Battle Ready Prayer (Missy) m w f

May 6, 2018 | Author: Missy Champine | Category: Sin, Forgiveness, Prayer, Satan, Salvation



This Battle-Ready Prayer will take about 25 minutes to read aloud.It is designed to help you live a victorious life in Christ. I transcribed an audio file of this prayer (found online), then edited it and added Scriptures as the days went by, according to my specific needs. I have left plenty of blank space on the pages for you to do the same. This is a covenant prayer; it is meant as a statement of faith to the Lord, as well as a petition. If you read this aloud daily, you will be delightfully surprised at how it shows up in your daily thoughts, and even starts to come out of your mouth at times! Also, I initially thought this prayer would lose meaning and become a rote recitation; that concern was without merit. Every time I read it, it never fails that some part of it ministers to me or brings me joy. I think it is because the prayer is Scripture-based. I also have added so many Scriptures to it, just for my edification, that these are now being "hidden in my heart." I hope this prayer blesses you as it has blessed me, and more! 8:26 I thank You for this moment, and the opportunity that this day brings. I know that each day is a gift from You, and I have unlimited potential to impact Your kingdom today. Battle Ready Prayer (M W F) I submit myself to You, God. I come near to You, knowing You will come near to me. James 4:7-8a PRAISE & THANKSGIVING Praise be to the Creator Of the universe, the God of Moses, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! The Holy One of Israel – the Alpha and Omega – the Beginning and End! "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!" Rev. 5:12 Praise be to the only wise King who declares the end from the beginning! Isaiah 46:10 Holy are You, LORD! "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere…" Psalm 84:10a I give You thanks & praise for Your goodness, Your mercy, and Your grace. I give You thanks for a mind to pray, a heart to seek Your face, and authority to bring evil spirits into subjection. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit, who guides me into all truth, John 16:13 and intercedes for me when my Words and wisdom fall short. Romans AFFIRMATION There are no ceilings on my life, obstacles that cannot be overcome, or barriers that can stand in my way. In fact, today is the greatest day of my life, and I am free to exercise all of the gifts and talents You have blessed me with. My hopes and dreams can manifest today, and I approach this moment with great expectation for miracles, breakthrough, and deliverance. In the Name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I bind Satan and his forces of darkness from any involvement, activity, or distractions in this prayer. I commission my angels to come against every thought, feeling, influence, and hindrance that may come against me as I pray. CONFESSIONS I wash my hands of my sin; singleminded, I purify my heart in Your presence. James 4:8b if I confess my sins, You are faithful and just and will forgive my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:2324 I stand before You, LORD, naked – offering no excuses or justifications for my sins. I come, LORD, seeking Your standard, and not those of men. Holy Spirit, bring into my mind the sins right now that I need to confess... [just wait - it will come to you] LORD, I am thankful that You have forgiven my sins. Forgive every thought, deed, action, motive, or intent of my heart that does not line up with Your Word, Your will, or Your calling and purpose for my life. Forgive me for the times I have taken You for granted, or moments where I have allowed my focus and discipline to slip. Uproot any seed of discontent that has been planted in my life. Forgive me, LORD, if I have held back tithes, my time, talents, or resources. Give me a heart to restore every person I have wronged. Just as You forgive me, I forgive those that have wronged me, and I let go of any hurt, bitterness, resentment, or ill-will that I have held in my heart. I will not allow the sin of offense and the bitterness that follows to wreck my relationship with You. I will not fall for the devil's bait of offense. You can take care of those who hurt me I don't need to see things made right that's Your business! I repent right now, in the name of Jesus, and I receive the power of the blood to cleanse me from all iniquity. sincere love for my brothers and sisters, I will love others deeply, from the heart." I am free to love! 1 Peter 1:22 I pray, LORD, that dead branches be pruned from me, and that my harvest will bear much good fruit. I offer no resistance, and pray that all ungodly distractions be pruned from me, whether they are people, unhealthy relationships, environments, dead situations, ungodly influences, or anything that is not expedient for me. REFINING “Now that I have purified myself by obeying the truth so that I can have THE ADVERSARY Help me to never lose sight of the fact that I have an adversary that must be fought each day. My adversary is Satan, who is the prince of this present darkness. The world I can see with my eyes is not my home; it is a reflection of Satan, its prince. You have made me wise to Satan's devices, and I understand that worldly thinking, values, and compromises are designed for my destruction. The allurement of pleasure and the temptations that cross my eyes are for the purpose of robbing me of everything You intend for me to enjoy. In the Name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I bind every evil spirit that seeks to draw me away from You, for these seek to open the portals to hell on earth, and rob me of my rewards in Heaven. In the name of Jesus, I avoid every snare and trap, deny every lust, and kill the pride of life that seeks to thwart my relationship with You. I will not hand over my authority to the devil. I will not be deceived by what I see, hear, or how I feel. I know that if something is not of God, then it is for my destruction. LORD, help me to see the spirit behind each temptation. The Word tells me that Satan came to steal, kill, and destroy. But Jesus comes that I might have life, and have it more abundantly. ARMOR OF GOD In the Name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I equip myself right now with the whole armor of God, that I am covered from head to toe in every aspect of my life. There are no parts of my life that are exposed, but my body, soul, and spirit are covered by the blood of Jesus. HELMET OF SALVATION In the Name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I put on the helmet of salvation. Thank You for promising me salvation both for today's battles and for all eternity. This helmet will protect me from the deception of my enemy. My thoughts are sealed by the blood of Jesus, and no lie can live in my mind. BELT OF TRUTH In the Name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I put on the belt of truth. Thank You, my LORD, for showing me the truth about Yourself. Thank You for reminding me that You are the only God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the King of the universe, my Father who loves me, and my Shepherd who leads me. You are my wisdom, my counselor, my hope, and my strength. You are everything I need each day. I am Yours. I am Your chosen, adopted, dearly loved child. Nothing can separate me from Your love! Romans 8:38-39 BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS In the Name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I put on the breastplate of righteousness. I thank You, LORD, for showing me the truth that on my own I could never be good enough to live in Your presence. Jesus, thank You for taking my sins on the cross and for giving me Your righteousness in the great exchange. Your righteousness protects my heart from pride. My own good works are like dirty rags to You, so I need not worry about being good enough or doing enough. SHIELD OF FAITH In the Name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I take up the Shield of Faith, and I bind the spirit of fear. You have not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. I trust in the LORD with all of my heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit. If You said it, then I know that You will do it. You do only good things to me, and You are able to perform Your Word in my life. I believe the promises of God for my life. Every Word You have spoken concerning my destiny shall be established and come to pass; no man or devil can usurp Your will for my life! SANDALS OF PEACE In the Name of Jesus and the power of his blood, my feet are shod with the gospel of peace. Peace rests upon me and covers my mind and heart. I will share the good news about Jesus with anyone You bring me. Because of Jesus and what he has done for me, I have peace in the midst of storms, chaos, and confusion. Your peace comforts me in times of trial, and sustains me from being weary. It surpasses all understanding and defies logic. SWORD OF THE SPIRIT In the Name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I am empowered with the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. The Sword of the LORD shall never depart from me. I pray for holy boldness in my spirit, and for Your Holy Spirit to bring to my mind the Word of God when I need it to comfort, encourage, exhort, or wage war with my enemy. world is standing against me. I am willing to abstain when others are eager to participate, to speak out when my Words may cause me to be ostracized, and believe the Bible, even though it isn't a popular thing to do. In other Words, I am prepared to live like Jesus. The Word of God will comfort me, build up my spirit man, and encourage me in the Way. MY HOPE AND PLEDGE "I will walk in my house with a blameless heart." Psalm 101:2b The hope that I have is in patiently walking in obedience to Your Word, and staying firm to the covenant I have made with You. Father, I know You are able to do all things, and there is nothing that is impossible for You. Give me an ear, LORD, to hear what the Spirit says, eyes that will not be deceived, and a heart that will remain faithful. I am prepared today to exercise faith in the light of circumstances, sacrifice my own wants and desires in order to embrace Yours, stand on the Word of God, even if causes me to be peculiar, deny my flesh, and ignore my feelings regardless of the situation. I will not make decisions based on what I see, think, or feel. I will forget about the past and press towards the mark. I will walk as a prophet of God, hold my head up, and if nobody is there to encourage me, I will encourage myself. I will not be ashamed to follow the examples of Christ, even in the face of persecution, to think differently despite the negative labels and slander I may endure. Nor will I be afraid to take a stand in the minority, even if it seems as if the whole HEALTH Psalm 103:3-4 You forgive all my sins and heal all my diseases, You redeem my life from the pit. John 14:13-14 You have said You will do whatever I ask in Your name, Jesus, so that You may bring glory to the Father. Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24b Your Word says that by Your wounds we are healed."James 5:15 You have told me to pray for others so that they may be healed. I stand in the gap for my family and friends, and I speak health and healing over their bodies. [pray for sick people here] Sick/Injured people: People in need of salvation: GENERATIONAL CURSES In the Name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I break all generational curses. I decree by the blood of the Lamb and the power given to me as joint heir with Jesus Christ that I will not be the victim of physical, mental, verbal, or emotional abuse, nor will I have, serve, or entertain idols or false gods. I will not fall prey to addiction of any kind. I recognize that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and I do good to it and do not harm it all the days of my life. I will not allow a religious spirit to rob me of my love relationship with You. I have, and will always have, a sound mind that is saturated in Your Word. I am not a covenant breaker, and my Word is my bond. I speak the truth in love, and walk blamelessly before You, LORD. People in bondage to addiction: Even as I pray, my body is regenerating itself, preparing itself for another productive day. My body is developing according to Your plan, and health is being released in all of my cells, nerves, organs, tissues, bones, bodily systems, veins, arteries, and muscles. My brain is processing the information consistent with Your Word and filtering out everything that is not of You. In the Name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I forbid evil spirits from attaching to me in any way, shape, or form. They have no place, familiarity or invitation in my life. They do not enter into my eyes, my ears, my mind, or my heart. My spirit man has victory over them all the days of my life. MY INHEIRITANCE In the Name of Jesus and the power of his blood, I have: the patience of Job, the meekness of Moses, the heart of David, the favor of Joseph, the ear of Samuel, the courage of Joshua, the wisdom of Daniel, the zeal of Peter, the love of John, the boldness of Paul, and the faith of Abraham, who did not waiver in unbelief regarding the promises of God. I abide in the fruits of the Spirit all the days of my life, and even now these fruits are growing in me. Love, joy, peace, patience , kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are my inherited characteristics because the Holy Spirit lives in me. LORD, help me to be a person of great faith, consistent in good deeds, and a constant encourager. I will continue to love You will all of my heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit, and to love my neighbor as myself. I am eternally connected to You, and my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. BOLDNESS Jeremiah 1:9 "Then the LORD put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me: “ Behold, I have put My words in your mouth." LORD, touch my mouth, and put your words in it. I will go wherever You send me, and speak whatever You give me to speak. I will not succumb to the fear of man; I will trust You for the outcome of my obedience. Father You are my sustainer, my provider, my comforter, my guide, my strength, my friend, and my defender: set a guard over my mouth! MISSIONARIES/MINISTRIES MARRIAGE In the name of Jesus, I pray that my marriage will be everything that the Word of God called it to be. I will give my husband respect, and seek to bless him. Eph. 5:33 My husband has full confidence in me, and lacks no thing of value. I bring him good, not harm, all the days of my life. Proverbs 31: 11-12 My husband will love me, cover me, and protect me. My marriage shall be built on faithfulness, trust, loyalty, and a mutual love of God. You shall be the head of our home, at the center of everything we do, and the Word of God shall be the binding and final authority in all matters. I am God's ambassador in my house, and I cover my spouse all the days of my life through my words, examples, character, and deeds. My marriage is blessed and washed in the blood and shall weather any challenges that rise against it. Our love continues to grow stronger each day as the LORD allows us to see more of him in one another. Marriages in trouble/separated/divorcing: ever! AMEN! Eph. 3:14-20 My children's special needs: Marriages that need protection/strengthening/healing: CHILDREN For this reason I bow my knees before You, Father (from whom every family in Heaven and on earth is named): I pray that you will grant my children, according to the riches of Your glory, to be strengthened with power through Your Spirit in their inner man; I pray that Jesus may dwell in their hearts through faith. I pray that my children, being rooted and firmly established in love, may be able to comprehend, together with all the saints, what is the height and depth of Your love; I pray my children will come to know the love of Jesus that surpasses knowledge, so they may be filled with all Your fullness. In every situation, I am believing that You, who are able to do above and beyond all I ask or think (according to Your power that works in us) - to You will go all the glory! This glory of Yours will be shown both in the church and in Jesus Christ, in all generations - forever and CONCLUSION In the name of Jesus, I seal my soul to the Words of this covenant, that it is the declaration of my heart. Let every Word be lined up with the perfect will of God. Let the LORD Jesus Christ be the final arbitrator of my mind and heart, and let this covenant be always pleasing in the sight of God. I thank You, LORD, that You love me, and that You hear me. I thank You, LORD, for a spirit to share intimate fellowship with You. I thank You that these Words are being established in my heart and mind, that they are a part of me and guide and direct my paths at all times. I thank You, LORD, for this opportunity and this new beginning. I can't wait for Your return, and I know that nothing I have done or sacrificed has been in vain. Thank You for this life, for who I am in Christ, and for all blessings You have bestowed upon me. Amen.
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