Basic Training - Session No. 2

March 27, 2018 | Author: Ivan Lizarazo | Category: Icon (Computing), Fire Sprinkler System, Portable Document Format, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance)



BASIC TRAININGSESSION 2 BASIC BUILDING TOOLS, AND THE WAREHOUSE & OFFICE PROJECT Copyright 2014 M.E.P.CAD, Inc. This work is the sole property of M.E.P.CAD, Inc. and may not be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution may result in loss of License, and or Criminal Prosecution. M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 431 Eastgate Road, 3rd Floor - Henderson, NV 89011 Telephone: (702) 380-3200 Toll-free: (888) 239-1345 Fax: (702) 566-0598 Website: Welcome to the 2nd Session of Basic Training in AutoSPRINK! In this 2nd Session and accompanying Example Project, we will be exploring additional “Basic” Tools in AutoSPRINK, utilized in differing ways. We will also be developing the implementation of the “3-D” Toolset, which allows Designers to create in 3-D: from a simple Box, to a Building. And although it is not necessary to “Create a Building” for every Project when Designing with AutoSPRINK, many of the aspects of the 3-D Process of Design are inherent in “System” Design as well. The Tools that we will explore are ones that will be of great use and value, no matter if your Design includes the construction of a 3-D Building or not. However, there are indeed Designers utilizing AutoSPRINK, who have actually been Contracted to Design the entire Project in “3-D” for the Client, and the other Trades as well. The Toolsets available in AutoSPRINK (dependent upon License Level) will allow a Designer to construct ALL the Building components for the Project. Additionally, “Walkthroughs” may be animated, and recorded for Clients (dependent on License Level), for Coordination or Demonstration, reflecting all the Walls, Beams, Systems etc throughout the Building. It is with this in mind, that the Session No. 2 “Warehouse & Office” Project will help to familiarize the Designer with a large amount of Basic Tools, but also equip (in a Basic way) those Designers who will choose to Design the entire Project. However keep in mind, that these Session Modules, will again, repeat certain procedures utilizing varying Commands, Functions, or Tools. This is meant to reflect the need for the Designer to familiarize themselves with the many Tools available, and utilize them in the most practical, efficient way possible. A Designer who is familiar and proficient with the available Tools in AutoSPRINK, would normally take much less than an hour, to complete this Exercise. However, do not feel that you must “rush” your way through the Exercise. It is meant to facilitate the understanding of many different Commands, Functions, and Tools in AutoSPRINK, as well as their location, and alternative usages. We will explore the same Tools (and additional ones) in the next Sessions. If you are just beginning to Design with AutoSPRINK, Be Patient. Very Soon, you will have a grasp of the underlying, foundational intent of AutoSPRINK, and it’s unique, powerful Toolsets. And soon, you will be Designing things in minutes that once took hours, and in hours, that once took days. Additional Modeling and Construction techniques will be available in our Supplemental Training Modules, for those who wish to utilize AutoSPRINK as a 3-D Coordination – B.I.M. Tool for the entire Project. Ask our Customer Service Department for more information. Page 1 Project No. The Beams will be 24” Steel I-Beams (Girders). Line Thickness etc may be edited. and Roof Planes. and Adjust the Transparency to “. or Select Filter.” This will constrain the dimensions entered to represent the Outside Face Of Walls. “Height at Peak” = 20’-4. Revise the Walls to “12’-0 Start / End Height.75” Save the Drawing. Transparency. 100” in the Input Line. Enter the values “100. with a Sloped Roof and Beams. Creating the Storage Building Walls. Multi-select the East and West Walls. A Wall Dialogue Box will open. Revise the Walls to “Height at Start / End” = 12’-0. Assuming the positive “Y” Axis is “North. Creating a Storage Building / Office Area – with Walls. and access the Properties. where Color. Wall Dialogue Wall Properties Wall General Tab Iso-View the Drawing. with 8” Z-Purlins (Joists) running perpendicular. We will now create a 100’ x 100’ Wall Rectangle. & Beams. The Wall Rectangle is now created. Access “File / New Drawing” from the Main Menu. and hit the (Enter) key. Specify “Outside. we will be constructing a 100’ x 100’ Storage Area. Rectangle. and the Peak will be 20’-4 in Height. 0 Peak. 0 distance to Peak. The outside Walls will be 12’-0 in Height. Select the “Walls / Rectangle” Tool from the “Tools” Menu. The Peak will be located at the Center of the Structure. Grid. Sloped Roofs. 1 1. In our next sample Exercise. We now have the beginnings of our Storage Area. or utilize the Shortcut Icon on the “Main” Toolbar. utilizing Coordinates and Distances entered into the Input Line. and we will use the Walls to create Roof Planes. “Wire frame”.” Now Highlight ALL the Walls by Mult-Select. on top of the I-Beams. Transform the Wall Color to “Black”. and “Distance to Peak” = 50’. Page 2 . Access the Properties. Layer. Select the North and South Walls. and open the “General” Tab. Note: all Multi-Selected Elements will always share a common “General” Tab. The Horizontal Bubbles will start with the Number “1”.” Exit the Dialogue. (2) Horizontal 50’-0. All Layers. with the Font of 12 Bold Ariel. and revise the Render to “Wire frame. Access the “Wizards” Menu. Walls with Roof Planes Walls with Roof Planes and Grid Proceed to the Roof Plane “General” Tab. and the Vertical Bubbles will start with the Letter “A. Right-Click in Space and access the “Select” menu. The Distance to extend the Column Bubble Line will be 15’-0.” This will ensure that we have no space between the Top of the Walls. Automatic Roof Plane Roof Plane Dialogue Leave the “Offset” Value at “0.25 Dashed Black Lines. etc will be defined per User preference. Ensure it is in the correct location in order for the Grid to be created properly. . Page 3 . all of the Elements created are fully editable by the Designer during creation. and Select “Column Grid. You should now have a 100’ x 100’ Building with pertinent Column Lines created as shown above. Fonts. With The Roof Planes applied.-0” and Select “OK.” This will open the “Column Line Introduction” Dialogue Box. We will now create the Building Structure. We will now place a Column Line Grid around our Storage Area. and the Roof Plane. and then “Select Every / Roof Plane. and Select the “Automatic Roof Planes” Shortcut Icon located on the “Draw” Toolbar. and revise the Render to “Wire frame.(4) Vertical 25’-0.Highlight the Walls. Proceed through the Dialogue Tabs. Colors.” Exit the Dialogue. However. and configure the Colum Lines . Note: The Benchmark will again represent the Lower Left Corner of the Grid to be created.” Now Access the Properties with the Mouse Gesture. Proceed to the Roof Plane “General” Tab.” Do NOT place Column Supports. Continue to place Dimensions between the Column Lines until complete. from Line to Line. Left-Click to begin the Dimension. etc Access the “Point to Point” Dimension Shortcut Icon on the “Notes” Toolbar. Creating the Storage Building Structure – Beams and Joists. Note: The starting point of the Beam will always be End No. With a little creativity. and Left-Click. and the Command is still active. and extremely versatile. Style. Note: The Dimension Font. The Dimension is now ready to be placed in the desired position. Snap to the North/West Outside Face of Wall. However. Select “Vertical. Activate the “Mirror” Shortcut Icon on the “Actions” Toolbar. Area Dimension – Dimensions an entire Area. Revise to “2’-0 height of Beam at Start”. 2 of the Beam. The Dimension is placed.” This will copy the Selected Beam vertically in relation to the Benchmark location. etc. • • • Point to Point Dimension –Dimensions from one single location to another only. Now that we have created the “shell” of the Building. The specific Structural Elements available in AutoSPRINK are unique. to Walls. Color. Left-Click. Now Right-Click in Space. Pipe Penetrations. All revisions can be saved in the Settings File. We will now create tapered Girders for our Building. This will activate the single Dimension Tool. 1 Place the Benchmark (F2) at End No. Page 4 . All Structural Elements are AutoSPRINK Intelligent Objects that will recognize Hanger Placement. allowing a location to location. you will find that even the simplest Tools in AutoSPRINK can be very useful. 1 and 2. With the Single Beam Tool activated. Interference Checking. Iso-View the Drawing with the Mouse Gesture. “4’-0 at height of Beam at Finish. repeated Dimensions. Select the first Horizontal Column Line Bubble at the Center Point. Holding the (Alt) Key. Access the Properties of the Beam. then Right-Click to exit the Command. and Draw down to the Center Point Colum Line. Layer etc are fully editable. Locate the Dimension near the Mid-Point of the Column line above the Wall. first we must place dimensions between the Column Lines.” Mirror Dialogue Box Mirror Shortcut Icon You will find that the “Mirror” Tool. select the next Column Line Bubble (again at the Center Point) and LeftClick. This will open the Mirror Dialogue Box. Star Dimensions.” Miter Ends No. Beams. can be a dexterous component in the Design Process. Hold the (Shift) Key. we will create the Structural Beams and Joists. With the Dimension Tool activated. Left-Click once more. Running Dimension – Continuous Command. Hit “OK.2. and powerful. and may be set-up in the “Settings / Default Properties / Dimension” menu before creation. and access the “Tools / Beam / Single” Command. We now have a single I-Beam located on the “floor” of our Building. saving valuable time if used to its full capabilities. activate the “Elevate Elements to Roof Planes” Shortcut Icon. This will open the “Elevate Elements to Planes” Dialogue Box. you may utilize the “View ISO Rotator” Toolbar to access different Views of the Drawing. use the Arrow / Input Line to reposition the Beams 1’-0 inside the Building. etc. hold the (Ctrl) Key. Now “Copy” the Beams 25’-0 to the East (Column Line 3. Elevate the Joists to the Roof Plane. “5”. it is an efficient way to Select them all. “5”. we will create the Z-Purlin Joists. and then 24’-0 towards Column Line No.” Now Snap to the intersections of Column Line No. and ‘C. There is now evenly (2) 24’-0 Bays. In addition. and access the Properties. and (2) 25’-0 Bays. Activate the Single Beam Tool.” Right-Click to exit the Command. and enter “24” into the Input line. 5. and Select “Vertical”.” Elevate to Roof Plane Dialogue Box Elevate to Roof Plane Shortcut Icon Once Elevated and with the Beams Highlighted. “1”. and “B. Hit (Enter). or the Mouse Gestures to Iso-View.” Page 5 .With the Beams Highlighted. then hit “OK. Now that we have the Beams in Place. With the Beams Highlighted. With the Joist Highlighted. We have “Copied” the Beams to Column Line No. stopping short of the Peak. With the last Joist still highlighted.” Now again access the “Mirror” Tool. and “C. View ISO Rotator Toolbar Left Side View Tapered Beams in Bays Note: Remember to use the “Middle-Mouse + (Ctrl) Key” to 3-D Orbit the Drawing. and 4). Highlight the Beam. Top View. This will bring the Joists directly to the Roof. 2. with “O’-0” Offset. Revise to “Z-Purlin”. into the Building. “Copy” the Joist “5-0” repeatedly.” Top-View the Drawing with the Mouse Gesture. reposition the Joist “4’-0 South”. Since we have no other Joists of this type in our Drawing. Enter a Value of “0’-8” Below the Roof Plane” and hit “OK. Relocate the Benchmark to the intersection of Column Line No. Right-Click the Joist and access the “Select All Like Selected” Command. and “0’-8 Height of Beam at start. and Snap to the intersection of Column Lines No. and 10’-0 high on the East side.(use “Left” or “Right” Justification in the Wall Properties to be the Inside Face of Wall) *Change Wall appearance to match Warehouse Walls* Single Beam Command and Properties Automatic Roof Planes . Save the Drawing. all AutoSPRINK Ceilings are “Intelligent Objects”. and will be 12’-0 high at the Warehouse Wall. creating (2) Offices. Turn Off Layers Ceiling Properties Page 6 Ceiling Features . Remember. The Beams will be 1’-0 Bar-Joists. Begin by “Turning Off” (making invisible) the Roof Plane. (2) Office Area Adjacent to the Warehouse Building. Once the Drawing is reviewed. which will recognize Head Placement. Access the “Settings / Default Properties / Ceiling Grid” Menu. with Lights and Registers. The Office(s) now need Ceilings. etc and are fully editable. We will create (2) Separate Ceilings for the Offices.(to Walls) Elevate Elements to Roof Planes Copy Command . we will proceed to construct the Office Area. Revise the Properties of the Ceiling grid to be “2’-0” and “2’-0” respectively. they are not needed. and Zoom to the Office Area. or Shortcut Icons or Menus. The Walls will be in line with the Warehouse. TopView with Mouse Gesture. Tools to Utilize: • • • • • • • Single Wall Command and Properties . TASK: Construct a 12’-0 Wide x 20’-0 Long. Double Left-Click to Re-Start Commands. and will be Elevated to the Roof Plane with no Offset. on the East Side of the Warehouse. Repeat for the Process for the “Ceiling Grid Features” (Light and Diffuser).” Once Completed. and ensure the placement of the Beams and Joists are correct. The Office Area will be separated by an additional Wall in the Center.3. evenly spaced 2’-0 on center. For the moment.with Distance Clean-up Intersections . Completed Office Building Beams and Joists Review the Drawing. Creating the complete Office Building. or Right-Click in Space and Select “Restart Command. and Beam Layers. “Fuse” the Center Separation Wall to the East Wall Note: Utilize the “Right-Click in Blank Drawing Space” for access to certain Tools. we are now prepared to create the Ceiling in the 1st Office Space in the North end of the Office building. Page 7 . Reposition the Benchmark (F2) to the North-East Inside Face of Wall of the 2nd Office. Tap the “C” Key. Right-Click in Space and access the “Ceiling Grid Features” Tool. Architect. they become a “part” of the Ceiling. etc. and HOLDING the (Ctrl) Key. etc. However. So far. we have Constructed the Basic Elements only of the Storage and Office Buildings. by placing the Benchmark in the North-East Inside Face of Wall of the 1st office. This method. Tap the “V” Key. However. Columns. Right-Click in Space and access the “Ceiling Grid” Tool. and Plumbing Pipes can be Modeled (with the Appropriate License Level) within AutoSPRINK. This is a Continuous Command. Place Lights and Registers as Shown. Fitters. used effectively. if desired. Highlight and then check the Status Line for verification of Elevation. Utilizing this Command. Revise to “0. Snap Ceiling to IFOW Features Completed Ceiling Features Copied Ceiling to 2nd Office eceFeatures Access the properties of the Ceiling Grid. It is now time to begin the Design process for our Buildings. can prove very useful for many different applications. for Design Coordination. This will place the Ceiling Grid on the Clipboard – a common Windows Command. Once completed. Snap to the Inside Face the remaining Walls of the 1st office. The Ceiling has now been Copied to a specific location. Electrical Conduits . Copy the Completed Ceiling to the 2nd Office Area. and are only editable from the Ceiling Properties. Walls with Window and Door Openings. Plan Reviwers. AutoSPRINK is capable of Constructing ALL the Elements of a Building. so we will be able to Snap to multiple locations. If the information doesn’t help convey your Design Intent to pertinent Trades. Snap to the Inside Face of the North-West Wall of the 1st Office. Note: Once the Features are in the Ceiling Grid. Copy / Relocate Elements within a Drawing. or to accurately reflect Existing Conditions on the Project.Boxes. then it is probably unnecessary. in relation to the Benchmark. Save the Drawing. Elevate the Ceiling Grid(s) to 8’-0 from Finish Floor (0’-0). Left-Click in Space to clear any Selection. and HOLDING the (Ctrl) Key. Slabs. Select the Ceiling Grid. be careful not to get carried away in designing “too much Detail. Once completed. Right-Click to exit the Command.Having configured our Ceiling and Features before we insert in the Drawing. you may transfer parts of a Drawing to another. even Ducts. Next.-0” Coordinates. defining the Size. and enter the Values “1. and the nearest “X” and “Y” Dimensions. Pendent Type. Repeat Process Sprinkler Ready to Snap eceFeatures Sprinklers in Position eceFeatures Page 8 . Flow Characteristics. Access the “Sprinkler Properties. The Sprinkler will reposition to “1.” Revise to Light Hazard. The Sprinkler Dimensions will be referencing the “Wall” Layer. Show Sprinkler Dimensions Dimension Reference Sprinkler Placement Options Right-Click in Space and access the “Sprinkler” Tool. with 8’-0 Elevation. Leave the Symbol to Default. Chrome. etc.-0. Note: The Dimension Layer. and 1’-0 in the positive “Y” Axis from the Selected Insertion Point. 5.” This will enable the Sprinkler to be inserted to a location 1’-0 in the positive “X” Axis. Creating the Sprinkler System for the Buildings. a Maximum Distance of 15’-0. Appearance. is a very simple Process. etc may also be revised from this Dialogue before creation. into the Center of Tile. 155 dg. We will configure our Sprinklers before we create them in the Drawing. Color. ½” Quick Response. 1’-0” from the Snap Point. We will then Place then into the Elevated Ceiling Grid. which will open the “Sprinkler Placement Options” Dialogue Box. and Center them in the Ceiling Tiles. The “Sprinkler Shortcut Icon” is located on the “System” Toolbar. 1.6 k. Dimensions from specified Layers. Snap the Sprinkler to the location as shown. or Walls will also aid us determine the appropriate Spacing. Select “Offset of the Sprinkler from the Point Entered”. Configure the Sprinkler Dimensions to reference the Wall Layer only. Placing Pendent Sprinklers in the Ceiling Grid. K-Factor. Access the “View / Show Sprinkler Dimensions” Menu.4. In the Input Line. it is time to Design the System in the Warehouse. Z) in a single Command. Middle-Click in Blank Drawing Space and Select “2” Pipe. then attaching the Piping. -5” and hit (Enter). Leave at Default. with a “1”-6” Offset. 200 dg. it is still an efficient way to use AutoSPRINK Tools creatively. and Select the (2) Pipes near the Peak.” Hit “OK. Right-Click in Blank Drawing Space and access the Sprinkler Tool.0 k. reposition the South Branch Line. and Hot “OK. Snap the Sprinkler to the Outside face of Wall at the North-West Intersection of the Storage Building. Snap to the 1st Upright Sprinkler. We will start with laying out the Upright Sprinklers. and Zoom to the North-West Corner of the Storage Building. Upright Type. Zoom in to the Peak. 8. If (2) or more Coordinates are needed to relocate an Element. Although the “Array” Tool is not necessarily intended for a single. and Snap Piping to the Sprinklers South of the Peak. At the ‘Placement Options” Dialogue. 5’-0 from the North and West Outside Face of Wall. using the “Array” Tool.” The Sprinkler has now been “Copied” 10 times. due to the pitch of the Roof. ¾” Quick Response. stopping short of the Peak. for our Branch Lines. Leave the Symbol at Default. Once Completed. “0’-6” to the East. Exit the Command. and Elevate the Sprinkler and Piping to the Roof Plane. and Select “Down. Center the Drawing with the Mouse Gesture. First. we will create a “Swing Joint” at the Peak. Now. Array Tool Shortcut Icon Array Dialogue Box Activate the “Array” Shortcut Icon. it may be more practical to enter the Values in the Input Line. This will open the “Swing Joint Pipe Treatment” Dialogue Box. Holding (Ctrl). Brass. Y. and Spacing = “10’-0”. Revise the Sprinkler Properties to Ord II. and then to each Sprinkler Below. located on the ‘Actions” Toolbar. Right-Click in Space. Set Benchmark Elevation to “0’-0”. This is a Continuous Command. the AutoSPRINK Input Line is capable of accepting (3) Coordinates (X. This will relocate the Sprinkler 6’-3 in the positive “X” Axis. enter the Values “6’-3.” A “Swing Joint” is now created. Swing Joint Dialogue Box Lines Elevated to Roof Lines at Peak Swing Joint Page 9 . and Select the “Place the Sprinkler at the actual point entered” option. The first Upright Sprinkler is now located inside the Building. Turn on the Layer for the Roof Plane. We will now “Copy” the Sprinkler Down the length of the Building. to the South. linear “Copy”.With the Sprinklers in Place in the Office(s). 10’-0 apart. In the “Rows” Column enter Number = “10”. and 5’-0 in the negative “Y” Axis. Deactivate the “Sprinkler Dimensions” in the “View” Menu. Right-Click to exit the Command. and access the “Swing Joint” Command. Note: Although the use of the Arrows and Input Line could have been utilized as well. Double Left-Click in Blank Space to Restart the Command. and HOLDING the (Alt) Key grab the “Grip” at the end of the Pipe – being careful to not Highlight the Sprinkler. and connected at the Peak. Access the “Auto Draw / Fittings” Shortcut Icon on the “System” Toolbar. etc. Revise to Hanger Class = “Standard Hanger”. connecting the Z-Purlin Joists. Construction = “Steel”. Zoom to the North End of the Branch Line.” The Hanger is now configured for the Branch line. including “Sprinkler”. Note: There are many other Tools available from this Toolbar. we are ready to create Fittings. Select “Hang From = Beam”. and “Clean-up Intersections” (Ctrl) Key + (F12). release then Multi-Select (Ctrl) Key the Sprinkler. “Coverage Cell”. Access the “Hanger” Shortcut Icon. Now “Stretch” the Pipe to a point past the Z-purlin. Snap the Hanger to locations desired intervals along the Branch line. and notice that the Branch line falls short of the Z-Purlin. which will open the Properties of the Hanger.” Now review the Drawing. Utilize methods discussed previously. Left-Click in Space to clear all Selections. We will now define the Properties of the Hangers before creation.With the Branch Line Elevated to the Roof Plane. “Middle”. Description = “Nut & Bolt Z-Purlin”. Access the “Settings / Default Properties / Hanger” Menu. and apply to the Drawing. while viewing the Status Line. which indicates the changing length of the Pipe. Turn on the “Beam” Layer. Span = “1’-0” and hit “OK. Once at the desired location. “Auto Draw” Functions. We will need to “Stretch” the Piping to a point past the Z-Purlin. etc. and Hangers that will attach to the center-point of the Z-Purlins. to verify all Fittings. “System” Toolbar Hanger Connected at Mid-point to Z-Purlin Hanger Properties Hanger Dialogue Page 10 . and is ready to be created in the Drawing. Select the Branch Line. Repeat at the South end of the Branch Line. located on the “System” Toolbar. Select “Do it. Branch Line short of Purlin Branch stretched past Purlin Auto Draw – Fittings Menu Select all of the Upright Sprinklers. and Branch Line. “Bracing”. This will open the “Hanger” Dialogue. and the “Advanced Settings” leave at the Default. and Riser. Left-Click to exit the Command. Feed Main. Select “Diameter” and “Cut Length.” Snap to West Branch Line Alter Benchmark Elevation Snap to East Branch Line Middle-Click in Blank Space.” “Copy” the completed Branch Line “12’-6” to the East. “Stretch” the East end of the Secondary Main “0’-6” to the East. and hit “Do it. Repeat on the East Side. HOLDING the (Alt) Key. with a 3’-0 Offset. Access the “Settings / Default Properties / Labels / Pipe Labels” and proceed to the “Text Line” Tab. you can enter specific Dimensions using the Input line. and access the Properties. Then Select the Main itself. Place the Benchmark (F2) at the Center of the Column Line “B” Bubble. HOLDING the (Shift) Key.” Select the Branch Line Piping. Revise the Size of the Piping to 3” Diameter. Utilize methods discussed previously. and Select “4” Pipe. With the Branch Lines in place. Use the “2-D Perpendicular Snap” to Select a Point on the West Branch line. Repeat for the Secondary Main on the South. Right-Click the Pipe and access the “Auto Draw Fittings” Command. Primary Main with Riser Nipples Riser Nipple with Fittings Page 11 .” Riser nipples will now attach the Branch lines to the Primary Cross main. (2) per Bay. With the Primary Main and Riser Nipples Highlighted. We will have a total of (8) Branch Lines. we will now create Primary and Secondary Cross Mains (with Riser Nipples). Revise the Font to “6 .Review the Drawing. and Hit “OK. and Snap to a point on the East Branch Line. Zoom to the West end of the Primary Cross Main.Ariel Bold” and hit “OK. Access the “Auto Draw / Riser Nipples” Menu. Elevate the Cross Main to the Roof Plane. Draw a small Rectangle around the end of the Pipe. Draw a Primary Cross Main West to East. Utilize the “Mirror” Command to place a Secondary Cross main at the South end of the Building. Left-Click to exit the Command. Draw the Pipe to the East. Note: When using the “Alt” Window. between the 2nd and 3rd North Z-Purlins. Revise all Elevations and Rotations to “0. Use the Arrows and Input Line to “Stretch” the Pipe “0’-6” to the West. Left-Click to Exit Command. Leave at Default. and verify all Hangers have been placed properly. Select the Brach Line Pipe Segment(s) above the Primary Cross Main. In the “Labels” area. Access the “Alter Benchmark Rotation / Elevation” Shortcut Icon located on the “Select” Toolbar. If you accidentally Select other Elements. simply De-select.” Answer “OK” to any options presented. Place the Benchmark (F2) at the West end of the Primary Cross Main.Beams. and “Discard Existing. access the “Auto Draw Couplings” Shortcut Icon on the “System” Toolbar. Right-Click in Space and access the “Select / Every / Pipe / Cross Main” Command. Span = “5’-0” ‘Z-Axis Rotation = “0”. Repeat Process for the South Main. and “Segment Length. and Labeled. 2’-0 from the End. Save the Drawing. The placement of the Benchmark is important for determining “Starter” pieces. Description = “Unistrut-Nut & Bolt Z-Purlin”.”. In the Label Area. the first “21’-0” Length was generated here. the Mains need a specific type of Hanger – a “Trapeze Hanger”. Left-Click in Blank Space to clear all Selections. We will also create Hangers for the Mains that attach to the bottom of the Steel I-Beams. Zoom to the West End of the Primary Cross Main.” While the Mains are still Highlighted. and create Grooved Couplings. While HOLDING the (Ctrl) Key.25. Note: by placing the Benchmark at the West end of the Primary Cross Main. With the Mains Highlighted. Copy to the East at interval desired. as we did in Exercise No.” Also proceed to the Advanced Dialogue. and “Maximum Length” to be “21’-0..1 Once Completed. and access the Properties. etc. Benchmark placed as “starting point” for the Auto Draw Couplings Auto Draw Couplings Dialogue Box Revise the Settings to “Locate the first Coupling Perp to the Benchmark”. Hit “OK. and Select “Advanced”. Construction = “Steel”. Access the “Settings / Default Properties / Hanger” Menu.Select all the Riser Nipples. With all of our Pipes Cut. The Hanger will automatically “Harmonize” with the Main. Select a Hanger from an adjacent Branch Line. utilizing the “Hanger Shortcut Icon” on the “System” Toolbar. approx. “extra Rod Added” = “4’-0”. TASK: Create Hangers. to span the Distance between the Joists. Fitted. and leave “AutoCalc” checked. with a Radius of . After Copying. We will now “cut” our Mains to “21’-0” lengths. 1.” Hit “Do it. and place in the Drawing. for the Cross Mains that will attach to the Bottom of the Steel I-Beams. Revise all Properties as necessary. with Top Beam Clamps and Restraining Strap .” Having created the Trapeze Hanger. Select ‘Diameter”. this will reflect the distances between the Outlets. release and Snap the Hanger to the Main. which will open the Properties of the Hanger. access the Properties. and change the Ring Size to 4”.” As in Exercise No. Hanger Harmonized to Main Uni-strut Trapeze Hanger Page 12 Main to I-Beam Hanger . Revise to Hanger Class = “Trapeze – Unistrut to Pipe”. Add the Labels for “Diameter” and “Cut length. Select “Assign Elements”.” This is due to the fact that no Piping in the Zone of Influence has been assigned to the Brace. Draw a Rectangle around the Branch Lines in the West Bay. and then Multi-Select – utilizing the (Shift) Key – all the Piping in the Bottom Menu. Multi-Select . Zone materials. Brace Shortcut Icon Brace Snap to Main Zone of Influence Piping Zone Piping Assigned to Brace Right-Click in Space and access the “Select / Every in Rectangle / Pipe / Branch line” Command.Orientation. etc as outlined in the NFPA 13 Standard. All Reports and Details will be explored in a later Exercise / Project. Zoom to the West end of the Primary Main. All the Piping in the Bottom menu will now turn Black. and applicable Standards. and AHJ requirements. It is now incumbent on the Designer to configure the Brace as needed. Left-Click in Space to exit the Command. as to help those who must deal with the ever increasing Seismic Zone requirements. 3-D Symbol. Fastener Type. access the “Commands / Sway Bracing / Assign Sway Brace Zone Elements” Command. we will add a single Lateral (Perpendicular) Brace to our Primary Main. Select an Area of Piping. Attachment Style. available at our Website.the Section of Main farthest West.The complete Bracing Features in AutoSPRINK. spacing of the Braces. Select the Brace at the Top Menu. we would assume a 25’-0 Span between Lateral Bracing. Once all the piping in the Zone of Influence is Highlighted. This will open the “Assign Zone Elements” Dialogue Box. including: • • • • • • • Angle of Brace per NFPA . This will also be included in our Zone of Influence. Note: Again. Details. etc will be dependent upon the applicable Codes. 6’-0 from the end. then Select the Brace at the Top Menu once again. Once activated. this is for demonstration purposes only. Brace Properties Page 13 . Notice the Brace is “Gray. The actual Zone of Influence. “G-Force” Calculator – For the Conversion of the Ss to an Fp Factor. Construction Type. up to the Peak. reflecting that it has been “Assigned” to the Brace. that would be consistent with the Standards applied for a “Zone of Influence” of the Perpendicular Brace. In this example. as well as a link to the USGS Site. and activate the “Sway Brace” Shortcut Icon on the “System” Toolbar. Brace Material. Snap to the West end of the Primary Main. are explained in our ever-growing Technical Video Library. and Length.using the (Ctrl) Key . Access the Properties of the Brace. an Zone Outline option. Position of Fastener. Standards. Label Option. approx. However. Zoom to the East end of the Primary Main. Right-Click in Space and Select the “Pipes to Sprinklers…” Command. From the East end of the Primary Main. and Select 4” Pipe. Draw the Pipe Down. etc. “10’-9” to the North. while Drawing the Piping. • Single Hanger Command . Right-Click in Space and access the “Select / Every in Rectangle / Fitting / Cap” Command. TASK: Create all the Piping. Hit “OK. if needed. Select Option No.” The Pendents are now connected to the Branch Line with 36” Flex Drops. and Select “2” Pipe. Note: The use of the (Alt) Key allows the user to snap to differing locations. and Connect to the new 4” Feed Main. Check the Status Line. Tools to utilize: • Auto Draw Commands . with a “3’-6” Offset. HOLDING the (Alt) Key. Page 14 .” Access the “Flex Drop Properties” Toggle. and Snap to the South Pendent. All Flex Drops must also have Hydraulic Equivalent Loss verified with Manufacturer Data. In the Office Area. we will now create the Feed Main from the East end of the Primary Cross Main. Draw a continuous Pipe “10’-6” to the East.With the Sway Brace Tool utilized. Fittings. etc. and revise the Flex Drop “Description” to “Flexhead 36”. • Add Outlet – Connecting Branch Line to Feed Main. When completed. • Clean-Up Intersections – Connecting Branch Line to Feed Main. Revise the Properties of the Piping to “Feed Main. Hit the (Delete) Key. “2”. with a large assortment of Options for Connecting Pipes to Sprinklers. Now connect the Office Branch Line to the Pendent Sprinklers. Middle-Click.Fittings. Right-Click to End the Command. Snap to a Point near the 1st Bar Joist. and Supply. and while HOLDING the (Ctrl) Key. This will open the ‘Connect Sprinkler to Pipes” Dialogue Box. and must be fully explored to appreciate the scope of the available options. • Labels . Then Draw the Pipe Parallel to the Joist.” Draw Feed Main Draw Office Line Connect Pipe to Sprinklers Dialogue Box Flex Drops to Pendents Middle-Click. Draw a small Rectangle around the End of the Pipe. Right-Click to exit the Command. Next is the Riser. Hangers. Elevate the Office Piping to the Roof Plane.with appropriate ‘Segment / Cut Length”.Revise Properties as needed. and Snap to a Point approx. and “2’-0” to the West. Save the Drawing. with “Flex Drops. less than “1’-0” before the Pendents. with a “1’-0” Offset. You will see (1) shown. among other various uses. “Diameter”. Elevate the new Feed main to the Roof Plane.” Multi-Select the Branch Line near the Pendent Sprinklers. UG Piping and Valves. and the Office Area Piping. etc needed in the Office Area. Note: The “Auto Draw – Connect Pipes to Sprinklers” is an invaluable Tool for the Designer. and “Flex Drop. • Arrows and Input line – Connecting Branch Line to Feed Main. Highlight the Lowest Piping Section of the Riser. This will be our “Water Source” for GPM / PSI during Hydraulic Calculations. Right-Click the Riser Assembly.” Left-Click. “Grouped” Riser Assembly Riser Rotated at Location Hydraulic Toolbar Draw Feed Main “Supply” Ball attached Reposition the Riser Assembly. and access a Pre-designed “4” Riser with Alarm & OS&Y. and Snap to the Top of the Feed Main. to an entire Fire Pump Assembly. We will explore the “Group. complete with Gauges. Access the “Supply” Tool form the “Hydraulics” Toolbar. Page 15 . which simply refers to the fact that the individual Elements of the Assembly have been linked together utilizing the “Group” Tool. the Designer is ready to create any Element. to General Notes. ranging from 3-D Ceiling Lights. and “Drag” the Element into the Drawing Space and release.” This will “Un-Group” the Riser Assembly into the individual Elements. and Select “Get Defaults from Selection. are INVALUABLE for the Designer. Right-Click the last length. Utilize the (Alt) Window to revise the piping if necessary. This the “Library” of Pre-designed Components and Elements provided for you in AutoSPRINK. Ensure the lowest Elevation is “0’-6” Above Grade. and utilize the “Rotator” Tool (+ Z) to Rotate the Riser to the Proper orientation.At the North end of our new Feed Main. Drain. and an Electric Bell. penetrating the Wall. Select any Element. This will be the top of the Riser. HOLD. Revise any Element. Access the “Riser Details” Folder. etc in the Status Line when Selected. By simply following these simple steps. This indicates that this Assembly has been “Grouped”. Note: This Tool. Now we will access the “Details” Tab in the Parts Tree. The Designer can Select various Elements. Draw a “2’-0 length of pipe to the North. Symbol” Tools in more depth in later Exercises. etc in AutoSPRINK without having to leave the Drawing Space. Relocate the Benchmark (F2) to the Top of the Risr. and the “Middle-Click” (to Draw Piping). Once Completed. You will now see a Riser Assembly. While still Highlighted. but will show their Property.” We can now create piping that is identical to our selection. and Select “Split All Selected Elements. and Snap to the Bottom of the Riser. This will link the Elements together. Elevation. then Right-Click to access the “Create Group” Command. and check the Status Line. They are no longer editable. which are now editable. “Right-Click on the Element” (for specific Tools relevant to the Element). along with the “Right Click in Space” (for specific Tools and Commands). you will also notice a square dashed line around the Assembly. 20” Remote Area Location – “Warehouse” Commodity Classification – “Class I-IV max 10’-0 Height” System Type – “Wet Grid-Type” Sprinkler Spacing Along Branch Lines – “10’-0” Distance Between Branch Lines – “13’-0” Angle of Remote Area – “90” (Vertical) Calculation to Determine Number of Branch Lines – Default “1. • • • Supply Ball Supply Ball Properties Static / Residual / Flow Data – Can be User-Defined per Existing Project Data or Flow Tests. • • • The “Standard” Remote Area.65 Transparency Once Configured. we will configure the Remote Area utilizing the ‘Settings / Default Properties / Remote Area / Standard” Menu.” A User-Defined Volume Box. allowing the Designer to Snap to differing locations. We will assume that the GPM / and PSI is accurate per the Project information provided for Design. but first. Hit “OK. etc. to access the Help File for that particular Tool. Diameter of Nozzle. In our Project we will be utilizing the “Standard” Remote Area. creating a “Boundry”.” Job Suffix – “Project No. Use it to explore more fully the Hydraulic Options for each type of Remote Area. which can them be revised per Hazard etc. 1” Area of Application – Leave at the Default “1500 sqft. utilized for Rack Systems. with options for Coefficients. Note: Remember the “Question Mark” Tool on the Main Menu. enabling the use of Graphs. specific height requirements.” A User-Defined Remote Area. comprehensive resource for the Designer.” We are now prepared to bring the Standard Remote Area. ‘Standard” Remote Area Shortcut Icon Leave the “Supply” at the Default Settings. It is now time to Hydraulically Calculate the System! There are (3) basic types of Hydraulic Remote Areas available in AutoSPRINK. Access the “Node Tag Properties” and revise to “8 Bold Ariel” with Leader Line. The Remote Area “Boundry. Select and Click on any Shortcut Icon. A Continuous Tool.The “Supply Ball” is the Hydraulic Water Source Reference used in most Hydraulic Calculations in AutoSPRINK. Access the Default Properties. It is a versatile. Test Time. such as in our Project Exercise.” Design Density – Leave at Default “. available in AutoSPRINK.2 Factor” Draw Cross Hatch / No Label. Calculator – A Pitot Flow Calculator is included. into our Drawing. Flow Report Data. Date. Commodities. and other criteria. Leave all other options at Default. Page 16 . etc. Hydrant No and Elevation. Witnessed By. Location. etc Flow Test Data – Complete with Option for a Graph. Soild Shaded. or Function. In the “General Tab” Revise Color to Black. The Remote Area “Box. and Revise to: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Occupancy Classification – Leave at Default “Ord II Hazard. Primarily used for “Standard” Sprinkler Spacing. etc. which can be revised per Hazard. . Based on the NFPA 13 Standard “S x L”. near the Center of the Brach Lines. showing the pertinent Hydraulic Reference Points in the Calculation. obtaining “Live” Analysis. Patented Technology unique to AutoSPRINK. The Designer may move the Remote Area freely. etc. Velocity. Note: A “+” indicates that there is more than sufficient PSI/GPM for the System Demands. Once the Remote Area has been placed. Trapped Water. Page 17 . A “Minus” indicates that there is insufficient PSI/GPM to meet the System Demand. move around the System and observe the “Live Hydraulic Analysis” Dialogue that shows the current hydraulic Information. is specific. viewing the Hydraulic results for that Area of the System. the least efficient Area of that particular Part of the System. Highlight the Remote Area and access the “Hydraulics / Node Tags /Cleanup” Menu. Place the Remote Area into the System Area. Ability to Flow From Supply. Access the “Color Pipes By” Shortcut Icon on the “Hydraulics” Toolbar. Move the Remote Area to the most “least efficient” part of the System.” You will now see what Piping is “Flowing” as well as the amount of Flow by Color Legend. With the Remote Area still Highlighted. This will relocate the Node Tags for more visibility.” AutoSPRINK will automatically search along the Branch Lines located in the Remote Area. This Patented Technology is unique to AutoSPRINK. It will recognize where a Fitting should be. and what Type based on the inherent “Intelligence” of the Program. The Hydraulic Reference Nodes with Leader-Lines should be visible. if they are under / over another Node Tag. This again. You could also “Flow By” Pressure. to determine if the “most Remote” Area chosen is in fact. NO FITTINGS are required to Hydraulically Calculate a System with AutoSPRINK.Deactivate all Snap Tools (F3) and access the “Remote Area” Shortcut Icon on the “Hydraulics” Toolbar. and release. Note: If No “Nodes” are visible. review the Drawing to ensure that all the Piping has been connected properly. and or no Hydraulic results are reflected in the “Live” Analysis Dialogue Box. Select “By Flow. “Color Pipes By” Shortcut Icon “Live” Hydraulic Analysis “Color Pipes by Flow” Activated Remote Area Place in Drawing With the Remote Area Highlighted access the “Hydraulics / Auto Peak” Menu. Select “Continue. After the “Auto Peak” Command has been implemented. they must be implemented correctly. Finished Floor Dimension Shortcut Icon “Star” Finish Floor Dimension Applied Icon Place on the Feed Main near the Riser. It is strictly up to the Designer. Garbage out” is applicable to the Hydraulic Calculations performed in AutoSPRINK. and can then Print. and the most powerful in the Fire protection Industry. Listings. single . or Send out to other pertinent people. Now. the old adage “Garbage in. Now Zoom to the North Feed Main.Note: As with any Software. This will place a Dimension from the “Finished Floor” to the Element Selected and Snapped to. in lieu of merely “Printing” the Selected Reports. Note: This holds true for all other Reports (Seismic. In this manner. Print. Top View / Zoom Extents with mouse gestures in the Drawing Space. a “Section View”. After reviewing the differing Reports and Options. by selecting the “Hydraulic Report Options”. In like fashion. it may prove more beneficial to “Export” the Reports to a sequential. and a “Parts legend” for the Riser. are the typical “AutoSPRINK” Format that reflects a great deal of information not normally shown on other styles of the Reports. etc) as well. and Review. However. You will find that select information entered in the “Settings” File. It is always incumbent upon the Designer.” We can now Review. and the Designer has determined that the position of the Remote Area is accurate. Text. the Designer has a digital copy of the Reports. Page 18 . and Select “By Element. Save. we will create “Star Dimensions”. Also. to properly interpret and apply the pertinent Standards when Hydraulically Calculating a System. Access the “Finished Floor Dimension” Shortcut icon from the “Notes” Toolbar.PDF File. Save your Drawing. Select various Reports. has now populated certain portions of the Reports. etc are fully editable and may be configured with the “Default Properties” prior to creation. near the Riser. The available Hydraulic Reports shown by Default. in order to produce accurate and correct results. as to what Format of Reports to Print. again access the “Color Pipes By Flow” Shortcut Icon. or Export to PDF the Hydraulic Analysis Reports. which will open the “Hydraulic Reports” Dialogue Box. there is the ‘Simplified” and the “NFPA” style of Reports available. Access the File / Printing / Hydraulic Reports” Menu. the Hydraulic Tools in AutoSPRINK are unique. The Dimension. However. all Camera Tools are active. and then Draw toward the East past the Office Building. Site Plans. and Select “Create a New Layer. to be visible. name the new Layer “View Tool.” In the Drawing. Right-Click in the Blank Space inside the Layers Tab. to facilitate the desired View. Holding the (Shift) Key. Page 19 . Note: The Location chosen will be the Lower Left Corner of the “View. It is now “Locked. Also. Under the “A” (Access) double-click to put a Red Padlock on the Layer. etc. Snap to a location between Colum Line “4” and “5” North of the Building. access the “Section Tool” Shortcut Icon located in the “Notes” Toolbar. If a Camera Zoom is conducted. Once activated. etc in the Drawing. Access the Properties of the “Section Line” and revise “Section and Sheet References” (Bubble Tags) to desired Designations. Right-Click the “Section Line” and Select “Create Section View” which will open the “Create Section View” Dialogue Box. Select the “View” and “Drag” it to the newly created Layer. Select “1/8th Scale” and “Architectural.” In the Dialogue Box. or Leader Lines that are added to the View.” Hit “OK. will enable the Designer to create any number of Details. it can be “stretched” per Designer preferences.” Section Tool Shortcut Icon Snap to Location – Draw Direction Section Designation Tags Point Direction as per Properties Section View Properties Section View Options Section View Once the “View” is in the Drawing Space. Note: When the “View” is Highlighted. Height to “30’-0”. such as Iso-View. must be Elevated “above” the View. Zoom. the “View” will no longer be at the Scale initially specified.To Create a “Section View”. Section Views. Access the “Layers” Tab in the Parts Tree. and if used to its fullest capabilities.” The Cursor will now turn into a “Pen” indicating the Section View is ready to be placed into the Drawing. Draw down past the South Exterior Wall. any Text. Left-Click.” The ‘View Tool” and ‘Section Tool” are an amazing addition to any Designer’s Toolset. Select a few Options. Flow Device”. and Calculations that are unparalleled in the industry! Congratulations! You have just “Built” and Designed what may be your first complete System in AutoSPRINK.The next task involves creating a “Parts Legend” for the Riser. the Benchmark is used as a Reference point for location. and the Text to “6 Bold Ariel. Select the Riser with a Rectangle. Revise to reflect “Valves. Top View the Drawing and Zoom to the Riser Location. The Riser Detail Legend Tags can be relocated. renumbered.. complete with Parts Legend in the Drawing. that enable the Designer to create Drawings. Those of you who are more familiar with the program. Access the “Create part Legend” Shortcut Icon on the “Notes” Toolbar.” Note: Again. on to Session 3! Page 20 . and then create a Detail. Just another example of the depth of Tools available in AutoSPRINK. hopefully learned Tools previously unknown. or perhaps used in ways that were unfamiliar. This is an incredible Tool. which will open the “Parts Legend Setup” Dialogue Box. that will allow the Designer to simply Select an Element. Back View. Now. Details. Create Legend Shortcut Icon Part Legend Setup Dialogue Box Riser Detail Part legend (Fully Editable) The Parts Legend is now inserted into the Drawing. etc and are fully editable – as is the Parts Legend Box itself.
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