June 9, 2018 | Author: Shasta Tuan | Category: Documents



Step 2


Step 1

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

1. Mix ½ of gas and candles in a large mixing pot. Melt over a low heat until it's thoroughly melted and bended.

2. Pour in any crayon and stir thoroughly every five minutes without removing from the heat.

3. Add the chopped fresh peels from bananas. Stir into the mixture until the peel has thoroughly disappeared beneath the surface.

4. Stir for five minutes. Then boil at a low heat for 15 minutes to allow the wax in the banana peels to thoroughly mix with the oils of the solution.

5. Remove the pot from heat and strain through a handkerchief or any cloth. Wait until the liquid become firm and voila.


Paramount school of arts, languages, management, and sciences
Banana floor wax
Star wax
light blue
Smells like gas
The researchers lack materials that could make their production of floor wax more presentable. The researcher should add more observations in the experiment, to see how the banana floor wax from the first experiment differ from the other experiments. We would highly recommend that we could use banana floor wax instead of busy commercial floor wax in the market because it's cheaper and fits in our budget
The researchers tried to make a banana peel as an alternative floor wax and it went successful and productive. The experiment took time to work but the result was well worth our time and efforts. We identified its distinctive qualities and positive effects to the environment. We can assure everyone that it's effective to use and not expensive at all. You can always make a floor wax on your own using this ingredient. Instead of throwing the peels, why not make a floor wax? It will help a lot to prevent pollution and help reduce the waste materials that causes our nature to have its revenge. Therefore we concluded that making a banana floor wax can help prevent disasters to come even just a little bit and doing so, you're making a change.
Shining capacity
Product result # 1
Dry when applied
Wet when applied
Product result # 2
Soft and slippery when polished upon application
No marks of wax application
Product result # 3
Shiny and slippery
There's a sign of wax application
The general objective is to assess the wax quality such as color,odor, its capacity to shine and of course its environmental benefits. Another objective is to test our research capabilities and limits. In that way, we can identify our vulnerabilities in different areas and find time to re evaluate it. And the last objective is to find scientific proof that making a banana peel as an alternative floor wax will be acceptable to the environment factors.

The significance of this study is for us to find a substitute ingredient to take place over the dangerous ingredients that may harm your health, the nature and the environment. It is also important that people must find another solution in the issue of "mother earth dying" because this is the time to change.

Thinking of an idea that would be our main topic in our investigatory project is not that easy. We need to consider its efficiency to those who will use it.
Banana peel as an ingredient is what we came up to. All the materials and procedures are needed to be followed or else the final product would not be working. Our final product works though it lacks some characteristics.
And we had some additional hypothesis that our group came up to. We have failed in our first attempt but eventually it really worked. We've tried to apply it on the floor and it went really well. We, therefore concluded that banana peel can be a substitute ingredient in producing a floor wax.

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Step 1
1. Mix ½ of gas and candles in a large mixing pot. Melt over a low heat until it's thoroughly melted and bended.
Step 2

2. Pour in any crayon and stir thoroughly every five minutes without removing from the heat.
Step 3

3. Add the chopped fresh peels from bananas. Stir into the mixture until the peel has thoroughly disappeared beneath the surface.
Step 4

4. Stir for five minutes. Then boil at a low heat for 15 minutes to allow the wax in the banana peels to thoroughly mix with the oils of the solution.
Step 5
5. Remove the pot from heat and strain through a handkerchief or any cloth. Wait until the liquid become firm and voila.


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