Banking Theory and Practice (1)

March 30, 2018 | Author: Ramesh L | Category: Reserve Bank Of India, Banks, Cheque, Money, Banking



Reg. No. : ........................................Code No. : 12657 Sub. Code : GMEC 62 B.A. (CBCS) DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2015. Sixth Semester Economics — Main BANKING THEORY AND PRACTICE (For those who joined in July 2012 and afterwards) Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks PART A — (10 × 1 = 10 marks) Answer ALL questions. Choose the correct answer. 1. J¸ ÁoP Á[Q Gߣx J¸ (A) \‰P |»ß ¯õ£õμ {ÖÁÚ® (B) \‰P ÷\ª¨¦ {ÖÁÚ® (C) C»õ£zøu Dmk® ¯õ£õμ {ÖÁÚ® (D) C»õ£zøu Dmk® Aμ_ {ÖÁÚ® (a) social welfare business firm (b) social service firm (c) profit making – business firm (d) profit making – government firm ÁoP Á[QPÒ Phß ©ØÖ® •ß£n® AÔ¨£x GzuøP¯ £o (A) •ußø© £o (B) Cμshõ® £o (C) xøn¨£o (D) ¤Ó¨£o The commercial bank is to make loans and advances is a 3. (a) primary function (b) secondary function (c) subsidiary function (d) contingency function A»S Á[Q°¯À •øÓ G[S Aø©¢xÒÍÚ (A) C[Q»õ¢x (B) Aö©›UPõ (C) A÷μ¤¯õ (D) J¸[Qøn¢u Tmhõm] •øÓ Page 2 Code No.A commercial bank is a 2. : 12657 . The existence of unit banking system is in 4. : 12657 . (a) United kingdom (b) United states (c) United Arab Emirates (d) United federal system £À÷ÁÖ \‰P |»ßPøÍ vmh[PÐUS {v¯ÎUS® Á[QPøÍ GÆÁõÖ AøǨ£º (A) •ß÷ÚØÓ – Ai¨£øh Á[QPÒ (B) •ßÝ›ø© xøÓ Ai¨£øh Á[QPÒ (C) \‰P Á[QPÒ (D) QøÍ Á[QPÒ Bank funds to finance various social 5. (a) development-oriented banking (b) priority sector lending (c) social banking (d) branch banking Phß P¸ÂPÒ \mh® G¨ö£õÊx C¯ØÓ¨£mhx (A) 1851 (B) 1881 (C) 1991 (D) Page 3 2002 Code No. (a) bearer cheque (b) order cheque (c) crossed cheque (d) uncrossed cheque CÁØÔÀ JßÖ C¢v¯õÂÀ £n® öÁΰkÁvÀ •ØÖ›ø© ö£ØÓx (A) ø©¯ Á[Q (B) C¢v¯ ›\ºÆ Á[Q (C) C¢v¯ Aμ_ (D) ©õ{» Aμ_PÒ Which one has the monopoly of note issue in India (a) Central Bank (b) Reserve Bank of India (c) Government of India (d) State Governments Page 4 Code No.When was the negotiable instrument Act enacted? 6. (a) 1851 (b) 1881 (c) 1991 (d) 2002 Põ÷\õø»UPõÚ £nzøu Á[Q°À ‰»® ©mk® ö£Öuø» GÆÁõÖ AøǨ£º (A) øÁzv¸¨÷£õº Põ÷\õø» (B) Bøn°hÀ Põ÷\õø» (C) ÷Põih¨£mh Põ÷\õø» (D) ÷Põih¨£hõu Põ÷\õø» Cheques which can be collected only through a banker is called as 7. : 12657 . CÁØÔÀ JßÖ Aμ]ß Á[Q¯õP ö\¯À£kQßÓÚ (A) ø©¯ Á[Q (B) ÁoP Á[QPÒ (C) E»P Á[Q (D) £ßÚõmk {v{ÖÁÚ® Which one is acting as bankers to the government 9.8. : 12657 . (a) Central Bank (b) Commercial Banks (c) World Bank (d) International Monetary Fund CÁØÔÀ JßÖ £õxPõ¨£õÚx JÊ[S¨£kzx® AÝ©vUP¨£mhx ©ØÖ® (A) ÁøÍuÍ Á[Q¯À (B) øP÷£] Á[Q¯À (C) AøǨ¦ Á[Q¯À (D) £Sv Á[Q¯À Which one has the protection and regulatory approvals (a) internet banking (b) mobile banking (c) phone banking (d) local banking Page 5 Code No. Á[Q functions Or (B) Á[QPÎß £›n©zøu öÁÎUöPõnºP. (A) ø©¯ Á[Q £o°¼¸¢x £oPøÍ ÷ÁÖ£kzxP. 11. Bring out the evolution of Banking. choosing either (a) or (b). ÁoP Distinguish commercial banks with Central Bank functions.10. J¸ ÂÈ®¦ {v Gߣx J¸ (A) uÛ¯õº •u½mk {v (B) ö£õx •u½mk {v (C) Aμ_ •u½mk {v (D) £ßÚõmk •u½mk {v A hedge fund is a (a) private investment fund (b) public investment fund (c) government investment fund (d) foreign investment fund PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks) Answer ALL questions. Answer should not exceed 250 words. Page 6 Code No. : 12657 . (A) A»S Á[Q¯À ©ØÖ® QøÍ Á[Q¯À £ØÔ GÊxP.12. (A) Phß Pmk¨£õmiß ÷|õUP[PÒ ¯õøÁ? What are the objectives of Credit Control? Or (B) C¢v¯ ›\ºÆ Á[Q°ß £oPøÍ ÂÍUSP. Or (B) Phß Piuzvß |ßø©PÒ ¯õøÁ? What are the advantages of letter of Credit? 14. 13. List out the merits of Mixed Banking. Explain the functions of the Reserve Bank of India. Or (B) P»¨¦ Á[Q°¯¼ß |ßø©PøÍ £mi¯¼kP. : 12657 . (A) ÁoP Á[QPÒ Phß ö£¸US •øÓPÒ £ØÔ ÂÍUSP. Page 7 Code No. Explain the methods of credit creation of Commercial Banks. Write about unit banking and Branch banking. Or (B) ªßÚq £n£mkÁõh |ßø©PøÍ £mi¯¼kP. Critically explain the functions of commercial banks. Or (B) J¸ |õmiß Áͺa]°À ÁoP Á[QPÎÀ £[øP £ØÔ ÂÁ›. •øÓPÎß List out the benefits of electronic clearning system. Page 8 Code No. Write about the E-banking. Describe the role of commercial banks in the development of a country.15. (A) ªßÚq Á[Q¯À £ØÔ GÊxP. in about 600 words each. : 12657 . choosing either (a) or (b). PART C — (5 × 8 = 40 marks) Answer ALL questions. (A) ÁoP Á[QPÎß £oPøÍ vÓÚõ´P. 16. |øh•øÓ Illustrate the current structure commercial banking in India. Describe the functions of central bank.17. List out the advantages of bill of exchange. Or (B) Phß ©õØÖ ^miß |ßø©PøÍ £mi¯¼kP. Explain the various types of cheques. Explain the methods of credit control. : 12657 . of (A) Põ÷\õø»PÎß £À÷ÁÖ ÁøPPøÍ ÂÍUSP. Page 9 Code No. Describe the merits investment banking. 18. 19. (A) •u½mk Á[Q°¯¼ß |ßø© wø©PÒ £ØÔ ÂÁ›. and demerits of Or (B) C¢v¯õÂÀ ÁoP Á[QPÎß Aø©¨ø£ ›ÁõP ÂÍUSP. Or (B) Phß Pmk¨£kzx® •øÓPÒ £ØÔ ÂÍUSP. (A) ø©¯ Á[Q°ß £oPøÍ ÂÁ›. (A) |ÃÚ Á[Q°¯À £oPÒ £ØÔ ÂÁ›. : 12657 . Or (B) £n® Aݨ¦u¼ß £À÷ÁÖ •øÓPÒ £ØÔ ÂÍUSP. —————— Page 10 Code No.20. Explain the various methods of transferring funds. Describe the functions of modern banking. 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