Basic Aviation Security



Aviation SecurityAviation security training CAP 1170 CAP 1170 Published by the Civil Aviation Authority, 2017 Civil Aviation Authority, Aviation House, Gatwick Airport South, West Sussex, RH6 0YR. You can copy and use this text but please ensure you always use the most up to date version and use it in context so as not to be misleading, and credit the CAA. First published 2014 2nd Edition, March 2016 3rd Edition, April 2017 Enquiries regarding the content of this publication should be addressed to: [email protected] Aviation Security, Civil Aviation Authority, CAA House, 45-59 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6TE The latest version of this document is available in electronic format at, where you may also register for e-mail notification of amendments. June 2017 CAP 1170 Contents Contents Contents ..................................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 1................................................................................................................... 4 Instructor certification ................................................................................................. 4 Becoming a certified instructor and obtaining a CIN ........................................... 4 Changes to instructor listings .............................................................................. 4 List of certificated instructors ............................................................................... 5 Changes to instructor certification – 1 September 2015 ...................................... 5 Chapter 2................................................................................................................... 6 Threat assessment – a training package.................................................................... 6 Chapter 3................................................................................................................... 7 Aircrew instructors’ course ......................................................................................... 7 Course cost ......................................................................................................... 7 Course dates ....................................................................................................... 8 Applications ......................................................................................................... 8 Recognition of firearms, explosives and incendiary devices ............................... 8 Chapter 4................................................................................................................... 9 Ground security instructors’ course ........................................................................... 9 Recognition of firearms, explosives and incendiary devices ............................. 10 Chapter 5................................................................................................................. 10 Recognition of firearms, explosives and incendiary devices .................................... 10 ID card for the carriage of training aids ............................................................. 11 Course bookings ............................................................................................... 11 Approved providers of RFX courses.................................................................. 11 Redline Assured Security Ltd ..................................................................... 11 June 2017 Page 1 ............................................................... 17 Explosives and firearms ............ 24 Chapter 8.................................................................................... 25 Chapter 9.............................................................. 14 ICAO courses ..... 12 Chapter 6........................... 21 In-flight supplies ........................................................ 27 In-flight supplies security training .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 25 Aviation security managers’ training .................. 14 Chapter 7......... 27 Chapter 11............................................................................................... 29 June 2017 Page 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26 Air cargo security training ........................................................................ 24 Posters ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 DVD request form.............................................................................................................................................................. 16 Security DVD training catalogue .................................................................... 17 In-flight security ..................................................... 18 Cargo security ............................... 28 Chapter 12.......... 23 Other training aids ....... 29 General security awareness training .................................................... 22 General security awareness and learning packages ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Gatwick Airport Limited .......... 18 Ground security ........................... 15 Training aids...........................CAP 1170 Contents Manchester Airport Group ....................................................................................................................................................... 26 Chapter 10.................................................................... 28 Training for the accounting and authorising of hold baggage (triple A) ......... 29 Delivering a GSAT course ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................... 31 Cabin baggage NXCT ..................................................................................................................................................CAP 1170 Contents Recognition of competence to deliver GSAT .................................... 31 Approved providers of the cabin baggage NXCT ...................... 52 June 2017 Page 3 ....................... 52 Approved providers of the hold baggage NXCT ..................................................................................... 42 Approved providers of the cargo NXCT ............................................ 31 Cargo NXCT ......................................................... 42 Hold baggage NXCT ..................................................................... 30 Chapter 13........................................................................... 31 National x-ray competency test ..................... CAP 1170 Chapter 1: Instructor certification Chapter 1 Instructor certification Becoming a certified instructor and obtaining a CIN UK aviation security instructors delivering training under the National Aviation Security Programme must be certificated by the DfT before they can deliver Cargo (Regulated Agents and Known Consignors). Applications for or questions about obtaining CIN numbers can be directed to the CAA at the following address: avsec. some only covered those who had requested their details be published. the 1 General Security Awareness Training (GSAT) is excluded from this – any certification also allows the instructor to deliver training from the GSAT syllabus 2 More details on instructional techniques qualifications can be found below under the heading: Changes to Instructor Certification – 1 September 2015. Aviation Security Managers. Some of those lists covered all instructors. Changes to instructor listings In the past separate listings for certified instructors for the training of Aircrew and Ground Security Operatives/Supervisors. instructors must:  Provide details and evidence of competence for each of the aviation security syllabuses which they plan to deliver training from1.2 and  Have successfully completed a valid background check in line with EU regulations. June 2017 Page 4 . To get a CIN. CIN number. In-flight supplies. all UK certified instructors whose details have been verified and given a Certified Instructor Number (CIN) will be listed with the following information displayed: name. and GSAT were shown on this The DfT has made significant changes to the instructor certification process over the last 18 months and as part of certification. and  Have successfully completed a Level 3 Award in Education and Training or instructors are now issued with a unique Certified Instructor Number (CIN).gsi. Now. [email protected]. Updated versions of the list will be published at the beginning of every month. Please see our archive page for more detailed information about the change to the process and how it applies. Information on those who have recognition of competence to deliver GSAT training can be obtained from the CAA. June 2017 Page 5 . Please note that no contact or company details will be displayed. This applies to anyone wanting to attend any of the instructors’ courses provided by the CAA or applying for DfT certification.CAP 1170 Chapter 1: Instructor certification syllabus(es) which the instructor is certificated to List of certificated instructors The draft list of certificated instructors can be found at: Changes to instructor certification – 1 September 2015 On the 1st September 2015 the Level 3 Award in Education and Training became the baseline standard in instructional techniques for all aviation security instructors. Alterations will not be made to the published list until the next scheduled update but any instructors whose details are missing or incorrect should contact us at the e-mail address below in the interim period. to get their details added for when the next update is published: avsec. Due to breadth of requirement for persons or training entities may be given recognition of competence to deliver a GSAT course whilst not being certificated aviation security instructors. or Aviation Security Regulation (training) CAA House 45-59 Kingsway London WC2B 6TE June 2017 Page 6 . we strongly encourage all threat assessors to review the latest It is recommended that all threat assessors receive recurrent training on a regular basis. an airline.e. airport.gsi. listed cargo agent or in-flight supplies company. This is an updated version of DfT’s 2003 publication ‘bomb warning assessment’. i. Please e-mail or post your request for copies of the threat assessment training package on company headed note paper to: [email protected]. This training aid is only available to approved organisations and companies formally in receipt of directions under the UK National Aviation Security Programme (NASP).CAP 1170 Chapter 2: Threat assessment – a training package Chapter 2 Threat assessment – a training package Copies of the distance learning material ‘threat assessment – a training package’ are available from the CAA. Given the changes to the package. which was last updated in 2014. This will enable them to instruct staff on the appropriate measures to be taken to minimise the consequences of security incidents. Due to the high demand for this course. June 2017 Page 7 . Applications will be accepted from applicants who will not be delivering training in accordance with the NASP only when a course is undersubscribed. Before attending this course. However delegates will need to pay for their travel. delegates are expected to have successfully completed:  Level 3 Award in Education and Training or equivalent. Please note that this course focuses on aviation security only and does not deliver any training in instructional techniques. On completion of the course candidates will be provided with a copy of the UK Aircrew Security Training syllabus.3  A valid background check in line with EU regulations. we ask that applications are sponsored by the Security Manager of a directed party. The aim of the four day course is to provide aircrew aviation security instructors with the necessary information to enable them to train flight and cabin crews on aviation security.CAP 1170 Chapter 3: Aircrew instructors’ course Chapter 3 Aircrew instructors’ course Mandatory for UK airlines and their agents. applications will be prioritised with priority given to Instructors who will then go on to deliver training in accordance with the UK National Aviation Security Programme (NASP). For this reason. 3 A list of approved qualifications is available on request and applications cannot be accepted if the applicant cannot provide evidence to meet this requirement. Course cost There is no charge for this course. subsistence and accommodation. June 2017 Page 8 .20 July 2017 Applications To apply for a place on the aircrew instructors’ course. timing and cost.16 February 2017  17 [email protected]. contact the RFX course providers listed in chapter 5 of this document. or Aviation Security Regulation (training) CAA House 45-59 Kingsway London WC2B 6TE Recognition of firearms. Anyone wishing to deliver the RFX module of the Aircrew syllabus must attend and pass an initial RFX instructors’ course. please complete the application form for CAA training courses (available from the contents page under ‘downloads’) and submit it via a sponsor to: 1170 Chapter 3: Aircrew instructors’ course Course dates  13 . For further details of course availability. explosives and incendiary devices Please note that successful completion of the Aircrew Instructors’ course does not entitle the instructor to deliver the RFX module of the Aircrew syllabus. Please note that completion of this course does not automatically confer an instructor certification or any training in instructional techniques. In addition to successful completion of the ASM course. Chapter 4 Withdrawal of the Ground security instructors’ course effective 16 March 2017. The DfT and CAA have agreed to the withdrawal of the Ground Instructors’ course. and you will need to provide the added information below . All future applicants wishing to become certificated to instruct ground security staff at June 2017 Page 9 it is a recommendation that all ground instructors achieve at least a basic level of operational competence. In many cases this will be attained through previous career experience and where that may not be applicable. to request approval for Ground Instructor certification.CAP 1170 Chapter 4: Withdrawal of the Ground security instructors’ course effective 16 March 2017. Please send applications for Ground instructor certification to: avsec. airport supplies and/or inflight supplies security staff will now need to successfully complete an industry-delivered Aviation Security Managers’ course.gsi.  Level 3 Award in Education and Training or equivalent. it may be achieved through successful completion of the relevant operative and supervisor training as necessary.4  A valid background check in line with EU regulations. CAP 1170 Chapter 4: Recognition of firearms.  ship and port operators and their agents.  air cargo agents. timing and cost. The duration is two days for the initial course or one day for the recurrent and is held at any of the following:  Redline Assured Security Ltd. explosives and incendiary devices Recognition of firearms. Doncaster  Manchester Airport Group  Gatwick Airport Ltd June 2017 Page 10 .  secure clean contractors. Attendance will enable Instructors to organise and conduct initial and recurrent training courses in the recognition of firearms. For further details of course availability. contact the RFX course providers listed in chapter 5 of this document. explosives and incendiary devices (RFX) for transport security personnel. explosives and incendiary devices Please note that successful completion of the Ground Instructors’ course does not entitle the instructor to deliver the RFX module of any aviation security training syllabus. Anyone wishing to deliver the RFX module of an aviation security training syllabus must attend and pass an initial RFX instructors’ course. and  railway industry instructors.  Channel Tunnel operators. explosives and incendiary devices The course is targeted at transport industry security instructors working for the following:  airports. Recognition of firearms.  airlines and their agents.  in-flight supplies and undertakings. Please contact the provider for further information. However. ID card for the carriage of training aids On completion of the course candidates may request an identity card in the event they may need to travel with training aids. instructors who need to renew the ID card are required to attend a one day RFX refresher course to provide them with up to date information and new developments on firearms. The holder will have to seek permission from the appropriate airport / seaport / channel tunnel security manager. airlines / shipping line / train operator and police before transporting any training aids. Jim Termini The National Security Training Centre (NSTC) First Avenue Robin Hood Airport Doncaster South Yorkshire DN9 3RH June 2017 Page 11 . please contact the course provider direct and they will supply you with an application form and details of future planned course dates and availability. explosives and incendiaries. Approved providers of RFX courses Redline Assured Security Ltd NOTE: Training is split between two locations. Course bookings If you wish to attend a RFX course at any of the approved providers listed below. At the end of the three years. explosives and incendiary devices A test is given at the end of this course which candidates are required to pass. this does not authorise the holder to carry training aids through an airport or seaport or on any aircraft or ship or through the channel tunnel. The identity card is valid for three years from the date of completion of the course.CAP 1170 Chapter 4: Recognition of firearms. [email protected] 1170 Chapter 4: Recognition of explosives and incendiary devices or Capital Place (CP) 120 Bath Road Heathrow UB3 5AN [email protected] Phone: +44 (0)1302 623262 Fax: +44 (0)1302 623355 Manchester Airport Group Curtis Walsh Stansted Airport Limited Enterprise House Bassingbourn Rd London Stansted Airport Stansted CM24 1QW [email protected] Phone: +44 (0)1279 663160 Gatwick Airport Limited Training Point Concorde House Gatwick Airport Gatwick West Sussex RH6 ODW June 2017 Page 12 . explosives and incendiary devices Phone: 01293 505330 Mob: 07841 482848 June 2017 Page 13 .CAP 1170 Chapter 4: Recognition of firearms. It sets standards and regulations necessary for aviation safety. efficiency and regularity. security.  For more information on ASTC Doncaster courses please e-mail ICAO@trustredline. During this meeting best practices are exchanged and contacts are made and maintained to ensure that further ICAO serves as the forum for cooperation in all fields of civil aviation among its 190 member states. June 2017 Page 14 .CAP 1170 Chapter 5: ICAO courses Chapter 5 ICAO courses A specialised agency of the United ASTC’s are also required to develop and deliver a yearly programme of regional aviation security courses adapted to the regional needs. Besides the delivery of the ICAO sponsored training activities. A yearly ASTC directors meeting is organised to ensure effective communication between the Centre’s and ICAO. as well as for aviation environmental protection. The network of Aviation Security Training Centre’s (ASTC) has been extended to include Redline as the 23rd centre worldwide. the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was created in 1944 to promote the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world. training@caa. and companies providing security training. in-flight security and air cargo security. or Aviation Security Regulation (DVD requests) CAA House 45-59 Kingsway London WC2B 6TE June 2017 Page 15 . The DVDs deal with ground security. airlines. listed air cargo Please list the title(s) you require and either e-mail or post your request along with your company details to the address below. You are requested to read the information notes before placing any orders to ensure that you only request the titles required for the training that you we will not issue more than one copy per title. explosives and firearms. NOTE 2: Unless training is regularly carried out at more than one location simultaneously. NOTE 1: The training aids listed are only available to UK Instructors who have successfully completed the relevant training courses. Orders will not be accepted unless accompanied with company headed requests. DVDs are supplied in PAL format and free of charge to UK airports. Please send requests for training aids to: avsec. or there is another good reason. They are intended for use by those involved with aviation security only.CAP 1170 Chapter 6: Training aids Chapter 6 Training aids This series of training DVDs has been prepared to help in the training of security staff. CAP 1170 Chapter 6: Training aids DVD request form Title Quantity In-flight security Hijacking .the secure flight deck Disruptive passengers Red threat bomb warning Weapons and explosives Weapons of terrorism Explosive devices of terrorism Ground security Access control New screening methodology Barringer ionscan version.working as a team Validation .a training pack June 2017 Page 16 . or Ion track itomiser version Hide and seek Searching and guarding aircraft Secure clean Triple A Screening techniques for passengers and staff Interpreting x-ray images (astrophysics e-scan colour) Security supervisor Security equipment test procedures Cargo security Air tight Courier security Air cargo security .a guide for consignors Airline catering security Ok to go English English (spoken) with Punjabi subtitles English (spoken) with Polish subtitles English (spoken) with Russian subtitles General awareness and distance learning Handling telephone bomb warnings Hitting the target Threat assessment . 5 minutes This title was produced jointly with the CAA to assist with the security training of cabin and flight deck staff to deal with disruptive passengers during a flight.CAP 1170 Chapter 6: Training aids Security DVD training catalogue In-flight security Title: Hijacking: the secure flight deck Production date: 2003 Running time: 12 minutes This title was produced to assist with the security training of cabin and flight deck staff to understand the importance of locking the flight deck door and as a training aid to dealing with hijacking. It provides information on how to deal with bomb warnings on the ground and in the air and what to do if a device is found. June 2017 Page 17 . Title: Disruptive passengers Production date: 2003 Running time: 14. Title: Red threat bomb warning Production date: 2000 Running time: 32 minutes This title was produced to assist with the security training of cabin and flight deck crew members. Title: Explosive devices of terrorism Production date: 2003 Running time: 15. principles and methods of exercising access control at airports maritime and channel tunnel sites.CAP 1170 Chapter 6: Training aids Explosives and firearms Title: Weapons of terrorism Production date: 2003 Running time: 14. The film has been designed to use on training courses for security staff involved in the aviation. Maritime. maritime and the Channel Tunnel.5 minutes This title was produced to assist with the training of security staff in the recognition of explosive (and incendiary) devices including their component parts. Channel Tunnel and rail industries. There are June 2017 Page 18 . The film has been designed to use on training courses for security staff involved in the Aviation. Ground security Title: Access control Production date: 2003 Running time: 15 minutes This title provides security staff including airline and airport personnel with information on the purpose.5 minutes This title was produced to assist with the training of security staff in the recognition of different types of weapons that could be used by terrorists. Title: New screening methodology Production date: 2002 Running time: 20 minutes NOTE: There are 2 versions of this DVD and you should use the one for that particular trace detection equipment that you have in operation at your location. both of people and their baggage. It gives the staff information on how to conduct the security search of an aircraft. Title: Secure clean Production date: 2002 Running time: 10. and features prohibited articles and dangerous goods. first produced in 1987. It is suitable for all staff carrying out the searching by hand. This should include those staff loading the X-ray belt. trace detection equipment and good teamwork and communication between all staff members. The objective of the film is to make the staff aware of what is involved with New Screening Methodology. those staff body searching and supervisors and managers of the aforementioned staff. X-ray screeners. Title: Hide and seek Production date: 2005 Running time: 18 minutes This title is a complete re-make of ‘methods of concealment’.5 minutes This title provides security staff with information on how to conduct the search of an aircraft and maintain an effective guard. This title was produced to assist with the training of staff undertaking security duties at transport locations where the New Screening Methodology is in use. This involves the operation of X-ray equipment with threat image projection (TIP).5 minutes This title is aimed at cleaning staff who carry out the security search of an aircraft. staff operating trace detection equipment and undertaking hand searching. June 2017 Page 19 .CAP 1170 Chapter 6: Training aids the Ion Track Itemiser version or the Barringer Ionscan version. Please specify which copy you want. It is aimed at aircrew and other staff who carry out aircraft searches on the ground . Title: Searching and guarding aircraft Production date: 2002 Running time: 7.there is a separate version of the film for staff who carry out a secure clean (see next page). CAP 1170 Chapter 6: Training aids Title: Triple A – hold baggage reconciliation Production date: 2001 Running time: 24 minutes This title is about hold baggage reconciliation in the aviation industry. It is a must for the training of Appointed Persons but will also be useful for baggage handlers, check-in staff and general security staff working airside. The film shows the importance of a good baggage reconciliation system and the possible consequences if the system is not properly adhered to. Title: Screening techniques for passengers and staff Production date: 1991 Running time: 11 minutes This title provides search staff with information on the procedures for screening passengers and staff. It features practises for working with a walk through metal detector (WTMD) and hand held metal detector (HHMD), and shows examples of searches for men and women. Title: Interpreting x-ray images (astrophysics e-scan colour) Production date: 1991 Running time: 23 minutes Part 1 of the film is designed to help operators to recognise x-ray images of a selection of prohibited articles and everyday items. Some examples are shown in isolation and some in bags. Part 2 of the film provides staff experience in deciding which bags to reject for hand search from a selection of x-ray images. Title: Security supervisor Production date: 1992 Running time: 17 minutes This title provides support for the training of security supervisors. It is split into seven sections ‘what is supervision?’, ‘leadership’, ‘situations and attitudes’, ‘awareness’, ‘standards’, ‘equipment’ and ‘responses’ which are key elements of the supervisor’s June 2017 Page 20 CAP 1170 Chapter 6: Training aids role. The film is designed to stimulate discussion amongst a group of supervisors as part of a structured training course. Title: Security equipment test procedures Production date: 1996 Running time: 17 minutes This title has been produced to explain the key procedures used to test walk through metal detectors, hand held metal detectors and x-ray security equipment. It is of prime importance in aiding staffs’ understanding of the effectiveness of the equipment. The film should be used to train staff within the aviation security industry, but can be used for staff in the maritime industry and channel tunnel operations. Cargo security Title: Air tight Production date: 2008 Running time: 15 minutes This film replaces ‘stopping the rot’. This film is intended to give an awareness of the air cargo security regime including transportation and the role of the known consignor, regulated agent and airlines. It focuses on the 3 main areas of the supply chain that carry SPX cargo and shows examples of good and bad practices. The film covers many of the teaching points contained in the air cargo training syllabus and is designed to be used in conjunction with and as a part of the training required by relevant regulation. Title: Courier security Production date: 1999 Running time: 20 minutes This title illustrates the key principles of the air cargo regime in relation to couriers. The importance of individual’s role in delivering secure air cargo is highlighted. The film has been produced to assist the provision of security training within cargo June 2017 Page 21 CAP 1170 Chapter 6: Training aids courier companies. It is intended for an audience of managers, warehouse staff, reception staff and drivers alike. Title: Air cargo security - working as a team Production date: 2005 Running time: 10.5 minutes This title is an air cargo training film aimed at drivers as well as those working in a hub / warehouse showing how team working can prevent acts of unlawful interference. Title: Validation - a guide for consignors Production date: 2004 Running time: 12 minutes This title is an air cargo training film aimed at companies whose premises are about to be validated by an approved validator. In-flight supplies Title: OK to go Production date: 2006 Running time: 14 minutes This title has been produced to take account of the new requirements of the single direction for in-flight supplies and stores which came into effect on 1 February 2005. It is designed to give staff of catering undertakings a general awareness of the security requirements associated with supplying catering supplies to airlines departing from a UK airport. June 2017 Page 22 Security staff will also be interested in the content. caterers. contractors. concessionaires. Title: Hitting the target – DVD and notes for Instructors Including A Security Exercise for Students Production date: 2000 Running time: 17 minutes This title was produced to assist with the training of all types of staff who work in an airport. The film shows that when other staff have a security concern they should contact security staff. cleaners. who are not directly responsible for security. the less opportunity there will be for terrorists to find a loophole in security. re-fuellers and engineers . The objective of the film is to make everybody who works at a transport location aware that it is in their interest to think about security. It provides information on techniques necessary to enable the recipient to be able to obtain as much information as possible so that an effective assessment of the warning may be made. June 2017 Page 23 . The film was designed to be used as part of an induction-training programme for new staff or recurrent training for existing staff. seaport or channel tunnel fact anyone who works at a transport location. The more vigilant all staff are.CAP 1170 Chapter 6: Training aids General security awareness and learning packages Title: Handling a telephone bomb warning Production date: 2003 Running time: 8 minutes This title provides guidance to personnel on how to handle a telephoned bomb warning. This could include managers. CAP 1170 Chapter 6: Training aids Other training aids Teaching booklets and syllabuses (only available to UK instructors who have attended mandatory courses).  Aviation Security Managers’ Security Training (February 2011)  Aircrew Security Training (June 2010)  Ground Security Operative and Supervisor Security Training (May 2010)  Airport Supplies Security Training (June 2012)  Triple A (June 2002)5  General Security Awareness Training (GSAT) (August 2010)  In-flight Supplies Security Training (February 2013)  Air Cargo (Regulated Agent) Security Training (August 2014)  Air Cargo (Known Consignor) Security Training (August 2014)  Guidance on the use of threat image projection Posters  New inspectors pass available in PDF 5 Undergoing revision to reflect the EC300 changes. Any request for a copy of a syllabus should be provided either from a company email address or on company headed paper. Syllabuses are no longer provided in hard copy and will be sent in PDF format. June 2017 Page 24 . who have direct managerial responsibilities for security personnel carrying out aviation security duties.gsi. since February 2011 anyone who has successfully completed an initial security managers’ course is entitled to provide this training (subject to meeting the other requirements for instructors set out in EU regulation and certification by the DfT).gov.CAP 1170 Chapter 7: Aviation security managers’ training Chapter 7 Aviation security managers’ training This mandatory training is aimed at security managers employed by Managers will be provided with information to enable them to understand the aims and objectives of the aviation security organisation. June 2017 Page 25 . Whilst in the past provision of both initial and recurrent managers’ training was limited to providers specifically approved by the DfT. airlines and their agents and in-flight supplies undertakings and secure clean contractors. Recurrent training must be delivered within 36 months of Initial Training. Additionally. the threat to civil aviation and risks to its security and to be able to implement current security policies and procedures outlined in the relevant airport or airline security Any such requests should be sent to: avsec. those attending this course in order to obtain certification to deliver ground security training will still need to apply through the CAA to DfT for this certification. CAP 1170 Chapter 8: Air cargo security training Chapter 8 Air cargo security training As of 22 August 2014 new and updated cargo syllabuses for both Regulated Agent and Known Consignor training have been published. responsible persons and managers. Training under the old air cargo syllabus (i. training under the Air Cargo (Known Consignor) Security Training syllabus should be provided. operatives. The syllabuses provided for training at all levels – general awareness. For staff working at a known consignor.e. the old levels A-G) is no longer acceptable. including any drivers. June 2017 Page 26 . For staff working at a regulated agent site. including any drivers. This mandatory training is aimed at personnel who work in air cargo and mail. supervisors. training under the Air Cargo (Regulated Agent) Security Training syllabus should be provided. June 2017 Page 27 . supervisors. This mandatory training is aimed at personnel who work in the in-flight supplies environment and provides for training at all levels – general awareness. responsible persons and managers. a new and updated in-flight supplies security training syllabus is available.CAP 1170 Chapter 9: In-flight supplies security training Chapter 9 In-flight supplies security training As of February 2013. operatives. CAP 1170 Chapter 10: Training for the accounting and authorising of hold baggage (triple A) Chapter 10 Training for the accounting and authorising of hold baggage (triple A) A revised and updated Triple A syllabus is currently being developed. June 2017 Page 28 . More information on this new syllabus will be provided when possible. The Triple A syllabus was published in June 2002 and an guidance note detailing changes to that syllabus to keep it in line with GSAT was published in December 2012. those people or organisations recognised as competent by DfT to deliver GSAT are also allowed to deliver a compliant GSAT course. To confirm whether or not a person or organisation is recognised as competent to deliver GSAT training.gsi. June 2017 Page 29 . please contact the CAA at the following address: avsec. GSAT training must be designed in accordance with and meet the mandatory conditions and syllabus document issued by the In Anyone wishing to design a GSAT course must be a certificated instructor for at least one of the following areas:  Ground security operatives or supervisors  Aviation security managers  Aircrew  In-flight supplies  Air Cargo Delivering a GSAT course Any DfT-certificated instructor can also deliver GSAT (for further details. Full details of the GSAT requirements and the alternative training which is recognised as being equivalent are included in the mandatory conditions and syllabus document. see the Certificated Instructors’ List)[email protected] 1170 Chapter 11: General security awareness training Chapter 11 General security awareness training General security awareness training (GSAT) is a requirement of EC regulation 2015/1998 and applies to all applicants for. a full pass granting unescorted access to the security restricted area (SRA) except where the applicant or pass holder is already in receipt of equivalent or better training (known as equivalence). and holders of.  that the organisation has in place a quality assurance or audit process that ensures a consistent approach to the training delivered by all Instructors.CAP 1170 Chapter 11: General security awareness training Recognition of competence to deliver GSAT Any individual or organisation wishing to be recognised as competent to deliver GSAT must apply throguh the CAA for this recognition. For an organisation seeking recognition of competence to deliver GSAT. evidence of the following points must be provided:  that the applicant is qualified as an instructor to Level 3 Award in Education and Training or equivalent. June 2017 Page 30 .  that all Instructors will be working from a training package designed by a certificated instructor in accordance with relevant legislation.  that the applicant works wholly or largely within the aviation industry. The criteria that must be met are set out below. accepts and will abide by the terms of the mandatory conditions section of the mandatory conditions and syllabus for GSAT.  that those Instructors employed are qualified to Level 3 Award in Education and Training or acceptable equivalent.  that the applicant will be working from a training package designed by a certificated instructor in accordance with relevant legislation. and  that the applicant understands. and  that the organisation understands. For an individual seeking recognition of competence to deliver GSAT. evidence of the following points must be demonstrated:  that the organisation has an established network of Instructors. accepts and will abide by the terms of the mandatory conditions section of the mandatory conditions and syllabus for GSAT. cargo and hold baggage screeners. Room C8.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Chapter 12 National x-ray competency test The purpose of the national x-ray competency test (NXCT) is to enforce a minimum. If you are interested in becoming accredited to deliver the cabin baggage NXCT. AB21 7DU 01224 725795 Nicole McAllister Nicole. you will need to meet the cabin baggage NXCT accreditation criteria. Separate tests exist for cabin baggage. Watlington. Brent Road. uniform standard of competence for screeners using x-ray/EDS equipment to screen items for carriage by air by ensuring that all trainees prove that they have the necessary skills to be effective at the x-ray screening task before they work in the operational environment. Aston Rowant. Thereafter the cabin baggage NXCT may continue to be used to meet the 6 monthly recurrent training testing requirements. Aberdeen. Oxon. Approved providers of the cabin baggage NXCT Aberdeen International Airport Broomfield House. The cabin baggage NXCT should take about one hour to complete and will usually be initially taken as part of induction Airlock Aviation The June 2017 Page 31 . It is a mandatory requirement that it is re-passed at least every 13 months. Chinnor Road. Cabin baggage NXCT Anyone employed in the screening of cabin baggage using x-ray or EDS equipment must be in possession of a valid cabin baggage NXCT certificate. Dyce. OX49 5SH 07739 807730 Gaynor McLaughlin [email protected]@aiairport. SY13 4QH 07802 221 365 Andrew Hudson [email protected]@hotmail. United Kingdom. North Shields. Tyne & BT3 BFBS Consultants Ltd PO Box 688. Belfast City Airport Atlantic Group Associates 10310 Majestic Astacc 11 Addington Crescent. USA 001 954 755 1953 John Pears agasecurity@msn. Northern Ireland 028 9093 9093 John Smyth Smythj@belfastcityairport. Inverness Sara Gladstone [email protected] Avsec Global Ltd Business Incubation Centre. Upper Bognor or Ray Jefferies ray.West Sussex. Bognor Regis 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Airport Management Services Terminal Building. RH19 4UE June 2017 Page 32 .University of Chichester. NE29 7PZ 0191 259 2563 Jeff Golightly info@astacc. PO21 1HR Chris Barratt contactus@avsecltd. Inverness. Bognor Regis. Florida 33076. Grindley Brook. IV2 7JB 01667 461 533 or 01667 461 535 Gary Stoddart gstoddart@hial. AviationSec 6 Mill Cottages. BT47 3GY 028 71 81 07 84 Tracy Duffy Brooksmith Training 7 Rosebay Crescent. Coventry Airport South. Middlesex. Stockley Coventry Airport Phoenix House. OX12 0BU 01235 766 125 Graham Brooks Browns UK Training Services 72 Evelyn [email protected]@birminghamairport. Airport Cardiff Airport Vale of Glamorgan. B26 3QJ 0121 767 7421 Richard Hill Bradford Swissport Pro Logis Park. Grove. CF62 3BD +44 (0) 7342 949255 Clive Parsons clive. UB7 9FN 020 8606 3000 Jonathan Young jyoung@bradfordswissport. TW16 6LZ 07841 590 787 Rodger Brown [email protected] 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test 01342 314232 Simon Bolt info@bfbssecurity. City of Derry Airport CODA (Operations) Ltd.Duffy@cityofderryairport. Eglinton. Oxfordshire. CV3 4PB June 2017 Page 33 . County Derry. Birmingham Airport Ltd Birmingham.parsons@cwl. West Drayton. Siskin Parkway West. Sunbury. co. Edinburgh. Aberdeen. EH12 9DN 0131 348 4281 Beverley Miller [email protected] G4S Security Services (Guernsey) Limited States Airport. Guernsey.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test 02476 308 609 Rob Sweeney rsweeney@coventryairport. Site or Dawn Galley [email protected] Dangerous Goods Management Unit 1. AB21 0GL 01224 773 776 Terry Cobban [email protected] G4S Security Services (UK) Princess House.g4s. Middlesex. UB3 5EY 0208 564 3461 Paul Tallent or Angela Christie angela. Forth Building. Dunmow. CM6 1ZB 07738 302 557 (Vivienne) or 07738 586850 (Dawn) Vivienne Darnell [email protected]@uk. Forest. Hayes.tallent@uk. Kirkhill Edinburgh Airport BAA UNI Training Dyce.g4s. Howe Moss drive. Exeter International Airport Exeter. Little Canfield. EX5 2BD 01392 354 950 Emma Eyles-Amphlett [email protected]. Edinburgh DV Training & Development Ltd 4 Barnard Close. Devon. Nobel June 2017 Page 34 . GY8 0DS +44 (0) 1481 237712 Tracey Simon airportsecurity@cwgsy. Estate. 4th Floor North Wing. SP11 0LF 01264 737 424 Garry Mitchell [email protected]@gatwickairport. Cheshire. GL51 6SR 01452 857 700 Mark Webb mwebb@gloucestershireairport. GM Associates 7 The Gloucestershire Airport Staverton. Andover. Vernham Dean. Gatwick Airport. Paisley. West Sussex RH6 0NP Sue Gray sue.thomson@glasgowairport. Glasgow Airport. St Andrews Drive. Tattenhall. Worley Court. PA3 2ST 0141 848 4759 Barbara Thomson Glasgow Airport Ltd Security Department. or Andrew Diplock [email protected] Global Air Training Global Gibraltar Borders and Coastguard Agency Winston Churchill Avenue. Concorde House. South Terminal . CH3 9HL 01829 771 334 John Cordingley john. Bolesworth [email protected]@gatwickairport. Gibraltar Andrew Victor andrew. Glasgow Prestwick Airport Aviation House.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Gatwick Airport Ltd Room June 2017 Page 35 .gov. Hampshire. KA9 2PL 01292 511089 Malcolm Hadwin [email protected]. com GSL Dardan Ltd Bristow Helicopters. North Lincolnshire. DN39 6YH 01652 688 456 Graham Parker Graham. GY8 0DJ Steven Le Cheminant Jason Andrew McGregor Andrew_mcgregor@heathrow. Guernsey. Bristol Mohamed Onisemo [email protected] ICTS (UK) Limited Bristol Airport Ltd. Aberdeen. Hounslow. Forties Road. Interserve Interserve (Defence) Ltd. Airhead . Middlesex. training manager JasonMcLoughlin@heathrow. LU3 9DS June 2017 Page 36 .uk Guernsey Freight Services Ltd Cargo JP International Aviation Security (UK) Ltd PO BOX Heathrow Airport Ltd The Compass Centre. Ascension Island Base. BS48 3DY Robbie Peters robbie_uk@icts. Nelson Road. States Humberside International Airport Kirmington. ASCN 1ZZ Janet Marshall BFSAI-ASCSyOp@mod. TW6 2GW 020 8745 6352 Chris Needham [email protected]@dhl. AB21 0NT 01224 756239 Aidan Mulhall Aidan. [email protected] Sarah Alphonse [email protected]@humbersideairport.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Goshawk Training Solutions John Houghton johnhoughton20@gmail. 1st Floor Olympic London City Airport Information Desk. Times house. Surrey.collier@ltn. Denise Fields Denise. Luton.pike@jp-ias. London City [email protected] MITIE Aviation Security MITIE Aviation Manchester Airport Group The Learning London Luton Airport Navigation London Southend Airport Southend-on-Sea. Airport [email protected]. Associates 5 New Farthingdale. Manchester Airport.Wood@londoncityairport. M90 1QX 0161 489 5783 Nigel Wickenden Nigel. SS26YF 01702 538543 Kaye Pudwell kaye. Lingfield. Dormansland. Main Terminal Building. London N1 Leeds Bradford Airport Leeds LS19 7TU Sharon Stephenson sharon. LU2 9LY 01582 395296 Robert Colliers June 2017 Page 37 .CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test 01582 594086 Jim Pike james. Bravingtons walk. E16 2PX Terry Wood Terry. Bedfordshire.stephenson@airservcorp. RH7 6RF 07774 3200881 Keith Scott [email protected]@magairports. St. Newbridge. Norwich. Innovation OCS Transport Limited 600 Central Way. TR20 8PU 01736 788809 or 0789 9668920 Huw Davies hdaviesplanesafe@aol. [email protected] Pensever Aviation Ltd 07738 032791 Hilary Oliver [email protected]@norwichinternational. TR8 4RQ 01637 861 052 Nerissa Marx [email protected] PlaneSafe Ltd Sunnyacres. Nr.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Newcastle International Airport Ltd Woolsington. Mawgan. Cornwall. Penzance. DN37 9TT June 2017 Page 38 . NE13 8BZ 0191 2143369 (Bill) or 0191 2143354 (Fiona) William (Bill) Lapsley BGML@newcastleinternational. Newcastle upon Norwich International Airport Amsterdam Way.Feltham TW14 0RX Peter Jones Peter. Cornwall. N. NR6 6JA 01603420633 Jamie Price Jamie. Newquay Cornwall Airport Praetorian Aviation Ltd Kerry Robertson Kerryrobertson@praetorianaviation. Lower Nr Newquay. North Feltham Trading Quadratica UK Ltd Europarc Innovation or Fiona Hume fhume@newcastleinternational. IM9 2AS 01624 821714 or +447624319818 Niall McCormick Niall. The Station. First RJA (UK) Ltd Hangar 1 . 1st Quelltex Ltd Molly’s Redline Assured AviationSecurity Ltd The National Security Training Centre. GU14 6XA 07990867284 or 01252 526 434 Gareth Lewis rjadm@tagfarnborough. TAG Farnborough Airport . Doncaster. M90 3RR 0161 489 6688 or 07889 835870 Mike Lord mike@myredkite. Ballasalla. or Ross Williams rwilliams@trustredline. Mezzanine Level. Hangar 1.The Lhen.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test 01472 898751 Martin Miller m. DL2 1LU June 2017 Page 39 . Durham Tees Valley Airport. DN9 3RH 01302 623 262 David Openshaw [email protected]@quadratica.Isle Of Man. Hampshire . Andreas.IM7 3EH 01624 819 827 Paul Quellin info@quelltex. Robin Hood Airport. Manchester Securitas Securitas Transport Aviation Services [email protected] Resource IOM Ltd IOM Redkite Aviation Room Flintshire. Marham. Broughton. Chester Road. Hants. SO18 2NL 023 80 627371 Christopher Bradbury chris_bradbury@baa. ZE2 9QP 01806 244 304 900 Ext 248 Kimberley Fisher Kimberley. Shetland. June 2017 Page 40 . Steve Cook Waterworks [email protected] Stansted Airport Ltd Stansted Airport Securitas Airbus UK Aviation Terminal. CH4 0DR Mathew Ierston Mathew. Bassingbourn Rd. Liverpool John Lennon Airport. Stansted CM24 1QW Teisha Lock [email protected]@securitas.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test 07834328565 Robert Jones Southampton International Airport Southampton. Brae.fisher@serco. London Stansted Airport. The Securitas Securitas Transport Aviation Scatsta Serco Defence Science and Technology. PE33 9JN Steve Cook [email protected]@swissport. L24 1YD 07841361825 Anthony Pink Swissport Cargo Services – classroom +44(0)1614996714 Craig Dalton Craig. Enterprise House. morton@wass-ltd. Colnbrook [email protected] 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Terminal Management Ltd Air Terminal. Horsham Road. TN39 4QA +44 (0)7932 764730 Peter Miller peter. TW14 0PW +44 (0)208 831 0724 Patricia Setrakian patricia@tsagp. Feltham. West Sussex. Bechill on UK Aviation Security Ltd 80 Barnhorn Road. RH11 9SG 01293 536 943 Chris Gray Westminster Aviation Security Services Ltd 07791671210 Paul Morton [email protected]@trainingteam. Pease Pottage. Steam Farm Lane. East June 2017 Page 41 . Winston Churchill Avenue. Training Team Golf House. Transport Security Associates Group Mission Hall. Slough SL3 0EB 07917 108506 Emma Russell emma. Gibraltar +350 20073026 Michael Baldacchino or Joseph Schembri [email protected] Wilson James Colnbrook Logistics Centre. AEH Training Solutions 10 Gower Avenue. Kinwood. Northern Ireland. The cargo NXCT should take about one hour to complete and will usually be initially taken as part of induction training. you will need to meet the Cargo NXCT Accreditation Criteria. London Road. Thereafter the cargo NXCT may continue to be used to meet the 6 monthly recurrent training testing requirements.ukt Air Cargo Training (ACT) 1 Dunkeld Grove. Co Down. Approved providers of the cargo NXCT Abbey Training Services Limited 30 Abbeyfields Close. TW18 4AX 07739 807730 Gaynor McLaughlin gmclaughlin@airlockaviation. It is a mandatory requirement that it is re-passed at least every 13 months. SO13 5GR 023 8045 5646 Alan Baker baker-alan@ntlworld. Stockport. SK7 5AL 0161 483 5180 Mark Higgins [email protected] Airport Management Services Terminal Building. Hazel Grove. BT19 6RH 028 9145 9293 Neal Skelton Skeltonbangor@aol. If you are interested in becoming accredited to deliver the cargo NXCT. Bangor. IV2 7JB 01667 461 533 or 01667 461 535 Gary Stoddart gstoddart@hial. Inverness Airport. Inverness.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Cargo NXCT Anyone employed in the screening of air cargo using X-ray or EDS equipment must be in possession of a valid cargo NXCT Netley June 2017 Page 42 .com Airlock Aviation Centurion House. Ramsey Mereside. Shropshire. Nr Whitchurch. Upper Bognor Road. RH19 4UE 01342 314232 Simon Bolt [email protected] of AWB Security Services 3 Mere Huntingdon.West Sussex. Grindley June 2017 Page 43 . PO21 1HR Chris Barratt [email protected] 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Anderson Young Aviation Ltd Bagshot House. Avsec Global Ltd Business Incubation AviationSec 6 Mill Cottage. Bagshot.sidhu@ayaviation. NE29 7PZ 0191 259 2563 Jeff Golightly jeffgolightly@btinternet. Bognor Regis Campus. Tyne & Wear. GU19 5AF 01276 478 940 Nirmal Sidhu nick. United Kingdom. High Street. SY13 4QH 07802 221 365 Andrew Hudson andrew@aviationsec. PE26 2UQ 01733 844 462 Anthony Barnett [email protected] ASTACC 11 Addington Crescent. East Sara Gladstone contactus@avsecltd. Bognor BFBS Consultants Limited PO Box 688. North North Feltham Trading Dangerous Goods Management Unit 1Site 4. Browells Cargo TRACKER International Ltd More Cryptair Limited 7 Falcon Mews. AB21 0GL (01224) 773776 James Petrie jim@dgm. Maldon. Sunbury. [email protected]@bollore.collard@collardnco. June 2017 Page 44 .com Collard & Co Ltd 118b Burcott Road. 514 Finchley Road. Feltham. London.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test BIFA Redfern House. Dyce. CM9 6YN 07870 410 674 Tim Robertson director@cryptair. Howe Moss Drive. Bollore Logistics 673 Spur Road. NW11 8DD 020 8458 7720 Ron Haviv cargotracker@msn. TW13 7EP 020 8844 3629 Sharon Hammond s. Avonmouth. Kirkhill Industrial Estate. BS11 8AB 0117 982 7746 Jarad Collard TW16 6LZ 07841 590 787 Rodger Brown rodgebrown@icloud. Middlesex TW14 0SL 0208 831 4900 Anthony Cox tony. Browns (UK) Training Services 72 Evelyn Crescent. uk or David O’Toole davidotoole@daviesturner. Colnbrook.g4s. Brockhurst Freightnet Handling Ltd Building 554. Essex CM24 1HA +44 (0)1279 666589 Paul Birch [email protected]. Devon. Marldon. Dunbeath Road. Stansted Airport. Endeavour Angela Christie [email protected] Davies Turner Air Cargo Unit or Ian Dallow lan. UB3 5EY 0208 564 3461 Paul Tallent [email protected] Federal Express FedEx Express. TW6 3US 0208 759 6510 Darren Salmon daz@freightnethandling. TQ3 1LB 07809 457710 (Dan) or 07976 958244 (Ian) Dan Lee [email protected] G4S Security Services (UK) Princess House. Berkshire. Calder Way. Hayes. Heathrow Airport.stalley@dhl. Coopers End June 2017 Page 45 . Nobel Drive. Shoreham Road. Slough. Elgin Industrial DHL Express Ltd Unit 8-9 Dunbeath Court. SL3 0BQ 01753 680 828 Karl Francis karlfrancis@daviesturner. SN2 8EA (0)2031185199 Kirk Stalley 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Dan Lee Training 30. [email protected]. Ashford Road. Guernsey. Buckinghamshire.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Gatehouse Consultancy 79 Langtons Meadow. UB11 1BD Virinder Singh virinder_uk@icts. TW15 1XS 01784 229286 John March john. SL2 3NQ 01753 645 090 Julie Twiddy [email protected] Guernsey Freight Services Ltd Cargo ICTS (UK) Limited Room 123. Tattenhall. Stockley Park East. Worley Global Air Training Global House. Boston. CH3 9HL 01829 771 334 John Cordingley Gatehouse Consultancy 39 Eastwood Road. Ashford. States Airport.mohammed@icts. Bolesworth Road. Cheshire. PE21 0PH 01205 369477 Sian Goddard sian_gatehouse@yahoo. Aberdeen. GY8 0DJ Steven Le Cheminant Ghouse Mohammed June 2017 Page 46 .march@geodis. Forties Road.mulhall@gsldardan. 1 Furzeground Way. Farnham GEODIS Action Court. Lincolnshire. Lakeside GSL Dardan Ltd Bristow Helicopters. Uxbridge. AB21 0NT 01224 756239 Aidan Mulhall Aidan. Airhead .uk JP International Aviation Security (UK) Ltd PO BOX June 2017 Page 47 . 20 Milburn [email protected]@kuehne-nagel. MH Associates 40 Mitie Security House. Middlesex UB11 1FG 0208 8673000 Kay Clark kay. TW19 7QE 01784 885 862 Martin Henry mhenrycargo@yahoo. Ascension Island Base. Uxbridge. UB3 4AZ 07721 465518 or 020 8737 4166 Mick Hedgecock mick. Stockley Park. 2 Millington Manchester Airport Group The Learning Hub. Manchester Airport. [email protected]@mitie.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Interserve Interserve (Defence) Ltd. Middlesex.wickenden@magairports. MK26 2WX 01908671317 Paul Munslow paul. Keuhne & Nagel Ltd First Floor. M90 1QX 0161 489 5783 Nigel Wickenden Nigel. Milton M Nippon Express (UK) Ltd Heathrow 360. 1 Roundwood Avenue. 1st Floor Olympic House. Hayes. Oldbrook. Ascension. LU3 9DS 01582 594086 James Pike james. ASCN 1ZZ Janet Marshall BFSAI-ASCSyOp@mod. TW14 0PS 020 8831 9888 John O’Reilly john@pro-security. IM9 2AS 01624 821714 or +44 7624 319 818 Niall McCormick niall. Middlesex. M90 3RR 0161 489 6688 or 07889 835870 Mike Lord [email protected] Lhen. NE13 8BZ 01912143354 Fiona Hume [email protected] Noonam Resource Services Group IOM [email protected] Praetorian Aviation Ltd Kerry Robertson [email protected] Of Man. Bedfont Road. IOM. Feltham. Manchester. Andreas. Middlesex. Newcastle upon Professional Security Solutions Ltd Tyburn House.IM7 3EH 01624 819 827 Paul Quellin [email protected]. Manchester Redkite Aviation Room 7303 .uk June 2017 Page 48 .co. Dick Turpin Quelltex Ltd Molly’s Cottage. Mezzanine Level. The Station. TW19 7LE 01784 425 175 Denis Beckley Plane Handling Ltd South Point. Ballasalla. 1st Floor.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Newcastle International Airport Woolsington.beckley@planehandling. Doncaster.jones@securitas. Middlesex. Ratby. Mount Pleasant MC. DN9 3RH 01302 623 262 David Openshaw dopenshaw@trustredline. GL6 0RJ Wayne Renshaw [email protected] Securitas Securitas Transport Aviation Services. Duston. Farringdon Road. LE6 0NQ Stuart Southern sales@rtlconsultants. Robin Hood Airport. Hangar 47 Tyler or Ross Williams rwilliams@trustredline. Durham Tees Valley Airport. London. Northampton. TW15 2HD 07591 305312 Ian Lindsay ianscs@aol. Ashford.graham@royalmail. Renshaw Associates Ltd End RTL Consultants Safety Compliance Solution Ltd 38 Clockhouse Northamptonshire NN5 6GP 07887 876446 John Wickes sabinewickesandassociates@yahoo. DL2 1LU 07834328565 Robert Jones rob. Higher Newmarket Road. Royal Mail RM Letters.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Redline Aviation The National Security Training Centre. First Avenue. June 2017 Page 49 . EC1A 1BB Granville Fairclough-Hawley Sabine Wickes & Associates 2 Dent Close. RM 411 POB. Sandbeds Trading Estate. Horsham Road.s. Ossett. Speke. Liverpool John Lennon Brae. WF5 9ND 01924 264 283 David Smith TNT UK Limited People Development Department. RH11 9SG 01293 536 943 Chris Gray chris.Pink@securitas. Shetland.Dalton@swissport. June 2017 Page 50 . ZE2 9QP +44 (0)806 244 304 Kimberley Fisher Swissport Cargo Services – classroom 1806 244 305Craig Dalton Craig. Warwickshire.Barsby@tnt. RCM Business Centre. L24 1YD 07841361825 Anthony Pink Tony. West Sussex. 102 Long TLT Security Solutions Ltd Office 43.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Securitas Securitas Transport Aviation Services. CV9 1BS 01827 715 371 Ann Barsby Ann. West Serco Scatsta Airport. TNT [email protected]@ukonline.fisher@serco. Dewsbury Road. Pease or Linda Davies [email protected]. Training Team Golf House. com Transport Security Associates Group Mission Hall. Middlesex. Castle Boulevard. Birmingham International Airport. Worldwide Flight Services The Cargo Birmingham B26 3QN 01217816617 or 07766611315 Garry Clarke gclarke@wfsuk. Unit [email protected] Westminster Aviation Security Services Ltd 07791671210 Paul Morton UPS Limited New Castle House. Feltham. TW13 7DU 020 8751 6000 John de Bruin info@traininglinkeurope. June 2017 Page 51 . Felthambrook Industrial or [email protected] Worldwide Flight Services Building 552. Steam Farm Lane.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Training Link Europe Ltd First Floor. Shoreham Road East. TW14 0PW +44 (0)208 831 0724 Patricia Setrakian patricia@tsagp. TW6 3UA Adam Kanan akanan@wfsuk. Middlesex.eyers@europe. NG7 1FT Simon Eyers simon. Nottingham. com Airport Management Services Terminal Building. you will need to meet the hold baggage NXCT accreditation criteria. Persons wishing to deliver the new test who are not already an accredited NXCT manager should e-mail at caroline. Inverness Airport.gsi. Thereafter the HBS NXCT may continue to be used to meet the 6 monthly recurrent training testing requirement. IV2 7JB 01667 461 533 or 01667 461 535 Gary Stoddart gstoddart@hial. Aston Anyone screening hold baggage by x-ray or EDS equipment must pass the HBS NXCT by June 2017 Page 52 .uk with details of how they will comply with the accreditation criteria. Chinnor Road. OX49 5SH 07739 807730 Gaynor McLaughlin [email protected]. and listed on the CAA website.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Hold baggage NXCT The new HBS NXCT is now ready for It is a mandatory requirement that it is re-passed at least every 13 months. who wish to deliver the HBS NXCT please request the new test disks from avsec. Inverness. Watlington. For those already accredited to deliver the cabin baggage or cargo NXCT. Approved providers of the hold baggage NXCT Airlock Aviation The [email protected]. If you are interested in becoming accredited to deliver the hold baggage NXCT. The hold baggage NXCT should take about one hour to complete and will usually be initially taken as part of induction training. Oxon.10. com AviationSec 6 Mill Sara Gladstone contactus@avsecltd. London NW11 8DD June 2017 Page 53 . Grindley Brook.parsons@cwl. United [email protected] 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test ASTACC 11 Addington Crescent. North Tyneside. NE29 7PZ 01387 265232 Jeff Golightly jeffgolightly@btopenworld. Whitchurch. Wales. Sunbury Middlesex. SY13 4QH 07802 221365 Andrew Hudson Avsec Global Ltd Business Incubation Belfast City Airport Browns UK Training Services 72 Evelyn Crescent. PO21 1HR Chris Barratt contactus@avsecltd. TW16 6LZ 07841 590787 Rodger Brown rodgebrown@icloud. 514 Finchley Road. Upper Bognor Road. Bognor Regis Campus. Bognor CargoTRACKER More House. North Shields. BT3 9JH. Northern Ireland 028 9093 9093 Ray Jeffries ray.West Cardiff Airport Vale of Glamorgan. CF62 3BD +44 (0) 7342 949255 Clive Parsons clive.University of Chichester. [email protected]. County Derry. CM6 1ZB 07738 302 557 (Vivienne) or 07738 586850 (Dawn) Vivienne Darnell vdarnell@dvtrainingltd. Dunmow.Duffy@cityofderryairport. Eglinton. Avenue Gibraltar Andrew Victor Essex. Edinburgh EH129DN Beverley Miller [email protected] 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test 020 8458 7720 Ron Haviv [email protected] Gibraltar Borders and Coastguard BCA [email protected]. UB3 5EY 0208 564 3461 (Paul) Paul Tallent paul. Airport Road. G4S Princess Edinburgh Airport Limited Training Academy. Forth G4S Security Services (Guernsey) Limited States Airport Forest Guernsey GY8 0DS +44 (0) 1481 237712 Tracey Simon [email protected] or Angela Christie DV Training & Development Ltd 4 Barnard June 2017 Page 54 [email protected] City of Derry Airport CODA(Operations) Ltd. Winston Churchill. BT47 3GY 028 71 81 07 84 Tracy Duffy or Dawn Galley dgalley@dvtrainingltd. Little Canfield. Hayes.christie@uk. Noble Michael Baldachino michael. Tattenhall. GL51 6SR 01452 857 700 Mark Webb mwebb@gloucestershireairport. Bolesworth Road. Worley Court.Parker@humbersideairport. KA9 2PL 01292 511089 Malcolm Hadwin mhadwin@glasgowprestwick. Metcalf GM Associates 40 Mimosa ICTS (UK) Limited Unit 22-24 Basepoint Business Centre. CH3 9HL 01829 771 334 John Cordingley john. Forties Road. Gloucestershire Airport Staverton.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Glasgow Prestwick Airport Aviation House. Gloucestershire. TQ4 7FE Garry Mitchell [email protected]@gsldardan. Cheltenham. AB21 0NT 01224 756239 Aidan Mulhall Aidan. Cheshire. North Lincolnshire. West Sussex RH11 7XX June 2017 Page 55 .com Goshawk Training Solutions John Houghton johnhoughton20@gmail. Global Air Training Global GSL Dardan Ltd Bristow DN39 6YH 0844 8872042 Graham Parker Graham. Humberside International Airport Kirmington.cordingley@globalaviation. ASCN 1ZZ Janet Marshall [email protected] Interserve Interserve (Defence) Ltd. Tavistock Square. Associates 95 New Farthingdale. Airhead .pike@Jp-ias. Dormansland. Luton. WC1H 9LG 0207 8747576 Robbie Peters [email protected] June 2017 Page 56 .com Leeds Bradford Airport Leeds LS19 7TU Sharon Stephenson London City Airport Hartman JP International Aviation Security (UK) Ltd PO Box 2547. Surrey RH7 6RF 07774 320881 Keith Scott [email protected]@ltn.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test 01293 504045 George Hayward George. LU3 9DS 0844 502 5520 James Pike London Luton Airport Navigation House. London. Tavistock E16 2PX Terry Wood TerminalTrainingAndComplianceOfficers@londoncityairport.stephenson@airservcorp. Bedfordshire. Ascension. Entrance D. Ascension Island Base. LU2 9LY 01582 395 192 Robert Collier bob. ICTS (UK) Limited South Block. Airport Way. Royal Docks. Lingfield. com Manchester Airport Group The Learning Noonam Resource Services Group IOM [email protected] Norwich International Airport Amsterdam Way.wickenden@magairports. TW6 1SD 0778 545 0572 Kamran Ahmed Kamran. TR8 4RQ 01637 861 052 Nerissa Marx nmarx@newquaycornwallairport. Hounslow. Norwich. Heathrow Newquay Cornwall Airport Carloggas. Nr Newquay. SS26YF 01702 538543 Kaye Pudwell Kaye. Cornwall. Newcastle upon Tyne.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test London Southend Airport London Southend Airport . NR6 6JA June 2017 Page 57 .Ahmed@mitie. IM9 2AS 01624 821714 or +44 7624 319 818 Niall McCormick niall. 1st Newcastle International Airport Woolsington. St Mawgan. IOM. Southend-on-Sea . Manchester Airport.mccormick@noonan. M90 1QX 0161 489 5783 Nigel Wickenden Nigel. NE13 8BZ 01912143354 Fiona Hulme Fhume@newcastleinternational. Mitie Rooms 1073/1074 D’Albiac House. Middlesex. 1st Floor Olympic House. uk RJA (UK) Ltd Hangar 1 . IM7 3EH 01624 819 827 Paul Quellin paul@quelltex. Viscount House. GU14 6XA 07990867284 or 01252 526 434 Gareth Lewis [email protected]. The Station. TAG Farnborough Airport .singh@ocs. Hampshire . First Andreas. Mezzanine Level. DN9 3RH 01302 623 262 David Openshaw dopenshaw@trustredline. The Redkite Aviation Room 7303 .CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test 01603420633 Jamie Price Jamie. Robin Hood Airport. Manchester June 2017 Page 58 . Isle Of Man. Praetorian Aviation Ltd Kerry Robertson [email protected]. B26 3QJ 07733308629 Sukhy Singh Redline Assured Security Ltd The National Security Training Centre. Birmingham.Price@norwichinternational. Doncaster. M90 3RR 0161 489 6688 or 07889 835870 Mike Lord [email protected] OCS Group UK Ltd Room or Ross Williams rwilliams@trustredline. Quelltex Ltd Molly’s Cottage. Birmingham International Airport. Transport Security Associates Ltd Mission Hall. DL2 1LU 07834328565 Robert Jones rob. June 2017 Page 59 . TW14 0PW +44 (0)208 831 0724 Patricia Setrakian patricia@tsagp. Shetland. Hants SO18 2NL 023 80 627371 Christopher Bradbury chris_bradbury@baa. Securitas Securitas Transport Aviation Services. The Street. Brae. Marham. PE33 9JN Steve Cook [email protected]. Liverpool John Lennon Airport. L24 1YD Anthony Pink [email protected] Serco Scatsta Airport.jones@securitas. Hangar [email protected] Securitas Securitas Transport Aviation Steve Cook Waterworks House. Southampton International Airport Ltd Southampton. ZE2 9QP +44 (0) 806 244 304 Kimberley Fisher SO18 2NL 023 80 627371 Christopher Bradbury chris_bradbury@baa. Hants. Durham Tees Valley Airport. Steam Farm Lane.CAP 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test Southampton International Airport Southampton. Colnbrook Logistic Centre [email protected] 1170 Chapter 12: National x-ray competency test UK Aviation Security Ltd 80 Barnhorn Road. Westminster Aviation Security Services Ltd 07791671210Paul Morton Wilson James Aviation Division and Special Projects Division. East [email protected]@wass-ltd. TN39 4QA +44 (0)7932 764730 Peter Miller peter. Bechill on June 2017 Page 60 . SL3 0EB 07917 108506 Emma Russell
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