BASH Fantasy Pregens

April 3, 2018 | Author: c | Category: Magic (Paranormal), Nature, Leisure



PeridotPixie Brawn 2 Agility +3x3 Mind 3 Powers: Flight 2 (10 SQ) <Wings> 1pt. 2 ENERGY, MAINTAINTED Talk to Animals 3 (All Animals), 3pts Misdirection (Make a Mind Contest w/ Target. If you win, they take a -10 Result Penalty to their next attack roll against anyone) 1pt Size -3 (6” Tall) [Does Not Affect Flight] (+3 Agility Dice Bonus, -15 Result Penalty to Brawn, Damage, and Soak, Max Lift 33 Lbs, Takes Knock-Back on 20 Damage or More, +3 Squares of Knock-Back) 0pts Spells: Argent Armor of Illumination: Arcane Armor 3 (+30 Soak), 3pts, 6 ENERGY, SUSTAINED Gaia’s Kiss: Healing 1 (Heals +1x1 Dmg)[Usable on Others] <Casting, Concentration> 1pts, 1 ENERGY ADVANTAGES: Magic (Light, Nature Colleges), Never Surrender, Appeal (x4 Social Rolls) DISADVANTAGES: Small (Size -3) [Does Not Affect Flight], Primitive (Money? What’s that?), Weakness: Vulnerability to Cold Iron (It burns… It BURNS!) PHYSICAL SKILLS (Roll 2d6+3x3): Stealth/Hide, Perform/Dance, Athletics/Aerobatics MENTAL SKILLS (Roll 2d6x3): Outdoor/Tracking, Physician/Herbalism, Occultism/Ritual EQUIPMENT: Tiny Bow (x4-15 Dmg, Range 30), Tiny Sword (x4-15 Dmg) COMBAT INFO: Wound Threshold 20 Soak: -15 (15 with Arcane Armor turned on) Priority +3x3 Defense: +3x3 Movement: 3 SQ Run, 10 SQ Fly Mental Defense: x3 ENERGY: O O O O O O O O O O 25 Points (16 Stats, 9 Powers) ____________________________________ Elven Archer B2 A4 M2 16 Pts Powers: 9 Pts Expert Marksman (ignore 1 pt of range penalties, range extended) 2 pts Bow Technique 2 (+2 DM) 2pts Rapid Reloader (R.O.F 2/panel if you don’t move) 1 pt Armor Familiarity 1 (Leather) 1 pt Great Hunter (see Attack Weak Point) 1 pt Keen Senses 2 (Vision, Hearing x5) 2 pts Equipment: Bow (x4 Hit, x6 dmg, Range 45 [Expert Marksman]), Quiver, 24 Arrows, Short Sword (x4 Hit, x4 Dmg), Dagger (x4 Hit, x3 Dmg, Range 3), Leather Armor (10 Soak) ADVANTAGES: Appeal (x4 Social Rolls), Good Night Vision DISADVANTAGES: Overconfidence, Oath (Protect the Forest) Physical Skills Roll 2d6x4: Athletics/Acrobatics/Climb, Stealth/Hide/Prowl Mental Skills Roll 2d6x2: Outdoor/Tracking, Occultism/Monster Lore Combat Info: Wound Threshold 20 Soak 10 Priority x4 Defense x4 Movement: 12 Squares Mental Defense x2 Energy O O O O O O O O O O Amber Human Sword-Sorceress B3 A2 M3 16 Pts Powers: 9 pts Sword Technique 1 (x3 Hit) 1pt Dragon’s Breath: Special Attack 3 (x6 Fire Dmg, Medium Cone)<Single Use> 3pts Resistance 1 (Fire), 1pt Amber Armor of Illumination: Arcane Armor 2 [EC: 4 Burden] 2pts Healing Light, Healing 2 <Casting> [Usable on Others][EC: 2] 2pts Equipment: Longsword (x3 Hit, x5 Dmg), Shield (+1 Dice Bonus to Defense) Advantages: Special Origin (You are not truly human. You are in fact, a gold dragon that has been cursed to remain in human form. Your quest in life is one to atone and remove the curse). Magic (Fire and Light Colleges). Appeal (Amber appears to be a beautiful woman with reddish-blonde hair and golden-brown eyes; she has a x5 to all social rolls). Frightening Presence (x5 to all Intimidation rolls). Disadvantages: Overconfidence, Pride, Secret (Amber does not tell people the truth about her “condition” and tries to maintain her façade as a normal human. She will only use her Dragon’s Breath as a last resort). Long Sleeper (Amber has not quite gotten used to the human norms of only sleeping part of a day at a time). Mission (return to her true form) PHYSICAL SKILLS: Athletics 3/Climbing MENTAL SKILLS: Occultism 3/Channeling, Society 3/Diplomacy, Commerce 3/Appraisal Combat Info: Wound Threshold 30 Soak: 20 Movement: 6 Squares Defense: x2 (+1x2 with Shield) Priority x2 Mental Defense x3 Energy: O O O O O O O O O O _________________________________ Dwarven Fighter B3 A3 M2 16 Pts Powers: 9 Pts Armor Familiarity 2 (Chainmail) 2pts War Axe Technique 2 (+1 Hit, +1 DM) 2pts Shield Deflect 1 (x4 Defense with Shield) 1pt Shield Slam, (If you hit your opponent with your shield, they must make a Brawn roll against the damage. If you win, they are Shoved* and also disoriented by the attack and have a -2 Dice Penalty to their next roll to hit or dodge.) 2pts Infrared Sight: Super Senses 2, 2pts Equipment: War Axe (x4 Hit, x6 Dmg), Throwing Axe (x3 Hit, x4 Dmg Ranged / +2x4 Dmg Hand to Hand, Range 5) ADVANTAGES: Poison Resistance (Half TN to resist/avoid poison, half duration, half damage), Shrewd (x4 to avoid deception, even magically), Quick Healer (Natural healing is 60 Stun / Hour and 60 Lethal / week) DISADVANTAGES: Slow-Moving (Movement is 6 Squares), Honor Bound, Obsession (Wealth) PHYSICAL SKILLS (Roll 2d6x3): Craftsmanship/Armorer, Athletics/Running/Throwing MENTAL SKILLS (Roll 2d6x2): Military/Tactics, Commerce/Bargaining * Shove: An attacker can shove an opponent away, doing knock-back in lieu of an ordinary attack. If you try to shove, roll a Brawn contest with the opponent. If you win, you knock them back 1 square and they are on the ground. If you win by 20, you knock them back 2 squares. If you win by 30 you knock them back 3 squares, and so on to a maximum of 5 squares. When you shove an opponent, you can choose to go with them (and will be in an adjacent square) or to remain in the square you shoved them from. Combat Info: Wound Threshold 30 Soak 20 Priority x3 Defense x3 / x4 Shield Movement: 6 Squares Mental Defense x2 Energy: O O O O O O O O O O _________________________________ Orc Gladiator B3 A3 M1 14 Pts Powers: 11 pts Armor Familiarity 1 (Leather) 1pt Paired Weapons (-1 Dice Penalty to hit) 1EC, 2pts Off-Hand Parry (x4 Defense hand to hand) 1pt Riposte (Doubles on successful hand to hand Defense gives free counter-attack) 1EC, 2pts Weapon Bind (Doubles on Successful Hand-to-Hand Defense, traps enemy’s weapon. They have a -2 Dice Penalty to all Agility rolls until they untrap it (by beating you in a Brawn Contest), drop it, or you release them) 1pt Adrenaline Surge (Take an extra Panel OR increase Brawn or Agility by 1 for 1 panel) 3EC, 3pts Footwork (Get +1 Agility Defense for -1 Agility to Hit, or Vice Versa) 1EC, 1pt Equipment: Cestus (x3 Lethal Damage; Cannot be Disarmed), Gladius Sword (x3 Hit, x5 Dmg), Paired Swords (-1x3 to Hit, x5 Dmg), three Javelins (x4 Dmg, Range 10) Advantages: Blaze of Glory (When reduced to 30 Hits or less, you get +2 Dice Bonus to all rolls; you can also take 10 Damage to ignore all wounds for 1 panel), Good Night Vision (half penalties in darkness), Fearless (Completely immune to fear. Also gets +2 Dice Bonus to intimidate others) Disadvantages: Berserk, Honor Bound, True Grit PHYSICAL SKILLS (Roll 2d6x3): Athletics/Running, Charioteering/Trample, Craftsmanship/Weapon Smith MENTAL SKILLS (Roll 2d6x1): Society/Savoir-Faire Combat Info: Wound Threshold 30 Soak: 10 Movement: 9 Squares Priority x3 Defense x3 / x4 Hand to Hand + Riposte on Doubles Footwork Defensive: x4 / x5 Hand to Hand Footwork Offensive: x2 / x3 Hand to Hand Mental Defense x1 Energy: O O O O O O O O O O ______________________________ Human Thief-Acrobat B2 A4 M2 16 pts Powers: 9 pts Armor Familiarity 1 (Leather) 1pt Amazing Leap 1 (6 Squares, 3 SQ Vertical) 1pt Attack Weak Point (Double Damage if hit by 20; Spend a Hero Point to use Hit Roll as Damage Roll) 2pts Danger Sense (Defense and Priority increased) 2pts Keen Hearing (x5) 1pt Blind Combat (No penalties at all) 1pt Daredevil 1 (+1 Multiplier when doing daredevil stunts, like walking tight-ropes), 1pt Advantages: Membership (Thieves' Guild) Disadvantages: Obsession (Wealth) Physical Skills: Athletics/Acrobatics/Climb, Stealth/Prowl/Hide Mental Skills: Security/Locks, Streetwise/Shortcuts Equipment: Quarterstaff (x5 Stun, Reach 2 w/ Lunge), Dagger (x3 Dmg, Range 3 Thrown), Theives' Tools, Rope, Grappling Hook Combat Info: Wound Threshold 20 Soak: 10 Priority x6 Defense x6 Mental Defense x3 Energy: O O O O O O O O O O Columbius Ratkin “Treasure Hunter” Brawn 2 Agility 3 Mind 3 Powers: Size -1 (+1 Dice Bonus to Agility Rolls, 5 Result Penalty to Brawn, Damage, and Soak, Max Lift 100 Lbs, Takes Knock-Back on 40 Damage or More, +1 Squares of Knock-Back) 0pts Natural Weapons 1 (Bite x3 Dmg) 1pt Tail: Appendage 1 (+1 Dice bonus to Balance and other useful times), 1pt Spells: Levitation (Move vertically 2 SQ per page, lateral movement must be done by pushing off walls / pulling ropes at your Creeping speed) 1pt, 1 ENERGY MAINTAINED Hands of Air: Telekinesis 2 (x3 Hit, x2 Dmg, Lift 200 Lbs) <Casting> 1pt, 1 ENERGY MAINTAINED Lightning Bolt: Special Attack 2 (x5 Dmg, Medium Line) <Casting> 3pts, 3 ENERGY Cloud of Fog: Confusion 1 [Lingering] (Small Burst) <Casting> 2pts, 2 ENERGY Advantages: Good Night Vision (Half Penalties), Magic (Air College), Shrewd (x5 to avoid deception, even magically based) Disadvantages: Unpleasant Quality (Non-Ratkin tend to find Ratkin off-putting, -2x3 to Social Rolls), Single College (Only has access to Air Magic), Small (Size -1) PHYSICAL SKILLS (Roll +1x3): Stealth/Hide/Palming, Athletics/Acrobatics, MENTAL SKILLS (Roll x3): Security/Traps, Deception/Detect Deception, Occultism/Artifacts EQUIPMENT: Dagger (x3 Dmg, Range 3 Thrown), COMBAT INFO: Wound Threshold 20 Soak: -5 Priority +1x3 Defense +1x3 Move: 7 Squares Run, 4 Squares Creeping Mental Defense: x3 Energy: O O O O O O O O O O 16 Stats, 9 Powers Wiz-Bang Forged Sorcerer Brawn 2 Agility 2 Mind 3 Powers: Metal Body: Density Increase 1 <Always On> (+5 Result to Brawn, Damage, Soak; -1 Dice Penalty to Agility rolls, 10 Damage / Page to surfaces he stands on, Lift 200 Lbs) 1pt Armored Plating: Toughness 1 (+10 Soak) 1pt Spells: Arcane Mastery 1 (Allows him to use magical staves, wands, and scrolls) 1pt Sense Magic, 1pt, 1 ENERGY MAINTAINED Body of Smoke: Ghost Form 2 <Casting> 4 ENERGY MAINTAINED, 1pt Cloak of Flame: Damage Aura 2, (x2 Dmg, Med Burst) <Casting> 4 ENERGY MAINTAINED, 3pts Fireball: Special Attack 2 (x5 Dmg, Small Burst, Close Range) <Casting> 4 ENERGY, 3pts Tremor Sense: Super Senses 2 (Able to “see” vibrations even in pitch blackness) <Casting> 2 ENERGY, SUSTAINED, 1pt Repair Object: Healing 1 [Affects Unliving]<Only Affects Unliving, Casting, Concentration>, 1 ENERGY, 1pt Advantages: Unliving (you don't need to eat, sleep, breathe, and are immune to poison, sickness, etc.). Magic (Fire and Earth Colleges), Companion (Rikki, his mongoose familiar) Disadvantages: Heavy Body: (You sink like a rock in water; you cannot swim. You have a -3 Dice Penalty to climbing, stealth, and similar rolls where being light and graceful are necessary). Poor Hearing (-2 Dice Penalty to hear noises due to constant feedback), Obsession (with acquiring magical knowledge) Physical Skills (Roll 2d6-1 x2): Athletics/Running, Stealth/Hide Mental Skills (Roll 2d6x3): Technology/Repair, Occultism/Channeling, Social Science/History Equipment: Staff (-1x2 Hit, x5+5 Stun, Reach 2 when Lunging) COMBAT INFO: Wound Threshold 20 Soak 15 Priority x2 Defense x2 Movement: 6 SQ Mental Defense x3 Energy: O O O O O O O O O O 25 Points: Stats 14, 11 Powers Dave’s Forged Wizard Brawn 2 Agility 3 Mind 4 Powers: Metal Body: Density Increase 1 <Always On> (+5 Result to Brawn, Damage, Soak; -1 Dice Penalty to Agility rolls, 10 Damage / Page to surfaces he stands on, Lift 200 Lbs) 1pt Armored Plating: Toughness 2 (+20 Soak) 2pts Spells: Sense Evil 1 pt, 1 ENERGY MAINTAINED Go No Further: Immobilization 2 (Mid Range) <Casting> 3pts, 3 ENERGY Advantages: Unliving (you don't need to eat, sleep, breathe, and are immune to poison, sickness, etc.). Magic (Light and Shadow Colleges), Grimoire (A spell book; lets you swap out spells for ones of equal or lesser cost between rests) Disadvantages: Metal Body (you sink like a rock in water, -3 Dice Penalty to actions that favor a light body, like stealth or climbing), Outsider (You’re from the Magocracy of Gwapatha and have not adapted to the surface culture), Few Contacts (You haven’t made many friends. You get a -2 Dice Penalty to social interactions). Physical Skills (Roll 2d6-1 x3): Athletics/Acrobatics, Stealth/Hide, Perform/Juggling Mental Skills: (Roll 2d6 x4): Outdoor/Tracking, Streetwise/Gather Information, Occultism/Channeling/Ritual EQUIPMENT: COMBAT INFO: Wound Threshold 20 Soak: 25 Priority -1x3 Defense: -1x3 Movement: 9 SQ Mental Defense x4 Energy: O O O O O O O O O O 25 Pts (18 Stats, 7 Powers) ______________________________ Human Cleric of Apollo (God of the Sun, Music, and Physicians) B2 A3 M3 16 pts Powers: 9 pts Armor Familiarity 2 (Scale) 2pts Rank 1 (Priest of Apollo: +10 Result Bonus on Physician checks, +1 Dice Bonus with Bows) 1pt Spells: Banish Undead: Daze 3 <Only Affects Undead>, (Medium Burst), 4pts, 5 ENERGY Light of Life: Healing 2 [Affects Others] <Casting, Concentration> (Heals 2d6+1x2 Damage) 2pts, 2 ENERGY Advantages: Membership (Order of Apollo), Virtuous (x5 Mental Defense against being compelled to do anything shameful, even under torture; gets a re-roll even after failing) Disadvantages: Duty (Order of Apollo), Honor Bound, True Grit Physical Skills (Roll 2d6x3): Athletics/Running, Perform/Lyre & Singing, Charioteering/Control Mental Skills (Roll 2d6x3): Physician/First Aid [+10 to result], Occultism/Ritual, Humanities/Religion Equipment: Bow (+1x3 Hit, +1x4 Dmg, Range 30), Lyre, Holy Symbol, Mace (x3 Hit, x4 Dmg) COMBAT INFO: Wound Threshold 20 Soak: 20 Priority x3 Defense: x3 Movement: 9 SQ Mental Defense x3 Energy: O O O O O O O O O O 25 Pts (16 Stats, 9 Powers)
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