B.Com Computers (06-12-2017)

May 25, 2018 | Author: hitejo | Category: Html, Economics, Enterprise Resource Planning, Technology, World Wide Web



KRISHNA UNIVERSITYMACHILIPATNAM Course Structure B.Com. (Computer Applications) Revised Common Framework of CBCS for Colleges in Andhra Pradesh (A.P. State Council of Higher Education) Semester –I Mid. Sem. Sl. Total Teaching Course Name of the subject Sem. End Credits No. Marks Exam* Exam Hours** 1. First Language English 100 25 75 4 3 2. Second Language (Telugu/Hindi/Urdu/Sanskrit) 100 25 75 4 3 3. Foundation Course Human Values & 50 --- 50 2 2 -1 Professional Ethics (HVPE) 4. Foundation Environmental Studies 50 --- 50 2 2 Course- 2 5. DSC 1 A Accounting-I 100 25 75 5 4 6. DSC 2 A Business Organization & 100 25 75 5 4 Management. 7. DSC 3 A Computer Fundamentals & 100 25 75 5 4 Photoshop Total 600 125 475 27 22 * At the college (The marks split between formal test and co-curricular activities may be decided by the University concerned) ** Syllabus size shall be in accordance with the No. of teaching hours. Semester – II Sl. Total Mid. Sem. Teaching Course Name of the subject Sem. End Credits No. Marks Exam* Exam Hours** 1. First English 4 3 Language 100 25 75 2. Second (Tel/Hindi/Urdu/Sans) 4 3 Language 100 25 75 3. Foundation Information & Communication Course -3A Technology-1 50 --- 50 2 2 4. Foundation Communication & Soft Skills-1 Course- 4 A 50 --- 50 2 2 5. DSC 1 B Accounting-II 100 25 75 5 4 6. DSC 2 B Business Economics 100 25 75 5 4 7. DSC 3 B Enterprise Resource Planning 100 25 75 5 4 Total 600 125 475 27 22 Semester – III Mid. Sem. Sl. Course Name of the subject Total Sem. End Teaching Credits No. Marks Exam Hours** * Exam 1. First English 4 3 Language 100 25 75 2. Second (Telugu/Hindi/Urdu/ Sanskrit) 4 3 Language 100 25 75 3. Foundation Information & Course- 3B Communication Technology - 50 --- 50 2 2 2 4. Foundation Communication & Soft Skills- Course-4 B 2 50 --- 50 2 2 5. DSC 1 C Corporate Accounting 100 25 75 5 4 6. DSC 2 C Business Statistics 100 25 75 5 4 7. DSC 3 C Office Automation Tools 100 25 75 5 4 Total 600 125 475 27 22 Semester – IV Mid. Sem. Sl. Course Name of the subject Total Sem. End Teaching Credits No. Marks Exam* Exam Hours** 1. Foundation Communication & Soft Course-4 C Skills-3 50 --- 50 2 2 2. Foundation Analytical Skills Course- 5# 50 --- 50 2 2 3. Foundation Entrepreneurship Course- 6 50 --- 50 2 2 4. Foundation Leadership Education Course-7 50 --- 50 2 2 5. DSC 1 D Banking Theory & Practice 100 25 75 5 4 6. DSC 2 D Business Laws 100 25 75 5 4 7. DSC 3 D Business Analytics 100 25 75 5 4 Total 500 75 425 23 20 # To be taught by partly by Maths/statistics teachers Semester – V Sl. Total Mid. Sem. Teaching Course Name of the subject Sem. End Credits No. Marks Exam* Exam Hours** 1. Skill Based University’s Choice: Course SBC 5.1A. Business Leadership 2. DSC 1 E 5.2 Cost Accounting 100 25 75 5 4 3. DSC 2 E 5.3 Taxation 100 25 75 5 4 4. DSC 3 E 5.4 Commercial Geography 100 25 75 5 4 5. Elective- DSC 5.5 Programming in C 1F/Inter- 100 25 75 5 4 disp. 6. Elective- DSC 2F 5.6 Data Base Management System 100 25 75 5 4 /Inter-disp. 7. Elective- DSC 5.7 Web Technology 3F/Inter- 100 25 75 5 4 disp. Total 650 125 525 27 27 1 Media Management Course SBC G 50 --. Elec. 100 . DSC 3 G 6. 6. 50 2 2 2.4 Management Accounting 100 25 75 5 4 5. Elective. DSC 2 G 6. End Teaching Credits No. 100 25 75 5 4 disp. Skill Based 6.6 e-Commerce 2H/Inter. Sl. 100 . 6. Course Name of the subject Total Sem. 6./Gen. Elec. 7. 5 Elec.7 PHP and My SQL disp. Sem.2 Marketing 100 25 75 5 4 3.3 Auditing 100 25 75 5 4 4. Marks Exam Exam Hours** 1. Total 650 125 525 27 27 Grand Total 3600 700 2900 158 140 . DSC 1 G 6. Elective- DSC 6./Gen.5 Tally DSC 1 100 25 75 5 4 H/Inter- disp./Gen. Semester – VI Mid. Elective- DSC 3H/Inter. J. Single Sentence Answer Questions on Vocabulary (spelling). paragraph. Unit-I: Prose 1. Mulk Raj Anand : The Lost Child 2. and syntax (usage) 2. Ngugi Wa Thiong’o: The Language of African Literature (from Decolonizing the Mind) Unit-II: Poetry 1. . Henry Lawson: The Loaded Dog Unit-IV: One .f. note-making and report writing wherever possible iv) Pre -reading and post. Robert Frost: The Road Not Taken 2. A. B. it may be ensured that the theoretical and practical components of CSS-I complement the language activity in this semester. Exercises in Tenses..Com. Interrogatives and Question tags Note: In classroom instruction. Abdul Kalam: The Knowledge Society (from Ignited Minds) 2. sense (meaning). syntax. single sentence answer types ii) Exercises on vocabulary. Classroom and Laboratory Activities i.Act Play William Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice (Court Scene – Act IV Scene -1) Unit-V: Language Activity 1. short note. Exercises in Articles and Prepositions ii. sound (pronunciation). Classroom Activity i.reading activities. and pronunciation iii) Language exercises shall include exercises in paraphrasing. Every unit shall state the objectives and expected deliverables and every lesson shall have: i) Questions on subject comprehension.P.I First Language – English-I (Common for All UG Programs) 1. Nissim Ezekiel: Night of the Scorpion Unit-III: Short Story 1.e. 2015-16) Semester . Course (CBCS model) in Semester Pattern Detailed Syllabi (commence into force w. గ . ె ె . గ ◌గగగ గగగ ◌గగగ ◌ా గగగ ◌ా గగ ◌ా – గ గగ గ ◌ా గగగ గ – గగ () గ ◌ా ◌ా” “గగ గ గగ . గగ గ . గగ V. ెె ె -గగ ◌ా ◌ా◌గగగగగ గగ గ గగ ◌ా గగ గగ (120- గగగ గ గగగ – గ ◌ా– 135) గగ ◌గగగగగగగ” “గగగగ గగ గగగగగగగ ” గగగ “ గగగ ◌ా II. Second Language .” గగగ “ గ గ గగగ III. గ గగ (గ) .. ె ెె ◌ా ◌గ ◌గ (గ) గగ గగ ◌ా . గ గగ (గ) గ గ . ◌ం ెెెె (గ) గగగగగ . ◌గగగ గ గ IV.Telugu/Hindi/Urdu/Sanskrit (Common for All UG Programs) ◌ెెె ె -I ◌ా ెె ె ◌ం 1... ెెె ె ె ె ◌ం (గ) ◌గగ◌గగగ గ గగగ ◌గగగ . గ గ..గగగ గ ◌గగగ. గె . ◌గ గ. . గగ గగ. . ◌ా◌గగ . ◌ా. గ . గ ◌ా () గగ ◌గగ గ ◌ా◌గగ ◌ా◌గగ గ – ◌గగగ గ ◌గగ . గగ .గగ గ గ. గ. గ శ గ.గ. గగ ◌గగ. గగ గ. . గగ . గ . ◌ా గ (గ) గగ ◌గగ . గ గ . గ◌గగగగ గ గ Unit-V: గ గగగగ(Letter Writing) గగ గగ గగ గగగగగగ గ .గ◌గ Unit-1: గ గగగగగ(Prose) గగ Unit-II: గగగ గగగ (Short Stories) గగగ గ . NARASIMHA SINHA గగగ◌గ గ గ గగ ◌గ .గగగ గగగ గగ Unit-III: గగగగగ (Grammar) గ◌గగ– గగగ – గగగ – గగ గ .గగ గ గ గగగ◌ గగగగగ గగగగ గగగగ◌గ గగ (గగ గగగగ◌గగ .V.గ గగ గగగగగ .L.గ Unit-IV: గగగగగ (Grammar) గగగగగ-గగ◌గగగగగగ◌గగగ) .గగ గగగ . Hindi-I PROSE-GADYA SANDESH . NAZM IQBAL – Naya Shivalah Unit – II 1. GHAZAL RAHI FIDAYI– Apni tareeq ke raqim ke liye 2.I POETRY Prescribed book: MUNTAKHAB ADAB – I Unit – I 1. GHAZAL HALI – Uske jate hi ye kya ho gayee ghar ki surat 2. GHAZAL YASEER KURNULI– Rafeeq-o-hamnafas 2. NAZM FAIZ – Mujhse pehli si muhabbat meri mehboob Unit – IV 1. Urdu. GHAZAL MEER – Ulti ho gayeen sab tadbeeren 2. GHAZAL GHALIB – Ye na thi hamari khismat 2. NAZM Akbar Ilahabadi – Nasihat-e-Aqlaaqi Unit – III 1. NAZM IQBAL QUSRO – Izn-e-Aam . NAZM AKHTARUL IMAAN – Khabr Unit – V 1. Moorkhataa గగగగగ(Apareekshitakaarakam of Pancharantram – 3 &4 Stories) 2. Vivikta Pushpa Karandaha by Dr Rani sadasiva Murthy. Bhanu(గగగగ). Abhijnaanam గ గ ◌గగగ ◌्(Ramayanam-Kishkindhaa kaanda-6 Canto 1-27 Slokas) st 2. Krishnadas Academy. . Tatpurusha. Yana desa (గగగగగగ) ◌् Halsandhi: (గగ ◌గగగ)గScutva. Murkha Brahmana katha గగగ ◌् గగ గగగ& Murkha pandita kathaగగగగగగగ గగగ– pages 734-743. Karmadharaya.Shtha ◌గగ. Anunasika 2. Samasa: (గగగగ) Dwandwa. Sandhi: (గగగ) Swara Sandhi గగ గగగ: Savarnadeergha గగగ గ గ. nd 2 Conjugation – AS th 10 Conjugation – Bhaash Unit-V: Grammar 1.Drusir◌् గగ. Labhగగ. Unit-IV: Grammar 1. Dhatru(గగగగ). Aatithyam (Bhaagavatam-IX Skandha – 21 Adhyaaya – 2-17 Slokas) Unit-II: Modern Poetry 1. Ayavayava.Deekshit – page No. Dwigu. Publication. Varanasi. Gam(గగ)◌्. Ramaa(గగగగ). Mud. Unnatihi గ గ గ (From Bharatee Bhushanam by Dr D. Declensions: Nouns ending in vowels.Mati(గ గ) st 2. pitru( గగగ). Stutva.N. Go(గగ). Sanskrit – I Poetry. Conjugations: 1 Conjugation – Bhoo(గగ). Vruddhi (గగ). Guna(గగగ). Selected Stanzas – 14 Unit-III: Prose rd th 1. Deva(గగగ). 66-68 2. Prose and Grammar-1 Unit-1: Old Poetry th 1. kavi(గ గ). Mortimer. Gaur... Corliss Lamont. Comprehensive Human Goal : The Five dimensions of Human Endeavour Unit-IV : Social Ethics 1. Family as a basic unit of Human Interaction and Values in Relationships 2. Understanding Needs of the Self and the Needs of the Body Unit-III : Harmony in the Family and Society and Harmony in the Nature 1. Vision for Holistic Technologies.P.Subramanian. Happiness and Prosperity as parts of Value Education Unit-II : Harmony in the Human Being 1. Nagin & Co. Teacher’s Manual. Sangal. Reverence. Value Based Life and Profession 2. Glory.Tripaty.R. Human Values. Indian Ethos and Modern Management.G. Defects in Ethical Human Conduct 3. Value Education. Care. Lucknow. Hyderabad.L. 2003 2. Professional Ethics and Right Understanding 3.. Holistic Alternative and Universal order 4. Competence in Professional Ethics 4.R. 6. Human Being is more than just the Body 2. 2009 7. Understanding Myself as Co-existence of the Self and the Body 4. Foundation Course-1: Human Values and Professional Ethics (Common for All UG Programs) Unit-I : Introduction to Value Education 1..Sharma. Bagaria. Harmony of the Self (‘I’) with the Body 3. Self-Exploration as a means of Value Education 4.R. Professional Ethics. R. Guidance. Bagaria. Sangal. Production System and Management Models References: 1.Ethics and Human Values. The Content and Process of Value Education 3. Universal Human Order and Ethical Conduct Unit-V : Professional Ethics 1.C. Excel Books. Issues in Professional Ethics – The Current scenario 5. Concept and Need for Value Education 2.B..N. Oxford University Press 10.R. Excel Books.Adler. Julundhar 8.. Text Book for Intermediate . Bertrand Russell. 2004 3. The Basics for Ethical Human conduct 2.G.. Bajpai.R. Introduction to Ethics. Allied Publishers . New Age International Publishers. Gaur. Human Society in Ethics and Politics 4. Philosophy of Humanism 5. Ethical Philosophy of India. New Royal Book Co. 11. The Basics for respect and today’s Crisis : Affection. William Lilly. What Man has Made of Man 9.P.J. A. Definition. Telugu Academy.R. I. A Foundation Course in Value Education. Gratitude and Love 3. rain water harvesting. Environment protection Act Wildlife Protection Act. dams. floods and cyclones Unit-IV: Social Issues and the Environment 6 Hrs From Unsustainable to Sustainable development Water conservation. Need for public awareness. Endangered and endemic species of India Conservation of biodiversity Unit-III : Environmental Pollution 6 Hrs Definition. Effects of modern agriculture. use of alternate energy sources. productive use. Water pollution. food webs and ecological pyramids Characteristic features of the following ecosystems:-Forest ecosystem. soil erosion and desertification Unit-II : Ecosystems. land degradation. Biodiversity in India. Desert ecosystem. Mineral resources: Use and exploitation. man wildlife conflicts. Floods. environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources. Aquatic ecosystem. Effect of deforestation environment and tribal people Water resources: Use and over–utilization. fertilizer- pesticide. Forest Conservation Act . Effects of over utilization of surface and ground water. consumers and decomposers Food chains. effects and control measures of:. drought. salinity problems. Energy resources: Growing energy needs. renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Climate change. timber extraction. Noise pollution Solid waste management. Measures for safe urban and industrial waste disposal Role of individual in prevention of pollution Disaster management: Drought. Scope and importance.Air pollution. ozone layer depletion. Foundation Course-2: Environmental Studies (Common for All UG Programs) Unit-I: Natural Resources: 6 Hrs Definition. Causes. poaching of wildlife. Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss. man induced landslides. Deforestation. Biodiversity and its conservation 6 Hrs Concept of an ecosystem Structure and function of an ecosystem Producers. global warming. Food resources: World food problems. Value of biodiversity: Consumptive use. watershed management. Brief description of. Soil pollution. Land resources: Land as resources. Forest recourses: Use and over-exploitation. mining. M.VivekaVardhani. impact on environment. 3. Kalyani Publishers. G. Environmental Studies.V.Narasimhacharyulu.K. Environmental Studies.C. Hyderabad. Family welfare Programme Environment and human health Women and Child Welfare Value Education Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health. Telugu Academy. References: 1.Sharma and Gurbir Sangha. 2. M.Satyanarayana. Environmental Studies. .Unit-V: Human Population and the Environment 6 Hrs Population explosion. Purnima Smarath. R.R. Kalyani Publishers. Rambabu and V. R L Gupta & V. Balancing of ledger Accounts (problems). Excel Books 6.Cash Book.Journalization .Accounting-I Unit-I – Introduction to Accounting Need for Accounting – Definition – Objectives.Classification of Accounts and its rules - Double Entry Book-keeping . V. Maruthi Publications . Margham Publications 2. Accountancy-I. Financial Accounting. DSC 1A .S. Murthy. Unit –II: Subsidiary Books: Types of Subsidiary Books .Errors – Meaning – Types of Errors – Rectification of Errors (Problems) Unit-IV.Reddy & A.Accounting Cycle . Fundamentals of Accounting. K Gupta. Arunjyothi. References: 1. Financial Accounting . Tulasian. Jain & K. Sultan Chand & Sons 3.Problems on both favorable and unfavourable balances. Three-column Cash Book.Reasons for difference between Cash Book and Pass Book Balances- Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement. Principles and Practice of Accounting. Unit-III: Trail Balance and Rectification of Errors: Preparation of Trail balance . T.K.Posting to Ledgers. Kalyani Publishers 4. Advantages – Book keeping and Accounting– Accounting concepts and conventions . K.P.L Narang.Bank Reconciliation Statement: Need for bank reconciliation . S. Tata McGraw Hill Co. Unit -V: Final Accounts: Preparation of Final Accounts: Trading account – Profit and Loss account – Balance Sheet – Final Accounts with adjustments (Problems).Goyal. 5. Accountancy -I.Petty cash Book (Problems). . 4. T. R.K. 2. Business Organization and Management. Business Organization and Management. 5. Essentials of Management. Heather Clark. 7. Allen. R. Y. Trade . New Delhi.Bushan. 9. Chhabra. Jim. L. Decision-making. Basu.K. Delegation and Decentralization of Authority.Aids to Trade – Industry – Classification – Relationship among Trade.Sharma and Shashi K Gupta.B. McGraw Hill Education. 10. Sun India Publications. Himalaya Publications. 6. Unit-V: Functional Areas of Management: Production .K. Suggested Readings: 1. Business organization and Management. Joint Hindu Family Firm..N. John Chandler. Partnership firm. New York. Unit-II: Forms of Business Organizations: Forms of Business Organization: Sole Proprietorship. Cooperative Society Unit-III: Joint Stock Company: Company Incorporation: Preparation of important Documents for incorporation of Company – Memorandum of Association – Articles of Association – Differences Between Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association . Sherlekar. Sultan Chand. C.Business Organization and Management Unit-I: Introduction: Concepts of Business.Make in India - Marketing Management: Marketing Concept. Barry.Guptha. Kaul. V. Organization and Management.Prospectus and its contents - Unit-IV: Management and Organization: Process of Management: Planning. Business Organization and Management. New Delhi. Industry and Commerce – Features of Business -Trade Classification . McGraw Hill Education.Manufacturing .Directing and Controlling. . Industry and Commerce. Marketing Mix. Business Organization and Management. 8. Industrial Organization and Management.A. Management and Organization. Organizing: Line and Staff . Pricing Policies and Practices. Cengage Learning. Business Organization . Product Life Cycle. Joint Stock Company. McGraw Hill.. 3.Staffing . Koontz and Weihrich. C. DSC 2 A . Sultan Chand..Kalyani Publications. Pearson Education. Rulers. Reema Thareja. blur filter. Photoshop program window-title bar. uses of computers. menu bar. reverting files. Guides & Grids. brush store filter. . Unit-V: Layers: Working with layers.opacity-adjustment layers. saving files. Working with filters. printing. Photoshop: Beginner's Guide for Photoshop . Adobe Photoshop Class Room in a Book. 3. David Maxwell. Filters: The filter menu. Color Grading & Graphic. open source. image title bar. creating and saving a document in Photoshop. ruler. page layout and back ground. option bar. Adobe Creative Team. presentation –how to create ads.Editing your photo shoot. pixelate filters. colour modes and adjustments. Application software. icons – Recent Developments – Cloud Server. tool box. distort filters. image size and resolution. Zooming & Panning an Image. Oxford University Press 2..Digital Photography. Block diagram of computer. domain and free ware software. Photo Editing. Unit-II: Input and Output Devices: Keyboard and mouse. secondary and cache memory.Windows basics: desktop. computer generations. Unit –IV: Images: working with images. image editing. hexa and octal numbering system. Types of Software: system software. Fundamentals of Computers. sharpen filters.Computer Fundamentals & Photoshop Unit-I: Introduction to Computers: Characteristics and limitations of Computer.19 February 2016. pallets. inputting data in other ways. difference clouds. screen modes. status bar. Number systems: binary. start menu.. image window.layer styles. Memories: primary. noice filters. artistic filter. Unit –III: Introduction to Adobe Photoshop: Getting started with Photoshop. DSC 3 A. commercial. light effects. types of computers.Working with Tool box: Practice Sessions. closing files. Reference Books: 1. G. Narayan : Half a Rupee Worth Unit -IV: One Act Play Anton Chekhov: The Proposal Unit -V: Language Activity 1. Semester . Classroom and Laboratory Activities i. Dialogue Practice (Oral) iii.S Haldane: The Scientific Point of View 2. Ruskin Bond : The Boy Who Broke the Bank 2. K. Narasimhaiah) Unit-III: Short Story 1. Gardiner : On Shaking Hands Unit -II: Poetry 1. Kishwar Naheed: I am not that Woman (from An Anthology of Commonwealth Poetry edited by C. Listening Comprehension 2. B. R. Guided Composition ii.II First Language – English-II (Common for All UG Programs) Unit -I: Prose 1. Transformation of Sentences (Voice. A.D. Classroom Activity i. Reading Comprehension . John Keats: Ode to Autumn 2. Speech and Degrees) ii. J. Dialogue Writing iii. .. గగగ గ గగగ గగ గ గగ .. ెెె ె ె ె “ ◌ గగగగ గగ గ” గగగ ◌ం (గ) గ గ ◌ా ◌గ .. ె ెె గ’ . గగ ◌ా ( గ గగగ గగ.. ెెె ె . గగగ గగ (గ) గగగ ◌ా గగ గగగ ◌గ IV... ◌ెెెె ◌ .... గ ◌గగగ గగ గ ◌ా గగ(109- ◌ా – 139) ◌గగ గ II.. Second Language ....గ గ ◌ా గగ (93-139) “గగగ ◌ా గగ గ ” గగగ III. గ గగగ గగగ ..Telugu/Hindi/Urdu/Sanskrit (Common for All UG Programs) Telugu –II ◌ెెె ె– II ◌ా ెె ె ◌ం ◌గగ గ I.. ◌ెెెె గగ గగగ .. ◌ా గ ◌ా ◌ా.. ‘ గగ గ1 గగగ 25 గ గ గగ (‘ గగగ గ గ ” గగ ◌ా గగగ ) (గ ◌గగగగగ గగగగగగ .. గగగ ) (గ) గగ గ గగ గ గ గ - . . గగ గ గ ◌గగగగ ? V. గగ ◌గగ . ◌ా ◌ా . ెెె .(గ) గ ◌ా గ గగగ గగగ .గ . V. Narasimha Sinha గగగగగ. Hindi-II Prose-Gadya Sandesh .గ Unit-I: గ గగగగగ(Prose) గగగ గ◌గగగ గగగ◌గ గ గగ గగ గగ గ. L.గ గగగగగ . గగ గ గగగ-గగగగ గగ - (Aids) Unit-II: గగగ గగగ (Short గ గగగ .(గ◌గ Unit-IV: గగగగగ (Grammar) గగ గగగగ◌గగగ)గ గగగగగగగ గ గ గ - గ◌గ గగ Unit-V: గ గగగగ(Letter Writing) గగగగగ .గగగగ గగ గగ stories) గగ గగగగ గగగగ గగ (Changing Administrative Unit-III: గగగగగ (Grammar) Terminology Hindi to English and English to Hindi) గగగ◌ గగగ గగగగ గగగగ◌గ గగ . Urdu.Sir Syed Unit – II Afsana ‘Toba Tek Singh’ . Manto Unit – III Drama ‘Gud ki Makhiyan’ .Kareem Rumani Unit – IV Muraqqa ‘Ustad-e-Muhatarram Zore Sahib’ – Sulaiman Athar Jaweed Unit – V Inshaiya ‘Padiye gar beemar’ – Mushtaq Ahmed Yusufi .II Paper – I: Prose and Poetry PROSE Unit – I Mazmoon ‘Behas-o-Takrar’ . ెెె◌ె(Sandhi) (a) ెె ె ె (Halsandhi) ె ె (Latva) ె ె (Jastva) (b) ि ◌ెెె ెె ె (Visarga Sandhi) 1.Written by Ogeti Parikshit Sarma. Prose & Grammar Unit-I: Poetry: (ెెె ◌ె ెెెెెె) . ె ె (Ooshn) 2. ెెెెెెె(Rephadesa) 4. ె ె (Utva) 2. Pp. ెెెె (Samasa) 1.Raghuvamsam-1st canto (35-54 Slokas) Unit-II: Poetry: (ెెెెెెెెెె)-Gangavataranam . Sanskrit – II Poetry. ि ◌ెెెెెె (Visarga Lop) 3.Purvapeethi 4th Chapter th 2.ెెెెyudh ెెెish ె◌ెెెlikh ెెkru ెెెkath ెెెram ె ెెvand Unit -V: Grammar 1. 273-277 Unit -IV: Grammar 1.Vasishthasramagamanam . ెె ◌ెె◌ె(Bahuvrihi) .Bhoja's Champu Ramayanam .Kaalaaya Tasmai Namah 20 Chapter .Dasakumara Charitam .Pushpodbhava Charitam . Declensions (ె ె) Nonus ending in vowels ెెె (Nadee) ెెె(tanu) ెెెvadhoo) ెెెె(matru) ెె (phal) ెె ె (vari) ెెె(madhu) 2.Balakand (Except Kumarotpathi) Unit-III: Prose 1. ె ెెెెెె (Avyayibhava) 2. (ెెెె ెె ెెెె) . Conjugations . ెెె◌ెెెెె-Krshiphalam . 3. shading.Characteristics and Applications of Computers – Block Diagram of a Digital Computer – Classification of Computers based on size and working – Central Processing Unit – I/O Devices. Videos. ReemaThareja. Michael R. Oxford University Press. Referencing cells – Inserting Rows/Columns –Changing column widths and row heights. Task Bar – Control Pane. Auxiliary and Cache Memory – Memory Devices.Creating a Presentation using a Template - Inserting and Deleting Slides in a Presentation – Adding Clip Art/Pictures -Inserting Other Objects. Herb Tyson. Page Numbers. Fundamentals of Computers. Hardware. Editing.Groh and Faithe Wempen. Unit-II: Primary. Microsoft Office 2010 Bible Wiley Publishers . Formatting and Printing of Documents – Headers and Footers – Insert/Draw Tables. Software. Unit-III: MS-Word Features of MS-Word – MS-Word Window Components – Creating. Pictures. V. Selecting cells. Video . Audio.Resizing and Scaling of an Object – Slide Transition – Custom Animation Unit-V: MS-Excel Overview of Excel features – Creating a new worksheet. Firmware and People ware – Definition and Types of Operating System – Functions of an Operating System – MS-DOS – MS Windows – Desktop. Word Art. Music. Computer. Entering and editing Text. of Teaching Learning including Lab) (Common for all UG Programs) Unit-I: Basics of Computers :Definition of a Computer . John Walkenbach. Foundation Course – 3 A Information & Communication Technology-I (Computer Fundamentals and Office Tools) (30 hrs. References: 1. Fundamentals of Computers. Formulae. auto format. Prentice Hall of India. India 2. Numbers. Equations – Spelling and Grammar – Thesaurus – Mail Merge Unit-IV: MS-PowerPoint Features of PowerPoint – Creating a Blank Presentation . Documents. Shapes.Raja Raman. changing font sizes. Recycle Bin. colors. Table Auto format – Page Borders and Shading – Inserting Symbols. is on the different aspects of vocabulary. (a) Prefixes and Suffixes (b) Conversion (c) Compounding (d) Analogy 2. The first unit. Unit I: Vocabulary Building 1. Synonyms and Antonyms 5. Types of Listening 3.2 1. therefore. Types of Verbs 2. Phrasal Verbs Unit II: Grammar . Intensive Reading and Extensive Reading 4. Words Often Confused 4. The Importance of Listening 2. there are two units on grammar focusing on the verb phrase. Meanings of Modals 2. Strategies for Effective Listening Unit V: Reading Skills 1. The Several Possibilities for Denoting Future Time 4. Skimming 2. Listening and speaking are the two receptive skills. Foundation Course-4A Communication and Soft Skills-1 (Course Content (30 Hours)) (Common for All UG Programs) Vocabulary is considered the key to communication and it plays a great role for learners in acquiring a language. Barriers/Obstacles to Effective Listening 4. One-Word Substitutes 3.Since English is a predicate-oriented language. Tense (Present and Past) and Aspect 3. Unit IV and Unit V are on listening and reading respectively. Subject-Verb Agreement Unit III: Grammar . Listening is the basic skill of communication.1 1. Scanning 3. and reading helps a person refine their writing skills. Articles and Prepositions Unit IV: Listening Skills 1. Comprehension . V. Tata McGraw Hill 8. 7. Margham Publications.Normal and Abnormal losses (Problems). Financial Accounting.Account sales – Del-credre Commission .Annuity and Depletion (Problems). Reserve – Preparation of Bad debts Account – Provision for Bad and doubtful debts – Provision for Discount on Debtors – Provision for discount on creditors .Chand & Co. Murthy.S. Accountancy-I. R. Accountancy-I. Unit-III: Bills of Exchange Meaning of Bill –Features of bill – Parties in the Bill – Discounting of Bill – Renewal of Bill – Entries in the books of Drawer and Drawee (Problems). Principles and Practice of Accounting. Arulanandam. Introduction to Accountancy.Features .Methods of Depreciation: Straight line – Written down Value – Sum of the Years' Digits . DSC 1B – Accounting-II Unit-I: Depreciation Meaning of Depreciation .P. Reference Books: 1.Maheshwari & V. Haneef and Mukherjee. S.Proforma invoice . Vikas Publishers. Excel Books 6. Jain & K. Gupta.L. Reddy and A. Tata McGraw Hill Co.Features . Tulsan.Differences between Joint-venture and consignment – Accounting procedure . Himalaya Publishers 9.Repairs and Renewals Reserve A/c (Problems). S. Unit-V: Joint Venture Accounts Joint venture . 5. . Financial Accounting.K. S. Kalyani Publishers.N.Methods of keeping records (Problems). Goyal.Maheswari. T. T. Gupta & V. Unit-II: Provisions and Reserves Meaning – Provision vs.L. 4. Advanced Accountancy-I. Grewal.L Narang.K.Accounting treatment in the books of consigner and consignee . 2.Valuation of closing stock . Unit-IV: Consignment Accounts Consignment . Accountancy-I. Advanced Accountancy. Sultan Chand & Co. S. 3. Fundamentals of Business Economics.Mixed Economic System .Elasticity of Demand – Types of Elasticity of Demand – Measurements of Price elasticity of Demand : Unit – III: Cost and Revenue Analysis Classification of Costs – Total .Socialism . Cost function – Long-run – Short-run – Total Revenue . Chary.Kalyani Publications. Cengage Publications 8. Business Economics. Business Economics. S.Price rigidity Unit-V: National Income And Economic Systems: National Income . . Mithani. Sultan Chand & Sons 7.Monopoly. Principles of Economics.Product differentiation . Margham Publications.Exceptions to Law of Demand . Business Economics. 4. Hyderabad. Mankiw. 3.L Ahuja.Average revenue – Marginal Revenue . Business Economics .Demand Analysis: Definition .Monopolistic Competition .Problems in Assessment .Nature and scope of Business Economics. 2. Business Economics. Unit-II.Defects of Monopoly – Distinction between Perfect competition and Monopoly .Sankaran.Perfect competition - characteristics . Business Economics – Himalaya Publishing House. Himalaya Publishing House 9.Demand function – Law of demand.Oligopoly . Tata McGraw Hill.Market structure .Measurement . Chennai.Characteristics . A. H.Micro and Macro Economics and their Interface.Average – Marginal.Economic Systems . Minimization of costs and Maximization of profit Unit-IV: Market Structure: Concept of Market .Demand Curve .characteristics .Production and Costs: Techniques of Maximization of output. Tata McGraw Hill 6. 5.V.Free Market Economy - References: 1. DSC 2 B .Determinants of Demand -. Aryasri and Murthy. Aryasri and Murthy Business Economics .equilibrium price . R.Introduction: Meaning and Definitions of Business Economics .Business Economics Unit-I. Kalyani Publishers.GDP - Growth Rates .characteristics . Small. Wireless technologies. 2006. Unit-V: Emerging Trends on ERP: Extended ERP systems and ERP add-ons -CRM.II: ERP Solutions and Functional Modules: Overview of ERP software solutions. 7. 2009 6. ERP in Practice. medium and large enterprise vendor solutions. References: 1. Tata McGraw-Hill. ERP. 2008 .Training – Data Migration . ERP Macmillan India. 5. Functional modules.Risks and benefits - Fundamental technology . Tata McGraw-Hill. Mahadeo Jaiswal and Ganesh Vanapalli.Concepts and Practice. PHI.Business process Management. 2. SCM. Methodology and Frame work. Magal and Jeffery Word. Alexis Leon. ERP. second edition. Vendors and Employees. Vinod Kumar Grag and N. DSC 3B: Enterprise Resource Planning Unit-I: Introduction: Overview of enterprise systems – Evolution . Unit-III: ERP Implementation: Planning Evaluation and selection of ERP systems - Implementation life cycle . Venkitakrishnan. 2008. Success and Failure factors of ERP Implementation. BPR and best business practices . Essentials of Business Process and Information System. Summer. Business analytics . Jagan Nathan Vaman.Future trends in ERP systems-web enabled. 2008. second Edition Tata McGraw-Hill. Enterprise Resource Planning. cloud computing.ERP implementation.Issues to be consider in planning design and implementation of cross functional integrated ERP systems.People Organization in implementation-Consultants. Pearson Education. 2012 3. Unit. Unit-IV: Post Implementation: Maintenance of ERP. Wiley India.K. Sinha P. ERP demystified.Organizational and Industrial impact. 2008 4. Alexis Leon. Madrigal: Why People Really Love Technology: An Interview with Genevieve Bell Unit – II: Poetry 1. Reporting for the Media iv. Gandhi: Shyness My Shield (from The Story of My Experiments with Truth) 2. Note Taking iii. VijayaKumar (Acts I & II) Unit – V: Language Activity 1. Semester . Vijayasree & T. Jhumpa Lahiri: The Interpreter of Maladies 2. Expansion of an idea 2.K. Seamus Heaney: Digging Unit – III: Short Story 1.III First Language – English-III (Common for all UG Programs) Unit – I: Prose 1. . Report Writing iv. Shashi Deshpande: The Beloved Charioteer Unit – IV: One Act Play GurajadaAppa Rao: Kanyasulkam. Transformation of sentences ( Simple-Complex-Compound Sentences) ii. Note Making iii. Alexis C. JAM Sessions ii. M. Translated by C. Gabriel Okara: Once upon a Time 2. Classroom and Laboratory Activities i. Writing for the Media Note: In classroom instruction it may be ensured that the theoretical and practical components of CSS-II complement the language activity in this semester. Classroom Activity i. . గ గగ గగగ గ గగగ – గ గగ గ (582-621) గ ◌గగ’ ◌గగగ గగగ ◌గగ గ ” గగగ “గ గ గగ గగ .... ెె II.’ గగగ ‘గగగగ గగగగ’ ‘గగ గ గగగ (గ) ◌గగ గగగగ ◌గగ . .. ◌గగగ గగగగ గగగ గగ ◌గగ .. ‘గగగ ◌గగగ’ ‘ ◌ా గ గ. Second Language . “గ గగ ◌గగ గగగ ◌గగ◌గగగ గగ గగగగగగ గగ ◌ా ◌ా గ గగగగ “గ గగగగ ◌గగ. గ గగగగగగ (1 – 20) ◌గగ ’ ‘ గ గగగ’గగగ ‘ గ గగగ గగగ (గ) ◌ా◌ా .” గగగ 24 గగగ ) “ ◌గగగ గగగగగ” గగగ (6 గగగ III. గగ ◌గగగ . గగ గ గగ గ’గ గ గగ గ ◌గగ గ గగగ ’ ‘ ◌ా గగ ◌ ◌గగ గ ‘గగ ◌గగ గగ గగ గ’ గగగ గగ ెెె ◌ా◌గగగగ ..Telugu/ Hindi/Urdu/Sanskrit (Common for all UG Programs) ◌ె ెె ె – III ◌ా ెె ె ◌ం ◌గగ I. ెెె ె ె ె ◌ం (ె) ె ెెె ెె ె . ◌ా గ గగగ . ‘గగ గ ’ – గగ గగ ◌గగ .IV. ◌ా◌గగ గ ◌ా . గగగగగ గ.. గగ.V. గ ◌ా◌గగగ గగగగ ◌గగ గగ . గ . . ◌ం ెెెె ◌గగ (గ) గగగగగ -గగ గగ గ. గగ ◌ా గ ◌గగగ . గ గ గ గగ ◌ా ◌గగ . ◌గగగ గ గ గ గ ◌ా . ◌ా గగగ. గగ ◌గగగగగగగగగ గ ◌గగగ ◌ా 3. ◌ా. గగగగ ◌గ 1. ెె ె: ◌ా ◌గగ .గ . గగగ . ◌ా గగ గ గ గగ గగగ ◌గగగ 2. . ◌గ గ ◌ా గగ.గగ .గగ ◌గగగ గ ◌ా గ ◌ా . గ (గ) గగగ గ . గ. గ గగ. గగగగగగగగగ గగ – గ గగగగ- గగగ గగగగగ గగగగ-గగగ◌గ గ Unit-III: గగగగగగ గ◌గగ గగ గగగగ గ (General Essays) గగగగగగగగగగ గగగ◌గగగ (Four or Five lines) Unit-IV: గగగగగగ (Translation) గ గగ ◌గగగ Unit-V: గగగగగగగగగగగగ (Functional Hindi) .L. Narasimha Sinha Unit-I: గగ గగగగ గగగగగగగ – గగగగ . Hindi-III Prose-Gadya Sandesh .V.గగగగగగగగగగగ గగ గ– (Ancient and Modern Poetry) గగగగగగగ◌గ-గగగగగ గ గగ-గగగ గగగగ Unit-II: గ◌గ గగ గగగ◌గ గగ గగగ .◌గగ గగ గగగగ-గగగగ - గ గగ ◌గగగగగగగగగ-గగగగగ గగగగగగ (History of Hindi Literature) గగగగగగ గ . Saghar Yajjedi – ‘Tareef ki meezaan pe tul jate hain .II Unit – I: Masnavi – Ibne Nishati – Phoolbun – Aaghaze Dastan – 21 Sher Unit – II: Qaseeda – Sauda – Dar na’ato manqhabate Haz. Ali (Tashbeeb) – Zaqmi mein tera aur gulistan hai barabar Unit – III: Marsiya – Meer Anees – Jab Qata ki masafate shab aaftab ne (Ibtidayi 6 band musaddas ke) Unit – IV: Shehar Aashoob – Nazeer Akbaabadi – Hai ab to kuch sukhan ka mere ikhtiyar band Unit – V: Rubaiyaat 1. Amjad Hyderabadi – ‘Har cheez ka khona bhi 2. Urdu-III Poetry Prescribed book: MUNTAKHAB ADAB . Valli of ె◌ె Taittireeya Panishat) Unit-IV: Alankaras .Krutpratyayas ె ె ెె (Ktvaa) 2. Sarvanama (ెె ెెె) 1) ె ెెె(Asmad) 2) ెెెెె(Yushmad) . ెెెెెెె(Aprastut ◌ె ె (Drushtanta) ె Prasamsa) 6. Unit-V: Participles . ెెెెెె (Deepakam) 5. Upanishad. Halanta ( ెె ె) 1) ెెెె(Vach) 2) ె ెె(Marut) 3) ెెెెె(Bhagavat) 4) ెెెెె(Rajan) 5) ె◌ె ◌ెె (Vidwas) 6) ెెెె(Manas) 2. 4. Alankaras. Published in 1954) Unit-III: Upanishad .ెెెెెెెె(Doota Vakyam One Act Play by Bhasa) Unit-II: Modern Drama ెెెెెెెెెెె(Asani Niraasam by Kavisamrat Viswantha Satyanarayana. ెెెె (Upama) 2. ెె ెె (Ananvaya) 3. Sanskrit-III Drama.1. Participles & Sabdas Unit-I: Old Drama . ెెె(Lyap) 3.ె◌ె ◌ెె ెె (Sishyaanusaasanam-Siksha ెెెెెెెెెె. ె ె (Tavya) Sabdas -1. ెె ెెె ెెెెెె(Tumum) 1. ె ◌ె◌ె (Utpreksha) 4. Unit-II: Internet Applications: Using Internet Explorer. Head and Body tags – Semantic and Syntactic Tags – HR. Message Components. TMH Publishers. Image formats – Creation of simple HTML Documents. Unit-V: Basic HTML: Basic HTML – Web Terminology – Structure of a HTML Document – HTML. Skype. Unit IV: WWW. Internet and its Services. Tumblr. Data Communication – Types of Networking. Youtube.Web Applications. Email Addresses. Font. Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Yelp. Unit-III: E-Mail :Definition of E-mail . Mailers. Web Browsers. Searching the Internet – Introduction to Social Networking: Twitter. Domain Names. Foundation Course -3 B Information & Communication Technology–2 (Internet Fundamentals and Web Tools) (30 hrs. Standard Internet Explorer Buttons. etc. Searching WWW – Search Engines and Examples. Message Composition. Raymond Green Law and Ellen Hepp. of Teaching Learning including Lab) (Common for All UG Programs) Unit-I: Fundamentals of Internet : Networking Concepts. Mail Management. WhatsApp. Entering a Web Site Address. Yahoo!. Passwords. Heading.Advantages and Disadvantages – User IDs. URL – Components of URL. Internet Addressing – Internet Applications – Computer Viruses and its types – Browser –Types of Browsers. Flickr. Facebook. References: 1. . Web Terminologies. Vimeo. Email Inner Workings. Linkedin. Google+. Image and Anchor Tags –Different types of Lists using tags – Table Tags. The remaining units are on the two productive skills. the sound- spelling relationship of the language appears anarchic. Punctuation 3. Word Accent 2. Group Discussion Unit V: Writing Skills 1. Presentation Skills 4. Conversation Skills 2. Interview Skills 3. Debate 3. Information Transfer o Tables o Bar Diagrams o Line Graphs o Pie Diagrams o Flow Charts o Tree Diagrams o Pictures . Unit I and Unit II help learners overcome these problems to a great extent. Public Speaking Unit IV: Speaking Skills-2 1. speaking and writing. The techniques of day-to-day conversations and the important characteristics of interviews and GDs presented in this course strengthen the learner's speaking skills. Role Play 2.4B Communication and Soft Skills-2 (Course Content (30 hours)) (Common for All UG Programs) CSS-2 aims at improving the speaking skills of the learner. The last unit presents various aspects of presentation in writing. Intonation Unit III: Speaking Skills-1 1. Unit I: Pronunciation-1 The Sounds of English Unit II: Pronunciation–2 1. Spelling 2. Another problem many Indian learners face is English word accent. For many learners of English. Foundation Course . Shukla. Gupta.Issue. 2013 relating to issues of shares and debentures . 2.. Ghosh Taxman 9. Management Accounting: Shashi K. DSC 1 C .Methods of Valuation - Net assets method. S. Unit –V Provisions of the Companies Act. Advanced Accountancy : Chakraborthy 7. Reference Books: 1. Grewal. 12.K. 11. S.Employee Stock Options – Accounting Treatment for Convertible and Non-Convertible debentures (preparation of Journal and Ledger). Corporate Accounting – P.C. Advanced Accounts: M. Tulsian 4. Raman.C. S Chand. Super Profits Method – Capitalization Method .S. Advanced Accountancy: Jain and Narang 5. Advanced Accountancy: Arutanandam.Need for Valuation .Corporate Accounting Unit-I: Accounting for Share Capital .Radhaswamy. R.Preparation of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account – Schedule-III. Gupta. UNIT – IV: Company Final Accounts: Preparation of Final Accounts – Adjustments relating to preparation of final accounts – Profit and loss account and balance sheet – Preparation of final accounts using computers (including problems). Gupta and M. Fair value method (including problems). Unit-II: Issue and Redemption of Debentures . Kalyani Publishers. forfeiture and reissue of forfeited shares. Mukherjee.Issue of rights and bonus shares . . 6. Unit –III: Valuation of Goodwill and Shares: Need and methods . Vikas Publishing House. Corporate Accounting – RL Gupta & Radha swami 3.Normal Profit Method. M. Maheswari.N. Corporate Accounting – Haneef & Mukherji.P. Modern Accounting: A.Buyback of shares (preparation of Journal and Ledger). Advanced Accountancy: R. 10. Chand & Company Ltd. Himalaya Publishing House. Accounting standards and Corporate Accounting Practices: T. Yield basis method. Corporate Accounting: S.concept & process of book building .Valuation of shares .C.R. T. S.L. Hanife Volume-II McGraw Hill 8. Sharma. Maheswari.Book Building. K. Fundamentals of Statistics Elhance. DSC 2C . Properties of averages and their applications. &Kapoor V. Median.Regression analysis Unit 5: Analysis of Time Series & Index Numbers: Components of Time series.D. Business Statistics J.Bharadwaj . Mode. 2. Statistical Methods Gupta S. Business Statistics Reddy.N 4. Harmonic Mean. 6. Deciles. Business Statistics R.Collection of data– Frequency distribution – Tabulation -Diagrammatic and graphic presentation of data using Computers (Excel). C.Sharma 9. Statistics Gupta B. Statistics-Problems and Solutions Kapoor V.Business Statistics Unit 1: Introduction to Statistics: Definition. Deep Publications. Unit 2: Measures of Central Tendency: Characteristics of measures of Central Tendency-Types of Averages – Arithmetic Mean.Measurement of trend and Seasonal Variations – Index Numbers- Methods of Construction of Index Numbers – Price Index Numbers – Quantity Index Numbers –. Fundamentals of Statistics Gupta S. Statistics-Theory. Unit 3: Measures of dispersion and Skewness: Properties of dispersion-Range-Quartile Deviation –Mean Deviation-Standard Deviation-Coefficient of Variation-Skewness definition-Karl Pearson’s and Bowley’s Measures of skewness- Unit 4: Measures of Relation: Meaning and use of correlation – Types of correlation-Karlpearson’s correlation coefficient – Spearman’s Rank correlation-probable error.C 7.C. Percentiles. Business Statistics Bharat Jhunjhunwala 10.. References: 1.D.K 8. 3.P 5.R. Methods and Applications Sancheti.S. importance and limitations of statistics . Geometric Mean.N.K. Pearson Education(2007) 3. creation. Microsoft Office. import table. different types of functions available in Excel. auto fill and custom fill. data sheet. Creating a Database.Ed Bott. link table. how to enter and edit formula in excel. formulae and functions.Crosstab Queries. 4. what-if analysis Macro: Meaning and advantages of Macros. Forms: The Form Wizard. data maps. saving queries . Returning to the Query Design. DSC 3C: Office Automation Tools Unit-I: MS-Excel: features of Ms-Excel. change row height. Tables: table creation using design view. Woody Leonhard. Sanjay Saxsena. printing options. Functions: Meaning and advantages of functions. Sorting and Displaying Data: Queries and Dynasts. tabular.V: Finding. Tata McGraw Hill(2008) 2. Excel sub totals. chart operations. Unit-IV: MS Access: Creating a Simple Database and Tables: Features of Ms-Access. Unit. table wizard.Ron Mansfield. chart creation using wizard. design view. Unit-II: Formatting options: Different formatting options. columnar. Parts of MS-Excel window. how to delete a macro.Creating a macro. Reference Books: 1. graphs. Finding incomplete matches.. Creating and using select queries. Parts of chart. Printing Reports: Form and Database Printing. different cell references. data sheet view. chart wizard. Using Microsoft Office 2007. Unit-III: Charts: Different types of charts. scenarios. Multi-level sorts. how to run. Working in Microsoft Office. filtering. entering and editing data in worksheet. data sorting. editing and deletion of macros . number formatting in excel. showing All records after a Query. Parts of Access. BPB Publications .Microsoft Office. which are absolutely necessary in the global job market. Paragraph Structure 2. Unit I: Soft Skills 1. Netiquette Unit II: Paragraph Writing 1. Positive Attitude 2. Body Language 3. Writing is considered the most difficult of all the skills. especially academic/formal writing. but soft skills will get that person the job. Unit I of the course is on soft skills. Techniques for Paraphrasing 3. Units II to V help the learner improve their writing skills. Emotional Intelligence 5. Letter Writing (Formal and Informal) 2. E-correspondence 1. Cover Letter . Resume and CV 2. What Makes a Good Summary? 4.IV Foundation Course -4C Communication and Soft Skills-3 (Course Content (30 hours)) (Common for All UG Programs) A current axiom is that hard skills will get a person an interview. Semester . SWOT/SWOC Analysis 4. Development of Ideas Unit III: Paraphrasing and Summarizing 1. Elements of Effective Paraphrasing 2. Stages of Summarizing Unit IV: Letter Writing 1. TMG Hill publications. Bar Diagram. Date. 3. Venn diagram or a passage is to be analyzed and the questions pertaining to the data are to be answered. 5.Chand publications. Missing number in a sequence or a series. Unit-II: Sequence and Series: Analogies of numbers and alphabets completion of blank spaces following the pattern in A:b::C: d relationship odd thing out. This is the main aim of the course. Abhijit Guha.) at their recruitment process. References: 1. Unit-V: Business computations: Percentages. Quantitative Aptitude: Numerical Ability (Fully Solved) Objective Questions. Partnership. Old question Paper of the Exams conducted by (Wipro.5 Analytical Skills (Common for All UG Programs) (Total 30 Hrs) Unit-I : Data Analysis: The data given in a Table. Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning. Clock Problems. but to use analytical thinking to solve the exercises related to those topics. Pratogitaprakasan. Divisibility rules. Unit-IV: Quantitative aptitude: Averages. S. Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination. Note: The teachers/students are expected to teach /learn the contents by not converting them to the problems of algebra at the maximum possible extent. Ration and proportion. Profit &loss. Pie Chart. 2. LCM & GCD (HCF). Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination. Fractions. Kic X. R V Praveen. Blood Relationship. Kiran Prakasan publishers 4. Graph. PHI publishers. . Problems on ages. Foundation Course . Infosys. Time and Arrangement Problems: Calendar Problems. etc. Time-distance – speed. simple compound interest. source-Internet. TCS. Unit-III: Arithmetic ability: Algebraic operations BODMAS. R S Agrawal. Management and Entrepreneurship. 2012. 8.Sahay.Other financial assistance. S. 2009 5. – state level Institutions –DICs. Peter F. et. Chikara. References: 1. al. Guidelines for Report preparation – Project Appraisal techniques –economic – Steps Analysis. New Delhi. M. 2011 4. Cengage Learning. 7. SS. SIDBI. S. Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Entrepreneurship Development. SIDIO. Drucker.. . S. 2009 3. Delhi. Entrepreneurship Development.. Technical Feasibility. Pearson. Unit-III: Project Formulation and Appraisal : Preparation of Project Report –Content. Khanka. Poornima M. Oxford University Press. Unit-II: Idea Generation and Opportunity Assessment: Ideas in Entrepreneurships – Sources of New Ideas – Techniques for generating ideas – Opportunity Recognition – Steps in tapping opportunities. NSIC Ltd. Delhi. KanishkaBedi. etc. Unit-V: Government Policy and Taxation Benefits: Government Policy for SSIs. Arya Kumar. NIC. KVIC. Foundation Course-6 Entrepreneurship (Common for All UG Programs) (Total 30 Hrs) Unit-I: Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneur characteristics – Classification of Entrepreneurships – Incorporation of Business – Forms of Business organizations –Role of Entrepreneurship in economic development –Start-ups. New Vistas of Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities.SFC- SSIDC. New Delhi. A. Financial Analysis. Pearson..CH.al. Morris. Entrepreneurship. New Delhi. Unit-iv: Institutions Supporting Small Business Enterprises: Central level Institutions: NABARD.. Entrepreneurship Development–Small Business Enterprises. et. 2. Chand.tax Incentives and Concessions –Non-tax Concessions –Rehabilitation and Investment Allowances. Anil Kumar. Market Analysis. Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Michael H. 2011 6. New Age Publishers. 2. New Delhi. 5. Interpersonal Behaviour – Communication – Leadership – Influencing Relations – Transactional Analysis. TMH Publishing Co. Group Dynamics – Roles – Morale – Conflict – Groups – Inter-Group Behaviour – Inter- Group Collaboration and Conflict Management.”Orgnizational Behaviour”.. Keith Davis. Prentice Hall of India. Blake & Mountan Theory – Other functions of Management. “Organizational Behaviour”. 4. New Delhi. 3. Robins. “Management”. Stephen P. Team Building and Management – Developing team resources – Designing team – Participation and Repercussion – Team building activities.. . Himalaya Publishing House. 4. Aswathappa.. Fred Luthans. Organisation – Management – Leadership –Meaning and Significance – Different theories – Trait Theory. 3. “Human Behaviour at Work”. Behavioral Concepts – Individual Behaviour – Perception – Learning – Attitude Formation and Change – Motivation – Theories of Motivation – Personality Development. New Delhi. Koontz and O “Donnell”. Mumbai 6. New Delhi. Stoner Freeman. 2. Essentials of Management. References: 1. 5. Prentice Hall of India. New Delhi. Foundation Course-7 Leadership Education (Common for All UG Programs) (Total 30 Hrs) 1. “Organizational Behaviour”. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Introduction to Banking : Vijaya Raghavan 5.Central Banking Vs. Branch Banking. Law and Practice : B.RTGS.Anywhere Banking . Banking Theory. Indian Financial System : Murthy & Venugopal .Banking Theory & Practice Unit-I: Introduction Meaning & Definition of Bank – Functions of Commercial Banks – Kinds of Banks . Unit-IV: Banker and Customer Meaning and Definition of Banker and customer – Types of Customers . Unit-III: Banking Development Indigenous Banking .ATMs . Banking Theory: Law & Practice : K P M Sundram and V L Varsheney 2.Duties & Responsibilities of Collecting Banker – Holder for Value – Holder in Due Course – Statutory Protection to Collecting Banker .Y.Responsibilities of Paying Banker - Payment Gateways. Unit-II: Banking Systems Unit Banking . NABARD . Indian Financial System : M. DSC 1D . Commercial Banking. Regional Rural banks. Investment Banking.EXIM Bank.Innovations in banking – E banking - Online and Offshore Banking . Santhanam.Khan 6.Cooperative Banks. Internet Banking .General Relationship and Special Relationship between Banker and Customer - Unit-V: Collecting Banker and Paying Banker Concepts . Margam Publications 3. Books for Reference 1. Banking and Financial Systems : Aryasri 4. SIDBI. 1872.Indian Contract Act. Void and Voidable Contracts . Jayasankar. S. Business law Tata 4. Chennai -17 2. Acceptance and Consideration -Essential elements of a Valid Offer. 6. Business Law Tata 5. Unit-IV: Sale of Goods Act 1930: Contract of sale – Sale and agreement to sell – Implied conditions and warranties – Rights of unpaid vendor. Acceptance and Consideration. J.Business Laws Unit-I: Contract: Meaning and Definition of Contract-Essential elements of valid Contract -Valid. Margham Publication. Unit-II: Offer and Acceptance: Definition of Valid Offer. Maruthi Publishers . Unit-V: Cyber Law and Contract Procedures . Kapoor ND. Unit-III: Capacity of the Parties and Contingent Contract: Rules regarding to Minors contracts . Balachandram V. Business Laws. Sultan Chand 3. DSC 2D .Rules relating to contingent contracts . Pillai Bhagavathi.Different modes of discharge of contracts-Rules relating to remedies to breach of contract. Tulsian . References: 1. Business Laws.Safety Mechanisms.Chand. Business Law .Digital Signature . Mercentile Law . . Prentice Hall International Inc. Suggested Books: 1. R. “Statistical Methods”.Wichern. ANOVA. Michael Steinbach & Vipin Kumar. 2000. New Delhi. Stephen Smith & Kurt Thearling. Bhandarkar. Richard A.Business Analytics as Solution for Business Challenges - Unit-II: Automated Data Analysis: Tabulation and Cross Tabulation of Data: Univariate.P. New Delhi. Rao. Gupta S. Wilkinson & P. 2009. “Methodology and Techniques of Social Research”.Johnson & Dean W.Data concepts - Data exploration & visualization .T-test.Business Analytics Life Cycle . Sultan Chand. “Fundaments of Business Analytics”.V. 7. Tata McGraw Hill. “Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis”. 2010. K. 6.Logistic Regression . 2007. . “Building Data Mining Application for CRM”. Sterling Publishers. T. Pang-Ning Tan. 2. 5. Chi-Square and correlation - Linear Regression Analysis . Unit-III: Hypothesis Testing: Type 1 & 2 errors . DSC 3D Business Analytics Unit-I: Introduction .Cluster Analysis . Unit-V: SPSS Packages – Applications and Case Studies.S. Bivariate and Multivariate Data Analysis – ANOVA. 2012.Business Analytics Process . 2010.L.Market Basket Analysis. Unit-IV: Business Data Management: Master Data Management: Data Warehousing and kinds of Architecture – Data Extraction – Transformation and Up-loading of Data – Data Mining – Meta Data – Data Marts – Creating Data Marts – Data Integration – OLTP and OLAP. “Introduction to Data Mining”. “Research Methodology in Commerce and Management”. Pearson. Alex Berson. New Delhi.N Prasad and Seema Acharya. 4. Wiley India Publication. 3. Sage Publications. Peter G.Traits.Swaraj Paul .1 A .Organizations and Groups: Organizational Culture and Leadership . 2. Sage Publications. SBC E 5. 5. Northouse. Influence.L N Mittal .Leadership in Business Organizations Unit-III: Special Topics: Profiles of a few Inspirational Leaders in Business – Jemshedji Tata - Aditya Birla . Impact . Drucker Foundation (Ed. Leadership can be taught: A Bold Approach for a Complex World. Daloz Parks. Unit-II: Decision-Making and Leadership: Leadership for Sustainability . Al Gini and Ronald M. 4.Power.Leadership Practices . 3. . etc.N R Narayana Murthy . Leading Beyond the Walls. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. S Balasubramanian.).Business Leadership Unit-I: Introductory: Leadership . John Wiley & Sons Inc. Skills and Styles. Leadership: Theory and Practice. Green..Leadership Development . San Francisco: Jossey Bass. References: 1.. Virtues of Outstanding Leaders: Leadership and Character.Qualities of a Good Leader. The Art of Business Leadership – Indian Experiences. S.Azim Premji. A. Duggal. 4.: Fundamentals of Office Management. Irwin. References: 1. Principles of Office Management. SBC E 5. Stoner et. Englewood Cliffs. Mahajan.Purposes of Records Storage and Control . 5. al: Management.Guides and Common charts of Office work simplification . N.Office Reproduction Services.P. 3.J Prentice Hall 2. .Office Manager .1 B Office Management Unit-I: Office and Functions: Features of Modern Office . Ane Books Pvt. Unit-III: Records Storage and Retrieval: Nature of Files and Records . New Delhi.Layout Planning . Lotus Press. Unit-II: Office Systems: Office procedures . Ltd. B: Office Management and Commercial Correspondence.Filing systems. equipment and supplies .Forms Design. George R: Office Management and Control.Planning for improving office procedures .Work Simplification.Records retention – ICT applications in Office Management.Scientific Office Management . Design of Forms - Reproduction of Forms . Kitab Mahal.Storage .Duties and Responsibilities . Knowledge of Stationery Items and Maintenance . James. J. Security of the Office. Terry. R.Interior. Bhatia.F.C. R.D. Mutual Funds. New Delhi.Equity valuation . Investment Planning. Insurance Policies. 4. 3. Popular Prakashan. New Delhi.1C Personal Finance Unit-1: Investment: Assessment of Income . Security Analysis & Portfolio Management. Shanbag. Vikas Publishing House. Buzzing Stock Publishing. Bonds.Bond Valuation: Bond return and valuation.S. Investment Principles and Techniques. Bombay. Securities. Ankit Gala & Khushboo Gala. Unit-III: Security Valuation: Concepts of Return and Risk – Systematic and Nonsystematic risk - Risk-return tradeoff . V. Post Office Saving Schemes. New Delhi. Vision Books. Public Provident Fund. 5.Raman. Unit-II: Investment Alternatives: Real Estate. Yassaswy. Govt. Personal and Tax Planning.Objectives of Investment – Factors affecting selection of investment – Time value of money – Future value of investment and annuity – Present value of cash flows and outflows. Shares.N. In the Wonderland of Investment. Vikas Publishers. A. .Punithavathy Pandian. SBC E 5. etc. References: 1.N. Gold. 2. K.N. Scheduling and Controlling. Challenges of Performance Measurement and Evaluation. 3. Project Management: A Managerial Approach. References: 1. Unit-II: Project Performance Measurement and Evaluation: Performance Measurement. Total Project Management: The Indian Context. J. 4.John M Nicholas. Joy. Control and Close-out: Project Execution. Performance Evaluation. 6. Resource Allocation. Horald Kerzner. . Smith (Ed). Productivity.PERT. Project Control. Jack R Meredith and Samuel J Mantel.Project Life Cycle . Ltd. 2. Unit-III: Project Execution. Project Initiation . S. 5. SBS E 5. Project Cost Estimate and Budgets - CPM . Choudhury. CBS Publishers.Project Close-out.1 D Project Management Unit-I: Basics of Project Management: Project Identification. Project Termination. Project Management. P. Blackwell Publishing. Macmillan India Ltd. South Asian Publishers Pvt. John Wiley. Purpose of Execution and Control . Scheduling. Project Scheduling and Monitoring in Practice. Project Management: A Systemic Approach to Planning. Project Management for Business and Technology: Principles and Practice.Project Planning. Prentice Hall of India. Project Follow-up. M. Weighted average. Unit-IV: Methods of Costing: Job costing – Process costing . Kalyani Publishers. S. 7. 4. 5. Ltd. .Cost Concepts and Classification – Cost Centre and Cost Unit – Preparation of Cost Sheet. S. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Sharma & Shashi Gupta – Management Accounting. Vikas Publishing House Pvt.L. Iyengar – Cost Accounting.Chand & Sons. LIFO. Narang – Advanced Cost Accounting. Sultan Chand & Sons.Overheads: Allocation and apportionment of overheads – Machine hour rate.2 Cost Accounting Unit-I:Introduction: Distinguish between Financial Accounting. Cost Accounting and management accounting . Base stock methods. Kalyani Publishers. Jain and K.M .treatment of normal and abnormal process losses – preparation of process cost accounts – treatment of waste and scrap (including problems).margin of safety-BEP Analysis – Standard costing – Variance Analysis – Material variance only (including problems). 3. Ludhiana. I.differences between marginal costing and absorption costing – marginal cost equation. Aurora – A test book of Cost Accounting. Unit-III: Labour and Overheads: Labour: Control of labor costs – time keeping and time booking – Idle time –Methods of remuneration – labour incentives schemes . 6. Ludhiana. ABC technique – Methods of pricing issues – FIFO. S.contribution. Unit -V: Costing Techniques: Marginal Costing –cost classification. 2.P.P. DSC .N.Pandey – Management Accounting.Maheswari – Principles of Management Accounting. Unit-II: Elements of Cost: Materials: Material control – Selective control. Nigam & Sharma – Cost Accounting Principles and Applications.p/v ratio. S.1E 5. Ltd. choice of method (including problems).N . References: 1. Konark Publisher (P) Ltd. Income from other sources Unit-III: Taxation system in India: Objectives. Bhagwati Prasad: Direct Taxes – Law and Practice. Income from House property.B. 2. Payments and Refunds: Filing of Returtns. 4. Capital and Revenue Basis of Charge-Exempted Incomes. Penalties and Prosecutions. Sahitya Bhavan Publication. Singhania Direct Taxes .Taxes and Duties outside the purview of GST-Taxation of Services-Transactions within state and interstate Transactions under GST-Illustrations References: 1. Tax Holiday. Direct Taxes. Goods & Services Tax. Modes of tax Recovery (Section 190 and 202). Mehrotra and Goyal: Direct Taxes – Law and Practice.3 Taxation Unit-I: Introduction: Objectives – Tax structure in India: A brief History: Basic Concepts. Lal: Direct Taxes. Unit-IV: Tax Planning: Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion.Residential Status. Wishwa Prakashan. DSC 2E 5. Unit-V: Goods & Services Tax: Overview of GST. Unit-II: Computation of Income under Different Heads: Income from salary. Vinod K. Income Tax Rate for Assessment. Taxman Publication. . 3.Limitaions of VAT-GST Principles- Comprehensive structure of GST in India. Dr. B.Law and Practice. Deduction u/s 80C to 80U-Income from capital gains. – Unit-V: India – Water Resources – Rivers: Water resources . C. Oxford Book Company . Tarachand. Quazi . References: 1. Vinod N. 1980 – Compensatory Afforestation Fund (CAF) Bill. Economic and Commercial Geography of India. Sankaran.Natural Resource Consumption and Environment Management. Vikas Publishing House. 2006 and its Relevance – Need for protection of Forestry. B. DSC 3E 5. Dr. Memoria.Measures to be taken to protect the Earth. 3. APH Publishing Corporation.Soils . Commercial Geography. Economic and Commercial Geography. Unit -IV: India – Minerals and Mining: Minerals – Renewable and non Renewable – Use of Minerals – Mines – Coal.Global Warming . Barites.Perennial and peninsular Rivers . Commercial Geography. S. Lal Agarwal & Co. B. Chennai. Memoria. 6.Interlinking of Rivers - Experience of India and Andhra Pradesh. Patel. Margam Publications. etc. 2. Lal Agarwal & Co.4 Commercial Geography Unit –I: The Earth: Internal structure of the Earth – Latitude – Longitude – Realms of the Earth – Evolution of the Earth – Environmental pollution . 2015 . 5. 4.Forest Rights Act.Rationality and equitable use of water – Protection measures . Unit -II: India – Agriculture: Land Use . Unit -III: India – Forestry: Forests – Status of Forests in Andhra Pradesh – Forest (Conservation) Act.Rivers . C. Shabiar Ahmad.Major crops – Food and Non-food Crops – Importance of Agriculture – Problems in Agriculture – Agriculture Development. Commercial Geography. I: Introduction to Algorithms and Programming Languages: Algorithm – Key features of Algorithms – Some more Algorithms – Flow Charts.Passing Arguments to Functions using Pointer – Pointer and Arrays – Passing Array to Function. Union. Computing Fundamentals & C Programming – Tata McGraw-Hill.IV: Arrays: Introduction – Declaration of Arrays – Accessing elements of the Array – Storing Values in Array – Calculating the length of the Array – Operations on Array – one dimensional array for inter-function communication – Two dimensional Arrays –Operations on Two Dimensional Arrays.Programming IN C Unit. Introduction to C: Structure of C Program – Writing the first C Program – File used in C Program – Compiling and Executing C Programs – Using Comments – Keywords – Identifiers – Basic Data Types in C – Variables – Constants – I/O Statements in C. 3. and Enumerated Data Types: Introduction – Nested Structures – Arrays of Structures – Structures and Functions .5 . 2002. Henry Mulish & Hubert L. Reference Books: 1.Unions – Enumerated Data Types. 4. E Balagurusamy. Jaico Publishing House. Programming with ANSI and Turbo C.1996. Oxford University Press. DSC 1F 5. Introduction to C programming. Reema Thareja. Pearson Publisher. Ashok N Kamthane.Coo Reema Thareja: The Spirit of C: An Introduction to Modern Programming. . Strings: Introduction String and Character functions Unit-V: Pointers: Understanding Computer Memory – Introduction to Pointers – declaring Pointer Variables – .Programming Examples – Type Conversion and Type Casting Unit-II: Decision Control and Looping Statements: Introduction to Decision Control Statements – Conditional Branching Statements – Iterative Statements – Nested Loops – Break and Continue Statement – Go to Statement Unit. 2.Operators in C. 2008.III: Functions: Introduction – using functions – Function declaration/ prototype – Function definition – function call – return statement – Passing parameters – Scope of variables – Storage Classes – Recursive function Unit. Structure. 10. Components of Database System. Aggregate Functions. Database Management – Prentice Hall of India.. History of SQL Standard. Classification of Database Management System. Osborne. Sumathi. Advantages of DBMS. PL/SQL Language Elements .Relational Integrity. Korth. Database Architecture. The Building Blocks of an Entity– Relationship. “An Introduction to Database Systems”. Relationship Classification. Galgotia Publications. Database Management systems. S. Imposition of Constraints. Drawbacks of File-Based System . Generalization and Specialization. MARTIN. Unit-II: File-Based System. Function . DBMS Approach. Control Structure. Database Triggers. Reference Books: 1. Paneerselvam: Database Management Systems. 9. CODD’S Rules.Data Types. 3. Objectives of DBMS. Data Models . Procedure. Data Management System McGraw Hill Publication. Relationship Degree. Database Management System. Classification of Entity Sets . David Kruglinski. Unit-IV: Structured Query Language: Introduction. Data Manipulation Language. DBMS Vendors and their Products. Set Operations. Attribute Classification. DSC 2F 5. Concept of . Esakkirajan.6 . Unit -V: PL/SQL: Introduction. Types of Triggers.Exceptions Handling. Database Management systems. aggregation and composition. S. Shgirley Neal and Kenneth LC Trunik Database Management Systems in Business – PHI. EVEREST. Desai. 4.Packages . Navathe. Iterative Control . Database. Selection Operation Projection Operation. Evolution of Database Management Systems.Database Management System Unit-I: Overview of Database Management System: Introduction.Cursors . Structure of PL/SQL. 8. Table Modification. Unit-III: Entity–Relationship Model: Introduction. Bipin C. 5. Steps to Create a PL/SQL Program. Steps to Create a Cursor . PHI. Relational Data Model . Fundamentals of Relational Database Management Systems . 6. Godeon C. Table Truncation. 7. Database Management – McGraw Hill Book Company. Data types in SQL. Commands in SQL. Data and Information. New Delhi. Data Definition Language (DDL). DSC 3F 5.7 - Web Technology Unit-I: Introduction: HTML, XML, and WWW, Topologies, Bus, Star, Ring, Hybrid, Tree, Lan,Wan,Man. HTML: Basic HTML, Document body, Text, Hyper links, Adding more formatting, Lists, Tables using colors and images. More HTML: Multimedia objects, Frames, Forms towards interactive, HTML document heading. Unit-II: Cascading Style Sheets: Introduction, using Styles, simple examples, your own styles, properties and values in styles, style sheet, formatting blocks of information, layers. Unit-III: Introduction to JavaScript: What is DHTML, JavaScript, basics, variables, string manipulations, mathematical functions, statements, operators, arrays, functions. Unit-IV: Objects in JavaScript: Data and objects in JavaScript, regular expressions, exception handling, built-in objects, events. Unit-V: DHTML with JavaScript: Data validation, opening a new window, messages and confirmations, the status bar, different frames, rollover buttons, moving images, multiple pages in single download, text only menu system. References: 1. Uttam Kumar Roy, Web Technologies, Oxford University Press. 2. Black Book HTML 5.0 3. Complete reference HTML 5.0 4. Web Technology, PHI Publications. SBS G 6.1A Accounting Software Unit-I: Accounting Software Packages: Tally, Wings, Busy, Spreadsheet, Ms Excel as Accounting tool, Function wizard, Auditing Tool in MS Excel - Selective Applications for Accounts. Unit-II: Financial Accounting Software: Accounting package for Voucher Entry - Preparation of Journal Proper - Ledgers, Trail Balance, Final Accounts. Unit-III: Applications of Spreadsheet Software: Preparation of Cash, Production and Flexible Budgets, Projected Profit & Loss Statement and Balance Sheet. References: 1. Horngreen, C.T., Introduction to Management Accounting, Prentice Hall, 2. Smith, J.L. Keith, RM and Stephens, W.L., Managerial Accounting, McGraw Hill. 3. Guy Hart Davis, The ABCs of Microsoft Office, BPB Publications. SBS G 6.1B Tally Unit-I: Fundamentals of Tally.ERP 9: Features - Start Tally, Create and Alter a Company - Creating Single Group/Multiple Groups, Display, Deleting Groups - Ledger: Creating Single Ledger / Multiple Ledgers. Unit-II: Create Accounting Masters in Tally.ERP 9 - Chart of Accounts - Creating Single and Multiple charts, Displaying and Altering charts – Walkthrough for creating Chart of Accounts – Back-up of data and Restoring - Tally Audit Features. Unit-III: Creating Inventory Master: Creating Stock Groups, Displaying, Deleting, Altering - Creating Stock Unit of Measure, Displaying and Deleting Unit Measures - Creating, Altering, Displaying, Deleting Stock items - Generating Reports. References: 1. Tally 9 in Simple Steps, Kogent Solutions Inc., John Wiley & Sons. 2. Tally 9.0 (English Edition), (Google eBook) Computer World 3. Tally.ERP 9 Made Simple Basic Financial Accounting by BPB Publisher. 4. Tally ERP 9 For Real Time Accounting by Avichi Krishnan 5. Fundamentals of Computers, by V. Rajaraman, PHI. Goyal . Celebrity wish lists and expectations .Mark Sonder. Wiley & Sons. Ltd.Types of Events . Expositions. Unit-II: Outdoor Events: Logistics. Ganga Sagar Singh . Departments. Risk management . New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Marketing and sponsorship.Enkay Publishing House 4. Fenich. G.Adhyayan Publisher. Contract Negotiations. 5. Inc. 2. Event Entertainment and Production .Corporate event packages . Types of Outdoor events. Client briefings. Event Management by Swarup K. Events. CSEP. HR Management. References: 1. Programming and Entertainment.Corporate hospitality – Exhibitions – Trade Fairs – Conferences –Business and Government Meets . . SBS G 6. 6.Har-and Publications Pvt. and Conventions: An introduction to the industry.1C Event Management Unit-I: Event Concept: Corporate Events and Customer’s needs .Health and safety. Event Management: A Blooming Industry and an Eventful Career by Devesh Kishore. National festivals and high-profile charity events . 3. Unit-III: Celebrity Events: Launches.Doug Matthews.Customization.Menu Selection . Special Event Production . Fashion shows.Liaison with agents. Event Management & Public Relations by Savita Mohan .Liaisoning with Govt. Meetings. Reach. Unit-III: Media and Ethics: Ethical issues related to Media .S.Security issues and New media.Media types . Mehra . 2..Newspaper Management.1D Media Management Unit-I: Media Management: Role of Media . Mass Media: Law and Regulations. Michael Goodwin. John Wiley & Sons. Advertising and Promotion. 7.Planning . interactive television. Corgi Books.Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and New Media . .Selling and buying space and time on media. John Wiley & Sons. Kruti shah and Alan D’ Souza.Unique features of print media . Unit-II: Media Marketing: Penetration. Himalaya Publishers.Teleconferencing . 3. TMH. SBC G 6. Access and Exposure to media - Revenueexpenditure in media . 4. Principles of Advertising and IMC – Tom Duncan-Tata McGraw-Hill-Second Edition. Raidu C. References: 1.Radio and Television . Rucker and Williams. Media and Communication Management.Newspaper Organization and Management. Raidu Nageshwar. Himalaya Publishers 6. Making Multimedia Work.Media Technology: Internet.Organization . mobile phones. 5. An IMC Perspective. New products.Global marketing. Stanton J.Advertising . McGraw Hill Company 4. Pricing strategies: Skimming and Penetration pricing. Product mix and Product line decisions . Nama Kumari.Societal Marketing Concept – Marketing Mix . Unit-IV: Pricing Decision: Factors influencing price determination. Branding. DSC 1 G 6. Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong. V. Unit-III: Product Management: Product Life Cycle .Design.Distribution Channels – Online marketing. Marketing Management – Planning. Fundamentals of Marketing. Principles of Marketing. Prentice Hall of India.2 Marketing Unit-I: Introduction: Concepts of Marketing: Product Concept – Selling Concept .Publicity – Public relations - Personal selling and Direct marketing . 2. Packaging and Labeling. Unit-II: Consumer Markets and Buyer Behaviour: Buying Decision Process – Stages – Buying Behaviour – Market Segmentation. Pearson Prentice Hall 3.4 P’s of Marketing. McMillan . William & Charles Futrel. Marketing Management. References: 1. Ramaswamy S.S. Philip Kotler. Unit-V: Promotion and Distribution: Promotion Mix . internal audit and internal control. Kalyani Publications. New Delhi. Government. “Practical Auditing”.Audit report: Contents – Preparation. Kamal Gupta and Ashok Gupta. “Principles and Practice of Auditing”. R.Chand. Tax. “Principles of Auditing”.Audit programme . Jagadesh Prakesh. Financial. 6. “Auditing”. “Fundamentals of Auditing”. Allied Publishers Pvt. 3.Cash. “Principles and Practices of Auditing” Kalyani Publications. Chand. “Practical Auditing”. duties. Ludhiana.Independent. Sales returns. Baldev Sachdeva & Jagwant Singh. 2. Investigation. Sales. Auditing vs. Pradeesh Kumar. New Delhi.Audit note book . “Auditing Theory and Practice. Himalaya Publishing House. . Tata McGraw Hill 8.G. Chennai.. Unit-II: Types of Audit: Based on Ownership and time . Unit-IV: Vouching and Investigation: Vouching. Saxena.Vengadamani.N. liabilities and disqualifications . Unit-III: Planning of Audit: Steps to be taken at the commencement of a new audit . Cost. Kapoor. New Delhi. 7. Purchase. DSC 2G 6. Ludhiana. References: 1. 5. Purchase returns. N. S. Ltd.3 Auditing Unit-I: Auditing: Meaning – Objectives – Importance of Auditing – Auditing as a Vigil Mechanism. 4. S. Internal. B.D. Investigation Unit-V: Company Audit and Auditors Report: Auditor's Qualifications – Appointment and Reappointment – Rights. New Delhi. Tondan. Margham Publications. S. Ghatalia.Internal check. DSC 3G 6. Tata McGraw Hill. New Delhi. New Delhi. et. New Delhi. 8. New Delhi. New Delhi. Bhattacharya. New Delhi. Unit–IV: Cash Flow Statement: Concept of cash flow – Preparation of cash flow statement .Lease/own Decision (including Problems). New Delhi. Murthy & Guruswamy – Management Accounting. “Management Accounting”.Uses and limitations of cash flow analysis (including problems). Unit–II: Ratio Analysis: Classification. Ludhiana. References: 1. 2. S. “Management Accounting: Principles and Practice”.Uses and limitations . Gupta – Management Accounting. Jawahar Lal. S. Unit–V: Break-Even Analysis and Decision Making: Calculation of Break-even point .al. 2002. “Introduction to Management Accounting” Person EducationIndia. Dr. Charles T. S. 6. Gupta & R. Importance and limitations .N.M Pandey. D. A Textbook of Accounting for Management. .Liquidity. I. Uses and limitations of funds flow analysis (including problems).. 5.Analysis and interpretation of Accounting ratios . Chand Publishing. activity and solvency ratios (including problems). Maheswari.4 Management Accounting Unit–I: Management Accounting: Interface with Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting - Financial Statement analysis and interpretation: Comparative analysis – Common size analysis and trend analysis (including problems). “Management Accounting”. Accounting for Management. Kalyani Publishers.P. Himalaya Publishing House. Chand Publishing. 4. 3. Vikas Publishing House.Margin of safety – Make/Buy Decision .K. S. Pearson Education India. Kulsreshtha & Gupta – Practical problems in Management Accounting. profitability. 9. Horngren. Shashi K. Sharma. 7. Unit–III: Fund Flow Statement: Concept of fund: Preparation of funds flow statement. Creation of a company. Ledger. Book Ganga. Sales. Comdex Computer and Financial Accounting with Tally 9. Alternation of Voucher. Tally ERP 9 Made Simple Basic Financial Accounting. Unit-II: Introduction of Tally Software. Ledgers and their Group Allocation. Tally 9 In Simple Steps. Accounts Information. customizing the Existing voucher types. 3. John Wiley & Sons. Creation of New Groups. Avichi Krishnan. Google eBook. 4. Statement of Accounts. Features and advantages of Tally. Financial Accounting on Computers Using Tally. Groups. 7.0. Kogent solutions Inc. Ledger Creation – Single and multiple Ledgers.. Stock Ledger. Unit-V: Final Accounts: Customizing the final accounts – Profit and Loss Account. 2. BPB Publisher. Reference Books: 1. Day Book. Journal. Debit & Credit Note. Unit-III: Ledgers. . 2000. Journal Voucher. Tally ERP9. Account Books. List of Accounts. Purchase. 2007. Difference between Manual Accounting and Accounting Packages. Vikas Gupta. Trial Balance. Kiran Kumar. K. Tally ERP 9 for Real Time Accounting. Narmata Agarwal. Unit-IV: Vouchers –types of vouchers – recording of vouchers – entry of payment voucher. sales voucher. Balance Sheet. Creating New Voucher types. Gateway of Tally. Creation of sub Group. Computer World. DSC 1H 6. Software versions of Tally. Group etc. Generating the Reports from Tally. Displaying & altering Ledgers. Key board shortcuts in Tally.Tally Unit-I: Introduction to Tally: Introduction. 2008. 6. Terminology related to Accounts credit & Debit. pre defined Groups. 5. Journal Registers. purchase voucher. Voucher. Receipt voucher. Dreamtech Press.0. Contra Voucher. Tally 9. Deletion of Voucher.5 . configure Ledger. Taxation and Encryption Policies. Understanding Electronic Commerce. Eframi Turban. 5. Managerial Issues.Business Strategy. Unit-V: Infrastructure For EC : Network of Networks. Internet Security. e-Commerce and the Trade Cycle. EDI: Nuts and Bolts. From EDI to Electronic Commerce. Jae Lee. David Whiteley. Protecting Intellectual Property. Inter Organizational Value Chains. R. Intranet and Extranet. Definition. Analyzing Web Visits. Protecting Privacy. Internet Protocols. Procurement Management by using the Buyer’s Internal Market place. Gambling and More. Consumer and Seller Protection in EC. K. Unit-III: Internet and Extranet : Automotive Network Exchange. Extranets. Structures of Extranets. Electronic marketing in B2B. E Business by Parag Kulakarni and Sunitha Jahirabadkar from Oxford University Press. . Solutions of B2B EC. Selling on the Web. 2000. Other Legal Issues: Contracts. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Applications of Extranets. Addison Wesley. Internet Commerce. 7. Multimedia delivery.Based client/Server. Applications of Intranets. Free speech. David Kosiur. E Business by Jonathan Reynolds from Oxford University Press. Kalakota and A. Considerations in Intranet Deployment. Tata McGraw Hill. Equipment required for establishing EC Sites – Problems in Operation – Future of EC.Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Other B2B Models. David King. B. Frontiers of Electronic Commerce. Electronic Payment Systems: Issues and Challenges. Unit-II: Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce: Characteristics of B2B EC. Porter’s Value Chain Model. Internet Indecency and Censorship.6 . Managerial Issues. 4. Unit-IV: Public Policy: From Legal Issues to Privacy : Legal Incidents. Whinston. Largest Extranet. Business Models of Extranet Applications. Architecture of the Internet. Web. Competitive Advantage using E-Commerce . Role of Software Agents for B2B EC. EDI and Business. 3. Extranet products and services. “Electronic Commerce”. Chatting on the Web. Managerial Issues. 2. First Mover Advantage . Reference Books 1. Pearson Education. Intranet Application Case Studies. Competitive Strategy. Just in Time Delivery. Microsoft Press. Michael Chung. Electronic Markets. DSC 2H 6. Models of B2B EC. Auctions and Services from traditional to Internet Based EDI. 2000. Integration with Back-end Information System. Business Strategy in an Electronic Age: Supply Chains. Intranet software. Ethical and Other Public Policy Issues.e-Commerce Unit-I: Introduction to E-Commerce: Scope. 6. Electronic Data Interchange. Soka. “E-Commerce”. McGraw Hill. Starting a Session. Reading from Files. returning the values from User- Defined Functions. Investigating Strings with PHP. Creating Record Addition Mechanism. Dates and Time: Formatting Strings with PHP. PHP MySQL and Apache. Open Pipes to and from Process Using popen (). Working with Directories. Calling functions. Working with session variables. Saving State between Function calls with the Static statement. Sending Mail on Form Submission. Using Hidden Fields to save state. Working with Objects: Creating Objects. Reading or Appending.PHP and My SQL Unit-I: Building blocks of PHP: Variables. Image Creation from User Input. Viewing Records. Working with MySQL Data. Necessary Modifications to PHP. Creating an Online Address Book: Planning and Creating Database Tables. Opening a File for Writing. Combining HTML and PHP code on a single Page. Operators and Expressions. Session Function Overview. Working with Functions: Defining Functions. Creating and Deleting Files. Destroying Sessions and Unsetting Variables. Running Commands with system ( ) or passthru ( ). Setting a Cookie with PHP. Connecting to MySQL with PHP. Unit-III: Working with Forms: Creating Forms. Some Array-Related Functions. Adding Sub-entities to a Record. Redirecting the user. Unit-II: Working with Arrays: Arrays. Using Sessions in an Environment with Registered Users. Creating Menu. Running Commands with exec().7 . Modifying Existing Images. Thomson (2006). Flow Control Functions in PHP: Switching Flow. Writing or Appending to a File. Variable Scope. Manipulating Strings with PHP. Working with Strings. Getting Fancy with Pie Charts. Code Blocks and Browser Output. . Xue Bai Michael Ekedahl. Working with Cookies and User Sessions: Introducing Cookies. Object Instance. passing session IDs in the Query String. Using Date and Time Functions in PHP.Input with User defined Arrays. Working with Images: Understanding the Image-Creation Process. Validating Files. Data Types. Julie C. Working with File Uploads. Loops. 2. Pearson Education (2007). Unit-V: Interacting with MySQL using PHP: MySQL Versus MySQLi Functions. Constants. The Web Warrior Guide to Web Programming. more about arguments. DSC 3H 6. References: 1. Drawing a New Image. Creating Arrays. SAMS Teach Yourself. Accessing Form . Creating the Record Deletion Mechanism. Meloni. Unit-IV: Working with Files and Directories: Including Files with include(). 3. .
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