
414448: Distributed SystemTeaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/Week Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 Marks Prerequisite : Operating System and Computer Networks Objective : Understand the fundamentals of distributed environment in complex application Unit I Introduction(5 Hrs.) Introduction to Distributed Systems: Goals, Architecture, Examples of Distributed Systems, Characteristics, Hardware and Software Concepts, Design Issues, Challenges. System Models: Architectural models, fundamental models and Failure Model. Inter-process Communication and Coordination(7 Hrs.) Message Passing Communication: Communication Primitives, Message Synchronization and Buffering, Pipe, Pipe and Socket APIs, Group Communication, Multicasting Remote Procedural Call: Basic Operation, Implementation and Call Semantics, Failure Handling, LRPC Object Oriented Distributed Computing Technologies ± Basics, design issues of various technologies like RMI and CORBA with semantics and executions. Unit II Unit III Synchronization and Election(7 Hrs.) Clock Synchronization: Logical and Physical Clocks, Algorithms and Uses Mutual Exclusion: Centralize, Distributed and Token Ring Algorithms, Comparison Logical Clocks: Lamport¶s Logical Clock, Vector Clocks Global State: Needs, Properties and Various Global States Election Algorithm: Bully and Ring Algorithm Unit IV Distributed File Systems(7 Hrs.) Introduction, Characteristics, File Service Architecture Sun Network and CODA File System: Overview of NFS, Communication, Processes, Naming, Synchronization, Consistency and Replication, Fault Tolerance and Security Naming Services: Case Study of Global Name Service and X.500 Directory Service Unit V Unit VI Distributed Shared Memory(7 Hrs.) Replication: Introduction, Reasons for Replication, Object Replication and Scaling Technique Distributed Shared Memory: Design and Implementation Issue; Data Centric Consistency Models - Strict, Sequential, Casual, PRAM, Weak, Release, Entry Client-Centric Consistency Models: Eventual, Monotonic Reads, Monotonic Writes, Read Your Writes, Writes Follow Reads Fault Tolerant and Recovery(7 Hrs.) Fault Tolerance: Concepts, Failure Models, Failure Masking by Redundancy Process Resilience:Design Issues, Failure Masking and Replication, Agreement in Faulty Systems Recovery: Introduction, Check-pointing, Message Logging ± Synchronous and Asynchronous, Adaptive Logging Jean Dollimore & Tim Kindberg. ³Distributed Systems ± Concept and Design´ 4th Edition. ³Distributed Operating System and Algorithm Analysis´. ISBN ± 978-81-317-2859-8 . George Coulouris. Publisher: Pearson (LPE). ISBN ± 978-81-317-1840-7 2. Publisher: PHI. Distributed Systems ± Principles and Paradigms´. Theodore Johnson. Tanenbaum & Maarten van Steen´. Andrew S. Randay Chow. Publisher: Pearson (LPE).Text Books : 1. Reference Books : 1. Display the results of multimedia searches. Metacrawler.414449: Information Retrieval Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/Week Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 Marks Objective : To deal with IR representation. Grossman and modeling. standards Taxonomy and Ontology: Creating domain specific ontology. 2. Satish K. Identify appropriate networked collections. and clusterbased retrieval. ) Text Books : 1. Pearson Education. two dimensional color images. 2. John Wiley and sons Inc.Architecture issues. IR Subrahamanian. Rochhio's Algorithm and Dendograms Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V Unit VI File Structures. Challenges. Inverted file. ethical. Witten. Techniques to represent audio and visual document. Web crawlers. Basic concepts.. Automatic Classification. Prototypes. Bell. Parallel IR . Collaborative filtering. V. IR system block (8 Hrs. query languages Indexing & searching. Vector Model. Characterizing the Web. OPACs. A. organization & access to information items Unit I Basic Concepts of IR. Moffat. Web agents (web shopping. Web data mining. Data Retrieval & Information Retrieval. Economic. Kulwer Academic Publisher. Boolean Model. Query Processing Multimedia IR models & languages. bargain finder.) diagram. 4. Ring Structure. S. one dimensional time series. Different Matching Coefficient.Online IR system. Indexing and Index Term Weighing.). alternative measures reference collection (TREC Collection). ) (8 Hrs. (6 Hrs. Search Engines. Search Strategies. Rijsbergen. Ontology life cycle Distributed and Parallel IR: Relationships between documents. Libraries & Bibliographical system. Matching Function Performance Evaluation. Searching the Web.dcs. Cluster Hypothesis. ´Multimedia mining A highway to intelligent multimedia documents´. Suffix trees & suffix arrays. projects & interfaces. Single Pass Algorithm. Tripathi ³Multimedia information System´. ) (8 Hrs. Probabilistic Indexing. document models. Single Link Algorithm. 3.Precision and recall. Automatic Text Analysis. Boolean search.. Query databases of multimedia documents. ³Introduction to search engines and web navigation´. Chabane Djeraba. Luhn's ideas. Digital libraries . ISBN 81-297-0274-6 C. "Modern Information Retrieval". Multiple distributed collections simultaneously. representation & access.gla. Mark leven... ISBN 9780-170-52684-2. and T. Kulwer Academic Publisher 3. legal and political issues. Classification Methods. ³Managing Gigabytes´ D. Measures of Association. Mata I. Browsing. storage.MIMD Architectures. and Fuzzy Set Model.generic multimedia indexing approach. Signature files. ISBN 1-4020-7247-3 . Yates & Neto. automatic feature extraction.J. Source Selection. Frieder ³Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Heuristics´ Reference Books : 1. Clustering Algorithms. ) (6 Hrs. ) (6 Hrs. Distributed IR ± Collection Partitioning. (www. "Information Retrieval". robot exclusion. Conflation Algorithm. serial search. Real Time versus General Purpose databases. Information redundancy. Non preemptive method(EDD). Unit II Task Assignment and scheduling Types of of performance measure. Krishna . ) (8 Hrs. Tata Mc Graw Hills publications 1. resource constraints. fore ground/background systems. Structure of RTS. based. Overloading & Generics. Redundancy. performance. capabilities of RTOS. Unit IV Real Time Communication Network topologies. error containment. Jane . Rate monotonic. facilitating hierarchical decomposition. Time.´Real Time Systems´.cost function and hard deadline . Analysis of source code.Maniraman. tools and databases Language Characteristics. Liu.S. Program and processes Threads. Stuart bennet. Concurrency control issues. Pearson Education 4. ) (8 Hrs. pipelining. Maintaining serialization consistency. The Pooled Bus. medium access control protocols of broadcast networks. Resources management: memory management and process management. Douglass. Performabitity . UML For Real Time Systems Fault types. Pearson Education 3. Issues in real time computing ±Constraints. detection. priority inheritance and priority ceiling protocols Unit III Programming languages. ) (8 Hrs. Internet and resources reservation protocols. EDF and its variants for periodic tasks. schedulability. Software. Signal Processing. Introduction to Real Time SystemsUnit I Definition of RTS. An Introduction ´ Pearson Publications 2. ) Text Books : C. classification of scheduling algorithms. Sivraman Murthy and G. Unit VI Fault Tolerance and Reliability. Fault tolerant Routing. ³Real Time Computer control. Use of POSIX Programming API in RTS Basic definition of databases. Protocol Contention based. W. Typical real time applications ² Digital Control. ) (8 Hrs. sharing resources.´Real Time systems´. priority driven approach for periodic and aperiodic task. Reversal checks. Hierarchical Round Robin Deadline. error handling. RT UML profile (8 Hrs. deadline monotonic. Peckol. Transaction priorities. Malicious or Byzantine failures. Timings. Main memory databases.Estimating program real time. WILEY publications Reference Books : 1. dependencies. Databases for hard Real Time Systems.´Real Time UML´. Performance measures of RTS. Token based. Network architecture issues. Integrated failure handling. Data diversity. precedence. Modeling for time. Stop & Go Multi hop Protocol. preemptive methods(EDF and LST). packages.Hardware. ³Resource Management in real time systems and Network´ MIT ISBN ± 51-203-2682-2 2. Two phase approach to improve predictability.M. Data typing. Aborts. Characterizing RTS. C. features of RTOS.414450: Elective III ± Real Time System Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/Week Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 Marks Objective: To get an overview of design and evaluation issues of RTS.Sending messages. ) (8 Hrs. Reliability models: Hardware and software error models. Real Time Communication and operating systems. Real time POSIX standards. Unit V Real Time Kernel and Operating Systems Time services. operating system architecture. Resource and resource access scheduling protocols: blocking and priority inversion.´Embedded System´. Control structures. resource. ) Unit VI (8 Hrs. Eric J.NET web services. Factory method.NET remoting.NET architecture. Introduction to Java EE. ³ Inside Com ( Microsoft Programming series´ (paperback) 2.NET assemblies. Kevin Mukhar. Interfaces. Observer. Strategy. Braude. why software architecture is important.´ Software Design From programming to architecture ³ Boston Univ ISBN: 0-471-20459-5. Introduction to Web servers and Application servers.414450: Elective III ± Software Architecture Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/Week Objectives : Introduction to the software architecture as a discipline. ³ Software Architecture in practice ³. ) Unit V (8 Hrs. architecture and quality attributes. Paul Clements . Study of a commonly used representative design patterns Singleton. Len Bass . DLL servers.4 from Novice to Professional ( Apress Beginner series ) ( paperback) 3. ) (8Hrs. What is software architecture. ) Text Books : 1. ) (8 Hrs. Weaver. James p. Concept of loose coupling. Richard Helm. John Vlissides. Programing the interface and concept of delegation. documenting software architectures. Introduction to . Understanding quality attributes. structure of XML. Iterator. Introduction to Web services.´Design Patters : Elements of reusable Object oriented Software´ ( Addision-wesley professional computing series) ( Hardcover) . Types of architectures styles and their comparison. achieving quality attributes. second edition ( Hardcover) 2. Unit I Unit II Unit III Architecture Business cycle. Ralph Johnson. Adapter. Components. . Façade. concept of Entity beans. State. Introduction to XML. message beans. Introduction to concept of Messaging.´ 2004 Reference Books : 1. Introduction to Enterprise Java Beans. business and persistence layers]. Introduction to software architecture strategies. IUNKNOWN. Introduction to Three tier architecture [Presentation. Important principles behind design patterns. Addressing Quality attributes through multi tier architecture. ) Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 Marks Unit IV (8 Hrs. (8Hrs. use of EJBs in three tier architecture. Dale Rogerson. . Eritch Gamma. Session bean. Rick Kazman. James L. Advantages of coupling through xml. Crume( Publisher) Begineeing J2EE1. . Design patterns: History. Introduction to current architecture approach. Basics of illumination and shading models. Pearson Education. ) (8 Hrs.´Computer Graphics Principles & Practice´. Ray tracing from the light source. YIQ. Shadows and textures.Udai. Sinha. ³Computer Graphics using OpenGL´. Animation Introduction. polygon meshes. Illumination models. sweep representations. Devices for virtual reality. ) (8Hrs. Feiner. Spline representation and specification B-Spline curves and surfaces. Rogers. 2. ) (8Hrs. 2 nd Ed. Polygon rendering methods. solid modeling and animation Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 Marks Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V Brief Review of 3D modeling and 3D object Representation 3D display methods. Curved lines and surfaces. 3. beam and pencil tracing. A.414450: Elective III ± Advanced Graphics Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/Week Prerequisite : Computer Graphics Objectives : Provide solid grounding in three dimensional modeling mechanisms. Rendering Introduction. David F. Methods of controlling animation. Foley. ³Computer Graphics´. ) (8Hrs. Kelly.Conventional and Computer assisted animation. 2. Hill. CMY. color selection and application. M. Quadratic surfaces. Donald Hearn & M. Eastern Economy Edition. user interfaces for solid modeling. Polygon surfaces. Applications (8 Hrs. 2 nd Ed ± Tata McGraw Hill Edition. HSV. Transparency. ) Unit VI (8 Hrs. Dam.N. ³Computer Graphics C version´. Virtual Reality Basics. spatial-partitioning representations. color models: RGB. References Books: 1.Tata McGraw Hill Edition. Animation languages. comparison of representations. constructive solid geometry. Pearson Education. Devices for producing animation . Pauline Baker.D. HLS. frame-by-frame animation techniques. 3 rd Ed. ³Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics´. Hughes. conversion between color models. 2nd Ed. Primitive instancing. Basic ray tracing methods and algorithms. cone. Boundary representations. Virtual reality languages. Introduce students to techniques in virtual reality. Basic rules of animation. ) Text Books : 1. color models and applications Basic illumination models. real-time animation techniques Solid Modeling Representing solids. . ´Computer Networks: A Systems Approach´. Small size packets. CIDR addressing. and Hybrid). ) Text Books: 1. Networking principles. IP switching and MultiProtocol Label Switching (MPLS).16).characteristics. Optical paths and networks. Comer.414450: Elective III ± Advance Computer Networks Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/Week Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 Marks Prerequisite : Computer Network Objective : To introduce students to a set of advanced topics in networking and lead them to the understanding of the networking research Unit I Introduction Requirements .5th Edition Publisher: Prentice Hall. Network architecture . security. Wi-Fi (802. Mathematical background for control of networks like Circuit switched networks. Changes to other protocols. DSDV: Routing over a Multihop Wireless Network of Mobile Computers. Wireless networks : Wireless communication basics. NAT and Virtual Private Networks (L2. architecture. ) Unit IV (8 Hrs. 3. History. Traffic Engineering (TE) and TE with MPLS . Bruce S .1). Integrated service. ATM Network protocols. Mobile IP operation. Mobility in networks. ) Unit V (8 Hrs.15. Wi-Fi. RSVP. ATM . Performance of Networks Control of networks: objectives and methods of control. extensions and options.II Mobile IP. Wireless ± Bluetooth. mobility management. Network services and Layered architecture . Fixed size packets. 4th edition. Cable TV. Voice and Video over IP (RTP. WiMax.´Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol ±I´. ISBN:9788131720967 . ) Unit VI (8Hrs.I Routing architecture . PEARSON . L3. Datagram and ATM networks Advanced Routing . Application Programming Interface for IPv6. CIDR ±Introduction . Jean Walrand and Pravin Varniya. Future networks ( Internet . ) Unit III (8 Hrs. ) Unit II (8 Hrs. Network services and Layered architecture . Security related issues. neighbor discovery. A DoD Perspective on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. CIDR address blocks and Bit masks Advanced Routing . Cluster-Based Networks. DSR: The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks (8 Hrs. auto-configuration. wireless network protocols. Circuit switched networks. Perkins. ISBN: 13:978-0-12-370548-8. Davie Publisher: Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann. basic protocol. routing. Peterson. ³Ad Hoc Networking´. Ad Hoc Networking An Introduction. Cell phone ) Advanced Technologies Virtual circuits. Larry L. 5th edition. routing. IP over ATM. Charles E. Ad-hoc networks Basic concepts. Bluetooth (802. Routing between peers ( BGP) . etc. support for QoS. WiMAX (802. Challenges. MPLS Architecture and related protocols .³High Performance Communication Networks´ second edition Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann Publisher Elsevier ISBN: 1-5580574-6 Indian ISBN: 81-8147-652-2 4. Douglas E. QoS) IPv6: Why IPv6. WDM system..11). Optical LANs. 10:0-12370548-7 2. Datagram and ATM networks. Optical Network : links. Publisher: Cisco Press ISBN: 158705096X 2. ³Metro Ethernet´. S. Volume 1. Suresh Subramaniam.Reference Books: 1. Publisher: Pearson Education. Sam Halabi. ³Computer Networks´. Sivalingham. Publisher: Pearson Education 6. Publisher: Prentice Hall.´Emerging Optical Network Technologies´. R. Advanced Computer Network published by dreamtech ISBN : 978-93-5004-013-3 .2. W. Tanenbaum. 3.3´. A. ISBN: 013494576X 5. Wayne Grover. ³Mesh Based Survivable Networks´. Publisher: Springer ISBN: 0-387-22582-X 4. Stevens . Krishna M.´TCP/IP Illustrated. 2.BioinformaticsApplications. Structure visualization. Brown. FASTA & BLAST algorithms & comparison Further Scope Introduction to environmental biotechnology. Stuart M. fundamentals. working with FASTS. Data mining and pattern matching Methods & Technology overview. infrastructure. machine learning.´ Blast ´ . ) (8Hrs. micro arrays. word methods. Imtiyaz Alam Khan (IAK) ³Elementary Bioinformatics´. IK International Publication. ³Bioinformatics Computing´. statistics of alignment. data analysis.Historicaloverview. clustering and classification. Modeling.´Bioinformatics. Jean-Michel Claverie & Cedric Notredame . protein structure. multiple sequence alignment. 2. dynamic programming.Rastogi ³Bioinformatics-Methods & [RMR]PHI Bryan Bergeron. quantitative randomness. Pearson Education [BB]. Simulation & Collaboration Drug discovery. statistical concepts. S. ) Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V Unit VI Introduction Introduction. 5. Ouellettee . working with BLAST. System biology.Rastogi.Mendiratta. A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins´ David W. Ian Korf. Molecular biology Data Visualization & Statistics Sequence Visualization. imperfects data. Mark Yandell.´Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis´.414451: Elective IV ± Bio Informatics Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/Week Unit I Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 Marks (8 Hrs. N. standards. P. 3. ) (8 Hrs. (8Hrs.¶Bioinformatics for Dummies´. tools for pattern matching. Reference Books : 1. collaboration & communications. tool selective. Bioinformatics Major databases.C.) (8 Hrs. Issues. 6. A. Indu Shekhar Thakur (IST) ³Environmental Biotechnology´.´Essentials of Medical Genomics´. 7. Application´. Bioinformatics tools Introduction. ) Text Books : 1. Pharma Book Syndicate.F.) (8 Hrs. dot matrix analysis. text mining & tools.D. 4. and Joseph Bedell. Baxevanis and B. pattern recognition & discovery. substitution matrics. introduction to generic engineering. Mount. RBF networks for function approximation . Springer. ³Neural Networks ± A Classroom Approach´.Gonzalez and D. its learning law . Error back propagation learning. Kohonen¶s self. Pattern classification and regression using MLFFNNs. Knowledge System Building Tools for Expert System.M. organizing map Feedback Neural Networks : Pattern storage and retrieval . Topological mapping. Pattern classification using perceptron. Boltzmann machine.) Text Books : 1.Hill 3. Satish Kumar. ³Engineering of Knowledge Based Systems´ Prentice Hall . Patterson. Expert System tools case study ± MYCIN ± EMYCIN -ELIZA Knowledge Management (Wiki Web case study) (8 Hrs.Bishop. Fast learning methods: Conjugate gradient method. RBF networks for pattern classification Kernel methods for pattern analysis: Statistical learning theory. 2. New Delhi. Knowledge Acquisition and Validation (8 Hrs. Rule Based System Architecture.. Single layer and Multilayer feed forward Neural Networks (MLFFNNs). ³Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning´. Auto associative Neural Networks. 3. Dan W. Structures of Neural Networks Learning principles Feedforward Neural Networks Perceptron. Basic structures and properties of Artificial Neural Networks. Reference Books : 1. Relevance vector machines for classification. ADALINE : The Adaptive Linear Element. 2006 A.D. Pattern analysis tasks: Classification and Clustering. Bayesian Neural Networks Radial Basis Function Networks and Pattern Analysis Regularization theory. 2001. Recurrent Neural Networks Expert Systems Architectures: Introduction.) Unit V (8 Hrs.Yegnanarayana.) Unit II (8 Hrs. Prentice Hall C.Hopfield model..J.) Unit VI Shells and Case Studies Expert System Shells . Computational models of neurons. Self organizing maps and feedback networks Pattern clustering. B. Non-Production System Architecture. Tata McGraw. S.Haykin.) Unit IV (8 Hrs. Prentice Hall of India 2.) Unit III (8 Hrs. ³Neural Networks ± A Comprehensive Foundation´. Dealing with uncertainty.414451: Elective IV ± Neural Network and Expert System Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/Week Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 Marks Prerequisite: Artificial Intelligence Objectives: Understand the neural network basics and concept of expert system Unit I Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks Biological Neural Networks. Support vector machines for pattern classification. ³Artificial Neural Networks´. its Structure and Learning laws. PHI. "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems".Dankel. Data Modeling and Analysis Data Exploration. imaging sensor systems. as applied to GIS. GIS application software design methodology. Earth recourses satellite series. spatial referencing system. Foundations of Remote Sensing Basic Principles of remote sensing. components. conversion of existing data.Binary models. Basic elements of GIS modeling. Raster Data analysisdifferent types of operations. Interpreting SAR images. (8 Hrs. GIS Fundamentals GIS: Definition. GIS implementation and Project Management ± Software Engg. radar wavebands. creating new data. preprocessing. Sources of errors in GIS. image interpretation strategy. Vector data analysis. map projections. GIS architecture. Geospatial Information Domain. ) . Electromagnetic remote sensing process. GIS categories. enhancement. SAR. Microwave Remote Sensing: The radar Principle. pattern analysis. Map as a model. cartographic symbolization.buffering. Geospatial data. geometric transformations. Visual Image Interpretation: Types of pictorial data products. types of errors. Metadata. geospatial database design methodology. issues and trends in GIS development. ) Unit II (8 Hrs. Managing GIS error. Process models Applications and development Urban and Municipal Applications. grid systems. spatial data accuracy. Attribute data in GIS. topological error. distance measurement. SLAR Systems. ) Unit V (8 Hrs. types of map. digital database in a GIS. basic elements of image interpretation. geometrical Remote Sensing platform and Sensors: Satellite system parameters. Spatial data processing. comparison of vector and raster based data analysis. evolution. framework for GIS. GIS project planning. approaches. sensor parameters. image interpretation process. ) Unit III (8 Hrs. classification of maps. ) Unit VI (8 Hrs. System Analysis and user requirements studies. level / scales of measurement. Describing data quality and errors. classification. transformations. models of GIS.414451: Elective IV ± Geo Informatics Systems Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/Week Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 Marks Objectives: Understand the bird¶s eye view of geographical Information system and its applications Unit I Digital Image Processing Fundamentals Basic character of digital images. system implementation and maintenance. Map projections.RMS error. map scale. ) Unit IV (8 Hrs. registration. Finding and modeling errors in GIS.introduction and methodology. spatial filtering. overlay. Index models. computer in map production. factors affecting microwave measurements. types of data queries. linkage of GIS to remote sensing Spatial Data Management Existing GIS data. location error. GIS operations. Second Edition. ³Introduction to Geographical Information Systems´ Pearson Education.Text Books : 1. Yeung. Second reprint 2009 Kang-tsung Chang. Publications. 2. 2. ³Introduction to Geographical Information Systems´. Albert K. Anji Reddi. Fourth Edition. PHI.Lo. 2008 Reference Books : 1. ³Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems´. C. S. Tata McGraw Hill. Third Edition. B. 2007 Heywood and Raju. ³Concept and techniques of Geographic Information Systems´.P. 2009 . M. W. 2006. a student can opt for a subject from other branch of engineering. This syllabus will be approved by the University authorities and the students can opt for the subject as an open elective. An institution may design the syllabus of a subject in consultation with a software company.414451: Elective IV ± Open Elective Teaching Scheme: Lectures: 4 Hours/Week Examination Scheme: Theory: 100 Marks In this subject. . Define accomplishment levels for the system and calculate its performabilitv. 2. two-way streets A traffic light will normally be green for G seconds.20 . Make suitable assumptions and state them clearly. the intersection will automatically suspend normal service and its lights will flash yellow.x for problem statement 1 in the list for all possible cases. Consider an intersection with two. Design object oriented diagrams using UML 2.4 (Open Source). 2. Make suitable assumptions and state them clearly. Develop an object oriented design. Analyze the source code to estimate the execution time of different modules. b) Necessary and Sufficient condition for optimum scheduling. The coding can be done in any language of your choice. 1. where missing of even a single deadline is unacceptable. Compare their performances in terms of the number of packets that meet their deadlines.40) Make suitable assumptions if required and state them clearly. Write a report on µHard Real-Time Databases¶.414450: Elective III ± Real Time System Lab Teaching Scheme: Practical: 2 Hours/Week Examination Scheme : Term Work: 50 Marks Oral: 50 Marks a) Design and develop the code for controlling traffic lights at an intersection. yellow for Y seconds and red for R seconds. Frame a problem statement to implement RMA scheduling for periodic tasks (Minimum 03 tasks) for a uniprocessor with certain time period and deadline and check the following parameters: a) Compute total CPU Utilization.4 and 8 time units Protocol for 3 different values of the initial window size ( i. Assignment No 1 Assignment No 2 Assignment No 3 Assignment No 4 b) Performance analysis and Run time estimation of the Traffic light System 1. Install Real Time Linux as RTOS on Linux using real time patches for RTLinux ± 2. 3.e. 3. c) Time Demand Analysis ( Draw the graph between Time demand function and Time) d) Implement above system and find out total work load carried out. In both cases. Describe how you would construct a hard real-time database. Using programming language. Assignment No 5 Assignment No 6 . Run VTCSMA for 3 different values of the virtual clock rate as 2. Implement the two contention based protocols ² µVirtual Time CSMA (VTCSMA ± L) and µWindow Protocol¶. During the night for a certain period of time. Mention the features you would provide and explain how you would implement them. 10. keep the Number of nodes and the sequence of packets (along with their deadlines) same so that their performances can be compared. 414450: Elective III ± Advance Computer Network Lab Teaching scheme: Practical: 2 Hours/week Examination scheme: Term work: 50 Marks Oral: 50 Marks Guidelines for framing the assignments : The faculty in charge will frame minimum 6 to maximum 8 assignments such that the students get hands on the concepts they study in each unit of electives . .414450: Elective III ± Advance Graphics Lab Teaching scheme: Practical: 2 Hours/week Examination scheme: Term work: 50 Marks Oral: 50 Marks Guidelines for framing the assignments : The faculty in charge will frame minimum 6 to maximum 8 assignments such that the students get hands on the concepts they study in each unit of electives. performance. interfaces and its deployment issue with UML 2. Study a case study of any website or any other large system and its architecture for fault Tolerance. Study and submit a report for any of the MVC based Frameworks Part C: Web development. transaction management and other quality attributes 2. Implement a sample EJB based application or develop a small web application using java technology or dot net technology .0 2. scalability. Implement observer design pattern in language of your choice and submit it along with a write-up with its specification 3. Prepare a representative paper design of a hypothetical system using components. Explore' and Implement JAVA based XML processing 3. 2. Implement strategy design pattern in language of your choice and submit it along with a write-up with its specification Part B: Architectural 1.414450: Elective III ± Software Architecture Lab Teaching scheme: Practical: 2 Hours/week Examination scheme: Term work: 50 Marks Oral: 50 Marks Part A: Design Patterns 1. Middleware and Web services 1. Implement iterator design pattern in language of your choice and submit it along with a write-up with its specification. ( Use . Linthicum (PEARSON ± ISBN ± 97881-317-3358-5)) Part B  Definition. What¶s new. Whenever the user retrieves the file. Develop a text processing system which provides the summary of the text by giving weightage to the words appearing in the text. 3. Format.) 2.414452: Computer Lab Practices II Teaching Scheme: Practical: 4 Hours/Week Examination Scheme : Term Work: 50 Marks Practical: 50 Marks Part A Distributed Systems 1. Security as a Service.TAAS. Benefits. Platform as a Service. (consider 4 to 5 files) 3. Governance/ManagementasaService. Drawbacks. Info as a Service. E-book available) Content Management System-Definition. Case Study on Cloud Computing ( Ref ± Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in your Enterprise ± A step by Step Guide ± by David S. AAAS. Wiley.) Information Retrieval 1. Implement a program in Linux using C/C++ to implement Client-Server architecture using Socket programming. Case Study ± (Ref. nd 4. Functionalities and Various tools . All the services -(DAAS. the server retrieves the file again from different serves forwards all the fragments to the user and display it as a single file. Storage as a Service. Integration as a Service. Implementation of Single-pass Algorithm for Clustering. (In the assignment when user stores a file on a server. Write a program to implement bulletin-board using concept of broadcast and remove the message when read by the entire users.Content Management Bible 2 Edition Bob Boiko. the server splits the file and stores the file on two or more servers. Infrastructure as a Service. Write a program to implement Simple Remote Calculator Service using RMI which can be used from a client Program. Implementation of Inverted Index. ISBN-978-0-7645-7371-2.Luhn's concept of automatic text analysis & Working concept of conflation algorithm. Structure.) 2. Process as a Service. 3. 1. 5. References. The term work will be accessed by the examiners in consultation with the guide. Preliminary report work completed by candidates. design of a system or sub system in the area of Information Technology and Computer Science and Engineering. Platform choice use.414447: Project Work Teaching Scheme: Practical: 6 Hours/Week Examination Scheme : Term Work: 100 Marks Oral: 50 Marks The Student will undertake one project over the academic year. 2. which will involve the analysis. 8. Appendix tools used. a) The Workable project. Test result and procedure ± test report as per ATP. Conclusions. Preliminary report must also be presented during the oral examination. protocols used. b) Project report (in LATEX) in the form of bound journal complete in all respect ± 1 copy for the Institute and 1 copy of each student in the group for certification. 6. 7. The project report contains the details. . The group will submit at the end of semester II. 4. Problem definition Requirement specification System design details (UML diagrams) System implementation ± code documentation ± dataflow diagrams/ algorithm. Oral examination will be based on the project work completed by the candidates. .
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