Bedah Plastik

March 23, 2018 | Author: pupuliciouz | Category: Human Nose, Human Anatomy, Human Head And Neck, Primate Anatomy, Face



Bedah PlastikBagian Bedah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas YARSI Pendahuluan ► Ilmu Kedokteran secara umum terdiri atas : 1. Ilmu kedokteran dasar : anatomi, fisiologi, biokimia dan histologi 2. Ilmi kedokteran dasar klinik : patologi anatomi, patologi klonik 3. Ilmu kedokteran klinik media : penyakit dalam, penyakit anak, syaraf, jiwa, kulit 4. Ilmu kedokteran klinik bedah : bedah, THT, obgyn, mata 5. Ilmu kedokteran kesehatan masyarakat Ilmu Bedah ► Bedah ► Bedah ► Bedah ► Bedah ► Bedah ► Bedah ► Bedah ► Bedah digesti urologi orthopaedi tumor anak thorax dan vaskuler syaraf plastik . anatomis. penampilan dan psikologik .Tujuan Ilmu Bedah fungsi ( fisiologis ) ► Perbaikan morfologis ( anatomis ) ► Perbaikan Tujuan Ilmu Bedah Plastik : Perbaikan aspek fisiologis. Bedah Plastik 1. Bedah Rekonstruksi CACAT NORMAL / MENDEKATI NORMAL Kongenital Trauma Infeksi Tumor degenerasi . Bedah Plastik Aesthetic NORMAL LEBIH BAIK PSIKOLOGIS .2. Bedah Aesthetic Belajar Seni Suku bangsa/etnik • Konsep Cantik • wilayah • waktu ke waktu . . . . . . point at junction of tangents to menton and anterior border of neck .most anterior aspect of chin Menton.lateral aspect of nasal ala Subnasale.most prominent point of midsagittal forehead Radix.Facial Analysis -.frontal hairline Glabella.depression at root of nose Rhinion.Terms Trichion.point at junction of tangents to menton and pogonion Cervical point.junction of columella and upper lip at base of nose Stomion.junction of bony and cartilaginous nasal dorsum Tip-defining point.lower border of contour of chin Gnathion.where lips meet Pogonion.root of nose Nasion.anteriormost projection of nasal tip Alar crease. Facial Analysis ► Face: General  Divided in 1/3’s ► trichion to NFA ► NFA to subnasale ► subnasale to menton . Facial Analysis ► Vertical divisions  1/5’s  each equal to one eye width . Facial Analysis ► Lips  oral commissure at medial limbus  smaller mouth preferred in Asia (Chinese) ► Nasal ala  lateral aspect at medial canthus  may be wider in Asian and African-American patients . Facial Analysis-The Nose ► Nose  nasofrontal angle ► approximately degrees 120  nasolabial angle ► 90-105 in men ► 100-120 in women  columnellar show ► 2-4mm . 0.60 to tip) divided by (subnasale to tip) = 2.8  Baum’s Ratio: ► (nasion .55 .Facial Analysis-The Nose ► Tip height ► (alar  Goode’s Ratio: groove to tip) divided by (nasion to tip) = 0. Facial Analysis-The Nose ► Submental view: vertex  equilateral triangle  lateral ala at medial canthus ► may be wider in asian. african noses . Facial Analysis ► Chin projection to pogonion to cervicomental angle is approximately 100 degrees  Burstone’s Angle ► SN  Vertical line from subnasale: ►3 mm for males ► 5 mm for females . The Neck ► Neck  Dedo classification ► hyoid position ► skin position ► fat accumulation ► muscular position  cervicomental angle ► 90 to 110 degrees .Facial Analysis . Facial Analysis-Forehead ► Hairline ► Brow position  males: at rim  females slightly above rim. maximum arch at lateral limbus . Facial Analysis--Eyes ► Brow Position ► Dermatochalasia ► Lid Fullness/Fat herniation ► Lid crease position/symmetry ► Lid laxity .
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