BDM Assignment Brief - Sept 2016

May 24, 2018 | Author: Soumyadeep Bose | Category: Educational Assessment, Data, Enterprise Resource Planning, Business Process, Plagiarism



ASSIGNMENT BRIEFQualification Title Unit Number/Title Pearson BTEC Level 5 - HND in Unit 6: Business Decision Making Business (Management) Unit Leader Name Internal Verifier Name David Kingston Abu Timbo Date of Issue 26/9/2016 Date of Submission Formative Assignment:30th November 2016 Final Submission:19th December 2016 Coursework Rules and Regulations at St. Patrick’s International College Plagiarism – the College takes plagiarism and academic misconduct seriously and therefore, suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set down by the College. Please see your Student Handbook for further details of course of action for plagiarism issue. ‘Plagiarism’ is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your own work. Student Declaration – all coursework submission will need to bear a declaration signed by you. Submission Regulations 1 You are required to submit your coursework on-line through the College’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) which can be accessed through Detailed information about this is available in the Student Handbook. 2 Details of submission procedures and related course of actions can be obtained from the Academic Administration Department or the Student Handbook. 3 If you are unable to submit your coursework on time due to extenuating circumstances, you are required to make an application to your respective Schools for it to be considered, using an ‘Extenuating Circumstances Form’ available from the Academic Admin Office. Do not ask the lecturers responsible for the course - they are not authorised to award an extension. The completed form must be accompanied by evidence such as a medical certificate in the event of you being sick. 4 Specific requirement or subject specific requirement for coursework submission will be stated further in the assignment brief or will be advised by your lecturer. St. Patrick’s International College 1 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016 3 decisions in an use financial tools for decision making organization. St.1 create a plan for the collection of primary and 1.1 use appropriate information processing tools 4.3 business purposes.2 create trend lines in spreadsheet graphs to 3.1 LO4 Use software- 4.3 software and techniques to disseminate information effectively 3.1 LO1 Be able to use a secondary data for a given business problem variety of sources for 1.2 analyse the results to draw valid conclusions in 2.2 the collection of frame used data. Learning Outcomes Assessment To achieve the criteria the evidence Task No Criteria must show that the student is able to: 1. percentiles and the 2.1 LO2 Understand a summarising data using representative values range of techniques 2. both primary 1.4 4.1 create information for decision making by 2. 3.1 LO3 Produce valid conclusions based on the information information in derived appropriate formats 3.3 and secondary.1 produce graphs using spreadsheets and draw 3.4 produce a formal business report.2 generated determine the critical path information to make 4.2 for decision making in assist in forecasting for specified business an organizational information context. 3.2 present the survey methodology and sampling 1.4 explain how quartiles.3 analyse data using measures of dispersion to 2.2 prepare a project plan for an activity and 4. Patrick’s International College 2 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016 .4 correlation coefficient are used to draw useful conclusions in a business context 3. inform a given business scenario 2.2 to analyse data a business context effectively for 2. business problem 2.3 4.3 prepare a business presentation using suitable 3.3 design a questionnaire for a given 1. Patrick’s International College 3 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016 .St. Patrick’s International College 4 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016 . (Tasks 3 and 4) St.In addition to the PASS criteria. this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades Grade Descriptors Indicative characteristic/s Contextualisation M1 Identify and apply strategies to find an effective approach to study and research To achieve M1. you need to methods / techniques Complex information/data has been synthesised effectively use a range of techniques for data and processed collection and analysis (Tasks 1 and 2) correctly apply project management and financial decision making tools (Task 4) M3 Present and communicate appropriate a range of methods of presentation have been To achieve M3. you need to findings used and technical language has been accurately used use a range of methods of presentation with the use of technical language correctly. data collection methods and data analysis (Tasks 1 and 2) or present data in suitable formats to produce information for decision making. (Tasks 3 and 4) M2 Select / design and apply appropriate A range of sources of information has been used To achieve M2. you need to appropriate solutions has been applied demonstrate effective approach in selecting data sources. (All Tasks) D3 Demonstrate convergent /lateral Effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar Effective thinking has taken place as is evidenced /creative thinking contexts by the body of work presented and application of concepts. (All Tasks) D2 Take responsibility for managing and Autonomy/independence has been demonstrated Learner largely took own responsibility and organising activities demonstrated independence in planning and managing the entire work process.D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own Conclusions have been arrived at through Well justified conclusions have been arrived at work and justify valid conclusions synthesis of ideas and have been justified through synthesis of ideas with justifications where applicable. (All Tasks) St. Patrick’s International College 5 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016 . To achieve D1. (AC-1.3) To achieve M1. and cabinets]. Assignment brief Assignment title Kitchen Design Ltd Purpose of this assignment The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of the techniques for data collection and storage.3 Develop a questionnaire for this research.1 Create a plan for the collection of primary and secondary data specifying the type of primary and secondary data that can help Kitchen Design Ltd diversify into the Bathroom market category.2 Present the survey methodology and sampling frame you will use to carry out the research.3) (This should cover Assessment Criteria 1. To achieve M2. utensils. correctly and effectively apply a range of methods and techniques for data collection for the purpose of Kitchen Designs Ltd.1) 1. demonstrate effective plan for managing and organizing the activities involved in the proposed St. (AC-1. 1. The company has hired you as a market research consultant to produce information to aid their decision making. the skills and tools to create and present useful information. The company has been very successful in this sector and now wish to explore opportunities in the market for bathroom design and equipment.1. You are required to: Task 1 Data Collection 1. you need to demonstrate effective approach in selecting data sources and data collection methods for the proposed market research for Kitchen Designs Ltd. To achieve D2. Patrick’s International College 6 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016 . Scenario Kitchen Design Ltd is a well known provider of Contemporary kitchen installation. (AC-1.2) 1.2. The assignment will consist of four separate tasks. Well justified conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas with justifications where applicable. The assignment covers all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit. Learners will be required to use spreadsheets and other software for data presentation and analysis to produce information for decision making in the context of the business scenario. [including own brand white goods. relating to one business scenario. in order to make business decisions. & 1. 3 Using MS excel analyse the data in Table 1 above with measures of dispersion (Range. (AC.2 Analyse the results of Task 2. (AC 2. Median.4) St. Task 2 Analysing Business Information The last 12 months sales of the two main lines of Kitchen designs are listed in Table 1 below: TABLE 1 Months Country (000 £) Minimalist (000 £) January 90 430 February 80 360 March 130 350 April 170 350 May 240 320 June 280 330 July 290 310 August 310 300 September 300 300 October 180 370 November 140 400 December 90 420 Tasks: 2. Mode) and explain in general terms what these values measure (AC-2.1. and Standard Deviation) to inform the management of Kitchen Designs Ltd. Patrick’s International College 7 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016 .4 Explain how quartiles.1 and draw valid conclusions for the management of Kitchen Designs Ltd. Effective thinking has taken place as is evidenced by the body of work presented and application of study and research.4) (This task should cover Assessment Criteria 2.2) 2. (AC-2.2.3 & 2.2. To achieve D3. 2. Inter-quartile range. 2.3) 2.1) 2.1 Summarise the 12 months data in Table 1 above with Excel using representative values (Mean. percentiles and the correlation coefficient [you should calculate the correlation co-efficient for the data in Table 1 above] can be used to draw useful conclusions for Kitchen Designs Ltd. To achieve D2. create a scattergraph with trend lines. To achieve D3.5M £5M £5. provide the evidence of lateral and creative ideas to arrive at a correct decision in the given business context. for each of the 4 product categories listed above for Task 3. Patrick’s International College 8 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016 . To achieve D1.9M £7M Wetroom £2.1) 3.5M £2M Required: 3.To achieve M1. To achieve M2.2 Using MS excel.3M Budget £6M £6. justify your business conclusions through synthesis of ideas that are creative and original. (AC 3.2) St. bar graph] as appropriate and draw conclusions to aid decision making for the Board of Kitchen Designs Ltd. data collection methods and data analysis. line graph.3M £6. Learner largely took own responsibility and demonstrated independence in planning and managing the entire work process.5M £2. the respective average industry sales of these categories for the last four years are shown in Table 2 below: TABLE 2 Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 Product Victorian £4M £4.75M £2.1 Using MS excel. correctly apply a range of methods and techniques to analyse data effectively for the purpose of the company.2M £2M Sauna £3M £2. produce graphs [including at least one of each of: pie chart.3M £2. use these four trend lines forecast sales for the following year. (AC-3. for each of the 4 product classes in Table 2 above. Task 3 Presentation of Business Performance Kitchen Design Ltd wishes to research 4 product categories.demonstrate effective approach in selecting data sources. 1 . Patrick’s International College 9 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016 .2 prepare a powerpoint business presentation [and import this into the Word document containing your Assignment] to disseminate information relevant to the board of Kitchen Designs Ltd.9m.2. you need to demonstrate effective approach in selecting suitable formats for the presentation of data to derive valid conclusions in the business context.3) 3. 3. To achieve D1. To achieve D3. provide the evidence of lateral and creative ideas to arrive at a correct decision in the given business context. Both systems integrate a number of major business functions. graphs. Projected Cash-flows for the two options are shown in Table 3 below: TABLE 3 Year Supplier A (£’000) Supplier B (£’000) 2017 250 300 St. and slides produced for AC 3.3 [and possibly also AC 2. Learner largely took own responsibility and demonstrated independence in planning and managing the entire work process.3. and could be thought of as entry level ERP [Enterprise Resource Planning] systems. prepare a Formal Business Report for the Board of Kitchen Design Ltd (AC 3.2m. 3. To achieve D2. to improve customer service.1. Kitchen Design Ltd wishes to implement a new Management Information System (MIS).3 & 3. Supplier A Initial cost of equipment and installation is £. (AC 3.3. Supplier B Initial cost of equipment and installation is £1. justify your business conclusions through synthesis of ideas that are creative and original.4].3 Using the charts and graphs produced for Tasks 3.4) To achieve M1. To achieve M3. Two supplier firms have been shortlisted for this. Task 4 Using Decision Making Tools In order to cope with the projected growth resulting from their diversification.1 – 2. and overall business processes.1 & 3.4) (This Task assesses Criteria: 3.4 Referring to the charts. you need to use a range of methods of presentation with the use of technical language correctly. 8. you are required to propose the better MIS investment alternative to Kitchen Design Ltd and explain your choice (AC.1 Explain how information processing tools can be used to manage inventory effectively. 4. 9 11 Test new system 3 10 Tasks 4. Patrick’s International College 10 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016 .1) 4.4. 4. 2018 300 350 2019 350 375 2020 375 400 2021 400 425 Other Information (a)The cost of capital/ discount rate for both options is 10%. (AC-4. 5 8 Set up of sites computer links 4 7 9 Install new hardware 4 7 10 Test new hardware 3 6.3) St.3 Using the investment appraisal tools of NPV & IRR. (b)The project implementation schedule to be imposed on the chosen supplier of the MIS has been decided and is shown in Table 4 below: TABLE 4 Activities Duration Preceding Activity (Days) 1 Obtain estimate for new MIS 6 - 2 Reconfigure communication cable as necessary 3 1 3 Staff selection and appointment 2 - 4 Office rearrangements 5 1 5 Testing of communications 5 3 6 Induction and instruction for new system users 5 3 7 Sites re-wiring 6 2.2 Using the data in Table 4 prepare a project plan for this project and state the critical path [it is recommended to use Serena Openproject] (AC-4.2). 7. To achieve D2. correctly apply project management and financial decision making tools and provide proper justification for your decisions.3) To achieve M1. To achieve D1. St. Well justified conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas with justifications where applicable. (This should cover Assessment Criteria 4. 4. To achieve D3. To achieve M2.2 & 4.1. present data in suitable formats to produce information for decision making. provide the evidence of lateral and creative ideas to arrive at a correct decision in the given business context. you need to use a range of methods of presentation with the use of technical language correctly. Patrick’s International College 11 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016 . demonstrate effective plan for managing and organizing the activities involved in the proposed conference for local car dealers. To achieve M3. St. Patrick’s International College 12 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016 . Patrick’s International College 13 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016 . A Merit or Distinction is awarded for higher level achievement upon achieving the M’s and D’s criteria. the Originality can be obtained. and Distinction when all learning outcomes and assessment criteria have been met. it is graded ‘Withheld’. If all required assessment criteria have not been achieved the work is graded ‘Referred’. By viewing the Report. navigating different tabs to see the status of your submission. the work is graded ‘Unreasonable Submission’. In the case of incomplete work or partial submission (others such as blank template. A Pass is awarded for the achievement of all Learning Outcomes against the specified Assessment Criteria. Grades are reported on the College’s VLE. You can obtain the grade awarded by viewing the Submission Inbox. St. no evidence of real attempt). Clicking on the GradeMark tab will reveal the QuickMark comments. If the work illustrate more than the similarity % cap or concern over originality of part or all content of the work. When a Unit has been assessed.Further Guidance Grading Each Unit will be graded as a Pass. Merit. Clicking on the General Comment tab will reveal the comments made by the Assessor and Internal Verifier. The student will then be interviewed to ascertain originality. the grade is capped at a PASS.Please note that numeric value (for example.) 5% Unreasonable Submission Additional Information  For any late submission without approved Extenuating circumstances prior to the set deadline.  It is expected that the guided word count are adhered to when writing your coursework. Grades are reported on the VLE as follow: % GRADES 75% Distinction 65% Merit 50% Pass 35% Referred 10% Withheld W1 – direct copy from various sources W2 – collusion (Note: detailed feedback on W1 and W2 will be provided by the Assessor in the General feedback section. St. 75% for Distinction) is used to classify the different grades awarded to support the system requirement on the College’s VLE. Patrick’s International College 14 Standard AB Template V1DNL2016 .
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