BCh 2602 2012 tutorial

March 22, 2018 | Author: Vicky Truter | Category: Glycolysis, Adenosine Triphosphate, Metabolism, Mitochondrion, Citric Acid Cycle



BCH2602/101/3/2012Tutorial Letter 101/3/2012 BIOENERGETICS BCH2602 Semesters 1 and 2 Department of Life and Consumer Science This tutorial letter contains important information about your module. Bar code ........................................................................ 3 Purpose ...........................................................CONTENTS 1 1.................................................................. each student must write and submit his or her own individual assignment.........1 3....................................................................................................................................................................... Plagiarism is the act of taking words...................................................................... 7 Unique assignment numbers ...................................... 7 Due dates of assignments ...............................2..........1 8. 3 Lecturers............................. It is unacceptable for students to submit identical assignments on the basis that they worked.................................................................... 13 Please note / important notes: Although students may work together when preparing assignments................. The Disciplinary Code for Students (2004) is given to all students at registration...... 4 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE MODULE ..........................2 3 3........................................................................... 3 LECTURER AND CONTACT DETAILS..........1 8...... 7 Submission of assignments ................................................................ 3 Tutorial matter.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 2............................................................. 5 MODULE PRACTICAL WORK ...................................................................................... In other words.... ideas and thoughts of others and passing them off as your own.............................................................1 2 2....................................................................................... 6 ASSESSMENT .................................. 7 EXAMINATIONS ............................. 4 Prescribed books ....... 4 MODULE RELATED RESOURCES....... It is a form of theft which involves a number of dishonest academic activities.............................1 4......................2................................... 3 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE .............3 9 10 11 INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME.........................................2 3........... 4 University ........................................................................................................................................................... Avoid an act of Plagiarism.................................................. 3 Department ........................................ 3 Outcomes ......................................................................................................... 4 Recommended books .......................2 8......................................... 6 General Assignment Information ........ 7 SEMESTER 01 ASSINGMENTS................................................................................................................................................................... you must submit your own ideas in your own words..... 8 SEMESTER 02 ASSINGMENTS................................................................................................................................3 4 4..............................................2 8........ sometimes interspersed with relevant short quotations that are properly referenced............................................ 6 Assessment plan ......................................................................................................................2 5 6 7 8 8............................. Kindly read the university’s policy on copyright infringement and plagiarism 2 ....................................................................................................... 4 MODULE SPECIFIC STUDY PLAN................................................ 1 Tutorial matter Some of this tutorial matter may not be available when you register. This module consists of a lot of information.1 LECTURER AND CONTACT DETAILS Lecturers Dr LS Teffo is the lecturer responsible for this module. but is also available on myUnisa. make a study schedule and to stick it. gluconeogenesis and lipid metabolism. you are encouraged to start studying from the very first day. Therefore. In this module we will introduce you to various metabolic pathways such as glycolysis. Tutorial matter that is not available when you register will be posted to you as soon as possible.1 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE Purpose The primary purpose of this module is to help you develop an understanding of the basic scientific principles and methods related to the field of Metabolism. For any matter relating to this module contact the lecturer by using contacts details below. exciting and stimulating.BCH2602/101/3/2012 1 INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME Dear Student I am Dr LS Teffo.2 Outcomes Upon completion of this module you will be able to: ¾ Define metabolism ¾ Discuss bioenergetics in relation to metabolic flux ¾ Summarise various metabolic processes and how they are related to one another ¾ Discuss the control of metabolic flux ¾ Interpret disease conditions in relation to metabolic failures ¾ Adequately answer all questions at the end of each study unit 3 3. Also remember that this is a semester module and therefore time is of the essence. I would like to welcome you all to the Department of Life and Consumer Sciences. I trust that you will find the BCH2602 module interesting. which cannot be mastered in a short space of time. 1. citric acid cycle. in order to make the study of this module easier. your Biochemistry Lecturer. 3 . Metabolism refers to all the reactions that occur in an organism or a cell. 2. glycogen metabolism. 2 2. I am available to assist you if you encounter any problems during your learning process. electron transport and oxidative phoshorylation. za 3.unisa. A tutorial is an organized session where students and tutor(s) meet regularly at a common venue and at scheduled times to discuss course material.za 4 4. Biochemistry.ac. Tutorials help the students to develop and enhance their learning experience and academic performance through interaction with the tutor and fellow students. ISBN 0-201-70235-5 4.ac.za Unisa e-mail address: study-info@unisa. 2000. 4 . 3rd edition. CK. Tutorials are not compulsory and willing students receive tutorial support at a nominal fee. Remember that you should enroll for tutorial services as soon as you register for the module. 5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE MODULE Unisa offers tutor services for students as additional academic support at the various Unisa regional learning centers throughout the country.3 University You can make enquiries to the university by making use of the following contacts details: Unisa website: www. KE & Ahern.Contact details: ℡: 011 471 3990 Fax: 011 471 2796 E-mail: Teffols@unisa. The main purpose of the tutorial services is to facilitate student learning by developing the student’ independent learning skills and assisting students to become motivated and independent learners. For further information on student support services consult my Studies @ Unisa brochure.2 Department Department of Life & Consumer Sciences is situated on the Florida campus. Interested students are advised to consult a learning centre closest to them to enroll for tutorials. Van Holde.1 MODULE RELATED RESOURCES Prescribed books Mathews.2 Recommended books Any Biochemistry text book.ac. San Francisco: Benjamin/Cummings. c/o Christian de Wet and Pioneer Avenue Postal address: Dept of Life and Consumer Science College of Agriculture and Environmental Science P/Bag X6 Florida 1710 3. KG. this time you must get in-depth knowledge of subject matter. Consult your prescribed book and skim through relevant chapters to get an overall idea of your study material. do this exercise every week until end of semester. 6 27 Feb-04 Mar 20-26 Aug Read and skim through study Unit 7 in your study guide and refer to relevant chapters in your prescribed guide.02 Sep Study Unit 1& 2 in your study guide and consult 8 12-18 Mar 03 Sep.09 Aug relevant chapters in your prescribed book again. 3 6-12 Feb 30 Jul-05 Aug Read and skim through study Unit 3&4 in your study guide and refer to relevant chapters in your prescribed guide 4 13-19 Feb 06-12 Aug Read and skim through study Unit 5 in your study guide and refer to relevant chapters in your prescribed guide.BCH2602/101/3/2012 Should you experience any problem regarding enrolling for tutorial services please contact me (responsible lecturer). do this exercise every week until end of semester. Prepare and submit assignment 01 to Unisa. Make notes and highlight important aspects as you go along. Week Semester 1 Semester 2 Activity Dates Dates 1 23-29 Jan 16-22 Jul Take time and read through your study material which includes Tut 101 and BCH2601 study guide. 6 MODULE SPECIFIC STUDY PLAN Use your my Studies @ Unisa brochure for general time management and planning skills. 7 05-11 Mar 27 Aug.. 2 30 Jan–05 Feb 23-29 Jul Read and skim through study Unit 2 in your study guide and refer to relevant chapters in your prescribed guide. Engage with discussion forums on my unisa and check announcements posted on myunisa. 5 . 5 20-26 Feb 13-19 Aug Read and skim through study Unit 6 in your study guide and refer to relevant chapters in your prescribed guide. Make sure you answer all the review questions at the end of the study unit. Read and skim through study Unit 1 in your study guide and refer to relevant chapters in your prescribed guide. Engage with discussion forums on my unisa and check announcements posted on myunisa. Make sure you answer all the review questions at the end of the study unit Study Unit 4 & 5 in your study guide and consult relevant chapters in your prescribed book again.1 ASSESSMENT Assessment plan Calculation of year mark (continuous assessment mark) and final mark. Prepare and submit assignment 02 to Unisa. Practical aspects of this module are covered in BCH2604 module.01 Apr 17-23 Sep 12 02-08 Apr 24-30 Sep 13 14 15 09-15 Apr 16-22 Apr 23 Apr-29 Apr 01-07 Oct 08-14 Oct 15-21 Oct 7 MODULE PRACTICAL WORK There are no practicals for this module. The year mark will not contribute to the results of students writing a supplementary examination because they failed the main 6 . your year mark will not count and therefore you will fail the module. Subminima for the examination and for admittance to the supplementary exam A specified minimum mark (40%) must be obtained in the final examination. Your final mark will be calculated according to a prescribed ratio of 30:70. Study Unit 6 & 7 in your study guide and consult relevant chapters in your prescribed book again. 30% for the year mark and 70% for the examination mark. You need a final mark of 50% to pass the module. this time you must get in-depth knowledge of subject matter. Make notes and highlight important aspects as you go along. that is. The year mark will be the average percentage obtained for your two assignments. Make notes and highlight important aspects as you go along. this time you must get in-depth knowledge of subject matter. Do revision and prepare for exam. upload exam guidelines and memorandum from my unisa. if you obtain less than 40% in the exam. Make sure you answer all the review questions at the end of the study unit. In order to be admitted to the supplementary examination you need to obtain a subminimum of 40% for the final mark. Make notes and highlight important aspects as you go along.Week 10 Semester 1 Dates 19-25 Mar Semester 2 Dates 10-16 Sep Activity Study Unit 3 in your study guide and consult relevant chapters in your prescribed book again. 11 26 Mar. Make sure you answer all the review questions at the end of the study unit. this time you must get in-depth knowledge of subject matter. 8 8. Your mark for the examination paper will be referred to as the examination mark. but also to teach. 9 EXAMINATIONS Use your my Studies @ Unisa brochure for general examination guidelines and examination preparation guidelines. In light of the abovementioned rules.2 General Assignment Information Assignments provide a means of communication between student and lecturer. The year mark will however.BCH2602/101/3/2012 examination. 8.2. The aim of an assignment is not only to evaluate. Late submissions are not allowed they will be returned to you unmarked. Assignment 01 constitutes of multiple choice questions and assignment 02 is written. 8.3 Submission of assignments Consult my Studies @ Unisa brochure. therefore the mark obtained in the supplementary exam will be the final exam mark. Consult my Studies @ Unisa brochure. 8. No concessions will be made to students who do not qualify for the examination.2. 7 . 8. Assignments require students to study the contents of the study guide and the prescribed book systematically.1 Unique assignment numbers A unique number is provided for each assignment. Read further on Assignments in my Studies @ Unisa brochure. There are two compulsory assignments for this module. contribute in the case of aegrotat examinations. it should be clear that it is in your own interest to perform well in your assignments to ensure that you obtain a good year mark.2 Due dates of assignments BOTH assignments must be completed and submitted on or before the due date. Make sure you fill in the correct unique assignment number for each assignment. PFK-1. 2. 3. 2. 1. 1. 4. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW FOR ASSINMENT 01 1. This is an example of ________. • The unique mark-reading sheet number for this assignment is 221047. a common intermediate must be formed. The intracellular concentration of ATP varies among cell types. 3.g. Its concentration is maintained in part by adenylate kinase. The concentration of ATP in cells is generally much lower than that of AMP. 4. write only semester 01 assignments and if you are registered for semester 02 write assignments for semester 02 only. a phosphate group must be transferred. 3. that catalyzes the third step of glycolysis. 2.3 In order for a reaction to proceed spontaneously from left to right as written…. 1. if you are registered for semester 01. 1 2 3 4 feed-forward activation feedback inhibition negative cooperativity competitive inhibition 8 . 1. Refer to my Studies @ Unisa brochure for further information on how to fill in the mark reading sheet and to submit your completed assignment. ATP must be involved in the reaction. the overall free-energy change must be negative. • Work through Study Units 1 to 7 of the study guide and consult the relevant chapters in the prescribed book.10 SEMESTER 01 ASSINGMENTS ASSIGNMENT 01 DUE DATE: 12 March 2012 [Unique assignment no: 221047] INSTRUCTIONS • Write assignments for the semester that you are registered for (e.2 degrade molecules synthesize large molecules such as proteins convert glucose to pyruvate involve low molecular weight metabolites Which statement is false about ATP? 1. Its concentration in a particular cell usually fluctuates very little. ATP allosterically inhibits the enzyme.4 The glycolytic pathway oxidizes glucose to two molecules of pyruvate and also produces a net of two molecules of ATP. • It is advisable to keep a copy of your completed assignment.1 Intermediary metabolism is the term applied to reactions that ________.. 4. 1. 11 A patient is found to be deficient in the enzyme galactose 1-phosphate uridylyltransferase.10 Which applies to fructose 1.6 Isozymes are enzymes….3-bisphosphoglycerate is…… 1. 3. 2. Pyruvic acid Lactose dehydrogenase Lactate ion Lactic acid 1. 4. Specifically due to this deficiency what might a doctor recommend? 1. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. Avoid all strenuous exercise Eat a fat-free diet Increase intake of vitamin C Avoid ingestion of milk and milk 9 . from different species that catalyze the same reaction. 2. from one species that catalyze the same reaction.6-bisphosphate 4.7 Which of the following is not regulated in glycolysis? 1. 4. that have products that are isomers. 3. a product of the enzyme phosphofructokinase. essential for the efficient release of O2 from hemoglobin.6-bisphosphate? 1. Pyruvate kinase Phosphoglycerate kinase Hexokinase PFK-1 1. 2. 1. 4. 3. converted to 3-phosphoglycerate with formation of ATP. 2. 3. 3.BCH2602/101/3/2012 1. 4. Inhibitor of pyruvate kinase 2.. Isomer of glucose 1. Product of PFK-1 catalyzed step in glycolysis 3. a precursor of gluconeogenesis and a precursor of the citric acid cycle? 1. 4.8 an essential component of glycolysis for ATP production.5 Which substance is a product of glycolysis. 4. All of the above 1. that have isomers as substrates. 2. Glucose Pyruvate ATP Coenzyme A 1.9 Which substance causes muscles to ache during strenuous exercise? 1. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2.18 The glyoxylate cycle is________. the formation of a single hydrogen bond in the oxidation of succinate to fumarate the formation of a double bond in the oxidation of succinate to fumarate Both 1 and 2 are correct. a catabolic pathway in plants and some microorganisms an anabolic pathway in plants and some microorganisms regarded as a shunt within the citric acid cycle Both 2 and 3 are correct. 4.14 In the Cori cycle.12 Gluconeogenesis is the ________. Aids in the release of glucose from stored glycogen in the liver. 1. Produces products that slow the oxidation of pyruvate. muscle muscle. result of amylase activity formation of glycogen formation of starches formation of glucose from simple two and three-carbon precursors 1. what role does gluconeogenesis play? 1. 1. 4.15 During fasting. cytosol mitochondria nucleus endoplasmic reticulum 1. 2.16 In eukaryotes the enzymes of the citric acid cycle are found in the ________. 3. None of the above. 4. Uses alanine to restore blood glucose levels. 3. 1. liver 1. 2.13 The ________ is the site of most gluconeogenesis in mammals. liver muscle. liver pancreas cytosol of all cells small intestine 1. 10 . 3. 2. liver. 4. 4. 1.17 The succinate dehydrogenase complex catalyzes________. gluconeogenesis occurs in ________ and glycolysis in ________. 3. 1. muscle liver. 4. 1. Helps transport glucose across the blood-brain barrier to maintain brain glucose levels. 4. 3. 2. 3.1. 2. 3. 3. can alter blood flow act in the area where they are formed can mediate inflammation and swelling are chemically diverse 1. 4. 1. 3. 4.BCH2602/101/3/2012 1. 4.21 Which enzyme catalyzes the conversion of citrate to isocitrate? 1. the transport of Na+ and K+ across cell membranes is by active transport explains how transport by facilitated diffusion reaches a saturation limit explains the blood-brain barrier a proton gradient that drives the formation of ATP 1. 3. 4.22 Heat can be generated in the brown adipose tissue of hibernating mammals due to ________. 3. 4. cytochrome c oxidase NADH-CoQ oxidoreductase cytochrome bc1 complex succinate-CoQ oxidoreductase 1.19 ATP synthase is located in the ________ of the mitochondrion. 2. 2. 2.24 Another name for Complex II in the electron transport chain is________. 3. 2. 4.25 Cytochrome oxidase is located in this complex________. Complex I Complex II Complex III Complex IV TOTAL: (25 x 2) = 50 11 . 4. 2. 3.20 The chemiosmotic theory is a concept that ________. Eicosanoids are not like hormones in that they________. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1.23 increased ATP production by ATP synthase uncoupling by thermogenin a greater pH gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane by complex IV insufficient NADH production during the citric acid cycle due to less active pyruvate translocase. 1. 1. 1. Aldolase Citrate synthase Citrate isomerase Aconitase 1. outer membrane inner membrane matrix intermembrane space 1. which then gives rise to succinyl CoA. 9. Compare this mechanism of regulation to “feed-back” inhibition. Give a clear example of each mechanism. (2) Total= [65] 10.1 Sucrose 2. whereas the oxidation of an odd-numbered fatty acid yields molecules of not only acetyl CoA but also propionyl CoA. (12) Describe the reactions that differentiate glycolysis from gluconeogenesis in terms of reversibility of both pathways.3 Maltose Describe the difference between cellulose and starch? (4) 3. (5) Metabolic reactions are regulated by a variety of regulatory mechanisms. Disaccharides may be enzymatically converted to the constituent hexose sugars. Mention and discuss three (3) mechanisms. (9) Give the three primary fates of pyruvate. give an example for each of the following: (2x3=6) 2. 4. 7.2 Lactose 2. 5. 11. 12 . Outline the Cori cycle and explain its biological significance.ASSIGNMENT 02 DUE DATE 06 April 2012 [Unique assignment no: 325555] 1. Does this conversion require an additional enzyme? Explain. Explain “feed-forward” regulation of a reaction with an appropriate example. 6. (3) (8) During the phosphoglucose isomerase reaction. Why does only the oxidation of odd-numbered fatty acid lead to the net synthesis of oxaloacetate? (5) Describe what is meant by respiratory control. Define the following: (a) Alcoholic fermentation (b) Glycosidic bond (c) Tautomers (d) Galactosemia (e) Gluocneogenesis (1x5=5) 2. the pyranose structure of glucose 6phosphate is converted into the furanose ring structure of fructose 6-phopsphate. 8. (6) The oxidation of a fatty acid with an even number of carbon atoms yields a number of molecules of acetyl CoA. write only semester 01 assignments and if you are registered for semester 02 write assignments for semester 02 only. 1. 4. 3.6 kJ/mol. they all occur in the cytosol the anabolic and catabolic pathways do not share any intermediate metabolites of the compartmentation of metabolites for the reactions of opposing pathways all catabolic reactions are exergonic and all anabolic reactions are endergonic 13 . 3.315 J/K-mol). 1. 4. 3. 1.047 1. 1.2 phosphoglucomutase the ADP concentration adenylate kinase equilibrium with dissolved oxygen The conversion of glucose-1-phosphate to glucose-6-phosphate by the enzyme phosphoglucomutase has a △G°' of -7. • Work through Study Units 1 to 7 of the study guide and consult the relevant chapters in the prescribed book. 1. • The unique mark-reading sheet number for this assignment is 278907.BCH2602/101/3/2012 11 SEMESTER 02 ASSINGMENTS ASSIGNMENT 01 DUE DATE: 03 Sept 2012 [Unique assignment no: 278907] INSTRUCTIONS • Write assignments for the semester that you are registered for (e. 2. Refer to my Studies @ Unisa brochure for further information on how to fill in the mark reading sheet and to submit your completed assignment. 4. (R = 8. This is possible because ________. • It is advisable to keep a copy of your completed assignment. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW FOR ASSINGMENT 01 1. Calculate the equilibrium constant for this reaction at 298 K and a pH of 7. 2.g. if you are registered for semester 01.3 0.003 0.00 21 Anabolic and catabolic reactions in eukaryotes can occur simultaneously in cells. 2.1 Levels of ATP and ADP are partly maintained in cells by________. 3. 3. They have a net consumption of ATP. The first person whispers the secret to the second person who passes the secret to the third person and so on. 4. 1. the second person in the row notices the ninth person has fallen asleep in their chair. 1.6 Ten people are sitting in a row. 1. 14 . 2.10 The genetic disorder galactosemia can cause ________ in infants. 4. 2. 1. They include the citric acid cycle. 1.5 Which statement is not true about catabolic pathways? 1.1. allosteric control positive cooperativity feed-forward activation negative modulation 1. 4. This example is similar to ________. isozymes complementary enzymes cofactors catalytes 1. Transport of glucose into cells is accelerated. They have a net release of energy. chemoheterotrophs photoheterotrophs heterotrophs autotrophs 1. 4.8 The enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate to lactate is ________.7 Enzymes that catalyze the same reaction are called ________. 3. After whispering to the third person. 1. 1. 2. 2.4 The most biochemically complex organisms are ________. They liberate smaller molecules from larger ones. 3. 3. lactate reductase pyruvate kinase lactoenolpyruvate lactate dehydrogenase 1. 2. 4. 2. inability to properly digest milk due to its galactose content jaundice damage to the nervous system All of the above. PFK-1 is over-activated. 2. Their objective is to whisper a secret from one person to the next all the way down the row.9 Under what situation might lactic acidosis occur? 1. Lactate dehydrogenase is inactive. Oxygen supply to tissues is inadequate. 4. 3. 3. goes down the row and shakes person nine awake. so she gets up. 4. delivery of lactate to the liver.BCH2602/101/3/2012 1. 2. 2. and delivery of glucose back to peripheral tissues is known as the ________. glucagon starch glycogen NADPH 1.12 The sequence of glucose oxidation to lactate in peripheral tissues. 1. Thiamine pyrophosphate Biotin Pyridoxal phosphate NAD+ 1. 2. 3. 3. varying degrees of hemolytic anemia increased resistance to malaria lack of NADPH in many cells Both 1 and 2 are correct. 4. formation of glucose from lactate in the liver.14 The major regulatory step of the pentose phosphate pathway is catalyzed by which enzyme? 1. 3.11 Glucose is stored as ________ in bacteria and animals. 4. 3. 4. 3. 4. 3. 2. 2.16 Glycogen degradation occurs in________. muscle liver muscle and liver brain cells 15 . glyoxylate cycle Kreb’s cycle Cori cycle gluconeogenesis cycle 1.13 Deficiencies in G6PDH (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) in humans causes________. 4. 1. 1.15 Transaldolase Phosphofructokinase-1 Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase Ribose 5-phosphate isomerase What is the prosthetic group of transketolase? 1. 4. 1. 1. 2. 1. in the cytosol in the inner mitochondrial membrane in the mitochondrial matrix in the endoplasmic reticulum 1. 3. 4. It is a hormone that contains 29 amino acids. It forms a protein scaffold for glycogen. 1. 1. Oxidative decarboxylation Hydration Dehydrogenation Condensation 1. 4. 2. 4. NADH FMN CO2 QH2 16 . 3. 4. Elevated levels are associated with a fasting state. 3. 4. 1.23 Which is not produced by the citric acid cycle? 1. 2.20 Which cofactor is not used by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex? 1. 3. 3.21 What type of reaction is the conversion of fumarate to malate? 1. 2. 2. Lipoamide Thiamine pyrophosphate FAD QH2 1. 2.18 glucagon insulin epinephrine cyclic AMP Which statement is false about glucagon? 1. 4.22 Which enzyme is the same in both the pyruvate dehydrogenase and α-ketoglutarate complexes? 1. 3. 2. It is produced in the pancreas. 1. 4. 1. 2.17 Protein kinase A. is activated directly by________.1.19 The enzyme pyruvate translocase is located ________. which stimulates glycogen degradation. 3. Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase Aconitase Pyruvate decarboxylase The two complexes have no components that are similar. 1. the phosphorylation of ADP the electron transport chain the differences between inner and outer mitochondrial membranes the source of energy for formation of mitochondrial ATP TOTAL: (25 x 2) = 50 17 . 3.24 Which statement is true about lactate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase? 1. 5. Both enzymes are highly specific for their own substrates. 2. 2. but do have closely related three-dimensional structures. 1. A single amino acid change can convert lactate dehydrogenase to a malate dehydrogenase. The naturally occurring enzymes do not have much sequence similarity. All of the above.BCH2602/101/3/2012 1. 4. 3.25 The chemiosmotic theory explains________. 4. Explain. gluconeogenesis and glycogen metabolism. 5. There are three (3) major control site in glycolysis. 4. Explain how the glyoxylate cycle differs from the TCA cycle. 9. Explain why the rate of glucose consumption decreases when yeast cells that have been maintained under anaerobic conditions are exposed to oxygen. Define the following: (a) Anomer (b) Uncoupler (c) Glycolipid (d) Peptidoglycan (e) Reducing sugar (1x5=5) 2. (5) What two properties make triacylglycerols more efficient than glycogen for the storage of metabolic energy? (4) Explain the involvement of carnitine in the oxidation of fatty acid. (6) (3) 7. 6. fructose-2. (8) Explain the roles of protein kinase A and calmodulin in the control of phosphorylase kinase in the muscle. 11. (4) (5) Discuss the effects of insulin and glucagon on glycolysis.ASSIGNMENT 02 DUE DATE 01 Oct 2012 [Unique assignment no: 300114] 1. (5) Explain the meaning of “induction and “repression” in relation to control of metabolism. 3. 8. The citric acid cycle is not always a cycle.6-bisphosphate plays a role in one control site. Mention the control site and the mechanism of regulation involved. 10. Total= [65] 18 . (15) FADH2 generated by the succinate-Q-reductase complex participate in electron transport it is not free to diffuse from the enzyme complex? Does the oxidation of succinate transport protons? (5) Yeast can grow both aerobically and anaerobically on glucose.
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