PANJAB UNIVERSITY, CHANDIGARH-160014 (INDIA) (Estd. under the Panjab University Act VII of 1947 — enacted by the Govt. of India) FACULTY OF SCIENCE SYLLABI FOR Bachelor of Computer Applications First, Second & Third Year Examinations, 2012 --: o :-- © The Registrar, Panjab University, Chandigarh. All Rights Reserved. GUIDELINES REGARDING CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT FOR REGULAR STUDENTS OF B.A./B.SC./B.COM. /B.C.A. COURSES IMPORTANT NOTE (i) In order to incorporate an element of continuous assessment of students, the Colleges will conduct two mandatory House Tests in theory papers – one in the month of September/October and the other in December/January every year. (ii) (a) For September Test, there will be only one paper of one hour’s duration in each subject, and for December Test, there will be paper/s on the pattern of annual examination conducted by the University. There will be a Special Test for those students who could not fulfil the conditions of eligibility. It will not be held to provide an opportunity to all students to improve their earlier score. Those students who are exempted by the Principal of the College from appearing in the House Test/s in September and/or December/January will also be allowed to appear in the Special Test; this Test will determine their eligibility for admission to the examination as well as their score for Internal Assessment. (b) With a view to meet the grievance of students, if any, on account of scores obtained by them, the answer-books will be shown to them. Difference of opinion on the issue, if any, will be sorted out with the help of respective Heads of departments as well as the Principal of the College. (iii) Whereas the September House Test will carry weightage of 40 per cent, the December House Test will have weightage of 60 per cent in each subject/paper. The total weightage for both the Tests taken together shall be10 per cent of the total marks in each theory subject/paper. The weightage of 10 per cent marks shall be added to each paper of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.C.A. I, II and III Year which will, henceforth, carry weightage of only 90% marks as against 100% marks at present. A candidate will have to pass in theory and practical/s separately. For private candidates and students of the Department of Correspondence Studies, the question paper shall, as usual, have weightage of 100% marks each. (iv) The record of marks secured by the students in the two House Tests will be sent by the respective Colleges so as to reach the office of Controller of Examinations latest by 15 th March, failing which the result of the students shall be shown as ‘RLA’ and the entire responsibility for this would lie with the Principal/s of the College/s. (v) The Colleges will continue to forward the internal assessment of the students for Practicals. Projects and similar other activities, wherever applicable, to the Controller of Examinations, as usual, so as to reach this office latest by 15 th March. (i) SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS SPECIAL NOTE : (i) Each theory question paper will be set out of the marks allotted to each theory paper and 10% marks of the maximum marks of each paper will be internal assessment. (ii) For private candidates, who have not been assessed earlier for internal assessment, the marks secured by them in theory paper will proportionately be increased to maximum marks of the paper in lieu of internal assessment. (iii) It will not be mandatory for the students to separately pass in the internal assessment. (ii) OUTLINES OF TESTS, SYLLABI AND COURSES OF READING FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS FOR THE EXAMINATIONS OF 2012 Scheme of Examination, 2012 LT/Week Theory Marks Internal Assessment Exam. Hours Paper Code FIRST YEAR 1. English (C) 4 90 10 3 BCA-01 2. Panjabi/History & Culture of Punjab 4 90 10 3 BCA-02 3. *Environment Education 50 1 (based on Class Tests and Field Work/Report) 4. Mathematics 5 90 10 3 BCA-03 5. Personal Computing Software 5 90 10 3 BCA-04 6. Computer Organisation & System Maintenance 5 90 10 3 BCA-05 7.. Computer Programming & Problem Solving Through “C” 5 90 10 3 BCA-06 8. Computer Lab.1: Based on BCA-04 6 90 10 4 BCA-07 9. Computer Lab.2: Based on BCA-06 6 90 10 4 BCA-08 SECOND YEAR 1. Project Management & System Development 4 90 10 3 BCA-09 2. Computer Based Numerical & Statistical Methods (Using C) 4 90 10 3 BCA-10 3. Data Structure Using C 5 90 10 3 BCA-25 4. Client Server Computing using ORACLE 5 90 10 3 BCA-12 5. Object Oriented Programming (Using C++) 5 90 10 3 BCA-13 6. Unix Operating System 5 90 10 3 BCA-14 7. Computer Lab.1: Based on BCA-12 and BCA-14 6 90 10 4 BCA-15 8. Computer Lab.2: Based on BCA-13 and BCA-25 6 90 10 4 BCA-16 ______________________________________________________________________________________ * This is a compulsory qualifying paper, which the students have to study in the B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.C.A.1 st year. The students are required to qualify this paper either in the first year, second year and third year of the course. The examination will be conducted by the University. 2 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS THIRD YEAR 1. Enterpreneurship Development Programme 4 90 10 3 BCA-17 2. Data Communication & Networks 5 90 10 3 BCA-18 3. Computer Graphics & Multimedia Applications 5 90 10 3 BCA-19 4. Internet Programming 5 90 10 3 BCA-20 5. Discrete Mathematics 5 90 10 3 BCA-27 6. Project and Seminar 6 85 15 BCA-21 7. Computer Lab.1: Based on BCA-19 5 90 10 4 BCA-23 8. Computer Lab.2: Based on BCA-20 5 90 10 4 BCA-24 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 3 FIRST YEAR BCA-01 : ENGLISH (Compulsory) Outlines of Tests, Syllabi and Courses of reading Max. Marks : 100 Theory : 90 marks Internal Assessment : 10 marks Time : 3 Hours Book Prescribed : Colour of Expression by Harbhajan Singh, published by Publication Bureau, Panjab University, Chandigarh. SECTION-A (i) Story : One essay type question on Summary/Character/Incident (one out of two with internal choice) 15 marks (ii) Prose : Long essay type question on Summary/Theme (one out of two with internal choice) 15 marks (iii) Poetry : 15 marks Summary (one out of two with internal choice) Central Idea --do-- Reference to the Context --do-- : 05 marks : 05 marks : 05 marks SECTION–B (i) Word formation from Prose and Stories and their use in sentences (5 out of 8) 10 marks (ii) Use of textual words and idioms in sentences (5 out of 8) 05 marks (iii) Translation from English to M.I.L. OR FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS (Paraphrase of poetry passage) 10 marks (iv) Official, business and letters to the editors. 10 marks (v) Transformation of all types (10 out of 10) 10 marks Note : Minimum six periods a week for the study of the subject. For composition, there should be Groups of 25-30 students. ------------------ 4 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS u ¬¯8l Y¯˜ul-8lHl8 u ¬¯8l Y¯˜ul-8lHl8 u ¬¯8l Y¯˜ul-8lHl8 u ¬¯8l Y¯˜ul-8lHl8 - -- -u2 u2 u2 u2 8lHl8 J¯T ulJY¯ .2u12) ÷ l8ul3J¯¹ Y8l u uë-8 u uë-8 u uë-8 u uë-8 =¯Y m= 5u luUël 45 l8cë¹Y mHHu c 5 Hu¯ 3 ¤c lHY 8H lHY 8H lHY 8H lHY 8H 1. m¯¤l¹= u ¬¯8l ==lm¯ ÷lm¯ 6 ð=lm¯ =l=3¯=¯ ÷¯ ml¤m¹ 2. 6ð=lm¯ u ¬¯8l =J¯ðlm¯ ÷¯ ml¤m¹ 3. 6ð= u ¬¯8l Y¤=¯ ÷¯ H¤u ¬l=¹ 3 ë6¹¯ / HT÷¯¹ = ëH = ëH = ëH = ëH 1. m¯¤l¹= =¯l= HTu, Hu J¯ m HmH ¹ë, u=¯H= u ¬¯8 H¹l=ëlHcl u8Yl=H¹ l8Uë , 6 JlT= 2. =u¯ 8¤ .In Katha Bodh only 12 Chapters 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 17 will be in the syllabus while Chapter Nos. 2, 4, 5, 15, 16 & 18 be considered deleted), u=¯H= u ¬¯8 H ¹l=ëlHcl u8Yl=H¹ l8Uë , 6JlT= H l¹c m3 ulu H l¹c m3 ulu H l¹c m3 ulu H l¹c m3 ulu 1. m¯¤l¹= =¯l= HTu uH3= l=¯6 uHT HlJ3 l=m¯l¤m¯ .6¯ë l=6 ÷) 5-5÷1u m= 2. ÷ =l=3¯=¯ ÷¯ H¯ë m3 =÷ël J¯= .6¯ë l=6 ÷) 5-5÷1u m= 3. =u¯ 8¤ l=6 uHT HlJ3 l=m¯l¤m¯ .6¯ë l=6 ÷ ) 5-5÷1u m= 4. l8= =J¯ðl ÷¯ H¯ë .=u¯ 8¤ l=6) 5 m= 5. l8= Y¤= ÷¯ ¬l=¹, ë6¹¯ m3 HT÷¯¹ .÷-l8= ==l, l8= =J¯ðl=¯ë l=6 l8=) 1u m= u ¬= Hl¹c Y8l ÷J¯ uH3=¯ l=6 Jõ lY¤ Y¤= l¹ë¤¯ë3 J¹ J¯8l =lë lH¤, uë¹ lH¤, u uJ¹ lH¤, m lu3¯ ul3u, lH= =u¯ë, H 3 lH¤ H¤, =Y=3 lH¤ l=ë= m3 H3¤ lH ¤ ¤lë1 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 5 u uë u uë u uë u uë- -- -8l 8l 8l 8l =¯Y m= 5u luUël 45 l8cë¹Y mHHu c 5 Hu¯ 3 ¤c lHY 8H lHY 8H lHY 8H lHY 8H 1. Y¤ 15 m= 2. uë¯ u= = uH¹¯ ÷ U¯3ë ÷ð¯ 1u m= 3. H8÷ ë6¹¯ 3 =¯= ë6¹¯ 15 m= 4. uJ¯=ë 5 m= H l¹c m3 ulu H l¹c m3 ulu H l¹c m3 ulu H l¹c m3 ulu 1. Y¤ .5uu-6uu H8÷) .Hu¯¬=, HlJm¯6¯ë= m3 m¯u =¯==l =¯Y ) 2. uë¯ u= = uH¹¯ ÷ U¯3ë ÷ ð¯ l8H l=¯6 3 uH¹ u¯ë ¬¯ðT - uë ÷¯ lHëY¤, 6¯ë UYl= H8÷¯ ÷ mëu 8¯ë uH¹ m3 uë ¹¯Y H8¤3 ÷ J ë uH¹) 3. .U) H8÷ H¯¤l .m) =¯= H¯¤l 4. uJ¯=ë H v¯8lm¯ H v¯8lm¯ H v¯8lm¯ H v¯8lm¯ u H3=¯ u H3=¯ u H3=¯ u H3=¯ 1. u ¬¯8l H6¯ë HT3¯ mlJm¯H, u ¬¯8 Hcc H¹l=ëlHcl c=Hc 8¯= 8ëJ, 6JlT=1 2. =¯Y¬ u ¬¯8l l=m¯=ëð, Jë=lë3 lH¤, u ¬¯8 Hcc H¹l=ëlHcl c=Hc 8¯= 8 ëJ, 6JlT= 1 ------------------- 6 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS OR BCA-02 : HISTORY AND CULTURE OF PUNJAB Max. Marks : 100 Theory : 90 marks Internal Assessment : 10 marks Time : 3 hours HISTORY AND CULTURE OF PUNJAB 1200-1849 A. D. Unit-I 1. Society in the Punjab during the Afghan rule. 2. The Punjab under the Great Mughals. 3. Salient features of the Bhakti movement and Sufism in the Punjab. Unit-II 4. Guru Nanak : His teachings; concept of Langar and Sangat. 5. Development of Sikhism (1539-1581) : Contributions of Guru Angad Dev, Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Das for the development of Sikhism. 6. Transformation of Sikhism : Compilation of Adi-Granth; Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev; Guru Hargobind’s New Policy. General Instructions : 1. In all, nine questions will be set. Each question will carry 18 marks. 2. First question shall be Short Answer type containing 15 short questions spread over the whole syllabus. Candidates will attempt nine out of the fifteen questions in about 25 to 30 words each. Each short question will carry 2 marks totalling 9×2 = 18 marks. The first question is compulsory. 3. Rest of the paper shall contain 4 units. Each unit shall have two essay type questions and the candidates shall attempt one question from each unit–4 in all. 4. For private candidates, who have not been assessed earlier for internal assessment, the marks secured by them in theory paper will proportionately be increased to maximum marks of the paper in lieu of internal assessment. The paper-setter must put note (4) in the question paper. SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 7 Unit-III 7. Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur; foundation of the Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh. 8. Banda Bahadur and his achievements; Sikh struggle for sovereignty from 1716 to 1765; role of Dal Khalsa, Rakhi, Gurmata and Misls. 9. Ranjit Singh’s rise to power; civil and military administration; relations with the British. Unit-IV 10. Social change with special reference to the position of women. 11. New developments in language, literature, architecture in the Punjab during the Medievel period. 12. Famous Folk tales of Medieval Punjab. Suggested Readings : 1. Singh, Kirpal, History and Culture of the Punjab, Part II (Medieval period), Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, Patiala, 1990 (3 rd edn.). N.B. : The required detail and depth would conform to the treatment of the subject in the above survey. (This book will also form the basis of the short answer questions). 2. Grewal, J.S., The Sikhs of the Punjab, The New Cambridge University History of India, Orient Longman, Hyderabad, 1990. 3. Singh, Khushwant, A History of the Sikhs, Vol. I: 1469-1839, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1991. 4. Singh, Fauja (ed.), History of the Punjab, Vol.III, Punjabi University, Patiala, 1972. 5. Chopra, P.N., Puri, B.N., and Das, M.N., A Social, Cultural & Economic History of India, Vol.II, Macmillan, Delhi, 1947. Note : The following categories of the students shall be entitled to take the option of History & Culture of Punjab in lieu of Punjabi as compulsory subject : (a) That the students who have not studied Punjabi upto class 10 th . (b) Ward of/and Defence Personnel and Central Government employee/employees who are transferable on all India basis. (c) Foreigners. ---------------- 8 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS ENVIRONMENT EDUCATION (25 hrs. course) 1. Environment Concept : Introduction, concept of biosphere—lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere; Natural resources—their need and types; principles and scope of Ecology; concepts of ecosystem, population, community, biotic interactions, biomes, ecological succession. 2. Atmosphere : Parts of atmosphere, components of air; pollution, pollutants, their sources, permissible limits, risks and possible control measures. 3. Hydrosphere : Types of aquatic systems; Major sources (including ground water) and uses of water, problems of the hydrosphere, fresh water shortage; pollution and pollutants of water, permissible limits, risks and possible control measures. 4. Lithosphere : Earth crust, Soil—a life support system, its texture, types, components, pollution and pollutants, reasons of soil erosion and possible control measures. 5. Forests : Concept of forests and plantations, types of vegetation and forests, factors governing vegetation, role of trees and forests in environment, various forestry programmes of the Govt. of India, Urban forests, Chipko Andolan. 6. Conservation of Environment : The concepts of conservation and sustainable development, why to conserve, aims and objectives of conservation, policies of conservation; conservation of life support systems—soil, water, air, wildlife, forests. 7. Management of Solid Waste : Merits and demerits of different ways of solid waste management— open dumping, landfill, incineration, resource reduction, recycling and reuse, vermicomposting and vermiculture, organic farming. 8. Indoor Environment : Pollutants and contaminants of the in-house environment; problems of the environment linked to urban and rural lifestyles; possible adulterants of the food; uses and harms of plastics and polythene; hazardous chemicals, solvents and cosmetics. 9. Global Environmental Issues : Global concern, creation of UNEP; Conventions on climate change, Convention on biodiversity; Stratospheric ozone depletion, dangers associated and possible solutions. 10. Indian Laws on Environment : Indian laws pertaining to Environmental protection : Environment (Protection) Act, 1986; General information about Laws relating to control of air, water and noise pollution. What to do to seek redressal. 11. Biodiversity : What is biodiversity, levels and types of biodiversity, importance of biodiversity, causes of its loss, how to check its loss; Hotspot zones of the world and India, Biodiversity Act, 2002. 12. Noise and Microbial Pollution : Pollution due to noise and microbes and their effects. SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 9 13. Human Population and Environment : Population growth and family welfare programme, Human Health, HIV/AIDS, Human rights. 14. Social Issues : Environmental Ethics : Issues and possible solutions, problems related to lifestyle, sustainable development; Consumerisms and waste generation. 15. Local Environmental Issues : Environmental problems in rural and urban areas. Problem of Congress grass & other weeds, problems arising from the use of pesticides and weedicides, smoking etc. Practicals : Depending on the available facility in the college, a visit to vermicomposting units or any other such non-polluting eco-friendly site or planting/caring of vegetation/trees could be taken. Note : Above 15 topics to be covered in 25 hour lectures in total, with 2 lectures in each topics from 2 to 11 and one each for the topics 1 and 12 to 15. • Examination Pattern : Fifty multiple choice questions (with one correct and three incorrect alternatives and no deduction of marks for wrong answer or un-attempted question). • All questions are to be attempted. • Qualifying marks 33 per cent i.e. 17 marks out of 50. • Total marks : 50. • Duration of Examination : 60 minutes. • Spread of questions : Minimum of 2 questions from each of the topics 1 and 12 to 15. Minimum of 4 questions from topics 2 to 11. • The paper setter is requested to set the questions strictly according to the syllabus. -------------------- 10 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code : BCA-03 Paper Title : Mathematics Theory Marks : 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : To provide basic mathematical foundation required for various computer science courses. Note : (i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (ii) Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. (iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified. SECTION-A 1. Fundamental Principles of Counting : Permutation as an arrangement, meaning of P (n, r) and c (n, r), simple applications. Binomial Theorem: Statement of principle of Mathematical Induction, Proof of the Binomial Theorem of positive index using the principle of induction, general and middle terms. Binomial Theorem for any index (Without Proof) applications of Binomial Theorem for approximation and properties of Binomial Coefficients. 2. Trigonometry-I : Trigonometric Ratios of allied angles, Trigonometric ratios of Compound angles or addition and subtraction formulae. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B 3. Trigonometry-II : Transformation Formulae, Trigonometric ratios of multiple and sub-multiple angles, Inverse Trigonometric functions. 4. Limit and Continuity : Rules for finding Limits, Infinite Limits, Continuity at a point, Rules of continuity, Continuity on an Interval. (No. of Periods : 25) SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 11 SECTION-C 5. Derivatives : The derivative of a function, Calculating derivatives from the definition, Differentiability on an interval, Differentiation Rules, Rates of Change, Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions, The Chain Rule, Derivative of Implicit, Rational, and Exponential Functions. Application of Derivatives : Rolle’s theorem, Lagrange Mean Value Theorem and their applications, Extreme values of Functions, the first derivative test for Local Extreme Values. 6. Integration-I : Indefinite Integrals, Integration by substitution, Integration of Transcendental Functions: Inverse Functions, Natural Logarithm, The Exponential Function. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D 7. Integration-II : Inverse Trigonometric functions, Integration by parts, Partial fractions, Trigonometric substitutions, Definite Integrals, Properties, Area under the curve. 8. Matrix Operations : Introduction and definition of matrix, types of matrices, Matrix addition, Subtraction and scalar multiplication, Matrix multiplication, Transpose of a matrix, adjoint of a matrix and inverse of a matrix, solution of system of linear equations, definition and properties of a determinant. (No. of Periods : 25) References : 1. Schaum Series, 1982 : Theory & Problem of Essential Computer Mathematics, McGraw Hill, New York. 2. Grimaldi, Ralph P., 2003 : Discrete and Combinational Mathematics, Pearson Education, Singapore. 3. Rao, G. Shanker, 1999 : Mathematics for Computer Science, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi. ------------------- 12 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code : BCA-04 Paper Title : Personal Computing Software Theory Marks : 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : The objective of this course is to familiarize students with concepts of Fundamentals of It and its applications. Note : (i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (ii) Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. (iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified. SECTION-A 1. Computer Appreciation : Introduction, characteristics of computer; History of computers; classification of computers on size, architecture and chronology; Applications of computers; commonly used terms–Hardware, Software, Firmware; Computer Architecture and organisation; Input, Process and Output; Representation of information; BIT, BYTE, Memory, Memory size; Units of measurement of storage; Input/Output devices; Secondary storage devices; Networking concepts - LAN, WAN and Topologies: Types of software; system and application software; functions of an operating system; Popular Operating systems; Generation of Languages; Translators - Interpreters, Compilers, Assemblers and their comparison. 2. DOS and Advanced DOS : Profiling an Operating system; Booting sequence; Operating System files and command Processor file; Definition of a file; File naming; Booting from floppy and HDD; Warm and Cold reboot; Types of DOS commands; Internal and External; Introduction to AUTOEXEC.BAT; Versions of DOS; Directory commands: Copy, XCOPY, DEL, RENAME, ATTRIB, BACKUP, RESTORE, FIND, SYS; General commands; TYPE, DATE, TIME, PROMPT; Disk organisation and Disk storage. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B 3. Disk Management Commands: FORMAT, CHKDSK, DISKCOPY, LABEL, VOL, DISKCOMP, COMP, RECOVER; Redirecting command input and output pipes, study of a line editor and screen editor; Using COPY CON to build a file; Introduction to simple batch files; configuring the system: CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files; Setting the Environment; SET Command; System Configuration: FILES, BUFFERS, COUNTRY, DEVICE, SHELL, LASTDRIVE; Batch files commands: ECHO, PAUSE, REM; Batch files with command line arguments; Single and multiple command line parameters; Loop structures in Batch files : IF ERRORLEVEL condition = = condition EXISTS and NOT conditions. GOTO, CALL; Nested Batch Files; preparing Batch files; preparing Batch File Menu Shell; DOS Utility commands: MEMMAKER, MSAV, DBLSPACE, MOVE, DEFRAG, DELTREE, MSBACKUP, SCANDISK, SETVER, UNDELETE, UNFORMAT, XCOPY. SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 13 4. Using Windows : Windows Basics; Start Windows; Using different windows simultaneously; Moving through windows and mouse; Maximize/Minimize windows; Use of help feature; Exit windows; Starting an application; Run and Manage multiple applications; Close applications; File Management through windows: Copy, Move, Delete files/Directories, Creating Directories. Renaming files and directories; Disk operation Using File Manager, Using Essential Accessories: Starting and using Notepad, Type and Edit text in a document in Notepad/Wordpad, Insert pictures in a document in Notepad /Wordpad, Format text in Notepad/Wordpad document, Save and Print a document file in Notepad/Wordpad, Starting and Using Paint, Printing a drawing; OLE Concepts. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C 5. Word Processing Package : Basics of Word Processing; Text Selection, Opening Documents and Creating Documents, Saving Documents/Quitting Documents, Cursor Control, Printing Documents, Using the Interface (Menu Toolbars), Editing Text (Copy, Delete, Move etc.), Finding and Replacing Text, Spell Check Feature/Autocorrect feature, Grammar facility, Retrieving often used text; Autotext character formating, Page formatting; Document Enhancement: Adding Borders and shading, Adding Headers and Footers, Setting up Multiple columns, Sorting blocks, Adjusting Margins and Hyphenating Documents, Creating Master Document, Creating Data Source, Merging Documents, Using Mailmerge feature for labels and envelopes; Graphics and Using Templates and wizards. 6. Presentation Packages : Basics, General Features, Creating a presentation. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D 7. Spreadsheet Package : Worksheet Basics, Data Entry in Cells : Entry of numbers, text and formulae, Moving data in a worksheet, Moving around in a worksheet, Selecting Data Range, Using the interface (Toolbars, Menus), Editing Basics, Working with workbooks, Saving and Quitting, Cell referencing; Formatting and Calculations : Calculations and worksheets - using Autofill, Working with Formulae, Efficient Data Display with Data formatting (number formatting, date formatting etc.), Working with Ranges, Worksheet Printing; Working with Graphs and Charts : Adding/Formatting Text Data with Autoformat, Creating Embedded Chart using charwizard, sizing and moving parts, updating charts, Changing chart types, Creating separate charts, Chart wizard, Adding Titles, Legends and Gridlines, Printing Charts; Database Management; Finding records with Data form, Adding/Deleting Records, Filtering Records in a worksheet; Functions and Macros: Worksheet with worksheet function using function-wizard, Creating Macros, Record Macros, Running Macros, Assigning Macros to Buttons, Defining Macros from Scratch. Multiple worksheets and scanners. 14 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 8. Internet and www : Evolution of Internet services provided on Internet, Access Methods, Future of Internet, Evolution of www. Fundamentals of www. FrontPage : Installing FrontPage, components of FrontPage, Creating websites. (No. of Periods : 25) References : 1. Mathur Rajiv, 1995 : DOS 6.2 Quick Reference, Galgotia. 2. Mathur Rajiv, 1996 : Learning Word 6 for Windows Step-by-Step, Galgotia. 3. Mathur Rajiv, 1996 : Learning Excel 5 for Windows Step-by-Step, Galgotia. 4. Jamsa, Kris A, 1993 : Rescued by Windows 3.1, Galgotia. 5. Basandra, S.K. 1995 : Computers Today, Galgotia 6. Kasser, Barbara, 1998 : Using the Internet, PHI, 4 th ed., New Delhi. 7. Wall, David A. & Others, 1996 : Using the World Wide Web, PHI, 2 nd ed., New Delhi. --------------------- SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 15 Paper Code : BCA-05 Paper Title : Computer Organisation and System Maintenance Theory Marks : 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : This course will enable the student to understand the basic organization of computer system and system maintenance. Note : (i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (ii) Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. (iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified. SECTION-A 1. Computer Organisation : Evolution of Computers, Stored program concept and Von Neumann Architecture, Information representation and codes, Arithmetic algorithms : Addition and substraction for sign magnitude and 2's complement numbers, Building blocks of computer; Combinatorial Blocks : Gates, Multiplexers, Decoders, Encoders etc. Sequential Building blocks : Flip Flop, Registers, Counters, Random access memory; Register Transfer Language and micro-operations; Concept of Bus, data movement among registers, Language to represent conditional data transfer, data movement from/to memory, Arithmetic and logical operations along with register transfer. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B 2. Architecture of a Simple Processor : A simple computer organisation and instruction set, Instruction execution in terms of Microinstructions, Concept of interrupt and simple I/O organisation, I/O organization : Strobe based and Handshake based communication, Vector and priority interrupts, DMA based data transfer; Implementation of the processor using building blocks; CPU organisation : Addressing Modes, Instruction formats, CPU organisation with large registers, Stacks and handling of interrupts and subroutines, Instruction pipelining (Stages, Hazards and methods to remove hazards). (No. of Periods : 25) 16 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS SECTION-C 3. Memory Organisation : Basic cell of static and dynamic RAM, Building large memories using chips, Associative memory, Cache memory organisation, Virtual memory organisation. 4. Assembly Language Programming : Machine and assembly language, Pseudo operations, subroutines in assembly language, interrupt and I/O programming, integer multiplication using shift and add, Booth's algorithms, integer division, floating representation and arithmetic algorithm. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D 5. System Maintenance : Introduction to Various Physical components of a Computer, Physical Inspection of a PC and internal cards, Diagnostics on a PC, Functional description of various modules and cards. Various types of display and other peripherals used in a PC. Installing a software, Detection of viruses and protection on a PC. (No. of Periods : 25) References : 1. M. Morris Mano 1993. : Computer System Architecture, Prentice Hall International, 3 rd Ed. 2. P. Pal Choudhri, 1994. : Computer Organisation and Design, Prentice Hall of India. 3. Biswal, Sadasiva, 2001 : Basic Electronics, Pub-Atlantic, New Delhi. 4. B. Govindarajalu, 1994. : IBM-PC and Clones - Hardware Troubleshooting and Maintenance, Tata-McGraw-Hill. ---------------------- SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 17 Paper Code : BCA-06 Paper Title : Computer Programming & Problem Solving Through “C” Theory Marks : 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : The objective of this course is to make the student understand programming language concepts, mainly control structures, reading a set of data, stepwise refinement, function, control structure and arrays. After completion of this course, the student is expected to analyze the real life problem and write a program in ‘C’ language to solve problem. The main emphasis of the course is on problem solving aspect that is, developing proper algorithms. Note : (i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (ii) Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. (iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified. SECTION-A 1. Algorithm and Programming Development 1.1 Steps in development of a program 1.2 Flow charts, Algorithm Development 1.3 Program Debugging 2. Fundamentals of ‘C’ 2.1 I/O statements, assignment statements 2.2 Constants, variables and data types 2.3 Operators and Expressions 2.4 Standards and Formatted statements 2.5 Key word, Data Types and Identifiers (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B 3. Control Structures 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Decision making with IF – statement 3.3 IF – Else and Nested IF 3.4 While and do-while, for loop 3.5 Jump statements, break, continue, goto 3.6 Switch Statement 18 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 4. Functions 4.1 Introduction to functions 4.2 Global and Local Variables 4.3 Function Declaration 4.4 Standard functions 4.5 Parameters and Parameter Passing 4.6 Call – by value/reference 4.7 Recursion (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C 5. Preprocessor Directives 5.1 Introduction and Use 5.2 Macros 5.3 Conditional Preprocessors 5.4 Header Files 6. Arrays 6.1 Introduction to Arrays 6.2 Array Declaration 6.3 Single and Multidimensional Array 6.4 Arrays of characters 7. Pointers 7.1 Introduction to Pointers 7.2 Address operator and pointers 7.3 Declaring and Initializing pointers 7.4 Assignment through pointers 7.5 Pointers and Arrays (No. of Periods : 25) SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 19 SECTION-D 8. Structures and Unions 8.1 Declaration of structures 8.2 Accessing structure members 8.3 Structure Initialization 8.4 Arrays of structure, nested structures, structure with pointers 8.5 Unions 9. Strings 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Declaring and Initializing string variables 9.3 Reading and writing strings 9.4 String handling functions 10. Files 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Creating a data file opening and closing a data file, processing a data file (No. of Periods : 25) References : 1. Byron S. Gottfried, 1996 : Programming in C, McGraw Hills Publishers, New York. 2. Salaria, R. S. : Test Your Skills in C, Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P.) Ltd., New Delhi. 3. Kanetkar Yashwant, 2010 : Let us Exploring C, BPB Publications, New Delhi. 4. Balaguruswami C., 2008 : Programming with C Language, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 5. Somashekara, M.T. , 2008 : Programming in C, Prentice Hall of India. 20 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code : BCA-07 Paper Title : Computer Lab.-1 Based on BCA-04 Theory Marks : 90 Paper Code : BCA-08 Paper Title : Computer Lab.-2 Based on BCA-06 Theory Marks : 90 --------------------- SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 21 SYLLABI AND COURSES OF READING FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS FOR THE EXAMINATION OF 2012 SECOND YEAR Paper Code : BCA-09 Paper Title : Project Management and System Development Theory Marks : 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : • Define the characteristics of a project. • Explain the need for project management. • Compare and contrast the roles of project managers in organizational environments. • Describe the systems development cycle. • Explain the roles of systems analysis and systems management in the life cycle of a project. Note : (i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (ii) Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. (iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified. SECTION-A 1. Concepts of Project Management : Concept of a project, Categories of project life cycle phases, Project Management Concepts, Tools and Techniques for Project Management, Roles and Responsibilities of a Project Manager. (No. of Periods : 07) 2. Establishing the Project : Feasibility Report, Financing Arrangements, Preparation of Cost Estimates, Project Implementation Schedule, Evaluation of the Project Profitability. (No. of Periods : 07) 3. Organizing the Project : Working of Systems, Design of Systems, Project Work System Design, Work Breakdown Structure, Project Execution Plan, Project Procedure Manual, Project Control System, Planning, Scheduling and Monitoring. (No. of Periods : 06) 4. Project Directions, Coordination : Project Direction, Communications in a Project, Project Coordination. (No. of Periods : 05) SECTION-B 5. Project Control : Project Control, Scope/Progress Control, Performance Control, Schedule Control, and Cost Control. (No. of Periods : 05) 22 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 6. Project Management Performance : Performance Indicators, Performance Improvement, Project Management Environment. (No. of Periods : 10) 7. Report Writing : Characteristics of Reports, Importance of Reports, Types of Reports, Structure of Reports. Preparatory Steps to Writing Reports, Elements of Style, Use of Illustrations, Writing the Report, Specimen Reports. (No. of Periods : 10) SECTION-C 8. System Analysis and Design : (a) Software Specifications and Requirement Analysis : Introduction and Objectives, Software requirement specification, Classification and analysis, Software specification documents and attributes. (b) Software Specification Tools : Data Dictionary, Decision Support Tools, Data Flow Diagrams, Finite State Machine, Petri Nets, Mathematical Logic, Operational Timelines. (c) Software Development Environment : Operating System, Programming Languages, Compilers, Editors, Linkers, Code-generators, debuggers, Program Design Languages, Workbenches, Integrated CASE tools, Ideal Software Development plateform. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D (d) Software Design : Design Process, Design levels and their objectives, Various approaches to design, Design tools, Preparing software design specifications, Components of design of an information system. (e) Software Implementation and Maintenance : Fundamentals of Coding, Programming languages, their features and selection, Programming style and Program quality. (f) Software Testing : Module level testing methods, System level testing methods, Debugging. (g) Software Maintenance and Maintainability. References : 1. Choudhary, S., 1988 : Project Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 1988 (Recommended as a text-book for the syllabus contents-6). SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 23 2. Sharma, R.C., and Krishna Mohan, 1996 : Business Correspondence and Report Writing, Second Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 1978, Reprinted in 1996 (Pages 129-230). 3. Gopalakrishnan, P. & Rama Moorthy, V.E., 1993. : Text Book of Project Management, Mac Million India Ltd. 4. Harrison, F.L., 1992. : Advanced Project Management, A Structured Approach (Third Edition), Metropolitan. 5. Srinath, I. S., 1989. : PERT & CPM, Principles and Applications, Third Edition, Affiliated East-West Press Pvt. Ltd. 6. Rodrigues, M.V., 1992 : Effective Business Communication, Concept Publishing Company, 1992 (Pages 411-436). 7. Krishna Mohan & Banerji Meera, 1990. : Develop Communication Skills, MacMillian India Ltd. 8. Behforooz, Ali and Hudson Frederick,1996. : Software Engineering Fundamentals, Oxford University Press. 9. Kanter, J.,1984 : Management Information Systems, PHI. 10. Gill, Nasib Singh : Software Engineering, Khanna. 11. Rajib Mall, 2004 : Fundamentals of Software Engineering, PHI. 12. Pressman, Roger S., 2010 : Software Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill. 13. Jagdeep Singh : System Analysis and Design, Kalyani. 14. Awad, Elias M., 1993 : System Analysis and Design, Galgotia. 15. Kaur, Kirandeep : Project Management and Technical Report Writing, Kalyani. ---------------------- 24 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code : BCA-10 Paper Title : Computer Based Numerical and Statistical Methods (Using C) Theory Marks : 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : To Teach implementation numerical and statistical methods. Note : (i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (ii) Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. (iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified. SECTION-A Numerical Methods : (a) Computer Arithmetic : Floating Point Numbers, operations, normalizations and their consequences. (b) Iterative Methods : Bisection, False-Position, Newton - Raphson Methods, Zeros of a polynomial using Birge - Vieta Method. Development of Programs for above Numerical Methods using C. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B (c) Simultaneous Linear Equations : Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations Using Gauss - Elimination, Gauss-Jordan and Gauss-Seidal Methods, Concept of Pivoting. (d) Interpolation, Numerical Integration and Runga–Kutta Methods. (e) Development of Programs for above Numerical Methods using C. (No. of Periods : 25) SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 25 SECTION-C Statistical Methods : (a) Measures of Central Tendency : Preparing Frequency distribution table, Arithmetic mean, Geometric mean, Harmonic mean, Median and Mode. (b) Measures of Dispersion, Skewness and Kurtosis, Range : Mean deviation, Standard deviation, Coefficient of variation, Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis. Development of Programs for above Statistical Methods using C. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D (c) Correlation and Regression Analysis : Least square fit; Polynomial and curve fittings; Linear regression and non linear regression algorithms. (d) Development of Programs for above Statistical Methods using C. (No. of Periods : 25) References : 1 Salaria, R.S. : Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P.) Ltd., New Delhi. 2. Rajaraman, V., 2004 : Computer Programming in C, Prentice Hall of India. 3. Krishnanmurthy, E.V. & Sen, S. K. 1984 : Computer Based Numerical Algorithms, East West Press. 4. Rajaraman, V., 1980. : Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall, India. 5. Balaguruswami, E., 2000 : Computer Oriented Statistical and Numerical Methods, Mac Million. 6. Gupta, M. K., Goon, A.M., Dasgupta, B., 1978 : Fundamentals of Statistics, Pub. Calcutta, World Press Kolkatta. 7. Affi, A.A, 1979 : Statistical Analysis : A Computer Oriented Approach, Academic Press, Inc 8. Salaria, R.S. : Simplified Text-cum-Workbook on Computer Oriented Numerical Methods : A Programming Approach, Khanna. 9. Gupta, S.P., 2003 : Statistical Methods, S. Chand. --------------------- 26 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code : BCA-25 Paper Title : Data Structure Using C Theory Marks : 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : The basic algorithms related to handling data like stack, lists, queue, trees and graphs are introduced in this subject. The implementation of these algorithms will be taught using previously learned C programming language. Note : (i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (ii) Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. (iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified. SECTION-A 1. Basic Concepts and Notations, Data Structure and Data Structure operations. (No. of Periods : 05) 2. Basic data Structures and Operations on them : Arrays, Stacks, Queue, Linked List and its representation. Applications of these data structures. (No. of Periods : 20) SECTION-B 3. Trees–Definition and Basic concepts, Linked Tree Representation, Representation in Contiguous Storage, Binary Tree, Binary Tree Traversal, Searching, Insertion and deletion in Binary trees, Binary search tree, AVL trees. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C 4. Graphs and their application, Sequential and Linked representation of Graph-adjacency, Matrix, Operations on Graph, Traversing a graph. (No. of Periods : 25) SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 27 SECTION-D 5. Searching and Sorting : Binary and Linear Search, Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Selection sort, Merge sort, Radix sort, Quick sort, Shell sort. (No. of Periods : 25) References : 1. Lipschuitz L. Seymour, 2001 : Data Structure, Schaum Outline Series, TMH, New Delhi. 2. Tannenbaum, Aaro M., 1990 : Data Structure Using C, Pearson. 3. Salaria, R. S. : Data Structures & Algorithm Using C, Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P.) Ltd., New Delhi. 4. Salaria, R. S. : Test Your Skills in Data Structures; Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P.) Ltd., New Delhi. 5. Sofat Sanjeev : Data Structure with C and C++, Khanna Book Publishing Co. 6. Patel, R.B. : Expert Data Structure in C, Khanna Book Publishing Co. ------------------ 28 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code : BCA-12 Paper Title : Client Server Computing Using ORACLE Theory Marks : 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : This course aims at giving the students the insight of Client Server computing and Creating Applications using the Oracle Web Server. Note : (i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (ii) Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. (iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified. SECTION-A 1. Introduction to Client-Server Computing. 2. Introduction to RDBMS : Approaches to Data Management, Database Management - An Evolutionary Phenomenon, Introduction to DBMS, The 12 Rules (Codd's Rule) for an RDBMS, Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), Oracle Server and Oracle Database, Oracle Products. (No. of Periods : 10) 3. Introduction to SQL *Plus : Introduction to SQL, Oracle Data types, Starting SQL *Plus, Querying database tables, Conditional retrieval of rows, Working with Null Values, Matching a pattern from a table, Ordering the Result of a Query, Aggregate Functions, Grouping the Result of a Query, ROLLUP Operation: Getting Sub Totals, CUBE Operation : Getting Cross Tabs, Command Summary of SQL *Plus Editor. (No. of Periods : 10) 4. Querying Multiple Tables : Collating Information: Equi Joins, Cartesian Joins, Outer Joins, Self Joins. (No. of Periods : 05) SECTION-B 5. SET Operators : Union, Intersect, Minus; Nested Queries. (No. of Periods : 05) 6. Functions : Functions, Column Functions : Arithmetic Functions, Character Functions, Date Functions, General Functions; Group Functions. (No. of Periods : 10) ] SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 29 7. Data Manipulation and Control-I : Data Definition Language (DDL), Creating Tables, Creating a Table with data from another table, Inserting Values into a Table, Updating Column(s) of a Table, Deleting Row(s) from a Table, Dropping a Column, Introduction to VIEWs, Manipulating the Base table(s) through VIEWs, Rules of DML Statements on Join Views, Dropping a VIEW, Inline Views, Materialized Views. (No. of Periods : 10) SECTION-C 8. Data Manipulation and Control-II : Database Security and Privileges, GRANT Command, REVOKE Command, Application Privileges Management, Enhancing Performance, Sequences, Maintaining Database Objects, COMMIT and ROLLBACK. (No. of Periods : 10) 9. PL/SQL-I : Introduction to PL/SQL, The Advantage of PL/SQL, PL/SQL Block Structure, PL/SQL Architecture, Fundamentals of PL/SQL, PL/SQL Data Types, Variables and Constants, Scope and Visibility of a Variable, Assignments and Expressions, Operator Precedence, Referencing Non- PL/SQL Variables, Built-in-Functions, Conditional and Iterative Control, SQL Within PL/SQL, Writing PL/SQL Code, Composite Datatypes. (No. of Periods : 15) SECTION-D 10. PL/SQL-II : Cursor Management in PL/SQL, Cursor Manipulation, Implicit Cursor Attributes, Exception Handling in PL/SQL; Predefined Exceptions, User Defined Exceptions. (No. of Periods : 10) 11. Advanced PL/SQL : Subprograms in PL/SQL, Advantages of Subprograms, Procedure, Functions, Actual versus Formal Parameters, Argument Modes, Stored Packages, Advantages of Packages, Dropping a Procedure, Dropping a Function, Dropping a Package, Using Stored Function in SQL Statements, Database Trigger, Types of Triggers, Dropping Triggers, Storage for Triggers. (No. of Periods : 15) References : 1. James T. Perry, Joseph, G. Lateer, 1989 : Understanding ORACLE, BPB Publications, B-14, Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110001. 2. Mukhi Vijay, 1992 : Mastering Oracle 6.0, BPB Publications ------------------- 30 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code : BCA-13 Paper Title : Object Oriented Programming (Using C++) Theory Marks : 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : By the end of the course students will be able to write C++ programs using the more esoteric language features, utilize OO techniques to design C++ programs, use the standard C++ library, exploit advanced C++ techniques Note : (i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (ii) Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. (iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified. SECTION-A 1. Concepts of Object Oriented Programming : Object, Class, and Encapsulation. Data hiding, Inheritance, Polymorphism. Analysis and design of system using object oriented approach. (No. of Periods : 10) 2. Structure of a C++ Program : Include files, Declaration of an object, main function, and I/O streams. (No. of Periods : 05) 3. Classes and Objects Class Declaration : Data Members, Member Functions, Private and Public members, Data hiding and encapsulation, Arrays within a class. Class Function Definition: Member Function definition inside the class declaration and outside the class declaration, friend function, inline function, static function, (No. of Periods : 10) SECTION-B 4. Scope resolution operator, Private and Public member function, Nesting of member functions. Creating Objects, Accessing class data members, Accessing member functions, Arrays of Objects, Objects as function arguments : Pass by value, Pass by reference, Pointers to Objects. (No. of Periods : 15) 5. Constructors and Destructors : Declaration and Definition, Default Constructors, Parameterized Constructors, Copy Constructors. Destructors: Definition and use. (No. of Periods : 10) SECTION-C 6. Function Overloading & Operator Overloading. (No. of Periods : 10) SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 31 7. Inheritance - Extending Classes Concept of inheritance, Base class, Derived class, Defining derived classes, Visibility modes : Private, public, protected; Single inheritance : Privately derived, Publicly derived; Making a protected member inheritable, Access Control to private and protected members by member functions of a derived class, Multilevel inheritance, Nesting of classes. (No. of Periods : 15) SECTION-D 8. Polymorphism : Definition, early Binding, Polymorphism with pointers, Virtual Functions, late binding, pure virtual functions. (No. of Periods : 10) 9. File Processing : Opening and closing of file, stream state member functions, Binary file operations, structures and file operations, classes and file operations, Random file processing. (No. of Periods : 15) References : 1. Bjarna Stroustrup, 2009 : The C++ Programming Language, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. 2. Robert Lafore, 2003 : Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++, Galgotia Pub. 3. E. Balaguruswamy, 2008 : Object Oriented Programming with C++, TMH. 4. Salaria, R. S. : Object Oriented Programming Using C++, Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P.) Ltd., New Delhi. ---------------------- 32 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code : BCA-14 Paper Title : Unix Operating System Theory Marks : 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : Work comfortably in the UNIX environment, Edit and manage files and user-level security for UNIX development, - Use standard UNIX development tools for C or C++. Note : (i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (ii) Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. (iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified. SECTION-A 1. Introduction to Operating Systems, its needs and services, Simple batch Systems, Multi- programmed batched systems, Time sharing systems, Parallel systems, Distributed systems and Real-time systems. (No. of Periods : 15) 2. Overview of UNIX : History, Features of UNIX, Comparison between UNIX and Windows. (No. of Periods : 05) 3. Structure of UNIX Kernel, Shell, Command execution, (No. of Periods : 05) SECTION-B 4. UNIX directory system. UNIX Commands : User Access and User ID Commands, Directory commands, Editors Commands, File Manipulation Commands, Security and Protection Commands, Inter-User and Inter-Machine Communication, Process Management Commands I/O Redirection and Piping Commands, Shell Commands and Shell Programming, System Administration Commands, Vi editor, File Handling commands, and grep. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C 5. Administering UNIX Systems : Introduction to System Administration, Functional activities of System Administration - Starting up the system, Maintaining the Super User Login, Shutting down the system, recovering from system crash, Taking backups, Managing disk space, Mounting and Un-mounting file system, Adding and removing users, Changing groups and password, Maintaining security, Monitoring system activity, Accounting of system usage and billing, Setting up remote communication, Installing printers and peripheral devices. (No. of Periods : 25) SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 33 SECTION-D 6. Shell Programming : Executing a shell program, Study of shell programming as a Language; Wild card characters, Type of statements and Reserved Words, Special Shell parameters. (No. of Periods : 10) 7. The AWK pattern scanning and processing language. (No. of Periods : 05) 8. UNIX and Networking : Setting up of DNS, Mail, WWW servers under UNIX. (No. of Periods : 10) References : 1. Srirengan, K, 1999. : Understanding UNIX, Prentice-Hall of India, 2. Kernighan, B.W. & Rob Pike, 1997. : The UNIX Programming Environment, Prentice-Hall of India, Paper Code : BCA-15 Paper Title : Computer Lab.-1 : Based on BCA-12 and BCA-14 Theory Marks : 90 Paper Code : BCA-16 Paper Title : Computer Lab.-2 : Based on BCA-13 and BCA-25 Theory Marks : 90 ------------------------ 34 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS SYLLABI AND COURSES OF READING FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS FOR THE EXAMINATION OF 2012 THIRD YEAR Paper Code : BCA-17 Paper Title : Enterpreneurship Development Programme Theory Marks : 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : EDPs aim at training various target groups in entrepreneurial traits so that they obtain adequate information, motivation and guidance in setting up their own enterprises. In order to maintain a homogeneous nature of participating groups, EDPs focus on rural entrepreneurs, women, SC/ST, minority communities etc. Note : (i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (ii) Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. (iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified. SECTION-A 1. Project Formulation : Need, Scope and approaches for project formulation; structure of project report; study and analysis of sample project report; preparation of a project report; Techno- economic feasibility of the project. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B 2. Finance & Accounting : Working capital assessment, its management & exercise thereon; Assessment of fixed capital and exercise thereon; Capital budgeting; Product costing and cost consciousness. Financial ratios and their significance; Break-even analysis; Credit institutions and financing procedures; Books of accounts, financial statements & fund flow analysis. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C 3. Managing the Enterprise : Resource management – men, material, money and machines; Personnel management, Office management. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D 4. Rules & Regulations : Licensing and Registration procedure; Appreciation of important provisions of Factory Act, Shops & Commercial Establishment Act; Sales of Goods Act, Partnership Act; Contract Act; Income Tax, Sales Tax and Excise rules; Insurance. (No. of Periods : 25) SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 35 References : 1. Sinha, A.K, 1983. : Project Engineering & Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1983. 2. Srivastava, U. K., 1981 : Project Planning, Financing, Implementation & Evaluation, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad,1981. 3. Kuchhal, S. C., 1982 : Financial Management - An Analytical and Conceptual Approach, Chaitanya Pub. House, 1982. 4. Mohan, 1982 : Principles of Management Accounting, Mohan & Goyal, Agra Sahitya Bhavan,1982. 5. Saroja, 1979 : Management of Small Scale Industries, Seth Publishers, Bombay, 1979. 6. Vepa Ram K., 1984 : How to Succeed in Small Industry, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 1984. 7. Bare Acts : Central Sales Tax Act, State Sales Tax Act, Central Excise Act and Customs Act. 8. Bhagwati Prasad, 1972 : Law and Practice of Income Tax in India, Navman Prakashan. 9. Gulshan, S. S., 1979 : A Text Book of Commercial Law, S. Chand & Co. 10. Gupta, B. P., 1986 : Industrial Relations, (PHD Chamber of Commerce & Inds.). ----------------- 36 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code : BCA-18 Paper Title : Data Communication & Networks Theory Marks : 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : As part of this course, students will be introduced to computer networks and data communication paradigms, about network models and standards , network protocols and their use, wireless technologies. Note : (i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (ii) Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. (iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified. SECTION-A 1. Introduction : Network definition, Network Hardware and Software, Network Topologies, Uses of Computer Networks, OSI reference model, TCP/IP Reference Model. Comparison of OSI & TCP/IP reference model. 2. Physical Layer : Transmission Media, Switching, ISDN & its service. Multiplexing, Modems. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B 3. Data Link Layer : Design Issue, Error Detection & Correction Codes, Elementary Data Link Protocols, Static & Dynamic Channel Allocation, Introduction to IEEE standards, Sliding Window Protocol. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C 4. Network Layer : Design issues, Routing Algorithms, Shortest path routing, Flooding, Broadcast & Multicast routing congestion, Control & internetworking. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D 5. Application Layer : Network Security & Privacy, Data Compression & Cryptography. Electronic Mail, The WWW, Multimedia, Audio, Video, Remote Login, File Transfer. (No. of Periods : 25) SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 37 References : 1. Tannenbaum, A.S., 2003 : Computer Networks, Prentice Hall. 2. Stallings, William, 2008 : Local and Metropolution Area Networks : An Introduction, Macmillian Publishing Co. 3. Black : Data Network, Prentice Hall of India. ------------------ 38 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code : BCA-19 Paper Title : Computer Graphics and Multimedia Applications Theory Marks : 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : • To study the graphics techniques and algorithms. • To study the multimedia concepts and various I/O technologies. • To enable the students to develop their creativity Note : (i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (ii) Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. (iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified. SECTION-A Computer Graphics : 1. A Survey of Computer Graphics : Computer Aided Design, Presentation Graphics, Computer art, Entertainment, Education and Training, Visualization, Image Pressing, Graphical User Interfaces. (No. of Periods : 15) 2. Overview of Graphics Systems : Video Display Devices, Raster Scan Systems, Random Scan Systems. Graphics Monitors and Workstations, Input Devices, Hard-copy devices, Graphics Software. (No. of Periods : 10) SECTION-B 3. Studying the Features and Developing Computer Graphics Using Standard Graphics packages like Auto CAD and Paint Brush. (No. of Periods : 10) 4. Developing Computer Graphics Using 'C' : Input-output primitives, Setting character and text attributes, Changing line styles, Using fill styles to fill images. Use the above primitives to develop programs like drawing concentric circles, Ellipses, Sine surves, Histograms, Pie charts and human face. (No. of Periods : 15) SECTION-C Multimedia Applications : 5. Multimedia in use Introducing multimedia, What is multimedia ? using multimedia. SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 39 6. Technology System Components, Multimedia Platforms, Development Tools, Image, Audio, Video, Storage for multimedia, Communications. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D 7. Applications : Multimedia in the Real World, Training and Education, Image Processing. 8. Studying features and use of Multimedia Image Processing authoring tools like photoshop, Macromedia Director. (No. of Periods : 25) References : 1. Hearn and Backe, 1997 : Computer Graphics, Second Edition, PHI, New Delhi. 2. Kanetkar Yashwant , 2003 : Graphics Under 'C', BPB Publications. 3. Judith Jeffcoate, 2007 : Multimedia in Practice, Technology and Applications, PHI. 4. Foley, Vandom, Fenier, Hughes, 1996 : Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice, IV Edition in 'C'; Addison Wesley Publishers. 5. Ian R. Sinclair, 1994 : Multimedia on the PC (with CDROM), BPB Publications. 6. Hillman, David, 1998 : Multimedia Technology and Applications, ITP. 7. Vaughan, Tay, 2008 : Multimedia Making it Work, Osborne Publishers. 8. Kelly & Bootle, 1989 : Turbo 'C', BPB Publications. ---------------------- 40 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code : BCA-20 Paper Title : Internet Programming Theory Marks : 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : • To describe basic Internet Protocols. • Explain JAVA and HTML tools for Internet programming. • Describe scripting languages – Java Script. • Explain dynamic HTML programming. • Explain Server Side Programming tools. Note : (i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (ii) Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. (iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified. SECTION-A 1. HTML : Introduction to HTML, Building blocks of HTML, lists, links, images, tables, frames, layers forms, Introduction to cascading style sheets (CSS) defining and applying CSS. 2. Java Script : Features, tokens, data types, variables, operations, control structs strings arrays, functions, core language objects, client side objects, event handling. Applications related to client side form validation. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B 3. Fundamentals of Java : Java Vs. C++, Byte lode, Java virtual machine, constants, variables, data types, operators, expressions, control structures, defining class, creating objects, accessing class members, constructions, method overloading. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C 4. Inheritance : Basics, member access, using super to call super class constructors, creating a multi level hierarchy, method overriding, dynamic method dispatch, using abstract classes, using Final. 5. Packages and Interfaces : Defining a package, understanding CLASSPATH, Access protection : Importing packages, Interfaces, Defining an Interface, Implementing. Interfaces, Applying, Interfaces, Variables in Interfaces. SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 41 6. Exception Handling : Fundamentals, Exception types, Using Try and Catch, Multiple Try and Catch clauses, Nested Try statements, Built–in exceptions. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D 7. Multi-threaded Programming : The Java Thread model, Thread priorities, Synchronizations, Messaging. The thread class and run able interface, The Main Thread : Creating a Thread, Implementing Run able, Extending Thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Thread Priorities; Synchronizations : Methods, Statements, Inter Thread Communication, Deadlock, Suspending, Resuming and Stopping Threads. 8. I/O Applets : I/O Basics : Streams, The predefined streams; Reading console I/P, Writing console O/P. The print writer class; Reading and Writing files, Applet fundamentals, Using AWT controls, Layout Managers and Menus, String handling and event handling. (No. of Periods : 25) References : 1. Phillips LEE and Darmell Rick : Computer Graphics, Second Edition, PHI, New Delhi. 2. Daniel Dang, 2010 : An Introduction to Java Programming, PHI, New Delhi. 3. Balaguruswamy, E., 1998 : Programming with Java, A Primer, TMH, New Delhi. 4. Wanger & Wyke, 2000 : Java Script Unleased, Techmedia, New Delhi, 2000. ------------------------- 42 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code : BCA-27 Paper Title : Discrete Mathematics Theory Marks : 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : This is first mathematics subject. Student will learn and revise his knowledge acquired previously. Logic, Relations and Functions, Algebric Functions and Graph Theory will be introduced in this course. Note : (i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (ii) Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. (iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified. SECTION-A 1. Set Theory : Relations and Functions : Set Notation and Description, subset, basic set operations, Venn Diagrams, laws of set theory, partitions of sets, min sets, duality principle, basic definitions of relations and functions, graphics of relations, properties of relations: injective, surjective and bijective functions, compositions. 2. Recurrence : Recurrence Relations and Recursive Algorithms – Linear-Recurrence Relations with Constant Coefficients; Homogeneous Solutions : Particular Solution, Total Solution, Solution by the Method of Generating functions. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B 3. Graph Theory : Graph and planar graphs – Basic Terminology, Multi-graphs, Weighted Graphs, Paths and Circuits, Shortest Paths, Eulerian Paths and Circuits. Travelling Salesman Problem, Planar Graphs. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C 4. Automata Theory : Finite State Machines–Equivalent Machines, Finite State Machines as language Recognizers; Analysis of Algorithms - Time Complexity, Complexity of Problems. 5. Boolean Algebra : Lattices and Algebraic Structures; Duality. Distributive and Complemented Lattices, Boolean Lattices and Boolean Algebra. (No. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D 6. Boolean Functions and Expressions, Propositional Calculus, Design and Implementation of Digital Networks, Switching Circuits. (No. of Periods : 10) SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 43 7. Algebra of Logic : Proposition of logic operations, truth tables and propositions generated by set, equivalence and implication laws of logic, mathematical system, propositions over a universe, mathematical induction, quantifiers. (No. of Periods : 15) References : 1. Doerr, A. and Kenneth, L., 1989 : Applied Discrete Structures for Computer Science, Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2. Liu, C. L., 1985 : Elements of Discrete Mathematics, McGraw Hill. 3. Seymour Lipschutz and Lipson, 1992 : 2000 Solved Problems in Discrete Mathematics, McGraw- Hill. BCA : 21 PROJECT and SEMINAR Project and Seminar must be taken up from the real life problems. Marks for these are to be given on the basis of Programming Style, User friendly I/O, on-line help and documentation (user Manual). This work will carry 100 marks, (85 Marks for Project and Seminar Viva; and 15 Marks for Internal Assessment). Paper Code : BCA-23 Paper Title : Computer Lab.-1 : Based on BCA-19 Theory Marks : 90 Paper Code : BCA-24 Paper Title : Computer Lab.-2 : Based on BCA-20 Theory Marks : 90 ----------------------- Published by : Professor A.K. Bhandari, Registrar, Panjab University, Chandigarh. GUIDELINES REGARDING CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT FOR REGULAR STUDENTS OF B.A./B.SC./B.COM. /B.C.A. COURSES IMPORTANT NOTE (i) In order to incorporate an element of continuous assessment of students, the Colleges will conduct two mandatory House Tests in theory papers – one in the month of September/October and the other in December/January every year. (ii) (a) For September Test, there will be only one paper of one hour’s duration in each subject, and for December Test, there will be paper/s on the pattern of annual examination conducted by the University. There will be a Special Test for those students who could not fulfil the conditions of eligibility. It will not be held to provide an opportunity to all students to improve their earlier score. Those students who are exempted by the Principal of the College from appearing in the House Test/s in September and/or December/January will also be allowed to appear in the Special Test; this Test will determine their eligibility for admission to the examination as well as their score for Internal Assessment. (b) With a view to meet the grievance of students, if any, on account of scores obtained by them, the answer-books will be shown to them. Difference of opinion on the issue, if any, will be sorted out with the help of respective Heads of departments as well as the Principal of the College. (iii) Whereas the September House Test will carry weightage of 40 per cent, the December House Test will have weightage of 60 per cent in each subject/paper. The total weightage for both the Tests taken together shall be10 per cent of the total marks in each theory subject/paper. The weightage of 10 per cent marks shall be added to each paper of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.C.A. I, II and III Year which will, henceforth, carry weightage of only 90% marks as against 100% marks at present. A candidate will have to pass in theory and practical/s separately. For private candidates and students of the Department of Correspondence Studies, the question paper shall, as usual, have weightage of 100% marks each. (iv) The record of marks secured by the students in the two House Tests will be sent by the respective Colleges so as to reach the office of Controller of Examinations latest by 15th March, failing which the result of the students shall be shown as ‘RLA’ and the entire responsibility for this would lie with the Principal/s of the College/s. (v) The Colleges will continue to forward the internal assessment of the students for Practicals. Projects and similar other activities, wherever applicable, to the Controller of Examinations, as usual, so as to reach this office latest by 15th March. (i) SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS SPECIAL NOTE : (i) Each theory question paper will be set out of the marks allotted to each theory paper and 10% marks of the maximum marks of each paper will be internal assessment. For private candidates, who have not been assessed earlier for internal assessment, the marks secured by them in theory paper will proportionately be increased to maximum marks of the paper in lieu of internal assessment. It will not be mandatory for the students to separately pass in the internal assessment. (ii) (iii) (ii) OUTLINES OF TESTS, SYLLABI AND COURSES OF READING FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS FOR THE EXAMINATIONS OF 2012 Scheme of Examination, 2012 LT/Week FIRST YEAR 1. 2. 3. English (C) Panjabi/History & Culture of Punjab *Environment Education 4 4 90 90 50 10 10 3 3 1 BCA-01 BCA-02 Theory Marks Internal Assessment Exam. Hours Paper Code (based on Class Tests and Field Work/Report) 4. 5. 6. 7.. 8. 9. Mathematics Personal Computing Software Computer Organisation & System Maintenance Computer Programming & Problem Solving Through “C” Computer Lab.1: Based on BCA-04 Computer Lab.2: Based on BCA-06 SECOND YEAR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Project Management & System Development Computer Based Numerical & Statistical Methods (Using C) Data Structure Using C Client Server Computing using ORACLE Object Oriented Programming (Using C++) Unix Operating System Computer Lab.1: Based on BCA-12 and BCA-14 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 BCA-09 BCA-10 BCA-25 BCA-12 BCA-13 BCA-14 BCA-15 5 5 5 5 6 6 90 90 90 90 90 90 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 3 4 4 BCA-03 BCA-04 BCA-05 BCA-06 BCA-07 BCA-08 Computer Lab.2: Based on BCA-13 and 6 90 10 4 BCA-16 BCA-25 ______________________________________________________________________________________ * This is a compulsory qualifying paper, which the students have to study in the B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.C.A.1st year. The students are required to qualify this paper either in the first year, second year and third year of the course. The examination will be conducted by the University. 2. 5.2: Based on BCA-20 4 5 5 90 90 90 10 10 10 3 3 3 BCA-17 BCA-18 BCA-19 4. 8. 3. Enterpreneurship Development Programme Data Communication & Networks Computer Graphics & Multimedia Applications Internet Programming Discrete Mathematics Project and Seminar Computer Lab. 5 5 6 5 5 90 90 85 90 90 10 10 15 10 10 3 3 BCA-20 BCA-27 BCA-21 4 4 BCA-23 BCA-24 . 6.1: Based on BCA-19 Computer Lab. 7.2 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS THIRD YEAR 1. Marks Theory Internal Assessment Time Book Prescribed : : : : : 100 90 marks 10 marks 3 Hours Colour of Expression by Harbhajan Singh. For composition. SECTION-A (i) Story : One essay type question on Summary/Character/Incident (one out of two with internal choice) Prose : Long essay type question on Summary/Theme (one out of two with internal choice) Poetry : Summary Central Idea Reference to the Context (one out of two with internal choice) --do---do-SECTION–B : 05 marks : 05 marks : 05 marks 15 marks (ii) 15 marks (iii) 15 marks (i) (ii) (iii) Word formation from Prose and Stories and their use in sentences (5 out of 8) Use of textual words and idioms in sentences (5 out of 8) Translation from English to M. ------------------ .L. Syllabi and Courses of reading Max. business and letters to the editors. Panjab University. published by Publication Bureau. OR FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS (Paraphrase of poetry passage) 10 marks 05 marks 10 marks (iv) (v) Official.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 3 FIRST YEAR BCA-01 : ENGLISH (Compulsory) Outlines of Tests.I. Transformation of all types (10 out of 10) 10 marks 10 marks Note : Minimum six periods a week for the study of the subject. Chandigarh. there should be Groups of 25-30 students. wKL 3 xzN/ f.b/p.fjs ftnkfynk (uko ftu'A d') d' eftsktK dk . 12. gq'H w'jB f. . 8.zr . 2. 2.zy/g ihtB s/ ouBk $ :'rdkB e' o. nzfwqsk gqhsw.zx Xho. 7. .ko (eEk p'X ftu'A) fJe b/ye dk ihtB.zs f.zs'y f.w?ANL 5 . nkX[fBe ekft .zgL vkH n?. 4. nkX[fBe ekft ftZu'A gq. g{oB f.zx. fÙt e[wko.H B{o.fjs ftnkfynk (uko ftu'A d') fJe ejkDh dk .Nh gpbhe/ÙB fpT{o'. 4. 3. gqekÙeL gzikp :{Bhtof.Nh gpbhe/ÙB fpT{o'. 16 & 18 be considered deleted). uzvhrVQ :{ fBN ns/ Ehw 1.hHJ/H-02 phH.Hn?. 5. 15. 5O5&10 nze 5O5&10 nze 5O5&10 nze 5 nze 10 nze . ouBk ns/ :'rdkB (d'FfJe eth.zx ftoe ns/ . 10. 2.zrw g[. 5. 2.ko ns/ e/Adoh Gkt (uko ftu'A d') eEk p'X ftu'A gq. 6. fJe ejkDheko ftu'A fJe) gzit/A :{fBN bJh d'jK g[. nkX[fBe gzikph ethnK dhnK u'DthnK eftsktK dk nfXn?B u'DthnK gzikph ejkDhnK dk nfXn?B u'Dt/A gzikph b/yeK dk . e[btzs f. 3. 3.zr .zx./y'A. uzvhrVQ eEk p'X (In Katha Bodh only 12 Chapters 1. 11. 1.4 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS gzikph bk˜whFphH. 13.hHJ/H Gkr gfjbk (2012) d/ fJwfsjkB bJh g/ goFJ/ e[Zb nzeL 50 fET{ohL 45 fJzNoBb n.zx . 9.seK ftu'A j/m fby/ b/ye fBoXkos jBL GkJh tho f. gqekÙeL gzikp :{Bhtof. 14 and 17 will be in the syllabus while Chapter Nos.zrw. 1.?. 4. uzvhrVQ.Nh N?e. 2.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 5 og/ go -ph e[Zb nzeL 50 fET{ohL 45 fJzNoBb n. gzikp . gzikp .seKL 1.?. joehos f. .[ MkJhnK g[ .. 1. 2.wkie. ftZu 3 gqÙB g[ZS/ ikDr/ F g?oQ/ dk f.N p[Ze p'ov. uzvhrVQ.zpzXs d' j'o gqÙB) 3.zx . 3. g?oQk gVQ e/ gqÙBK d/ T[Zso d/Dk fJ. w[jkto/ .N p[Ze p'ov.N/N :{Bhtof.N/N :{Bhtof.zuko :'rsk nfGnk. ekbi gzikph ftnkeoD. b/y g?ok gVQ e/ gqÙBK d/ T[Zso d/Dk Ùpd ouBk s/ tke ouBk w[jkto/ :{ fBN ns/ Ehw 15 nze 10 nze 15 nze 5 nze 1. gzikph . (T) Ùpd Ù[ZXh (n) tke Ù[ZXh 4.w?ANL 5 . uko T[bhe/ ÙpdK d/ noE pko/ gqÙB ns/ g?oQ/ Bkb .ob/y. ------------------- .Nh N?e.b/p. b/y (500-600 Ùpd) (.fGnkukoe ns/ nkw tkech tkb/) 2.wKL 3 xzN/ f. 3. Development of Sikhism (1539-1581) : Contributions of Guru Angad Dev. For private candidates. Guru Nanak : His teachings. . 4. Marks Theory Internal Assessment Time : 100 90 marks 10 marks 3 hours : : : General Instructions : 1. Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Das for the development of Sikhism. In all. The first question is compulsory. 3. 2. Rest of the paper shall contain 4 units. Guru Hargobind’s New Policy. HISTORY AND CULTURE OF PUNJAB 1200-1849 A. Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev. Each unit shall have two essay type questions and the candidates shall attempt one question from each unit–4 in all. The paper-setter must put note (4) in the question paper. Unit-I 1. nine questions will be set. Each question will carry 18 marks. Unit-II 4. D. Transformation of Sikhism : Compilation of Adi-Granth.6 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS OR BCA-02 : HISTORY AND CULTURE OF PUNJAB Max. 2. Salient features of the Bhakti movement and Sufism in the Punjab. 6. concept of Langar and Sangat. The Punjab under the Great Mughals. the marks secured by them in theory paper will proportionately be increased to maximum marks of the paper in lieu of internal assessment. Society in the Punjab during the Afghan rule. First question shall be Short Answer type containing 15 short questions spread over the whole syllabus. 5. Each short question will carry 2 marks totalling 9×2 = 18 marks. who have not been assessed earlier for internal assessment. Candidates will attempt nine out of the fifteen questions in about 25 to 30 words each. 11. Orient Longman.N. Cultural & Economic History of India. Grewal. 8. Vol..II. Suggested Readings : 1. 1990 (3rd edn. M. Patiala. A History of the Sikhs. Singh. Foreigners. The New Cambridge University History of India. 1991. Patiala. B. 3. Part II (Medieval period). : 2.III. and Das.N. Punjabi University. 12. Kirpal. 5. Unit-IV 10. Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur. Oxford University Press. (This book will also form the basis of the short answer questions)...N. foundation of the Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh. relations with the British. Chopra. Rakhi. Sikh struggle for sovereignty from 1716 to 1765.S. architecture in the Punjab during the Medievel period. Ward of/and Defence Personnel and Central Government employee/employees who are transferable on all India basis. 9. Puri.B. Hyderabad.. Vol.). civil and military administration. Macmillan. N. The Sikhs of the Punjab. 1990. 1947. Note : The following categories of the students shall be entitled to take the option of History & Culture of Punjab in lieu of Punjabi as compulsory subject : (a) (b) (c) That the students who have not studied Punjabi upto class 10th. Singh. A Social. Delhi. Khushwant. 1972. New developments in language. Vol. P. J. Gurmata and Misls. Famous Folk tales of Medieval Punjab.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 7 Unit-III 7. ---------------- . Ranjit Singh’s rise to power. The required detail and depth would conform to the treatment of the subject in the above survey. role of Dal Khalsa. Punjabi University. 4. Social change with special reference to the position of women. Publication Bureau. Banda Bahadur and his achievements. Delhi. History of the Punjab. History and Culture of the Punjab.). literature. Fauja (ed. I: 1469-1839. Singh. biotic interactions. importance of biodiversity. levels and types of biodiversity. of India. 2. Major sources (including ground water) and uses of water. vermicomposting and vermiculture. its texture. fresh water shortage. air. Forests : Concept of forests and plantations. factors governing vegetation. concept of biosphere—lithosphere. pollutants. 4. Biodiversity Act. recycling and reuse. pollution and pollutants. 8. 12. organic farming. atmosphere. dangers associated and possible solutions. community. Hotspot zones of the world and India. components of air. possible adulterants of the food. Atmosphere : Parts of atmosphere. pollution. General information about Laws relating to control of air. 10. 6. their sources. conservation of life support systems—soil. role of trees and forests in environment. ecological succession. concepts of ecosystem. Conventions on climate change. 9. why to conserve. . Convention on biodiversity. Biodiversity : What is biodiversity. types. solvents and cosmetics. creation of UNEP. uses and harms of plastics and polythene. resource reduction. 3. problems of the hydrosphere. forests. aims and objectives of conservation. hazardous chemicals. Soil—a life support system. Urban forests. Hydrosphere : Types of aquatic systems. hydrosphere. course) 1. wildlife. Environment Concept : Introduction. Stratospheric ozone depletion. Conservation of Environment : The concepts of conservation and sustainable development. reasons of soil erosion and possible control measures. 7. 2002. risks and possible control measures. water. permissible limits. incineration. Indoor Environment : Pollutants and contaminants of the in-house environment. causes of its loss. water and noise pollution. Management of Solid Waste : Merits and demerits of different ways of solid waste management— open dumping. how to check its loss. Noise and Microbial Pollution : Pollution due to noise and microbes and their effects. landfill. components. 11. 5. principles and scope of Ecology. pollution and pollutants of water. Indian Laws on Environment : Indian laws pertaining to Environmental protection : Environment (Protection) Act. permissible limits. types of vegetation and forests. Chipko Andolan. population. various forestry programmes of the Govt. biomes. Natural resources—their need and types. problems of the environment linked to urban and rural lifestyles. Global Environmental Issues : Global concern. risks and possible control measures. Lithosphere : Earth crust. What to do to seek redressal. policies of conservation. 1986.8 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS ENVIRONMENT EDUCATION (25 hrs. problems arising from the use of pesticides and weedicides. Social Issues : Environmental Ethics : Issues and possible solutions. Minimum of 4 questions from topics 2 to 11.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 9 13. Duration of Examination : 60 minutes. All questions are to be attempted. a visit to vermicomposting units or any other such non-polluting eco-friendly site or planting/caring of vegetation/trees could be taken. • -------------------- . Spread of questions : Minimum of 2 questions from each of the topics 1 and 12 to 15. Consumerisms and waste generation. Human rights. The paper setter is requested to set the questions strictly according to the syllabus. with 2 lectures in each topics from 2 to 11 and one each for the topics 1 and 12 to 15. Note : Above 15 topics to be covered in 25 hour lectures in total. 17 marks out of 50. smoking etc. • • • • • • Examination Pattern : Fifty multiple choice questions (with one correct and three incorrect alternatives and no deduction of marks for wrong answer or un-attempted question). sustainable development. Qualifying marks 33 per cent i. Population growth and family welfare programme. 14. problems related to lifestyle. Total marks : 50. Problem of Congress grass & other weeds. 15.e. Practicals : Depending on the available facility in the college. Local Environmental Issues : Environmental problems in rural and urban areas. HIV/AIDS. Human Population and Environment : Human Health. 10 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-03 Mathematics 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : To provide basic mathematical foundation required for various computer science courses. general and middle terms. Proof of the Binomial Theorem of positive index using the principle of induction. r) and c (n. (No. . SECTION-A 1. Binomial Theorem: Statement of principle of Mathematical Induction. simple applications. r). Trigonometric ratios of Compound angles or addition and subtraction formulae. Continuity on an Interval. Continuity at a point. of Periods : 25) 2. Trigonometry-I : Trigonometric Ratios of allied angles. unless specified. Rules of continuity. Fundamental Principles of Counting : Permutation as an arrangement. Inverse Trigonometric functions. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B 3. Trigonometric ratios of multiple and sub-multiple angles. All questions carry equal marks. Binomial Theorem for any index (Without Proof) applications of Binomial Theorem for approximation and properties of Binomial Coefficients. Limit and Continuity : Rules for finding Limits. Infinite Limits. 4. (No. meaning of P (n. Note : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. Trigonometry-II : Transformation Formulae. Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. Transcendental Functions: Inverse (No. Lagrange Mean Value Theorem and their applications. Matrix Operations : Introduction and definition of matrix. Shanker. New York. 2. Properties. 2003 : 3.. Rao. Integration-II : Inverse Trigonometric functions. 1982 : Theory & Problem of Essential Computer Mathematics. Subtraction and scalar multiplication. Definite Integrals. Grimaldi. Rational. The Chain Rule. ------------------- . The Exponential Function. definition and properties of a determinant. Calculating derivatives from the definition. (No. Kalyani Publishers. Natural Logarithm. Integration-I : Indefinite Integrals.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 11 SECTION-C 5. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. and Exponential Functions. Transpose of a matrix. Integration by substitution. Partial fractions. Integration of Functions. types of matrices. New Delhi. Extreme values of Functions. Ralph P. Application of Derivatives : Rolle’s theorem. Mathematics. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D 7. Integration by parts. Rates of Change. G. 1999 : Mathematics for Computer Science. Matrix addition. adjoint of a matrix and inverse of a matrix. the first derivative test for Local Extreme Values. Trigonometric substitutions. Derivative of Implicit. of Periods : 25) References : 1. Differentiability on an interval. Schaum Series. Pearson 8. 6. Discrete and Combinational Education. Derivatives : The derivative of a function. Singapore. McGraw Hill. solution of system of linear equations. Differentiation Rules. Matrix multiplication. Area under the curve. History of computers. COMP. Booting sequence. Batch files with command line arguments. Introduction to simple batch files. system and application software. BIT. functions of an operating system. architecture and chronology. Computer Architecture and organisation. Firmware. Input. BACKUP. DEL. ATTRIB. DBLSPACE. Translators . Networking concepts . TYPE. RECOVER. DATE. All questions carry equal marks. DEVICE. Directory commands: Copy. UNDELETE. The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. DISKCOPY. Applications of computers. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B Disk Management Commands: FORMAT. Introduction to AUTOEXEC. unless specified. commonly used terms–Hardware. WAN and Topologies: Types of software. General commands. DEFRAG. Memory. (No. Loop structures in Batch files : IF ERRORLEVEL condition = = condition EXISTS and NOT conditions. DOS Utility commands: MEMMAKER. System Configuration: FILES. Batch files commands: ECHO.SYS and AUTOEXEC. Definition of a file. Note : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. DOS and Advanced DOS : Profiling an Operating system. Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. Generation of Languages. MSAV. study of a line editor and screen editor. 3. Using COPY CON to build a file.BAT. preparing Batch files. UNFORMAT. Compilers. Booting from floppy and HDD. CHKDSK. SCANDISK. BUFFERS. SYS. FIND. Warm and Cold reboot. DELTREE. TIME. Secondary storage devices. Assemblers and their comparison. LASTDRIVE.Interpreters. COUNTRY.LAN.BAT files. configuring the system: CONFIG. CALL. PROMPT. BYTE. Setting the Environment. Disk organisation and Disk storage. File naming. SET Command. DISKCOMP. . Units of measurement of storage. Versions of DOS. RESTORE. Nested Batch Files. SECTION-A 1. PAUSE. VOL. REM. Single and multiple command line parameters. XCOPY. Popular Operating systems. characteristics of computer. preparing Batch File Menu Shell. GOTO. XCOPY. Operating System files and command Processor file. Types of DOS commands. Representation of information. Input/Output devices. Redirecting command input and output pipes. MOVE. SHELL. Internal and External. Process and Output. Memory size. LABEL.12 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-04 Personal Computing Software 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : The objective of this course is to familiarize students with concepts of Fundamentals of It and its applications. Computer Appreciation : Introduction. RENAME. SETVER. 2. Software. classification of computers on size. MSBACKUP. Merging Documents. Delete files/Directories. File Management through windows: Copy. Run and Manage multiple applications. Adjusting Margins and Hyphenating Documents. Working with Graphs and Charts : Adding/Formatting Text Data with Autoformat. Menus). Disk operation Using File Manager. Format text in Notepad/Wordpad document. (No. General Features. Editing Text (Copy. updating charts. Worksheet Printing. Database Management. Using Essential Accessories: Starting and using Notepad. Presentation Packages : Basics. Type and Edit text in a document in Notepad/Wordpad. Record Macros. Use of help feature. Multiple worksheets and scanners. Document Enhancement: Adding Borders and shading. Legends and Gridlines. Creating Directories. (No. Starting and Using Paint. Moving around in a worksheet. Finding records with Data form. Using the Interface (Menu Toolbars). Efficient Data Display with Data formatting (number formatting. Creating Embedded Chart using charwizard. Grammar facility. Delete. Insert pictures in a document in Notepad /Wordpad. Data Entry in Cells : Entry of numbers. Moving data in a worksheet. . Autotext character formating. Spreadsheet Package : Worksheet Basics. Assigning Macros to Buttons. Formatting and Calculations : Calculations and worksheets using Autofill. Saving Documents/Quitting Documents. Maximize/Minimize windows. Using Mailmerge feature for labels and envelopes. Text Selection. text and formulae. Adding Headers and Footers. Exit windows. Using different windows simultaneously.). Working with Formulae.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 13 4. Finding and Replacing Text. Working with Ranges. Close applications. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D 6. Move etc. Using the interface (Toolbars. date formatting etc. Starting an application. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C 5. Printing Charts. Page formatting. Adding Titles. Creating Master Document. Cell referencing. 7. Word Processing Package : Basics of Word Processing. Spell Check Feature/Autocorrect feature. Chart wizard. Graphics and Using Templates and wizards. Adding/Deleting Records. Sorting blocks. Creating Macros. Using Windows : Windows Basics. Cursor Control. Working with workbooks. Printing Documents. Functions and Macros: Worksheet with worksheet function using function-wizard.). sizing and moving parts. Selecting Data Range. Defining Macros from Scratch. Creating a presentation. Filtering Records in a worksheet. Creating separate charts. Saving and Quitting. Renaming files and directories. OLE Concepts. Opening Documents and Creating Documents. Moving through windows and mouse. Creating Data Source. Start Windows. Running Macros. Setting up Multiple columns. Save and Print a document file in Notepad/Wordpad. Printing a drawing. Retrieving often used text. Changing chart types. Editing Basics. Move. 1996 : : : : : : : DOS 6. New Delhi. Evolution of www.K. 4. Kris A. --------------------- . S. components of FrontPage. 4th ed. Internet and www : Evolution of Internet services provided on Internet. Barbara. Using the World Wide Web. 1996 Mathur Rajiv.. 7. Galgotia. 1995 Mathur Rajiv. 2nd ed. 3. 2. Access Methods. Galgotia. of Periods : 25) References : 1. 1996 Jamsa. Fundamentals of www. 1998 Wall. FrontPage : Installing FrontPage. Galgotia.14 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 8. Galgotia Using the Internet.1. Creating websites. Computers Today. PHI. Rescued by Windows 3. David A. (No.2 Quick Reference.. Mathur Rajiv. 6. PHI. Future of Internet. & Others. New Delhi. Learning Excel 5 for Windows Step-by-Step. Galgotia. 1993 Basandra. 1995 Kasser. Learning Word 6 for Windows Step-by-Step. 5. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B 2. Random access memory. Encoders etc. Stacks and handling of interrupts and subroutines. Multiplexers. The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. Concept of interrupt and simple I/O organisation. Note : (i) (ii) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. Information representation and codes. Vector and priority interrupts. Language to represent conditional data transfer.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 15 Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-05 Computer Organisation and System Maintenance 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : This course will enable the student to understand the basic organization of computer system and system maintenance. Registers. Decoders. Sequential Building blocks : Flip Flop. All questions carry equal marks. I/O organization : Strobe based and Handshake based communication. Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. Implementation of the processor using building blocks. Stored program concept and Von Neumann Architecture. SECTION-A 1. Concept of Bus. Hazards and methods to remove hazards). Architecture of a Simple Processor : A simple computer organisation and instruction set. Arithmetic algorithms : Addition and substraction for sign magnitude and 2's complement numbers. of Periods : 25) (iii) (iv) . data movement from/to memory. Computer Organisation : Evolution of Computers. Building blocks of computer. DMA based data transfer. (No. Combinatorial Blocks : Gates. Instruction pipelining (Stages. Instruction formats. CPU organisation : Addressing Modes. CPU organisation with large registers. unless specified. (No. data movement among registers. Instruction execution in terms of Microinstructions. Register Transfer Language and micro-operations. Arithmetic and logical operations along with register transfer. Counters. Hardware Troubleshooting and Maintenance. Building large memories using chips. 3. 3rd Ed. Memory Organisation : Basic cell of static and dynamic RAM. 2. P. References : 1. Detection of viruses and protection on a PC. Associative memory. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D 5. floating representation and arithmetic algorithm. Sadasiva. Prentice Hall International. Pub-Atlantic. (No. Tata-McGraw-Hill. Assembly Language Programming : Machine and assembly language. Morris Mano 1993. 2001 B. of Periods : 25) 4. Various types of display and other peripherals used in a PC. interrupt and I/O programming. M. Physical Inspection of a PC and internal cards.16 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS SECTION-C 3. Diagnostics on a PC. Basic Electronics. subroutines in assembly language. integer multiplication using shift and add. 1994. Installing a software. Biswal. Functional description of various modules and cards. ---------------------- . Computer Organisation and Design. : : : Computer System Architecture. Pseudo operations. (No. 1994. Prentice Hall of India. Pal Choudhri. Cache memory organisation. New Delhi. 4. : IBM-PC and Clones . System Maintenance : Introduction to Various Physical components of a Computer. Booth's algorithms. Virtual memory organisation. Govindarajalu. integer division. variables and data types Operators and Expressions Standards and Formatted statements Key word.2 1.4 2.1 2. assignment statements Constants. control structure and arrays.6 Introduction Decision making with IF – statement IF – Else and Nested IF While and do-while.1 3. goto Switch Statement . function. Algorithm Development Program Debugging Fundamentals of ‘C’ 2.2 2.5 3. the student is expected to analyze the real life problem and write a program in ‘C’ language to solve problem. SECTION-A Algorithm and Programming Development 1. The main emphasis of the course is on problem solving aspect that is. reading a set of data.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 17 Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-06 Computer Programming & Problem Solving Through “C” 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : The objective of this course is to make the student understand programming language concepts. for loop Jump statements. Control Structures 3. break.1 1.3 3. Steps in development of a program Flow charts. developing proper algorithms. mainly control structures.4 3. After completion of this course. Data Types and Identifiers (No. stepwise refinement.5 I/O statements. unless specified.3 2. continue. All questions carry equal marks. The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi.2 3. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B 3.3 2. The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. Note : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 1. 4 Introduction to Arrays Array Declaration Single and Multidimensional Array Arrays of characters 7. Pointers 7. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C 5.3 5.4 7.3 4.1 7.3 6.2 5.6 4.5 4.1 5. Arrays 6.7 Introduction to functions Global and Local Variables Function Declaration Standard functions Parameters and Parameter Passing Call – by value/reference Recursion (No. of Periods : 25) .2 4. Functions 4.2 7. Preprocessor Directives 5.5 Introduction to Pointers Address operator and pointers Declaring and Initializing pointers Assignment through pointers Pointers and Arrays (No.4 Introduction and Use Macros Conditional Preprocessors Header Files 6.18 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 4.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 4.4 4. BPB Publications.1 8. processing a data file (No. Gottfried. Files 10.. 2. (P.1 10. Programming in C. Byron S. 2008 : : : .3 9.2 9.1 9. nested structures.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 19 SECTION-D 8. New Delhi. 3. 4.. 2010 Balaguruswami C. McGraw Hills Publishers.4 Introduction Declaring and Initializing string variables Reading and writing strings String handling functions 10. : : Programming in C. Tata McGraw Hill. Kanetkar Yashwant. Prentice Hall of India. 1996 Salaria. New Delhi. M. Test Your Skills in C. 5.) Ltd. Programming with C Language.2 8. Let us Exploring C. 2008 Somashekara. S. . Structures and Unions 8.T. R.2 Introduction Creating a data file opening and closing a data file. New York. New Delhi. structure with pointers Unions Strings 9.4 8.5 9. of Periods : 25) References : 1. Khanna Book Publishing Co. Declaration of structures Accessing structure members Structure Initialization Arrays of structure.3 8. 20 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-07 Computer Lab.-1 Based on BCA-04 90 Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-08 Computer Lab.-2 Based on BCA-06 90 --------------------- . 3. Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. and Cost Control. Evaluation of the Project Profitability. unless specified. Project Implementation Schedule. Project Control : Project Control. 1. Communications in a Project. (No. Note : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. Coordination : Project Direction. Project Work System Design. • Compare and contrast the roles of project managers in organizational environments. (No.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 21 SYLLABI AND COURSES OF READING FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS FOR THE EXAMINATION OF 2012 SECOND YEAR Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-09 Project Management and System Development 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : • Define the characteristics of a project. Work Breakdown Structure. Tools and Techniques for Project Management. (No. of Periods : 05) SECTION-B 2. Preparation of Cost Estimates. SECTION-A Concepts of Project Management : Concept of a project. Scheduling and Monitoring. • Explain the need for project management. Project Execution Plan. of Periods : 07) Establishing the Project : Feasibility Report. All questions carry equal marks. Planning. (No. Project Control System. of Periods : 05) . 5. Roles and Responsibilities of a Project Manager. Design of Systems. (No. Scope/Progress Control. of Periods : 07) Organizing the Project : Working of Systems. Schedule Control. The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. of Periods : 06) Project Directions. Project Management Concepts. Project Coordination. Project Procedure Manual. 4. • Describe the systems development cycle. Categories of project life cycle phases. • Explain the roles of systems analysis and systems management in the life cycle of a project. Performance Control. Financing Arrangements. Classification and analysis. Programming style and Program quality. Project Management Performance : Performance Indicators. Software specification documents and attributes. Integrated CASE tools. Components of design of an information system. Data Flow Diagrams. Software Testing : Module level testing methods. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D (d) Software Design : Design Process. Structure of Reports. of Periods : 10) SECTION-C 7. References : (b) (c) (e) (f) (g) 1. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. Code-generators. debuggers. Programming Languages. Software Development Environment : Operating System. System Analysis and Design : (a) Software Specifications and Requirement Analysis : Introduction and Objectives. Programming languages. Finite State Machine. Program Design Languages. Specimen Reports. Ideal Software Development plateform. Various approaches to design. Editors. Software requirement specification. Linkers. of Periods : 10) Report Writing : Characteristics of Reports. Elements of Style. Use of Illustrations. Debugging. Writing the Report. Preparing software design specifications. Workbenches. Software Specification Tools : Data Dictionary. S. Types of Reports. Decision Support Tools. 1988 : Project Management. Software Maintenance and Maintainability. Design levels and their objectives. Compilers. Operational Timelines. (No. Design tools. Software Implementation and Maintenance : Fundamentals of Coding. Preparatory Steps to Writing Reports. Choudhary. System level testing methods.22 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 6. Performance Improvement. Mathematical Logic. Project Management Environment. (No.. 1988 (Recommended as a text-book for the syllabus contents-6). 8. (No. . Importance of Reports. their features and selection. Petri Nets. .L. Text Book of Project Management. M. Concept Publishing 5. Elias M. Reprinted in 1996 (Pages 129-230). Nasib Singh Rajib Mall. Oxford University 9. 13. Behforooz. Mac Million India Ltd. Project Management and Technical Report Writing. : 4. 3.. 8. Software Engineering. 1978. V. Kalyani.. 1996 : Business Correspondence and Report Writing. Srinath. : : : : : : : Management Information Systems. Rodrigues. Fundamentals of Software Engineering. 11. 2004 Pressman.1984 Gill. : Advanced Project Management.. 1993. J. Software Engineering. Gopalakrishnan. Affiliated East-West Press Pvt.. 10. 1992.1996. Galgotia. F. 14. : 6..E.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 23 2. Second Edition. MacMillian India Ltd. Roger S. 15. 1992 : 7. Ltd.. Khanna. System Analysis and Design. PHI.C. 1990. Kanter. : Software Press. 1989. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. Kirandeep : Develop Communication Skills. R. 2010 Jagdeep Singh Awad. S. Harrison.. & Rama Moorthy. Tata McGraw Hill.. Engineering Fundamentals. System Analysis and Design. PHI. ---------------------- . P. Company. 1993 Kaur. 1992 (Pages 411-436). Third Edition.V. Principles and Applications. Metropolitan. Kalyani. I. 12. and Krishna Mohan. A Structured Approach (Third Edition). Effective Business Communication. Krishna Mohan & Banerji Meera. Sharma. Ali and Hudson Frederick. PERT & CPM. Note : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. (No. Iterative Methods : Bisection. (No. of Periods : 25) (d) (e) . All questions carry equal marks. Development of Programs for above Numerical Methods using C. The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. unless specified. operations. Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. Interpolation. False-Position.24 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-10 Computer Based Numerical and Statistical Methods (Using C) 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : To Teach implementation numerical and statistical methods. Birge .Raphson Methods. (b) Newton . Numerical Integration and Runga–Kutta Methods. SECTION-A Numerical Methods : (a) Computer Arithmetic : Floating Point Numbers.Elimination. Concept of Pivoting. normalizations and their consequences.Vieta Method. Zeros of a polynomial using Development of Programs for above Numerical Methods using C. Gauss-Jordan and Gauss-Seidal Methods. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B (c) Simultaneous Linear Equations : Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations Using Gauss . of Periods : 25) SECTION-D (c) Correlation and Regression Analysis : Least square fit. Salaria. 2004 Krishnanmurthy. Dasgupta... Prentice Hall of India... 7. A.) Ltd... Rajaraman.. Prentice Hall. Khanna Book Publishing Co. Standard deviation. Pub.A. New Delhi. Statistical Analysis : A Computer Oriented Approach.. 1979 Salaria. 3. 5. 1980. Coefficient of variation. V. S. of Periods : 25) References : 1 2. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods.. 6. 4. Statistical Methods. R.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 25 SECTION-C Statistical Methods : (a) Measures of Central Tendency : Preparing Frequency distribution table. East West Press. & : : : : : : : : : Computer Oriented Numerical Methods. Median and Mode. Skewness and Kurtosis. Computer Based Numerical Algorithms. K. 3rd Ed. (P. Calcutta. (No. Goon. A. Development of Programs for above Statistical Methods using C. Computer Programming in C. Arithmetic mean. S.S. Balaguruswami.M. Sen.P. 9. World Press Kolkatta. Development of Programs for above Statistical Methods using C. K. Harmonic mean. Polynomial and curve fittings. Statistical and Numerical Methods. (b) Measures of Dispersion. 1984 E. R. India. 8. (d) Rajaraman. Gupta. V. Khanna. (No. Inc Simplified Text-cum-Workbook on Computer Oriented Numerical Methods : A Programming Approach. Academic Press. S. Computer Oriented Mac Million. Geometric mean. 1978 Affi. M. Chand. E. Linear regression and non linear regression algorithms.V. 2003 Fundamentals of Statistics. B. Range : Mean deviation. Moments. --------------------- . 2000 Gupta. Skewness and Kurtosis.S. Stacks. Searching. Representation in Contiguous Storage. lists. (iii) (iv) SECTION-A 1. The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. Linked List and its representation. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C 4. of Periods : 25) . Binary Tree. Graphs and their application. Basic Concepts and Notations. of Periods : 05) 2. Linked Tree Representation. trees and graphs are introduced in this subject. of Periods : 20) SECTION-B 3. Binary search tree. Note : (i) (ii) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. Applications of these data structures. queue.26 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-25 Data Structure Using C 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : The basic algorithms related to handling data like stack. Basic data Structures and Operations on them : Arrays. Queue. Sequential and Linked representation of Graph-adjacency. Matrix. Traversing a graph. Operations on Graph. Binary Tree Traversal. (No. Insertion and deletion in Binary trees. unless specified. (No. (No. Trees–Definition and Basic concepts. AVL trees. The implementation of these algorithms will be taught using previously learned C programming language. All questions carry equal marks. Data Structure and Data Structure operations. Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. (No. 4. Schaum Outline Series. TMH.. S. New Delhi. Selection sort.) Ltd. 6. : 5. New Delhi. Khanna Book Publishing Co. Salaria. : Data Structures & Algorithm Using C.. Bubble sort. R. 2. Searching and Sorting : Binary and Linear Search. : Data Structure Using C. of Periods : 25) References : 1. : : ------------------ . Test Your Skills in Data Structures. Aaro M. (No. Data Structure with C and C++. R. (P. 3. R. (P. Sofat Sanjeev Patel. New Delhi. Pearson. Expert Data Structure in C. Quick sort.B. Lipschuitz 2001 L. Khanna Book Publishing Co. : Data Structure. Seymour.) Ltd. Khanna Book Publishing Co. Shell sort. 1990 Salaria. Merge sort. Tannenbaum.. S.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 27 SECTION-D 5. Radix sort. Khanna Book Publishing Co. Insertion sort. All questions carry equal marks. 6. Ordering the Result of a Query. of Periods : 10) 3. ROLLUP Operation: Getting Sub Totals. (No. Aggregate Functions. Column Functions : Arithmetic Functions. Outer Joins. unless specified.28 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-12 Client Server Computing Using ORACLE 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : This course aims at giving the students the insight of Client Server computing and Creating Applications using the Oracle Web Server. SECTION-A 1. Introduction to RDBMS : Approaches to Data Management. Character Functions. The 12 Rules (Codd's Rule) for an RDBMS. (No. General Functions.An Evolutionary Phenomenon. Group Functions. Command Summary of SQL *Plus Editor. Matching a pattern from a table. (No. (No. ] . 4. of Periods : 10) Introduction to SQL *Plus : Introduction to SQL. SET Operators : Union. of Periods : 05) Functions : Functions. Conditional retrieval of rows. of Periods : 05) SECTION-B 5. Note : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. Database Management . CUBE Operation : Getting Cross Tabs. Cartesian Joins. (No. Oracle Server and Oracle Database. Oracle Products. Minus. Introduction to DBMS. Working with Null Values. The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). Self Joins. Date Functions. of Periods : 10) Querying Multiple Tables : Collating Information: Equi Joins. Querying database tables. Starting SQL *Plus. Introduction to Client-Server Computing. Grouping the Result of a Query. Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. 2. Nested Queries. Intersect. Oracle Data types. Mastering Oracle 6. PL/SQL Data Types. B-14. 1. BPB Publications. Conditional and Iterative Control. (No. Dropping a Procedure. Inserting Values into a Table. Manipulating the Base table(s) through VIEWs. Variables and Constants. Dropping a VIEW. Operator Precedence. Exception Handling in PL/SQL. Types of Triggers. (No. Connaught Place. GRANT Command. (No. Advantages of Subprograms. Updating Column(s) of a Table. of Periods : 15) References : 11. Stored Packages. Introduction to VIEWs. of Periods : 10) PL/SQL-I : Introduction to PL/SQL. (No. 1989 Mukhi Vijay. Data Manipulation and Control-II : Database Security and Privileges. Composite Datatypes. Database Trigger. Storage for Triggers. Joseph. Materialized Views. BPB Publications ------------------- . James T. Assignments and Expressions. Creating a Table with data from another table. G. 10. PL/SQL-II : Cursor Management in PL/SQL. Fundamentals of PL/SQL. Procedure. Dropping a Function. Deleting Row(s) from a Table. Sequences. Implicit Cursor Attributes. Data Manipulation and Control-I : Data Definition Language (DDL). Enhancing Performance. New Delhi . Cursor Manipulation. Perry. Advantages of Packages. Writing PL/SQL Code. Rules of DML Statements on Join Views. Application Privileges Management. Dropping Triggers. Dropping a Package. The Advantage of PL/SQL. 2. Inline Views. Referencing NonPL/SQL Variables. Scope and Visibility of a Variable.0. Creating Tables. 1992 : : Understanding ORACLE. Predefined Exceptions. Built-in-Functions. User Defined Exceptions.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 29 7. of Periods : 15) SECTION-D 9.110001. Lateer. COMMIT and ROLLBACK. Argument Modes. REVOKE Command. PL/SQL Architecture. of Periods : 10) SECTION-C 8. Functions. SQL Within PL/SQL. Dropping a Column. Actual versus Formal Parameters. (No. Maintaining Database Objects. PL/SQL Block Structure. Using Stored Function in SQL Statements. of Periods : 10) Advanced PL/SQL : Subprograms in PL/SQL. . unless specified. Member Functions. of Periods : 15) 5. static function. (No. exploit advanced C++ techniques Note : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. Private and Public members. main function. Pointers to Objects. Declaration of an object. of Periods : 10) 2. (No. of Periods : 10) SECTION-B 4. Accessing member functions. of Periods : 10) Structure of a C++ Program : Include files. use the standard C++ library. Function Overloading & Operator Overloading. Private and Public member function. Parameterized Constructors. Nesting of member functions. (No. 3. (No. Arrays of Objects. Destructors: Definition and use. (No. and I/O streams. Data hiding. Pass by reference. and Encapsulation. All questions carry equal marks. Arrays within a class. Constructors and Destructors : Declaration and Definition. utilize OO techniques to design C++ programs. Objects as function arguments : Pass by value. SECTION-A 1. Data hiding and encapsulation. The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. of Periods : 10) SECTION-C 6. Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. of Periods : 05) Classes and Objects Class Declaration : Data Members. Class Function Definition: Member Function definition inside the class declaration and outside the class declaration. Default Constructors. Inheritance.30 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-13 Object Oriented Programming (Using C++) 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : By the end of the course students will be able to write C++ programs using the more esoteric language features. Analysis and design of system using object oriented approach. Concepts of Object Oriented Programming : Object. inline function. friend function. (No. Scope resolution operator. Copy Constructors. Polymorphism. Accessing class data members. Creating Objects. Class. of Periods : 15) References : 1. Derived class. Khanna Book Publishing Co.) Ltd. Publicly derived. Base class.. Virtual Functions. Robert Lafore. pure virtual functions. Bjarna Stroustrup. 2003 E. Visibility modes : Private. (No. of Periods : 10) File Processing : Opening and closing of file. 9. (P. Object Oriented Programming Using C++. 2009 : The C++ Programming Language. Binary file operations. R. public. Single inheritance : Privately derived. Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++. 3. (No. Polymorphism with pointers. late binding. Multilevel inheritance. structures and file operations. Random file processing. Galgotia Pub. (No. early Binding. Balaguruswamy. classes and file operations. stream state member functions. New Delhi. Making a protected member inheritable. 2. 4. Polymorphism : Definition. Nesting of classes. Object Oriented Programming with C++. Inheritance . : : : ---------------------- . of Periods : 15) SECTION-D 8. 2008 Salaria. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 31 7. Access Control to private and protected members by member functions of a derived class. TMH.Extending Classes Concept of inheritance. protected. S. Defining derived classes. All questions carry equal marks. Directory commands. Monitoring system activity. Mounting and Un-mounting file system. Managing disk space. Simple batch Systems. and grep. File Manipulation Commands.Starting up the system. Installing printers and peripheral devices. Taking backups. of Periods : 05) SECTION-B UNIX directory system. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C Administering UNIX Systems : Introduction to System Administration. Parallel systems. The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. Comparison between UNIX and Windows. Inter-User and Inter-Machine Communication. Note : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. Shutting down the system. (No. (No. unless specified. Accounting of system usage and billing. UNIX Commands : User Access and User ID Commands. Multiprogrammed batched systems. Changing groups and password. 3. Features of UNIX. Shell. Maintaining security. Distributed systems and Real-time systems. Vi editor. . recovering from system crash. Security and Protection Commands. Process Management Commands I/O Redirection and Piping Commands. Command execution. of Periods : 15) Overview of UNIX : History. (No. File Handling commands. Edit and manage files and user-level security for UNIX development. Setting up remote communication. of Periods : 05) Structure of UNIX Kernel. . System Administration Commands.Use standard UNIX development tools for C or C++. Time sharing systems. of Periods : 25) 2. Maintaining the Super User Login. (No. (No. Adding and removing users. Functional activities of System Administration . 5.32 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-14 Unix Operating System 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : Work comfortably in the UNIX environment. Shell Commands and Shell Programming. Editors Commands. Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. 4. its needs and services. Introduction to Operating Systems. SECTION-A 1. Shell Programming : Executing a shell program. The UNIX Programming Environment. Prentice-Hall of India. Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-15 Computer Lab. B. 2. Special Shell parameters. (No. References : 1. UNIX and Networking : Setting up of DNS.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 33 SECTION-D 6. Study of shell programming as a Language. of Periods : 10) 7. Srirengan.-2 : Based on BCA-13 and BCA-25 90 ------------------------ . Wild card characters. : : Understanding UNIX. Mail. of Periods : 10) The AWK pattern scanning and processing language. (No. & Rob Pike. Type of statements and Reserved Words. Prentice-Hall of India. Kernighan.-1 : Based on BCA-12 and BCA-14 90 Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-16 Computer Lab. (No. 1999. of Periods : 05) 8. 1997. WWW servers under UNIX.W. K. its management & exercise thereon. Shops & Commercial Establishment Act. Partnership Act. EDPs focus on rural entrepreneurs. financial statements & fund flow analysis. minority communities etc. Scope and approaches for project formulation. motivation and guidance in setting up their own enterprises. study and analysis of sample project report. SECTION-A 1. Finance & Accounting : Working capital assessment. structure of project report. of Periods : 25) 3. (No. Insurance. SC/ST. All questions carry equal marks. . Financial ratios and their significance. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C Managing the Enterprise : Resource management – men. Rules & Regulations : Licensing and Registration procedure. Income Tax. (No. Note : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections.34 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS SYLLABI AND COURSES OF READING FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS FOR THE EXAMINATION OF 2012 THIRD YEAR Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-17 Enterpreneurship Development Programme 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : EDPs aim at training various target groups in entrepreneurial traits so that they obtain adequate information. Sales of Goods Act. Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. Assessment of fixed capital and exercise thereon. preparation of a project report. Project Formulation : Need. material. unless specified. Capital budgeting. Break-even analysis. Contract Act. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B 2. The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D 4. (No. Sales Tax and Excise rules. Technoeconomic feasibility of the project. Credit institutions and financing procedures. Personnel management. Office management. In order to maintain a homogeneous nature of participating groups. Product costing and cost consciousness. money and machines. women. Appreciation of important provisions of Factory Act. (No. Books of accounts. P. 1982. Bhagwati Prasad. S. Indian Institute of Management. Implementation & Evaluation. Vepa Ram K. C. Sinha.K. Management of Small Bombay. 1986 : : : ----------------- . Project Planning. A Text Book of Commercial Law. Kuchhal... Mohan & Goyal. Law and Practice of Income Tax in India. S. Seth Publishers.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 35 References : 1. K... House. Scale Industries. 1984 : How to Succeed in Small Industry. Srivastava.). Agra Sahitya Bhavan.1981. S. Chaitanya Pub.An Analytical Approach. (PHD Chamber of Commerce & Inds. 1979 : 6. 1984. 1979 Gupta.1982. Chand & Co. S. 10. State Sales Tax Act. Vikas Publishing House. 1979. 7. A. B. Financing. Mohan. Financial Management . Central Sales Tax Act. New Delhi. Saroja. Ltd. 1983. U. 5. and Conceptual 2. 1982 : Principles of Management Accounting.. Central Excise Act and Customs Act. Ahmedabad. 1972 Gulshan. 1982 : 4. Navman Prakashan. 1983. Bare Acts : 8. 1981 : 3. Industrial Relations. : Project Engineering & Management. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. 9.. Introduction : Network definition. Electronic Mail. Data Link Layer : Design Issue. of Periods : 25) (iii) (iv) 2. Modems. The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question.36 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-18 Data Communication & Networks 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : As part of this course. Error Detection & Correction Codes. Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. Multimedia. Shortest Broadcast & Multicast routing congestion. Uses of Computer Networks. . Application Layer : Network Security & Privacy. ISDN & its service. (No. Switching. Multiplexing. OSI reference model. Comparison of OSI & TCP/IP reference model. (No. Network Hardware and Software. Routing Algorithms. Data Compression & Cryptography. students will be introduced to computer networks and data communication paradigms. Note : (i) (ii) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. Network Layer : Design issues. about network models and standards . All questions carry equal marks. (No. Remote Login. Physical Layer : Transmission Media. unless specified. (No. SECTION-A 1. network protocols and their use. of Periods : 25) path routing. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B 3. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C 4. Network Topologies. Flooding. Introduction to IEEE standards. Control & internetworking. Elementary Data Link Protocols. File Transfer. Audio. Static & Dynamic Channel Allocation. Video. Sliding Window Protocol. wireless technologies. TCP/IP Reference Model. SECTION-D 5. The WWW. Prentice Hall. 2. A. Macmillian Publishing Co. Local and Metropolution Area Networks : An Introduction.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 37 References : 1. Tannenbaum.. Data Network. Black : ------------------ . Prentice Hall of India. 2003 Stallings. 2008 : : Computer Networks.S. 3. William. All questions carry equal marks. (No. unless specified. Presentation Graphics. Using fill styles to fill images. Changing line styles. of Periods : 15) SECTION-C Multimedia Applications : 5. Studying the Features and Developing Computer Graphics Using Standard Graphics packages like Auto CAD and Paint Brush.38 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-19 Computer Graphics and Multimedia Applications 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : • To study the graphics techniques and algorithms. Ellipses. Graphical User Interfaces. Education and Training. Histograms. of Periods : 15) Overview of Graphics Systems : Video Display Devices. Entertainment. Random Scan Systems. 2. The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. Raster Scan Systems. Hard-copy devices. SECTION-A Computer Graphics : 1. (No. • To study the multimedia concepts and various I/O technologies. • To enable the students to develop their creativity Note : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. Image Pressing. (No. Pie charts and human face. Computer art. Multimedia in use Introducing multimedia. Setting character and text attributes. Input Devices. Visualization. Graphics Monitors and Workstations. Use the above primitives to develop programs like drawing concentric circles. Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. Sine surves. of Periods : 10) Developing Computer Graphics Using 'C' : Input-output primitives. (No. What is multimedia ? using multimedia. . 4. Graphics Software. of Periods : 10) SECTION-B 3. A Survey of Computer Graphics : Computer Aided Design. Vandom. Sinclair. Ian R. Video. Technology System Components. Macromedia Director. Tay. Addison Wesley Publishers. 8. Hughes. Communications. Multimedia on the PC (with CDROM). New Delhi. 1989 : : : : ---------------------- . 2003 Judith Jeffcoate. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D 7. Graphics Under 'C'. 2. Hearn and Backe. (No. Applications : Multimedia in the Real World. Multimedia Making it Work. BPB Publications. 5. Storage for multimedia. Turbo 'C'. Multimedia Technology and Applications. : : : : Computer Graphics. (No. 2007 Foley. Multimedia in Practice. 1996 Fenier. PHI. 2008 Kelly & Bootle. 1998 Vaughan. 3. 4. Development Tools. Image Processing. 7. David. 6. References : 1. PHI. Second Edition. Audio. 1994 Hillman. Osborne Publishers. 1997 Kanetkar Yashwant . Multimedia Platforms. of Periods : 25) 8. IV Edition in 'C'.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 39 6. BPB Publications. Technology and Applications. Computer Graphics. BPB Publications. Principles and Practice. ITP. Training and Education. Studying features and use of Multimedia Image Processing authoring tools like photoshop. Image. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B Fundamentals of Java : Java Vs. functions.40 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-20 Internet Programming 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : • To describe basic Internet Protocols. control structs strings arrays. Interfaces. Applying. . dynamic method dispatch. Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. Java virtual machine. method overloading. using super to call super class constructors. defining class. 5. using abstract classes. • Explain Server Side Programming tools. (No. HTML : Introduction to HTML. layers forms. event handling. using Final. Defining an Interface. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C 4. control structures. Building blocks of HTML. links. operators. Inheritance : Basics. • Explain dynamic HTML programming. understanding CLASSPATH. member access. constants. (No. C++. data types. accessing class members. variables. operations. Note : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. expressions. All questions carry equal marks. variables. 2. Java Script : Features. Interfaces. Variables in Interfaces. • Describe scripting languages – Java Script. unless specified. The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. method overriding. frames. constructions. Packages and Interfaces : Defining a package. Implementing. lists. Introduction to cascading style sheets (CSS) defining and applying CSS. creating a multi level hierarchy. 3. images. tables. Access protection : Importing packages. Applications related to client side form validation. • Explain JAVA and HTML tools for Internet programming. creating objects. tokens. data types. client side objects. SECTION-A 1. Interfaces. Byte lode. core language objects. Implementing Run able. (No. References : 1. New Delhi. The predefined streams. Built–in exceptions. 4. Thread priorities. Thread Priorities.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 41 6. Multi-threaded Programming : The Java Thread model. E. : : : An Introduction to Java Programming. The thread class and run able interface. Suspending. Java Script Unleased. 2. Synchronizations. 1998 Wanger & Wyke. Nested Try statements. Extending Thread. Reading console I/P. String handling and event handling. Layout Managers and Menus. Phillips LEE and Darmell Rick Daniel Dang. A Primer. Statements. Reading and Writing files. 2000. Exception Handling : Fundamentals. of Periods : 25) 8. ------------------------- . Programming with Java. Second Edition. The Main Thread : Creating a Thread. Deadlock. Applet fundamentals.. (No. New Delhi. Multiple Try and Catch clauses. Creating Multiple Threads. New Delhi. Writing console O/P. PHI. Techmedia. The print writer class. Using AWT controls. I/O Applets : I/O Basics : Streams. 2010 Balaguruswamy. 2000 : Computer Graphics. PHI. Messaging. Resuming and Stopping Threads. New Delhi. Synchronizations : Methods. Exception types. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D 7. 3. Using Try and Catch. TMH. Inter Thread Communication. Total Solution. Eulerian Paths and Circuits. Propositional Calculus. (No. unless specified. basic definitions of relations and functions. Relations and Functions. Algebric Functions and Graph Theory will be introduced in this course. All questions carry equal marks. Note : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections. surjective and bijective functions. Analysis of Algorithms . compositions. . Multi-graphs. duality principle. Examiner will set total nine questions comprising two questions from each Section and one compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi. of Periods : 25) SECTION-B 3. (No. (No. Set Theory : Relations and Functions : Set Notation and Description. 4. min sets. Venn Diagrams. 6.42 SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-27 Discrete Mathematics 90 Number of Lectures : 100 (45 minutes duration) Objectives : This is first mathematics subject. Logic. Graph Theory : Graph and planar graphs – Basic Terminology. of Periods : 10) 2. The students are required to attempt one question from each Section and the entire Compulsory question. Boolean Algebra : Lattices and Algebraic Structures. 5. Shortest Paths. properties of relations: injective. Boolean Lattices and Boolean Algebra. Duality. Student will learn and revise his knowledge acquired previously.Time Complexity. laws of set theory. Travelling Salesman Problem. SECTION-A 1. Finite State Machines as language Recognizers. Solution by the Method of Generating functions. Homogeneous Solutions : Particular Solution. Distributive and Complemented Lattices. Switching Circuits. (No. Paths and Circuits. partitions of sets. Recurrence : Recurrence Relations and Recursive Algorithms – Linear-Recurrence Relations with Constant Coefficients. Complexity of Problems. of Periods : 25) SECTION-C Automata Theory : Finite State Machines–Equivalent Machines. Planar Graphs. basic set operations. Design and Implementation of Digital Networks. subset. Weighted Graphs. graphics of relations. of Periods : 25) SECTION-D Boolean Functions and Expressions. Computer Science.-1 : Based on BCA-19 90 Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-24 Computer Lab. Algebra of Logic : Proposition of logic operations. 1992 : : : Applied Discrete Structures for Galgotia Publications Pvt. on-line help and documentation (user Manual). . 2000 Solved Problems in Discrete Mathematics.-2 : Based on BCA-20 90 ----------------------- Published by : Professor A. equivalence and implication laws of logic. mathematical induction. Chandigarh. (No. McGraw Hill. 3. User friendly I/O. propositions over a universe. 1985 Seymour Lipschutz and Lipson. This work will carry 100 marks. L. and 15 Marks for Internal Assessment). Ltd. of Periods : 15) References : 1.K. Paper Code Paper Title Theory Marks : : : BCA-23 Computer Lab.. quantifiers. and Kenneth. 2. Doerr. Registrar. truth tables and propositions generated by set. BCA : 21 PROJECT and SEMINAR Project and Seminar must be taken up from the real life problems. McGrawHill. C. Panjab University. (85 Marks for Project and Seminar Viva. 1989 Liu.. Marks for these are to be given on the basis of Programming Style. Elements of Discrete Mathematics. L. mathematical system. Bhandari. A.SYLLABUS FOR BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 43 7. 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