Basic Railway Operation

March 20, 2018 | Author: BAGLA001 | Category: Debits And Credits, Train, Invoice, Payments, Receipt



GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (RAILWAY BOARD) No.2004/TC-I/304/65 The General Managers All Indian Railways. Sub: New Delhi, dated 14/01/2005 Joint Procedure-Order- Computerisation of Goods Terminals under FOIS Terminal Management System (TMS). Please find enclosed the Joint Procedure Order for Computerisation of Goods Terminal under FOIS. This Joint Procedure order has the approval of Accounting Reforms, Finance, C&IS and TT Directorates in the Ministry of Railways (Navin Kumar Parsuramka) Joint Director, Traffic Commercial (Rates) Railway Board. MASTER POLICY CIRCULAR Rates Circular No. 2/2005 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (BHARAT SARKAR) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (RAILWAY BOARD) No. 2004/TC-I/304/65 The General Managers All Indian Railways. Sub: Computerisation of Goods Terminals under FOIS Terminal Management System (TMS). New Delhi, dated 14/01/2005 In continuation to the Master Policy Circular No.2003/C&IS/FOIS/Progress dated 21/01/2004/10.02.2004 containing guidelines for indenting, supply, accountal and printing of computerized RRs, further instructions with regard to computerization of the booking and delivery of freight traffic under the Terminal Management System (TMS) are being given in this Master Circular No. 2. These instructions conform to the general procedure of goods shed working and also take into account the commercial practices being followed at different locations. Switching over from the existing manual system to the computerized system of the booking and delivery of goods traffic will take some time. Therefore, it has been decided to implement the TMS in a phased manner. The methodology for the changeover from the manual system to the computerised system of goods shed working is envisaged in the Transitional and Fully Computerised phases of the TMS, as explained below:1.0 TRANSITIONAL PHASE OF TMS 1.1 During the transitional phase of the Terminal Management System, while some locations will have computerised working the others will have manual working. Further, the computerised locations will have two kinds of working viz, (i) transactions between the two computerised terminals and (ii) transactions between a computerized terminal & a non- computerized terminal. 1.2 During this phase some of the data will have to be fed in the System manually at the time of commencement of the TMS at Goods Terminal. On the basis of the data fed at various stages, the System will generate & print Railway Receipts on the “RR stationery”. System will generate and print all the returns and the balance sheet of the station. Sectional Travelling Inspector of Accounts (TIAs) and Commercial Inspectors shall jointly verify all the data fed/updated time to time in the System. The referential data fed/updated in the system shall be maintained for verification by internal/statutory audit. 1.3 Terminal Management System shall initially run in parallel with the manual system. During this period, the data generated by the System viz., chargeable weight, freight class, freight rate & total freight in respect of outward RRs, calculation and accrual of wharfage and demurrage charges, collection and remittance of all railway dues etc., shall be cross-checked manually. In case of any failure in the computerized system, booking/delivery shall be done as per the manual system. Once the system stabilises, and users acceptance to the system is accorded by FA&CAO and CCM, the manual issue of RRs, returns and Balance sheet shall be replaced with the Invoice Index No. applicable for minimum weight condition (MWC) for a specific commodity in specific type of wagon shall be fed in the system. The data so populated should be certified by the Commercial Inspector & Inspector of Traffic Accounts.4 Traffic Accounts Office shall initially conduct hundred percent checks on system generated RRs.4 In such case.5 The results of transitional phase may be monitored closely by both Commercial and Accounts Officers concerned and feedback on deficiencies noticed and improvements required may be documented properly and advised to Board immediately along-with suggestions. if any. 3.1 In the fully computerized phase of TMS.5 This fully computerized Phase of TMS is targeted for implementation in all the Zonal Railways by 31 st March 2006. 2. 1. returns and balance sheets in respect of all the stations linked to them separately in addition to the data relating to the nodal stations themselves. if any.3 In this phase. etc are to be entered in the system so that continuous onward numbers are generated by the system. (ii) Till the distances are not automated in the system. 1.0 FULLY COMPUTERISED PHASE OF TMS 2. in respect of loading/unloading of wagons shall be entered in the system wagon-wise for computation of demurrage charges. printing of RRs. returns and balance sheets. complete data for inward and outward goods dealt at the adjoining non-computerised locations shall be fed in the System at the nodal station. 1. the chargeable and actual distances will be computed by the System as verified by TIA & Commercial Inspector. Once the results are found upto the level of satisfaction. in the matter. 2. 3. balance sheet and returns shall be printed by the system for all the Goods Terminals including those. collection of freight including other charges like demurrage & wharfage etc.Population of data The following inputs will be required before invoking booking or delivery tasks in the system. 2. For this purpose. correct distances calculated manually shall be fed in the system. (i) The last numbers used manually in respect of Demand No. (iii) Goods shed working and Business hours including “dies-non”-days shall be fed in the system for computation of demurrage & wharfage charges. 2. These nodal stations shall produce RRs. (v) Exceptions.2 During this phase. . (iv) Exceptions. a concept of Nodal Stations will be followed. applicable for the location.1 Introduction of TMS. The details of nodal stations working are given in Annexure-A. which continue with the non-computerised system... jointly at every goods terminal. Forwarding Note No. if any. certain stations shall be nominated as nodal stations. RRs. 2.system generated one. the procedure for checks in the Traffic Accounts Office will be modified..6 The Transitional Phase of TMS is targeted for implementation in all the Zonal Railways by 30 June 2005. Under this concept. booking/delivery and removal of Goods shall be done either at the Nodal Station or at the concerned location and fed in the system provided at the nodal station as decided by the Zonal Railway.0 WORKING ON TERMINAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The following procedure shall be adopted by the Goods Staff for commencing the work on Terminal Management System at all locations connected to the system. Class Rate/Station to Station Rate/Military Rate or Per Kilometre Rate. Fax No. Qrs. Stock type & No. Central/State Govt. 4. Units.0 RETRIEVAL OF DATA The following inputs shall be fed in the system for retrieving the data.0 DAILY INPUTS Before registering any demand for loading of goods. Kolkata in the case of coal loading. The reports relating to commodity wise and customer wise loading/unloading and earnings shall also be produced by the system.. advance wagon registration fee applicable or not. Rate type i. data-wise and Month-wise details of Programme/Allotment order with Group Rake Commodity. All the demands tendered by the consignor(s) whether free or .3 Restriction Messages Restriction messages regarding Zone/Division/Section/State/Civil District. Based on the inputs by the Board/Zonal Railways. Consignee. Group Rake Commodity. Stock Type. Payment mode in respect of wagon registration fee/Freight/Local Charges. the forwarding note may also be executed after completion of loading. Station from & to Consignor. Rebate if any – then its code and rebate in percentage or in amount etc. Destination(s)(optional) and proposed date of loading shall be fed in the system by the EDRM(Coal)). Rake Type. traffic type. DCM of the concerned division.. Rake type. Programmed Traffic. Class Rate / Station to Station Rate / Military Rate or Per Kilometre Rate. including EDRM. of units. Hd.3 Lump-Sum Account The Goods Staff shall feed in the system customer-wise amount deposited / replenished. Commodity with its seven digit numeric Commodity Code. single or multi party consignor(s). invoking of this task shall automatically update the position of demands in respect of restricted ones or the free demand. is formalised and proposed date of loading should be accepted from all the parties. 5. Rate Type i. for which stock is supplied on the basis of loading programme given by the party or allotment order given by EDRM (Coal).. Traffic type. 5. type of equipment used. as the case may be. rake commodity (commodity head). handling Mechanical/Manual.2 Repeat Way Bill Through this task information regarding repeated pattern of traffic in respect of each consignor. Rake Commodity. shall be called a demand and its constituent forwarding note(s) will be accepted from the party. In case any discrepancy is found.1 Loading Programme Acceptance of loading programme from all the customers. Address. Rake Type. Depending upon procedure of working at specific locations. 5. both internal and external. Railway Board. Telephone No. stock type & units. 4. rake type. the same should be advised immediately for remedial action to the central OCC through the Sr.e. Commodity Code.e. minimum balance required along with Money Receipt number & date. The consignor shall tender a forwarding note at a goods terminal and deposit the requisite wagon registration fee for registering demand for allotment of wagons. for a Group Rake Commodity. Risk Rate. PSU or otherwise. destination(s) {optional}. 4. shall be fed once by the Goods Staff in the system and its data will be retrieved in various tasks of the system viz.4.2 Registration of Demand and execution of Forwarding Note The set of information comprising of rake or piece meal. E-Mail Address. The supply of stock shall be arranged accordingly. The system will automatically adjust the amount from the customer’s account for any transaction made by a particular customer. Party-wise. the goods clerk will ascertain correctness of classification and minimum weight for charge of that commodity in specific type of stock through the queries provided in the system. priority class. wagon registration fee applicable or not. Freight and other Charges shall be fed in the system for retrieval as and when required. Rake Commodity. Demand Registration. 5. Payment mode in respect of ARF. Rake Commodity & Commodity with its seven digit numeric Commodity code – consignee. for each destination. Office or by the Goods Staff. Stock Type shall be fed in the system by Traffic Transportation Directorate of Railway Board or by Operating Department of the Zonal Railways.1 Customer Profile Salient information of the customers like Name. RR generation and various reports concerning to repeated pattern of traffic. ODC or otherwise. facility thereof is available in the system. 7. percentage charge if applicable along with value of goods shall also be entered in the system as per party’s declaration on the Forwarding Note. Goods Staff of the Nodal Station shall feed this data in the system for computation of freight. ii) If the option selected earlier in regard to ‘Paid/To Pay’.0 WAGON EXCHANGE REGISTER Since all the information about arrival.0 ACCRUAL OF FREIGHT CHARGES If the number of wagons loaded in a rake load is lesser than the number prescribed for availing trainload rate. Forwarding Note number. description of goods. if any. After recording wagon-wise placement date & time.loading/un-loading registers so that the requisite information is fed in the system for generation and printing of Railway Receipts. Wagon Exchange Register shall not be required to be maintained manually and the final out put of this register will be generated by the system. the entries in the combined wagon transfer. a remark to this effect should be fed in the release memo of the system. From the copy of combined wagon transfer.cum -loading / unloading registers received from non-computerised goods terminal. for which a nodal station shall be feeding the data in the system as notified by the Zonal Railway. the authority. iv) After generation of RR. However. Manual or mechanical loading or unloading and release code shall be recorded by the Goods Staff in the Wagon Transfer – cum – Loading and unloading Registers and consignor/consignee signatures shall be obtained thereon. The goods staff shall also indicate mode of payment whether “Paid” or “To Pay” or “Paid. handling and departure of the wagon(s) shall be available in the system. 10. for allowing trainload rate shall be fed in the system. number of packages. The time of printing of placement/release memo shall be shown by the system on placement/release memo automatically. release date & time. under special provisions freight could also be paid by the consignees. Similarly. 8. ii) In the case of outward loading at a computerised goods terminal. wagon-wise loading details with their placement and release time shall be recorded neatly by the Goods Staff on the reverse of the forwarding note in addition to the wagon transfer-cum. 10. In case some other charges or rebate are to be accounted against any invoice.0 MODIFICATION IN FORWARDING NOTE The existing format of Forwarding Note has been suitably modified to accommodate all the required information to enable the TMS Operator to feed in the data accurately. a task thereof shall be invoked and data fed in the system accordingly.1 Generation & printing of Railway Receipt (RR) i) Immediately after saving the data fed in the system for generation of RR. generation & printing of RR and electronic transmission of RR to its destination station. is required to be changed at a subsequent stage. freight should be collected in respect of paid RR as per mode of payment fed in the .restricted shall be registered by the Goods Staff.0 PLACEMENT / RELEASE MEMO The present procedure of preparing a hand written wagon placement/ release memo by the TNCs/Goods Staff shall be dispensed with and system generated placement/release memo shall be used both by TNCs and Goods Staff. freight is computed by the system. normally the consignor pays the freight at the forwarding station. In case weighment of the wagon(s) is required to be made enroute. iii) At non-computerised goods terminal. weight loaded/unloaded.0 WAGON TRANSFER CUM LOADING / UNLOADING REGISTER i) A combined register called Wagon Transfer-cum-Loading Register and Wagon Transfer-cum-Unloading Register for the purpose of wagon transfer register and loading/unloading registers shall be maintained manually.To Pay”. iii) In case of ‘Paid’ consignments. 6.cum -loading / unloading registers shall be prepared in duplicate by carbon process. 9. The system will then compute the freight charges.cum. The signatures of the consignor/consignee shall be taken on these registers. The system shall update the delivery book. ii) If the diversion is on operational account and a case of regular delivery. Further instructions in the matter will follow in due course. The confirmation so received will be printed in the remark column of the RR in the form of a codified inscription to be used as treasury remittance note acknowledged by Bank. class. vi) “RR stationery” shall be used for issue of system generated RRs. After the RR has been printed successfully. date. will be used as treasury remittance note for accounting of freight and will be sent to the Cash Office along with daily cash & Vouchers. including ‘e’-banking are available in the system. iii) If the diversion is on operational account and a case of matching delivery then the system has facility to allow placement. freight and collection particulars in respect of consignments booked under ‘e’banking scheme shall be printed at the destination station for the information of the customers. Detailed guidelines on e-payment system for pilot scale implementation have already been issued vide Board’s letter No. v) In the case of electronic payment through e’-banking. commodity. a physical instrument shall be tendered by the customer to the Goods Staff and details thereof shall be entered in the system to enable the system to print the RR. shall be printed from the same RR stationery roll in use.12. the system has facility to allow placement. All the existing modes of payment in vogue. ix) A loading statement giving full details of RR/Invoices number. The system shall update the delivery book. effecting book delivery and removal of goods at the diverted destination station. assigned for reporting their TMS data at a nodal station. Before giving a print command. on the basis of issue of supersessional RR by the forwarding station. The Transit Invoice copy. RRs of all the non-computerised locations. . The system internally distinguishes between various categories of RRs. coal.2004. Goods on hand /Goods not on hand and freight on hand /freight not on hand and outstanding register at the original destination on the basis of Over Charge Sheet issued by the system implicitly on behalf of the forwarding station. “Yes” option thereof has to be pressed by the Goods Staff. The unsuccessfully printed RR stationary will figure in the “non-issued stationary” statement and should be sent to the Traffic Accounts along with the returns. 11. TC-I/2004/104/1 dated 3. number of wagons.0 DIVERSION OF GOODS TRAFFIC The system shall give a prompt to deal with the diversion of goods traffic in the following manner: 11. rate. Paid or To-pay or Paid-on-to pay. Military traffic & Govt. A confirmation in regard to successful completion of the transaction will be received back from the Bank in the system at the loading point to print the “Paid” RR. RMC.system. Under the TMS. In case of unsuccessful printing of the RR. release & unloading of wagons. Freight on in-ward “Goods-on-hand/Freight on Goods-not-on-hand and Station out-standing register of the system. the system shall internally approach the customer’s bank for transfer of amount due against each freight transaction from customer’s Bank account to Railway’s Bank account. Since all booking details are available in the system. In case of all modes of payments except for ‘e’-banking.2 Diversion on customer’s request (a) If the diversion is on customer’s request then the system allows for placement. RR stationery code shall be fed in the system. RR stationery roll put on a printer shall correspond to the TMS devices provided at each location. 11. “No” option has to be pressed and reasons thereof shall have to be fed in the system to enable it to re-print the RR. there shall be no need to send the transit copy of the invoice along with the consignment in the wagon(s). it shall be electronically transmitted to the destination station and shall get posted in the delivery book record as also its related reports viz “Goods–onhand/not-on-hand”. The system validates as to whether the customer is allowed to make payment through a specific mode of payment or otherwise. Goods-on-hand /Goods-not-onhand and freight on hand /freight not on hand and outstanding register at the original destination accounting for as non receipt of goods at the original destination with the information that these goods have been delivered to the diverted destination station. vii) There are two options in the system for RR printing -“Did RR print successfully – Yes / No”. Continuous stationery numbers shall be used for issue of all kinds of RRs viz Local/Foreign. Train/wagon load. The goods so delivered on memo invoice shall be accounted for at the diverted destination station as excess goods. then it can be a case of regular delivery or matching delivery as per extant rules. weight. general Goods. viii) Once the RR has been generated/successfully printed in the system. release & unloading of wagons. therefore. effecting book delivery of invoice and removal of goods at the diverted destination station on memo. release & unloading of wagons.1 Diversion on operational account i) If the diversion is on operational account. the system shall link the invoice numbers as fed in the wagon transfer register against the respective wagons with the invoice numbers of inward RRs. if any. a refund statement indicating Bank’s confirmation inscription should be generated by the system for being sent to the cash office along with the daily cash remittance. due shall also be generated by the system and collected. in the computerised system.0 RE-BOOKING In computerised system. during the transitional phase of TMS. due to change of gauge enroute to its destination or due to sickness of loaded wagon. relevant data regarding transhipment shall be fed in the system at the concerned nodal station. undercharges and local charges if any. in case TMS is not available at the place of transhipment. an internal reconciliation of RR details already fed shall be done by the system. the system will reverse the earlier transactions made against the original RR for the original destination as per authorization by the CCM/Refunds under his password and collect the charges afresh for the supersessional RR. Since no manual Delivery Book is to be maintained. the goods staff shall enter inputs of wagon transfer register and number of packages with weight transhipped from loaded wagon(s) to the empty wagon(s). if the Inward consignment arrives with manual RRs. This refund statement shall be sent by the station staff to the cash office along with the daily cash remittance as a voucher to take special credit in the station balance sheet of their destination. 14. authority for rebooking and new destination. The amount refunded will be confirmed to the TMS devices provided at the originating station and its corresponding Traffic Accounts Office & CCM/Refunds Offices. (b) The system will have setting off of liability both in respect of goods as well as freight at the original destination station implicitly instead of issuing certified overcharge sheet. No manual register shall be required for recording Transhipment details as the same can be extracted from the system in MIS. A separate statement of such refunds will be generated indicating bank’s confirmation inscription. the paper formalities will be performed as per extant rules. In case of over charges. 12. ii) In case the goods belonging to a consignee is diverted from one station to another with change in consignee code also. the system shall allow regular delivery of such consignments. The original RR is to be surrendered at the forwarding/diverted station. In case. old freight. However. The system will be updated with information that the ‘RR’ has been surrendered or otherwise. there shall be no need to input the RR details. The goods staff shall feed in the system the date & time of placement & release. no RR details have been fed into the system and correct /incorrect invoice numbers are indicated against the respective wagons in the wagon transfer register of the system. memo delivery computing the freight afresh is permitted by the system. the station shall take special credit in its balance sheet. the system will provide the wagon-wise loading details as & when required instead of manually prepared tally sheets and compute the demurrage charges. if any due.0 TRANSHIPMENT In case any transhipment is involved for any consignment loaded in a wagon. In case originating and destination stations both are computerised locations. 13.effecting book delivery and removal of goods at the diverted destination station computing the freight afresh adjusting the earlier freight if any already paid. change in weight or description of commodity. Charges. The amount refunded will be confirmed to the TMS devices provided at the originating station and its corresponding Traffic Accounts Office & CCM/Refunds Offices. i) In case the goods belonging to a consignee are diverted from one station to another without any change in consignee code. signature of customer shall be obtained on the reverse of the Railway Receipt. . Based on these inputs. iii) For the reversal of the transaction made in respect of original RR. Thereafter. the system implicitly adjusts the payment received against the earlier transaction on the original RR issued for the previous station and collect the difference of freight if any due. On the basis of acknowledgement thereof from the cash office.0 DELIVERY OF GOODS At computerized goods terminals. The following provisions are made in the system for the payment mode under ‘e’-banking. Invoice details of In-ward Wagon Transfer Register automatically link the same against the Delivery Book entries for effecting Book Delivery. All these functions should be enabled through the TMS device provided at the originating station only. the amount refundable shall be reversed through e-banking system on authorization by the CCM/Refunds under his password. After receipt of the original RR and feeding the details thereof in the system. The system will generate & print new Invoice for re-booked consignment giving reference of the original consignment with details of the fresh freight. Loading Book.0. The competent authority only shall feed the details of waiver under their password giving details of authorisation with reasons for waiver.1 Waiver & Collection of Demurrage Charges While considering party’s request for exercising waiver of the demurrage charges. Freight on Goods-on-Hand. special credits should be accounted for in the system by feeding special credit details duly indicating the authority thereof. Station Out-standings.0 STATION ACCOUNTING On the basis of the inputs made for various tasks viz Programmed Traffic. Thereafter. In case weighbridge is not available at the forwarding station. WEIGHMENT OF WAGONS The weighment details of each wagon are captured by the system in the Loading Register. siding maintenance charges etc. The amount cleared shall be set off and not reflected in Out-standing Register. Remittances during the day. Freight on Goods-not-on-Hand. the goods staff shall feed the details of payment in the system. 17.e. On the basis of this information the operating staff inputting train ordering of the load can put a special fag in this regard.0 DEMURRAGE AND WHARFAGE CHARGES 16. Remittances for the requisite period(s) etc.0 DAILY CLOSING OF REGISTERS ( DAY END) Day end closing task gives a prompt for checking all unfinished jobs. The system shall keep updating the Out-standing Register according to the accruals.15. Head-wise Accruals. Invoice Index number and “RR stationary number”. The competent authority only shall feed the details of waiver under their password giving details of authorisation with reasons for waiver. 16. Demurrage Statements. The system will update the position in the wharfage register & the outstanding register. 20. Goods-on-Hand. 19.0 The details of electronic payment (E-banking) either through direct connectivity or through payment gateway . Demand. Unloading book.2 Waiver & Collection of Wharfage Charges The Goods Staff shall feed the date & time. Goods-not-on-Hand. The system shall also provide Monthly Goods Balance Sheets instantly. Accruals. the system internally generates various reports for the purpose of Goods Returns like Wagon Registration Fee Statement. the system prompts all the concerned authorities including the Station Master of the weighbridge station & the Dy. Thereafter.0 This issues with the concurrence of Finance. the Divisional Authorities can view these charges in the system. Through this flag. No Machine Prepared Abstracts (MPAs) shall therefore. In case of non-operation of TMS on the following day. be required in respect of goods booked from the TMS locations. the goods staff shall feed the details of payment in the system. which updates the weighment details in the Invoice and in the Delivery Book at the destination station duly computing the undercharges. Forwarding Note number. Wharfage Statement. Similarly. Forwarding Note. Collections. Collections of dues. the system allows computing freight on Sender’s weight declared on the forwarding note and accepts the instructions in the system for weighment of the wagon(s) or the Rake at the nominated station enroute. This task is to be invoked by the Goods Staff before the close of the day. Chief Controller (Operations) for arranging enroute weighments. System also provides print-out Handling of wagons both Inward & Out-ward and the last numbers generated viz Demand number. siding charges. The system will update the position in the demurrage register & the Out-standing register. It also provides the various print-outs of the cash book i. Wagon Transfer Register. The weighment details so obtained are fed in the system at the weighbridge station itself. 16. Delivery Book etc. The system shall compute the wharfage charges and indicate the same in the Delivery Book & Outstanding Register. these printouts help to carry out the work manually. Traffic Transportation and C&IS Directorates of the Ministry of Railways. number of packages and weight of the consignment(s) removed from the goods terminal. which one to be collected at the time of delivery of goods. at the station should be entered by the goods staff if not already entered through electronic posting of RR or re-computation of freight. like Unloading / Loading Books. 21. if any on this account.0. OUT-STANDING REGISTER The TMS system provides all facilities of accounting for the accruals of charges in the Out-standing register till the time the same are cleared. Accounts. Details of all the debits lying in outstanding including local charges like license fee for the leased land. The instructions for weighment enroute fed in the release/removal memo of the system by the goods clerk will get replicated on the system generated Guard’s Vehicle Guidance. 18. provision has been made for capturing the data of entire originating traffic. Railway Receipt will be generated and printed based on loading details at the nominated Nodal location. (Shiv Kumar Chowdhri) EDTC/Rates (Madhav Pathak) ED/C&IS (Vinay Mittal) EDTT (M) (Sudhir Mathur) ED(A) Annexure “A” Nomination of Nodal Customer Centres/Goods Sheds for a group of stations concept. Delivery will be granted on production of RR at the nominated Nodal location with an endorsement on the RR and money receipt issued against freight collection and accounted for against the non-device unloading station. Details of wharfage charges due. d. 22. i.0 All concerned may be advised accordingly and acknowledge receipt of this letter.will be worked out between CRIS. Unloading Book and Delivery Book. h. loading/unloading – commodity. time. reporting convenience. g. packing condition. reporting convenience.K. availability of telecom network and direction of flow of traffic. Details of wharfage charges due. This information will be sent on the prescribed proforma as per Annexure IV. a. e. availability of telecom network and direction of flow of (A. freight will also be collected at the nominated Nodal location and accounted for against the nondevice loading station.e. In case of Paid traffic. TMS terminal for reporting the events for its own station as also for its designated peripheral non-device stations. Wagon Transfer Register. to be identified based on geography. The nominated Nodal station will have reporting device. Zonal Railways. f. The requisite data generated at such loading points will be captured from the device location nominated as Nodal Goods Sheds located at major loading points or Customer Centers. participating bank and the customer in accordance with the guidelines being issued separately. Therefore. b. Following procedure is prescribed for reporting to Terminal Management System in case a loading/unloading station has not been given a reporting device.. Onward and Inward placement date and time of the lst wagon and release date & time of the last wagon will be communicated on phone by non-device location to its nominated Nodal location. Wagon-wise details of placement & release date. The requisite data generated at non-device loading/unloading points will be captured from the device location nominated as Nodal Goods Sheds located at major loading points. All the locations may not have reporting device for capturing loading/unloading data of Terminal Management System (TMS). Arrival date & time of stock at the non-device location along with changes in wagon numbers only if any in the Vehicle Guidance will be communicated on phone/fax block instrument phone/messenger to the nominated Nodal location or concerned control office. foregone and collected on outward consignments will be sent by bon-device station to the Nodal station at the end of day on the prescribed proforma as per Annexure III. the non-device unloading location will allow removal of consignment. Its written confirmation will be sent on prescribed proforma as per Annexure II. However. On collection of duly endorsed RR and money receipt. Loading Book. there is a concept of Nodal station having peripheral stations in TMS. c. Following procedure is prescribed for reporting to Terminal Management System in case a loading station has not been given a reporting device. It is essential for statistics of originating earnings and tonnage. The non-device location will continue to maintain manual registers like Priority Register. Demands registered at non-device station will be communicated on phone to the nominated Nodal location as per Annexure II. qualified remark and demurrage if accrued will be sent by the non-device location to the nominated Nodal location. PROCEDURE FOR REPORTING HANDLING AND LOADING FROM A NON-DEVICE STATION 1. to be identified based on geography. foregone and collected on Inward consignments will also be sent on prescribed proforma as per Annexure V by non-device location to Nominated Nodal location.Bhatnagar) EDF(C&RM) . weight. Will send F. I/W. WTR. No. Reporting of Arrival of Train. Movement Order of Stock When will he do it On party’s request at C & conveyed on phone to A. Note details D being device location B being device location B being non-device location E Control Office Event Yes Responsibility & Location Staff at Centralised Customer’s Center (say location A) Staff at goods Shed of Loading Station (say location C) Demand Registration for non-device Location (say C) Execution of Forwarding Note Supply of stock Consist of stock Control Office TNC of stock Supplying station (say location B) Through train Guard Arrival of stock at loading station (say location C) I/W No. location-wise responsibility would be as under :- Location A B C D Office Commercial Stock Supply Loading/Unloading Station Nodal /Station Device YES Yes/No No Yes Responsibility Demurrage & Registration.Note. stock to C location is supplied by B. Details of F. Loading/Unloading and Removal of Goods in batch mode on behalf of C. the events taking place at loading/unloading location C are reported at a device location D and the concerned control office is E. Operating & Commercial Placements and Departure of Train in Real Time. in Demand Registration Task Nodal Goods Shed or Customers center will capture F. RR Generation & Delivery of Goods on behalf of C Movement Order & Consist of Stock Execution of F. Responsibility of reporting various Operating and Commercial events pertaining to non-device locations will be distributed as below:i) Concerned Control Offices or ii) Major Loading Points (Nodal station) and/or iii) Nominated Customer Centers If C is considered a non-device location. WTR. Programmed Traffic. its nominated Commercial Office is A.Note. Loading/Unloading and Collection of Wharfage & Demurrage Charges. Taking.taking at loading station (say location C) Ist Commercial Placement & Last Release at loading station (say location C) Wagon-wise Commercial TNC of loading station Convey information to TNC C being non-device (say C) of Nodal Station (say D) or location Control Office on phone TNC of loading station Convey information to TNC C being non-device (say C) of Nodal Station (say D) or location Control Office on phone TNC of loading station Convey information to TNC C being non-device (say C) of Nodal Station (say D) or location Control Office on phone Goods Clerk of loading station (say Statement through Guard of train to Nodal Goods C being non-device location .traffic. 2.Note after completion of loading to Nodal Goods Shed or Customers Center Movement order Task Consist reporting task himself (location B) Consist reporting task of enroute device location Remarks Input of RWB No. Tentative date of loading. Name of forwarding station.. Handling – Manual/mechanical. Placement date & time. Plan of programmed Traffic. Location C will also report the date & time of departure of the said Load/Train to Location D. type. Execution of Forwarding Note – Forwarding Note will continue to be executed at Location C giving details corresponding to the Repeat Way Bill Number against a demand i. On registration of each demand. The demand number against which supply is made shall be conveyed on phone by E. Rake/Piece meal.Placement and Release as per WTR C) Shed or Customer Center (say location D) for Inputting in system OUTWARD 1. Commodity. Location B (in case it is not provided with device) shall arrange a manual wagon consist to be sent through guard to be handed over at Location C. Via. Allotment & Release – Location C shall record and inform on phone to Location D date and time of Commercial Placement of first wagon and Complete Release of the last wagon of the Rake along with Demand Number and individual wagon numbers not Commercially Placed/Released under a code. Special number (for Programmed Traffic only). Traffic Type. accrued and realised shall be sent by C to Location D on the prescribed proforma for feeding the details sequentially in the WTR task. Consignee. 6. 5.This information shall be captured centrally at Divisional or Zonal Headquarters which shall include Name of forwarding station & State.e. Location B (in case it is provided with device) shall arrange a printed copy of a) System wagon-wise consist.. CC.II). Kind of Restriction. Weight. Demand number. Priority Class & number. 4. The Goods clerk of location C will send the requisite information on the prescribed proforma as per Annex.e. will send its written confirmation on the proforma (Annex. Consignee. who in turn shall feed the information accordingly. The details of WTR i. Allotment date & time. Loaded/Empty. Release date & time. Consignor.III). Consignor. for all parties and destinations for location C and send a copy of all the RWBs to C for keeping a record thereof for day to day reference. who will input the same in the system. Divisional Control Office shall organise supply of stock against each demand from location B through Movement Order. Consignor. Commodity & its description. Consignee and Details of the Demurrage Charges if any. This statement will be sent by Goods clerk of location C to location D on the prescribed proforma (Annex. Registration of Demand – The information shall be captured at nominated Nodal Goods Sheds/Customer Centers on the basis of Repeat Way Bill Number of the Consignor alongwith Type & Number of Wagons at Location A on behalf of Location C. 3. Demurrage if any accrued. Location D will input the arrival time and correct changes on receipt of such advice. Commercial Placement. I to location A or D. location C will inform the RWB No. Date & Time of registration of demand. 7. Operating Placement – Location C shall record on the Guard’s copy the date and time of operating placement of first wagon and also convey on phone to location D. Live Stock/Offensive/Dangerous/ODC. Type & number of wagons. The Forwarding Note may be handed over before commencement of loading or at completion of loading as per extant practice. Destination station. ODC. Destination station. Type & number of wagons. Consignee. who will generate the RWBs. Type & number of wagons. Line number. shall be realised at C and . Name of destination station & State. Rate Type. shall be collected at location C and indicated in the removal statement along with MR Number for feeding in the system at location D. b) Demand details against which the supply is made/to the Guard of the train to be handed over at Location C. 2. ARF amount & its mode of payment. Demand number (to be generated by the system).e. Priority Class. Traffic Type. Rake or Piece meal. Supply of Stock for loading – Location E i. Wharfage if any accrued on O/W staked goods. time and money receipt number of wagon registration fee if collected to location A on phone and at close of the day. Inward Number Taking Location C – Location C shall do physical number taking of the wagons and record arrival time and consist modifications on the copy received and convey on phone to location D arrival date & time of the train alongwith changes if any to modify the consist accordingly. This will include name of forwarding station. Rake Commodity. Wagon number. Under Restriction. Date of registration. Under Quota allotment. Consignor. date. Special number. Loaded/Empty. 12. type. CC. Location C will also report the date & time of departure of the said Load/Train to location D. who will input the same in the system.written in the WTR statement (Annex. wagon number & type.IV) for feeding the details sequentially in the loading task. CC. Sender’s/Actual weight. Qualified remark if any. Qualified remark if any. Over weight. Special condition. Non-device location C will also despatch the same copy of Guard’s summary received duly modified at his station to work as the o/w consist to be normally deposited at en-route device location/location D from where. Allotment date & time. shall be sent in writing in the form of a statement (Annex. This statement will be sent by Goods clerk of location C to location D on the prescribed proforma (Annex. INWARD 10. Handling – manual/mechanical.V). Release date & time. Wagon number. description of commodity. Wharfage if any accrued shall be collected at location C and indicated in the removal statement along with MR Number for feeding in the system at location D. Railway Receipt – RR will be prepared by Location A after all the preceding entries have been made by the respective locations. Line number. 14. Demurrage if any accrued shall be realised at C and written in the WTR statement along with MR number. Invoice number & date including discrepancies. who in turn shall input the entries in the Unloading Register of the system.e. Private marks shall be sent by C to Location D written on prescribed pro-forma (Annex. Consignor Consignee Station Station Via Rake or Traffic No Code Code from to P/meal type Train/Wagon load Type of Owner of Nature of AlongHub & spoke equipment Wagon equipment with Super charge Loaded/ Rake Commodity Rake Code Empty Commodity Code type Payment Demurrage Rate Rate ARF applicable Risk Type type type flag or not rate Paid Priority Service Engine ODC Under . Operating Placement – Location C shall record on I/W consist and report the date and time of operating placement of first wagon on phone to location D. Inward Number Taking – Location C shall do physical number taking of the wagons and report the exceptions (attachments/detachments) on phone to location D. Chargeable Weight. Guard will carry forward a system generated consist. ANNEXURE I STATION___________________________ Date________________ S. Packing condition. Over weight. Actual weight. These details will be sent through the train Guard by location C to location D on the prescribed proforma (Annex. who in turn shall input Arrival Date & Time of the train and modify the consist accordingly. Loading details – FN number-wise.IV) 13. Chargeable Weight. who in turn shall feed the information accordingly.e. Rake/Piecemeal shall be sent in writing in the form of a statement by Location C to Location D. after getting the details fed into the System. Permissible weight. Private marks. for entering in the Wagon Transfer Register of the system.IV) along with MR number & date. if any. The consignee on production of the so endorsed RR and the Money Receipt. Commercial Placement & Release – Location C shall record on I/W consist and inform on phone to location D date and time of Commercial Placement of first wagon and Complete Release of the Rake along-with exceptions of wagons (Individual wagon number not Commercially Placed/Released under a code). 8.IV) by the Goods Clerk of location C to location D.. Permissible weight. shall be allowed removal of Goods at Location C. The details of WTR i. 11. Delivery – Delivery after collection of all the charges due on production of RR shall be granted in the System at Location A and a money receipt issued for collection of payment besides passing an endorsement to this effect on the RR. description of Commodity with Commodity Code. Unloading – The unloading details i. 9. Placement date & time. R. No./Mec. MR date Stock ANNEXURE III Party’s Date & Time of Number of Weight in Date & Time Wharfage Name receipt of Goods packages Quintals removal due Wharfage Authority Authority Date Wharfage MR Number Date Foregone Number collected ANNEXURE IV Outward/Inward__________________________ Station_____________ Demand No. Date & time of Station from Station to Consignor Consignee Rake or piece meal Type & units of WRF Amount M.&date from receipt of Goods packages Quintals of removal Wharfage Wharfage Authority Authority Date Wharfage Date Foregone Number collected MR Number Date SUMMARY OF PROCEDURE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF TERMINAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .& Date if any ANNEXURE V Invoice Station Date & Time of Number of Weight in Date & Time No._______________Demand date____________ Date of handling_______________ Wagon details L/Placement Release Handling No.Type class type on load or not quota Weight Weight Stock Other charge details %age of Offered units Type Units Type Code Amount freight Hub-spoke details Effect from Effect to Station Station Load date date ANNEXURE II Station______________________________ Date__________________ RWB No. Amount Authority Authority Date Amount MR Remark Foregone Number Collected No. & Type Owning Nos. Descript. Railway of goods Commodity Weight Invoice Station Rake or Paid Risk Other Code Name in Qtls. No. CC E Date Time Date Time Man. & date from P/meal type rate charge Train/Wagon Packing Free Time Demurrage Demurrage Load Hub & spoke Outer Inner Allowed Hours amount in Rs. 2. Enter the following details in the System :(ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Station wise invoice index numbers last issued. Details of Forwarding Note (other than those entered Complete details of forwarding note in demand) will be entered in the System. Existing Procedure Programme Traffic – To facilitate supply of stock. will be registered now. will take out print and keep it in a file. Exceptions of Minimum Weight Condition for charge. will take out print and keep it in a file. Note is too inadequate to record . Forwarding Note number last registered in the priority register.R. B. if any applicable. stationery roll’s commencing and closing number. if any. No 1. Railway Board/Zones will Shall keep it print out enter restriction orders in for record of information the System. goods staff would invoke restriction task in the System every morning. To meet with eventualities of system failures. are recorded in Forwarding Note Forwarding Note number Register and Priority Register and Priority No. the status of demands. Demands falling under the category of restricted are not registered.A. Registration of Demand & Forwarding Note : (a) Demand – A remark of clubbing of Forwarding Notes registered for supply of a rake is passed in the Priority Register. Note format is modified No change in keeping to record complete details record of forwarding 4. (viii) Dies non days. Goods shed working and business hours. Chargeable and actual distances in respect of the destination stations for outward traffic and forwarding stations for inward traffic. (a) On first day of introduction of TMS at a station. last priority numbers assigned in the Priority Register. All demands including restricted. (ix) (x) (xi) (b) (c) (d) Exceptions of free time for handling. Enter lump-sum deposit details of the parties. will take out print and keep it in a file. (b) Forwarding Note : Procedure in TMS It is formalised now and will be entered in the system. Documentation To meet with eventualities of system failures. To up-date of staff and traders. Enter salient information of the regular customer in the Customer Profile of the System. observing rules for such clubbing. 3. F. Last progressive number of the delivery granted. Enter booking profile of repeated pattern of traffic in Repeat Way Bill of the System. will be assigning priority class-wise number of each entry of forwarding generated by the System automatically. Priority class wise. if any. in Lump-Sum Account of the System. Day to day working – S. Note Format – Format of F. Set of parameters qualifying clubbing of Forwarding Notes for Train Load Rate benefits will be entered in the System. Restrictions – Railway Board/Zone/Division issues restriction bulletins for implementation of restrictions to all the stations. To meet with eventualities of system failures. daily/periodical-loading programme is accepted in advance from regular customers and kept in a file. These are kept in a file and acknowledged by staff. F. note. R. extract various statistical information. Print out of R. Note by the goods staff. One foil of R. chargeable distance is calculated in consultation with the distance table. is computed by the System. 5. Print out of placement and release memo will be taken from the System and exchanged between TMC and goods staff under signatures. 8 CC & Tare should be entered in the System. 9. if any leviable. Qualifying remarks are recorded by the party on the forwarding note. Wagon Transfer Register & Loading/Unloading Book – A WTR is maintained to record date and time of placement and release of wagons for outward and inward handling in the goods shed. Weighment advice is kept in record. 6. Placement/Release Memo – TMC staff gives placement memo. System will then automatically compute MWC as applicable.Rs. Signatures in token of acknowledgement of date and time of placement and release are obtained from the party in this register. Prints of requisite statistical information should be taken out of System. is given to the party. are taken. Freight is calculated on multiplication of rate and chargeable weight and final freight calculated after subtracting rebate and/or adding other charges as applicable. All details are recorded on the R. Placement memo will suffice the purpose of number taker book for recording CC & Tare by the goods staff. is calculated manually and entered in the demurrage statement register. 10. It is also electronically transmitted to TMS device destination station. System maintains the details of placement and release memo. Weighment details received through weighment/re-weighment advice shall be entered in the System’s loading/unloading book for computation of freight charges. Note once executed is kept in safe custody of investor. Accrual of freight charges – On the basis of information recorded on the reverse of F. Wagon Exchange Register – It is System maintains this maintained by Operating staff to register. CC. Weight details and qualifying remarks will also be entered in the System.R. System automatically computes freight and generates R. Weighment advice will still be kept in record as authority for input of data. Demurrage. Based on entry of data. Loading/unloading details will be entered in the loading/unloading book of the System. note. second copy of the same to the Traffic Accounts. Qualifying remarks are recorded on the forwarding note by the party and copied on the loading book and R. Similarly. Loading/unloading details of outward/inward consignments are recorded in loading/unloading book. Weighment Details – Weighment details received through Weighment advice are recorded in the loading/unloading/delivery book for levy of correct freight charges.R. . Demurrage. Qualifying remarks will also be entered in the System for printing on the R. 7. if not already fed.R.complete details of the consignment booked thereon. A copy of these entries so made in the register will be given to the TMS operator for entering in the System.R. to goods staff in respect of wagons placed for handling in the goods shed. Placement and release details of wagon(s) will be entered in the WTR of the System. of a consignment. release memo is given by goods staff to TMC. based on description of commodity – classification & MWC for charge is ascertained from the Goods Tariff and rate for charge per quintal ascertained from Freight Table. demand and up to loading register. third On the basis of entries Dispersal of RR foils will made in the System from be made as per existing the stage of registration of system. A WTR-cumloading/unloading register will be maintained manually for obtaining signatures of the party and recording loading/unloading details & removal of inward consignments. if any leviable.R. Tare & Qualifying RemarksCC & Tare are entered in the inward number taker book by the goods staff and recorded in loading/unloading/delivery book for calculation of MWC for charge. F. The System will provide print outs of outward consignments awaiting issue of supersessional RRs. For effecting Book Delivery. it is posted in the Cash Book. 11. the signatures of the party or endorsed consignee will now be obtained on the reverse of the Railway Receipt surrendered by the party. Matching maintained. Book Delivery and physical removal of the consignments is also reflected in the Delivery Book For effecting Book Delivery. Credit of freight liability in regard to outstanding at original consignment is settled destination will be taken and freight in outstanding on the basis of entries at original destination is made on receipt of Over cleared through Over Charge Sheet. On authorization from the Claims Office Matching Delivery is regularised in regard to Railway’s liability for delivery of the consignment. Collections made against each transaction are posted in the Cash Book maintained by the System. 12. System sets off A print out of the requisite information can be taken from the System as and when required. Diversion – System provides complete details of short and excess deliveries and booking (a) On operational account details of all such – No commercial record is consignments. are also recorded in the Delivery Book. 14. Freight outstanding on this account is cleared on the A print out each of Cash Book and Cash Remittance Statement can be taken as and when required. and Over Charge Sheet. Demurrage. the party’s signatures are obtained on the Delivery Book. Charge Sheet. 13. Delivery Book – All the accruals are accounted for against each inward invoice in the Delivery Book. Statement of excess and short consignments can be printed to the System and kept in record along with authority for invoking Matching Delivery.R.. deliveries shall be excess deliveries made exercised by the Claims are matched with short Officer or the goods staff deliveries.. . Cash Book – As and when any credit in the form of cash or voucher against any accrual is received. wharfage & Under Charges. Statement of excess/short deliveries made will be taken out from the System for record of reconciliation.R. it prompts to issue supersessional R. in Over Charge Sheet. Total cash and vouchers collected on a day are remitted to the Divisional Chief Cashier through Cash Remittance Note. Reconciliation of Matching Delivery can be made either by the Claims Office or by the Goods staff by entering authority number. After tracing under authority of Claims booking details. System provides list of excess and short deliveries made at the respective TMS location along with booking details. a memo delivery is required. However. The moment a diversion is reported in the System.R. if any leviable. System maintains accrual of all the charges leviable against each invoice in System’s Delivery Book. Only on receipt of supersessional R. In absence of supersessional R. Freight at original station is cleared only after issuance of Over Charge Sheet.copy sent to the destination station and fourth copy retained as record. at new destination station memo delivery is granted. Total cash of the day will be remitted to the Cash Office through the System. (b) On party’s request – Diversion of consignment is made after observing all the commercial formalities. the Office. Matching Delivery – A statement of party-wise short and excess deliveries made is prepared from the Goods Delivery Book and sent to the Claims Office for reconciliation. . the liability both in regard to the consignment as also the freight.basis of Over Charge Sheet issued by the Claims Office.
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