Bank PO General Awareness Model Paper

March 28, 2018 | Author: raganraan | Category: Sales, Reserve Bank Of India, Target Audience, Operating System, Computer Program



Bank PO General Awareness Model Paper Free Download of 2011 Bank Po PapersShare 1. 'RBI responds to inflation threat' was the headline in leading newspaper recently. What steps RBI has taken in its Mid Term review of the Credit olicy anno!nced in "ct. #$$%& I. Repo rate is increased II. Bank rate has changed III. Minim!m period for fi'ed deposits lowered down (. "nly I and II B. "nly II and III C. "nly I ). "nly II *. +one of these #. The Bharat ,anchar +igam -td is likely to .e merged with which of the following Companies& /(s per news paper report0 (. Mahanagar Telephone +igam -td B. 1idesh ,anchar +igam -td C. Reliance Info Tech -td ). Tata Indicom *. +one of these 2. 3or appointment of )irectors in which one of the following types of organisations the RBI has iss!ed g!idelines known as 4 3it and roper Criteria& (. ,5s in oil sector B. +ationalised .anks only C. 6overnment departments ). ,BI and its associates *. rivate ,ector Banks %. The Reserve Bank of India has recently raised the risk weight on ho!sing loans from 7$ per cent and on Cons!mer Credit from 1$$ per cent to 1#7 per cent. 8ow m!ch more money will the .anks need to implement this decision of RBI& /(ppro'imately0 (. Rs. 1$$$ crore B. Rs.17$$ crore C. Rs.#$$$ crore ). Rs. #7$$ crore *. Rs. 2$$$ crore' 7. The reports a.o!t the performance of crore sector infrastr!ct!ral !nits for the first half /(pril #$$%9,ept.#$$%0 were p!.lished recently. The performance was (. not good B. good C. same as it was last year ). little .etter than the pro:ections *. +one of these ;. The *!ropean 5nion sometime .ack had imposed sanctions on the 5,( in a disp!te over 5, Corporate Ta' s!.sidies< What is the present positions of the same& (. The sanctions will contin!e f!rther for a period of two year starting from "ct. #$$% B. The sanctions are now lifted as 5, has agreed to red!ce the s!.sidy C. *!ropean 5nion has decided to give a temporary relief to 5, as the sanction will now .e applica.le only from =an. #$$; ). *!ropean 5nion has decided to make it more strict with financial penalty *. +one of these >. The World Bank p!.lished its development report for #$$7 in ,ept. #$$%. Which of the following statements is? are tr!e a.o!t India's stat!s in the regard& I. India is the fo!rth largest economy in terms of p!rchasing powerparity. II. Indian .anks are lagging .ehind in the field of technology and efficiency. III. +on9 erforming (ssets /+ (s0 are increasing day .y day and needs to .e dealt more effectively (. "nly I B. "nly II C. "nly I and II ). "nly I and III *. (ll of these @. Who amongst the following is one of the +o.el riAe winners for hysics in #$$%& (. Irwin Rose B. )avid =. 6ross C. -inda B. B!ck ). (vram 8ershko *. +one of these B. Which of the following schemes was merged with ,warna =ayanti 6ram ,waroAgar Co:ana& (. (nnap!rna Co:ana B. 6anga Dalyan Co:ana C. Midday Meal ,cheme ). Basic ,ervice for oor *. +one of these 1$. The +ational 8o!sing Bank /+8B0 is planning to revise its norms for considering +on erforming (ssets /+( s0 in ho!sing sector. What will .e the new norms in terms of days for the scheme& (. 1@$ days B. 1;$ days C. 1#$ days ). B$ days *. +one of these 11. Which of the following is the permanent ven!e for the international film festival of India& (. oona B. ana:i C. M! ). Bangalore *. Dochi 1#. (s per the reports in the newspapers the p!.lic de.t is e'pected to increase to a record high as Rs. 12< %7< $$$ crore /appro'imately0 in #$$%9#$$7. What will .e its percentage as compared to 6ross )omestic rod!ct /appro'imately0& (. 2% per cent B. %$ per cent C. %2 per cent ). %B per cent *. 72 per cent 12. "n whose recommendations< the 6overnment has .anned !se of the pop!lar painkiller Rofico'i.& (. W8" B. Ministry of 8ealth< 6overnment of India C. +ational harma Co 1igilance (dvisory Committee ). (IIM, *. 5+*,C" 1%. The rime Minister of India recently promised that if necessary he will try to replace a most controversial act .y a new more h!mane law. 8e was referring to which of the following legislations& (. (rmed 3orces /,pecial owers0< (ct B. revention of Terrorism (ct / "T(0 C. ,ec!ritisation (ct ). 3oreign *'change Management (ct *. +one of these 17. ( rare astronomical phenomenon took place on =!ne @< #$$% after a gap of 1## years. The event was (. total ,!n eclipse B. transaction of 1en!s across the ,!n C. 1en!s and Merc!ry came in a straight line and very close to each other ). *arth came in a straight line with ,!n and Moon *. +one of these 1;. The #$1$ 3oot.all World C!p will .e organised in (. India B. China C. BraAil ). Italy *. ,o!th (frica 1>. The International 3ederation for which of the following games completed 1$$ years of its e'istence in May #$$%& (. Cricket B. Badminton C. Tennis ). 3oot.all *. +one of these 1@. The m!ch disc!ssed 1(T system is likely to .e implemented from ne't financial year. 8ow m!ch compensation will centre make to all the states aganist their losses d!ring first year in terms of the compensation package it has agreed& (. #7 per cent B. 22 per cent C. 7$ per cent ). >7 per cent *. 1$$ per cent 1B. What is the minim!m period for which retail domestic term deposits can .e accepted& (. > days B. 1% days C. 17 days ). "ne month *. Three months #$. Maria =!lia Mantilla 6arcia who was crowned as the Miss World recently is a citiAen of (. Britain B. 3rance C. Italy ). er! *. 5,( #1. Who amongst the following is an elected of the arliament from 5ttar radesh& (. M!kesh ( B. 6a!tam ,inghania C. D!mar Mangalam Birla ). Ratan Tata *. +one of these ##. Which of the following committees? agencies has recommended that new agency is reE!ired to .e set !p for management of internal de.t in the co!ntry& (. 1i:ay Delkar Committee B. lanning Commission of India C. arliamentary Committee affiliated to Ministry of 3inance ). Comptroller and (!ditor 6eneral of India *. +one of these #2. The ento!rage of 1laimir !tin which took off from )elhi for Bangalore recently was to make an emergency landing at which of the following airports recently& (. B. !ne C. +agp!r ). M! *. +one of these #%. Which one of the following has set !p Investments anel for marketing of prod!cts a.road& (. Committee on *conomic (ffairs< 6overnment of India B. Ministry of Commerce< 6overnment of India C. Ministry of 3oreign Trade< 6overnment of India ). )epartment of *conomic (ffairs< 6overnment of India *. +one of these #7. The RBI has decided to rela' the pr!dential norms for ! cooperative .anks. -oans !p to Rs. 1 lakh or gold loans only if the payment is not made within how many days& (. B$ days B. 1#$ days C. 1@$ days ). #1$ days *. 2;$ days #;. *'pand the term ,(C (. ,pecial (gric!lt!re Credit B. ,pecial (gric!lt!re Credit C. ,pecial (gric!lt!re Credit ). ,pecific (gric!lt!re Credit *. ,pecial (rea Credit lan ro:ect lan olicy lan #>. Which of the following scheme of the 6overnment of India was aimed to provide ins!rance sec!rity to people living .elow poverty line& (. Bhagyashree Bal Dalyan Co:ana B. =anashree Bima Co:ana C. (shraya Bima Co:ana ). 6ro!p -ife Ins!rance ,cheme in R!ral (reas *. +one of these #@. Who amongst the following is the fastest to score 1$<$$$ r!ns in test cricket& (. ,achin Tend!lkar B. (llan Border C. ,!nil 6avaskar ). Brian -ara *. +one of these #B. Tata Motors is planning to la!nch their passenger cars in which of the following co!ntries& (. Bangladesh B. China C. =apan ). Britain *. +one of these 2$. Who amongst the following is ad:!dged as most (dmired C*" of a company according to I+, Mode "pinion oll& (. M!kesh (m.ani B. D!mar Mangalam Birla C. 6a!tam ,inghania ). Cash Birla *. (nil (m.ani 21. Confession of a -over is a .ook written .y (. Dh!shwant singh B. (nita )esai C. M!lk Ra: (nand ). 1. ,. +aipa!l *. +one of these 2#. Which of the following co!ntries has accepted a deal offered .y Britain< 3rance and 6ermany that wo!ld c!r. it's plan ti .!ild n!clear devices that co!ld .e !sed for the military p!rposes& (. -i.ya B. akistan C. India ). ,yria *. Iran ept. D!wait C. . 1B 2.y air< sea and land& (. +ov. +one of these %7. . 'World ost office )ay' is cele.0 (greement< India has to (.ingapore *. per cent *.cheme< what per cent cost is to . Rs.owl in the . March 21< #$$7 ). =ordhan %%. R!ssia 27. Mars B. Which one of the following is poised to .e to the t!ne of appro'imately how m!ch in ne't five year's time& (. What is the e'port target India has set d!ring this fiscal year& (.road< clinching a deal to develop Iran's gas . to maintain prod!ct patent *. =an. "+6C 1idesh ). 5. 1B *.at!rn )..a!di (ra. 5D ).. RI.22. 5nder +ational R!ral *mployment 6!arantee . (ccording to the Trade Related Intellect!al roperly Rights /TRI .ept. In a recent development to diff!se crisis in -e. move from the process patent to prod!ct patent B. =!piter *. .!rity act& (.ecome the co!ntry's .e implemented& (.o!th parts at a cost of G 2 .y states& . #@<$$$ crore Rs. Rs. #$<$$$ crore C. 1en!s C. +one of these %2. . 22<$$$ crore %$.a!di (ra. 21< #$$7 B.ia B.( was la!nched to st!dy which of the following planets& (. +one of these 2%. Casser (rafat ).orne . The 3inance Ministry< 6overnment of India has recently cleared the setting !p of a special f!nd for collecting the proceeds of the # per cent ed!cation!rity Co!ncil has !rged which of the following co!ntries to withdraw troops from -e. 12 per cent ). Dofi (nnan C.e . 1asant B.illion in phases& (. 5(* )..( C. Rs. B per cent B. +ov. Which one of the following co!ntries has recently got its first woman minister& (. 8 C%. T!sahar ). 11 per cent C.7 per cent C. (svini *.anon the 5+ . (r:!n C.hip which is connected . The messenger space craft la!nched .lished in the newspapers in CMI* estimates that the growth of Indian *conomy wo!ld . . Which of the following is Indian +aval 8ospital . +one of these %#.C. to maintain process patent ).ia ). "ct. I"C *.yria B.rated on which of the following days& (. 1. With which one of the following co!ntry< India has entered into *nergy .2 per cent *. #7<$$$ crore ). Medha atkar *. B B. 7. 7 per cent B. Det!mile Masire B. . The amo!nt of the cess is likely to . (pril 1< #$$7 *. . B C. 17<$$$ crore B.e aro!nd (. 3rom which one of the following dates 1(T will . move from the prod!ct patent to process patent C. F!atar *. Who amongst the following is the recipient of the 6andhi eace riAe given away recently& (. @ per cent [email protected] per cent ). Rs. 1< #$$7 C. . Merc!ry 2B. % ).anon& (. #$ per cent 2>. Iran C. *gypt *. "+6C B.y the +(. 3rance B.iggest investor a. >. (s per the reports p!. +one of these %1. dying to eat them.” His wilfe agreed but said. Brahmap!tra River Allahabad Bank Clerk Exam 2010 Engl sh !ang"age #ol$ed Paper %eld on 1&'('2010)F rs* #h f*+ Share Directions—(Q. 6odavari Rriver B.” The next day the old man purchased the ingredients from the market and they set off to the woods. Let’s cook in the woods behind our hut.etween that co!ntry and g!erillas& (. The old couple returned home with the sweets. so I ought to get two. It is a pro:ect to develop T!ti Corin ort *. It is a pro:ect to develop Chennai port ). #$ C. “It was my idea and I went to the market. Having never prepared food like this before.hri . Bolivia B. But his wife . It is a pro:ect to link the alk . there lived an old couple.tates& (. 6anges River *. they ended up with three laddoos instead of two. (rgentina *. . BraAil C. Finally the old man could take it no more.” said the old man.trait with Cape Comorin C. Drishna River C. Maharashtra C. The couple ate the laddoos with great relish. In a village in the East. In which of the following co!ntries some %$<$$$ Indians protested over the sec!rity policies of the resident of that co!ntry as they want to remain ne!tral in the fight . They never repaired their house or cooked good food.een in news& (. Colom. >7 %>. Bihar *. Mandvi River ). They did not have any children and never spent an extra paisa on themselves.!shilk!mar . He said to his wife. it was their son’s second birthday and they sent two delicious laddoos to the old couple. +one of these 7$. 7$ *. “Let’s buy the ingredients to make just two laddoos. Ra:asthan %@. One day. That way no one will ever know. It is a pro:ect to link the alk .am!dram ro:ect has . 1$ B. But there was a problem. For days after they could talk of nothing else. (ndhra radesh B.hinde has . 1 to 15) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.trait with the 6!lf of Mannar B. 3or which one of the following reasons .ia %B. #7 ). In which one of the following rivers is 'Bhavani Island' located& (. the neighbours will know and will want a share.eth! . a family moved into the village. +epal ). “If I make the laddoos at home. West Bengal ).(.een sworn9in as 6overnor of which of the following . Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. But the couple lay still. the old man suggested. “Since I prepared the sweets. The two then rushed home leaving the bewildered villagers present there behind. Why did the old couple cook in the woods ? (A) It was very convenient to gather firewood (B) To avoid the risk of their hut burning down (C) To keep the fact that they were preparing laddoos a secret from their neighbours (D) To hide the fact that they did not know how to prepare laddoos from their neighbours (E) They did not have the ingredients to make enough laddoos for their neighbours as well Ans : (C) 2. At last. 1.refused to give in so easily and said. Hours passed. the villagers carried them to the cremation ground. What did the old couple disagree about ? (A) Where they would cook their meal (B) Which of them was entitled to the first laddoo (C) Whether to share the extra laddoo with their neighbours (D) The quantity of laddoos that they had made (E) None of these Ans : (B) 5. Peering through the window. Soon the door was broken down and the house was swarming with villagers. But when they got home…Alas the door had been left open and they found a stray dog licking the last crumbs of the sweets from the bowl.” The day wore on and the argument continued. Finally. the old man jumped up screaming “You win !” His wife jumped up too. happy that she had won. but neither of them spoke and finally they fell asleep with the bowl of sweets between them. They discussed everything from the funeral to where the couple had hidden their wealth. “They are dead !” he shouted and alerted the other villagers. the man saw the couple lying on the floor with an untouched bowl of food. That evening one of the neighbours knocked on the door but the couple did not answer for fear of losing the bet. Why did the old couple initially not reveal that they were alive to the villagers ? (A) To learn the villagers’ true opinion of them (B) They did not like the villagers and were mocking them (C) Neither of them wanted to be the first to speak and lose the bet (D) To test the honesty of the villagers (E) None of the above Ans : (C) 4. What was the villager’s reaction to the old couple’s presumed ‘death’ ? (A) They were upset and all came to pay their last respects (B) They were worried about how to pay for the funeral (C) They could not decide what to do with the couple’s wealth (D) They disliked the old couple and demolished their house . I ought to have two.” His wife agreed. “Let us not talk to each other. Whoever breaks the silence first will get one laddoo and the other person two. What caused the old couple’s sudden longing for laddoos ? (A) They hadn’t eaten good food for several days (B) They had attended their neighbour’s party and enjoyed the laddoos served (C) They saw the mouth watering laddoos being served to guests at the party (D) They had tasted the laddoos prepared for their neighbour’s son’s birthday (E) They thought that the laddoos would satisfy their hunger for days to come Ans : (D) 3. As the flames licked his feet. Which of the following is/are TRUE in the context of the passage ? (1) The old woman had prepared more laddoos than she had intended (2) The family who had recently moved into the village were fond of the old couple (3) The villagers were saddened by the death of the old couple and gave them a grand funeral (A) Only (1) (B) Only (2) & (3) (C) Only (1) & (2) (D) All (1).(E) They dutifully arranged the couple’s last rites Ans : (E) 6. breaks (A) interrupts (B) separates (C) solves (D) defeats (E) escapes Ans : (A) . Why did the old man scream when surrounded by the villagers ? (A) He was afraid that his wife would get burned (B) To scare away the villagers who wanted to kill him for his money (C) His wife refused to allow him to eat more than one laddoo (D) To indicate to the villagers that he was alive (E) The fear of being hurt in the fire Ans : (E) Directions—(Q. (2) & (3) (E) None of the above Ans : (A) 9. Ans : (B) 10. What puzzled the villagers? (A) The old couple did not die in the fire (B) The sight of the old couple whom they had presumed dead. 11. Why did the neighbour peep into the old couple’s house ? (A) To learn what they were being so secretive about (B) To spy on them and discover where their wealth was hidden (C) To complain as they had cooked in the forest (D) To check up on the old couple as he did everyday (E) Not clearly mentioned in the passage Ans : (E) 7. Which of the following can be said about the old couple ? (A) They did not have any relatives to look after them in their old age (B) They were misers and did not spend even on keeping their house in good condition (C) They were not allowed to eat sweets as they were old (D) They were fond of animals and sometimes shared their food with stray animals (E) They were afraid of the villagers and hid from them Ans : (B) 8. alive (C) The fact that the old couple had wasted good food (D) The lack of concern the old woman had for her husband (E) The old couple fed the laddoos to the dog. 11 to 13) Which of the following is most similar in meaning to the word given in boldas used in the passage. 12. passed (A) overtook (B) occupied (C) unnoticed (D) proceeded (E) succeeded Ans : (E) 13. share (A) half (B) part (C) participate (D) divide (E) common Ans : (B) Directions–(Q. 14 and 15) Which of the following is most opposite in meaning to the word given inbold as used in the passage. 14. last (A) new (B) begin (C) constant (D) discontinue (E) first Ans : (E) 15. still (A) restless (B) noisily (C) conscious (D) calmly (E) lifeless Ans : (A) Directions–(16 to 25) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/ error in it. The error if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the letter of the part with error as your answer. If there is ‘No error’, mark (E) 16. If his aim is to (A) / buy a house in the (B) / next three years he (C) / should start immediate saving. (D) No error (E) Ans : (D) 17. Can you explain why (A) / you were late this morning (B) / when we had to make (C) / such an important presentation ? (D) No error (E) Ans : (B) 18. Their company is going to incur (A) / heavy losses this year because (B) / of the big discounts they (C) / offers to customers. (D) No error (E) Ans : (D) 19. The main advantage of (A) / investing such schemes (B) / is that you will not (C) / have to pay any taxes. (D) No error (E) Ans : (B) 20. The final decision can (A) / be taken only after (B) / we consider all (C) / the panel suggestions. (D) No error (E) Ans : (C) 21. The Foreign Investment Promotion Board is (A) / the government body who (B) / regulates investment received (C) / by Indian factories from foreign countries. (D) No error (E) Ans : (B) 22. Our company was recently (A) / award the contract (B) / to construct two major (C) / bridges in the state. (D) No error (E) Ans : (B) 23. That customer has (A) / written a letter (B) / thanks the manager (C) / for her timely help. (D) No error (E) Ans : (C) 24. Accordingly the circular (A) / that was issued yesterday RBI (B) / has raised the rate at (C) / which it lends to banks. (D) No error (E) Ans : (B) 25. A large number of policy (A) / have lapsed because many (B) / people have not paid (C) / their instalments on time. (D) No error (E) Ans : (A) Directions—(Q. 26 to 30) In each question below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are lettered as (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of these four words printed in bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate if any. The letter of that word is your answer. If all the words printed inbold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark (E) i.e., ‘All correct’ as your answer. 26. The Chairman has promissed (A) to look (B) into the matter (C) and take necessary (D) action. All correct (E) Ans : (A) 27. Most (A) projects are delayed (B) because of the absents (C) of proper planning. (D) All correct (E) Ans : (C) 28. He found (A) the company in 1980 to provide (B) electricity to people living (C) in rural areas.(D) All correct (E) Ans : (A) 29. Salaries (A) of bank employees (B) are likely (C) to go above (D) by ten percent. All correct (E) Ans : (D) 30. Since (A) the interest rate on bank deposits is low (B) at present, people prefer (C) to deposit their savings (D) in post office schemes. All correct (E) Ans : (B) Directions—(Q. 31 to 40) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. A rich merchant owned a beautiful horse. Now, one of his neighbours was keen to ( 31) this horse. He offered the merchant gold, (32) the merchant refused. This angered the neighbour. He (33) to trick the merchant. He disguised himself (34) a beggar and lay down at the (35) of the road, that the merchant used everyday. (36) at the sad plight of the beggar, he ( 37) from his horse and gently lifted the beggar (38) his horse. No sooner did the beggar get into the (39) than the galloped away. But hearing the merchant (40) out to him, he stopped when he was a safe distance away. “Please don’t tell anyone how you came to possess this horse. Some day an ill man may be lying by the roadside and people who have heard about your trick, may not want to help,’’ said the merchant. The merchant’s neighbour was deeply ashamed, rode back and returned the horse to the merchant. 31. (A) buy (B) steal (C) free (D) train (E) sell Ans : (A) 32. (A) so (B) unless (C) otherwise (D) but (E) since Ans : (D) 33. (A) desires (B) decided (C) declined (D) deliberately (E) deceived Ans : (B) 34. (A) being (B) alike (C) as (D) identical (E) similar Ans : (C) 35. (A) middle (B) gutter (C) ending (D) distance (E) side Ans : (E) 36. (A) Carefully (B) Distressed (C) Misery (D) Upsetting (E) Unhappily Ans : (B) 37. (A) stepped (B) jump (C) fell (D) dismounted (A) appeal (B) shouted (C) call (D) cried (E) beg Ans : (C) Corpora* on Bank Clerk Exam 2010 )%eld on 12'. “The wise fish did not want torisk his life and so he took the route through the canal and left his friends. He thought long and hard before acting. They caught many fish along with the . All three of them were very different from one another. One day. The second fish was intelligent. what a big fish… This lake is full of big fish. the fish hurriedly swam to his friends. He thought things cannot be changed and what has to happen will happen. “Let us get out of this lake before those fishermen come back. There were three big fish living in a beautiful lake by the city. no matter what.(E) climbed Ans : (D) 38. The third fish was the wise one. “Look at that one. Certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.'2010+ Engl sh !ang"age #ol$ed Paper Share Directions—(Q. The fishermen came back the next day and cast their nets. (A) with (B) above (C) from (D) off (E) onto Ans : (E) 39. I know of a canal that can take us to another lake. He thought he knew how to solve a problem with his intelligence. The first fish believed in fate.” On hearing the news.” The fish who believed in fate said “whatever has to happen will happen. I was born in this lake and I am not going to leave it. 1–10) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. They were very close friends. the fish were happily playing around in the water when the wise fish overheard a fisherman talking to another. Let us come back tomorrow and catch them.” The intelligent fish said “I can take care of myself if the fishermen come. (A) saddle (B) arms (C) horse (D) danger (E) way Ans : (A) 40. How did the intelligent fish save his life ? (A) He pleaded with the fishermen to let him go (B) He escaped to another lake (C) He jumped off the net (D) He pretended to be dead (E) None of these Ans : (D) 4. the fish who believed in fate was caught and killed. Why did the wise fish leave the lake ? (A) He overhead the fishermen talking about catching them (B) He was tired of living in the lake (C) He had a fight with his friends (D) He was asked to leave by the Head fish (E) None of these Ans : (A) 3. . What shocking news did the wise fish give his friends ? (A) That he did not want to be friends with them any more (B) That he was sick and dying (C) That he had overheard the fishermen’s plans of catching them (D) That he wanted to leave the lake (E) None of these Ans : (C) 5. How did the wise fish escape ? (A) By taking a ride on the fishermen’s boat (B) By pretending to be dead (C) Only (A) and (B) (D) From the canal (E) None of these Ans : (D) 6. The fishermen threw him back into the lake with all the other dead fish that were caught in the net. 1. 7-8) Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold is used in the passage. The intelligent fish acted as if he was dead and escaped.two friends who stayed behind. Why did the fishermen come back to the lake the next day ? (A) To admire its beauty (B) To catch the nice big fish (C) To take a break (D) To count the fish (E) None of these Ans : (B) 2. However. What is the moral of the story ? (A) Always listen to your friends (B) Slow and steady wins the race (C) Follow the crowd (D) Intelligence is stronger than power (E) None of these Ans : (E) Directions—(Q. (D) No Error (E) Ans : (A) 14. If there is no error.7.) 11. (D) No Error (E) . ‘No Error’. Close (A) Near (B) Best (C) Determined (D) Secure (E) Good Ans : (B) 8. if any. if any. I am not scared (A) / to be travelling (B) / in the dark (C) / alone at night. The elevator in the building (A) / is under repair. The letter of that part is the answer. 9.. will be in one part of the sentence. I knows a very good doctor (A) / in my village (B) / who will be able to (C) / cure your disease.e. (B) / we regret for (C) / the inconvenience caused. (Ignore the errors of punctuation. 9-10) Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word printed inbold as used in the passage. Cast (A) Release (B) Retrieve (C) Laid (D) Scattered (E) Sorted Ans : (B) 10. I am thinking (A) / you were aware (B) / of the rules and regulations (C) / before joining. 11–15) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. (D) No Error (E) Ans : (B) 12. Risk (A) Disrupt (B) Endanger (C) Save (D) Disturb (E) Gamble Ans : (C) Directions—(Q. (D) No Error (E) Ans : (E) 13. Route (A) Road (B) Lane (C) Path (D) Side (E) Direction Ans : (C) Directions—(Q. The father divided (A) / the property equally (B) / between his son (C) / and daughter. The error. (D) No Error (E) Ans : (D) 15. the answer is (E) i. (A) pleasing (B) best (C) good (D) neat (E) correct Ans : (C) Directions—(Q. ‘All Correct’ as the answer. The boy was rewarded for his ………… behaviour. One has to be very …………during the monsoons as the road becomes slippery. (A) Courier (B) Compress (C) Accept (D) Venture (E) All Correct Ans : (E) . If all the four words are correctly spelt. 16–20) Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blanks to make the sentence meaningfully complete.Ans : (A) Directions—(Q. (A) among (B) for (C) to (D) against (E) between Ans : (A) 18. The judge used his ………… in settling the matter. (A) smart (B) cautious (C) presentable (D) prepared (E) healthy Ans : (B) 19. of which. one word may be wrongly spelt. The reward was shared ………the members of the cricket team. 21–25) In each question below four words which are lettered (A). The letter of that word is the answer.e. 21. (B). (A) pride (B) good (C) eager (D) proud (E) strict Ans : (D) 20. 16. (C) and (D) have been printed. mark (E) i. The captain is very ………… of his cricket team.. (A) know (B) tactics (C) discretion (D) brains (E) bias Ans : (B) 17. (6) They went to the wise man in the village to solve their problem. (2). Which of the following should be the second sentence after the rearrangement ? (A) 6 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) 3 Ans : (C) 28. “He would let Sham take ownership of the tree rather than cut it down”. (A) Consenses (B) Methodical (C) Ledger (D) Luxury (E) All Correct Ans : (A) 24. Which of the following should be the first sentence after the rearrangement ? (A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 3 (D) 6 (E) 1 Ans : (A) 27. the wise man declared Ram the rightful owner of the mango tree. (5) and (6) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph. (3) Ram was very hurt. then answer the questions given below them. (A) Discretion (B) Expensive (C) Cancelled (D) Unsucessful (E) All Correct Ans : (D) 23. (1) The wise man told them to cut down the tree and divide the fruits between themselves. (4) One day. (5) On hearing this. (A) Essential (B) Priority (C) Abundance (D) Happiness (E) All Correct Ans : (E) Directions—(Q. Which of the following should be the fourth sentence after the rearrangement ? (A) 1 (B) 2 . they had a dispute among themselves regarding the mango tree. 26. (A) Beautiful (B) Obedient (C) Knowlege (D) Dimension (E) All Correct Ans : (C) 25. (3). (4). 26–30) Rearrange the following six sentences (1). (2) Ram and Sham were best of friends.22. the tiger king suddenly remembered the king of …(38)….(C) 5 (D) 3 (E) 4 Ans : (A) 29. 31–40) In the following passage. (A) Silently (B) Mildly (C) Destructively (D) Coldly (E) Peacefully Ans : (E) 32. Find out the appropriate word in each case. so the lives of the rats were … (36)…. As a result. one of which fits the blank appropriately. there are blanks. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each. The tiger king …(35)… to this and took another route to the water. there lived a group of rats under a tree …( 31)…. 31. Which of the following should be the sixth (last) sentence after the rearrangment ? (A) 1 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 3 (E) 2 Ans : (B) Directions—(Q. each of which has been numbered. Long time ago. the king of the rats took his entire group of mice and they cut open the nets which …(40)… the tiger herd. In this way the tigers were set free by the rats. five words are suggested. a group of …(37)… came to the forest and trapped the tigers in huge nets. One day a group of tigers in search of water passed that way and …(32)… the homes of the rats. (A) Fall (B) Powder (C) Sleep (D) Death . Then. Which of the following should be the fifth sentence after the rearrangement ? (A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 1 (D) 3 (E) 4 Ans : (D) 30. He summoned one of the tigers of his herd which had not been trapped to go and …(39)… the king of rats. One day. On listening to the tiger. many of them were crushed to …(33)… The king of rats decided to …(34)… the tiger king and requested him to use another route. (A) Infested (B) Destroyed (C) Built (D) Contaminated (E) Entered Ans : (B) 33. (A) Rejoiced (B) Agreed (C) Convinced (D) Ignorant (E) Tempted Ans : (B) 36. (A) Saved (B) Ruined (C) Harmed (D) Numbered (E) Troubled Ans : (A) 37. (A) Approach (B) Teach (C) Serve (D) Lure (E) Said Ans : (A) 35. (A) Elephants (B) Tigers (C) Rats (D) Forest (E) City Ans : (C) 39. (A) Address (B) Glorify (C) Banish (D) Rescue (E) Contact Ans : (E) 40. (A) Touched (B) Housed (C) Fascinated (D) Exposed (E) Trapped Ans : (E) .(E) Torture Ans : (D) 34. (A) Friends (B) Fishermen (C) Animals (D) Hunters (E) Kings Ans : (D) 38. ‘Buyer Resistance’ means— (A) Buyer’s interest in the product being sold (B) Buyer fighting with the seller (C) Buyer’s hesitation in buying the product (D) Buyer becoming a seller (E) Buyer buying the product Ans : (C) 7. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Market Information means— (A) Knowledge level of marketing staff (B) Information about marketing staff (C) Information regarding Share market (D) Knowledge of related markets (E) All of these Ans : (D) 5. Lead generation can be resorted to by browsing— (A) Telephone directories (B) Yellow pages (C) Internet sites (D) List of existing customers (E) All of these Ans : (E) 3.a* onal Bank Clerk Exam 2010 Marke* ng and Comp"*er /nowledge #ol$ed Paper Share 1.P"n-ab . Marketing channels mean— (A) Delivery period (B) Delivery time (C) Delivery outlets (D) Delivery place (E) All of these Ans : (E) 6. Marketing function includes— (A) Designing new products (B) Advertisements (C) Publicity (D) After sales service (E) All of these Ans : (E) 2. Effective selling skills depend on— (A) Effective lead generation (B) Sales Call Planning (C) Territory Allocation (D) Effective communication skills (E) All of these Ans : (E) 4. Marketing is the function of— . Which is the one that does not belong to the group ? 1. Service Marketing is the same as— (A) Internet marketing (B) Telemarketing (C) Internal Marketing (D) Relationship Marketing (E) All of these Ans : (D) 13. Buyer Resistance can be overcome by— . (A) All NRIs (B) All businessmen (C) Government departments (D) Firms and Companies (E) HUFs Ans : (E) 14. Market share refers to— (A) Share market prices (B) Price fluctuation in the market (C) Share issue floated by the company (D) Share of wallet (E) Share of business of the company as compared to peers Ans : (E) 12. Current Accounts can be freely opened by ………… Find the incorrect answer. Marketing is— (A) A skilled person’s job (B) A one day function (C) A one time act (D) Required only when a new product is launched (E) None of these Ans : (A) 11.(A) Sales persons (B) Production Department (C) Planning Department (D) Team leaders (E) A collective function of all staff Ans : (E) 8. A DSA means— (A) Direct Service Agency (B) Direct Selling Agent (C) Double Selling Agent (D) Distribution Agency (E) None of these Ans : (B) 9. Service Marketing is resorted to in— (A) All manufacturing companies (B) All production houses (C) Export units (D) Insurance companies and banks (E) All of these Ans : (D) 10. The target group for Education Loans is— (A) All parents (B) All Professors (C) All Research Scholars (D) All Tutorial Colleges (E) All College Students Ans : (E) 21. Customisation results in— (A) Customer exodus (B) Customer retention (C) Customer complaints (D) All of these (E) None of these Ans : (B) 20. Cross-selling is useful for canvassing— (A) Current Accounts (B) Fixed Deposit Accounts (C) Student loans (D) Car loans (E) All of these Ans : (E) 16. The target group for Car loans is— (A) Auto manufacturing companies (B) Car dealers (C) Taxi drivers (D) Car purchasers (E) All of these Ans : (E) 18. The best promotional tool in any marketing is— (A) e-promotion (B) Public Relations (C) Viral marketing (D) Word of mouth publicity (E) Advertisements Ans : (E) 19. Market segmentation helps to determine— (A) Target groups (B) Sale price (C) Profit levels (D) Product life cycle (E) All of these Ans : (A) 17.(A) Cordial relation between buyer and seller (B) Good negotiation (C) Persuasive communication (D) Good after sales service (E) All of these Ans : (A) 15. Find the correct sentence. . higher are the sales (B) More sales persons lead to more sales (C) Mission statement is part of a Market Plan (D) Better sales incentives means better performance (E) All customers are profitable customers Ans : (C) 22. Good marketing strategy envisages good and proper— (A) Product development (B) Promotion and Distribution (C) Pricing (D) Relationship management (E) All of these Ans : (E) 23. Errors in a computer program are referred to as— (A) bugs (B) mistakes (C) item overlooked (D) blunders (E) None of these Ans : (A) 28.00. 1. Which of the following are computers that can be carried around easily ? . With a CD you can— (A) Read (B) Write (C) Neither Read nor Write (D) Both Read and Write (E) None of these Ans : (D) 27. Information that comes from an external source and fed into computer software is called— (A) Input (B) Output (C) Throughput (D) Reports (E) None of these Ans : (A) 26. Situation Analysis is useful for— (A) SWOT Analysis (B) Analysis of Sales person’s performances (C) Analysis of capital markets (D) All of these (E) None of these Ans : (A) 25. Savings Accounts can be opened by— (A) All individuals fulfilling KYC norms (B) All individuals earning more than Rs.000 per annum (C) All individuals above the age of 18 (D) All salaried persons only (E) All students below the age of 18 Ans : (C) 24.(A) Higher the price. you use the following keys— (A) Arrow keys (B) Function keys (C) Alpha keys (D) page up and Page Down keys (E) None of these Ans : (A) 34. Which keys enable the input of numbers quickly ? (A) Function keys (B) The numeric keypad (C) Ctrl. In programming. Where is the disk put in a computer ? (A) In the hard drive (B) In the disk drive (C) Into the CPU (D) In the modem (E) None of these Ans : (B) 31.(A) Laptops (B) Supercomputers (C) PCs (D) Minicomputers (E) None of these Ans : (A) 29. A compiler is used to translate a program written in— (A) a low level language (B) a high level language (C) assembly language (D) machine language (E) None of these Ans : (B) 33. A computer’s hard disk is— (A) an arithmetic and logical unit (B) computer software (C) operating system (D) computer hardware (E) None of these Ans : (D) 32. What menu is selected to change font and style ? (A) Tools (B) File (C) Format (D) Edit (E) None of these Ans : (C) 30. shift and alt (D) Arrow keys (E) None of these Ans : (B) 35. Files are organized by storing them in— . ……… is when the more powerhungry components. The most common method of entering text and numerical data into a computer system is through the use of a— (A) plotter (B) scanner (C) printer (D) keyboard (E) None of these Ans : (D) 39. (A) Hibernation (B) Power down (C) Standby mode (D) The shutdown procedure (E) None of these Ans : (C) . such as the monitor and the hard drive. are put in idle. Advertisements are not required in— (A) Public Sector banks (B) Private Sector banks (C) Government concerns (D) Profit making companies (E) None of these Ans : (C) 38. Computer programs are also known as— (A) operating systems (B) documents (C) peripherals (D) applications (E) None of these Ans : (D) 40.(A) tables (B) databases (C) folders (D) graphs (E) None of these Ans : (C) 36. A collection of unprocessed items is ……… (A) information (B) data (C) memory (D) reports (E) None of these Ans : (B) 41. The secret code that restricts entry to some programs— (A) entry-code (B) passport (C) password (D) access-code (E) None of these Ans : (C) 37. A saved document is referred to as a ……… (A) file (B) word (C) folder (D) project (E) None of these Ans : (A) 44. A scanner scans— (A) Pictures (B) Text (C) Both Pictures and Text (D) Neither Pictures nor Text (E) None of these Ans : (C) 48. (A) Tracking (B) Formatting (C) Crashing (D) Allotting (E) None of these Ans : (B) 43. A ……… is approximately one billion bytes. Dumb terminals have terminals and— (A) Mouse (B) Speakers (C) Keyboard (D) Mouse or Speakers (E) None of these Ans : (C) . ……… is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors. The operating system is the most common type of ……… software. Which of the following is the largest unit of storage ? (A) GB (B) KB (C) MB (D) TB (E) None of these Ans : (D) 45. (A) communication (B) application (C) system (D) word-processing (E) None of these Ans : (B) 46. (A) kilobyte (B) bit (C) gigabyte (D) megabyte (E) None of these Ans : (C) 47.42. A repair for a known software bug. “Dear friend. The old lion also asked the fox. is called a(n)— (A) version (B) patch (C) tutorial (D) FAQ (E) None of these Ans : (B) P"n-ab . you will be the second most powerful animal of our forest. he could not hunt for food. The lion. He might kill me and eat me up. said. He said “My friend. the lion has chosen you to be his chief minister. On the way. the poor donkey was convinced and got ready to go along with the fox. the king of the forest had grown old. “I am afraid of the lion. 1–15) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. He asked me to meet you and inform you about his decision. I want to appoint you as my minister and advise me on all the affairs of the forest”. Our king. Why has he chosen me as his chief minsiter ? I am not even fit enough to be a minster as I am not as intelligent as other animals. the fox went out to find an animal for the lion. the fox’s first duty as minister was to bring him an animal to eat every day.” The clever fox laughed and. He thought how could he arrange for his food ? After pondering over it for quite some time. he decided that he should have an assistant. The lion thought that a fox would be the best person to handle this position as he was intelligent and clever.” So. You are very lucky. and hard working. He summoned the fox and said. you don’t know your great qualities. Once upon a time. With each passing day he became more and more weak. . With respect to this. The portion of the CPU that coordinates the activities of all the other computer components is the— (A) motherboard (B) coordination board (C) control unit (D) arithmetic logic unit (E) None of these Ans : (C) 50.a* onal Bank Clerk Exam 2010 Engl sh !ang"age #ol$ed Paper )%eld on &'&'2010+ Share Directions—(Q. Our king is dying to meet you. all the other animals will respect you and seek favours from you. he met a fat donkey. He realized that he would not live for long if it continued like that.49. “Dear. He has chosen you because you are wise. there lived an old lion. I have always liked you because you are smart. Imagine.” “You must not lose your greatest chance in life. gentle. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. After the conversation. The fox could not refuse the king and accepted the offer. he should not have to hunt for his food. I have got good news for you. He becamefrail and due to this. that since he was the king of the forest. usually available at no charge on the Internet.” The donkey was scared of the lion and said. By serving the king. “What happened to the donkey’s brain ? I wanted to eat the brain first. If he had any. (A) he spared his life and let him go (B) he got upset with the fox for having selected such a donkey (C) he took his decision to make him the chief minister back (D) the fox explained to him that donekys do not have any brains (E) None of these 6. I know you are very hungry but a king must take a bath before his meal”. “Welcome.” As the donkey came closer.” The fox smilingly replied. my dear friend. “Your Majesty. You are my chief minister.In this way. the fox said. When the fox and the donkey approached. The lion thanked the clever fox and was happy to get the food. What. The lion thought it was a good idea and told the fox to keep a watch on the carcass of the donkey”. donkeys have no brains. As the lion sat down to take his meal. the fox managed to attract the donkey to the lion’s den. was the fox’s primary duty as a minister ? . The fox silently sat down to keep a watch of the donkey and thought to himslef. Thus. the lion pounced on him and killed him instantly. Which one of the phrases given below the following statement should be placed in the blank space provided so as to make a meaningfully correct sentence in the context of the passage ? When the lion did not see any brain in the donkey’s head ………. Why did the fox say ‘our king is dying to meet you’ to the donkey ? (A) The king would have died of hunger if the donkey did not meet him (B) The king desperately wanted the donkey to be his chief minister as he was gentle and hard working (C) The fox wanted to convince the donkey to come with him to the lion so that the lion could eat him (D) The king wanted to meet the doneky since all other animals respected the donkey more than the king (E) None of these 4. Why did the lion select the fox as his assistant ? (A) He had heard that the fox had good hunting skills (B) He wanted the fox to take over as the king of the forest (C) The fox had offered to let the lion have his leftovers (D) He had planned to eat the fox after luring him to become his assistant (E) None of these 3. the lion was hungrier than ever. the fox cut open the head of the donkey and ate up the whole brain. Why did the lion decide to have an assistant for him ? (A) He was too lazy to hunt for himself (B) He was old and weak and could not hunt any more (C) He wanted someone to help him kill the fat donkey (D) He could not handle the affairs of the forest alone (E) None of these 2. he would not have come near a lion at all”. Come near me. “I took all the trouble of getting the donkey here. 1. “Your majesty. according to the lion. Which of the following best describes the donkey ? (A) Honest (B) Wicked (C) Clever (D) Opportunist (E) Foolish 5. But he kept a smiling face and said. When the lion returned he shouted. It is I who deserve the best portion of the meal”. 11–13) Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word printed inbold as used in the passage.(A) To force all animals to respect their king and seek favours from him (B) To convince the donkey to become his chief minister (C) To take over as the king of the forest since the lion had grown too old (D) To bring him an animal to eat every day (E) None of these 7. FIT (A) Healthy (B) Deserving (C) Strong (D) Valuable (E) Important 13. What did the lion do when he saw the donkey in his den ? (A) He was impressed by the donkey and made him his chief minister (B) He ordered the fox to kill him and eat his brain (C) He went to take a bath before meeting the donkey (D) He immediately noticed that the donkey did not have any brain (E) None of these 10. but not make him drink it Directions—(Q. LOSE (A) Misplace (B) Suffer . the fox got the best part of the meal (B) The donkey was appointed as chief minister to the king (C) The donkey which the fox had brought for the king did not have any brain in his head (D) The donkey was very intelligent and clever (E) None is true 9. Which of the following is TRUE in context of the passage ? (A) Finally. What did the fox do when the lion went to take a bath before having his meal ? (A) He secretly told the donkey to run away as the lion had planned to kill him (B) He ate up the donkey’s brain as he had done all the hard work of bringing him to the lion’s den (C) He held himself responsible for the death of the poor donkey and did not let the lion eat the donkey (D) He killed the lion with the help of the donkey and became the king of the forest (E) None of these 8. Which of the following is the moral of the story ? (A) An idle brain is the devil’s workshop (B) Fools are deaf to wise words (C) Never believe an enemy’s sweet talks (D) Morality can be best tested while one has power (E) One can only lead a horse to water. POUNCED (A) Climbed (B) Grew (C) Attacked (D) Plunged (E) Roared 12. 11. if any. if any. (D) No error (E) 25. Each of the survivors of the Tsunami (A) (B) / have been offered free (C) / psychological consultation to ease their trauma. 14–15) Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the word printed inbold as used in the passage. 26–30) Rearrange the following six sentences (a). (b). 14. (D) No error (E) 21. If a person has been given (A) / diplomatic immunity then he (B) / cannot be arrested on a (C) / foreign land under any circumstance. 16–25) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. A group of birds (A) / migrate from southern part (B) / of the country to the (C) / Northern part during summer. HANDLE (A) Mismanage (B) Drop (C) Confront (D) Decline (E) Uncover 15. will be in one part of the sentence.) 16. (e) and (f) in the . (D) No error (E) 23. this year his popularity (C) / has substantially reduced. the answer is (E). Considering about her good credentials. (D) No error (E) 17. (A) / the manager offered her a job (B) / in his organization (C) / despite the lack of experience. The student which (A) / you had thought (B) / so highly of has (C) / failed to pass the examination. It will not be possible for you (A) / to catch the train on time (B) / because the nearest railway station (C) / is at ten kilometres away. The letter of that part is the answer.(C) Dispose (D) Defeat (E) Miss Directions—(Q. The error. (D) No error (E) 24. (c). (D) No error (E) Directions—(Q. (A) / he offered to donate (B) / a handsome sum to (C) / the flood relief fund. Government took strict action (A) / against the doctors on strike (B) / but they refused to (C) / resume to work. If there is ‘No error’. (Ignore errors of punctuation. (D) No error (E) 19. FRAIL (A) Unhealthy (B) Massive (C) Rich (D) Robust (E) Civilised Directions—(Q. (D) No error (E) 18. (d). (D) No error (E) 22. / by some of the top consultants. When I called him yesterday. The constable said that (A) / the prisoner seize a (B) / fully loaded gun from a policeman (C) / and shot the prosecutor. Although he has been (A) / winning the elections (B) / all years. (D) No error (E) 20. each only once. 31–35) In each of the following questions six words are given which are denoted by (a).proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph. (d) During the function everyone waited with bated breath to hear who had made the maximum contribution. The correct order of words is the answer. (b) He received funds from many people as rich and poor donated generously to his trust. then answer the questions given below them. (a) OTHERS (b) HER (c) SHE . (f) On returning he decided to hold a function and reward the person whose contribution had been maximum. (d). Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement ? (A) a (B) c (C) d (D) e (E) f 28. (e) A man went from town to town to collect money for his charitable trust. By using all the six words. 31. (c) The man explained that the one Rupee given by the beggar was worth millions of Rupees as that was all the money he possessed and that he had made a much greater sacrifice than others. the one having the correct order of words and mark it as your answer on the answer-sheet. (a) To their surprise. the reward went to a beggar who had contributed only a Rupee instead of a wealthy donor. (c). Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ? (A) b (B) c (C) d (D) e (E) f 27. Choose from the five alternatives. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement ? (A) b (B) c (C) d (D) e (E) f 29. however. (e) and (f). Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ? (A) a (B) b (C) d (D) e (E) f Directions—(Q. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ? (A) a (B) b (C) c (D) e (E) f 30. (b). you have to frame a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence. 26. (a) PRACTISING (b) SPEECH (c) SPENT (d) HIS (e) HE (f) HOURS (A) DBCFEA (B) DBFCAE (C) EBCDAF (D) FACBED (E) ECFADB 35. (a) UV-RAYS (b) ABSORBS (c) THE (d) LAYER (e) HARMFUL (f) OZONE (A) ACBEFD (B) CFDBEA (C) ACBFED (D) CFBDAE (E) CBEAFD 34. (a) FINALISE (b) WE (c) DETAILS (d) LATER (e) THE (f) WILL (A) BFEACD (B) BDCFEA (C) BDCAEF (D) ECFDBA (E) BFAECD 33.(d) MISTAKES (e) FOR (f) BLAMES (A) cfaebd (B) acfebd (C) bdacfe (D) cfdabe (E) bdafce 32. (a) TO (b) AROUND (c) SEE (d) THEY (e) HIM (f) HATED (A) DFAECB (B) DBFAEC (C) DFCAEB (D) DFACEB (E) CEBFAD . The sparrow was full of grief and began weeping for her eggs. (C) and (D). Breathe (A) deeply and inhale the sents (B) of Roses and Daisies in the landscaped gardens (C)surrounding (D) my house. 41–50) In the following passage there are blanks. The frog said. This way. “Why are you crying. five words are suggested. A woodpecker. broke a branch of the tree on which the nest was …(41)…. a close friend of the sparrow. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence.e. the smartness of all the animals enabled the sparrow in taking her …(50)… on the elephant. all of them played out the plan and the elephant was killed. “The …(43)… elephant has killed my offspring. If you are a true friend of mine. All correct (E) 40. all the eggs of the sparrow …(42)… after falling down though the sparrow was saved. The family had to bear (A) a leaky sealing (B) throughout the rainy season (C) as they could notafford (D) to get it repaired. as he drowned into a marshy area after being blinded by the woodpecker. my friend ?” The sparrow said. the elephant will come there. Dear Fly. “What can an elephant do before a united crowd like us ? Do what I tell you.” the fly replied. if any. he will …(47)… for water. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each. “A wild elephant has crushed my friend’s eggs. (B) people got a fairly (C) good idea that a storm wasapproaching (D) the town. i. Unfortunately. All correct (E) 38. One afternoon. A large number of celebrities (A) have joined an NGO involved (B) in the movement forprotection (C) of animal writes. mark (E). All correct (E) Directions—(Q. We need your help in killing him. (D) All correct (E) 37. ‘All correct’ as your answer. …( 48)… that there is water. you go to the elephant and hum a sweet tune into his ears. She laid her eggs in the nest. Let us go to him and take his help too”. “One of my friends is a frog. 41. These are lettered as (A). he will become …( 46)…. The letter of that word is your answer. suggest a way-to kill him”. Find out the word. (B). Thus. 36–40) In each question below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. When he closes his eyes in delight. One of these four words printed in bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. one of which fits the blank appropriately. which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate. Once upon a time. Find out the appropriate word in each case. The teacher liked the poem (A) so much that she requested (B) Saba to read it allowed (C) to the whole (D) class. The woodpecker …( 44)… her and told her that he knew a fly and she would definitely help them kill the elephant. The woodpecker said. (A) Born (B) Built (C) Grown (D) Broken (E) Found . 36. there lived a sparrow on a banyan tree. As the wind blue (A) harder every minute. heard her crying and asked her. each of which has been numbered. They went to the frog and …( 45)… the whole incident. I will go to a marshy land and begin croaking there. All correct (E) 39.. a wild elephant came under the tree and in a fit of rage. the woodpecker will poke his eyes. The next day in the noon. Both of them went to seek the help of the fly.Directions—(Q. When he gets thirsty. when he closed his eyes in response to the music. He will sink into the marshy area and …( 49)…. (A) Need (B) Want (C) Search (D) Drink (E) Demands 48. (E) 5. (E) 3. (A) 4. (A) Defective (B) Attacking (C) Wicked (D) Poor (E) Harmless 44. (E) 10. (B) 8. (D) 6. (A) Help (B) Revenge (C) Anger (D) Insult (E) Fight Answers :1. (B) 2. (A) Hurt (B) Die (C) Fall (D) Kill (E) Realise 50. (A) Blind (B) Unseen (C) Regretful (D) Sorry (E) Dead 47. (A) 9. (A) Said (B) Informed (C) Revived (D) Mention (E) Narrated 46. (D) 7. (A) Recalling (B) Informed (C) Sure (D) Assuming (E) Accepting 49. (C) .42. (A) Ignored (B) Protected (C) Scolded (D) Consoled (E) Defended 45. (A) Fell (B) Escaped (C) Damaged (D) Survived (E) Broke 43. (A) 47. (A) 32. The woman picked up the bell quickly and rushed towards the village.” The King. he jumped upon him and killed him at once.11. (B) 41. When the people heard this. (E) 43. One day. They ran to pick the eatables. Now as the woman knew the secret of the bell. (B) 34. he stole a temple bell and ran towards the forest. What did the group of monkeys do with the bell ? (A) They used it to scare away the villagers . I will get rid of it and bring happiness to the village. the monkeys would sit on the top of a hill in the forest in the night and enjoy the melodious sound of the bell. She gave the bell in the court of the King. (D) 45. granted the request of the woman. A Tiger heard the jingle of the bell and became curious to locate the sound. (E) 33. she went to the King and said. “Your Majesty ! I’m sure there is no evil spirit in the village and the cause of all the trouble lies somewhere else. (C) 38. 1 to 15) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. 1. groundnuts and fruits with that money as she could. However. the people from the village found the body of the robber and proclaimed. (B) 28. (E) 35. (D) 20. Since that day there was no sound of the bell inthe village. (D) 36. Late in the night. Once upon a time. (B) 21. she went into the forest bravely and found that a group of monkeys was playing about and ringing the bell. They found the jingle of the bell very interesting. (D) 49. (D) 19. (A) 18. a group of monkeys passed through that way. (B) 42. (E) 14. (C) 17. (D) 25. people started leaving the villagein terror and settling in a new place. She went into the forest. (B) 50. “I don’t believe that a demon is haunting this village. (B) 22. there lived a robber in a village. (C) 12. Soon afterwards. As soon as he saw the robber. (D) 37. (D) 31. placed all the eatables and hid herself at some distance. As and when the monkeys saw the eatables. (A) 15. The people of the village were afraid of the noise. (B) P"n-ab and # nd Bank Clerk Exam 2010 )%eld on 2('0' 2010 + Engl sh !ang"age #ol$ed Paper Share Directions—(Q. they thought that a demon was haunting their village. Without giving any second thought. People returned to their village and lived happily ever after. (B) 24. they dropped the bell just as the old woman had expected of them. (C) 44. They spotted the bell and carried it to their home in the forest. (A) 27. “Certainly there is an evil spirit around here that kills human beings and then rings the bell to celebrate”. (D) 23. (C) 48. The King was happy with the brave woman and everyone in the village admired her bravery. (E) 46. She kept a watch on the monkeys from a distance. (C) 29. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. The bell fell on the ground. Subsequently every one of them became very fond of the bell and started playing with it. If yougrant me some money. She thought to herself. After every tiring day. there was an intelligent and bold woman in that village. (D) 16. (A) 40. The woman bought as much peas. The pleased King rewarded the woman for her bravery. After a few days. (E) 30. who was also terrified of the hoax that prevailed in the village. I will find out who is ringing the bell”. made a circle under a tree on the ground. (B) 39. (B) 26. (B) 13. Why is the woman referred to as intelligent and bold in the given story ? (A) She was the only one in the entire village who had dared to confront the evil king (B) She killed the troublesome group of monkeys all by herself (C) She fooled the king and drew out a substantial amount of money from him (D) She was not frightened of the hoax and was brave enough to find out the truth behind it (E) None of these 7. Why did the villagers move out of the village in search of a new place ? (A) They were scared of frequent attacks of the maneating tiger (B) They were terrified of the king as he was an evil person (C) The village was cursed by Gods as the villagers could not find the lost bell of the temple (D) They were fed up of frequent robberies in the village (E) None of these 3. Why did the woman from the village go to the forest late in the night ? (A) To find out who was ringing the bell every night in the forest (B) To request the demon to leave the village and live somewhere else (C) In order to hide from the demon present in the village (D) To hunt down the evil monkeys who had been killing human beings (E) None of these 4. he was cursed by Gods and died (B) The group of monkeys killed him in order to take the bell from him (C) A tiger in the forest spotted the rober due to the ringing bell and killed him (D) The king had ordered the woman to find the robber and kill him (E) None of these 5. all the villagers returned to their homes (D) There was an evil spirit in the village which killed human beings (E) None is true 9. What did the villagers presume after finding the dead robber ? (A) That monkeys in the forest had been killing human beings (B) That an evil spirit had been killing human beings and haunting the village (C) That there was a man-eating tiger in the forest (D) That the man had been killed of a curse as he had stolen a temple’s bell (E) None of these 6.(B) They enjoyed its pleasant sound every night (C) They returned it to the temple (D) They gave it to the king as they feared him (E) None of these 2. Why did the woman ask for some money from the king ? (A) She needed money for moving away from the haunted village (B) In order to buy eatables to attract the monkeys (C) To pay the demon in exchange for leaving the village (D) In order to buy a new bell for the temple and end God’s curse (E) None of these 8. Why did the monkeys drop the bell before the woman picked it up and took it to the village ? . Which of the following is true in context of the passage ? (A) The king of the village bravely fought against the robber and killed him (B) The monkeys informed the tiger that a robber had entered the forest (C) Finally. How did the robber who stole the bell from the temple die ? (A) As the bell belonged to a temple. GRANT (A) Assign (B) Reward (C) Give (D) Generate (E) Request 13. WATCH (A) Observation (B) Impression (C) Record (D) Period (E) Timepiece Directions–(Q. 14. (C) and (D) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is given and ‘No correction is required’. 11. mark (E) as the answer. ADMIRED (A) Neglected (B) Criticised (C) Disagreed (D) Punished (E) Feared Directions—(Q. 11 to 13) Choose the word/group of words which is/are most similar in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.(A) They wanted to collect all the eatables kept under the tree (B) The woman threatened them to drop the bell or face the consequences (C) They were scared as the king had ordered them to return the bell to the temple (D) The tiger threatened to kill them if they refused to return his bell (E) None of these 10. DROPPED (A) Selected (B) Raised (C) Increased (D) Maintained (E) Picked up 15. (B). . 16 to 20) Which of the phrases (A). 14 and 15) Choose the word/group of words which is/ are most opposite in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage. SPOTTED(A) Patched (B) Supplied (C) Spoiled (D) Noticed (E) Provided 12. Which of the following best describes the woman as mentioned in the passage ? (A) Evil (B) Cruel (C) Superstitious (D) Generous (E) Courageous Directions–(Q. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate if any. she does not complain. . 21. but I couldn’t figure out where I had put them. One of these four words printed in bold may be either mis-spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. As her neighbour have loud parties every night. mark (E) i. The president was extremely popular on the world stage but is dislike in his own country. These are lettered as (A). If all t h e words printed in bold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence. ‘All correct’ as your answer. I looked everywhere as my keys. The bored (A) of governors meets (B) once every month to discuss (C) the organisation’s policy.. There was a slight (A) reduction (B) in his wait (C) after almost a week (D) of strict dieting. the newspaper must created a section aimed at younger leaders. All correct (E) 22. She prefers to put up with it— (A) Because her neighbour (B) Even though her neighbours (C) Despite of neighbours (D) Instead of her neighbour (E) No correction required Directions—(Q. The letter of that word is your answer. (A) But was disliked (B) Rather is disliked (C) Because of dislike (D) But is liked (E) No correction required 19. (B). The new restaurant is doing good business becaue it serves food of good quality at lower rates than other restaurants in the area. (A) For my key (B) As mine keys (C) For my keys (D) Finding my key (E) No correction required 17.16. Drivers (A) who exceed (B) the speed limit (C) are duly find (D) by the traffic police personnel.(D) All correct (E) 24. This project (A) is in its final faze (B) of completion and is expected (C) to be ready (D) by the end of this year. (C) and (D). All correct (E) 23. (A) Will create few (B) Is creating few (C) Should creates a (D) Has created a (E) No correction required 20. 21 to 25) In each question below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. (A) Of serving food in (B) It serves food for (C) They serve food of (D) It serves food in (E) No correction required 18.e. In an attempt to change its oldfashioned image. The correct order of words is the . the horse gifted to me was so fast that it crossed the distance from earth to heaven in one night. each only once. Which of the folloiwng should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement ? (A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 2 (E) 6 30. He has not been able to attend (A) the office (B) for last four (C) days because he is suffering(D) from fever. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 6 29. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement ? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 6 Directions—(Q. it so happened that the stable master gave him a frail and sick horse which died the same night it was gifted to the Sage.” (6) However. (1) He instructed his stable master to give him the fastest of all the horses he had. (2) Akbar was embarrassed and in turn gifted the Sage a horse cart and made the stable master its driver in order to punish him. then answer the questions given below them. (4) Once Akbar saw a sage walking and decided to gift him a horse. (3). (4). 31 to 35) In each of the following questions six words are given which are denoted by (1). (2).All correct (E) 25. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 27. 26 to 30) Rearrange the following six sentences (1). (5) and (6) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph. (3) (4). (3) After a few days Akbar saw the Sage walking again and asked him where the horse was. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ? (A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 4 (D) 6 (E) 5 28. you have to frame a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence. (2). By using all the six words. (5) The Sage answered “My Lord. All correct (E) Directions—(Q. (5) and (6). 26. . (1) TO (2) WAS(3) LEAVE (4) IMMEDIATELY (5) TOLD (6) SHE (A) 621543 (B) 351642 (C) 164253 (D) 351624 (E) 625134 34. 36 to 40) Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete. (1) WAS (2) HER (3) IMPRESSED (4) I(5) HONESTY (6) BY (A) 412635 (B) 615324 (C) 316425 (D) 413625 (E) 642351 32. (1) WEATHER(2) TODAY (3) IS(4) HOT (5) THE (6) VERY(A) 416352 (B) 513642 (C) 512436 (D) 541632 (E) 412356 35. 36. the one having the correct order of words and mark it as your answer on the answersheet. tomorrow’s cricket match will have to be …………… due to bad weather.answer. Choose from the five alternatives. Sadly. 31. (1) ABANDON (2) WE (3) SHIP(4) TO(5) THE (6) HAD(A) 264153 (B) 213645 (C) 261354 (D) 546132 (E) 513642 33. (1) IGNORED(2) WARNING (3) MANY (4) SIGNS(5) PEOPLE(6) THE (A) 351462 (B) 326154 (C) 351624 (D) 254361 (E) 261345 Directions—(Q. I will build a huge house with four floors. I will play with my children. (A) imprison (B) arrest (C) find (D) stops (E) hide 39. Find out the appropriate word in each case. With that money. one of which fits the blank appropriately. (A) avoid (B) cause (C) expect (D) intend (E) do 38. No matter where that prisoner tries to …………. And. I will go and hide in the stable and call out to them to look for me.(A) played (B) unorganised (C) cancelled (D) won (E) rained 37.” “With this gold. One day he returned home very tired and immediately fell …(44)… and began dreaming : “This pot is full of flour and if there is a famine it would …(45)… me a very high price. I will buy a big herd of goats. It is a shame that many people in the world have to live …… basic necessities such as food and shelter. He was …( 41)… for his miserliness. Every day. I will . Then I will buy buffaloes and later horses. But when they drift dangerously …( 47)… to the horses. I will pick up a stick and throw it towards the horses to distract them and save my children. Seeing my riches one Brahmin will offer the hand of his beautiful daughter to me. I will sell them for a huge …( 46)… and buy cows with that money. each of which has been numbered. (A) along (B) including (C) despite (D) without (E) short Directions—(Q. I do not know where Neha lives because we have been ………… of touch for quite some time. Once upon a time there lived a Brahmin. When it was full he hung the pot to a peg above his bed so that he could keep an … (43)… on it. He …( 42)… the flour in an earthen pot. The dumping of waste products is carefully done by the company in order to ………… any harm to the environment. five words are suggested. 41 to 50) In the following passage there are blanks. the police will find him sooner or later. he would go out begging and save some flour people gave him as alms. when the stables are full of horses I will sell them and buy lots of gold. (A) not (B) out (C) hardly (D) never (E) ever 40. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each. (A) watch (B) attention (C) observation (D) eye (E) attachment 44. (A) wasted (B) burst (C) shattered (D) spread . (A) playing (B) riding (C) beating (D) saving (E) dreaming 49. (A) near (B) close (C) towards (D) attached (E) front 48. (A) down (B) badly (C) asleep (D) resting (E) lying 45. (A) money (B) loss (C) wealth (D) profit (E) cash 47. 41.become a hero in my wife’s eyes. (A) fetch (B) profit (C) sell (D) gain (E) exchange 46. While …(48)… he picked a stick lying close to him and sprung it towards the pot. (A) ate (B) stored (C) hung (D) threw (E) kneaded 43. The stick …(49)… the pot hanging from the peg and …(50)… all its contents over his body. He now looked like a white ghost. (A) respected (B) begging (C) proud (D) upset (E) known 42. (E) injured 50. (A) spilled (B) fell (C) stored (D) poured (E) release Answers : 1. (B) 2. (E) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (D) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (E) 11. (D)12. (C)13. (A) 14. (E) 15. (B) 16. (C)17. (E) 18. (A) 19. (D) 20. (B) 21. (D) 22. (B) 23. (A) 24. (C) 25. (E) 26. (D)27. (B) 28. (C) 29. (B) 30. (E) 31. (D)32. (A) 33. (E) 34. (B) 35. (C) 36. (C)37. (A) 38. (E) 39. (B) 40. (D) 41. (E) 42. (B)43. (D) 44. (C) 45. (A) 46. (D)47. (B) 48. (E) 49. (C) 50. (A) #1nd 2a*e Bank Proba* onar1 Clerk Exam 2010 )%eld on 23' 4'2010+ )#e2ond #h f*+ Engl sh !ang"age #ol$ed Paper Share Directions—(Q. 1-15) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. A sobbing little girl stood near a small school from which she had beenturned away because it ‘was too crowded’. “I can’t go to School,” she sobbed to a priest as he walked by Seeing her shabby,unkempt appearance, the priest guessed the reason and taking her by the hand, took her inside and found a place for her in the school class. The child was so touched that she went to bed that night thinking of the children who have no place to study. Some two years later, this child lay dead in one of the poor tenement buildings and the parents called for the kindhearted priest, who had befriended their daughter, to handle the final arrangements. As her poor little body was being moved, a worm and crumpled purse was found which seemed to have been rummaged from some trash dump. Inside were founded 57 cents and a note scribbled in childish handwriting which read, “This is to help make the little school bigger so more children can go to school.” For two years she had saved for this offering of love. When the priest tearfully read that note, he knew instantly what he would do. Carrying this note and the cracked, red pocketbook to the stage, he told the story of her unselfish love and devotion. He challenged his assistants to get busy and raise enough money for the larger building. A newspaper learned of the story and published it. It was read by a realtor who offered them a parcel of land worth many thousands. When told that the school could not pay so much, he offered it for a 57 cent payment. Religious members too made large subscriptions. Cheques came from far and wide. Within five years the little girl’s gift had increased to $250,000 – a huge sum for that time. Her unselfish love had paid large dividends. The school building houses hundreds of scholars, so that no child in the area will ever need to be left outside at school time. In one of the rooms of this building may be seen the picture of the sweet face of the little girl whose 57 cents, so sacrificially saved, made such remarkable history. Alongside of it is a portait of her kindpriest. 1. How did the little girl die ? (A) She had died from suffocation in the tenement building (B) She had starved to death (C) She fell from a poor tenement building (D) Not mentioned in the passage (E) None of these Ans : (D) 2. What was found on the girl’s body after her death ? (A) A purse containing the drawing of a school (B) Notes that she had taken during school (C) A note to the priest thanking him for his kindness (D) A purse containing the address to her new school (E) None of these Ans : (E) 3. In what manner did the realtor help in making the little girl’s dream come true ? (A) By buying a land for the building of the school for thousands of dollars (B) By building the school himself (C) By giving away land for building the school at a negligible price (D) By publishing the girl’s story in the newspaper (E) None of these Ans : (C) 4. What was the real reason behind the girl not being allowed into the school ? (A) The girl had a learning disability (B) She was poor and inappropriately dressed (C) The teachers were too busy to teach her (D) The school was full of good students and did not need one more (E) The other kids in the school did not like her Ans : (B) 5. Which of the following can be the most appropriate title for the passage/story ? (A) The Girl with the 57 cents (B) The Making of Any School (C) A Realtor’s Sacrifice (D) How Newspapers spread Information (E) A Priest and His Religion Ans : (A) 6. Which of the following characteristics can be attributed to the little girl from the story ? (1) She was brave (2) She was selfish (3) She was loving (A) Only (1) (B) Only (1) and (3) (C) All (1), (2) and (3) (D) Only (3) (E) Only (2) and (3) Ans : (D) 7. Which of the following cannot be said about the priest ? (1) He was insensitive (2) He put his thoughts into action (3) He was compassionate (A) Only (2) (B) Only (3) (C) Only (1) (D) Only (2) and (3) (E) Only (1) and (3) Ans : (C) 8. What was the little girl’s idea behind wanting to build a bigger school ? (A) The current school was not providing quality education (B) More students could study in the school (C) To gain popularity (D) Not mentioned in the passage (E) None of these Ans : (B) 9. How was the priest instrumental in fulfilling the little girl’s dream ? (A) He shared her story and urged his helpers to raise money (B) He constructed the school building with the help of his assistants (C) He handed over the 57 cents to the realtor himself (D) He helped in the cremation of the little girl’s body (E) He informed the newspaper of the little girl’s plight Ans : (A) 10. What was the final outcome of the 57 cents saved by the little girl ? (A) The 57 cents were taken by the priest as a fee for his service to the little girl (B) Nothing could be done with the 57 cents as the amount was too small (C) A home for the poor was built with the 57 cents (D) The 57 cents increased to a sum of $2,50,000 and was donated to charity (E) The amount grew manifold due to various contributions and a school housing hundreds was finally built Ans : (D) Directions—(Q. 11-13) Choose the word/group of words which is most similar in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage. 11. WORTH (A) Costing (B) Importance (C) Significance (D) Appeal (E) Merit Ans : (A) 12. TOUCHED (A) Patted (B) Tapped (C) Felt (D) Moved (E) Called Ans : (D) 13. UNKEMPT KIND (A) Unique (B) Heartless (C) Careless (D) Common (E) Loving Ans : (B) Directions—(Q.(A) Gave goes (B) Gives his go (C) Gave it a go (D) Giving it goes (E) No correction required Ans : (C) 18. (A) Led the way (B) Led away (C) Leading ways (D) Lead ways (E) No correction required Ans : (A) 17.(A) Untidy (B) Tiny (C) Torn (D) Proper (E) Worried Ans : (A) Directions—(Q. (C) and (D) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required. BEFRIENDED (A) Recoiled (B) Killed (C) Accepted (D) Mistrusted (E) Ignored Ans : (E) 15. 16. Although he was new to the field of painting. (A) Changed timings . he lead the way. (B). As Anuj was familiar with the road to Neeraj’s house. Parents are changing with the times and are friendlier and more open to their children’s views. Sharad give it a go. 16-20) Which of the phrases (A). (A) Out of the worldly (B) Outing of worlds (C) Out from the world (D) Out of the world (E) No correction required Ans : (D) 19. 14. 14-15) Choose the word/group of words which is most opposite in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in the passage. The performance of the band on New Year’s Eve was out of worlds. mark (E) as the answer. then answer the questions given below them. By far the most urgent (A) need of industry in journal (B) and of IT industry in particular (C) is the need for skilled (D) manpower.e. made it clear to me how I must look to others. There was once a Brahmana who had made a vow (A) that he would only eat food that he could(B) gather (C) in the feilds (D) All correct (E) Ans : (D) 23. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate. (6) This was because I was born with a cleft palate.. (3). I knew I was different and I hated it. (B). ‘All correct’ as your answer. (4) Somehow it seemed more acceptable to have suffered an accident than to have been born different. a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. The letter of that word is your answer. and when I started to go to school. These are lettered as (A). (2). my classmates. mark (E) i. if any. who were constantly teasing. I couldn’t even blow up a balloon without holding my nose. 21. 21-25) In each question below. (B) harmlessness (C) and forgiveness (D) there are still duties that we owe to others. One of these four words printed in bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. no matter (B) whether (C) they are of our own family or strangers(D) or whether they are rich or poor. (A) Switched in (B) Switches at (C) Switch from (D) Switching on (E) No correction required Ans : (C) Directions—(Q. (3) They saw me as a little girl with a broken lip. (1) When my schoolmates asked. lopsided teeth. and he and his family (B) went without food so that theymight (C) feed the hungry. All correct (E) Ans : (B) 24. (C) and (D). We must feal (A) love for all. (2) At a very young age. Beside (A) the duties of compassion. The King gave away (A) all that he had. the water spilled out of my nose. (5) Besides this physical appearance. and when I bent to drink from a fountain. 26-30) Rearrange the following six sentences (1). Many people do not like to switch at one brand to another. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ? . All correct (E) Ans : (A) Directions—(Q. If all the words printed inbold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence. “What happened to your lip ?” I’d tell them that I’d fallen as a baby and cut it on a piece of glass. and hollow and somewhat slurred speech. crooked nose.(B) Changed to the time (C) Changing times (D) Change with time (E) No correction required Ans : (E) 20. (4). (5) and (6) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph. (D) All correct (E) Ans : (E) 25. 26. All correct (E) Ans : (E) 22. if any. The error. The comedian enthralled (A) / everybody with his quick witty as (B) / he had chosen just the right topic (C) / to warm up to the crow. (D) No error (E) Ans : (B) 34. If there is no error. 31-40) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. (B) / the King appointed him (C) / as his chief advisor.(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 Ans : (B) 27. the answer is (E). will be in one part of the sentence. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 6 Ans : (E) 30. The letter of that part is the answer. The superstar reveal that (A) / he had been turning (B) / the controversial security measures . (D) No error (E) Ans : (D) 32. As the minister was (A) / very intelligent and hard working. (D) No error (E) Ans : (C) 33. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement ? (A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 3 (E) 2 Ans : (C) 29. (Ignore errors of punctuation. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 6 Ans : (C) 28. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement ? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 5 (E) 6 Ans : (D) Directions—(Q.) 31. Humour is a better way (A) / to provide social commentary on (B) / controversy issues and some movies (C) / do that successfully. if any. But I am not …(43)… a lot of money. The donkey became thin and …(42)…. The villagers saw this and beat the donkey. I can’t feed my wife and children …(44)… How can I feed this donkey ? “Suddenly he remembered a tiger-skin in the house. Find out the appropriate word in each case. ‘The tiger will kill us all. The body was almost (A) / asleep when a ball (B) / flies across the garden (C) / and hit him on the foot. The villagers saw the donkey in the tiger-skin and thought. Many days …(48)… The donkey ate a lot of crops everyday and grew stout and strong. He said. The washerman’s donkey lifted up his head and brayed too. “I am working hard. (A) sorry (B) died (C) fat . Since the lion was (A) / very illness. My singing style was unique. (D) No error (E) Ans : (A) 35. (B) / but her ten little boys were (C) / too noisy. He thought. (D) No error (E) Ans : (B) Directions—(Q. 41-50) In the following passage there are blanks. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each. One day the villagers …(49)… a letter from the Collector saying. (D) No error (E) Ans : (E) 37. (D) No error (E) Ans : (C) 38.” That evening all the villagers went to the field with big …(50)…. (A) / but it would have been nothing (B) / without the contribution of (C) / the brilliant music directors. (D) No error (E) Ans : (D) 36. An old tiger living in (A) / the forest was not strong enough (B) / to hunt animals and starved (C) / for much days. A poor washerman had an old donkey. The washerman had a wife and seven children. My donkey can eat a lot and …(46)… fat too. “There is no tiger in your village or in any place near your village. 41. five words are suggested. (D) No error (E) Ans : (D) 39. It was a gift to his father’s good work. one of which fits the blank appropriately. Suddenly another donkey brayed from some place near the field. At last Amar found (A) / Naresh under the shade (B) / of a tree and brought him (C) / back on the city. (A) any (B) too (C) many (D) with (E) the Ans : (A) 42. each of which has been numbered. He did not give it …(41)… food. Mother sat through her chair (A) / by the fire to read her book. We shall write to the Collector and he will …( 47)… it with the help of the police. The washerman’s donkey in the tiger-skin was in the field. all the other animals (B) / in the forest gave the lion (C) / a lot of medicines. (D) No error (E) Ans : (A) 40. “I shall …(45)… the donkey with the skin and drive it into the field and won’t go near it.into (C) / a public relations opportunity.” The next day he dressed the donkey in the tiger-skin and drove it into the field of crops. (D) healthy (E) weak Ans : (E) 43. (A) shoot (B) stroke (C) shooed (D) ask (E) feed Ans : (A) 48. (A) elapse (B) went (C) late (D) passed (E) going Ans : (D) 49. (A) scare (B) sticks (C) bowl . (A) granted (B) tore (C) received (D) shred (E) get Ans : (C) 50. (A) good (B) main (C) well (D) two (E) small Ans : (C) 45. (A) sew (B) wrapped (C) enclose (D) stuck (E) cover Ans : (E) 46. (A) accumulate (B) spend (C) wasting (D) earning (E) watching Ans : (D) 44. (A) see (B) grow (C) became (D) demand (E) carry Ans : (B) 47. SORE is written as 8©9@. What should come next in the following number series ? 6881268612368812346861234568? (A) 6 (B) 1 (C) 4 (D) 8 (E) None of these Ans : (D) 3. ‘©’ means ‘÷’.(D) relieved (E) fruits Ans : (B) 5 -a1a Bank Clerk Exam 2010 6eason ng Ab l *1 #ol$ed Paper Share 1. In a certain code ‘MOUSE’ is written as ‘PRUQC’. How many such pairs of digits are there in number ‘36725918’ each of which has as many digits between them in the number as when the digits are arranged in descending order within the numbers ? (A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) More than three Ans : (C) 2. How is ‘SHIFT’ written in that code ? (A) VKIRD (B) VKIDR (C) VJIDR (D) VIKRD (E) None of these . If ‘@’ means ‘x. ‘%’ means ‘+’ and ‘$’ means ‘–’ then ……… 6 % 12 © 3 @ 8 $ 3 = ? (A) 37 (B) 35 (C) 39 (D) 33 (E) None of these Ans : (B) 5. How is ‘PEAS’ written in that code ? (A) 3@©8 (B) 3@%9 (C) 3@%8 (D) 3%@8 (E) None of these Ans : (C) 4. In a certain code PAGE is written as ‘3%7@’. Who score third highest marks ? (A) B (B) A (C) C (D) Data inadequate (E) None of these Ans : (D) 8. took a left turn and walked for 10 metre. Sneha correctly remembers that her father’s birthday is before 16th June but after 11th June whereas her younger brother correctly remembers that their father’s birthday is after 13th June but before 18th June and her elder brother correctly remembers that their father’s birthday is on an even date. On what date in June is definitely their father’s birthday ? (A) Sixteenth (B) Twelfth (C) Fourteenth or Sixteenth (D) Data inadequate (E) None of these Ans : (E) 11. Mr. Suraj ? (A) Niece (B) Cousin (C) Sister (D) Daughter (E) Cannot be determined Ans : (A) 10. B. How far he is from the starting point ? (A) 20 metre (B) 15 metre (C) 25 metre (D) 30 metre (E) None of these Ans : (C) 9. C scored more than D but not as much as E. Suraj said “she is the only daughter of my father’s son-in-law”. D and E each scoring different marks in a test. How many such digits are there in the number ‘37152869’ each of which is as far away from the beginning of the number as when the digits are arranged in ascending order within the number ? (A) None (B) One (C) Two . ‘K’ walked 5 metre towards North. E scored more than A who scored less than B. and again took right turn and walked 10 metre. How is the girl related to Mr.Ans : (B) 6. C. Pointing to a girl. He then took a right turn and walked for 20 metre. How many meaningful English words can be made with the letters ‘OEHM’ using each letter only once in each word ? (A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) More than three Ans : (B) 7. Among A. (D) Three (E) More than three Ans : (C) 12. which of the following will be the second highest number ? (A) 849 (B) 365 (C) 783 (D) 291 (E) 518 Ans : (C) Directions–(Q. If the first digit in all the numbers starting with an even digit is replaced by a number preceding it. which of the following will be the second digit of third highest number ? (A) 1 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) 9 (E) 6 Ans : (E) 15. Q9K#P@3ENSAC★G©UM7FIV%4Z8Y . If the positions of first and third digits in each number are interchanged. ‘KN’ is related to ‘QT’ in the same way as ‘DG’ related to ………. (A) JN (B) IM (C) JM (D) IN (E) IL Ans : (C) Directions—(Q. then which of the following will be the sum of the first digit of the resulting highest and the lowest numbers ? (A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 7 (D) 6 (E) 13 Ans : (E) 16. If the positions of the first and the second digits in each number are interchanged. 17–22) Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ‘CONFIRM’ each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet ? (A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) More than three Ans : (C) 13. 14–16) Following questions are based on the five three-digit numbers given below : 518 849 365 783 291 14. 23–28) In each of the questions below are given four statements followed by three conclusions numbered I. If all the numbers are dropped from the above arrangement. each of which is immediately preceded by an alphabet and immediately followed by a number ? (A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) More than three Ans : (C) 22. How many such vowels are there in the above arrangement. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ? (A) IM% (B) CNG (C) 3#N (D) UGC (E) GAU Ans : (D) 21. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which of the following is the eighth to the right of the fourteenth from the left end of the above arrangement ? (A) V (B) 4 (C) % (D) E (E) None of these Ans : (C) 20. You have to take the given statements to be true even if . How many such symbols are there in above arrangement. II and III.17. each of which is immediately preceded by a number and immediately followed by a consonant ? (A) None (B) One (C) Three (D) Two (E) None of these Ans : (B) Directions—(Q. Which of the following is the sixth to the left of the fifth to the left of ‘V’ ? (A) 3 (B) A (C) N (D) S (E) None of these Ans : (D) 19. which of the following will be the seventeenth from the right end ? (A) E (B) P (C) I (D) C (E) @ Ans : (E) 18. Statements :All shirts are skirts. Some buses are trains. Statements : All coins are glasses. Some spoons are plants. III. (A) None follows (B) Only I follows (C) Only III follows (D) Only II and III follow (E) None of these Ans : (C) 24. II. III. Some plates are crows. Statements :Some pens are pencils. Conclusions : I. . Conclusions :I. Some brushes are shirts. Conclusions : I. Conclusions :I. II. Some pens are buses. Some cups are boxes. Some plates are spoons. (A) Only I follows (B) Only II follows (C) Only I and III follow (D) None follow (E) All I. III. All banks are roads. All plants are crows. Some glasses are cups. Some trains are caps. Some pencils are trains. Statements : Some fishes are plates. Some crows are spoons. Some pins are glasses. II and III follow Ans : (B) 25. Some coins are cups. All roads are banks. All banks are skirts. All pencils are caps. All boxes are pins. 23. All caps are buses. All roads are brushes. Some cups are pins. II. II. All skirts are banks. II and III follow (E) None follows Ans : (B) 26.they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. (A) Only I follows (B) Only III follows (C) Only I and III follow (D) All I. Conclusions :I. Some tigers are cats. III. the symbols @. Statements :No man is tiger. M $ L III. % and * are used with the following meaning as illustrated below— ‘P © Q’ means P is not smaller than Q ‘P * Q’ means P is not greater than Q ‘P @ Q’ means P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q ‘P $ Q’ means P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q ‘P % Q’ means P is neither greater than nor equal to Q Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true. All ducks are pigeons.III. II and III follow Ans : (D) 28. L % O. All pigeons are sparrows. 29–33) In the following questions. II. ©. find which of the conclusions I. II. All ducks are sparrows. O @ M. II. Statements :Some eggs are hens. Some sparrows are hens. Some cats are lions. Some lions are tigers. (A) Only I follows (B) Only I and II follow (C) Only III follows (D) Only I and III follow (E) All I. K * N IV. L @ N (A) Only II is true . Statements : K © L. III. No egg is duck. Conclusions : I. 29. No tiger is cat. (A) None follows (B) Only III follows (C) Only I and II follow (D) Only I follows (E) Only II and III follow Ans : (A) Directions—(Q. Some cats are men. $. (A) Only I follows (B) Only I and II follow (C) None follows (D) Only II and III follow (E) Either I or III follows Ans : (D) 27. Some hens are ducks. III and IV given below them is/are definitely true and give your answers accordingly. M * N Conclusions : I. Some lions are men. Some plants are spoons. N © O II. S % F (A) Only I. I $ J. Statements :F $ P. C % D. Z $ X II. X * Y. P @ R. Y © V III. Statements : A * B. S * P III. A @ E (A) Only I is ture (B) Only either I or II is true (C) Only I and IV are true (D) None is true (E) Only IV is true Ans : (D) 31. K $ I IV. Y @ W (A) Only I and III are true (B) Only II is true (C) Only III is true (D) None is true (E) Only III and IV are true Ans : (C) . B $ D III. W % Y IV. R © S. D $ A II. B $ C. P © T IV. D © E Conclusions : I. W % X. II and III are true (B) Only I and II are true (C) Only III and IV are true (D) Only I. S % T Conclusions : I. G % J III. II and III are true (D) Only either I or II and III are true (E) All are true Ans : (A) 33. G % I II. Statements : G % H. J @ K Conclusions : I. Y $ Z Conclusions : I. E % C IV.(B) Only I and II are true (C) Only I is true (D) Either I or II is true (E) None is true Ans : (B) 30. R % F II. H * I. II and IV are true (E) All are true Ans : (D) 32. H * J (A) Only I is true (B) Only II is true (C) Only I. Statements : V @ W. Who is third to the right of E ? (A) B (B) F (C) D (D) G (E) None of these Ans : (E) 38. C. B is third to left of H who is not immediate neighbour of E. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above sitting arrangement and so form a group. What is D’s position with respect to B ? (a) Immediate right (b) Fourth to the right (c) Third to the left (d) Immediate left (A) Only (a) (B) Only (b) . Which of the following pairs are sitting between A and D ? (A) FB (B) GB (C) FG (D) FE (E) GE Ans : (C) 37.Directions–(Q. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ? (A) HFE (B) DCG (C) BHF (D) AEF (E) CGB Ans : (D) 35. A. Who is between D and E ? (A) C (B) B (C) A (D) Data inadequate (E) None of these Ans : (B) 36. D. 34. B. G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. F. D is third to the right of A who is not immediate neighbour of E of F. 34–40) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. C is fourth to the left of F who is fifth to right of E. Who is to the immediate right of A ? (A) G (B) B (C) F (D) Data inadequate (E) None of these Ans : (A) 39. E. .% .Tree .$ .* . Eighth and Tenth letters of the word C !"#TI$I%IT&.C.D. In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting to the immediate left of the second person ? (A) CH (B) GA (C) BD (D) FG (E) None of these Ans : (A) SBI Bank PO Exam 2010 Reasoning Solved Question Paper Share SBI PO Exam 2010 Reasoning Solved Question Paper Download paper or 1.E.$ran'h . give )*+ as your answer and if more than one su'h word 'an be formed.C. give your answer as )&+.#.Stem . .$- . 0our of the following five are alike in a 'ertain way and so form a group. If it is possible to make only one meaningful word with the Third.%eaf #ns . whi'h of the following would be the last letter of that word ( If no su'h word 'an be made.$.& #ns .$.E.(C) Only (b) and (c) (D) Only (d) (E) Only either (a) or (d) Ans : (D) 40. . Seventh.$/. 1hi'h is the one that does not belong to that group ( .#.I .D.2oot . 5one of these #ns . what will be the differen'e between the digits whi'h are se'ond from the right and fourth from the left in the new arrangement ( .T872 . 4ow many meaningful three letter English words 'an be formed with the letters #E2.#.#pple . 4ow many vowels are present in the new arrangement ( .C..5one . whi'h of the following grows underground ( .D. .C<. )"otato+ is 'alled )$anana+.5one #ns . In a 'ertain 'ode 0I5E is written 47" .287T .$.5one of these #ns . . . and ea'h 'onsonant is substituted with the letter pre'eding it.Three .D.$.E.Three ."otato .E. using ea'h letter only on'e in ea'h word ( .8T92 .5one of these #ns . .E. If in a 'ertain language %#TE is 'oded as <B6C and 4I2E is 'oded as >D3C then how will 4#I% be 'oded in the same language ( .D>. )$anana+ is 'alled )"apaya+ and )"apaya+ is 'alled )7uava+.#.D.3.D.E:. Ea'h vowel of the word #D?ECTI@E is substituted with the neAt letter of the English alphabeti'al series.63:1=/ are arranged in as'ending .>B<D . 4ow is S%IT written in that 'ode ( .0our .$. )"ea'h+ is 'alled )"otato+.$.Two .E.C. ) range+ is 'alled )"ea'h+.8T72 .D. If )#pple+ is 'alled ) range+.0our #ns . . If the digits in the number <.#.$.E.7uava .D.#.Two .D6.Three .5one .$anana .C.Two .C. 2ead both the 'on'lusions and then de'ide whi'h of the given 'on'lusions logi'ally follows from the given statements disregarding 'ommonly known fa'ts. &ou have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at varian'e from 'ommonly known fa'ts.>DB< .5one of these #ns .G. I.. Statements .B>D< . 4ow many su'h pairs of letters are there in word E57%IS4. 2ead the statements and the 'on'lusions whi'h follow it and 7ive answerF .ka . 5o star is a satellite.C1/.ne . . Con'lusions . .#Dire'tionsF.C. #ll rats are 'ows. .Two . #ll fishes are birds.#.if only 'on'lusion I is true. #ll stars are suns. #ll planets are satellites. Statements . ea'h of whi'h has as many letters between its two letters as there are between them in the English alphabets ( . 1hi'h of the following is the 'ode for )high+ in that language ( .if both 'on'lusions I and II are true.$.$.E.E.$.D. Some satellites are stars.$. . . 11.5one of these #ns .so .Three .D.#.if either 'on'lusion I or 'on'lusion II is true. )ri so la pa+ means )birds are very beautiful+ and )ti me ka bo+ means )the parrots 'ould fly+. . #ll birds are 'ows II.In ea'h of the Iuestions below are given three statements followed by two 'on'lusions numbered I and . Some suns are planets.C. In a 'ertain 'ode )na pa ka so+ means )birds fly very high+.D.C.if only 'on'lusion II is true.D.!ore than three #ns . I. #ll rats are fishes . . #ll birds are rats.E1E.C. 11H1:. II.#.>BD< .E.5one .if neither 'on'lusion I nor 'on'lusion II is true .na .D=.E. Con'lusions . #ns . $1<... Some pillows are rods.:6 . #ns .G..: #ns . Some doors are walls. Con'lusions .D. whi'h of the following numbers will be the differen'e between the se'ond digit of se'ond highest number and the se'ond digit of the highest number ( . 6<= H :61 H . .><3 #ns .D.D1:. II.:6 .$. Some plugs are swit'hes. Con'lusions . whi'h follow .6 .:6 H =:3 H =<3 1.Jero .#13.Study the sets of numbers given below and answer the Iuestions. the first and the last digits are inter'hanged.#1=.#. Statements . Statements . Statements . Some rods are sheets. If in ea'h number. .C.1 . #ns . II. . Some plugs are bulbs. Some sheets are pillows.=:3 .C.6<= . #ns .#. If five is subtra'ted from ea'h of the numbers.#. Some so'kets are plugs.#ns . If in ea'h number.E. Some windows are doors. .$. all the three digits are arranged in as'ending order. II.$. I.3 . 5o roof is a window.#.$16. 1. #ll swit'hes are plugs.><3 #ns . Some rods are 'urtains.C. Some walls are windows.$.E.3 .1 ./ .EDire'tionsF.:61 .E. . whi'h of the following will be the se'ond highest number ( .C.6<= . . 1hi'h of the following numbers will be obtained if the first digit of lowest number is subtra'ted from the se'ond digit of highest number after adding one to ea'h of the numbers ( . Con'lusions . I. whi'h of the following will be the lowest number ( .=:3 .:61 . .H/E.D. #ll doors are roofs. #ll 'urtains are rods. #ll bulbs are so'kets. I.C1>. #.E. .In ea'h of these Iuestions a group of letters is given followed by four 'ombinations of numberNsymbol lettered . .D. If in ea'h number the first and the se'ond digits are inter'hanged.6<= .><3 #ns .2ead the following information 'arefully and answer the Iuestions.E.5one of these #ns . .E.1ife ." L G K S .Son .5one of these #ns . %etters are to be 'oded as per the s'heme and 'onditions given below.#.E.$.G.#." H S L T .C. &ou have to find out the serial letter of the 'ombination.!other .5one of these #ns . Serial letter of that 'ombination is your answer.Daughter . your answer is .DDire'tionsF.E.$.E/:. whi'h will be the third highest number ( .H3E.$/E.#.5one of these #ns . . .D.Sister .E." K T L S .#.#/3.i./ #ns . In the eApression )" K G M T+ how is T related to " ( . /.e. In the eApression )" M G H T+ how is T related to " ( .:61 .D.$.D-." M S L T .6 .D." K G H S .Can+t be determined .C.B .Daughter .#-.$/6." M G L S .E.Son .DDire'tionsF.$rother .E. whi'h follow .5one of these #ns .D. If none of the 'ombinations is 'orre't. 1hi'h of the following means T is wife of " ( .:6 .G.D.$. .!other ." L S M T .$. . ." L G M S .C. .C.$. 1hi'h of the following means " is grandson of S ( .D. whi'h represents the letter group. /1H/:.Sister .. )# H $+ means )# is father of $+ )# K $+ means )# is daughter of $+ )# L $+ means )# is son of $+ )# M $+ means )# is wife of $+ /1..#.=:3 . .$-. 5one of these .C.C.C//.0ather . 4ow is " related to T in the eApression )" K S H T+ ( .C. $97G?5 .If the first letter is a 'onsonant and the last a vowel.i.iii.S=C>QS .ii.E. .E.#/>.5one of these #ns .=/6ODQ .C/<.=1C><Q .%ettersO G ! S I 5 7 D 9 # % " 2 $ ? E 5umberN SymbolO > P 6 O Q C .If no vowel is present in the group of letters.D.C.P=QO/ .RC/1DO . Eight persons #.C<=DRO .E. 4 is an 42 spe'ialist and works with a !arketing spe'ialist $ who does not work for 'ompany &.$3E.#. 0inan'e and !arketing. . ne member is an engineer and one is a do'tor.5one of these #ns .=SC>SQ . E7#92% . 0.C. .Study the following information 'arefully to answer these Iuestions. E.If the first letter is a vowel and the last a 'onsonant.$. the se'ond and the fifth letters are to be 'oded as S.O<=DRC . two have spe'ialiTation in ea'h 42. f the group of friends.CDire'tionsF. both are to be 'oded as the 'ode of the vowel.D.$. /.5one of these #ns .RC/1D3 .$.E. D!$5I# .#. . the 'odes for the first and the last are to be inter'hanged./P=QO/ . 31H3:.=/DOQ6 .E.ORC/1D .6/DOQ6 . 7 and 4 work for three different 'ompanies namely *. I?$2%7 . D.E/=.G.#. D is a spe'ialist in 42 working in .#.C.D. There are only two ladies in the group who have different spe'ialiTations and work for different 'ompanies.D.C. .$.5one of these #ns . 1 / R : D = < 3 Conditions .=/DOQ= .Q1C><= .ORC/1O . C..#./S=QO/ .O<=DRO .C. & and J. . $#25IS ../P=QO. . $.D. . 5ot more than three persons work for a 'ompany. .5one of these #ns . C is an engineer and his sister works in 'ompany J.$.C<=DRC . 1hi'h of the following pairs represents the two ladies in the group ( .#3/.$.Data inadeIuate . 0or whi'h of the following 'ompanies does C work ( .5one of these #ns . 1hi'h of the following 'ombination is 'orre't ( .#.C- .5one of these #ns .C.D.E.5one of these #ns .$.5one of these #ns .D and 7 .& .5one of these #ns .#.E33.C.* .$.$.J .4H*H42 .C.D and C .Either E or C .$3:.# and $ .# and E .#.EH*HDo'tor .D36. .CH&HEngineer . .'ompany * while her friend 7 is a finan'e spe'ialist and works for 'ompany J.CHJUEngineer .Data inadeIuate . 1ho amongst the friends is a do'tor ( .D.E.$ and D .C.#. 5o lady is a marketing spe'ialist or a do'tor.C.C .E. . .# and D . 5o two persons having the same spe'ialiTation work together.4 . !arketing spe'ialist 0 works for 'ompany & and his friend # who is a 0inan'e eApert works for 'ompany * in whi'h only two spe'ialists work.E.E.D.$.D. 1hi'h of the following represents the pair working in the same 'ompany ( . 31.E . .4 and 0 .D.#. 2ussia .nly 1 .D3.nly 1 . .1T has set up a new 'ommittee under the 'hairmanship of "utin of 2ussia to look into the issue of subsidy and find out a solution to the problem a''eptable to all the parties.s.5one of these #5S ./.D. .#/.3. 1hi'h of the following statement .$raTil .India would prote't the interest of its poor farmers who 'an not bear the burden of the 'ost of the produ'ts if they have to sell them on 'heaper rate. .UE> ( .'ompared to its performan'e in /EE.C.D.E. . edu'ation and development of steel se'tor.$oth 1 B / .5one of these #5S .The highest priority is given to eAports .E.D.$.#.$.India . .3. ././EE>UE<-.$.5one of these #5S .E.C.SBI Bank PO General A areness and !omputer "no ledge Solved Question Paper Share SBI Bank PO 2008 General Solved Question Paper Download this paper or !areness " #omputer $no!ledge 1.nly / .Indian industry needs more fleAibility as 'ompared to the industry in developed 'ountries.1.C. #s per the figures released re'ently the Sto'k markets in emerging e'onomies made handsome returns last year .$oth 1 B / .nly 3 .refle'ts India+s stand on new 1orld Trade rganiTation+s proposal on the issue of the subsidy to agro produ'ts ( .nly 3 .The plan aims at a'hieving the growth at 1E Q level by the end of the plan.#.1.#.s.Cina .nly / .The 2ashtriya 9rishi @ikas &oVana is revived in su'h a way so that it 'an be a'hieve a growth nof 6 Q for agri'ulture se' N are true about the 11th five year plan of India ( . 1hi'h of the following sto'k markets amongst the $2IC nations registered highest in'reased .=> Q. 1hi'h of the following statement .D- . E.C.C.3.#.D..5one of these #5S .E. $ayana whi'h was in news re'ently is a pla'e in U . .to fulfill this aim of the 7ovt.5epal . .1.E:.E./ B 3 .Delimitation #'t .5one of these #5S .#.s.$.Census #'t .#.4aryana .C.!yanmar .!adhya "radseh .C>.$.#.$. This is done as per the provision of whi'h of the following #'ts( .$oth 1 B 3 only .nly 3 . banks feel that the 'ost of providing servi'es in these areas for finan'ialin'lusion is Iuite high if servi'es are offered through the Wtraditional bran'h 'hannel W.D.$.D.1.nly 1 . of India is very keen about providing banking servi'e to the people in rural and remote areas .#ll 1. . <EEE Crore at present.$oth the 'ountries have de'ided to produ'e a fifth generation fighter air'raft and a multi role 'argo plane.E.nly 3 . 1hi'h of the following statement .#. India has re'ently de'ided to put a wire fen'e on the >.C. The fen'e will separate India from U .is N are 'orre't about the IndoU2ussia $ilateral Defen'e Ties ( ."akistan #5S . km. long border in Dhudri distri't in #ssam.Introdu'e mobile banking.8ttar "radseh . #s we all know the 7ovt.D. .India and 2ussia were able to sort out differen'es over the utiliTation of 2upee debt fund whi'h is of 2s."utting biometri' #T!s.6.D. The 7ovt.Issue 'redit or debit 'ards .nly 1 .$<.State 2eorganiTation #'t . of India re'ently issued a notifi'ation altering 'onstituen'ies in /6 States and 8nion territories. 4owever ."arliament #'t .s.$. of India ( .C. 1hat is N are the other alternative 'ost effe'tive 'hannel ./.$angladesh ./.nly / .$ihar .3.China .nly / .2aVasthan #5S .India has agreed to laun'h 2ussian missiles from its base at Chandipur in'ase some other nation atta'ks on 2ussia .#. revenue.nly 3 .$.EEENU .8SC 1:EE billion #5S .#.E.The sub prime 'risis is the maVor finan'ial 'risis whose origin is in the 2ussia and $raTil.#.EEENU #5S .$uoyant growth in 7ovt. .# trend of a''eleration in domesti' investment and saving rate is re'orded.2s.#.C.!yanmar .EEENU .2s.E.Indian E'onomy at market rate of eA'hange 'rossed 1 trillion 8SC in 'urrent fis'al. It has adversely affe'ted the e'onomy of Europe and 8S#.D. 1hi'h of the following is 5 T one of the highlights E'onomi' Survey presented in the %ok Sabha for the year /EE>UE<( .nly / .C.8SC 1EEE billion .E.$.1.5one of these #5S .#=. 1hi'h of the following 'ountries did not like his statement and had raised some obVe'tion over his visit to #runa'hal "radesh whi'h is very mu'h a part of India( .$.C1/. 6E.2s. :E.#. #s we read very freIuently in the newspaper fraudulent a'tivities in finan'ial world is still 'ontinuing despite various efforts made by various 'ountries to prevent them.C.2s.nly 1 . .D.E.$angladesh .C.E. .8SC 1/:E billion .8SC :EE billion .$. what is the probable amount derived from su'h illegal a'tivities whi'h is laundered through the world+s formal finan'ial systems every year( #bout U .5epal #5S .$hutan .#.EEENU . .2s.China . /E. 1hi'h of the following is the amount of insuran'e 'over provided to the workers of the unorganiTed se'tor under 2ashtriya Swasthya $ima &oVana( . . Indian "rime !inister during his visit the #runa'hal "radesh a few months ba'k asserted that the State is India+s %and of 2ising Sun.D..EEENU .$11. 1hi'h of the following is N are 'orre't about sub prime 'risis whi'h was in news re'ently( .E'onomy has Wmoved to higher growth phaseX .D1E.5et 0oreign dire't Investment in'reased by 3:E Q . . #s an estimate by I!0.D. #5S .3. 3E. 1E.8SC <EE billion .E13.C.It has redu'ed the flow of 'apital 'oming of Indian Sto'k !arkets./.The 'risis started when some people started trading with false Share 'ertifi'ates of maVor blue 'hip 8S 'ompanies in the sto'k markets.$. $.D.5one of these #5S .D.EE million he'tares N year .E.:E million he'tares N year .3EEEK ./.SiTe of total 0oreA 2eserve of India 'urrently.#ll 1.ICICI $ank .1.5one of these #5S . .$.C.E. #s we all know the value of the Indian rupee has appre'iated in the re'ent past .D1<.@#T introdu'ed by the 7ovt.D. on various 'ommodities.3.Control on 'redit and liIuidity in market.E./EEEK ..>: million he'tares N year ."!7S&.nly 1 .1EEEK ..$./.3 B 6 #5S . .ID$I $ank .$.#1.6/ million he'tare per year in su'h a way so that it 'an a'hieve the target level fiAed for the same( .#.#1:.$oth 1 B / .nly /.E.Capital flow in the market during a given period of time.nly 3 .6.nly / .#*IS $ank .$.In'reased in supply of food grains.C. #s per provision made in $harat 5irman programme the pa'e of 'reation of irrigation fa'ilities is reIuired to be raised from present level of 1./: million he'tares N year .16.C1>.C.1.5one of these #5S .6EEEK . Inflation has be'ome maVor area of 'on'ern in India these days./.E.#.E.#vailability of 'ommodities in the market.D./.5one of these #5S .1.3 B 6 .C. pf India N 2$I normally take to 'ontrol the same( . . The value of the 2upee is dire't dependent on whi'h of the following( .:E million he'tares N year #5S .has a target to 'onne't all habitations of whi'h of the following levels with all weather roads by /EE<UE=( .D- .0iAation of !aAimum "ri'e of the Commodities . .4D0C $ank ./.D.#.#.C. . The "rime !inister 7ram Sadak &oVana . 1hi'h of the following banks has taken over the Centurion $ank of "unVab( . . 1hat measures do the 7ovt.System of Dual pri'es.#. .D. of India now the 5ational 2ural Employment 7uarantee #'t is eAtended to all the distri'ts of India.E/E.D.C.$.C.3EE distri'ts .EEQ #5S .E.E/6.SS#-( .$.nly / .EEQ .D//. #s per the de'ision taken by the 7ovt.nly 1 .#.C.S'ale up 'ivi' amenities and provision of utilities in urban areas.EE distri'ts #5S ..>:Q . 1hi'h of the following is N are 'orre't about various 'on'essions given in the 8nion $udget for /EE<UE=( .6EE distri'ts .1Eth ?une #5S .$anking 'ash transa'tion taA withdrawn. .7ive fo'used attention to integrated development of infrastru'ture in sele'ted 'ities./.:EQ ./EE distri'ts .nly 3 .:EE distri'ts . . 4ow mu'h ed'ation 'ess is being levied on all the taAes to support elementary edu'ation for the 'hildren of age group of .3rd !ay .1.E.5one of these #5S .E.#ll 1.E/1. . .$.C. #s per the reports published by the !inistry of 0inan'e re'ently the overseas borrowings by the Corporates and 'urren'y flu'tuation has gone up by whi'h of the following per'entage points( .0ive years taA holidays for setting up hospitals in Tier II B Tier III regions for providing health 'are in rural areas.1st ?une .U16 years under Sarva Shiksha #bhiyan .?awaharlal 5ehru 5ational 8rban 2enewal !ission .3.C/3.nly 1 .?5582!-( .E.#ll 1.$. The "ress 0reedom Day is observed on whi'h of the following days( .1.#.D./ B 3 .1.Commodities taA transa'tion to be introdu'ed.nly / B 3 .D.D. This means it will now be appli'able to aboutU . 1hi'h of the following statements refle'ts the aim .nly / .s.1.D.: Q .#./.#.E.E.3.$.C.E.3rd ?une ./ B 3 #5S ."rovide basi' servi'es to the urban poors .nly 3 ./.1=. .1st !ay .#. . .5one of these #5S . .It will be a 'ost effe'tive measure as ea'h bank 'an share its operational 'ost with others.C/.E- .0ood grains .E. .E.$elgium .$.C.$.2asoi 7as . The 7ovt. of India had 'onstituted a high level 'ommittee on finan'ial se'tor reforms with 2aghuram 7.5ewTealand .Do not allow foreign investors in domesti' sto'k markets. If this happens how will we all be benefited by the same( . of India and 2eserve $ank of India is planning to set up an autonomous W#T! 'orporation of IndiaX in whi'h various banks 'an get together for 'ommon #T! operations. 2aVan as its Chairman. &ves %eterme has taken over as the prime minister of U .D.$.E./Q . of India has de'ided to 'reate a Strategi' 2eserve of U .D. 1hi'h of the following is N are the re'ommendations of the 'ommittee( .C.$oth 1 B / . The 7ovt.%iberaliTe the interest rate that banksNinstitution 'an 'harge to ensure 'redit for poors.C/>.$.#.#.#.1.5one of these #5S ./. #s per the news published in various newspapers the 7ovt.E.It will indire'tly help the IT business also as India has a large pool of IT skilled manpower waiting for suitable pla'ement./.:Q #5S . They are not reIuired to go to their banks+ #T! only.Clients 'an withdrawn money from any #T! from any lo'ation.nly 1 . .nly / .Create an offi'e of the mbudsman eA'lusively for finan'ial se'tor.C. ..E/<.#bout U .E.Cement B Steel .C.3Q ./ B 3 .#ll 1.5one of these #5S .il B "etroleum .3.nly / ."ortugal .6Q .C.1Q .nly 3 .$oth 1 B / .D.3.C/:.D.Croatia .1.#.5one of these #5S .nly 1 .$.#.D. 2elian'e Industries %td.$.E.Continuous .task bar .E. The produ'tion from metros should be reserved only for eAports. 1hat is the full form of the letter )C+ in the term )C$S+( .5ational !ineral Development Corporation of India . .E.#3/. !any times we read a term C$S used in banking operation.Core .$angalore .nly 1 . 1hat is the name of that Chinese bank( .D.#.C. 1hi'h of the following #'ts was framed spe'ially to deal more effe'tively with the problem of 5onU"erforming #ssets in banking system( .$.nly / .C.#. .0oreign EA'hange !anagement #'t.E33. nly a bank in China has more bran'hes than State $ank of India in the world.$oth / B 3 #5S . .5one of these #5S .$.C.$.D.C. The FU shows all the websites and pages that you have visited over a period of time. . !any a times we read about )7lobaliTation+ and its impa't on business pra'ti'e in India.status bar .D31.#3:.Industrial Dispute #'t.C.China $anking Corporation .E.E. India+s 0irst 'entre to monitor 'limate 'hange was opened re'ently at U . . The State $ank of India re'ently opened its 1EEEEth bran'h in "uduvayal .Credit .Tamil 5adu-.$./.$.D3E.$ank of China . . .#.Industrial and Commer'ial $ank of China .D. .C.$.Developing an environment in whi'h free flow of 'apital 'an take pla'e.5one of these #5S .#. 1hat is the name of that 'ompany( .Shanghai Commer'ial $ank .$36./=."romoting lo'al industry to 'ater to the needs of the 'onsumers in Tier II and Tier III 'ities.5ew Delhi .E. .D.Chennai ./ B 3 .Indian il Corporation .#.3.has pur'hased some oil assets in %atin #meri'an Countries along with one other maVor 'ompany of India .5one of these #5S .9olkata #5S .D.Complete .1.#.4industan "etroleum Corporation .2edu'tion of trade barriers to permit free flow of goods and servi'es amongst various nations.S#20#ESI #CT. 1hi'h of the following is 5 T one of the important parameters of )7lobaliTation+( .?aipur .D.nly 3 . #s per news published in newspapers the il B 5atural 7as Commission .$anking 2egulation #'t.#.5one of these #5S .#ll 1. 57C. 1orld $ank .International !onetary 0und .5one of these #5S . # proAy server is used for the whi'h of the following( .EE million loan to "ower 7rid Corporation of India .C3. 1hi'h of the following organiTations has re'ently given a 8SC .5one of these #5S .C.#. usually available at no 'harge on the internet . In a database .#63. spreadsheet .C.E.E.tool bar .To pro'ess 'lient reIuests for web pages .table of information . and photoUediting are eAample of H .#.5one of these #5S .$.$.$.D.D.Se'ure .$.$.C6/.. The number of piAels displayed on a s'reen is known as the s'reenH .#3>.De'entraliTed of related re'ords .#.topUlevel domain . the portion labelled http is the F . 1or pro'essing .D.#61.5one of these #5S .dedi'ated . In the 82% http.$ank of #meri'a .#.n.D.D.domain name .D.viewing siTe .'omN. is 'alled a .$6E.proto'ol .C.E. run organiTation( .F . # repair for a known software bug.Tutorial .appli'ation software . a field is a H .C.#.resolution . a 7ovt.history list .C.To pro'ess 'lient reIuests for database a''ess .ups'portal.To provide TC"NI" .C.D.C.0#G .$.E.To provide se'urity against unauthoriTed users .lable .S'alable .E.5one of these #5S . The ability to easily add additional users means that a network is H ."at'h .5one of these #5S .#.C3=.#sian Development $ank ..$.NNwww.'ategory of information .refresh rate .C.5one of these #5S .$3<.version .E.5one of these #5S .E.'olour depth . 5one of these #5S .$.Data reliability .5one of these #5S .C.platform software .FF is a private 'orporate network. If you wish to eAtend the length of the network without having the signal degrade. .Data integrity . .C.$.The platform .swit'h .#.5one of these #5S .5one of these #5S .#ppli'ation software . The time it takes a devi'e to lo'ate data and instru'tions and make them available to C"8 is known as H .The operating system .repeater .#. #.router . you would use a F .5one of these #5S .C.C6.megabyte .$.D.#.E.D.E.D.#6:.C"8 speed .#.#. used eA'lusively by 'ompany employees.$6<.E.$.E.#66.gateway .C. .Internet .'lo'k speed .E. FFH 'ontrols the way in whi'h the 'omputer system fun'tions and provides a means by whi'h users are intera't with the 'omputer.gigabyte .a''ess time ..$.5one of these #5S .system software .D.$6=.C.. FFH means that the data 'ontained in a database is a''urate and reliable.terabyte .E.Data redundan'y .$.kilobyte .The motherboard . #FU is approAimately a million bytes.n.a pro'essing 'y'le .operating system software .Data 'onsisten'y .D.D6>.D.C. .#. D. Point. A. *ale &. A pro!e known a (((((((((((( i u ed )" large retailer to tud" trend . data ele!tion C. # 'hara'teristi' of a file server is whi'h of the following( . PO* &. B.$.#'ts as fat 'lient and is shared on a network .C.E. data mining B.formerl" known a !a h regi ter . pam.(((((((((((( " tem i a mall1 wirele A..5one of these #5S . . ha!ker . All of the following are example of real e!urit" and pri#a!" ri k E$CEP%: A. /uer" An wer: B 0.$.#- Paper : Computer General Knowledge For Bank Examination Computer General Knowledge For Bank PO Exam 1. &. C.5one of these #5S .lo'al area network . PO* handheld !omputer that !an an item234 tag and pull up the !urrent pri!e . &ata B.D.intranet .#'ts as fat 'lient and is limited to one "C . A.#.n.and an" pe!ial offer . identit" theft. ale .peerUtoUpeer . P** B. ((((((((((((terminal .!anages file operations and is shared on a network . data !on#er ion An wer: A +.!anages file operations and is limited to one "C .PO*C.E. An wer: B '.are often !onne!ted to !omplex in#entor" and ale !omputer " tem . #iru e . A.C.of.a "ou hop.$:E. *urgeon !an perform deli!ate operation )" manipulating de#i!e through !omputer in tead of manuall".C. imulation. data mining An wer: A 5. (((((((((((( tag 1 when pla!ed on an animal1 !an )e u ed to re!ord and tra!k in a data)a e all of the animal234 mo#ement . PP* &. proprietar". imulation. toring the data or information An wer: C <. open. %hi te!hnolog" i known a : A. ro)oti! . fore!a ting. (((((((((((( i the tud" of mole!ule and tru!ture who e i.e range from ing fun!tion of a . in the pu)li! domain. C. &. ro)oti! . experimental. C. pro!e ing data into information C. C. 7hi!h of the following i 8O% one of the four ma9or data pro!e !omputer: A. !omputer foren i! . gathering data B. %he a)ilit" to re!o#er and read deleted or damaged file from a !riminal234 !omputer i an example of a law enfor!ement pe!ialt" !alled: A. animation. &. the data or information &. %e!hnolog" no longer prote!ted )" !op"right1 a#aila)le to e#er"one1 i !on idered to )e: A. A. B. in#entor" &. An wer: C 6. =F>& C. An wer: A @. anal". &. PO* B. An wer: A 1A. GP* An wer: B ?. B. !omputer foren i! . A. . tore An wer: B 15. A. programming. &. ed ing. *imulation &. *torage &. (((((((((((( i the !ien!e that attempt to produ!e ma!hine that di pla" the ame t"pe of intelligen!e that human do. Bi!roele!trode C. output &. the pro!e An wer: B . organi. (((((((((((( i data that ha )een organi. A. &.1 to 1AA nanometer . A pro!e B. data. B. Computer foren i! &. 8ano !ien!e B. After a pi!ture ha )een taken with a digital !amera and pro!e appropriatel"1 the a!tual print of the pi!ture i !on idered: A. Artifi!ial intelligen!e An wer: A 11. 8anote!hnolog" C. input C. input. B. output. toring. A. Computer gather data1 whi!h mean that the" allow u er to (((((((((((( data. pre ent B. An wer: B 10.ed or pre ented in a meaningful fa hion. %he name for the wa" that !omputer manipulate data into information i !alled: A. *oftware C. >nformation An wer: & 1+. C. Artifi!ial intelligen!e .ing. 8ano !ien!e B. pro!e C.A>An wer: & 1'. eight )"te . >n the )inar" language ea!h letter of the alpha)et1 ea!h num)er and ea!h pe!ial !hara!ter i made up of a uniCue !om)ination of: A. %he term )it i A. B. kilo)"te. C. &. B. mega)"te. )inar" digit. B. )inar" language. C. multimedia. kilo)"te data. pro!e C. An wer: & 1@. )it C. )inar" num)er. &. eight )it . &. An wer: B '1. !hara!ter . A. C. An wer: & ing B. mega)"te. Computer u e the (((((((((((( language to pro!e A. &.16. A tring of eight A and 1 i !alled a: A. C. giga)"te. )"te. kilo)"te B. data into information )" working ex!lu i#el" with: 1?. )inar" &. Computer pro!e A. A (((((((((((( i approximatel" one )illion )"te . repre entational An wer: C 1<. num)er . eight !hara!ter . B. word . eight kilo)"te . An wer: C hort for: 'A. giga)"te &. mega)"te An wer: C . B. A. hard di k dri#e . C& &. " tem unit. &. flopp" di k dri#e . !anner B. A peripheral &. An wer: B '?. mega)"te &.''. peaker C. C. An appli!ation An wer: A '0. %he !omponent that pro!e A. C. input de#i!e . printer. tera)"te An wer: C '+. output de#i!e . A (((((((((((( i approximatel" a million )"te . C& dri#e . B. %he ((((((((((((1 al o !alled the 23E)rain 23F of the !omputer1 i . mou e. !anner. C. All of the following are example of input de#i!e E$CEP% a: A. (((((((((((( i an" part of the !omputer that "ou !an ph" i!all" tou!h. An wer: C data are lo!ated in the: '5. printer . torage !omponent. B. ke")oard. giga)"te B. Dardware B. A de#i!e C. 7hi!h of the following i an example of an input de#i!e: A. All of the following are example of torage de#i!e E$CEP%: A. &. An wer: & '6. &. kilo)"te C. printer An wer: A '<. A. An wer: A ing or .and the Apple Ba!into h are example of two different: A. memor" C. &. &. A.editing are example of: A. =AB &. C. platform . " tem oftware. B. B. An wer: B +A. output de#i!e. ing unit . torage de#i!e . !entral pro!e An wer: & ing data. platform oftware. operating " tem oftware.CPG- '@. An in tru!tion B.per onal !omputer. appli!ation oftware. *" tem oftware i the et of program that ena)le "our !omputer234 hardware de#i!e and (((((((((((( oftware to work together. C. *oftware C. C. pro!e C. A pro!e An wer: B +'. program .re pon i)le for pro!e A. utilit" &. %he CPG and memor" are lo!ated on the: A. appli!ation . &. %he PC . torage de#i!e. Bemor" &. appli!ation An wer: & ++. A. expan ion )oard. 7ord pro!e ing1 pread heet1 and photo. mother)oard. mother)oard B. An wer: A +1. management B. B. (((((((((((( i a et of !omputer program u ed on a !omputer to help perform ta k . CPG &. C.n. An wer: A +6. method C. &*H i an example of a. A. A. *er#er are !omputer that pro#ide re our!e to other !omputer !onne!ted to a: A.)a ed er#er are repla!ing (((((((((((( in . %he differen!e )etween people with a!!e tho e without thi a!!e A. torage de#i!e An wer: C data +5.and PC u e different (((((((((((( to pro!e and different operating " tem . uper!omputer expen i#e PC. >nternet di#ide. Bainframe An wer: B +?. network. *maller and le man" )u ine B. mainframe An wer: & +<. laptop &. uper!omputer. Apple Ba!into he . !lient. i known a the: to !omputer and the >nternet and e . network B. B.Ba! . &. mainframe. C.(((((((((((( !onne!tion. A. *er#er B. low &. 7e) di#ide. (((((((((((( are pe!iall" de igned !omputer that perform !omplex !al!ulation extremel" rapidl". A.+0. digital di#ide. )road)and An wer: & +@. B. *uper!omputer C. Haptop &. !lient C. language B. wirele C. )inar" digit C. A. >nput I OutputI Pro!e &. >nput I Pro!e . )road)and di#ide. 11AAA &. Pro!e C. One thou and &. kilo)"te An wer: C 05. Pro!e An wer: & 0'. Artifi!ial intelligen!e An wer: A 01. A. %he platform B. One million An wer: A 0+. A. Appli!ation oftware I Output I >nput I *torage I *torage I *torage I >nput I Output I Output I *torage B. A )"te !an hold one (((((((((((( of data. )it B. %wo C.&. 1 An wer: B 00. (((((((((((( !ontrol the wa" in whi!h the !omputer " tem fun!tion and pro#ide a mean )" whi!h u er !an intera!t with the !omputer. Eight B. An wer: A 0A. %he )inar" language !on i t of (((((((((((( digit. (((((((((((( i the !ien!e re#ol#ing around the u e of nano tru!ture to )uild de#i!e on an extremel" mall !ale. A. Bi!ro. 7hi!h of the following i the !orre!t order of the four ma9or fun!tion of a !omputer: A. Computer foren i! &. 8anote!hnolog" B.te!hnolog" C. !hara!ter &. ? B. (((((((((((( )it eCual one )"te. -. ' C. A. %he operating " tem C. An wer: & 5A. !ommuni!ation B. &. An wer: A 0@. in tru!tion . %he two )road !ategorie of oftware are: A. appli!ation C. 7indow and Ba! O*. Em)edded !omputer C. %he mother)oard An wer: B 06. word. (((((((((((( are pe!iall" de igned !omputer !hip that re ide in ide other de#i!e 1 u!h a "our !ar or "our ele!troni! thermo tat. Bainframe An wer: B 0?. mainframe. CPG. An wer: A data1 u!h a re pon e to Cue tion or ing oftware Fill in the Blank: 51.!e An wer: C 0<. B. *er#er B. " tem &. word pro!e ing and pread heet. the operating " tem. tran a!tion and appli!ation. A. platform. B. &. %he tep and ta k needed to pro!e !li!king an i!on1 are !alled: A. %he metal or pla ti! !a e that hold all the ph" i!al part of the !omputer i the: A. B. C. C. An wer: Ba! . =o)oti! !omputer &. &. " tem unit. Between PC and Ba! 1 the (((((((((((( i the platform of !hoi!e for graphi! de ign and animation. " tem and appli!ation. %he operating " tem i the mo t !ommon t"pe of (((((((((((( oftware. the " tem unit. appli!ation oftware. C.&. ?61. An wer: *oftware ed information are e it1 output the data or information1 and (((((((((((( the data or information. ((((((((((((are the fa te t and mo t expen i#e !omputer . An wer: output 6+. An wer: *uper!omputer 56. %he )inar" language !on i t of two digit : (((((((((((( and ((((((((((((. An wer: platform 50. . >nput de#i!e are u ed to pro#ide the tep and ta k the !omputer need to pro!e data1 and the e tep and ta k are !alled ((((((((((((. (((((((((((( oftware help "ou !arr" out ta k 1 u!h a t"ping a do!ument or !reating a pread heet. An wer: operating " tem 5+. An wer: eight . An wer: input 6'. %he (((((((((((( i the program that manage the hardware of the !omputer " tem1 in!luding the CPG1 memor"1 torage de#i!e 1 and inputJoutput de#i!e . %he de#i!e "ou u e to enter data into a !omputer " tem are known a (((((((((((( de#i!e . An wer: Appli!ation 55. %he de#i!e on a !omputer " tem that let "ou ee the pro!e known a (((((((((((( de#i!e . An wer: kilo)"te 5<. An wer: A and 1 6A. A tring of (((((((((((( A and 1 i !alled a )"te. (((((((((((( i the et of !omputer in tru!tion or program that ena)le the hardware to perform different ta k .5'. %he t"pe of operating " tem oftware "ou u e depend on "our !omputer234 ((((((((((((. A (((((((((((( i approximatel" 11AAA )"te . An wer: in tru!tion 5?. A !omputer gather data1 pro!e An wer: tore 5@. 7hen "ou !onne!t to the ((((((((((((1 "our !omputer i !ommuni!ating with a er#er at "our >nternet er#i!e pro#ider . An wer: !omputer <5. (((((((((((( i the !ien!e that attempt to !reate ma!hine that will emulate the human thought pro!e . An wer: appli!ation <'. (((((((((((( i the term gi#en to the a!t of tealing omeone234 identit" and ruining their !redit rating. An wer: torage <1. An wer: Bainframe 66. An wer: Computer foren i! 6<. i. Ba!into h !omputer u e the Ba!into h operating " tem . (((((((((((( are !omputer that ex!el at exe!uting man" different !omputer program at the ame time. A pro!e known a (((((((((((( tra!k trend and allow retailer to re pond to !on umer )u"ing pattern . Dard di k dri#e and C& dri#e are example of (((((((((((( de#i!e .ed manneCuin that ha#e a pul e and a . An wer: >nternet 65. An wer: Bi!ro oft 7indow 6@. Patient (((((((((((( are life.60. An wer: >dentit" theft <0. An wer: Artifi!ial intelligen!e . ((((((((((((i the appli!ation of !omputer " tem and te!hniCue to gather legal e#iden!e. (((((((((((( are !omputer that upport hundred or thou and of u er imultaneou l". An wer: data mining <A.>*P-. *urgeon are u ing (((((((((((( to guide ro)ot to perform deli!ate urger". Kou would u e (((((((((((( oftware to !reate pread heet 1 t"pe do!ument 1 and edit photo .A>6?. An wer: Bainframe <+.Ba! O*-1 wherea PC generall" run (((((((((((( a an operating " tem. An wer: %rue ?'. An wer: Fal e . 1 ha#e )een u ed to predi!t ing de#i!e. Output de#i!e tore in tru!tion or data that the CPG pro!e e . An wer: %rue ?0. Currentl"1 the performan!e of ta k )" ro)ot i )a ed on preprogrammed algorithm . An wer: %rue ?6.heart)eat and re pond to pro!edure 9u t like human .made tru!ture that !an )e )uilt. Emplo"er do not ha#e the right to monitor e. di#ide?A. An wer: %rue <?. &ata !an )e a num)er1 a word1 a pi!ture1 or a ound. An wer: %rue <<. An wer: %rue ?1. potting program 1 de#eloped for )u ine !riminal a!ti#it". An wer: Fal e . An wer: imulator %rue and Fal e <6. An wer: Fal e ?+. *tri!tl" defined1 a !omputer i a data pro!e An wer: %rue <@. An wer: %rue . One of the )enefit of )e!oming !omputer fluent i )eing a a##" !omputer u er and !on umer and knowing how to a#oid #iru e 1 the program that po e threat to !omputer e!urit".mail and network traffi! on emplo"ee " tem u ed at work. Cli!king on an i!on with the mou e i a form of gi#ing an in tru!tion to the !omputer.memor"?5.not 23F with regard to !omputer te!hnolog" i !ommonl" referred to a the digital o!iet". 8ano tru!ture repre ent the malle t human. %he CPG and memor" are lo!ated on a pe!ial !ir!uit )oard in the " tem unit !alled the mother)oard. %he di !repan!" )etween the 23Eha#e 23F and 23Eha#e. %he mo t !ommon t"pe of memor" that the !omputer u e to pro!e =OB. giga)"te C.?<.e: >. C& dri#e E.)ut at a lower pa!e-. input de#i!e >L. one thou and )"te >L. 7ith a wirele An wer: %rue @'. a t"pe of memor" L. )"te B. printer A. Being !omputer fluent mean that "ou hould )e a)le to )uild a !omputer "our elf. eight )it >>>. CPG &. An wer: %rue @A. kilo)"te A. An wer: %rue ??. Em)edded !omputer are elf. one trillion )"te An wer: C1 B1 &1 A1 E @0. !anner B. tera)"te E. one )illion )"te L. Bat!h the following term with their approximate i. An wer: Fal e ?@. mega)"te &.!ontained !omputer de#i!e that ha#e their own programming and do not re!ei#e input. An wer: Fal e . pro!e An wer: B1 C1 &1 E1 A or . An wer: Fal e . %he main differen!e )etween a uper!omputer and a mainframe i that uper!omputer are de igned to exe!ute a few program a Cui!kl" a po i)le1 wherea mainframe are de igned to handle man" program running at the ame time . one million )"te >>. =AB C. torage de#i!e >>. A 7e) )row er i a pe!ial de#i!e that i in talled in "our !omputer that allow it to !ommuni!ate with other de#i!e on a network. Bat!hing: @+. Bat!h the following term with their meaning : >. output de#i!e >>>.=ABdata i network1 it i ea ier to relo!ate de#i!e .network adapter@1. data or information that !an )e a!!e An wer: B1 &1 C1 E1 A @@. the mo t !ommon t"pe of " tem oftware1 it !ontrol the wa" in whi!h the !omputer " tem fun!tion An wer: &1 C1 E1 A1 B @<. oftware A. mother)oard E. Bi!ro oft 7indow &. appli!ation oftware B. )it A. the !ien!e re#ol#ing around the u e of nano tru!ture to )uild de#i!e on an extremel" mall !ale >>. an" part of the !omputer that "ou !an ph" i!all" tou!h >L. em)edded !omputer C. data A. platform C. hardware B. a mall mo)ile !omputing de#i!e An wer: C1 A1 &1 E1 B @6. Bat!h the following term with their meaning : >. output C. tran forming data into information >>.ed or pre ented in a meaningful fa hion >>>. " tem oftware A. !on i t of A and 1 ed information- .@5. a et of program u ed to a!!ompli h a pe!ifi! ta k L. information E. operating " tem C. the repre entation of a fa!t or idea . er#er E. a large1 expen i#e !omputer that upport hundred or thou and of u er fun!tion imultaneou l" >L. )inar" language B. in tru!tion C. torage &. a et of !omputer program that ena)le hardware to perform different ta k L. P&A &. Bat!h the following term with their meaning : >. mainframe A. a !omputer that pro#ide re our!e to other !omputer !onne!ted to a network >>>. uper!omputer B. Ba! O* E. Bat!h the following term with their meaning : >. data that ha )een organi. memor" B. the kind of operating " tem oftware "ou will u e depend on thi >>>. operating " tem oftware u ed on the Apple Ba!into h An wer: A1 &1 B1 C1 E @?.!ontained !omputer de#i!e that u uall" perform preprogrammed u!h a temperature !ontrol L. Bat!h the following term with their meaning : >. pro!e ed data or information e ed again >L. hold in tru!tion or data that the CPG pro!e L. a elf. the main !ir!uit )oard in the " tem unit >>. the !a e that !ontain the " tem !omponent >>>. the mo t expen i#e !omputer that perform !omplex !al!ulation extremel" rapidl" >>.unpro!e >>>. pro!e ing &. Bat!h the following term with their meaning : >. operating " tem oftware generall" u ed on PC >L. the et of program that ena)le !omputer hardware de#i!e and appli!ation oftware to work together >>. The earlier computers. law enfor!ement C. !omputer foren i! L. which pioneered *stored pro"ram+. Time%sharin". nanote!hnolog" E.amous people. !/0AC. like the !#$AC. ar!heolog" E. which were massive in si e. teletypin". The &st commercially produced and sold computer 4&'(&5 was 1#$0AC. digital re!reation of ruin An wer: C1 B1 &1 A1 E Questions on Computer Awareness have recently been introduced in most Bank Recruitment exams. data mining >>>.>L. Before the &'()s. )u ine B. " tem unit &. Bat!h the following field to the related !omputer te!hnolog": >. >nternet re ear!h and #irtual tour >>. was made possible with the help of the mathe%matician . !arly computin" machines. $B3 was provided software for 6Cs by 3icrosoft. were associated with mainframe computers. ro)oti! and imulation >L. .ohn von #eumann. were based on vacuum tubes. The printers in pre%&'()s were punch cards. computers were mostly owned by universities and research labs. An improvement on the !#$AC. To help you prepare better for the Bank exams we present to you the revision notes on Computer Awareness. tep and ta k ne!e information An wer: &1 C1 E1 B1 A ar" to pro!e data into u a)le 1AA. associated with the !#$AC. edu!ation &. medi!ine A. The transformation from heavy computers to 6Cs was made possible usin" . were actually meant to assist the armed forces. hort for )inar" digit L. The B%pro"rammin" lan"ua"e was developed by -en Thompson. 1#$0AC computers are !ckert 2 3auchly. who chose to write computer pro"rams and dropped studies was Bill . The :arvard student. A collection of bits is called byte.orTran. C==. sin"le%site network is called AA#.ava.microprocessors. Click and double%click are achieved usin" the mouse. A pro"ram used to browse the web is called browser. The device which sends computer data usin" a phone line is called 3?/!3. A small. is a computer lan"ua"e. and collossus were initial desktop computers. Binary di"its are briefed as bit. A processor that collects several data and sends them over a sin"le line is called brid"e. . An error in software desi"nin" which can even cause a computer to crash is called bu". C. *#ano+ stands for one billionth part. A *file+ is a unit of information.ates. The first microprocessor was developed in &'7& by $ntel. *@orm+ and *virus+ are actually pro"rams. A me"abyte has &)9 4million5 bytes. The number of bit patterns usin" an n%bit code is Bn. 3ark%&. The term *micro+ 4extremely small5 denotes &)89 m. . >tartin" up on operatin" system is called bootin". 6ascal and BA>$C are computer pro"rammin" lan"ua"es. A pentium < 46%<5 employs rou"hly <) million transistors. . The process of eliminatin" pro%"rammin" faults is called debu""in". Apple%&. The European Union has adopted which of the following as a common currency ? (A) Dollar (B) Dinar (C) Yen (D) Peso (E) Euro 4. the cut item is temporarily stored in the clipboard. which was sold in millions of units was Apple $$.The part of a computer that works with the dataCpro"rams is called C61. www stands for world wide web. A computer framed to "ive various network services is called server. A website containin" periodic posts is called blo". The unwanted or non%reEuested e%mails are called FspamG. The Foreign Exchange Reserve of India are kept in the custody of…… (A) World Bank (B) International Monetary Fund (C) Prime Minister Rahat Kosh (D) Reserve Bank of India (E) None of these 2. @hile cuttin" and pastin". The first home computer 4&'775. A collection of D bits is called byte. Various Banks in the country have installed machines which disburse money to . 5 -a1a bank po general awareness paper &. we have to express it in power of B. *6ARA3+ is a supercomputer. http stands for hypertext transfer protocol. The Reserve Bank of India issues coins and notes of various denominations. To convert a binary number to a decimal. At present RBI does not issue coins of which of the following denominations ? (A) 10 paise (B) 20 paise (C) 25 paise (D) 50 paise (E) 1•00 Rupee 3. 3athematics employed in compu%ters is called Boolean al"ebra. silver.general public. These machines are called…… (A) Coin dispensing machines (B) ATMs (C) Debit Card Machines (D) Ledger Machines (E) None of these 5. Many a times we read in financial newspapers a term/name NMCEX. Which of the following is known as Plastic money ? 1. Many times we read in newspapers that gold no more has emained the highest trading option and has been replaced by a non-traditional metal known as…… (A) copper (B) steel (C) zinc (D) white gold (E) None of these 7. Which of the following names is not associated with the insurance business in India ? (A) Bajaj Allianz (B) LIC (C) GIC (D) Tata AIG (E) GE Money 6. Many a time we see a term in newspapers ‘IPO’. This business of the banks can be categorized under which of the following heads of banking ? (A) Corporate Banking (B) Personal Banking (C) Merchant Banking (D) Portfolio Management Service (E) None of these . What is the full form of the same ? (A) New Multi Capital Exchange (B) National Medium Commodity Exchange (C) National Multi Commodity Exchange (D) Net Marketable Commodity Exchange (E) None of these 10. Debit Card (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 (C) Only 3 (D) Both 2 and 3 (E) All 1. 2 and 3 8. What is the full form of the same ? (A) Indian Public Offer (B) Institutional Purchase (C) Industrial Purchase Order (D) Indian Purchase Offer (E) Initial Public Offer 9. Commodity Exchanges at various places in India are trading in many metals like gold. etc. Many Banks these days are entering into business of offering loans against property. Demand Draft 2. Credit Card 3. Nobel Prizes are not given for the performance in the area of… (A) Literature (B) Physics (C) Chemistry (D) Music (E) Medical Science 13. In which of the following Hindi films has actor Shahrukh Khan played the role of a Hockey Coach ? (A) Guru (B) Chak De India (C) Om Shanti Om (D) Jab We Met (E) None of these 14. Which of the following countries has not made any significant investment in India ? (A) Japan (B) USA (C) Nepal (D) Britain (E) France 15. Which of the following is considered an informal method of getting credit/finance ? (A) Internet Banking (B) Branch visits (C) Going to money lenders (D) Tele Banking (E) All of these 16. Which amongst the following nations is not a member of the SAARC ? (A) Bangladesh (B) Bhutan (C) Nepal (D) Maldives (E) South Africa 17. Which of the following is not a Public Sector Unit/Undertaking/Agency ? (A) ECGC (B) SEBI . education and standard of living of people in a country ? (A) Inflation (B) Sensex (C) Human Development Index (D) SLR (E) None of these 18. level of literacy.11. Which of the following indexes is developed to measure life expectancy. Which of the following organizations/banks has done a commendable work in the field of micro finance and was awarded Nobel Prize also in the past ? (A) Gramin Bank of Bangladesh (B) CRY (C) ASHA (D) NABARD (E) None of these 12. Which of the following is a type of tax levied by the Govt. Twenty-20 matches are played in which of the following (A) Hockey (B) Football (C) Badminton (D) Tennis (E) Cricket 24. Which of the following awards is given for excellence in the field of sports ? (A) Kalidas Samman (B) Dhyanchand Award (C) Shram Vir Award (D) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award (E) None of these 22. As per the news appeared in some major newspapers India is number two in getting . Which of the following does not represent the name of a bank working in India ? (A) YES (B) HDFC (C) TATA (D) Kotak Mahindra (E) ICICI 23. Who amongst the following addresses the nation on the Independence Day from the ramparts of the Red Fort. Which of the countries represent letter ‘C’ in the category known as BRIC countries ? (A) Canada (B) Chile (C) Cuba (D) Croatia (E) China 20.(C) SIDBI (D) Axis Bank (E) BHEL 19. Which of the following deals between India and one major country was put on a hold for some time as India is finding difficult to implement it ? (A) 123 Pact with USA (B) Fifth generation fighter plane deal with Russia (C) Heavy Water deal with Iran (D) Border talks with China (E) None of these 25. on goods and services ? (A) SAT (B) NET (C) PAN (D) VAT (E) None of these 26. Delhi ? (A) President of India (B) UPA Chairperson (C) Speaker of the Lok Sabha (D) Prime Minister of India (E) None of these 21. (B) 14. (A) 25. (E) 9. (A) 12. (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 (C) Only 3 (D) Both 1 and 2 (E) All 1. (E) 27. (E) 17. 2 and 3 28. (E) 20. Which of the following organizations recently issued some guidelines related to ‘Participatory Notes’ as used in financial world ? (A) RBI (B) IRDA (C) SEBI (D) AMFI (E) None of these 29. Allow the merger and acquisition of banks so that only few big banks exist and continue to cater to the need of corporate sector. Heavy Water is normally used by which of the following industries ? (A) Nuclear Power generation plants (B) Pharma Industry (C) Paper Industry (D) Sugar plants (E) Tea plantations 30. (C) 10. Providing Insurance cover to each and every citizen so that he/she can live a healthy and long life. (B) 11. (D) 21. Expending the network of banks in such a way that people from lower strata of society also get the benefit of services provided by banks. (D) 26. (E) 6. (B) 28. What is the full form of ‘SME’ ? (A) Small and Monopolistic Economy (B) Speedy and Mechanical (C) Small and medium enterprises (D) Small and Medium Level Economy (E) None of these B. (D) 2. 3. Many a times we read in newspapers about ‘Financial Inclusion’. Italy has offered its help in developing ‘SMEs’ in India. (C) 18. (D) 7. (C) 23. (A) 30. (B) 19. (B) 22. What is the full form of ‘PE’ as used in the financial world ? (A) Professional and Ecofriendly (B) Profitable Equity (C) Profitable and Economical (D) Private and Economical (E) Private Equity 27. Answers 1. (C) 15. (E) 24. 2. (B) 5. What does it really mean ? [Pick up correct statement(s)] 1. (D) 13. (C) .‘PE’. (E) 4. (B) 3. (C) 29. As per news items published in various newspapers. (C) 16. (D) 8.
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