BDO Easy Investment Plan

June 17, 2018 | Author: annair_red | Category: Yield (Finance), Investing, Investor, Securities (Finance), Bonds (Finance)



BDO Easy Investment PlanSaving is, and always will be, the foundation of any fortune. It is secure, risk-free and readily accessible. But saving alone is not enough to make your money grow. You should also invest. This means taking some risks, but the rewards are higher. When you save and invest, your money has the power to grow faster. With this in mind, BDO Trust and Investments Group developed the BDO Easy Investment Plan (EIP), an investment scheme that enables you to attain your financial goals and financial wellness through the twin habits of regularly saving and investing. It incorporates what investment experts consider to be the best, tried and tested principles that make a successful saving and investment plan and provides a solution to counter the major obstacles to saving and investing. Client Suitability The EIP is for individuals who wish to have a medium to long-term saving and investment plan so that they can achieve their financial goals and financial wellness at some future time. The investor profiles of these individuals should show that it is suitable for them to invest in the UITF product they selected as investment/s for their EIP funds. Product Features Starts at Php1,000.00 per contribution per month for all UITFs with the EIP feature except for the BDO Peso Money Market Fund (PMMF), which starts at Php 10,000.00. Investment Amount: Frequency and Schedule of Contributions: Once a month (5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th or 30th) Twice a month (5th & 20th, 10th & 25th, or 15th & 30th) The following Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs) are available through the EIP: * BDO Peso Money Market Fund (PMMF) Underlying Investment: * BDO Peso Fixed Income Fund (PFIF) * BDO Peso Balanced Fund (PBAL) * BDO Equity Fund (EQUITY) Settlement Account: Auto debit from any BDO Savings/Checking/Payroll account maintained with any BDO branch. Every time the market value of the investment reaches Php10,000.00 for PFIF, PBAL and EQUITY Spin-Off Amount: and Php 100,000.00 for PMMF on a contribution date, this will spin-off and be treated as a regular UITF investment documented by a Confirmation of Participation (COP). Non-Completion Fee: Deadline for Enrolment: 0.50% of original contribution amount At least four (4) banking days before the desired first contribution date Benefits to Clients Automatic Savings and Investments The EIP makes saving and investing automatic through its auto-debit facility. It enables a participant to regularly set aside funds for immediate investment in his chosen UITF/s. Convenience Enrolment can be done in any of the BDO branches nationwide. Flexibility The EIP is multi-purpose since it can be used for a variety of a participant's major projects. This is unlike private and government pension funds and pre-need and insurance funds which can be withdrawn/distributed only upon retirement, disability or death. Affordability The EIP is affordable as it can suit the budget of the participant. An EIP participant can choose any amount per contribution (starting at Php1,000.00 for all UITFs with EIP feature except for the PMMF which starts at Php 10,000.00) for investment in his chosen UITF. Professional Fund Management The client will gain access to the services of BDO professional fund managers who keep constant watch over the BDO UITFs. Cost Averaging The EIP enables the participant to benefit from peso cost averaging, a time tested personal wealth-building strategy wherein fixed amounts of investment in regular intervals over a period of time allow an investor to average his costs. This allows the participant to invest without having to constantly monitor the market. Anytime is a good time to invest! Documentation Easy Investment Plan (EIP) Documentation: 1. 2. 3. 4. One (1) EIP Application Form which includes the EIP Terms and Conditions and Automatic Debit Arrangement Form One (1) set of UITF Customer Account Record One (1) set of Signature Card Account Opening Kit: o o o o o 5. 6. Investor Profile Questionnaire (IPQ) Client Investment Suitability (CIS) Risk Disclosure Statement (RDS) Declaration of Investor/s Omnibus Participating Trust Agreement One (1) 1 X 1 picture Photocopy of two (2) valid IDs Other EIP Forms 1. 2. Notice of Redemption Notice of Unsubscription What are UITFs? Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs) are ready-made investments that allow the pooling of funds from different investors with similar investment objectives. These funds are managed by professional fund managers and are invested in various financial instruments such as money market securities, bonds and equities, which are normally available to bigger investors only. In a UITF, the value of each participating unit or Net Asset Value per Unit (NAVPU) is a reflection of the current market prices of the instruments that make up the UITF. Therefore, the NAVPU will rise when market prices rise and fall when market prices fall. When market prices rise, the UITF participant enjoys higher returns because re-valuations result in capital gains on top of the accrued income. When market prices fall, the UITF participant is exposed to capital losses which may be avoided by deferring redemption until market conditions become favorable. Each UITF is established, administered and maintained in accordance with a written trust agreement or "plan" drawn by the trust entity, approved by its Board of Directors, and approved by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). UITFs are governed by BSP Circular 447 whose goals are to align the operation of pooled funds under management by trust entities with international best practices and to ensure differentiation of such pooled funds from bank deposits and other direct liabilities of financial institutions. The UITFs are also governed by BSP Circular 593, which defines the industry standards for UITF client suitability assessment and risk disclosures. It is thus apparent that UITFs are highly regulated and trust entities offering these are closely supervised by BSP to ensure investor protection. Basic Requirements    One (1) set of Customer Account Record One (1) set of Signature Card Account Opening Kit: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Investor Profile Questionnaire (IPQ) Client Investment Suitability (CIS) Risk Disclosure Statement (RDS) Declaration of Investor/s Omnibus Participating Trust Agreement Other standard bank requirements per type of account: For Personal Accounts:  Photocopy of two (2) valid IDs FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs) ON UNIT INVESTMENT TRUST FUNDS (UITFs) BDO-Trust has prepared the following UITF FAQs to provide basic information on the UITFs. The aim is to discuss the whats, hows and whys of UITF investing to enable clients to better understand the features, rewards and risks of UITF investing. As a brief backgrounder, the UITFs were introduced in the Philippine market after the issuance of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Circular 447 in September 2004. This circular was subsequently amended by BSP Circular 593 issued in January 2008. Together, these circulars govern UITFs, aiming to align the management of these pooled funds by trust entities with international best practices and to ensure differentiation of such pooled funds from bank deposits and other direct liabilities. Industry standards for UITF client suitability assessment and risk disclosures are also defined in these regulations. On a historical note, UITFs replaced its predecessor of two decades, the Common Trust Funds (CTFs), whose phase out was mandated by BSP in October 1, 2006. As of year-end 2011, there are 21 trust entities in the Philippines offering an estimated 116 UITFs with assets under management of around P132.187 billion. 1. What are Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs)? Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs) are ready-made investments that allow the pooling of funds from different investors with similar investment objectives. These funds are managed by professional fund managers with the aim of meeting such objectives through investments in various financial instruments such as money market securities, bonds and equities. 2. Who can invest in UITFs? Any person, association, corporation, entity or firm who/which has the legal capacity to contract or establish a trust may invest in the UITFs. 3. What benefits do I get from investing in a UITF? Our wide selection of BDO UITFs allows you to choose one or a combination of UITFs that can meet your investment needs, financial requirements and life goals. With BDO UITFs, your common investing concerns can be addressed.  Diversification. By investing in UITFs, risks are spread out across the various investments held by the pooled trust fund. Regulations require that the combined exposure of the UITF to any entity and its related parties shall not exceed 15% of the market value of the UITF, except government securities. Another exception is for the equity funds that track the index, in which case, investments in particular stocks of a UITF can exceed the 15% limit to the extent of its share in index weight.  Liquidity. While it is advisable to stay invested in the UITFs for at least the time horizon recommended for a particular UITF, UITFs are designed to allow you to redeem units of participation at any time. This is because the allowed investments of UITFs are limited to bank deposits/deposit substitutes and tradable investments.   Affordability. UITFs generally have low minimum investment requirements. Additional investments may be made in tranches as funds become available to the client. Better earnings potential. Greater earnings potential is achieved without having to invest large sums of money. There are opportunities for potentially higher returns due to possible marked-to-market gains on top of accrued income or dividends from investments. UITFs provide access to financial instruments not readily available to retail investors.   Exempt from reserve requirements. UITFs are not subject to reserve requirements imposed on bank deposits, thus your funds are fully invested. Professional fund management. Participating in the UITFs allows you to gain access to the expertise and services of seasoned fund managers who are able to actively monitor the markets for investment opportunities and manage the risks in line with the objectives and allowed investments of a particular UITF.   Transparency. Trust entities are required to publish the UITF price at least weekly, allowing investors to compare investment performance of various fund managers. Regulated product. The management and administration of UITFs are governed by the BSP. Each UITF is subject to a separate annual audit by an independent auditor acceptable to the BSP, the results of which are available to investors upon request. In addition, each UITF is required to have a BSP accredited third party custodian, who is tasked with safekeeping the securities of the UITF and performing independent marking-to-market of such securities. 4. What is the minimum amount needed to invest in BDO UITFs? Participation in the BDO UITFs may start for as low as PhP 10,000. (For more information on the minimum participation amounts of different UITFs, click here.) However, with the BDO Easy Investment Plan (EIP), you can invest in selected UITFs for as low as P1,000 a month contributed on a regular basis. (To know more about the EIP, click here.) 5. What are the different types of UITF? There are four (4) general classifications of UITFs from which an interested investor can choose from. These are listed below according to ascending levels of risk, return and recommended investment time horizon. 1. 2. Money Market Funds. For moderate investors who wish to be invested in short term, fixed income deposits and securities with a portfolio duration of no more than one (1) year. Recommended for participants who can keep invested for at least six (6) months. Bond Funds. For moderate investors who wish to be invested in a portfolio of bonds and other fixed income securities with a portfolio duration which may exceed one (1) year. These may further be classified into Intermediate Funds (which limits duration up to 3 years), Medium Term Funds (which allows a duration of up to 5 years) and Long Term Funds (where the fund mandate allows a duration of greater than 5 years). Recommended for participants who can keep invested for at least three (3) years. 3. 4. Balanced Funds. For balanced investors who wish to achieve a higher return by investing in a portfolio of fixed income securities and equities. Recommended for participants who can keep invested for more than three (3) years. Equity Funds. For aggressive investors who wish to invest substantially in equities to achieve a higher long-term appreciation of growth of capital. Recommended for participants who can keep invested for more than three (3) years. The following are the BDO UITFs available to you:          BDO Peso Money Market Fund BDO Dollar Money Market Fund BDO Peso Bond Fund BDO Dollar Bond Fund BDO GS Fund BDO Peso Fixed Income Fund BDO Medium Term Dollar Bond Fund BDO Peso Balanced Fund BDO Equity Fund 6. How do I know which UITF is suitable for me? Your choice of UITF should conform to the length of time you can afford to keep your funds invested and the amount of risk that you are willing to take in order to achieve your desired returns for your specific financial goals. UITFs are established and managed based on a set of investment objectives and strategies, and these have varying levels of risks and returns. Before investing in a UITF, ask a UITF certified marketing personnel to help you assess your investment needs and objectives through a Client Suitability Assessment (CSA). The CSA will help you understand the type of investor you are and will provide you a general idea of your investment preference which will serve as the basis for the presentation/recommendation of what UITF/s is/are suitable to you. 7. How do I invest in the UITFs?   In order to participate in any of the UITFs, you should purchase participating units in the fund. A participating unit has a daily “price” which is called the Net Asset Value per Unit (NAVPU). After admission to the fund, participants of the UITF will receive a Confirmation of Participation (COP), as evidence of participation. This will contain details such as amount of participation, NAVPU on the date of purchase and the number of participating units. Also, the back portion of the COP is the Participating Trust Agreement which contains the terms and conditions governing the client and the Trustee, subject to the provisions set forth in the Declaration of Trust (DOT) or Plan Rules of the particular UITF. 8. How do I determine the market value and returns of my UITF investments? On any given date, you can compute the market value of your UITF investment by multiplying the number of units you own by the NAVPU for the day, which is available daily through various channels like any BDO branch and this link. Market Value Computation Example: No. of Units Owned 100 units NAVPU for the Day Php 1.50 Market Value of UITF Investment 100 units x Php 1.50 = Php 150 After getting the market value of your UITF investment, you can determine the returns by comparing it with your original purchase amount. If the value of your UITF increased, there is a gain/earning and if it decreased, there is a loss. Returns Computation Example: Computed Market Value of UITF Investment Php 150 Original Purchase Amount of UITF Php 100 Gain/ (Loss) Php 150 – Php 100 = Php 50 Since the market value is higher than the original purchase amount in this example, you are gaining P50 for your participation at point of computation. For a convenient way of determining the value, earnings or loss of your UITF investment, you may use the UITF calculator here. 9. Are the returns from investments in UITFs guaranteed? UITFs are not deposit accounts but are investment products offered by Trust Entities. Participants in UITFs are making an investment and not a deposit. Therefore, UITFs are not considered as obligations of BDO nor can the principal and returns be guaranteed by BDO or its affiliates and subsidiaries. UITFs are not insured or governed by the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC). Although not a guarantee of similar future results, historical performance would show that the BDO UITFs have a track record of outperforming their respective benchmarks and have rewarded their investors with returns corresponding to the risks that these investors have taken. (Click here to view the performance of the BDO UITFs and click on the NAVPU of the specific UITF.) 10. How are Return On Investments (ROIs) of UITFs stated? Following global best practices, ROIs of UITFs are based on absolute yields. Absolute yield is the actual ROI of a particular investment product during a specific time frame. To illustrate: 1. 2. Cost of investment is P10,000.00. After 30 days, the total market value is P10,100.00. The appreciation in value is P100.00. The absolute yield for 30 days is 1% (P100.00/P10,000.00). Cost of investment is P10,000.00. After 3 months or 90 days, the total market value is P20,000.00. The appreciation value is P10,000.00. The absolute yield for 3 months is 100% (P10,000.00/P10,000.00). 11. What's the difference between the absolute yield and the annualized yield? An annualized yield is when absolute yield is converted to its per annum equivalent. To illustrate using above examples: 1. 2. The equivalent annualized yield is 12% p.a. (or 1% X 12 months) The equivalent annualized yield is 400% p.a. (or 100% X 4 quarters) Since UITFs use a marked-to-market valuation methodology, it is not practicable to use annualized yields similar to that used in Time Deposit quotes. 12. What are the potential risks in investing in a UITF? The underlying securities that a particular UITF is invested in will determine the kind of risks inherent to the fund. These are s amples of risks when it comes to investing.         Interest Rate risk. The potential for an investor to experience losses due to changes in interest rates; Market/Price risk. The potential for an investor to experience losses due to changes in the market prices of securities (e.g. bonds and equities); Liquidity risk. The inability to sell or convert assets into cash quickly or where conversion to cash is possible but at a loss; Credit risk. The risk of loss due to a borrower’s or issuer’s failure to repay principal and/or interest on securities issued ; Reinvestment risk. The possibility of having lower returns or earnings when maturing funds or the interest earnings of funds are reinvested; Hedging risk. The possibility for an investor to experience losses brought about by the inherent risks which the underlying investment is exposed to despite the use of a hedging instrument; Foreign Exchange risk. The possibility for an investor to experience losses due to fluctuations in foreign exchange rates; and Country risk. The possibility for an investor to experience losses arising from investments in securities issued by/in foreign countries due to the political, economic and social structures of such countries. Please click this link to read through the complete Risk Disclosure Statement. 13. How do I make my contributions in a UITF? Just visit any BDO branch nearest you to invest in the UITFs. Contributions may be made in cash, check or debit from your BDO account. For information on the dealing time per UITF, please click here. 14. How do I redeem my investments in a UITF? Fill-out the Notice of Redemption of Participation found at the lower portion of your COP and submit this to the same BDO Branch where you opened your UITF. For more information on the dealing time and settlement period per UITF, please click here. 15. What are the management fees that I will pay when investing in the BDO UITFs? As compensation for the Trustee’s services and to cover for the costs involved in managing the UITF, a trust fee, which may r ange between 0.50% and 1.00% is charged to the fund and is already incorporated in the daily NAVPU of the particular BDO UITF. There are no agent’s commissions which is common practice for mutual or insurance funds. 16. Are investment proceeds from the UITFs subject to taxes? Taxes, when due, are already deducted when computing the NAVPU. Thus, proceeds from UITFs are already net of taxes. 17. Are there any penalties when investing in BDO UITFs? Except for the BDO Peso Money Market Fund (PMMF), all other BDO UITFs are subject to a minimum holding period, which is 30 days for peso UITFs and 45 days for dollar UITFs. Redemption of your UITF investment within the holding period will be subject to an early redemption fee, which will be deducted from your redemption proceeds. To know the early redemption fees of BDO UITFs, please click here. 18. How do I monitor the performance of my investment? To monitor your UITF investments, the NAVPU of the different UITFs are available in the following channels:    BDO Homepage ( For Globe, Smart and Sun subscribers, just text SMAC NAV and send to 2966 Phonebanking: (63)(2)-631-8000  BDO Online Banking, please click here for the enrollment process in Internet Banking. With BDO Online Banking, you can view the status of all your UITF investments. Also, a UITF Yield Calculator is available via this link. This automatically computes for the client’s gains/ losses simply by inputting the purchase and redemption dates of particular UITF investments. 19. Where can I find information updating me about the investments and performance of the BDO UITFs? Regulations require that quarterly disclosures on each UITF be made available to its participants. These disclosures include the performance and an update of the prospective and outstanding investment outlets of each UITF. BDO Trust provides printed UITF quarterly disclosure brochures through its Branches. Moreover, UITF reports, which are updated on a monthly and quarterly basis, can be found here DISCLOSURES BDO Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs) are trust products. They are NOT DEPOSITS and are not insured by PDIC. Due to the nature of the investments and the marked-to-market valuation thereof, yields and potential yields cannot be guaranteed. Any income or loss arising from market fluctuations and price volatility of the securities held by the UITFs, even if invested in government securities, is f or the account of the investor. As such, units of participation of the investor in the UITFs, when redeemed, may be worth more or be worth less than his initial investment/contribution. Historical performances, when presented are purely for reference purposes and are not guarantees of future results. BDO, as Trustee, is not liable for losses, unless upon willful default, bad faith or gross negligence. Prior to admission of an investor in the UITFs, BSP Circular 593 requires that BDO perform a client profiling process to guid e the investor in choosing investments best suited to his objectives, risk profile and experience. Prior to making investments, an investor must read the complete details of the UITF in the plan rules, understand the risks involved which are provided in the Risk Disclosure Statement, make his own risk assessment and when necessary, seek independent/professional opinion. The plan rules governing each of the BDO UITFs, as well as the external auditor’s report for each fund, are available at the office of BDO Trust and Investments Group for any interested investor. To invest, an investor is required to submit/accomplish the following documentary requirements for UITFs: valid identification documents as required by the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA), Risk Disclosure Statement and client suitability assessment forms. An investor is also advised that BSP Circular 593 likewise requires that the client suitability assessment forms be updated whenever the characteristics, preferences or circumstances of the investor change or at least once every three years, provided that if the investor does not notify the trust institution of such change, he is deemed to have waived his right for a new client suitability assessment for the prescribed period. Investments in the specific UITFs are evidenced by a Participating Trust Agreement and a Confirmation of Participation. BDO UITF Investment Disclosure Statements MONTHLY REPORTS (June 2013) BDO Peso Money Market Fund BDO Peso Bond Fund BDO GS Fund BDO Peso Fixed Income Fund BDO Peso Balanced Fund BDO Equity Fund QUARTERLY REPORTS (June 2013) BDO Peso Money Market Fund BDO Peso Bond Fund BDO GS Fund BDO Peso Fixed Income Fund BDO Peso Balanced Fund BDO Equity Fund MONTHLY REPORTS (June 2013) BDO Dollar Money Market Fund BDO Dollar Bond Fund BDO Medium Term Dollar Bond Fund QUARTERLY REPORTS (June 2013) BDO Dollar Money Market Fund BDO Dollar Bond Fund BDO Medium Term Dollar Bond Fund In recent years, the Philippine per capita gross domestic product has been growing, largely as a result of fiscal developments and the inflow of funds from Overseas Filipinos. As our country becomes economically developed and its populace subsequently wealthier and more sophisticated, it will follow the trend worldwide wherein in an improving economy, there is a noticeable interest in the money and capital markets where investors are able to share in the growth of the economy and participate in the profits of the more established companies. While investing in the capital markets has traditionally been only for people with large portfolios and the expertise to manage risks and pursue higher returns, pooled funds like the Unit Investment Trust Fund (UITFs) have enabled a wider number of people to participate in these markets. In view of these, we discuss herein the important reasons why an investor may want to consider putting his money in a UITF. There is potential for higher returns UITFs offer investors an opportunity to potentially earn higher returns. By its nature, UITFs pool the funds of investors to create a large fund which, under the watchful eyes of professional fund managers, can productively harness these funds, taking advantage of economies of scale. UITFs are thereby able to provide even smaller investors access to the financial markets for investments which normally are just available to big investors. Due to its size, UITFs are also able to reduce transaction costs. Given these reasons, UITFs have historically provided investors better returns over a longer-term horizon when compared to traditional deposit options. However, fund managers and BSP are quick to add that historical performances of funds are not guarantees of future f und performances. Furthermore, given the marked-to-market valuation standards used, the investment values of UITFs may experience fluctuations in value that may be temporary but can result in investment losses if an investor has to redeem at a time when the financial markets are turbulent. Thus, the potential for higher returns is also accompanied by higher risks. The UITFs allow an investor to select risks suited to him The BDO UITF product suite offers a whole range of UITFs from which an investor can choose one or a combination thereof , to meet his particular investment and return objectives coupled with the level of risks that he is willing to take. There are UITFs for t he conservative, the moderate and the aggressive investor and each UITF is governed by a Declaration of Trust (DOT) which defines its investment objectives and the investments allowed for that particular UITF to meet such objectives. The UITFs have built-in safeguards to protect investors Investors can take comfort in the fact that the BSP exercises vigilant supervision over UITFs. This product was created by BSP Circular 447, dated September 3, 2004 and was further improved with the issuance of BSP Circular 593, dated January 8, 2008. As these circulars were issued recently, these regulations on UITFs are updated and aligned with international best practices. Such practices include the use of marking to market as its valuation basis, the requirement for third party custodian to safekeep and value the securities held in its portfolio, the separate external audit of each of the UITFs by an accredited independent external auditor as well as limiting UITF investments in bank deposits, government securities, securities traded in an organized exchange or approved by the BSP for UITFs and always must be done abiding by the best execution rule. Moreover, the regulations require that marketing personnel of the UITFs be adequately trained to ascertain that investors are properly informed of the nature and risk of UITF investing and matched with the appropriate UITF investment. All these were promulgated with investor protection as the ultimate aim. Experience these benefits first hand! Review the features of each BDO UITF and allow our Trust Marketing Personnel to guide you in choosing the UITF best suited for you to meet your financial goals. Benefits to Investors Our wide selection of BDO UITFs allows you to choose a fund or a combination of funds that is/are well suited to your needs, financial requirements and life goals. With the BDO UITFs, your common investing concerns are addressed. Diversification. By investing in UITFs, risks are spread out across the various investments held by the pooled trust fund. Liquidity. While we generally recommend that you stick to your investment time horizon and stay invested in the UITFs for a longer period of time, UITFs are designed to allow you to redeem units of participation at any time. Affordability. UITFs generally require a much lower minimum investment amount compared to other investment alternatives. Better earnings potential. Greater earnings potential is achieved without having to invest large sums of money. There are opportunities for potentially higher returns due to possible marked-to-market gains on top of accrued income from investments. UITFs provide access to financial instruments not readily available to retail investors. Exempt from reserve requirements. UITFs are not subject to reserve requirements imposed on bank deposits. Thus, your fund's earning potentials are maximized. Professional fund management. Participating in the UITFs allows you to gain access to the expertise and services of seasoned fund managers who are able to actively monitor the markets for possible investment opportunities and manage the risks for you. Transparency. Trust entities are required to publish the UITF price at least weekly, allowing investors to compare investment performance of various fund managers. Regulated product. The management and administration of UITFs by Trust entities are governed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). Thus, aside from the yearly triple audit conducted to BDO Trust, each of its UITFs is subject to a separate annual audit by an independent auditor that is acceptable to the BSP. The results of such audit may be made available upon your request. In addition, each UITF is required to have a BSP accredited third party custodian, who is tasked with safekeeping the securities of the UITF and performing independent marking-tomarket of such securities. All these safeguards redound to the protection of the UITF investors. Documentation • Confirmation of Participation ( COP) • Omnibus Participating Trust Agreement Product Type • Trust Arrangement and not a Deposit PDIC Coverage • Not insured with PDIC Yield/Returns • Per BSP regulations, no indicative yields shall be quoted nor guaranteed to participants. Historical yields shall be used purely for reference only and should not guarantee future similar results. Income or loss is for the account of the investor. Valuation Method • Mark-to-Market valuation Investment Outlets • Bank deposits • Securities issued by or guaranteed by the Philippine government, or by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas • Tradable securities issued by the government of a foreign country, any political subdivision of a foreign country or any supranational entity • Exchange-listed securities • Marketable securities traded in an organized exchange • Loans traded in an organized market • Financial derivatives instruments solely for the purpose of hedging risk exposure of existing investments of the Fund Investment Diversification Strategy • 15% exposure limit to any entity and its related parties. This limit does not apply to: 1) non-risk assets as defined by the BSP (e.g. government securities) ; and 2) exchange traded equity security which is included in an index and tracked by the UITF, the exposure limit of which shall be its actual benchmark weighting or 15%, whichever is higher. Safekeeping of Securities • Done by a BSP-accredited 3rd party custodian NAVPU availability • Released every banking day at 4:00 p.m. for money market funds and 7:00 p.m. for the rest of the UITFs. May be obtained through: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Type SMAC(space)NAV and send to 2966 (Smart and Globe at P2.50/text, Sun at P2.00/text) BDO Phonebanking - dial 631-8000 Also published once a week in the BusinessWorld newspaper. Reserves, Bank SBL and DOSRI limits • Exempted Annual Audit • Quadruple Audits: BSP Audit, External Audit, Internal Audit plus External Audit for each UITF Reports • Periodic reports are available at BDO TIG, BDO Branches and at the BDO website ( Which UITF is Best for you? Life is full of changes. You could be going to college, starting a career, changing jobs, getting married, having children, growing a business or planning to retire. As you progress through these changes, you need to continuously review your financial goals and make sure you are on track on where you want to go. Always ask yourself what you want to achieve. It is only when you have a clear vision of your goals that you can truly aim for them. Also, ask yourself when you want to achieve your goals. Knowing when you want to achieve your goals will help you identify your investment time horizon. This is important because how much time you have to invest will determine the type of investments that can help you achieve your goals. There are a number of investment opportunities available to you at BDO. Remember that whatever you invest in, “the key to investing is time.” Generally, funds that are invested for longer periods achieve higher returns but because of the tenure, such investments are exposed to the volatility of price movements and interest rates and thus, are riskier. On the other hand, funds that are invested for shorter periods are less volatile or risky. Therefore, you should determine the length of time you can afford to keep your funds invested and the amount of risk that you are willing to take to achieve your desired returns. The BDO Money Market Funds (Peso and Dollar) are suitable for investors who have moderate risk appetite and who value capital preservation and therefore prefer a short-term investment horizon. The BDO Peso Fixed Income Fund, BDO GS Fund and BDO Bond Funds (Peso and US Dollar) are also suitable for investors who are moderate and who have longer investment time horizons for investing in bonds and fixed income securities. The BDO Peso Balanced Fund and the BDO Equity Fund are suitable for investors who have balanced and aggressive risk appetites respectively, and who understand the potential rewards and the risks of investing in equity markets and who are capable of staying invested for a long time. Your fund managers invite you to review the product descriptions of the various BDO UITFs in this website. Thereafter, we invite you to visit any of our branches where prior to investing, our UITF marketing personnel will conduct a Client Suitability Assessment (CSA) to determine which UITF matches your investment objectives, risk tolerance, investment time horizon, preferences and experiences. We are certain that there will be one or more UITF/s that will provide the solution to your investment objective/s given your circumstances in life.
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