Basic Training Tutorial 6.0 Nupas

March 27, 2018 | Author: bk3a | Category: Trademark, Computing And Information Technology



Basic Training Tutorial© 2011 Numeriek Centrum Groningen B.V. NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull Basic Training Tutorial by Numeriek Centrum Groningen B.V. In case of questions or remarks, please contact our Support Department : e-mail : [email protected] tel. +31 50 57 53 989 / 990 fax +31 50 57 53 981 NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull - Basic Training Tutorial © 2011 Numeriek Centrum Groningen B.V. All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the written permission of the publisher. Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this document. Printed: December 2010 in The Netherlands Basic Training Tutorial Table of Contents Part I Basic Training Tutorial 2 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 'Basic Training Tutorial' 2 2 Start application ................................................................................................................................... 3 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (01) 3 Start NUPAS-CADMATIC ......................................................................................................................................................... Hull 3 3 Create new ................................................................................................................................... block 5 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (02) 5 Create Block .................................................................................................................................................. 5 4 Create views ................................................................................................................................... 8 Create top ......................................................................................................................................................... views 8 Basic training .................................................................................................................................................. steps (03) 8 Create top.................................................................................................................................................. view 9 Create side ......................................................................................................................................................... views 11 Basic training .................................................................................................................................................. steps (04) 11 Create side .................................................................................................................................................. view (1) 12 Create frame ......................................................................................................................................................... views 14 Basic training .................................................................................................................................................. steps (05) 14 Create cross .................................................................................................................................................. view 14 5 Open Drawing ................................................................................................................................... 16 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (06) 16 Open drawing ......................................................................................................................................................... (1) 16 Update active ......................................................................................................................................................... block 17 6 Deck 6200 ................................................................................................................................... above base 18 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (07) 18 Text (1) ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 Create plates ......................................................................................................................................................... (1) 21 7 Deck 3500 ................................................................................................................................... above base 24 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (08) 24 Create plates ......................................................................................................................................................... (2) 25 8 Long. section ................................................................................................................................... 6600 off CL 28 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (09) 28 Update active ......................................................................................................................................................... section 29 Shift baseline ......................................................................................................................................................... 30 Create plates ......................................................................................................................................................... (3) 32 Create holes ......................................................................................................................................................... 35 Dimension ......................................................................................................................................................... manhole 37 Create draining ......................................................................................................................................................... / ventilation holes 38 9 Deck 6200 ................................................................................................................................... above base 39 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (10) 39 Open drawing ......................................................................................................................................................... (2) 42 Turn/shift......................................................................................................................................................... holes 42 Create holes ......................................................................................................................................................... parallel to line 44 Create vertical ......................................................................................................................................................... profiles (1) 46 Create horizontal ......................................................................................................................................................... profiles 52 I Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Create seams ......................................................................................................................................................... horizontal 56 Create weld ......................................................................................................................................................... symbols (1) 58 Code plate ......................................................................................................................................................... (1) 59 10 Frame 28................................................................................................................................... 62 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (11) 62 Create weld ......................................................................................................................................................... symbols (2) 63 11 Use of the ................................................................................................................................... 3D Hull Viewer 63 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (12) 63 Show parts ......................................................................................................................................................... 64 Presentation ......................................................................................................................................................... of parts 66 3D-Contek......................................................................................................................................................... interactivity 67 Navigation ......................................................................................................................................................... settings 70 Filter options ......................................................................................................................................................... 71 12 Long. section ................................................................................................................................... 3960 off CL 72 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (13) 72 Create plates ......................................................................................................................................................... (4) 75 Create hard ......................................................................................................................................................... seams 78 Thickness......................................................................................................................................................... text 79 Change thickness ......................................................................................................................................................... plates 80 Change plates ......................................................................................................................................................... (1) 82 Dimension ......................................................................................................................................................... holes (2) 86 Parts info......................................................................................................................................................... (1) 86 13 Frame 29................................................................................................................................... 88 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (14) 88 Open drawing ......................................................................................................................................................... (3) 90 Stopping ......................................................................................................................................................... arrows 91 14 Frame 29................................................................................................................................... 93 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (15) 93 Remove construction ......................................................................................................................................................... parts 94 Eggbox arrows ......................................................................................................................................................... 96 Code plate ......................................................................................................................................................... (2) 97 15 Frame 29................................................................................................................................... 99 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (16) 99 Create vertical ......................................................................................................................................................... profiles (2) 102 Change ......................................................................................................................................................... direction of profiles in view 106 Change ......................................................................................................................................................... endtype of profiles 108 Lengthening ......................................................................................................................................................... profiles 111 Trim/Extend ......................................................................................................................................................... profiles 112 Shift profiles ......................................................................................................................................................... 114 Create profiles ......................................................................................................................................................... in view 115 Create brackets ......................................................................................................................................................... type A 119 Reposition ......................................................................................................................................................... text 122 Horizontal ......................................................................................................................................................... / vertical dimensions 123 Horizontal .................................................................................................................................................. / vertical dimensions 123 Dimension .................................................................................................................................................. vertical short 124 Dimension .................................................................................................................................................. horizontal short 125 Profile dimensions ......................................................................................................................................................... 126 Profile dimensions .................................................................................................................................................. 126 Profile size .................................................................................................................................................. (1) 127 Profile size .................................................................................................................................................. series 129 Profile size .................................................................................................................................................. (2) 130 Profile size .................................................................................................................................................. (3) 131 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 II Basic Training Tutorial Profile symbols .................................................................................................................................................. 132 Profile part .................................................................................................................................................. number symbols 133 16 Long. section ................................................................................................................................... 3960 off CL 134 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (17) 134 Flanged ......................................................................................................................................................... girder 137 Create flanged .................................................................................................................................................. girder 137 Create plates .................................................................................................................................................. (5) 138 Create cutouts .................................................................................................................................................. type 100 141 Create flanges .................................................................................................................................................. (1) 142 Chain measure .................................................................................................................................................. 145 Code plate .................................................................................................................................................. (3) 146 17 Deck 6200 ................................................................................................................................... above base 147 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (18) 147 Create brackets ......................................................................................................................................................... in section (1) 149 Set visibility ......................................................................................................................................................... 'Face plate view distance' 150 Set visibility ......................................................................................................................................................... 'Distance behind view' 152 Background ......................................................................................................................................................... lines (1) 156 Copy items ......................................................................................................................................................... with shift (1) 158 18 Frame 23 ................................................................................................................................... 159 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (19) 159 Text (2) ......................................................................................................................................................... 162 Profile size ......................................................................................................................................................... (4) 164 Background ......................................................................................................................................................... lines (2) 164 Create holes ......................................................................................................................................................... at seam symbols 166 19 Frame 24 ................................................................................................................................... 168 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (20) 168 Change ......................................................................................................................................................... plates (2) 170 20 Frame 25 ................................................................................................................................... 172 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (21) 172 Change ......................................................................................................................................................... type/size of holes 175 21 Frame 26 ................................................................................................................................... 177 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (22) 177 Change ......................................................................................................................................................... plates (3) 179 Change ......................................................................................................................................................... type/size of profiles in view 181 Text (3) ......................................................................................................................................................... 183 22 Frame 27 ................................................................................................................................... 185 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (23) 185 Change ......................................................................................................................................................... size user-holes 186 23 Frame 28 ................................................................................................................................... 188 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (24) 188 Create pillars ......................................................................................................................................................... (1) 190 Create pillars ......................................................................................................................................................... centerline 193 Create double ......................................................................................................................................................... round plating 194 Profile size ......................................................................................................................................................... (5) 197 24 Frame 30 ................................................................................................................................... 198 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (25) 198 25 Long. section ................................................................................................................................... 4620 off CL 200 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (26) 200 Create side ......................................................................................................................................................... view (2) 202 Save drawing ......................................................................................................................................................... 204 Rename ......................................................................................................................................................... drawing 206 III Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Create brackets ......................................................................................................................................................... type 763 207 Create brackets ......................................................................................................................................................... type 762 209 Change ......................................................................................................................................................... location of bracket dimension 211 26 Long. section ................................................................................................................................... 5280 off CL 211 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (27) 211 Create side ......................................................................................................................................................... view (3) 212 27 Long. section ................................................................................................................................... 5940 off CL 215 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (28) 215 Create side ......................................................................................................................................................... view (4) 215 28 Frame 23 ................................................................................................................................... 217 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (29) 217 Copy items ......................................................................................................................................................... with shift (3) 219 29 Frame 24-30 ................................................................................................................................... 221 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (30) 221 Change ......................................................................................................................................................... plates (4) 223 30 Deck 6200 ................................................................................................................................... above base 227 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (31) 227 Change ......................................................................................................................................................... plates (5) 227 Change ......................................................................................................................................................... plates (6) 231 Undo plate ......................................................................................................................................................... change 234 31 Deck 3500 ................................................................................................................................... above base 235 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (32) 235 Set visibility ......................................................................................................................................................... 'Distance in front of view' 235 Change ......................................................................................................................................................... plates (7) 238 Change ......................................................................................................................................................... plates (8) 243 Change ......................................................................................................................................................... plates (9) 246 Create arbitrary ......................................................................................................................................................... profiles (1) 250 32 Update all ................................................................................................................................... views 257 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (33) 257 Recalculate ......................................................................................................................................................... views 257 33 Sheet drawing ................................................................................................................................... 259 Create sheet ......................................................................................................................................................... drawings 259 Basic training .................................................................................................................................................. steps (34) 259 Switch to .................................................................................................................................................. 'Sheet Drawing' environment 260 Create new .................................................................................................................................................. sheet drawing 260 Import views .................................................................................................................................................. to sheet drawing (1) 262 Create hidden ......................................................................................................................................................... lines drawing and import it to sheet drawing 267 Basic training .................................................................................................................................................. steps (35) 267 Switch to .................................................................................................................................................. another application 269 Show active .................................................................................................................................................. block 270 Save drawing .................................................................................................................................................. as position and hidden biso 271 Show block .................................................................................................................................................. 275 View tool .................................................................................................................................................. 276 Import views .................................................................................................................................................. to sheet drawing (2) 278 Modifications ......................................................................................................................................................... on sheet drawings 279 Basic training .................................................................................................................................................. steps (36) 279 Open drawing .................................................................................................................................................. (4) 281 34 Create iceframes ................................................................................................................................... 282 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (37) 282 Create shell ......................................................................................................................................................... frames (1) 286 Create arbitrary ......................................................................................................................................................... profiles (2) 289 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 IV Basic Training Tutorial Modify profile ......................................................................................................................................................... relations 293 Retrieve......................................................................................................................................................... line information 295 Turn profiles ......................................................................................................................................................... 296 Measure......................................................................................................................................................... distance 298 Replace ......................................................................................................................................................... views 300 35 Frame 30 ................................................................................................................................... 303 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (38) 303 Create visible ......................................................................................................................................................... lines 304 Create flanges ......................................................................................................................................................... (2) 307 36 Sheet drawing ................................................................................................................................... 311 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (39) 311 General ......................................................................................................................................................... modifications 312 37 Copy block ................................................................................................................................... 316 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (40) 316 Mirror block ......................................................................................................................................................... 317 38 Long. slanted ................................................................................................................................... plate and knuckles 319 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (41) 319 Create related ......................................................................................................................................................... holes 321 Create slanted ......................................................................................................................................................... view 323 Create plates ......................................................................................................................................................... (6) 325 Insert views ......................................................................................................................................................... 327 39 Frame 28 ................................................................................................................................... 329 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (42) 329 Create arbitrary ......................................................................................................................................................... hole 330 Create bent ......................................................................................................................................................... faceplate 332 Create bent ......................................................................................................................................................... profile 333 40 Create shell ................................................................................................................................... frame 335 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (43) 335 Create shell ......................................................................................................................................................... frame (2) 336 Turn shell ......................................................................................................................................................... frame 339 Create brackets ......................................................................................................................................................... in section (2) 341 41 2D Drafting ................................................................................................................................... Exercises 343 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (44) 343 Indicating ......................................................................................................................................................... 2D Items 344 Draw lines, ......................................................................................................................................................... circles and duplicate selection 346 Modify corners, ......................................................................................................................................................... lines and circles 349 Draw multiple ......................................................................................................................................................... parallel lines 353 Draw/Modify ......................................................................................................................................................... rectangles 355 Mirror/Move ......................................................................................................................................................... selection 357 42 Create pillars ................................................................................................................................... (2) 360 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (45) 360 Create bent ......................................................................................................................................................... pillar 361 Convert ......................................................................................................................................................... line to pillar 362 Connect......................................................................................................................................................... pillars 363 43 Hull Library ................................................................................................................................... 365 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (46) 365 Save and......................................................................................................................................................... load from Hull Library 366 44 Deck 6200 ................................................................................................................................... above base 369 Basic training ......................................................................................................................................................... steps (47) 369 Create construction ......................................................................................................................................................... detail 369 Modify hole ......................................................................................................................................................... status 372 V Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 45 Appendix ................................................................................................................................... A 374 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 06: Start_end_situation 374 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 07: Start_end_situation 376 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 08: Start_end_situation 378 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 09: Start_end_situation 380 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 10: Start_end_situation 382 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 11: Start_end_situation 384 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 13: Start_end_situation 386 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 14: Start_end_situation 388 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 16: Start_end_situation 390 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 16-1: Start_end_situation 392 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 16-2: Start_end_situation 394 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 17: Start_end_situation 396 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 18: Start_end_situation 398 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 19: Start_end_situation 400 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 20: Start_end_situation 402 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 21: Start_end_situation 404 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 22: Start_end_situation 406 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 23: Start_end_situation 408 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 24: Start_end_situation 410 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 25: Start_end_situation 412 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 26: Start_end_situation 414 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 27: Start_end_situation 416 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 28: Start_end_situation 417 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 29: Start_end_situation 418 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 30: Start_end_situation 420 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 31: Start_end_situation 425 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 32: Start_end_situation 427 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 34: Start_end_situation 429 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 35: Start_end_situation 430 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 36: Start_end_situation 431 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 37: Start_end_situation 433 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 38: Start_end_situation 439 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 39: Start_end_situation 441 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 41: Start_end_situation 442 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 42: Start_end_situation 447 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 43: Start_end_situation 449 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 45: Start_end_situation 450 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 46: Start_end_situation 452 Training......................................................................................................................................................... step 47: Start_end_situation 453 46 Appendix ................................................................................................................................... B 454 Drawings ......................................................................................................................................................... 'Basic training tutorial' 454 456 Index NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 VI Part I Basic Training Tutorial Basic Training Tutorial 1 Basic Training Tutorial 1.1 Introduction 'Basic Training Tutorial' Welcome to the "online" version of NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull's 'Basic Training Tutorial'. This training is based on the "verbal" training normally given by one of NCG's trainers and follows as much as possible this "verbal" training. To conduct this training by yourself, the following requirements are needed: - This online help document - The 'bnrtraining' project (in case you do not have this, please contact our Support Department) - A printed version of the 'Sheet_drawing_108_1.tiff' and the 'Sheet_drawing_108_2.tiff' which can be found in the 'bnrtraining' project directory This online training is built up using the following set-up: - Each training step is explained in a so-called 'Topic' which starts with a picture (select topic link 'Start situation') of what you should see on your screen after the accompanied drawing is opened ("OPEN DRAWING"). The name of the topic is the same as the drawing (view) to be opened. - Next a short description on what is going to be performed in the training step is given - The 'Overview of actions' lists the individual actions to be taken to get the desired result (which can be viewed selecting the topic link 'End situation') - In case a certain action has not been explained/described yet in one of the previous training steps, the action is marked as a topic link which will be displayed when selecting this topic link. To return to the 'Overview of actions' you can use one of the 'arrow' icons which can be found at the top and at the bottom of the topic - When the action has already been explained/described in one of the previous training steps, but should be used in a slightly different way or with other values, this is indicated by the sign at the end of the action. This means that this action is further described in the 'Additional description of actions' which also contains a reference to the 'original' topic describing the same action - To switch back and forth between the 'Basic training steps', the 'arrow' icons and at the top and at the bottom of the topic can be used - In section "Make block available for dashed" we need block 109, this block is the mirrored block from 108. In this tutorial we expect that two persons are following this tutorial and one of them is making the block 108 and the other 109 mirror. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 2 Basic Training Tutorial 1.2 Start application 1.2.1 Basic training steps (01) Overview of actions: 1. 1.2.2 Start NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull Start NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull Please start the application NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull by selecting the NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull icon on your desktop: When the program has started up, it will always ask you to select the name of a project and a block belonging to the selected project by displaying the panel "Open Block": 3 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial On the left part of this panel you see an overview of the current available projects; "bnrtraining", "bnrdemo" and "bnr1500" in a tree structure. The training project "bnrtraining" is the default project. This project contains two blocks, "102" and "999". These blocks belong to the group "Hull" as indicated in the tree structure. A project can have multiple groups and blocks can be assigned to them. The groups, as well as the blocks, can be selected in the tree and in the 'Name' column the content of the selection is presented. The toggles in the 'View' column determine if drawings present in a particular project and/or block are shown in the 'Name' column, and depending on which toggles are activated, you can filter the type of drawings to be displayed. Please double click on the block "999" of project "bnrtraining". Now the system is entering this block "999". Information about the current project is displayed in the status bar:     The name of the active application "3D-Contek"; The name of the user "NCG"; The project directory or drawing name "n:\projects\bnrtraining\999"; The current position of the cursor "0, 0, 0". NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 4 Basic Training Tutorial 1.3 Create new block 1.3.1 Basic training steps (02) Overview of actions: 1. Create Block "108" Create Block First you have to create a new block. Within NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull working in a block is restricted to only one person at a time. When creating a new block, you will first always need to enter an existing block within the project you are working on. This is the reason why you have just selected block 999 from the "bnrtraining" project. From there you will create a new block named 108. To create block "108", select "File" -> "New..." -> "Project/Block" from the menubar and in the panel "Create Project/Block" that appears, the blocks "108" and "109" are displayed. They have been pre-defined by the System Administrator. 5 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Any pre-defined blocks will appear on the left part of this panel. This panel also contains three fields:  'Name'  'Width grid'  'Height grid' The new block name, which can be a name or a number, is displayed in the 'Name' field. Please select the block "108". Now change for 'Width grid' and 'Height grid', the default setting from 'None' to the pre-defined values 'Width' and 'Height'. Note: When the grid is not used, certain functions pertaining to the grid will not be available, and a select number of panels will appear different from the panels in the screenshots throughout this tutorial. Now the system creates and then opens the new block "108". The next step consists of indicating the drawing mode, drawn or dashed, for each block. For this purpose the panel "Solid/Dash" is displayed: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 6 Basic Training Tutorial This panel contains four columns:  The column 'Block', which contains the groups and their blocks for which you can define the drawing mode;  The column 'Drawn', to check blocks that you wish to be presented with drawn or solid lines;  The column 'Dashed', to check blocks that you wish to be presented with dashed lines.  The column 'Off', to check blocks that you don't wish to be presented at all; In general, only the block you will be working in should be presented as drawn. The other blocks around it can be presented dashed if you want to see them as well. You will only work in block "108" and will probably need information from the other blocks while working in your project. When you select block 108, you can use the check boxes to define how you want it to be displayed. You can either click on the check boxes, or use the buttons located to the right of the panel. You can also select an entire group of blocks to appear dashed by selecting that group instead of just one block. Checking the 'Dashed' checkbox will allow all the blocks part of the group to appear dashed. 7 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Please click the 'Ok' button to continue. In the next step, you will be able to create views. A view has an area in which the construction will be shown. The system displays the following message panel: Please select 'Yes' when the question 'Do you want to create views now?' appears. The next three training steps will teach you how to create the views. 1.4 Create views 1.4.1 Create top views Basic training steps (03) In the previous training step you have created a new block 108 and you indicated which blocks need to be drawn or dashed. Because you have opted to create the views already, the system gives you the possibility to create new views immediately after creating a new block. The creation of new views is done in a fixed order: 1. 2. 3. Create top views; Create side views; Create frame views. In this training step you will create two top views "Deck 6200 above base" and "Deck 3500 above base". Overview of actions: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 8 Basic Training Tutorial 1. Create top views "Deck 6200 above base" and "Deck 3500 above base" Create top view You will create two new top views "Deck 6200 above base" and "Deck 3500 above base" as part of the block creation process. As mentioned before, a view has an area in which the construction will be shown. This area is specified by it's values for the length, breadth and height. Always make this area bigger than the area of the construction in the current block. This way the construction of the dashed blocks will also be shown in your view. Enter the values for the length, breadth and height of top view "Deck 6200 above base" in the panel "Top view " : 9 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial This panel contains three obligatory fields 'Height', 'Min. Length' and 'Max. Length'. Because this view is positioned at 6200 above base, the value for 'Height' is 6200. The 'Min. Length' and 'Max. Length' are determined respectively by the frame number of the aft border and the frame number of the forward border with corresponding values 21.5 and 31.5. Since you will only work on starboard, the optional fields 'Min. Breadth' and 'Max. Breadth' are also filled in. Because your plate will start 100 mm on starboard side and you also want to see part of the block on port side, the value of -500 should be entered for 'Min. Breadth'. Unfortunately you don't know the exact value for 'Max. Breadth' at the current position. If you don't know a value and you want the value to be determined by the hull line, you leave it blank by not entering any value. If you are working on port side, the values for 'Min. Breadth' and 'Max. Breadth' are just the opposite. You enter 500 as value for 'Max. Breadth' and leave the input field for 'Min. Breadth' blank. The following is a short explanation of the remaining optional fields:  Only one top view of this size exists, therefore the value for 'No. of Sections' has the default value "1";  The default value "25" for 'Scale' is used;  The 'Drawing number' stands for the block number and is automatically filled in;  There are four types of views available: Orthogonal, Single slant side view, Single slant frame view and Double slant;  Activating 'Show equipment' will display the available equipment from piping;  Activating 'Show profile flange' will display profile flanges in a three line presentation instead of the default one line presentation;  Activating 'Show shape' will display the hull line;  Activating 'Centre line' displays the centerline where 'Position' gives you the ability to enter an offset and 'Step' to write a number at every second frame along the centerline. The default value for this is "2";  The 'Replace' option will be explained later on in this tutorial. Since you have to create a second top view "Deck 3500 above base", you click the 'Next Top view' button. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 10 Basic Training Tutorial After clicking the 'Next top view' button, the same panel "Top view" appears again with the same values as default with the exception of the value for 'Height'. The second top view you want to create is "Deck 3500 above base" with a value of 3500 for 'Height'. Now let's check the other values: only the value for 'Min. Breadth' needs to be changed, because this view is not as wide as the previous view. Let's modify the value for 'Min. Breadth' from -500 into 3500, meaning 3500 from centerline. Please click the 'Create' button since this is the last top view that you are defining at this point. Now the specified top views are created. Two top views have been created with their drawing names "108-6200" and "108-3500". 1.4.2 Create side views Basic training steps (04) After the creation of top views the system automatically gives you the possibility to create one or more side views. 11 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial In this training step you will create two side views "Long. Section 3960 off CL" and "Long. Section 6600 off CL". Overview of actions: 1. Create side views "Long. Section 3960 off CL" and "Long. Section 6600 off CL" Create side view (1) You will create two new side views "Long. Section 3960 off CL" and "Long. Section 6600 off CL" as part of the block creation process. The first side view you will create is "Long. Section 3960 off CL" with the following values: This side view is positioned at 3960 from centerline with a corresponding value 3960 for 'Breadth'. The values for 'Min. Length' and 'Max. Length' are correct. Because the NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 12 Basic Training Tutorial view must start from the hull line, no value is entered for 'Min. Height'. The view should stop just above the upper deck "Deck 6200 above base" and therefore you should enter the value 6500 for 'Max. Height'. Because you will make the side views one by one, please click the 'Next side view' button. If you are working on port side, you only have to change the value for 'Breadth' from 3960 into -3960. Now the same panel "Side view" appears again with the same values except the value for 'Breadth'. The second side view "Long. Section 6600 off CL" is positioned at 6600 from centerline, so the new value for 'Breadth' is 6600. All the other values are correct. At the moment you will not create more side views, and therefore finish the creation of side views by clicking the 'Create' button. Two side views have been created with their standard drawing names "108-3960" and "108-6600". 13 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.4.3 Create frame views Basic training steps (05) After the creation of side views the system automatically gives you the possibility to create one or more frame views. In this training step you will create eight frame views: "Frame 23" to "Frame 30". Overview of actions: 1. Create frame views "Frame 23" to "Frame 30" Create cross view You will create eight frame views "Frame 23" to "Frame 30" as part of the block creation process. The eight frame views can be created in one action using the following values: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 14 Basic Training Tutorial The value for 'Length' in the case of frame views is not the value from aft perpendicular, but just the aft most frame number! In this case the aft most frame number is 23. Officially the 'Min. Height' could be left blank, meaning the view will start from the hull baseline, but the shape is rather high and you don't need the lower part of it. As a recommendation, please enter the value 1500 for 'Min. Height'. The values for 'Max. Height' and 'Max. Breadth' are correct. Only the value for 'Min. Breadth' must be changed from 3500 into -500, because all eight frame views will be created in one action. The decision to make the views in one action means that the values 8 and 1 must be entered for 'No. of sections' and 'Step size'. Please make sure that the 'Base line' and "Height line" checkboxes are unchecked and click the 'Create' button to complete the creation of frame views. As you can see in the dialogue window for output, the frame views are created one by one. 15 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.5 Open Drawing 1.5.1 Basic training steps (06) Start situation As you can see, the graphical screen of NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull is still empty. Now you want to have a look at the created views by opening them. For instance, you can open the frame view "Frame 27" with the name "108-27". Overview of actions: 1. 2. Open drawing frame view "108-27" Update drawing End situation 1.5.2 Open drawing (1) To open a drawing you click the button "Open Drawing" on the standard toolbar: After selecting this icon, the panel "Open Drawing" is displayed which enables you to open a drawing. You can select 'All' in the 'View' column to the left of the panel shown below, and all the drawings you have just created are displayed. If you select a different toggle in the 'View' column instead of 'All', only drawings belonging to that type of view are shown. Selecting another one will add to the selection. You can also click on the word associated with the toggle, for example "Top", which will single out the top views only. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 16 Basic Training Tutorial You can open one of these drawings by double clicking it, or selecting it and clicking on the 'Open' button. Please open the drawing "108-27" from the list. The drawing will be displayed on your graphical screen. 1.5.3 Update active block When you open a drawing by using the toolbar icon "Open drawing", the program asks you to update the view by displaying the following message panel: 17 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial You can choose between three options: 1. 'Update Active block' : update only the current block 2. 'Update all blocks' : update all blocks, which are set to be displayed within the current block 3. 'Do not update' : do not update any block Updating a block means regenerating the view to present all previously created construction parts within the area of the current view, that have not been saved in the drawing already. Please select 'Do not update' since no construction has been created thusfar. 1.6 Deck 6200 above base 1.6.1 Basic training steps (07) Start situation Now you will start creating your first plate. When creating plates it is very important to determine the right sequence: As seen on the sheet you have received for this tutorial, there are two main decks "Deck 6200" and "Deck 3500" and a longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600" in between those decks. These decks should be created first, and then you should create the longitudinal bulkhead. This because then you can refer the bulkhead to the lower and the upper deck. This order of placement results in a so called topological connection: a relation between the plates. Always try to achieve that a new plate can be related to existing plates! That's why you will start with creating the upper deck "Deck 6200 above base". This deck consists of one plate with a thickness of 8 mm. Overview of actions: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 18 Basic Training Tutorial 1. 2. 3. 4. Clear the screen if at this point you already have opened a drawing. This can be done by clicking the "Blank drawing" button on the toolbar. Open drawing top view "108-6200"  Place standard text "Deck 6200 above base" above the view Create plate "Deck 6200" with a thickness of 8 mm but without cutout Later on you will create the necessary cutout by modifying the plate contour. End situation Additional description of actions: 2. Open drawing top view "108-6200" Opening drawing top view "108-6200" is similar to opening drawing frame view "108-27", but you have to select "Top" as type of view and "108-6200" as drawing name in the panel "Open Drawing". 1.6.2 Text (1) Place standard text in the view before you start creating any Recommendation: structure! When there is too little space above the view to place the standard text, the view needs to be shifted down by using the "PAN" option. There are two ways to go about this: 1. Press and hold down the mouse wheel while moving the mouse 2. Hot key: <Ctrl> + Mouse Click the icon 'Draw' on the standard toolbar to open the toolbar "Draw" : Choose from the toolbar "Draw" the icon "Text/Dimensions": 19 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial When there is enough space above the view to place the standard text, please click the "Text" button on the toolbar "Dimensions" : After selecting this function, the panel "Text" appears: To place standard text above a view, you only have to select one of the text lines. In this example please select the text "Deck 6200 above base". The selected text will appear in the graphical screen. When the option 'Position' is set to "Interactive", by means of the mouse you can indicate the position where you would like to have the text placed. You can reposition the text afterwards by using the hot key <z> in combination with the NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 20 Basic Training Tutorial mouse. Next, you want to have everything back to full screen. You can use the function "Full Screen" on the toolbar for this: Hot key: <5> 1.6.3 Create plates (1) Now you will create your first plate "Deck 6200" without cutout. One of the most frequently used functions within NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull is the creation of plates. The plate creation function has a considerable number of options, due to the fact that plates can have very different shapes. During this tutorial you will create several plates with an increasing level of complexity. Each plate has a specified thickness and contour. Within the current application 3D-Contek, the plate will always be situated in the plane of the current view. Within NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull plate boundaries must be defined counterclockwise. Examples of possible plate boundaries are: - Hull shape; - Plates and profiles; - Local horizontal and vertical limitations; - Lines and arcs drawn by yourself. Select the toolbar icon "Plates" to open the toolbar "Insert Plates" : Proceed by clicking the icon "Plates in View": 21 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial After selecting this icon, the panel "Plates in View" appears: This panel contains one obligatory field 'Thickness' and three optional fields 'Thickness direction', 'Type of material' and 'Shift of working plane'. Only the values for 'Thickness' and 'Thickness direction' will be of concern during the tutorial. In this case plate "Deck 6200" has a thickness of 8 mm and the thickness direction is 'from base'. After accepting these values by selecting the 'Ok' button, you have to specify the plate boundaries a.k.a. plate relations by means of the panel "Define a plate contour". NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 22 Basic Training Tutorial Overview of basic rules for the specification of plate relations:  The plate relations must be defined counterclockwise;  Generally, the indication point of an item to be related, is at the side where the plate will be created;  The starting boundary of a plate can be arbitrarily selected. The relations of plate "Deck 6200" without cutout will be defined as follows:  Start with the aft boundary of the plate and select the 'Min. Length' button. The aft boundary is located 100 mm beyond frame 22 (at the fore ship side). This value must be entered as 22+100 for 'Min. Length';  Applying the rule that plate relations must be defined counterclockwise, the next boundary of the plate is the hull line. This relation can be defined by applying an indication point inside the hull in the graphical window;  The next relation is the forward boundary of the plate located at frame 31. Select the 'Max. Length' button and enter 31 as value in the entry field;  The last boundary of the plate is a line with a parallel distance of 100 mm from the centerline. Select the 'Min. Breadth' button and enter 100 for the value in the entry field. 23 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The following rules can assist you in determining the type of length (minimum or maximum) for a certain definition:  If there will be plate material (of the plate to be created) present on the right side of the boundary, this definition is named the Minimum Length;  If there will be no plate material (of the plate to be created) left on the right side of the boundary, this definition is named the Maximum Length. After defining all boundaries of the plate "Deck 6200" you can preview the result by selecting the 'Preview' button. Only by selecting the 'Ok' button, plate "Deck 6200" is actually created! 1.7 Deck 3500 above base 1.7.1 Basic training steps (08) Start situation Now you will create "Deck 3500 above base". Deck 3500 is a deck with two different thicknesses and therefore it must be created from two separate plates:   A deck with thickness 10 mm; A deck with thickness 12 mm. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Open drawing top view "108-3500"  Place standard text "Deck 3500 above base" above view  Create plate "Deck 3500" with thickness 10 mm  Create plate "Deck 3500" with thickness 12 mm but without cutout End situation NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 24 Basic Training Tutorial Additional description of actions: 1. Open drawing top view "108-3500" Opening drawing top view "108-3500" is similar to opening drawing frame view "108-27", but you have to select "Top" for the type of view and "108-3500" for the drawing name within panel "Open drawing". 2. Place standard text "Deck 3500 above base" above view Place standard text "Deck 3500 above base" above view is similar to place standard text "Deck 6200 above base" above view. Please select from panel "Textmenu" the text "Deck 3500 above base". 3. Create plate "Deck 3500" with thickness 10 mm The creation of plate "Deck 3500" with thickness 10 mm is similar to the creation of plate "Deck 6200" with the following plate boundaries: Option Value 'Min. Length' 22 + 9 ( 9: assumed thickness of transverse bulkhead ) Indicate the hull line 26 - 50 3920 'Max. Length' 'Min. Breadth' 1.7.2 Create plates (2) Now you will create the second plate "Deck 3500" with thickness 12 mm but without cutout. If you take a close look at the sheet, you will detect a little jut in the contour of this plate. 25 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial This jut is located at the upper left corner of the plate: Due to the jut in the plate contour, the creation of this plate will be more complicated than the previous rectangular plate. Let's create the second plate "Deck 3500" by selecting the toolbar icon "Plates", followed by the icon "Plates in View": After selecting this function, you enter the values for 'Thickness' and 'Thickness direction' in panel "Plates in View". The second plate "Deck 3500" has a thickness of 12 mm and the thickness direction is 'from base'. After selecting the 'Ok' button, you have to specify the plate boundaries (relations) by means of the panel "Define a plate contour". NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 26 Basic Training Tutorial As a reminder, please be aware of the rule: "The plate boundaries must be defined counterclockwise!" The boundaries of plate "Deck 3500" with thickness 12 mm will be defined by using a reference to another plate as well as minimum and maximum boundary values:  Start with the aft boundary of the new plate by directly indicating the aft plate "Deck 3500" with thickness 10 mm, by clicking near the right side of the line (the fore ship side). When direction indicating a line such as in this situation, you don't have to use the 'Min. Length' button;  Applying the rule that plate boundaries must be described counterclockwise, the next boundary of the plate is the hull line. Thus indicate the hull line;  The next relation of the plate is the forward boundary located at frame 31. Select the 'Max. Length' button and enter 31 as value in the entry field;  The next boundary of the plate is a line with a parallel distance of 3950 from the centerline. Select the 'Min. Breadth' button and enter 3950 as value in the entry field; Now you have to define the little jut:  The next boundary of the plate is located at frame 26, where you have a new 27 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial maximum length, because there is no plate material to the right of frame 26. Select the 'Max. Length' button and the previous value will disappear. Now you can enter 26 as new value in the entry field;  The last boundary of the plate is a line with a parallel distance of 3920 from the centerline. Select the 'Min. Breadth' button and enter 3920 as new value in the entry field. After defining all relations of plate "Deck 3500" you can preview the result by pressing the 'Preview' button. When the plate looks correct, it can be created by pressing the 'Ok' button. Note: The creation of this plate illustrates the general rule, that a plate can contain several minimum and maximum lengths! 1.8 Long. section 6600 off CL 1.8.1 Basic training steps (09) Start situation Now you will create the longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600" in between the decks "Deck 6200" and "Deck 3500". Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Open drawing side view "108-6600"  Choose Update active block to see the decks you have created earlier Place standard text "Long. section 6600 off CL" above view  Shift baseline Create plate "Long. bulkhead 6600" without corner holes Create standard holes with dimensions 850 / 450 mm Dimension holes Create ventilation/draining holes with radius 50 mm NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 28 Basic Training Tutorial Two small corner holes are still missing here. They can be created by using the toolbar icon "Create corner holes" and the option icon "Corner hole" from panel "Corner holes". If you use this option, there is one disadvantage: the created corner holes will not be topological! Therefore it's better to add these corner holes into the contour of the plate. When the corner holes are part of the plate contour, they will be topological. This option will be explained later on. End situation Additional description of actions: 1. Open drawing side view "108-6600" Opening drawing side view "108-6600" is similar to opening drawing frame view "108-27" , but you have to select "Side" for the type of view and "108-6600" for the drawing name within panel "Open drawing". 3. Place standard text "Long. section 6600 off CL" above view Placing standard text "Long. section 6600 off CL" above view is similar to placing standard text "Deck 6200 above base" above view. Please select from panel "Textmenu" the text "Long. section 6600 off CL". 1.8.2 Update active section When you open a drawing by using the toolbar icon "Open Drawing", the program asks you to update the view by displaying the message panel: 29 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial You can choose between three options: : update only the current block 1. Update Active block : update all blocks, which are enabled to be 2. Update all blocks displayed within the current block : do not update any block 3. Do not update Updating a block means regenerating the view to present all previously created construction parts within the area of the current view, that have not been saved in the drawing already. In this situation please select 'Update Active block' in order to see the decks you have created earlier. 1.8.3 Shift baseline Now you will move up the baseline from the zero level, because the baseline as it is now is a bit too far away from the hull line. By shifting the baseline upwards, you won't lose additional space on the drawing. Let's shift the baseline by selecting the function "Drawing Properties" on the toolbar: After selecting this icon the panel "Drawing Properties" appears. Within this panel select option 'Base line' and change the value for 'Position' from 0 into 1500: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 30 Basic Training Tutorial After selecting the 'OK' button, the baseline is positioned at 1500 above base. You can now get the full screen by using the toolbar function "Full screen" or hot key <5 >. 31 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.8.4 Create plates (3) Now you will create plate "Long. bulkhead 6600" with thickness 10 mm but without corner holes. This plate will be created between the decks "Deck 6200" and "Deck 3500". You have created deck "Deck 3500" out of two separate plates with different thicknesses and therefore it contains a step at the position of frame 26 minus 50 mm: The boundaries/relations of plate "Long. bulkhead 6600" will be defined by referring to these decks and then the step will automatically be included. Let's create the plate by selecting the toolbar icon "Plates", followed by the icon "Plates in View": After selecting this function, you enter the values for 'Thickness' and 'Thickness direction' in panel "Plates in View": NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 32 Basic Training Tutorial This plate has a thickness of 10 mm and the thickness direction is 'from CL'. Ignore the value for 'Shift of working plane', select the 'Ok' button and specify the plate boundaries. The boundaries of the plate will be defined as follows:  Start with the aft boundary of the plate defined by the minimum length. Click the 'Min. Length' button and enter value 22+9 in the entry field. By entering the value "+9", the 33 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial thickness of the aft bulkhead is taken into account;  The next boundaries are the lower decks "Deck 3500", consisting of two deck plates with different thicknesses:  First select the aft most deck plate by indicating a few millimeters above it;  Secondly select the front deck plate by again indicating a few millimeters above it;  The next relation is the forward boundary defined by the maximum length. Select the 'Max. Length' button and enter value 31 in the entry field;  The last boundary is the upper deck "Deck 6200". This boundary can be defined by clicking a bit beneath the deck. After having defined all the boundaries, create the plate "Long. bulkhead 6600" by clicking the 'Ok' button. You can check if plate "Long. bulkhead 6600" contains a step by zooming in on the lower boundary of this plate. But before zooming in, it is recommended to display background lines by selecting the option "View" -> "Plate presentation" -> "Show background lines": Accept the default option 'All Plates' within panel "Plate Presentation": With this option the thickness lines of plates in section are displayed in purple color, while the border lines of plates in view are displayed in red color. Now zoom in near frame 26 by using the function "Zoom in" on the toolbar: Although the toolbar function "Zoom in" and the hot key <1> are both used for zooming in, there is a difference in usage:  The toolbar function allows you to define the area in which you want to zoom in, by indicating the two points of the area using the mouse;  Hot key <1> supports interactively zooming at 50% each step: pressing the key once equals one step. The current position of the cross hair is used as focus point for the zoom process. You can see that the the bulkhead contains a small step indeed. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 34 Basic Training Tutorial Remove the background lines by using the system close key in the upper right corner of the panel. Hot key: <Esc> Next, you use the toolbar icon "Full screen" or hot key <5> again to get the full screen. 1.8.5 Create holes Now you will create four standard holes with dimensions 850 / 450 mm. These four holes can be created in two steps. First the two lower ones and then the two upper ones. Create the two lower holes by clicking the toolbar icon "Create holes": Select on the toolbar "Insert Holes" the first option icon "Fixed hole": Within panel "Create holes" you enter the position of the first and second hole: 35 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Within this panel the fields 'From frame' and 'From height' are used to determine the position of the center point of the first aft most hole and the fields 'To frame' and 'To height' are used to determine the position of the second hole. You don't have to enter a value for 'To height' because the second hole is positioned at the same height as the first one. In this case no value is entered for 'Step size' because the default value 1 is the correct value. For additional information about the field 'Step size' see note. Furthermore no value is entered for 'Number of items': based on the step size of 1, the number of items will be automatically calculated as 2. Notes: If the cursor is already at the right position, you can use the button 'Hole at current control'. The corresponding values will then automatically be shown in the panel. After you have defined the centre point of the first hole, the cursor will move to that position. You can check the actual values for 'Step size' and 'Number of items' by pressing the <Tab> key several times. After entering the position of the holes you select the desired type of hole: Now you enter the dimension of the holes by means of panel "Hole types": NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 36 Basic Training Tutorial By selecting the 'OK' button, the two lower holes with dimensions 850 / 450 mm will be created. You follow the same procedure to create the two upper holes. The only difference is that the value for 'From height' within panel "Create holes" will be 5500 in stead of 4300. 1.8.6 Dimension manhole You will place dimensions in the just created standard holes. Select on the toolbar "Draw" the icon dimensions: To place dimensions in a hole, you select the toolbar icon "Dimensions": As the hint "Select where to place dimension" points out, you have to indicate a point where the dimension should be placed. Please indicate a point inside the holes to place the dimensions. 37 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.8.7 Create draining / ventilation holes You will create three upper holes and three lower holes with radius 50 mm. The upper holes are so-called ventilation holes and the lower ones are so-called draining holes. Although there are three ventilation holes, due to their positions, these holes can not be created in one action. In this case only two holes can be created in one action, so you must create the remaining hole separately. Let's create two ventilation holes in one action by selecting the toolbar icon "Create draining/ventilation holes": Select from panel "Corner holes" the option "Draining hole": According to the hint "Indicate the part in which the hole has to be positioned" you have to click just below the upper deck. After indicating this deck, you enter the position of the aft most and the forward ventilation hole by means of panel "Draining Hole": Within this panel the fields 'From frame' and 'To frame' are used to determine the position of the aft most and the forward ventilation holes. Again no values are needed to be entered for 'Step size' and 'Number of items'. By selecting the 'Ok' button, the two ventilation holes are created. The remaining ventilation hole is positioned at frame 30 minus 100 mm and can be created using the same procedure. Within panel "Draining Hole" you only have to enter value 30-100 for 'From frame'. Click the 'Ok' button to create the third ventilation hole. Now all three ventilation holes have been created. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 38 Basic Training Tutorial You follow the same procedure to create the three draining holes. The only difference is the position of the indication point: now you have to click just above the lower deck. 1.9 Deck 6200 above base 1.9.1 Basic training steps (10) Start situation Now you will return to the upper deck "Deck 6200 above base" to add holes, deck beams and seams. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Open drawing top view "108-6200" Choose "Update active block" to see the bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600" Create holes with diameter 450 mm at 7000 from CL  Modify aft most hole by shifting it 50 mm Dimension holes  Create two small holes with diameter 50 mm  Create holes parallel to hull line with diameter 50 mm Create transverse deck beam at FR28 Create two longitudinal deck beams at 1320 off CL Create a series of transverse deck beams from FR23 until FR27  Create welded soft seams at 1940, 3910 and 6550 off CL Add weld symbols to the soft seams Code plate "Deck 6200" to check the division of this plate in smaller parts You will notice that the deck beams at frame 29 and 30 are still missing. You could make these beams with a fixed value here, but it's better to wait a while until you have created the longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 3960". Then you can relate the deck beams to this bulkhead. End situation 39 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Additional description of actions: 3. Create holes with diameter 450 mm at 7000 from CL The creation of these holes is similar to the creation of standard holes 850/450 mm with the following properties: Name of panel Option Value Create holes 'From frame' 'From breadth' 'To frame' Selected hole type 22.5 7000 30.5 Hole types 'Diameter' 450 5. Dimension holes The dimensioning of holes with diameter 450 mm is similar to the dimensioning of standard holes 850/450 mm 6. Create two small holes with diameter 50 mm The creation of these holes is similar to the creation of standard holes 850/450 mm. The first hole is positioned just forward of frame 29 and the second hole is just aft frame 31. Nevertheless these holes can be created in one go with the following properties: Name of panel Option Value Create holes 'From frame' 'From breadth' 'To frame' 'Number of items' Selected hole type 29+100 6700 31-100 2 Hole types 'Diameter' 50 Note: Usually the step size is 1, but between the frame positions "29+100" and "31-100", the actual step size is less than 2. If you enter value "1" for option 'Step size', the system will modify the value for option 'To frame' from "31-100" into "31+100", which is not what you want. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 40 Basic Training Tutorial To force the system to use the given frame positions, you enter a value "2" for option 'Number of items' instead of a value for option 'Step size'. By means of the < TAB> key, you can check later on the value for 'Step size'. The actual value, calculated by the system, is "2FR-200". 10. Create a series of transverse deck beams from FR23 until FR27 Now you will create a series of transverse deck beams from FR23 until FR27 between the longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600" and the longitudinal girder at 1320 from CL. Because all these deck beams are equal, you can make them in one go. The creation process is similar to the creation of one transverse deck beam at FR28 with the following properties: Name of panel Option Create profile Selected profile type Border value Value 'Body size' 'Thickness' 'From frame' 'To frame' 'Step size' 'Body direction' 'Thickness direction' 'Type of material' Limitation 'Vertical distance' '1st end shape' Border value Limitation 'Vertical distance' '2nd end shape' End type 'Radius' 140 8 23 27 1 ( this default value can be omitted ) Towards Base From reversed frame GR-A First limitation Indicate the longitudinal bulkhead at 6600 from CL 40 Second limitation Indicate the longitudinal deck beam at 1320 from CL 0 35 This will result in the generation of five transverse deck beams, positioned at frame 23 until frame 27. 41 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.9.2 Open drawing (2) To open a drawing you have to select the toolbar icon "Open drawing": Until now you have selected the next drawing to open from the panel "Open drawing". According to the hint "Indicate part which has to be visible" another possibility to change between drawings is to click on a part in the current drawing. After doing so, the system will open the new drawing of this part. In this case you will return to the upper deck "Deck 6200 above base". By means of selecting the upper deck, the system will change from side view to top view "108-6200". 1.9.3 Turn/shift holes If you zoom in on the aft most hole, you will see that this hole touches the plate border. Because this situation is not acceptable, you will modify this hole by shifting it 50 mm forward. Within NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull every "Create" toolbar also has a 'Modify' option to modify the earlier created part, and every "Modify" toolbar has a 'Create' option. To modify the aft most hole you can directly select the 'Modify' button on the panel "Holes", which is still available on screen. Besides this, there are also certain modify options accessible directly on the toolbar "Modify 3D" such as 'Modify plates' and 'Modify profiles', etc. To shift the aft most hole select the toolbar icon "Modify holes": NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 42 Basic Training Tutorial Select on the "Modify 3D" toolbar the option "Holes" and then on the "Modify Holes" toolbar the first option icon "Turn/shift": By means of panel "Hole selection menu" you select the aft most hole: On this selection panel, the options above the button 'Highlight' will appear in many selection panels within NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull. Here is a short explanation regarding the options on that part of the panel: Selection treatment:  Select  Exclude Item(s) you indicate are selected; Exclude items from the current selection; Selection buttons:  All 43 Select all items at once; Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial  Reverse  Highlight Reverse the current selection; Highlight the current selection; Selection methods:  Cross hair  Clump  Conflict Only the item(s) you click on is (are) selected; Dragging a selection box from left to right, only items that have been boxed entirely are included; dragging a selection box from right to left, also items that have been only partially boxed are included; Now select the aft most hole. Enter the value 0+50 for 'Length' which means the hole will be moved over a distance of 50 mm. Note: If the value 50 is entered instead of 0+50, it would be interpreted as if you would actually be moving the hole over 50 frames! Click the 'Ok' button to shift the hole to the new position. 1.9.4 Create holes parallel to line Now you will create eighteen holes parallel to the hull line with diameter 50 mm. To create these holes parallel to the hull line, select toolbar icon "Create holes" again: Select on the toolbar "Insert Holes" the sixth option icon "Hole parallel to line related": According to the hint "Indicate line at side where to position the hole", you do this by clicking a few millimeters above the hull line. Afterwards you enter the position of the holes along the hull line by means of panel "Create holes" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 44 Basic Training Tutorial Within this panel the value for 'Parallel distance' stands for the distance between the center of the holes and the hull line. Furthermore, the fields 'From frame' and 'To frame' are used to determine the position of the aft most hole and the last hole to be created towards fore ship. A difficulty for determining the values in question, is the irregularity in frame distance at frame 28 changing from 650 mm into 700 mm. Therefore you will not enter values like 22+325, but you will use decimal values instead. The aft most hole is located at a quarter of the frame distance between frame 22 and frame 23: the value for option 'From frame' is 22.25. The last hole is located at three-quarters of the frame distance between frame 30 and frame 31: the value for 'To frame' is 30.75. Finally the distance between the holes is half a frame distance: the value for 'Horizontal distance' is 0.5. The total number of holes will be calculated by the system. Choose the type of hole: Enter a value for diameter of these holes by means of panel "Hole types": 45 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial By clicking the 'Ok' button, eighteen holes with diameter 50 mm will be created parallel to the hull line. 1.9.5 Create vertical profiles (1) Now you will start to make your first deck beam. As you have experienced during the creation of plates, you should always try to refer to other construction parts as much as possible. You will do the same for profiles. If you take a close look at the sheet, you will see the following deck beams:  Frame 28: a continuous transverse deck beam HP 200 x 9;  1320 from CL: a longitudinal deck beam HP 200 x 9, starting at frame 22 and stopping at frame 28;  1320 from CL: a longitudinal deck beam HP 200 x 9, starting at frame 28 and stopping at frame 31;  Frame 23 to 27: a series of transverse deck beams HP 140 x 8 between the longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600" and the longitudinal deck beam at 1320 from CL. To get the optimal result in profile relations, the order in which you create the deck beams plays a significant role. You will start creating the transverse deck beam at frame 28, then you will create the two longitudinal deck beams at 1320 from CL and finally you will create the remaining smaller transverse deck beams from frame 23 to frame 27. Generally, all deck beams will be created using the available functions for profiles. These functions are accessible by means of the toolbar icon "Create profile": After selecting this icon, the toolbar "Insert Profiles" is displayed: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 46 Basic Training Tutorial This toolbar contains four different options for creating topological profiles: Topological profiles are profiles which are defined by the position of other construction parts and/or the hull. This means that any changes in the position of the other construction parts has influence on the concerning profile:  Vertical profiles  Horizontal profiles  Profiles in view  Arbitrary profiles Within this training step you will only create vertical and horizontal profiles. The terms 'Horizontal' and 'Vertical' have nothing to do with the actual position of the profile itself, but with the position as it is presented in the drawing! During this tutorial, you will also create profiles in view and arbitrary profiles. Let's create the transverse deck beam at frame 28. Due to the vertical position of this beam in the drawing, you have to select the option icon "Vertical profiles": You specify the type of profile and it's position by means of panel "Create Vertical Profile" : 47 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Here is a short explanation of the available options within this panel:  The type of profile is "HP" or "Bulb" and therefore the following option icon is selected: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 48 Basic Training Tutorial  To select the size of the profile, you have to select the options 'Body size' and ' Thickness'. Each option generates a list of default values from which you select the appropriate one. In this case you select the values 200 and 9 respectively;  To determine the position of one profile or a series of profiles, you have to enter a value for 'From frame' and may enter values for 'To frame', 'Step size' and 'Number of items'. In this case you will create only one profile at frame 28, so you only have to enter value 28 for 'From frame';  To determine how one profile or a series of profiles is created, you have to select one of the presented options for 'Body direction' and 'Thickness direction':  If the profile should be created below the plate, you accept the default value 'Towards Base' for 'Body direction', but if the profile should be created on top of the plate, you select 'From Base';  The thickness direction of the profile depends on the actual position of the profile with respect to the reversed frame and the chosen value for 'Thickness direction'. For instance, when the profile is located aft from the reversed frame and the thickness direction is "From reversed frame", the profile will be created with it's thickness direction pointing to the aft of the ship.  The type of material of the profile will be the presented standard material "GR-A";  Normally the profile will automatically be attached to the right plate. Only in exceptional cases you select the plate to which the profile should be attached. So the 'Choose plate' button is hardly used. After clicking the 'Ok' button, you have to specify the length of the profile by defining it's first and second relations. Whenever possible, you should define the first and second relations by referring to other construction parts. Using the reference method results in a so-called topological profile. It's preferable to work from lower end to upper end. Now you determine the lower end of the profile by means of panel "Border value" : 49 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The lower end of the deck beam is limited by the longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600". Instead of entering a value for 'Breadth value', you will refer to the longitudinal bulkhead by clicking just above this bulkhead. The option 'Vertical distance' stands for the distance between the beam and the longitudinal bulkhead. This distance is 40 mm. You also have to define the concerning 'end shape' of the deck beam for this position. Generally speaking a profile can be given four end shapes:  The first and second end shapes are used for the body of the profile;  The third and fourth end shapes are meant for the flange of the profile. Looking at the limitations of the profile, the end shape at the first limitation is specified by the first and third end shapes and so the end cut at the second limitation is defined by the second and fourth end shapes. Note: In this case you will not select the third and fourth end shape, because defining the end shape for the flange of a bulb is not very useful. Now you specify the end cut of the deck beam by selecting type 'A' as the first end shape: After specifying the first limitation (lower end) of the profile, you proceed to determine second limitation (the upper end) of the profile as well. The option automatically changes NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 50 Basic Training Tutorial from 'First limitation' to 'Second limitation': The upper end of the deck beam is limited by the upper boundary of plate "Deck 6200" which is at a distance of 100 mm from the centerline. Refer to this upper boundary by clicking just below it. The vertical distance between the profile and the plate boundary should be 0 mm. Finally you have to define the end shape of the deck beam again by selecting type 'C' for the second end shape: This end shape contains a small welding hole in the corner. You can enter the appropriate radius of this welding hole within panel "End type" : By clicking the 'OK' button, the transverse deck beam at frame 28 will be created. 51 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.9.6 Create horizontal profiles After creating the transverse deck beam at frame 28, you will create two longitudinal deck beams at 1320 from CL:  A longitudinal deck beam HP 200 x 9, starting at frame 22 and stopping at frame 28;  A longitudinal deck beam HP 200 x 9, starting at frame 28 and stopping at frame 31. Let's first create the aft most longitudinal deck beam, starting at frame 22 and stopping at frame 28. Select the toolbar icon "Create profile": Select on the toolbar "Insert Profiles" the option icon "Horizontal Profiles": Also for this horizontal profile you specify the type of profile and it's position by means of panel "Create Horizontal Profile". Generally speaking the last used type of profile is used as the default for the new one. In this situation the default type of profile HP 200 x 9 is the right one. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 52 Basic Training Tutorial Within this panel the available options are quite similar to the presented options within panel "Create Vertical Profile". The differences are listed below:  To determine the position of one profile or a series of profiles, you will now use the 53 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial fields 'From breadth' and 'To breath' instead of 'To frame' and 'From frame';  The thickness direction of the profile now depends on the actual position of the profile with respect to the centerline. In this situation you will create only one profile at 1320 mm from centerline. This profile will be located underneath the deck with a thickness direction 'From CL'. After selecting the 'Ok' button, you have to specify the length of the profile by defining it's start and end points. We take as start point the aft end of the profile. Now you determine the aft end of the profile by means of panel "Border value" : The aft end of the longitudinal deck beam is limited by the aft boundary of plate "Deck 6200". Refer to this aft boundary by clicking right next to it, on the inside the plate. At the aft end the horizontal distance is 0 mm; enter value 0 for 'Horizontal distance'. Select the first end shape being end shape type 'C': Next, enter the radius for the small welding hole in the corner: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 54 Basic Training Tutorial By selecting the 'OK' button you have defined the aft relation of the longitudinal deck beam. Now the forward end of the profile will be defined by means of the same panel: The forward end of the longitudinal deck beam is limited by frame 28. Instead of entering value 28-9 for 'frame numbers', you can also click your mouse a few millimeters on the left hand side of the deck beam at frame 28. The value "0" for the 'Horizontal distance' has already been inserted as default. Select the second end shape being end shape type 'N'. This special type is chosen because it contains, besides the welding hole, an additional hole to create room for the bulb of the profile on frame 28: Finally enter the radius of the upper corner: By selecting the 'OK' button, the aft most longitudinal deck beam will be created. Now you will create the forward longitudinal deck beam, starting at frame 28 and 55 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial stopping at frame 31, in a similar way. The properties of this second beam are listed in the following table: Name of panel Option Create profile Selected profile type Value Border value 'Body size' 'Thickness' 'From breadth' 'Body direction' 'Thickness direction' 'Type of material' Limitation 'Horizontal distance' '1st end shape' End type Border value 'Radius' Limitation 'Horizontal distance' '2nd end shape' 1.9.7 200 9 1320 Towards Base From CL GR-A First limitation Indicate frame 28 0 35 Second limitation Indicate frame 31 40 Create seams horizontal Now you will create three welding seams in plate "Deck 6200". The deck plate you have created until now is too big for the cutting machine. It needs to be divided in smaller parts by creating seams in the plate. Within NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull there are two ways for dividing plates: 1. 2. Splitting plates; Creating seams. By splitting a plate, you literally cut the plate into smaller (more) plates. By creating NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 56 Basic Training Tutorial seams on a plate you do not divide the plate into smaller parts itself, until you begin to code this plate. The advantage of using seams during the engineering process is the fact that you are able to change the position of the seams on the plate easily, since the plate in actuality is not split into two or more. Therefore our recommendation is to use seams to take care of the following prerequisite: the plate must have an equal thickness! Sometimes it is required to make a part of the existing plate thicker or thinner. In such cases you have to split the plate first and then change the thickness of the concerning part. In this case the upper deck "Deck 6200" contains three seams:  A horizontal seam at 1940 from CL;  A horizontal seam at 3910 from CL;  A horizontal seam at 6550 from CL; First you will make the two seams at 1940 and 3910 from CL, and then you will make the remaining one at 6550 from CL. These seams can't be made in one step, due to a difference in intermediate distance between them. Now we are going to create the first two horizontal seams in plate "Deck 6200", which has an equal thickness of 8 mm. Select the toolbar icon "Welds/Beveling": After selecting this icon, the toolbar "Insert Welds/Beveling" is displayed: This toolbar contains two options for seams:  Seam horizontal  Seam vertical Select option icon "Seam horizontal": 57 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial According to the hint "Select part in which a welding seam has to be placed" you select plate "Deck 6200". Enter the location of the first two welds to be created by means of panel "Create Horizontal Seam" : By pressing the 'Ok' button, two soft seams are created at 1940 and 3910 from CL. Now let's create the third horizontal weld in plate "Deck 6200". This weld, positioned at 6550 from CL, is created in a similar way as the previous ones. 1.9.8 Create weld symbols (1) Now you will add weld symbols to the created seams. Select on the toolbar "Insert" the icon "Weld Symbols" again: Select on sub-toolbar "Insert Weld Symbols" the first option icon "Weld Symbol": NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 58 Basic Training Tutorial The system will display an additional panel "Weld symbols", in which you can select a welding code: This welding code is not used by everyone. If you don't wish to place a welding code, you complete the process clicking the little cross in the upper right corner after you have indicated the positions where the weld symbols should be placed. If you do wish to place a welding code, you complete the process by clicking the 'Ok' button on the panel. Here you will only add weld symbols to the seams without additional welding codes. Please indicate the desired positions of the weld symbol for all three seams and complete the process by closing the window so that no welding codes are placed. 1.9.9 Code plate (1) As explained before, a plate containing seams will not be divided into smaller parts, unless you code this plate. You will check the division of plate "Deck 6200" in four individual parts by coding it. Coding a plate means creating one or more DXF-output files for Computer Aided Manufacturing. These output files contain both geometric and production information of the part and will be imported in a nesting program. Generally speaking the "Code plate" option is only used for individual geometrically complex plates to verify if the generated production output is correct. In real life the entire block will be coded after the block has been completed. 59 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Select the toolbar icon "CAM", followed by the icon "Code One Part": The system will display panel "Code One Part" : Please follow the instruction given by hint "Select the part to be coded" and select plate "Deck 6200" . The graphical screen will be split up in two parts: one part contains the original drawing and the other part contains the coded part. With the 'Switch windows' button from panel "Coded part" you are able to switch between these windows. In this situation the first coded part in DXF-format "6116108-1-1.dxf" will be displayed within window "Coded part". By using the 'Next' button you are able to display and add to this window all the coded parts belonging to this plate one by one as it is illustrated in the figure below displaying the files "6116108-1-1.dxf", "6116108-1-2.dxf", "6116108-1-3.dxf" and "6116108-1-4.dxf": NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 60 Basic Training Tutorial Within window "Coded part" you see that every plate has it's own orientation symbol. The cutting lines are displayed in green and the marking lines are displayed in white. The white marking lines also contain one or more triangles. These triangles indicate the thickness direction of the connected deck beams. The plate is shown upside down. As part of the coding process the plate is automatically turned upside down because of the marking lines, which must be marked from above on the cutting machine. Now return to the original plate in 3D-Contek by closing the window or use the hot key < Esc>. 61 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial You will see that plate "Deck 6200" is still one plate with the seams: the coding process does not modify the original part but generates an extract from it. 1.10 Frame 28 1.10.1 Basic training steps (11) Start situation Now you can check in frame view the deck beams and soft seams. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. Open drawing frame view "108-28"  Choose "Update active block" to see the deck beams and the position of the seams in the upper deck Add small weld symbols to the seams End situation Additional description of actions: 1. Open drawing frame view "108-28" Opening drawing frame view "108-28" is similar to opening drawing top view "108-6200", but you need to indicate the deck beam at frame 28 within the current top view "108-6200". NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 62 Basic Training Tutorial 1.10.2 Create weld symbols (2) You have the possibility to add small welding symbols to the seams in the upper deck. The location of each seam is illustrated with the following symbol: Select the toolbar icon "Weld Symbols": Select from panel "Welds" the second option icon "Weld Symbol": Follow the given hint "Indicate position on line, where symbol has to be put", by indicating a position just above the seam symbol at the upper deck. The small welding symbols will be created above the location of the seams. 1.11 Use of the 3D Hull Viewer 1.11.1 Basic training steps (12) Now you will start the NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull Viewer application to view the active block in a 3-dimensional environment. Overview of actions: 1. 63 Show parts according to selection criteria Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Viewpoint projections  Presentation of parts and the viewing modes Item information  3D-Contek interactivity Navigation settings for various ways to view the block Filter options to filter various part properties Additional description of actions: 2. Viewpoint projections To the left of the screen there is a toolbar present with 14 predefined viewing perspectives to choose from. These perspectives are set to certain angles relative to the block you have open in the Hull Viewer. When you imagine a cube around the block, that cube will have 6 sides to it. The first 6 buttons take you to the viewpoints perpendicular to those sides. The remaining 8 buttons are set to the viewpoints in each corner of the cube. 4. Item information The same menu you open by right clicking a part, also contains the function 'Item information'. When selecting this, the system displays the panel "3D-Item information" with geometric information about the part you selected. More about this will be explained later on in the tutorial. Next to geometric information for an item, also logistical information, attribute information and additional information can be retrieved using this panel. 1.11.2 Show parts There are two ways to start the Hull Viewer:  Standard startup  Using selection criteria To start the Hull Viewer, you have the option to open the "Application" menu and then select "Hull Viewer". NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 64 Basic Training Tutorial For this exercise we will use the selection criteria method. The advantage of this method is that the block (or parts of the block depending on the criteria you specify) will be imported into the Hull Viewer directly upon startup. To specify the needed selection criteria, click the toolbar icon "Send to Hull Viewer": In the "Selected parts viewer" panel, you are given the option to choose from different lists that you can use to filter your selection with. In this case it doesn't matter which one you use, because we want the entire block to be shown, which means no filter is needed. Click the button that, in the example of the picture below, says 'parts-list'. Type the name of the block in the correct field and click 'Create selection list'. 65 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial When the selection list is created, you will be sent back to the "Selected parts viewer" panel. Now you have two buttons to choose from. If the Hull Viewer is already open, 'New' will refresh it's screen and then will display the parts of the block according to the criteria you have specified. 'Add' will add your selection to what is already showing in the Hull Viewer. Since you haven't opened anything yet, you will click 'New'. The Hull Viewer will now start up and display 3D models of the parts you have created thus far. 1.11.3 Presentation of parts You can select a part by clicking on it once. When you hold down the <Shift> key and click on the part again, it will be de-selected. Pressing and holding down the <Shift> key also allows you to select multiple parts, by clicking on them one at a time. You can also invert your selection with the hotkey combination <Ctrl> + <R>. Using < Ctrl> + <A> will select the entire block. Doing the same in combination with the <Shift> key will deselect the block. When you right click a part, you will be presented with a menu. Here you see the functions 'Hide part', 'Transparent', 'Wireframe' and 'X-Ray'. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 66 Basic Training Tutorial Setting a part to 'Transparent' allows you to see what is behind it. Setting a part to Hide allows you to select what is behind it. For 'Wireframe' see "Viewing mode" below. Setting a part to 'X-Ray' allows you to see it at all times, even through other parts. In order to restore the parts after you have used these functions, you can either open the "View" menu, or you can use the following buttons: Respectively, these are 'Restore hidden', 'Restore Transparent' and 'Restore X-Ray'. Viewing mode There are two different modes in which you can view your block: "Shaded" being the standard viewing mode in the Hull Viewer. "Wireframe" only displays the contours of the parts, which will help increase performance when dealing with very large models. 1.11.4 3D-Contek interactivity Show drawing box If a drawing exists for a certain part you select, and the field "Drawing name" is present 67 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial in the logistical layout, it will be displayed in the right mouse menu under 'Open drawing' . Selecting this will open the drawing in 3D-Contek. The function known as the "drawing box" will display which drawing you have open in 3D-Contek. This transparent "box" also represents the defined drawing area of that particular drawing. To activate the drawing box, select the icon "Toggle drawing box": Select it again to switch it back off. Clipping When you wish to focus on a part that is hard to see because it is located deep within a block and various parts are blocking the view, using this function will allow you to trim the view of your displayed block in length, width, and height. Select the icon "Clipping": You are presented with the panel "Clipping" : You can either use the slidebars, or input a value to indicate the location of the part you NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 68 Basic Training Tutorial wish to isolate. Using the option "Clip on drawing box" will automatically trim the block to where you only see what is displayed inside the drawing box. Now you are going to increase the viewing distance in length by means of the panel "Drawing Properties" in 3D-Contek, after which you will use the clipping function to see the effect. Open the panel "Drawing Properties" in 3D-Contek by selecting the icon on the toolbar: Proceed by clicking the 'Visibility' button: The panel "Visibility" is displayed: 69 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Change the value for 'Distance behind view' from 50 to 1500 and click the 'OK' button on the "Drawing Properties" panel. Now activate the drawing box in the Hull Viewer by clicking the "Toggle drawing box" icon: As you can see, the drawing box has now increased in length. Now you activate the clipping function by selecting the icon "Clipping": Activate the option 'Clip on drawing box'. Now everything within the drawing box is visible, while everything outside of it is hidden. To continue with the tutorial, please change the 'Distance behind view' in the "Visibility" panel back to 50. 1.11.5 Navigation settings The following buttons are used to control the navigation settings: 'Spin' is the standard navigational use. You can spin the block around to view it from any angle you wish. This function has a number of control keys to use: Pan function 1 = Ctrl + mouse movement Pan function 2 = Hold down mouse wheel + mouse movement Zoom function 1 = Mouse wheel Zoom function 2 = Hold down mouse wheel + left mouse button + mouse movement Rotate in any direction 1 = Ctrl + Shift + mouse movement Rotate in any direction 2 = Left mouse button + right mouse button + mouse movement NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 70 Basic Training Tutorial By default the center of rotation is the center of the block. You can re-focus the center of rotation to make the block revolve around any point on a part you indicate. You can do this by using the hotkey <C> at any given time. 'Walk' allows you to move around the section using the mouse. Pressing the left mouse button in 'Walk' mode will result in the mouse pointer jumping to the center of the Hull Viewer. The distance between this center and the point to which you move the mouse while pressing the left mouse button defines the speed of the view change. There are three different ways of controlling the view point and direction in walk mode: 1. Moving and turning By moving the mouse away from the center, you move your point of view. Moving the mouse upwards or downwards will move your viewpoint forward or backwards. Moving the mouse to the left or to the right will turn your point of view to the left or to the right. 2. Shifting By pressing the <Shift> key and the left mouse button, your point of view can be shifted horizontally or vertically depending on the movement of the mouse. 3. Tilting By pressing the <Ctrl> key and the left mouse button, you can change the angle of view. Only the vertical movement of the mouse has effect. 'Orbit' allows you to put the block in an indefinite spinning motion. Click and hold the mouse, and then move it in the direction you wish it to spin. Release the mouse button at the end of your movement. The speed at which the block will spin depends on the speed of your movement. 1.11.6 Filter options You can visually filter the block using 4 different types of criteria: 1. Thickness of parts 2. Type of material of parts 3. Orientation to parts 71 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 4. Nesting status The effect of the filter is expressed in a certain color. Parts with an equal thickness will have the same color when using the 'Thickness filter'. The 'Material filter' will render parts of equal material the same color. Parts of which the thickness points into the same direction (i.e. towards/from centerline, or towards/from base) are given the same color when using the 'Orientation filter'. The 'Nest status filter' gives plates that have nesting information present a different colour. These functions are found with the following buttons: The remaining button stands for 'No Filter', which represents the standard viewing mode. 1.12 Long. section 3960 off CL 1.12.1 Basic training steps (13) Start situation Now you will open the longitudinal view "Long. section 3960 off CL". Within this training step you will create the lower part in this view. In contrary to the sheet, you will follow a different approach in creating this lower part to practice additional options within NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull:      You will create one aft plate from frame 22 until frame 29 plus 50 mm with a thickness of 10 mm; You will create the forward plate from frame 29 plus 50 mm until frame 31 with a thickness of 10 mm; By using "Split plate", you will cut the aft plate in two smaller plates at the position frame 26 minus 50 mm; You will change the thickness of the mid plate from 10 into 12 mm; You will add a corner hole to the aft plate with radius 50 mm. The end result will be the same as shown on the sheet. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 72 Basic Training Tutorial Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Open drawing side view "108-3960"  Choose "Update Active block" Shift baseline  Place standard text "Long. block 3960 off CL" above view  Create aft plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" with thickness 10 mm from FR22 until FR29+50 Create forward plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" with thickness 10 mm from FR29+50 until FR31  Cut aft plate with a hard seam in two smaller plates at position FR26-50 Place thickness text and part number on plates Change thickness of the mid plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" from 10 to 12 mm Add corner hole to the aft plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" Create holes with diameter 450 mm  Create ventilation/draining holes with radius 50 mm  Dimension holes Check properties of available parts By now you have finished the lower part of this view. What still needs to be done is the creation of the longitudinal bulkhead of 10 mm and the longitudinal girder. We prefer to make these parts later, because the transfer plate at frame 29 is continuous. So it's better to first create the transfer plate at frame 29 and later on refer the small longitudinal plate and the girder to the transfer plate at frame 29. End situation Additional description of actions: 1. Open drawing side view "108-3960" Opening drawing side view "108-3960" is similar to opening drawing frame view "108-27" , with the exception that you select "Side" as type of view and "108-3960" as drawing name within panel "Open Drawing". 3. Shift baseline The baseline is lifted up from 0 to 1500 from base by means of shifting, like you have done within "Long. section 6600 off CL". 4. 73 Place standard text "Long. section 3960 off CL" above view Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Placing standard text "Long. section 3960 off CL" above view is similar to placing standard text "Deck 6200 above base" above view. Please select from panel "Textmenu" the text "Long. section 3960 off CL". 6. Create forward plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" with thickness 10 mm from FR29+50 until FR31 The creation of forward plate "Long bulkhead 3960" with thickness 10 mm is similar to the creation of plate "Deck 6200" with the following plate boundaries: Option Value 'Max. Length' Indicate the deck Indicate the forward boundary of aft plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" Indicate the hull line 31 11. Create holes with diameter 450 mm The creation of these holes is similar to the creation of standard holes 850/450 mm with the following properties: Name of panel Option Value Create holes 'From frame' 'From height' 'To frame' Selected hole type 22.5 3000 25.5 Hole types 'Diameter' 450 12. Create ventilation/draining holes with radius 50 mm The creation of ventilation and draining holes is similar to the creation of draining holes. Be aware of the fact that these holes will not be topological! Let's first create four ventilation holes by indicating the aft most deck plate and entering the following properties: Name of panel Option Value Create draining/ventilation holes 'From frame' 22.5 'To frame' 'Radius' 25.5 50 Now create three draining holes along the hull line by indicating the hull line and entering the following properties: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 74 Basic Training Tutorial Name of panel Option Value Create draining/ventilation holes 'From frame' 23.5 'To frame' 'Radius' 25.5 50 1.12.2 Create plates (4) Now you will create the lower aft plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" with thickness 10 mm and two corner holes. During the creation of this plate, the corner holes will be made in the contour of the plate. This way the corner holes will be part of the topology of the plate, meaning that the corner holes always remain at the corners of the plate, even when one of its boundaries has been moved. Let's create the plate by selecting the toolbar icon "Plates", followed by the icon "Plates in View": After selecting this function, you enter the values for 'Thickness' and 'Thickness direction' in panel "Plate thickness and type of material" : 75 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial This plate has a thickness of 10 mm and the thickness direction is 'from CL'. The value for 'Shift of working plane' makes it possible to shift the reference plane of a plate. When there is no value set, the bulkhead's topology (working plane) is calculated on the measuring side. Since the standard thickness direction is outwards, a conflict will happen between the bulkhead and the shell. To prevent this, the bulkhead's thickness value automatically appears for the 'Shift of working plane' value, causing the working plane to shift to the thickness side of the bulkhead (see figure). Click the 'Ok' button and specify the plate boundaries: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 76 Basic Training Tutorial The boundaries of the plate will be defined as follows:  Start with the aft boundary of the plate defined by the minimum length. Select the 'Min. Length' button and enter value 22+9 in the entry box. The value +9 has to do with the thickness of the aft bulkhead;  Add the corner hole with radius 50 mm to the aft boundary by selecting option 'Cutout' and entering the value 50 for the radius in the entry box:  The next boundary is the hull line, which can be defined by indicating a point near and inside the hull line;  The next boundary is the forward boundary defined by the maximum length. Select the 'Max. Length' button and enter value 29+50 in the entry box;  The last boundaries are the lower decks "Deck 3500", consisting of two deck plates with different thicknesses: 77 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial  First select the forward deck plate by clicking a few millimeters below this plate;  Secondly select the aft most deck plate by clicking a few millimeters below this plate;  Add the corner hole with radius 50 mm to the last boundary by selecting option 'Cutout' and entering the value 50 for the radius in the entry box. By clicking the 'Ok' button, the plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" will be created. 1.12.3 Create hard seams Now you will split aft plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" in two smaller plates by means of 'Split Plate'. Let's split it vertically, at the position of frame 26 minus 50 mm. Select the toolbar icon "Change Plates": Select from toolbar "Modify Plates" option icon "Split plate": There is only one option for splitting plates, this is used for horizontal as well as vertical splitting. According to the hint "Indicate plate or seam" you select plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" by indicating inside the plate near the hull line. Enter the position of the weld by means of panel "Split part" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 78 Basic Training Tutorial For both horizontal and vertical splitting, you only need to enter one point. By using two different points, you will split the plate slant wise. Notes: According to the hint "Indicate plate or seam" you can also indicate an existing seam. In that case the plate will be splitting at the position of the selected seam. You will split the plate at frame 26 minus 50 mm by entering value 26-50 for 'Point 1' within column 'length'. By selecting the 'Ok' button, the plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" will be split in two plates. 1.12.4 Thickness text You will place thickness text including part numbers on all three plates. Choose from the toolbar "Draw" the icon "Symbols": Select the toolbar icon "Part Labeling" to place thickness text on plates: 79 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial By default, you will also get a part number symbol. Follow the given hint "Indicate plate" by indicating the point where on the forward and mid plates you would like the symbol and the thickness text to be placed. There are two methods by which you can determine whether or not a part number symbol should be presented while dimensioning: 1. You can switch the part number symbols on and off for the whole project by means of the application System Management; 2. You can switch the part number symbols on and off for a block within the "Block Properties" panel. For the rest of the tutorial you will have the part number symbol switched on, so that it will appear when placing the thickness text on a plate. Open the "Block Properties" panel at "Settings" -> "Block Properties", select 'Part Symbol'. Now switch it off and back on. 1.12.5 Change thickness plates You have to change the thickness of the mid plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" from 10 into 12 mm. If you want to modify plates, you select the toolbar icon "Change plates": NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 80 Basic Training Tutorial After selecting this icon the toolbar "Modify Plates" is displayed: This toolbar contains 9 plate modification options. During the tutorial, you will use three of them:  Change Thickness  Change Plate Relations  Undo Plate Modification Let's change the thickness of the mid plate by selecting option icon "Change thickness": According to the hint "Indicate construction part or bracket" you select the mid plate "Long. bulkhead 3960". The current thickness of the selected part is displayed within the hint area: "Thickness of selected part 10". By means of panel "Select plates" you can change both the thickness and the thickness direction. In this situation only the thickness needs to be changed by selecting option 'Thickness' and entering value 12 in the input box: 81 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial By clicking the 'Ok' button, the thickness of the mid plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" will be changed. 1.12.6 Change plates (1) Since the aft plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" has not been created using the option "Create plate" but instead is a result of splitting, you have to add the missing corner hole (see the sheet) at lower right corner of the plate afterwards. You can add this corner hole with radius 75 mm by modifying the aft plate. Select on the "Modify 3D" toolbar, the icon "Plates": NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 82 Basic Training Tutorial Select on the toolbar "Modify Plates" the option icon "Change Plate Relations": According to the hint "Indicate construction part that has to be modified" you select the aft plate "Long. bulkhead 3960". After selecting this plate you will be presented with an overview of the boundaries/relations of the selected plate in the panel "Relations overview" : You will also be presented with the panel "Modify a plate contour" : 83 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial You can select a relation by either clicking near one of the plate boundaries in the graphical screen, or by selecting a relation from the list on panel "Relations overview". When a relation is selected by clicking near a plate boundary, it will also be selected in the list. And when a relation is selected from the list, the boundary belonging to this relation is highlighted in the graphical screen. If applicable, after you have selected a relation, the current boundary properties are presented in panel "Modify a plate contour". For example if you select the aft most plate boundary, relation 4 within panel "Relations overview" will be highlighted and the concerning properties 'Min. length' with value ' 22+9' and 'Cutout' with value '50' are displayed within panel "Modify a plate contour". Let's add a corner hole with radius 75 mm to the aft plate "Long. bulkhead 3960". According to the hint "Indicate relation to be changed", you have to select the relation for modification. Taking into account the desired position of the corner hole, and the general rule that the plate boundaries are always defined counterclockwise, you should select the hull line. The relation will be highlighted in panel "Relations overview" : You add the corner hole to the selected boundary by entering value 75 for 'Cutout': NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 84 Basic Training Tutorial You can get a preview of the result by clicking the 'Preview' button. The panel "Relations overview" will be updated at the same time (see relation 6): Note: The corner hole will always be placed at the end of the concerning relation! Please click the 'Ok' button to accept your modification of plate "Long. bulkhead 3960". 85 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.12.7 Dimension holes (2) The dimensioning of holes is similar to the dimensioning of standard hole 850/450. To dimension the small ventilation and draining holes, you should not click inside the hole but just outside of it. Both the arrow and the dimension will be placed outside the hole. This functionality is explained by means of the following figure: The arrow with the hole dimension will be drawn from the center of the hole through the indication point. Thus the arrow direction depends on the indication point just outside the hole, in the above example point 1 and point 2. You can always use the hot key <K> to remove the last placed dimension if you are not satisfied with the result, without aborting the option itself and you can directly select a new proper place for the dimension of the hole. Furthermore during this option you can zoom in or out by using hot key <1> and hot key <3> respectively, or by using the toolbar options. 1.12.8 Parts info (1) NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 86 Basic Training Tutorial It is already evident that the thickness of mid plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" has been changed from 10 into 12 mm, because you have placed the actual thickness on the plate by using the toolbar icon "Thickness text". Another possibility to check the thickness, dimensions, etc. of construction parts is to retrieve item information by using the toolbar icon "ATT ?". Select the toolbar icon "ATT?": According to the hint "Select item" you select the mid plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" by clicking on the inside of the plate. The system displays the panel "3D-Item information" with geometric information about the plate: This geometric information is related to the position of the selected item. By using the 'Highlight' button, you can verify which item the presented information belongs to: the selected item will light up in the graphical screen. Besides geometric information for an item, also logistical information, attribute information and additional information can be retrieved via the tabs 'Logistics', 'Attributes' and 'Extra'. Information about these options can be found in part three 87 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial "Specific options". 1.13 Frame 29 1.13.1 Basic training steps (14) Start situation You will switch to frame view "Frame 29". When you take a look at the sheet, you will see three plates:   One lower plate with thickness 12 mm; Two upper plates with thickness 10 mm. For the upper plates, you will not create two single plates right away, but instead you'll create one big plate and then you will divide it into two plates by using stopping arrows. These arrows have the same kind of functionality as placing seams does. This means that during the coding process the plate will be split according to the arrows used. This offers you a high flexibility; in case the transverse bulkhead should be continuous instead of the longitudinal bulkhead, then you simply need to remove the stopping arrow and place a continuous one. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Open drawing frame view "108-29" Choose "Update Active block" Place standard text "Frame 29" above view  Create lower plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29" with thickness 12 mm  Create one large upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29" with thickness 10 mm  Divide upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29" in two single plates at the position of 6600 off CL by using arrows of type "stopping" Switch to the longitudinal view "108-6600" to see the contra arrows  Return to the previous view "108-29"  Code plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29" to check the division of this plate in two plates  NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 88 Basic Training Tutorial End situation Additional description of actions: 3. Place standard text "Frame 29" above view Placing standard text "Frame 29" above view is similar to placing standard text "Deck 6200 above base" above view. Please select from panel "Textmenu" the text "Frame 29". 4. Create lower plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29" with thickness 12 mm The creation of the lower plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29" contains the following steps: The creation of this plate with thickness 12 mm is similar to the creation of plate "Deck 3500" with the following plate boundaries: Option Value 'Max. Height' 'Min. Breadth' Indicate the hull line Indicate the lower deck Indicate the longitudinal bulkhead 3960 2785 3920 5. Create one large upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29" with thickness 10 mm The creation of plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29" with thickness 10 mm is similar to the creation of plate "Deck 6200" with the following plate boundaries: Option 89 Value Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 'Min. Breadth' 7. 3950 Indicate the lower deck Indicate the hull line Indicate the upper deck Switch to the longitudinal view "108-6600" to see the contra arrows Open drawing side view "108-6600" by means of indicating the longitudinal bulkhead with arrows within the current drawing. Please select 'Update Active block' in order to see the contra arrows. These contra arrows are continuous arrows. 8. Return back to the previous view "108-29" Open drawing frame view "108-29" by means of indicating the longitudinal bulkhead with arrows within the current drawing. 9. Code plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29" to check the division of this plate in two plates Coding one plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29" is similar to coding plate "Deck 6200". You can verify that this plate is indeed split up into two single plates. 1.13.2 Open drawing (3) To open a drawing you have to select the toolbar icon "Open drawing": When the current drawing does not contain actual construction parts belonging to the drawing you want to open, it is obviously not possible to open such drawing by indicating a construction part. In this case you have to select the drawing from the "Open Drawing" panel. You open this panel by, after selecting the icon, clicking somewhere in the graphical screen in an area where no construction exists. Here you want to switch from side view "108-3960" to frame view "108-29". Since you have not created any construction part within frame 29 so far, you click in an empty area NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 90 Basic Training Tutorial and the system will display panel "Open Drawing" : Please make sure 'Frame' is selected in the 'View' column and then open the drawing 108-29 from the list. The system presents the drawing on screen. 1.13.3 Stopping arrows Now you will divide the upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29" into two single plates by using the arrows of type "Stopping". Select the toolbar icon "Slots-Splitters": 91 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial After selecting this icon, the panel "Insert Slots/Splitters" is displayed: This panel contains six types of arrows. During the tutorial, you will see examples of the following types:  Continuous  Stopping  Egg box Let's split the upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29" at the position of 6600 from CL by selecting the icon "Stopping": According to the hint "Indicate line" you select the vertical line at the position of 6600 from CL, which represents the longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600". The stopping arrows will be placed at the indicated position. By closing the function you will complete the action. When you zoom in on the arrow, you will see that it contains a purple line symbol: This indicates that the arrow is a 3D arrow, meaning that during coding the plate will be split. When the arrow does not have this purple line symbol, then it is considered a 2D drawing symbol. This type of arrow appears, i.e. when you place a stopping arrow on a plate in section, which divides two plates in plan view with different thicknesses. Let's place a 2D stopping arrow by selecting the icon "Stopping" again: Indicate the lower deck plate "Deck 3500 above base" to place the stopping arrows. As you can see, no purple line symbol appears here. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 92 Basic Training Tutorial 1.14 Frame 29 1.14.1 Basic training steps (15) As a side step within this tutorial, you will use "egg box" arrows instead of "stopping" arrows. Below you will find an example of what is meant with the egg box system: 93 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial This egg box system is mainly used for double bottoms to reduce the number of parts as well as the man hours during fabrication. By means of coding plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29", you will examine the difference between the different types of arrows. By removing the arrows of type "egg box" and placing arrows of type "stopping", you will return back to the initial situation. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Remove arrows of type "stopping" by using remove construction parts Place arrows of type "egg box" Code plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29" Remove arrows of type "egg box"  Return to the original situation by placing arrows of type "stopping"  Additional description of actions: 4. Remove arrows of type "egg box" Removing arrows of type "egg box" is similar to removing arrows of type "stopping" 5. Return to the original situation and place arrow of type "stopping" Placing arrows of type stopping is already explained within the previous training step. 1.14.2 Remove construction parts Now you will remove the "stopping" arrows belonging to the plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29". The system will automatically remove the contra arrows of type "continuous" belonging to plate "Long. bulkhead 6600". To remove construction parts from a drawing, you select the toolbar icon "Remove construction": NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 94 Basic Training Tutorial By means of panel "Remove 3D-Items" you can select the item(s) to be removed: The part of this panel above option 'Highlight' contains the already explained standard options for selecting items within NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull. In complicated situations it might be hard to select the appropriate items within the drawing. In order to make it easier to select items in the graphical screen, you can select the type of item for the ones to be removed first, by means of the pull-down button on the panel "Remove 3D-items" : By selecting an item type, you make sure that only items of the same type will be selectable. The default item type is 'Any', meaning that items of all types will be selectable. 95 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The 'Ok' button is used to confirm and proceed with removing the selected items. Let's remove the "stopping" arrows. Because in this case it's rather easy to select the arrows within the drawing, you accept the default item type 'Any'. Verify the selection by using the 'Highlight' button if needed and click the 'Ok' button to remove the arrows. Note: The last 3D removal can be undone by means of selecting "Modify" -> "Undo 3D-Removal" from the menubar or using the icon "Undo 3D-Removal" on the toolbar "Modify 3D" : After updating your active block, the 3D item you have last removed will return. 1.14.3 Eggbox arrows After removing the "stopping" arrows, you will place the arrows of type "egg box" within plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29" at the position of 6600 from CL. Click the toolbar icon "Slots/Splitters": Click on the toolbar "Insert Slots/Splitters" the third icon "Bottom Continuous": According to the hint "Indicate line" you select the line(s) at 6600 from CL, which represent(s) the longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600". The egg box arrows will be placed at the indicated position. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 96 Basic Training Tutorial 1.14.4 Code plate (2) By coding plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29" you will understand the use of these egg box arrows. To code this plate you select the toolbar icon "CAM", followed by the icon "Code One Part": According to the hint "Select the part to be coded", you indicate plate "Bulkhead Fr. 29". The procedure is similar to coding plate "Deck 6200". Therefore only the result of the coding process will be explained here. The coded part is displayed here: 97 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial You see that the bulkhead "Bulkhead Fr. 29" is one plate again, but it has a slot at the position of the longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600". The longitudinal bulkhead will have the contra slot, so the two plates can be shifted into each other. Note: You can check the existence of this contra slot in plate "Long. bulkhead 6600" by coding this plate in the drawing "108-6600" in side view as well: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 98 Basic Training Tutorial 1.15 Frame 29 1.15.1 Basic training steps (16) Start situation After the creation of one lower plate and two upper plates, you will add the following construction parts:     The upper stiffeners HP 220 x 10 between decks "Deck 3500" and "Deck 6200"; The lower stiffeners HP 220 x 10 between the hull and the lower deck "Deck 3500"; The transverse deck beam HP 140 x 8; A bracket between deck beam and transverse bulkhead "Bulkhead Fr. 29". Finally you will dimension the decks, the deck beam, the bulkhead and the stiffeners. Overview of actions: 1 2 3 4 99 Create upper stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL Modify end types of upper stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL Modify direction of upper stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL Modify length of upper stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Create the upper stiffener at 7250 off CL  Create lower stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL  Modify length of lower stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL Create lower stiffener at 6600 off CL  To bring this lower stiffener in line with the bulkhead, shift lower stiffener at 6600 off CL 10 mm to starboard Create transverse deck beam at FR29 Create bracket "A 02" between deck beam and transverse bulkhead Reposition text "Frame 29" above view Horizontal and vertical dimensions Profile dimensions After finishing this view, you will return to the longitudinal section "Long. section 3960 off cl" to finish that view. End situation Additional description of actions: 5. Create the upper stiffener at 7250 from CL The creation of one upper stiffener at 7250 from CL is similar to the creation of upper stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL with the following properties: Name of panel Option Create profile Selected profile type Border value Value 'Body size' 'Thickness' 'From breadth' 'Body direction' 'Thickness direction' 'Type of material' Limitation 'Vertical distance' '1st end shape' End type Border value NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL 'Angle of edge' 'Nose height' Limitation 220 10 7250 Towards reversed frame Towards CL GR-A First limitation Indicate the lower deck 40 60 25 Second limitation Indicate the upper deck Version 6.0.2 12/2010 100 Basic Training Tutorial 'Vertical distance' '2nd end shape' 6. 40 Create lower stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL. For these profiles, you will use the grid to indicate where the profiles are to be placed. By pressing the hotkey <2>, you will activate the grid that you assigned when you created this block. Clicking the grid with the left mouse button will determine the value for 'From breadth' and clicking the grid with the right mouse button will determine the value for 'To breadth'. Let's proceed to create the profiles according to the following properties: Name of panel Option Create profile Selected profile type Value 'Body size' 'Thickness' 'From breadth' 'To breadth' Border value 'Number of items' 'Body direction' 'Thickness direction' 'Type of material' Limitation 'Parallel distance' '1st end shape' Border value Limitation 'Vertical distance' '2nd end shape' End type 8. 101 'Radius' 220 10 Click the grid with left mouse button at 4620 Click the grid with right mouse button at 5940 3 Towards reversed frame Towards CL GR-A First limitation Indicate the hull line 40 Second limitation Indicate the lower deck 40 35 Create lower stiffener at 6600 off CL according to the following properties: Name of panel Option Create profile Selected profile type Value Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Border value 'Body size' 'Thickness' 'From breadth' 'Body direction' 'Thickness direction' 'Type of material' Limitation 'Parallel distance' '1st end shape' End type Border value 'Angle of edge' 'Nose height' Limitation 'Vertical distance' '2nd end shape' End type 'Radius' 140 8 6600 Towards reversed frame Towards CL GR-A First limitation Indicate the hull line 40 60 25 Second limitation Indicate the lower deck 0 35 1.15.2 Create vertical profiles (2) Before you can make the upper stiffeners, take a look at the second sheet. This sheet contains the longitudinal sections 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL with details of the stiffeners on the bulkhead at frame 29. During the creation process of these stiffeners, you will deliberately make some mistakes in order to practice the modification of these stiffeners afterwards! You will create the upper stiffeners HP 220 x 10 at 4620, 5280 and 5940 from CL in one action. Select the toolbar icon "Create profile": NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 102 Basic Training Tutorial Select on the toolbar "Insert Profiles" the option icon "Vertical profiles": You specify the type of profile and it's position by means of panel "Create Vertical Profile" : 103 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Because you are already familiar with the options within this panel, only the values of these options will be given here:  The type of profile is "HP" or "Bulb" and therefore the following option icon is selected: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 104 Basic Training Tutorial  The size of the profiles is HP 220 x 10, thus the values for 'Body size' and 'Thickness' are 220 and 10;  The first and last profiles are located at 4620 and 5940 from CL respectively, thus the values for 'From breadth' and 'To breadth' are 4620 and 5940. Now you can continue by either entering the step size or specifying the number of items. Of course you can calculate the step size, but it's easier to fill in the number of items. So enter value 3 for 'Number of items'. The step size will be automatically calculated by the program;  For now accept the presented default values 'From reversed frame' and 'Towards CL' for the options 'Body direction' and 'Thickness direction'. Later on you will verify these directions. If they turn out to be wrong, you will use the profile modification options to correct them;  The type of material of the profiles will be the standard material 'GR-A'. After clicking the 'Ok' button, you have to specify the length of the profile by defining it's start and endpoint. It's preferable to start with the lower end. First you determine the lower end of the profile by means of panel "Border value" : According to the hint "Indicate 1st relation" you select the lower deck "Deck 3500" by clicking a fraction above this deck. Although the vertical distance should be 0 mm, you will leave it at 40 mm. Then you need to select the end shape: the correct one should be type 'C' but please select 'A' for now. Secondly you determine the upper end of the profile: 105 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial According to the hint "Indicate 2nd relation" you select the upper deck "Deck 6200" by clicking a fraction below it. The vertical distance is 40 mm. Please select type 'A' as the second end shape. After selecting the second end shape, three profiles of type HP 220 x 10 will be created at 4620, 5280 and 5940 from CL. 1.15.3 Change direction of profiles in view Now you will change the direction of the three created upper profiles HP 220 x 10. You can see that the profiles are displayed as continuous lines, meaning that the profiles are located on the aft side of the bulkhead. But when you look at the sheet, you will notice that the profiles are on the front side of the bulkhead, which are illustrated with dashed lines. On the toolbar "Modify profiles", which is still sitting on screen, there are two options for changing the direction of profiles: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 106 Basic Training Tutorial  Change direction of profile in section  Change direction of profile in view The first option is used for profiles in section, like this one: The second option is used for profiles in view as illustrated here: Since the upper profiles are profiles in view, you select the option icon "Direction in View" on toolbar "Modify profiles": 107 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial By means of panel "Profile Selection" you select the profiles using the 'Conflict' selection method: You select the three upper profiles, by dragging a selection box from right to left across the profiles. After selecting these, the profiles will light up for a short time. The lower part of this panel offers two modification options: 'Body direction' and 'Thickness direction' and the 'Ok' button to carry out the modification(s). In this case the thickness direction of the profiles is correct since they are pointing to CL, but the body direction is not. Check 'Body direction' and uncheck 'Thickness direction' and click the 'Ok' button to change the body direction of the selected profiles. 1.15.4 Change endtype of profiles As you know the three upper profiles HP 220 x 10 have been created with the following faults: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 108 Basic Training Tutorial  They have the wrong direction;  At the lower end they are too short;  At the lower end they have the wrong end types. Now you will modify these profiles by clicking the "Modify Profiles" button on the toolbar "Insert Profiles", which is still sitting on screen from the previous step: A second possibility is to select the icon "Profiles" on the toolbar "Modify 3D" : The toolbar "Modify Profiles" will be presented: This toolbar contains a lot of modification options. During the tutorial, you will use the following ones:  Change end type of profile  Change direction of profile in view  Lengthen profile to line  Lengthen profile  Shift profile  Change size/type of profile in view  Turn profile Let's start with the modification of the end types by selecting option icon "Change end type profiles": 109 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial By means of panel "Profiles Selection" you select the profiles using the 'Clump' selection method: With this option, you need to drag a selection box around the lower ends of the profiles in such a way that the end flags are included within this box. After selecting all three ends, you click the 'Ok' button. Now select the correct end type in panel "Change endshapes" : In this case choose end type 'C': NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 110 Basic Training Tutorial This end shape contains a small welding hole in the corner. You enter the value 35 for the radius of this hole with in the presented panel "End type" : After selecting the 'OK' button, the lower end shapes of the profiles will be modified from type 'A' into type 'C'. 1.15.5 Lengthening profiles Regarding the three upper profiles HP 220 x 10, the length of these profiles is still incorrect. At the lower end, the profiles are 40 mm too short. On toolbar "Modify Profiles" two options are available for changing the length of profiles:  Trim/Extend  End Relation The first option "Trim/Extend" changes the length of the profile with a fixed value; positive for lengthening and negative for shortening, whereas the second option "End Relation" changes the length of the profile by means of a reference line; by selecting a reference line, the profile will be extended or reduced to this line. You will now select the option "End Relation" on toolbar "Modify Profiles" : 111 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial By means of panel "Trim-Extend Profiles", you select the profiles using the 'Clump' selection method: Because the profiles must be extended at the lower ends, you should drag a selection box around these lower ends in such a way that the end flags are all included in the box. After selecting these profiles select the 'Ok' button. According to the hint "Indicate relation to which should be extended" you select the upper side of the deck "Deck 3500", and you accept the value 0 for 'Vertical distance' from this relation in panel "Trim/Extend profiles" : Select the 'OK' button to extend the upper profiles to the lower deck "Deck 3500". 1.15.6 Trim/Extend profiles Looking at the lower profiles HP 220 x 10 at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL you will notice NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 112 Basic Training Tutorial that these profiles are positioned with a 40 mm distance between their upper ends and the deck, while there should actually not be any distance there. To fix this situation, you are going to use the modify options once more in order to lengthen the profiles by 40 mm. Click the "Modify Profiles" icon on toolbar "Insert Profiles", or the icon "Profiles" on toolbar "Modify 3D" : Now you will use the option "Trim/Extend" (which changes the length of profiles with a fixed value) instead of the option "End Relation". Click on toolbar "Modify Profiles" the option icon "Trim/Extend": Now you are presented with the panel "Trim/Extend Profiles" as here below: To select the lower profiles you need to draw a box around the upper ends in such a way that the end flags are partially included in this box. To extend the selected profiles, you enter 40 as value for 'Extension' and click the 'Ok' button to lengthen the profiles. The lower profiles HP 220 x 10 will be extended by 40 mm with the result that they are now touching the lower deck "Deck 3500". Note: Specifying a negative value would shorten the profile. 113 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.15.7 Shift profiles Although at first glance the lower stiffener HP 140 x 8 at 6600 from CL looks correct, it's position is not in line with the bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600" due to a difference in thickness direction. The thickness directions of the bulkhead and the stiffener are defined as "From CL" and "Towards CL" respectively. You can bring the lower stiffener in line with the bulkhead by moving (shifting) the stiffener 10 mm to starboard : Select the 'Change' button from panel "Profiles" or the toolbar icon "Change profiles": Select from panel "Modify profiles" the option "Shift": By means of panel "Shift Profiles", you select the profile using the 'Cross hair' selection method: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 114 Basic Training Tutorial By checking the option 'Profile on plate', you make sure the profile stays on the same plane as the plate to which it belongs. To shift the selected profile 10 mm to starboard, you enter value 10 for 'Breadth' and select the 'Ok' button, the profile will be shifted 10 mm to the outside. Note: After shifting the lower stiffener HP 140 x 8, it will keep all it's relations, meaning that i.e. the distance to the hull line will remain 40 mm, due to the fact that the stiffener is topological! 1.15.8 Create profiles in view There is still a transverse deck beam to be created. So far all deck beams have been created in the top view of the upper deck. This has two reasons: 115 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial  It gives you the possibility to create a series of profiles in one move within that particular view, which saves time.  You should always try to complete a view as much as possible while you are working on that view, which also saves time in terms of switching drawings. Now you will create the transverse deck beam in the current frame view by using the option "Profiles in View" on the "Insert Profiles" toolbar: Please select from toolbar the option "Profiles": Now select the first option "Profiles in View" from the toolbar "Insert Profiles" : According to the hint "Indicate the hull line/plate" you select the upper deck plate. By means of panel "Create Profile" you specify the type of profile and it's directions: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 116 Basic Training Tutorial The selected profile size and directions are correct and therefore you can click the 'Ok' button to accept them. Now you are able to define the first and second relation of the profile. Since there are no plates or profiles available around centerline that could be used as a relation for the first limitation, you need to enter the value 100 for 'Breadth value' in panel "Border value" to define the first limitation at 100 mm from centreline: 117 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial You define the end type for this end by selecting type 'C' as the first end shape: The welding hole of this end shape has a radius of 35 mm: Click the 'OK' button in panel "End type" to accept the first limitation. Now you specify the second relation by indicating the existing upper bulkhead "Bulkhead Fr. 29" on the left hand side as shown below: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 118 Basic Training Tutorial The horizontal distance from the bulkhead in panel "Border value" will be 40 mm: Finally, you define the end type by selecting type 'A' as the second end shape: Now also the second limitation is determined, resulting in the creation of the transverse deck beam HP 140 x 8. Note: The option "Profiles in View" has one restriction: you can only create one profile at a time! 1.15.9 Create brackets type A You will now create a standard bracket of type A between deck beam HP 140 x 8 and 119 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial the upper transverse bulkhead "Bulkhead Fr. 29". Select "Create bracket" from the toolbar: The system will display panel "Insert Brackets in Plan View", which contains default bracket types delivered by NCG: The brackets provided by NCG are as follows: 1. Standard brackets; 2. Brackets 'fit to the situation'. The "Standard brackets" have fixed dimensions, meaning that the user can only select the bracket dimensions from predefined lists with standard dimensions. The following brackets belong to this group:  Bracket type 750  Bracket type 751  Bracket type 752  Bracket type 753  Bracket type 754  Bracket type 755  Bracket type 770 All the other brackets belong to group "Brackets fit to the situation" and have no fixed dimensions. The user can either accept the presented default dimensions or specify his own dimensions. Now you will create the bracket between deck beam HP 140 x 8 and the upper NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 120 Basic Training Tutorial transverse bulkhead "Bulkhead Fr. 29". In this situation you need to use standard bracket "A" with overlapping on one side at the deck beam. On the other side the bracket will touch the bulkhead. Select bracket type 'A': As the first hint suggests; "Indicate a part (or profile, to where no overlap)" you indicate the bulkhead at a position just outside of the plate. Then a second hint "Indicate profile at position where overlap has to be placed" is displayed. Because the overlap should be placed at the deck beam, you indicate the deck beam at a position just below it. The locations of both indication points are illustrated in the figure below: By indicating the bulkhead and deck beam you are defining the first and second relations of the bracket. After defining all the relations, you will be presented with the main panel for the selected bracket type "Bracket type 750" : 121 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial For this bracket type the system automatically calculates the bracket dimensions according to the profile height. Each standard set of dimensions has a predefined part number, which is presented as 'Standards'. Please click the 'Ok' button to accept the settings for "Bracket type 750": The bracket will be created with "2" for the part number and "YA" for the panel number: 1.15.10 Reposition text You will reposition the standard text "Frame 29" above the view in order to create enough space for the placement of dimensions as shown on the drawing. Before you can actually reposition text "Frame 29", the view needs to be moved down by using the function "PAN": Hot key: <Ctrl> or the mouse wheel Press and hold the key <Ctrl> and move the view by moving the mouse at the same time to drag the view to the desired location. Press and holding the mouse wheel has the same effect. Now that there is sufficient space above the view, you can reposition text "Frame 29" by using the following method:   Select the text by positioning the cross hair over the text and left click it (or press the <SPACE> bar): the selected text will be highlighted; Press the hot key <z> and move the text upwards by using the mouse to drag the NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 122 Basic Training Tutorial text to the desired position; Use the toolbar icon "Full screen" to see the whole drawing on screen: Hot key: <5> 1.15.11 Horizontal / vertical dimensions Horizontal / vertical dimensions Start situation Now you will dimension the longitudinal girder, the longitudinal bulkhead, the stiffeners and the upper and lower bulkhead from centerline using horizontal short dimensions. The upper and lower deck will be dimensioned using vertical short dimensions. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. Dimension longitudinal girder, longitudinal bulkhead and stiffeners from CL Dimension upper and lower bulkhead from CL  Dimension upper and lower deck End situation Additional description of actions: 2. Dimension lower and upper bulkhead from CL Dimensioning the upper and lower bulkhead from centerline is similar to dimensioning longitudinal girder, longitudinal bulkhead and stiffeners from centerline. 123 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Dimension vertical short You will add vertical short dimensions from the baseline to the lower and upper deck. Click on the toolbar "Draw", the icon "Text/Dimensions": Then select the toolbar icon "Short Dimension": You specify the type of dimension by means of panel "Short Dimension" : Starting with the upper deck, you select "Deck 6200" near the end and then indicate the point of placement for the dimension just outside the hull line. By selecting the lower deck "Deck 3500" you will place the second dimension in line with the first dimension. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 124 Basic Training Tutorial Dimension horizontal short You will provide the longitudinal girder, the longitudinal bulkhead and the stiffeners with horizontal short dimensions from centerline. Click on the toolbar "Draw", the icon "Text/Dimensions": Then select the toolbar icon "Short Dimension": You specify the type of dimension by means of panel "Short Dimension" : According to the hint "Give item where measure start" you will start with dimensioning the longitudinal girder by selecting it. The cursor position will snap to the girder and a second hint "Give place from measure position" is displayed according to which you should indicate the position where the dimension should be placed; please indicate a position well above the upper deck. Now the dimension is added to the drawing. Again the hint "Give item where measure start" is shown. Select the stiffeners and the longitudinal bulkhead one by one. The placement of these dimensions is based on the placement you indicated while dimensioning the first item: all dimensions are placed in line with the first dimension. When you don't want your next dimension to be placed in line with the first, you can select the option 'Horizontal' in the "Short Dimension" panel, which enables you to define a new position for your next dimension. 125 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Note: During dimensioning you can always use the zoom and pan options as well as hot key <k> for removing the last dimension you have added. The <k> feature can be used here because it doesn't close off the dimensioning function! The <k> stands for killing the last command or performed action. 1.15.12 Profile dimensions Profile dimensions Start situation To complete the current drawing, you will add the size of the deck beam and the stiffeners. You will also practice additional profile dimensioning options, like adding profile symbols to the lower stiffeners and placing profile part number symbols. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Dimension transverse deck beam Dimension upper stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL in one action Dimension lower stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL in one action  Dimension lower stiffener at 6600 off CL Dimension upper stiffener at 7250 off CL Add profile symbols to lower stiffeners Place profile part number symbols to all stiffeners End situation Additional description of actions: 3. Dimension lower stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL in one step Dimensioning lower stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL in one step is similar to NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 126 Basic Training Tutorial dimensioning upper stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL in one action. Profile size (1) You will dimension the deck beam HP 140 x 8 by placing a reference with both the sizes of the deck beam and the part number on this beam. Select from the toolbar "Draw" the icon "Symbols": Then select the toolbar icon "Part Labeling": Now the hint "Select item by Point, place Number/Dimension" appears. This means that when you click a point near a profile, the dimension and part number of the profile will appear. However, because in an earlier training step you have switched the display of part numbers in this block off, you will only see the dimension of the profile appear. As the hint "Select item by Point, place Number/Dimension" suggests, you select the beam and the dimension appears with the optional part number symbol. Note: Using the hotkey <6>, will trigger the 'function dependent option' (FDO for short) "Turn", which allows you to change the orientation of the dimension. This way you can determine whether you wish to have your dimension text appear parallel or perpendicular to the profile. Now you can drag the dimension to the desired position on the outside of the beam, and click to see it placed. You can either place the pointing arrow perpendicular to the dimension line, or you can place it with an angle. See illustration: 127 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The indication point near the profile and two different dimension end points 1 and 2. The result of the profile dimension placed, after indicating each endpoint seperately. In both situations the end points are located to the right of the indication point. It works the same way when you place the end points to the left of the indication point. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 128 Basic Training Tutorial Profile size series When you take a look at the upper stiffeners HP 220 x 10 on the sheet, you will notice that the three stiffeners, located at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL, are dimensioned by using one dimension text. Now you will practice this option by dimensioning a series of profiles. Select from the toolbar "Draw" the icon "Symbols": Let's dimension the upper stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL by selecting toolbar option "Profile Size Series": According to the hint "Indicate starting-point of check-line" you indicate the starting point near the left side of the stiffener at 4620 off CL. Upon the second hint "Indicate end of check-line" you indicate the starting point near the right side of the stiffener at 5940 off CL. After indicating both points you can position the dimension text by using the mouse. The result will be as follows: Warning: Be aware of the fact that all the profiles to be dimensioned should be of the same type and size, otherwise it could cause some confusion, for example; when dimensioning all four lower profiles using this option, the system will display for profile size HP 220 x 10 for all stiffeners, even though the profile size of the stiffener at 6600 off CL is HP 140 x 8! Therefore be careful with this option. 129 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Profile size (2) You will dimension the lower stiffener at 6600 off CL by using the "Part Labeling" option. Select the toolbar icon "Part Labeling": According to the hint "Select item by Point, place Number/Dimension" you select the lower stiffener at 6600 off CL, and click the FDO "Turn": Aside from clicking on this FDO, you can also use hotkey <6>. This will turn the dimension as shown in the detail below. Now proceed to drag the dimension to the outside of the hull line, and click to place the profile dimension at the desired position. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 130 Basic Training Tutorial Profile size (3) Another possibility to dimension a profile is adding the profile dimension text to the selected profile only. Although this option is not used on the sheet, you will use it to dimension the upper stiffener HP 220 x 10 at 7250 off CL. Let's dimension the upper stiffener at 7250 off CL by selecting the toolbar icon "Part Labeling": According to the hint "Select item by Point, place Number/Dimension", you press the hotkey <7> to trigger the FDO "Text": Select the upper stiffener located at 7250 off CL. By clicking the left-mouse button near the profile, a dimension without any part number or part number symbol appears, and then you can move the mouse to place the text in the desired position: 131 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Profile symbols Another profile dimensioning option, which also isn't applied on the sheet, offers you the ability to add a profile symbol to a specific profile. Within this training step you will add profile symbols to the three lower stiffeners HP 220 x 10 and the remaining lower stiffener HP 140 x 8. Select from the toolbar "Draw" the icon "Symbols": NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 132 Basic Training Tutorial Select the toolbar icon "Profile Symbol": Following the hint "Indicate profile(s) at positions where profile symbols are to be placed", you indicate the lower stiffeners one by one. Every profile symbol from here on out will automatically be placed at the same height, because all the stiffeners are attached to the same plate. In case of the last stiffener HP 140 x 8, the profile symbol will probably end up too low. To avoid this, you select from panel "Profile Symbols" the option 'Place symbol at new height': This option allows you to specify a new height at which the next profile symbol will be placed. Now indicate the lower stiffener HP 140 x 8 near it's midpoint to place the profile symbol. Profile part number symbols Finally you will add part number symbols to the first three upper and the first three lower stiffeners. Part number symbols can be added in two ways: 1. 2. 133 By line selection; By box selection. Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Let's dimension the three upper stiffeners at 4620, 5280, and 7250 off CL by selecting the toolbar icon "Part Labeling": According to the hint "Select item by Point, place Number/Dimension", you press the hotkey <7> twice in order to toggle to the FDO "Number": Now you have the ability to choose your selection method: 1. Press the hotkey <8> to activate the FDO "Line selection". This option enables you to draw a straight line across one or more profiles. The part number symbol(s) will be placed alongside of this reference line. 2. When you press hotkey <8> for a second time, the FDO "Box selection" is activated. When you now 'clump' the profiles by dragging a box around them, all part number symbols will appear at the midpoint location of the stiffeners. Note: You can only place one part number symbol per profile using these options. 1.16 Long. section 3960 off CL 1.16.1 Basic training steps (17) Start situation You will return to side view "108-3960" to finish the upper part of this view by adding the following construction parts:     The longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 3960"; The stiffener HP 200 x 9 at FR30; The longitudinal girder with a flange of 150 mm; A bracket between the flange of the longitudinal girder and the bulkhead "Bulkhead Fr. 29". NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 134 Basic Training Tutorial Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Open drawing side view "108-3960"  Choose "Update active block" Create upper plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" with thickness 10 mm  Create stiffener at FR30  Dimension stiffener at FR30  Place thickness text on plate "Long. bulkhead 3960"  Create longitudinal girder with a flange of 150 mm Create bracket between the flange of the girder and the bulkhead "Bulkhead Fr. 29"  End situation Additional description of actions: 1. Open drawing side view "108-3960" Opening drawing side view "108-3960" is similar to opening drawing top view "108-6200" , but you should indicate the green line at 3960 off CL, representing the longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 3960", within the current frame view "108-29". 3. Create upper plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" with thickness 10 mm The creation of upper plate "Long bulkhead 3960" with thickness 10 mm is similar to the creation of plate "Deck 6200" with the following plate boundaries: Option Value 'Max. Length' Indicate the upper deck Indicate the bulkhead at FR29 Indicate the lower deck 31 4. Create stiffener at FR30 The creation of the vertical stiffener HP 200 x 9 is similar to the creation of transverse deck beam at FR28 with the following properties: Name of panel Option Create profile Selected profile type Value 'Body size' 'Thickness' 135 200 9 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Border value 'From frame' 'Body direction' 'Thickness direction' 'Type of material' Limitation 'Vertical distance' '1st end shape' Border value Limitation 'Vertical distance' '2nd end shape' 5. 30 From CL From reversed frame GR-A First limitation Indicate the lower deck 40 Second limitation Indicate the upper deck 180 Dimension stiffener at FR30 The dimensioning of stiffener HP 200 x 9 is done in a similar way as the dimensioning of the transverse deck beam HP 140 x 8 located at frame 29. 6. Place thickness text on plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" The placement of thickness text on plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" is similar to the placement of thickness text on the three lower plates of this view. 8. Create bracket between the flange of the girder and bulkhead "Bulkhead Fr. 29" The creation of the bracket between the flange of the girder and the bulkhead "Bulkhead Fr. 29" is similar to the creation of the bracket between deck beam and transverse bulkhead within frame view "Frame 29" with the following properties: Name of panel Option Brackets Selected bracket type Bracket type 752 Value 'Standards' Indicate the bulkhead as first construction part Indicate the flange as second construction part 23 Note: Because the indicated construction parts are not profiles, the system can not automatically determine a standard bracket with the correct dimensions from the NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 136 Basic Training Tutorial table of available standard dimensions. Thus you need to select for 'Standards' the appropriate standard bracket '23'. You can also alter the presented dimensions if you wish to, by checking the option 'free' and changing the values for 'Enter width of bracket', 'Enter height of bracket', 'Enter hole radius' and 'Enter thickness of bracket' within panel "Bracket type 752". By clicking the 'OK' button, the bracket will be created. 1.16.2 Flanged girder Create flanged girder Now you will create the longitudinal girder with a flange of 150 mm, which is called a "flanged girder". A flanged girder and a T-girder (meaning a plate with a face plate) are not available as standard construction items within NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull. If you want to create a flanged girder or T-girder, you first need to create a plate and then add a flange or face plate to that plate, depending on the situation. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Create longitudinal girder "Long. bulkhead 3960" with thickness 8 mm Create cutouts around deck beams Add flange of 150 mm to longitudinal girder "Long. bulkhead 3960" Dimension the flange  Add the height of the longitudinal girder "Long. bulkhead 3960" Code plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" to examine that the longitudinal girder and the flange are added together and have become one part Additional description of actions: 4. Dimension the flange The dimensioning of the flange with a body size of 150 mm is done in a similar way as the dimensioning of the transverse deck beam HP 140 x 8 located at frame 29. 137 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Create plates (5) You will create plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" with thickness 8 mm. During the creation of this plate, the upper left corner hole will be defined in the contour of the plate. The dimensions in the upper left corner are presented in the figure below: Let's create the plate by selecting the toolbar icon "Plates", followed by the icon "Plates in View": After selecting this function, you enter the values for 'Thickness' and 'Thickness direction' in panel "Plates in View" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 138 Basic Training Tutorial The plate has a thickness of 8 mm and the thickness direction is 'from CL'. Click the 'Ok' button and specify the plate boundaries by means of panel "Define a plate contour": The boundaries of the plate will be defined as follows:  Start with the transverse bulkhead at FR29 as the forward boundary of the plate, 139 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial which can be defined by indicating this bulkhead;  Add the corner hole with radius 50 mm to this forward boundary by entering the value 50 for the radius for 'Cutout';  The next boundary is the upper deck "Deck 6200", which can be defined by indicating the deck just underneath the deck line;  Due to the height of the cutout of 50 mm and the corner radius of 40 mm, the start of the cutout will be defined by a minimum length with a distance of 140 mm from frame 22: select 'Min. Length' and enter value 22+140 in the entry box;  Add the corner radius of 40 mm to the previous boundary. In this case the corner radius is specified by selecting option 'Radius of curvature' and entering the value 40 for the radius in the entry box:  The next boundary is determined by the cutout's specified height of 50 mm. You could type a value for 'Max. Height', but it's much better to enter a parallel distance of 50 mm from the deck. By using a parallel distance from the deck, this plate boundary will always be kept related to the deck. This is achieved by first indicating just below the deck and then entering behind option 'Parallel' the corresponding value of 50 in the entry box:  The next boundary is the aft boundary of the plate defined by the minimum length. Select the 'Min. Length' button and enter value 22+9 in the entry box. The value "+9" is the thickness of the attached bulkhead that has been taken into account;  The last boundary is the lower boundary of the plate. Also in this case it's better to enter a parallel distance from the upper deck instead of entering a value for 'Min. Height'. Thus first indicate the upper deck again and afterwards enter behind option 'Parallel' the value of 400 for the parallel distance in the entry box. To become a preview of the created plate you select the 'Preview' button. You can not only visually check the plate contour, but you can also check the defined relations by clicking the 'Show overview' button. The plate relations will appear within panel "Relations overview" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 140 Basic Training Tutorial Finally you click the 'Ok' button to create plate "Long. bulkhead 3960". Create cutouts type 100 You will make the cutouts around the deck beams. Select the toolbar icon "Cutouts": After selecting this icon, the panel "Insert Cutouts" is displayed with a couple of cutout types: In this situation you can use the first cutout type: By means of panel "Select the cutout" you select one or more profiles using the 'Clump' selection method: 141 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial To create cutouts, you have to drag a selection box around all the deck beams. After clicking the 'Ok' button, the system will create a cutout for each selected deck beam. Create flanges (1) You will add a flange of 150 mm to the already created plate "Long. bulkhead 3960". To create a face plate or a flange, you select the toolbar icon "Flanges": According to the hint "Indicate the side of the plate where the flange/face plate should be placed" you indicate a point just below the lower boundary of plate "Long. bulkhead 3960". Now some arrows appear in the upper left corner of the plate. Those arrows indicate the contour direction of the plate. Now you should first define the size of the flange and the direction by means of the following panel: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 142 Basic Training Tutorial In this case the body size is 150 mm and the body direction will be from CL. You specify the start and endpoint of the flange in a similar way as for normal profiles. According to the hint "Indicate a construction for the start point", you start with determining the start point of the flange, taking into account the contour direction of the plate to which the flange will be attached. Due to the visible contour direction arrows, it's clear that the start point will be located at the aft end of the plate. When you select the aft end, the text "Starting_point" at the indication point will be presented. Now you specify the distance from the starting point by entering a value for 'Distance'. Finally you have to define the end shape for the indicated starting point. From the three presented end shapes for flanges, you select type "B" with a variable angle and nose height: You enter the values for angle and nose height within panel "End type" : 143 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Please accept the default values by clicking the 'Ok' button. Now you determine the end point of the flange as hint "Indicate a construction for the end point" suggests. According to the contour direction arrows, the end point is located at the front end of the plate. Please indicate the end point and the text "Ending point" will be presented. The end shape with it's properties will be the same as the end shape for the starting point. You select end shape type "B" and accept the default values for 'Angle of edge' NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 144 Basic Training Tutorial and 'Nose height' within panel "End type". By selecting the 'Ok' button, you have also determined the end point of the flange. Now both ends of the flange are defined, the flange will be created and added to the longitudinal girder. Chain measure In order to show the distance between the flange of the longitudinal girder "Long. bulkhead 3960" and the upper deck "Deck 6200", you will place a vertical dimension. Click on the toolbar "Draw", the icon "Text/Dimensions": Then select the toolbar icon "Chain Dimension": You specify the type of dimension by means of panel "Chain Dimension" : 145 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The system is asking you by displaying the hint "Indicate first item" to indicate a point where the measurement starts. In this case that can be either the lower side of the upper deck "Deck 6200", or the upper side of the flange. Please start by indicating the upper side of the flange. Following the second hint "Indicate second item" you indicate the opposite side, meaning the lower side of the upper deck. By dragging the dimension line to a desired position you determine the location where the dimension should be placed. Code plate (3) By coding plate "Long. bulkhead 3960" you will notice that the longitudinal girder and the flange are added together and have become one part. To code this plate you select the toolbar icon "CAM", followed by the icon "Code One Part": NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 146 Basic Training Tutorial According to the hint "Select the part to be coded", you indicate plate "Long. bulkhead 3960". Because the procedure is similar to coding plate "Deck 6200", only the end result of the coding process will be shown here. The coded part is displayed below: 1.17 Deck 6200 above base 1.17.1 Basic training steps (18) Start situation You will return to the upper deck "Deck 6200 above base" to add the missing deck beams HP 140 x 8 at frame 30, which now can be related to the longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 3960". Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 147 Open drawing top view "108-6200" Choose "Update active block" Create outer transverse deck beam at FR30  Create brackets in section Take a look at the longitudinal girder you have created at 3960 from CL: you will only see the plate of the girder and not the flange! Make the flange visible by increasing the "face plate view distance" Make the brackets visible in green by increasing the "distance behind view" Make the brackets more clear to see by activating the background lines Create inner transverse deck beam at FR30 by copying the transverse deck beam at Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial FR29 and shifting it to FR30 End situation Additional description of actions: 3. Create outer transverse deck beam at FR30 The outer transverse deck beam at FR30 is created with the following properties: Name of panel Option Create profile Selected profile type Border value Value 'Body size' 'Thickness' 'From frame' 'Body direction' 'Thickness direction' 'Type of material' Limitation 'Vertical distance' '1st end shape' Border value Limitation 'Vertical distance' '2nd end shape' 1 140 8 30 Towards base From reversed frame GR-A First limitation Indicate the longitudinal bulkhead at 6600 from CL 1 40 Second limitation Indicate the longitudinal bulkhead at 3960 from CL 40 : Because the seam will be ignored, you can indicate the seam in order to select the longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600". NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 148 Basic Training Tutorial 1.17.2 Create brackets in section (1) Now you will create the brackets underneath "Deck 6200 above base" located at the intersection between "Longitudinal Bulkhead 6600 from CL" and frames 23 through 28 and 30 in one action. Open toolbar "Insert Brackets in Section" by clicking the icon "Brackets in Section": Select bracket type 'A' and proceed to draw a selection box around the end flags of the profiles on FR23 until FR28, and FR30 and confirm your selection by clicking 'Ok' in the panel "Select profile(s)". You will see each end flag light up momentarily, followed by the panel "Bracket type 750" . The settings have already been filled in automatically in accordance with the size of the deck beam each bracket will be placed at. Click 'Ok' to place the brackets. Notice how the bracket at FR28 is bigger than the others. This due to the larger size of the deck beam at FR28 in comparison to the remaining deck beams. Also notice how the brackets all have the colour white. This indicates that the brackets are not within visibility range, and will therefore also not appear on a potential plotted drawing of this view. How to change this will be explained in the next few training steps. 149 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.17.3 Set visibility 'Face plate view distance' Looking at the longitudinal girder you have created at 3960 from CL, you will only see the plate of the girder and not it's flange. The flange is positioned 400 mm below the deck level of 6200. In this case the visibility distance is not set far enough down. By increasing the visibility distance, you will make the flange visible within the current top view "108-6200". Let's increase the visibility distance by selecting the toolbar icon "Drawing Properties": After selecting this icon, the panel "Drawing Properties" appears: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 150 Basic Training Tutorial Select button 'Visibility' to access the visibility settings, presented within panel "Visibility" : 151 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial You need to change the face plate view distance from the default value 100 into at least 400. Please enter the value 410 for 'Face plate view distance'. By clicking the 'OK' button on panel "Drawing Properties", the flange will become visible. 1.17.4 Set visibility 'Distance behind view' As mentioned earlier, the brackets all have the colour white, meaning they are not within visibility range. The reason that they are still shown inspite of being out of range, is to NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 152 Basic Training Tutorial alert you that they are there, but you may not want them to appear on a potential plot because they are not actually placed up against the deck itself like the deck beams are. However, in case you do want them to appear on a plot, you can make them visible by increasing the visibility distance like you have done for the flange of the longitudinal girder at 3960 from CL. Let's increase the visibility distance by selecting the toolbar icon "Drawing Properties": After selecting this icon the panel "Drawing Properties" appears again: 153 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Select button 'Visibility' to access the visibility settings, presented within panel "Visibility" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 154 Basic Training Tutorial In this case you need to modify the distance behind view from the default value 50 into at least 140. Please enter the value 140 for 'Distance behind view'. By clicking the 'OK' button on panel "Drawing Properties", the brackets will have a green line colour added, indicating that they are now within view distance and therefore will appear on a plot of the top view too. Notice how the bracket at FR28 is still shown in white. This because the profile that the bracket is attached to, is larger than 140 mm and therefore the bracket falls outside of the visibility range: 155 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Notice how the drawing box in the Hull Viewer does not intersect with the bracket at FR28. 1.17.5 Background lines (1) You can make the brackets easier to see by displaying the background lines. Go to the menubar and open "View" -> "Plate Presentation" -> "Show Background lines" Accept the default option 'All Plates' on panel "Plate Presentation" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 156 Basic Training Tutorial By default all of the plates in section are displayed as two green colored lines. These lines are merely lines representing the plates in section. They are the lines that will be seen on a potential plot. Their position is calculated depending on the scale of the drawing. Activating the background lines will display the plates in section in light purple, while the border lines of the plates in view are displayed in red. This functionality is not only applied for plates but also for brackets, flanges and shell frames. In this case activating background lines will display the brackets in section as shown in the figure below: Notice how the bracket at FR28 is not shown, due to the size of profile that the bracket is attached to, exceeding the specified visibility range. You can deactivate the background lines by closing the window or using the hot key < Esc>. 157 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.17.6 Copy items with shift (1) You will create the inner transverse deck beam at FR30 by copying the existing transverse deck beam at FR29 and shifting it to FR30. Select the toolbar icon "Copy 3D-Items": By means of panel "Copy 3D-Items", you select the inner transverse deck beam at FR29: Because the selected deck beam must be shifted one frame, you click the button 'Shift' and specify the properties for shifting within panel "Copy 3D-Items" at the tab 'Shift': NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 158 Basic Training Tutorial The deck beam will be shifted in length over one frame, therefore you enter the value 1 for 'Length', which stands for "1FR". Since only one copy will be made, you don't have to enter a value for the options 'Amount' and 'Step'. By clicking the 'OK' button, the copy command will be executed. The result will be the creation of a new deck beam HP 140 x 8 at frame 30 with the same properties as the existing deck beam located at frame 29. See Manual 'Detailed Function Descriptions' for a complete description of these copy and move functions. 1.18 Frame 23 1.18.1 Basic training steps (19) Start situation 159 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial You will switch to frame view "Frame 23" and add the dimension to the standard bracket "A 02". Then you will proceed to create the floor "Bulkhead Fr. 23" between the hull and the lower deck "Deck 3500". After creating this floor, you will add the following construction parts:   The lower stiffeners ST 100 x 10 between the hull and lower deck "Deck 3500"; The holes with diameter 450 mm. Because the same kind of floor must be created at frame 24, you will copy this floor to frame 24, including stiffeners and holes. Although this floor misses two small welding holes near the seams, you will first copy the floor and then create the small holes. The main reason for this is that the small holes are not topological, meaning that they are not related to the seams they are placed at. Copying the floor including the welding holes will therefore result in an incorrect position the holes at frame 24, because the contour of the hull differs at each frame. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Open drawing frame view "108-23" Choose "Update active block" Place standard text "Frame 23" above view Dimension transverse deck beam  Dimension bracket Check if a plate already exists at the location of the floor by activating background lines: no plate exists 7. Create lower plate "Bulkhead Fr. 23" with thickness 9 mm  8. Create lower stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL  9. Create holes with diameter 450 mm  10. Copy floor "Bulkhead Fr. 23" to frame 24  11. Create welding holes with radius 35 mm End situation Additional description of actions: 4. Dimension transverse deck beam The dimensioning of the transverse deck beam HP 140 x 8 is done in a similar way as the dimensioning of the transverse deck beam HP 140 x 8 located at frame 29. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 160 Basic Training Tutorial 7. Create lower plate "Bulkhead Fr. 23" with thickness 9 mm Option 'Cutout' 'Cutout' 'Cutout' 8. Value Indicate the lower deck 50 Indicate the longitudinal bulkhead 3960 100 Indicate the hull line 75 Create lower stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL Name of panel Option Create profile Selected profile type Border value Value 'Body size' 'Thickness' 'From breadth' 'To breadth' 'Number of items' 'Body direction' 'Thickness direction' 'Type of material' Limitation 'Parallel distance' '1st end shape' End type Border value 'Angle of edge' 'Nose height' Limitation 'Vertical distance' '2nd end shape' End type 9. 161 'Angle of edge' 'Nose height' 100 10 4620 5940 3 From reversed frame Towards CL GR-A First limitation Indicate the hull line 25 60 25 Second limitation Indicate the lower deck 25 60 25 Create holes with diameter 450 mm Name of panel Option Value Create holes 'From breadth' 'From height' ( 3960 + 4620 ) / 2 3100 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Hole types 'Step size' 'Number of items' Selected hole type 660 2 'Diameter' 450 10. Copy floor "Bulkhead Fr. 23" to frame 24 Name of panel Option Value Copy items 'Selection method' 'Selection treatment' Cross hair Select Select the floor by indicating a point near the hull line 'Include attributes' Click button 'Shift' Copy items Copy items Tab; 'Shift'->'Shift actions' 'Length' 'Amount' 'Step' 1 1 1 By clicking the 'OK' button, the floor will be copied to frame view "Frame 24". 1.18.2 Text (2) First create additional space above the view by shifting it a little bit down using the "PAN" option: Hot key: <Ctrl> Now there is enough space above the view to place the standard text by selecting the "Text" button on the toolbar "Dimensions" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 162 Basic Training Tutorial After selecting this icon, the current control icon will be automatically positioned at the position of the last used standard text at frame view "Frame 29". For 'Position' the option "Last placed" is already selected. Every standard text will appear at the exact same position for each frame. Select as standard text "Frame 23". You will see that the text is automatically placed in the same spot as the standard text you placed at frame view "Frame 29". Please use the toolbar icon "Full screen" to have the drawing presented in full screen: Hot key: <5> 163 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.18.3 Profile size (4) You will add the dimension to the standard bracket "A 02" between deck beam HP 140 x 8 and longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600". Select from the toolbar "Draw" the icon "Symbols": Let's dimension the bracket by selecting the toolbar icon "Part Labeling": Now the hint "Select item by Point, place Number/Dimension" appears. As the hint suggests "Select item", you select the concerning bracket by either using the left-mouse button or the <SPACE> bar, which can also be used to select items instead of the left-mouse button. Now the dimension of the bracket appears together with the part symbol, depending on whether or not you have the part symbol switched on. Indicate a position where the dimension should be placed by dragging the dimension to the desired position with the mouse. Use hotkey <6> to give the dimension the desired angle. 1.18.4 Background lines (2) Before you create the lower plate "Bulkhead Fr. 23" between the hull and the lower deck "Deck 3500", it's important to check if there is already a plate present within the current frame view "Frame 23". Please notice that sometimes NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull users NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 164 Basic Training Tutorial create two plates on top of each other. You can avoid such situations by checking on the existence of plates before creating new plates! Go to the menubar and open "View" -> "Plate Presentation" -> "Show Background lines" Select second option 'all plates in plan view' on panel "Actual position": Now only plates and profiles in plan view will be displayed, plates in section will not be displayed. In this case the graphical screen will remain empty at the location where the floor is going to be placed, which will assure you that no floor exists at frame view "Frame 23" yet: 165 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.18.5 Create holes at seam symbols You will create two welding holes with a radius of 35 mm around the seams in the hull. These welding holes will be added to floor "Bulkhead Fr. 23". Let's create these welding holes by selecting the toolbar icon "Draining/Corner Holes": Select on the toolbar "Insert Draining/Corner Holes" the option icon "Hole at Seam": NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 166 Basic Training Tutorial By means of panel "Weld Hole Selection Menu", you select, according to the hint "Select welding symbols", the welding symbols by using the 'Clump' selection method: After selection of the welding symbols, you have to determine the type of welding hole on panel "Welding holes": This panel contains three welding hole types:  Welding hole type 310  Welding hole type 312  Welding hole type 348 In this case you select welding hole type "348" and enter in panel "Hole types" for 'Radius' the value 35. Select the 'OK' button to create the two welding holes around the seams. 167 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.19 Frame 24 1.19.1 Basic training steps (20) Start situation You will switch to frame view "Frame 24" to complete the floor "Bulkhead Fr. 24" between the hull and the lower deck "Deck 3500". This floor has been copied from frame 23 with it's three stiffeners ST 100 x 10 and two holes with diameter 450 mm. You will make the following necessary modifications to this floor:    Change the position of the holes with diameter 450 mm from 3100 into 3000 mm above base; Change the left lower corner radius from 100 into 75 mm, which is how the plate contour was defined; Add two welding holes with radius 35 mm and one welding hole with radius 75 mm. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open drawing frame view "108-24" Choose "Update active block" Place standard text "Frame 24" above view using current control  Change left lower corner radius from 100 to 75 mm Change position of holes with diameter 450 mm from 3100 to 3000 mm above base  6. 7. 8. Create two welding holes with radius 35 mm and one welding hole with radius 75 mm  Copy floor 24 to 25 without attributes and see the preview in the Hull Viewer  Copy the attributes on floor 24 to floor 25 and see the preview in the Hull Viewer  End situation NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 168 Basic Training Tutorial Additional description of actions: 3. Place standard text "Frame 24" above view Placing standard text "Frame 24" above view is similar to placing standard text "Frame 23" above view, but now you select as standard text "Frame 24". 5. Change position of holes with diameter 450 mm from 3100 to 3000 mm above base The position of the holes with diameter 450 mm can be changed by shifting them -100 mm in height. Shifting these holes is similar to shifting the aft most hole from Deck 6200, but now you select on panel "Hole selection menu" the option 'Shift in height' and enter the value -100. Instead of using that value, you can also use the absolute value for the height by selecting the 'Abs' option and entering the absolute height. 6. Create two welding holes with radius 35 mm and one welding hole with radius 75 mm The creation of two welding holes with radius 35 mm and one welding hole with radius 75 mm is similar to the creation of welding holes within frame view "Frame 23". 7. Copy floor 24 to 25 without attributes and see the preview in the Hull Viewer Name of panel Option Value Copy items 'Selection method' 'Selection treatment' Cross hair Select Select the floor by indicating a point near the hull line Uncheck 'Include attributes' Click button 'Shift' Copy items Copy items Tab; 'Shift'->'Shift actions' 'Length' 'Amount' 'Step' 1 1 1 By selecting the 'OK' button, the floor will be copied to frame view "Frame 25". 8. 169 Copy the attributes on floor 24 to floor 25 and see the preview in the Hull Viewer Name of panel Option Value Copy items 'Selection method' 'Selection treatment' Conflict Select Drag the selection box across the holes and the stiffeners in one action Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Copy items Copy items 'Include attributes' Select button 'Shift' Tab; 'Shift'->'Shift actions' 'Length' 'Amount' 'Step' 1 1 1 By selecting the 'OK' button, the attributes on floor 24 will be copied onto the floor at frame view "Frame 25". 1.19.2 Change plates (2) The plate "Bulkhead Fr. 24" between the hull and the lower deck "Deck 3500" contains at the lower left corner a corner hole with a radius of 100 mm. This corner hole is part of the plate contour. You will change the radius of this corner hole into 75 mm by modifying the plate. Select on the "Modify 3D" toolbar the icon "Plates": Select "Change Plate Relations" on toolbar "Modify Plates" : According to the hint "Indicate construction part that has to be modified" you select the floor. After selecting the floor, the system will display the panel "Relations overview" with the current plate boundaries, as well as the panel "Modify a plate contour" with the plate contour definitions. According to the hint "Indicate relation to be changed" you indicate the lower left corner on the graphical screen. The relation will be highlighted within the "Relations overview" panel: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 170 Basic Training Tutorial The selected relation properties are available within panel "Modify a plate contour" : You change the radius of the corner hole by changing value "100" into 75 for 'Cutout': 171 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial By clicking the 'OK' button, the radius of the corner hole will be changed from 100 into 75 mm. 1.20 Frame 25 1.20.1 Basic training steps (21) Start situation NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 172 Basic Training Tutorial You will switch to frame view "Frame 25" to complete the floor "Bulkhead Fr. 25" between the hull and the lower deck "Deck 3500". You will make the following modifications to this floor:   Create the third hole with diameter 450 mm; Change the type and size of the inner two holes; This floor also contains an additional stiffener of type flat bar 100 x 10, placed below the bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600". The best way to proceed is to copy one of the existing stiffeners to the new position below the bulkhead and modify the type and size of the remaining stiffeners afterwards:    Create stiffener ST 100 x 10 below bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600"; Change end type of this stiffener ST 100 x 10 from type "B" into type "C" with a radius of 25 mm; Lengthen this stiffener ST 100 x 10 with 25 mm, because the upper end of this stiffener has to touch the lower deck; You will copy the modified floor to frame 26 and 27. After copying this floor, you will create two welding holes with radius 35 mm and one welding hole with radius 75 mm. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Open drawing frame view "108-25" Choose "Update active block" Place standard text "Frame 25" above view using current control Create the third hole with diameter 450 mm  Modify the type and size of the inner two holes Create stiffener below bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600"  Modify end type of stiffener below bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600"  Modify length of stiffener below bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600"  Copy floor "Bulkhead Fr. 25" to frame 26 and 27  Create two welding holes with radius 35 mm and one welding hole with radius 75 mm End situation Additional description of actions: 4. Create the third hole with diameter 450 mm The third hole with diameter 450 mm can be created by copying the second hole. 173 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Name of panel Option Value Copy items 'Selection method' 'Selection treatment' Cross hair Select Select hole at 4950 from CL 'Include attributes' Click button 'Shift' Copy items Copy items Tab; 'Shift'->'Shift actions' 'Width' 660 By clicking the 'OK' button, the copy command will be executed. The result will be the creation of a new hole with diameter 450 mm located at 5610 from CL. 6. Create stiffener below bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600" You will create the stiffener below bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600" by copying the existing stiffener at 5940 off CL. Proceed to activate the grid using hotkey <2>. When you specify the width, you will move from B9 to B10 so you specify for grid value 1B.2 You will also need to take into account the fact that the longitudinal bulkhead 6600 from CL has it's thickness direction pointing outwards, as opposed to the stiffeners which have their thickness direction pointing towards centerline. In order to align the to be created stiffener with the bulkhead, the stiffener needs to be placed 10 mm further outwards. Name of panel Option Value Copy items 'Selection method' 'Selection treatment' Cross hair Select Select stiffener at 5940 off CL 'Include attributes' Click button 'Shift' Copy items Copy items Tab; 'Shift'->'Shift actions 'Width' 1B+10 By clicking the 'OK' button, the copy command will be executed. The result will be the creation of a new stiffener ST 100 x 10 below bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600". 7. Modify end type of stiffener below bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600" You will modify the upper end type of the stiffener ST 100 x 10 below bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600" from type "B" into type "C" with a radius of 25 mm. The modification of this end type is similar to the modification of end types, belonging to the upper stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL within frame view "Frame 29" with the following properties: Name of panel Option Value Profile selections 'Selection method' Clump NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 174 Basic Training Tutorial 'Selection treatment' Select Drag a selection box around the upper end of the profile Change end shapes '1st and 2nd end shape' End type 'Radius' 8. 25 Modify length of stiffener below bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600" In this case the upper end of the stiffener below bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600" has to touch the lower deck "Deck 3500". To achieve this, you must lengthen this stiffener with 25 mm. You can follow the same procedure as you have done for lengthening the lower stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL within frame view "Frame 29". 9. Copy floor "Bulkhead Fr. 25" to frame 26 and 27 You will create the floors at frame 26 and 27 by copying the modified floor "Bulkhead Fr. 25" from frame 25. Name of panel Option Value Copy items 'Selection method' 'Selection treatment' Cross hair Select Select the floor 'Include attributes' Click button 'Shift' Copy items Copy items Tab; 'Shift'->'Shift actions' 'Length' 'Amount' 'Step' 1 2 1 By clicking the 'OK' button, the floor will be copied to frame views "Frame 26" and "Frame 27". 1.20.2 Change type/size of holes The floor at frame 25 contains three holes of type "manhole" with a diameter of 450 mm. 175 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The two inner holes need to be changed into holes of type "creep hole" with height 600 mm and breadth 450 mm. Now you will modify the type and size of these two inner holes by clicking "Holes" on the "Modify 3D" toolbar: Select "Size/Type" on the "Modify Holes" toolbar: According to the hint "Select a hole" you select the two inner holes: After selecting these holes, you click the 'OK' button after which you will be presented with the panel "Create holes" to select which type of hole you wish to use: In this case the holes must be changed from type "manhole" into type "creep hole": After selecting this hole type, you enter the measurement values by means of panel "Hole types": NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 176 Basic Training Tutorial By clicking the 'OK' button, the two holes will be modified. 1.21 Frame 26 1.21.1 Basic training steps (22) Start situation You will switch to frame view "Frame 26" to modify the floor "Bulkhead Fr. 26" between the hull and the lower deck "Deck 3500". The modifications to be made here are:    Remove all holes; Change the thickness of this floor from 9 into 12 mm; Remove all corner holes of this floor to make it watertight. Now when you take a close look at the sheet, you will see that the size and type of the first three stiffeners will need to be changed from flat bar 100 x 10 into HP 120 x 8:   Modify the size and type of stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL from ST 100 x 10 into HP 120 x 8; Modify the end type of stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL from type "B" into type "A". Finally you will place both the free text "W.T." and the thickness text onto this floor. Overview of actions: 177 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Open drawing frame view "108-26" Choose "Update active block" Place standard text "Frame 26" above view using current control Remove all holes Place thickness text on floor "Bulkhead Fr. 26" Change thickness of floor "Bulkhead Fr. 26" from 9 into 12 mm  Remove all corner holes of floor "Bulkhead Fr. 26" to make it watertight Modify size and type of stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL Modify end type of stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL  Place free text "W.T. " on floor "Bulkhead Fr. 26" End situation Additional description of actions: 6. Change thickness of floor "Bulkhead Fr. 26" from 9 into 12 mm Changing the thickness of floor "Bulkhead Fr. 26" is done in the same way as changing the thickness of "Long. bulkhead 3960". 9. Modify end type of stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL You will modify the upper end types of the stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL from the current type "B" into type "A". Name of panel Option Value Profile selections 'Selection method' 'Selection treatment' Clump Select Drag a selection box around the upper end of the profiles Change end shapes '1st and 2nd end shape' Now you will modify the lower end types of the stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL from the current type "B" into type "J". This type will allow the profile end shape to run parallel with the hull in longitudinal direction. Name of panel Option Value Profile selections 'Selection method' 'Selection treatment' Clump Select Drag a selection box around the lower end of the profiles NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 178 Basic Training Tutorial Change end shapes '1st and 2nd end shape' 1.21.2 Change plates (3) Because the plate "Bulkhead Fr. 26" between the hull and the lower deck "Deck 3500" must be watertight, you will remove all three corner holes. These corner holes are part of the plate contour, therefore you will use the plate modification options again. Select on the "Modify 3D" toolbar the icon "Plates": Select "Change Plate Relations" on toolbar "Modify Plates" : According to the hint "Indicate construction part that has to be modified" you select plate "Bulkhead Fr. 26". After selection, the system will display panel "Relations overview" with the current plate boundaries: This panel shows you that the selected plate "Bulkhead Fr. 26" consists of three plate boundaries and that each plate relation contains a corner hole. As you have seen before, you can change the plate relation properties by means of panel "Modify a plate contour" : 179 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Now you will remove the existing corner holes one at a time. According to the hint "Indicate relation to be changed" you indicate the upper left corner hole. The relation will be highlighted in panel "Relations overview", and you remove the current value for the corner radius "50" for 'Cutout'. After changing the plate relation, you can preview the result by clicking the 'Preview' button. The plate will be recalculated and the first relation will be updated in panel "Relations overview" : As you can see, the upper left corner hole has indeed been removed. Before pressing the 'OK' button to accept your modification, it's better to remove the other two existing corner holes first. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 180 Basic Training Tutorial For the removal of the remaining two corner holes, you will use an alternative, faster method: According to the hint "Indicate relation to be changed" you indicate the lower left corner hole. Please remove the current value "75" for the cutout radius within panel "Modify a plate contour". After deleting this value, you indicate the last upper right corner hole and remove the value "75" for the cutout radius for this relation as well. After removing all corner holes, you click the 'OK' button to finalize your modifications of plate "Bulkhead Fr. 26". 1.21.3 Change type/size of profiles in view You have to change the type and size of the existing stiffeners ST 100 x 10, located at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL, into HP 120 x 8 by using the profile modification options. Let's modify the type and size of these profiles by selecting on the "Modify 3D" toolbar the icon "Profiles": Select "Size/type in View" on the "Modify Profiles" toolbar: By means of panel "Profile Selection" you select the profiles using the 'Conflict' selection method: 181 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial You drag a selection box around the profiles in such a way that each profile is at least partially included in the box: Click the 'Ok' button to continue: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 182 Basic Training Tutorial Select the following options within the panel "Change profile type" :  The type of profile is "HP" or "Bulb" and therefore you need to select the following option:  The size of the profile is 120 x 8, meaning that the value for 'Body size' will be 120 and the value for 'Thickness' will be 8. After clicking the 'Ok' button, the profiles will be changed into HP 120 x 8. 1.21.4 Text (3) After the needed modifications on floor "Bulkhead Fr. 26", you will place the text "W.T." to indicate that this floor is watertight. To add this user defined text, you will use a new text option known as "free text". 183 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial To place free text you select the function "Text" on toolbar "Dimensions" : After selecting this icon the panel "Text" appears. Click on the tab 'Free' to view the options for free text: Here you can go ahead and enter the text " W.T.". Because this text must be underlined, you should also activate the button for 'Underlined' text. Please click the 'OK' button to continue. The entered text will now appear in the graphical screen. When the option 'Position' is set to "Interactive", you can drag the selected text to the desired position by means of the mouse and place it there with a single left-click. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 184 Basic Training Tutorial 1.22 Frame 27 1.22.1 Basic training steps (23) Start situation You will switch to frame view "Frame 27" to modify the floor between the hull and the lower deck "Deck 3500". You will make the following modifications to this floor:      Change the position of all holes from 3000 into 2800 mm above base; Change the type and size of the outmost hole from type "manhole" with diameter 450 mm into type "creep hole" with height 600 mm and breadth 450 mm; Change the upper right corner radius from 75 to 100 mm; Add three welding holes with radius 35 mm around the seams in the hull; Change the radius of the inner welding hole from 35 to 75 mm. When you have completed these modifications, you will copy the floor to frame 28 and frame 30. Please remind that welding holes are not topological and therefore the best procedure is to copy the floor first and then create the welding holes. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Open drawing frame view "108-27" Choose "Update active block" Place standard text "Frame 27" above view using current control Change position of all holes from 3000 to 2800 mm above base Modify the type and size of the outmost hole into creep hole 600/450 mm Change upper right corner radius from 75 to 100 mm Copy floor to frame 28 and frame 30  Create three welding holes with radius 35 mm Change radius of inner welding hole from 35 to 75 mm End situation 185 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Additional description of actions: 7. Copy floor to frame 28 and frame 30 You will create the floors at frame 28 and 30 by copying the modified floor "Bulkhead Fr. 27" from frame 27. Name of panel Option Value Copy items 'Selection method' 'Selection treatment' Cross hair Select Indicate the floor 'Include attributes' Click button 'Shift' Copy items Copy items Tab; 'Shift'->'Shift actions' 'Length' 'Amount' 'Step' 1 2 2 By clicking the 'OK' button, the floor will be copied to frame views "Frame 28" and "Frame 30". 1.22.2 Change size user-holes The floor between the hull and the lower deck "Deck 3500" contains three welding holes with a radius of 35 mm. But according to the sheet, the radius of the inner welding hole has to be changed from 35 into 75 mm. Let's change the radius of the inner welding hole by selecting "Draining/Corner Holes" from the toolbar "Modify 3D" : The toolbar "Modify Draining/Corner Holes" will be displayed: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 186 Basic Training Tutorial This toolbar contains three modification options for corner holes:  Size User-Holes  Size Air Holes  Shift In this case the radius of the inner welding hole must be changed by selecting option icon "Size User-Holes": By means of panel "Corner Hole Selection Menu", you select, according to the hint "Select a corner hole", the inner welding hole by using the 'Clump' selection method: After selecting the inner welding hole, you click the 'OK' button and you will be presented with the panel "Corner holes" to determine the type of corner hole: Please select "type 348": 187 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial You enter the new corner hole radius by means of panel "Hole types" : Click the 'OK' button and the radius of the inner welding hole will be changed into 75 mm. 1.23 Frame 28 1.23.1 Basic training steps (24) Start situation You will switch to frame view "Frame 28" to finish the floor "Bulkhead Fr. 28" and to create a vertical pillar and some brackets. You will perform the following modifications on floor "Bulkhead Fr. 28":   Add three welding holes with radius 35 mm around the seams in the hull; Change the radius of the inner welding hole from 35 into 75 mm. After modification of floor "Bulkhead Fr. 28", you will add the following construction parts:      A bracket of type A between deck beam HP 200 x 9 and longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600"; A vertical pillar Ø 150 x 10 mm at 1900 from CL; Double plates Ø 200 x 10 mm on top and below the pillar; Two brackets of type D between pillar Ø 150 x 10 mm and deck beam HP 200 x 9; A bracket of type D between pillar Ø 150 x 10 mm and deck "Deck 2750". NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 188 Basic Training Tutorial Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Open drawing frame view "108-28" Choose "Update active block" Place standard text "Frame 28" above view using current control Create three welding holes with radius 35 mm Change radius of inner welding hole from 35 to 75 mm Shorten stiffener at 4620 off CL by changing the end relation to 100 mm from hull line 7. Create vertical pillar Ø 150 x 10 mm at 1900 from CL 8. Add centerline to pillar 9. Create double plates Ø 200 x 10 mm on top and below the pillar 10. Dimension pillar Ø 150 x 10 mm 11. Create brackets "D 21" between pillar and deck beam  12. Create bracket "D 21" between pillar and deck "Deck 2750" End situation Additional description of actions: 11. Create brackets "D 21" between pillar and deck beam Name of panel Option Brackets Selected bracket type Bracket type 752 Value 'Standards' Indicate the pillar as first construction part Indicate the deck beam as second construction part 21 By pressing the 'Ok' button, the bracket will be created including part number "21" and panel number "YA". Note: During the creation of a bracket between a pillar and another construction part, it is important that you first select the pillar and secondly the other construction part! This way you will make sure that the bracket is always aligned with the center of the pillar. 189 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.23.2 Create pillars (1) In order to support the upper deck "Deck 6200", you will add a pillar between the deck "Deck 2750" and the upper deck beam HP 200 x 9. This pillar is positioned at 1900 mm from CL. You can create pillars by selecting the toolbar icon "Pillars" from the toolbar "Insert" : Proceed by clicking the icon "Vertical Pillars": Now you specify the type of pillar and it's position by means of panel "Create Vertical Pillar" in a similar way as you have already done for profiles: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 190 Basic Training Tutorial The selected options with the appropriate values are:  The type of pillar is "Pipe" and therefore the following option icon is selected: 191 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial  The size of the pillar is Ø 150 x 10 mm, so the values for 'Diameter' and 'Wall thickness' are 150 and 10;  The pillar is located at 1900 from CL, therefore the value for 'From breadth' is 1900;  Since 'Body direction' and 'Thickness direction' do not apply to this type of pillars you accept the default settings;  The type of material of the pillar will be the default standard material "GR-A". After clicking the 'Ok' button, you have to specify the length of the pillar by defining it's start and endpoint. You define the lower end of the pillar by means of panel "Border value" : According to the hint "Indicate 1st relation", you select the deck "Deck 2750", by indicating a point slightly above this deck. Taking into consideration the existence of a foundation plate with a thickness of 10mm, the vertical distance should be 10 mm. You define the end shape at this position by selecting type 'A' as the first one: Now you define the upper end of the pillar by means of panel "Border value" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 192 Basic Training Tutorial According to the hint "Indicate 2nd relation" you select the upper deck beam HP 200 x 9 by indicating a point below this deck beam. Although the vertical distance should be 10 mm, you will leave it 0 mm. The reason will be explained later on. Please select type 'A' for the second end shape to continue. After selecting the second end shape, the pillar with dimensions Ø 150 x 10 mm will be created at 1900 from CL. 1.23.3 Create pillars centerline According to the sheet, you will add a centerline to the created pillar Ø 150 x 10 mm within frame view "Frame 28". To add a centerline to the pillar, select "Draw" -> "Pillar CL" from the menubar. Next you select the pillar Ø 150 x 10 mm within panel "Select" : 193 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial By clicking the 'Ok' button, the centerline will be added to the pillar. 1.23.4 Create double round plating Now you need to create the little plates with dimensions Ø 170 x 10 mm on top of and underneath the pillar Ø 150 x 10 mm. These plates are known as double plates. To create double plates, you select the toolbar icon "Foundations" from the toolbar "Insert" : Proceed by clicking the icon "Rounded Double Plates": You will then be presented with the following panel: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 194 Basic Training Tutorial Start with selecting the upper end of the pillar by clicking the 'Select' button within panel "Round Double Plating" and the following panel will appear: Select the upper end of pillar Ø 150 x 10 mm by using the 'Clump' selection method. Click the 'Ok' button to get back to the panel "Round Double Plating" in order to specify the properties of the selected foundation type: 195 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The selected options with the appropriate values are:  The size of the double plate is Ø 170 x 10 mm, the values for 'Diameter' and 'Thickness' are 170 and 10 which are set automatically;  The type of material of the double plate will be the default standard material "GR-A";  The pillar needs to be shortened at the upper end, due to the specified vertical distance of 10 mm there, by making sure the option 'Shorten pillar' is checked (this should already be set by default);  The double plate must be given a name by entering an arbitrary name for 'Name', for instance A. By selecting the 'Ok' button, the specified upper double plate will be created and the pillar will be shortened. After creating the upper plate, you will create the lower one in a similar way. Be aware of the fact that the pillar does not need to be shortened at the lower end. Therefore you need to uncheck option 'Shorten pillar' within panel "Round Double Plating". You can enter A for 'Name' again. After creating both double plates, you can take a close look at one of them, for instance the one at the upper end. Please zoom in on this double plate by using hot key <1>. See also: Basic Training Tutorial -> Create foundation NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 196 Basic Training Tutorial 1.23.5 Profile size (5) Now you will dimension the pillar Ø 150 x 10 mm. You can use for pillars the same dimensioning functions as for normal profiles. Select from the toolbar "Draw" the icon "Symbols": Let's dimension the bracket by selecting the toolbar icon "Part Labeling": Now the hint "Select item by Point, place Number/Dimension" appears. As the hint suggests "Select item", you select the pillar Ø 150 x 10 mm and proceed to indicate the point where you want the dimension to be placed. 197 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Now you can drag the dimension to the desired position with the mouse. Use hotkey <6> to give the dimension the desired angle. 1.24 Frame 30 1.24.1 Basic training steps (25) Start situation The floor "Bulkhead Fr. 30" has been created by copying the floor "Bulkhead Fr. 27". NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 198 Basic Training Tutorial According to the sheet, you have to make the following modifications to floor "Bulkhead Fr. 30":       Change the upper end types of stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL from type B into type C with a corner radius of 35 mm; Change the upper end relation of stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL to 0 mm; Modify the body direction of stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL; Add three welding holes with radius 35 mm around the seams; Change the radius of the inner welding hole from 35 into 75 mm; Change the size of the three creep holes from height 600 mm and breadth 450 mm into 850 mm and 450 mm. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Open drawing frame view "108-30" Choose "Update active block" Place standard text "Frame 30" above view using current control Change the upper end types of stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL from type B into type C  Modify the upper end relation of stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL Modify the body direction of stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL  Add three welding holes with radius 35 mm Change the radius of the inner welding hole from 35 into 75 mm Modify the size of the three creep holes from 600/450 to 850/450 mm End situation Additional description of actions: 4. Change the upper end types of stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL from type B into type C The modification of end types is similar to the modification of end types of upper stiffeners at frame 29 6. Modify the body direction of stiffeners at 4620, 5280 and 5940 off CL Modifying the direction of stiffeners is similar to modifying the direction of upper stiffeners at frame 29 199 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.25 Long. section 4620 off CL 1.25.1 Basic training steps (26) Start situation You will create a new side view "Long. section 4620 off CL", save it and add the following construction parts to this view:  A bracket of type 763 between upper stiffener HP 220 x 10 and deck beam HP 140 x 8 at frame 30;  Two brackets of type 762 between stiffener HP 120 x 8 and floor "Bulkhead Fr. 25" at frame 25;  A bracket of type 762 between lower stiffener HP 220 x 10 and floor "Bulkhead Fr. 30" at frame 30. The two brackets also appear within the next two side views "Long. section 5280 off CL" and "Long. section 5940 off CL". Because the best procedure is to copy first these two brackets and afterwards create the side views, you will copy the upper and lower bracket within this training step. During the next two training steps you will create the side views "Long. section 5280 off CL" and "Long. section 5940 off CL". Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Create new side view "Long. section 4620 off CL" Save drawing side view "108-4620" Place standard text "Long. section 4620 off C.L. SB" above view  Save the drawing again by using the 'Save as...' function  Rename the additional drawing Remove the additional drawing  Create upper bracket "763" between stiffener HP 220 x 10 and deck beam HP 140 x 8 at frame 30 8. Create lower bracket "762" between stiffener HP 220 x 10 and floor at frame 30 9. Change location of dimension belonging to the lower bracket 10. Create upper and lower bracket "762" between stiffener HP 120 x 8 and floor at frame 25  11. Change location of dimensions belonging to upper and lower brackets  12. Copy the upper and lower brackets to the positions 5280 off CL and 5940 off CL  End situation Additional description of actions: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 200 Basic Training Tutorial 3. Place standard text "Long. section 4620 off C.L. SB" above view After the panel has appeared, for 'Postition' the value "Last placed" is selected by default. However due to the length limitations of this view being different from the present side views, the alignment of the text will not be perfect. Please proceed by changing the value for 'Position' into "Interactive". 4. Save the drawing again by using the 'Save as...' function Choose "File" -> "Save as..." and in the panel that appears type "test" for 'File name:' and press the 'Save' button. 6. Remove the additional drawing While still having the "Save Drawing As" panel active, select the drawing you just renamed and press hotkey <Del> to delete the drawing. Confirm and close the panel by clicking . 10. Create upper and lower bracket "762" between stiffener HP 120 x 8 and floor at frame 25 Creating upper and lower bracket "762" between stiffener HP 120 x 8 and floor at frame 25 is similar to creating lower bracket "762" between stiffener HP 220 x 10 and floor at frame 30. 11. Change location of dimensions belonging to upper and lower brackets Changing the location of the upper and lower bracket dimensions is similar to changing the location of the lower bracket dimension. 12. Copy the upper and lower brackets to the positions 5280 off CL and 5940 off CL Copying the brackets from the current side view to positions 5280 and 5940 off CL is similar to copying the transverse deck beam at FR29 to FR30 with the following properties (make use of the grid for this action): Name of panel Option Value Copy items 'Selection method' 'Selection treatment' Cross hair Select Select all four brackets 'Include attributes' 201 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Copy items Copy items Click button 'Shift' Tab; 'Shift'->'Shift actions' 'Width' 'Amount' 'Step' 1b 2 1b By clicking the 'OK' button, the brackets will be copied to the specified positions. 1.25.2 Create side view (2) You will create a new side view "Long. section 4620 off CL". Please select "Create View" from the toolbar to create the new side view: The following toolbar is displayed: This panel contains four different view types:  Top views  Side views  Cross views  Perpendicular views NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 202 Basic Training Tutorial A new view can be created: 1. 2. 3. From an empty graphical screen; When there already is a view on the graphical screen with a different view type from the one which is to be created; Using option DRW ? Ad 2: If you try to create a new view of the same type you currently have at the screen, the panel "Extra Hull Lines" will be shown: With this panel no new view can be created, but you can add additional hull lines to your current view. Let's create the new side view "Long. section 4620 off CL" by selecting the option "Side View": Now you will be presented with the panel "Side View " : 203 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The new side view is located at 4620 from CL with a value of 4620 for 'Breadth'. You need to check the other default values: with exception of the value for 'Min. Length', all values are correct. The value for option 'Min. Length' must be changed from "21.5" into 24.5. At this moment you will not make more side views and therefore you select the 'Create' button to finish the creation of side views. One side view will be created and displayed in the graphical screen. Recommendation: Save drawing immediately after creation! 1.25.3 Save drawing You will save the created side view "Long. block 4620 off CL". To save a drawing you have to select the toolbar icon "Save Drawing": NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 204 Basic Training Tutorial After selecting this icon, the panel "Save Drawing As" is displayed which enables you to enter a drawing name and a description: The drawing name is made up of two obligatory and two optional parts. The two obligatory parts are automatically filled in by the system and are as follows:  'Drawing Gr': indicates the block that the view belongs to;  'Plane': indicates the position of the drawing plane which in this case is the breadth value "4620"; The optional parts are 'File name' and 'Description' and are used to provide the view with some additional information by the user. Usually you can ignore them and directly move on to the 'Save' button to save the drawing with the default name. 205 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.25.4 Rename drawing You will rename the additional side view "108-4620-test" to "108-4620-new". To rename a drawing you must either go to the "Open Drawing" panel, or the "Save Drawing As" panel. For this exercise you will open the "Save Drawing As" panel again. Then select the additional drawing and while it is highlighted, click it for a second time to edit the file name. Note: Instead of clicking the highlighted drawing, you can also press hotkey <F2> to edit the file name. Replace "test" with "new" and press <Enter> to confirm the change. Please do not close the panel yet. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 206 Basic Training Tutorial 1.25.5 Create brackets type 763 You will make a connection between the upper stiffener HP 220 x 10 in plan view and the deck beam HP 140 x 8 in cross section, located at frame 30. For this connection you will use a bracket of type 763, which can be fitted between a profile in plan view and a profile or plate in section. Select the toolbar icon "Brackets in Plan View": Select from panel "Insert Brackets in Plan View" the bracket type 763: According to the first hint "Indicate profile at position where overlap has to be placed" you indicate the upper stiffener HP 220 x 10. Based on the second hint, "Indicate profile in section, where bracket stops", you indicate the deck beam HP 140 x 8 at frame 30. The location of both indication points is illustrated in the figure below: After defining the bracket relations, the panel "Bracket type 763" appears: 207 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial According to the sheet, the values for 'Enter height of bracket' and 'Enter thickness of bracket' must be changed into 250 and 9. The default value "140" for 'Enter the nose length of the bracket' is based on the corresponding profile height of the deck beam. Since this bracket doesn't have a flange and will be made of standard material, you select the 'Ok' button to continue. Now you have to choose the type of corner hole and overlap by means of panel "Corner hole type / Overlap type" : This panel contains two corner hole types and two overlap types:  Corner hole type radius  Corner hole type snipe NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 208 Basic Training Tutorial  Overlap type parallel  Overlap type slanted Please click the 'Ok' button to accept the default selection of "Radius" and overlap type "Parallel". The upper bracket will be created with part number "0" and panel number "YA". 1.25.6 Create brackets type 762 You will make a connection between the lower stiffener HP 220 x 10 in plan view and the floor in cross section at frame 30. For this connection you will use a bracket of type 762, which can be fitted between a profile in plan view and a profile or plate in section, and which allows the user to specify a gap between this profile or plate in section and the nose of the bracket itself. Select the toolbar icon "Brackets in Plan View": Select from panel "Insert Brackets in Plan View" the bracket type 762: 209 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial According to the first hint "Indicate profile at position where overlap has to be placed" you indicate the lower stiffener HP 220 x 10. Following the second hint "Indicate profile / plate in section, where bracket stops", you indicate the floor "Bulkhead Fr. 30" at frame 30. After defining the bracket relations, the panel "Bracket type 762" appears: According to the sheet, the value for 'Enter height of bracket' must be changed into 350 . The presented default value 10 for 'Enter thickness of bracket' is correct. Please accept the presented default values for all other options within this panel by clicking the 'Ok' button. Now you have to select an overlap type by means of panel "Overlap type" : Please select overlap type "Parallel" : The lower bracket will be created. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 210 Basic Training Tutorial 1.25.7 Change location of bracket dimension The position of the lower bracket dimension is not desirable and therefore it should be moved to a better position. Select from the toolbar "Draw" the icon "Symbols": Then select the toolbar icon "Part Labeling": Now the hint "Select item by Point, place Number/Dimension" appears. Select the bracket by indicating a point outside of it and now you can drag the dimension to a new position and then proceed to confirm by using the mouse. You can use hotkey <6> again to turn the dimension text 90° until you have it in the desired position. 1.26 Long. section 5280 off CL 1.26.1 Basic training steps (27) Start situation You will create a new side view "Long. section 5280 off CL", save it and have a look at the created upper and lower bracket. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 211 Create new side view "Long. section 5280 off CL" Add new part number to lower bracket "762" Save drawing side view "108-5280"  Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial End situation Additional description of actions: 3. Save drawing side view "108-5280" Saving drawing side view "108-5280" is similar to saving drawing side view "108-4620". 1.26.2 Create side view (3) You will create a new side view "Long. section 5280 off CL". If the view to be created has the same area as the current view on the graphical screen, then you can use the function "Drawing Properties" from the toolbar in order to create the concerning view. In the current situation the new side view "Long. section 5280 off CL" will have the same area as the current view "Long. section 4620 off CL" and therefore the alternative method for creating views will be used. Let's create the new view "Long. section 5280 off CL" by selecting "Drawing Properties" from the toolbar: After selecting this icon the panel "108-4620" is displayed: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 212 Basic Training Tutorial You only have to type in the new value 5280 for 'Breadth' and click the 'OK' button. The new side view will be created and displayed in the graphical screen. The standard text is modified automatically into "Long. section 5280 off C.L. SB". Because dimensions are not topological, you need to manually move the dimensions of the bottom brackets to the correct position by selecting them and using the 'Interactive Move' function by pressing the hotkey <Z>. 213 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial It may happen that the dimensions also lose their relations to the brackets and then the following panel pops up, to tell you that these dimensions and/or part numbers have incorrect references: These can be removed by clicking the button 'Remove all'. When clicking 'Remove all references', the dimension itself will not be removed, but it will have no reference to any construction anymore. Please click 'Remove all' to remove the incorrect dimensions completely. Now you can place new dimensions to replace the ones that lost their references. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 214 Basic Training Tutorial 1.27 Long. section 5940 off CL 1.27.1 Basic training steps (28) Start situation You will create a new side view "Long. section 5940 off CL", save it and have a look at the created upper and lower bracket. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. Create new side view "Long. section 5940 off CL"  Add new part number to lower brackets "762" Save drawing side view "108-5940"  End situation Additional description of actions: 1. Create new side view "Long. section 5940 off CL" The creation of side view "Long. section 5940 off CL" is similar to the creation of side view "Long. section 5280 off CL". 3. Save drawing side view "108-5940" Saving drawing side view "108-5280" is similar to saving drawing side view "108-4620". 1.27.2 Create side view (4) 215 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial You will create a new side view "Long. section 7250 off CL SB" as an extra exercise. Select the icon "Drawing Properties" from the toolbar: Type in the new value 7250 for 'Breadth' and click the 'OK' button. The "Incorrect elements" panel may pop up again: Please click 'Remove all' to remove the incorrect dimensions completely. Because this is an extra exercise, the drawing does not have to be saved for future use. You will switch to frame view "Frame 23" by clicking the toolbar icon "Open Drawing" on the standard toolbar: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 216 Basic Training Tutorial After you have chosen the drawing you wish to open, the following panel appears: This panel prompts you to save the drawing "Long. section 7250 off CL SB". Because you do not wish to save this drawing, you will click 'Cancel'. The drawing is not saved and drawing "Frame 23" is opened. 1.28 Frame 23 1.28.1 Basic training steps (29) Start situation 217 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial You will work in frame view "Frame 23" to finish the upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 23" between the lower deck "Deck 3500" and the upper deck "Deck 6200". You will add the following construction parts to this upper plate:  The upper stiffener HP 120 x 8 between the hull and upper deck "Deck 6200";  One standard hole with dimensions 1200 / 450 mm. The same upper plate with hole and stiffener should also be created at frame 24. Therefore you will copy the upper plate plus the hole and stiffener from frame 23 to frame 24. After copying these, you will add the welding holes with radius 35 mm to the upper plate. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Open drawing frame view "108-23" Choose "Update active block" Create plate with and corner holes  Create the upper stiffener at 7400 off CL  Create standard hole with dimensions 1200/450 mm  Copy plate with stiffener and hole to frame 24 and 25 Create welding holes with radius 35 mm End situation Additional description of actions: 3. Create plate with and corner holes Create the plate with 9 mm thickness. Start with indicating the deck 3500 above base to define the minimum height and specify a cutout of radius 75 mm. For the next relation, specify a cutout radius of 50 mm. Because all the remaining relations need to have the same cutout added, you can use the right mouse button to indicate those relations. The system will remember the value of 50 mm you specified and will carry it over to the next relation. This way you won't have to type it in each time. 4. Create the upper stiffener at 7400 off CL The upper stiffener HP 120 x 8 at 7400 off CL will be created with the following properties: Name of panel Option Create profile Selected profile type Value 'Body size' NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL 120 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 218 Basic Training Tutorial Border value 'Thickness' 'From breadth' 'Body direction' 'Thickness direction' 'Type of material' Limitation 'Parallel distance' '1st end shape' End type Border value 'Angle of edge' 'Nose height' Limitation 'Vertical distance' '2nd end shape' End type 5. 'Angle of edge' 8 7400 From reversed frame Towards CL GR-A First limitation Indicate the hull line 40 60 25 Second limitation Indicate the upper deck 40 60 25 Create standard hole with dimensions 1200/450 mm The hole with dimensions 1200/450 mm will be made with the following properties: Name of panel Option Value Create holes 'From breadth' 'From height' Selected hole type 7100 5250 Hole types 'Height' 'Width' 1200 450 1.28.2 Copy items with shift (3) You will copy plate "Bulkhead Fr. 23" along with it's attributes, meaning the hole and 219 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial stiffener, to frame 24 and 25. Select the toolbar icon "Copy 3D-Items": Now you select the plate to be copied by means of panel "Copy 3D-Items" : Select the upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 23" with the 'Cross hair' selection method. Make sure the option 'Include attributes' is selected. Please click 'Shift' to continue. Next you will be presented with the following panel to specify the distance over which the copy action should take place: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 220 Basic Training Tutorial Please enter the value 1 for 'Length', which "1FR" stands for, then enter 1 for 'Step' and specify 2 for 'Amount'. If you wish, you can get a preview of the result by using the 'Preview' button. Please select the 'OK' button to complete the action. 1.29 Frame 24-30 1.29.1 Basic training steps (30) Start situation You will switch to frame view "Frame 24" to make sure that the attributes of the upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 23" are indeed available. To finish the upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 24" 221 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial you will add the welding holes with radius 35 mm. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Open drawing frame view "108-24" Choose "Update active block" and you will notice that the plate and it's attributes are there Create two welding holes with radius 35 mm Open drawing frame view "108-25" Modify the size of the current hole of the upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 25" from 1200/450 mm into 800/450 mm and shift it 250 mm in height Copy this hole -1200 mm in height and -100 mm in breadth Copy the upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 25" and all it's attributes to the frames 26 and 27 Create two welding holes with radius 35 mm End situation 9. Open drawing frame view "108-26" 10. Create extended cutout for upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 26" 11. Create a welding hole with radius 35 mm End situation 12. Open drawing frame view "108-27" 13. Shift the hole of the upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 27" at height 4300, 100 mm in breadth 14. Copy the upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 27" and all it's attributes to the frames 28 and 30 15. Create extended cutout for upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 27" 16. Create a welding hole with radius 35 mm End situation 17. Open drawing frame view "108-28" 18. Create a welding hole with radius 35 mm End situation 19. Open drawing frame view "108-30" 20. Create a welding hole with radius 35 mm 21. Shorten the profile HP120x8 of the upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 30" at the lower end to the Deck 3500 with a distance of 40 mm NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 222 Basic Training Tutorial End situation 1.29.2 Change plates (4) Due to the fact that at Frame 26, the corner hole and the hole at the seam are getting too close to each other, you are going to create one extended hole to meet the same purpose. This extended hole will need to be added to the plate contour, which is what you are going to do in this step. Before you begin, there are a few values you need to obtain. You will be needing these values when creating the actual cutout. These values are:  The height of the soon to be created cutout at Frame 26  The angle of the hull line at Frame 26 When you zoom in on, and then select, the concerning seam, you will notice that the seam symbol has a node point which intersects with the hull line. You can use this point as the center point of a temporary circle. This temporary circle will help to determine the height of the cutout. Lets create a circle by activating the "Draw" toolbar: Click the "Circles" icon to open the "Circles" toolbar, followed by clicking the "Centre, Radius" icon: Now proceed to snap to the node point of the seam symbol by using hotkey <n>. Enter for the radius of the circle the value 50. Exit the circle function by means of the <Esc> key, and place the current control at the upper intersection point between the circle and the hull line by means of the hotkey <i>. Now, when you look at the current control coordinates, you see that the displayed minimum height is approximately 3650. You will need this value later on. 223 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial For the relation perpendicular to the hull line, you will need to find out the angle of the hull line by retrieving information about it. Let's retrieve the angle of the hull line by selecting the toolbar icon "Information": Now select the option "Line/Arc Information" on the "Information" toolbar: According to the hint "Indicate a line" you select the hull line at the point where it intersects with the circle you have drawn. Now the system displays the panel "Line Information" : As you can see, the angle of the hull line is 59.364, which can be rounded off to 59º. Now we have enough information to start editing the plate to create the cutout. Select on the "Modify 3D" toolbar the icon "Plates": Select "Change Plate Relations" on toolbar "Modify Plates" : According to the hint "Indicate construction part that has to be modified" you select plate "Bulkhead Fr. 26". After selection, the system will display panel "Relations overview" with NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 224 Basic Training Tutorial the current plate boundaries: Taking into account that plate relations are always counterclockwise, you will need to add the new relations pertaining to the cutout that you're about to create, in between relations 1 and 3. You do this by means of panel "Modify a plate contour" : Select relation 1 and remember to remove the value '75' that is still defined for the cutout. Now click the button 'Start adding' to begin adding the cutout to the plate.  The first relation of the cutout runs parallel to the hull line. Select the hull line by 225 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial indicating a point on the left-hand side of it and directly after, enter the value 50 for 'Parallel' in the panel "Modify a plate contour" ;  Now add the corner radius of 50 mm to this relation by selecting option 'Radius of curvature' and entering the value 50 in the entry box;  When you follow the contour of the circle, which represents the path of the cutout, you see that where the arc you just defined starts, the line bends off and lands exactly perpendicular to the hull line. In order to establish this for the cutout, you need to select 'Angle to' and define the angle of the hull line minus 90º. Enter 59-90 in the entry box and press <Enter> to confirm the angle;  The last boundary of the modification is defined by the minimum height. Select the 'Min. Height' button and enter value 3650 in the entry box. Note: The value for the angle must always be confirmed by pressing the <ENTER> key. Now you have defined all the necessary relations to create the cutout, and you need to click the button 'Stop adding'. Before you pressed 'Start Adding', you indicated the relation that contained the cutout you removed. Taking into account the counter-clockwise rule, this is the relation where you started your modification. Now you have to indicate the relation whereat the modification ends as well. Indicating these two relations before you start your modification and when you end it, is necessary to determine where on the plate the modification takes place. Therefore these are always existing relations of the plate. In this situation you select the hull line. Please click the 'Preview' button to see a preview of the modified plate. The updated plate relations appear within panel "Relations overview": Please click the 'Ok' button to finalize your modification, and see the cutout appear in the plate. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 226 Basic Training Tutorial 1.30 Deck 6200 above base 1.30.1 Basic training steps (31) Start situation You will switch to the upper deck "Deck 6200" to create the cutout in deck plate "Deck 6200". Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open drawing top view "108-6200" Choose "Update active block" Create the cutout in deck plate "Deck 6200" Create a platform, which will be integrated in the existing deck plate "Deck 6200" Remove the platform by using option Undo Plate Modification End situation 1.30.2 Change plates (5) You will create the cutout in deck plate "Deck 6200" by modifying the contour of this deck plate. The dimensions of the cutout are presented in the figure below: 227 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Please select "Plates" on the toolbar "Modify 3D" : Select "Change Plate Relations" on the toolbar "Modify Plates" : According to the hint "Indicate construction part that has to be modified" you select plate "Deck 6200". Next, the system displays a list of all the relations of the selected plate in the panel called "Relations overview" and you are also presented with the panel "Modify a plate contour". Now you have to indicate the relation which needs to be changed. Taking into account the rule that you should always work in a counterclockwise direction, you select the upper relation of the plate, located at a parallel distance of 100 mm from the centerline. This relation will be highlighted in panel "Relations overview" : The selected relation properties are available within panel "Modify a plate contour" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 228 Basic Training Tutorial You will create the cutout in deck plate "Deck 6200" by making modifications starting at the selected relation. Therefore you click the button 'Start adding' to begin adding your modifications, and taking into account the following rules:  When modifying plate boundaries, you must work in a counterclockwise direction as well;  The first relation of your modification must always intersect with the selected plate relation.  The first relation of the modification is defined by the minimum length. You could type a value for 'Min. Length', but in this case in the panel "Modify a plate contour", you select the deck beam at frame 28 by indicating a point on the left-hand side of the deck beam and entering the value 50 for 'Parallel' which stands for the parallel distance;  Add the corner radius of 100 mm to the selected relation by selecting option 'Radius of curvature' and entering the value 100 in the entry box; 229 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial  The last relation of the modification is defined by the minimum breadth. Click the 'Min. Breadth' button and enter value 1300 in the entry box: After defining all the relations of the cutout, you click the button 'Stop adding'. Next you have to indicate the relation where your modification ends. Please notice that this is always an existing relation of the plate. In this situation you select the aft relation of the plate, located at 100 mm in front of frame 22. Please click the 'Preview' button to get a preview of the modified deck plate. The updated plate relations will appear within panel "Relations overview" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 230 Basic Training Tutorial Please click the 'Ok' button to finalize the modifications of the deck plate "Deck 6200". 1.30.3 Change plates (6) For some extra exercises, you will make a small platform which will be an integrated part of the deck plate "Deck 6200", by modifying the contour of the deck plate. The dimensions of this platform are shown in the figure below: Please select "Plates" on the toolbar "Modify 3D" : Select "Change Plate Relations" on the toolbar "Modify Plates" : According to the hint "Indicate construction part that has to be modified" you select plate "Deck 6200". Next, the system displays a list of all the relations of the selected plate in the panel called "Relations overview" and you are also presented with the panel "Modify 231 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial a plate contour". You select the upper relation of the plate, located at a parallel distance of 1300 mm from centerline. This relation will be highlighted in panel "Relations overview" : The selected relation properties are available within panel "Modify a plate contour" : Please add the first corner radius of 75 mm to the selected plate relation by selecting 'Radius of curvature' in the panel "Modify a plate contour" and entering the value 75 for it. Next you click 'Start adding' to add the new relations: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 232 Basic Training Tutorial  The first to add, is defined by the maximum length. Click the 'Max. Length' button and enter value 26+20 in the entry box;  The second relation is defined by the minimum breadth. Click the 'Min. Breadth' button and enter value 450 in the entry box;  The third relation is defined by the minimum length. Click the 'Min. Length' button and enter value 25-20 in the entry box;  Add the corner radius of 75 mm to the current relation by selecting 'Radius of curvature' and entering the value 75 for the radius in the entry box. After defining all relations of the platform, you click the button 'Stop adding' and indicate the relation whereat the modification ends. In this case you select the upper relation of the plate, located at a parallel distance of 1300 mm from centerline. Now you can preview the created platform by using the 'Preview' button and the updated plate relations will appear within panel "Relations overview" : When you indicated the relation where the modification starts, which is relation 7, you specified a radius of 75. This same relation was copied and added as relation 13 when you indicated it as the relation where the modification ends. Therefore relation 13 has the radius of 75 as well. Because you don't need this radius here, you will remove it next. While the preview is still on screen, proceed to select relation 13 and remove the radius from the input field on panel "Modify a plate contour". Click the 'OK' button to create the deck plate "Deck 6200" with the integrated platform. 233 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.30.4 Undo plate change If you are not satisfied with the last modification of the deck plate "Deck 6200", you can use the undo option for plate modifications. Let's remove the platform by selecting "Plates" on the toolbar "Modify 3D" : Select "Undo Plate Modification" from panel "Modify Plates" : Next the corresponding deck plate "Deck 6200" will be highlighted for a few seconds and the following message will appear: By clicking the 'Yes' button, the latest modification of the plate will be undone. Now you have the original deck plate "Deck 6200" back, without the integrated platform. Option "Undo plate change" is only applied on the last modification of the last modified plate. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 234 Basic Training Tutorial 1.31 Deck 3500 above base 1.31.1 Basic training steps (32) Start situation You will switch to the lower deck "Deck 3500" to create the cutout in deck plate "Deck 3500". Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Open drawing top view "108-3500" Choose "Update active block" Make the bulkheads above the deck visible by increasing the "distance in front of view" Create the cutout in deck plate "Deck 3500" Modify the cutout by changing the parallel contour, related to the transverse bulkhead at FR29, in a slanted parallel contour Modify the cutout by relating the slanted parallel contour to the transverse bulkhead at FR28 Create stiffener ST 150 x 10 along the slanted parallel contour of the cutout Undo the last plate modification Modify the cutout by changing the slanted contour back to a parallel contour End situation 1.31.2 Set visibility 'Distance in front of view' As you can see on the drawing; the cutout in deck plate "Deck 3500" is related to it's environment by means of parallel relations to the following three bulkheads:  The longitudinal bulkhead at 6600 from CL;  The transverse bulkhead at FR29;  The longitudinal bulkhead at 3960 from CL. 235 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial But these bulkheads are not visible within the current top view "108-3500", because the visibility distance above the deck is too small. Normally within the application NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull only the plates below a deck will be shown. If you also want to see the bulkheads above the deck, you need to increase the visibility distance. Please select "Drawing Properties" from the toolbar: Next you will be presented with the panel "Drawing Properties" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 236 Basic Training Tutorial Click button 'Visibility' to access the visibility settings within panel "Visibility settings". Since the thickness of the deck is 12 mm, you have to change the value for 'Distance in front of view' from 6 mm into at least 13 mm: 237 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial By clicking the 'OK' button within panel "108-3500" the bulkheads will become visible in the top view. 1.31.3 Change plates (7) You will create the cutout in deck plate "Deck 3500" by modifying the contour of this deck plate. As mentioned before the cutout is related to it's environment by means of the following three main relations: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 238 Basic Training Tutorial  A parallel relation to the longitudinal bulkhead 6600 from CL of 100 mm;  A parallel relation to the transverse bulkhead at FR29 of 250 mm;  A parallel relation to the longitudinal bulkhead 3960 from CL of 150 mm. The dimensions of the cutout are presented in the figure below: Please select "Plates" on the toolbar "Modify 3D" : Select "Change Plate Relations" on the toolbar "Modify Plates" : According to the hint "Indicate construction part that has to be modified" you select plate "Deck 3500". Next, the system displays a list of all the relations of the selected plate in the panel called "Relations overview" and you are also presented with the panel "Modify a plate contour". Now you have to indicate the relation which needs to be changed. Taking into account the rule that you should always work in a counterclockwise direction, you select the relation of the plate located at frame 31. This relation will be highlighted in panel "Relations overview" : 239 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The selected relation properties are available within panel "Modify a plate contour" : You will create the cutout in deck plate "Deck 3500" by starting at the indicated relation. Therefore you click the button 'Start adding' to begin adding your modifications:  The first part of the cutout is a small nose, starting at a parallel distance of 20 mm above the longitudinal bulkhead 6600. Start by indicating a point above the longitudinal bulkhead 6600 to select the deck and entering the value 20 for 'Parallel' . Next, you define an angle of 150º by selecting option 'Angle from' instead of 'No crossover' and entering the value of 150, followed by <Enter>: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 240 Basic Training Tutorial  The second relation is defined by a parallel distance of 100 mm from the longitudinal bulkhead 6600. Indicate the longitudinal bulkhead 6600 and enter the value 100 for 'Parallel' ;  Add the lower corner radius of 300 mm by selecting 'Radius of curvature' and entering the value 300;  The third relation is defined by a parallel distance of 250 mm from the transverse bulkhead at FR29. So indicate the transverse bulkhead at FR29 at the front side and enter the value 250 for 'Parallel';  Add the upper corner radius of 300 mm;  The fourth relation is defined by a parallel distance of 150 mm from the longitudinal bulkhead 3960. Select the longitudinal bulkhead 3960 by indicating a point below it and enter the value 150 for 'Parallel';  The last part of the cutout is also a small nose with a fixed angle of 30º, ending at a parallel distance of 20 mm below the longitudinal bulkhead 3960. Because the exact position of the start point is unknown, you cannot use the option 'Angle from'. In such cases you use the alternative option 'Angle to'. Select option 'Angle to' and enter 30 as value for the angle: Confirm this angle by pressing the <ENTER> key.  The last action is to define the parallel distance of 20 mm below the longitudinal bulkhead 3960. Indicate the longitudinal bulkhead 3960 and enter the value 20 for 'Parallel'. Now click the button 'Stop adding' and indicate the relation whereat the modification ends. In this case you select the relation of the plate located at frame 31. You can get a preview of the modified deck plate by using the 'Preview' button and the panel "Relations overview" will be updated: 241 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial If you are satisfied with the result presented on your screen and in the panel "Relations overview", then you can confirm the modification of the deck plate "Deck 3500" by clicking the 'Ok' button. The end result is presented in the following figure: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 242 Basic Training Tutorial 1.31.4 Change plates (8) You will modify the created cutout in deck plate "Deck 3500" by changing the existing vertical plate boundary, which is related to the transverse bulkhead at FR29, in a slanted plate boundary. Although this modification is not visible on the provided drawing sheets, you will carry out this modification as an additional exercise. The new dimensions of the cutout are given in the following figure: Please select "Plates" on the toolbar "Modify 3D" : Select "Change Plate Relations" on the toolbar "Modify Plates" : According to the hint "Indicate construction part that has to be modified" you select plate "Deck 6200". Next, the system displays a list of all the relations of the selected plate in the panel called "Relations overview" and you are also presented with the panel "Modify a plate contour". 243 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Now select the vertical plate boundary of the cutout, which is related to the transverse bulkhead. This relation is highlighted in panel "Relations overview" : The selected relation properties are available within panel "Modify a plate contour" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 244 Basic Training Tutorial By specifying a second value for option 'Parallel', you define the current relation as a slanted relation with respect to the indicated plate in section. The value in the left entry box for 'Parallel' is the distance between the start point of the current relation and the selected item. The start point is determined by the intersection of the previous relation with the current relation. The value in the right entry box is the distance between the end point of the current relation and the selected item. The end point is determined by the intersection of the next relation with the current relation. Please notice that the current relation is seen as a straight line to determine the intersections. Now insert the value 300 for 'Parallel' in the right entry box as seen in this figure: After clicking the 'Ok' button, the vertical plate boundary of the cutout will be modified into a slanted plate boundary. The end result is presented in the figure below: 245 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.31.5 Change plates (9) You will modify the created cutout in deck plate "Deck 3500" for a second time by NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 246 Basic Training Tutorial making the cutout deeper. This can be realized by relating the slanted plate boundary of the cutout to the transverse bulkhead at FR28. Please notice that the slanted plate boundary of the cutout is currently related to the transverse bulkhead at FR29. This second modification is an additional exercise to show you the use of the 'Replace' button within panel "Modify a plate contour". After carrying out this exercise, you will undo this modification. The new dimensions of the cutout are illustrated in the following figure: Please select "Plates" on the toolbar "Modify 3D" : Select "Change Plate Relations" on the toolbar "Modify Plates" : According to the hint "Indicate construction part that has to be modified" you select plate "Deck 6200". Next, the system displays a list of all the relations of the selected plate in the panel called "Relations overview" and you are also presented with the panel "Modify a plate contour". Please select the slanted plate boundary of the cutout. The selected relation is highlighted in panel "Relations overview" : 247 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The selected relation properties are available within panel "Modify a plate contour" : You can replace an existing relation with a new relation by clicking the 'Replace' button within panel "Modify a plate contour". In the current situation, you click the 'Replace' button and define your new relation by indicating the transverse bulkhead at FR28. To see a preview of the modified deck NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 248 Basic Training Tutorial plate, you click the 'Preview' button. When you are satisfied with the result, you can click the 'Ok' button to confirm the modification of the deck plate "Deck 3500". The end result is presented in the following figure: 249 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.31.6 Create arbitrary profiles (1) You will create stiffener ST 150 x 10 along the slanted plate boundary of the created cutout in deck plate "Deck 3500". Although you will find the same profile on the sheet, there is one main difference: the presented profile on the sheet is a vertical profile, which can easily be created with the option "Vertical Profiles". To create this slanted profile, you will use a new profile option called "Arbitrary Profiles". The stiffener ST 150 x 10 will be created between the start point P¹ and the endpoint P² along the slanted plate boundary. The exact position of these points are given in this figure: The start point P¹ will be defined as an intersection point between the following relations:  A parallel relation to the longitudinal bulkhead 6600 from CL of 40 mm;  A parallel relation to the slanted plate boundary of the cutout of 15 mm. The end point P² will be defined as an intersection point between the following relations:  A parallel relation to the longitudinal bulkhead 3960 from CL of 40 mm;  A parallel relation to the slanted plate boundary of the cutout of 20 mm. Both the first and second end shapes of this stiffener will be of type "B" with an angle of 60 mm and a nose height of 25 mm. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 250 Basic Training Tutorial Please select "Profiles" on the toolbar "Insert" : Select "Arbitrary Profiles" on the toolbar "Insert Profiles" : At first you have to specify the type of profile and it's directions by means of panel "Create profile". The profile type, body size and thickness are respectively 'Flat bar', 150 and 10. The profile directions will be 'Towards base' and 'Towards reversed frame': 251 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial After clicking the 'Ok' button, you have to specify the start and end points of the profile and the corresponding end shapes by means of panel "Profile on plate ? TDB 108" : As a base point for the start of the profile, you will define the following relations: 1. 2. A parallel relation to the longitudinal bulkhead 6600 from CL of 40 mm; A parallel relation to the slanted plate boundary of the cutout of 15 mm. Ad 1. To define the first relation you select the longitudinal bulkhead 6600 by indicating a point above the plate and entering within panel "Profile on plate ? TDB 108" the value 40 for 'Vertical distance': NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 252 Basic Training Tutorial Click the 'Accept' button to confirm the definition of the relation. Please note that all the values concerning a relation should be given before you confirm it. Ad 2. To define the second relation, you indicate the slanted plate boundary of the cutout, but when you select this plate, the full contour of the plate will be highlighted! You will see this in panel "Profile on plate ? TDB 108" as well, where the selected type of relation will be 'Complete relation': To make sure that only the indicated slanted plate boundary is selected, you have to choose '1 vector' as the type of relation from the pull-down button. Generally speaking the selected type of relation '1 vector' means that only the vector of the relation, which is closest to the indicated point will be selected. Now enter the value 15 for 'Parallel distance' : Confirm the definition of this relation by clicking the 'Accept' button. You have defined two relations which are presented as purple lines within the graphical screen: 253 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The intersection point of these purple lines will determine the start point of the profile. According to the hint, you have to choose the third and first end shape in panel "Profile on plate ? TDB 108". Since the profile does not have a flange, you only have to define the first end shape, which will be of type 'B' or a so-called "snipe": Please accept the presented default values for 'Angle of edge' and 'Nose height' within NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 254 Basic Training Tutorial panel "End type" by clicking the 'OK' button: As base point for the end of the profile, you will define the following relations: 3. 4. A parallel relation to the longitudinal bulkhead 3960 from CL of 40 mm; A parallel relation to the slanted plate boundary of the cutout of 20 mm. Ad 3. To define the third relation you select the longitudinal bulkhead 3960 by indicating a point below the plate. Next you enter the value 40 for 'Vertical distance'. Confirm the definition for this relation by clicking the 'Accept' button. Ad 4. You define the fourth relation by selecting the slanted plate boundary of the cutout and choosing '1 vector' from the pull-down button for the correct type of relation. Enter the value 20 for 'Parallel distance' and confirm by clicking the 'Accept' button. An alternative for selecting the type of relation '1 vector' from the pull-down button is by using the right-mouse button after selecting the slanted plate boundary. The pop-up menu "Select contour interpretation" appears, which enables you to select the appropriate type of relation: The defined relations will be presented as purple lines within the graphical screen. The intersection point of these purple lines will determine the endpoint of the profile. According to the hint, you have to choose the fourth and second end shape in panel "Profile on plate ? TDB 108". You only have to select the second end shape, which will be of type 'B'. Accept the presented default values for 'Angle of edge' and 'Nose height' within panel "End type" by clicking the 'Ok' button. The stiffener ST 150 x 10 will be created between the specified start and end points: 255 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 256 Basic Training Tutorial 1.32 Update all views 1.32.1 Basic training steps (33) Although you haven't really finished your block, it is time to create a sheet drawing to have an overview of the views you have created so far. But before you can create a sheet drawing, you need to be sure that all views are up to date! Overview of actions: 1. Update all views 1.32.2 Recalculate views Please notice that when you modify e.g. a cross view, it also can have an influence on top and longitudinal views. Therefore the system enables you to update all the views of the active block in one action. Our recommendation is to update all views in the following situations:  When you want to create sheet drawings;  When you want to plot sheet drawings;  When you want to create all kinds of export files. In order to update all views, you select "Tools" -> "Recalculate views" from the menubar, and the panel "Recalculate Views" will appear: 257 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Using this panel you can select which type of view(s) and which section(s) need to be updated. Since you will update all the views of the active block "108", you do not need to change any settings in the panel "Recalculate Views" and therefore you click the 'Ok' button to continue. The system shows the progress of the recalculation process by displaying each type of view being updated by means of the following panel: At the end of the recalculating process, the system will display this message panel: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 258 Basic Training Tutorial Click the 'OK' button to finish the action. 1.33 Sheet drawing 1.33.1 Create sheet drawings Basic training steps (34) Although you haven't finished your block, you will create a sheet drawing to have an overview of your block. A sheet drawing is a drawing, composed of various views. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Switch to 'Sheet Drawing' environment Create new sheet drawing with paper size A0 and scale 1:25 Select views to open inside the empty sheet drawing Save sheet drawing with drawing number "108" and sheet number "1" Leave the Sheet Drawing environment  End situation Additional description of actions: 5. Leave the Sheet Drawing environment To leave the Sheet Drawing environment, you click the icon "Close Sheet Drawing" from the standard toolbar: 259 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The sheet is automatically saved and the application you have worked in last is loaded. In this case that is 3D-Contek. Switch to 'Sheet Drawing' environment You can switch to the 'Sheet Drawing' environment by selecting "File" -> "Sheet Drawing" from the menubar. This menu option is available within the applications 3D-Contek, 2D-Contek, 3D-Show and Shell. After selecting this menu option, the system will switch to the 'Sheet Drawing' environment and present a new toolbar for creating and modifying sheet drawings. Create new sheet drawing You will create a new sheet drawing with paper size A0 and scale 1:25. Please select "Create New Sheet" from the toolbar to create a sheet drawing: After selecting this function you will be presented with the panel "Sheet settings" to define the paper size and the scale of the drawing: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 260 Basic Training Tutorial Please click the 'OK' button to continue. Next, a new empty sheet drawing is created including a title-field which can be filled in. You are presented with a panel as an example of how some of the information in the title-field could be specified: After clicking the 'OK' button, the given information will be processed in the title-field: 261 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Next you can load views into the sheet drawing. This will be handled as a separate action within this training step. Import views to sheet drawing (1) You will select views as part of the process for creating sheet drawings. These views will be loaded into the sheet drawing. The arrangement you will apply here will be different from the arrangement of views on the example sheet that you have on paper. You will load the following views into the sheet drawing: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 262 Basic Training Tutorial  Top views "108-6200" and "108-3500";  Side views "108-3960" and "108-6600";  Frame views "108-23", "108-24", "108-25" and "108-26". The arrangement of these views is illustrated in this figure: Let's first load the top views, followed by the side views and then the frame views. To select the top views, check the option 'Top' to the left of the panel "Sheet Drawing" : 263 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Within this panel you will find list of two available top views. In this case you will load the views in a manual and arbitrary way, please notice that the options 'Manual' and 'Arbitrary' are selected as default. Please select the top view "108-6200" from the list and place the view at the desired position in the sheet drawing. The selected top view will disappear from the list in the panel. The second top view "108-3500" will be not placed arbitrarily but below the first top view. Please select option 'Above/below': NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 264 Basic Training Tutorial After selecting the top view "108-3500" from the list, you have to select one of the views in the sheet drawing as the hint "Select a model" suggests. According to the selected placement method 'Above/below', you select one of the views in the sheet drawing by indicating a point above or below that view. So please indicate a point just below the first top view "108-6200" and in doing so, the second top view "108-3500" will be positioned below the first one with a default intermediate distance. After selecting top views, you will continue with the side views by deselecting the option 'Top' and then selecting option 'Side'. Within this panel you will find a list of available side views. From these five views only the two views "108-3960" and "108-6600" will be loaded into the sheet drawing. First select ' Arbitrary' as the method of placement and then select the side view "108-3960" from the list and place the view at the desired position in the sheet drawing. You will position this view to the right of top view "108-6200". The next side view "108-6600" has to be placed next to the side view "108-3960". So first select 'Beside model' for the method of placement : 265 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Please select side view "108-6600" from the list. Next, you indicate a point in the sheet drawing to the right of side view "108-3960" to define the position whereat the selected side view should be placed. Please deselect the option 'Side' and select the option 'Frame' in the panel. Next you select the placement method 'Arbitrary' to continue: You are now presented with a list of eight available frame views. There is still some space available in the sheet drawing, therefore you will load four of the eight frame views; "108-23", "108-24", "108-25" and "108-26":  Please select the first frame view "108-23" and place this view below side view "108-3960" and beside both top views "108-6200" and "108-3500";  Since the frame view "108-24" should be placed next to the frame view "108-23", you select the option 'Beside model'. Then select frame view "108-24" from the list and place it to the right of frame view "108-24" by indicating a point at that position;  The third frame view "108-25" should be placed below frame view "108-23". Select option 'Above/below' and frame view "108-25" from the list. Then select the frame view "108-23" by indicating a point just below it;  The fourth frame view "108-26" should be placed next to the frame view "108-25" and below frame view "108-24", meaning at an intersection. Now select placement method 'Intersection' in the panel: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 266 Basic Training Tutorial Please select frame view "108-26" from the list. Next, you have to select the frame view "108-25" by indicating a point to the right of the view. Then you select frame view "108-24" by indicating a point just below it. Now the fourth frame view "108-26" will be aligned with both the frame view "108-25" and frame view "108-24". After having loaded all the specified views, you can end this function by closing the panel. 1.33.2 Create hidden lines drawing and import it to sheet drawing Basic training steps (35) Now you will switch to the application 3D-Show to view the active block in a 3-dimensional environment. You will additionally create an isometric hidden line view of your block and add this view to the existing sheet drawing. Overview of actions: 1. 267 Switch to application "3D-Show" Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 2. 3. Show active block in a 3-dimensional environment Save block as isometric hidden lines view with drawing number "108" and drawing name "iso-rear" 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Show additional block "102" in a 3-dimensional environment Hide additional block "102"  Hide lines from active block  Shade lines from active block  View block from different perspectives by means of the view tool 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Switch to Sheet Drawings environment Open sheet drawing with drawing number "108" and sheet number "1"  Add isometric hidden lines view to sheet drawing Save sheet drawing with drawing number "108" and sheet number "1" Leave the Sheet Drawing environment End situation Additional description of actions: 4. Hide additional block "102" Hiding block "102" is done in the same way as showing it, only now you deselect the block in the panel "Blocks". 5. Hide lines from active block Within the application 3D-Show you can remove hidden lines from the current view of presented blocks. To do this, you select the toolbar icon "Hide mode": 6. Shade lines from active block Within the application 3D-Show you can remove hidden lines from the current view of presented blocks and shade the resulting picture in one action. To do this, you select the toolbar icon "Shade mode": 9. Open sheet drawing with drawing number "108" and sheet number "1" You can use the "Open Drawing" function within 3D-Show, and proceed to activate NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 268 Basic Training Tutorial 'Sheet' in the 'View' column. Select sheet number "1" and click 'Open'. Switch to another application You can switch to another application by opening the menu "Application" and selecting one of the following:        2D-Contek; 3D-Contek; 3D-Show; Plantek; Shell; Hull shape; System Management. After you have selected the appropriate one, the system will switch to the new application and present the menubar as well as the toolbars specifically belonging to that application. During this tutorial, you will only switch between 3D-Show and 3D-Contek: 269 1. To switch from 3D-Contek to 3D-Show, you select "Application" -> "3D-Show" from the menubar in 3D-Contek: 2. To switch from "3D-Show" back to "3D-Contek" again, you select "Application" -> "3D-Contek" from the menubar in 3D-Show. Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Show active block Within the application 3D-Show two different options are available to display the active block:  The first and quickest option is to select the toolbar icon "Show active Block": The active block is immediately displayed in the graphical screen when selecting this option.  The second option is to select the toolbar icon "Show Block": Select the active block from panel "Blocks": NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 270 Basic Training Tutorial In this case you select block 108 and click the 'OK' button. Save drawing as position and hidden biso The application "3D-Show" offers you the possibility to save isometric hidden-line views. These are created from the selected block(s), taking into account the actual viewing perspective. In this case you will create an isometric hidden-line view from your block and save it with drawing number "108" and drawing name "iso-rear". Because the active block is already shown in isometric view, you don't have to change the viewing perspective! Let's create our hidden-line view of the current block by selecting "File" -> "Save as..." 271 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial from the menubar. Select in panel "Save as ..." the option 'Position and hidden biso' and accept the default values for the 'Drawing number' and 'Drawing name': Because there is only a small amount of space left on the sheet drawing, you will change the value for 'Scale' from 25 into 50. Select the option 'Show preview' for a preview of the end result later on. You can ignore the optional field 'Description' and click the 'Ok' button. Next you are presented with two panels "Turn model" and "Remove parts" to enable you to turn the displayed block around one of it's axes and to remove items from the displayed block. Because many blocks are generally built upside down, you will also turn your block upside down. This can be realized by turning the block 180º around the East-West axis. Place your cursor in the entry box of the option 'East-West axis' within panel "Turn model" and the default value of 180 appears: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 272 Basic Training Tutorial By clicking the 'Turn' button, the block will be turned upside down. In order to obtain a nice view of your block, you also turn the block 180º around the up-down axis. Place the cursor the entry box of the option 'North-South axis' and the default value of 180 appears: Click the 'Turn' button and the block will be turned around the up-down axis. After turning the block, you could remove items from the displayed block by means of the panel "Remove parts" if you find it necessary: 273 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The purpose of removing items is to get a better view of the actual structure. Please notice that with this option the items are only removed visually and not removed from the database! For the current block you don't have to remove any items. So just click the 'Ok' button and the preview of the end result is shown: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 274 Basic Training Tutorial Now you are asked for confirmation to save the model. In case you choose otherwise and wish to make a few changes before saving, then the main panel is opened, allowing the model to be modified. Please confirm to save your isometric hidden-line view. Show block Within the application 3D-Show you can also display other blocks in addition to the active one. To display additional blocks, you select the toolbar icon "Show Block" : After selecting this icon, you can choose one or more blocks from the list of available 275 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial blocks, displayed in panel "Show Block" : By selecting block 102 and then clicking the 'OK' button, block 102 will be retrieved. In order to view the combination of 102 and 108 in full screen, you select the option toolbar icon "Full screen": View tool In order to view the displayed block(s) from different perspectives, the application NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 276 Basic Training Tutorial 3D-Show contains a viewing tool. Select the toolbar icon "View Tool" to see the displayed block(s) from a different direction: After selecting this icon the panel "View tool" appears: The viewing options will be shortly explained here: 277  Top view Show displayed block from the top  Side view Show displayed block from the side  Rear view Show displayed block from behind  Iso rear Show displayed block in isometric view from behind (stern)  Iso front Show displayed block in isometric view from the front (stem)  Fit Display block in a maximum perspective view. The button 'Rotate Interactively' has become available and can be used to view the block from an arbitrary angle. Also the combination of <SHIFT> + <CTRL> can be used to rotate interactively Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial  Top view section Create and show an intersection of the displayed blocks using a plane at a user-defined height  Side view section Create and show an intersection of the displayed blocks using a plane at a user-defined breadth  Rear view section Create and show an intersection of the displayed blocks using a plane at a user-defined frame number All viewing options can be used in combination with the available options for removing hidden lines and shading. Import views to sheet drawing (2) You will add the isometric hidden-line view to the sheet drawing "108-1". You can load additional views to an existing sheet drawing by selecting "Load" from the toolbar: Using the "Sheet Drawing" panel you can load the isometric hidden-line view as follows:  Select option '3D-Show' as type of view NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 278 Basic Training Tutorial Within this panel you will find a list of all saved isometric hidden-line views. Please select the view "108-iso-rear" and place it at the desired position by indicating a point in lower left corner of the sheet drawing. Close the window to stop loading views. 1.33.3 Modifications on sheet drawings Basic training steps (36) Start situation If modifications are necessary, you will generally not carry out your modifications at the sheet drawing level but within the individual views that have been imported into the sheet drawing. All structural modifications should be carried out within the single views and not within the Sheet Drawing environment 279 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The general procedure for carrying out modifications consists of two steps: 1. 2. Load the view which must be modified; Make your changes within the view and save it. The sheet drawing will reflect all your modifications due to the fact that within NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull the sheet drawing is automatically updated! To illustrate this modification procedure, you will modify frame view "108-23" by adding a bracket of type D between the lower deck "Deck 3500" and the longitudinal bulkhead "Long. bulkhead 6600". Next you will check if the sheet drawing has been updated by looking for the added bracket. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open drawing frame view "108-23" Choose "Update active section" Create bracket "D 25" between lower deck and longitudinal bulkhead Load sheet drawing with drawing number "108" and sheet number "1" to check if it has been updated  Leave the Sheet Drawing environment Some modifications can also be performed at sheet drawing level. For the sake of completeness, a list of general modifications for sheet drawings has been added to this training step. End situation Additional description of actions: 4. Load sheet drawing with drawing number "108" and sheet number "1" to check if it has been updated After opening the sheet drawing, which is similar to opening an existing sheet drawing, you can verify if the added bracket within frame view "108-23" also appears in the sheet drawing. And indeed, the sheet drawing has been updated automatically! NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 280 Basic Training Tutorial Open drawing (4) You will open frame view "108-23" for modification by using sheet drawing "108-1", meaning that you are still within the Sheet Drawing environment. When you are working within the Sheet Drawing environment and a sheet drawing is displayed on screen, the system offers two different methods for opening drawings: 1. Select "Open drawing" from the toolbar: Now select one of the single views in the sheet drawing. The system will leave the Sheet Drawing environment and return to the normal 3D-Contek environment as the view will be presented on screen. 2. Select "Open drawing" from the toolbar, while you still have a sheet drawing on screen; Click somewhere outside of the sheet drawing, in a blank area of the graphical screen. The system will display panel "Open Drawing" with a list of available sheet drawings. 281 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Upon opening another sheet drawing from the list, you are prompted with the question if you wish to save the current sheet drawing before the new one will be opened. In this case you will load frame view "108-23" directly from the sheet drawing, so you will be practicing the first method. After selecting the toolbar icon "Open drawing", please indicate the desired frame view "108-23" in the sheet drawing. Now the frame view "108-23" is opened in the normal 3D-Contek environment. 1.34 Create iceframes 1.34.1 Basic training steps (37) You will create a series of ice frames, located between frame 22.5 and frame 30.5. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 282 Basic Training Tutorial These ice frames can be found on the second example sheet. With exception of ice frames at frame 22.5 and 23.5, all ice frames are supported by a flat bar at the lower end. You will create these flat bars as well. In order to create these ice frames with supporting flat bars, you will perform the following actions:      Create nine additional frame views "Frame 22.5" up to "Frame 30.5"; Create first ice frame HP 200 x 9 within frame view "Frame 23.5"; Create second and third ice frame by copying the first ice frame to frame views "Frame 22.5" and "Frame 24.5"; Create the supporting flat bar ST 150 x 10 of the third ice frame within top view "Deck 3500"; Copy the third ice frame and supporting flat bar to frame views "Frame 25.5" up to "Frame 30.5". Now, the supporting flat bars ST 150 x 10 will still be in a vertical position instead of alongside the ice frames HP 200 x 9. To achieve that the flat bars are positioned alongside the ice frames, you have to manually turn them to have them placed into the desired position. This correction must be carried out for each ice frame in it's corresponding frame view and consists of two steps:   Ask the system for the angle at the lower end of the ice frame; Turn the flat bar into it's correct position alongside of the ice frame. Overview of actions: 1. Create nine frame views "Frame 22.5" until "Frame 30.5"  2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Open drawing frame view "108-23d5" Choose "Do not update" Place standard text "Frame 23.5" above view with 'Position' set to 'Interactive' Create first ice frame HP 200 x 9 Place hole symbol  Dimension the ice frame Create 2nd and 3rd ice frame by copying the 1st ice frame to frame views "Frame 22.5" and "Frame 24.5" Create two welding holes with radius 35 mm 9. End situation 10. 11. 12. 13. 283 Open drawing top view "108-3500" Choose "Update active block" Create supporting flat bar ST 150 x 10 of the third ice frame Copy ice frame with the supporting flat bar to frame 25.5 until frame 30.5 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 14. Correct the relations of the flat bar at frame 30.5 End situation 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Open drawing frame view "108-24d5"  Choose "Update active block" Place standard text "Frame 24.5" above view Place hole symbol Dimension the shell frame Create two welding holes with radius 35 mm Determine the angle at the lower end of the first ice frame Turn the flat bar to it's correct position along the first ice frame Repeat these steps for frame 25.5 End situation 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Open drawing frame view "108-26d5" Choose "Update active block" Place standard text "Frame 26.5" above view Place hole symbol Dimension the shell frame Create one welding hole with radius 35 mm at the upper seam Correct the position of the flat bar Measure distance for the length of the new lower end type Change the lower end type of the ice frame to 'ZJ'  Repeat these steps for frames 27.5 until frame 30.5 End situation 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Open drawing frame view "108-22d5" Choose "Update active block" Place standard text "Frame 22.5" above view Place hole symbol Change the lower end type of the ice frame to 'P'  Dimension the ice frame Create two welding holes with radius 35 mm End situation 41. Replace views by means of Drawing Management 42. Open drawing frame view "108-22d5" to check the result NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 284 Basic Training Tutorial End situation Additional description of actions: 1. Create nine frame views "Frame 22.5" up to "Frame 30.5" Select "Create View" from the toolbar: Next select the option "Frame View" on the toolbar "Create View" : Let's give these views around the same size as the previous frame views, so we can make them smaller later on in this step: Name of panel Option Value Frame View 'Length' 'Min. Height' 'Max. Height' 'Min. Breadth' 'Max. Breadth' 'No. of sections' 'Step size' 'Centre line' 'Base line' 'Height line' 22.5 1500 6500 -500 9 1 on off off Note: These intermediate views will be named "108-23d5", "108-24d5", etc. 6. Place hole symbol In top deck 6600 above base a hole is present, which you can recognize by the purple coloured circle around the midpoint of the hole. You can mark this hole by placing a hole symbol: Click the "Hole Symbol" button on the "Modify Holes" toobar and proceed by indicating the purple circle to place the symbol. 285 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 15. Open drawing frame view "108-24d5" For slanting parts and parts not situated at a frame station, it's not possible to load the corresponding views by selecting the concerning parts. So selecting the ice frame at frame 24.5 in order to load the frame view "108-24d5" will not work. In such situations, you have to indicate a point in an empty area after which you can select a certain view to be loaded, from the list in the panel "open drawing". 32. Change the lower end type of the ice frame to 'ZJ' Change the lower end type of the ice frame to type 'ZJ' and use the following values: Name of panel Option Value End type 'Radius' 'Length' 'Height' 35 135 35 Note that the value of 135 is the value you measured in the previous action. 38. Change the lower end type of the ice frame to 'P' Change the lower end type of the ice frame to type 'P' and use the following values: Name of panel Option Value End type 'Angle of bevelled edge' 'Nose height' 'Radius' 39 71 50 1.34.2 Create shell frames (1) You will create the first ice frame HP 200 x 9 at frame 23.5 by using the "Profiles in View" option. Let's create ice frame HP 200 x 9 by selecting "Profiles" on the toolbar "Insert" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 286 Basic Training Tutorial Now select the first option "Profiles in View" on the toolbar "Insert Profiles" : According to the hint "Indicate the hull line/plate" you select the hull line by indicating a point to the left side of the hull line.You specify the type of profile and it's directions by means of panel "Create Shell Frame" : After clicking the 'OK' button, you specify the first and second limitations of this shell frame. The first limitation will be the lower deck "Deck 3500". So indicate a point just above the lower deck and enter value 0 for the parallel distance from the lower deck: 287 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Select as first end shape the type 'C' and accept the default value '35' for the radius within panel "End type" by clicking the 'Ok' button. The second limitation will be the upper deck "Deck 6200". So indicate a point just below the upper deck and enter value 0 for the parallel distance from the upper deck: Select for the second end shape the type 'C' with the same radius of 35 mm. After clicking the 'Ok' button, the specified shell frame will be created. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 288 Basic Training Tutorial 1.34.3 Create arbitrary profiles (2) You will create the supporting flat bar ST 150 x 10 of the third ice frame HP 200 x 9 at frame 24.5 by using the "Arbitrary Profiles" option. The supporting flat bar ST 150 x 10 will be created between the start point P¹ and the endpoint P² within top view "Deck 3500". The exact position of these points are given in the next figure: The start point P¹ will be defined as an intersection point between the relations:  A distance parallel to the floor at frame 24 of 25 mm;  A distance parallel to the top of the ice frame HP 200 x 9 of 0 mm. The endpoint P² will also be defined as an intersection point between the relations:  A distance parallel to the floor at frame 25 of 25 mm;  A distance parallel to the top of the ice frame HP 200 x 9 of 0 mm. Both the first and second end shapes of this stiffener will be of type 'B' with an angle of 60 mm and a nose height of 25 mm. Let's create this flat bar according to the specified position by selecting "Profiles" on the toolbar "Insert" : Select option "Arbitrary Profiles" on the toolbar "Insert Profiles" : 289 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial You specify the type of profile and it's directions by means of panel "Create Profile" : After clicking the 'Ok' button, you have to specify the start and endpoint of the profile as well as the end shapes. As basis for the start point of the profile, you will define the two relations: 1. 2. The horizontal distance to the floor at frame 24, being 25 mm; The horizontal distance to the top of the ice frame, being 0 mm. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 290 Basic Training Tutorial Ad 1. You define the first relation by indicating a point in front (to the right) of the floor at frame 24 and entering the value 25 for 'Horizontal distance' within panel "Profile on plate ? TDB 108" : Confirm the definition of this relation by clicking the 'Accept' button. Ad 2. You define the second relation by indicating the top of the ice frame HP 200 x 9: Enter the value 0 for 'Vertical distance' within panel "Profile on plate ? TDB 108" : Confirm the definition of this relation clicking the 'Accept' button. These two relations are presented as purple lines within the graphical screen: 291 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The intersection point of these purple lines will determine the start point of the profile. Now select type 'B' as first end shape: The default values for the 'Angle of edge' and 'Nose height' within panel "End type" are correct. By clicking the 'Ok' button you have completely defined the start point of the profile. As basis for the endpoint of the profile, you will define the two relations: 3. 4. The horizontal distance to the floor at frame 25, being 25 mm; The horizontal distance to the top of the ice frame, being 0 mm. You define these relations and the second end shape, which will be of type 'B' with the same default properties, in a similar way as you have done for the start point. After completely defining both points, the supporting flat bar of the ice frame will be created between the specified points: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 292 Basic Training Tutorial 1.34.4 Modify profile relations When you take a look at supporting flat bar ST 150 x 10 at frame view 30.5, you will see that due to the copy action, the profile relations of this flat bar are a little messed up. This has to do with the relations of the original flat bar, which is defined between two transverse bulkheads. But because there is no bulkhead located at frame 31, you will need to relate the flat bar to the edge of deck plate "Deck 3500" instead. Let's modify the flat bar's profile relations by selecting "Profiles" on the toolbar Modify 3D" : Select the option "Profile Relations" on toolbar "Modify Profiles" : After you indicate the flat bar, it's profile relations are revealed in the graphical screen by 293 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial square boxes with numbers in them. Right click somewhere in a blank area of the graphical screen, and the following menu will pop up: You will need to edit relation number 3, so please proceed by selecting "Relation 3: Part in section 27 tdb 108". The relation will light up and the panel "Profile Relations" becomes active: Start by clicking the 'Replace' button to have the system clear out all previous info pertaining relation 3 and proceed by indicating the boundary of the plate. The flat bar will have a parallel distance of 25 mm from the edge of the deck plate "Deck 3500". Select 'Horizontal distance' and enter 25 mm within panel "Profile Relations". Click 'Modify' to confirm the new relation. Now you can edit more of the flat bar's relations if you so choose. In this case none of the other relations need to be edited, so please click 'Done' to close the "Profile Relations" panel and witness your changes on screen. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 294 Basic Training Tutorial 1.34.5 Retrieve line information The position of the supporting flat bar ST 150 x 10 is currently vertical: To position this flat bar along the ice frame, you need to turn it around a specified angle. Therefore you will find out the angle at the lower end of the ice frame by retrieving information about this ice frame. Let's retrieve the angle at the end of the ice frame by selecting the toolbar icon "Information": Now select the option "Line/Arc Information" on the "Information" toolbar: According to the hint "Indicate a line" you select the line of the ice frame as illustrated below: 295 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial After indicating this line, the system displays panel "Line Information" with the information about the selected line: The angle at the lower end of the ice frame will be nearly equal to the angle of the selected line. This angle is rounded off to 50º and consequently the flat bar must be turned 40º. 1.34.6 Turn profiles You will turn the flat bar ST 150 x 10 to it's correct position along the ice frame HP 200 x 9. Within the current frame view "108-24d5" the flat bar needs to be turned 40º. Now turn the profile by selecting "Profiles" on the toolbar "Modify 3D" : Select the option "Rotate" on toolbar "Modify Profiles" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 296 Basic Training Tutorial By means of panel "Profile Selection", you select the flat bar by using the 'Clump' selection method: After selecting the flat bar, you enter -40 for 'Angle'. In this case you give a negative value for the angle, because the direction of rotation is clockwise. Click the 'Ok' button and the flat bar will be positioned along the ice frame: 297 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.34.7 Measure distance The ice frames at frame 27.5 until frame 30.5 have an extended draining hole similar to the bulkheads at frames 26 and 27. The way in which to apply them onto the ice frames is done by changing their lower end shape to type 'ZJ'. But before you do so, you need to measure the distance needed for the draining hole to reach the seam in the hull. This distance is different for each ice frame, so you will need to measure them individually. Select the toolbar icon "Information" : Now select the option "Measure Distance" on the "Information" toolbar: Proceed to indicate the start and ending points in the graphical screen alongside the hull, from the deck to where the extended draining hole will stop, as seen in the picture: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 298 Basic Training Tutorial You will see the distance in between these points appear in panel "Measure Distance" : For easy reference we will round off this number to "135". This is the value that you will need to specify when changing the lower end shape of the profile to type 'ZJ'. 299 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.34.8 Replace views Because the ice frames cover only a small part of your view, it is not necessary to have the entire area of the view visible. Therefore you are going to update the area values for these views. This can be done in one action by using the Drawing Management function. Please select "Blank Drawing" to clear the screen: Select "Settings -> Drawing Management" from the menubar and the following panel appears: Proceed to select each drawing you wish to update by clicking on them, and they will appear in the "Selected" list. Confirm by clicking the "Next" button. Let's now make these views as small as possible by using the following values for the listed options: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 300 Basic Training Tutorial The centre line and the base line can be de-selected because you don't need them in these views. Click the 'OK' button to confirm your changes. The panel that follows appears only when you have activated the 'Recalculate views' option on the previous panel. This is necessary to update the existing views after you have changed their area definitions. 301 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Before recalculation, the existing drawings currently present construction in the active block as well as in the neighbouring blocks. Because the construction of block 102 falls outside of the new area you just specified, you must update 102 as well in order to see it's construction disappear from the drawings. This means that all the blocks must be updated and not just the active block. And lastly, please make sure the hull line is updated as well. Click the 'OK' button to start the recalculation process. Note: All the 2D items that you have placed in these views will remain exactly where you have placed them. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 302 Basic Training Tutorial 1.35 Frame 30 1.35.1 Basic training steps (38) Start situation You will add the flange with flange size 100 mm to the floor "Bulkhead Fr. 30", located between the hull and the lower deck "Deck 3500". There will also be three brackets added to this view. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Load drawing frame view "108-30" Choose "Update active block": the upper boundary of the floor is partly missing Check if the floor is really present  Add the missing upper line to the floor Add flange with size 100 mm to the floor Create bracket "G 33" between deck beam HP 140 x 8 and longitudinal bulkhead 3960 Create bracket "B 10" between deck beam HP 140 x 8 and profile HP 200 x 9 Create bracket "A 04" between profile HP 200 x 9 and the flange of the floor Update all views  End situation Additional description of actions: 3. Check if the floor is really available You can check if the floor is really present by activating the background lines. You will see that the floor is there, but the upper line is missing. Within NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull all relations belonging to plates in view that are related to other plates are not shown. This to prevent having multiple lines end up on top of eachother. This floor is originally related to the lower deck and so therefore this relation is not presented as a line. But in this case a part of the deck has been removed due to the cutout you created earlier. However, the system does not automatically detect this. In such cases it's possible to add a line later on. 9. 303 Update all views Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Updating all of the views is similar to recalculating all views at the basic training step 33. 1.35.2 Create visible lines Now you will add the missing upper line to floor "Bulkhead Fr. 30": Add a line to the existing floor by selecting "View" -> "Presentation Filters" -> "Plate Contour" from the menubar. According to the hint "Select plate in view" you select the floor and the contour direction of this floor will be shown by means of arrows: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 304 Basic Training Tutorial Now let's define the start and end point of the new line and it's dash type by means of panel "Border value" : You define the first point, where the line should start, by indicating the upper boundary of the plate near the longitudinal bulkhead 6600. But the actual start point P1 will be the intersection point of the upper boundary and the hull line. Next, you define the second point, where the line should end, by selecting option 'Second point' on panel "Border value", and indicating the upper boundary near longitudinal bulkhead 3960. The end point P2 will be the intersection point of the upper boundary and the longitudinal bulkhead 3960. You will want to create a solid line, meaning that the corresponding dash type 'Dash' will be '0'. Both points of the new line are illustrated in the figure below: 305 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial After clicking the 'Ok' button, the new line will appear over the upper edge of the plate: By closing the panel you can leave the function. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 306 Basic Training Tutorial 1.35.3 Create flanges (2) You will create a flange of 100 mm and add it to the upper edge of the plate "Bulkhead Fr. 30". As opposed to the flange of the longitudinal girder "Long. bulkhead 3960", this flange will not cover the full length of the upper plate boundary but only a part of it! Select the option "Flanges" on the toolbar "Insert" : According to the hint "Indicate the side of the plate where the flange/face plate should be placed" you indicate a point just above the upper boundary of floor "Bulkhead Fr. 30". First you define the size of the flange and the direction by means of panel "Face plate on plate 29 TDB 108" : 307 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The body size is 100 mm and the body direction will be towards reversed frame. Secondly you specify the start and end point of the flange, taking into account the contour direction of the plate to which the flange will be attached: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 308 Basic Training Tutorial The start point will be located to the left of the visible part of the deck plate at the right hand side, and can be defined by indicating a point at this end. To make sure you select the correct plate to establish the relation for the flange here, right click the mouse anywhere to open the following menu: When you select "Plate in section", lower deck "Deck 3500" will light up, which is exactly the plate you need to relate the flange to. Accept the default value "25" for the distance from the start point and select for the end shape type 'B': You accept the default values for angle and nose height within panel "End type" by clicking the 'Ok' button. The end point will be located to the right side of the visible part of the deck plate at the right hand side and can be defined by indicating a point at this end. Use the same method as above to indicate lower deck "Deck 3500" to relate the flange to. You specify the same distance of "25" and the same end shape, meaning type 'B' with it's default properties for the end point. By clicking the 'Ok' button within panel "End type" you have also defined the end point of the flange. Now both ends of the flange are defined. Next you click the 'Ok' button to create the flange on the floor "Bulkhead Fr. 30". You can check if the flange has really been added to floor "Bulkhead Fr. 30" by coding 309 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial this floor. First you select "CAM" -> "Code One Part" from the menubar and secondly you indicate floor "Bulkhead Fr. 30". The coded part should look like this: Please notice that coded parts are presented upside down by default. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 310 Basic Training Tutorial 1.36 Sheet drawing 1.36.1 Basic training steps (39) When you enter the Sheet Drawing environment and take a look at top views "Deck 3500 above base" and "Deck 6200 above base", you will notice that the views have been updated with the ice frames and the support flat bars that you have created in the previous training step. However, when you take a look at the hidden biso, you will see that the iceframes are not yet present here. This is because a hidden biso is nothing more than a snapshot of moment in time. You will have to create a new hidden biso to update the sheet drawing to the latest situation. In the final training step of this tutorial, you will do the following:  First you will switch to the application 3D-Show to create a new isometric hidden line view of your block;  Then you will use it to replace the one you have placed on the sheet drawing earlier;  Then you will create a second sheet drawing for the ice frames and the remaining longitudinal- and frame views. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. Switch to application "3D-Show" Show active block in a 3-dimensional environment Save block as hidden biso drawing to scale 1:50 with number "108" and drawing name "iso-rear-2" 4. Switch to Sheet Drawings environment 5. Open sheet drawing with drawing number "108" and sheet number "1" 6. Add isometric hidden lines view to sheet drawing 7. Save sheet drawing 8. Create a second sheet drawing with paper size A0 and scale 1:25 9. Select views to open inside the empty sheet drawing  10. Save sheet drawing with drawing number "108" and sheet number "2" End situation Additional description of actions: 9. 311 Select views to open inside the empty sheet drawing Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Start with loading the longitudinal views, and place the four remaining frame views below the longitudinal views, proceeded by placing the ice frame views to the right of the frame views. 1.36.2 General modifications Although all structural modifications should be carried out within single views, some modifications can be executed at sheet drawing level: 1. 2. 3. 4. Change titlefield of sheet drawing;  Add change number to sheet drawing;  Replace views within sheet drawing;  Perform 2D modifications to individual views within sheet drawing.  For each modification function a brief explanation will be given. 1. Change title field of sheet drawing You are able to modify the current values which are presented in the title field of a sheet drawing by clicking the "Change Title Field" button on the standard toolbar: After clicking this button, the system will display panel "Fill title field [General]" with the current values: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 312 Basic Training Tutorial After modifying these values, you click the 'OK' button to accept your changes and to update the information within the title field. 2. Add revision to sheet drawing You can add a revision to a sheet drawing by clicking the "Change Number" button on the standard toolbar: After clicking this button, you can enter information about a specific revision by means of panel "Enter revision" : 313 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The system automatically keeps track of your revisions and comes up with an appropriate revision value for the option 'Alteration' as a default. Our advice is to supply information about this revision by entering your initials for 'Name' and a clear distinctive description of the revision for 'Description'. After clicking the 'OK' button, all information about this revision will be added to the revision list of the sheet drawing, located above the title block. 3. Replace views within sheet drawing To replace views within a sheet drawing you select the "Load" button from the toolbar: This function has already been mentioned for importing additional views. Within panel "Sheet Drawing", you select option 'Replace' and select the new view to be loaded in the sheet drawing. Next, you select the view which needs to be replaced by the new one by means of either selecting it from panel "Select a model" or clicking on the view you wish to replace in the sheet drawing itself. 4. Perform 2D modifications to individual views within sheet drawing You can perform 2D modifications within individual views, belonging to a sheet drawing, without leaving the sheet drawings environment. Some examples of 2D modifications are: moving standard text, adding text, drawing lines, drawing circles, adding dimensions, etc. No construction modifications can be carried out. To enable the modification of individual views within a sheet drawing, you select the button "Modify Inserted Drawing" on the standard toolbar: Next, you determine the view to be modified by either clicking on the to be modified view in the sheet drawing itself, or by selecting it from a list of available views in the panel "Select" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 314 Basic Training Tutorial By means of the 'Next layer of models' button you are able to modify a drawing which has been loaded into another drawing. As soon as you have selected a certain view, this view will be highlighted for a moment. After clicking the 'Ok' button, you will notice that the selected view will keep it's original colors but all other views will be displayed entirely in purple. This means that only the selected view can be modified and not the other views. After modifying the selected view, you can modify several other views by clicking "Modify Inserted Drawing" button on the toolbar again. Each time you select a certain view to be modified, the previous selected view will be saved automatically. After executing all the necessary modifications, you click the "Save Drawing" button on the toolbar to save your changes to the sheet drawing: Next, you can use the "Full Screen" button on the "View" toolbar, or press hot key <5> to have the whole sheet drawing presented on screen again: 315 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial You will see that all views of the sheet drawing are displayed in their original colors again. 1.37 Copy block 1.37.1 Basic training steps (40) You will now create the new block 109 on port side and then you will use the Mirror function to copy the content of block 108 into block 109. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. Create block 109  Copy block 108 into block 109 with Mirror Edit the title fields of the sheet drawings in block 109  Additional description of actions: 1. Create block 109 Creating block 109 is done in a similar way as creating block 108. Because you are working on port side now, remember that all the breadth values in this block are negative values. Because you are going to copy the contents of block 108 into the new block 109, you do not have to create any new views for this block. 3. Edit the title fields of the sheet drawings in block 109 The title fields in the sheet drawings are still set to block 108. Changing the block number is done in a similar way as changing the title field of a sheet drawing. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 316 Basic Training Tutorial 1.37.2 Mirror block You will now copy the contents of block 108 into block 109. Select "Tools" -> "Copy Block" from the menu and the following panel will appear: Now you get to choose which block you wish to copy. When you click the 'Diagnose' button, the system will check the selected block for errors. It is always recommended to diagnose the block you are about to copy. When there are errors detected, for example relations to parts that are no longer present, you may want to fix them first. Proceed by clicking the 'Mirror' button to continue to the next panel: 317 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The value '0' means you are going to mirror the contents of block 108 exactly over the centerline, which is what you want. Any other value is measured from the centerline, where negative values are in portside direction. Using the 'Preview' button will show you a preview of the result in the Hull Viewer, exactly like with any regular copy action. After clicking the 'OK' button, the system will begin the copying process. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 318 Basic Training Tutorial 1.38 Long. slanted plate and knuckles 1.38.1 Basic training steps (41) Start situation Now we will switch back to proceed working in block 108. In this step you will create three new views, of which two regular side views and one perpendicular side view. In each side view you will create a new plate and then you will connect these plates together with use of the knuckle attribute. After this you will proceed to bring these three separate views together to create one drawing. In this step you will also create holes using the related holes function. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Create side view 4620  Edit the standard text to "4620 off C.L." Save the drawing with the name "4620-knuckle" Remove all profiles and brackets in this view Create plate 4620 with a thickness of 9 mm  Create related holes End situation 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Create side view 5280  Edit the standard text to "5280 off C.L." Save the drawing with the name "5280-knuckle" Remove the profile on the far left Create plate 5280 with a thickness of 9 mm  End situation 12. Create slanted view 13. Save the drawing with the name "knuckle-plate" 14. Create plate with a thickness of 9 mm and thickness direction "From CL" End situation 319 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 15. 16. 17. 18. Connect all three plates by means of two knuckles  Create a total view of all three drawings Edit the standard text to "Sidegirder SB" Save this drawing with the name "4620-knuckle-total" End situation Additional description of actions: 1. Create side view 4620 Creating side view 4620 is done in a similar way as creating side view "Long. section 4620 off CL". Option Value 'Minimum Length' 'Maximum Length' 'Minimum Height' 'Maximum Height' 'Base lines' 21.5 26.1 1500 3600 1500 5. Create plate 4620 with a thickness of 9 mm Create plate 4620 with a thickness of 9 mm and the default thickness direction: Option Value 'Minimum Length' 'Minimum Height' 'Maximum Length' 'Maximum Height' 22+9 Indicate hull line 26+50 Indicate deck 3500 above base 7. Create side view 5280 Create side view 5280 in a similar way as you have created side view 4620: Option Value 'Minimum Length' 'Maximum Length' 'Minimum Height' 'Maximum Height' 27.5 30.5 1500 3600 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 320 Basic Training Tutorial 'Base lines' 1500 11. Create plate 5280 with a thickness of 9 mm Create plate 5280 with a thickness of 9 mm and the default thickness direction: Option Value 'Minimum Length' 'Minimum Height' 'Maximum Length' 'Maximum Height' 28-50 Indicate hull line 29 Indicate deck 3500 above base 15. Connect all three plates by means of two knuckles Open top view 3500 and click the "Plates" icon on the "Modify 3D" toolbar, followed by clicking the "Connect by Knuckle" icon: Indicate the two plates to be connected, and the panel "Knuckle definitions" will appear. The correct values are already filled in. Click the 'OK' button to apply the knuckle. Do this on both ends of the slanted plate, and then take a look in the Hull Viewer to see how all three plates have become one. 1.38.2 Create related holes Now you will create four holes of which their sizes are related to the bulkheads, deck and hull line surrounding them. These four holes can be created in one step using the 'Related Hole' function. Create the related holes by first clicking the icon "Create holes", followed by the icon "Related Hole" on the toolbar "Insert Holes" : 321 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Within panel "Related Hole" you enter the relations of the first hole. Start with the minimum length. Notice that there is no bulkhead present that you can indicate for the minimum length. This means that for the minimum length, you have to specify a fixed value: For the remaining relations you can start by indicating the hull line, the bulkhead at frame 23 and the deck 3500 respectively. When all four relations are defined, proceed to the tab 'Extra'. Specify 4 for 'Amount' and 1FR for 'Step size'. Now return to the 'Relations' tab, and select the second hole from the left in the top row for the type of hole. Use the default values for the size of the hole by clicking 'OK'. Because you are going to make the size of the holes depend on the construction parts surrounding them, you will redefine the height and length using percentages instead of values in millimeters. Click the '%' button for both: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 322 Basic Training Tutorial Clicking the 'Compute' button allows you to see a preview of what the first hole will look like with these values. Click 'OK' to place the holes. 1.38.3 Create slanted view Let's open top view 3500 and notice the two newly created longitudinal plates. What you are going to do next, is connect both longitudinal plates by creating a slanted plate in between them. In order to accomplish this, you will first need to create a slanted view that will fit exactly in between the two plates. 323 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial For this you will draw a line segment in between the two plates that you can use to indicate when creating the slanted view. In other words, the line segment will be representing the exact position of the slanted view. This is also known as the drawing plane of the plate. Start by using the mouse to zoom in on the right side egde of plate 4620 from C.L. Now create a circle by activating the "Draw" toolbar: Click the "Circles" icon to open the "Circles" toolbar, followed by clicking the "Centre, Radius" icon: Click the lower line of plate 4620 to indicate the center of the circle and the upper line for the endpoint of the circle. Now proceed to zoom in on the left side egde of plate 5280 and start the 'Line Segments' function on the toolbar "Lines" : Snap to the end point of the upper line of plate 5280 by using hotkey <e> to start drawing the line segment. Snap to the circle you just drew by opening the polling menu with the right mouse button near the circle and choose the 'Tangent' snap method: The circle represents the knuckle that will be placed to connect the two plates Because the view you are about to create will be positioned exactly over the line segment, the thickness direction of the slanted plate will have to be from CL. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 324 Basic Training Tutorial Lets create the new side view. Because you are creating a slanted side view based upon a line segment drawn in a top view, you need to select the option 'Single slant top view'. Now proceed to click the line segment. As you can see, the values indicating the position of the line segment are automatically used to determine the position of the drawing plane. Set the value 25.5 for 'Min. Length' and 28.5 for 'Max Length'. The values for the minimum and maximum height should be 1500 and 3600 respectively. Set the baseline to 1500 and click the 'Create' button to create the slanted view. 1.38.4 Create plates (6) When you want to create the plate, you first need to know which parts to indicate for defining the relations. You can use the 3D-Item Information function to make sure that you are indicating the bulkheads 4620 and 5280. The plate has a thickness of 9 mm and the thickness direction is 'from CL'. Indicate both bulkheads on the inner sides, as shown: 325 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Once the plate has been created, you can take a look in the Hull Viewer and you will immediately notice that there is a small gap on the right end of the plate: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 326 Basic Training Tutorial This has to do with the fact that you indicated bulkhead 5280 on the inside. In the following sketch is shown why: You can extend the plate to touch the bulkhead 5280 seamlessly by editing the relation it has to bulkhead 5280. Open the "Modify a plate contour" panel and change the selected value 'Complete relation' into 'Maximal 1 vector' : After confirming the modification by clicking the 'Ok' button, the plate will be extended. 1.38.5 Insert views 327 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Now you will return to each of the three drawings "4620-knuckle", "knuckle-plate" and "5280-knuckle" to edit their respective areas. You will want to set the areas equal to the edges of each plate to have them be placed side by side seamlessly. Lets open the first drawing "4620-knuckle". The boundary where "knuckle-plate" will be added is set to FR26+50. Open the "Drawing Properties" panel: Before you start editing your drawing area, take notice to the value that is set in the 'Origin' field. This is the value that determines from which point of origin everything in the drawing is drawn. In order to successfully place the concerning three drawings side by side, they all need to have the same point of origin. You can use '21', as it is the point of origin of the first drawing. Now enter for 'Max. Length' the value FR26+50 in both the 'Area Construction' and the 'Area Shape' fields and click 'OK' and save the drawing. Now do the same thing for the "knuckle-plate" drawing. Enter FR26+50 for 'Min. Length' and FR27+600 for 'Max. Length', again in both the 'Area Construction' and the 'Area Shape' fields. Do not forget the set the point of origin to 21. For drawing "5280-knuckle" you will then need to set the 'Min. Length' to FR27+600, and the point of origin to 21. Now the drawings are ready to be placed side by side. Return to drawing "4620-knuckle", and from the menu select "File -> Insert Drawing" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 328 Basic Training Tutorial Select the 3D environment, followed by the "knuckle-plate" drawing, and it will be inserted immediately. Repeat this action for the "5280-knuckle" as well. Conclude this step by placing standard text and editing it to "Sidegirder SB". Save the drawing as "4620-knuckle-total". 1.39 Frame 28 1.39.1 Basic training steps (42) Start situation 329 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial In this step you will open frame 28 and create an arbitrary hole after which you will place a bent faceplate inside the arbitrary hole. Then you will place a bent profile underneath the hole which will run parallel to the shape of the hull. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open frame 28 and remove the third hole from the left plus the profile on the right side of the hole Create the arbitrary hole Place a bent faceplate inside the hole Place a bent profile underneath the hole parallel to the hull Show profile flange  End situation Additional description of actions: 5. Show profile flange It is possible to see the actual thickness and profile flange of any profile in a drawing by activating the 'Show profile flange' option. When you open the "Drawing Properties" panel, you will find this option here: 1.39.2 Create arbitrary hole NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 330 Basic Training Tutorial An arbitrary hole is a hole that can have any shape or form. It is created in a similar way as a plate. Create the arbitrary hole by first clicking the icon "Holes", followed by the icon "Arbitrary Hole" on the toolbar "Insert Holes" : As you will notice, the panel that appears is nearly identical to the panel that is used for creating plates: For the 'Min. Breadth', please indicate the knuckle-plate bulkhead and use a parallel distance of 200, and a corner radius of 100. Use this radius for all four corners of the hole. Proceed to indicate the hull line for the 'Min. Height' with a parallel distance of 300. The profile at 6600 from CL can be used to indicate the 'Max. Breadth' with a parallel distance of 200. The last relation should be the deck 3500 a.b. also with a parallel distance of 200. Similar to creating plates, the 'Preview' button can be used to see a preview. Confirm by clicking 'Ok'. 331 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.39.3 Create bent faceplate Arbitrary holes can have bent face plates as well as straight face plates. Fixed holes can only have bent face plates. In this step you are going to place a bent face plate inside the arbitrary hole. Click the icon "Face Plates", followed by the icon "Face Plate in Hole" on the toolbar "Insert Face Plates" : A panel appears to allow you to select the hole in which you want the face plate to be. After selecting the hole, the panel "Face Plate in Hole" appears: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 332 Basic Training Tutorial Specify for 'Gap' the value of 100. The face plate will be aligned with the center of the hole, so therefore you do not have to specify a value for the distance from center to moulded side. Select '4' as the number of face plates and confirm by clicking 'OK'. 1.39.4 Create bent profile The following is an extra exercise to demonstrate how to create profiles that for example, run parallel to the hull line. You can do this by means of specifying profile relations in a similar way as specifying relations for plates and arbitrary holes. Click the icon "Profiles", followed by the icon "Bent Line to Profile" on the toolbar "Insert 333 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Profiles" : Two panels appear, the panel "Bent Profiles" and the panel "end types". In the first panel you select the size and type of the profile you wish to place. In the second panel you select the endshapes on both ends of the profile, before you specify the profile relations. This is different from the procedure for creating straight profiles. Select bulb profile HP 120 x 8 with the body direction being 'From reversed frame' and the thickness direction 'Left of the line'. Now select endshape type 'B' for both ends of the bent profile. The angle of edge and the nose height are respectively 60 and 25. You will now be presented with the panel "Bent profile relations" : Proceed by indicating the relations of the profile in the graphical screen. For the 'Min. Breadth', indicate the knuckle-plate bulkhead and use a parallel distance of 40. Proceed to indicate the hull line for the 'Min. Height' with a parallel distance of 180. Indicate the NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 334 Basic Training Tutorial profile at 6600 from CL for the 'Max. Breadth' with a parallel distance of 40. Click 'Preview' to see the result, and click 'Ok' to place the profile. 1.40 Create shell frame 1.40.1 Basic training steps (43) So far you have seen how to create profiles in orthogonal directions, for example when they run parallel to lines such as waterlines, verticals or frame lines. It is also possible to create a shell frame that runs along a longitudinal line that is not orthogonal, for instance a knuckle line or a seam line. This can be done with use of the application 3D Show. To learn how to do this, you will create a shell frame along a seam line in 3D Show, after which you will modify the angle of the shell frame in 3D Contek. And you will also create a bracket in section and modify it's angle. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Switch to 3D Show and create a shell frame Open frame 26 and rotate the shell frame Create arbitrary profile  Create bracket in section End situation Additional description of actions: 3. Create arbitrary profile Creating this arbitrary profile is done in a similar way as creating supporting flat bar ST 150 x 10 . Name of panel 335 Option Value Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Profile on plate End type End type Selected profile type 'Body size' 'Thickness' 'Body direction' 'Thickness direction' '<1>' 'Parallel distance' '<2>' '1st end shape' 100 10 From reversed frame Towards base 'Angle of edge' 'Nose height' '<3>' 'Parallel distance' '<4>' '2nd end shape' 60 25 Indicate right profile HP 120x8 40 Fixed height: 3000 'Angle of edge' 'Nose height' 60 25 Indicate left profile HP 120x8 40 Fixed height: 3000 1.40.2 Create shell frame (2) In this exercise you are going to use the 3D Show application to create a shell frame along a seam line. Switch to 3D Show and retrieve block 108. Navigate the menu to open the "Extra Hull Lines" panel: "View -> Show Hull Lines" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 336 Basic Training Tutorial Activate the 'Seams' and click 'Ok'. Now all the known seams in this block are displayed in the graphical screen. When you use the '3D-Item Information' function, you can find out the identification number of each seam. Remember seam number 319. Create the shell frame by first clicking the icon "Shell Frames" on the toolbar "Insert", followed by the icon "Shell frame with fixed angle to shell" on the toolbar "Insert Shell Frame" : Now choose "Shell frame along seam" in the panel that appears: The shell frame will be a bulb profile HP 220 x 10. After choosing it's profile type, you 337 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial can specify the body size and thickness in the next panel that appears, as well as the identification number of the seam: You can leave the rest of this panel unchanged. Click the 'Ok' button to proceed to the next panel. In this panel you are given the ability to either indicate a construction part or specify a fixed length. You are going to specify frame 22 as a fixed length for the first limitation with a parallel distance of 40 and then proceed to choose endshape 'A'. For the second limitation, choose frame 31 with a parallel distance of 40 and also the endshape 'A'. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 338 Basic Training Tutorial Keep in mind though that when you choose to specify a fixed length, that the shell frame will not be topological to any other construction part in the section. 1.40.3 Turn shell frame Let's switch back to 3D Contek. You will be prompted to save your drawing right before you make the switch. The drawing in 3D Show does not need to be saved. Open drawing Frame 26 and zoom in on the shell frame you created in the previous action. Modify the shell frame by first clicking the icon "Shell Frames" on the "Modify 3D" toolbar, followed by the icon "Angles" on the toolbar "Modify Shell Frames" : Proceed to indicate the shell frame and click 'Ok'. In the panel that appears, change the main angle to "Angle to base" : 339 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial After confirming with 'Ok', the shell frame will be positioned as shown in the detail below: The shell frame has an angle that is 90º to the baseline Please repeat this action to place the shell frame back in it's original position. When in NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 340 Basic Training Tutorial it's original position, it will be 90º to the shape of the hull at any given point along the hull. This means that the angle to the baseline will measure a different value at each frame. The shell frame is now not only a bent profile, but a twisted profile as well. The shell frame has an angle that is 90º to the shape of the hull 1.40.4 Create brackets in section (2) Before you create the bracket in section, you will first draw a 2D line segment to aid you in determining the angle of the bracket that you are about to place. Start the 'Line Segments' function on the toolbar "Lines" : Draw a line segment using the upper right corner of the shell frame for the starting point, and for the ending point snap perpendicular to the arbitrary profile using hotkey <p>. Now create the bracket by first clicking the icon "Brackets in Section", followed by the 341 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial icon "Type 768": Proceed to draw a selection box around both the shell frame and the arbitrary profile in the panel "Select profile(s)". After that, click the button 'Indicate Angle (Line)' and then indicate the 2D line segment. The bracket angle is calculated and automatically displayed. Click 'Ok' to proceed to the panel "Bracket type 768". Everything is already filled in, so you only have to click 'Ok' again. Finally you are asked to select a cornerhole type, and the radius is 25. The result of the created bracket is as illustrated below: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 342 Basic Training Tutorial 1.41 2D Drafting Exercises 1.41.1 Basic training steps (44) The following exercise involves several of the 2D drafting functionalities in NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull. This exercise has nothing to do with the engine room block you are creating, but instead it is an additional exercise meant to make you familiar with the commonly used 2D drafting options. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 343 Indicating 2D Items Draw lines, circles and duplicate selection Modify corners, lines and circles Draw multiple parallel lines Draw/Modify rectangles Mirror/Move selection Selection Methods Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.41.2 Indicating 2D Items Concerning 2D items the first thing you start with are the different ways in which they can be selected. A 2D item can be indicated in three ways: 1. Indicating/selecting one item by cross-hair selection You can select one item by a left mouse button click on the item. This is called the cross-hair selection. By pointing to the item you want to select and pressing the <Space> key the pointed item will be selected. 2. Selecting one or more items by clump/conflict selection For selecting one or multiple items, drag a clump or a conflict box by pressing the left mouse button and moving the mouse while the mouse button is pressed. 3. Include/exclude items from selection group For including or excluding items from selection group use the cross-hair, clump or conflict selection in combination with the <Shift> key.  Clump Selection Box NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 344 Basic Training Tutorial Dragging a box (with the left mouse button pressed) from left to right will select items which lie fully inside the box. dragging clump box  after clump selection Conflict Selection Box Dragging a box (with the left mouse button pressed) from right to left will select items which lie fully or partly inside the box. In de pictures below you see how to select the line and the circle by dragging a conflict box. dragging conflict box  345 after conflict selection Using <Shift> key Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Cross Hair +  pointed selected item is removed from the selection group <Shift>  pointed unselected item is added to the selection group Clump Box +  selected items fully inside the box are removed from the selection <Shift> group  unselected items fully inside the box are added to the selection group Conflict Box + <Shift>  selected items fully or partly inside the box are removed from the selection group  unselected items fully or partly inside the box are added to the selection group 1.41.3 Draw lines, circles and duplicate selection In this exercise the following functions are described: Latching; Draw Circles; Draw Line Segments; Duplicate selection; Draw Parallel Lines; Before you begin, open in the menu the option "View" -> "Latching" to enable the 'Latching' system. This will aid you when snapping to points of significance, such as endpoints, midpoints, intersection points, perpendicular points, tangent points, etc. When 'Latching' is enabled, an icon near your mouse arrow will appear indicating the type of point you can snap to. The icon changes as you move your mouse around areas with multiple snap possibilities. Example of a midpoint snapping icon: In this exercise, you will draw a basic truck. The basic truck contains the most commonly used elements of the 2D drafting functionality in NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 346 Basic Training Tutorial Please click 'Blank Drawing' on the toolbar to start with a clear screen. Lets begin by activating the "Draw" toolbar: Click the "Circles" icon to open the "Circles" toolbar, followed by clicking the "Centre, Radius" icon: In order to enter a value into the dynamic input field, you press the <Tab> key. Make sure that while typing you do not move the mouse, or else you will lose the focus. After you have specified the first value, press <Tab> again to enter the second field. Enter the coordinates to position the circle: 0, 0. Press <Enter> to confirm your input. Enter the radius of the circle: 100. Exit the function by pressing the <Esc> key. The circle is now automatically selected. Duplicate the circle by pressing hotkey <d> and specify the distance and angle: 1850, 0. Start the 'Line Segments' function on the toolbar "Lines" : Press the <Tab> key again to place the cursor inside the dynamic input field, and enter the coordinates given below. When the endpoint of a line ends up outside of your view area, you can use the standard zoom and pan functions without exiting the Line Segments function. Enter the starting coordinates: -450, 0; Enter distance and angle: 2600, 0; Enter distance and angle: 200, 90. Press hotkey <t> to activate the 'temporary line' function and use hotkey <m> to snap to the midpoint of the lower horizontal line 347 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Enter distance and angle 200, 90. Enter distance and angle 600, 170; Enter distance and angle 600, 90; Enter distance and angle 90, 320; Now draw a straight vertical line by using hotkey <p> to snap perpendicular to the lower horizontal line. You can also use the latching icon for perpendicular lines. Proceed to click the icon 'Parallel Lines' on the toolbar "Draw" : Of the two vertical lines, indicate the left one and use a parallel distance of 30 on the left side of it, and the result should be like this: Start the 'Line Segments' function on the toolbar "Lines" : Enter the starting coordinates: -450, 0; Enter distance and angle: 450, 90; Enter distance and angle: 450, 72; Use hotkey <p> to snap perpendicular to the vertical line that you created with the 'Parallel Lines' function. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 348 Basic Training Tutorial 1.41.4 Modify corners, lines and circles In this exercise the following functions are described: Fillet; Chamfer; Extend; Gap in Line; Draw Circle; Draw Line Segments; Trim. Click the icon 'Fillet' on the toolbar "Modify 2D" : For the two upper corners of the cabin, use a radius of 20. For each one click both lines that make up the corner and then enter the value for the radius. Click the icon 'Chamfer' on the toolbar "Modify 2D" to snipe the upper corner on the back end of the truck: Proceed to click the horizontal line first, followed by the vertical line. Use a distance of 100, followed by a distance of 50. The first value you specify will always pertain to the first line you have indicated. Now use the 'Fillet' function to extend the line behind the exhaust pipe to the back line of the cabin. Enter a radius of 0 to create a closed corner. 349 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Click the icon 'Extend' on the toolbar "Modify 2D" to extend the left line of the pipe to the bottom line of the truck as well: First you have to indicate the line you want to extend to. Proceed by pressing <Enter>. Now you can indicate the line to be extended. Click the icon 'Gap in Line' on the toolbar "Modify 2D" : Place the gap by using the latching system to snap to the points where the pipe intersects with the truck. Make sure that the intersection icon appears: Also make sure that the line in which you want to place the gap, lights up before you indicate the intersection point: Create a new circle by clicking the icon '2 Points' on the toolbar "Circles" : NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 350 Basic Training Tutorial Place this circle exactly in between the two lines of the pipe. For the first point you can click anywhere on one of the vertical lines of the pipe. For the second point, use the hotkey <p> to snap perpendicular to the other line of the pipe. Exit the function by pressing <Esc> and proceed to select the newly created circle. Now move the circle using hotkey <s>. Instead of a length and angle, you will enter a set of coordinates to specify the new position of the circle. In order to do this, you will first have to activate the dynamic input field for coordinates by toggling the FDO option '8'. FDO stands for Function Dependent Option and appears at the bottom of the graphical screen the moment you start a function. Click with the mouse on the FDO '8 = Value'. The text changes to '8 = Coordinates'. Click for a second time to activate the input field for coordinates. Enter coordinates: 200, 70. The circle should now appear to the left of the pipe: Start the 'Line Segments' function on the toolbar "Lines" : Place the first point of the line segment at the following coordinates: 260, 200. In order to determine the second point, move the mouse near the upper side of the circle to the left of the pipe and click the right mouse button. In the menu that appears select "Snaps" -> "Tangent". For future use you can also press hotkey <j>. Exit the function with hotkey <Esc>. Start the 'Line Segments' function again. Proceed snap to the start point of the newly drawn line by using hotkey <i>, and draw a horizontal line from there straight across the pipe. Snap to the other vertical line with hotkey <p>. 351 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial While still in the 'Line Segments' function, snap to the circle again with tangent ihotkey <j >. The drawing should now look like this: Click the icon 'Trim' on the toolbar "Modify 2D" to trim all the excessive lines: First you indicate the line you want to trim from, which in this case is the short horizontal line that runs across the pipe. After confirming with hotkey <Enter>, you click the two lines of the pipe at the bottom ends. Start the option 'Gap in Line' again to create a 50% gap in the circle. The first point you indicate will determine which side of the circle will be cut. The direction in which the cutting will take place is always counter-clockwise. Use hotkey <i> to indicate the upper left intersection point first, followed by the lower right intersection point. You will see that the wrong side of the circle is now cut. You can quickly change this by pressing hotkey <6> to invert the arc. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 352 Basic Training Tutorial 1.41.5 Draw multiple parallel lines In this exercise the following functions are described: Draw Parallel Lines; Fillet; Trim and Extend lines; Draw Line Segment with Temporary Line; Delete line. Draw a second circle around the wheels by using the 'Parallel Lines' function: Indicate one of the wheels and move the mouse pointer to the outside of the wheel. The system remembers the last used value for this function. Please use the parallel distance of 30 for both wheels and confirm with <Enter>. Note: In the event that the value of 30 is already present in the input field, pressing <Enter> without first activating the input field will immediately draw the parallel line with that 30 as the distance. Proceed to use the 'Trim' and 'Gap in Line' functions to finish the wheel as shown in the following detail and then repeat the process for the other wheel: Use the 'Parallel Lines' function to create the following situation: 353 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial The distance is 82 and the number of lines is 5. Repeat the 'Parallel Lines' action on the right line of the pipe with distance 40 and number of lines 1. Now use the 'Fillet' function with a radius of 0 for the intersection points of the new lines, as well as the corners indicated in the detail by the blue arrows. Now trim and extend the parallel lines to the new vertical line next to the pipe. When using the 'Trim' function, it is also possible to extend lines by pressing and holding the < Shift> key while selecting the lines to be extended. Now draw a new line at the back end of the truck, starting at the position indicated by the blue arrow in the detail to the left: Use hotkey <t> to draw a temporary line towards the back of the truck and use hotkey <e > to set that point, as shown in the detail to the right. Enter distance and angle 200, 90; Enter distance and angle 500, 90. Now start up the fillet function for the corner. The direction in which the fillet function draws corners is always counter-clockwise. The order in which you select the lines is dependent on this. Click the horizontal line first, proceeded by the vertical line. As you can see, the wrong side of the vertical line is trimmed. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 354 Basic Training Tutorial Press the hotkey combination <Ctrl> + <Z> to undo the fillet action. Repeat the fillet function and this time click the vertical line first. Proceed to select the two lines indicated in blue by pressing and holding the <Shift> key while clicking them respectively. Press the <Del> key to delete them simultaneously. 1.41.6 Draw/Modify rectangles In this exercise the following functions are described: Draw Rectangle; Split up Rectangle; Apply Corner Radius; Draw Parallel Lines; Draw Ellipse. Now you will create the window. Click the 'Rectangle' icon on the "Draw" toolbar: Enter the starting coordinates for the first corner: 0, 840; Enter the distance values for the second corner: -270, -330. Upon creating a rectangle, hotkey <6> will start the FDO "Corner Radius [0]" which makes it possible to specify a corner radius to be used when drawing the rectangle. In this exercise you will add the corner radius after you have drawn the rectangle. 355 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Exit the function with hotkey <Esc>. In order to place a corner radius on a rectangle, you must first split the rectangle into four seperate lines. Right click the rectangle and choose "Manipulate" -> "Split". Now create a line parallel to the windshield with a parallel distance of 20. Proceed to apply the corner radius of 30 on the rectangle and the parallel line as shown: Create an ellipse by clicking the icon 'Axis, Radius' on the toolbar "Ellipse" : Enter the starting coordinates of the first axis: -30, 450; Enter distance and angle of the first axis: 50, -90; Enter radius of second axis: 10. Exit the function with hotkey <Esc>. In order to deselect a selected item, you can use the hotkey combination <Ctrl>+<Shift >+<A>. Proceed to deselect the ellipse. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 356 Basic Training Tutorial 1.41.7 Mirror/Move selection In this exercise the following functions are described: Change Radius; Mirror Selection; Move Selection; Arc to Circle; Trim (from multiple lines); Line Properties. Lets enlarge the back wheel of the truck. Click the icon 'Change Radius' on the toolbar "Modify 2D" : Change the outer radius into: 160; Change the inner radius into: 140. Draw a new circle with a parallel distance to the inner circle of 60. Press and hold the <Shift> key while indicating the two circles and the arc. Press the hotkey <w> to start the 'Mirror' function. Indicate the point over which to mirror the wheel: Now press the hotkey <8> to switch duplication to 'On'. Press hotkey <7> to mirror over a straight vertical line. Proceed to press hotkey <s> to move the selection closer towards the existing wheel. Indicate the following intersection point: 357 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Proceed to draw a horizontal line from the top of the left arc to the top of the right arc using the latching icon for snapping perpendicular to both points: Now proceed to trim all the extensive lines to complete the back wheel set. Use the < Enter> hotkey to make use off the trim function multiple times in a row. For enlarging the front wheel, lets start by clicking the icon 'Arc to Circle' on the toolbar "Modify 2D" : Indicate the arc to change it into a circle. Now use the 'Change Radius' function to change the outer radius into 140 and the inner radius into 90. Draw a new circle with a parallel distance of 20 to surround the outer circle. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 358 Basic Training Tutorial Use the 'Trim' function to trim the outer circle so that it will become an arc. When selecting the lines to trim from, press and hold the <Shift> key and indicate the lines one after the other: Press <Enter> and then indicate the bottom half of the circle. Trim the remaining lines to complete the front wheel. Now select the lines indicated in green. Press the hotkey <l> to edit the line properties in the 'Properties' window. Change the pen colour of the selected lines to green. 359 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.42 Create pillars (2) 1.42.1 Basic training steps (45) Start situation In this step you will explore the possibilities of the "Bent Line to Pillar" and "Straight Line to Pillar" functions. These functions can be used in two ways:  Creating a bent or straight pillar by specifying pillar relations;  Creating a bent or straight pillar by converting a spline, polyline or line. For the "Bent Line to Pillar" function, you will use the first method, and for the "Straight Line to Pillar" function, you will use the second method. After that, you will connect multiple pillars by using the L and T connection methods. Overview of actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Create bent pillar Convert straight line segments to pillars Turn pillar  Connect pillars End situation Additional description of actions: 3. Turn pillar Let's turn the pillar by clicking the icon "Pillars" on the "Modify 3D" toolbar, followed by the icon "Direction in View" on the toolbar "Modify" : Proceed by selecting the pillar on the far right. Make sure the option 'Thickness direction' is selected, and 'Body direction' is de-selected. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 360 Basic Training Tutorial 1.42.2 Create bent pillar Creating a bent pillar is similar to creating a bent profile, with the difference that profiles are always positioned onto a plate, while pillars can be created anywhere. Let's create a new top view 5000 above base that extends from frame 21 to frame 31, and a 'Min. Breadth' of -100. Here you will create a bent pillar by applying relations to other construction parts. Start by first clicking the icon "Pillars" followed by the icon "Bent Line to Pillar" on the toolbar "Insert Pillars" : As you will notice, the two panels that appear are similar to the panels given when creating bent profiles. Select the INP beam with a profile size of "180" and endshape type 'A' for both ends of the bent pillar. You will now be presented with the panel "Bent pillar relations". The 'Min. Length' of the pillar will be FR22. Indicate the longitudinal bulkhead 6600 from CL for the 'Min. Breadth' and use a parallel distance of 500 and a radius of 600. The 'Max. Length' of the pillar will be the bulkhead at frame 29, also with a parallel distance of 500, and the final relation is the 'Max. Breadth' which is the longitudinal bulkhead at 3960 from CL. After defining these relations, please press the 'Preview' button to see the result, as shown in the detail below: 361 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.42.3 Convert line to pillar Now you are going to draw several 2D line segments, and then convert them into pillars. Start the 'Line Segments' function on the toolbar "Lines" : Draw a line segment using the following coordinates: Indicate first point: 23, 4000; Indicate line length and angle: 800, 90; Indicate line length and angle: 1600, 0; Indicate line length and angle: 1000, -60; Proceed to break the 'Line Segments' function by using the hotkey <Esc>, followed by NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 362 Basic Training Tutorial the hotkey <Enter> to restart the function: Indicate first point: 24+300, 4000 and snap to the midpoint of the horizontal line segment using hotkey <m>. The result should look like the following: Now click the icon "Pillars", followed by the icon "Straight Line to Pillar" on the toolbar "Insert Pillars" : Select the 'Angle equal' profile type with size "100" by "10", the body direction 'From Base' and the thickness direction 'Towards CL \ From reversed frame'. The endshape type will be 'A' for both ends of the pillar. The selection panel "Profiles" appears and the hintbar tells you to "Indicate vector that has to be changed into a profile". Draw a selection box around all four line segments to select them and click the 'Ok' button. The lines will now be converted into pillars. 1.42.4 Connect pillars There are two ways to connect pillars: 1. The 'L' connection: this is for where two pillar endshapes meet on a corner 2. The 'T' connection: this is for where one pillar endshape meets the side of a second 363 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial pillar Let's connect the outer two corners by using the 'L' connection. Click the icon "Pillars" on the "Modify 3D" toolbar, followed by the icon "Connect Pillars -L" on the toolbar "Modify Pillars" : The selection panel "Connect Pillars - L" appears: Start with the two pillars at the left corner. Draw a selection box around the endshape of the first pillar, and then do the same for the second pillar. Use the 'Slanted endshapes' option in combination with the 'Change endshapes' option and click 'Ok'. The endshapes are changed to type 'J' and the connection is made. Proceed to repeat this for the right corner. Let's now connect the middle pillar with the top pillar by using the 'T' connection. Click the icon "Pillars" on the "Modify 3D" toolbar, followed by the icon "Connect Pillars -T" on the toolbar "Modify Pillars" : You are prompted to select the pillar to which to extend, in this case the top pillar. Then the selection panel "Connect Pillars - T" appears: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 364 Basic Training Tutorial Proceed to draw a selection box around the endshape of the middle pillar. Use the 'Change endshapes' option for a seamless connection and click 'Ok'. The connection is made. 1.43 Hull Library 1.43.1 Basic training steps (46) Now you will save the connected pillars as a model into the Hull Library. From the Hull Library you will then load them into a different drawing in the block. Overview of actions: 1. 2. Save to Hull Library Load from Hull Library End situation 365 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.43.2 Save and load from Hull Library The Hull Library allows you to save multiple construction parts as one model. The model can be loaded by anyone with access to the location that the Hull Library saves the models to. Let's save the model you created in the previous step. Please navigate in the menu to "Tools" -> "Hull Library" -> "Save" and proceed to select all four pillars. After clicking 'Ok', you are presented with the following panel: Here you need to specify where the origin point of the model should be. You can do this by placing the current control onto your model in the graphical screen. Please zoom in on your model and place the current control onto the upper left corner by using hotkey < e>. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 366 Basic Training Tutorial The fields for the origin point in the panel "Save Hull Library model" will now automatically be filled in with the coordinates of the current control's position. The origin point has now been determined. Make sure to have the option 'Keep directions' activated. This setting will allow for the profiles to keep their body and thickness directions. After clicking 'Ok', you are asked if you wish to save one or more sheet drawings along with the model. This is not necessary in this example, so you can proceed to click the 'Ok' button without selecting any sheet drawings. The Hull Library is started. Specify a name for the model and click 'OK'. The model will appear in the preview window and is now saved. Let's close this drawing and open top view 6200 above base. You are now going to load the model from the Hull Library and place it onto the deck. Please navigate in the menu to "Tools" -> "Hull Library" -> "Insert". The Hull Library is started. 367 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Select your model and click 'OK'. You can skip the logistical panel that appears by clicking 'OK' again. In the next panel, you are prompted to specify where in the current drawing you want to place the model. Use the following values and make sure that the 'Keep directions' option is activated: These values will represent the position of the model's origin point. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 368 Basic Training Tutorial 1.44 Deck 6200 above base 1.44.1 Basic training steps (47) In this final step, you will create and insert a construction detail of the bracket in section at frame 28. You will also modify the hole status of the hole between frame 23 and 24 at 7000 from CL. Overview of actions: 1. 2. Create a construction detail Modify hole status End situation 1.44.2 Create construction detail Now you will create a detail of the bracket in section at frame 28 to add to the current drawing. Let's create the detail by first clicking the icon "Create View", followed by the icon "Create Construction Detail" on the toolbar "Create View" : 369 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Before you concentrate on the panel that appears, first indicate the bracket in section at frame 28 in the graphical screen. Then for 'Area margin' and 'Scale' use the values as shown below: Note: Instead of using an area margin, you can also specify exact area limitations when you tick the 'Area Limitations' option. Now please specify a name for the detail, and proceed to activate the 'Insert detail' option. The 'Add symbol/title' option allows you to add a detail symbol to the bracket at frame 28: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 370 Basic Training Tutorial In addition you can also enter a title which will be added to the detail itself. For this title you can choose if you want it to appear at the top or at the bottom of the detail. Proceed to enter A for the symbol text and type Detail for the title. When you determine the title to appear at the bottom and click 'OK', the detail will look like this: Because you activated 'Insert Detail', the detail is now attached to your mouse and you will be able to move it to the desired position. Place it with one mouse click. Meanwhile, a drawing of the detail is being saved as frame view "108-28-bracket". You can open this drawing if you, for instance, want to add dimensions to your detail. Proceed to open drawing "108-28-bracket". Add a dimension to the bracket and the bulkhead at 6600 from CL: 371 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial When you save this drawing and reopen drawing "108-6200", you will see that the detail is updated with the dimensions. 1.44.3 Modify hole status When you don't want a hole to be cut yet, but instead wish to indicate on the plate that a hole is going to be there, then you can change the status of a hole into that of a "marked hole". Let's change the status of the hole between frame 23 and 24 at 7000 from CL. Click the icon "Holes" on the "Modify 3D" toolbar, followed by the icon "Hole Status" on the toolbar "Modify Holes" : When the panel "Hole selection menu" appears, indicate the hole in the graphical screen and click 'Ok'. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 372 Basic Training Tutorial The next panel allows you to specify what you want the new status of the hole to be. Select 'As marked hole' and confirm with 'Ok'. The hole will now change color so that it will be recognized as a marked hole. 373 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Proceed to code the deck plate with the 'Code One Part' function. The result should look like this: As you can see, the hole now has the same color as the marking lines, which means that it will not be cut and that it has become a marked hole instead. 1.45 Appendix A 1.45.1 Training step 06: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 374 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 375 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.2 Training step 07: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 376 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 377 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.3 Training step 08: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 378 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 379 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.4 Training step 09: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 380 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 381 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.5 Training step 10: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 382 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 383 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.6 Training step 11: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 384 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 385 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.7 Training step 13: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 386 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 387 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.8 Training step 14: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 388 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 389 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.9 Training step 16: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 390 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 391 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.10 Training step 16-1: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 392 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 393 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.11 Training step 16-2: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 394 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 395 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.12 Training step 17: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 396 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 397 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.13 Training step 18: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 398 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 399 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.14 Training step 19: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 400 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 401 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.15 Training step 20: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 402 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 403 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.16 Training step 21: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 404 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 405 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.17 Training step 22: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 406 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 407 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.18 Training step 23: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 408 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 409 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.19 Training step 24: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 410 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 411 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.20 Training step 25: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 412 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 413 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.21 Training step 26: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 414 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 415 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.22 Training step 27: Start_end_situation End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 416 Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.23 Training step 28: Start_end_situation End situation: 417 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.24 Training step 29: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 418 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 419 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.25 Training step 30: Start_end_situation End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 420 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 421 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 422 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 423 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 424 Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.26 Training step 31: Start_end_situation Start situation: 425 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 426 Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.27 Training step 32: Start_end_situation Start situation: 427 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 428 Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.28 Training step 34: Start_end_situation End situation: 429 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.29 Training step 35: Start_end_situation End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 430 Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.30 Training step 36: Start_end_situation Start situation: 431 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 432 Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.31 Training step 37: Start_end_situation End situation: 433 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 434 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 435 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 436 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 437 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 438 Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.32 Training step 38: Start_end_situation Start situation: 439 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 440 Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.33 Training step 39: Start_end_situation End situation: 441 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.34 Training step 41: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 442 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 443 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 444 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 445 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 446 Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.35 Training step 42: Start_end_situation Start situation: 447 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 448 Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.36 Training step 43: Start_end_situation End situation: 449 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.37 Training step 45: Start_end_situation Start situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 450 Basic Training Tutorial End situation: 451 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.38 Training step 46: Start_end_situation End situation: NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 452 Basic Training Tutorial 1.45.39 Training step 47: Start_end_situation End situation: 453 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial 1.46 Appendix B 1.46.1 Drawings 'Basic training tutorial' The Basic Training Tutorial is accompanied by two example drawings:  Sheet drawing 108-1;  Sheet drawing 108-2. Note: These two drawings are delivered as separate files in .TIF format. NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 454 Basic Training Tutorial 455 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Index -AArbitrary hole -2- 330 -B- 2D Drafting: Apply Corner Radius 2D Drafting: Arc to Circle 2D Drafting: Chamfer 355 357 349 357 2D Drafting: Clump selection 344 2D Drafting: Conflict selection 164 361 -C- 344 2D Drafting: Cross-hair selection 344 Change bracket dimension 353 2D Drafting: Draw Circle 156 Background lines: 2 Bent pillars 2D Drafting: Change Radius 2D Drafting: Delete line Background lines: 1 211 Change holes: Size user-holes 349 Change holes: Turn/shift 42 2D Drafting: Draw Circles 346 Change holes: Type/size 175 2D Drafting: Draw Ellipse 355 Change plates: 1 82 Change plates: 2 170 Change plates: 3 179 Change plates: 5 227 Change plates: 6 231 Change plates: 7 238 Change plates: 8 243 Change plates: 9 246 2D Drafting: Draw Line Segment with Temporary Line 353 2D Drafting: Draw Line Segments 346, 349 2D Drafting: Draw Parallel Lines 2D Drafting: Draw Rectangle 346, 353, 355 355 2D Drafting: Duplicate selection 2D Drafting: Extend 2D Drafting: Fillet 346 349 349, 353 2D Drafting: Gap in Line 2D Drafting: Indicate Items 2D Drafting: Latching Change plates: Thickness 349 Change profiles: Size/type in view 346 2D Drafting: Mirror 357 2D Drafting: Move 357 Change profiles: Turn 357 2D Drafting: Split up Rectangle 344 355 349, 357 Code plate: 1 59 Code plate: 2 97 Code plate: 3 146 353 -3- Connect pillars L and T Copy block 3D-Show: Viewtool 275 276 363 Copy items with shift: 1 158 Copy items with shift: 3 219 271 270 Create bent profile 332 Create brackets in section: 1 149 Create brackets in section: 2 Create brackets: Type 762 Create brackets: Type A Create construction detail Version 6.0.2 12/2010 362 333 Create brackets: Type 763 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL 339 317 Create bent faceplate 3D-Show: Save drawing as biso 3D-Show: Show block 181 Convert straight line segments to pillars 2D Drafting: Trim and Extend lines 3D-Show: Show active block 234 296 Change shell frame: Turn angle 2D Drafting: Selection with Shift key 2D Drafting: Trim 80 Change plates: Undo plate change 344 2D Drafting: Line Properties 186 341 209 207 119 369 456 Basic Training Tutorial Create cutouts: Type 100 Create directory 141 -D- 5 Create extended cutout for upper plate "Bulkhead Fr. 26" 223 Dimension: Brackets Create flanged girder Dimension: Chain 145 37 137 164 Create flanges: 1 142 Dimension: Holes Create flanges: 2 307 Dimension: Horizontal short Create foundations: Type 7 Create holes: 2 321 Create holes: 3 330 194 Dimension: Pillars 197 Dimension: Vertical short Create holes: At seam symbols 166 Create holes: Draining/ventilation Create holes: Parallel to line Create holes: Standard 38 44 35 125 124 -HHull Viewer: 3D-Contek interactivity Hull Viewer: Clipping 67 Create pillars: 1 190 Hull Viewer: Create models Create pillars: 2 361 Hull Viewer: Drawing box 67 Hull Viewer: Filter options 71 Create pillars: Centerline 193 64 Create plates: 1 21 Hull Viewer: Navigation settings Create plates: 2 25 Hull Viewer: Presentation of parts Create plates: 3 32 Hull Viewer: Show parts Create plates: 4 75 Hull Viewer: Viewing mode Create plates: 5 138 Create plates: 6 325 250 Create profiles: Arbitrary (2) 289 Create profiles: Horizontal Create profiles: In view 52 46 Create profiles: Vertical (2) 102 78 66 Insert views 327 Load from Hull Library 366, 367 -M- 56 Create shell frame in 3D Show 336 Create shell frames 286 Measure distance Create slanted view 323 Mirror block Create views: Cross 14 Modify hole status: as marked hole 298 317 Create views: Side (1) 12 Modify profile relations Create views: Side (2) 202 Modify profiles: Direction in view Create views: Side (3) 212 Modify profiles: End Relation Create views: Side (4) 215 Modify profiles: Endtype Create views: Top Create visible lines 9 Modify profiles: Shift 58 Create weld symbols: 2 63 372 293 106 111 108 Modify profiles: Lengthen profiles 304 Create weld symbols: 1 111 114 Modify profiles: Trim/Extend 112 -OOpen drawing: 1 457 66 64 -L- 115 Create profiles: Vertical (1) Create seams: Soft 70 -I- Create profiles: Arbitrary (1) Create seams: Hard 67 Version 6.0.2 12/2010 16 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Basic Training Tutorial Open drawing: 2 42 Text: 2 162 Open drawing: 3 90 Text: 3 183 Open drawing: 4 281 Text: Reposition 122 Text: Thickness 79 -PParts info: 1 -U86 Plates: Part Symbol 79 Update active section Profile part number symbols Profile size: 1 127 Profile size: 2 130 Profile size: 3 131 Profile size: 4 164 Profile size: 5 197 Profile size: Series Profile symbols 17, 29 133 129 132 -RRecalculate views Related holes 257 321 Remove construction parts Rename drawing Replace views 94 206 300 Retrieve line information 295 -SSave drawing 204 Save to Hull Library 366 Set visibility 'Distance behind view' 152 Set visibility 'Distance in front of view' Set visibility 'Face plate view distance' Sheet drawings: Create drawing 150 260 Sheet drawings: Import views (1) 262 Sheet drawings: Import views (2) 278 Sheet drawings: Modify drawing 279 Sheet drawings: Modify general 312 Sheet drawings: Switch to environment Shift baseline 235 260 30 Start NUPAS-CADMATIC Hull 3 Switch to another application 269 -TText: 1 19 NUPAS-CADMATIC HULL Version 6.0.2 12/2010 458
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