Basic Engineering Drawing

April 3, 2018 | Author: Hardik Parmar | Category: Circle, Perpendicular, Geometric Shapes, Elementary Geometry, Engineering



Diploma in Mechanical EngineeringCourse Code: 3300007 GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT COURSE CURRICULUM     1. Programme Title: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Semester: I Course Code: 3300007 Course Title: Basic Engineering Drawing RATIONALE: Engineering drawing is an effective language of engineers. It is the foundation block which strengthens the engineering & technological structure. Moreover, it is the transmitting link between ideas and realization. It is an attempt to develop fundamental understanding and application of engineering drawing. It covers knowledge & application of drawing instruments & also familiarizes the learner about Bureau of Indian standards. The curriculum aims at developing the ability to draw and read various drawings, curves & projections. The subject mainly focuses on use of drawing instruments, developing imagination and translating ideas. Developing the sense of drawing sequence and use of drawing instruments effectively yields not only with productive preparation of computer aided graphics but also yields with effective industrial applications ranging from marking to performance of operations. 2. LIST OF COMPETENCIES: The course content should be taught and implemented with the aim to develop different types of skills leading to the achievement of the following competencies. a: Prepare engineering drawings manually using standards. b: Use drawing equipments, instruments and materials. c: Develop the ability to imagine the shape of simple object from orthographic views and viseversa. 3. TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME: Teaching Scheme (In Hours) L 2 T 0 P 4 Total Credits (L+T+P) C 6 Examination Scheme Theory Marks ESE 70 PA 30 Practical Marks ESE 40 PA 60 200 Total Marks Legends: L-Lecture; T – Tutorial/Teacher Guided Student Activity; P - Practical; C – Credit;; ESE End Semester Examination; PA - Progressive Assessment. GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/12 Gujarat State divide a line.5 Square / Rectangle.1 Conic sections. etc. Unit– 2 PLANNING. 4. method to use them. (a) Involutes of a circle (b) Involutes of a polygon 5. parallel. 5. Dimensioning methods. applications. DETAILED COURSE CONTENTS: Unit Unit – 1 ENGINEERING DRAWING AIDS Major Learning Outcomes  Use drawing Sub-topics 1. (c) Hyperbola. progressive and combined dimensioning.2 Scaling technique used in drawing. Numerals and Greek alphabets. 4.4 3.1 I.7 Hexagon with special method. 5.5 Different types of lines. GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/12 Gujarat State . etc. (a) Aligned method. codes for planning and layout.3 To construct polygon.3 3. applications.2 3.4 Spiral (Archimedean spiral only). (b) Instruments-types. 4. (b) Parabola. Epicycloids.3 Involutes. trisect an angle. types of points and applications.8 To draw tangents. specifications.9 Geometric construction related with circle and arc. 4. 4. methods to use them and applications. (b) Unilateral with chain. Unit–5 ENGINEERING CURVES  Develop the ability to draw engineering curves with proficiency and speed. (c) Pencils-grades.2 Cycloid Curves (Cycloid. for planning and layout Unit– 3 LINES.1Drawing equipments. to draw perpendicular with a given line. 2.2 Geometric construction related with angle like bisect an angle. 5. (d) Other materials-types and applications. instruments and materials.S. Vertical capital and lower case letters. equipments. specifications.S. Unit– 4 GEOMETRIC CONSTRUCTION  Develop the ability to draw polygons. LETTERING AND DIMENSIONING  Develop the ability to use lines. LAYOUT AND SCALLING OF DRAWING  Follow and apply standard practice as per bureau of I. (a) Ellipse. 3. instruments and materials. 4. lettering and dimensioning.1 3.4 Triangle 4. Hypocycloid).1 Geometric construction related with line like bisecting a line. 2.Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Course Code: 3300007 4. 4. circles and lines with different geometric conditions. (a) Equipments-types.6 Pentagon with special method. Inclined capital and lower case letters. 4. 7. a. Isometric scales. 6. lines and planes. (a) Principle of projection. 7.3 8. circles and arc geometry. (2) Use First Angle Method only. c. LINES AND PLANES Major Learning Outcomes  Draw the projection of points. lines and planes with different conditions. 8. d. Line parallel to one or both the plane. perspective and oblique: concept and applications. pentagon.4Projection of points. Projection of planes parallel to one of the reference planes. Note : Triangle. circles and arcs shape only. d.4 Isometric axis. (e) Four quadrants. Line inclined to one plane and parallel to another. Types of planes.3 B.5 Illustrative problems limited to objects containing lines.I. 7.5Projection of lines – determination of true length and inclinations for following cases.6 Projection of Planes. Line perpendicular to one of the plane. hexagon and circle shape should be included in various plane problems. c. (g) Reference line.1 Types of projections-parallel. b.31st angle and 3rd angle projection. Square / rectangle. orthographic projections. 6. (c) Orthographic projection. b. Isometric view and isometric drawing. (d) Planes of projection. 8.2 Various term associated with orthographic projections. GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/12 Gujarat State .Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Course Code: 3300007 Unit Unit– 6 PROJECTION OF POINTS. Projection of planes inclined to both reference planes.2Concept of quadrant. Unit– 8 ISOMETRIC PROJECTIONS  Develop the concept and ability to draw the isometric view from orthographic views of object/s containing lines. Sub-topics 6.2 8. Projection of plane inclined to one reference plane and perpendicular to another. (f) First angle and third angle projections. Top view/Plan and Side views only. a. code of practice.Front view/Elevation. Note : (1)Problem should be restricted up to four views. (b) Methods of projection.1Reference planes. 6. circles and arcs. 6.S. Line inclined to both the planes. 6. Unit– 7 ORTHOGRAPHC PROJECTIONS  Draw the orthographic views of object containing lines.1 8. Difference between isometric projection and isometric drawing. Problem – 3 Types of dimensioning. 6. lines and planes. c: Scaling technique. 1. lettering and dimensioning. 3. b: Planning and layout as per IS. 5. layout and scaling of drawing. A = Application and above levels.). Draw following. Problem – 4 Alphabets & numerical ( Vertical & inclined as Per I. Orthographic projections. Hours 14 GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/12 Gujarat State .Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Course Code: 3300007 5. That is weight age of compulsory attendance part of questions will be equal to marks allotted to each topic. 4. Lines. Isometric projections. Unit Title Engineering drawing aids. Ex. 60 & 75 degrees lines using Tee and Set squares/ drafter. U = Understanding. Experiment USE OF DRAWING INSTRUMENTS: 1. SUGGESTED LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: This is the list of minimum experiences to be performed. NOTES: a: If misdeem test is part of continuous evaluation. 6. b: Ask the questions from each topic as per marks weightage. 5 and 6(For Unit 6. 2. 30 degree. Projection of points. Teacher will demonstratea: Use of drawing instruments. 2. 1 1 Problem – 1 Drawing horizontal. Optional questions must be asked from the same topic. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION TABLE WITH HOURS AND MARKS (THEORY) Unit No. Total Teaching Hours 0 0 0 3 6 8 6 5 28 R Level 00 00 00 00 02 03 02 00 07 Distribution of Theory Marks U A Total Level Level 02 04 06 02 02 03 01 02 00 02 14 03 03 07 07 07 10 08 49 05 05 10 10 12 12 10 70 Legends: R = Remembrance. Planning. Problem – 2 Types of lines. Unit No. unit number 4.S. Geometric construction. 45 degree. Engineering curves. 7. except projections of planes) are to be considered. No. vertical. 8. Drawing Polygons. Gujarat State 10 GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/12 . (Refer note c for dimensions). (Refer note c for dimensions). Problem – 6 to 8: (Three problems). 06 ENGINEERING CURVES – I: Problem –1: Construction of ellipse using any two methods. Problem – 3: Construction of involute (circle). ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS: 08 8 8 Problem – 1 and 2 (Two problems) . Problem – 2 to 5: (Four problems).Draw isometric drawings from given orthographic views.Projection of different planes with different conditions. (Refer note c for dimensions). one pentagonal / hexagonal. Problem – 4: Construction of involute (polygon). Problem –4: Construction of spiral.Orthographic projections of different two objects. one of square / rectangular.(one of triangle.Drawing circles and arcs with different geometric conditions and with line constraints. (Refer note c for dimensions). and one circular). (Refer note c for dimensions). PROJECTIONS OF PLANE: 6 6 Problem – 1 to 4: (Four problems).Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Course Code: 3300007 GEOMETRIC CONSTRUCTION: a: 2 2 b: c: Problem – 1 to 2: (Two problems) -Drawing of set of lines with different conditions. Problem –2: Construction of parabola. Problem – 2: Construction of hypocycloid & epicycloids. (Draw four views of each object). Problem – 3 to 5: (Three Problems).Projection of lines with Different conditions. (Refer note c for dimensions). ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS: 04 7 7 Problem – 1 and 2: (Two problems). PROJECTIONS OF POINTS AND LINES: 06 04 04 3 3 5 5 Problem – 1: Projection of points-For 10 various Conditions. ENGINEERING CURVES – II: 4 4 Problem – 1: Construction of cycloid. Problem –3: Construction of hyperbola. The sketchbook has to contain data of all problems. Teacher will assign the problem of particular sheet to be explained to each batch student. must be varied for each student in batch so that each student will have same problems. d. Sketch the combinations of set squares to draw angles in step of 150 . Observe the path of point. For example. Use both sides of sheet. 900 . 1500 . f. SUGGESTED LIST OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES: Following is the list of student activities. 4 on back of 3. parabola and hyperbola). Draw these views in sketch book.Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Course Code: 3300007 PROBLEM BASED LEARNING: 9 All Given the orthographic views of at least three objects with few missing lines. Roll that shape on flat and circular surface. e. SCHOOL WITHIN SCHOOL: a: Explain at least one problem for construction and method of drawing in sheet to all batch colleagues. Each student will prepare these questions in his/her own. b. diameter. 1200 . 1 2 3 4 5 Activity No. 1800 ). students are to be assessed for competencies achieved. imagine objects and complete the views. distances. A hand out containing applicable standards from IS codes including title block as per IS standard should be given to each student by concerned teacher. 1650 . 600 .to be assigned-defined by teacher) and will note down the mistakes committed by them. Take two simple objects. d: Use of geometric constructions. 1050 . (For ellipse. b: Each student will assess at least one sheet of other students (May be 5-6 students. c.( 150 . No. Students’ activities are compulsory to be performed. Sketch isometric of them. - 10 All - Notes :– a. The dimensions of line. 1350 . 300 . b: Involute of circle. List the shapes you are observing around you with place/item. but with different dimensions. axes. 1 2 3 4 5 Details of student activity Solve all problems for all sheets number 1 to 8 in sketch book (with dimensions). Theory & practice should be in first angle projections and IS codes should be followed wherever applicable. if any. a: Ellipse. Also draw orthographic projections of them (all views). 7. S. and likewise. etc. For 40 marks Practical Marks ESE. solutions of all problems and student activities performed. List at least two questions which you would like to ask for followings. Take one circular shape. 450 . 750 . Assume one point on circumference and mark it. side of polygon. c: Perspective projections. e: Quadrants. Student will also guide the students for correcting the mistakes. draw sheet number 2 on back side of sheet number 1. Students are to be given data for practical ESE to prepare drawings. angle. Gujarat State 6 6 GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/12 . Mathur French & Vierck Publication Charotar Publishing House. Laxminarayan & M. CD with book-Engineering drawing.Shah. S. Engineering Drawing Machine Drawing. Engineering Drawing.Rana V. Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing.Gopalkrishna M. Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing.Shah W.Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Course Code: 3300007 8. Gujarat State GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/12 .com/designpro/drawdex. Computer based learning material published by KOROS. Pearsons. B. Drawing board-half imperial size.C. Jain Brother. Set squires (450 and 300-600) Protector.pdf http://www. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Title of Books Elements of Engineering Drawing.No. C.B. M. SUGGESTED LEARNING RESOURCES A. Shah-B. Ltd.htm http://www. Drawing pins / E-learning package from KOROS. List of Software/Learning Websites: a: b: c: d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: rgpv-ed.aspx http://www.engineeringdrawing.html http://www. Drawing pencils. Drawing http://www. Drawing equipments and instruments for class room teaching-large http://www. Rana (Pearson).youtube. List of Major Equipments/ Instruments : a: b: c: d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: Models. Set of various industrial drawings being used by industries-up dated. Prentice-hall of India Pvt. Author http://www. Fundamentals of Drawing. Drawing instrument box (containing set of compasses and dividers) and cut.technologystudent. McGraw-Hill T-square or drafter (Drafting Machine).-New Delhi Subhash Publications. New Delhi. New Delhi.J. Bhatt P.iitd. List of Books http://web. Patel. Dr. & S. Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Department.Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Course Code: 3300007 9. GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/12 Gujarat State . K. Sapramer. R. 2. Head of Mechanical Engineering Department.Mehta Government Polytechnic. H. Gandhi College of Engineering and Technology. Surat. COURSE CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1. Dr. H. S. Amreli.N. J.
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