pokemon. Usually the rewards do not increase by much after a certain amount of damage. Suiken-healer). The amount of pokestones required to remove the cooldown is based on the amount of time left on the timer. but you will be given back all invested potential points. If you complete enough tasks in a day you will be granted a free summons following the stated cool-down period.melee. If you do not select a fragment during that day then it will be lost when the server refreshes. so using pokestones to remove the cooldown may not be worthwhile unless you are in great need of gold and dawn stones. SummonThe first option is to summon pokemon through hatcher cards. but this one is in regards to a 15 quality five star pokemon rather than just a five star pokemon. Once you receive the notification that you have triggered an event click on the myth pokemon clouds in the background of the main screen or on the icon that appears in the right hand corner. and level-up berries. Raiko-ranged. You can remove the cooldown by using pokestones. The combine tab has a small number of rare pokemon that you can obtain by collecting a number of more common pokemon. When you collect the required pokemon they will be lost in the exchange. The third option allows you to summon ten pokemon at once. The second option is to summon a pokemon using 260 pokestones.300 pokestones. Without using pokestones you are allowed to battle the myth pokemon twice provided they are not slain at some point. You are able to summon a low-quality pokemon for every ten hatcher cards you collect. Only a set number of myth pokemon battles will give you rewards for the day. awaken materials. If you enable the x2 button at the top right then the battle will only take about 15-20 seconds. You can challenge it for free and attempt to do as much damage as possible within a short time limit. but that price can change. After your attempt there will be a cooldown time of 35 minutes. It is advisable to invite friends to battle the pokemon as you will receive extra dawn stones if you slay it within the time limit. Once you have battled in a certain number of myth events you can click on the loot tab to choose a fragment of a myth pokemon (Enten. Your friends can also invite you to battle their myth pokemon if they encounter one. The cost is presently set at 2.Myth PokemonAs you progress through the game you may trigger a myth pokemon event. or evolution stones. 50. 101 attack. If you use gold it will start out with a 50% chance to activate. Server FundThe server fund can be found under the events icon. Each group has multiple difficulty levels that are accessible based on your OA. The groups you can face award equipment. 100 attack. For example at 1. Some of the evolution stone groups are only available to challenge on specific days of the week. If the player loses to a higher difficulty they are still able to battle the lower difficulty for rewards. FactoryIn the factory there are enemies you can defeat for specific rewards. but can also be earned directly by sacrificing existing pokemon.000 pokestones. The player must be at least VIP3 in order to buy-in for an initial cost of 1. Pokesouls can be obtained as rewards throughout the game. but without the 40% increase to the stat improvement from pokestones. but you are allowed to challenge that group as many times as you like until you win those rewards. In order to activate the potential points there are three options. Whenever a certain number of people buy into the fund pokestones are given to the buyers. At 2. 60 attack. If you don’t use gold or pokestones and just potential points then the chance to activate will be very low and will continue to decrease as you spend potential points. or pokemon fragments will cost pokesouls.Black MarketThe black market uses either pokesouls or pokestones for purchases. In this example if the pokemon is level 60 then they will have gained 60 HP.000 pokestones. If you use pokestones you get a 100% chance to activate the point and a 40% increase to the stat improvement. and 50 defense per level then the successful use of a potential point will slightly increase those numbers to something like 101 HP. If a pokemon gains 100 HP. There are only a set number of rewards you can win from each group per day. and 30 defense from one potential point.000 pokestones. Currently the fund has maxed out at a 3. The probability to activate will decrease below 50% as you spend more points as the cost of gold increases. Usually equipment items will cost pokestones while pokemon. The more points you spend the greater the cost of pokestones. In order to receive the most from the server fund the player would have to start from scratch on a recently created server and buy in from the beginning.000 buyers you would receive 1. It is generally a bad idea to sacrifice all inactive pokemon as they can be used in relationship slots to provide stat boosts to other pokemon or leveled up to complete entries in the pokedex for a permanent attack and HP bonus. Potential PointsThese points retroactively increase stat improvements per level for a pokemon.5 defense (this is merely an example and not an actual situation in the game). In addition to the pokestones provided based on buyers there are also substantial rewards available for reaching specific goals in the game. dawn stones.000 pokestone reward. Many pokemon can be obtained by consistently purchasing their fragments when they appear in the black market. The decrease in probability to activate and the increase to cost . gold.000 buyers you would receive 2. AwakenIn order to unlock a pokemon’s abilities beyond the default ability you will need to awaken it.only apply to that specific pokemon based on the number of potential points you have spent on it. Certain rare pokemon require specific pokemon to be consumed in order to awaken. If you switch to a new pokemon it will start from the beginning. Trainer PointsOn the bottom of the screen there is a menu with an icon for pokemon team. The stars are not spent when opening the chest. Initially the awaken process requires a very small amount of dawn stones and gold. The probability that the item will become stronger per use of reforge is much higher than the probability that it will become weaker. Some lower quality pokemon will have fewer abilities to unlock. The stars you use to increase your trainer level also unlock rewards from the chest in the lower left corner of the stage map. +2. An orange item will require a purple to promote it while a purple will require a blue one. Promoting an item does not automatically level it up those additional levels. In the pokemon team there is a title written vertically under the switch icon that displays your current level of trainer. PromoteOrdinary items will naturally max out at level 40 unless you promote them. If it becomes weaker the player can just reforge it again to make it stronger. The stars can be obtained by defeating the boss pokemon of a stage (the one with a skull icon when you are uncovering tiles in a dungeon) without losing any pokemon during the battle. There will be another three stages that increase stats and require dawn stones and gold before you can unlock a new ability by consuming a pokemon. The first three times you awaken will add a +1. ReforgeReforge is similar to potential points except it applies to equipment rather than pokemon. Each promotion will raise the level limit by 10 and consume an item one grade below it. The last ability is unlocked a little differently in that the pokemon you consume must be the originial version of the pokemon you are trying to awaken. At the beginning of the game there is a limit to how far you can awaken a pokemon based on player level. Each trainer upgrade costs three stars and will provide a permanent stat boost to your pokemon. You must spend gold to level up the equipment after a promotion. Gems- . but require another pokemon to be consumed instead of dawn stones (gold is still required). The fourth time you awaken it will unlock a new ability. but there is a random chance the item will become weaker instead of stronger. You don’t need to use pokestones or gold to reforge an item. or +3 to the name of your pokemon and significantly increase its attack and HP. Once you consume a pokemon the portrait border will change color and you will essentially start the process again. Evolving a pokemon can change what abilities have already been awakened and what abilities will be awakened in the future. Once you fill up every slot in a particular group you will receive the stated bonus to each of your pokemon. ranged. attack. Gems do not grant additional abilities to a pokemon. but rather enhance existing abilities or increase stats. slow. Eevee’s group requires you to own each of her evolved forms. Similar types can be combined to upgrade a particular gem. but once Eevee has been evolved she cannot be reset to her original form (the reborn tab gives you back awaken materials. When you send stamina it does not take stamina away from your own individual pool. You cannot claim stamina if your friend has not first sent it to you. It also allows you to send and claim stamina. Gems are separated into various types. Each friend can send you 2 stamina points per day. Every day you are allowed to claim stamina from a maximum of 30 friends. potential points. Some groups are more difficult to fill than others. Using four level one gems to upgrade a level three gem is likely to result in failure and all four lesser gems will be lost. Friends can invite you to their myth pokemon events where you can obtain rewards based on how much damage you deal. The maximum number of friends you are allowed to have grows as the player levels up. During certain battles you can swap out one of your pokemon (although not your leader or back-up pokemon) for the leader pokemon of one of your friends. The diamonds represent how many stat boosts that . or healing. The most powerful gem early in the game is the integrity gem which increases HP and attack by 800 at level one and doubles that amount at level two. Pokemon are separated into groups with a specific bonus listed above.Gems are most often found in the hero league shop although they can be obtained through other means. The portrait will only fill in after you have possessed that pokemon in that particular form. FriendsThe friend icon allows you to search for friends. There are filters located at the bottom right that will separate the pokemon based on whether they are defense. and blind. but the success rate is based on the quality of the gems used in the combination. and accept friend requests. RelationshipsIn the pokemon team icon there is a place in the lower right for relationships with several diamonds that can be filled in. mail friends. but not evolution stones and the pokemon will be a level one pokemon of that evolved form). poison. add friends. You can view the base stats on each and learn how their abilities progress after they evolve. In order to complete groups where a pokemon has multiple forms the player will need to obtain the original form of that pokemon more than once. and berries. Whether you win or lose that battle you cannot use that particular friend’s leader pokemon again until the next day. Other gems may enhance abilities such as freeze. delete friends. The bonus tab allows you to see which bonuses are granted to each of your pokemon. PokedexThis is where you can learn about every pokemon in the game (whether you have encountered them yet or not). You can send stamina to your friends even if they are not online at the time. Once you fill in a slot it will stay filled in even if you later sacrifice that pokemon to the black market or consume it in to awaken another pokemon. ask questions. Once the event starts everyone on the server will have a maximum of 15 minutes to slay the boss pokemon. The purchase button allows you to buy more pokestones. or file a complaint. A month card costs $6 and gives you 300 pokestones immediately and the ability to claim 120 from the bonus tab each day for 30 days. The newbie code is 248859220610 Player ProfileIf you click your player portrait at the top left you will open up a menu that allows you to change your player name. It can be found on the in-game notice board and is labeled as the newbie pokecode. If you buy two you will be VIP3 and will be allowed to buy into the server fund for 1. A challenge button will appear that will initiate an attempt. When the event is not currently active it will display a count-down detailing when the event will start.000 pokestones to purchase while the preceding slot costs 1. It can still be used in one of the other teams the player is allowed to create without removing it from the first team’s relationship slot.000. You can remove . It shows what level you are and how many experience points are required to reach the next level. After an attempt there will be a 60 second cool down before you can try again.particular pokemon has based on relationships. The options button lets you customize your game. The poke code button allows you to enter the only existing poke code so far. There is also a timer indicating how long before you fill up your entire stamina bar. Each of the three teams you can create has their own set of relationship slots. A pokemon in a relationship slot does not appear on that team’s switch menu until they have been removed from the slot. Each month card is a single payment of $6. PokecodesOnly one pokecode has been released so far. Relationship slots can be purchased at the appropriate character level for an increasing cost of pokestones. Boss Pokemon DebutThis icon will alternate between Zap-dos or Mutant. If two pokemon are listed for a stat boost that means both are required in order to receive the boost. Each attempt provides the player with 40 seconds to deal as much damage as possible. There is a feedback button that allows you to report bugs. If you buy another month card it will also give you 300 pokestones and then extend the number of days you can claim pokestones by 30. It shows how much stamina you possess and how long before you earn another point.000 pokestones in order to receive thousands more. Each slot allows the player to gain relationship stat boosts to their pokemon without actually having that pokemon active on the current team. Whenever a pokemon is placed in a relationship slot it will be inaccessible on that team until it is removed. It does not auto-renew or charge you for each day of the month. Each pokemon has their own list of pokemon that will provide a stat boost if they are active on the team at the same time or if they occupy a relationship slot. The slots do not carry over from one team to the other and must be manually configured to provide a bonus. The final slot costs 2. but I regularly swap out certain members for Geranium or Frostlass based on the situation. Loots will show you what reward you can expect based on the percent of damage you inflicted. For reference I have been playing the game (regularly) for a week and a half. Alligator. and Needlequeen (full relationship boosts) as my main team. The ranking tab shows how much damage you inflicted compared to other players and updates constantly throughout the event.the cool down for 10 pokestones and receive a 10% increase to attack during the next attempt. If the boss pokemon is slain it will have increased HP during the next event and if it is not slain it will have reduced HP. MallThe mall is a place to buy items with pokestones. Machochamp. The most common item purchased in the mall is bread. The end. Please do not message me directly as I am not a game guider and do not have the time or experience to answer difficult questions (unless you are a cute girl in which case I’m all ears). . The cost of bread increases by 10 pokestones for every purchase that day. Gear CenterThis is where you can spend gear cards or pokestones in order to obtain gear. If I’ve made any mistakes I apologize in advance. Toge. The exchange will melt items that have been leveled up for free (usually it costs pokestones in order to retrieve invested resources from an item). I usually have Venus. but it will also charge a significant amount of gold based on the quality of the items being combined. which grants 30 stamina points when consumed. Combine is where you can exchange five items of the same quality for one item of the next higher quality. You can direct your questions to the Pocket Master Facebook group where various members are frequently happy to provide an answer or at least an opinion. Tyrant.
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