

PROGRAMME GUIDEFor Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES VISVESWARAYYA BHAWAN, NEW ACADEMIC COMPLEX MAIDAN GARHI, NEW DELHI - 110 068 2 Print Production: Shri Tilak Raj, S.O. (P), SOCIS November 2007 © Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2007 All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, without permission in writing from the Indira Gandhi National Open University. Further information on the Indira Gandhi National Open University courses may be obtained from the University’s office at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068. Printed and published by Indira Gandhi National Open University by the Director, School of Computer and Information Sciences, Visveswarayya Bhawan, New Academic Complex, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi110068. “ Paper used: Agro-based environment friendly” Printed at: ___________________________ 3 Contents Page No. Message from the Programme Coordinator 1. 5 6 8 10 18 19 29 30 31 32 36 xemption for courses of BCA Basic Information about BCA Programme 2. Instructional System 3. BCA Programme – Objectives, Structure & Contents 4. Conduct of Practical Sessions 5. Evaluation 6. Other Useful Information 7. Addresses 8. Guidelines for doing BCA assignments 9. Old BCA Question Papers 10. Counselling Schedule for BCA 1st and 2nd Semesters 11. Guidelines for Credit transfer/E 43 12. Forms & Enclosures • • • • • • • Assignments Remittance-Cum-Acknowledgement Card (Form No.1) Non receipt of study material(s)/assignment(s) (Form No.2) Application Form for Re-checking of Result of Term-end-Examination (Form No. 3) Application Form for obtaining Duplicate Grade Card/Mark-sheet (Form No.4) Application form for change of address (Form No. 5) Re-Registration Form for BCA/MCA (Form No. 6) Re-evaluation of Answer Script Form (Form No. 7) Application Form for Improvement in Division/Class (Form No.8) Re-admission Form for BCA (Form No.9) Annexure Regarding the Recognition of Degrees 4 44 • • • MESSAGE FROM PROGRAMME COORDINATOR Dear Student, I welcome you to the BCA Programme through integrated mode. In integrated mode, you will receive support from IGNOU through Internet as well as through the network of our Regional and Study Centres. You will be attached to a Study Centre which will offer counselling sessions (Both Theory and Practical). You will receive printed course material in accordance with our dispatch schedule. I am glad to inform you that there is an electronic mailing list exclusively for the benefit of BCA students. To subscribe to this mailing list, please give an e-mail message to [email protected] indicating your Enrolment Number, Study Centre Code, Name and Address in the body of the message. After subscription, you will be receiving e-mail messages from me time to time regarding developments in the programme. I am glad to inform you that more than 3921 students have subscribed to this mailing list till May 2006. You need to have a minimum of 75% attendance for practical counselling sessions to appear for Term End Practical Examinations. You need to submit requisite assignments before the due dates to become eligible to appear for Term End Theory Examinations. Also, students are requested to take note of the following: “The University sends study materials and assignments, wherever prescribed, to the students by registered post and if a student does not receive the same for any reason whatsoever, the University shall not be held responsible for that.” “In case a student wants to have assignments, s/he can obtain a copy of the same from the Study Centre or Regional Centre or may download it from the IGNOU website-http://www.ignou.ac.in.” “The students are specifically instructed to send Examination Forms to Registrar (SR & E) only and to no other place and they are also advised to submit the Registration/Re-registration Forms only at the respective Regional Centres and no where else. If any student sends the Registration/Re-registration Forms, Examination Forms to wrong places and thereby misses the scheduled date and consequently a semester/year, s/he will have no claim on the University for regularisation.” Programme Guide is a very important document for you. Preserve it until you successfully complete the BCA programme. I wish you success in pursuing BCA programme. Wishing you all the best, Mangala Prasad Mishra Email ID : [email protected] [email protected] 5 practicals. It also carries important notifications from time to time. advised to keep in touch with your Co-ordinator on a more or less regular basis so as to get advance information about assignments. The Study Centres are also equipped with some useful books on the subjects of this programme. The Co-ordinators would display a copy of such important circulars/notifications on the notice board of the Study Centre for the benefit of all the students. Completion of the Programme requires successful completion of both assignments and the Term-end Examination of each course in the programme. All the important communications are sent to the Regional Directors. a four-credit course involves 120 study hours.5 Duration of the Programme (Minimum . library facilities. Each credit is of 30 hours of study comprising all learning activities. The Study Centres are the contact points for the participants on all major aspects of the programme.3 Student Support Services In order to provide individualised support to its learners the University has created a number of Study Centres throughout the country for the BCA programme.4 Newsletter IGNOU Newsletter is published twice in a year (April and October) in English and Hindi. 1. Thus. new courses to be launched. 1. list of students admitted to a particular examination.6 Years) To fulfil the requirements for acquiring the BCA. This helps the student to understand the academic effort one has to put into successfully complete a course.2 Credit System The University follows the ‘Credit System’ for its programmes. declaration of results. Maximum . disseminating information and advice and facilities for audio-visual training aids. therefore. submission schedule (assignments & examination forms). 6 for further information on Re-admission. the student may be permitted to stretch it for another two years.3 Years. “The candidates are required to opt only such Study Centre as is activated for the programme.1.. etc.. In such cases. is also provided through IGNOU newsletter. BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BCA PROGRAMME 1. admissions . This periodical communication is delivered by post to all the students of IGNOU along with course material. If a student fails to clear all the requirements of courses in three years s/he may be permitted to stretch it over a period of another 3 years.1 Introduction The Bachelors Degree Programme of Computer Applications (BCA) provides an understanding and skills related to the use of computer and its applications. These are administratively coordinated by the Regional Centres. However. You are. These will be accessible to the participants during their visits to the Study Centre. the University will allot the Study Centre opted by the candidate. 6 . The University may not always be able to communicate to all the students individually. As far as possible. 1. etc. 1. the University may change the Study Centre at its convenience without concurrence of the student at any time”.. It covers various activities at IGNOU Headquarters. In case the student is unable to pass all the courses of BCA programme in 6 years. Regional Centres and Study Centres. Information regarding Examination schedule. a student may clear all the courses in three years. Please refer to Form No. the student has to seek readmission as per ‘Re-admission’ rules and pay the requisite fee. The BCA programme has been designed with a special focus on the current computer application and possibility of moving on to MCA. These include counselling sessions. Late payment will not be entertained. students will be admitted to the 3rd semester of the MCA Programme. 2nd and 3rd years. not automatically be extended after first semester of study for BCA 1st. Such students will be required to fill up the re-registration form. 1. 7 . Students who take admission to MCA 3rd Semester can complete both BCA & MCA successfully in a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 8 years. all such students are required to successfully complete their BCA to re-register for 5 th semester of MCA. subject to the minimum and maximum credits specified. are admitted under ‘Associate Studentship Scheme’. It is further submitted that only those candidates who fulfil the minimum eligibility requirements for the programme. On that day. The instructional counselling sessions will commence during the following week. candidates are not eligible for admission under ‘Associate Studentship Scheme’ to the course(s) of the Progremme(s) where clearance of ‘entrance test’ is mandatory and also to the programmes where the intake is to a limited no. 1. Practical sessions in subsequent years is at the discretion of the University and subject to payment for the same. you are advised to pass all the courses successfully in 3 years. 1. 1.You may contact the Regional Centre for further information about the same. The course material is also in English. conduct and schedule of the programme and clarifies the queries from the participants. The facilities for counselling and practical. 1.8 Study Plan The exact date of commencement of the programme will be notified separately by the respective study centres. however. How ever. OR Continue with IGNOU and proceed with the MCA Programme. The coordinator will give a thorough briefing on the content.9 Academic Upgrade Path Either to go for MCA or other Masters Degree programme in any other university. However . will. which will be sent by the university for this purpose.10 Associate Studentship The Associate Studentship is permissible for any course(s) of any Programme. the participants will assemble in their respective study centre. under which the course (s) is/are offered. But. Non-payment of fee results in discontinuation of the dispatch of study material.7 Fee Structure Please refer to the Student Handbook and Prospectus of your academic session for information related to fee. of seats. In case they so desire. For details please see the Student Handbook and Prospectus.6 Medium of Instruction – English The medium of instruction is English. Such students will not be permitted to write the examinations and their admission may be cancelled. Students are advised to study reference books without fail. The size of a unit is such that the material given therein may be expected to be studied by a student in a session of about 2 to 6 hours of study. the fast pace of computer industry necessitates that students must do some additional readings. Students desirous of buying the audio-video tapes can procure them from: The Director. we advise you to make use of it as that will help you to understand the subject better. audio-video material will normally not be supplied to the students individually but will be made available at the Study Centres. The programmes of SOCIS are also telecast on DD-1(National Channel). and the student has to be an active participant in the teaching-learning process. Most of the instructions are imparted through distance rather than face-to-face communication. The schedule for screening these films has been synchronised with the progress of relevant written material. you have to concentrate mainly on the print materials.2 Audio-Video Material These are video-cassettes meant for clarification and enhancement of understanding. A block. It may not be sufficient to just study course material that is received by you from university to pass all the courses. Hence. The audio-video material is supplementary to print material. You can watch these programmes during counselling sessions. 2. The University follows a multi-channel approach for instruction. EMPC Sanchar Kendra. which comes in the form of a booklet comprises several units. You can contact your Study Centre Coordinator to browse through it. 8 . INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEM The methodology of instruction in this university is different from that in the conventional universities. However.2. You may write to the above mentioned address for a copy of the same. which we send to you. However. The Open University system is more learner-oriented. EDUSAT  Gyan Vani. Therefore. These are supplied to the participants in the form of several booklets. Studying the printed material alone may not be sufficient to write assignments and prepare for the term-end Examinations. You are hereby advised to study the Reference books also. It comprises a suitable mix of:  self-instructional printed material  audio and video cassettes  audio-video programmes transmitted through Radio and Doordarshan  face-to-face counselling at Study Centres by academic counsellors  web based academic support  assignments  practicals  Gyan Darshan Channel. 2.1 Print Material Printed materials are the primary form of instructional materials. Maidan Garhi New Delhi-110068. At present there is no specific audio-video for BCA programme. The telecast schedule of transmission of programmes is communicated through a monthly booklet called Gyan Darshan. in. But. Students who have access to Internet can contact programme Coordinator as follows: Subscribing to E-Mailing list We have a mailing list for BCA students. however.com including enrolment number. Students can subscribe to the mailing list by sending an e-mail message to bca-ignou-subscribe@yahoogroups. Counsellors will not be delivering lectures as in conventional teaching. Normally.ignou. this is not a mailing list. these sessions will be held at the Study Centres during week-ends (Saturdays and Sundays).3 Counselling Sessions In distance education. study centre to which you are attached and your address in the body of e-mail message. You should note that the counselling sessions will be very different from the classroom teaching or lectures. A participant will not be eligible to appear in the Term-end practical examination if the percentage of attendance in practical sessions fall below 75%. 5. It also intends to provide you an opportunity to meet your fellow students. Unless you have gone through the Units.4 Practicals These practical sessions will be held in Computer Centres. New Academic Building. They will try to help you to overcome difficulties which you face while studying for the BCA programme. Visveswarayya Bhawan. the participants will have the facility to use the computer and software packages relevant to the syllabus. which may or may not be co-located with the Study Centres. name. there may not be much to discuss. In these Computer Centres. Students with Internet Access and students without access to Internet. 2. appear for the theory papers. The purpose of such a contact is to answer some of your questions and clarify your doubts which may not be possible through any other means of communication. however. Programme Guide and Assignments are also available at the website. face-to-face contact between the learners and their tutors/counsellors is relatively less and. therefore.1 How to contact BCA Programme Coordinator There are two types of students. Facility for practical sessions in subsequent semesters is at the discretion of this University and is subject to payment of fees by the students. please go through your course materials and make a plan of the points to be discussed. Students can also obtain support by mailing to bca@ignou. In these sessions. Students who doesn’t access to Internet can contact programme Coordinator by postal mail or telephone. All the students are welcome to meet Programme Coordinator personally at SOCIS.5. not automatically extended after his/her first semester of study in BCA. is an important activity. IGNOU. The detailed schedule of the counselling sessions will be made known to you by the Coordinator of your Study Centre.5 Web Based Support The learners can have access to IGNOU’s website at the following address (URL): http://www. 2.ac. Maidan Garhi. S/he can.2. The telephone numbers are as follows: +91-11-29535923 to +91-11-29535935 (EPABX) 9 .in You can download Assignments from website. There are academic counsellors at the Study Centres to provide counselling and guidance to you in the courses that you have chosen for study.ac. Before you go to attend the counselling sessions. New Delhi. The facilities for counselling and practicals are. you must try to resolve your subject-based difficulties and any other related problems. the student will have to earn 96 credits over a period of 3 to 6 years by passing all the prescribed courses. BCA PROGRAMME – OBJECTIVES.2 Programme Structure The University follows the credit system for the Bachelor Degree Programme.3. Each credit amounts to 30 hours of study comprising all learning activities. a four credit course includes 120 study hours and an eight credit course includes 240 study hours.1 Programme Objectives The basic objective of the programme is to open a channel of admission for computing courses for students. of Theo -retical sessions (2 hours duration) 4 No. who have done the 10+2 and are interested in taking computing as a career. The basic structure of the programme is as follows: Revised Syllabus of BCA Programme and Counselling Sessions (English Medium) I SEMESTER Credits Year Course Code Course Title No. STRUCTURE & CONTENTS 3. of Practical sessions (3 hours duration) 6 I CS-610 FHS-01 Foundation Course in English for Computing Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences Computer Fundamentals and PC Software Foundation Course in Science and Technology Introduction to System Software Elements of System Analysis and Design 4 CS-612 PC Software Application Skills Foundation Course in Mathematics in Computing ‘C’ Programming & Data Structure Introduction DBMS Introduction to Computer Organisation Window Programming Multimedia RDBMS Lab C++ and Object Oriented Programming Theory of Computer Science Introduction to Internet Programming (Java. of Practical sessions (3 hours duration) Course Code II SEMESTER Course Title Credits No. Thus. After acquiring the Bachelors Degree (BCA) at IGNOU. there is a further educational opportunity to go for an MCA at IGNOU or Masters programme at other Universities. To successfully complete the BCA programme. of Theoretical sessions (2 hours duration) 4 No. 3. ActiveX ) Intranet Administration to 4 8 8 - CS-60 8 10 - CS-611 4 4 10 CS-62 4 10 24 II FST-01 8 8 - CS-06 4 6 - CS-63 CS-05 4 4 8 2 13 - CS-64 CS-65 4 2 8 4 10 CS-66 CS-67 CS-72 CS-73 CS-74 2 4 4 4 2 4 6 6 5 12 12 10 III CS-68 CS-69/ BCS-061 CS-70 Computer Networks TCP/IP Programming Introduction to Software Engineering Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques 4 4 4 6 3 4 6 10 - CS-71 4 8 - CS-75 2 2 - 10 . within this framework the main concern remains the search for our own past. it provides details of a graphical user interface “Windows 95”. and writing & composition. from slavery to the present day democratic world. Input/Output devices. Therefore. cultural renaissance. CS-611: COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS AND PC SOFTWARE This course presents an overview of the technology relating to the computer systems and exposes you to operating systems and application packages. political.CS-76 Project 4 - 12 3. listening and speaking. pollution. word processor and presentation software. data communication..3 Contents Brief description of the individual courses are given below: FHS-01: FOUNDATION COURSE IN HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES The course is aimed at offering a basic notion of most of the social.e. nuclear disarmament. etc. This takes into account the strategies adapted and the problems related to economic development and growth. pipelining and reduced instruction set computers. economic. The second block presents an introduction to data communication. computer software. computerised defence systems where every bit information will be available through the computers. It also covers aspects relating to the computer software such as the components of programming languages and operating system concepts. is the themes related to social transformation and national integration. You can do Practicals on “Windows 95”. The field of data communication has progressed tremendously during the past decade. Thus. This block also discusses about the computer security and virus. writing. An attempt has also been made to familiarise you with the process of economic planning in India. It includes discussions on data presentation. The third block is a mix of theoretical and practical components. computer security. Fourth block mainly emphasises Word processing Application and Presentation software. parallel organisation. and mankind’s plan for the future. The importance of computer security is of the utmost importance when we are discussing concepts like paperless offices. Computer virus is major threat to computer security. We will also discuss about how to deal with it in this block. vocabulary. The course deals with reading comprehension. ecology. social formations and systems i. an analysis of our present. our unique struggle against colonialism. The course covers aspects on computer hardware. Yet. We go back to the study of the primitive human beings and gradually take into account the evolutionary processes by studying the march to great ancient civilisations. “MS-Word” and “MS-PowerPoint” along with the last two blocks. This course also deal with listening 11 . graphical user interface. memory system of computers. In certain fields the perspective is based on a worldview of the various problems like apartheid. On the theoretical side we have discussed about the concepts relating to graphical user interface whereas on the practical side. grammar & usage. CS-610: FOUNDATION COURSE IN ENGLISH FOR COMPUTING The main objective of this course is to improve your proficiency in English by developing your skills in reading. the concepts relating to it are of utmost importance for a computer user.. The first block discusses about hardware and software of computer system. networking and related technology. etc. cultural and other related humanistic problems. the resources we have and our environmental concerns. This course covers the essential and advanced features of ‘C’ including its various construct. agriculture. CS-60: FOUNDATION COURSE IN MATHEMATICS IN COMPUTING The present course deals with the calculus of functions of one variable. puzzles. Queues Graphs and their uses are also discussed. It will also introduce you to some simple algebra. CS-62:‘C’ PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURE The objective of the course is to introduce the basic concepts of data structure using a popular high level programming language C. We explain the special nature of scientific knowledge. We then describe the interaction between science and society − the way science has grown in particular socio-economic conditions and. The study of the human mind and social behaviour will then be taken up along with the crucial role that information and communication play in the present day world. functions. browsers and about the visiting websites. FST-01: FOUNDATION COURSE IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY In the first few units of this course. In other words. which is windows based application package which helps in automating tasks such as calculation and analysis of data. especially in the Indian context. how life came into existence. The objective of this course is to introduce the various aspects of software. You can listen to them at the study centre assigned to you by the University. To start with we introduce you to various sets. Compaction etc.). how it came into being. as also the scientific method. writing very good algorithms using general methods. Since data structure is an essential component in the development of a software. macros etc. It covers wide range of topics which include: • • • Problem solving techniques. In this course we shall acquaint you with the basic techniques of differential and integral calculus. The units that follow deal with the world we live in. Next. etc. The units on listening and speaking have audio cassette recordings to accompany them. how it has influenced changes in the society. The prerequisite for this course is the knowledge of some elementary two-dimensional coordinate geometry. We will also explore the potentialities of modern scientific and technological developments. This course also provides a short introduction to conics and conicoids. This course also includes discussion on advanced Data Structures. Finally simple and advanced searching and sorting techniques such as quick sort and Heap sort are discussed. Lists. Elementary advanced data structures component such as Arrays. We then go to examine how science and technology can help us to solve some of the problems that we face in India like those of food. such as Binary Tree. One of the methods uses the concept of a determinant. File Organisation storage management techniques (Garbage Collection. the intention is to provide a wide range of topics on this subject with appropriate examples. B-Tree. Stacks. AVL-Tree etc. Tree structures. MS-EXCEL. The course is organised in the following manner. Internet awareness which is the topic which gives you the information about the overview. Then we discuss algebraic methods for finding the roots of polynomials of degree less than 5. tools. 12 . bit-wise operations. in turn. how it has always been an integral part of human life and endeavour and its immense potential in solving out problems. CS-612: SOFTWARE AND APPLICATION SKILLS Software is an important component of a computer system. which are helpful in solving the classical problems. though in the first unit we will briefly run through the amount of two-dimensional analytical geometry that we will need in the course. we consider finite sets of linear equations and see how to solve them. health. we trace the history of science from very ancient times to the modern period.and speaking.. and in particular to the set of complex numbers. We will sum up by describing the role of science and technology in national development. this course attempts to make you aware of what science is and what it can do. Another important feature of this course is discussion on file organisations of conventional databases. random file organisation and multi-key file organisation. principles of operating system. In order to strike a balance between the theoretical and applied aspects of systems analysis. and the new capabilities that the systems analysts of tomorrow must have. Vi-editor and other command level details of UNIX. Linkers. this course covers some introductory topics such as history of computers. Apart from discussing the conventional databases (Hierarchical. This course not only introduces you to these topics but takes you further down to the concepts of recent most popular architectures such as Reduced Instruction Set Computers. Therefore. It covers wide range of software related topics which include programming language concepts. Shell Programming. exclusively devoted to MIS. Distributed Databases. and gradually leads the students to the computer architectural aspects. we have also touched upon the emerging trends in DBMS which include Object Oriented Databases. data representation. CS-63: INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEM SOFTWARE Software is an important component of a computer system. process management.CS-05: ELEMENTS OF SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN This course deals with the analysis. This course also includes some fundamental on the microprocessors. CS-06: DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This is an introductory course to a subject which has recently gained a lot of importance. While working on the case study. and to guide him/her through the functioning of the black box termed as Computer. There is a final block on the emerging trends. Some exposure is given in this block to organisational issues arising out of induction of computer systems. the tools of analysis and design learned during the course and also in some cases modify the cases and suggest strategies for system improvements. The earlier courses would have made the learner familiar with basic computer hardware and software concepts as well as a familiarity with some of the programming languages. System Administration. The cases are drawn from actual real life situations and reflect practical problems that would neatly integrate into the learning process. Network and Relational Databases). The programming experience acquired is complemented in this course with concrete systems experience. Compiler. The objective of this course is to introduce the various aspects of computer software. There is a complete unit which discusses large number of file organisation techniques such as sequential file organisation. development. an introduction to compilers and assemblers and graphic user interface. Loaders and Operating System. The topics covered are types of software. when software would be in the form of multimedia and hypermedia with greater emphasis on visuals and sound as means of communication. i. Client Server Databases and Knowledge Databases. a number of case studies have been included in a special block so that they can serve as a vehicle for applying systems concepts. index sequential file organisation. as development of systems moves from an art form to an industry.e. The first 3 blocks of the course are a run through the basic stages of a system development life cycle. CS-64: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER ORGANISATION The basic objective of this course is to introduce the student to the computer and its terminology. implementation and maintenance of computer based information systems. A block in the course is. The recent trend of acquiring computer systems is often with a view to provide management with relevant information. a student would have an opportunity to put into a practical context. 13 . therefore. Boolean algebra.. etc. system software tools such as Assembler. This would enable the learner to cope with the number of components in a systems development approach and enmesh them correctly to result in a successful project. design. memory management and file system and the philosophy of UNIX Operating System. OSI Physical. procedures. Hubs. IP Addresses. Also it contains TCP/IP programming concepts e. Network Connecting Devices like Network Interface cards.CS-65: WINDOWS PROGRAMMING This course provides you the window programming using the most popular Microsoft product VISUAL BASIC which is extremely powerful with the state-of-art technology and enable you to develop windows applications very easily. The course ends with a practical manual for TCP/IP programming which contains an 14 . Send. you have to do practical activities involving development of a database system to append your learning. controls. Internet-work Connectivity Devices and Routers. FTP and Telnet. The course material for this course will be limited. ICMP/IGMP. These systems are called computer networks. Public and Private Network Service. Modems. Further this course covers: IP Header. Byte Ordering. This course will provide you practical side of a Relational Data Base Management System. User Datagram Protocol (UDP): its header and characteristics. variables and function. IP routing. however. The old model of a single computer serving all of the organisational computational needs has been replaced by one in which a large number of separate but interconnected computer do the job. BCS-061: TCP/IP PROGRAMMING Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/Internet Protocol (IP) is a set of protocols developed to allow computers of all sizes from different vendors. The objective of this course is to study some basic topics related to computer network. CS-66: MULTIMEDIA The developments in Internet and telecommunication technologies has opened up potential for time and space independent delivery of multimedia based applications. TCP connection establishment and termination. Broadcasting and multicasting. Bind. Subnet mask. Link Layer. Byte Operations and Addressing. Connect. Accept System Calls.. packaging and distributing multimedia applications. The main objective of this course is to allow you to use the theoretical concepts acquired by you about Relational Database Management System.. We will also introduce you with some fundamental concepts relating to testing. Ports. Listen. the technical aspects of multimedia components and interactive multimedia production. The main topics which will be covered are: The OSI and TCP Protocol Model.g. In this course. With these new technologies a new breed of multimedia based applications are under rapid development. application layers protocols like DNS. Network and Application Layer Concepts are also discussed with other Protocols and Standards of networking. customising focus. to communicate or to share resources across a network. Repeaters. we will introduce you to the process of multimedia production. It covers wide range of topics which includes introduction. In the beginning of this course. database access and OLE. Socket. IP Address. Elementary Data Transfer Calls like Read. Recv. CS-67: RDBMS LAB This is a practical oriented course. Advance System call for Data Transfer. Transmission Media like Cable and Wireless Media. running different operating systems. SMTP. functions. Selecting socket options are also given. Elementary Socket System Calls like Socket. Bridges. CS-68: COMPUTER NETWORKS The merging of Computer and Telecom industries has had a profound impact on the way computer systems are organised. origin of TCP/IP and Internet is discussed and different layers of TCP/IP are explained. Active and Passive Socket and Internet Socket Address Structure. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): its header and characteristics. Write. Recvfrom and Close. This course is an attempt to introduce you to the basic techniques of multimedia development and delivery. Sendto. Subnet addressing. Internet Address. of successive approximation and secant method. efficiency and reliability of algorithms in their generality as well as in their applications to particular data sets. for obtaining approximate numerical solutions to mathematical problems. Domain Name System (DNS). This is most commonly used in a client/server environment. and solutions that use only finitely many steps of infinite processes (e. solutions that use only finitely many machine-representable and computable polynomial functions to represent arbitrary mathematical functions (like ex. IP Addresses. finding roots of an equation using methods of successive bisection. In view of these approximations. Some of the topics covered in this course are. analysis and evaluation of constructive algorithms. Socket Interface. Client/Server Model and Server Model. IP Routing.overview of Unix in the beginning. The Internet Addressing. of Newton-Raphson. Software engineering is a discipline that integrates methods. Numerical analysis is in essence. linear and polynomial regressions. or enable a system. Further it covers User Datagram Protocol (UDP). we mean solutions that use only finite machine-representable subset of rational numbers to represent infinitely many real numbers. TCP and IP Levels. y) using Euler’s method and Runge-Kutta methods. A number of different paradigms for software engineering have been proposed each exhibiting strength and weaknesses but all having a series of generic phases in common. The course TCP/IP programming covers TCP/IP Layering. It is a suit of protocols designed to meet the need for global communication in a heterogeneous environment. specially the ones that are implementable on computers. and in the last of this manual different lab exercises based on Unix and C language are given. CS-70: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Software has now surpassed hardware as the key to success of many computer based systems. the importance of the subject can be hardly overemphasised. its refinement and GaussSeidel method. The “design and human friendliness” of a software product differentiates it from competing products with another using similar function. Subnet Addressing and Subnet Mask. for calculations of values of functions through infinite series expansion or through infinite iteractive processes).g. The TCP/IP Stack.. Whether a computer is used to run a business. Estimation and Analysis. Ethernet Level. IP Header. exact solutions are exceptions rather than the rule. a branch of Mathematics concerned with development. Compounding effect of these various types of approximations may lead to results which hardly bear any relation to the required solution. Software Project Cost. software is the factor that differentiates. which means that TCP/IP allows any pair of processes running on different hardware and software configuration to communicate. DNS message format and the Pointer queries in address resolution. The completeness and timeliness of information provided by software (and related databases) differentiate one company from its competitors. and Characteristics of Domain Name System. The topics to be covered in this course are: Computer arithmetic. The Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) and Projects shall be mainly about writing programs in C/C++ of the 15 . Software Maintenance etc. Software Quality Assurance. numerical solution of differential equations of the form dy/dx = f(x. numerical differentiation. Hence there has to be emphasis on careful analysis with respect to accuracy. Lagranges method of interpolation. How to design client and Server S/W. Also time and space are valuable. and their arithmetic. least square approximation of functions. Software Testing. CS-69: TCP/IP PROGRAMMING TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The very issues taken up in the course are Software Project Planning. control a product. tools and procedures for the development of computer software. of false position. solution of simultaneous algebraic equations using Gauss elimination method. further the basics of C programming were discussed. By numerical solutions. log x etc. numerical integration using Simpson’s rule and Gaussian quadratic formulae.). CS-71: COMPUTER-ORIENTED NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES In view of the easy availability of even more powerful computer systems and of the rapidly expanding domain of mathematical problems solvable with these systems. UDP Header. it is a framework. CS-75: INTRANET ADMINISTRATION An Intranet can be as simple as a web server and some HTML pages which will be accessed by users from their desktop or as complex as several specialised servers running multimedia applications. Object Oriented Programming in Java. push-down automata and Turing machine. relationships of these topics with applied topics like programming. templates and exception handling. How to create GUIs. This course deals with fundamentals of Intranets to planning and constructing the Intranet. is the same. All these approaches are shown equivalent in the sense that the set of problems solvable algorithmically according to any one of these formalisms. software engineering. Layout Managers. and data structures through various examples. idealised languages).. in order to exhibit fundamental limits to algorithmic computation. Its popularity is due to the widespread use of Internet and also due to its many features of a good and clear programming language. which supports object oriented programming paradigm. is highlighted. Exception Handling. idealised computers) and through partial recursive functions.e. CS-73: THEORY OF COMPUTATION The subject of Theory of computation has its roots in attempts made by mathematicians at defining the notion of algorithm or computation through various formalisms.. It comprises many components and many application programming instances (APIs) for programming broad range of application. Therefore. the objective of the course is to present the subject in such a way that students can appreciate theoretical ideas as the foundation on which real problems are solved rather than viewing the theoretical ideas as unusable abstractions. The language chosen for this purpose is C++ a very powerful general purpose programming language. Further. automata (i. Main topics to be discussed in this course are. In this course. some uncomputable problems. through ‘formal languages’ (i. Finally. the notion of computation is discussed through three different formalisms viz. CS-72: C++ AND OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING The object oriented programming paradigm is one of the most popular programming paradigms of today. It is based on Object Oriented Programming paradigm.e. 16 . problems are discussed. context-free languages and phrase-structured language.above mentioned methods and executing the same. Setting up Intranet Sites. i.e. This course is focused at introducing you to the concepts of Object Oriented Programming. Intranets Security. Applet Programming. some problems are more difficult than others. CS-74: INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET PROGRAMMING JAVA is a programming language for the Internet. The corresponding automata to be discussed in the course are respectively finite automata. Choosing Intranet Hardware and Software.. a technical support Help Desk or Collaborative meeting software converting several remote locations over private networks. Formal languages to be discussed include regular languages. However. The key concepts covered will be inheritance and classes. Multithreading. Input and Output. The topic of computational complexity covers issues related to relative complexities (or difficulties) of various unsolvable problems. You are also supposed to develop object oriented programs in C++. Intranet Authoring and Management tools. Even within the class of problems solvable algorithmically. Intranet Protocols etc.. Apart from Java as a programming language. It includes the topics namely using Web Browser to access Intranet. theory paper shall be based on only numerical computations and analysis of the algorithms. polymorphism. It has added many new dimensions in the software development process. There will be no examination for this course.ac. This course on mathematical methods is designed to serve as a basic text.4 Mathematical Methods (MTE-03) A candidate who has not studied Mathematics as a distinct subject at the 10+2 or its equivalent level needs to register for both MTE-03 and CIC along with the first semester of BCA. In the second block. awareness level course. Also.ignou. The course outline is given below: Block 1: Environmental Concerns Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Why is Environment Important? Natural Resources Development and Environment Development and Environmental Pollution Environment and Human Health Block 2: Environmental Management Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Conservation and Management of Environment Resource Management Environmental Quality Management Eco-friendly Technologies Global Issues and Concerns 3. they would not get any certificate/grade card as it is not a programme. no counselling sessions are offered for MTE-03 by the University. You will receive CS-76 Project Guidelines in 5th Semester along with other course materials. development and environment.in.CS-76: PROJECT The project work constitutes a major component in most of the professional programmes and it is to be carried out with due care and executed with seriousness by the candidates. This non-credit course aims to improve understanding and enrich knowledge about the prevalent environmental concerns and management. The first block deals with topical issues such as the status of natural resources. They need to secure at least 35% marks in the Term End Theory Examination for MTE-03 to be declared as successful. and the potential of eco-friendly technologies in addressing various environmental problems have been highlighted. environmental pollution and the environment-health relationship. the significance and salient aspects of environmental quality management. meeting the requirements of students who did not study Mathematics as a distinct subject at 10+2 level. It aims to improve understanding and enrich knowledge about the prevalent environmental concerns and management.Refer this guide for further information and preparation of project synopsis and final project report. They will get only intimation of the examination result. After completion of MTE-03. you have to study an awareness course on Environment (NEV001). the strategies and ways of managing the major regional and global environmental problems and the related emerging issues have been dealt with. Students need to appear only in Term End Theory Examination for MTE-03. In addition. It does not add to the credits of BCA. NEV-001: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE ENVIRONMENT In addition to these courses. These materials should be studied according to your convenience and pace.You can also get it from IGNOU website: http://www. This course differs in many ways from a course offered to students of mathematics. consisting of two blocks. This is a non-credit. 17 . No assignments need to be submitted for MTE-03. These will help the learner get a better grasp of the techniques discussed in this course. hypothesis tests and analysis of variance in the last block. we also introduce methods of solving ordinary differential equations of first order and first degree. A participant will not be eligible to appear in the Term-end practical examinations if the percentage of attendance in practical sessions fall below 75%. we have discussed some probability distributions of discrete and continuous random variables. a participant is required to have a minimum of 75% attendance in the practical sessions. we shall introduce various kinds of functions and draw their graphs. The number of available computers restrict the number of participants per Study Centre. All the concepts given in this course are followed by a lot examples as well as exercises. Syllabus Block 1 : Algebra and Geometry Unit 1 Sets and Functions Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Block 2 : Calculus Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Graphs and functions Elementary Algebra Coordinate Geometry Vectors Differential Calculus Applications of Differential Calculus The Integral Integration of Elementary Functions Differential Equations Block 3 : Probability Distributions Unit 11 Statistics Unit 12 Probability Unit 13 Discrete Probability Distributions Unit 14 Continuous Probability Distributions Block 4 : Statistical Inference Unit 15 Statistical Data Sampling Unit 16 Hypothesis tests Unit 17 Correlation and Regression 4. In the second block. and the notion of vectors and their algebra in this block. For successful completion of the programme. apart from giving some basic definitions in statistics and probability. We shall deal with statistical sampling. In the third block. This course is divided into four blocks. imperative that the allotted practical sessions on computers are put to the best use. S/he 18 . The aim of this course is to enable the learner to successfully tackle any mathematical problem occurring in his/her discipline. In the first block.Each concept is introduced in an intuitive way. The required number of practical sessions is listed in the revised syllabus table. In this block. Please note that the given number of practical sessions include the sessions for carrying out project assignment also. we shall present various rules for differentiating and integrating any given function. The learner will be kept informed of why s/he is learning a particular method. CONDUCT OF PRACTICAL SESSIONS Practicals are essential component of BCA. We have also discussed coordinate geometry in two and three dimensions. The relevance of all procedures is proved by considering examples. therefore. It is. D & E) according to the weightage shown against each letter grade on a five point scale. The evaluators are required to award numerical marks in assignments. (2) The continuous evaluation consists of one assignment (compulsory components) for each course except CS-76 of 25% weightage. however. and for the other courses the rules and procedures applicable to computer courses will apply. Hence the evaluation methodology will be as under: Methodology for IGNOU-BDP Courses (FHS and FST only) The evaluation of the performance of the students will be based on two aspects: (i) continuous evaluation through assignments with a weightage of 30% and (ii) term-end examination having a weightage of 70%. The University is following grading system for continuous evaluation as well as term-end examination. (b) Term-end examination is having a weightage of 75%. C. In case. practical. the student will be required to pay the requisite fee as per directions issued by the University from time to time. a student is required to submit three assignments (two tutor marked and one computer marked) for an eight credit course and two assignments for a four credit course and the score of the best two out of three for eight credit course and the better of the two assignments for a four credit course will be taken into account. projects and term-end examination which are converted into five letter grades (A. B. the course contains the component of Practical Examination. The notional correlates of the letter grades and percentage of marks are as follows: Letter Grade A B C D E Qualitative Value Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Point Grade 5 4 3 2 1 Equivalent percentage range of numerical 70% and above 55% but less than 70% 45% but less than 55% 35% but less than 45% Less than 35% Methodology for Computer Courses (CS Courses) (1) Evaluation for each course covers two aspects: Continuous evaluation through assignments with a weightage of 25%. Qualifying Marks : The minimum qualifying score in both continuous evaluation (assignments) and term-end examination is 35% marks (Grade ‘D’) in each courses: Overall Grading : The final score for each course is computed by combining continuous evaluation score and term-end examination score. In order to make up deficiency of attendance in practical sessions. for these courses the rules and regulations of the IGNOU-BDP Programme will be applicable. 5. EVALUATION Some of the courses (FHS-01 and FST-01) offered in the first year and second year of study are same as that of the IGNOU-BDP programme.can. Term End Theory Examination is having a weightage of 60% and Term End Practical Examination is having a weightage of 15%. In order to successfully complete the course. appear for the theory papers. 19 . Therefore. IGNOU. But the assignments are designed in such a way as to help them concentrate on the printed course material. Maidan Garhi. New Delhi-110068. s/he has to wait for fresh assignments meant for the current batch of students. If they have qualified in a course on the basis of lesser number of assignments and Term-end Examination. New Delhi-110068. Whenever the students receive a set of assignments. The assignment responses should be complete in all respects. Except CS-76(Project) each course of BCA will have one assignment. The University/Co-ordinator of the Study Centre has the right to reject the assignments received after the due date. they will not be eligible to re-do the assignments with a view to improve the overall qualifying score of that course. the results for the Term-end examination will be treated as cancelled. reference books and exploit their personal experience with some additional readings.1 (a) Guidelines regarding submission of assignments 1.(3) All the assignments and term-end exams will be scored on a numerical marking scheme. 7. they should make use of them. 5. it is a pre-requisite that the students submit all the assignments according to the prescribed schedule. It is compulsory for the students to submit all the prescribed assignments. 8. If they do not get back their duly evaluated assignment within a month after submission. their qualitative levels and equivalent percentage range of numerical marks are may be obtained from SR&E division. 5. Indira Gandhi National Open University. Therefore. Passing all the courses is mandatory for the award of BCA. if any. they should check them immediately and ask for missing pages. from REGISTRAR (MPDD).1 Assignments The main purpose of assignments is to test students’ comprehension of the learning materials and reference books for the courses and also to help them before to comprehend the courses by providing feed-back to them. . 3. The requirement for passing would be to secure at least 40% in each component of the continuous evaluation and 40% in each component of the term-end examination. Maidan Garhi. Incomplete answer sheets bring poor grades. 2) is to be addressed to the REGISTRAR (MPDD). They will not be allowed to appear for the term-end examination of a course if they do not submit the specified number of assignments in time for that course. they are required to do the left-over assignments before taking the Term-end Examination. they should try to get it from their Study Centre personally. Any component which has not been attempted would be treated as having a score of 0 (zero) marks. which they submit to the Co-ordinator of their Study Centre/SR & E Division at the Headquarters. the students are advised to submit their assignments before the due date. the students should ensure that they have answered all the questions in all assignments. 4. 6. 20 2. New Delhi-110 068 or the Co-ordinator of their study centre. Before submission. In case any student fails to submit the assignments or fails to score minimum qualifying marks. The students are required to give an undertaking to this effect in the examination form and should it be later found that they had in fact not submitted the assignments as prescribed. students should retain a copy of all the assignment responses. This may help them to improve upon future assignments. In case the students have already done some assignments prescribed in a course. For their own record. The request for the new assignments in the prescribed form (Form No. 5. (4) In order to be able to appear for the Term-end examination. Students should enclose a self-addressed stamped assignment remittance-cumacknowledgement card (Form No. The letter grades. Maidan Garhi. 1) with each assignment response to ensure the delivery of assignments before the last dates prescribed for submission of assignments. IGNOU. If the students have easy access to other books. ..... but did not get requisite overall percentage. for evaluation.... 3..1 (b) Instructions for Doing Assignments While answering Assignments.. The students should not enclose or express doubts for clarification... the following guidelines are required to be observed: 1.... Full Address. The discrepancy noticed by the students in the evaluated assignments should be brought to the notice of the Co-ordinator of the Study Centre.................. COURSE TITLE : .... margin on the left and at least 4 lines in between each answer.... Course Code..... Once the students get the pass marks in an assignment. While doing so they should give their complete enrolment number........ ASSIGNMENT CODE : ... : …………………… NAME : ………………………………… ADDRESS:……………………………… SIGNATURE : ………………………….... 6.... The students should use only foolscap size paper for their response and tie all the pages carefully. They should not reproduce their answers from the units sent to them by the University... They should not print or type the answers..... The completed assignment should be sent to the Coordinator of the Study Centre allotted to the student. 7........ They should get back evaluated assignments from their study centres within one month of its submission for their future guidance... They should allow a 4 cm................ 10.......... name..... The students should write the question number with each answer. If copying is noticed. the assignment should be sent under certificate of posting through post. they will get poor marks for the respective question. This may facilitate the evaluator to write useful comments on the margins at appropriate places..... Indira Gandhi National Open University. DATE : ………………………………… 2..... 8.. the assignments of such students will be rejected... Signature and Date on the top right hand corner of the first page of the response sheet... All the assignments should not be written in continuity..... The student should write their Complete correct Enrolment Number. Under no circumstances should they be sent to the (SR&E) Division or the School at Headquarters........................ Avoid using very thin paper.............. New Delhi ... The students should write each assignment separately. ENROLMENT No... so that the correct score is forwarded by him to the SR&E Division at the Headquarters... The students should write the responses in their own hand...... Course code and assignment code may be reproduced from the assignment. Assignments are not subject to re-evaluation except for factual errors.. Maidan Garhi.. COURSE CODE : . along with the assignments.. then the student can either resubmit the assignment or reappear for the term-end examination for securing the requisite overall percentage. 1) otherwise..9.. Course Title..110 068. if any... if any. they can not re-submit it for improvement of marks.... Assignment Code and Name of the Study Centre on the left hand corner of the first page of their response sheet........ STUDY CENTRE : ... They should send their doubts in a separate cover to the Registrar (SR&E Division)........ If the student secured requisite marks in Term-End Examination and Assignments.. .... The students should not copy from the response sheets of other students...... 5....... the students should get the acknowledgement from the Co-ordinator on the prescribed assignment-cum-acknowledgement card (Form No... After submitting the assignment at the Study Centre in person..... 5.... 21 4... address.... The students should write the Programme Title. The top of the first page of your response sheet for each assignment should look like this: PROGRAMME TITLE : .... Name.. If they reproduce from units.... programme code...... and disciplinary action can be taken against the students as per rules of the University.. please note the auto generated control No. 4. Payment can be made through Credit Card. In case the student has requested for a change of Study Centre. in June and December. Examination date schedule indicating the date and time of examination for each course is sent to all the study centres in advance.100/. Courses for theory as well as practical needs to be selected separately from the list appearing on the screen.9. Please choose the suitable option for payment. vi) In case. If the centre opted by the student is not activated as examination centre or not allotted for any other reason.from 1st October to 20th October also needs to be included if submitted during this period. 5.in. alternative examination centre will be allotted. Also the student can submit the on-line examination form. iv) Select courses carefully. please fill on-line examination form and submit after selecting this option.per course if the student is appearing for the first time or failed earlier examinations for theory as well as practical. The examination form can be obtained from the concerned Regional Centre/Study Centre.50/. The University conducts term-end examinations twice a year. you wish to submit on-line form and deposit payment by cash deposit at any of the AXIS (UTI) branches. ii) No Examination Fee is required to be paid for the courses. . The fees and the guidelines are given below: Guidelines and instructions for submission of online examination form i) Students are required to pay examination fee @Rs.2 General Guidelines Regarding the Term-End Examination 1. The student can take the examination only after the minimum period prescribed for the course of study has elapsed.ignou. v) If you wish to submit on-line form and make payment through Credit Card . iii) Select and enter Programme code and Examination Centre Code from the options available. Cash deposit at any branch of AXIS Bank (UTI Bank) or through Demand Draft. The same is also notified through IGNOU Newsletter from time to time and also will be displayed on the IGNOU’s website also. A late fee of Rs. Results of Term-end examination are available on University website www. s/he should submit her/his Tutor Marked Assignments only to the original Study Centre until the change of Study Centre is effected by the University. To be eligible to appear the Term-end Examination in any course. the students are required to fulfil the following conditions: (a) they should have paid the fee due for that semester (b) they should have opted and pursued the prescribed course (c) they should have submitted the examination form in time along with the requisite fees. for reference. You are required to take printout of 22 3. (d) they should have submitted the required number of assignments within due dates before taking the examination (e) their registration for the programme should be valid. where results of Term-end examination are awaited on the date of submission of examination form.ac. 2. Please see result status before filling up the examination form. IGNOU. 1000/June Term End Exam 1st Mar to 31st Mar 1st Apr to 20th Apr 21st Apr to 15th May* 16th May to 28th May* Dec Term End Exam 1st Sept to 30th Sept 1st Oct to 20th Oct 21st Oct to 15th Nov* 16th Nov to 28th Nov* *During these dates submit the examination form with late fee to concerned Regional Center (For outside Delhi). vii) You will receive an acknowledgement with control number at the E. 23 .. Exam for these students will be conducted at Regional Centre city only. Filled in examination form is to be sent only to The Registrar (SR&E). 500/Late fee of Rs. Programme Name. New Delhi – 110 068. For Delhi. Please keep the bank draft particulars ready with you before starting to fill the form and enter same at the appropriate place and submit. please download the hall-ticket from the website and report to the Examination Centre with your Identify Card issued by the University. 6. ix) University issues hall-ticket to the students two weeks before commencement of Term-end Examination and also uploads the information on the University website. If you do not receive hall-ticket one week before commencement of examination. submit to the Registrar (SRE). IGNOU. You are required to send demand draft to Registrar. No. You must mention your Enrol. Block-12. 5. 7. New Delhi. Maidan Garhi. Please see the instructions printed overleaf the examination form before filling it. You need not send anything by post. 100/Late fee of Rs. OR In case.challan automatically generated and deposit required amount at AXIS Bank along with the challan. x) Students will be allowed to appear in Term-end Examination for those courses only whose registration is valid and have completed the prescribed minimum duration of study. on the back side of the Demand Draft. you may submit the form again. and Computer generated control No. In case you find the particulars are not available. SRE Division. please select this option. Maidan Garhi. Please keep note of computer generated control number for your reference for any correspondence. Demand Draft is to be drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at New Delhi only. you wish to submit on-line form and make payment through a bank draft. Block – 12.mail address given in the application form viii) You may visit SEARCH OPTION after 24 hours of submission of your form (leaving the day of submission except Saturday & Sunday) to see the details of particulars submitted by you. Students can purchase Demand Draft from any branch of AXIS Bank (UTI Bank) without any commission charge. Examination form can be submitted as per the details given below: Description Without late fee Late fee of Rs.110 068 by Registered Post or Speed Post. Early Declaration of Results In order to facilitate the students who have got offer of admission and or selected for employment etc and are required to produce marks-sheet/grade card by a specified given date may apply for early process of their answer-scripts and declaration of the results for this purpose. All the Study Centres/Regional Centres concerned will get a copy of the term-end examination result and also you can download it from our website under the “Student Support” Option. Students should carry their Identity Card and intimation slip (received from SR&E Division indicating Centre & Date of Examination) to the Examination Centre. 12.for re-evaluation is charged for rechecking of the result of Term-end Examination. 3) and for reevaluation (Form No. there will be no binding on the University to declare the results of the last examination before the commencement of next examination. address and programme. They should apply in prescribed form. 14. Duplicate Grade Card/marks sheet will be issued on a request from the students in prescribed form (Form No. name. In case the student gets result after filling up the exam form.(SR&E) Division at the Headquarters. For completing re-registration and readmission formalities students are advised to get in touch with the Regional Director concerned or the Registrar. The students can get their Term-end Examination result rechecked or re-evaluated. s/he should not re-appear in the course qualified by her/ him with a view to improve the qualified score. 11. The students can submit their requests for early declaration before the commencement of the Term-end Examination i. The students are required to apply in the specified format available on the University website with a fee of Rs. for rechecking (Form No. Fee at the rate of Rs. Applications for this purpose will normally be entertained within a period of 2 months of the declaration of result.per course through Bank Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU along with the attested photocopy of the offer of admission/employment offer. This amount is refunded if there is a mistake in checking of answerbook. The students will be entitled to appear for the examination only at the study centre OR at the examination centre allotted to them and NOT at any other centre without specific permission from the University. before 1st June and 1st December respectively. 100/. 17 Re-evaluation of Answer-script(s) The University has replaced the scheme of rechecking with the re-evaluation where by the answer-scripts will be re-evaluated by another Evaluator in case the students are not 24 .. In case a student fails to receive the intimation slip 15 days before the commencement of the examination. The duplicate grade card will be sent by Post to the student. 10.by Demand Draft drawn on IGNOU. therefore. fill up the examination form without necessarily waiting for the result and get it cancelled at a later date.e. Students who fail to complete the minimum required number of course(s) prescribed for the Programme within the allotted period of study shall cease to be on the rolls of this University for that programme till they re-enroll themselves.8. 15. Although all efforts will be made to declare the results in time. 4) against payment of Rs. if so desired. 100/. The University in such cases will make arrangements for processing the answer-scripts and declare the results as a special case.. if they wish to do so.7). 16. The students may. New Delhi. 9. 300/.per course for rechecking and Rs.500/. The Examination Centre once opted for in a form shall not be changed. they should get in touch with the Study Centre/Regional Centre/SR&E at Headquarters indicating their enrolment no. SRE Division.e.18 satisfied with the marks/grades secured by them in Term-end Examination. but falling short of 2% marks for securing 1st Division/2nd Division the university has made a provision for allowing such students to improve their performance. The improvement is not permitted to those students who have completed their maximum duration of the programme including the re-admission period has expired. the sealing for the number of courses in which the student can improve is five courses. The students will be given only one opportunity to improve the marks/grades and they can apply for improvement a maximum of 25% of the credits for successful completion of the respective programme.300/. Assignments and Seminars etc. Practical. Maidan Garhi. marks already awarded and the marks secured in the improvement examination will be considered. IGNOU.300/per course in the prescribed application form available on the University Website. 25 . Re-evaluation is not permissible for Projects.per course through a Bank Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at Delhi and submit the application and fee to the Registrar. The better of the two courses or original marks/grades and re-evaluated marks/grades will be considered and the revised marks/grades shall be incorporated in the students’ record as applicable and the revised grade card/marks sheet will be sent to the students within one month from the receipt of application..e. New Delhi. However. Improvement of Division/Class Keeping the interest of students who have completed their Bachelors Degree and Masters Degree Programmes. The improvement is permissible only in theory papers and the students may apply for improvement of their performance on the prescribed application format along with a fee of Rs. the date on which the results are made available on the University Website on payment of Rs. Such students can apply for re-evaluation within one month from the date declaration i. The better of the two examinations i. 5 70 __ __ Max. Wei ghtage for Final % 50 Max. 50 Duration __ Max. Term-end Examination Theory Practical Total Max. 100 Min. 15 _ 100 50 I YE AR st IInd S E M E S T E R CS-612 PC Software Application Skills Foundation Course in Mathematics in Computing 'C' Programming Data Structure & 4 25 2 Hrs. 15 100 50 Min. = Minimum Marks Max.Proposed Evaluation Scheme for BCA Programme Year/Semester Course Code Course Title Credits Continuous Evaluation Assignment Max. 60 __ __ 85 50 CS-60 8 25 3 Hrs. __ 75 FHS-01 8 30 3 Hrs. 75 __ __ 100 100 CS-62 4 25 2 Hrs. 60 2 Hrs. Duration Ist S E M E S T E R CS-610 Foundation Course in English for Computing Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences Computer Fundamentals PC Software 4 25 2 Hrs. 35 100 CS-611 4 and 25 2 Hrs. 24. Max. 60 2 Hrs. 70 Min. = Maximum Marks . Max.24. Term-end Examination Theory Practical Total Max. CS-67 RDBMS Lab 4 50 Min. Weig htage for Final % 100 Max. 60 2 Hrs. 15 100 50 CS-05 Elements of System Analysis and Design 4 25 3 Hrs.35 CS-63 4 25 2 Hrs. __ Max.5 Duration __ Max.70 Min. Duration IIIrd S E M E S T E R FST-01 Foundation Course in Science and Technology Introduction System Software to 8 30 3 Hrs. __ 60 __ __ 2 Hrs. = Minimum Marks Max.100 Min.Proposed Evaluation Scheme for Revised Syllabus of BCA Programme Year/Semester Course Code Course Title Credits Continuous Evaluation Assignment Max. 3 Hrs. 75 __ __ 100 50 IInd YE AR CS-06 IVth Introduction to DBMS Introduction Computer Organisation Windows Programming to 4 4 25 25 3 Hrs. = Maximum Marks . 75 75 __ __ __ __ 100 100 50 50 S E M E S T E R CS-64 CS-65 2 25 __ __ 2Hrs 75 __ 75 100 85 100 25 25 CS-66 Multimedia 2 25 25 2 Hrs. Active X) Intranet Administration Project 4 4 4 4 25 25 25 25 2 Hrs. In CS-76. Weig htage for Final % 50 50 50 50 Duration Vth S E M E S T E R CS-68 CS-69/ BCS-061 CS-70 CS-71 Computer Network TCP/IP Programming Introduction to Software Engineering Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques C++ and Object Oriented Programming Theory of Computer Science Introduction to Internet Programming (Java.Total 25 50 1200 Viva – 50 (Max. __ __ Max. 75 60 1 Hr.) 2 Hrs. 2. Max. 15 100 100 50 25 CS-75 CS-76 2 4 25 Report – 150 (Max. 60 __ __ 85 200 G. 15 15 __ __ 100 100 100 100 IIIrd YE AR VIth S E M E S T E R CS-72 4 25 2 Hrs. the student needs to secure atleast 50% in Project Report evaluation and Project viva-voce separately to be declared as successful. All CS courses (Weightage 25%) (One Assignment per course) Term-end Practical examinations may be conducted only twice every year. Term-end Examination Theory Practical Total Max. 60 60 75 75 Duration 1 Hr.Proposed Evaluation Scheme for Revised Syllabus of BCA Programme Year/Semester Course Code Course Title Credits Continuous Evaluation Assignment Max. 2 Hrs. __ 15 __ 100 50 CS-73 CS-74 4 2 25 25 3 Hrs. The Student needs to secure atleast 40% marks in each component of Assignment and Term End Examination separately to be declared as successful for CS courses. 3 Hrs. 26 . 2 Hrs.) Assignments : FHS-01 and FST-01 (Weightage 30%) (2 TMAs and 1 CMA) (same as BDP). 3 Hrs. 1 Hr. 60 1 Hrs. Note :1. IGNOU. When a student wants transfer from one region to another.5) for change/correction of address that will be despatched along with the study material. under intimation to the Registrar (SR & E) and the student. s/he has to write to that effect to the Regional Centre from where s/he is seeking a transfer marking copies to the Regional Centre where s/he would like to be transferred to and also to Registrar (SR & E). Request for change of Study Centre are acceded to subject to availability of seats for the programme at the new centre asked for only on compelling grounds. 6. Request for change of address through e-mail or letters will not be entertained. 27 . New Delhi after verification of student’s signatures. The duly filled in form is to be sent to the concerned Regional Director. students are advised to make sure that counselling facilities are available. Normally. regarding the number of assignments submitted. Maidan Garhi. the place of jurisdiction for filing of a suit/plaint/petition. who will forward it to the Registrar (SRED).3 Credit Transfer and Exemption Student may apply to seek recognition of the studies already done by them after enrolment in this University in BCA. As such. For details. viz. Maidan Garhi. Physically Handicapped students admitted to IGNOU are eligible for Government of India scholarships. Scheduled Tribes and Physically Handicapped students etc. Further. for the subject s/he has chosen. In case there is any correction/change in the address the students are directed to make use of the printed form addressed to Registrar (SR&E). it takes 4-6 weeks to effect the change. if necessary. IGNOU. 6. Maidan Garhi. 6. New Delhi – 110 068. Scheduled Castes. SC/ST students have to submit their scholarship forms to the respective State Directorate of Social Welfare or Office of the Social Welfare Officer. The Regional Director from where the student is seeking the transfer will transfer all records including details of fee payment to the Regional Centre where the student is going. Similarly.6 Disputes on Admission and other University Matters In case of any dispute. New Delhi-110 068. Scheduled Tribes and Physically Handicapped students as per the Government of India rules.2 Scholarships and Reimbursement of Fee Reserved Categories. 6. 6. They are advised to collect scholarship forms from the respective State Government Directorate of Social Welfare or Office of the Social Welfare Officer and submit the filled-in forms to them through the concerned Regional Director of IGNOU. the students are advised to make their own arrangements to redirect the mail to the changed address during this period..4 Change/Correction of Address There is a printed form (Form no. The transfer will be permitted only if seats are available at the new Study Centre. Therefore. Please refer to Section-11 of Programme Guide.6. have to pay the fee at the time of admission to the University along with other students. 6. at the new centre opted for. will be only at New Delhi/Delhi.1 OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION Reservation of Seats The University provides reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes.5 Change of Region and Study Centre Counselling facilities are not available for all Programmes at all the centres. through the concerned Regional Director of IGNOU for suitable reimbursement. s/he has to obtain a certificate from the Co-ordinator of the Study Centre from where s/he is seeking transfer from. 28 . Rechecking. Discrepancies in Result etc. 28 . Centres. Change of Course/Programme. Maidan Garhi New Delhi . Assessment Sheets.110 068 Assistant Registrar MPDD Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi New Delhi . Sanchar Kendra IGNOU.110 068 Director (SOCIS) Indira Gandhi National Open University Visveswarayya Bhawan.110 068 Director EMPC. New Academic Complex Maidan Garhi New Delhi . Study Material and Assignments Registrar (SR&E) Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi New Delhi . Fees.1 ADDRESSES Some Useful Addresses For your information. Change of Address and Study Centre. the following officers deal with different educational aspects: i) Admission. Scholarships.7. Results. 7.110 068 Co-ordinator of your Study centre/Regional Director of the Regional Centre ii) iii) Purchase of Audio-Video tapes iv) Academic Matters v) Administrative and counselling matters of your Study Centre missing score of TMAs/Project assignments/Practical assignments Students are advised to get in touch with their Study Centres for advance/timely/day-to-day information. Exam. you can write down the final version for submission. Organisation: Be a little more selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. 3) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answers. The conclusion must summarize your response to the question. Make sure that your answer: (a) is logical and coherent. style and presentation. Note : Please submit your assignments on or before the due date at your study centre. In an essay-type question give adequate attention to your introduction and conclusion. writing each answer neatly and underlining the points you want to emphasise. (c) is written correctly giving adequate consideration to your expression. (b) has clear connection between sentences and paragraphs. GUIDELINES FOR DOING BCA ASSIGNMENTS TIPS FOR ASSIGNMENTS : The Word limit for answering most of the questions are mentioned with them if no word limit is prescribed then assume it to be about 300 words.8. Go through the units on which they are based. You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind: 1) 2) Planning: Read the assignment carefully. 29 . Make some points regarding each question and rearrange these in logical order. The introduction must offer brief interpretation of the question and how you propose to develop it. (d) does not exceed the number of words indicated (if any) in your questions. but our need for electrical energy will continue to rise. pull carts and turn waterwheels. electricity was a novelty. They enabled man to do far more work and to cultivate and harvest greater acreage. One hundred years ago. converted food energy into fats. they have become increasingly dependent on fossil fuels (petroleum. automobiles were a freakish invention and the diesel truck was unknown. 2005 CS-610: FOUNDATION COURSE IN ENGLISH FOR COMPUTING Time: 2 Hours Note: Attempt all the questions. The invention of the electric motor and the internal combustion engine in the nineteenth century changed this orientation completely. Since then. Essentially the same transition has occurred in energy requirements for industrial. Early agricultural societies depended entirely on the energy of sunlight to grow food. (From : Ecology and the Quality of our Environment. transportation and domestic needs. An absence of either one would be disastrous to present food production throughout much of the world. Southwick) (i) Give a suitable title to the passage. all three have become essential. introduced later. 3 30 . A modern city cannot exist without electricity and petroleum. These early societies obviously did not require electricity or combustion engines to drive machines. with the result that modern agricultural operations became dependent on petroleum and electricity. machines replaced draft animals. Maximum Marks: 50 ____________________________________________________________________________ 1. Secondly. since the world’s reserves will not last that long. 2 (v) What are the three essentials of modern life? Will they continue to exist in the future? Give a reason for your answer. by Charles H. Within another hundred years we will have to find alternatives for the latter. Read the passage and answers the questions that follow: As human civilisations have changed from agrarian to industrial economies. coal and natural gas) and derived forms of energy (heat and electricity). fibres and proteins and provided greater physical strength to draw ploughs.9. Firstly. these machines were a startling boost to productivity. and the energy of physical labour for its cultivation and harvest. OLD BCA QUESTION PAPERS BACHELOR IN COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Term-End Examination December. 2 (ii) What is the collective name for energy sources such as petroleum and coal? 1 (iii) What two basic forms of energy were sufficient to support life in early agricultural societies? 2 (iv) What caused a change from the older system in the nineteenth century? Discuss briefly. Domestic animals. an.2. 5 (i) Cyber crime is the dark side of computers. (d) Use the following words in one sentence each to bring out the difference in their meanings. _______________ women in ___________ wheel-chair is my aunt. You can’t get food marks unless you don’t work hard. (c) 1 Fill in the blanks with suitable articles (a. are you going to the market just now ?” Use the phrasal verb take on in your own sentence. said. 2 (b) Fill in the blanks in the following sentence with the correct tense form of the verbs given in brackets: 3 (i) (ii) (iii) My mother ______________(reach) home much before I left for college. Neena and Reena both are doctors. 1 3 Complete the given sentence with a suitable tag question : Sarita is very intelligent. the). 2 (i) advice (ii) advise (e) Complete the following sentence by adding a suitable relative clause: 1 She showed me the photograph of her friend ……. Usually she ________ (return) home by 4 o’clock. I ____________ (finish) my work so I can accompany you to the market. (a) Change the following sentences into the passive voice: (i) (ii) The police caught the culprits red-handed. (f) 1 (g) Rewrite the following in reported speech : She 1 4.. The topic sentence is given to you. order and coherence. Develop it keeping in mind unity. 31 . In the following questions do as directed: (a) (i) (ii) (iii) Correct the following sentences: These days travel is costing a lot of money. 3. “Ravi. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on any one of the following. The people beat up the terrorists with hockey sticks. most of them have rapidly dropped in intellectual and literary quality until now they scarcely pretend to appeal to people of intelligence. insured subscribers and are fortunate enough to lose a relative in a railway accident. The last Lord Northcliffe showed the way with the Daily Mail in the nineties.(ii) Population control is not the responsibility of the Government only. which has at least taught everyone to read. They provide news and views. and. it becomes much less necessary to instruct readers of the latest move of the Government than to persuade them of the advantages they will secure if they become registered. which the public pays for its newspapers. Their independence therefore suffers a very grave limitation. appeal to the special interests of women. as a matter of editorial policy. The editorial staff have to run the concern so as to produce dividends for the shareholders. (iii) We owe it to the future generations to protect the environment. After two generations of compulsory schooling. but who would be eager to buy a journal that would deal in an interesting and arresting fashion with the things that were really a part of their lives. It is further curtailed by the fact that a newspaper is as much an advertising medium as a vehicle for news. He saw that there was a vast body of people who were not attracted by the newspaper that catered for the professional man and the club member. Read the passage and summarise it to one-third of its length. 6. but as a means of purveying a daily dose of entertainment that will save readers the trouble of turning to books. the business of forcing circulations up above the million mark has not been difficult once the method was discovered. substitute literary and theatrical gossip for serious criticism of books and the stage. the newspaper of today is a huge financial undertaking with the same outlook as any other limited company. and the editorial chair was regarded as a pulpit from which serious views were uttered with a full sense of responsibility. 10 The newspaper has always taken upon itself the role of mentor to its subscribers. and if they do not they will soon be supplanted by those who can. in other works. The need for maintaining the value of its advertising space in competition with its rivals makes it all the more important for a paper to raise its circulation to the utmost. Since the War the transformation of penny journals has proceeded with sudden acceleration. 5. The process was hastened by the influence of American journalistic methods. It is said that the price. its commercial value was obvious enough. Thus. and everyday interests. Once this new policy had been put into practice. He realized that unparalleled success awaited newspaper that would reduce politics to a minimum. In reaching out to an ever-wider public belonging to the lower cultural levels. provide chatty articles on sport. not for their own sake. above all. 32 . they have to make circulation. hobbies. The other papers were bound to follow the lead of the Daily Mail sooner or later. covers no more than a third of the cost of production. Write a composition in about 300 words on any one of the following topics : (i) The negative impact of technology 10 (ii) Noise Pollution (iii) The Uses and Abuses of Advertising. the other two-thirds is accounted for by advertisement revenue. but whereas the journal of the last generation took pride in its independence. Also.BACHELOR IN COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Term-End Examination December. ____________________________________________________________________________ Note: Question number 1 is compulsory. 2006 CS-611: Computer Fundamentals and PC Software Time: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 60 Note: Question number 1 is compulsory. (a) Explain the terms Soft page break and Hard page break in MS-Word. How can you copy the fillies in an existing folder to the newly created folder? 4 4. explain the key features of a Von-Neumann machine. (a) What do you mean by Normal view and Page Layout view of a document? How do they differ from each other? 5 (b) Define the term Parallel Processor. Also. 10 (d) What is a Screen Saver? How can we protect a Screen Saver using a password? 6 2. 1. 5 (b) Explain the four categories of programming languages. Minicomputers and Mainframes. Explain the four categories of parallel processors. 8 (c) Explain five types of media through which data may be communicated. 6 (b) Draw and explain the basic structure of a Von-Neumann machine. 5 5. 5 33 . 5 (b) Define the term Multimedia. 6 (b) Write the process of creating a folder in Windows. (a) Define the term Virus. Attempt any three questions from the rest. Explain any four multimedia tools. (a) Differentiate between Microcomputers. indicate the category that is perceived to be the hardest to program. (a) Draw and explain any three topologies of a LAN. 5 3. Attempt any three questions from the rest. Explain the features of at least four prevalent viruses in the computer industry. The schedule is applicable for all the sessions of BCA 1 st Semester. by Indira Gandhi • “A World of Four Senses”. by Ved Mehta • “Science and Human Life”. by George Orwell • “A page from the Book of Memory”. Schedule for CS-610: Foundation Course in English for Computing Total no. COUNSELLING SCHEDULE FOR BCA 1st AND 2nd SEMESTERS The following is the Counselling Schedule for CS-610 and CS-611 of BCA 1st Semester (Integrated Mode). by Bertrand Russel • “The Voice of India”. The exact dates and the schedule for FHS-01 will by communicated to you by the respective Study Centre. Listening & Speaking Skills • “Animal Farm”.10. Writing. of Theoretical Sessions : 4 (Each session is of 2 hours duration) Sessi on 1 Topics to be covered Block-1 : Computer Fundamentals : Hardware & Software • Computer and Memory System • Input/Output Organisation and New Technologies • Software Concepts and Terminology • Operating System Concepts 34 . by Jawahar Lal Nehru Block-2 : Composition and Study Skills • Development of Paragraphs • Writing a Composition • Note Taking • Techniques of Summarising • Visual Aids Block-3 : English for Science and Technology • Malaria-A New Threat • The Fight against Wound Infections • Mineral Oil • The Exploitation of Steam • From “Brain Research and Human Responsibility” Block-4 : English for Computers • The Development of Computers • Computer Types • Basic Structure of a Computer • Magnetic Disks • Printers 2 3 4 Schedule for CS-611 : Computer Fundamentals and PC Software Total no. of Theoretical Sessions : 4 (Each session is of 2 hours duration) Sessi on 1 Topics to be covered Block-1 : Reading. 8. Enter Text Format the Document using items in Format menu Activate different options like Spell Check etc. 35 . 11. 4. 9. Use Mail Merge Save Document as a Web page Viewing the HTML source of the Web Page created using Word Use Short cut keys for various items in Menus Practical Exercises for MS-Power Point (3 Sessions) : 1. 6.2 Block-2 : Computer Fundamentals : Communication. 3. 5. 6. 2. Save it and Create Slides in the presentation View the Presentation using Slide Show Change the sequence of Slides using Slide Sorter Explore different types of animations Create a Presentation consisting of slides which are activated by Animations Change the Colors of different headers in a Slide Create Charts in a Presentation Create Graphs in a Presentation Create Templates for the Presentation 4. 5. 7. 9. Networking. 10. 11. 7. Security • Fundamentals of Data Communication • Introduction to Computer Networks and Emerging Trends • The Management of Computer Security and Principles of Cryptography • Computer Virus 3 4 Block-3 : A Graphical User Interface • Introduction to Graphical User Interface • Manage System in Windows 95 • Files and Folders • Program and Accessories • Communication through Network • Multimedia in Windows 95 Block-4 : Sample GUI Oriented Applications • MS-Word Basics • Formatting Text • Page Design and Layout • Mail Merge and Document Management • Presentation Graphics and Power Point Total no. Start Power Point Explore all the items in Menus and Tool Bar Create a Presentation. Start Word Explore all the items in Menus and Tool Bar Create a Document. 3. Create a Document for a list of people. 8. of Practical Counselling Sessions : 10 (Each session is of 3 hours duration) Practical Exercises for MS-Word (4 Sessions) : 1. Create a Template and use it for creating several Documents Use all the objects in different menus in Documents like Table etc. 2. 10. Save it. and dates Deleting the cell contents Editing the contents of the cells 36 . of Theoretical Sessions: 4 (Each session is of 2 hours duration) Session 1 Topics to be covered Block-1 : Problem Solving Techniques • • • • 2 • • • • • • • • Classical Problems and Puzzles The Higher Airthmetic . Commands. Starting Windows 95/98 Exploring different controls on Desktop Explore different menus / submenus on Start Button Changing the size of various windows Installing various software (Learn the procedure for any software) Adding Printers Removing Software Creating Short cuts Running MS-DOS applications Managing Files and Folders Using various programs such as Word pad. 2. 6. 9. 5. Schedule for CS-612: PC SOFTWARE AND APPLICATION SKILLS Total no. 3. and Internet Browsers Visiting Web Sites Block-2 : Introduction to MS-EXCEL 3 Block-2 : Introduction to MS-EXCEL 4 Block-3 : Internet Awareness • • • • Total no. 8.II Central Methods Introduction to Excel Formatting and Printing Worksheets Customizing Workplace Calculations in Worksheets Charts Database Power of Excel Focus an Analysis Automating Worksheet Internet an : Overview Internet Tools : E-Mail.Excel (4 Sessions) : 1. 4. Selecting the cells with mouse Entering text. 11. The schedule is applicable for all the sessions of BCA 2nd Semester. of Practical Counselling Sessions: 6 (Each session is of 3 hours duration) Practical Exercises for MS. 4.Practical Exercises for Windows 95/98 (3 Sessions) : 1. numbers. 6. The following is the Counselling Schedule for CS-612 . 7. Navigating. 10. Start MS-Excel Explore all the items in Menus. Calendar etc.I The Higher Airthmetic . Note pad. Tool Bars and their icons Create a Worksheet. CS-60 and CS-62 of BCA 2nd Semester (Integrated Mode). 5. 3. 2. FTP. Commands. Doughnut. 10. 11. Line. Bubble and Stock) using chart wizard Inserting the hyperlinks to the objects. 9. Know how to download the information 8. Radar. Practice how to Register for a free e-mail account. Surface. 20. 14. Explore all the items in Menus. Work with address books 6. Using advanced search commands and techniques 11. 13. Practice how to browse websites 4. Save the worksheet Rename the worksheet Explore different types of Aligning the data Do the text formatting . fill colour and shadow) Changing the font and font size Entering the various formulae Copying data between worksheets Previewing and printing the worksheet Create various types of charts(Column. Advanced features in using and managing e-mail 9. linecolour.7. practice sending and receiving email 5. 18 19. 8. Spell check. Autosum. wordart. Using search engines and search directories 10. arrow. Tool Bars and their icons 3. XYscatter. Start Web browser (Internet Explorer / Netscape Navigator) 2. documents or pages Use the Format painter feature Using the database. 15. Practice sending and receiving file attachments 7. autofit. Zoom Use various features of Drawing (free rotate. rectangle. autoshape. dataforms and data sort Practical Exercises for Internet (2 Sessions) 1. summation Try the Sort. Bar. Area. line. 17. Accessing directories for contact details 37 . oval. 12 12. Pie. Schedule for CS-60 : Foundation Course in Mathematics in Computing Total no. of Theoretical Sessions : 10 (Each session is of 2 hours duration) Session 1 Topics to be covered Block-1 : Elements of Differential Calculus • • • • 2 Real numbers and Functions Limits and Continuity Differentiation Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions Block-1 : Elements of Differential Calculus Derivatives of some Standard Functions Block-2 : Drawing Curves Higher Order Derivatives Finding Maximum and Minimum values of the Functions Solving problems of maxima-minima Rolle’s Theorem Mean Value Theorem Finding the points of inflection and the curvature of a Curve • Determining whether a given function is concave or convex or neither in a given interval Geometric properties of Curves Curve Tracing 3 Block-3 : Integral Calculus Definite Integral Methods of Integration Reduction Formulas Integration of Rational and Irrational Functions Block-4 : Applications of Calculus 4 • • • • • • Applications of Differential Calculus Area under a Curve Applications of Integral Calculus Sets Complex numbers Cubic and Biquadratic Equations 5 Block-5 : Solutions of Polynomial Equations 38 . Unions and Bit-fields Introduction and Arrays Lists Stacks Queues Graphs • • • • • • Block-3: Data Structures 39 . of Theoretical Sessions : 10 (Each session is of 2 hours duration) Session 1 Topics to be covered Block-1 : Introduction to the C Programming Language 2 3 Block-1 : Introduction to the C Programming Language • • Introduction Data Types in ‘C’ Operators and Expressions in C Decision Structures in ‘C’ • • Control Structures-I Control Structures-II • • Block-1 : Introduction to the C Programming Language Block-2 : Programming in C 4 5 6 7 Block-2 : Programming in C Block-2 : Programming in C Block-3 : Data Structures • • Pointers and Arrays Functions Files and Structures.6 Block-6 : Equations and Inequalities • • • • • • • • • System of Linear Equations Cramer’s Rule Inequalities Preliminaries in Plane Geometry The Standard Conics General Theory of Conics Preliminaries in Three-Dimensional Geometry The Sphere Cones and Cylinders 7 Block-7 : Conics 8 9 Block-8 : The Sphere Cone and Cylinder Block-8 : The Sphere Cone and Cylinder Block-9 : Conicoids 10 • General Theory of Conicoids Block-9 : Conicoids • Central Conicoids • Paraboloids Schedule for CS-62 : ‘C’ Programming & Data Structure Total no. 1. Implement a B-Tree 27. Create a Binary Search Tree 25. Write a function which accepts two strings u and v . Write a program pilot which prints the first n lines of its input by default. Evaluate a Postfix expression 17. 12. Use Pointers 15. Accept the names of a file as Input and print the content of that file in reverse order 40 . Use Arrays Perform addition of Two Complex numbers. 5. Use command line arguments. Inorder and Postorder for the traversal of a Binary Tree 26. Implement an AVL Tree 29. Accept a String and File name as Input and print all the lines in the file which consist of the input string 32. Use command line arguments. Accept a Binary Tree as Input and Check it is a Height Balanced Tree or not. Implement Stack. Use Pointers 10. 2. 3. Create a Binary Tree 24. Implement Singly Linked List 18. Implement Queue. Use Arrays 14. Use Arrays 9. Implement Doubly Linked List 19. If there is no occurrence. print it’s Minimum Cost Spanning Tree 23. Use Structures Convert an Integer to a String and Vice-Versa 4. and returns the position of the leftmost occurrence of v in s. Multiplication of Two Sparse matrices. Compare two files and print all the lines which are common to both of them 31. Recursive function to compute a factorial 8. Accept a Graph as Input. 28. Recursive function to reverse a string 7. Implement Preorder. 11. Perform Binary Search. Implement a Circular Linked List 20. Design a Calculator and include as many functions as possible 6. it should give appropriate message. Write a program for sorting a list of input elements. User should be able to give an option for ascending order or descending order. of Practical Counselling Sessions : 24 (Each session is of 3 hours duration) Practical Exercises for CS-62 : Note : Write a program in ‘C’ language for the following exercises. Implement Breadth First Search 22.8 Block-4: Trees and File Organisation • • • Trees AVL-Tree and B-Tree Files 9 10 Block-5: Searching and Sorting Techniques • Various Searching Techniques • Sorting Techniques-I Block-5: Searching and Sorting Techniques • Sorting Techniques-II Total no. Accept the name of a File as Input and print the content of that file to the Standard Output 30. Develop a program for simulating a Dictionary 13. Implement Depth First Search 21. Convert an Infix expression to Postfix expression 16. Addition of Two matrices. 11. 4. The University offers Credit transfer / exemption to the students. 1. Student will receive communication from SR&E. Student has to apply for Credit transfer / exemption to the following address: Registrar(SR&E) IGNOU MAIDAN GARHI NEW DELHI-110068 3. The copy of the syllabus and Grade card should be attested by the Head of the Department of the respective university/institution or a Gazetted officer. Student should enclose a copy of the syllabus of the course successfully completed along with the copy of the Grade card showing the marks obtained in Theory. So. Student should write an application clearly mentioning the title of the course along with course code of BCA regarding which the Credit Transfer/Exemption is being requested. 41 . IGNOU. Practical etc. The rules and regulations for Credit transfer/exemption are issued by the University from time to time. GUIDELINES FOR CREDIT TRANSFER/ EXEMPTION FOR COURSES OF BCA 1. the rules existing at that point of time will be applicable. New Delhi regarding the acceptance / rejection of their request for Credit transfer /exemption. whenever a student apples for Credit transfer/exemption. 12. FORM NO. …………………………………._________________________ Name : ___________________________ Enrol.No. Name of Evaluator: _ Signature of the Student Date of despatch to Date : _____________ the Evaluator: ________________ Date of receipt from the Evaluator: _________________ Course Code: _____________________ S. …………………………………. 1 INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY ASSIGNMENTS REMITTANCE -CUM-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CARD Enrol..No.No.. FORMS AND ENCLOSURES Note: You may use the photocopies of these forms. Assignment No.No. ___________________________ Signature of the recevier ____________ Date : ____________ Signature of the Student Name : _______________________ Address of the Student : ________________________ Date : _____________ (Please write your complete address and affix adequate postal stamp on reverse) Seal Affix Stamp Here From: The Coordinator STUDENT) Study Centre concerned To (ADDRESS OF THE ………………………………. Programme Title: _______________ Medium : _____________________ For Office Use Only S._____________ Programme Title: ________________ Name : __________________________________ For Office Use Only Course Code: ______________Medium: S . No.. No. ___________ _______ Date of Receipt: ____ S.Assignment No. 42 . ..... 6..... Signature ................................ Study Centre Code Name: Shri/Smt....... Code : .. Course Code Assignmen t Code Course Title Medium REASONS FOR REQUEST FOR FRESH SET OF ASSIGNMENTS: (Tick (√) whichever is applicable) 1.. For Office Use Only: Date of Despatch of Assignments to the student: ......... 8............................................ ............ No... Failed to secure over-all qualifying grade in course(s) mentioned above and wish to improve over-all qualifying grade only by attempting one assignment..................... Date ................................. 1.. 3.............Please read the instructions overleaf before filling up this form: FORM NO......... Assignments were received after the due dates prescribed for their submission. Pin................... Assignments not received at all earlier.................... ............... The assignments of the course which you have already passed should not be mentioned........ 6............ 7... Complete Address .................. 5........../Kum Please indicate course code.. 3..... 2.......... 2 Indira Gandhi National Open University New Delhi REQUISITION FOR FRESH SET OF ASSIGNMENTS Programme of Study Enrolment Number Write in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS only......... Assignments submitted but could not secure minimum qualifying score......... Assignments submitted earlier but misplaced at Study Centre/Post/HQ.......................................... assignment code and course title for which you need the assignments in the following columns...... Assignments responses submitted after due dates were rejected by the Study Centre.... 43 .... 4........... 5.............. 4............ 2.................. Sl............. INSTRUCTIONS FOR DOING ASSIGNMENTS 1. 3. if your registration for that course (Subject) is valid. 44 . Please mail this form to: The Registrar MPPD Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi NEW DELHI. Please do not submit your assignment responses twice either at the same Study Centre or at different Study Centres for evaluation. wherever applicable and Study Centre Code on your assignment responses before submitting it to concerned authorities. Name of semester/year. therefore. Assignments should not be demanded to improve your score if you have secured minimum qualifying score in a course (subject). advised to submit your ASSIGNMENTS at your Study Centre within the prescribed dates. You are. Name. Submission of assignments within due dates is prerequisite for appearing in the term-end examination. Read instructions for submission of assignments given in your Programme guide carefully. 2. Assignments should be demanded only. Please ensure that you have mentioned your correct Enrolment No.110 068 Please retain a photocopy of any matter that you submit to the University. You can appear in term-end examination or submit only minimum required number of assignments if you fail to secure over-all qualifying grade in the course (subject). Assignment received after due dates will be summarily rejected. 5. 4. 7. Course Code/ Title. (it consists of 9 digits). 6. .............................. Bank DD No. Registrar (Exam II) Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi New Delhi ....... Programme ..... Name of the Course ................................................ Centre Code ............. .... 3 Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi.. New Delhi-110 068 Application Form for Re-checking of Result of Term-end Examination Name Enrolment No.................................. 100/...................................................................................... 45 .......... If there is any mistake on the part of the University............ Centre ............ . Total amount paid: Rs.......... Address ............................. .................................Form No............................ ................................. Course(s) in which Re-checking of the Term-end-Exam Result is sought (Rs............................................................ Application form for this purpose will normally be entertained within a period of 2 months of the declaration of result....... Pin Code: .............................................................. Dated............ Month and Year of the Exam ................... Date : Signature Note : There is no provision for re-evaluation....................................................... Checking is done with reference to the grade/marks given in the Answerbook and the Award list................................................................................................... 100 per course/paper) Course Code ......... The filled in form with the requisite fee is to be sent to: The Asst............................................................ ..........................paid by the candidate will be refunded... .......................................... .............................. ........................................................................................... Name of Exam................................................ ........................................ or Bank Challan dated ............... Re-checking fee at the rate of Rs...... .........110 068......... ....... Maidan Garhi New Delhi -110 068................................ Form No................................. Address ........ New Delhi Date: ................... 25/.......................... The duplicate grade card/mark list will be sent by Registered Post............................Form No..................................... Signature Note: Fee for duplicate.......................... dated ...... Centre from where appeared at the last examination: ................................ New Delhi-110 068 Application Form for obtaining Duplicate Grade Card/Mark-sheet Name of the Candidate ................................................................... Enrolment No................. The filled in form with the requisite fee is to be sent to: The Registrar (S R & E) Indira Gandhi National Open University Block 12.................. grade card is Rs............................................ Pin Code : Programme ...in favour of IGNOU................ Bank Draft/IPO No.............. ............. for Rs.. .....................5 46 .................. Month and Year of the Exam .............................. ................................................. 4 Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi.......................................................... .................................................. 25/-....... (For Change of Address. THROUGH THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR CONCERNED Enrolment No. SR&ED IGNOU Maidan Garhi New Delhi-110 068. New Delhi after verification ) Application for Change of Address Date: __________ To The Registrar._____________________ Programme____________________ Name (in caps)_____________________ 1. who will forward it to the Director (SR&ED).6 INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY School of Computer & Information Sciences 47 . DETAILS FOR CHANGE/CORRECTION OF MAILING ADDRESS New Address __________________________ ___________________________ __________________________ ___________________________ __________________________ ___________________________ City________________Pin______ City__________________Pin_____ State________________________ State_________________________ Old Address ______________________ Signature of the Student Form No. send it duly filled-in to the concerned Regional Director. Maidan Garhi. Name 4. 2. Details of fee paid: DD No.) Bank Name I do hereby solemnly affirm & state that above details are correct. Enrolment No. Superscribe the envelope with “RE-REGISTRATION FORM OF BCA” along with above mentioned address. Year for which registration is required (Please tick) 3. 5.7 INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY 48 . E-mail 6. Programme Code (Please tick) BCA 2nd Year 3rd Year 2. Form No. Post this form along with the Demand Draft in the name of IGNOU payable at the city where the Regional Centre concerned is located and to be sent to the Regional Centre concerned. DD Date DD Amount (In Rs. Address Pin Code Telephone No.Re-Registration Form for BCA 1. Signature of the Student Note: 1. .. ……………………………………………………………………… Enrolment No. ..……………… Total amount paid Rs:…………………………………………………… (Rs. After re-evaluation. Name of Exam Centre:…………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………. Courses. 49 . Date:……………………… NOTE: Signature of the student The request for re-evaluation by the students must be made before 31st March for December TEE and 30th September for June TEE or within one month of declaration of results whichever is later.………………… ……………………….300/.. in which Re-evaluation is sought COURSE CODE TITLE OF THE COURSE ………………… ………………… ……………….. The date of declaration of results will be calculated from the date on which the results are placed on the IGNOU website. ………………………… ……. Centre Code:……………………………………………………………………………. the better of the two scores of original marks/grade and re-evaluated marks will be considered..per course/paper) Bank Draft No………………(Issuing Bank)…………………………… ………………………..MAIDAN GARHI NEW DELHI – 110 068 APPLICATION FORM FOR RE-EVALUATION OF ANSWER SCRIPT Name: Programme ……………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… Pincode Month and Year of the Exam:…………………………………………………………. Address: …………………………………………………………………………. The filled in form with the requisite fee is to be sent to: Dy. & E. Registrar (Exam-III) (S. Seminar etc.R.The revised marks after the re-evaluation shall be incorporated in the student record and the revised Grade card/Marks sheet shall be sent to the students within one month from the receipt of the application. Re-evaluation is not permissible for the Projects. Practicals. Division) Indira Gandhi National Open University Form No. Assignments.8 INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY APPLICATION FORM FOR IMPROVEMENT IN DIVISION/CLASS 50 . 1st to 31st October for December Termend Exam. 1.. Code Pin 4. Course(s). No. COURSE ………………… Percentage 2. 6. …………………. …………………… Fee details:(The fee for this purpose is to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of IGNOU & payable at New Delhi). Please go through them carefully before filling up the form). ……………………………………………. ………………………. …… X Rs. Prescribed dates for submission of form:1st to 30th April for June Termend Exam.…………………. 4.(Rules & regulations are mentioned on next page of this form.=Total Amount ……………. 300/. Programme: Enrolment No. COURSE CODE . (Please enclose photocopy of the statement of marks/grades card) 5. in which programme completed June/December ……………… Total marks/Overall point grade obtained obtained …………………………………………. Name : ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.. in which CODE Improvement is sought: 1. 3. Demand Draft No.... of Course(s) …………. ………………………… Date …………………… 51 . : Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …… …………………………………………………. 3.. …………………. 5. Term-end examination. …………………………………………………. 6. is valid till the next term-end examination in which they wish to appear for improvement. No improvement is permissible in Practicals / Lab courses. where you wish to appear in term-end examination:Exam.Issuing Bank ………………………………………….. Under the Provision of improvement. The improvement of Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree 2. Provisional Certificate and Degree Certificate already issued to the student. 4. the improved marks/grade can be incorporated only on surrender of the statement of marks/Grade Card. Only one opportunity will be given to improve the marks/grade. marks/grade already awarded and the marks/grade secured in the improvement examination will be considered. subject to the condition that their registration for the programme/course being applied for improvement. Centre Code:…………… City/Town: ……………………………. Workshops and Assignments etc.. Students wishing to improve the marks will have to apply within six months from the date of issue of final statement of marks/grade card to them. No student will be permitted to improve if maximum duration to complete the programme. 7. NDERTAKING I hereby undertake that I shall abide by the rules & regulations prescribed by the University for improvement in Division/Class. applicable only for the The students. who fall short of 2% marks for securing 1st Division or 2nd Division only. 52 . Signature: Name: RULES & REGULATION FOR IMPROVEMENT IN DIVISION/ CLASS 1. in which you wish to appear:June /December…………. has expired. 7. Projects. After appearing in the examination for improvement. Date: ……………… ……………………………… Place: ……………… …………………………………. 3. Term-end examination. Examination centre details. a maximum of 25% of the maximum credits required for successful completion of a programme shall be permitted. are eligible for applying for improvement. 5. 8.. marks/grades is Programmes. better of the two examinations i.. 8. The improvement is permissible only in theory papers. In such cases. including the re-admission period.e. Student Registration & Evaluation Division. in which students appeared for improvement. In case of improvement. New Delhi-110068 12. Indira Gandhi National Open University. 11. the month and year of completion of the programme will be changed to the Term-end examination. Maidan Garhi. On the top of the envelope containing the prescribed application form. Students wishing to improve their performance should submit the application in the prescribed format alongwith fee @ Rs. 10.per course by means of Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi and send within the prescribed dates to the following address:Registrar. Students will be permitted for improvement of marks/grades provided the examination for the particular course. 300/. in which they wish to improve is being conducted by the University at that time. Please mention “APPLICATION FORM FOR IMPROVEMENT IN DIVISION/CLASS” 53 .9. Maidan Garhi. New Delhi – 110 068 54 .
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